Vocabulary Foreign Trade Process PDF

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Vocabulary Foreign Trade Process

FTA Free TLC: Tratado de Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) have proved to be one of the
TradeAgreement Libre Comercio best ways to open up foreign markets to U.S. exporters. Trade
Agreements reduce barriers to U.S. exports, and protect U.S.
interests and enhance the rule of law in the FTA partner country.
The reduction of trade barriers and the creation of a more stable
and transparent trading and investment environment make it
easier and cheaper for U.S. companies to export their products
and services to trading partner markets. Forty-one percent of
U.S. goods exports went to FTA partner countries in 2010, with
exports to those countries growing at a faster rate than exports
to the rest of the world from 2009 to 2010, 23% vs. 20%.
Farmers Agricultores, (Also called an agriculturer) is a person engaged in agriculture,
Granjeros, raising living organisms for food or raw materials. The term
campesinos usually applies to people who do some combination of raising
field crops, orchards, vineyards, poultry, or other livestock. A
farmer might own the farmed land or might work as a labourer
on land owned by others, but in advanced economies, a farmer
is usually a farmowner, while employees of the farm are farm
workers, farmhands, etc.
Poverty Pobreza Condition where people's basic needs for food, clothing,
and shelter are not being met. Poverty is generally of two types:
(1) Absolute poverty is synonymous with destitution and occurs
when people cannot obtain adequate resources (measured
in terms of calories or nutrition) to support a minimum level of
physical health. Absolute poverty means about the same
everywhere, and can be eradicated as demonstrated by
some countries. (2) Relative poverty occurs when people do not
enjoy a certain minimum level of living standards as determined
by a government (and enjoyed by the bulk of the population) that
vary from country to country, sometimes within the same
country. Relative poverty occurs everywhere, is said to be
increasing, and may never be eradicated
Income Ingresos The flow of cash or cash-equivalents received from work (wage
or salary), capital (interest or profit), or land (rent).
Loss Prdida A negative difference between retail price and cost of production
Denied Denegado Word used when a process is refuse
Tariff Tarifa Published list of fares, freight charges, prices, rates, etc.
Export Exportar To send goods or services across national frontiers for the
purpose of selling and realizing foreign exchange. See
also exports.
Duties Deberes Ethical, legal, or moral accountability, owed always or for a
certain period, specially to someone who has a corresponding
right to demand satisfaction of an obligation.
Negociation Negociacin Bargaining (give and take) process between two or more parties
(each with its own aims, needs, and viewpoints) seeking to
discover a common ground and reach an agreement to settle a
matter of mutual concern or resolve a conflict. Noun form of the
verb negotiate.
Deal Encarar de Trade
manera, tratar
Heavily- Los productos Products that have strong finalcial support from a party.
subsidized fuertemente A subsidy is a grant or other financial assistance given by one
products subsidiados party for the support or development of another.
Expensive Costoso Costing a lot of money
Agricultural El sector agrcola
Agriculture, also called farming or husbandry, is the cultivation
sector of animals, plants, fungi, and other life forms for food, fiber,
biofuel, drugs and other products used to sustain and enhance
human life.
Trade Comercio Commercial transaction involving the sale and purchase of a
good, service, or information.
Granted Concesin To give, provide, or allow. Amy granted her daughter the right
to act on her behalf if she becomes incompetent due to her
Duty-free Libre de impuestos Merchandise on which import duty is not charged because it is
sold only to departing passengers in an airport's or port's
departure lounge (which are bonded areas). Non-residents
can buy it outside of bonded areas on presentation of valid travel
documents (such as a passport and travel ticket) but can collect
the purchased item only at the departing point.
Aims Objetivos To attempt or intend to reach a certain goal. "I aim
to finish this project in a week or less." A specific goal or
Legal system Sistema legal Legal regimen of a country consisting of (1) a written or
oral constitution, (2) primary legislation (statutes) enacted by the
legislative body established by the constitution,
(3) subsidiary legislation (bylaws) made by person or bodies
authorized by the primary legislation to do so,
(4) customs applied by the courts on the basis of
traditional practices, and (5) principles or practices of
civil, common, Roman, or other code of law.
Exporters Exportadores For customs purposes, the party who makes (or on whose
behalf an agent or broker makes) the export declaration. The
exporter sells its goods to someone in another country, known
as the importer.
Competitiveness Competitividad Ability of a firm or a nation to offer products and services that
meet the quality standards of the local and world markets at
prices that are competitive and provide adequate returns on the
resources employed or consumed in producing them.
Economic Desarrollo Increase in a country's productive capacity, as measured by
growth econmico comparing gross national product (GNP) in a year with the GNP
in the previous year. Increase in the capital stock, advances in
technology, and improvement in the quality and level of literacy
are considered to be the principal causes of economic growth. In
recent years, the idea of sustainable development has brought in
additional factors such as environmentally sound processes that
must be taken into account in growing an economy.
Investment Inversin Money committed or property acquired for future income.
Cooperation Cooperacin Voluntarily arrangement in which two or more entities engage in
a mutually beneficial exchange instead of competing.
Cooperation can happen where resources adequate for both
parties exist or are created by their interaction.
Technology Transferencia de Process of converting scientific and technological advances into
transfer tecnologa marketable goods or services.
Private sector Sector privado The part of national economy made up of private enterprises.
It includes the personal sector (households) and corporate
sector (companies), and is responsible for allocating most of the
resources within an economy. See also public sector.
Investors Los inversores An individual who commits money to investment products with
the expectation of financial return. Generally, the primary
concern of an investor is to minimize risk while maximizing
return, as opposed to a speculator, who is willing to accept a
higher level of risk in the hopes of collecting higher-than-average

Trade blocs Los bloques An agreement between states, regions, or countries, to reduce
regionales barriers to trade between the participating regions. The most
well known trade bloc is NAFTA, between the United States,
Canada, and Mexico. Some opponents of trade blocs believe
that such agreements are detrimental to global free trade.
prosperity Prosperidad Stage in an economic cycle in which conditions of relatively low-
unemployment and high total income prevail, leading to high
purchasing power (if the inflation rate is kept low).
Technical data Ficha tcnica It is a document summarizing the performance and other
/specification technical characteristics of a product, machine, component,
sheet material, a subsystem or software in sufficient detail to be used.
Duty rates Tarifas A duty rate typically refers to the amount of money owed to the
arancelarias customs collectors for each unit of imported goods, such as
dollars per pound of fruit, or per hundred tires, or per unit.
Custom Valoracin The method by which a customs officer determines the customs
valuation aduanera value. When this method is biased against importing, it becomes
an NTB.
Tariff heading Partida arancelaria The descriptive name attached to a tariff line, indicating the
product to which it applies.
Liquidation Liquidacin It is when customs, an authority or agency in a country
responsible for collecting and safeguarding customs duties,
determines the final computation or ascertainment of the duties
or drawback accruing on an entry.
NTB Barreras no Nontariff barrier: Any policy that interferes with exports or
arancelarias imports other than a simple tariff, prominently including quotas
and volontary export restraints.

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