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Advances in

Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry

Volume 54
Cumulative Subject and Contributor Indexes
and Tables of Contents
Volumes 1-53
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Advances in
Carbohydrate Chemistry
The American University
Washington, DC

Board of Advisors

Volume 54
Cumulative Subject and Contributor Indexes
and Tables of Contents
Volumes 1-53

San Diego London Boston New York
Sydney Tokyo Toronto
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PREFACE .............. vii

SUBJECT INDEX ........... 1

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This 54th volume of Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry

is an index volume that covers all previous volumes in the series, with a cumula-
tive subject index of the content of all published chapters, along with an index of
authors contributing the chapters.
The series began with the 1945 appearance of Volume 1 of Advances in Car-
bohydrate Chemistry under the editorship of Ward Pigman and Melville Wol-
from, and was the first serial publication of a new company named Academic
Press, founded by Kurt Jacoby. The stated policy was to have the individual
contributors furnish critical, integrating reviews rather than mere literature sur-
veys, and to have the articles presented in such a form as to be intelligible to the
average chemist rather than only to the specialist. The series was to cover the
broad field of carbohydrates, including sugars, polysaccharides, and glycosides,
and to include biochemical, industrial, and analytical developments.
The founding policy has been sustained throughout the subsequent evolution
of the series, under the editorship of Wolfrom for most of the volumes until his
death in 1969, of R. Stuart Tipson from 1954 until 1990, and of the present edi-
tor since 1969. The essential component of biochemical aspects was emphasized
when the title was changed, in 1969, to Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry
and Biochemistry. The field of carbohydrates has undergone enormous expan-
sion during the half-century that Advances has been in existence, and the pages
of the past 53 volumes have recorded important developments in practically all
aspects of carbohydrate science. Some of the articles have constituted status re-
ports on areas still under active expansion, while others record definitive infor-
mation of permanent reference value.
To enhance the utility of Advances as a reference source, the provision of
good indexes has been an important objective, and each volume has contained a
comprehensive name index of all authors cited in the individual chapters, along
with a detailed subject index. Responsibility for compiling the subject indexes
from the outset and for more than four decades was largely entrusted to a leading
expert on indexing and nomenclature, Dr. Leonard T. Capell of Chemical Ab-
stracts Service. These subject indexes were integrated into cumulative indexes of
principal topics and have appeared in selected issues, with volume 29 containing

such an index for volumes 1-29, while those appearing in volumes 35, 40, 45,
and 50 refer in each case to the preceding five volumes.
The present index volume largely follows the model used successfully for the
Methods in Enzymology series published by Academic Press, and the cumulative
subject index has been compiled directly from subject indexes in the individual
volumes. It is recognized that a lack of total uniformity is inevitable as a conse-
quence of unevenness in some of the indexes, and most importantly, from the
progress that has been made toward uniformity in carbohydrate nomenclature.
Current nomenclature recommendations are recorded in the 1996 document
Nomenclature of Carbohydrates, issued by the International Union of Pure and
Applied Chemistry and the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology, which has been published in Volume 52 of Advances in Carbohydrate
Chemistry and Biochemistry.
This index volume is complemented by a cumulative contributor index, and it
is hoped that the volume will facilitate the retrieval of information and signifi-
cantly enhance the utility of the entire series.

June 1999


The Fischer Cyanohydrin Synthesis and the Configurations

ofHigher-Carbon Sugars and Alcohols ........................................... 1

The Altrose Group of Substances . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .... . . . . . . .. .... .. . . . . .. .. . .. .. 37


CarbohydrateOrthoesters ..................................................... 77

Thio-and Seleno-sugars ....................................................... 129


The Carbohydrate Components of the Cardiac Glycosides .. ... .. .. .. .... .. . . .. . .. .. 147

Metabolism of the Sugar Alcohols and Their Derivatives . .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . ... . . 175

The Chemistry of the Nucleic Acids . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . ......... .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. 193


TheFractionationofStarch .................................................... 247


Preparation and Properties of Starch Esters . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . 279


Cellulose Esters of Organic Acids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. 309


A Discussion of Methods of Value in Research on Plant Polyuronides .. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . 329



Melezitose and Turanose .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . 1



The Chemistry of Anhydro Sugars .............................................. 37


AnalogsofAscorbic Acid ...................................................... 79


Synthesis of Hexitols and Pentitols from Unsaturated Polyhydric Alcohols ............. 107

The Interrelation of Carbohydrate and Fat Metabolism ............................. 119


The Chemistry of Mucopolysaccharides and Mucoproteins .......................... 161


Bacterial Polysaccharides ...................................................... 203


The Chemistry of Pectic Materials ............................................... 235


The Polyfructosans and Difructose Anhydrides .................................... 253


Cellulose Ethers of Industrial Significance ........................................ 279


Historical Aspects of Emil Fischers Fundamental Conventions for
Writing Stereo-Formulas in a Plane ............................................. 1

The Structure and Reactivity of the Hydrazone

and Osazone Derivatives of the Sugars ........................................... 23

The Chemistry and Configuration of the Cyclitols .................................. 45


TritylEthersofCarbobydrates ................................................. 79

Glutose and the Unfermentable Reducing Substances in Cane Molasses ............... 113

The Halogen Oxidation of Simple Carbohydrates,

Excluding the Action of Periodic Acid ............................................ 129

The Molecular Constitution of Cellulose . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . 185


Isotopic Tracers in the Study of Carbohydrate Metabolism .. . . . .... . .. . . . . . . .. . .. .. . 229


Products of the Enzymic Degradation of Starch and Glycogen .. . .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. 253


The Polysaccharides of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis ... . . . . .. . ... . .. . .. .. . . . .. .... . 31 1


The Chemistry of Streptomycin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . ... .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . 337



The Structure and Configuration of Sucrose

(a-D-~~ucopyranosy~-~-D-fructofuranoside) ....................................... 1

Blood Group Polysaccharides . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . 37


Apiose and the Glycosides of the Parsley Plant.. . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 57


Biochemical Reductions a t the Expense of Sugars .. ... ... .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 75


The Acylated Nitriles of Aldonic Acids and Their Degradation .. . . .. . .. . . . .. .. .. . . ... 119

Wood Saccbarification ......................................................... 154


The Use of Boric Acid for the Determination

of the Configuration of Carbohydrates . .. .. . .. . . . .. ... .. . . . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. .. . . ... . 189

The Hexitols and Some of Their Derivatives . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. . .. . 211


Plant Gums and Mucilages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. ... .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . 243


The Utilization of Sucrose . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .... . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . 293



Applications in the Carbohydrate Field of Reductive

Desulfurization by Raney Nickel ..... .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. ... 1

Enzymatic Synthesis of Sucrose and Other Disaccharides . . . ..... . .. .. .. .. . .. ..... .. 29


Principles Underlying Enzyme Specificity in the Domain of Carbohydrates .. .. . . . . . . . . 49


Enzymes Acting on Pectic Substances .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. ... .. .. 79


The Relative Crystallinity of Celluloses .. . . .. .. .. . . . ... . ..... .. .. .. ... . . . .. .. .. . . . 103


The Commercial Production of Crystalline Dextrose .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ..... . 127


The Methyl Ethers of D-GlUCOSe . . .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .... ... .. . . .. .. . . 145


Anhydrides of the Pentitols and Hexitols.. . .. .. . . . . .. ... . . .... .. .... . . .. . .. .. .. .. . 191


Action of Certain Alpha Amylases . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. . . 229

Xylan ................... .. ................... ... .............. ......... ..... 269



Obituary of Walter Norman Haworth . . .. .. .. .. .... . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. .... . .. .. . .. .. 1


The Methyl Ethers of he galactose .. . . .. .... . ... .. . . . .. ... .. .... . . .. .. .. .... . . ... 11

Thesynthesis ofOligosaccbarides ............................................... 27


The Formation of Furan Compounds from Hexoses . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. ... ... .. .. .. . 83


Cuprammonium-Glycoside Complexes .. ....... . .. .. . . . .. .... .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. ... 107


TheChemistryofRibose ....................................................... 135


The 2-(Aldo-polydroxyalkyl)benzimidazoles . . .. . . .. .. ... . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . .. 195


Trends in the Development of Granular Adsorbents for Sugar Refining .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . 205


Acoritic Acid, a By-product in the Manufacture of Sugar.. . . . . .. ... . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . 231


Friedel-Crafts and Grignard Processes in the Carbohydrate Series .. . .. . . . . .. .. .. . .. . 251


The Nitromethane and 2-Nitroethanol Syntheses . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . 291



The Methyl Ethers of the Aldopentoses and of Rhamnose and Fucose .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . 1


1,6-Anhydrohexofuranoses, a New Class of Hexosans . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . 37


Fructose and Its Derivatives .. . . .

. . . . . . .. . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . .. .... . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. 53

Psicose, Sorbose, and Tagatose . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . 99


Acetals and Ketals of the Tetritols, Pentitols, and Hexitols . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . 137

TheGlycals .................................................................. 209


The Chemistry of the 2-Amino Sugars (2-Amino-2-deoxy-sugars) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . 247


The Size and Shape of Some Polysaccharide Molecules.. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. 289



Relative Reactivities of Hydroxyl Groups of Carbohydrates . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 1


The Chemistry of the 2-Desoxysugars ............................................ 45


Sulfonic Esters of Carbohydrates ................................................ 107


The Methyl Ethers of o-Mannose ................................................ 217


The Chemical Synthesis of o-Glucuronic Acid ..................................... 231


o-Glucuronic Acid in Metabolism ............................................... 251


The Substituted-Sucrose Structure of Melezitose ................................... 277


Composition of Cane Juice and Cane Final Molasses ............................... 291


SeaweedPolysaccharides ....................................................... 315



Some Implications in Carbohydrate Chemistry of Theories Relating

to the Mechanisms of Replacement Reactions ..................................... 1

Alkali-Sensitive Glycosides ..................................................... 59


The 2-Hydroxyglycals ......................................................... 97


The Methyl Ethers of Hexuronic Acids ........................................... 131


The Raffinose Family of Oligosaccharides ........................................ 149


The Conjugates of o-Glucuronic Acid of Animal Origin ............................. 185


Color and Turbidity of Sugar Products ........................................... 247


Carboxymethylcellulose . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. 28.5

Paper Chromatography of Carbohydrates and Related Compounds . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . . 304



The Stereochemistry of Cyclic Derivatives of Carbohydrates .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 1


Column Chromatography of Sugars and Their Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55


Glycosylamines . . . .. . . . . . .. .
. . . .. . . . . . . ... .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . ... . .. .. . . . . . 95

The Amadori Rearrangement ................................................... 169


The Glycosyl Halides and Their Derivatives . . . .. . .. ... .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. . 207


The Methyl Ethers of the Aldopentoses and of Rhamnose and Fucose . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . 257

The Methyl Ethers of D-Galactose . . .. .. .. . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . 273


Polysaccharides Associated with Wood Cellulose . . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. 283


Thechemistry ofHeparin ..................................................... 335



Periodate Oxidation of Carbohydrates . .. . . ... .. . .. .. . . . ... .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. 1


TheOsones . ..
..... ... ...... .. . . .. . .. .. .. . ..... . .... .. ... ............ .. . .. ... 43

Reactions of Monosaccharides with P-Ketonic Esters and Related Substances . . . . . . . . .. 97


Kojic Acid ................................................................... 145


The Biosynthesis of the Monosaccharides .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . 185


Branched-Chain Sugars of Natural Occurrence . .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . .... .. .. .. .. . . 263


Nucleic Acids ................................................................ 285


Aspects of the Physical Chemistry of Starch .. .. .. . .. .. . . . ... . . .. .. .. .... .. .. ... .. . 335


Addendum .................................................................. 385

The Size and Shape of Some Polysaccharide Molecules


InfraredSpectraofCarbohydrates .............................................. 13

The Saccharinic Acids .... .. .. .. . . ... .. .... . ... .. .. .. .... . ... .... . .. .. .. . . .. . . . 35

Zone Electrophoresis of Carbohydrates ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. ... . ... . . .. .. . 85


SugarNitrates ................................................................ 117


BenzylEthers ofsugars ........................................................ 137


Methyl and Phenyl Glycosides of the Common Sugars .. .. .. .. ........ . .. . .. .. .. .. . . 158

AND c . A. M A R S H

The Schardinger Dextrins .. .. .. .. ..... . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . .... .. ... .. . . . 189


The Molecular Structure of Glycogens . .. ...... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .... . . .. .. .. . 261


The Biosynthesis of Hyaluronic Acid .. .. . . ... .. . . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. . . 299



Formation and Cleavage of the Oxygen Ring in Sugars .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . .. . . . 9


The Lobry De Bruyn-Alberda Van Ekenstein Transformation . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. 63


The Formazan Reaction in Carbohydrate Research .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. 105


The Four-Carbon Saccharinic Acids . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . 169


The Methyl Ethers of 2-Amino-2-deoxy Sugars . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . . .. 189


Glycosyl Ureides . .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . 215


The Nonulosaminic Acids . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . ... .. .. .. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 237

Neuraminic Acids and Related Compounds (Sialic Acids) . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . 237


Polysaccharide Hydrocolloids of Commerce . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. ... . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . 265


Alkaline Degradation of Polysaccharides . .. . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . 289


Starch Nitrate ................................................................ 331



Action of Lead Tetraacetate on the Sugars . . . . .. .. . . ... . ... . .. . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . 9


TheMaillard Reaction. ........................................................ 63


TheCyclitols ................................................................. 135

Aspects of the Chemistry of the Amino Sugars . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . 213

PyrimidineNucleosides ........................................................ 283


Preparation and Properties of P-Glucuronidase .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. .. .. .... .. . .. . . .. . 381


Structural Chemistry of the Hemicelluloses .. ... . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 429



Constitution and Physicochemical Properties of Carbohydrates . . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . 11


Methods in Structural Polysaccharide Chemistry . . . ... . . .. . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. .. 53


The Carbonates and Thiocarbonates of Carbohydrates .. . . .... .. . . . . . .. ... ... . . .. .. 91


Tables of Properties of 2-Amino-2-deoxy Sugars and Their Derivatives .. .. .. . . . .. ... .. 159


Bacterial Nucleosides and Nucleotides .. .. . . . . . .. .. . ... .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .... . . . ... . 201


The Biosynthesis of Aromatic Compounds from o-Glucose .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . .... . . ... . 235


Polysaccharides of Gram-Negative Bacteria .. .. . . . .. .. .. ... . . . ..... . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . 271


Dextran: Structure and Synthesis .. . . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. ... . . . . . ....... 341


Chitin. ...................................................................... 371



Radiation Chemistry of Carbohydrates . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .... 13


Applications of Trifluoroacetic Anhydride in

Carbohydratechemistry ...................................................... 59

Glycosyl Fluorides and Azides . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . ... . 85


The Dialdehydes from the Periudate Oxidation of Carbohydrates . .. .. . .. .... .. . .. .. 105


Lactose ..................................................................... 159


Glycolipids of Acid-Fast Bacteria . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . 207


Galactosidases ............................................................... 239


The Fractionation of Starch .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. ... .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. . 299


Carbohydrates in the Soil . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. .. . ., 335

.. .


Higher-Carbon Sugars ........................................................ 15


The Sugars of the Cardiac Glycosides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . 65


Oligosaccharides ............................................................. 121


Selective Catalytic Oxidation of Carbohydrates, Employing Platinum Catalysts . . . . .. . . . 169


Dicarhonyl Carbohydrates ..................................................... 223


PurineNucleosides ............................................................ 301


Enzymic Synthesis and Degradation of Starch and Glycogen . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . .. .. 371



Photochemistry of Carbohydrates . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . I 9

Paper Electrophoresis of Carbohydrates .......................................... 61


Chemistry of Osotriazoles ...................................................... 99


Developments in the Chemistry of Thio Sugars .................................... 123


Trehaloses ................................................................... 201


Naturally Occurring C-Glycosyl Compounds ...................................... 227


Chemistry of the Amino Sugars Derived from Antibiotic Substances .................. 259

Biosynthesis of Saccharides from Glycopyranosyl

Esters of Nucleotides (Sugar Nucleotides) ....................................... 309

Physical Properties of Solutions of Polysaccharides ................................. 357



Crystal-Structure Analysis in Carbohydrate Chemistry ............................. 7


Infrared Spectroscopy and Carbohydrate Chemistry ............................... 23


NuclearMagneticResouance ................................................... 51

Gas-Liquid Chromatography of Carbohydrate Derivatives .......................... 95


The Action of Hydrogen Peroxide on Carbohydrates and Related Compounds .......... 149

the Degradation ofcarbohydrates ............................................... 181
E. F. L. J. ANET

Structure and Some Reactions of Cellulose ........................................ 219


Wood Hemicelluloses: Part I . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . ... .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 247


The Pneumococcal Polysaccharides . . . .. . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . 303



Chemical and Physical Studies of Cyclitols Containing

Four or Five Hydroxyl Groups .................................................. 11

Unsaturated Sugars ........................................................... 67


ChemistryofOsazones ........................................................ 139


Sulfates of the Simple Sugars . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . 183


Cyclic Acetals of the Aldoses and Aldosides . . , . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. ... 219


Reactions of Amino Sugars with P-Dicarhonyl Compounds . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . 303


Naturally Occurring C-Glycosyl Compounds . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... .. 357


Phenol-Carbohydrate Derivatives in Higher Plants . ... .. . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . 371


Wood Hemicelluloses: Part I1 . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . 410


Emil Fischer and His Contribution to Carbohydrate Chemistry . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. 1

Mass Spectrometry of Carbohydrate Derivatives .. . .. .. .. . .. . . ... .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. .. 39

TheGlycofuranosides ......................................................... 95

Deoxy Sugars ................................................................ 143


Complexes of Alkali Metals and Alkaline-Earth Metals with Carbohydrates . .... . ... .. 209

Syntheticcardenolides ........................................................ 273


TheTeichoic Acids ............................................................ 323


The Effects of Plant-Growth Substances on Carbohydrate Systems ... .. .... ... . . .... , 377

Chemical Synthesis of Poiysaccharides . .. .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . . ..... .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . 431



Fred Smith(1911-1965) ....................................................... 1


Acetolysis ................................................................... 11

Acid-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Glycosides . .. .. .. .. .. ... . ... .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. .. . . . .. 25


Neighboring-Group Participation in Sugars . ... .. .. .. . .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .... . .. .. .. . 109


Halogenated Carbohydrates . .. .. . . .. . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. . 177


o-Fructose and Its Derivatives .. .. . . . .. .. ... . ... . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. . . . .... .. . . . .. . 229


TheMononucleotides...... .................................................... 307


X-Ray Structure of Polysaccharides . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . ... .. .. .. .. . . 421


The Thermal Degradation of Starch . .. .. . ... . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . ... ... .. . 483



Clifford Burrough Purves(1902-1965) ........................................... 1


Mutarotation of Sugars in Solution: Part 1

History, Basic Kinetics, and Composition of Sugar Solutions ......................... 11


Application of the 0 x 0 Reaction to Some Carbohydrate Derivatives .................. 59


Cyclic Monosaccharides Having Nitrogen or Sulfur in the Ring ...................... 115


Sulfonic Esters of Carbohydrates: Part I ......................................... 233


Starch Degrading and Synthesizing Enzymes: A Discussion of Their

Properties and Action Pattern .................................................. 281

Structural Chemistry of Fungal Polysaccharides ................................... 367


Pyrolysis and Combustion of Cellulosic Materials .................................. 419



RichardKuhn(1900-1967) ..................................................... 1

Mutarotation of Sugars in Solution: Part II

Catalytic Processes, Isotope Effects, Reaction Mechanisms,
andBiochemica1 Aspects ....................................................... 13

TheNitroSugars ............................................................. 67

Sulfonic Esters of Carbohydrates: Part I1 ......................................... 139


Unsaturated Sugars ........................................................... 199


Structure, Conformation, and Mechanism in the Formation

of Polysaccharide Gels and Networks ............................................ 267

GumsandMucilages .......................................................... 333


(Sugar-Sphingosine Conjugates) ................................................ 381

Protein-Carbohydrate Compounds in Human Urine ............................... 435



Stanley Peat (1902-1969). ...................................................... 1


Gel Chromatography of Carbohydrates .......................................... 13


Crystal-Structure Data for Simple Carbohydrates

and Their Derivatives ......................................................... 53

Oxirane Derivatives of Aldoses .................................................. 109


2,s-Anhydrides of Sugars and Related Compounds ................................. 181


Alditol Anhydrides ............................................................ 229


TheSugarsofHoney .......................................................... 285


Reactions of Free Sugars with Aqueous Ammonia.. ................................ 311


Synthesis of Nitrogen Heterocycles from Saccharide Derivatives ...................... 351


Aspects of the Structure and Metabolism of Glycoproteins .......................... 407



Melville Lawrence Wolfrom (1900-1969) ......................................... 1


Conformational Analysis of Sugars and Their Derivatives ........................... 49


Cyclic Acyloxonium Ions in Carbohydrate Chemistry .............................. 127


Cyclic Acetals of Ketoses ....................................................... 197


Tables of the Properties of Deoxy Sugars and Their Simple Derivatives ................ 279

Morphology and Biogenesis of Cellulose and Plant Cell Walls ........................ 297

Biosynthesis of Saccharides from Glycopyranosyl Esters of Nucleoside

Pyrophosphates (Sugar Nucleotides) ........................................... 351


William Werner Zorbach ( 1 9 1 f ~ Y 7 0 ) ........................................... 1


Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: Part 1 .................................. 7


Non-aqueous Solvents for Carbohydrates ......................................... 85


Sugars Specifically Labeled with Isotopes of Hydrogen ............................. 127


The Use of Carbohydrates in the Synthesis and Configurational Assignments

of Optically Active, Non-carbohydrate Compounds ................................ 191

The Wittig Reaction in Carbohydrate Chemistry .................................. 227


Glycoenzymes: Enzymes of Glycoprotein Structure ................................ 301



Lbsz16 Vargha(1903-1971) ..................................................... 1


Applications of GasLiquid Chromatography

toCarb0hydrates:PartI ....................................................... 11

Dehydration ReactionsofCarbohydrates ......................................... 161


Deoxyhalogeno Sugars ......................................................... 225


Glycosyl Esters of Nucleoside Pyrophosphates . . .. .. .. .. .... . .... .. .. .... .. . .. ... .. 307


a-o-Mannosidase ............................................................. 401



BernardRandallBaker(1915-1971) ............................................. 1

Solutions to the Hidden-Resonance Problem in

Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy . .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .... . . .. .. 11

Mass Spectrometry in Structural Analysis of Natural Carbohydrates . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . 41


The Electrochemistry of Carbohydrates and Their Derivatives . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. 107


Synthesis and Utilization of Formose Sugars . .. ... . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . ......... .. 173


P-Eliminative Degradation of Carbohydrates

Containing Uronic Acid Residues .. .. .. . . .
. .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .... .. 230

Chemically Reactive Derivatives of Polysaccharides ... .. .. . . .... .. .. . . .. .. . . . . ... .. 305



DavidJamesBell(1905-1972) .................................................. 1

Applications of Gas-Liquid Chromatography to Carbohydrates: Part I1 ............... 9


Structures and Syntheses of Aminoglycoside Antibiotics ............................ 111


Biochemical Mechanism of Resistance to Aminoglycosidic Antibiotics ................. 183


The Metabolism of a,u-Trehalose ............................................... 227


Application of Enzymic Methods to the Structural

Analysis of Polysaccharides: Part I .............................................. 257

Dextrans .................................................................... 371


Bibliography of Crystal Structures of Carbohydrates, Nucleosides,

andNucleotides 1970-1972 ..................................................... 445


Hewitt Grenville Fletcher, Jr. (1917-1973) ........................................ 1


Deamination of Carbohydrate Amines and R'elated Compounds ...................... 9


The Reaction of Ammonia with Acyl Esters of Carbohydrates ....................... 81


Chemistry and Biochemistry of Apiose ........................................... 135


Specific Degradation of Polysaccharides .......................................... 185


Chemistry and Interactions of Seed Galactoniannans ............................... 241


The Interaction of Homogeneous, Murine Myeloma Immunoglobulins

with Polysaccharide Antigens ................................................... 313

Bibliography of Crystal Structures of Carbohydrates,

Nucleosides, and Nucleotides, 1973 .............................................. 347


William Zev Hassid (1899-1974) ................................................ 1


Dithioacetals ofsugars ........................................................ 15


TheUtilizationofSugarsbyYeasts .............................................. 125


Noncytotoxic, Antitumor Polysaccharides ......................................... 235


Hemieellulases: Their Occurrence, Purification,

Properties,andModeofAction ................................................. 277

Bibliography of Crystal Structures of Carbohydrates,

Nucleosides, and Nucleotides, 1974 .............................................. 353


Alfred Gottschalk (1894-1973) .................................................. 1


Relative Reactivities of Hydroxyl Groups in Carbohydrates ......................... 11


Synthesis of Naturally Occurring C-Nucleosides, Their Analogs,

and Functionalized C-Glycosyl Precursors ........................................ 11 1

Reactions of ~-Glucofuranurono-6,3-~actone ...................................... 189


TheChemistryofSucrose ...................................................... 235


The Pneumococcal Polysaccharides: A Re-examination . . . . . . .. ... .. . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. 295


Pectic Enzymes ............................................................... 323


Bibliography of Crystal Structures of Polysaccharides 1967-1974 . . . . . . . . . .. . . ..... . . 387



EdwardJohnBourne(1922-1974) ............................................... 1

1,6-Anhydro Derivatives of Aldohexoses . . . . .. . . . . . ... .. . . . .. .. . . . .. ... .. .. . . . . ,. . 23


Cyclic Acetals of the Aldoses and Aldosides .. .. . . . ... . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .... .. . .. .. . 179


The Koenigs-Knorr Reaction .. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .... . . . .. . .. .. . . .. ... . . .. ... . 243


Metabolism of D-Fructose .. .. .. ... .. . . . . . .. .. . .. ... .. ... . . .. . . . .. ... .. . .. . . . .. . 285


Bibliography of Crystal Structures of Carbohydrates,

Nucleosides, and Nucleotides, 1975 . . ... .. ... .. . . .. .. .. ... .. . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. 345


Edmund Langley Hirst (1898-1975) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . .. . .. . . . . ... .. .. .. . .. . 1

CarbohydrateBoronates ....................................................... 31

Biosynthesis of Sugar Components of Antibiotic Substances . . . .. ... .. . .. ... .. .. . . . .. 81


The Lectins: Carbohydrate-Binding Proteins of Plants and Animals . . . . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. 127


Biochemistry of Plant Galactomannans .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . . .. . . .. .... .. .. .. .. . .. 341


Bibliography of Crystal Structures of Polysaccharides, 1975 . .. .. .. .. .. .. ,.... . . . .. .. 377



JohnArcherMills(1919-1977) .................................................. 1
J. ~ G Y A L

Joseph VincentKarabinos(192~1977) ........................................... 9


Nutritive Sweeteners Made from Starch .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. . .... .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 15


Glycosiduronic Acids and Related Compounds .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ....... .. .... .. 57


. . .. .. .. .. .. . ...... .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .... . 135

The Synthesis of Polynucleotides . . ..

The Hemicelluloses of Grasses and Cereals . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .... ... .. .. .. .... .. . .. . . 215


Exocellular, Microbial Polysaccharides . . . .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. ..... . .. . 265


Bibliography of Crystal Structures of Polysaccharides, 1976 . . ... ... . ..... .. ..... . ... 315


William Ward Pigman (1910-1977) .... . .. . . .. .. . .. .. .... .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . . ... .. . 1


Free-Radical Reactions of Carbohydrates as Studied by Radiation Techniques . . . ... . .. 7


. . . .. .. .. .. .. ... .. . ... .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . ... .. ....

Synthesis of L-Ascorbic Acid . . . . .. 79

Primary Structure of Glycoprotein Glycans:

Basis for the Molecular Biology of Glycoproteins .. .. . . ...... ... .... .. ... .. .. ... . .. 157

Neoglycoproteins: The Preparation and Application of Synthetic Glycoproteins ......... 225


Biochemistry of a-D-Galactosidic Linkages in the Plant Kingdom ..................... 284


Bibliography of Crystal Structures of carbohydrates,

Nucleosides, and Nucleotides 1976 ............................................... 373


EmilHardegger(1913-1978) ................................................... 1

Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Polysaccharides ............. 13


Photochemical Reactions of Carbohydrates ....................................... 105


Fluorinatedcarbohydrates ..................................................... 195


The Gulono-1,4-lactones: A Review of Their Synthesis,

Reactions, and Related Derivatives .............................................. 287

The Chemistry and Biological Significance of

3-Deoxy-o-rnanno-2-octu~osonicAcid (KDO) ...................................... 323

Methylation Techniques in the Structural Analysis

ofGlycoproteinsandGlycolipids ................................................ 389

Bibliography of Crystal Structures of Carbohydrates, Nucleosides,

andNucleotides:1977and1978 ................................................. 417


KarlPaulGerhardtLink(1901-1978) ............................................ 1

The Selective Removal of Protecting Groups in Carbohydrate Chemistry .............. 13


The Reactivity of Cyclic Acetals of Aldoses and Aldosides ........................... 71


Synthesis and Polymerization of Anhydro Sugars .................................. 157


The ChemistryofMaltose ...................................................... 213


Chemistry and Biochemistry of D- and L-Fucose ................................... 279


The Utilization of Disaccharides and Some Other Sugars by Yeasts ...................


Affinity Chromatography of Macromolecular Substances on

Adsorbents Bearing Carbohydrate Ligands ....................................... 405


The Synthesis of Sugars from Non-carbohydrate Substrates ......................... 1


Chemistry, Metabolism, and Biological Functions of Sialic Acids ..................... 131


Biosynthesis and Catabolism of Glycosphingolipids ................ .......... .. 235


The Lipid Pathway of Protein Glycosylation and Its Inhibitors:

The Biological Significance of Protein-Bound Carbohydrates ..... .......... .. 287

Bibliography of Crystal Structures of

Polysaccharides 1977-1979 ................................. .......... .. 381


John Kenyon Netherton Jones (1912-1977) ............................. .... 1


Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Monosaccharides . .. .. ... .. .. 27


Structural Chemistry of Polysaccharides from Fungi and Lichens . .. .. .. .. . . . . ... .. .. 67


Biosynthesis of Cellulose .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .... . .. ... .. ... .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .... 105


Capsular Polysaccharides as Human Vaccines .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . ..... .. ... ... . . .. . 155


High-Resolution, 'H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy as a Tool

in the Structural Analysis of Carbohydrates Related to Glycoproteins . .. .. .. . ... 209


DexterFrench(1918-1981) ..................................................... 1

The Composition of Reducing Sugars in Solution ........ .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .... 15


SynthesisofBranched-Chain Sugars ............................................. 69


Sugar Analogs Having Phosphorus in the Hemiacetal Ring .. .. ... . . . . . . .. . . . . ... .. .. 135

Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data for Oligosaccharides . . . .. .. .. .. ... ..... 193

Ketonucleosides .............................................................. 227


Plant Cell Walls .............................................................. 265


L-Arabinosidases . .. .... . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. .. ..... . . . .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. .. .. 383

AKlU h J l


Natural-Abundance, "C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-Spectral Studies of

Carbohydrates Linked to Amino Acids and Proteins . .... ... .. . .... ... ... .. .. . .. .. . 1

Structure and Biological Activity of Heparin ...................................... 51


Synthetic N- and 0-Glycosyl Derivatives of L-Asparagine,

L-Serine, and L-Threonine ...................................................... 135

Bibliography of Crystal Structures of Carbohydrates, Nucleosides,

and Nucleotides for 1979 and 1980; Addenda and Errata for 1970-1978;
andIndexfor1935-1980 ....................................................... 203


FredShafuadeb,1924-1983 ....................................................

VibrationalSpectraofCarbohydrates ............................................

Monosaccharide Isothiocyanates and Thiocyanates: Synthesis,

Chemistry, and Preparative Applications .........................................

Enzymic Analysis of Polysaccharide Structure ..................................... 147


Biosyntbesis of Bacterial Polysaccharide Chains

Composed of Repeating Units ................................................... 277

Lipid-Linked Sugars as Intermediates in the Biosynthesis

of Complex Carbohydrates in Plants ............................................. 341

Glycolipids of Marine Invertebrates ............................................. 387



Burckhardt Helferich, 1887-1982 ............................................... 1


Francisco Garcia Gonzalez, 1902-1983 ........................................... 7


F.a.b.-Mass Spectrometry of Carbohydrates .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. . .. .. . ... . .. . . . . . . . . .. 19


The Circular Dichroism of Carbohydrates . . ... . . ... . .. .. . . . .... . . .. ..... .. .. . . . .. 73


Proton Spin-Lattice Relaxation Rates in the Structural Analysis of

Carbohydrate Molecules in Solution .. .. . . . . . . . . .. ... .. . .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . .. 125

I3C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-Spectral Studies of Labeled Glycophorins . .. .. . . . . . .. 169


The Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Sweetness of Sugars . ... .. .. .. . .. . . . ... .. .. . . 199


KonoshinOnodera,1910-1983 .................................................. 1

VenancioDeulofeu,1902-1984 .................................................. 11

High-Performance Liquid Chromatography of Carbohydrates . .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . .. .. 17


NMR Spectroscopy of Fluorinated Monosaccharides . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . 73


Applications of Photosensitive Protecting Groups in

Carbohydratechemistry ...................................................... 179

Inclusion Complexes of the Cyclomalto-oligosaccharides (Cyclodextrins) .. .. . . .. .. .. . . 205


Hydrolysis and Other Cleavages of Glycosidic Linkages in Polysaccharides .. . . .. .. .... 251


Aqueous, High-Temperature Transformation of Carbohydrates

Relative to Utilization of Biomass . .. . .. . . . .
. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . 273

Addendum to Article 3: References Published after 1986

(AddedatProofStage) ........................................................ 327

AddendumtoArticle4 ........................................................ 331


AddendumtoArticle6 ........................................................ 333



Complexes of Metal Cations with Carbohydrates in Solution ......................... 1


Anomeric and Exo-anomeric Effects in Carbohydrate Chemistry ..................... 45


13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-Spectral Studies of the Interactions of Metal

Ions with Carbohydrates: Use of Relaxation Probes ................................ 125

Application of Anhydrous Hydrogen Fluoride for the

Structural Analysis of Polysaccharides........................................... 167

The Thermal Decomposition of Carbohydrates. Part I. The Decomposition of

Mono-, Di-, and Oligo-saccharides ............................................... 203

The Thermal Decomposition of Carbohydrates. Part 11.

The Decomposition of Starch ................................................... 279

The Macrostructure of Mucus Glycoproteins in Solution ............................ 345



HamaoUmezawa,1914-1986 ................................................... 1

Chemistry of Carba-sugars (Pseudo-sugars) and Their Derivatives ................... 21


Chemistry and Developments of Fluorinated Carbohydrates ......................... 91


Components of Bacterial Polysaccharides ......................................... 279


Glycoside Hydrolases: Mechanistic Information from Studies with

Reversible and Irreversible Inhibitors............................................ 319


Rezs8 Bognar, 1913-1990 ...................................................... 3


Jean Emile Courtois, 1907-1989 ................................................. 11


The Composition of Reducing Sugars in Solution: Current Aspects ................... 19


Radical-Mediated Brominations at Ring Positions of Carbohydrates .................. 37


1,4:3,6-Dianhydrohexitols ...................................................... 93

Enzymic Methods in Preparative Carbohydrate Chemistry .......................... 176


Structure of Collagen Fibril-Associated, Small Proteoglycans

ofMammalian Origin ......................................................... 239


How Emil Fischer Was Led to the Lock and Key

Concept for Enzyme Specificity ................................................. 1

Anomeric-Oxygen Activation for Glycoside Synthesis:

The Trichloroacetimidate Method ............................................... 21

SyntheticReactionsofAldonolactones ........................................... 125


Molecular Structure of Lipid A, the Endotoxic Center

of Bacterial Lipopolysaccharides ................................................ 211

Developments in the Synthesis of Glycopeptides Containing

Glycosyl L-Asparagine, L-Serine, and L-Threonine ................................. 277

Physicochemical Analyses of Oligosaccharide Determinants of Glycoproteins ...........311



HoraceS.Isbell,1898-1992 ..................................................... 1

Carbon-Proton Coupling Constants in the Conformational

Analysis of Sugar Molecules .................................................... 15

Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation and Motional Behavior of

Carbohydrate Molecules in Solution ............................................. 63

Mechanisms in the Glucansucrase Synthesis of Polysaccharides and

Oligosaccharides from Sucrose .................................................. 133

The Variable Surface Glycolipids of Mycobacteria: Structures,

Synthesis of Epitopes, and Biological Properties 169

Nonconventional Methods of Modification of Starch .................. ....... 243



MauriceStacey,1907-1994 ....................................... ............ 1


Nomenclature of Carbohydrates .................................. ............ 47

Thioglycosides as Glycosyl Donors in Oligosaccharide Synthesis ........ ............ 179


DihexuloseDianhydrides ....................................................... 207


Sugars and Nucleotides and the Biosynthesis of Thiamine ........................... 267


Molecular Architecture of Polysaccharide Helices in Oriented Fibers .................311


Sucrose Decomposition in Aqueous Solution and Losses in

Sugar Manufacture and Refining ..................................... .. ......... 441


John E.Hodge,1914-1996 .......................................... ......... 1


AlleneR.Jeanes,1906-1995 ......................................... .. ......... I


HarrietL.Frush,1903-1996 ......................................... 13

Applications of Tin-Containing Intermediates to Carbohydrate Chemistry 117


Synthetic Applications of Selenium-Containing Sugars ............................ .. 143


Anti-carbohydrate Antibodies with Specificity for Monosaccharide and

Oligosaccharide Units of Antigens ............................................. 201

Complexes of Starch with Inorganic Guests ..................................... 263


Complexes of Starch with Organic Guests ...................................... .. 345

This Page Intentionally Left Blank

Boldface numc~rulsindicate volume n 1 4 n 1 h w

A with enol ethers. 34:188

with gem-dihalides and base, 34: 188-1 90
Aaptos papillulu lectins, isolation and ofhexoses and heuitols. 28:4
properties, 35:3 16 methods of, 26:211-218, 34:191
Abequose, 21:187, 180-190, 23:272, of nitro sugars, 24: I 16
SO: 173-1 74 principle governing, 34: 180-1 82
2- and 4-O-methyl-, synthesis of. 30:23 selective. 33:71 -72
ester of cytidinc pyrophosphate, isolation of, o f i -sorbose, mechanism of. 26:205
2 8 3 16 Acetaldehyde. 46:32 1
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:Oi i n aqueous solution. 42:30
residues in lipopolysaccharides, 26:42 I reaction with ii-allose, 34: 183-1 84
Abequoside, methyl p-, 23:272 formation, 51 :28 1
Abramov reaction, 3 4 9 8 Acetals
Abrin acetolysis, 22: 12, 39324-26
carbohydrate-binding specificity, 3S:255 of alditols. mass spectrometry of. 29:75-77
immunization 10 toxic, 35: I29 aldofuranoside formation from, 21:l I I
isolation and purification, affinity alkyl monothio-, fonnation in
chromatography, 35:138 demercaptalation. 32:69
purification and properties, 35:254 257 preparation of, 32:72
.4h m r precutorius ofanhydroalditols, fonnation and behavior
lectin, see Abrin of, 25:205
seed extracts, hemagglutinating and toxlc of2.5-aiih~droaldoses,synthesis of. 33: 126
activities, 35:254-257 benzylidene, reaction with .Y-
Abscission, 21:429 bromosuccinimide. 26: 163-1 68
Acut~rhamoebcr.cellulose biosynthesia. 41 : I 08, bicyclic. hydrogenolysis. 39: 133
128 carbohydrate
Acarbose, 48:24-25, 348 mass spectrometry and configuration of,
inhibition of sucrase by, 48:88 29:43
synthesis, 48:84 photochemical reactions. 38: 142 -147, 170
Acceptor products. structures, 51: 15 I I 55 cleavage of p-nitro. 24: 125
Acceptor reaction, 51 :15 I I52
- cyclic
applications, 51: 162-163 acetobroiiiinolysis, 39: 1 I4
Aceric acid. 4S:67 Grignard reagent cleavage, 39: I53
Accsulfame-K, 45:299 halogenation, 39:95-121. 115-121
Acetalation, see also Acetonation hydrogenolysis, 39:121-138, 136-138
Benzylidenation; Transacetalatioii maltose derivatives, 393237-238
I ,2-acetoxonium ion in, 34: 190 migration, 39: I I 5
by 2-acetoxypropene, 39:76 oxidation by chromium trloxlde,
agents, 39:76 39:82-85
and aldonolactones, 50: 125-126 oxidation by potassium permanganate,
of 1,6-anhydrohexopyaiioses,3 4 : W 03 39:82
catalysts, 39:80 oxidation by triphenylrnethyl
of u-fructose, mechanism of; 26:? I X 220 fluoroborate, 39:85 86


Acetals (uintinued) from alditols, 36:4

ozonolysis, 39:8 1-82 of the aldoses and aldosides. 20:219-302
peroxide-induced rearrangement, di-, hydrolysis of, 34:203-204
39: 150 of ketoses, 26:197-277
photolysis, 39:86-95 hydrolysis of, 26:203
polymerization, 39: I52 preparation of, 26: 199
as protecting groups, and as functional selective etherification of, 33:53
groups, 39:155-156 of sucrose, 33:255
reaction with bromine, 39: 1 18 stability of. 26:202
reaction with dibromomethyl methyl sugar, conformations of, 26: 1 I X
ether, 39:119-121 of o-fructose, 22:245
reaction with hydrogen fluoride, esters and ethers, 22:289-290
39:117 dithio-
reaction with N-bromosuccinimide, acetylated, gas-liquid chromatography of,
39:96-107 28:66, 12 I
reaction with N-chlorosuccinimide, acylation of, 32:45
39:118 conformations of, 32:9&92
reaction with 1,3,5-trichloro- 1,3,5- formation and reactions of alkylidene
triazine-2,4,6-trionc, 39: 1 18 acetals of, 32:52-55
reaction with triphenylmethyl formation of, 32:17-19
fluoroborate, 39: 107-1 13 glycosides and thioglycosides from,
reactivity, of aldoses and aldosides, 32:66-70
39:71-156 history, 32: 16-17
synthesis, 39:73 Iiydrogenolysis by Raney nickel,
acetolysis of, 34:206 32:75-7
of aldoses and aldosides, 34: 179-24 I mass spectrometry of, 32:2 ~7
applications of, 34:207-209 methylation of, 32:47
cleavage by trityl fluoroborate, 34:207 micro method of preparation of, 32:96
conformational analysis of, 34: 197 nucleophilic reactions, 32:3743
con formational eq u i I i bna of. oxidation of hydroxyl groups in sugar
34: 198-202 residue, 32:8&82
degradation of, 34:8 oxidation of sulfur atoms of. 32:82-88
diastereoisomerism of, 34: 195-197 physical constants of alduronic acids
formation of, 34: 180-1 82 and derivatives, 32: 1 16- I I8
hydrogenolysis of, 34:205 physical constants of discaccharides and
hydrolysis by acids, mechanism of, their peracetates. 32: 1 I6
34:202 physical constants of substituted
mass spectrometry and structure of, monosaccharides, 32: 1 18-1 23
34~192-194 physical constants of unsubstituted
methanolysis of, 34:206 monosaccharides and their
migration in, 34:205 peracetates, 32: 102-1 I5
nuclear magnetic resonance physical properties of, 32:98
spectroscopy and structure of, reactions of amino groups in,
34: 195-198 32:55-57
oxidation of, 34:207 reactions of hydroxyl and other groups
ozonolysis of, 34:207 in sugar, 32:44-60
photolysis of, 34:207 reaction with bases, 32:57-60
reactions with N-bromosuccinimide, replacement of alkylthio groups by
34:206 halogens, 32:70-75
synthesis of, 34:8, 182-192 replacement of alkylthio groups by

mineral and Lewis acids, 32:60 70 w-deoxy sugars by catalytic reduction of,
spectroscopic properties of, 32:8X 98 21:176
ofsugars, 32:IS-123 Acetamide
sulfonic esters, fonnation and reaciions N-[5-( I ,2-dihydroxyethyl)-3-furyl]-.
of, 3248-52 formation of, 28:202
in synthesis, 32: 16 ~~,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)-. trimethylsilylation
tritylation of, 32:46 with, 28:26
of 2-amino-2-deoxyaldoses, deamination trifluoro-N-methyl-N-(trimethylsily1)-.
of, 25: 192 trimethylsilylation with, 28:28
gas-liquid chromatography of, 30:33 trifluoro-N.0-bis(triniethylsily1)-, as
glycoside synthesis by alcoholysis of trimethylsilylating agent, 28:27, 80
acyclic sugar. 34:244 Acetamidodeoxyhexosidase, in Tay-Sachs
mass spectra of sugar, 29:7 1-73 discasc, 31:6
photolysis. 38: 150-1 53 Acetamido group
selective esterification of carbohydrate, effect on acyloxoniurn rearrangements.
33:4041 26:161
selective methylation of carbohydraic. oligosaccharides containing, ' T - N M R data
33:65-66 for, 42:209-2 I0
sugar, 26: I3 participation i n sugar reactions, 22: 127
in 1-thioglycosiduronic acid prcparation, Acetanilide, metabolism, 36:9 1
36: 10&102 2-Acetate. trorworiented. nucleophilic attack
exchange of, 34: 186-1 88, 192 on carbonyl group, 51:7. 10
gas-liquid chromatographic detemii nation Acetates
of, 30:35 circular dichroism. 45: 120- 122
of hexitols, pentitols, and tetritols, gas-liquid chromatography of
7: 137-207 alditol, 30:30 -32
hydrolysis mass spectrometry of, 30:40
(acid-catalyzed) of, 22:30, 59, I 13 of methylated alditols, 30:89-98
selective, 39: 14-24 of niethylated aldononitriles, 30: I00
isomerization, 39:26-28 of niethylated methyl glycosides. 30:26,
isopropylidene. in gas-liquid 82
chromatography, 28:37 of methylated sugars, 30:29. 86
mercaptalation of, 32:28
of monosaccharides, mass spcctra of, mass spectrometry of, aldononitrile.
21:74 methylated. 30:43
nomenclature, 52: 123-1 24 Acetic acid
cyclic, 52:121-122 (2,3-0-isopropylidene-P-r~-ribofuranosyl)-,
of polyhydric alcohols, mass spectra of. ethyl ester, preparation of, 33:157
21:79 bromo-. cellulose ester, preparation of,
of polysaccharides, preparation of: 29:339 29:337
preparation bromo (2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acety 1-P-o-
from dithioacetals, 32:65 glucopyranosy1)-, methyl ester,
from en01 ethers, 34: 1 88 preparation of, 33:146-147
propane- I ,3-diyl dithio-, preparation of, as catalyst in osazone formation, 22:264
3239 chloro-
protection as, 46: 182-1 X9 as catalyst for polymerization of 1.6-
rearrangements of, 26:220 anhydro sugars, 2 1 :486
synthesis of, 34: 182-1 92 as solvent for sucrose, 27: 104
trimethylene dithio-, preparation of, (4-chloro-2-methy1phenoxy)-
32: 37-38 effect on sugarcane. 21 :427

Acetic acid (continued) anhydride

as herbicide, 21:392 1,6-anhydrohexopyranose cleavage by,
(2-chlorophenoxy)-, as plant-growth 34:66
substance, 21:398 applications of, in carbohydrate
(3-chlorophenoxy)-, as plant-growth chemistry, 16:59-84
substance, 21:398 for hydrolysis of cyclic acetals, 34:205
(4-chlorophenoxy)-, as plant-growth in organic syntheses, 34:s
substance, 21:398 catalytic action on trimethylsilylation,
cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with, 28:25
46:22 1 in hydrolysis of plant cell walls, 28: 16
(5-deoxy-5-adenosine-5-yl)-, 43:335 (2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-a-~- and p-D-
(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-, ribofuranosy1)-
effect on sugarcane, 21:424 ethyl esters, preparation of, 33: 156, 162
as herbicide, 21:392 preparation of, 33: 162
metabolism by plant tissue, 21:396 (2,3,5-tri-O-benzyl-a-~- and p-D-
(3,5-dichlorophenoxy)-, as herbicide, 21:394 ribofuranosy1)-, ethyl esters, preparation
~~-(2,3-@isopropy~idene-p-~~- of, 33:158
ribofuranosy1)-, methyl ester, triphenylmethoxy-, anhydride with 2,4,6-
preparation of, 33:163 triisopropylbensenesulfonylchloride, in
o~-tetrahydropyran-2-y1-, preparation of, esterification of nucleosides, 33: 13
33:145 vinyl-, see 3-Butenoic acid
esterification of D-glucose with, 33:44 Acetic acid-I4C, (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-,
esters of sugar dithioacetals, preparation of, metabolism by plant tissue, 21:396
32:45 Acetic acid-sulfuric acid, cyclitol
ethoxylyfluoro-, ethyl ester, carbohydrate rearrangement in, 26: 188-191
substrate, 40:10&105 Acetic anhydride
(ethy1enedinitrilo)tetra- in acetolysis, 22:11
effect on a-amylase action, 30:286 reaction with amino group in dithioacetals,
inhibitor of protein glycosylation, 40:297 32:55
2-formyl-5-(hydroxymethyl)pyrrole-I-, zinc chloride, rearrangements of saccharides
formation of, 46:312-314 in, 26: 192
2-formyl-5-methylpyrrole-l-, formation of, N- Acetimidoyl groups, bacterial
4 6 ~ 12-3
3 14 polysaccharides, 48:307
gas-liquid chromatographic determination Acetoacetic acid, ethyl ester, condensation
of, 30:36 products with D-fructose, 22:288,305
in hydrolysis of polysaccharides, 28: 17 Acetobacter suboxydans
iodo-, cellulose ester, preparation of, 29:338 in dendroketose synthesis, 42: 129
liquid chromatography of, 46:53-54 oxidative specificity toward aldose
pH of aqueous solutions of, 46:252 dithioacetals, 32:81-82
as solvent for sugars, 27: 102 selective oxidation of alditols with, 33: 100
(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-~-~-g~ucopyranosyl)-, Acetobacter xylinum
preparation of, 33: 146-147 cellulose assembly model, 41: 113
trichloro- cellulose biosynthesis, 41:106-107, 116,
in hydrolysis of glycoproteins, 28: 17 119, 124, 128
as plant-growth substance, 21:402 high-molecular-weight precursors,
(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)- 41:135-137, 141
effect on abscission and ripening, 21:429 lipid intermediates involvement,
on sugarcane, 21:424 41:132-133
as herbicide, 21:392 Acetobrominolysis, 22:22
trifluoro- of cyclic acetals, 39: 114

Acetohalogeno carbohydrates, 4 5 5 0-acetyl-D-glucal, 38:106, 117

Acetohydroximate photochemical reaction with carbohydrate
1-thio-P-D-ghcopyranosyl2-phenyl-. acetals, 38: 143-145
biosynthesis of, 26:441 reaction with methyl 2-0-methyl-~-
1-thio-2-phenyl-, biosynthesis of, 26:44 1 glucofuranoside, 30:4
Acetoin solubility of sucrose in, 27: 107
formation, 46:294 solubility of sugars in, effect of zinc chloride
from hydrothermolyzed cellulose, on, 27:95
46:304305 sugar and alditol compounds, 21: 19
Acetol Acetonitrile
formation of, 28:200,46:293 cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with,
high-temperature transformation, in alkali 46:221
conditions, 46:284 solvent for trimethylsilylation, 28:29
Acetolysis, 22: 11-23 trichloro-
acetal, 39:24-26 intermediate in nucleotide formation,
of alkylthio groups of dithioacetals, 32:69 36: 157
of aminodeoxy 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses, as solvent for sugars, 27: 1 13
34:128 Acetophenone
of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses,34:65, 162 a-(D-arabinofuran0syl)-p- methoxy-,
and anomerization, 31: 197-200 preparation of, 33: 154-155
henzyl ethers, selective, 39:45 a-(D-galactofuranosyl-p-methoxy)-,
of cyclic acetals, 34:206 preparation of, 33: 154-155
of cyclic monosaccharides, ring contraction a-(D-glucofuranosy1)-p-methoxy-,
in, 23: 187 preparation of, 33: 154-155
in degradation of polysaccharides, (~-(2,3;5,6-di-0-isopropylidene-a-~-and p-D-
31:197-200 mannofuranosy1)-p-methoxy-,
and epimerization, 31:200 preparation of, 33:154-155
and f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, application to Acetoxonium ion
preliminary screening of glycoproteins in acetal preparation, 34:190
for sugar type, 45:5&5 1 in mercaptalation, 32:32
glycosidic linkage cleavage, 46:269-270 Acetoxonium salts, 26: 130
monitoring with f.a.b.- mass spectrometry, Acetoxy group
45:49 displacement in carbohydrates by halogen,
of monosaccharide derivatives, 22: I2 22:181
of polysaccharides, 22:20, 24:339 participation in sugar reactions, 22: I 16,
reagents, 39:25 122
rearrangements during, 22: 19 Acetoxyl group
structural analysis, 38:396,409 elimination from peracetylated glycosides in
of tragacanthic acid, 24:362 mass spectrometry, 29:46
usefulness of, 22:21 reactivity of, in acyloxonium salt formation,
Acetonation, see also Acetalation 26:131
of D-allose, 34: 183 Acetoxymethylpyran-2-one, 3-acetoxy-6-,
of o-galactose, 34: 185 50: 165- 166
Of D-ghlCOSe, 34: 182-183 I -0-Acetyl, activation, 3-0-glycosidic linkage
of D-ribose, 34:18&185 formation, 50:292-293
of D-talose, 34: 184 1-0-Acetyl-a-oi-carba-glucopyranose,
Acetone 48:6 1-62
enolization of, in water and in deuterium Acetylation
oxide, 24:29 of alditols, effect of borate complexes on,
photochemical cycloaddition with 3,4-6-tri- 28:34

Acetylation (continued) effect on antitumor activity of

of amino sugars, effect on behavior in polysaccharides, 32:261
solution, 42:47 hindered rotation of, in monosaccharides,
of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses,34:83 23:193, 197
of carbohydrate boronates, 35:53 N-Acetyl groups, gas-liquid chromatographic
of o-fructose derivatives, 22:250 determination of, 30:36
f.a.b.-mass spectrometry of, 45:53 N- Acetylhexosamines, glycosidic linkages,
of methyl glycosides, 30:26 47: 188
of polysaccharides, 29:329-333 Acetylimino group, monosaccharides
N-Acetyl-P-o-glucosamine antibodies, containing, 23: 166
53:230-23 1 Acetylium ion
N-Acetyl-P-o-glucosamine-1 -P, 53:252-253 in acetolysis, 22: 1 1
Acetyl bromide, reaction with carbohydrates, in mass spectra of alditol acetates, 29:5 1
22:22 N-Acetyllactosamine, trichloroacetimidates,
Acetyl chloride synthesis, 50:73,78-80
chloro-, in esterification of thymidine, 33: 14 N-Acetylmannosamine
reaction with carbohydrates, 22:22 functional derivatives, 49:195, 197-199
Acetyl chloridechlorodiphenyl-, in synthesis of derivatives, 49:201-203
esterification of thymidine, 33: 13 N-Acetylmuramic acid, circular dichroism,
Acetylcoenzyme A, from aerobic catabolism of 45:113
D-glucose, 32: 163 Acetylneuraminic acid
N-Acetyl-2,3-dehydroneuraminic acid, 48:35 1 N-, 48:114
N-Acetyl-9-deoxy-9-fluorone~uaminic acid, biosynthesis, 49: 1 9 4 1 9 5
"C-NMR data for, 46: 177 circular dichroism, 45: 111-1 12
Acetylene compounds, o-glucopyransoylation methyl a-and P-o-ketopyranosides,
of, 25:242 circular dichroism, 45: 112
Acetylenic precursors, for sugar syntheses, synthesis, 49:200
40:34 2-0-methyl a-N-, 51:97-98
Acetyl esterase, 44: 162 a-(2+6)-linked N-Acetylneuraminic acid
Acetylformoin, from dehydration of o-fructose, glycosides, synthesis, 48: 1 15
28:176, 180 Acetylpentopyranosylamines, 2,3,4-tri-0-,
N-Acetylfucosamine, glycosidic linkages, 47:57
47: 195-196 2-AcetyIpyrrole, formation of, 46:3 12-3 13
N-Acetylgalactosamine, trichloroacetimidates, 1-Acetylrubranitrose, 43:333
synthesis, 50:84,93-98 N-Acetyltetrapeptide, 51:229
N-Acetyl-o-galactosamine, 47: 195, 200-20 1 Acid anhydrides, in selective esterification of
Acetylgentiobiose, octa-0-, Helferich's work carbohydrate, 33: 1 3 4 2
on, 45:4 Acid chlorides, in selective esterification of
N-Acetylglucosamine carbohydrate, 33: 1 3 4 2
glycosidic, in glycoproteins, 46:257 Acid degradation, monosaccharides,
linked to L-asparagine, N-glycosylic linkage, 52:457459
46:255 Acid factor, 47:3 18
naturally occurring glycosidic linkages, a-Acid glycoprotein
50:61, 68 oligosaccharides, liquid chromatography
residues, 47:181-182 separation, 46:4243
Acetylglucosaminidase H, endo-P-N-, 44:370 structural analysis, 43: 17-20
Acetyl group Acid glycosaminoglycans, quantitation of
determination of uronic acids in, 46:258
in carbohydrates, 26: 15 Acid hydrolysis
in N-polysaccharides, 29:343 di-o-fructose dianhydrides and per-O-methyl

derivatives, 52:232 Acrolein

sucrose, 52:455456 acetal, hydrogenolysis and regioselectivity,
Acidic sugars, 48:292-293 39: I31
glyculosonic acids, 48:295-298 1,6-anhydrohexopyranosesfrom, 34: 1 12
glycuronic acids, 48:293-295 Diels-Alder condensation and reduction of,
Acid invertase in plant cell walls, 42:301 34:48
Acid phosphatase dimer, monosaccharides prepared from,
Helferichs work on, 455 28:296
in plant cell walls, 42:301-302 or-threonic acid synthesis, 40:5
Acids, see also specific types reaction with sucrose, effect of zinc chloride
a,P-unsaturated, chemical and physical on, 27:95
properties, 27:260-267 Acroscyphus sphaerophoroides.
synthesis by Wittig reaction, 27:253-260 polysaccharide, 41:76
a-keto, polarography of, 29:147 a-Acrose, see Fructose
carboxylic, as catalysts for mutarotation, P-Acrose, see Sorbose
24:27,34 Acrylaldehyde, reactions with nitro alcohols,
catalysis of mutarotation of sugars by, 40:105-106
24:14 Acrylamide
catalytic coefficients for anions of weak, polymers, gels
24:17, 18 in chromatography, 25: 14
in catalytic hydrolysis of glycosides, 22:25 fractionation ranges of, 25:19
effect on reducing sugars in solution, 42:34 selective etherification of cellulose with,
hydroxy 33:67
of high optical purity, preparation of, Acrylic acid
27:199-20 1 Diels-Alder cycloaddition, racemic carba-
from hydrocellulose, mass spectrometry sugars, synthesis, 48:29-36
of, 30:38 3-(3,4,6-tri-0-benzoyl-o-arabinofi1ranosyl)-,
ketonucleoside stability in, 42:245-246 ethyl ester, preparation of, 33:136
organic, as solvents and reaction media. Acrylonitrile, selective etherifications with,
21:102 33:66-67
reactions of mineral, with dialkyl Actinamine, synthesis of, 30:137,35:1 19
dithioacetals, 32:60 Actinomycetes
Ackers equation, 25:25 a,-a-trehalose in, 30:23 I , 234,253
Aclacinomycins, 48:10 teichoic acid from, 21:363
Acofriose, L-, from Rhodopseudomonos Actinomycin
cupsulatu lipopolysaccharide, 29:67 complex with 2-deoxyguanosine,
Aconitase, inhibition of, 22:210 dodecahydrate, crystal structure
Aconitic acid, 6:23 1-249 bibliography. 30:460
Acosamine research, 29:2
N-acetyl-ix-, synthesis, 40:2425 Actinospectacin. see Spectinomycin
N-acetyl-r-, synthesis, 40:1 I5 Actinospectinoic acid, structure, 35:1 19
Acrusieae, polysaccharides of, 23:368 Actinospectose, 21:19 1
Acridine Orange, 53:383-384 Activation energy. 22:32,66,76,82
5-iodocyisylyl-(3+5)-guanosine,hydrate, in polarography, 29: I38
crystal structure, 43:301 Activation entropy, in polarography, 29:138
sodium cytidylyl-(3 +5 )-guanosine, Activation parameters, glycoside hydrolysis,
hexacosyhydrate, 43:335 48:323-324
a-Acritol, see Mannitol, DL- Activation volumes, apparent, starch pastes,
Acrocylindrium, crystalline endo-o- 51:257
galacturonanase from, 33:363 Actodigin, crystal structure, 43:263-264

Acute myelogenous leukemia cells, f.a.b.-mass in ~-glucofuranosidurono-6,3-lactone esters,

spectrometry 33:214
complex ohgosaccharide, 45:6&61 imidazole-catalyzed in selective acylation,
0-linked oligosaccharides, 45:64 33:42
Acyclic carbonyl forms of reducing sugars in in methylation of sucrose acetates, 33:244
solution, 42:1617,29-30 N-Acylneuraminate-9(7)-O-acetyltransferase,
determination of, 42:20-22 40: 184
Acyclic diols, 53:129-131, 133 Acylneuraminate pyruvate-lyase, 40: 158, 177,
Acyclic model compounds, conformational 211~214,219
energy, 47:77-8 1 Acyloxonium ions
Acylalkyl radicals in fluorination of carbohydrates, 38:20 1
hydrogen-abstraction reactions, by radiation, formations from 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses,
37~18-19 34:87-89
oxidation, by transition-metal ions, 37: 19 Acyloxy group
radical-radical reactions by radiation, 37: 18 neighboring-group reactions of, 26: 128
radical-scavenger reactions, by radiation, participation in sugar reactions, 22: 116
37~18-23 reactivities of, 26: 131
reduction by phenoxides, 37:19 Acylpyrrole formation, from 3-deoxy-hexos-2-
by transition-metal ions, 37: 19-20 dose, by Strecker degradation,
Acylamido group, participation in sugar 46:3 11-312
reactions, 22: 127, 143 Acyl substituents, location, glycopeptidolipids,
Acylamido groupin cyclic monosaccharide 51:198-200
formation, 23: 117 Acyl-thiocarbamide, bitterness, 45:3 10
Acylating agents, selectivity, cyclic acetals in Acylthio group, participation in sugar reactions,
study of, 34:207 22:141, 168
Acylation I-Adamantanecarbonyl chloride, in
aldonolactones, 50: 132-1 34 esterification of nucleosides, 33: 13
of deoxynitroalditols, 24: 1 15 Adamantenecarboxylic acid, cyclodextrin
of dithioacetals, 32:45 inclusion complexes with, 46:221
isosorbide, 4 9 1 2 6 127 N-( 1-Adamantyl) sulfamate, taste properties,
selective, of anhydroalditols, 25:262 45300
Acyl azides, selective esterification of Additive model of atomic interaction, 44:40, 52
nucleosides with, 33:45 Adenine
Acyl cyanides, in selective esterification of L-apiosyl-, bacteriostatic for Escherichia coli
carbohydrate, 33:45 and Staphylococcus aureus, 31: 153
Acylglycals, 3,4-frans-di-O-, treatment with 4-amino-2-P-o-arabinofuranosy~-,
pyridinium poly(hydrogen fluoride), preparation of, 33: 186
48: 102-103 4-amino-8-P-~-arabinofuranosyl-,
Acyl groups preparation of, 33: 188
bacterial polysaccharides, 48:3063 11 9-P-o-arabinofuranosy1-
effect on mercaptalation, 32:29 biosynthesis, 35:123-124
migration in o-galactose series, 30:4 and hydrochloride, crystal structure
Acyl halides bibliography, 32:375-376
nomenclature, 52: 105 preparation of, 29:6
reactions with ethanol, 33:18 9-(2-chloro-2-deoxy-~-arabinofuranosyl)-,
Acyl migration, 21:24 synthesis of, 28:8
in acylated carbohydrates, 33:lOl-107 9-(4-thio-P-o-arabinofuranosyl)-,23:224
in detritylation of sucrose acetates, 33:246 arabinofuranosyl-, biosynthesis of, 42:230
during detritylation with acetic anhydride, 9-P-o-arabinosyI-, biosynthesis of, 42:262
33:239 arabinosyl-, biosynthesis, 35: 124

crystal structure bibliography, 32373,375 4-amin0-2-P-o-ribofuranosy~-.preparation

dinucleotide with nicotinamide, proton of, 33: I86
magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, 4-amino-8-~-~-ribohranosy~-, preparation
27:37,57 of, 33: 187-1 88
6-(2-furfurylamino)-, as plant-growth 8-P-n-ribofuranosyl-, crystal structure
substance, 21:420 bibliography, 37:436
9-(P-~-ghcopyranosy~uronamide) conjugate, 9-(2,3-anhydro-P-o-ribofuranosyl)-,
preparation, 36: 129 preparation of, 29:5
~ - ~ I u c o s Y21:23
~-, 9-(2-amino-2-deoxy-o-~-ribofuranosyl)-,
9-(6-deoxy-P-~-elythro-hex-5- monohydrate, crystal structure
enulofkanosyl)-, 21: 174 bibliography, 30:462
9-(2-deoxy-~-arubino-hexopyranosyl)-, in 9-(4-acetamido-4-deoxy-P-~-ribofuranosyl)-,
cancer chemotherapy, 21: 145 23: 187
keto derivatives of, synthesis, 42:234 9-[5-deoxy-2,3-O-isopropylidene-5-
9-P-~-lyxofuranosyl-,22: 122 (phenylthi0)-P-o-ribofuranosyl]-,
9-(2,3-anhydro-5-deoxy-P-~-lyxofurano- irradiation, 38: 152
syl)-,preparation of, 33:34 9-a-o-ribofuranosy~-,5-phosphate. 22373
9-[2,3-O-isopropylidene-5-O- 9-( P-o-ribofuranosyhronic acid) conjugate,
(methylsulfonyl)-P-~-~yxofuranosy~]-, preparation, 36: 127
displacement reactions of, 24: 187 7-(5-S-methyl-5-thio-P-~-ribosyl)-,
9-a-o-mannopyranosyI-, hydrochloride, biological activity and structure of,
conformation of, 26: 108 42: 135
9 (5-deoxy-2,3-O-isopropylidene-P-~- 2-chloro-9-[3-C-(hydroxymethyl)-a-r.-
erythro-pent-4-enofuranosyl)-, 24: 148 threofuranosyl]-, preparation of, 31: 184
9-(2,3-dideoxy-P-~-glycero-pent-2- 9-[3-C-(hydroxymethyl)-P-~-
enofuranosyQ, 24:166,32:373,375 threofuranosyl]-, synthesis of, and
9-(5-deoxy-P-o-elythro-pent-4- bacteriostatic action of, 31: 184
enofuranosy1)-, 24: 148 9-P-~-xylofuranosyl-,synthesis of, 29:4
9-(5-deoxy-2,3-O-(ethoxymethylidene)-P-o- 9-(2,3-anhydro-5-deoxy-P-~-xylofurano-
elythro-pent-4-enofuranosyl)-, 24: 148 syl)-, 23~246
2-P-~-pentofuranosyl-,preparation of, 9-(4-acetamido-4-deoxy-~-~-xylofurano-
33: 186 ~yl)-,23~183
4-amIno-8-(2-deoxy-P-~-eryfhro- 9-(4-thio-~-xylofuranosyl)-,23:224
pentofuranosy1)-, preparation of, 33: 1 88 9-(5-deoxy-P-xylofuranosyl)-,sulfonylation
8-P-o-pentofuranosyl-, preparation and of, 23:246
structure of, 33: 187 9-( 5-deoxy-2,3-di-O-p-tolylsulfony~-P-~-
9-(2-deoxy-o-erythro-pentofuranosyl)-, xylofuranosy1)-, 23:246
synthesis of anomers, 31:4 9-( 5-deoxy-3-O-p-tolylsuIfonyl-~-~-
9-(3,5-anhydro-2-deoxy-P-~-threo- xylofuranosy1)-, 23:246
pentofuranosy1)-, 24: I74 9-(5-deoxy-P-o-xylofuranosyl)-,p-
9-(3-deoxy-a-~-threo-pentofuranosyl)-, toluenesulfonylation of, 33:34
preparation of, 29:290 9-(5-thio-~-xylopyranosyl)-, 23:2 1 1
(2-keto-threo-pentofuranosyl)-, synthesis of, Adenine nucleoside, antiviral activity of,
42:232 42131
9-(3,4-di-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-P-~-er,vthro- Adenosine
pentopyranosy1)-, 24:2 12 5-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy-a-~-
9-(4-thio-P-~-rihoforanosyl)-, 23:222 glucopyranosyl pyrophosphate),
N3.5-anhydro-9-(2,3-O-isopropylidene-P-o- enzymic preparation of, 28:3 15, 342
ribofuranosy1)-,p-toluenesulfonate, reaction with 2-acetoxy-2-methylpropanoyl
22:371 chloride or bromide, 33:84

Adenosine (continued) N6-benzoyl-3',5 '-di-0-(chloroacety1)-,

adenylyl-(3 '+5 ')- selective deacylation, 39:43
adenylyl-(3 '+S')- N6-benzoyl-3 '-0-(3-benzoylpropanoyl)-2'-
hexahydrate, crystal structure deoxy-, preparation, 39:43
bibliography, 37:432434 5' (benzyl hydrogen phosphate), 22:327
hydrate, crystal structure bibliography, bis(pyridine) osmate(VI), crystal structure
31:362 bibliography, 32:384
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy p-L-.5'-phosphate, 22:337
of, 27:36 8-bromo-
5 '-(a-D-galactopyranosyl pyrophosphate), 5 ' -(a-o-glucopyranosyl pyrophosphate),
enzymic synthesis of, 28:340 preparation of, 28:355
5 '-(a-o-glucopyranosyl pyrophosphate), crystal structure bibliography, 30:459
enzymic synthesis of, 28:337 2' ,3 '-0-isopropylidene. crystal structure
occurrence and isolation of, 28:3 14 bibliography, 37:424
structure of, 28:309 monohydrate, crystal structure
in sucrose synthesis, 28:395 bibliography, 37:424
5 '-(a-o-mannopyranosyl pyrophosphate), 2'-0-(triisopropylphenylsulfonyl)-,
enzymic synthesis of, 28:339 43:374
5 '-(a-o-xylopyranosyl pyrophosphate), monohydrate, 43:374
enzymic synthesis of, 28:343 S'-O-trityl-, sulfonylation of, 33:34
3 '-amino-3 '-deoxy- reaction with sodium hydride-
antitumor activity, 29:4 triisopropylbenzenesulfonyl chloride,
biosynthesis, 35:123 33:34
deamination of, 31:57 5 '-bromo-S '-deoxy-, riboflavine complex
reaction with phosphoryl chloridetriethyl trihydrate, crystal structure
phosphate, 33:80 bibliography, 30:459
5'-amino-5'-deoxy-, 23: 141 5-hromouracil, crystal structure bibliography,
5'-(2-amino-2-deoxy-a-~-glucopyranosyl 38:522
pyrophosphate), enzymic preparation of, 5-bromouridine monohydrate, crystal
28:338 structure bibliography, 31:370
3 '-amino-2,'3 '-dideoxy-, preparation of, [N6-(1-carboxy-2-hydroxyethyl)amino-
29:5 carbonyll-, crystal structure
8-(2-aminoethylamino)-,3' , S I - bibliography, 38:496-497
monophosphate tetrahydrate, crystal 5 '-carboxylate, isopropyl3 '-deoxy-3'-eno-,
structure bibliography, 38:5 19-520 preparation of, 29:275
3,S'-anhydro-, 23: 141 [N6-(carboxymethyl)aminocarbonyl]-,
5',8-anhydro-2,'3 '-0-isopropylidene-8-endo- crystal structure bibliography, 38:496
mercapto-, hydrate, crystal structure complex formation with phenylboronic acids,
bibliography, 31:371 35:49
8,5 '-anhydro-2,'3 '-0-isopropylidene-8- crystal structure bibliography, 30:460
mercapto-, crystal structure 2',3'-cyclic phosphate, 22:357
bibliography, 30:466 3',5'-cyclic phosphate, 22:319,358
5'-(arabinosyl pyrophosphate), occurrence crystal structure bibliography, 31:370
of, 28:315 hydrolysis, 39:61
5'-azido-5'-deoxy-4'-fluoro-2,'3'-O- cyclic 3',5'-phosphate, in enzyme
isopropylidene-, preparation of, biosynthesis, 30:224
28:273 7-deaza-, configuration of, 24: 187
barium 5 '-monophosphate heptahydrate, 2'-deoxy-
crystal structure bibliography, 37:415 benzoylation of, 33:33
benzoylation of, 33:33 3 ',S'-diphosphate, 22:348

monohydrate, crystal structure fusion reaction with 2,3,5-tri-O-

bibliography, 31:370 acetyladenosine, 39:37
3-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-, displacement 5 -(galactosyl pyrophosphate), occurrence
reaction of, 24:166, 174 and isolation of, 28:3 15
3-phosphate, 22:343,348 hydrochloride, crystal structure bibliography,
5-phosphate, 2 2 3 1 I, 343, 348 31:357
5-phosphate sodium salt hexahydrate, N6-hydroxy-, 5 -(a-D-glucopyranosyl
crystal structure bibliography, 34:368 pyrophosphate), preparation of, 28:355
preparation of, 29:5-6 8-( 1-hydroxyisopropyl)-, dihydrate, crystal
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy structure bibliography, 38:52 1-522
of, 2 7 s I 8-hydroxy-2-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-.
selective oxidation with chromium displacement reaction of, 24: 188
trioxide, 33:99 iodide
5-(sodium phosphate) hexahydrate, 3,5-anhydro-2,3-0-isopropylidene-,
crystal structure bibliography, 31:357 crystal structure bibliography,
3-deoxy-, see Cordycepin 31:371
5-(2-deoxyuridin-2-yl phosphate), 5 -deoxy-5 -(methy1ammonium)-,
tetrahydrate, crystal structure monohydrate, crystal structure
bibliography, 31:37 1 bibliography, 30:462
NO,N6-dibenzoyl-2,3,5-tri-U-benzoyl-, 5-iodouridylyl-(3+5)-, ethidium complex,
selective deacylation, 39:39 methanolate hydrate, crystal structure
2,3-dideoxy-, 24: 166 bibliography, 34:377
preparation of, 29:5 5 -(mannosy1pyrophosphate, occurrence and
diethidium 5-iodouridylyl-(3,5)-, 27 isolation of, 28:3 15
hydrate, crystal structure bibliography, P m e t h o x y - , 5-(a-~-glucopyranosyl
38:501-502 pyrophosphate), preparation of, 28:355
N6-dimethyl-, 5-phosphate, 22:337 N1-methyl-,5-(a-o-glucopyranosyl
3,5-di-O-acetyl- pyrophosphate), preparation of, 28:355
2-deoxy-, selective deacylation, 39:36 N6-methyl-, 5-phosphate, 22337
preparation, 39:40 5methyl-
reaction with morpholine, 39:38 phosphate
3,5-di-O-benzoyI-, preparation, 39:39 crystal structure bibliography,
2,5-diphosphate, 22321, 366 38:5 16-5 17
3,5-diphosphate,22:321, 366 hemihydrate, crystal structure,
5-diphosphate 43:289-290
glycosly esters, 44:280; see also Glycosyl 5-thio-, crystal structure bibliography,
nucleotides 38:515-516
trihydrate, 43:334 5 -monophosphate
5-(o-mannitol 1 -pyrophosphate), isolation copper(I1) iminodipyridine. crystal
of, 28:333 structure bibliography, 38:528
4-fluro- monohydrate, crystal structure
2,3-0-isopropylidene-, preparation of, bibliography, 37:4 18
28:273 p-toluenesulfonylation of, 33:33
5-0-sulfamoyl-, synthesis of, 28:226,273 3 ,5 monophosphate P, 0-ethyl ester
5-(a-~-glucopyranosyl pyrophosphate), monohydrate, crystal structure
enzymic preparation of, 28:338 bibliography. 34:370
synthesis of, 28:s reaction with N-(benzyloxycarbony1)-
N-formyl-2,3 -0-isopropylidene-5 - 0 - p - phenylalanine, 33:45
tolylsulfonyl-, displacement reaction of, nickel 5-monophosphate hexahydrate,
24: 187 crystal structure bibliography, 34:374

Adenosine (continued) proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy

3-O-acetyl- of, 27:81
acyl migration in. 33: 105 spin-lattice relaxation of I3C nuclei in,
crystal structure bibliography, 30:463 21:59
2-deoxy-5 -0-p-tolylsulfonyl-, 5-phosphoropiperidate, in synthesis of
displacement reaction of, 24: 185 glycosyl nucleoside pyrophosphates,
54-acetyl- 28:346
acylation and sulfonylation of, 33:3 1-32 5 -phosphoro(P+N)phenylalanine, in
2- and 3 -p-nitrobenzenesulfonate, synthesis of glycosyl nucleoside
23:246 pyrophosphates, 28:346
8-bromo-, sulfonylation of, 33:34 5-(potassium diphosphate), dihydrate,
fusion reaction with 2,3,5-tri-O- 43:334
acetyladenosine, 39:37 crystal structure, 43:323-324
preparation, 39:38 3,5-pyrophosphate, in marine algae, 26:404
5 -0-benzoyl-8-bromo-, sulfonylation of, 5 -pyrophosphate glycosyl esters, occurrence
33:34 and enzymic synthesis of, 26:356
2,3 -0-[(2-~arboxyethyl)ethylidene]-, rubidium 5 -diphosphate monohydrate,
crystal structure bibliography, 38:529 crystal structure bibliography, 37:418
2,3-O-(ethoxymethylidene)-5-0-p- selective reactions
tolylsulfonyl-, displacement reaction of, bromination with N-bromosuccinimide
24: 148 and triphenylphosphine. 33:78
3O-formyl-, acyl migration in, 33: 105 esterification with acyl azides, 33:45
2,3 -0-isopropylidene- methylation with diazomethane, 33:69-70
crystal structure bibliography, 38:520-52 1 oxidation of, 33:88
5-(dibenzyl phosphate), 22:337 phosphorylation of, 33:4849
5 -0-p-tolylsulfonyl-, displacement 2-S-methyl-2-thio-, preparation of, 29:6
reactions of, 24: 147 sulfonylation and halogenation of, 33:83
5-phosphate, 22:327 2-thio-, preparation of, 29:6
p-toluenesulfonylation of, 24: 185 3-thio-, preparation of, 29:6
5-S-phenyl-5-thio-. photolysis 4-thio-
mechanism, 38: 153 D-, 23:222
2,3-0-( I-methoxyethy1idene)- reaction L-, 23~222
with pivaloyl chloride, 28:279 5 -(triethylammonium phosphorothioate), p-
2-0-methyl-, crystal structure bibliography, nitrophenyl ester crystal structure,
37:421 43:299-300
2-O-(tetrahydropyranyl)-,crystal structure 2,3,5-tri-O-acetyI-
bibliography, 31:37 1 fusion reaction with 5 -0-acetyladenosine,
2-O-tetrahydropyran-2-yl-, esterification 39:37
with pivaloyl chloride, 33: 13 with adenosine, 39:37
5 -0-trityl- hydrazinolysis, 39:40
acetylation of, 33:32 selective deacylation, 39:36
preparation, 3 5 5 5 2,3,5-triphosphate, 22:366
2-phosphate, 22:308,321,349-350 5-triphosphate
3-phosphate, dihydrate, crystal structure in cellulose synthesis, 26:322
bibliography, 31:371 formation in yeast catabolism of sugars,
5-phosphate, 22:3 11,326-327, 336-338, 32:127
373 P3-1-(2-nitrobenzyl), 46:204
monobydrate, crystal structure P3-l-(2-nitrophenylethyl), 46:204
bibliography, 31:371 triphosphate disodium salt trihydrate, crystal
preparation, 3 9 5 4 structure bibliography, 30:46 I

5 -[tris(hydroxymethyl)methylammonium applications, 39:437443

diphosphate], dihydrate, crystal of enzymes, 39:441443
structure, 43:321-322 of lectins, 39:444445
N6-trityl-5-O-trityl-, selective benzylation techniques, 39:410412
of, 33:59 anti-carbohydrate antibodies, 53:203-209
uridylyl- (345)-, hemihydrate, crystal of concanavalin A, 35: 157
structure bibliography, 30:464 in lectin isolation and purification, 35: 137
5-zinc(I1) (2,2-dipyridyl triphosphate),, polysaccharide derivatives as matrices,
tetrahydrate, 43:335 29:388-399
Adenosine deaminase, action on I.- protocol for, 53:204-205
apiosyladenine nucleotide, 31: 153 in purification of immunoglobulins.
S-Adenosyl-L-methionine, as methyl donor, 31~323-325
42:321 Agar, 44: 186
Adenylic acid, 22:327 acetobrominolysis of, 22:23
muscle, 22:309 3,6-anhydro-~-galactoseresidues in, 22:4
yeast, 22:3 12 carbon-I 3 nuclear magnetic resonance,
Adenylylation, of gentamicins, 30:204-208 spectra, 38:77-78
AdenylyL(3 -5 )-adenosine phosphate constitution of, 25:6
bis(proflavin hemisulfate), 43:373 degradation by mercaptolysis or
Adhesives methanolysis, 31: 190
from copolymers of levoglucosan with desulfation of, 29:337
alcohols and ethers, 34:73 diffusion, 53:205-206
dextrins as, 47:323 galactomannans interaction with
Adipic acid, starch ester in food industry. polysaccharides of, 3 1:29 1-30 1
29:330 gelation mechanism, 24:32 1
Adipose tissue, o-fructose metabolism in, in gel chromatography, 25: 14
34:297 pyrolysis of, 34:45
Adiposin, 48:2&25 pyruvic acid assay in, by enzymic method,
synthesis, 48535 30:284
Admantoates, of dithioacetals, preparation of, separation into components, 29:398
32:48 structure of, 24:277
Adonitol, 21:17 substitute for, 25:7
Adonose, purification of, 26:236 Agar-agar, see Agar
Adriamycin analogs, 46328 Agarase, 44: 187- 190
Adsorbents, granular, for sugar refining, Agaricus bisporus lectin, see Mushroom lectin
6:205-230 Agaricus campestris. a-L-arabinohranosidas
Aerobacter aerogenes, polysaccharide, of, 42:387
methylation analysis of, 30: 12 Agarobiose, 24:277
Aerobic growth, of yeast in presence of sugar, 4,6-0-( 1-carboxyethylidene)-, dimethyl
32: I42 acetal, 24:279
Aerobic respiration, of yeast, 32: 143- 144, 23 1 6-O-methyl-, dimethyl acetal, 24:278
Aesculus hippocastanum, oligosaccharides preparation by mercaptolysis or methanolysis
from seeds of, mass spectrometry of, of agar, 31 :190
29:96 Agaropectin, 44: 186-1 87
Affinity absorbents, 53:203-204 complex with chitosan, 29:398
Affinity chromatography Agarose, 24:277, 52:368-370,420
adsorbent preparation, 39:406-409 acetylated, separation from agar. 29:329
adsorbents with carbohydrate ligands for activation by 1,1 -bis(imidazole),
macromolecular substances, 39:415416
39:405447 by bisoxirane method, 39:415

Agarose (continued) isolation and structure of, 30: 134

by cyanogen bromide, 39:414,430-43 1 Ajugose, isolation, 37:307-308
by divinyl sulfone, 39:415 Alanine
affinity chromatography adsorbent, 39:407, 3-(3-amino-S-triazolyl)-, L-, 21:40 1
410,413416 W(benzyloxycarbony1) phenyl-, reaction
circular dichroism, at various temperatures, with adenosine, 33:45
4591-93 D-
cross-linked, 29:355,357 in glycoprotein from sheep and ox, 33:7
crystal structure bibliography of, and sweetness, 45233
derivatives, 33:404 L-
epichlorohydrin, reaction with, 29:326 AH, B system in, 45221
gelation carbohydrate precursor, 40: 117
ofagars by, 24:321 in cell-wall glycoproteins, 42:298
and liquefaction of, 31:292-301 configurational relationship with 2-amino-
gels, in chromatography, 25: 14 2-deoxy-~-glucose,27:206
immobilization on, 49: 181-1 86 N-(2-furoylmethyl)-, 46:3 19
iodine complex, laser-Raman spectroscopy, N-acetyl-, preparation of, 32:79
44:84 3-[(9-~-~-ribofuranosylpurin-6-yl)glycyl]-~-,
0-(2-diethylaminoethyl)-, gels, as media for sesquihydrate, crystal structure
electrophoresis and bibliography, 37:425
immunoelectrophoresis, 29:323 Alanine amidase, N-acetylmuramoyl-L-, 44: 196
related polysaccharides, structure, enzymic Alaria esculenta, stipes, material from, circular
analysis, 44: 18C190 dichroism, 45:lOX-109
structure of, 31:291 Albersheim model for plant primary-wall
enzymic analysis, 44: 186-190 structure, 42:275, 303-304, 338
Agave Vera cruz, o-fructose from, 22:232 discussion of, 42:309-314
Agglutination, of red blood cells, effect of Albumin
influenza virus on, 33:&5 carbohydrate linkage in, 2 5 4 2 0 , 4 4 4 4 5
Agglutinins, see also Lectins effect on a-o-mannosidase activity, 28:427,
plant, history, 35: 128 429
Aglycon hen egg, glycoprotein, 'H-NMR
character, 47:62-65 spectroscopy, 41:344,346,348-350,
effect on hydrolysis of glycosidic bond, 357,359-361
22:71, 78 Alcaligenes faecalis
on rate of hydrolysis of glycosides, curdlan, preparation, properties, and uses,
22:4849 36:307-3 10
non-sugar, 48:299-300 0-specific polysaccharide, 47: 199
staggered orientations, 4750-5 1 Alcian blue, complexes with
AGMGP, f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 4 5 2 1-23 glycosaminoglycans, 29:401
Agricultural chemistry, carbohydrate chemistry Alcoholates
and, 21:378 carbohydratealkali metal complexes, 21:256
Agrobacteria, p-(1+2)-glucans, f.a.b.-mass of carbohydrates, preparation of, 21:263
spectrometry, 45:68 Alcohols
Agronomy, carbohydrate chemistry and, amino, sphingosine-related, 24:39&393
21:378 configuration determination of, 27:201
AH,B hypothesis, 45:20&201,213-223, 231, copolymerization with levoglucosan, 34:72
246,257-261,264,271,283-285,292, fluoro, mass spectrometry of esters of, 30:38
297-299,303-307,322,341 halogenation of, 28:240
A-396-1 (antibiotic) higher-carbon sugar, configurations of,
discovery of, 30: 112 1:l-36

iodination of, 28:281 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28: 7 1-78

methylation with diazornethane, 33:68 high-performance liquid chromatography of,
nitro, reactions with acrylaldehyde, 46~33-35
40: 105-106 mass spectrometry of, 29:79
reactions with sodium glyoxylate, deoxy-, 29:79
40:10&107 Aldehydes, 53:36S-366
as 0-nucleophiles, see Nucleophiles, 0- preparation by oxidation of hydroxymethyl
optically active secondary, preparation of, groups, 33:78
27: 196 protection of, 46: 195-1 98
organic complexes, 53:360-361, 363-364 reaction with
oxidation ofpolyhydric, 41:9 alditols, 39:21
pol yhydric aldonolactones, 50: 125- I27
from formose, 29: 174, 178 carbohydrates, 38: 122- I29
mass spectra and stereochemistry of, gulono-l,4-lactones, 38:303
21:79 selective derivatization with N,N-di-
oxidation of, 31:3 phenylethylenediamine, 33: 122
and radiation-generated electrons, 37:74 synthesis, 36: 10
as solvents for sugars, 27:98 Aldehydo fonn of reducing sugars in solution,
unsaturated, 2: 107-1 I8 42:29-30,35
racemic, aldonic acids in gas-liquid determination of, 4220-22
chromatography of, 30:37 Aldehydrol. 23:25
radiolysis and free-radical reactions, formation in aqueous solution, 42:30
37:26-32 Ald-3-enopyranoside, alkyl 3,4-dideoxy-o~-
as reaction media, 27:99 cis-hydroxylation, 40:5455
reactions with epoxidation, and oxirane-ring opening,
aldonolactones, 50: 149-15 1 40:5&59
(a1koxymethylene)dirnethyliminiurn synthesis, 40:48-59
halides, 28:254 AId-2-enopyranosio-4-ulose, methyl, reduction,
with carbon tetrachloride and tertiary selectivity, 40:71
phosphines, 28:246 Ald-2-enos-4-ulose, synthesis, 40:65
with cyanuric chloride, 28:258 Ald-3-enulosonic acids, alkyl esters, chemical
with dichlorocarbene, 28:260 properties of, 27:268
with N-(2-chloro-l, 1,2-trifluoroethyl)- synthesis by Witting reaction, 27:267
diethylamine, 28:258 Aldgamycin C, periodate oxidation, 35:90
with N,N -dicyclohexyl-N- Aldgamycin E, components, and degradation,
methylcarbodiimidium iodide, 28:260 35:89-91
glycals, 24:2 15 Aldgarose
as solvents D-, biosynthesis, 35:89-9 1
in ammonolysk, 31: 102 natural occurrence of, 4 2 7 3
of sugars, 27:96-102 structure of, 42:71, 78
alkoxy, 27538 synthesis of, 42:8 I
as solvents for sucrose, 27:87 Aldgarose methyl glycoside, synthesis of,
as solvents for sugars, 27:96, 99 3238
w-aminoalkyl, 27:99 Alditol-cation complexes, crystal structures,
starch complexes, 53:283 47:26
Alcohol ysis Alditols, 52:51. 103-106
of ~-g~ucofuranurono-6,3-lactones, 33:2 12 acetals
of gulono-1,4-lactones, 38:301 mass spectrometry of, 29:75-77
Aldaric acids, 52:51, 110-1 12 methylated, chemical-ionization mass
2,5-anhydro-, preparation of, 33: 1 18 spectra, 38:401

Alditols (continued) anhydro-, 25229-283

mass fragmentograms, 38:404 acetals, 25:265
rearrangements of, 26:221 configurations (revised) of, 25264
sulfonylation of, 23:241 infrared spectra of, 25:250-252
acetamidodeoxy- isomerization of, 25258
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:84-87 rearrangements in hydrogen fluoride,
per-0-(trimethylsilyl) derivatives, 26:173-175
gas-liquid chromatography, 28: 145 ring opening of, 25:256
acetates uses, industrial, 25:267
carbon-I 3 nuclear magnetic resonance anhydrodeoxy-, 23:74,77,79,94
spectroscopy, 41:59-60 a,w-dibromo-a,w-dideoxy-, sulfonylation of,
conformation of, 26:72 23:239
gas-liquid chromatography of. 28:34, with benzaldehyde, 21: 19
59-65, 122-129 boronates
and trimethylsilyl ethers, gas-liquid acetates and benzoates, 3 5 5 3
chromatography of, 28:43 preparation and structure of, 35:42,53
gas-liquid chromatography of methylated, properties, of, 3577-78
30:30-32,89-98 preparation, 35:40
mass spectromern of methylated, 30:40 catabolism by yeasts, 32210-219, 234
mass spectra of, 21239 column chromatography, boronic acids in,
of monosaccharide, mass spectra of, 35:63
295-55 complex-formation, 47: 13-14
partially methylated, mass spectrometry compounds with acetone, 21:19
Of, 29~58-71 conformations of, 25: 105
acetylenic, 24:262 and crystal-structure analyses of, 26:69
1,l -bis-(acylamido)- 1-deoxy-, configuration crystallography of, 2 9 6 0
of, 31:109 dehydration of, 33: I 19-125
mechanism of formation of, 31:110-121 1-deoxy-
aldonolactone reduction to, 50: 157-161 l-nitro-
amino- optical rotatory dispersion and circular
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:78 dichroism of, 24: 134
trifluoroacetyl derivatives, gas-liquid synthesis of, 24:70
chromatography of, 28: 1 14 2-O-methyl-l-nitro-, 24: 133
aminoanhydrodeoxy-, carbon- 13 nuclear preparation of, 3 2 7 5
magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 41:61 2-deoxy-2-nitro-, 24:72
1-amino-I-deoxy-, deamination of, 31:60 deoxynitro-
2-amino-2-deoxy-, deamination of, 25: 191 acylation of, 24: 115
aminodeoxy- anbydridization of, 24: 119
carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance dehydroacetylation of, 24: 127
spectroscopy, 41:61 3,6-dideoxy-, gas-liquid chromatography of,
peracetylated, gas-liquid chromatography 28:63
of, 28:145-146 dideoxy-, 21:189
2-amino-l,2-dideoxy-l -nitro-, 24: 133 preparation of, 3 2 7 6
anhydro, carbon-I 3 nuclear magnetic disaccharide, trifluoroacetyl derivatives,
resonance spectroscopy, 41:60-6 1 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28: 1 13
2,Sanhydro- electrophoresis
in nucleoside synthesis, 25:218 in metal salt solutions, 21:232
preparation of, 33:119-125 sulfonylated phenylboronic acids in, 3 9 6 2
properties of, 25:220-229 electrosynthesis, from monosaccharides,
reactivity of, 25:211 29: 109-1 17

enzymic determination by kinases, 30:282 of methylated sugars as, 30:22

gas-liquid chromatography, 28: 56-57 sulfonic esters, solvolysis of, 25207
boronic acids in, 35:65 sweetness-structure relationship, 45293-295
gel chromatography, 2 5 3 1 synthesis of
glycosyl-, per-O-(trimethylsilyI) derivatives, trifluoracetic acid in, 34:8
gas-liquid chromatography of, by yeasts from sugars, 32:128
28:156-157 transport into Rhodotorula glutinis, 32: 157
1-halo- 1-thio-, preparation from trifluoroacetates
dithioacetals, 32:70-7 1 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:37,65,
irradiation of unprotected, 38: 147-149 113
isolation, 47: 179-180 of methylated, gas-liquid chromatography
lectins, interaction with, 35: 180 of, 30:32,99
liquid chromatograhy, 46:33 mass spectrometry of, 30:42
pre-column derivatization procedures, of monosaccharide, mass spectrometry of,
46:68 2955
methylene acetals, acetolysis of, 22: 12 trimethylsilyl ethers
methyl ethers, mass spectrometry of, 29:56 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:57
from oligosaccharides, of methylated, gas-liquid chromatography
per(trimethylsily1)ated. gas-liquid of, 30:30, 88
chromatography of, 28:133-134 of oligosaccharide, mass spectrometry of,
1-[2-( p-aminophenyl)ethyl]amino- I -deoxy-, 29:96-97
as affinity chromatography adsorbents, unsaturated, synthesis by Witting reaction,
39:420,426-427,431 27237
paper chromatography, phenylboronic acid from uronic acids, acetates, gas-liquid
in, 3 5 6 0 chromatography of, 28: 129
permethylated, mass spectrometry of, 30:42 utilization by yeasts, 32: 147
permethylated oligosaccharide, mass and associations of abilities, 32:225-228
spectrometry of, 29:89-91 Aldobioses, acyl esters, ammonolysis of, 31539
per-0-trimethylsilyl, mass spectrometry of, Aldobiosylamines, N-acyl-, configuration of,
30:38 31:105
per(trimethylsilyl)ated, mass spectra of, Aldobiouronic acid anhydride, mass
29:58 spectrometry of trimethylsilyl derivative,
per(trimethylsily1) derivatives, gas-liquid 30:38
chromatography of, 28: 1 19-120 Aldobiouronic acids
phosphates, bacterial polysaccharides, from acidic xylans, 36:237-238
48~316-317 from dextrans, 30:408
preparation of, 26: 15 hydrolysis kinetics of, gas-liquid
1-S-ethyl- I-thio-, peracetates, 32:78 chromatography of, 28:46
I-t, 21:129 permethylated, mass spectra of, 29:85
2-2, 21: 129 preparation by acid hydrolysis of uronic acid
reactions with aldehydes, 39:21 residues, 3 1:193
with ketones, 39:21 Aldofuranoses
rearrangements in hydrogen fluoride, 4-acetamido-4-deoxy-, hindered rotations of
26:173-176 acetyl groups, 23: 196-197
selective oxidation with Acetobacter 2,3-anhydro-, nuclear magnetic resonance
suboxyduns, 33: 100 spectra, 25: 172
with lead tetraacetate, 33:96 in aqueous solution, NMR spectroscopy,
selective phosphorylation of, 33:50 42: 19
separation ethylidene-, fragmentation patterns of,
on ion-exchange columns, 47:38 34: 194

Aldofuranoses (continued) (Y-D-, conformations of, 26: 115

monoisopropylidene-, fragmentation patterns hydrolysis of, 34:202
of, 34: 194 Aldohexopyranosyl cyanides, per-0-acetylated,
Aldofuranosides laser-Raman spectroscopy, 4 4 9 1
formation of Aldohexoses, 49:25-26
mechanism of, 21:117 4-acetamido-4-deoxy-, 23: 179
rate of, 21:106 5-acetamido-5-deoxy-, 23: 174
synthesis, 21:96 composition in aqueous solution, 4 2 5 1
from furanose esters and halides, 21: 121 2,5-anhydro-, 25: 183
hydrolysis of, 21 :129 preparation by intramolecular
by alkali, 21:137 displacement of sulfonate groups,
rate constants for, 22:42 33~125-131
phenyl, melting points and specific optical 1,6-anhydro derivatives, 34:23-177
rotations of, 21:141 in aqueous solutions
Aldoheptoses, composition in aqueous solution, composition, 4234-35,6344
42:35-36,6445 NMR spectroscopy, 42: 18
Aldohexofuranoses, 1,6-anhydro-P-o-, crystallography of, 25:61
preparation, properties, and conformation cyclization by acids, 34:3437
of, 34:24 2-deoxy-, determination of, 28: 184
Aldohexofuranosides deoxy-, composition in aqueous solution,
conformation of, 21:lOO 42:35
oxidation of glycol groups in, 21: 133 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-, formation by pyrolysis of
Aldohexonic acids, 2-amino-2-deoxy-o-, monosaccharides, 34:46
deamination of, 25:191,31:58 gel chromatography of, 25:3 1
Aldohexopyranoses, see also Hexopyranose irradiation of unprotected, 38: 147-149
5-amino-l,6-anhydro-5-deoxy-, 23: 132 ketonucleosides from, 42237-240
2-amino-2-deoxy-, deamination of, 25: 184 mass spectrometry of trimethylsilyl
I ,6-anhydro-p-o- derivatives of, 30:38
conformations of, 26: 116 oligosaccharides containing
stereoselective oxidation of, 33:90 I3C-NMR data for, 42200-202, 205-207
6-bromo-6-deoxy- or 6-deoxy-6-iodo-, glycosides of, 13C-NMR data for,
reaction with silver fluoride, 33:263 42:211-212
complex, axialkquatorial equilibrium, 5-O-methyl, in aqueous solution, 42:16
47:5940 per-0-trimethylsilylated, mass spectrometry
conformational analysis of, 26:67 of, 29:48
conformational equilibria, 26:91 polarography of, 29: 126
ethylidene-, fragmentation patterns of, pyrolysis of reducing, anhydride formation
34: I94 by, 34:45
free energies of, 24:58 rate constants and equilibrium constants in
preparation, properties, and conformation of, polarography of, 29: 141-143
34:24 reactions of glycosidic linkages, 47: 169
relative free energies of, 4225-26 ring opening, mechanism of, 29:138
Aldohexopyranosides synthesis of, 33:88
6-deoxy-, proton magnetic resonance 2,3,4,5-tetra-O-methyl, in aqueous solution,
spectroscopy of, 27:70 4229, 3 1
methyl 01-D-, oxidation with potassium 4-thio-, 23:224
ferrate, 33:lOO 2,3,6-trideoxy-4-C-(2-hydroxyacetyl)-~-
methyl 3,6-anhydro-, sweetness-structure threo-, 35:96
relationship, 45:273 Aldohydroximo-lactones, 50: 1 5 6 157
methyl 4,6-0-benzylidene- Aldoketoses, nomenclature, 52:79-80

Aldol addition in branched-chain sugar by catalytic oxidation of aldoses, 33:87

synthesis, 42:104-105 thin-layer chromatography, 38:3 18
Aldolases trimethylsilyl derivatives, gas-liquid
control enzyme in o-fructose metabolism in chromatography of, 28: 138-140
liver, 34:296 ultraviolet-absorbances of, 46:65
and hydrogen-isotope action on sugars, Aldonolactones. 50:125-201
27:156 acylation and etheritication, 50: 132-134
inhibition of, anhydroalditols in, 25:269 2-amino-2-deoxy. deamination of, 25: 189
Aldol reactions, see Formose reaction p-elimination. 50: 162-1 66
Aldonamides, preparation, 50: 15 1 benzoylated, benzoic acid elimination,
Aldonic acids, 5251, 103-106 50: 167-1 68
2,-amino-2-deoxy-. deamination of. in carbon-I 3 nuclear magnetic resonance
preparation of 2,5-anhydroaldonate spectroscopy, 41:63
derivatives, 31:70 carbonyl group, chain elongation,
a,P-unsaturated, synthesis of, 27:261 50:136- 148
acid decomposition, 46:252 formy laminomethylenat ion of
2-acylamino, synthesis and chemistry of, aldonolactones, 50: 146148
31:6 methylenation of aldonolactones,
acylated nitriles of, 4: 1 19-1 5 1 50:143-146
from aldoses by electro-oxidation, reaction with organomagnesium and
29: 118-120 organolithium reagents, 50: 138-143
amino-, deamination of, 33: 1 16, I I9 Reformatsky-type reactions, 50:136-138
2-amino-2-deoxy-, deamination of, 25:373, as chiral precursors for synthesis of natural
33:116-119 products, 50: 181-20 1
analysis of, 28:22 ?i-butenolides, 50: 190-1 92
high-performance liquid chromatography, y-butenolides, 50: 182-190
46:33-34 nucleosides, amino acids, and other N-
2,Sanhydro- containing products, 50:195-201
preparation of by deamination, 33: 1 I6 from o-ribono-~,4-~actone, 50: 192-195
preparation from glycosyl cyanides, gas-liquid chromatography of methylated,
33: 131-142 30:29, 87
synthetic routes to, 33: I 1 4 1 15 glycosylation, 50: 179-1 8 1
properties of, 25:22&229 intramolecular reaction yielding lactams,
carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance 50:15&155
spectroscopy, 41:63 lactone group, reaction with
characterization of, 25373 ammonia and amines, 50: I5 1-1 53
deoxy, mass spectrometry of, 29:79 hydrazine and derivatives, 50: 155-157
2-deoxy-, and lactones, 22:206 mass spectrometry of trimethylsilyl
epimerization of, 21:Il, 33:211 derivatives, 30:38
gas-liquid chromatography, 38:3 I8 methylenation, 50: 143-146
and lactones, 28:71-78 per(trimethylsilyl) derivatives, gas-liquid
high-performance liquid chromatography, chromatography of, 28: 136-138
38:3 I9 reaction with
ion-exchange chromatography, 38:3 I9 alcohols, 50:149-151
mass spectrometry of, 29:79-80,38:3 I8 aldehydes, 50: 125-127
trimethylsilyl derivatives, 30:3 8 hydrogen bromide, 50: 13&136
paper chromatography, 38:318 ketones, 50:127-130
polarography of, and lactones, 29: 162 reduction
preparation to aldoses and alditols, 50:157-161
and benzimidazole derivatives, 39:5 by borane, 50: 159-160

Aldonolactones (continued) Aldopentoses, 49:25-26

isotopic labeling and substitution at 4-acetamido-4-deoxy-, 23: 179
anomeric center of aldoses, 5-acetamido-5-deoxy-, 23: 166
50: 16 1-162 acid decomposition, 46:252
by sodium amalgam, 50: 157 2,5-anhydro-, dithioacetals, preparation of,
reversible inhibitors of glycosidases, 32:48
48:327-333 4,5-bis (acetamido)-4,5-dideoxy-, 23: 166
synthesis of deoxy sugars, 50: 17G179 composition in aqueous solution, 42:34-35,
use of acetals for sugar derivative synthesis, 6344
50: 130-132 gel chromatography of, 25:3 1
Aldono-l,4-lactones, as inhibitors of a+- high-temperature transformation,
mannosidase activity, 28:420 46:275-284
Aldono- 1,5-1actones,48:328-330 ketonucleosides of, 42:229-230
as inhibitors of a-o-mannosidase activity, mass spectrometry of trimethylsilyl
28:4 19 derivatives, 30:38
as plant-growth substances, 21:416 methylated, separation of, 30:18
Aldononitriles methyl ethers of, 7: 1-36, 10:257-272
acetates polarography and reactions with hydrazine,
chemical-ionization mass spectra of semicarbazide, and hydroxylamine,
partially methylated, 38:402 29: 152
mass spectrometry of, 29:73 polarography of, 29: 127
of methylated, gas-liquid chromatography rate constants and equilibrium constants in
of, 30: 100 polarography of, 29:141-143
mass spectrometry of, 30:43 ring opening, mechanism of, 29:138
acetylates, gas-liquid chromatography of, 4-thio-, 23:220
28:66, 120 5-thio-, 23:206
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:56,30:33 Aldopentosylpyrimidines, keto derivatives of,
separation of methylated sugars as, 30:22 42:232
Aldopentofuranoses, 4-deoxy-4-phosphiny1, Aldopyranoses
synthesis and structures of, 42:181-183 2,-amino-2-deoxy-, deamination of, 31:77
Aldopentofuranosides 5-acetamido-5-deoxy-, hindered rotations of
formation of, 21:109 acetyl group, 23: 196-197
methyl, conformations of, 21:99 acetates, anomerization, 51:6, 9
oxidation of glycol groups in, 21: 132 5-acylamido-5-deoxy-, conformation and
Aldopentofuranosylpyrimidines, keto anomeric structures of, 23: 188
derivatives of, 42:227-229 3-amino-3-deoxy-, deamination of, 31:77
Aldopentopyranoses anomeric equilibrium
anomeric effect and conformational ring protons expected to have major effect
equilibria of, 26: 103-104 on proton relaxation rates, 45: 151
conformation of, 26:59 ring substituent effects, 47:48-50
analysis of, 26:67 anomerization, 51:6,8
equilibria, 26:91-98 aqueous equilibria of, 42:25-26
in solution, 26:85 NMRspectroscopy,42:19
electric charges on atoms of, 25: 100 conformations of, 44:13
proton spin-lattice relaxation rates, 45: 151 analysis of, 26:66
relative free energies of, 42:25-26 infrared spectroscopy in, 26:54
tetraacetates, conformation, 24:58 nuclear magnetic resonance
in chloroform solution, 26:86 spectroscopy in, 26:57
Aldopentopyranosides, 2,3-anhydro-4-azido-4- in solution, 26534-85
deoxy-, 23: 184 D-, sweetness-structure relationship, 45:248

5-deoxy-5-phosphino-and-5-phosphinyl-, 4ldoses
ORTEP representation, 42: 163 2-amino-2-deoxy-, deamination and micro
structural analysis of, 42:161-176 determination or detection of, 31:71
2,6-diamino-2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-, synthesis, 4-acetamido-4-deoxy-, 23: 178
40:4748 acylated, thioglycosides preparation, 52: 18 1
orientation, 47:48, 5 1 acyl esters, ammonolysis of, 31539
sweetness, and structure, 45:239-248 acyloxonium derivatives, preparation and
I-thio-, conformation of, 26:87 rearrangement of, 26: 146
5-thio-, mutarotation of, 24:49 aldehydo-
5-thio-, oxidation of sulfur in, 23:2 12 acetates, preparation of, 32:62
Aldopyranosides reaction with diazomethane, 32:64
acidic degradation of, 28: 180 2-5-anhydridq mutarotation of, 25:2 I3
alkyl2,3-anhydro-4-deoxy- conformation of peracetates of o-ribo. D-
configuration, 40:44 arabino-, o-xylo, o-lyxo-, and L-
ring opening reactions, 40:4447 galacto-, 26:72
aIkyl3,4-anhydro-o~- aldonolactone reduction to, 50: 157- I61
oxirane-ring opening, 40:57-59 and aldosides, cyclic acetals of, 20:2 19-
synthesis, 40:56 302
p-, 48~327 5-(alkylamino)-5-deoxy-,23: 139
hydrolysis by alkali, 21:137 amino-, deamination of, 25: 183- 194,
hydrolysis of, rate constants for, 22:42 33:114116
methyl 2-amino-2-deoxy-
cuprammonia complexes in deamination of, 33: 114-1 16
conformational analysis, 26:64 dithioacetals, deamination of, 25: 192
infrared spectroscopy and conformational synthesis of, 24:9, 1 12, 265
analysis of, 26:54 4-amino-4-deoxy-, 23: 147
methyl 2,3- and 3,4-anhydro-, conformations 6-amino-6-deoxy-, 23: I55
of, 26: 124 anhydrides of, formation in aqueous solution,
methyl D- 42:35
conformation in solution, 26:84 2,5-anhydro-, 25:182, 185
optical rotation and conformation of, color reaction for, 25:216
26:61 dimethyl acetals, synthesis of, 33: I26
methyl 3,4-dideoxy-3-(dimethylamino)-r)~-, preparation by deamination, 33: I 14
N-oxide, Cope degradation, 40:5 1 preparation from glycosyl cyanides,
valence geometry parameters, 47:72 33:131-142
Aldopyranosuloses, unsaturated, synthesis, synthetic routes to, 33: 1 15
40:6412 hemiacetals, 25212
Aldopyranosyl fluorides, polyglycoses from, reactivity of, 25:210
21:460 2-6-anhydro-, 24:211
Aldopyranosyl halides, conformations of, effect 3,6-anhydro-, by alkaline degradation,
of halogen on, 26:87 28:202
Aldose anhydro-C-(p-methoxyphenyl), synthesis
amides, preparation of, 31:82, 84, 89 and properties of, 27:28&292
isomerization of, to ketose, with hydride anomeric, equilibrium proportions of, 23:3 1
shift, 46:287 in aqueous solution, 49:25-26
liquid chromatography methods for analysis composition, 42:21,3437
of, 46:33 liquid chromatography, 42:23-24
transformations, basic conditions, 46:28 I branched-and straight-chain, in formose,
Aldoseptanosides, hydrolysis of, rate constants 29:2 13-2 15
for, 22:42 branched-chain sugars, 48:287-288

Aldoses (continued) 2-0-methyl-

carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance alkaline degradation of, 28:201-202
spectroscopy, 41:4546 dehydration of, 28: I8 I
chemical shifts, 41:45 oxidation of, 31:6
catabolism by yeasts, 32:2 10, 2 1&2 17 tritiated, mechanism of, 27:153-155
catalytic oxidation of hemiacetal groups, oxirane derivatives, 25: 109-179
33537 pentoses, 48:281
chemical-ionization mass spectra of, 29:83 peroxidation, 51:ll-12
chiral centers, multiple sets, 52:73-74 polarography of, 29: 126
circular dichroism fragment-spectra, 45:82 rate constants, equilibrium constants and
condensation polymerization of, theory of, entropy of activation of, 29: 139
21:469 reaction with thiols, 21:19
cyclic acetals, 34: 179-24 1 D-ribose-derived, in bacterial
analysis of, 34:209 polysaccharides, biosynthesis,
reactivity, 39:71-156 44:299-300
cyclic forms, anomeric configuration, 52:74 o-sedoheptulose-derived, in bacterial
definition, 5 2 5 0 polysaccharides, biosynthesis,
dehydration in acidic solutions, 28: 174-1 86 44: 300-3 0 1
in alkaline solution, 28: 193-207 selective oxidation with mercuric acetate,
2-deoxy-, 24:262,264 33: 100
dehydration in acid solution, 28:182-186 separation from ketoses, 32:24
polarographic reduction of, 29: 130 synthesis of, 24: 1 1 1
synthesis of, 24: 111,39: 147 systematic names, 52:72-73
deoxy- 1-t, preparation of, 27:129
aldehydo-, acetates, preparation of, 1-thio-, mutarotation of, 2 4 5 0
32:63 6-thio-, 23:226
dithioacetals in preparation of, 32:61 trivial names and structures, 5254, 72
mercaptalation of, 32:23 Aldosides
melting points and optical rotations of, cyclic acetals, 34: 179-24 1
26:279-296 reactivity, 39:71-156
deoxyhalogeno-, mercaptalation of, 32:27 methyl, carbon-13 nuclear magnetic
3-deoxy-3-hydrazino-, 23: 161 resonance spectroscopy, 41:46-47
4-deoxy-4-hydrazino-, 23: 161 chemical shifts, 41:46-47
5-deoxy-5-hydrazino-. 23: 159 preparation of, 3 3 5 5
dialkyl dithioacetals, selective esterification Aldosterone, P-D-glucopyranosiduronicacid
of, 33:41 conjugate, isolation, 36:95
dithioacetals Aldosuloses
hydrolysis of, 32:62 deoxy-, dehydration of, 28: 171
mass spectra of, 29:71-73 1-(dialkyl dithioacetals), preparation from
D series, 21:9, 11 aldose dialkyl dithioacetals, 32:82
esters, rearrangement in liquid hydrogen dithioacetals, physical constants of, and
fluoride, 26: 176 peracetates, 32: 114-1 15
o-fructose-derived, biosynthesis, 44:287-299 mercaptalation of, 32:24
gel chromatography of, 2 5 3 1 nomenclature, 52:79-80
hemiacetal formation in, 42: 137 synthesis of, 42:261
heptoses, 48:285-287 Aldos-2-uloses, preparation, 37:87
hexoses, 48:281-285 Aldos-3-uloses, polarography of, 29: 145-147,
hydrogen bonding in, 2 5 5 7 149
mass spectra of, 2l:66 Aldos-5-uloses, 24:258
multiple configurational prefixes, 52:73 Aldosulosonic acids, dehydration of, 28: 192

Aldosylamines, N-acyl-, formation of, guanosine 5 -(D-mannopyranosyluronic

31:121-124 acid pyrophosphate)in, 32:9
Aldosylamino acids, 47:263 cellulose biosynthesis, cytological studies,
Aldosyl halides, solvolysis of, 31:4 41:119-122
Aldotetrofuranosides, oxidation of glycol cellulose-containing cell-wall synthesis,
groups in, 21 :132 41:108
Aldotetroses, 42: 16,49:26 floridoside, 37:3 1&3 16
4-acetamido-4-deoxy-, 23: 178 gas-liquid chromatography of green, 28:47
composition in aqueous solution, 42:5 1
green, in C-isotope photosynthesis study,
3-C-(hydroxymethyl-~-glycero-, see 32:6
Apiose marine, metabolism of, 32:5
composition in solution, 42:36-37 polysaccharides of, 32:45
dehydration in acidic solutions, 28: I75 mass spectrometry of polysaccharides from,
high-temperature transformation, 29:66
46~275-284 microfibril orientation, 41: 123-125
polarography of, 29: 129 polysaccharides
Aldotrioses, high-temperature transformation, biosynthesis in, 42:323-327,332-333
46~275-284 in cell-walls of, 26:300
Aldotriouronic acids of marine, 35:s-9
from acidic xylans, 36:237-238 red, guanosine 5-pyrophosphate esters of L-
from dextrans, 30:408 galactose and o-mannose in, 32:9
synthesis of, 34: 162 Algaprenol, structure, 44:346
Aldulosonic acids Algin, antitumor activity of, 32:257
analytical high-performance liquid Alginate, 47:32
chromatography, 46:34 from A . esculenta stipes, circular dichroism,
preparation by electrooxidation of 45: 108-109
aldosuloses, 29: 121 alternating sequences, circular dichroism,
Alduronate ions, complex-formation, 47:3 1 45: 107-1 08
Alduronic acids, 47:3 1-35 chelation of Ca to, circular dichroism,
binding strength, 47:33-34 45: 105- 106
decarboxylation, 46:306 circular dichroism, 45: 105
dithioacetals, physical constants of, and their complexes, 53:411412
peracetates, 32: 1 16-1 18 composition and block-structure, circular
egg-box model, 47:33 dichroism, 45: 107
high-temperature transformation Alginic acid, 24:296,46:307, 52:353-356
acidic conditions, 46:284291 acetylated, conformation of, 29:332
basic conditions, 46:291-295 preparation of, 29:330
polysaccharides containing, 47: 177 Ascophyllum nodosum, 44: 191, 194- I95
quinquedentate complex, 47:3435 Azotobacter vinelandii, 44: 193
tridentate complexation, 47:3 1 p-eliminative degradation of, 29:25&252
Alectoria sarmentosa. polysaccharide, 4 1:76 biosynthesis of, 26:406,32: 11
Alectoria sulcata, polysacccharide, 41:76 crystallography of, 22:479480
Alfalfa Fucus vesiculosus, 44: 191
analysis by gas-liquid chromatography, gas--liquid chromatography of, 28:89
28:45 Laminaria digitata, 44: 194
pectinesterase, see Pectinesterases methyl ester, and pectinesterase activity,
Algae 33:329
a,-a-trehalose in, 30:230,234 N-substituted amides, preparation of,
brown 29:347
cellulosic cell-well, 41:108 oligomers, liquid chromatography, 46:40

Alginic acid (continued) photoaddition to 1,3-dioxolanes, 39:80,94

oligosaccharides, carbon- 13 nuclear Alkenic precursors, for sugar syntheses,
magnetic resonance spectra, 38:94 40:+30
periodate oxidation of, 31:201 Alkenylations, 53: 180-1 86
preparation, properties, and uses, Alkoxide ion, effect on ammonolysis of
36~298-299 carbohydrate acyl esters, 31: 100
structure, 35:7-8, 10 Alkoxyalkyl radicals, fragmentation and
enzymic analysis, 44: 191-195 rearrangement by radiation, 37: 14-15
sulfate, gelatinization of, 29:336 Alkoxycarbonyl function, reduction of, 29:286
sulfation of, 29:335 Alkoxylation, of a-nitroalkenes, 24: 130, 132
4,5-( 1 ,2-ol-~-Glucofurano)imidazolidine-2- Alkoxyl group
thione, 1-methyl-, crystal structure displacement of sulfonyloxy groups by,
bibligraphy, 32:360 24: 193
Aliphatic hydrocarbons, 53:352-353 participation in sugar reactions, 22: 112
Alkali (A1koxymethylene)dimethyliminiumhalides,
effect on reactions with alcohols, 28:254
aldosides, 21:137 Alkylating agents
glycoproteins, 2 5 4 2 8 4 3 1 preparation of, 29:2,7
reaction with sugars, 25:341-345 specificity, cyclic acetals in study of, 34:208
Alkali-lability, dextrins, 47:293, 295 Alkylation
Alkali metals of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses,34534
alcoholates of nucleotides, 22:382
carbohydrate complexes with, 21:260 0-Alkylation
of carbohydrates, structure of, 21:265 anomenc, 50:23-25
alkoxides, reaction with carbonydrates, carbohydrate, chemical shifts, 38:20
21:258 y-Alkylbutanolactones, synthesis, 50: 183-1 84
amides, reaction with carbohydrates in liquid y-Alkyl-a$-butenolides, synthesis,
ammonia, 21:269 50~183-184
carbohydrate complexes, 21:209-271 Alkyl chlorides, preparation of, 28:246,254
electrophoresis, 21:23 1 AIkyl ethers, 1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitoIs,
preparation of, 21:216-220 49: 135-145
solvation of, 21:226 Alkyl fluorides, preparation of, 28:258
stability of, 21:227 Alkyl halides
stoichiometry of, 21:222 carbonylation of, 23:61
structure of, 21:236 radiation and reactions with a-hydroxyalkyl
halides, halogenation of carbohydrates by, radicals, 37:22
22:178 reduction by organotin hydrides, 28:303
hydroxides, Carbohydrate complexes, 4,6-Alkylidene acetal, 51:216
21~238,243-245,246,255,256 Alkyl iodides, preparation of, 28:281
reaction with carbohydrates in liquid Alkylthio group
ammonia, 21:269 acetolysis of, in dithioacetals, 32:69
salts, effect on specific rotations, 21:229, 230 participation in sugar reactions, 22: 159
Alkaline degradation, of polysaccharides, replacement in dithioacetals by action of
13:289-329 mineral and Lewis acids, 32:60-70
Alkanes, sugar substrates, 40: 109 by halogen groups, 32:70-75
Alkanolamines, as solvents for sugars, 27:99 Allal
Alkenes 4,6-O-benzylidene-
activated, reactions with carbohydrates, 2-C-methyl-~-,24:201, 25139
33:6648 2-D-, 25: 139
a-nitro-, alkoxylation of, 24: 130, 132 D-, 24:201

iodo (methyoxy1)ation of, 24:203 3-C-rnethyl-P-o-, acetalation of, 3 4 9 1

3-deoxy-3-C-(iodomethyl)-o-, 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-P-o-, specific rotation
and methanolysis of, 28:305 of, 34:135
3-O-methyl-~-,24:202,225 4-deoxy-4-iodo-2-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-~-,
3-0-methyl-2-S-methyl-2-thio-o-, preparation of, 34: 132
24:225 DL-, preparation of, 34:49
S-benzyl-4,6-O-benzylidene-3-O-methyl-2- 2,3,4-tri-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-o-,
thio-o-, 24:225 preparation of, 34530
Allantoic antigen, gas-liquid chromatography 2,5-anhydro-~-,preparation of, 33: 1 I8
of chick, 28:47 3-C-(cyanomethyl)-3-deoxy-1,2:5,6-di-O-
AIlaric acid, 2,5-anhydro-o-, preparation of, isopropylidene-a-o-, preparation of,
33:119 27:262
Allitol 3-d, 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropyIidene-a-~-,
1,-amino-I-deoxy-o-, deamination of, nuclear magnetic resonance
31:60 spectroscopy of, 27: 147
2-acetamido-l,2-dideoxy-l-nitro-o-, 24: 133 3-deoxy-
l-amino-2,5-anhydro-l-deoxy-~-, 25209 3-C-(hydroxymethyl)- 1,2:5,6-di-0-
1-amino-2,6-anhydro- 1-deoxy-D-, isopropylidene-a-o-, preparation of,
deamination of, 31:52 27:243
anhydndation of, 25233 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-3-C-
1,5-anhydro- (methoxycarbon ylmethyl)-a-D-,
D-, 25237 preparation of, 27:262
L-, 25~237 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-3-C-methyl-
1,4-anhydr0-6-chloro-6-deoxy-~~-, WD-, preparation of, 27:241
preparation of, 33:85 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-3-C-
3,5-anhydro-l-deoxy-l,l-di-C-(p- (nitromethyl)-a-o-, preparation of,
methoxypheny1)-o-, preparation of, 27:243
33:125 I ,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-3-
2,5-anhydro-3,4,6-lri-O-, benzoyl-D-, thiocyanato-a-o-, 44: 143
preparation and oxidation of, 4-fluoro-3-iodo- 1,-2:5,6-di-O-
33: 123-124 isopropylidene-a+-, preparation,
crystallography of, 25:60,30:450 38:242
2,3:4,5-dianhydro-o~-,synthesis, 40:26 3-hydrazino- 1,2:5,6-diisopropylidene-a-~-
reaction with fuming hydrochloric acid, , 23:162, 234
33:85 3-hydrazino- I ,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-
3,4,6-tri-O-acety1-2,5-anhydro-~-, a-D-, reaction with iodine in
preparation of, 33:123 chloroform, 28:279
Alliumporum, cell-wall studies on, 42:300 I ,2-O-isopropylidene-3-thiocyanato-a-~-,
Allofuranose 44: 143
1,6-anhydro- 3-deuterio- I ,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-a-~-,
p-0- preparation of, 28:303
acetonation of, 34: 155 1,6:2,3-dianhydro-P-o-,preparation of,
preparation of, 34:153, 157 34: 107, 1 13
synthesis, 39: 163 1,6:3,4-dianhydro-P-o-.preparation of,
2-thio-p-~- 34:107, 111, 113
acetalation of, 34:90-9 1 1,6:2,3- dianhydro-4-O-benzyl-P-o-, as
per-0- substituted, 34:77 synthetic intermediate, 34: 121
preparation of, 34:86 5.6-di-O-acetyl-3-deoxy-1,243-
properties and complexes of, 34:55 isopropylidene-3-thicyanaato-a-~-,
p-toluenesulfonylation of, 34:82 44: 143

Allofuranose (continued) D-, 21:178

2,3:5,6-di-O-ethyIidene-a-o-, 5-0-p-tolysulfonyl-p-D-
diastereoisomers, 34: 197 inversion of, 29:4-5
1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene- reactivity of, 24:155
Ci-D- methyl 5,6-dideoxy-5-iodo-2,3-0-
acetal migration in, 34:205 isopropylidene-P-D-, preparation of,
carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance 28:242
spectroscopy, 41:53 and iodine displacement in, 28:282
conformation of, 34:201-202 methyl 5,6-di-O-acetyl-2,3-0-
formation of, 34: 183 isopropyhdene-DL-, synthesis, 40: 108
hydrolysis of, 34:203 methyl 2,3:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-p-~-,
isomerization, 39:26 formation by acetal migration, 34:205
methanolysis of, 34:205-206 methyl 5 - 0 4 p-bromophenylsulfony1)-6-
reaction with cyanuric chloride, 28:259 deoxy-2,3-0-isopropylidene-p-~-,
reaction with diethylaminosulfur solvolysis of, 24: 195
trifluoride, 38:227 Allofuranosiduronic acid
selective catalytic oxidation of, 33:91 methyl 5-0-acetyl-2,3-0-isopropylidene-p-
3-O-(methyh~fony~)-o-, displacement DL-,methyl ester, synthesis, 40:108
reactions of, 24: 15 1 methyl 2,3-0-isopropylidene-, methyl ester,
3-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-o-, displacement synthesis, 40:75-76
reactions of, 24: 15 I methyl 2,3,5-tri-O-acetyl-P-~~-, methyl
2,3:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-o- ester, synthesis, 40: 108
preparation of, 34: 183 Allofuranosyl bromide, 2,3:5,6-di-0-
selective oxidation with silver carbonate- isopropyhdene-p-o-, reaction with base,
on-Celite, 33:97 39: I47
1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropyIidene-3-O-nitro-~i-~-,Allofuranuronic acid, 3-amino-3-deoxy- 1,2-0-
photolysis, 38: 176 isopropylidene-a-o-, preparation of,
methyl 2,3-0- isopropyhdene-p-D- 33:233
formation by acetal migration, 34:205 Allolactose, 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-, 24:9
hydrolysis of, 34:204 Allomyces rnacrogynus, glycogen, 41:69
3-O-acetyl-l,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-cu-~-, Allonic acid
hydrolysis of, 34:203 5-amino-
3,-O-benzyl- 1,2;5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-~i- 5-deoxy-o~-,23: 139
D-, hydrolysis of, 34:202 5,6-dideoxy-~~-, synthesis, 40:112
1,2-O-ethylidene- 2-amino-3-deoxy-o-, deamination and
(Y-D-, preparation of isomers, 34: 190 oxidation of, 33: 1 19
D-, conformation of, 34:201 2,5-anhydro-3,4,6-tri-O-henzoyl-~-, 25209
phenyk-o-, 1,6-anhydnde formation from, Allono- 1,4-lactone, 2,3:5,6-di-O-
34:29 isopropylidene-o-, oxidation, 38:32 1
phenyl-p-o-, alkaline cleavage of, 34:29 Allononitrile, 2,5-anhydro-3,4,6-tri-U-benzoyl.
tri-O-acetyl-l,6-anhydro-p-~-, reaction with p-o-, 25:209
trifluoromethanesulfonic acid, 34:88 Allopyranose
Allofuranoside Ci-D-, 45:74
methyl 5-amino-5,6-dideoxy-2,3-0- 3-amino- 1,6-anhydro-3-deoxy-2-thio-P-~-,
isopropylidene-Pa-, deamination of, 34: 1
31:56 1,6-anhydro-
methyl 6-deoxy- 2,3-0-isopropylidene- p-D-.sweetness-structure relationship,
p-D-,24: 171 45:271
preparation of, 29:4 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-p-o-, preparation,
synthesis, 39: 167 38:246

2-deoxy-2-fluoro-3-C-methyl-~-~- 'H- and '"F-NMRdata for, 46: 149

preparation, 38:246 methyl 2.4-di-O-bensoyl-, 'H-and I9F-
2,4-dideoxy-2,4-difluoro-P-o- preparation, n.1n.r data for, 46: 149
38:246 phenyl
2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-P-o-, polymerization, I3C-NMR data for, 46: 175
39:182, 187, 194 'H- and "F-NMR data for, 46: 150
carba-a-or-, 48:32 p-nitrophenyl. 'H- and "IF-NMR data for,
carba-P-m-, 48:33 46: 150
D-, orientation of hydroxyl groups for, in methyl 2, 3-anhydro-a-D-,derivatives,
4 C , ( ~conformation,
) 45:75 25: 146
2-deoxy-2-fluoro-o-. preparation, 38:2 16 methyl 4,6-U-benzylidene-2,3-dideoxy-2,3-
1,6:2,3-dianhydro- epimino-a-o, 25352, 356
D-, methyl 2-acetamido-
4-O-benzyl-P-u-, 48: 163 3-(benzylaniino)-4,6-O-benzylidene-2,3-
1,6:3,4-dianhydro-o-, 25: I13 dideoxy-a-o-, preparation of, 29:8
2,4-dideoxy-2,4-difluoro-o-, preparation, 2-deoxy-3-O-(methylsulfony)-~~-~-,
38:246 infrared spectrum, 23:255
hydrochloride, preparation of, 34: I36 4,6-O-benzylidene-2-deoxy-3-O-
4,6-O-isopropyIidene-o-, synthesis. 39:73 (methylsulfonyl)-a-o-, infrared
penta-0-benzoyl-P-D-, 22: 124,24: 16 I spectrum, 23:255
preparation of, 34: 122 methyl 3-acetamido-
1,2.6-tri-O-acetyl-3-chloro-3-deoxy-4-O- 3,6-dideoxy-a-o-, acetylation of,
(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyh-~- 33:3&3 1
glucopyranosy1)-P-o-, synthesis, 39:233 2,4-di-O-acetyI-3,6-dideoxy-a-~-,
3,4,6-tr-O-acetyI- 1,2-O-(R)-ethyIidene-a-o-, selective deacylation, 39:30
crystal structure, 43:236-237 methyl 3-amino-
Allopyranoside 2-anilino-4.6-O-henzylidene-2,3-dideoxy-
a-o-allopyranosyl CX-D-, calcium chloride a-D-, preparation of, 29:8
pentahydrate, crystal structure 3-deoxy-P-~-,deamination of, 31:43
bibliography, 38:45 1 4 5 2 methyl 5-amino-
D- 5,6-dideoxy-2,3-O-isopropylidene-P-~-,
methyl 6-azido-3,6-dideoxy-3-fluoro-P- 23: 178
'IC-NMR data for, 46:171 5-N-benzoyl-5-deoxy-~~-, synthesis,
'H-and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 1 I9 40: 100-1 0 1
methyl 3-deoxy-3-fluoro- methyl 2,3-anhydro-
P anomer, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 4,6-O-benzylidene-a-o-, 25: 114,
46:90 117-118, 141, 188
4,6-O-isopropylidene-P-, 'H-and "IF- (Y-D-, methyl 3,6-anhydro-ol-o-
NMR data for, 46:90 glucopyranoside from, 24:46
6-O-pivaloyl-P-, 'H-and 19F-NMR data 6-deoxy-4-0-(2,3.4-tri-O-acetyl-6-deoxy-
for, 46:90 a-o-glucopyranosyl)-P-o-, synthesis,
6-O-trityl-P-, 'H- and "F-NMR data 39:236
for, 46:90 4,6-O-benzylidene-a-o-
methyl 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-P- chlorination and migration of acetal
'IC-NMR data for, 46:162 group, 39: 1 17
6-O-pivaloyl-P-,"C-NMR data for, 0x0 reaction with, 23: 107
46: 162 reaction with (ch1oromethylene)-
3,6-dideoxy-3,6-difluoro-p-o- dimethyliminium chloride, 28:278
methyl with sodium iodide, sodium acetate and
'IC-NMR data for, 46: 175 acetic acid. 28:292

Allopyranoside (continued) methyl 2-0-acetyl-3,6-dichloro-3,6-dideoxy-

reaction with 2-lithio-l,3-dithiane, 4-0-
32:37 (2,3-di-O-acetyl-4,6-di-chloro-4,6-
4-0-(2,3,4-tri-0-acetyl-6-0-tntyl-a-o- dideoxy-a-o-galactopyranosy1)- p-u-
glucopuranosyl)-6-0-tri tyl-P-o-, mass spectrum, 39:260
synthesis, 39:236 proton nuclear magnetic resonance
methyl 3-chloro-3-deoxy- spectroscopy, 39:25 1
p-0- (2,3,4-tri-0-acetyl-6-chloro-6-deoxy-a-o-
preparation of, 28:301 glucopyranosy1)-P-o-, proton nuclear
reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 33:75 magnetic resonance spectroscopy,
2,4,6-tri-0-methyl-P-o-, preparation of, 39:252
28:257 methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-
methyl 2-deoxy-, 4,6-di- O-p-tolysulfonyl-a- a-U-
U-, 23~271 conformation of, 34: 199
methyl 6-deoxy- hydrolysis of, 34:202
p-U- 3-chloro-3-deoxy-~-o-,33:74
catalytic oxidation of, 33:90 preparation of, 28:301
2,4-phenylboronate, oxidation, 3 5 5 7 reaction with sodium azide, 28:286
preparation, 3 5 4 8 with sodium benzoate in
p-UL-,synthesis, 40:69 tetrahydrofuran, 28:293
2,3-0-isopropylidene-P-~-, 24: 189 CY-D-, benzoylation with benzoyl
methyl 3,6-dichloro- chlondetriethylamine, 33:22
3,6-dideoxy- with N-benzoylimidazole, 33:42
p-0-, preparation of, 28:301 2,3-dideoxy-2,3-C-methylene-a-~- and+
p-D-,preparation of, 33:75, 81 u-, preparation of, 28:306
4-0-(4,6-dichloro-4,6-dideoxy-a-~- 2,3-dideoxy-2,3-epimino-a-o-, 23:278
galactopyranosy1)- p-D,preparation reaction with nitrous acid, 31:66
of, 33232 2,3-di-deoxy-2,3-[N-
4-0-(4,6-dichloro-4,6-dideoxy-a-o- (triphenylphosphonio)epimino]-a-~-,
galactopyranosy1)-P-o-, triacetate, p-toluenesulfonate monohydrate,
synthesis, 39:232,234 crystal structure bibliography, 38:481
4-0-(6-chloro-6-deoxy-a-~- 2-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-cy-o-, 23:258
glucopyransoyl)-3,6-di-deoxy-~-u- methyl 3-0-benzyl-2-0-methyl-6-0-p-
preparation of, 33:81 tolylsulfonyl-CY-D-, 23:240
synthesis, and tetraacetate, 39:234 methyl 3-0-methyl-2,6-di-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-
methyl 2,6-dichloro-2,6-dideoxy-,3.4-0- a-u-, 23:240
isopropylidene-a-u-, synthesis, methyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-
39:117 chloro-2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-p-o-,
methyl 5,6-dideoxy-, 5-dimethylamino-2,3- preparation of, 28:235
0-isopropylidene-P-L-, 23: 178 0-acetyl-P-oL-, synthesis, 40:7 1
methyl 4,6-di-U-acety1-2,3-anhydro-a-u-, methyl 3,4,6-trichloro-3,4,6-trideoxy-
0x0 reaction with, 23:108 a-D-,hydrogenation over Raney nickel,
methyl 2,3:4,6-di-O-benzylidene-a-u-, 28:302
reaction with N-bromosuccinimide, p-o-, 2-(chlorosulfate), preparation of,
39:106-107 33:74
methyl 1,3:4,6-di-O-benzylidene-p-u-, methyl 2,3,6-tri-U-benzoyl-4-0-(2,3,4,6-
reaction with butyllithium, 39: 144 tetra-0-henzoyl-a-o-galactopyranosy1)-
methyl 4,6-di-O-methy1-2,3-0-(0- p-o-, synthesis, 39:230-23 1
nitrobenzy1idene)-p-o-, irradiation, a-o-AlIopyranosyl a-o-allopyranose, 47: 18
39:89 a-u-Allopyranosyl a-u-allopyranoside, 47:25

Allopyranosyl fluoride acetonation of, 34: 183

D-, 3-azido-4,6-0-benzylidene-3-deoxy-f3-, derivatives, table, 34:2 18-220
I3C-NMR data for, 46: 170 reaction with acetaldehyde, 34: 183-
'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 1 17 184
2,3,4,6-tetra-U-acetyyl-~-,'H- and I9F-NMR biosynthesis, 44:296-298
data for, 46:82 from D-glucose derivatives, 22:117,29:8
Allopyranuronic acid, 1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyI-f3- gas-liquid chromatography of,28:49
DL-,methyl ester, synthesis, 40:108 halogen derivatives of, 22:2 17
Allosamine, 3-0-benzoyl- I -O-benzyh-, nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates,
22:137 45: 148
Allose proton spin-lattice relaxation rates,
2-acetamido-2-deoxy-~-,composition in 45: 150
aqueous solution, 42:47,67 2-deoxy-
3-acetamIdo-3-deoxy-o-, diethyl; D-, synthesis of, 27:4
dithioacetal, oxidation of, 32:8S-86 2-flUOrO-D-. 22~206
2-amino-2-deoxy-~-,22: 130,24: 1 I2 3-deoxy-
3-amino- 3-C-nitrornethyl-o-, composition in
3-deoxy-o-, diethyl dithioacetal, aqueous solution, 4 2 5 7
preparation of, 32:22 3-hydrazino-o-, 23: 162
3-deoxy- 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-o-, 6-deoxy-
22:llO D-, 21:173. 178, 180
2,Sanhydro- 2,3-di-O-methyl-o-, 21:173, 179
6-0-benzoyl-3,4-0-isopropylidene-o- 2-O-methyl-~-,21: 173
NN'-diphenylimidazolidine derivative, synthesis of, 23:269
33:135 3-0-methyl-o-. 21:173
preparation of, 33:136 3-O-methyl-~-,synthesis of, 23:269
3-O-benzyl-6-0-(methylsulfonyl)- 2,6-diamino-2,6-dideoxy-o-, 24: 147
aldehydo-D-,dimethyl acetal, 2,3:5,6-di-O-ethylidene-o-, preparation of,
preparation of, 33: 127 34: 184
3,4-&sopr~pyhdene-~~- 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-, (Y-D-, reaction
preparation of, 33: 163 with triphenylphosphine-carbon
synthesis, 40:75 tetrachloride, 28:247
3,4,6-tri-O-benzoyI-o-, preparation of, 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-, D-, selective
33:136 hydrolysis, 39: I5
of N,N'-diphenylimidazolidine L-
derivative, 33:123, 135 derivatives, table, 34:218-220
3,4,6-tri-O-benzyl-~-,preparation of, polarography of, 29: 127
33:136 sweetness-structure relationship,
3,6-anhydro- 45258
D-, composition in aqueous solution, liquid chromatography methods for analysis
4 2 3 I , 58-59 of, 46:33
4,5-O-isopropylidene-o-, dimethyl acetal, 3-O-methyl-~-,composition in aqueous
25:207 solution, 4 2 4 4
1,6-anhydro-o-, preparation of, 34:36-37 4,5,6-tri-O-benzoyl-
2,3-anhydro-o-, composition in aqueous 2,3-di-Sethyl-2,3-dithio-o-
solution, 4259-60 diethyl dithioacetal, crystal structure
composition bibliography, 38:482483
in aqueous solution, 42:26, 28, 3 1,63 diethyl dithioacetal, demercaptalation
in nonaqueous solvent, 42:68 of, 32:63
D-, 48:282 preparation of, 32:32

Allose (continued) in plant cell-wall punfication, 42:273,294

3-S-ethyl-2-S-mehtyl-2,3-dithio-o-, Altemansucrase, L. Mesenteroides alternan
dimethyl dithioacetal, preparation of, synthesis, 51:148
32:32 Alternative chair conformation, 46:7
Alloseptanoside, methyl 2,3:4,5-di-0- Altritol
isopropylidene-a-o-, crystal structure 1-amino-l -deoxy-D-, deamination of, 31:60
bibliography, 32:369 1,5-anhydro-~-,25328
Alloside 2,5-anhydro- 1,6-di-O-(triphenylmethyl)-o~-,
methyl 4,6-0-benzyIidene-2,3-epimino-o-, monohydrate, 43:334
22: 143 3,6-anhydro-~~-
methyl 5-deoxy-o-, 22: 121 catalytic oxidation of, 2 9 6 2 1
methyl 3,6-dichloro-3,6- dideoxy-P-o-, crystallography of, 2 5 6 0
formation of, 33:75 D-, anhydndation of, 25:233
2-U-acetyl- I ,h-anhydro-P-o~-,synthesis, 2,3.4,5,6-penta-O-acetyI-1-deoxy- 1-nitro+-,
40:55 21:304
Allosucrose, 51:150 tetracetyl-l,5-anhydro-3-deoxy-3-C-
Alloxan, polarography of, 29: 170 (hydroxymethy1)-o-, 23:98
Alluronic acid, DL,crystalline, 39:4 A1trofuranose
Allyl alcohol, DL-threonic acid synthesis, 40:6 1,6-anhydro-P-~-,preparation of, 34: 153,
Allyl 4-O-benzoyl-a-~-rhamnopyranoside, 2,3- 156
dihutylstannylene derivative, 51:214 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-~-,
Allyl 6-deoxy-3-C-methyI-aI-~-lyxo- conformation of, 34:201
hexopyranosid-4-ulose, 51:2 15-216 Altrofuranoside
Allyl 2,3-di-O-benzoy1-6-0- methyl P-L-, preparation of, 31:31
(4-methoxybenzyl)-, a-o-ghcopyranoside, methyl 3,6-diamino-3,6-dideoxy-P-~-,
51:216-217 preparation of, 33:233
(4-methoxyphenyl)-, (3-o-ghcopyranoside, methyl 2,3-di-U-bensyl-6-0-trityl-~-, 24: 171
5 1 ~ 17-2
2 I8 methyl 3-O-benzoyl-6-deoxy-2,5-di-0-
Allyl glycosides methyl-a+-, 24: 165
a-L-,51:2 15-2 16 Altropyranose
substituent, protection and regeneration, a-D-,4 5 7 4
51:2 12-2 13 conformation in aqueous solution, 26534
syntheses, 51:2 13-2 14 pentaacetate, conformation of, 26:87
Allyl group, as protecting group, 39:49 3-amino-
Allyl 2-O-methyl-a-~-fucopyranoside, 1,6-anhydro-3-deoxy-P-o-, preparation of,
51~213-214 34:122, 126
Allyloxycarbonyl group, N-terminal, with tert- 3-deoxy-P-o~-carba-,synthesis, 48:59,
butyl ester, 50:285-286 61
Allyl perchlorate, in anhydridization of 2-amino-1,6-anhydro-2-deoxy-~-~-,
hexoses, 34:46 preparation of, 34: 122
Allyl radical, formation by water elimination by 1,6-anhydro-
radiation, 37:13-14 2-azido-2-deoxy-P-o-, preparation of,
Almond 34: 122
emukin, a-o-mannosidase from, 28:424,438 3-azido-3-deoxy-P-o-, preparation of,
glycopeptide N-glycosylase, 44:2 16 34: 122
Aloin, 25243 p-0-
Alpha-I-acid glycoprotein, hydrolysis, with conformation of, 34:61
trifluoroacetic acid, 46:268 per-0-substituted, 34:77
Alpha amylase, 53:409 3.4-phenylboronate, 34:93
in fruit climacteric, 42:364 preparation of, 34:89, 116

D- 3-amino-2.3,6-trideoxy-2-fluoro-6-
complexes, 34:54 halogeno-a-. derivatives
formation of, 34:47 IH- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 123
3-deoxy-3-fluoro-P-o-, preparation of, N-containing synthetic precursors, 'H-
34:133 and "F-NMR data for, 46: 123
3-deoxy-3-iodo-2-0- 3-benzamido-4-O-ben~oyl-6-bromo-, "C-
(methylthio)carbonyl-P-D-, crystal NMR data for, 46: 170
structure, 43:220-22 1 benzyl3-benzamido-2,3,6-tndeoxy-2-
3-deoxy-3-nitro-P-~-,preparation of. fluoro-a-, 'H-and "F-NMR data for,
34:105, 126 46: 123
3,4-dideoxy-3,4-epimino-P-~-, preparation benzyl2,3-dideoxy-2-tluoro-a-
and properties of, 34: 124- 125, 3-azido-6-O-(methylsu1fonyl)-. 'H- and
130-131 I9F-NMR data for. 46: 1 18
2-0-benzoyl-3-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-~-, 3-benzamido-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data
preparation of, 34231 for, 46: 1 18
3,4-0-isopropylidene-P-~-, as synthetic 3-benzamido-6-0-mesyl-, 'H- and "F-
intermediate, 34:90 NMR data for, 46: 1 I8
2-O-(methyhlfonyl)-P-~-,reaction with 3-benzamido-6-O-tosyl-, IH- and IYF-
potassium fluoride, 38:220-22 1 NMR data for, 46: 1 I8
3-S-benzy1-3-thio-o-, preparation of, benzyl2-fluoro-a-, 3-benzamido-2,3,6-
34: I36 tr~deoxy-,~~C-NMR data for. 46: 170
2,3,4-tri-0-benZyl-P-D-, polymerization, benzyl 2-fluoro-2,3,6-tndeoxy-6-1odo-a-
39:182, 187 3-azido-, 'H- and "F-NMR data for,
anhydro-4-~-benzyl-3-deoxy-3-fluoro-~-~-, 46: 123
2-0-acetyl-1,6-, 'H- and 19F-NMRdata 3-benzdmido-, 'H- and '"F-NMR data
for, 46: 1 14 for, 46: I23
D- methyl 3-benzamido-2,3-dideoxy-2-
orientation of hydroxyl groups for, in fluoro-a-
4 C , ( ~conformation,
) 45:75 4,6-di-O-benzoyl-, 'H- and "F-NMR
pentaacetate, conformation of, 26: I02 data for, 46: 1 I8
1,6:3,4-dianhydro-P-~-,25:113.48: 163- 4,6-0-acetyl-, 'H-and "F-NMR data
164 for, 46: I 18
preparation of, 34: 108, 1 13 4,6-0-benzyhdene-, 'H- and "F-NMR
1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-P-~-, hydrolysis data for, 46: 1 18
of, 34:204 methyl 4-O-benzoyl-6-bromo-2.3,6-
penta-0-acetyl-a-o-, crystal structure trideoxy-2-fluoro-a-
bibliography, 34:360 3-benzamido-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data
tri-0-acetyl- 1,6-anhydro-P-o-, reaction with for, 46: I23
trifluoromethanesulfonic acid. 34:87 3-(trifluoroacetamido)-, IH- and "F-
Altropyranose pentaacetate. carba- NMR data for, 46: 123
a-DL-, synthesis, 48:28-29 methyl 4,6-0-benzyliden-2,3-di-deoxy-2-
u-D-,synthesis, 48:44 fluoro-cx-
a-L-, synthesis, 48:46 3-(diallylamino)-, 'H- and "F-NMR
Altropyranoside data for, 46: 1 18
D- 3-(trifluoroacetamido)-, 'H- and I9F-
3-amino-2,3-dideoxy-2-fluoro-a-, NMRdata for, 46: 1 18
derivatives methyl 2.3.6-trideoxy-2-fluoro-a-
'H- and I9F-NMRdata for, 46: I 17- I I8 3-amlno-
N-containing, synthetic precursors, ' H- "C-NMR data for, 46: 170
and "F-NMR data for, 46: I I 7- I I8 'H- and "F-NMR data for, 46:123

Altropyranoside (continued) 6-chloro-2,6-dideoxy-a-~-

3-benzamido-4-0-benzoyl- preparation of, mechanism of, 28:252
I3C-NMR data for, 46: 171 reaction with N-bromosuccinimide,
'H- and I9F-NMRdata for, 46: 124 26: 166,39: 102
3-(trifluoroacetamido)- 2-deoxy-a-o-, reaction with
I3C-NMR data for, 46: 170 (chloromethylene)dimethyliminium
IH- and 19F-NMRdata for, 46: 124 chloride, 28:252
4,6-0-benzylidene-2,3-dideoxy-2-fluoro- 2-deoxy-3-O-(methylsulfonyl)-cr-~-,
a- displacement reactions of, 24: 163
benzyl 3-azido-, 'H- and 19F-NMR data methyl 3-benzamido-4,-6-di-O-benzoyl-2,3-
for, 46:117 dideoxy-2-fluoro-a-u-, preparation,
benzyl3-benzamido-, 46: 118 38:240
methyl 3-amino-, IH- and I9F-NMR methyl u-, conformation in solution, 26:84
data for, 46: 117 methyl 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-o-, synthesis,
2,3-dideoxy-2-fluoro-3-tosylamino-a-~-, 38:24 1
48: 169 methyl 2,6-dichloro-2,6-dideoxy-3,4-0-
methyl isopropylidene-a-o-, crystal structure
3-acetamido-2-azido-2,3-dideoxy-,4 6-di- bibliography, 31:350
~-(methylsulfonyl)-a-D-, methyl 2,6-dideoxy-2,6-imino-N-
displacement reactions of, 24: 162 (phenysulfony1)-a-o, preparation of,
3-acetamido-2,4-di-O-acetyl-3,6-dideoxy- 28:290
a-~- selective
, deacylation, 39:29 methyl 4,6-di-O-acetyl-a-o~-,synthesis,
3,4-anhydro-a-u-, 25: 145 40:70-71
3,4-anhydro-6-0-trityl-a-u-, cleavage of methyl 2-0-acetyl-
oxirane ring in, 25: 125 3,4-anhydro-6-O-trityl-a-~-,cleavage of
methyl-a-D-, 23: 107 oxirane ring in, 25: 125
methyl a-u- 4-0-benzoyl-3,6-dibromo-3,6-dideoxy-a-
crystal structure bibliography, 30:45 1, D, preparation of, 28:268
34:352 4,6-0-benzylidene-3-bromo-3-deoxy-a-~,
2,3-di-O-benzy1-4,6-dideoxy-4- preparation of, and reaction with N-
thiocyanato-, 44: 143 bromosuccinimide, 28:268
4,6-0-benzylidene-2,3-dideoxy-3- methyl 2-0-benzoyl-
(dimethylamino)-2-thiocyanato-, 3-bromo-3,6-dideoxy-a-~-,synthesis,
44: 143 39: 106
synthesis, 44:134 4,6-0-benzylidene-3-bromo-3-deoxy-u-,
4,6-0-benzylidne-3-deoxy-3-thiocyanato-, synthesis, 39: 112
44: 143 methyl 4-0-benzoyl-
reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 33:75 6-bromo-2,6-dideoxy-2-
methyl a-DL-,synthesis, 40:70 (phenysu1fonamido)-a+-, reaction
methyl 2-amino- with methanolic sodium methoxide,
4, 6-0-benzylidene-2-deoxy-a-D-, 28:290
deamination of, 25: 188 6-bromo-2,6-dideoxy-2-(p-
2-deoxy-P-o-, deamination of, 31:40 toluenesulfonarnido)-3-0-p-
4,6-0-benzylidene-2-deoxy-a-~-, t ~ l y l ~ ~ l f ~ n y23:267
deamination of, 31:41, 57 2-S-benzoyl-6-bromo-6-deoxy-2-thio-a-~,
methyl 3-amino-, 3-deoxy-P-o-, 22:202 reaction with methanolic sodium
deamination of, 31:40 methoxide, 28:290
methyl 5-amino-, 5-N-benzoyl-5-deoxy-~~-, 2,3,6-tribromo-2,3,6-trideoxy-a-~,
synthesis, 40:lOl preparation of, 28:268
methyl 2-azido-3,4-0-benzylidene- methyl 3,4-0-benzylidene-

a-o-, 23: 107 reduction with lithium aluminum

benzoylation with benzoyl hydride, 28:292
chloride-triethylamine, 33:22 2-deoxy-2-halogeno-au-o-,preparation of,
with benzoyl cyanide, 33:45 28:292
with N-benzoylimidazole, 33:42 2-deox y-2-iodo-6-0-p-tolysulfonyl-a-D.
conformation of, 26: I 15.34: I0 9 reaction with lithium aluminum
2,3-dinitrate, denitration of, 23:266 hydride, 28:292
hydrolysis of, 34:202 AI tropyranosides
selective acylation of, 33:21 3-azido-2-fluoro-a-~-,48: 145
2-cbloro-2-deoxy-3-O-formyl-a-t~, 3-benzamido-2,3-dideoxy-2-fluoro-a-~-,
preparation of, 28:278 48: 166
2-deoxy-2-C-methyl-a-~,24:202 Altropyranosyl chloride
2-deoxy-2-halogen-a-o, acetal migrations 4-O-~-n-galactopyranosyl-aloo, 26: 194
in, 28:292 4-0-P-o-glucopyranosyl-a-i1-, heptaacetate.
2-deoxy-2-iodo-a-o-, 24:20 I , 203 26: 195
isomerization, 39:27 tetra-0-acetyl-a-o-, acetoxonium salts,
preparation of, 28:292 26:161
reaction with Altropyranosyl fluorides
(chloromethylene)dimethyliniinium D-, 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyyl-
chloride, 28:253 a anomer,13C-NMR data for, 46: 160
2-deoxy 2-(phenylsulfonamido)- (Y-D, p anomer,13C-NMR data for, 46: 160
reaction with N-bromosuccinimide, 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-~-,preparation, 38:2 15
28:290 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-~-o-,
2,3-dibrorno-2,3-dideoxy-a-o-, 24:235 48: I 7 5
preparation of, and reaction with N- Altrose
bromosuccinimide, 28:267 3-acetamido-3-deoxy-o-. diethyl dithioacetal,
reaction with potassium tert-butoxide, oxidation of, 3253-86
28:293 acyloxonium rearrangement of, 26: 159
2,6-dichloro-2,6-dideoxy-cu-o- 2-amino-2-deoxy-~-,24: I 12
hydrogenation of, 28:303 3,4-anhydro-n-, composition in aqueous
preparation of, 28:278 solution, 42:60
reaction with N-bromosuccinimide, 1,6-anhydro-2-O-benzoyl-P-~
26:166,39:102 p-toluenesulfonylation of, 33:22
2-O-(methykulfonyl)-a-~-3-nitrate, sulfonylation of, 23:252
infrared spectrum, 23:256 I ,6-anhydro-2-O-benzoyl-3-O-p-
2-O-(p-bromophenylsulfonyl)-3-cyano-3- tolylsulfonyl-p-o-, 23:252
deoxy-a-o- 3,6-bis( acetamido)-3,6-dideoxy-11-,diethyl
conformation of, 26: 1 15 dithioacetal, hydrogenolysis by Raney
crystal structure bibliography, 30:455 nickel. 32:77
2-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-~-, infrared composition
spectrum, 23:256 in aqueous solution, 42:26, 63
methyl 3,4-O-isopropylidene-, a-D-, in nonqueous solvents, 42:68
formation by acetal migration, D-
34:205 gas-liquid chromatography of,28:49
methyl 4,6-O-isopropylidene-a-1- halogen derivatives of, 22:218
acetal migration in, 34:205 nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates,
isomerization, 39:27 45:148
preparation of. 34: 192 proton spin-lattice relaxation rates, 45: 150
methyl 3,4-O-(R) benzylidene- 4-S-acetyl-6-deoxy-4-thio-, synthesis,
2-chloro-2-deoxy-6-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-~, 44: 132

Altrose (continued) Ames test

6-deox y- caramel, 47:267
D-, 21:173, 176 melanoidins, 47:269
2,5-di-U-methyl-~-,24: 165 Amicetin, 21:195
L-, biosynthesis, 44:29&298 structure of, 42:229
3-O-methyl-~-,21:173 Amicetose, 21:195, 197,50:158-159
4-thio-o-, composition in aqueous DL-, synthesis, 40:24
solution, 42:53 L-, synthesis, 40: 129
derivatives, Table, 34:221 Amicetoside
2,4-diamino-2,4,6-trideoxy-~-, 23: 155 methyl a-,preparation of, 28:283
2,3-di-O-rnethyl-o-, composition methyl a-L-,synthesis, 40: 117
in aqueous solution, 42:4344 methyl p-D-, preparation of, 28:294
in nonqueous solvent, 42:61 Amidases, splitting of N-(~-aspart-4-oyl)
DL-,synthesis, 40:93 glycosylamine amide linkages, 43: 179
group of compounds related to, 1:37-76 Amidation, in neoglycoprotein preparation,
L-, 48~282 37:23&238
sweetness-structure relationship, 45:258 Amide derivatives, circular dichroism,
liquid chromatography, 42:23-24 4594-102
methods for analysis of, 46:33 Amides
Altroside bacterial polysaccharides, 48:3 11-3 13
2-deoxy-2-fluoro-o-, 48: 166 carbohydrate, reaction with nitrous acid,
methyl 2-bromo-2-deoxy-a-~-,hydrolysis 31:6&70
rate of, 22:208 nomenclature, 52: 104-105
methyl 2-chlor0-2-deoxy-a-o-, hydrolysis protection as, 46: 194
rate of, 22:208 as solvents for sugars, 27: 1 12
methyl D-, halogen derivatives of, 22:2 19 Amidination, in neoglycoprotein preparation,
Altnuonic acid, 2-amino-2-deoxy-~-, 37:24&248
biosynthesis, 44:296298 Aminal, formation of, 42: 133
Aluminate complexes, 53:325-326 Amination
Aluminum chloride-phosphorus pentachloride, in neoglycoprotein preparation, 37:242-245
rearrangements of saccharides in, of polysaccharides, 29:342
26: I 9 6 195 Amines, 53:313-374
Alveolar glycoprotein glycopeptides, structure, aliphatic, as solvents for sugars, 27: 112
37:181 catalytic effect, on formation of products
Amadori compounds, 22:266,269,272, from Maillard reaction, 46:3 18-321
299-302 deamination of, 31: 16
2,3-enolization in weak acids, 46:320 lactone group reaction with, 50: 151-153
formation of, 46:307-308 in polarographic determination of
reaction with dicarbonyl compounds, carbohydrates, 29: 150
22:288 reaction with nitro sugars, 24:136
Amadori rearrangement, 10:169-205,22:267, p-Aminoacetophenone, effect on f.a.b.
269,23:122,211,220,24:6,448,25:335, sensitivity, 45:32
337-338,46:311 Amino acids
formation of 3-deoxyhexo-2-dose by way a-,dextrinization in presence of, 47:315
of, 46:3 11 of a-amylases, 23:308
of glycosylamines and their uronic acids, of asparagus-pea lectin, 35:284
36:12&121 of p-amylases, 23:332
mechanism of, 46:308-309 of Bauhinia purpurea alba lectin, 35305
Ambutyrosin, see Butirosin bitterness, and hydrophobicity of side chains,
Amicetoside, methyl, 21:195 4 5 3 19

carbohydrate linkages, structural analysis. NH,-terminal sequences, 49:253

wet methods traditionally used, 43:6-7 PG-I1
carbon atoms, chemical shifts effect on composition, 49:244247
anomeric configuration of attached, NH,-terminal sequences, 49:252
monosaccharide on, 43:34 of phosphorylase, 23:345
pH-dependence, 43:26 of potato lectin, 35:2 11
of castor-bean lectin, 35:272 in protein components of glycoenzymes,
catalytic 27:3 15-3 18
effect on formation of products from reactions with sugars, 47:223
Maillard reaction, 46:3 18-32 1 of red kidney-bean lectin, 35:292-293
sequence homologies around, 48:38 1 of ricin, 35:27 1
C-glycosyl a-,synthesis of, 33: 158 sequence analysis, proteoglycans,
of concanavalin A, 35: 162 49:254255
D- sequences
centers of electron-rich density, 45:232 of concanavalin A, 35: 152
superpositioned over same receptor site, of glycopeptides in glycoenzymes,
45:236 27:319-323,333
sweetness, 45:214,231 in glycoproteins, 25:425425
taste of, 45:207-208 of snail lectin, 35:240
zwitterions, favored conformations, of soybean lectin, 35:234
45:232 of sun-hemp lectin, 35:306
derivatives with uridine 5-pyrophosphate N- sweet and bitter, fixation in rectangular
acetylmuramic acid esters, 28:328 coordinates, 45:3 1 4 3 17
of discoidin, 35:309 synthesis from aldonolactones, 50: 195-
in o-mannanases, 32:307 20 1
of eel-serum lectin, 35:28 1 trimethylsilylation of, 28:28
enzymic reactions and, 23:296 of Ulex europeus lectin, 35:289
ester-and amide-linked, 48:3 10-3 1 I of wheat-germ lectin, 35:2 15
in glycoproteins, 25:417,33:7 Aminoacridine, 5-iodocytidylyl-(3,5)-
of horseshoe-crab lectin, 35:306 guanosine:9-, 24 hydrate, crystal structure
identification of, in glycoproteins, 25:429 bibliography, 38:527
L- Amino alcohols, deamination of radicals by
superpositioned over same receptor site, radiation, 37: 11-12
45:236 2-Aminobenzoic acid, cyclodextrin inclusion
sweetness, 45:2 14, 23 1 complexes with, 46:222-224
taste of, 45:207-208 4-Aminobenzoic acid, cyclodextrin inclusion
in L-arabinanases, 32:288 complexes with, 46:222-224
of lectins, 35:335,337 p-Aminobenzoic hydrazide, for enhancing
oflentil lectin, 35:191-193 detectability of carbohydrates, 46:67
of lima-bean lectin, 35:247 Amino carba-hexopyranose, physical
in mucus glycoproteins, 47:349 properties, 48:60
N-(benzyloxycarbony1)-, reaction with D- Amino carba-sugars, synthesis, 48:66-67
glucose, 33:45 Amino compounds
optically active, as precursors for sugars. carbohydrate transformation in presence of,
40: 117-1 19 46~307-323
of Osage-orange lectin, 35:267 paper electrophoresis, 36:6
of pea lectins, 35: 197 Amino-containing sugars, Onoderas work on,
of peanut lectin, 35:258 46:3
PG-I Aminocyclitols, glycoside hydrolase inhibition,
composition, 49:248 48:347-348

Aminodeoxyhexofuranoses, fluorinated, H- definition, 52:5 I

and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 127-128 2-deoxy, hydrogenolysis of acetals,
Aminodeoxyhexofuranosides, fluorinated, 'H- 39: I27
and IYF-NMRdata for, 46: 127-128 difluorinated, 'H- and IYF-NMRdata for,
Aminodeoxyhexopyranosyl fluorides 46:157
'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 117 I9F labelling, 38:251
N-containing, synthetic precursors, 'H-and fluorinated, L3C-n.m.rdata for, 46: 170
I9F-NMR data for, 46:117 fluorinated unsaturated, 'H- and IyF-NMR
Aminodeoxypentopyranosides,fluorinated, IH- data for, 46:126-127
and IYF-NMRdata for, 46:128 mass spectra of, 21:67, 93
Aminodideoxy-6-fluoro sugars, 'H- and 19F- Maurice Stacey's work, 5 2 1 5
NMR data for, 46: 120-122 N-acyl substituents, 47: 179
Aminodideoxyhexoses, 48:290-292 N-containing, synthetic precursors, I3C-
Aminodideoxy-3(0r 4)-flUOrO sugars NMR data for, 46: 170
'H- and IYF-NMRdata for, 46: 118 nomenclature, 52:84-86
N-containing synthetic precursors, 'H- and nucleosides of, 42:230
"F-NMR data for, 46: 119 polysaccharide derivatives, 52: 166
(Aminoethoxy)vinylglycine (AVG), effect on preparation of, 24: 109
fruit ripening, 42:363-364 radiolysis, 37:49-5 1
N-(2-aminoethyl)aldonamides,50: 152 reaction with
Aminoethyl groups, nitrosation of hydroxyethyl P-dicarbonyl compounds, 45: 13-14
groups from, 31:71 isothiocyanic acid derivatives, 45: 14-1 5
Aminoglycoside antibiotics, resistance methanol, 47:202
mechanism, 48: I 1 (1+4)-linked, circular dichroism, 45: I 17
Amino groups in solution, 49:29-30,34
in cyclic monosaccharide formation, 23: 1 17 synthesis of, 29:3
determination of, in polysaccharides, 29:343 Amino-2,3.6-trideoxy-2-fluorohexopyranoses,
oligosaccharides containing, I3C-NMR data 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 125-126
for, 42:209-2 10 Amino-2,3,6-trideoxy-2-
participation in sugar reactions, 22: 15 1 fluorohexopyranosides, 'H- and I9F-NMR
protecting groups for, 36:150-152 data for, 46: 125-126
Aminohexosidases, in carbohydrate Amino-2,3,6-trideoxy-2-fluorohexopyranosyl
degradations, 38:413 halides, 'H- and I'F-NMR data for,
Amino ketonucleosides, synthesis of, 42:257 46: 125-126
Aminolactones, intramolecular reaction, lactam Amipurimycin
preparation, 50: 154-155 natural occurrence of, 42:77
Aminolysis structure of, 42:77
of o-glucofuranosidurono-6,3-lactones and Amitrole, as plant-growth substance, 21:399
o-g~ucofuranurono-6,3-~actones, 33:2 1 3 Ammonia
of sucrose, 27:99 lactone group reaction with, 50: 151-153
3-Aminonitrobenzene, derivatives, sweetness, liquid
45:226-227 metallation of sugars in, 27:92
Amino nucleosides, synthesis of, 42:245,257 as solvent for carbohydrates, 27:91
Amino sugars, 21:17,24:9,47:19, 48:290-292, reactions of carbohydrates with alkali
see also Sugars metals, alkali metal amides, and
amino groups of, protection of, 46: 192-194 alkaline-earth metals, 21 :269
analysis, structural, 38:396 methylation of glucans in liquid, 30: 12
biological activity of, 42:135-137 reactions with
composition in aqueous solution, 42:42, a,P-unsaturated acids, 27:262-264
46-52,67 acyl esters of carbohydrates, 31:81-134

of carbonyl compounds with aqueous, mechanism of degradation by, 23:328

25~324-327,344 Michaelis constants of, 23:326
of sugars with aqueous, 2 5 3 I 1-349 preparation, properties, and specificity of,
nitroalkenes and nitroalditols, 24: 133, 135 30:285-287
Ammoniacal copper(I1) solution, in properties of, 23:309,31 I
conformational analysis, 26:64, 84 proteinxarbohydrate linkages in. 27:323
Ammonium cerium(1V) nitrate, reaction with purification
dithioacetals, 32:61 by affinity chromatography, 39:443
Ammonium hydrogencarbonate, reactions with by chromatography, 23:283
1-hydroxy-o-glycosamines, 50:282-283 sources of, 23:305
Ammonium salts, 53:322-326 specificity and action pattern of, 23:3 13
Ammonium thiocyanate, addition to matrix for struchire of. 23:307
f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 4 9 2 8 action pattern of, 30:272
Ammonolysis beta-, 44:255
of acetylated nitriles, mechanism of, 31: 1 10 active sites of, 23:334
of carbohydrate acyl esters, 31:81-134 amino acid composition of, 23:33 1-332
of o-glucofuranosidurono-6,3-lactonesand and glucosidase-transferase in
o-glucof~~anurono-6,3-lactones. characterization of amylaceous
33:2 13-214 polysaccharides, 30:329, 33 1
and heterocyclic formations, 31:89, 124-1 25 kinetics of action of, 23:289,341
mechanism of, 31:llO-125 mechanism of action of, 23:342
selective deacylation, 39:30-33 preparation, activity, and properties of.
solvent effect on, 31:99-102 30:285,287-291
of sucrose in liquid ammonia, 27:93 properties of. 23:333,336
Amobarhital, cyclodextrin inclusion complcxes and pullulanase, in characterization of
with, 46:223-224 amylaceous polysaccharides, 30:328,
Amosamine, 23: 154, 24: 159 33 I
5-AMP, see Adenosine, 5-monophosphate purification by chromatography, 23:283
Amphomycin, inhibition of protein sources of, 23:329
glycosylation, 40:342-343 specificity and action pattern of, 23:337
Amygdalin, 21:22 structure of, 23:331
catabolism by yeasts, 32:201 certain alpha, 5:229-268
structure, 39:359 determination of, 29:401
Amylan, 21:446 hngal yeast, carbohydrate content of,
P-Amylase in hydrolysis of starch, 36:12 27:307
Amylases, 50: 1 I , 16 macerans, glycoside synthesis, 39:429
alpha-, 25436, 44:252, 254, 257 Pseudoinonus stutzeri, preparation and
activation energies of, 23:3 I2 activity of, 30:301
amino acids of, 23:308 Amylodextrin
bacterial and fungal, 23:322 a-, constitution of, 2 5 6
carbohydrate content of, 27:306-307 Nageli, crystal structure bibliography,
carbohydrate-peptide linkage in, 25:442 33:393
in Characterization of amylaceous selective esterification of, 33:38
polysaccharides, 30:328,33 I Amyloglucosidase, 50: 16-1 7
chromatography and sedimentation of, Amyloids, 24:373, 44:151
27:311, 313 methylation of, 30: 12
higher-plant, 23:3 15 xyloglucan and, 42:287
in hydrolysis of starch, 36:3 1 Amylolysis
kinetics of action of, 23:289, 324 P-
mammalian, 23:3 19 of glycogen, 3 0 5

Amylolysis (continued) structure, 36:16-17,53:348

mechanism of, of amylopectin and enzymic analysis, 44:253
glycogen, 30:289-290 properties relationships, vibrational
a-, cofactors in, 30:286 spectroscopic study, 44538
Amylolytic index, dextrins, 47:320-32 1 synthesis of, 25:8,34:6
Amylomaltase, action on maltose, 25:33 thermal stability of, 22:498
Amylopectin, 46:295 volatile products From pyrolysis of, 22:505
alpha-amylase action on, 23:317, 324 Amylopectin phosphate, preparation of,
alumina and, 53:325 29:334
beta-amylase action on, 23:340 Amylopectin sulfate, preparation of, 29:335
binding capacity, 53:280 Amylopection acetals, preparation of, 29:339
biosynthesis, transglycosylation reaction, Amylo-( 1-+6)-glucosidase, 23:362
44:256 and phosphorylase, mechanism of action of,
carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance 30:312, 328,331
spectra of P-limit dextrins, 38:37, Amylose, 25:8,46:295,51:104,52:340-349
3940 A-, crystal structure bibliography, 40:383
circular dichroism, 4 9 8 9 alcohol effects, 53:360-361,363
composition, 53:296 alkaline hydrothermolysis of, 46:296
conformation and tautomers, vibrational alumina and, 53:325
spectra used to analyze, 44:26 amination of, 29:342
coumarin with, 53:373 amylolysis of, 23:3 16
crystallography of, 22:478 6-azido-6-deoxy-, derivatives, preparation of,
decoiling, 53:349 28:286
degradation B-, crystal structure bibliography, 33:393,
by a-amylase, 30:286-287 40~383-384
by P-amylase, 30:288 backbone motion, 51:121
products, 47:310 bacterial and fungal a-amylase action on,
determination of, in starch, 32:6 23:322
fine structure of, 30309-326 P-amylase action on, 23:338
gel chromatography of, 25:42 binding capacity, 53:279-280
high-temperature transformation of, carbanilated derivatives, circular dichroism,
46:296-297 45:120-121
-iodine interaction, 53:277-278 carbon- I3
monoglycerides and, 53:396-399 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra,
0-vinyl-, structure of, 29:326 38:37-39
phosphorylase action on, 23:352,355 signals, 38:23
photodegradation, 51:293-295 carboxyamides, 53:374
potato, structure, enzymic analysis, 44:253 carboxymethyl ethers, preparation of,
properties, after high-energy electron 29:319
irradiation, 51:265-266 6-chloro-6-deoxy-
protozoal, 35: 11 preparation of, 28:256,29:348,33:82
pyridine with, 53:373-374 reaction with sodium aide, 28:286
pyrolysis of, 22:489 circular dichroism, 4585-89
rate of dextrinization, 47:286,288 composition, 53:296
reaction with concanavalin A, 35:169-171 conformation and tautomers, vibrational
relative activities of hydroxyl groups in, spectra used to analyze, 44:26
33:63 coumarin with, 53:373
solvents for, 27: 108 crystallography of, 22:468
in starch, 53:268-269 crystal structure bibliography, 36:3 19
Staudinger index and viscosity, 51:257 decoiling, 53:349

degradation by a-amylase, 30:286-287 reaction with methanesulfonyl chloride in

by P-amylase, 30:289 N,N-dimethylformamide, 33:82
of oxidized, by glucoarnylase, 30:266 relative activities of hydroxyl groups in,
6-deoxy-, 21: 174 33:63
6-iodo-, preparation of, 29:348 SDS with, 53:375-376
derivatives, 52:347-349 selective esterification of, 33:38
determination of, in starch, 32:6 selective tritylation of, 3 3 5 2
dextrinization of maize, 22:493 separation, 53:297
dextrins from, structure of, 22:493 solvents for, 27: 108
diffraction patterns, 53:359 in starch, 53:268-269,271
enzymic degradation of, 23:299, 302 Staudinger index and viscosity, 51:257
experimental multifield relaxation data, structure, 36: 1&17,53:346
51:120-121 of B, 22:470
fatty acids with, 53:371-372 of V, 22:473
tine structure of, 30:305-309 enzymic analysis, 44:252-256
fractionation, 53:297 properties relationships, vibrational
fungal, 41:68 spectroscopic study, 44:88
as fungal component, 23:369 and proton magnetic resonance
y-ray irradiation, 51:293-295 spectroscopy of, 27:39
hydrogen bonding, Raman and infrared sulfonylation of, 23:242
spectral study of, 44:29 synthesis of, 23:304,34:6
hydrolysis, 53:282-283 thermal stability of, 22:498
hydroxymethyl group conformation, 51: I23 triacetate, X-ray diffraction diagram of,
iodine complex, laser-Raman spectroscopy, 22:437
44534 triesters, gas-liquid chromatography of,
-iodine interaction, 53:276-277 28:54
KOH-amylose complex, 52:346-347 trimethylsilylation of, 28:3 1
laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44: 82 2,3,6-tri-O-acetyI-, proton magnetic
maltodextrins from, 23:3 18 resonance spectroscopy of, 27:39
mammalian a-amylase action on, 23:319 tri-0-ethyl-
mass of water-soluble products as function chloroform complex, crystal structure
of, 51:268 bibliography, 40:385
6-O-acetylation, 39:63 crystal structure bibliography, 40:386
0-(carboxymethy1)-, structure of, 29:32 1 dichloromethane complex, crystal
0-o-glucopyranosyl-, carbon- 13 nuclear structure bibliography, 40:385
magnetic resonance spectra, 38: 104 nitromethane complex, crystal structure
0-(2-hydroxyethyl)-, degree of substitution bibliography, 40:385
in, 29:317 tri-@methyl-, crystal structure bibliography,
6-0-trityl-, oxidation with dimethyl 36:319
sulfoxide-acetic anhydride, 33:93 V-
0-vinyl-, preparation and structure of, anhydrous, crystal structure bibliography,
29:326 33:39 I
periodate oxidation of, 31:201 crystal structure bibliography, 33:390
phosphorylase action on, 23:352-353 crystal structure bibliography, 35:378
photodegradation, 51:293-295 vibrational spectra, isotopic substitution
properties, after high-energy electron studies, 44:55
irradiation, 51:265-266 volatile products from pyrolysis of, 22:505
pyridine with, 53:373 A-Amylose, 52:340-342,407408
pyrolysis of, 22:489, 500,47:340 B-Amylose, 52:342-344,409
rate of dextrinization, 47:286, 288 V-Amylose, 52:345-346,410

Amylose acetals, preparation of, 29:339 Angelicin, 8-[2-(p-~-

Amylose acetate glucopyranosyloxy)isopropyl]-8,9-
enzymic hydrolysis of, 29:332 dihydro-9-hydroxy-, monohydrate, crystal
and hexanoate, physicochemical properties structure bibliography, 38:473475
and conformation, 29:33 1 Angiosperms, cell-wall
Amylose benzoate, physicochemical properties composition of, 26:300, 302
of, 29:333 formation in, 42:268-269
Amylose-1 -butanol complex Anguilla anguilla serum lectin, see Eel, serum
circular dichroism, 4 5 8 7 lectin
crystal structure bibliography, 33:391, Angustmycin A, 21:174,24:250,252
40:384 structure of, 29:295
Amylose butyrate, hexanoate, pentanoate, and Angustose, 21:174-176
propionate, preparation of, 29:330 Anhydrides
Amylose carbanilate, physicochemical 1,6-, ofaldohexoses, 34:23-177
properties, 29:344 2,5-, of sugars, and related compounds,
Amylose-dimethyl sulfoxide complex, crystal 25: 18 1-228
structure bibliography, 33:39 1-393 acetals, intramolecular, 52: 118-120
Amylose-ethylenediamine complex, crystal of alditols, 25:229-283
structure bibliography, 33:392 of aldoses, 25: 109-1 79
Amylose-halogenated hydrocarbon complex, difructose, 2253-277
crystal structure bibliography, 33:391 ofhexitols, 5:191-228
Amylose Ih, 0-acetyl-, crystal structure of pentitols, 5191-228
bibliography, 33:394 Anhydridization
Amylose-1 -naphthol complex, V-, crystal internal of 1-deoxy- 1-nitroalditols, 24: 1 19
structure bibliography, 33:392 during starch pyrolysis, 22:487
Amylose phosphate, preparation of, 29:334 Anhydroalditols, 1 5 , sweetness-structure
Amylose-potassium bromide complex, crystal relationship, 45:261
structure bibliography, 33:392 1,5-AnhydroaIdofuranoses,synthesis,
Amylose sulfate 39: 164-169
preparation of, 29:335 I ,6-Anhydroaldofuranoses
structure of, 29:336 polymerization, 39: 179-1 97
Amylose triacetate, circular dichroism, synthesis, 39:161-164
45:121-122 1,6-Anhydroaldopyrananu,characterizations
Amylose xanthate, circular dichroism, 45: 122 and applications, 39: 197-204
Amylostatin (XG), synthesis, 48232 1,2-Anhydroaldopyranoses
Anabaenaflosuyuue, extracellular polymerization, 39:207-209
polysaccharide, hydrolysis of, 46:253, 260 synthesis, 39:171-172
Anabolic sphingolipidosis-type GM3, 1,3-Anhydroaldopyranoses
ganglioside deficiency disease, 40:266 polymerization, 39:207
Anaerobic fermentation, by yeasts, 32: 144 synthesis, 39:169-171
Analgesics, N-(4-ethoxyphenyl)-~-gulonamide, I ,4-Anhydroaldopyranoses
and N-(4-methoxyphenyl)-~-gulonamide, polymerization, 39:204-206
38:300 synthesis, 39:164-169
Analysis, see specific substances; spect$c types 1,6-Anhydroaldopyranoses
Anesthetics, effect on ganglioside degradation, polymerization, 39: 179-197
40:273 synthesis, 39:161-164
on protein glycosylation, 40:345 Anhydroaldoses
Angelica lactone copolymerization, mechanism, 39: 176-1 79
as chiral starting compound, 50: 184 nomcnclaturc, 39: 160
reaction with isoprene, 50: 188-1 89 polymerization, mechanism, 39: 173-176

synthesis, 39:160-173 polymerization, 39:158-160, 173-212

1,4-.4nhydroerythritol sodium perchlorate. preparation of'2,5-, 28:287
crystal structure, 43:335-336 pyranose derivatives, carbon- 13 nuclear
2,5-.4nhydrogalactitol, 47: 16 magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 41:5 1
Anhydroglucose, liquid chromatography. reduction of to w-deoxy sugars, 21:176
46:53-54 from sugar sulfonates, 23:279
Anhydrohexofuranoid compounds, tastc sweetness-structure relationship, 45269-274
properties, 45:270 synthesis, 39: 157-173
Anhydrohexofuranose derivatives, Aniline
difluorinated, 'El- and I9F-NMR data for, effect on f.a.b. sensitivity, 4 5 3 2
46: 151-152 4,4'-sulfonyldi-, antimalarial and
1.5-Anhydrohexopyranose.derivatives. antituberculosis agent, 29:2
fluorinated, 'H-and "F-NMR data for, Anilinium perchlorate, cyclodextrin inclusion
46:113 complexes with, 46:222, 224
1,6-Anhydrohexopyranose,derivatives Animals
fluorinated, 'H- and "F-NMR data for, conjugates of D-glUcUrOnic acid originating
46: 114 in, 9:185-246
radical-medicated brominations, 4Y:5 1-54 tissues, polysaccharides from, 24:293
Anhydrohexopyranose derivatives, Anisic acid, I-ester with D-glucuronic acid,
difluorinated, IH- and "F-NMR data for, 36: 104. 106. 108
46: 151-152 Anisomycin, SO: 198
3,6-Anhydrohexose,derivatives, fluorinated, Anisoyloxy group
IH- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: I I5 p - , participation in sugar reactions, 22: 1 I7
Anhydroketoses, synthesis, 39: 160- I73 reactivity of. in acyloxonium salt formation,
Anhydronucleosides, 22:350,362,25:405 26:131
1,5-Anhydropentofuranosederivatives, radical- Anna muricalu L., polysaccharide from seeds
medicated brominations, 49:54 of, 24:374
Anhydro sugars, 22:4 Anno, K., 46:9
1.2-, 21:467 ilnnonaceae. galactomannans from,
1,6-, formation of, 28:20 31:253-254
acetates and methyl ethers, gas-liquid Anomeric effect, see also Isomers
chromatography of, 28: 148 (ap,up) confonnation, 47: 1 13-1 14
addition polymerization of, 21:477 (up.og) conformation, 47: I 13-1 14
boronates, properties, 35:79 carbohydrate reactivity, 47: 1 16
cleavage of, 22:187-188, 191 antibonding orbital, 47: 120
degradation of 2 5 , mechanism of, ground and transition states, 47: 1 I 8
28:165-166 lone-pair orbital interactions, 47: 1 19
2-deoxy sugars from, 21:150 reaction-path energy, 47: I 16-1 18
3-deoxy sugars from, 21:159 conformation and, 23:29,26:87,95.99,
epoxy, 0x0 reaction with, 23:102 103-109, 123-124
formation by mutarotation reaction. 24:46 definitions, 47:58
formation of, 22:202 delocalization interactions, 47: 109-1 I4
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:87-X9 scaling with electrostatic interactions,
mass spectra of, 21:81,93 47:114-115
mass spectrometry of, 29:74 electrostatic interactions, 47: 107-109
0x0 reaction with, 23: 105 scaling with delocalizatioii interactions,
paper chromatography, phenylboronic acid 47:11&115
in, 3 9 6 0 energy difference between up and sc
per(triniethy1silyl) ethers, gas-liquid orientations, 47:l 14
chromatography of, 28:147-148 energy of, 47:53-59

Anomeric effect (continued) during acetolysis, 22:16, 18

measures, 47:58 activation energies of, 2 4 5 1
A parameter, 4753, 57 aldopyranoses, 51:6, 8
2-substituted oxanes, 4 7 5 - 5 6 acetates, 51:6, 9
methoxyl, hydroxyl, and aziridinyl groups, of glycosidic linkages during acetolysis of
solvent effects, 47:6849 polysaccharides, 24:399
molecular-orbital calculations, 47:75-103 mechanism of, 24:45
ab initio methods, 47:75 mutarotation and, 23:13
anomeric energy effect, 47:93-97 in situ, attachment of cw-~-fucosylunits,
bond length and angle coupling to 50:280-281
torsional angles, 4798-101 of sugars acetates, by way of cyclic
conformational energies, see carbonium ion, 24:43
Conformational energy Anomers, determination by nuclear magnetic
electron distribution and lone pairs, resonance, 23:43
47: 101-1 03 by optical rotation and infrared spectra,
molecular geometry optimization, 23:41
47:75-76 by oxidation with bromine, 23:42
solvent effect, 47:88-93 2-Anthracenesulfonate, inclusion complex with
nature of, 47106-107 gamma cyclodextrin, 46:210
overview, 47:4647 Anthracens, complex with dichloromethane and
potential-function calculations, 47: 103-106 tetracyanoethylene, structure of, 2555
reverse, 26: 108,47:52-53, 59 Anthracycline antibiotics, complexation with
solvation-energy terms, 47: 115 heparin, 43: 117
valence geometry parameters, 47:71-75 Anthranilic acid, reaction with nitro olefins,
aldopyranosides, 47:72-73 24: 136
bond length and angle patterns, 47:71-72 Anthrone
C-0-C bond, 47:73-74 I 0-(a-o-glucopyranosy1)- 1,8-dihydroxy-3-
o-xylopyranosyl fluorides, 47:73 (hydroxymethy1)-, 25:243
Anomeric energy, from MO calculations, reagent, for plant cell-wall residues, 42:275
47:93-96 test, in sugar analysis, 28:220-222
solvent dependence, 47:93-94 Anti-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-o-hexoses,
transition from DE to DG, 47:9495 myeloma immunoglobulins, 31:345-346
Anomeric equilibria, 47:48-53 Antibiotics, 25:243
aldopyranose orientation, 47:48, 5 1 24010, effect on protein glycosylation,
anomeric effects, 47:52-53 40:339, 341
C-4 substituent electronegativity, 47:66 A355 12B, branched-sugar in, 42:78
C-5 susbtituent effects, 47:66 A-396-1, discovery of, 30:112
D2 effect, 47:66 structure of, 30: 134
exo-anomeric effect, 47:48-52 aminocyclitol, 38:285
wand P-D-glucopyranose derivatives, biosynthesis, 3581, 102-122
47:4849 preparation of, 34:263
reverse anomeric effects, 4752-53 aminoglycoside
ring substituent effects, 47:48, 50 biochemical mechanism of resistance to,
substituted oxanes and cyclohexanes, 4 7 5 4 30:164, 183-225
Anomeric oxygen-exchange reactions, see also chemical modifications of, 30: 164-182
Trichloroacetimidate, method 1-N-acyl and I -N-acyl-deoxy derivatives,
glycoside synthesis, 50:21-117 activity of, 30: 1 7 4 178
0-alkylation, 50:23-25 structures and syntheses of, 30: 11 1-1 82
Anomerization aminoglycosidic, synthesis, 39:95
and acetolysis, 31:197-199 aminopolydeoxy sugars, synthesis, 40: 106

anhydrooctitols from, 25:249 isohexides, 49: 165-166

anthracycline, 35:9 1-96 nucleoside analogs as potential, 26: 14
BB-K8, preparation and activity of, 30: 174 puromycin analogs, 29:4
biosynthesis of sugar components, research, Japan, 48:9-10
35:81-126 Anticarbohydrate antibodies
branched-chain sugars from, 42:54-56, N-acetyl-P-o-glucosamine, 53:230-23 1
69-77 1-P, 53:252-253
Bu-1709 E, andE,, discovery of, 30:112, analysis, 53:255-256, 258
132 analytical methods, 53:203-209
carbohydrate, uronic acids, preparation, BSA, 53:223-224
36:6748 characterization, 53:20 1-203
chemistry of the amino sugars derived from, fucose, 53:223-224
18:259-308 galactose, 53:218-219
component syntheses, 40:46 galacturonic acid, 53:227,229
crystal structures of, 25:SO-86 GlcA-Rha, 53:236,238-240
diastereoisorneric pyrimidine, 46:28 glucoamylase. 53:247-249
effect on enzymic synthesis and degradation glucose, 53:214-215,217
of carbohydrates, 34:8 I-P, 53:251-252
inhibition of protein glycosylation, 40:32 1, glucuronic acid, 53:225-226
339-344 gum arabic, 53:242-246
from ketonucleosides, 42261 immunization, 53:2 12-2 13
mactolide, glycosidic, 35:81 isomaltose myeloma protein, 53:240-242
mass spectrometry of, 29:82,96, 105 lactose, 53:231-233,235-236
NK-1001, synthesis of, 30:160 a-o-mannose, 53:23 1-233.235-236
nucleoside, biosynthesis, 35: 122-1 26 preparation, 53:209-2 12
nucleoside type, 42230 rhamnose, 53:229-230
polysaccharide derivatives, 29:387 Shigella,fle.meri I ipopolysaccharides.
SS-56-C, discovery of, 30:112 53:254
structure of, 30: 134 1-thio-a-o-mannose, 53:220-223
stabilizers for, anhydroalditols for, 25:268 tumor, 53:249-2 5 0
synthesis, 42:23@231 utility, 53:255-256
Mukaiyama condensation method, xanthan, 53:24&247
48:106-107 xylose, 53:22&227
Antibodies yeast rnannan, 53:25&255
activity, of lectins, 35: 147 Anticholinergic drugs, preparation of, 27:209,
anti-glycosyl, affinity chromatography, 219
39:437441 Anticoagulants
chromatography in isolation of, 31:323 dicumarol, discovery, 39: I
determination, 35: 129 sulfated polysaccharides as, 29:336
humoral, to polysaccharide vaccines. Antidepressants
41 :189-1 9 1 L-gulonic benzylhydrazide, 38:300
lipid A, 50:259-260 L-gulonic (2-hydroxyethy1)hydrazide. 38:300
preparation of purified, cellulose derivative Anti-dextrans, as murine immunoglobulins,
for, 29:326 31:337-342
sialic acid analysis, 40: 175-1 76 Antiepileptic agents
Anticancer agents denegit, 28:9
adenine and 6-thiopurine derivatives as, 29:7 D-glucosylamineuronic acid conjugate,
4-amino-5-pentofuranosylpyrazolo[3.4- 36: I26
dlpyrimidines as potential, 33: 186 Antifreeze glycoprotein, from fish, I3C-NMR
fluoro sugars, 48:222-23 1 structural analysis, 43:4344

Anti-fructans, as anticarbohydrate niyeloma complexes with coagulation proteinases,

immunoglobulins, 31:326 43~119-122
Antigen-antibody interactions, 31:320-323 heparin binding, 43:75-79
Antigenic determinant, Lewis a bloodgroup, Antituberculosis agents, sulfones as, 29:2
preparation of, 34:268 Antitumor activity
Antigenicity, glycoprotein, effect of sugar side- of apiose-containing nucleosides, 3 1: 183
chains, 40:352,355-356 I -(2-~hloroethyl)-3-~-maltosyl- 1-
0-Antigen of bacterial polysaccharides, nitrosourea, 39:243
biosynthesis of, 42:324 of 2,4-dihydroxy- I -P-o-ribofuranosyl-
Antigens benzene, 33: 160
bacterial, immunology, 39:3 11-3 12 o f formycin and formycin B, 33: 1 12
blood-group immunology, 39:3 13-3 16, of ketonucleosides, 42:262-264
50:333-337 lentinan, 38:5 1
3,6-dideoxyhexoses in artificial, 21: I89 mode of
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:47,64 action of, 32:262-274
interaction with homogeneous polysaccharides, 32:264-274
immunoglobulins, 31:32 1-3 23 of noncytotoxic polysaccharides,
lectins and blood-group, 35: 129 32:235-275
neoglycoproteins, 37:241,259-267 o f oxazinomycin, 33:112
plant, immunology, 39:3 12 structure and, of polysaccharides,
polysaccharide, interaction with 32~258-262
homogeneous, murine myeloma Antitumor agents, see Anticancer agents
immunoglobulins, 31:3 13-346 Antiulcer agent, dextrins as, 47:333-334
structure and biosynthesis of blood-group, Antiviral agents
32:lO of apiose-containing nucleosides, 31: 183
Antileukemic activity of ketonucleosides, o-arabinosyladenine as, 29:7
42:231 of ketonucleosides, 42:263
Antimalarial agents, history, 29:2 of pyrazomycin, pyrazomycin B, and
Antimetabolites, 23: 116 oxazinomycin, 33: 112
acyclic nucleoside analogues as, 32:73 Ants, swarming to formose, 29:221,224-225
Antimicrobial agents, fluoro sugars, A parameter, 47:54
48:222-23 1 Apigenin
Antimony pentachloride, reaction with biosynthesis of glycoside of, 26:441
levoglucosan triacetate, 34:89 7-o-ghcoside, as plant-growth substance,
Antimycin A, synthesis of, 42:129 21:410
Antiperiplanar, lone-pair hypothesis, glucoapiosyl-, from Digitalis purpurea,
47: 119-1 20 31:175
Anti-pneumococal C polysaccharides, as 7-O-(apiosylglucosyl)-, from parsley,
myeloma immunoglobulins, 3 1:342-345 31:143
Antipyretics, N-(4-ethoxyphenyl)-~-gulonamide from Petroselinum crispurn, 31: 143
and N-(4-methoxyphenyl)-~-gulonamide, Apiin
38:300 biosynthesis of, 26:442
Anti-( 1+6)-P-~-galactans, as anti-poly- o-apiose from, 31:138
saccharide myeloma immunoglobulins, effect on growth of plants, 31: 148
31:328-337 4-O-methyl-, preparation of, 31: 183
Anti-recognition effect, sialic acids, in parsley plant, 31: 140-141
40:220-229 structure of, 31:142
Antispasmolytic agent, Vasopenton, 28:9 synthesis of, 31:173
Antistatic agents, anhydrohexitols, 25:267 Apiin synthetase, activity of, 31: 173-176
Antithrombin, 43: 118 Apiitol, D-, metabolism of, 31:153

D-Apiitol dehydrogenase, in apiose metabolism. Apiose-containing plants, 31: 139, 145

31: 153 D-Apiose reductase, in apiose metabolism,
Apiobiose, from apiogalacturonans, 31 :152, 31:153
188 Apioside, methyl tri-0-methyl-o-, isomers,
Apiogalacturonans. 44: I85 preparation of, 31 :I83
in plant cell-wall, structure, 42:28 I L-Apiosyladenine
from zosterine, and from plant cell-wdlk. deamination of, 31:153
31:lSl effect on Escherirhia roli and
Apionic acid, formation of, 31:137 Staphylococcus aurei~r,31 :153
Apiose, 4:57-74 Apiosyl nucleoside. synthesis of, 31: I84
chemistry and biochemistry of, 42:76 Apium graveolens, apiose-containing
composition in aqueous solution, 42:54-55 flavonoids from, 31:146
D(+)-, in plant tissue, 30:6 Apple
D-, 46: 14 cell-wall studies on, 42:280
biochemistry and chemistry of. during ripening, 4 2 3 1.5, 369
31:13.5-184 development physiology of, 42:340-341,
biosynthesis in vivo, 31: I 5 4 I62 343,371-376,378,380
cyclic phosphate, formation of. 3 I :164 Apramycin
history, 31 :135 discovery of. 30: I I2
metabolism of, 31:153-154 isolation and structure of, 30: 139
methylation of, 31: 183 Apramycin hydriodide, monohydrate.
nomenclature and structure of, 31 :I37 ethanolate, 43:372
occurrence of, 31:136 Apricot, development physiology of, 42:341
innature, 31:138-140 Apterin, crystal structure bibliography,
osazones, preparation of, 31: I 83 38:473-475
polysaccharides containing, 31: 150- Apurinic acid
1.52 alkaline degradation of, 28:203
synthesis (chemical) of, 31: 176 formation by DNA radiolysis, 37:58
transglycosylation reactions of, polymer, 22322
31: 172-173 Apyrimidinic acid, alkaline degradation of,
in plant cell wall polymers, 42280-281 28:203
synthesis, 35:lOO-101, 12.5.41:9 Aquapak. 25: 15
3-deoxy, synthesis of, 31:149 Aqueous solutions
DL-, synthesis, 31:176,40:2, 13-14, 81, 84 Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy,
L-, synthesis, 31:180-182, 40:115, 4 2 8 0 44:61
natural occurrence of, 42:69,76 laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:73-75
nucleosides, immunosuppressive activity of. vibrational spectroscopic studies, 44:85-86
4 2 1 3 1-132 Aquo cytidine 5-(cadmium phosphate), crystal
1,2-0-isopropylidene-a-, carbon- I3 nuclear structure, 43:359-360
magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Arabic acid, Barry degradation of, 31:203
41:64 Arabinal
poly-, in plant cell walls, 42: I3 1 wand L-, diacetates, reaction with lead
structure of. 4 2 7 0 tetrafluoride, 25: 196
synthesis of, 22:286,42:78, 80, 104. 107, 3,4-diacetyl-~-,0x0 reaction with, 2359,
113-1 14 89-90
Apiose-containing compounds di-0-acetyl-D-
characterization of, of low molecular weight, bromofluorination, 38:237
31: 140-I50 halogen addition to, 28:26 1
polysaccharides, plants containing, reaction with benzotriazole and 5.6-
31:1.5~1.52 diinethyl derivative, 24:2 I7

Arabinal (continued) 1,4-di-O-(rnethylsulfonyl)-~-, 29207

reaction with hydrogen chloride or 1,4-anhydro-~-,25: 198,233
hydrogen bromide, 28:264 triacetate, isomerization of, 25:258
di-0-benzoyl-o-, reactions with hydrogen 1,4-anhydro-~-,25:233
halides, 28:265 2,5-anhydro-~-,25:200,234
Arabinan, 42:383,44:183 1,5-anhydrotri-~-benzoy~-o-, rearrangement
citrus, 41:7 in hydrogen fluoride, 26: 174
definition, 36:217 1,l-bis(acetamido)-
enzyme for, 42:385-386 1-deoxy-D-, preparation of, 31232
L- 1-deoxy-L-, preparation of, 31:84
as a-L-arabinofuranosidase substrate, 1-deoxy-~-O-c~-~-ga~actopyranosy~-~-,
42 :3 90-3 9 1 preparation of, 31:98
as endo-L-arabinanase substrate, 42:394 1-deOXy-3-O-P-D-glUCOpy~inOSy1-D-,
peanut, 41:7 preparation of, 31:97
per-0-methylated, carbon-13 nuclear 1,5-dideoxy-~-,preparation of, 31:82
magnetic resonance spectra, 38:71, 101 I, 1-bis@enzamido)-
in plant cell-walls, 42:375, 44:359 1-deoxy-o-, preparation of, 31:99
interconnections, 42:305 1,5-dideoxy-, preparation, 39:31
structure, 42:281-282,286 5-0-benzoyl-1 -deoxy-D-, preparation of,
Arabinan arabinanohydrolases, (l+5)(1+3)- 31:99
WL-, L-arabinanases nomenclature, 32:279 D-
Arabinanases degradation of, mechanism of, 28: 165
endo-( 1+5)-a-~- enzymic production from o-glucose,
occurrence of, 42:392 32:219
in plant cell-wall fractionation, 42:277, manufacture by yeasts from sugars,
282,394 32: 128
properties of, 42:393-394 selective oxidation with mercuric acetate,
purification of, 42:392-393 33:99
substrates and activity of, 42:385 utilization by yeasts, 32: 147
L-, 32:278-292 1-deoxy-
amino acid composition of, 32:288 1-C-heptyl-L-, preparation of, 27:241
assay of, 32:283-284 2-C-phenyl-o-, crystal structure
definition, and nomenclature of, 32279 bibliography, 38:44 1 4 4 2
homogeneity of, 32:285 2-deoxy-2-deuterio-o-, synthesis of, 27:
mode of action of, 32:290-292 131
molecular weight of, 32:287 1,5-dideoxy-~-,preparation of, 32:76
occurrence of, 32:280-283 1,5-dideoxy-~-,phenylboronate, structure,
physicochemical properties of, 3543
32:285-290 DL-
separation and purification of, 32:284 conformation of, 26:69
unit of activity, 32:284 crystallography of, 25:59,31:364
Arabinitol synthesis, 40:27
2,3:4,5,-di-O-cyclohexylidene-l-deoxy- 1-C- infrared spectrum, 45:294
heptyl-L-, preparation, 27:24 1 L-
1-amino-l -deoxy-D-, deamination of, anhydridation, of, 25:23 1
31:6&62 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:57, 67
2-amino-2-deoxy-~-,deamination of, utilization by yeasts, 32:147
25:192,31:63 liquid chromatography methods for analysis
2,Sanhydro- of, 46:33
D-,25:234 1,3-O-benzylidene-

D- and+-, selective oxidation with 1-0-acetyl-5-0-benzoyI-3-O-formyl-01-,

dimethyl sulfoxide- 'H- and "F-n.m.r data for, 46: 1 10
dicyclohexylcarbodimide, 3 3 9 3 5-0-benzyl-, IH-and I9F-n.m.r data for,
tri-O-(methyhlfonyI)-o-, solvolysis of, 46:llO
25:207 5-phosphate, sodium salt, 'H-and I9F-
2-0-methyl-~-,22: 1 I5 NMR data for, 46: 109
penta-0-acetyl-DL-, rearrangement i n I ,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-a-, 'H-and I'F-NMR
hydrogen fluoride, 26: 176 data for, 46: 1 10
(1R)-I-S-ethyl-I-(5-fluorouracil-l 1,3,S-tri-O-benzyl-01-,'H-and I9F-NMR
D- data for, 46: 1 I0
conformation of, 32:75 1,2-di-O-acetyl-5-O-benzoyl-2-deoxy-2-
crystal structure bibliography, 38:493 fluoro-3-O-formyl-o-, preparation,
(IR)-2,3,4,5-tetra-O-acetyl- 1 - 38:246
( I ,6-dihydro-6-thioxopurin-9-yl)- 1-S- 5-0-cr-~-galactopyranosy~-a- and-P-D,
ethyl- 1-thio-D- preparation of, 31:98
conformation of, 32:74 L-arabinofuranosyl-L-, 24:360
crystal structure bibliography, 37:436 3-0-acetyl-
S-ethyl-l-(5-fluorouracil-l-yl)- 1-thio-D-, 1,S-anhydro-2-O-benzoyl-P-~-, synthesis,
ethanolate, crystal structure 39: 172
bibliography, 38:499-500 5-deoxy-5-iodo- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-P-
1-S-ethyl-l -thio-D-, oxidation with L-, reaction with silver fluoride,
Acetobacter suhoxydans. 33: 100 28:291
sweetness-structure relationship, 45295 1,2,5-orthobenzyl-P-~-,crystal structure,
tri-0-acetyi- 1,4-anhydro-o-, rearrangement 43:345
in hydrogen fluoride, 26: 174 0-a-L-arabinopyranosyl-(1+ 5 ) - 0 - ~ -
2,3,4-tri-O-benzyI- arabinofuranosyl-( 1 - + 5 ) - ~24:360
D-, sulfonylation of, 24: 175 5-0-P-D-xylopyranosyl-L-, 24:354,360
1,5-di-0-p-tolysulfonyl-o-, solvolysis of, 5-0-benzoyl-. 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-3-0-formyl-
24: 196 D-, formyl group removal, 39:36
L-Arabino-D-galactans, in cell-wall I-0-benzoyl-. a - ~and++-,
- acyl migration
development, 26:348 in, 33: 103
Arabinofuranosyl-6-hydroxycytosine,6.2'- 5-0-benzoyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-3-O-formyl-
anhydro-1-P-D- 1 +-, crystal structure, D-, preparation, 38:245
43:275 1,2-0-isopropylidene-3,5-di-0-p-
Arabinofuranose tolysulfonyl-L-, displacement reactions
4-a-carba-P-~-,48:22-23 of, 24: 15 1
5-acetamido-5-deoxy-L-, 23: 170 I ,3,5-tri-O-benzoyI-P-~-
1-carboxamido-5-0-benzoyl-01-~-, crystal acyl migration in, 33: 104
structure bibliography, 37:390 rearrangement in hydrogen fluoride,
5-chloro-5-deoxy- I ,2-0-isopropylidene-3-0- 26:181-182
(methylsulfonyl)-4-thio-P-~-.crystal 1,3,5-tri-0-(p-nitrobenzoyl)-P-D-, acyl
structure bibliography, 34:356 migration in, 33: 104
conformation of, 34:201 Arabinofuranosidase, a-L-,44:159, 163,
2-deoxy-2-fluoro-o-, 48: 133-134 185-1 86,247
1,3-di-O-acetyl-5-0-benzoyl-01-, 'Wand Arabinofuranoside
I9F-NMR data for, 46: 1 10 OI-L-
1,3-di-O-acetyl-S-O-benzyl-, 'M-and I9F- from Aspergillus niger, 42:386
NMR data for, 46: I 10 assay of, 42:388
1,3-di-O-benzoyl-5-0-benzyl-, IH-and effect on cell-wall glycoprotein,
I9F-NMR data for, 46: 110 42:380-381

Arahinofuranoside (continued) methyl p-D-,23:280

occurrence of, 42:386-387 conformation of, 21:98
pH optima of, 42:387-388 preparation of, 34:278-279
properties of, 42:389-392 methyl 2-O-(methylsulfonyl)-o-, 23:260
purification of, 42:389 methyl 5-0-p-tolysulfonyl-a-~-,
substrates and activity of, 42:385 displacement reaction of, 24: 176
alkyl2, 5-anhydro- methyl 3-S-benzyl-2-chloro-2-deoxy-3-
a-L-, 25200 thio-5-0-p-tolylsu~fony~-~-o-, 22:
hemiacetals, 25:2 12 193
p-0; hemiacetals, 25212 methyl tri-0-
D- acetyl-a-o-, rearrangement in hydrogen
1,2-di-O-acetyl-5-0-benzoyl-2-deoxy-2- fluoride, 26: 18 1
fluoro-3-0-formyl- benzoyl-a-o-, rearrangement in hydrogen
(Y anomer, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, fluoride, 26: I81
46:141 methyl-a,P-L-, mass spectrum of, 21:63
j3 anomer, IH- and I9F-NMR data for, phenyl a-L-,as enzyme substrate, 42:384,
46: 142 390
methyl 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-a- p-nitrophenyl a-L-,as enzyme substrate,
3,5-di-O-benzyl-, 'H- and IYF-NMR 42:384,390
data for, 46: 111 Arabinohranosyl
IH- and IYF-NMRdata for, 46: 11 1 2,2'-anhydro-
5-0-henzyl-, IH- and IYF-NMRdata for, 1-p-0-
46:111 2,4-diamino-5-fluoropyrimidinium
methyl 2,5-di-0-benzoyl-3-deoxy-3- chloride, crystal structure
fluoro-a-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, bibliography, 38:527
46:112 5-dimethylmercapto-6-oxocytosine
ethyl 2, 5-anhydro-a-~-,hydrolysis of, chloride, crystal structure,
25212 43: 288-289
ethyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy- 1-thio-p-L-, I -P-L-,2-hydroxy-4-pyridone, crystal
21:116 structure bibliography, 38:439-440
ethyl a-L-,formation from dithioacetal, 5-chloro-l-3,5-di-0-acetyl-P-~-, 6-
32:68 oxocytosine, crystal structure,
ethyl 3-amino-3-deoxy-o~-,24:229 43~292-293
ethyl 1,5-dithio-P-~-,formation from 8,2'-anhydro-9-P-o-, 8-hydroxyadenine,
dithioacetal, 32:67 trihydrate, crystal structure, 43:285-
ethyl 5-S-ethyl- 1,5-dithio-a, p-L-, 286
preparation of, 32:50 Arabinohranosyladenine
ethyl 1-thio-p-o-, 21:116 9-a-o-,crystal structure, 43:288
preparation from dithioacetal, 32:67 8,2'-anhydro-8-mercapto-9-P-o-, 5'-
methyl 4-acetamido-4-deoxy- monophosphate, trihydrate, crystal
D-, synthesis, 41:9 structure, 43:287
L-, synthesis, 41:9 ~ - P - D -8,2'-an-hydro-8-mercapto-,5'-
methyl a-D-,21:103,23:280 phosphate, polymerization, 36: 170
conformation of, 21:96 Arabinohranosylamine
methyl a-L-, conformation of, 21:lOO N-acetyl-5-0-a-~-galactopyranosyl-a-~-,
methyl 2-amino-2-deoxy-a-o-. deamination preparation of, 31:98
of, 31:57 N-acetyl-3-0-~-~-galactopyranosyl-~-,
methyl 2,5-anhydro-a-~-,24: 176 preparation of, 31:98
methyl 3-azido-2,5-bis(benzamido)-2,3,5- N-acetyl-3-O-~-~-glucopyranosyl-~-,
trideoxy-p-o-, 23: 174 preparation of, 31:97

Arabinofuranosyl bromide synthesis, 38:203

2-deoxy-2-fluoro-a-o- 2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyI-a-n-, NMR data for,
3,5-di-O-benzoyl-, 'H-and I9F-NMR data 46:106, 168
for, 46: 138 2,3,5-tri-O-benzyl-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data
3-O-acetyl-5-O-benzoyl-, 'H-and "F- for, 46: 107
NMR data for, 46: 138 2,3,5-tri-O-benzyl-a-~-.'~C-NMR data for,
3,5-di-O-acyl-2-bromo-2-deoxy-a-t)-, 46: 168
methanolysis of. 34:28 1 2,3,5-tri-O-benzyl-P-~-,"C-NMR data for,
3,s-di-0-benzoyl- 46: 168
a-L-, reaction with methanol or with 9-~-~-Arabinofuranosyl-8-morpho~~noadenine,
1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyl-P-~- dihydrate, crystal structure, 43:327-328
glucopyranose, 34:280 Arabinofuranosyloxy-r-proline,a-and p-L-,
2-O-nitro-a-~-,reaction with methanol or I3C-NMR chemical-shift data, 43:4546
with 1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyl-P-~- I -P-~-Arabinofuranosyl-6-oxyuracil, 6,2'-
glucopyranose, 34:280 anhydro-,5'-phosphate, polymerization,
2-O-(p-nitrobenzoyl)-a-~-,reaction with 36: 170
methanol or with 1,2,3,4-tetra-O- Arabinofuranosyl-2-thiouraci1,2,2'-anhydro-1-
acetyl-P-D-glucopyranose, 34:280 p-D-, crystal structure. 43:309
2-O-acetyl-3,5-di-O-benzoyl-a-1.-. reaction 1 -P-D-Arabinofuranosylcytosine, crystal
with methanol or with 1,2,3,4-tetra-O- structure, 43:359
acetyl-P-D-glucopyranose,34:280 I -P-D-Arabinofuranosyluracil. crystal structure,
2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-c~-r.-,reaction with 43:358-359
methanol or with I ,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyI- 1-P-o-Arabinofuranosyl-6-uracilcarboxylic
P-o-glucopyranose, 34:280 acid, 6',2'-lactone, crystal structure,
9-P-o-Arabinofuranosyl-8- 43:314-315
(butylamino)adenine, crystal structure, Arabinogalacatorhamnogalacturonan,44: 182
43:294 Arabinogalactan, 24:341,44: 182
Arabinofuranosyl chloride in bamboo shoots, 36:243
2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-P-~-, benzoxonium salt, carbon-I 3 nuclear magnetic resonance
rearrangement, of, 26:155 spectra. 38:71,97
2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-a-o-, reaction with gel chromatography of, 2541
diethyl sodiomalonate, 33: 152 hydrolysis ofoxidized, 31: 194
Arabinofuranosyl cyanide interaction with concanavalin A, 35: 179
2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-ol-o-, preparation of, L-, as a-L-arabinofuranosiddse substrate,
33:139 42:390
2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-p-~-, preparation of. larch, Barry degradation of, 31:203
33: 140 methylation of tritylated, 30: 12
Arabinofuranosylcytosine in plant cell-walls, 42:283-285, 287
2,2'-anhydro- I -P-u-, 43:275 interconnections, 42:303-304, 307, 309,
3', 5'-bisphosphate, monohydrate. crystal 31 1
structure, 43:280-28 1 structure, 42:284-285
6,2'-anhydro- 1 -P-D-, crystal structure soybean, 44: I84
bibliography, 37:410 structure
1 -P-D-Arabinofuranosylcytosine 5 I- enzymic analysis, 44:247
monophosphate, trihydrate, crystal of green coffee bean, 26: 16
structure, 43:281-282 Arabinoglucoxylan, antitumor activity of,
Arabinofuranosyl fluoride 32:255-256
3,5-di-O-benzoyl-2-O-methyl-, I3C- and "F- Arabinoglucuronoxylan, 42:288
NMR data for, 46: 106 antitumor activity of. 32:255-256
per-O-benzoyl-2-bromo-2-deoxy-a-n-. enzymic analysis, 44: 161

Arabinoglucuronoxylan (continued) 1,2,3,4-tetraacetate, 22: 16

oligosaccharides from enzymic hydrolyzates 1,2,3,4-tetra-O-(trideuterioacetyl)-
from, 32:346 interproton distances, 45: 167
o-Arabino- I ,4-lactone, crystal structure, 43:206 proton spin-lattice relaxation, 45: 158,
Arabinomannan 166
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:53 p-DL-
interaction with concanavalin A, 35: 179 crystal structure, 43:206-207
o-Arabinonate ion, conformation of, 26:69 oxygen atoms, 47: 102
Arabinonic anilide, 24: 1 15 5-[(benzyloxycarbonyl) aminol-5-deoxy-p-
Arabinono- 1,4-lactone, 5-deoxy-DL-,synthesis, L-, 23: 190
40: 19 p-L-
Arabinono-l,5-lactone, 4-C-[ 1(S)-methylethyll- crystal structure, 25:59,38:418419,
2,3-O-methylene-~- 43:207
natural occurrence of, 42:73 ester of uridine 5'-pyrophosphate, enzymic
structure of, 42:71 preparation of, 28:343
synthesis of, 42:126 isolation of, 28:325
Arabinononitrile sweetness, 45:2 18-2 19
2,3,4,5-tetra-O-acetyl- structure relationship, 45:24 1
D-, reaction with ammonia, 31233 taste properties, 45:242
L-, degradation and ammonolysis of, D-, 1,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-~-
31:112 "C-NMR data for, 46: 167
reaction with ammonia, 31:82 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 104
2,3,4,5-tetra-O-benzoyI-~-, ammonolysis of, 2-deoxy-2,2-difluoro-o-, preparation,
effect of solvent on, 31: 100 38: 196, 23 1
Arabinooxylan, L-, as a-L-,as a - ~ - 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-P-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data
arabinofuranosidase substrate, 42:390-39 1 for, 46: 105
Arabinopyranose 2,4-di-O-benzoyl-o-, 26: 179
3,4,-O-isopropylidene-~-, selective oxidation 1,2:3,4-di-O-benzylidene-p-o-, reaction with
with silver carbonate-on-Celite, 33:97 triphenylmethyl borofluoride, 39: 112
a-, conformation in solution, 26:85 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropyIidene-, p-L-,
5-acetamido-5-deoxy- conformation of, 26: 119,226
D-, 23:173 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropyIidene-, D-, preparation
L-, 23: 170 of, 34: 188
a-D-, 45:74 0-a-o-galactopyranosyl-( b 3 ) - L-, in plant
conformation of, 25: 103 tissues, 37:3 10
methyl-a+, polymerization, 39:204 1-0-benzoyl-a-L-and-P-L, acyl migration in,
methyl-L-, synthesis and polymerization 33:103
of, 21:488 1,2-O-isopropylidene-P-~-,3,4-
a-L- phenylboronate, preparation, 35:39
calcium chloride tetrahydrate, crystal 3,4-O-isopropylidene-~-, preparation of,
structure bibliography, 38:420 34:188
taste properties, 45:242 1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyI-
5-amin0-5-deoxy-o-, 23: 130 a-D-,43:371
p-0- crystal structure bibliography, 32:368
conformation, 25: 102 a-L-, reaction with ethanethiol, 32:34
in solution, 26:85 p-D-.43:371
crystallography of, 2 5 5 9 crystal structure bibliography, 32:368
sweetness-structure relationship, 45:249, 1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyl-, 5-
25 1 [(benzyioxycarbonyl) amino]-5-deoxy-
taste properties, 45:242 p-L-,23~191

conformation of, 26238 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum,

tetra-0-acetyl- 25:171
(Y-D-, rearrangement in hydrogen fluoride, methyl a- and p-D-,conformation in
26:176 solution, 26:84
p-D-,conformation of, 26:93 methyl 4-acetamido-4-deoxy-p-~-, 23: 184
p-L-,anomeric and conformational methyl a-D-, 23:280
equilibria, 26:lOl acetolysis and anomerization of, 22: 16
tetra-0-benzoyl- methyl a-DL-, synthesis, 40:69
p-D-, rearrangement in hydrogen fluoride, methyl a-L-
26:177 crystal structure bibliography, 38:427
p-L-, rearrangement in hydrogen fluoride, reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 28:237,
26:176 33:75
1-thio-a-L-, tetraacetate, proton magnetic methyl 3,4-anhydro-a-o-, conformation of,
resonance spectroscopy of, 27:2 1-22 26: 125
1,2,4-tri-O-acetyl-a-o-, 26: 155 methyl 4-azido-4-deoxy-P-~-,23: 184
tri-O-benzoyl-2-0-methyl-a, p-D-, methyl-p-o-, 2,3,4-triacetate,acetolysis of,
rearrangement in hydrogen fluoride, 22:16
26: 183 methyl p-L-,23:276
2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-~-,polarography of, crystal structure bibliography, 38:427-428
29: 142 formation from dithioacetal, 32:68
Arabinopyranoside, 53:98 reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 33:75
3,4,-O-isopropylidene-~-, selective oxidation selective esterification of, 33:25
with silver carbonate-on-Celite, 33:97 methyl 2-C-(aminomethyl)-p-~-,
benzyl p-D-, catalytic oxidation of. 33538 deamination of, 31:53
benzyl p-L-, selective esterification of, 33:25 methyl 3,4-dichloro-3,4-dideoxy-a-L-,
benzyl 1,5-dithio-a, p-L-, preparation of, preparation of, 33:75
32:34 methyl 2,3-di-O-benzoyl-4-0-
benzyl2-O-benzyl-3,-4-0-benzylidene-@-~-, (methylsulfony1)-p-L-, displacement
endo- and exo-, hydrogenolysis reactions of, 24:160
regioselectivity, 39: 131 y-tolylsylfonyl-P-L-, displacement
benzyl 3,4-O-benzylidene-P-~-,endo- and reactions of, 24: 160
exo-, hydrogenolysis regioselectivity, methyl 2,4-di-0-benzyl-3-bromo-3-deoxy-P-
39:131 D-, synthesis, 39: 1 1 1
D- methyl 2-0-acetyl-3,4-anhydro-o-, 25: 154
methyl 4-0-allyl-2-amino-2,3-dideoxy-3- methyl 2-0-benzoyl-
fluoro-p-, IH- and I9F-NMR data for, 3, 4-di-O-p-tolysulfonyI-~-~-,
46:128 displacement reactions of, 24: I61
trifluoromethyl3,4-di-O-acetyl-P-, 'H- P-L-, p-toluene-sulfonylation of, 33:25
and 19F-NMRdata for, 46:104 p-L-. sulfonylation of, 23:249
2,4-di-O-methyl-~-,synthesis of, 33:25 3,4-O-benzylidene-P-o-, reaction with N-
L-, methyl 4-deoxy-4-fluoro- bromosuccinimide, 39:lOl
a anomer with triphenylmethyl fluoroborate,
I3C-NMR data for, 46:168 39:llO
'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: I06 4,6-O-benzylidene-P-~-,reaction with N-
p anomer bromosuccinimide, 26: 165
13C-NMRdata for, 46:168 3,4-0-benzylidene-p-i-, diastereoisomers,
'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 106 hydrolysis, 39: 19
methyl 3 3-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-p-~-, 23:249
4-anhydro-a-~-,25~152 methyl 3,4-0-benzylidene-P-~-,
4-anhydro-p-~-,25: 150 configuration of, 34: 196

Arabinopyranoside (continued) D-
methyl 3.4-O-endo-ethylidene-fb~- 2-deoxy-
irradiation, 39:93 2-bromo-P-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for,
synthesis, 39:79 46:135
methyl 3,4-0-ethylidene-P-~-. 3,4-di-O-acetyl-2-bromo-u-, 'H- and
photochemical reaction mechanism with "F-NMR data for, 46:135
excited acetone, 38: 143 3,4-di-O-acety1-2-iodo-a-, IH- and I9F-
preparation of, 34: 190 NMR data for, 46:135
methyl 3,5-U-(ethyl orthoacetyl)-P-L-, 3,4-di-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-P-, 'H-
acetoxonium fluoroborate, 26: 168 and "F-NMR data for, 46: 155
methyl 3,4-O-isopropylidene- 3,4-di-0-acetyl-2-O-methyl-p-, 'H- and
p-L-,23~276 I9F-NMR data for, 46: 101
reaction with N-(2-chloro-l, 1.2- 3,4-di-0-benzoyl-2-0-methyl-, 'H- and
trifluoroethyl)diethylamine,28:258 "F-NMR data for, 46:lOI-102
2-0-methyl p-D-, reaction with 3,4-0-acetoxonium-2-0-methyl-, 'H- and
butyllithium, 39: 142 "F-NMR data for, 46:lOl
2-0-methyl-P-~-,sulfonylation of, 3.4-0-benzoxonium-2-0-methyl-, 'H- and
23:238 I9F-NMR data for, 46:lOl
2-O-p-tolysulfonyl-P-o-, displacement 3(or 4)-0-benzoyl-2-O-methyl-~-,'H- and
reactions of, 24:152 '"F-NMR data for, 46:102
methyl 4-O-methyl-u-~~-, preparation of, 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-,'H- and 19F-NMR data
28:296 for, 46: 101
methyl 2-0-methyl-p-~-,benzoylation of, 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-P-, I3C-NMR data for,
33:25 46: I67
methyl 2-U-(methylsulfonyl)- p-D-, 23:260 2,3,4-tri-0-benzoyl-~-, 'H- and "F-NMR
methyl 2-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-~-, 23:260 data for, 46: 101
methyl tri-0-methyl-P-D-, mass spectrum of, 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-
21:60 p-D-,preparation, 38:213
methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-methyl- D-, preparation, 38:213
p-L-,mass spectrum of, 21:48 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-o-, preparation, 38:2 14,
D-, mass spectrum of, 23:202 245
methyl tri-0-(methylsulfony1)-a+(and p- di-O-acetyl-2-bromo-2-deoxy-p-~-,
L)-, displacement reactions of, 24: 161 preparation, 38:235
2-O-methyl-o-, from 3-0-methyl-D-glucose 3,4-di-0-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-p-~-,
by oxidation, 33:98 preparation, 38:233
p-nitrophenyl a-L-,as U-L- 3,4-di-0-benzoyl-2-0-methyl-o-, anomers,
arabinohranosidase substrate, 42:390 synthesis, 38:201
trifluoromethyl 3,4-di-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2- tri-O-acetyl-p-~-,proton magnetic resonance
fluoro-p-D-, preparation, 38:233 spectroscopy of, 27:82
Arabinopyranosylamine, N-acetyl-u-L-, tri-0-benzoyl-
configuration of, 31:104 U-D-, 26: 177
Arabinopyranosyl azide, tn-0-acetyl-u-o-, p-D-.26: 179
crystal structure bibliography, 32363 Arabinopyranosyl isothiocyanate, 2,3,4-tri-0-
Arabinopyranosyl chloride, 4-chloro-4-deoxy- acetyl-a-o-, 44:141
~-,2,3,-di(chlorosulfate), preparation of, I3C NMR, 44:141
28:235 formation of amino acid diastereoisomers
Arabinopyranosyl fluoride using, 44: 1 17
2-bromo-2-deoxy- infrared spectrum, 44: 141
a-D-,crystal structure of, 25:74 Arabinopyranosylmethane,bis(ethylsulfony1)-
P-D-, 24:204 U-D-, triacetate, nuclear magnetic

resonance spectrum of, 25253 in nonaqueous solvents, 42:68

Arabinopyranosyloxy-L-proline,a-and (%I.-, D-
13C-NMR chemical-shift data, 43:45 46 from 2-amino-2-deoxy-o-glucose
Arabinose radiolysis, 37:49
5-acetamido-5-deoxy- radiation chemistry, 37:33
D-,23: I69 derivatives, Table, 34:211
L-, 23: 169 dialkyl dithioacetal. reaction with p -
diethyl dithioacetal, oxidation of, 32:85 toluenesulfonyl chloride, 25: 199
ring isomers, ir spectra, 44:25 diethyl dithioacetal tetraacetate, mass
synthesis, 41:9 spectrum of, 21:85
aldehyde- diethyl dithioacetal
D-, hexaacetate, 22: 16 chemical shifts ofproton resonances of,
halogen derivatives, 22:214 32:90
I.-, tetraacetate, aldehydrol formation, irradiation, 39:94
42:3 1 dimethyl dithioacetal, oxidation by
2-amino-2-deoxy-~-,synthesis of, 2 4 9 Acetohacter suhoxydans, 32532
2,3(2,5-and 3,5)-di-O-methyl-, from diphenyl dithioacetals, conformation of,
mesquite gum, 24:350 26:72
2,s-anhydro- dithioacetal
a-i.-,dimethyl acetal, 25:212 reaction with sulfonyl chloride, 32:48
D-, 25:202 selective esterification of, 33:40-41
dimethyl acetal, 25:2 1 1 phosphorylation of, 33:47
3,4-dideoxy-3,3-epimino-r.-, diarotization enantiomeric carba-sugars from, 48:4244
of, 32:57 enzymic isomerization, 36:46
L- high-temperature transformation. acidic
2-furaldehyde from, 25:222 conditions, 46:276-277
dehydration of, 28: 166 mutarotation in pyridine, 28:39
3,4-O-isopropylidene-aldehydo-o-, nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates,
mutarotation of, 25:214 45: 148
3,4-O-isopropylidene-o-, 25:209 5-phosphate isomerase, metabolism of 3-
hydrolysis of, 2521 1 deoxy-~-n~anno-2-octulosonic acid,
1,4-anhydro-2,3-di-O-methyl-a-1.-, synthesis. 38~378-379
39: 165 polarography of, 29: 126
S-azido-S-deoxy-2,3- preparation by oxidation of dithioacetals,
di-0-isopropylidene-o-, diethyl 32:83-84
dithioacetal, reaction with p - proton spin-lattice relaxation rates, 45: 152
toluenesulfonyl chloride, 32:5 1 solubility in methanol. 27:97
O-isopropylidene-4-O-(methylsulfonyl)-u- utilization by yeasts, 32: 147
, azidolysis of, 3 2 5 1 5-deoxy-
p-D-, mutarotation of, 23:23 D-,21:177
P-DL-,crystal structure bibliography. 31:363 1.-, 21:176-178
5-(benzyloxycarbonyl)amino-5-deoxy-~-, 2,3-O-isopropylideiie-o-,diethyl
composition in solution, 42:49- 50 dithioacetal, reaction with p -
p-L- toluenesulfonyl chloride, 32:5 1
circular dichroism, predicted and fragment 1,2-O-isopropylidene-~-, 23:273
spectra, 45534 2-deoxy-5-O-(p-nitrobenzoyl)-2-
crystal structure bibliography, 31 :363 (trifluoroacetamid0)-o-,diethyl
mutarotation of, 23:23 dithioacetal, reaction with bromine in
composition methanol, 32:70
in aqueous solution, 42:26,43,64 determination of enantiomrric form, 46:66

Arabinose (continued) catalytic oxidation of, 33:87

2,3:4,5-di-O-benzylidene- dithioacetal, selective methylation of,
diethyl dithioacetal, selective
D-, 3366
hydrolysis, 39:22 reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 33:76
L-, diethyl dithioacetal selective oxidation with silver
preparation of, 32:53 carbonate-on-Celite, 33:97
selective hydrolysis, 39:22 derivatives, table, 34:211
1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropyIidene-, D- or-L-, 1,2:3,4-diacetaI, selective hydrolysis,
dithioacetals, preparation of, 32:53 39:16
1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene- dimethyl acetal, synthesis, 39:8
aldehydo-, reaction with 2-lithio- 1,3- dibenzyl dithioacetal, reaction with
dithiane, 32:38 mercury(I1) chloride in methanol,
aldehydo-L-, in D-apiose synthesis, 31: 178 32:68
p-D-,reaction with butyllithium, 39: 142 diethyl dithioacetal, methylation of, 32:47
p-L- diphenyl dithioacetals, conformation of,
conformation of, 26: 119,226 26:72
hydrolysis of, 34:204 dithioacetals, reaction with sulfonyl
D- chloride, 32:48
dialkyl dithioacetals, selective enantiomeric carba-sugars from, 48:4 1 4 2
hydrolysis, 39:22 enzymic phosphorylation of, 32:9
diethyl dithioacetal, reaction with bases, gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:46
32:58 glycoenzyme constituent, 27:302,307,
reaction with mercury(I1) chloride, 32 1
32:64 solubility in liquid ammonia, 27:91
diphenyl dithioacetal, reaction with in glycoproteins, 25:413
based, 39: 147 linkage to hydroxy-L-proline, 43:45
diphenyl dithioacetal, reaction with in living tissue, 42:383
bases, 32:57 methyl ethers, periodate oxidation and
L-, mass spectrum of, 21:76 gas-liquid chromatography of, 30:34
2,3-di-O-methyl- separation of, 30: 18
D- mutarotation and gas-liquid
composition in aqueous solution, chromatography of, 28:40
42:43-44 (p-bromophenyl)hydrazone, crystal
composition in nonaqueous solvent, structure bibliography, 31:367
42:61 pemicotinate, ammonolysis of, 31:89
L-, composition in aqueous solution, 42:43 phenylboronates, hydrolysis, 35:50-5 1
DL-,synthesis, 40:8-10, 73,91 preparation, 35:43
ester with adenosine 5-pyrophosphate, in plant cell-wall hydrolyzates, liquid
occurrence of, 28:3 15 chromatography analysis, 46:55
in fungi cell-walls, 23:4 13 in plant cell-wall polymers, 42:281-283
gel chromatography of, 25:3 1 polarography of, 29:127
1-O-(indole-3-acetyl)-, 21:391 preparation of, 32:22
a-L-,circular dichroism, predicted and protein linkage with, 25:418
fragment spectra, 45:84 reaction with
L- I-hexanethiol, 32:22
in Acacia gums, 24:346 sulfuryl chloride, 28:238
butylboronates, hydrolysis, 35:5 1 syn-oxime, crystal structure, 43:336
preparation, 3 5 4 3 uridine 5-pyrophosphateester, in mung
calcium chloride complex, mutarotation bean, 32:9
of, 23:35 utilization by yeasts, 32:227

L-anti-oxime, crystal structure, 43:336 in pectic polysaccharides, 42:277-278

liquid chromatography of, 46:33, 52-53 removal from plant cell-wall during ripening,
3-O-a-~-galactopyranosyI-~-, 24:354, 372 42:375-376
0-a-o-galactopyranosyl-( 1+3)-0-01-~- 5-S-ethyl-S-thio-, D-, diethyl dithioacetal,
arabinofuranosyl ( I+~)-L-,24:372 hydrogenolysis by Raney nickel, 32:76
3-O-u-D-XylOpyranOSy1-L, 24:370 5-S-ethyl-5-thio-, L-, diethyl dithioacetal,
from golden-apple gum by acid by partial hydrolysis of, 32:67
hydrolysis, 31: I88 5-S-methyI-5-thio-r-, ethyl methyl
O-a-o-xylopyranosyl(1-+3)-0-a-~- dithioacetal, identification by mass
arabinofuranosyl-( 1+3)-~-, 24:370 spectrometry, 32:94
3-O-a-~-arabinofuranosyl-~-, 24:354,360 2,3,4,5-tetra-O-acetyl-
3-O-P-o-galactopyranosyl-~-,24:355, 376 aldehydo-L-
3-O-P-~-glucopyranosyl-o-,preparation of, ammonolysis of, 31:84
31:97 preparation of. 32:62
O-P-D-XylOpyranOSyl-( 145)-0-a-~- D-, diethyl dithioacetal, nuclear magnetic
arabinofuranosyl-( I + ~ ) - L - , 24: 354 resonance spectra of. 3 2 8 8
5-O-bemzoyI-o-, diethyl dithioacetal, partial ultraviolet photolysis of, 32378
demercaptalation of, 3 2 6 7 4-thio-o-, composition in aqueous solution,
2,3-U-bemzylidene-~-,diethyl dithioacetal, 4253
oxidation of, 32:80 5-thio-~-,23:213
4-O-benzoyl-5-deoxy-5-iodo-2,3-0- 2,3,4-tr-O-acetyl-
isopropylidene-r-, diethyl dithioacetal, L-, diethyl dithioacetal, reaction with
preparation of, 28:242 ethanethiol, 32:34, 36
-, 5-S-ethyl-5-thio-~-,diethyl dithioacetal,
diethyl dithioacetal, reaction with preparation of, 32:34
methyltriphenoxyphosphonium iodide, 5-S-methyl-5-thio-i.-. ethyl dithioacetal,
28:242 preparation of, 32:34
3-O-P-~-arabinopyranosyl-~- 1,3,5-tri-O-acetyl-2-chloro-2-deoxy-~-,
from golden-apple gum by acid aromatization of, 28:305
hydrolysis, 31: 188 2,3,5-tri-~-benzyi-4-~-p-to~yIsu~fony~-o-,
from larch arabinogalactan by acid dibenzyl acetal, preparation of, 32:5 1
hydrolysis, 31: 188 2,3,5-tri-o-benzoyl-o-
0-(D-glucopyranosyluronicacid)-( I-6)-O- dibenzyl acetyl, reaction with p -
o-galactopyranosyl-( 1+3)-~-,24:358 toluenesulfonyl chloride, 3 2 5 1
4,5-O-isopropylidene-~-, diethyl dithioacetal
dibenzyl dithioacetal, oxidation of, 32:8 1 methylation of, 32:47
dithioacetals, preparation of, 32:54 reaction failure with p-toluenesulfonyl
5-O-methyl-~-,composition in aqueous chloride, 3 2 5 1
solution, 42:45 2,3,5-tr-O-methyl-
2-O-(methylsulfonyl)-o-, 23:260 D-, composition in aqueous solution,
5-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-, D-, dithioacetals, 42:46
reaction with lithium aluminum hydride. I.-, dehydration of, 28: 181
3252 UDP-L-. in polysaccharide biosynthesis,
5-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-, L- 42322
dibenzyl dithioacetal, reaction with 2-O-~-xylopyranosyl-~-, 46:305
sodium iodide, 32:34 Arabinose-5-14c-, L-, synthesis, 41:9
diethyl dithioacetal, ethylthio group Arabinose-2-d, preparation of, 27: I33
migration in hydrolysis of, 32:34 Arabinose-5,5-d2, L-, nuclear magnetic
5-0-trityl-~-,diethyl dithioacetal, resonance spectroscopy of, 27: 148
preparation of, 32:46 Arabinose diacetamide, preparation of, 31:82

D-Arabinose isomerase, isomerizations, of D- crystal structure bibliography, 31:363

arabinose and L-fucose, 36:46 Ara-C, crystal structure bibliography, 31:360
Arabinose 5-phosphate Arachis hypogaea lectin, see Peanut lectin
composition in aqueous solutions, 42:46 Aralkylthio group, participation in sugar
2-deoxy-2-fluoro-o-, 48:208 reactions, 22: 159
L-Arabinosidase, 42:383-394 Arbusov reaction, 22: 182
a-,fruit ripening and, 42:375-376 Arbutin
classification of, 42384 catabolism by yeasts, 32:20 I
exo-a-, in plant cell wall fractionation, structure, 39:358
42:282 utilization by yeasts and associations of
Arabinoside abilities, 32:223
methyl p-D-, catalytic oxidation of, 33:89 Arbuzov reaction, fluorinated carbohydrate
methyl p-L-,23:276 synthesis, 38:244
selective periodate oxidation of, 33:95 Arcanose
Arabinosyl cytidine hydrochloride, 2,2'- D-, synthesis of, 4278-79
anhydro-p-D-, 43:280-28 1 natural occurrence of, 4 2 7 2
Arabinosyl fluoride structure of, 4270, 78
p-L-,hydrolysis rate of, 22:208 Archaebacteria, thermacidophilic, branched
2-bromo-2-deoxy-p-~-,hydrolysis rate of, nonitol from, 42:76
22208 L-Arginine L-ascorbate, crystal structure,
Arabinosyl groups, in xylans, 36:233-235, 241 43:208-209
Arabinosyloxy-L-proline-richglycoprotein in Aristeromycin, 50: 196
plant cell wall, 42:309 4-a-carba-, 48:23
Arabinoxylans, 24:369 crystal structure of, and hydrobromide, 25:85
aggregate formation by, 42:307 hydrobromide, crystal structure bibliography,
analogy with galactomannans, 31:268 31:371
antitumor activity of, 32:255-256 Armed-disarmed concept, 52: 189-1 93
in cell walls of barley and wheat, 36:242 Armilluria mellea, polysaccharide, 41: 103
corn cob, enzymic analysis, 44: 160 Amdt-Eistert reaction, 42: 110
enzymic analysis, 44: 160-1 6 1 Arabmonic acid, D-, preparation of, 29: 119
enzymic degradation of, 31:276 Aromatic compounds, biosynthesis of, from D-
hydrolysis of oxidized, 3 1:194 glucose, 15:23 5-270
interconnections of, 4 2 3 14 Aromatic hydrocarbons, 53:352-353
isolation, 36:228, 23 1 Aromatization, of 1,3,5-tri-O-acetyl-2-chloro-2-
oat spelt, enzymic analysis, 44: 163 deoxy-o-arabinose, 28:305
oligosaccharides from enzymic hydrolyzates Arrhenius acids, 53:3 13-3 14
from, 32346 Arrhenius equation, 2 4 5 1
soybean, enzymic analysis, 44: I62 Arsenic compounds
structure of, 31:270 of nucleosides, attempted preparation of,
wheat bran, enzymic analysis, 44: I63 28:253
wheat flour, 36235 tribromide, reactions with uridines, 28:253
enzymic analysis, 44: 159, 163 trichloride, reactions with uridines, 28:253
Arabinoxyloglucan, enzymic analysis trihalides, reaction with nucleosides in N,N-
Nicotiana tabucum. 44: 153 dimethylformamide, 33:82
tora bean, 44: 154 Arsenolysis, of glycogen, 23:355, 357
Arabinoxylo-oligosaccharides, from xylans, Arthrobacter
32347-349 di-o-fructose dianhydrides and, 52:213-214
Arabinuronic acid, D-, decarboxylation of, polysaccharides, 41:80
28: 187 preparation, properties, and uses,
Arabionic acid, L-, strontium salt pentahydrate, 36999-300

Arthropods synthesis, history, 41:2,7

a,&-trehalose in, 30:23 I , 234 cryslal structures of, 31:364, 37:83
glycolipids, see Glycolipids labelled, commercially available,
Ariindo donux, cell-wall studies on, 42:292 37: 154-1 55
Aryl cyanates, chlorination with hydrochloric labelled, synthesis, 37: I5 1-1 55
acid and, of carbohydrates, 28:257 nomenclature. 37:82
1.2-tiuns Aryl glycohranosides, synthesis, properties. 37:83-84
48:111 radiation-induced, free-radical
1,2-tvans Aryl glycopyranosides, synthesis, reactions, 37:65-66
48:111 sodium salt, crystal structure
Aryl glycosides, photoinduced cleavage of, bibliography, 31:364
46: 182-1 83 and sodium salt, 25:91
Aryl halides, radiation and reactions with a- L-. hydrogen bonding in, 25:57
hydroxyalkyl radicals, 37:22 structure, and spectral properties,
Aryl migration, in p-nitrophenyl CY-D- 37:80-83
glucopyranoside. 33: 109 synthesis, 37:79-155
Aryloxypropanolamines, P-blocker side-chain, from o-glucitol, 37: 1 12-1 15, 149
49: I62 by direct fermentation. 37:150-15 I
Aryl-thiocarbamide, taste properties, 45:3 I I from 1.-sorbose, 37: 105- I 12
Asafoetida gum, 24:351 ~-threo-2-pentosulose-cyanide,
Ascaris S U U M ,trehalose biosynthesis in. 30:239 37:86-89
Ascarylose, 21:188, 190,50:171-172 from 1.-threose, 37: 149-1 50
degradation of, 28:3 I7 from pectin, 37:147
ester of cytidine pyrophosphate, isolation of, Reichstein-Grussner, 37:89- I05
28:316 by way of D-galacturonic acid,
Ascomycetes, polysaccharides of, 233367 37: 146-1 48
Ascorbic acid, 53:296 by way of D-glucuronic acid,
5,6,-O-isopropylidene-r.-, selective 37: 1 15-1 1 Y
phosphorylation of, 33:48 by way of v-threo-2,5-hexodiulosonic
and analogs, gas-liquid chromatography of, acid, 37: 137-140, 145-146
28:76 by way of ~-xy/o-5-hexulosonicacid,
analogs of, 2:79-106 37: 126-1 37
constitution of, 22:4 by way of L-gulonic acid, 37: I 19- 125
D-, synthesis, 37:88, 123 decarboxylation of, in acid solution,
D-firabif?o-, see Isoascorbic acid, D- 46:289-290
decarboxylation of, 28: 186 dehydration of, 28: 188
dehydro-L- dehydration of, mechanism of, 28: I92
dimer, crystal structure bibliography, trimethylsilylation of, 28:26
30:452 as growth regulator, 21:391
polarography of, 29:168-170 polarography of, 29: 168
o-phenylenediamine condensation selective phosphorylation of, 33:48
products, 29: I54 synthesis of, 26:198,248,33:219, 232,
6-deoxy-6-fluoro-~-,48: 142 38:2Y2, 3 14
history, 35:5-6 liquid chromatography, 46:35-36
L- 2-0-sulfato-i-, barium salt dihydrate, crystal
biosynthesis and structure of, 29:236 structure bibliography, 32:354
calcium salt dihydrate, crystal structure synthesis, Helferichs work on, 45:4
bibliography, 32:354355 44
carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic resonaiice i--urrihino-, preparation of, 27: 134
spectroscopy, 41:64 I.-xylo-. preparation of, 27: 134

Ascorbic acid (continued) glycoproteins,26:460

ultraviolet absorbances of, 46:65 in glycoproteinlinkages, 25418,420
[l-'4C]Ascorbic acid, L-, preparation, 37: 154 0-glycosyl derivatives, synthetic,
[2,3,4,5,6-'4C]Ascorbicacid, L-, preparation, 43: 135-20 1
37: 154 superpositionedover same receptor site,
[4-3H]Ascorbic acid, L-, preparation, 45:236
37:152-153 4-N-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy-p-o-
[5-2H]Ascorbicacid, L-, preparation, 37: 152 glucopyranosy1)-
[5-'4C]Ascorbic acid, L-, preparation, 37: 154 I3C-NMR spectrum, 43:lO-11
[6-3H]Ascorbic acid, L-, preparation, L-, 43:4
37: 151-152 Asparaginylglucosaminuria,oligosaccharides
[6-'4C]Ascorbic acid, preparation, 37: 154 and glycoasparaginesfrom urine,
Ascorbigen, 21:392 structure, 37:198
Ascoric acid, 3-U- Asparagus-pea lectin
[(bismorpholino)phosphinyl]-5,6-U- carbohydrate-binding specificity,
isopropylidene-L-, crystal structure, 35285-288
43:249 composition, 35284
Asialo a,-acid glycoprotein, 'H-NMR isolation, 35:138
spectroscopy purification, 35283
glycoprotein (compound 8), 41:219,237, Aspartame
-240 possible conformations, 45:308-309
glycoprotein (compound 9), 41:2 19, and interaction with receptor site, 45309
239-242 stabilizing properties of caramel, 4 7 2 3 1
glycoprotein (compound 13), 41:219,239, sweetness, 45306-307
248-25 1 AH, B system in, 45:22 1
glycoprotein (compound 48), 41:306, relative, 43332
3 19-32 1 structure relationship, 45245
glycoproteins (compounds 49,50, and 51), Aspartamidoglycan,from ovalbumin,
41:306,31&315,321-324 28:440-442
Asialo ceruloplasmin, glycoprotein (compound L-Aspartate-oxoglutarate aminotransferasein
48), 'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41:306, fruit climacteric, 42:365
309-321 L-Aspartic acid, in glycoproteins,25: 149,421
Asialo-fetuin glycopeptide fraction C, 44:240 from sheep and ox, 33:7
Asialo-orosomucoid, 44:233 Asparticin, inhibitor of protein glycosylation,
binding to liver membranes, 37:273-274 40:342
Asparagine L-Aspartoyl-aminomalonicacid, esters, taste
2-acetamido-2-deoxy-~-~-glucosyl-~-, properties, 45:307-308,310
linkage with N-glycopeptides, L-Aspartoyl-D-alaninamides,taste properties,
50~278-283 45:306
anomeric azides as precursors, a-L-,Aspartoyl-D-alanine isopropyl ester, taste
50:27&280 properties, 45:307
1-hydroxy-D-glycosaminesreactions with N-(L-Aspartoy1)-1,l-diaminoalkanes, taste
ammonium hydrogencarbonate, properties, 45:306
50:282-283 L-Aspartoyl-t-phenylalanine methyl ester, see
I-isocyanates as precursors, 50:281-282 Aspartame
in situ anomerization,50:280-281 Aspartylglucosaminuria,'H-NMR
D-, superpositionedover same receptor site, spectroscopy
45236 glycoprotein (compound 3), 41:219,
L- 225-226
carbohydrate chains linked to, in glycoprotein (compound 55), 41:333-337

glycoprotein (compound 56), 41:333, 4 uricularia auriculajudae, polysacccharide,

336338 41:75,97
glycoprotein (compound 57), 41:333, 335. Autohydrolysis, of polysaccharides, 24:338
337-33 8 Automation, and crystal-structure
glycoprotein (compound 58). 41:333. determination, 30:446
337-3 39 Autoradiography
glycoprotein (compound 59), 41:333, 337, biosynthesis sites and. 26:469
340-342 of cell-wall polysacchandes, 26:34 1, 344
glycoprotein (compound 60), 41:333, 337, histochemical detection and localization of
340-343 sugars in tissue by, 27: 18 I
'H-NMR spectroscopy, glycoprotein Auxins, 21:378
(compound I), 41:219-224 in fruit ripening, 42:341-345,348-35 I , 355
Aspen, cell wall studies on, 42281 plant cell-wall growth, 26:346
Aspergillusjlavus, polysaccharides, 41 :95 respiration and metabolism in plants, 21:387
Aspergillus firmigatus on starch in plants, 21:386
di-D-fructose dianhydrides and, 52:2 13-2 14 on sugar cane, 21:424
polysaccharides, 41 :95 Auxogluc, 45:202-205,218
Aspergillus nidulans Avena coleoptile, cell wall studies on,
cordycepin from, 31:149 42267--268,300, 349, 352
polysaccharide, 41:69-70,95, 101 Avidin, carbohydrate linkage in, 25:420
Aspergillus niger, 53:2 1 1 Avocado
a-r-arabinofuranosidase from, 42384, development physiology of, 42:341, 343,
386-387,390-392 363,369,371-372,379-380
galactomannan, 41:94 sugars, gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:49
heteropolysaccharide, 41:70, 94. 10 I Axenose
glucoamylase, 50:1&18 natural occurrence of, 4 2 7 2
transglycosylation processes. 52: 10 structure of, 42:70
Aspergillus otyzae synthesis of, 42: I I9
exo-enzyme, 44: 154, 156 Axial bonds. 26:52
trehalase from, 30:251-252 Axinella po1.vpoides lectins, isolation and
Aspergillus terreus, polysaccharides, 4 I :95 properties, 35:3 16
Asperlin 2-Azaadenosine, hemihydrate, crystal structure,
in benzene solution, configuration and 43:279
conformation, 45: 160-161 8-Azaadenosine. crystal structure bibliography,
proton spin-lattice relaxation rates, 45: 141 323381
Aspidosperma australe, 46: 13 monohydrate, 38:486
Astraglin, as plant-growth substance, 21 :412 6-Azacytidme
ATP regeneration, sugar phosphates, crystal structure bibliography, 32:372
49:208-2 10 selective tritylation of, 33:51
Atrazine, as herbicide, 21:406 2',3,'5'-tri-O-formyl-, methanolysis,
Atrolactic acid. asymmetric synthesis of, selective, 39:37
27: 193,200 Azaoxabicyclo compounds, hydrogenolysis,
Atropine-like drugs, preparation of, 27:2 13, 39: 134-1 35
219 6-Azapseudouridine, synthesis, 40:80
Atropisomerism, 2 4 5 6-Azathymidine, crystal structure bibliogaphy,
Aureobasidium pullulans 38506-507
heteropolysaccharide, 41 :96 8-Azatubercidin, monohydrate, crystal structure
polysaccharide, 41:72,41:75 bibliography, 3 8 5 1 1-512
pullulan, preparation, properties, and uses, 6-Azauraci1, 5-o-pentitol-l-yl-, preparation of
36:3 1cL3 12 isomeric, 33: 176

6-Azauridine B
crystal structure bibliography, 31:355
5-niethy1, 5-phosphate, 22:373 Bacillosamine, 23: 155
5-phosphate, 22373 Bacillus circuluns, trehalase from, 30:25 1
monohydrate, crystal structure Bacillus licheniformis peptidoglycan, crystal
bibliography, 31:359 structure bibliography, 40:399
trihydrate, crystal structure, 43:273-274 Bacillus maceruns, 46:212, 2 15-217
selective tritylation of, 33:5 1 cyclodextrin transglycosylase, 46:207
2,3,5-tri-O-formyl-,methanolysis, Bacillus potvniyxa, polysaccharide, 36:300
selective, 39:37 Bacillus .subtitis
Azepine, sugar derivatives, 25:404 a-1.-arabinofuranosidase from, 42387-388
Azides endo-L-arabinanase in, 42392-393
anomeric as precursors, 50:278-280 L-arabinanases from, 42:384, 391
I ,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitols,49: 154 teichoic acid from, 21:350, 354
irradiation of carbohydrate, 38: 176-178, Bucillus thrtringiensis, exotoxin from,
180-1 84 preparation of, 34: 170
sugar, aziridine sugars from, 25:354 Bacitracin
Azido ketonucleosides, synthesis of, 42:257 effect on peptidoglycan biosynthesis,
2-(2-Azidophenyl)ethyl 26:43 1
alcohol, 46:200 inhibition of protein glycosylation,
photocyclization of, 46:201 40:325-326
Azido-pheylselenylation, 53: 16 1-1 67 Bacteria, see also specific species
Azidosphingosine, derivatives, glycosylation a+-trehalose in, 30:230,234
with trichloroacetimidates, 50:41, amphiphiles, 44:277
45-48 cell-walls
Azines extension in, 42:51
of o-fructose, 22:280, 303 lipopolysaccharides of gram-negative,
irradiation of carbohydrate, 38: I86 26:409424
Aziridirie ring peptidoglycan in, 26:424432
fonnation in sugar reactions, 22: 143, 146, synthesis. 44:342
151 dextran-synthesizing, 30:373
saccharides containing, 25:352-356 gas-liquid chromatograpliic analysis for,
stability of, 34: 13I 28:XI
Aziridines glucansucrases, 51: 138-139
glucosidase inhibition, 48:37 1-373 glycolipides of acid-fast, 16:207-238
preparation of, 27:257,264 gram-negative
reaction with nitrous acid, 31:66 extracts, gas-liquid chromatography of,
Aziridinium chloride, N,N-diethyl-, and 28:59
reactivities of hydroxyl groups toward, lacking lipopolysaccharides, 50:262-263
33:57 infection, immune response of capsular
Aziridino ketonucleosides, synthesis of, 42: polysaccharides, 41: 186-191
257 lipopolysaccharides, 44:277
Aziridinyl groups, anomeric effects, solvent 0-specific chains, biosynthesis,
effects, 47:68-69 44:3 12-3 I9
Azoospermia, o-fructose level in, 34:304 block mechanism, 44:3 12-3 18
Azo-proteins, preparation and properties, monomeric mechanism, 44:3 18-3 19
37:230 structure, enzymic analysis, 44:230-23 1
Azotohacter indicum, see Belierinckia indicu mass spectrometry of polysaccharides from,
Azulenes, C-glycosylation in preparation of, 29:66
33: 159 nucleosides and nucleotides of, 15:201-234

peptidogl ycans Alroligenr.v. enzymic analysis.

carbohydrate chains. assembly. 44:225-226
44:330-333 Klebsidlu
structure, enzymic analysis, 44: 195- I98 enzymic analysis, 44:2 17-225
polysaccharides, 2:203-233,3:311 336 phage hydrolysis. oligosaccharides.
acetyl-substituted, 48:304-306 released by. 44:218-224
acyl groups, 48:306-3 1 1 liquid chromatography fractionation,
alditol phosphates, 48:3 16-3 17 46:49
amides, 48:311-313 phage-induced hydrolysis, 44:228-
biosynthesis in, 42:323-327,443278-279. 230
48:318 R h i ~ o b i ~enzymic
~i. analysis,
glycosyl esters of nucleotides and 44225-229
polyprenyl glycosyl phosphates in. f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 45365-66
44:279-286 furanose monosaccharides. biosynthesis,
of polymeric chains for, activation of 44:298-299
monosaccharides for, 44:302 303 glycerol phosphate substituents, 48:3 15
biosynthetic classification, 4 4 3 3 4 335 glyculosonic acids. 48:295-298
branched-chain monosaccharides. glycuronic acids, 48:293-295
biosynthesis, 44:299 of Gram-negative. 15:27 1-340
branched-chain sugars, 48:287-288 of Gram-positive cell walls, biosynthesis
capsular, 44:277 block mechanism, 44:327-328
1 -carboxyethy1 ethers, 48:303-304 monomeric mechanism, 443328-329
chains unidentified mechanism of chain
composed of oligosaccharide repeating assembly, 44:329-330
units, biosynthesis, 44:278-339 heptoses, 48:285-287
groups, 44:277 hexose components, see also Hexoses
monosaccharide components. of configurations other than glut-n.
biosynthesis, 44:286-302 gtrlocto, and monrzo. biosynthesis,
complex, structural aiid sequencc analysis 44:295-298
of, 46:57 hexoses. 48:281-285
diamino sugars, 48:292 inter-monomeric linkages in, 44:305-
disaccharide fragments, 44:307 309
having most common monosaccharides linkage region, 44:278
at nonreducing end, 44:307-308 methyl ethers, 48:300-302
isomeric, composed of most common monoamino sugars. 48:290-292
monosaccharides, 44:308-300 monosaccharides
enzymic synthesis, from modified modifications of functional groups in,
percursors, 44:335-339 44: 302-3 05
ether and acetal substituents, 48:290-306 structurally related to ri-fructose.
exocellular, 44:277 biosynthesis, 44:298-299
biosynthesis structures, 44:302-303
block mechanism, 44:32&323 non-sugar aglycons, 48:299-300
monomeric mechanism, 44523-326 0-specific lipopolysaccharides,
by unidentified mechanism of chain biosynthesis. 44:290-293
assembly, 44:326-327 pentoses. 48:281
structure, 44:376 biosynthesis, 44:298
extracellular, 44:277 phosphoric esters, 48:313-3 17
Acinohucter. enzymic analysis, 44:230 polymeric chains
Agrobacterizmt, enzymic analysis. assembly, 44:309-335
44:225-226 mechanisms. 44:31&312

Bacteria (continued) Barban, as herdicide, 21 :404

structure, and mechanism of assembly Barbituric acid
44:333-335 5-(2,3-~-isopropylidene-5-~-trityl-P-~-
reducing terminal linkage, 48:3 15 ribofuranosy1)-, sodium salt, preparation
structure, enzymic analysis, 44:217-23 1 of, 33: 179
sulfated, 48:3 13-3 14 tho-, reaction with cleavage products of
synthesis, 51: 135-138 pectic substances, 33:368, 380
teichoic acids, 48:315-316 Barium o-ribose 5-phosphate pentahydrate,
serological identification of pathogenic, crystal structure bibliography, 31:363
39:437 Barium ion, effect on reducing sugars in
sialic acid occurrence, 40: 134 solution, 42:33
surface structures of Grampositive, 21:324 Barium 2-O-sulfato-~-ascorbate,dihydrate,
themiophilic, 46:211 crystal structure bibliography, 32:354
trehalase from, 30:247 Barium oxide, complex with sucrose, 21:213
virulence Barium salts, 53:31S
capsular polysaccharide activity, 41: 189 Barley
role of capsular polysaccharides, cell-walls
41:202-206 arabinoxylans, 36:242-244
Bacteriostatic activity, of apiosyl nucleosides. studies on, 42:271,293-294, 314-315
31:184 glucan, carbon-13 nuclear magnetic
Baeyer, Adolf von. 45: 1 resonance spectra, 38:49-50
Baeyer-Villiger reaction, 34:98 hemicellulose-cellulose ratio, 36:253
Baiyunoside, synthesis, 48: 107 lectin, isolation and properties, 35:3 14
Baker, Bemard Randall, obituary, 29: 1-10 xylans, 36:235
Bamboo Barry degradation, 24:342, 345
arabinogalactan, 36:243, 26 1 of carbohydrates, 35:9
cell-wall studies on, 42:268 of polysaccharides, 31:202-203
polysaccharide from, antitumor activity of, Base-catalyzed rearrangement, bromodeoxy
32:253-255 aldonolactones, 50: 175-1 79
xylans, 36:234 Bases, 53:313-314
Bamford-Stevens reaction, 34:98 catalysis of mutarotation of sugars by, 24: 14
Bamosamine, 24: 159 effect on reducing sugars in solution, 42:34
Banana ketonucleoside stability in, 42:247-248
developmental physiology of, 42:363, 369, reactions with dithioacetals, 32:5740
379 Basidiomycetes, polysaccharides of, 23:367
pectinesterase, see Pectinesterases Bauerlein, Karl, 45:3
Bandeirueu simplicifolia Bauhinia purpureu alba lectin
I lectin carbohydrate-binding specificity, 35:305
carbohydrate-binding specificity, composition and purification, 35:305
35:264-266 isolation, 35: 138
purification and properties, 35:262 Baumycins, 48: 10
I1 lectin BB-KI (antibiotic), preparation and
carbohydrate-binding specificity, 35:206 antibacterial activity of, 30: 174
isolation, properties, and structure, SP-Carda-8( 14), 20(22)-dienolide
35:206-208 3b-O-(2-deoxy-a-~arabino-hexopyranosy1)-
lectin isolation, 35: 137, 138 ,21:280,302
Band 3 lactosaminoglycans 3P-bydroxy-, 21:279
f.a.b. mapping, 45:3841 SP-Carda- 14,20(22)-dienoIide
f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 45:35, 59 3P-O-(a-~-rhamnopyranosyl)-,21 :289
Barbaloin, 25:243 3P-hydroxy-, 21 :279

SP-Card-20(22)-enolide P-Eliminative degradation, see Degradation

I9-O-(a-~-mannopyranosyl)-3~,5, I4P- Bell, David James, obituary, 3O:l-8
trihydroxy-, 21:294 Bengal Rose. 53:384
3b-0-(a-o-rhamnopyranosy1)- Benzaldehyde
5,14P-dihydroxy- 19-0x0-, 21:290 compounds with alditols, 21: 19
14P-dihydroxy-19-0x0-, 21 :290,296 reaction with glycerol, 34: 181
14@-hydroxy-,21:296 Benzamide, N-cyclopropyl-4-(decyloxy)-3,5-
3b-O-(a-~-rnannopyranosyl)-S, 14P- dimethoxy-, synthesis as antiepileptic
dihydroxy-19-0x0-, 21:292 agent, 28:9
3P,12P,14P-trihydroxy-, see Digoxigenin Benzamido youp, participation in sugar
3b-O-(P-~-ghcopyranosyl)-5146. 19- reactions, 22: 134
trihydroxy-, 21:288 Benzene, 53:27 I
3P. 14P-dihydroxy-, 21:273 a-wand P-o-glucopyranosyl-, tetraacetates.
3P, 19-di-O-(a-r-rhamnopyranosyl)- 25240
5,14P-dihydroxy-, 21:294 azeotropic removal of water. 51:248,
3P,5,14P,lY-tetrahydroxy-, see 250-2s I
Strophanthidol o-galactopyranosyl-, preparation of, 33: 158
3P,5,14P-trihydroxy-, see Periplogenin o-glucopyranosyl-, preparation of, 33: 158
Ig-oxo-, see Strophanthidin 2,4-dihydroxy-1 -P-o-nbofuranosyl-,
3~-(2-deoxy-~-~-~vxo-hexopyranosy~)oxy- antitumor action of, 33: 160
14P-hydroxy-, synthesis of, 27:4 2,s-dihydroxy- 1 -o-ribofuranosyl-,
3h-O-(2-deoxy-P-o-ribo-hexopyranosyl)- preparation of, 33:159-160
,14P-hydroxy-, 21:306 2,4-dimethoxy-1-(2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyI-o-
3b-0-(2,6-dideoxy-a-o ribo-hexopyranosy1)- ribofuranosy1)-, preparation of,
14P-hydroxy-, 21:299,301,3 12 33: 1 59-160
3b-O-(2,6-dideoxy-P-o-ribo-hexopyranosy1)- 2,s-dimethoxy- I -(2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-o-
14P-hydroxy-, 21:299, 301,30X rihofuranosy1)-, preparation of,
3b-0-(2,6-dideoxy-3-O-methyl-P-o-riho- 33: 159-1 60
hexopyranosyl)-5,14~-oihydroxy- 19- o-mannopyranosyl-, tetraacetate, 25:24 1
0x0-, 21:293 o-xylopyranosyl-, preparation of, 33: 158
14P-hydroxy-3-oxo-,21:306 fluoro-. complex with amylose, crystal
Beans structure bibliography, 33:39 1
cell-wall studies on, 42:271,288, 301, 328, 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitro-, reaction with amino
35 1 group in dithioacetals, 32:SS
cyclic AMP in, 42367 2-[(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)ethyl]-,
lectins and toxic properties, 35: 130 sweetness, 45:285
Beech iodo-, dichloride, reaction with tri-0-acetyl-
cell-wall studies on, 42282-283 o-glucal, 28:263
glucuronoxylans, spectral analysis and 1-nitro-4-P-~-rihofuranosyl-,synthesis of,
identification, 44:24 33: 144
polysaccharides, 24:376-377 2,3,4,6-tetra-0-aCetyl-P-D-glUCOpyranDSyl-,
Beef ganglioside, circular dichroism, 45: I I2 preparation of, 33:142, IS8
Beer, analysis by gas-liquid chromatography, 2,4,6-trimethoxy- 1-
28:46 P-o-ribofuranosyi-, preparation of. 33: 160
Beers Law, 45:76 (2,3,S-tri-O-benzoyl-P-o-ribofuranosyl)-,
Beetles, repellents for, 24:7 preparation of, 33: 159
Beets, see Sugar beets Benzeneboronic acid
Beijerinckia indica, polysaccharide, effect of o-fructose on, 22:287
preparation, properties, and uses, reaction with sulfonic esters of
36:297-298 carbohydrates, 23:267

Benzeneselenyl triflate, 53:191-192 esters

Benzenesulfenyl chloride, mercaplalation with, of n-glucuronic acid, 36: 104, 106, 108
32:26 of diethylaminoethyl polysaccharide
Benzenesulfonamide, N.N-dibronio-, ethers, 29:325
brominations, 39: 1 19 of sugar dithioacetals, preparation of,
Benzenesulfonyl chloride 32:45
2,4,6-triisopropyl- as herbicide, 21:408
esterification of nucleotides by, 33: 13 2-hydroxy-, see Salicylic acid
intemiediate in nucleotide formation, 3-hydroxy-, as herbicide, 21:408
36:157, 171 4-hydroxy-, as herbicide, 21:408
sulfonylation with, 33:34 m(and p)-amino-, reaction with nitro olefins,
2.4.6-trimethyl-, selective esteriiication with, 24: I36
33: 14 methyl ester, transesterification of methyl a-
Benzenethiol o-ghcopyranoside with, 33:44
in dithioacetal preparation, 32: I , 17 p-nitro-, esters of sugar dithioacetals,
o-amino-, reaction with aldoses, 32:20 preparation of, 32:45
Benzilic acid, rearrangement, 25:3,44 2,3,5-tniodo-
in alkaline degradation, 28:205 effect on abscission and ripening, 21:429
in dehydration of sugars, 28: 171 as herbicide, 21:407
in lactic acid of formation, 28: 197 2,3,6-trichloro-effect on sugarcane, 21:427
in saccharinic acid formation, 28: 194 2,4.6-trimethyl-, esters, hydrolysis, 39:34
Benzimidazoles Benzoic chloride, p-phenylazo-, esterification
2-(aldo-polyhydroxyaIkyI)-,6: 175-203 with, effect of hydrogen-bonding on.
carbohydrate derivatives, polarography of, 33: 15
29:154, 160 Benzoin, esters of, photocyclization of, 46:201
2-chloro- 1 -p-D-ribofuranosyl-, crystal Benzonitrile, 2,6-dichloro-, inhibitor of
structure bibliography, 31:358 cellulose biosynthesis, 41:144
o-glucuronic acid conjugates, synthesis, Benzoquinones, formation, 46:294
36: 129 Benzothiazole, derivatives, preparation of,
sugar derivatives, 25:373 32:20
2-Benzimidazolethio, 1-P-D-ribofuranosyl-, Benzotriazole
monohydrate, crystal structure S,b-dirnethyl-, reaction with glycals, 24:2 17
bibliography, 31:358 2-(3,4-di-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-P- r-erythro-
I ,2-Benzisothiazolin-3-one 1 ,]-dioxide, see pentopyranosyl)-5.6-dimethyl-, crystal
Saccharin structure bibliography, 37:427
Benzoate ion, cyclodextrin inclusion complexes 2-(4-O-acetyl-2,3-dideoxy-P-~-glycero-pent-
with, 46:221 2-enopyranosyl)-5,6-dichloro-,crystal
Benzoates, p-chloro-, in conformation analysis, structure bibliography, 34:371
26:63-64 reaction with glycals, 24:217
Benzoic acid Benzoxonium ions
4-butoxy-3,5-dimethoxy-,2-( 1- reaction with nucleophiles, 39:l 13, 151-152
pyrro1idinyl)ethyl ester, as spasmolytic rearrangement, 39: I0 1-1 02
agent, 28:9 Benzoxonium salts, 26: 130
2-chloro-, as herbicide, 21:408 Benzoylacetic acid cyclodextrin inclusion
3-chloro-, as herbidcide, 21:408 complexes with, 46:223-224
4-chloro-, as herbicide, 21:408 Benzoylation
cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with, of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses,34:82
46:221,234 of carbohydrate boronates, 35:53
2,6-di-terf-buty-4-(hydroxymethyl)-, I -ester in excess of pyridine, 50: 164
with o-glucuronic acid, 36: 104 of glycosides. 23:249

selective, of maltose derivatives, 39:225-227 Bergmann. E., 45:9

Benzoyl chloride, reaction with amino group in Beta amylase, 47:298
dithioacetals, 32:55 catalysis of P-maltosyl fluoride hydrolysis,
Benzoyl cyanide, selective benzoylation with. 48:358-359
33:45 Betueorcus awhinosuc,eus, dextran from
Benzoylformyl group, in nucleosidc chemistry, sucrose by, 32:5
39:41 Betaines, formation in Wittig reaction.
Benzoyl groups in syntheses with dithioacetals. 27:290-292
32:66 Betaprenol, structure, 44:346
Benzoyloxy group Betulaprenol, structure, 44:346
participation in sugar reactions, 22: I 17 Beverages. polarographic determination of 2-
reactivity of. in acyloxonium slat fomiation. furaldehyde in, 29: 167
26:131 Bibliography
Benzoyl-phenylmethanol (benzoin) esters. as crystal structures
protecting group, 46:200-201 of carbohydrates, nucleosides. and
3-Benzoylpropanoyl group, in nucleoside nucleotides. 30:445466,
chemistry, 39:41 31 :347-37 I , 32:353-384,
3-Benzoylpropionyl group, as protective group 34:345-378,37:373436,
in nucleosides and sugars, 33:248 38:417-529
Benzoylribitol, 1,5-anhydro-2,3,4-tri-0-.crystal of polysaccharides, 33:387404,
structure, 43:258 35:377-385,36:3 15-332,
Benzoylxylitol, 1,5-anhydro-2,3,4-tri-0-, 4753 40:381-399
crystal structure, 43:258 of Edmund L. Hirst and colleagues
Benzyl alcohol, a-methyl-, R and S isomers, publications, 35: 17-29
preparation of, 27: 197 of Edward John Bournes published works,
Benzylation, 53:61 34: 13-22
of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses,34:85 Emil Hardegger publications, 38:& I 1
Benzyl ethers John Kenyon Netherton Jones publications,
acetolysis of, of acetals, 22: 15 41:ll-26
in carbohydrate synthesis, 31:4 Bicyclic precursors, sugar synthesis, 40:74-80
photochemical cleavage of, in presence o f Bicyclic systems, carbohydrate, sulfonylation
bromine, 46:182-183 of, 23:250
of sugars, 12:137-156 Bicyclo[2.2. Ilheptane, carbohydrates
Benzyl glycosides, preparative liquid containing ring, 24: 176
chromatography, 46:60 Bile-acid glucosiduronates, synthesis and
Benzyl groups occurrence, 36:95
protecting groups, 36: 147-149 Bilirubin
in synthesis of methylated sugars, 30:4 in biosynthesis of saccharides, 26:440
Benzylidenation conjugates with o-glucuronic acids, 36: 105,
of D-ribose, 34: 184 116-119
of D-xylose, 34: 186 structure, 36: 1 16
with gem-dihalides and base, 34: I89 Binder, dextrins as, 47:324-325
Benzyloxycarbonyl chloride Bioactive products, from marine
reaction with amino group in dithioacetals, microorganisms, 48: 14
3255 Biochanin-A, from lanceolarin, 31: 147
in selective esterification, 33:23 Biochemical reductions. at the expense of
Benzyloxy group, effect on sugar reactions, sugars, 4:75-117
22:114 Biochemistry. see specific substances
Benzylthiocarbonyl chloride, selective of a-o-gahctosidic linkages in plant
acylation with, 33:20 kingdom, 37:283-372

Biochemistry (continued) of cellulose, 26:319-326,32:11-12,

ofapiose, 31:135-184 41: 105-1 53
p-o-fructofuranose in, 22:230 structural considerations, 41: 110-1 16
o-fructose derivatives in, 22:289 of dextrans, 30:418433
energetics, 30:7 of enzymes, adenosine cyclic 3',5'-
hydrogen movement within the cell and phosphate in, 30:224
incorporation into cell components, guanosine 5'-tetraphosphate in, 30:225
27:177 of galactomannans, 31:255-256
incorporation of labeled monosaccharides of glycans, 37:182-189, 218-221
into polysaccharides, 27: 179 of glycoenzymes and glycoproteins, 27:303,
mechanistic, hydrogen-labeled sugars in 308,328-337
study Of, 27~155-176 of glycoproteins, 25:467472
of monosaccharides having sulfur or nitrogen of glycosphingolipids, 40:24&268
in ring, 23:212 enzyme preparation and enzyme assay,
pathway of enzymic transformations in 40:245-247
tritiated compounds, 27: 176 of hyaluronic acid, 12:299-319
of plant galactomannans, 35341-376 of immunoglobulins, genetic control of,
of resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics, 31:317
30: 164, 183-225 lipid-linked oligosaccharides, 40:288-32 I
stereochemistry and, 21:34 of L-streptidine, 27: I77
Bio-Gel P, 25:15,20,23 of microbial exopolysaccharides,
Biogenesis, of cellulose and plant cell-walls, 36:286-289
26:297-349 of the monosaccharides, 11: 185-262
Bio-Glas, 25: 15 of nucleotides, 27:336
Biological activity of plant galactomannans, 35352-356
of fluorinated carbohydrates, 38:28 1-284 of polysaccharides, 33:296
of gulonic acids and gulono- 1,4-lactones, of raffinose family oligosaccharides,
38:320 37:351-360
of herbicides, chemical structure, physical of saccharides, from glycopyranosyl ester of
properties and, 21:408 nucleotides, 18:309-356
Biological assays, see spec@ substances: pyrophosphates, 26:35 1 4 8 3
specific tern of sialic acids, 40: 170-194
Biological fluids, gas-liquid chromatographic sites of, 26:466471
analysis of, 28:80 of sucrose, 32:7
Biological functions, sialic acids, 40:2 I & ofteichoic acids, 21:372
232 of I-thio-P-o-glucosiduronicacids, 36:
Biologically active compounds, configuration 103
and purity of, 27:205-22 1 of UDP-o-apiose by decarboxylation,
Biomass 31 :162-169
conversion processes, carbohydrates in, Biotin
analysis of, 46:52-54 absolute configuration of, 27:212
polysaccharides in, 46:306 dethio-, synthesis and absolute configuration
Biopolymer CS, see Scleroglucan of, 27:2 12
Biosynthesis and isomers, 29:2
of ap-trehalose, mechanism of, 4,4'-Bipyridinium bis(methy1 sulfate,l,l '-
30:236-245 dimethyl-, effect on sugarcane, 21:422
of antibiotic sugar components, 3 5 8 1-126 Birch xylan, see Xylan
of apiose in vivo,31: 154-162 BIRD pulse, 51:19.23
of aromatic compounds from D-ghCOSe, Birefringence of gels, 24:305
15:235-270 Birotation, term, 23: 12

Bis(acetamid0) sugars, circular dichroism. receptor locations, 45:320-322

45:98 topographical overlap of interaction
N , N -Bis (2-minoethyl) ethylenedianiine, as patterns on taste receptors,
matrix for f.a.b.-mass spectrometry. 45:26 45:323-325
Bis( 1.4-anhydroerythritol) sodium iodide. and configuration of anomeric center.
crystal structure bibliography, 37:374 45:239
Bis(P-D-fructopyranose) calcium chloride initial chemistry, 45:3 1 1
trihydrate, crystal structure bibliography, and lipophilicity, 45:243, 3 18-320
32:359 and nitro groups, 45:3 10
Bis(2-chloroethyl)methylamine,in cellulose role of structure in, 45:200
cross-linking, 3 3 6 3 structural parameters for, schematic
Bis(cyc1ohexaaniylose) lithium triiodide representation. 45:3 15-3 17
complex, crystal structure bibliography, Bivalent substitution prefixes, 52: 143- 145
34:372 Bivalves, glycolipids, see Glycolipids
Bis(cycloma1tohexaose) Black-locust lectin, see Rohiniu yseudoaccaciu
cadmium polyiodide, hexacosahydrate. lectin
crystal structure, 43:267 Blasticidin H. biosynthesis of, 42:262
lithium triiodide iodine, octahydrate. crystal Blasticidin S, 24:226, 238
structure, 43:267-268 antibiotic, 33:200
Bis( 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-~-mannitolo)-30-crown- biosynthesis of, 35:12&125,42:230, 262
10,49:107-108 crystal structure of, 21:84
Bis(2,4-dinitrophenyIhydrazone),49: I 56 structure of, 42:229
Bis-nomaytasinoid, 50: I95 Blastmycinone
Bis(2,3-O-sodioinosine S'-monophosphate) (+)-, 50~184
(diethylenetriamine) copper( II), natural occurrence of, 42:73
decahydrate, crystal structure structure of, 42:71,78
bibliography, 38:523-524 synthesis of, 42: 129
Bisoxirane Blustocludiella emersonii. glycogen. 41 :69
affinity chromatography adsorbent supports, Blustomjws dermatiditis
39:431432 galactomannan, 41 :93
agarose activation for affinity polysaccharide, 41:70
chromatography, 39:415 Blastymycinolactol isomers, synthesis of,
Bistable (two-state) jump model, 51: 120 42: 129
3'5,'-Bis(thymidylyl) Bleomycin
difluoromethylphosphonate, synthesis and migration of carbainoyl groups and antibiotic
biological activity, 48:266 activity, 33: 102
Bitterness, see also Sweetness research, Japan, 48:9-10
AH,B concept for. 45:3 12-3 I8 Bleomycin A,, '?C-NMR structural analysis,
anomeric hydroxyl group essential for. 43:4748
45240-241 Blix sulfatide, 24:405,407
biochemistry, 4 5 3 10-325 Blood
bitter-sensitive protein a-D-mannosidase in human, 28:403
equilibrium constants of binding of bitter D-fructose
compounds, 45:3 I 1 in fetal, 30:s
from porcine tongue, 45:3 1 1 metabolism in. 34:298
taste threshold of bitterness, for various D-glucitol determination in. by gas-liquid
compounds, 45:3 I I chromatography, 28:57
bitter-sweet molecules gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:4547. 81
binding to receptor, 45:322-324 supply. effect of antitumor bacterial
polarization on taste receptors, 45:324 polysaccharide on, 32:264

Blood-group determinants Boranediyl, nomenclature, 35:36

biosynthesis of, 26:472475 Borate complexes
blood group O,Le(a-b-), 4 9 5 6 of cyclitols, aqueous equilibria of, 42:25
glycosides related to, W N M R data for, effects
42:217-219 on acetylation of alditols, 28:34
human, p-elimination and degradation of, on trifluoroacetylation of sugars, 28:36
31:214 Borates, effect on mutarotation of sugars, 23:35
Lewis a, preparation of, 34:268 Boric acid, 53:293
MN carbohydrate complexation with, infrared
dispIay,4.5:171, 191, 194-195, 197 and Raman spectroscopic study of,
by glycophorin A, 45: 175 44:30
functional groups with crucial role in, catalysis of polymerization by, 21:466
4.5: I94 for determining configuration of
oligosaccharides, liquid chromatography carbohydrates, 4: 189-2 I0
separation, 46:43 effect on mutarotation of sugars, 23:35
polysaccharides of, 4:37-55 reaction with o-glucose, 35:3 1
Ss, 45: 173 Borinates, see Sodium diphenylborinates
display, 45:171 2,3-Bomanedione, mutarotation of, 23: 13
sweetness relationships, 45:320-325 Bomesitol, from quebrachitol, and
Blueberry, development physiology of, 42:341 rearrangement in acetic acid-sulfuric acid,
Blue Dextran 2000, structure of, 29:352 26:191
Bluensidine Borohydrides
aglycon of bluensomycin, 30: 1 14 as reducing agents for o-fructose, 22:283
biosynthesis, 35: 105, 107 reduction, of acetals, 34: 192
Bluensomycin Boronates
biosynthesis, 35: 102 in aqueous solutions, 3548-52
discovery of, 30:112, 114 carbohydrate, 35:5, 31-80
structure of, 30:114, 35:102-103 esterification, 35:53
Blue staining residue, dextrins, 47:283 etherification, 3 5 5 5
Boar spermatozoa, forrnose utilization by, hydrolysis, 3550-52
29:2 18 mass spectrometry, 35:65-70
Bognar, Rezso, 49:3-9 nomenclature, 35:36
academic career, 49:4 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy,
antibiotic research, 49:5-6 3570
C-nucleoside synthesis, 49:8 nucleophilic displacement reactions,
glycosylamine research, 49:6-7 3.5:55-57
honors, 49:8 oxidation, 3 9 5 7
reaction of a,a-dihalo ethers, 49:7-8 preparation and structure, 35:4345
research on flavonoid compounds and properties, 35:72-80
carbohydrates, 4 9 5 removal of boronate group, 3 5 5 2
Boivinose, 21: 186 in separation of carbohydrates, 3557-58
Boltzmann distribution, in nuclear magnetic stability, 3 5 3 5 , 53-55
resonance spectroscopy, 27:44 structure, 35:33,4148
Boltzmann factor, 51:30 synthesis, 3 5 3 7 4 1
Bonds Boron compounds, in synthesis of deoxy
angles, coupling to torsional angles, sugars, 21:168-169. 181
47:96-101 Boronic acids
axial and equatorial, 26:52 in biochemistry, 3 5 3 2
length, coupling to torsional angles, in column chromatography, 3563-65
47:96-I01 in gas-liquid chromatography, 35:65

interactions with carbohydrates in aqueouh nucleosides of, 42: 13 1-132,230,244-246

solutions, 35:48-52 in antibiotic synthesis, 42:261
Boronic esters, of diols from periodate in solution, 49:30-~3I
oxidation of polysaccharides, mass synthesis of, 42:69-134
spectrometry of, 30:43 addition to C-alkylidene glycosides,
Boron tribromide 429-95
1,6-anhydrohexopyranose cleavage by, 34:68 by addition to unsaturated sugars,
for cleavage of glycoside sulfonic esters. 42:97-103
23:259 by aldol addition, 42: 104-105
Boron trichloride cyclitols, 42: 129- I3 I
1,6-anhydrohexopyranose cleavage by, 34:68 by cyclization of dialdehydes with
for cleavage of glycoside sulfonic esters, nitroalkanes, 42: 107-109
23:259 forrnyl- and hydroxymethyl-branched,
in demethylation of methyl ethers of sugars, 42: 128-129
34:8 methyl-branched, 42: 1 18-128
reaction with anhydro carbohydrate by nucleophilic addition to glycosiduloses,
derivatives, 28:280 42:78-91
Boron trifluoride, debenzylation with. 31:4 by nucleophilic reactions of sugar
Boron trifluoride etherate oxiranes, 42:95-97
1,6-anhydrohexopyranose cleavage by. 34:66 by photochemical addition, 42: 105-107
as catalyst in acetalation, 34: 186 by rearrangement reactions, 42: 109- I I3
Borylene, nomenclature, 3 9 3 6 two main groups of, 42:77-78
Botany, carbohydrate chemistry and. 21:378 Branched models, mucin structure, 47:353-356
Botrytis cinerea Brussicu ulbu, polysaccharide from seed of,
a-L-arabinofuranosidase from, 42:387 24:374
fermentation of D-fructose and D - ~ I U C ~by,
S~ Bratton-Marshall assay, 52:299
32: IS3 Braun, Julius von. 45: 1
Botryti.s/uhue, a-L-arabinofuranosidase of. Bredinin monohydrate (4-carbamoyl- I -P-n-
42387 ribofuranosyliniidazolium-S-olate),crystal
Bourne, Edward John, obituary, 34: I 22 structure bibliography, 34:364
Bourquelot, Emile, obituary of, 18:l X Brewsters rules, of optical rotation and
Bovine a-lacatabumin, crystal structure 01: conformation, 26:63
25:98 Bridged-ring systems, of carbohydrate sulfonic
Bovine brain monosialoganglioside, mass esters, displacement reactions, of. 24: IS3
spectrometry of, 29:89 Brigls anhydride, 25: 164, 53: 1 SO- I52
Bovine mannosidosis urine, structure of Brigls synthesis. 39: I7 I
oligosaccharide, 37: 182 levoglucosan synthesis from, 34:29,48
Bovine-milk lactotransferrin glycan. st ruclure, 0x0 reaction with, 23: 105
37: 176 polymerization of, 21:490, 39:207-208
Bovine nasal cartilage, carbon-I3 nuclear synthesis, 39: 161
magnetic resonance spectra and structure, Brigls chloride
38:36, 78-81 methyl a-o-glucopyranoside from, 34:256
Bovine serum antigens, 53:223-224 selective deacylation. 39:35
Brachiopods, glycolipids, see Glycolipids Brigls compound, structure of, 3230-3 I
Braggs law, 52:3 14 British gums, see Dextrins
Branched-chain sugars, 48:287-288 Brome grass. cell-wall studies on, 42:271, 287,
composition in aqueous solution, 42:43, 291,300
54-58 Bromelain
configuration determination of, 42: 132- I34 a-o-mannosidase as structural reagent for,
natural occurrence of, 42:72-73 from pineapple stem. 28:444

Bromelain (continued) B~l709-E~

glycoenzymes, 27:309 from butirosins, 30: I32
pineapple discovery of, 30:l 12
carbohydrate components of, 27:325 Bufadienolides, 46: 13
purification of, 27:310 synthetic, 21 :273-321
stem, 25:436,44:232 Bufo, 46: 13
Bromination, see also Radical-mediated Building industry, galactomannans in, 31:3 11
brominations Burdock root, polysaccharide from, antitumor
of nucleotides, 22:377 activity of, 32:253
of sugars, with N-bromosuccinimide, 28:249 Butadiene, diepoxy-. sulfonylation of, 23:239
of hi-0-acetyl-D-glucal, 24:203 I ,3-Butadiene
of unsaturated sugars. 27:241, 249 1-alkoxy-, carbohydrate substrates, 40:3&38
Bromine, reaction with cyclic acetals, 39: 1 18 1,4-dimethoxy-, sugar substrate, 40:49
Brominolysis, of 2-deoxy-2-iodopyranoses, trans. trans- 1,4-diacetoxy-, sugar substrate,
25: 194 40:49
Bromoadenosine, 1,N-Dibenzoyl-2,3,5-tri-O- 1,3-Butadienyl ethers, sugar, cycloaddition,
benzoyl-4-, synthesis, 49:65 40: 123-128
p-Bromobenzenesulfonate, in displacement Butanal
reactions of carbohydrates, 24: 140 4-hydroxy, as hemiacetal in solution, 4 2 3 0
Bromobenzoates, circular dichroism reaction with hexitols, 39:26
d i p , 45:123-124 Butane, tetra-0-acetyl-a-o-glucopyranosyl-,
tri-p-, 45:123-124 25:241
Bromoconduritols, 48:376-377 Butaneboronates
Bromodeoxyaldonolactones carbohydrate, in gas-liquid chromatography,
base-catalyzed rearrangement, 50: 175-179 28:38, 5 1
hydrogenolysis, 50: 173-174 gas-liquid chromatography of
preparation of aminodeoxy aldonic acids and monosaccharide, 28: 120
sugars, 50: 135 1,3-Butanediol, 2,4-difluoro-
1-Bromo-o-glycosyl cyanides, synthesis, 49:58 preparation, 38:237-238
Bromofluorination, of glycals, 38:234235 synthesis, 40: 104
Bromoform, complex with amylose, crystal Butanedione, 46:32 1
structure bibliography, 33:39 1 formation of 2,5-dimethylhydroquinone
Bromo(methoxyl)ation, of glycals, 24:203 from, 46:294-295
(Bromomethylene)dimethyliminiumbromide. from hydrothemiolyzed cellulose,
in synthesis of bromodeoxy sugars, 28:250 46:304-305
Bronchitis patient, mucus glycoproteins, 4-Butanelactam, 2-enamino-N,N-bis[(p-
47:36&36 1 methyoxycarbonyl) phenyl]-4-(~-galacro-
Brffnstedacids, reaction with 0- pentaacetoxypenty1)-, 23: 166
(glycosyl)trichloroacetimidates,50:30-32 I-Butanethiol, reaction with sucrose, 3 2 2 9
Bronsted relationship, between catalytic 1,2,4-ButanetrioI, tripivalate, acyloxonium
activity and dissociation constants, 24: 19 rearrangement of, 26: 143
Brown-Brewster-Shechter rule, for m-dioxane Butanoic acid, 2-etbyl-,l-ester with p-D-
ring formation, 26:2 10 glucuronic acid, 36: 104
Browning, see Caramelization Butanol, 4-methoxy-. solubility of sucrose in,
Brucellu abortus, inhibitors for, 2 2 2 1 1 27:87,89
Brucine, L-gulonate, preparation, 38:299 I-Butanol, 53:361
Brucine HCL, taste properties, 4 5 3 1 I complex with amylose, crystal structure
Bu- 1709-E , bibliography, 33:391
from butirosins, 30: 132 complex with sodiocellulose. crystal
discovery of, 30:112 structure bibliography, 33:395

cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with, 5-Butylbarbituric acid, cyclodextrin inclusion

46~222-224 complexes with, 46:223-224
reactions with carbohydrates and sodium rert-Butyldimethylsilyl group, 0-protecting
hydroxide, 21 :257 group, 39:64, 66-67
2-Butanol,2-phenyl-, asymmetric synthesis of. Butyllithium, reaction with
27: 193-194 cyclic acetals, 34:49,409
Butanone, 53:367 1,3-dioxolanes, 39: 138- 148
1 -hydroxy-2-, formation, 46:294 2-Butyne-l,4-diol, substrate for carbohydrate
3-hydroxy-2-, 46:321 synthesis, 40:27-29
4-Hydroxy-2-, formation, 46:294 2-Butyn-4-01, 1.1 -diethoxy-, precursor for sugar
Butanoyl chloride, 2-acetoxy-2-methyl-, synthesis, 40:7
reaction with diol groups, 33:83-84 Butyraldehyde, 2,4-dihydroxy-3-
2-Butena1, see Crotonaldehyde (hydroxymethy1)-, synthesis, 40: 13-14
1-Butene, 4-acetoxy-3-(acetoxymethyl)- 1 - Butyric acid, amylose ester, preparation of,
ethoxy, m-apiose synthesis, 40: 13 29:330
Butenoic acid
cis-2-, see Isocrotonic acid
trans-2-, see Crotonic acid C
3-Butenoic acid, precursor for sugar synthesis,
40:6 C-2, deoxygenation effects on enzyme-
Ei-Butenolides, synthetic uses, 50: 190-1 0 I substrate affinity, 4 8 5 6 I
y-Butenolides, synthetic uses, 50: 182- 190 Cabrera, Blas, 45: 10
double bond reaction, SO: 187-188 Cadmium carbonate, in Koenigs-Knorr
2-Butenyl group, as protective group, 39:51 reaction, 34:253
1-Buten-3-yne, 1 methoxy-, precursor for sugar Cadmium(11) cytidine 5-nionophosphate,
synthesis, 40: 11-12 monohydrate, crystal structure
Butirosin A bibliography, 38:505
inactivated, 30: 197 Cadmium ion. effect on a-1)-mannosidase
isolation and structure of, 30: 131- I32 activity, 28:426,428,430,433
I -N-acyl derivatives, 30: 174 Caffeine, taste properties, 45:3 1 1
synthesis and structure of, 30: 196 Calcitonin M, amino-acid sequence in, 25:
Butirosin B 425
3,4-dideoxy-, minimum inhibitory Calcium a-o-galacturonate, tetrahydrate,
concentrations of, 30:221 crystal structure bibliography, 32:380
synthesis and activity against resistant Calcium a-1,-isosaccharinate, crystal structure
bacteria, 30: 176 bibliography, 31:364
isolation and structure of, 30: 131-1 32 Calcium alginate. 47:33
minimum inhibitory concentrations of, Calcium and calcium ion
30:221 effect on reducing sugars in solution, 42:33
synthesis of, 30:112. 163-164 function in cell walls, 42:305, 346, 369
and derivatives, 30: 176 Calcium P-i)-uruhino-hexulosonate trihydrate,
and structure of, 30: 196 crystal structure bibliography, 37:376
Butirosins, discovery of, 30: 1 12 Calcium bis(2-amino-2,3,4-trideoxy-l.-g/~cero-
Butyl alcohol, solubility of sucrose in, 27:89, pentrate), crystal structure. 43:205-206
98 Calcium bromide-cu-D-glucopyranuronate
tert-Butyl alcohol trihydrate. crystal structure bibliography,
complex with amylose, crystal structure 34:347
bibliography, 33:391 Calcium chloride, 53:323-324
as solvent in ammonolysis of benzoyl complex with lactose and methanol, 21:215
groups, 31: 102 effect on

Calcium chloride (continued) Callose, 23:384,44:273

equilibrium rotation of-o-g1,vcrro-o-gulo- in cell walls, 26:345, 349
heptose, 21:231 effect on cellulose biosynthesis, 41:128-129
mutarotation of sugars, 23:34 synthesis of, 26:324-325, 32:11
sugar solubility in methanol, 27:95 Calorimetry, mutarotation measurement by,
Calcium chondroitin 4-sulfate, 52:38 1-382, 23:5 1
425426 Cambridge Crystallographic Data Bank
Calcium cyclamate, relative sweetness, 45: refcodes, 43:204, 377421
332 Camphor derivatives, mutarotation of, 23: 12
Calcium o-glucarate tetrahydrate, crystal (+)-I 0-Camphorsulfonic acid, aqueous
structure bibliography, 37:375 solution, calibration 0fc.d. instruments
Calcium di-DL-glycerate, dihydrate, crystal with, 45:77
structure, 43:204 Canadensolide, synthesis of, 42:95
Calcium-di-L-glutamate, crystal structure, Canarose, L-, 21: 186
43:205-206 Cunavulia ensiformis, see Jack bean
Calcium o-phosphoglycerate trihydrate, crystal Cancer
structure, bibliography, 30:447 antigens, antitumor activity of, 32:270
Calcium o-xybhexosulosonate dihydrate, chemotherapy
crystal structure bibliography, 31:364 deoxy sugars in, 21: 145, 158
Calcium hyaluronate, 52:376377 research, 29:2,6
crystal structure bibliography, 35:383 glycoconjugates role, 37:159, 161
Calcium hydroxide, as catalyst in formose therapy
reaction, 29:183-199 lectins in, 35: 130
Calcium ion spongoadenosine in, 31:4
chelation, proton shielding by, 47: 129 tissue, a-o-mannosidase activity in, 28:404
exchange of Gd3+,and Mn2+for, 47: 136 Cundidu ulbicans
interaction with N-acetyl-a-o-neuraminic glycogens, 41:69
acid, 47: 160 phosphonomannan, 41:86
Calcium ionophores, inhibitors of cellulose polysaccharide, 41 :74
biosynthesis, 41:144 Cundidu bogoriensis, polysaccharides, 41:98
Calcium L-arabinonate pentahydrate, crystal Cundidu intermedia, lactose utilization by,
structure bibliography, 31:363 32: 183
Calcium L-ascorbate, crystal structure, Cundidu lzjJolyticn, galactomannan, 41:92
37~83-84 Cundidu purupsilosis. polysaccharide, 41 :74
dihydrate, 32:354-355,43:337 Cundirfu spp. mannans, 41:82
Calcium pectate, 52:353 Cundidu sielluioideu, phosphonomannan,
Calcium sodium a-o-galactopyranuronate 41:86
hexahydrate, crystal structure Cundidu utilis
bibliography, 34:347 chitin, 41:103
Calcium sodium a-o-galacturonate, polysaccharide, 41:77
hexahydrate, crystal structure thiamine synthesis, 52:291
bibliography, 32:380,37:377 Cane sugar, see Sugar cane
Calcium thymidylate, hexahydrate, crystal Cannabinol, D8-tetrahydro-, C-glycosylation in
structure bibliography, 31:370 preparation of, 33: 159
Calcium welan, structure, 52:432434 Cannabis, constituents, 29:2
Calcofluor White, 41:117, 131 Canna starch, structure of, 32:5
Caldariomycin, derivative, crystal structure of, Cannizzaro reaction
25:74 in formose formation, 29:176, 180, 192,
Calf thyroglobulin unit A glycan, structure, 199-205,213-216
37: 175 with pyruvaldehyde, 28:200

Carugana ahorescens lectins, purification. composition, in presence of acid catalysts,

composition. and properties of, 352 13 47:252
Caramel, see also Caramelan; Caramelen: cosmetic use. 47:23 1-232
Caramelin; Melanoidins definition, 47:205
acceptable daily intake, 47:233 detection, 47:234-236
as adhesive and binder, 47:232 dry, 47:227-228
ammonia gas-liquid chromatography, 47:233-236
carcinogenicity, 47:268 killing heat, 47:228
processes, 47:228-229 manufacturing, 47:218-225. 228
standardization, 47:208 inhibitor use, 47:224
analysis, 47:235-237 light and browning, 47:225
background, 47:204-205 melanoidin formation. 47:223-224
bad, 47:229 from molasses, 47:22 I
Bakers types, 47:231 nonconventional sources, 47:222
biological screening, 47:267-270 in presence of ammonia, 47:22&225
for brandy, 47:23 1 y-radiation effect, 47:225
for brewing, 47:23 1 reducing properties, 47:218,220
i3C-c.p./m.a.s.NMR, 47:24&245 from saccharides, 47:223
chemical nature, 47:237-267, 52:222- 223 from sucrose and its products, 47:2 19-22 1
acid-catalyzed reversion, 47:252 water loss, 47:218-219
aqueous sucrose solution pH, 47:239 pharmaceutical industry, 47:23 1
carboxylic acid or Schiff base paths, physical properties, 47:214-218
47:263 aroma, 47:2 18
caustic caramel, 47:253 composition, 47:2 I5
degree of polymerization, 47:244 firmness. 47:222 223
diketosamine decomposition, 47:264-266 flavor. 47:2 18
electronegative, 47:215 hygroscopicity, 47:223
electropositive, 47:2 14 pH, 47:21&217
formation of heterocyclic low-molecular- from Pictet-Andrianoff vacuum process,
weight products, 47:266-267 4 7 2 16-21 7
intramolecular cis eliminations, 47:248 solubility, 47:217
isoelectric points, 47:2 14, 227 plastic resins colored with. 47:232
isoelectric properties, 47:23 1 presence of proteins, 47:230
metal salt effects, 47:252-253 quaternized by metal ions, 47:232
mutagenicity, 47:267-269 size-exclusion chromatography, 47:235
mutarotation, 47:249 spectral analysis and identification, 44:24
oxaheterocycle formation, 47:247-248 storage, 47:229
from plain sugars, 47:237 thin-layer chromatography, 47:236
reductones, 47:249-250 tinctorial strength. 47:2 18, 23 1
thermal stability, 47:238 types, 47:20&208
volatile and nonvolatile fractions. applications, 47:233
47:238-239 test form, 47:206, 208
clastogenic effect, 47:268 ultrafiltration, 47:229
colloidal particles in. 47:227 undesirable properties, 47:229
colorants in urine, 47:269
analytical characteristics, 47:206, 209-2 13 uses, 47:230-233
range of shades, 47:232 viscosity control, 47:227
for soft drinks, 47:231 world production, 47:233
standardization, 47:205-206, 208 Caramelan
sugar colors, 47:214 analytical characteristics. 47:24 I , 243

Caramelan (continued) N-phenyl-, esterification of carbohydrate

infrared absorption spectra, 47:241-242 boronates by, 35:54
from intermolecular polymerizations, Carbamoyl group, reversed anomeric effect,
47~248-249 47:65
physical properties, 47:2 I6 Carbanilates, as herbicides, 21 :403
ultraviolet absorption spectra, 47:241,243 Carbanilation, of polysaccharides, 29:344
Caramelen Carbanilic acid
analytical characteristics, 47:241, 243 3-chloro-
chemical nature, 47:241, 244 4-chloro-2-butynyl ester, as herbicide,
infrared absorption spectra, 47:241-242 2 1:404
physical properties, 47:216 isopropyl ester, as herbicides, 21:403
ultraviolet absorption spectra, 47:241, isopropyl ester, as herbicide, 21 :404
243-244 Carbanions
Caramelin condensation reactions with carbohydrates,
chemical nature, 47:244 33: 145-1 53
infrared absorption spectra, 47:241-242 detection, 38:391
physical properties, 47:2 16 Carba-sugars, see also Enantiomeric carba-
Caramelization, 46:307, 324 sugars; Racemic carba-sugars
acidic medium or acid catalysts, 47:250- 60c-~arba-~-fructopyranoses, 48:49-52
252 amino, synthesis, 48:6&67
under alkaline conditions, 47:253-255 biological activity of, 42:132
background, 47:204-205 biological effects, 48:8&89
by-products, 47:267 chemistry, 4 8 2 - 9 0
concepts, 47:226-227 definition of, 42: I 16
condensation, 47:245 mono- and dicarba-disaccharides, 48:67-73
degradation reactions, 47:245 physical constants, 48:37
degree of, 47:2 18 taste properties, 45292-293
of o-glucose, 34:46 Carbazole test. in sugar analysis, 28:222
kinetics, 47:226 Carbene, dichloro-, reaction with alcohols,
during manufacturing of table sugar, 28:260
47:221-222 Carbenoxolone, metabolism, 36: 109
polymerization, 47:245 Carbocyclic compounds, from dehydration
in presence of ammonia, amino acids, reactions of carbohydrates, 28: 174, 191
peptides, and proteins, 47:255 Carbodiiniides
products of, 47:238-240 affinity chromatography adsorbent supports.
solution versus solid state, 47:239-240 39:434435
sucrose, 47:2 19-220 N-N-dicyclohexyl-
Carbamates activating agent in phosphorylation,
as herbicides, 21:403 22:332
of polysaccharides, 29:344 effect on solubility of sugars in methyl
Carbamazepine, o-glucosylamineuronic acid sulfoxide, 27: 109
conjugate, 36: 126 intermediate in nucleotide formation,
Carbamic acid 36: 157
N-methyl-, 1-naphthyl ester, effect on in synthesis of glycosyl esters of
abscission and ripening, 21:429 nucleoside pyrophosphates, 28:353
N,N-dimethyldithio- reaction with glycuronans, 29:347
I -thio-P-o-glucopyranoside, 21 :404 in synthesis of glycosyl esters of nucleoside
zinc salt, fungicide-herbicide, 21:404 5-pyrophosphats,28:353
NN-dipropylthio-, S-ethyl ester, as herbicide, Carbodiimidium iodide, N-N -dicyclohexyl-N-
21:403 methyl-, reactions with alcohols, 28:260

Carbohydrases, endo and exo actions of, action of hydrogen peroxide on, 19:149-
29:340 179
Carbohydrate. chains acyclic, selective esterification of
proton nuclear magnetic resonance dithioacetals of. 33:4041
spectroscopy of glycoprotein-related, selective methylation of, 33:65-66
4 1:2 10-3 74 acyl esters, reaction with ammonia,
structural reporter groups, 41:212 31:81-134
Carbohydrate-alkali metal alcoholate affinity chromatography adsorbents for
complexes, 21:260 macromolecular substances,
Carbohydrate amines, deamination of, and 39:405-447
related compounds, 31:9-79 anomeric carbon atom, 47: 102
Carbohydrate-amino acid linkages, see ~ S < J anomeric region, 44: I I , I9
Glycosyl linkage anti. see Anti-carbohydrate antibodies
structures, 43:4-6 application of trifluoroacetic anhydride in
types, 43:4-6 chemistry of, 16:59-84
Carbohydrate anomers, separation of, 46: applications of reductive desulfurization by
70-7 1 Raney nickel, in the field of, 5: 1-28
Carbohydrate-binding specificity, of lectins, asymmetric carbon atom source, 27:205
35:139-145,331-333 benzyl ethers in synthesis of, 31:4
Carbohydrate chemistry, Wittig reaction in, boronates, see Boronates
27:227-299 branched-chain. by fomiose reaction,
Carbohydrate esters, photochemical reactions, 29:209-2 16
38: 136-142 butaneboronates, in gas-liquid
Carbohydrate-metal base complexes, 2 1 :237 chromatography. 28: 3 8
Carbohydrate-metal salt complexes carbonates of. 15:91-158
electrophoresis, 21:23 1 catabolism in yeasts, central pathways of,
optical rotations of, 21:228 32: 160-1 6 I
preparation of, 21:2 16-220 charge requirements, 47: 128
proof of existence of, 21 :2 1 1 CH,OH group. determination of rotational
solvation of, 21:226 isomerism, 44:53
stability of. 21:227 'T-labelled, preparation of, 32:8
stoichiometry of, 21:222 complex carbohydrates
structure of, 21:236 biosynthesis, in plants, 44:358-377
Carbohydrate-peptide linkage, of regulation mechanisms, 44:376-378
glycoproteins, 2 5 4 6 7 4 7 2 f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 4559-62
Carbohydrate polymers, compositional analysis complexes with alkali metals and alkaline-
of, 46:5457 earth metals, 21:209-271
Carbohydrate-protein compounds, in urine as components of cardiac glycosides.
(human), 24:435452 1:147-173
Carbohydrate-protein linkages, 2 9 4 17-43') conformation
amino acid and carbohydrate residues, and interactions of, vibrational
50~277-278 spectroscopic study, 44:87-88
proteoglycans, 49:242-243 vibrational spectra used to analyzc.
structural analysis, 43:6 44:25-26
type, distinguished by I3C-NMR constitution of, 15: 11-51
spectroscopy, 43: 10 in con) syrup. 36:29
unusual, 43:4449 crystalline, radiation-induced, free-radical
model compounds, 43:4547 reactions, 37:67-74
Carbohydrates, see also Food, carbohydrates crystal structure
acetals. photochemistry, 38: 142-147 analysis of, 19:7-22

Carbohydrates (continued) halogenated, 22: 177-227

bibliography, 30:445466,31:347-354, biological activities of, 22:209
359,363-369,32:353-372,380-381, effect of halogen on, 22:207
34~345-378,37:37&408,434, enzymes and carrier specificity of, 22:209
38:417-185,526 oxidation rates of, 22:208
and derivatives, 25:53-107 halogen oxidation of simple, 3: 129-184
gel chromatography of, 25: 13-5 1 high-o-mannose, f.a.b.-mass spectrometry,
glycoprotein components, 25:4094 14 45:63
definition, 52:49-50 hydrogen bonding, 44: 15-16
degradation, 19:181-218 Raman and infrared spectral study of,
by p-elimination, 29:229-303 44~28-30
dehydration reactions of, 28: 161-224 vibrational spectroscopic study, 44:87
derivatives, anomeric and aglycon C,H 1,2-hydroxyl groups, protecting group,
bonds, carbon-proton coupling Helferich's work on, 45:5
constants, 51:33, 35 index for 1935-1980,43:377405
determination of configuration of, with boric infrared spectroscopy of, 12: 13-33,
acid, 4: 189-2 10 19:2349
deuterated, interpretation of spectra of, correlated to specific chemical structures,
44:53-55 44: 10
dicarbonyl, 17:223-299 at low temperatures, 44:27-28
dithioacetals, photolysis, 38: 150-153 interaction with boronic acids in aqueous
effect of plant-growth substances on, solutions, 35:48-52
21:377430 lanthanide shift-reagents and proton
electrochemistry of, and derivatives, magnetic resonance spectroscopy of,
29: 107-1 71 29:25
electrophoretic migration of, 21:234-235 large-scale production of, 29:221-226
enzyme specificity in the domain of, 5:49-78 lipids and, 53:400
errata for 1970-1978, 43:374375 mass spectrometry in structural analysis of
excited derivatives, photochemical reactions, natural, 29:41-105
38:125-131, 135 mechanisms of replacement reactions in
fingerprint region, 44: 1 I , 17, 19 chemistry of, 9: 1-57
fluorinated, 38: 195-285 medical uses, 52:lO
biological applications, 38:28 1-284 metabolism of, 2: 1 19-1 60, 3:229-250,33:4
chemical shifts, 38:256-260 molecular structure, vibrational
i9F-labelled,38:285 spectroscopic study, 44536-87
"F-nuclear magnetic resonance nitrogen-containing, 24:9
spectroscopy, 38:256-281,285 nomenclature, 52:43
infrared spectra, 38:280 N-reacetylation, after methanolysis, 46:256
mass spectrometry, 38:253-255,285 nuclear relaxation times, measurement of,
X-ray crystallography, 38:280, 285 27:59
formazan reaction, in research on, orientation, infrared dichroism study,
13: 105-167 44:26-27
free-radical reactions, by radiation, 37:7-77 orthoesters of, 1:77-127
FriedelLCrafts and Grignard processes paper electrophoresis of, 1 8 6 - 9 7
applied to, 6:251-289 periodate oxidation of, 11:1-11
functional groups, 47: 127 the dialdehydes from, 16:105-158
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28: 1 1-1 60, pennethylated, degradation and structural
30:9-110 analysis, 3fk396-107
derivatives of, 19:95-147 phenol derivatives, in higher plants,
in glycoenzymes, 27:302,306, 321-327 20:371-108

phosphates, mass spectrometry of boronates, segmental motion, 51378-82

35:69 molecules whose relaxation behavior has
photochemistry of, 18:9-59,38: 105- 193, been treated qualitatively, 51 :8488,
46: 180 90-9 1
physiochemical properties of, 15: I 1-5 I qualitative motional description, 51:83,
polarography 89-105
of dehydration products, 29: I64 16X monosaccharides, 51:83, 89-97
of derivatives, 29: 149-162 oligosaccharides, complex glycosides,
of oxidation and degradation products, and derivatives, 51:97-102
29: 162- I64 polysaccharides, 51: 102-105
determination of, 29: 167 quantitative motional description,
oxidizable products of, 29: 168- I7 1 51: 105-124
protein-bound, biological significance, monosaccharides, 51: 105-1 14
40:287-379 oligosaccharides, 51:114-117
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, polysaccharides, 51:117-124
27:7-83 solvents (non-aqueous) for, 27:85- 125
proton nuclear magnetic resonance stereochemistry of cyclic derivatives of.
spectroscopy. 29: I 1-13 10:l-53.36:4
radiation chemistry of, 16:13-58 structural analysis of, 44: I I
radioactive labelled, self-decomposition. methylation techniques, 38:389 4 1 6
37:76 structure
reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 33:250. 259 and atomic coordinates. 44: 13-1 5
reactivity, see Anomeric effect factors in, 44:11-16
and related compounds, action of hydrogen liquid chromatography methods for
peroxide on. 19: 149-1 79 determining, 46:57 -58
paper chromatography of, 9:303 353 properties relationships, 44:88-89
relative reactivities of hydroxyl groups in, sulfonic esters of, 8: 107-2 15, 23:233-280,
8:144,33:11-109 24: 139-1 97
reserve, dextrans as, in cariogenic plaques. sulfonylation of, 28:255
30:437,439 by sulfonyl halides, 23:236
selective catalytic oxidation of, 33:Xh-lOO symmetry operation, 44: 12
employing platinum catalysts. 17: 169- in synthesis and configurational assignments
22 I of optically active non-carbohydrate
selective chlorination, 39:23 1-235 compounds, 27:191-225
selective halogenation of, 33:72-80 synthesis of optically active, 40: I 12-129
selective removal of protecting groups, from chiral precursors, 40: 1 15-1 19
39:13-70 from natural products, 40: 1 19--I23
separation by resolution of racemates, 40: 1 13-1 15
on cation-exchange columns, niechanisms, stereo-differentiating, 40: 123- I29
46:26 tautomers, vibrational spectra
by use of boronates, 35:57-58 analysis of intensities of, 44:35-36
sequence, liquid chromatography methods used to analyze, 44:25-26
for determining, 46:57-58 thiocarbonates of, 1 5 9 1 - I 58
size requirements, 47: 127 tin-containing inteimediates, see Organotin
in the soil, 16:335-355 trityl ethers of, 3:79-111
solubility in liquid ammonia, 2 7 9 1 unsaturated
in solution, 51:63-127 carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance
dynamic modeling, 51:74-82 spectroscopy, 41:58
internal motion, 51 :77-78 photochemical cycloaddition with
overall motion, 51:74-77 carbonyl compounds, 38: 106-108

Carbohydrates (continued) monosaccharides, 41 :64-65

photochemical radical-addition deoxyhalo pyranoses, 41:54
reactions, 38:109-115 deoxy sugars, 41:55
vibrational spectra, 44: 17 glycosides of aromatic aglycons,
frequency region of below 700 cm-, 41:4849
44:17,21-22 ketoses and methyl glycosides, 41:48
frequency region of 950-700 cm-I, 44: 17, methyl aldosides, 41:46-47
19-2 I , 4 3 4 5 methyl anhydro-o-glycosides, 41:57
frequency region of 1200-950 cm-I, 44: 17, methyl deoxypyranosides, 41:56-57
19 monosaccharides, 41:28, 3 1
frequency region of 1500-l200 cm-, complexation, 41:43
44:17-19,4346 0-substituted monosaccharide
frequency region of 3600-2800 cm-I, derivatives, 41:52-53
44: 17-1 8 peracetylated pyranoses and furanoses,
volatile derivatives for gas-liquid 41:49
chromatography, 28:23-38 tetra-0-acetyl(benzoy1)-o-
zone electrophoresis of, 12:81-115 glycopyranosyl derivatives, 41 :50
Carbon thio-o-pyranoses, 41:54
adsorbent, in corn syrup technology, 36:27 unsaturated carbohydrates, 4 1 3 8
anomeric, in carbohydrates, 47: I02 uronic acids, 41:62
2-isotope, in photosynthesis study, 32:6 uronolactones, 41:62
electron-nuclear relaxation methods, monosaccharides, 41:27-65
47: 136-1 37 conformational analysis, 41:43
isotope I3C, identification in sugars by use of effect of paramagnetic reagents, 41:38
deuterium, 27: 149 for identification, 41:3940
participation in sugar reactions, 22: 170 protonation shifts, 41:39
ring oxygen replacement by, 52:141-143 relaxation rates, 41:43
Carbon- 13 for structure determination, 41:4042
effect on f.a.b. spectra, 45:29 for oligosaccharides, 42: 193-225
H coupling quantitative data, 41:32-33
single-bond, 38: 17 resolution enhancement, 41 :33-34
three-bond, 38: 17-1 9 of sialic acids, 40:169
nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, signals
42:18-19,62 monosaccharide, comperison with
for branched-chain sugars, 42: 133 model compounds, 41:34-35
capsular polysaccharides, 41: 159-1 64 correlation with proton spectra,
chemical-shifts 41:3&37
acyclic monosaccharides, 41:59 isotopic substitution, 41:35-36
alditols and acetates, 41:59-60 relaxation rates, 41:37-38
aldonic acids, 41:63 monosaccharide, identification,
aldonolactones, 41:63 38: 19-22
aldoses, 41:4546 oligosaccharide and polysaccharide,
aminoanhydrodeoxyalditols,41:6 1 identification, 38:22-25
aminodeoxyalditols, 41:61 signal-to-noise ratio, 41:30
aminodeoxy pyranoses, 41:54 solvents, 41:29-30
anhydroalditols, 41:60-6 1 spectroscopy
anhydropyranose derivatives, 41:5 1 aldopyranans, 39: 198,200
benzylidene and isopropylidene of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses,34:61
monosaccharide derivatives, 41:53 3-deoxy-o-manno-2-octu~osonicacid,
biologically significant 38:359-36 1

maltose and derivatives. 39:254-258 production in pyrolysis of starch, 22507,

polysaccharides, 38: 13-1 04 510,512-514
quantitation, 3 8 2 - 3 7 "Carbon-NMK spectroscopy, 4 3 : 2 4 , 7
parameters, configurationally dependent. biochemical implications, 43: 10
38: 15-1 9 chemical shifts, 46:77
Carbonates 13C-NMR-"JFcoupling constants. 46:77-78
of carbohydrates, 15:91-158 dianhydride components of glycosyl di-n-
of dithioacetals, preparation of, 32:48 fnictose dianhydrides, 52:256-257
of polysaccharides, 29:344 1,4:3.6-dianhydrohexitols,49:109-1 I I
preparation and properties of rrm-cyclic dihexulose dianhydrides, 52:245-246
acetals in, 34:208 drawbacks. 4 3 : 3 4
Carbon-carbon bond-forming reactions, .\ee fructose components
Enzymic methods di-o-fructose dianhydride derivatives,
Carbon dioxide 52:262
evolution from cellulose on heating. per-0-acetylated di-o-fructose dianhydride
23:428429 derivatives, 52:263
production in pyrolysis of starch. per-0-acetyl glycosyl dl-D-fructose
22:507-508,510,512-514 dianhydride derivatives, 52:258
Carbon-fluroine bond of glycoproteins. 43: 1 4 9
anomeric, 47:73 glycosyl di-o-fructose dianhydride
energy, 48:92 derivatives. 52:259
"Carbon-hydrogen coupling constants, vicinal. of heparin, 43:65-66
47:70 1J ("C, "F). 46:77-78
Carbon-hydrogen vectors W ( I 3 C ,'"F), 46378
angles formed with principal axes, 51:76 3J(IzC, I9F), 46:78
random proton motion, 51:66 4J("C, "F). 46:78
Carbonitrile, 2-cyclopentene- I-, ( In. 40,51)-I - of 3-0-o-galactopyranosyl-and 3-0-D-
(~-~-g~ucopyranosy~oxy)-4.5,-dihydroxy-. xylopyranosyl-1.-serines.43: I80
crystal structure bibliography, 30:466 per-0-acetyl dihexulose dianhydrides,
Carbonium ion, 25: 183 52:247
anomerization by way of a cyclic, 24:43 reporter-group regions. 43:8
in @-amylaseaction, 23:343 for structural analysis of oligosaccharides of
in cellulose thermal degradation. 23:463 glycoprotiens. 432-10
in deamination and in solvolysis. 31: I I - 14, of synthetic 0-glycosyl derivatives, 43: 180
39 Carbon nucleophiles, for oxirane aldoses.
in phosphorylase action, 23:357 25: I25
Carbonization, of cellulose on heating, 23:435 Carbon oxygen bond
''Carbon-labeled, trimethylsilylation of, 28:32 anomeric. shortening, 47:71
metabolism by bacteria, gas-liquid exo-anonieric effect, 47:70
chromatography and. 28:47 Carbon-oxygen-carbon bond, exo-anomeric
trimethylsilylation of, 28:23-33 effect. 47:73--74
unsaturated, alkaline degradation of. Carbon- proton coupling constants, 51: 15-57
28:203-205 conformational dependence, 51 :29-57
reactions of, 28:260 multiple-bond couplings, 51 :20-23
reactions with nitryl iodide, 28:29 one-hound couplings, 51:18-20, 3 1 4 5
Carbon monoxide angular dependence. 51:4144
elimination reactions by radiation. 37: 14, anomeric and aglycon C,H bonds
34 acetylated monosaccharide derivatives,
evolution from cellulose on heating. 51:36
23:428429 carbohydrate derivatives, 51 :33

Carbon-proton coupling constants (continued) 5 '-phosphate, monohydrate, crystal structure,

monosaccharide derivatives, 51 :32-33 43:283
oligo- and polysaccharide derivatives, Carboxyamides, 53:374
51:34-35 Carboxy(decarboxamido)vancomycin, hydrate,
rigid carbohydrate derivatives, 51:35 43:373
application to oligosaccharides, 51:45 1 -Carboxyethy1 ethers, 48:303-304
calculated FPT-INDO results, 51:3941 Carboxylate groups, at active site, 48:379
model systems, 51:38-39 Carboxyl derivatives, circular dichroism,
solvent effects, 51:4445 45:102-111
relationship with structure, 51:16 Carboxyl groups, formation from cellulose on
solvent effect, theory, 51:29 heating, 23:426427,435
three-bond couplings. 51:46-57 Carboxylic acids, 53:296,367-372
C-C-C-H segment of bonded atoms, 5-amino-l -cyclohexylimidazole-4-, 52299
51 t.53-57 a-substituted, configuration of, 21:33
C-0-C-H arrays of bonded atoms, carbohydrate, mass spectrometry of,
51:47-51 29~79-81
C-S-C-H arrays of bonded atoms, as catalysts for mutarotation, 24:27, 34
51 z.5 1-53 detection of, amylose-iodine reaction in,
two-bond couplings, 51 : 4 5 4 6 29:401
Carbon radical stabilization factors, radical- ( I ,3,5/2,4)-2,3-diacetoxy-4,5-
mediated brominations, 49:70-7 1 dibromocyclohexane-I-, 48:32
Carbon-sulfur bonds, hydrogenolysis of, 1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitolsesters, 49: 125-
32~75-79 130
Carbon tetrachloride-triphenylphosphine, free, photochemical release of, from a 2-
reactions with alcohols and carbohydrates, nitrobenzyl-substituted
28:246 poly(vinylalcohol), 46: 199
Carbon tetrahalides, with tertiary phosphines, 2-oxazoline-4-, ci~-5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-
selective halogenations with, 33:79 phenyl-, mutarotation of, 23: 13
Carbonyl-amine reaction, formation of N- polyhydroxy, p-eliminative degradation of,
substituted aldosylamine by, 46:308 29:234-237
Carbonylation, of alkyl halides, 2 3 5 1 protection of, 46: 198-202
Carbonyl compounds 1-pyrroline-2-, 4-hydroxy-5-(o-urubino-
hydrated, of reducing sugars in solution, tetritol-1 -yl)-, 40: 141
42: 30-32 Carboxylic esters, 53:372-373
photochemical cycloaddition with Carboxymethyl ether, of cellulose, 9:285-302
unsaturated carbohydrates, 38: 106-108 Carboxypeptidase Y, 44:370
photosensitive protecting groups, Carcinoembryonic antigens, 53:250
46: 195-202 Carcinogenesis, chemical, by N-hydroxylation
reaction with ammonia, 2 5 3 2 4 3 2 7 , 344 ofamines, 36:131
Carbonyl groups Carcinoscorpin, sialic acid analysis, 40: 175
determination in oxidized polysaccharides, Cardenolides
29:340 furanoid, 21:309
formation from cellulose on heating, 23:426, mercuric cyanide in synthesis of, 21:278
428,435 molecular weight determination, 21:274
reactions involving, of sugars, 25:2 12 physiological activity of, 21:311, 314
Carboxaldehyde, S-methylpyrrole-2-, formation synthesis of, 27:3
of, 46:312 l-2-cis-, 23:267
Carboxamide, 5-amino- I-P-D- synthetic, 21:273-321
ribofuranosylimidazole-4- properties of, 21:3 19-321
crystal structure, 43:282-283 Cardiac glycosides, synthetic, 21:273-32 1

Cardiotonic activity, 21:274 of alditols by yeasts. 32:210-219

of cardenolides, 2 1 3 1 I , 314 of 2-deoxy-o-glucose by yeasts, 32: 177.
Carob galactomannan, structure, 35:349 181-183
Carob gum, structure, 35:349 of o-fructose by yeasts, 32: I73
Carob tree, galactomannan from, history, of o-galactose by yeasts, 32: 174-1 77
31:244 of o-glucose by ycasts, 32: 159-1 73
Carrabiitol, mass spectrum of, 29:89 of o-mannose by yeasts. 32: 173
Carrabiose, dimethyl acetal, 243280 of glycans, 37: 189-1 99.222-223
L-Carrageenan, 24:281,285,288-289 of glycosides by yeasts, 32: 183-2 10
K-Carrageenanase. 44:25 1 of glycosphingolipid. 40:268-286
Carrageenans, 52:366-368,418419 enzyme preparation and enzyme assay,
)L-, 24:282 40:269-271
hydrolysis of methylated, 31:191 protein activators. 40:28 1-286
L- of mw-inositol by yeasts. 3 2 2 19-22 1
carbon-I 3 nuclear magnetic resonance of pentoses by yeasts, 32:2 10-2 19
spectra, 38:77-79 of starch and glycogen, enzymes in.
circular dichroism, 45:93-94 30:285--302
crystal structure bibliography, 33:404 of sugars by yeasts, 32: 127
interactions with galactomannans. Catalase, in fruit climacteric, 42:364
31:285-291 Catalysis
K- Bronsted relationship between dissociation
carbon-I 3 nuclear magnetic resonance constants and, 24: 19
spectra, 38:77-78 of hydroxyl ion and sugar anions, 24:24
crystal structure bibliography, 33:404 of mutarotation of sugars by acids and bases.
oligomers, liquid chromatography, 46:40 24: 14
A-, 24:283-284 of polymerization of sugars
mechanism of gelation, 24:3 14 by boric acid. 21:466
methylation of, 30: I 1 by hydrogen chloride. 21:462
structure, 24:279-290 by ion-exchange resins, 21:464
enzymic analysis. 44:25 1-252 substrate distortion, glucosidase inhibition,
Carrobonic acid 4-sulfate, preparation of, 48:382
31:191 of water molecule, 24:22
Carrot Catalysts
cell-wall studies on, 42:336, 354 acetalation, 39:80
development physiology of, 42:343 acid in hydrolysis of glycosides, 22:25
Can-Pursell-Meiboom-Gill sequence. 51 :72 bifunctional, in mutarotation, 24:27. 34
Cartilage, glycosaminoglycans. analysis. 4 6 5 6 in cyclic acetal preparation from ketoses,
Casein, gas-liquid chromatography of. 28:X3 26: I99
Casoron, see Benzonitrile, 2,h-dichloro- for diazomethane methylations, 33:68-70
Castanospermine, P-o-ghcosidase inhibition, effect on reaction of sugars and ammonia,
48:342-344 25:320 323.328
Castaprenol, structure, 4 4 3 4 6 for formose
Castor-bean lectin, see also Ricin preparation, 29: 175
carbohydrate-binding specificity, reaction, 29: I8 I . 183
35:273-276 for glycofuranoside forniation, 21: 104
interaction with cellular structures, 3 5 3 17 platinum, ni selective catalytic oxidation of
isolation, purification, and properties of, carbohydrates. 17: 169-22 1
35:137, 270,272 for polymerization, 39: 183-1 84
Catabolism for anhydroaldoses, 39: 174
of a+-trehalose, 30:245-254 of I .6-anhydrohexopyranoses, 34:70. 74

Catalysts (continued) Cell mutants

of sugars, 21:452 effect on biosynthesis of lipid-linked
for selective oxidation of carbohydrates, oligosaccharides, 40:3 12-3 14
33: 86-92 effect on protein glycosylation, 40:347
Catalytic coefficients Cellobial, 2-acetoxyhexa-O-acetyl-, alkaline
for anions of weak acids, 24: 18 degradation of, 28:205
evaluation of, 24: I6 Cellobiitol
of mutarotation reactions, 24:47 I , 1-bis(acetamido), I-deoxy-,
ratios for mutarotation of sugars. 24:30 octa-0-methyl-, preparation of, 31:94
for weak acids, 24: 17 and peracetate, preparation of, 31:92
Catalytic efficiency, glycoside hydrolases, nonaacetate, degradation by oxidation with
48~323-325 chromium trioxide, 31:230
Cataracts, 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-o-gIucitolin 6-0-benzoyl-, ammonolysis, 39:32
treatment of, 25269 sweetness-structure relationship, 45:275-
Catechol, 46:295 276
as enzyme inhibitor, 46:326 Cellobiohydrolase, ( l-t4)-P-o-glucan,
Cathepsin, isolation of carbohydrates from, on Trichoderma viride, 44: 149
analytical-scale columns, 46:60 Cellobionic acid, hydrolysis of, rate of, 22:78
Cathepsin B, glycopeptides, liquid Cellobiononitrile, octa-0-acetyl-
chromatography separation, 46:48 ammonolysis of, 31:97
Cathepsin C, 44:2 17 reaction with ammonia, 31:92
Cathepsin-D, glycopeptides, liquid Cellohiosan
chromatography separation, 46:48 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-, preparation of
Cation-exchange columns peracetate, 34: 160
metal cation-carbohydrate complexes synthesis of, 34:159-161
applications, 47:3640 6-thio-, synthesis of, 34: 170
methyl aldofuranosides, retention volumes, Cellobiose, 21:30,24:373, 375
47:20 (Y-

CEA, see Carcinoembryonic antigens 2,3,6,2',3,'4',6'-hepta-O-acetyl-,

Celery, see Apium graveolens preparation, 39:30
Celesticetin, chemical-ionization mass spectra octaacetate, 22:22
Of, 29:82-83 acceptor products, 51: 152
Celestoraminol, N-acetyl-3, 4-0-isopropyl- aerobic respiration by yeasts on, 32:144
idene, glucitol in treatment of, 25269 alkaline degradation, product pattern, 46:302
P-Cellabiose octaacetate, reaction with aqueous, versus solid, laser-Raman
piperidine, 39:30 spectroscopy, 44:75
Cellan, 21:445 P-
Cell cultures, plant cell-wall studies using, crystal structure bibliography, 31:367
42:272 hydrogen bonding, Raman and infrared
Cell death, programmed, 40:368 spectral study of, 44:29
Cell differentiation, effect of glycosylation mutarotation of, 23:23
inhibition, 40:36&369 octa-0-acetyl-, crystal structure
Cell division in plant growth, 42:266 bibliography, 37:406
Cell elongation in plant growth, 42:266-267 proton spin-lattice relaxation, 45: 160
Cell expansion in fruit ripening. 42:348-349 benzoylation of, 33:36
Cell growth, ganglioside effect, 40:23 1 carba-. synthesis, 48:68-70
Cell membrane and cellulose structure, 35:5
contact inhibition, role in antitumor activity, configuration of, 2555
32:272-274 crystal structure of, 25:75, 77
glycoproteins, 44:232 dehydration of, 28: 169

gas-liquid chromatographic separation of. Cellobiosylamine

28:70,74 N-acetyl-. preparation of, and anomer,
hydrogen bonds in, 25:99 31:92
hydrolysis of, 46:299 preparation of, 31:92
rate constants and activation energies for, Cellobiouronic acid
22:68 conjugate, imniunogenicity. 41: 197
rate of, 22:78 determinant group in polysaccharide
liquid chromatography methods for analysis immunology. 41 : 176. I80
of, 46:33 hydrolysis of, 46:299
nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates. Cellobiulose
45: 149 composition in aqueous solution, 42:65
6-0-benzoyl- liquid chromatography methods for analysis
ammonolysis, 39:3 I of. 46:33
preparation of, 31:9S Cellobiuronic acid, hydrolysis of. rate con-
octaacetate, 22:20 stants and activation energies for. 22:68
rearrangement in aluminum chloride- Cellodextrins, enzymic synthesis of, 26:324
phosphorus pentachloride, 26: 195 Cello-oligosaccharides
in hydrogen fluoride, 26: I88 liquid Chromatography. 46:39
octa-0-acetyl-. reaction with ammonia. peak-area analyses, 46:64
31:92 preparative, 4 6 6 0
octa-0-benzoyl-, ammonolysis of. 3 I :9h structure of, 26: I6
perbenzoate, ammonolysis of, 31 :95 Cellotetraose
pyrolysis of, 34:4S crystal structure of, p-%25:77
radiation and radical-induced scission, pyrolysis of, 34:45
37:51-55 Cellotetraose hemihydrate, 52:33 1
structure of, 22:446,39:358 Cellotriose
sweetness, comparison to o-glucose. acetolysis and acid hydrolysis of, 31: 199
452477248 P-, undecaacetate. crystal structure
synthesis of, 26:325,374 bibliography, 38:483485
utilization by yeasts, 32:146, 201 pyrolysis of. 34:45
and associations of abilities, 32:222 synthesis of. 26:325
vibrational spectra Cells, see ulso specific hpes
frequency calculations, 44:49-SO interaction with lectins, 35:3 17-333
isotopic substitution studies, 44:M leaf-mesophyll, from perennial ryegrass.
volatile products from pyrolysis of, 22:508 Composition. 36:259-262
Wohl degradation of, 26:8 stem-parenchyma, hemicellulose
Cellobiose hexaacetate, I ,6-anhydro-P- composition, 36:262
allowed rotational orientation of glucosidic transformed, tibronectin content, 40:3 75-376
bond, 45:160-161 virus-transformed, glycosphingolipid
nonselective relaxation rates of H-I '. biosynthesis, 40:266
45:143-145 Cells intact cellulose synthetase activity, and
proton spin-lattice relaxation, 45: 154, I S9 transmembrane electrical potential,
P-Cellobiose octabenzoate, ammonolysis. 41: 147-1 50
39:3 1 Cell-surface glycoproteins, glycosylation
Cellobioside inhibition effect, 40:374-375
P-, methyl, '3C-signals,38:23 Cellular chemistry, 26:297
benzyl, selective chlorination with Cellulase. 23:376,44: IS I . 273
methanesulfonyl chloride, 33:82 mode of action, analysis of, 46:54
P-Cellobioside methanolate, methyl, crystal on plant cell-walls, 42:35 1-352
structure bibliography, 30:4S4 preparation of, 30:348

Cellulose, 52:326, 329--332, 53:412413 formation by recrystallization, 26:334

OL-, 26:308,41:138 green algae, crystal structure bibliography,
2,3,6.-tri-O-acetyI-. proton magnetic 35:38 1
resonance spectroscopy of, 27:39 normal coordinate analysis, 44:46
acetate, circular dichroism, 45: I2 1 in plant cell-walls, 26:300
acetobrominolysis of, 22:23 structure of, 25:80,26:309,328, 41:113
acetolysis of, 2 2 2 2 tri-0-acetyl-, crystal structure
acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of, mechanism of, bibliography, 40:388
46:298-299 vibrational spectra
acid hydrolysis of, 46:297-298 atomic displacements for frequencies of.
affinity chromatography adsorbent, 39:407, 44:46-51
412413 calculated frequencies and computed
6-aldehydo-, preparation of, 29:333 potential-energy distribution of,
algal 44:4649
cell-walls, biosynthesis, 42325-327 cellulose 11
crystal structure bibliography, 33:395 crystal structure bibliography,
alkali, crystal structure bibliography, 40:388 35:379-380,36:320-322,40:387
alkaline degradation of, products, 46:304 structure of, 25:78,26:328,41:113
alkaline peeling of, 46:301-303 tri-0-acetyl-, crystal structure
alkaline stability and gas-liquid bibliography, 40:389
chromatography of, 28% cellulose 111
alternate unit cells, 52:329-330 crystal structure bibliography, 35:380,
amination of, 29:342 36:322,40:387
3-amino-3-deoxy-6-0-trityl-, preparation of, structure, 41:113
29:341-342 cellulose IV, 41:113
antitumor activity of, 32:261 crystal structure bibliography, O387
biosynthesis of, 26:3 19-326, 386-391, 32:8, chain packing, 40:382
40:311,41:105-153,44:360-362 chemistry of, and derivatives. 2 3 5
chemical inhibitors, 41: 143-144 circular dichroism, 45:89, 120-121
cytological studies, 41: 116-123 conformation, 24:272, 2651, 31 8.328,
genetic mutations, 41:143-144 31:281
hypothetical model, 41: 151 and tautomers, vibrational spectra used to
lipid intermediates involvement, analyze, 44:25
41: 132-135 constitution of, 25:6
nucleotide precursors, 26:323-326 cross-linked, 33:63
organisms, 41:107-110 with divinyl sulfone, 33:68
in plants. 32: 11-12 preparation and use of, 29:353, 355
site, 41:116-123 crystal structure of, 22:439, 25:80
structural considerations, 41:110-116 bibliography. 36:320,323
C-(aminomethyl)-, preparation of, 29:342 HI,,, 40:387
carbon- 13 single crystals. 33:395
nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, fine structure, 30:347
38:48 and micellar theory, 26:308-312
signals, 38:23 degradation of, 22:20
carbon-I4,26:15,320-321 degree of polymerization of native,
carboxymethyl-, 9:285-302 41:114-116
review, 36:ll derivatives, 52332
cellulose I 2,3-dicarboxy-, preparation of, 29:340
crystal structure bibliography, 33:396, 2,3-di-O-acetyl-, preparation of, 29:330
36:323-324 esters of, with organic acids, 1:309-327

ethers of, 2:279-294 physicocheriiical properties of, 29:3 15,

flash pyrolysis of, 23:456 320
fungal, 23:376, 41:72 preparation and structure of, 24271
gas-liquid chromatographic structure sodium salt, 24:328
analysis of methylated trimethyls~lyl 0-(2-cyanoethylj-, acetate, in films. 29:330
ethers of, 30:28 0-(2-diethylarninoethyl)-
heterogeneous hydrolysis of, 26:3 I2 benzoylated and naphthoylated, 29:325,
high-temperature transformation of: alkaline 333
conditions, 46:30&305 in chromatography, 29:322-323
hydrogen bonding O-(2-diethylaminoethyl)-, in ion exchange
parallel sheets, 52:329 Chromatography, 24:335
Raman and infrared spectral study of, O-ethyl-
44:29 gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of,
hydrolysis of, 2285, 28:21 30:36
derivatives, 22:58 0-(2-hydroxyethyl)-. hydrodynamic
hydrothermolysis of, 46:299-300 properties of, 29:3 1 8
ignition behavior of, 23:452 0-(2-ethylaminoethyl j-, preparation of.
isothermal pyrolysis of, 23:457 29:323
laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:82-83 U-guanidinoethyl-, preparation and
levoglucosan from, 34:3840 properties of, 29:327
liquid chromatography analysis, 46:39 U-(2-hydroxyalkyl)-, physicochemical
mechanism of pyrolysis and volatilimtion of, properties of, 29:3 18
23:437 0-(2-hydroxyethyl)-
of secondary reactions in pyrolysis of: carbon- I3 nuclear magnetic resonance
23:459 spectra, 38:98, 101-102
methylation of, 3 3 5 3 , 56 degree of substitution and
analysis, 30:20 physicochemical properties of,
in liquid ammonia, 27:91 29:3 17
microcrystalline, for thin-layer enzymic hydrolysis of, 29:3 19
chromatography, 26: 15 physicocheniical properties of, 29:3 I5
molecular constitution of, 3: 185-22R 0-(2-hydroxypropyl)-
morphology and biogenesis of, 26:297- degree of substitution in, determination,
349 29:3 16-3 17
native, crystal structure bibliography. structure of. 29:3 15
33:396,40:386 0-(m-aminobenzyloxymethy1)-, preparation
non-crystalline, 41: 1 17 of, 29:328
non-fermentable oligosaccharides, liquid 2-U-methyl-, thermal degradation of, 34:
chromatography methods for, 46:52 44
O-(2-aminoethyl)-, preparation of, 29:323 O-methyl-
0-(carboxymethy1)-, 24:327 antitumor activity of, 32:254.261
antitumor activity of, 32:253, 261 effect on immune tumor response.
azide, for insolubilization of enzymes, 32:266
29:371 carbon- I3 nuclear magnetic resonance
carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, 38:98, 100- I0 1
spectra, 38:98, 101-102 gelation of, 24:33 1
effect on cellulose biosynthesis, 41: I I8 preparation of structure of, 24:271
hydrolysis of, 29:321 structures and conformations of, 29:314
with multivalent cations, 24:330 O-(N-(N-[3-( dihydroxybory1)-
0-(2-hydroxyethyI)-, preparation of, phenyl]succinamoyl) aminoethyl j-,
29:315 preparation and uses of. 29:324,329

Cellulose (continued) solubilization by thiocyanates, 27:95

0-[3-( p-aminophenoxy)-2-hydroxypropyl]-, solvents for, 27: 1 13
29:328 some reactions of, 19:219-246
0-p-tolylsulfonyl-, crystal structure stopping reaction involving, 46:302-303
bibliography, 35:380 strength of, effect of heating on, 23:430-
orientational measurements in, 44:27 43 1
0-sulfoethyl-, preparation and properties of, structure of, 19:219-246, 35:5, 36:315-316,
29:327 46:297,52:405
0-sulfomethyl-, preparation and properties enzymic analysis, 44: 150-1 5 I
of, 29:327 new research on, 22:443
oxidation, 37: 1 19 from Posidonia austrulis, 30:6
with dimethyl sulfoxide-acetic anhydride, and proton magnetic resonance
33:93 spectroscopy of, 27:39
with dinitrogen tetraoxide, 29:346 synthesis
in plants orientation model and, 26:333
cell-walls, 26:300,42:274, 294-297 in vitro, 26:322, 333
biosynthesis, 42:3 17-320,332-337 thermal degradation of, 23:423, 425
creep of, 42:356-357 analysis, 23:446
interconnections, 42:302-303, 306-307, thermal stability of, 22:498
312, 314315,338,355 treatment with HF,48:97
primary cell-walls, 42:268 triazine derivatives, preparation of, 29:349
structure, 42:295-297,3 17 tributanoyl-, crystal structure bibliography,
tissue, gas-liquid chromatographic 36:325
determination, 28:60 trimethylsilylation of, 28:3 1
polymer grafting, by radiation, 37:74 trinitrate, crystal structure bibliography,
polymerization in hydrogen fluoride, 21:445 36:324
pyrolysis of, 22:511, 34:3843, 152 tri-0-acetyl-
cotton, 23:432 complex with nitromethane, crystal
mechanism of, 34:43-45 structure bibliography, 33:397
thermoanalytical techniques in, 22:488 crystal structure bibliography, 36:325
pyrolyzate, analysis of, 23:459 tripropanoyl-, crystal structure bibliography,
ratio to hemicellulose in grasses, 36:253-255 36:325
reaction with alkali metal alkoxides, Vulonia, crystal structure bibliography,
21:257-258 33:396
regenerated, crystal structure bibliography, Vulonia ventricosa, structure, 44:26
35:379 of wood, polysaccharides associated with,
relative crystallininty of, 5:103-126 10~283-333
relative reactivities of hydroxyl groups in, X-ray studies on, 22:424
33:60-63 Cellulose acetate
secondary reaction products of pyrolysis of, carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic resonance
23:454455 spectra, 38:97
selective etherification with acqlamide, and ethers and esters, 29:330
3367 physicochemical properties of, 29:33 1
with methyl vinyl sulfone, 33:67 thermal degradation of, 29:332
selective methylation with diazomethane, Cellulose acetate nitrate, preparation of, 29:334
33:68 Cellulose acetate phosphate, preparation of,
sodio-, crystal structure bibliography, 29:334
35:379,36:322 Cellulose acetate phthalate, dissolution of,
solubility in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride, 29:331, 333
27:93 Cellulose anhydrides, preparation of, 29:343

Cellulose bromoacetate secondary reactions and combustion of,

for insolubilization of enzymes, 29:37 I 23:44n
preparation and effect on enzymes. 29337 thermal degradation of, 23:424
Cellulose carbanilate, physicocheinical thermograms of, 23:447.471
properties, 29:344 transformation and carbonization of, 23:434
Cellulose carbonates, preparation o t 29:344 volatile products ofirradiated. 23:458
Cellulose esters, conformational changes. yellowing of, by aging, 46:324-325
51 :103-104 Cellulosic waste. levoglucosan from, 34:40
Cellulose furoates, 29:338 Cellulosine, 46:2 I 1
Cellulose heptanoate propionate, Cell wall. .see Plants, cell-walls
physicochemical properties of, 29:33 1 Centose, in honey. 25297
5,6-Cellulosene, preparation of, 29:346, 350 Centrihgation, in glycoenzynie
Cellulose nitrate characterization, 27:3 12, 3 14
ignition of, 26: 15 Centrosenitr plumuri. polysaccharide from.
physicochemical properties of, 29:333 31:253
Cellulose-A"-dimethyl- 1,3-propancdiamine Cephalochordates. sialic acids occurrence,
complex, crystal structure bibliography, 40: 137
40:388 Cephalopods. glycolipids, see Glycolipids
Cellulose oligosaccharides, conformation and Cephalosporin. hydrazone with I -gulonic
tautomers, vibrational spectra used to phenylhydrazide. preparation, 38:300
analyze, 44:25 Ceramide
Cellulose phosphate, preparation of, 29:334 in biosynthesis of gangliosides. 26:442450
Cellulose precursors di-o-galactosyl-. biosynthesis of, 26:450
biosynthesis, 41:125-132 diglycosyl sulfates, 24:406
high-molecular-weight, 41: 135-142 glycosylation by trichloroacetimidates,
radioactive compounds, 41: 152 50:49-5 1
a-Celluloses, research on. 309 inonoglycosyl sulfates, 24:403
Cellulose sorption, 53:384 monosaccharides, 24:305.400
Cellulose sulfate, 24:322 attachments, 40:238
gelatinization of, 29:336 oligosaccharides. 24:395,400
preparation of, 24:271. 29:335 pentasaccharides. fucose-containing.
structure of, 24:271 characterization. 45:55-56
Cellulose synthetase, 26:390 Cwutocystis hrurmea. polysaccharides, 41 :9 1
activity. effect of transmembrane electrical Cerutocyms fimhriatti, polysaccharides. 41 :9 1
potential, 41: 147 Cerutocystis olivocea, polysaccharides. 41 :72
lability, factors affecting, 41: 145 C'eratoc.vsti.7 ,ritwadmtr. polysaccharides, 41 :9 I
Cellulose 3-thenoates, preparation of, 29:338 Cerarocystis .stenoc~'ru~
Cellulose 2,2,2-trichloroacetimidate. amylose, 41:69
preparation of, 29:349 galactomannan, 41:93
Cellulose trinitrate, crystal structure polysaccharide, 41 :69
bibliography, 40:389 rhamnomannan, 41:90
Cellulose xanthates, preparation and use of, Ceratocwtis ulmi, rhamnomannan, 41 :89
29~346 Cereals, see Grasses
Cellulosic materials P-r-glucans, 363246-248
flameproofing of, 23:465 cultavars. 36:2 19
kinetics and rate of thermal degradation of, y-ray irradiation. 51:290-291
23:442443 hemicellulose-cellulose ratio. 36:253
pyrolysis hemicelluloses. 36:2 15-264
combustion of and, 23:419474 hemicellulosic composition and milling
rate of, 23:444445 properties, 36:250

Cereals (continued) DL.-, synthesis, 40:22

irradiated, biological studies, 51:29 1-292 Chalcoside
Cerebronic acid, 24:396-397,410 methyl, 23:75, 273
Cerebrosan, 23:389 methyl DL-, synthesis, 40:46
Cerebroside, 24:383, 395,44:437438 Chartreusin, 39:302
biosynthesis of, 26:449 11-fucose, 21: 172,39:281
in coelenterates, 44:41 1 Chebulinic acid, 21:27
discovery, 40:235 Cheiroside, 39:302
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:54 Chelates, of o-fructose, 22:286
laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:84 Chelation
mannose-containing, from freshwater in carbohydrate-metal base complexes,
bivalves, 44:420 21:237
in sponges, 44:410 in cell-wall structure, 42:305, 346
in starfish, 44:429 Chemical-enzymic synthesis, 44:335
Cerebrosulfatides, 24:403 Chemical ionization mass spectrometry
Cerium salts, 53:327 maltose derivatives, 39:261-263
Cerulenin, inhibition of protein glycosylation, of methylated alditol acetates, 38:401
40:324 of methylated monosaccharides, 38:402
Ceruloplasmin of plant cell-wall components, 42276
carbohydrate linkage n, 25420 Chemical processes, carbohydrate
glycopeptides, liquid chromatography transformation in, 46:323-236
separation, 46:48 Chemical reactions, vibrational spectra in study
heterogeneity in, 25:39 of, 44:30-3 1
human-plasmin, glycoprotein (compound Chemical shifts
53), 'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41:306, in fluorinated carbohydrates, 38:25&260
327-3 30 polysaccharide, 38: 15-1 6
isolation of carbohydrates from, on Chemistry,
analytical-scale columns, 46:60 of amino sugars, 14:213-281
oligosaccharides, liquid chromatography of 2-amino sugars, 7:247-288
separation, 46:4243 of anhydro sugars, 237-77
sialylated oligosaccharides, fractionation. of carbohydrates
46:46 physical, 15: 1 1-5 1
2-C-ErythrofUranosylfurans, 45: 14 of starch, 11:335-385
Cesium iodide, for calibration of mass marker radiation, 16: 13-58
and data system in f.a.b.-mass of carbohydrates, applications of
spectrometry, 45:37 trifluoroacetic anhydride in, 16:59-84
Cetruriu richardsonii polysaccharide, 41 :75-76 crystal-structure analysis in, 19:7-22
C-Glycosides, 25:239 infrared spectroscopy and, 19:2349
C-Glycosyl aromatic compounds, mass some implications of theories relating to
spectrometry of, 29:8 I the mechanisms of replacement
Chaconine, 24:7 reactions in, 9: 1-57
Chacotriose, 24:7 of cyclitols, 3:45-77
Chain folding, polymorphism and. in chitin, containing four of five hydroxyl groups,
22455 20: 1 1-65
Chalcomycin, 21: 173, 179 of 2-deoxy sugars, 8:45-105
Chalcose, 21:191-192,23:75,273 of heparin, 10:335-368
D- of mucopolysaccharides and mucoproteins,
preparation of, 28:300 2:161-201
synthesis, 10 cherry gum, structure, of the nucleic acids, 1: 193-245
41:7-8 of osazones, 20:139-181

of osotriazoles, 18:99-12 1 fungal, 23:376, 386,401,41:72, 103

of pectic materials, 2235-25 1 gel chromatography of hydrolysis products
ofribose, 6:135-174 of, 2 5 5 5
stereo-, of cyclic derivatives of in glycoproteins, 25:415
carbohydrates, 10: 1-53 hydrolyses, neutral, N-acetylated analogs
of streptomycin, 3:337-384 from. liquid chromatography, 46:41
structural, of the hemicelluloses, 14:429-- laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:83
468 oligosaccharides
of polysaccharides, 15:53-89 degree of polymerization of, 28:83. 85
of thio sugars, 18:123-199 liquid chromatography, 46:3940
Chemotaxonomy ,25:39 orientational measurements in. 44:27
of Leguminoseae, 31:258 in plant cell-walls, 26:302
Chemotherapeutic agents, o-glucosyl- polymorphism in, 22:450,455
amineuronic acids, 36: 123 regenerated. crystal structure bibliography,
Cherry, development physiology of, 42:34 1 40:393
Cherry gum, structure, 41:7-8 solvolysis, 47: 171-1 72
Chick pea, see Cicer nnetiriuni structure. enzymic analysis, 44: I98
Chill injury of fruits, 42:339 sulfation of, 29:336
Chinovin, 6-deoxy-o-glucose from, 2 I : 173 treatment with HF, 48:98-99
Chinovose. 21: I7 in yeast cell-wall, 32:139
Chirality Chitinase, 44: 198
aromatic, in conformational analysis, Chitin synthase, 44:374-375
26:63-64 Chitobiose
conformational nomenclature and, 26:76 a-, di-N-acetyl-, monohydrate, crystal
Chiral precursors, for sugar syntheses, structure bibliography, 34:372
40:115-123 p-, di-N-acetyl-, trihydrate, crystal structure
Chiral synthesis, use in branched-sugar bibliography, 34:372
synthesis, 42:95 circular dichroism, 45:lOl
Chiroptical properties, I ,4:3,6- derivatives, glycosylation, 50:81, 89
dianhydrohexitols, 49:99-100 di-N-acetyl-. crystallography of, 25:93
Chitaric acid, preparation of, 31: 18 as donor, 50:8 I 89
Chitaric acid, dehydration of, 28: I66 N , N-diacetyl-, monohydrate, crystal
Chitin, 15:371-393, 52333-334.405 structure bibliography, 38:466467
a- P-Chitobiosyl fluoride, di-N-acetyl-
crystal structure bibliography, 33399, biological activity, 38:282
35381, 36:32&327.40:392-393 synthesis. 38:203
structure of, 2 2 4 5 0 Chitohexaose, circular dichroism, 45: 101
X-ray data for, 22454 Chitonic acid
p-, crystal structure bibliography, 33:399. dehydration of, 28: 166
35:381. 40:393 preparation of, 3 1 :I8
biosynthesis of, 26:399,44:373-375 Chitosamine, synthesis of. 25:6
carboxymethyl ethers, 29:3 19 Chitosan, 22:450, 23:401
circular dichroism, 45:lOO-101 complex with agaropectin, 29:398
crystallography of. 22:449 crystal structure bibliography, 35:382
deamination of, 31:235 depolymerization and deamination in
diatom, crystal structure bibliography. structure determination of, 31:73
33:399 fungal, 41:103
esters, ethers and sodio derivatives. 29:343 oxidation with nitrogen tetraoxide, 29:347
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, S-sulfation of nitrogen atoms of, 29:343
44:63 structure, enzymic analysis, 44: 198

Chitose, 25: 18 1, 185 sugar composition in, 4260-6 1

degradation mechanism of, 28: 164-1 65 sweetness, AH,B system in, 45:22 I
dimethyl acetal and, 25:212 Chloroformates, carbohydrate, decomposition
mutarotation of, 25:213 of, 22:198
preparation of, 31:18, 33:115 A"-[Chloromercuri(II)] guanosine, crystal
properties of, and derivatives, 31: 19 structure bibliography, 38:5 10
reaction with phenylhydrazine, 25:212 Chloro(methoxyl)ation, of glycals, 24:203
structure of, 31:9 Chloromethoxymethane
and derivatives, 31:19-21 back-donation of lone-pair orbital,
Chitotetraose, circular dichroism, 45: 101 47:109-110
Chitotriose dipole-dipole interactions, 47:82, 84
P-tri-N-acetyl-, crystallography of, 25:93 torsional potential, 47:82-83
gel chromatography of lysozyme products (Chloromethy1ene)dimethyliminiumchloride,
with, 25:35 in synthesis of chlorodeoxy sugars,
Chloral, 53:365-366 28:250,278
levoglucosan cleavage by, 34:65 2-Chlorooxane
as solvent for sugars, 27: 107 (Y form preference in solvents, 47:92

Chloral hydrate in plant cell-wall purification, conformational equilibria, 47:85

42:273 Chloroperoxidase
Chloralose, preparation from levoglucosan, carbohydrate components of, 27:326
34:65 glycoenzyme, 27:309
Chloramphenicol purification of, 27:3 10
acetyl bansferase, in E. coli carrying R 3-Chlorophenyl acetate, cyclodextrin inclusion
factor, 30: 184 complexes with, 46:223-224
cyclic analog, synthesis of, 33: 144 Chlorosulfonic acid, reaction with sucrose,
Chlorella p.yrenoidosa, 'C-isotope 33:252
photosynthesis study, 3 2 6 Chloro(terpyridyl)platinum(II) adenosine 5 '-
Chlorination monophosphate, hydrate, 43:373
of nucleotides, 22:378 Choanephora curcurbitarum, chitin and
selective, of carbohydrates, 39:23 1-235 chitosan, 41:103
of tri-0-acetyl-o-glucal, 24:203 Cholanic acid, p-elimination and degradation
Chlorinolysis, of glycosidic bond, 34:47 of, 31:215
Chloroacetylation, of carbohydrate boronates, Cholera toxin, biological response, 40:230-
35:54 23 1
Chloroacetyl group Cholestane, Sa,6P-dibromo-, mutarotation of,
as blocking group, 39:35 23:13
in nucleoside chemistry, 39:4243 Cholesterol
3-Chlorobenzoylacetic acid, cyclodextrin conjugate with P-o-glucopyranosiduronic
inclusion complexes with, 46:223-224 acid, preparation and characterization,
Chlorocresols, 53:364365 36:94
Chlorodeoxysucroses, AH,B, g systems of, with methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-a-~-
45:268 galactopyranosiduronate, 36:93
3-Chloro-4-enouronate, reactions with AgF, glucosidation of, 34:248
48: 102- I03 25-hydroxy-, inhibition of protein
Chlorofluorination, of glycols, 38:237 glycosylation, 40:323-324
Chloroform proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum,
complex with tri-0-ethylamylose, crystal effect of lanthanide chelate-complex on,
structure bibliography, 40:385 29: 16
effect on conformation, 26:86 Chole~terol-4-'~C, thesis, 27:2
as solvent for sugars, 27: 105 Choline, acetyl-a- and-P-methyl-,

enantiomeric, preparation and effect on sodium salt, crystal structure bibliography,

nervous systems, 27:210 40:395
Choline chloride, radiation-induced radical- Chondroitin 6-sulfate
chain reaction, 37: 12 circular dichroism, 45:l 15-1 17
Cholinergic drugs, structure-activity conformational inversion, 46:7
relationships, 27:208-209 crystal structure bibliography, 33:399400
Cholla gum, 24:353 disaccharide repeating units, 43:53-55
Chondroitin glycosidic linkage, 43:53
circular dichroism, 45: 115-1 16 hexosamine. 43:53, 55
disaccharides, liquid chromatography. major uronic acid, 43:53, 55
46:37 Chondroitin sulfate ABC lyase. 44:216
hydrolysis of carboxyl-reduced deacety lated, Chondroitin sulfates, 25439
31:196 4-and 6-
sulfate gel chromatography of ohgosaccharides
structure of, 26: 16 from, 25:34
in urine, 24:443 in glycoproteins, 2 5 4 1 7
4-sulfate p-eliminative degradation of, 29:239. 241
biosynthesis of. 26:435 carbohydrate chains in, 2 5 4 6 0 4 6 2
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy carbon-I 3 nuclear magnetic resonance
of, 27:41,43 spectra, 38:74-76, 80
repeating units of, 26:432 gas-liquid chromatography of hydrolyzates,
6-sulfate, 24:291 28:78
biosynthesis of, 26:436 gel chromatography of, 2 5 4 6
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy molecular weight of chains in, 25:45 1
of, 27:41,43 structure, enzymic analysis, 44: 198-203
repeating units of, 26:432 sulfation of, 29:336
Chondroitin ABC lyase, 44: 199, 205 Chondromucoprotein, 25:435436,439
Chondroitin AC lyase. 44: 148,205-207 Chondrosamine, synthesis of, 22:4
Chondroitinase AC, 44:2 16 Chondrose, preparation of, 31:25
Chondroitin B lyase, 44:205 Chondrosine
Choiidroitin sulfate, 52:378-382, 4 2 4 4 2 6 monohydrate, crystal structure bibliography,
as activator of enzymes in trehalose 34258
biosynthesis, 30:243 structure, 38:3 I I
composition, analysis, 46:55 Cliondro-4-sulfatase, 44:200
f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 45:69-70 Chondro-6-sulfatase, 44:200
hydrazinolysis and deamination of. 3 1:78 Chordu Wmpuni
oligosaccharides from sulfation patterns, response to taste stimuli. protein- modifying
46:49 agents that inhibit, 4 5 3 3 5
structure of, 31:75 taste units in, 4 5 3 3 9
and sequence analysis of, 46:57 Chromatograms, of formose sugars and reduced
Chondroitin 4-sulfate formose. 29:207-208.224
circular dichroism, 45: 117 Chromatography, 22:6, 25:9
crystal structure bibliography, 33:400, and action pattern of enzymes, 30:271
40:394 affinity, see Affinity chromatography
disaccharide repeating units, 43:53-55 of 1,6-anhydrohexofuranoses.34: 155
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses,34:62
44:61 of 2,5-anydrides of sugars. 25: 182
glycosidic linkage, 43:53 column, see Column chromatography
hexosamine, 43:53,55 of cyclic acetals, 34: 180
major uronic acid, 43:53, 55 ofdeoxy sugars. 21:197-199

Chromatography (continued) in purification of

of D-fmctose, 22~239 L-arabinanases, 32:284
anhydrides, 22:261 of o-galactanases, 32:294
in enzyme purification, 23:283 of D-mannanases, 32:306
extrusive column and thin-layer, of acylated of o-xylanases, 32:329
sugars, 26: 15 oligonucleotides, 36: 195-204
gas, of volatile products from starch and relative reactivities of hydroxyl groups,
pyrolysis, 22:502-503 33:12, 56
gas-liquid, see Gas-liquid chromatography separation of 2'-and 3'-phosphates of
gel, 25:14 adenosine by, 22:349
of carbohydrates, 25: 13-5 1 of sphingosines, 24:390
principles and definitions, 25: I6 and structural integrity of synthetic
in purification of methylated polynucleotides, 36:204-206
polysaccharides, 30: 16 of sugar
separation by, 25: 17 and ammonia reaction products, 25:328
theory of, 25:16-30 solutions, 27: 123
glycoenzyme purification by, 27:3 10 of sulfonic esters of carbohydrates, 23:253
of halogenated sugars, 22:200 thin-layer
high-performance liquid, of aldonic acids, of aldonic acids, 38:3 18
38:319 of cyclic acetals, 26:233-235
history, 35:6 of sialic acids, 40: 162-164
of honey, 25:290-293,295 two-dimensional, interspersed with enzymic
of hydrolyzate of methylated maizestarch reaction, 30:275
dextrin, 22:492 of urine protein-carbohydrate compounds,
ion-exchange 24:44 1,444
of aldonic acids, 38:3 19 vapor-phase, conformation equilibria
cellulose and dextran ethers for, 29:327 measurement by, 24:58
2-diethylaminoethyl ethers of Chromium trioxide
polysaccharides in, 29:322-323 1,6-anhydrohexopyranose oxidation by,
polysaccharide sulfates in, 29:336 34:lOl
and paper, in isolation of glycosyl esters of cyclic acetal oxidation, 39:82-85
nucleoside pyrophosphates, 28:3 10 in degradation of oligosaccharides and
of sialic acids, 40: 150 polysaccharides by oxidation,
liquid, of degradation products of 31~229-232
polysaccharides, 31:239 selective oxidation of carbohydrates with,
of methylated sugars, 30:5 33:98
molecular-weight determination of enzymes, Chromobacterium violaceurn. lipid A, 50:242
23:287 Chromomycin, 21:184-185
0-(carboxymethyl) cellulose in, 29:32 1 Chromomycin A,, 23:262
of oligonucleotides, polynucleotides, and Chromomycin A,, 23:262
ribonucleic acids, 29:333 Chromone, 3,8-dihydroxy-2-methyl-, from
of oligosaccharide, physicochemical uronic acids or pentoses, 28: 190
analysis, 50:3 12-3 13 ChromoseA,21:184185, 187,23:271
paper, see Paper chromatography Chromose B, 21: I85
partition on cellulose, of sialic acids, 40: I5 1 natural occurrence of, 42:72
in pectinesterase purification, 33:338-343 structure of, 42:70,78
of pentoses, 30:7 Chromose C, 21:185-186,308
of polysaccharides, 24:335,338 Chromose D, 21:185, 187,23:271
gels and networks, 24:268 Chronic myelogenous leukemia cells
preparative column, of cyclic acetals, 26:233 glycosphingolipids, 45:55

lactosaminogl ycans of substituted carbohydrates, 45:92-124

f.a.b.-mass spectrum, 45:39-40 of unsubstituted carbohydrates, 45:78-92
sialylated fucosylated, f.a.b.-mass cis-1,2-Cyclohexanedicarboxylicanhydride,
spectrometry, 45:59 reaction with cellulose, 29:338
0-linked oligosaccharides, f.a.b.-mass Citeromyce.smutritensis. mannan, 41 :82
spectrometry, 4S:64 Citrate lyase in fruit climacteric, 42:365
Chrysanthemumdicarboxylic acids, synthesis (+)-Citreoviral. SO: 193-194
of, 42:97 Citric acid, fluoro-, as inhibitor of aconitase,
Chrysoeriol 22:210
biosynthesis of glycoside of, 26:442 Citrosamine. deamination and structure of,
from Petroselinum crispum, 3 1:I43 I44
a-Chymotrypsin, selective deacylation agent, Citrus fruits, development physiology in,
39:43 42:363
Cibachron Blue, for dyeing amylose, cellulose, Citrus pectinesterase, see Pectinesterases
and starch, 29:351 Cladinose
Cicer arietinum, apiose-containing compound a-i--,2 5 8 3
from, 31:147 D-, synthesis of, 42:78-79
Cichorium intJJbZUL, D-fructose from, 22:232 I.-, synthesis, 35:82, 41:9
Cinchonine, L-gulonate, preparation, 38:299 natural occurrence of, 42:72
Cinerulose A, synthesis, 40:65 structure of. 42:70, 78
Cinnamate, 2,3:4,5-di-O-methylene-~-mannitolCladinoside, methyl a-D-, 23:272
I ,h-di-trans-, crystal structure, Cladosporium herhanrm
43:259-260 galactomannan, 41 :94
Cinnamic acid polysaccharide, 41:70
I-ester of a- and P-D-glucopyranuronic acid. Cladosporium wernekii. galactomannan, 41 :93
36:106 Claisen condensation, fluorination of
fruns-, as plant-growth substance. 2 1 :409 carbohydrates, 38:237
trans-p-hydroxy-, esters, in xylans. 36:242 Claviceps,/u.~~formis. polysaccharide. 41 :75
Cinnoline, 3-(~-arahino-tetrahydroxybutyl)-. Clindamycin, preparation of, 28:266
22:266, 25:396 from linocmycin, and 7-bromo and 7-iodo
Circular dichroism, 45:73-124 analogs. 28:247
artifacts, 45:78 Cloning, effect of tunicamycin, 40:376
in conformational analysis, 26:63 Clostridial infections, sialidase role, 40:2 14,
difference spectra, 45:80-81 219
fragment-spectra, 4 5 8 1-83 Clostridial sialidase, 4 0 ~2 7 2
gulono-l.4-lactones, 38:297 Clostridium ,/elsineum
instrumentation, 4S:73, 76-78 a-L-arabinofuranosidase of, 42:388
calibration, 45:77-78 var. sikokianum, endo-L-arabinanase in,
principles, 45:73,76 42:392
of reducing sugars in solution, 42:2 1 Clostridium multzfermentans. 1yase and
of sialic acids, 40: 170 pectinesterase from, 33:330-33 I
spectra Clusianose
aldopyranans, 39: 197,201 occurrence. 37:3 18-320
of 1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitolnitrates, structure, 37:3 19
25254 C-Methyl groups. proton magnetic resonance
of dithioacetals, 32:98 spectroscopy of. 27:29
of glycosiduronic acids, 36:88-90 CMP-3-deoxyoctulosonate: 3-
measurement, 4576-78 deoxyoctulosylono-lipid A, metabolism of
noise in, 45:78 3-deoxy-~-manno-2-octu~osonic acid.
predicted, 45:83-84 38:38&386

CMP-N-acetyl-neuraminate D- Coleoptiles, plant cell-wall studies using,

galactosylglycoprotein transferase, 44:246 42272-273
CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid Colitose, 21:188, 190
biosynthesis, 40: 186-1 88 ester with guanosine 5'-pyrophosphate,
hydrolase, 40:211 28:32 1
CMP- sialates, enzymic synthesis, 40: 186-1 88 periodate-thiobarbitic acid assay,
CNT, 50:196-197 38:335-336
Coagulation cascade, 43: 117-1 18 Collagen, 43: 136
Coal mining, galactomannans in, 31:3 1 1 biosynthesis of, 27:331
Coatings glycosylation effects, 40:36&366
dextrins as, 47:325 bovine nasal-cartilage, 38:79
levoglucosan esters, 34:76 carbohydrate-peptide linkage in, 25:419,
Cobalt carbonyls, as catalysts in 0x0 process, 436,438,442443,468
2360 fibrils, proteoglycans role in organization,
Cobalt compounds, carbohydrate, preparation, 49:258-259
3556 heterogeneity in, 25:447
Cobalt hydrotetracarbonyl, 0x0 reaction and, as urinary proteinxarbohydrate compound
23:83 source, 24:450
Cobalt(1I) cytidine 5'-monophosphate, Colominic acid, 25:463
monohydrate, crystal structure synthesis of, 26:409
bibliography, 38:505-506 Colony-stimulating factor, 40:377
Cobalt(II1) Color
bis(acetylacetonate)(nitro)(deoxyadeno- coloration scales, 53:376,378
sine), heptahydrate, crystal structure formation in sugar solutions, 26: 14
bibliography, 38528 of sugar products, 9:247-284
Cobalt ion, effect on a-o-mannosidase activity, Colorimetric analysis, of sialic acids,
28:426,428,433 40: 153-160
Coccidioides immitis, polysccharide, 41 :103 Colostrum
Cocksfoot (N-acetylneuraminy1)lactose from cow,
hemicellu1ose:cellulose ratio, 36:253 24:8
xylans, 36:235 sialic oligosaccharides from, gel
Cocrystallization chromatography, 2 5 3 5
of anomers, 25:7 1-77 Column chromatography
of proteins with inhibitor molecules, 25:93 boronic acids in, 35:63-65
Codex Alimentarius Commissioh Draft, on of sugars and their derivatives, 1 0 5 - 9 4
honey, 25:287-288 Combrefum leonense, polysaccharide from gum
Coelenterates, glycolipid content, see of, 24:375, 377
Glycolipids Combustion
Coenzyme B,,, degradation of, 24:261 of cellulosic materials, 23:419474
Coffee beans, a-o-galactosidase from, 35:363 flaming, levoglucosan in, 34:26
Coformycin history of, 23:419
analogs, 46:28 significance of, 23:421
sesquihydrate, crystal structure bibliography, Comenic acid, preparation, 37: 138, 143
32:383,37:422 Compactin, inhibition of protein glycosylation,
Coglucosidase, activator, 40:283 40~323-324
(+)-trans-Cognac lactone, 50: I86 Concanavalin A, 21507
Colanic acid, pyruvic acid in, 30:284 acetylation and succmylation, 35:162
Colchicines, N-deacetyl-N-(per-O-acetyl-o- affinity chromatography, 39:444
glucopyranosyl thiocarbamoy1)- amino acids, 35:161-162
(methylthio), synthesis, 44: 102-103 amino acid sequence, 35: I52

carbohydrate-binding specificity, of carbon atoms, effect on hydrolysis rates

35:142-143, 157-164, 179-190, 204 for glycosides, 2252
complex formation, 35: 163, 168, 178 conformation and, of alditols, 26:70. 73
crystal structure, 35: 152 of cyclic acetals, nuclear magnetic resonance
dextran interaction, and dextran structure, spectroscopy and, 34: 195-198
30:405 of cyclitols. 3:45-77
hemagglutinating activity, 35:20 1 determination of, of carbohydrate amides,
insolubilized, as affinity chromatography 31:102-110
material, 29:385 effect on acyl migration, 33:102
interaction with amylopectin, 35: 169- 171 on selective catalytic oxidation, 33:90
with cellular structures, 3 5 3 17 on selective esterification of
with dextrans, 35:166, 171-173 carbohydrates, 33:35
with o-fructans, 35: 175 on selective oxidation of cyclic glycols,
with glycogen, 35:169-1 7 I 33:94
with glycoproteins, 35: 177-1 79 of higher-carbon sugar alcohols, 1: 1-36
with mannans, 35: 173-1 75 of inositols. effect on relative reactivities of
with polysaccharides. 35: 166-1 69, I79 hydroxyl groups, 33:65
with teichoic acids, 35: 175-177 mass spectrometry and, of carbohydrates,
isolation, 351 36, 138 29:43
of jack bean, physical and chemical of monoses, 21:8, 13, 15
characterization, 35: 150-157 of 1,-eq'thvo-pentulose derivatives by proton
mono-, di-, and tetra-valent, preparation and magnetic resonance spectroscopy,
biological activities, 35: 164-1 65 26:22 I
preparation and properties, 35: 150L I5 I of a-substituted carboxylic acids, 21:33
structure, 351 53-155 of sucrose, 4: 1-35
Concentration, effect on gel chromatography. of tartaric acids, 21:32
2919 of unsaturated sugars, 24:265
Condensation, caramel, 47:245 Conformation
Conductivity (electrical), effect of of agarose, 24:279
carbohydrate-complex salt fomiatioii on, of aldopentofuranosides, 21:99
21:213 of aminodeoxy 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses,
Conduritol epoxides 34:127
glycoside hydrolase inhibition, 48:364-37 I of 1,6-anhydrohexofuranoses,34:24, 153
kinetic constants, 48:366 of 1,6-aiihydrohexopyranoses,34:24, 5 I
reaction with glycosidases, 48:368-369 and proton magnetic resonance
Conduritols, conformational and spectroscopy, 34:5&61
configurational analysis of, 243265 capsular polysaccharides, and serological
Configuration specificity, 41: 178-1 82
of anhydroalditols, 25264 of carbohydrates, 30:447
anomeric hydrogen bonding effect on. 25:56
determination of, 29:332 of carrageenans, 24:284
effect on hydrolysis of pyranosides, of cellulose, 24:272
22:4344 changes during polymerization of anhydro
of biologically important non-carbohydrate sugars, 39: 192-194
compounds, proof of, 27:205-22 I crystallography and, 25:101-104
of branched sugars, 42: 132-1 34 of cyclic acetals, nuclear magnetic resonance
of carbohydrates, determination of. spectroscopy and, 34: 195-1 98
4: 189-2 I0 definition. 26:5 I
carbohydrate use in asymmetric synthesis determination of, 26:53-68
and proofof. 27:191-204 of dithioacetals, 32:90-92, 99

Conformation (continued) term, 23:26

effect on of unsaturated sugars, 24:265
acetoxonium rearrangements, 26: I55 Conformational analysis, 47:4547
on acyloxonium rearrangements, 26: 144 of o-g~ucofuranosidurono-6,3-lactones,
cleavage of anhydro sugars, 22: I89 33:205-2 10
on ring formation in sugar reactions, of polysaccharides, 33:388
22:171 review, 3 6 : 3 4
gel chromatography, 25:3 I Confomiational energy
on oxirane ring, 25: 113, 123 anomeric effect, 47:77-88
selective catalytic oxidation, 33:89 acyclic model compounds, 47:77-81
on selective esterification, 33: 15 cyclic model compounds, 47:83-88
on selective oxidation of cyclic glycols, dimethoxymethane, 47:78-79
33:93-94 methanediol, 47:78-79
envelope, 26: 109 methoxymethanol, 47:78-79
equilibria, 24:57,26:89 ROCH,X, 47:79-80
of cyclic acetals, 34: 198-202 RSCH,X, 47:80-8 1
extended-chain, of cellulose, 26:328 saccharides, 47: 88
factors affecting, 23:23,28 torsional potentials, 47:82-85
folded-chain, of microfibrils, 26:3 12, 3 17, map, dimethoxymethane, 47:76-78
328 Conformational free energies in auqeous
free energy and equilibria, 26:99-103 solutions of aldopyranoses, 42:26
of o-fructose and acetals, 26:2 I8 Congo Red, 53:384
of galactomannans, 31:279,281 Coniferyl alcohol polymer in lignin, 42:269
of gel-forming polysaccbarides, 24:270 Coniophora cerebella. a-L-arabinofuranosidase
of glycans, 37:2062 12 of, 42:387
of glycoenzymes, 27:327 Coniothyrium diplodiella, pectinesterase from,
of glycofuranosides, 21:96 33:333
of glycosuloses, 34: 100 Conjugates, of o-glucuronic acid, 9: 185-246
in halogenated carbohydrate formation, Constitution, of carbohydrates, 15:11-51
22: 189, 194,207 Convallatoxin
of hexopyranosuloses, 34:96 6-hydroxy-, 21:292
of hexopyranuronates, 29:25&259 preparation and cardiotonic activity of,
of L-idopyranuronates, 29:266 27:4
instability factors, 26:98 synthesis of, 21:278,282,285
macromolecules, effect of sialyl residues, Convolvulaceae, galactomannans from,
40:2 18-2 19 31:253-254
nomenclature, 26:76-81, 109 Convolvulin, o-fucose, 21: 172,39:28 I
of polysaccharides Convolvulus awensis, cell-wall enzymes in,
gels and networks, 24:267-332 42:301
X-ray diffraction and, 22:43 1 Coordination spheres, metal ions, 47: 128
protein, effect of sugar side-chains, 40:353 Cope degradation, 40:5&5 1,53
proton magnetic resonance spectra of cyclic Copolymerization
acetals and, 26:222 of anhydroaldoses, 39: 176-179
of pyranoid sugars, 26:74 of 1,6-anhydro sugars, reactivity ratios,
representation and terminology, 26:75-81 39: 188-194
sickle, 26:72 Copper bis@henanthrolinej, for enhancing
sofa, 26: 122 detectability of carbohydrates, 46:67
of L-sorbose and acetals, 26:213 Copper(II), effect on cis-inositol I3C-NMR,
of sugars, 26:49-125 47: 142-143
symbols for, 23:27 Copper(l1) (glycylglycinato) cytidine, di-

hydrate, crystal structure bibliography. dextrinization and properties. 47:320-32 I

38:SOO-SO 1 dextrins from, 47:3 17-3 I8
Copper( 11) guanosine 5-monophosphate, glycogen and starch from sweet, stnichire of,
tetrahydrate, crystal structure 325
bibliography, 38508-5 10 hull, xylans. 36:236
Copper(I1) guanosine 3-monophosphate I , IO- production, 36:20
phenanthroline, crystal structure roots, polysaccharides, 36:245-246
bibliography, 38:529 wet-milling and separation processes.
Copper(l1) iminodipyridine adenosine 5 - 36:23-24
monophosphate, crystal structure Comforth reaction, 38:329
bibliography, 38:528 3-deoxy-r~-manno-octulosonicacid synthesis,
Copper(I1) inosine 5-phosphate (2,2- 38:365- 369
bipyridyl)( H,O), nitrate, monohydrate. Corn starch. see ulso Starch
crystal structure bibliography, 38:527 bulk density, 51:248,250
Copper(l1) uridine 5-phosphate (2,2- composition, 36: I6
dipyridylamine)(H,O),, pentahydrate, dextrinization, 47:289
crystal structure bibliography, 38:528 hydrolyzates. composition, 36:35
Copper ions separation after irradiation, 51:271-274
complex-formation, 47:2 1 sorption-desorption hysteresis, 51:248-249
effect on a-wmannosidase acitivity, 28:426, Corn syrup
428,433 carbohydrates, 36:29
Copper salts, effect on conformation of sugars, gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of,
23:37 28:46,48, 68
Coprinus mucrorhizus, polysaccharide. high-D-fructose, technology, 36:SO-55
41 :7 1-73 oligosaccharides, liquid chromatography
Corchsularose, 21 :145 analysis, 46:39
Cordycepin, 21:157 technology. acid catalysis, 36:22-29
biosynthesis, 35: 123 modem, 36:35-39
from Cordyceps milituris. 31: 149 transportation and uses, 36:29
crystal structure, 43:3 17-3 I8 Coronary vasodilators. dianhydrohexitol di-
3 -(dihydroxyphosphinyl-,methyl)-, nitrates as, 25:268
ethanolate, crystal structure Corticium rolfsii. a-L-arabinofuranosidase
bibliography, 30:462 from, 42:387, 389,390-391
stnicture of, 29:5 C,ororticztrn, gum, 36:305
synthesis of, 29:289,33:85 Corynomycolic acid. trehalose ester, in
of analog of, 33:142, 188 mycobacteria. 30:235
Cordycepose, 21: 157, 159 Cosmetics
structure of, 31:149 dextrins in, 47:329
Coriofuranose, I ,2,4,5,7-penta-O- 1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitolsapplications,
(trimethylsily1)-c*-,and trimethylsilyl 49: I68
glycosides, 28:25 galactomannans, 31:3 11, 35:342
Coriose Cotton boll
in aqueous solution, 42: 16,41 biosynthesis in. 26: 15
crystal structure bibliography. 30:45 1 enzymes from, in cellulose synthesis, 26:324
1,2,4,5,6,7-hexa-0-(triemthyIsilyl)-keto-, Cotton effect, 23:127, 24: 134, 25:375,26:13
28:25 in conformational analysis, 26:6344
trimethylsilylation of, 28:25 and octant rule, 34: 104
Com and optical rotatory dispersion spectra and
cell-wall studies on, 42:268, 285, 292-294, circular dichroism of dithioacetals.
300,314,332 32:W

Cotton fiber for 5-phosphonylaldopyranoses,42: 163-164

cellulose biosynthesis, 41 :109147-1 48 Cresol, as solvent for mutarotation of D-
precursors, 41:126, 139, 141 glucose, 27: 104
cell-wall studies on, 42:268 Cross-linking,of polysaccharides, 29:353-358
gas-liquid chromatographicanalysis of, Crotalaria juncea lectin, isolation, purification,
28:62 and properties of, 35:306
liquid chromatographyanalysis, 4652 Crotonaldehyde,precursor for sugar syntheses,
Cotyledon, galactomannans,35346, 35&36 1 40:7
Cotylenins, methyl-branched sugars from, Crotonic acid, precursor for sugar synthesis,
42:70,76 40:4-7
Coumaric acid Crustaceans, sialic acids occurrence, 40: 136
o-,as plant-growth substance, 21:409 Cryptate 212, inhibitor of cellulose
p - , as plant-growth substance, 21:409 biosynthesis, 41: 144
attachment to primary-wall polysaccharides, Crypticity, in sugar utilization by yeasts,
42:382 32:149
Coumarin, 53:373 Cryptococcosis,41:97
3-(4-bromobenzamido)-4-hydroxy-8-methyl- Cryptococcus, polysaccharide, 36:301,41:69,
7-[3-0-(5-methyl-2- 97-98
py~rolylcarbonyl)noviiopyranosyloxy]-, Crystalline dextrins, 46:211-213
crystal structure bibliography, 37:406 Crystallinity, 53:303
and derivatives as plant-growth substance, relative, of celluloses, 5: 103-126
21:409 Crystallization
inhibition of protein glycosylation,40:344 dextran effect on, of sucrose, 30:443
inhibitor of cellulose biosynthesis, of D-fructose, 36:55-56
41:143-144 of D-glucose, 36:30,41,43
4,4'-methylenebis-4-hydroxy-, see Crystallography
Dicumarol of adenosine 5'-phosphate, 22:3 12
Coumaryl alcohol polymers in lignin, 42:269 of cellulose, 22:439
Coupling constants, see Carbon-proton of chitin, 22:449
coupling constants of D-fructose, 22:232-233
Courtois, JeanEmile, 49:11-18 of galactomannans,31:280
academic career, 49: 11-12 of mannans, 22:458
archeologicalwork, 49: 17-1 8 and molecular structure of carbohydrates,
glycosidase research, 49: 1 4 1 5 25:58-56,30:445
glycosidases and glycanases from xylophagic of polysaccharides, 22:424
insects, 49:15-16 of thymidine 5'-phosphate, 22:3 12
honors and distinctions,49: 17 X-ray, in conformationalanalysis, 2653
international organizations,49: 1 6 - 1 7 of xylans, 22:458
periodic acid oxidation research, 49:12-13 Crystal structure
plant oligosaccharideresearch, 49:13-14 analysis, of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses,
role in Societe de Chimie Biologique, 49: 16 3 4 51
Cram rule, 21:180,24:108, 130,34:105, bibliography
42:151 of carbohydrates, nucleosides, and
in asymmetric synthesis, 27:193,263 nucleotides, 30:445466,
Cranberry, development physiology of, 42:37 1 31~347-371,32:353-384,
Crankshaft motion, 51:8&81 34:345-378,37:373436,
Crayfish, trehalose biosynthesis in, 30:239 38:4 17-529
Cremer-Pople puckering parameters of polysaccharides, 33:387404,
for 4-deoxy-4-phosphinylpentofuranoses, 35:377-385,36:315-332,
42: 183-184 40~38 1-399

of carbohydrates and derivatives, 25:53 as phosphorylatiiig agent for nucleosides,

107 22:33 1
of concanavalin A, 35:152 selective phosphorylation of nuclcosides
of dianhydrohexitol nitrates, 25:255 with. 33:49
of fluorinated carbohydrates, 38:280. 285 Cyanogen broinidc, agarose activation. for
of monosaccharides. 25:53-75 affinity chromatography. 39:4 1 4 . 4 3 0 4 3 1
C-substance Cyanohydrin synthesis, Fischer. 1: 1-36
cell-wall component, 33:296 3-Cyanophenol. cyclodextrin inclusion
structure of, 33:320-32 1 complexes with, 46:22 I
CTP:CMP-3-deoxyoctulosonate 4-Cyanopheno1, cyclodextrin inclusion
cytidylyltransferase, metabolism of 3- complexes with, 46:22 1
deoxy-r)-ntanno-2-octulosonic acid. 3-Cyanophenolatc ion, cyclodextrin inclusion
38 :38 1-3 84 complexes with, 46:221
Cucumber 4-Cyanophenolate ion. cyclodextrin inclusion
development physiology of, 42:34 1-342. complexes with. 46:22 1
363,370-371 Cyanuric chloride, reactions with alcohols and
wild, lectin, isolation, 35: 135 carbohydrates. 28:258
Cuprammoni um Cyclamate
complexes, mutarotation measurenient by, sweetness. 45:23 I
23:52 structure relationship. 45297- 303
for enhancing detectability of carbohydrates. three-dimensional X-ray analysis of. 45:301
46:67 Cyclaniic acid
glycoside complexes. 6: 107-134 sweetness. AH.B system in. 45:22 I
Curacin, 46: 14 third structural feature comprising postulated
Curacose glucophore in. 45:234
~-,21:172,46:14 Cyclic acetals
occurrence, 39:281 of the aldoses and aldosides. 20:219-302
Curamycin, 46: 14 as photosensitive protecting groups, 46: 195
o-fucose derivative from, 21: 172 Cyclic adenosine monophosphate, 2-
Curamycose, 46: 14 nitrobenzyl and 6-nitroveratryl esters of,
Curdlan, 52:356-361 irradiation of. 46:204
circular diehroism, 45:89 Cyclic AMP. i n plant tissues, 42:367
fine structure of, 30:369 Cyclic derivatibes
gelation, Fourier-transfomi infrared of carbohydrates, stereochemistry of.
spectroscopy, 44:62-63 10: 1-53
helix structure, 52:358, 360 definition. 52:50
parallel packing arrangement, 52:3511-359 nomenclature, 52:4849
preparation. properties, and uses, Cyclic guanosine monophosphate, 2-nitribenzyl
36:307-3 I0 and 6-nitrovcratryl esters of. irradiation of,
structure, 52:415 46:204
Currant, development physiology of, 42:34 I Cyclic model compounds, conformational
Cutscum, activator for enzymic hydrolysis of energy. 47:83-88
glycosphingolipids, 40:28 1-285 Cyclic polysaccharides, f.a.h.-mass
Cyanainido group, participation in sugar spectrometry. 45:68-69
reactions, 22: 15 1 C'yclitols, 14: 135-212
Cyanoaeetamide, for enhancing detectability of acetates, gas-liquid chromatography of,
carbohydrates. 46:67 28: I so
2-Cyanoethyl group, as protecting group for ainino-
phosphate, 36: 153 antibiotics, synthesis, 35:8 I . 102- 122.
2-Cyanoethyl phosphate 38:285

Cyclitols (continued) Cycloamyloses

selective esterifications of, 33:40 carbon-1 3 nuclear magnetic resonance
aminodeoxy- spectra, 38:37-39
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:87 cross-linking of, 29:404
selective catalytic oxidation of, 33:9 1 derivatives, 29:402--405
2-amino- I ,2-dideoxy-, deamination of, 31:77 determination by trimethylsilylation, 28:25
chemistry and configuration of, 3:45-77 gas-liquid chromatographic separation of,
conformation of, 26:84 28:70
containing four or five hydroxyl groups, per(dimethylsily1)ated. gas-liquid
chemical and physical studies of, chromatography of, 28: I35
20:11-65 separation as diemthylsilyl derivatives, 28:3 1
deoxynitro-, 24: 100 Cyclo-Ara-C, hydrochloride, crystal struchire
eletrophoresis in metal salt solutions, 21:232 bibliography, 31:360
equilibria with borate complexes in aqueous Cyclo-Ara-U, crystal structure bibliography,
solutions, 42:25 31:355
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:89-90 Cyclobarbital, cyclodextrin inclusion
induced shifts of proton signals, 47:7 complexes with, 46:223-224
inversion in, 31:4 Cyclobutanol, formation mechanism from
lanthanide-induced shifts, 47:9-10 penta-O-acetyl-keto-r~-sorbose, 38: 128
natural occurrence of, 42:73,77 Cyclobutene, sugar derivative, synthesis of,
nitro-, acylation of, 24: 1 I5 27:299
per(trimethylsily1) ethers, gas-liquid Cyclodextrin
chromatography of, 28: 149-150 alpha, 46:206
as plant-growth substances, 21:4 16 chemical synthesis of, 46:207
rearrangement in acetic acid-sulfuric acid, conformational change of, during
26: 188-191 complex-formation, 46:23G23 1
in liquid hydrogen fluoride, 26: 169-1 73 o-glucosyl units, 46:228
selective catalytic oxidation of, 33:90 dipole moment, 46:232
selective esterification of, 33: 14, 38 inclusion-complexes, enthalpyxntropy
selective etherification and relative compensation for, 46:224
reactivities of hydroxyl groups in, strained, high-energy conformation,
33:64-66 46:228
sulfonylation of, 23:250 beta, 46:206
sweetness-structure relationship, 45:24 1, chemical structure, 46:207
290-293 inclusion-complexes, enthalpy-entropy
synthesisof, 42:115-118, 129-131 compensation for, 46:224
trifluoroacetyl derivatives, gas-liquid numbering of atoms of, 46:207
chromatography of, 28: 114 partially methylated, 46:245
Cyclization branched, 46:246
of aldohexoses by acids, 34:3437 cavity, water of, 46:227-228
of 6-C-substituted hexopyanoses, 34:33-34 "C c.p.-in.a.s. shidies of, 46:23 1
of hexopyranosyl derivatives containing chiral discrimination by, 46:247-249
reactive substituents, 34:3 1-33 covalent capping of. 46:247
intramolecular and sulfonate displacement, r>-glucosyl residues, 46:2 14
33: 126-1 3 1 2,6-di-O-methyl derivative, 46:245
mediated reactions, 53: 1 8 6 1 88 discovery of, 46:211-213
of oligosaccharides, 34: 158 enthalpy of association, 46:228
radical, 53:188-191 facilitation of association of molecules
Cycloaddition, photochemical, carbohydrate, through presence of. 46:2 10
38:106- 108 formation of, from starch, 46:2 15-2 I7

further research in. 46:249 standard free-energy decrease

gamma, 46:206 associated with. 46:220
modified, 4632455246 thermodynainics of, 46:220-234
space regulation of cavity by appcndetl confomational change. 46:236,238~
naphthalene moiety, 46:246 239
substitution with two naphthyl groups. cross-polarization, magic-angle-spinning,
46:246-247 I 'C-NMR spectroscopy, 46:2 19
liquid chromatography separation, 46:44- crystal structure analyses, 46:232-233
45 with crystal violet, 46:24 1
modified with cyanine dyes, 46:244
catalytic properties, 46:244-247 discovery of, 46:2 I7
chiral selectivity of, 46:249 electric-field pulse relaxation, 4 6 2 3 4
complexing ability, 46:245 fluorescence, 46:219
molecules, covalent linking of two, 46:245 formation of, 46:210-21 1
periodate oxidation of, 46:214-2 IS kinetics, 46:237-238
physical properties of, 46:208 'H-nuclear magnetic resonance
properties, 46:206 spectroscopy, 46:2 18
reactions catalyzed, 46:244 hydrophobic interactions, 46:226-227
chiral selectivity. 46248-249 with inorganic aiiions, 46:235-236
separation, 46:207 isoequilibrium. 46:22 1-225
structural and sequence analysis of. 46:57 with long-chain fatty acids, 46240
structure of, determination of, 46:2 1.3- 2 I5 with Methyl Orange, 46:242-244
tri-0-methyl-a-, 46:245 nuclear magnetic resonance, 46:220
ulhasonic-relaxation techniques for, 16:230 one-host-one guest complex-foimation,
a-Cyclodextrin hexahydrate, crystal structure, 46:235-239
43:266 one-boat-two guests complexation.
Cyclodextrins, 12:189-260 46:209-2 10,240-243
CY-,53:313 mechanisms, 46:2 1 I
crystal structure bibliography, 32:37 I with methyl orange. 46:245
"C-NMR data for, 42:199 with organic dyes, 46:235,240-242
inclusion complexes. 46:205-250 phosphorescence decay. 46:235
acid-base titration. 46:220 properties, 46:2 17-2 18
advantage of, 46:208 with Pyronine Y . 46:240
with azo dyes, 46:235,239 with Roccellin, 46:244
with biphenyl compounds, 4 6 2 3 9 Saenger's theory of formation. 4 6 2 9
with cinnamates, 46:239 single-step, binding mechanism, 46:237
circular dichroism, 46:2 19-220 solubility, 46:220
complex-formation stability, 46:20X-209
detection of, 46:219-220 dependence on polarizability of guest
enthalpy-entropy compensation, molecule, 46:232
46:22 1-225 stopped-flow kinctic studies. 46:234,
favorable entropy change in, 4 6 9 3 3 237~-238
hydrophobic interactions in, 46:233 temperature. 46:225
kinetics of, 46:234-244 temperature-.jump relaxation kinetic
in nonaqueous solvents, 46:220 studies. 46:234, 237-238, 240
solvation changes on complexar inn. with Tropaeolin, 46:242, 244
46:225-226 two-dimensional, nucleat Overhauser
standard-enthalpy change effect experiment on, 46:21X 219
accompanying, 46:220-223 two hosts-one guest complex formation,
standard-entropy change, 46:220-223 46:239- 240

Cyclodextrins (continued) hexakis

two hosts-two guest complex-formation, (6-acetamido-6-deoxy)-, preparation of,
46:242-244 29:403
two-step mechanism, 46:238-239 (6-amino-6-deoxy)-, preparation of,
ultrasonic absorption relaxation, 46:234 29:403
ultraviolet-visible absorption. 46:2 19 (6-azido-6-deoxy)-, preparation, 39:33
van der Waals forces in, 46:23 1-233 (6-azido-6-deoxy)-, preparation of. 29:403
X-ray crystallography, 46:2 I8 (6-O-p-tolylsulfonyl)-, preparation of,
metal binding to, f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 29:403
45:70 inclusion complexes, 29:404
Cyclodextrin transglycosylase, 46:207-208 monobenzoate and 2,5-
Cycloheptaamylose pyridinedicarboxylate, 29:403
carbon-13 signals, 38:23, 38 0-(carboxymethy1)-, amide, ether
carboxymethyl and sulfomethyl ethers and derivatives, preparation of, 29:322, 327
truns-2,3-carbonates, 29:403 structure of, 29:323
coinplex with r-hydroxybenzoic acid, proton 0-(2-diethylaminoethyl)-.benzoylated,
magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, 29:325
27:32 toxicity of, 29:323
crystal structure, 25:79 O-(2-hydroxypropyl)-, in adsorption studies,
fragmentation by radiation, 37: 14 29:3 18
heptakis(6-azido-6-deoxy)-,hepta(2,3- potassium acetate complex, crystal structure
diacetate), preparation, 39:33 of, 25:78
inclusion complexes, 29:405 radiation effect on complexes, 37:74
radiation effect on complexes, 37:74 selective p-toluenesulfonylation of, 33:38
spin-labelled monoester and monophosphate, selective tritylation of, 3 3 5 2
29:404 tetra(6-O-trityl)-, oxidation with dimethyl
sulfonylation of, 23:236 sulfoxide-acetic anhydride, 33:92
Cycloheptaamylose peracetate a-Cyclohexaamylose P-iodoaniline, trihydrate,
carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic resonance crystal structure bibliography, 37:407
spectra, 38:97 Cyclohexaamylose carbon- I3 signals, 38:23,
preparation of, 29:402 38
Cyclohexaamylose a-Cyclohexaarnylose complexes, crystal
6-aniino-6-deoxy-, preparation of, 29:403 structure bibliography, 37:407
6'-azido-h'-deoxy-, amylase reaction, 39:241 Cyclohexaamylose hexahydrate, crystal
6-azido-6-deoxy-, preparation of, 29:403 struchire, 43:266
6-bromo-6-deoxy-, preparation of, 28:303, Cyclohexaamylose-iodine tetrahydrate, crystal
29:403 structure bibliography, 31:354
carboxymethyl and sulfomethyl ethers, and a-Cyclohexaamylose krypton hydrate, crystal
truns-2,3-carbonates, 29:403 structure bibliography, 37:408
6-chloro-6-deoxy-, preparation of, 28:303, a-Cyclohexaamylose methanolate,
29:403 pentahydrate. crystal structure
crystal structure of, 25:79 bibliography, 37:407
6-deoxy-, preparation of, 28:303,29:403 Cyclohexaamylose octadecabenzoate, selective
6-deoxy-6-iodo-, preparation of, 28:303, deacylation, 39:33
29:403 Cyclohexaamylose peracetate
dodeca-0-methyl-, structure of, 29:402- carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic resonance
403 spectra, 38:97
fragmention by radiation. 37: 14 preparation of, 29:402
hexahydrate. crystal structure bibliography, a-Cyclohexaamylose-p-iodoaniline, trihydrate.
32:371 crystal structure bibliography. 34:362

Cyclohexaamylose-potassium acetate hydrate sweetness. 45290-293

complex, crystal structure bibliography. Cyclohexanes, substituted, anomeric
31:369 equilibrium, 47:54
Cyclohexaamylose-1 -propanol-4. 8-hydrate. C'yclohexanctetrol, C-( hydroxymethy I)-,
crystal structure bibliography, 32:37 I rearrangement in acetic acid-sulfuric acid.
Cyclohexane 26:191
conformation of, 2650-5 I , I I8 ( 1.2.5/3)-Cyclohexanetetrol~rearrangement in
interconversion of conformers, 26:O I acetic acid-sulfuric acid. 26: 188
polyhydroxy-, optical rotation and ( 1 2 3 3 )-Cyclohexanetetrol, rearrangement in
conformation of, 26:61 acetic acid-sulfuric acid, 26: 188
Cyclohexanecarboxaldehyde, 2-hydroxy-,r,,rrn.s ( I ,2/3)-CycIohexanetriol. acyloxontuni
.23:63 derivatives, 26:137, 138
Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid, cyclodexttin ( 1.3/5)-Cyclohexanetriol.tripivalate,
inclusion complexes with, 46:22 I acyloxonitim rearrangement of, 26: 144
Cyclohexanediols C'yclohexanetriol triacetate. ( 1,3/2,4,6)-4-
1,4-, cyclic boronates, preparation, 35:?6 bromo-6-(brornomethyl)- 1.2.3-, 48:3 1
cis- I ,2- Cyclohexanol
acetylation of, 33:33 acetylation ot. 33:33
diacetate, acetoxonium slat from. 2-amino-. deamination of, 25: 184
26:13 1-132 2-aniino-4-tert-butyI-, deaniination of,
reaction with 2-acetoxy 2- 25: 185. 31 :23. 39
mythylpropanoyl chloride, 33:X4 cis-2-amino-. deainniation of. 3 1 2 3
cis-I ,3- cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with,
cyclic boronates, preparation, 35:36 46:222-224
sweetness-structure relationship. 45:27 1 4-phenyL. esrerification by p-phenyl-
trans, trans-2-carbethoxy-2-nitro-, 24: 106 azobenzoyl chloride, effect of
trans, trans-2-(hydroxymethyl)-2-nitro-, conformation on, 33:15
24: 106 as solvent in reduction of o-glucose. 2 7 9 9
trans, tran.r-2-niethyl-2-nitro, 24: I06 Cyclohexanone
trans, trans-2-nitro-, 24: 106 cis-2, h-bis(acetaniido)-, 24: 1 12
trans-2-ehtyl-2-nitro-. 24: 106 2-(2,3,S-tri-O-benzoyl-~-n-r~bofuranosyl)-,
trans-2-nitro-2-plienyl-, 24: I06 preparation of. 33: 160
laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:83 Cyclohexene oxide, hydroformylation of.
oxidation with lead tetraacetate, 33% 23:63
trun.v-, reaction with 2-acetoxy 2- 5-Cyclohexene- I .2.3,4-tetroI. selective catalytic
mythylpropanoyl chloride, 33:X4 oxidation ofstereoisomers, 33:91
Irans- 1,2-, diacetate Cyclohexenones, from dehydration reactions of
cis-acetoxonium salt from, 26: 13 I I32
carbohydrates, 28: 174
rearrangement in hydrogen fluoride. Cycloheximide, inhibitor o f galactomannan
26: 115 degradation, 35:360
trans-l,3-, diacetate, acetoxonium salt from. h" -Cyclohexyl-a-forniy laminoacetamidine.
26: 132 52:299-300
Cyclohexaneglycolic acid, a-phenyl-. Cyclohexylainines
preparation of. 27:201 deamination of. 31: 16
I .2.4,4/3,6-Cyclohexanehexol (muco-inosiiol), 2-methoxy-, deamination. of, 31:77
crystal structure, 43:2 16 Cyclomaltoheptaose, 46:206
Cyclohexane- I ,2,3,4,5/0-pento1347:8, 4 I dodecahydrate, 43: 3 3 3, 3 72
Cyclohexanepentols laser-Raman spectroscopy. 44:82
rearrangement in acetic acid-sulfuric acid, nonselectice spin-lattice relaxation rates.
26:189, 190 45: 149

Cyclomaltoheptaose-2,5-diiodobenzoicacid, I-propanol complex. hydrate, 43:334

hexahydrate, 43:372 Cyclomalto-oligosaccharides, .see U ~ C J
Cyclomaltoheptaose-dipropanol Cyclodextrins
dodecahydrate, 43:334 branched, 46:246
nonahydrate, 43: 3 34 liquid chromatography separation, 46:4445
Cyclomaltoheptaose-ni-methylphenol, Cyclooctaamylose, carbon-13 signals, 38:38
decahydrate, 43:334 Cyclooctaamylose peracetate, carbon- I3
Cyclomaltoheptaose4-nitroacetanilide, nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, 38:97
hydrate, 43:3?2 Cyclooctadecane, 1,4,7,10,13,16-
Cyclomaltoheptaose-p-iodophenol, hexaoxadibenzo[P, K]-, in Koenigs-Knon
tetracosahydrate, 43:372 reaction. 34:25 1
Cyclomaltoheptaose-I-propanol.43:372 Cyclopentaiiediol
Cyclomaltoheptaose-sodiumpolyiodide, cis- 1,2-, diacetate, acetoxonium salt from,
octahydrate, 43:334 26: I3 1-132
Cyclomaltohexaose, 46:206,53:3 13 1,2-
dihydrate, 43:372 cis- and /ram-, reactions with 2-acetoxy-
laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:82 2methylpropanoyl chloride, 33:84
Cycloinaltohexaose-bis(m-nitrophenol, 1,2-dimethyl-,rran.~-,oxidation with lead
hexahydrate, crystal structure. 43:354 tetraacetate, 33:95
Cyclomaltohexaose-dimethyl sulfoxide, trms-, oxidation with lead tetraacetate.
methanol solvate, dihydrate, crystal 33:95
structure, 43:354 (I,2,3/4,5)-Cyclopentanepentol, 26: I42
Cyclomaltohexaose hexahydrate. crystal ( 1,2,4/3)-Cyclopentanepentol,acyloxoniuni
structure, 43:266 salts, 26: 140
Cyclomaltohexaose inclusion complexes, ( I .2,4i3,5)-Cyclopentanepentol, acyloxonium
standard formation enthalpies and salts, 26: 140
entropies of, 46:221-223 ( 1,2/3,4)-Cyclopentanetetrol, tetra-0-acetyl-,
Cyclomaltohexaose-N, N-dimethylfonnamide, rearrangement in liquid hydrogen fluoride.
pentahydrate, crystal structure, 26:171
43:266267 ( 1,3/2,4)-Cyclopentanetetrol,acyloxonium
Cyclomaltohexaose-p- hydroxybenzoic acid, slats, 26: 139
trihydrate, crystal structure, 433355 Cyclopentane-l,2,3,4-tetrol, 2,3-0-
Cyclomaltohexaose-p-iodophenol,trihydrate, cyclohexylidene-5-nitro-, isomers, 24: 105
crystal structure, 43:354 (1,2,3/0)-Cyclopentanctriol,preparation of,
Cyclomaltohexaose-p-nitrophenol. trihydrate, 26: 137
crystal structure, 43:354 2-Cyclopeiiten- 1 -one, 2,3-dihydroxy-, see
Cyclomaltohexaose-potassium [sodium] Reductic acid
Methyl Orange, hydrate, crystal structure. Cyclopentenones, fomyation, 46:294
43:355 Cyclopenten- 1-ylium perchlorate. 2,3-diphenyl-,
Cyclomaltohexaose-1-propanol, 43:372 in Koenigs-Knorr reaction, 34:250
Cyclomaltohexaose-2-pynoldinone, Cycloserine, D-, in peptidoglycan hiosynthesis,
pentahydrate, crystal structure. 43:267 26:42?
Cyclomaltohexaose-sodium henzenesulfonate. Cyclosophoroses
decahydrate, crystal structure, 43:355 liquid chromatography separation, 46:4445
Cyclonialtohexaose-sodium 1 -propane- preparative liquid chromatography, 46:60
sulfonate, nonahydrate, crystal structure, Cymarin, 21:293
43:354 Cymarose, DL-, synthesis (attempted), 40:22-23
Cyclomaltohexose, circular dichroism, 45:87 Cymaroside
Cyclomalto-octaose, 46:206 methyl LY-DL-, synthesis, 40:40
heptadecahydrate, 43:334 methyl UL-, synthesis of, 28:298
\11131t ( 1 INDEX 105

Crystalline structures tetrahydrate. crystal structure, 43:367

versus compounds in solution, vibrational [cobalt( II)S -monopliosphate]. monohydrate,
spectra. 44: 14, 16. 2 1 crystal structure bibliography.
orientation, infrared dichroism study, 38:505-506
44:2&27 cobalt 5-monophosphatc monohydrate,
Cysteine crystal structure bibliography, 34:373
DL -. with 1)-galactose, products from. conformation of. 26: I I 0
46:3 17-3 18 crystal structure bibliography, 31:364
1.-, and a-dicarbonyl compounds, reaction 2:3-cyclic phosphate, 2 2 3 14, 357
between, 46:3 18 3:5-cyclic phosphate, 22:360
N-acetyl-i -, ketonucleoside reaction %ith, hydrolysis, 39:61
42:263-264 2 4.2-deoxy-, proton magnetic resonance
reaction with aldoses, 32:20 spectroscopy of, 27: 145
Cystic fibrosis, a-L-fucosidase activity. 2-deoxy-
39:333-334 crystal structure bibliography, 343364
Cytidine 35-cyclic phosphate, hydrolysis. 39:61
a-, crystal structure bibliography, 3,5-diphosphate. 22:322. 348
38:486487 hydrochloride, crystal structure
5-(cu-o-glucopyranosyl pyrophosphate). bibliography, 30:458
enzymic synthesis of, 28:338 5 -phosphate monohydrate, crystal
occurrence and isolation of, 28:3 I 5 structure bibliography. 30:459
structure of, 28:309 5-methyl
5 -(2-amiiio-2-deoxy-a-~-glucopyl.anosyl 3.5-diphospliate, 22:323
pyrophosphate), enzymic syntIie\i\ of; 5-phosphate. 22:323
28:339 5-O-~~-tolyIsulfonyI-. displacement
2.2-anhydro-, preparation of, 28:253 reaction of, 24: I77
2,5-anhydro-2, 3-O-isopropylidene-. 3-phosphate, 22:343, 345
24:177, 179 5-phosphate. formation of. 29:237
S-(barium phosphate), 8.5 hydrate. ciystal selective oxidation with chromium
structure, 43:3 13-3 14 trioxtde. 3 3 9 9
3-(benzyl hydrogenphosphate), hydrolysis of, S -( 6-deoxy-a-o-.r~~/o-he~opyranosyl-4-ulose
21:329 pyrophosphate). 28:3 I 8
5-bromo-2-deoxy-.2-deoxyguanosnie 5 -(3-deoxy-n-munno-octulosonic acid
complex, crystal structure bibliography. triphosphate), 28:333
31:370 5-(3-deoxyoctulosonic acid phosphate).
[cadmium(Il) 5-monophosphate]. 28:332
monohydrate. crystal structure 5-(0-glucosyl phosphate), derivative. froin
bibliography. 38:505 spores of C!rrilugo uvenae, 28:333
cadmium 54nonophosphate dihydratc. S-(~.6-dideoxy-a-o-~ru/~inu-hexopyranosyl
crystal structure bibliography, 34:373 pyrophosphate), isolation of. 28:3 I6
3 -(cesium cis-platinumdiammine 59 3,6-dideoxy-a-~-eryrhvo-hexopyranosyl-
phosphate), tetrahydrate. 43:334 4-ulosc pyrohosphate), 28:3 18
(choline 5-diphosphate). monohydrate. S-(3,6-ciideowy-a-o-,.iho-he~opyranosyl
crystal structure bibliography. 34:376 pyrophosphate). isolation of. 28:3 16
5 -(choline diphosphate). monohydratc, 5-(3.6-dideoxy-cc-o-~~~~~~-liexopyranusyl
crystal structure bibliography, 37:435 pyrophosphate), isolation of, 28:3 16
(choline S-diphosphate), sodium salt 5-( 3,6-dideoxy-P-~-ururbinu-hexopyranosyl
pentahydrate, crystal structure pyrophosphate), isolation of. 28:3 I 5
bibliography, 34:376 5-diphoaphate monohydrate. crystal
5-(choline diphosphate), sodium sali struclure bibliography, 34:374

Cysteine (continued) 2'-O-methyl-, synthesis of, 33:70

5'-(glycerol pyrophosphate), isolation of. 3 '-0-(methylsulfony1)-
28:334 2,'5'-di-O-trityI-. displacement reaction
5'-(glycosyl pyrophosphates), alkaline of, 24: 180
hydrolysis of, 28:359 displacement reaction of, 24:180
(glycy1glycinato)-, copper(I1) complex. 2',3'-phosphate, crystal structure
dihydrate crystal structure bibliography. bibliography, 38507-508
38:SOO-50 1 2'-phosphate, 22:353
glycylglycinatocopper (11) dihydrate, crystal 3'-phosphate, 22:353
structure bibliography, 34:374 crystal structure bibliography, 31:369
guanylyl-(3 ' - t S ' ) - 5'-phosphate, 22:308, 31 I , 325,327
calcium salt octadecahydrate, crystal preparation, 35:54
structure bibliography. 37:430 2'-phosphate trihydrate, crystal structure
monophosphate calcium salt, bibliography, 31:360
octadecahydrate, crystal structure proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of,
bibliography, 34:378 27:33, 146
sodium salt nonahydrate, crystal structure 5'-pyrophosphate, glycosyl esters,
bibliography, 37:429 occurrence and enzymic synthesis of,
sodium salt octahydrate, crystal structure 26~355-356
bibliography, 31:361 reaction with
iodination of, 28:243 (chloromethy1ene)dimethyl iminium
keto derivatives of, synthesis. 42:233 -234 chloride, 28:253
5'-(~-rihitolpyrophosphate), biosynthesis N.N-dimethyI(chIoromethaniminimum)
and isolation of, 28:333 chloride, 33:83
manganese 5' -monophosphate 2.5 hydrate, selective benzylation and methylation of,
crystal structure bibliography, 37:434 33:59
methyl-2'-O-methyl-, synthesis of, 33:70 selective bromination with N-bromo-
N4-acetyl- succininiide and triphenylphosphine,
crystal structure bibliography, 38:528 33:78
selective bromination with N- selective methylation with diazomethane,
bromosuccinimide and triphenyl- 33:70
phosphine, 33:78 sulfonylation and halogenation of, 33:83
N6-acetyl-. selective tritylation of, 3 3 5 2 2-thio-, dihydrate, crystal structure
N4-anisoyl-3'-O-(chloroacetyl)-2'-deoxy-5 '- bibliography, 30:458
U-(p-methoxytrity1)-, selective 4'-thio-a-o-, 23:223
deacylation, 39:43 4'-tliio-P-o-, 23:223
N4-benzoyl-2',3,'5,-tri-O-benzoyl- 5'-(vinelosyl pyrophosphate), 28:317
methanolysis, selective, 39:37 zinc 5'-monophosphate monohydrate,
selective deacylation, 39:394O crystal structure bibliography, 37:
N6-henzoyl- 435
5'-0-benzoyl-, acylation of, 33:3 1 Cytidine 5 '-(copper monophosphate), 2,2'-
selective tritylation of, 3 3 5 2 dipyridylamine, pentahydrate crystal
3"-etheno-, hydrochloride, crystal structure, 43:298
structure bibliography, 37:4 19 Cytidine 5'-diphosphate, glycosyl esters,
5'-(N-glycolyneuraminic acid phosphate), 44:280
28:332 Cytidine methosulfate, 3-methyl-.
2',3'-O-isopropylidene-5'-U-p-tolysulfony I-. monohydrate, crystal structure
displacement reaction of, 24: 177 bibliography, 32377-378
2'-O-methyl-, crystal structure bibliography, Cytidine S'monophosphate. glycosyl esters,
32:383.38:490-491 44:280

Cytidine monophosphate N-acetylneuraminic crystal structure bibliography. 38:5 18

acid 1 -(P-D-glucopyranosyluronicacid)-.
enzymic synthesis, 49:2 15-2 16 formation, 35: 124
reaction catalyzed by, 49:2 14-215 isolation, 35: 124
Cytidine 5-(N-acetylneuraminic 5-P-o-ribofuranosyl-,see Pseudocytidine
monophosphate), 44:283 I -(2-deoxy-2-fluoro-P-~-arabinofuranosy~)-,
Cytidine platinum ethylenediamine 5 - synthesis, 48:236
phosphate, crystal structure bibliography, I -(3-deoxy-3-fluoro-P-~-xylofuranosyl)-,
38:527 synthesis and biological activity, 48:260
Cytidine frans-dichloroplatinum(II) (dimet hyl glucuronic acid conjugate, preparation,
sulfoxide), crystal structure bibliography, 36:127, 129
38:317-318 N-acetyl- 1-(3,5-di-O-acetyl-P-o-
Cytidine triphosphate, enzymic preparation, arabinofuranosy1)-, 24: I83
49:211,213 1 -N-[2,3,6-trideoxy-4-0-(4,6-dideoxy-4-
Cytidinium chloride, crystal structure. 43:281 dimethy lamino-a-o-glucopyranosy1)-P-
Cytidinium nitrate, crystal structure D- eythro-hexopyranosyl]-, triacetate,
bibliography, 37:411 crystal structure bibliography, 32:379
Cytidylic acid, 22:3 13, 323 (3-O-methyl- 1-P-D-arabinofuranosyl)-,
Cytidylyl-(3+5 )-adenosine-proflavine, crystal structure bibliography, 37:435
43:335 proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of
Cytidylytransferases, 40: 186-1 88 derivatives, 27:28-29, 146
Cytisus sessilifolius lectin 1 -(5-thio-~-xylopyranosyl)-,23:2 I 1
carbohydrate-binding specificity of. 35:209 Cytosine nucleosides, preparation of. 42:253
hemagglutinating activity, 35:208 Cytosinine, 24:238
Cytochrome C, photoreduction, 37:327 Cytostatic activity
Cytochrome C reductase, in fruit climacteric, chemical structure and, of carbohydrates,
42365 28:7
Cytokinins in fruit ripening, 42:342-343, 345 of halogenated sugars, 2 2 2 13
Cytolipin H, 24:400401 Cytostatics, synthesis of, 28:7
Cytosamine triacetate, crystal structure Cvtturia hariori, polysaccharide, 41:72, 103
bibliography, 32:379
I -2,3-anhydro- D
P-o-xylofuranosyl-, 24: 180
2,5-di-O-trity~-P-~-xylofuranosyl-, 24: 1 80 Dahlia tubers
2,2-anhydro-l- D-fructose from, 22231
p-o-arabinofuranosyl-, hydrochloride, fructose oligosaccharides from gel
crystal structure bibliography, 31:360 chromatography of, 25:35
(3,5-di-O-phosphono-@-o- Dalapon, as plant-growth substance, 21 :402
arabinofuranosy1)-, 22:368 Dalbergiu lanceolaria. apiose-containing
arabinofuranosyl- flavonoid glucoside from, 31: 147
1-P-0- Damson gum, structure, history, 41:3, 7-8
crystal structure bibliography, 31:360 Dansylhydrazones, liquid chromatography, pre-
33-diphosphate, 22:369 column derivatization procedures, 46:68
hydrochloride, crystal structure DANTE pulse. 51:19, 21
bibliography, 31:356 Daphnetin-8-yl P-o-ghcopyranoside,
p-0- dihydrate, crystal structure, 43:345
2,5-monophosphate,crystal structure DAST reagent, fluorine introduction, see
bibliography, 38:485486 Fluorine, introduction by DAST reagent
platinum ethylenediamine dichloride, Date, development physiology of, 42:371-372

Datiscoside bis(p-iodobenzoate), dihydrate, dianhydrohexopyranoses prepared by,

crystal structure, 43:356 34:112
Daunosamine of dithioacetals of amino sugars, 32:32,
D-, synthesis of, 22:132 55-57
4-dexoy-o~-,synthesis, 40: 111 glucosamines, 52:16
synthesis, 39: 140, 142,40: 16 and micro determination, 31:71
Daunosaminide migration of carbon atom in, 31:64
isopropyl N-acetyl-or-oL-, synthesis, 40: 17 nature of reaction, 31:10-18
methyl DL-, synthesis, 40: 17 of nucleotides, 22:376
methyl 3-N-acetykbdeoxy-a-~~-, synthesis, pH effect on, 31:65
40:18 of radicals from amino alcohols by radiation,
Duviesiu lutifolia, apiose-containing compound 37:11-12
from, 31: 148 solvent effect on, 31:16
DCB, see Benzonitrile, 2,6-dichloro- and structure determination, 31:71-79
Deacetylation of sugars, 25: 182
and acid degradation, 38:410411 in synthesis, 31:70
of cellulose acetates, 29:330 3-Deazaadenosine, crystal structure
of glycosiduronic acids, 36:79 bibliography, 37:420
by hydrazinolysis, 31:78 3-Deaza-6-azauridine, crystal structure
hydrolysis, 39: 14-24 bibliography, 38:528
of polysaccharides, 31: 194 3-Deazacytidine, crystal structure bibliography,
Deacylation 38:490
of dithioacetal esters, 32:46 Deazaguanosine 5-phosphate, 7-(3,4-truns-4,5-
enzymic, 39:33-34,36,43 cis-dihydroxy- 1-cycle-penten-3-
and methanolysis of polysaccharide aliphatic ylaminyl)-7-, hydrate, 43:335
carboxylic esters, 29:332 Deazaisotubercidin, picrate, crystal structure
regioselective, 39:40 bibliography, 37:423
selective, 39:2844 3-Deazauridine
in nucleoside derivatives, 39:3644 crystal structure bibliography, 31:356
DEAE-dextran, antitumor activity of, 4-deoxy-, crystal structure bibliography,
32~257-258,273 38:488489
P-oealkoxylation, of pectic substances, 29:245 Debenzylation
Dealkylation, selective, 39:44-53 by acetolysis, 39:45
Deamination of benzyl ethers of 1,6-
of aminoaldonic acids, 33:114-119 anhydrohexopyranoses, 34:74-75
of aminoaldoses, 25:183-194,33:114-119 of glycosiduronic acids, 36:79
of aminocyclohexanols, 25: 184 Deboronation, selective, 39:53-55
of 2-amino-2-deoxyalditols, 25: 191 Deboronation
of 2-amino-2-deoxyaldohexoses,25: 183 of boronates, 3 5 5 2
of 2-amino-2-deoxyaldonic acids, 25: 19 1 selective, 39:53-55
of 2-amino-2-deoxyaldonolactones,25: 189 I , 10-Decanedithiol, in dithioacetal preparation,
of 2-amino-2-deoxyaldose dithioacetals, 32:19
25: 192 Decarboxylation
of aminodeoxy 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses, enzymic, of glycosyluronic acid
34: I28 pyrophosphate esters, 28:385
of amino sugars by radiolysis, 37:48-5 1 of sugar acids, kinetics of, 28: 186-1 87, 190
of carbohydrate amines and related Deca(ribonucleotide), synthesis, protecting
compounds, 31:9-79 groups, 36: 147
degradation of polysaccharides by, Decasaccharide, in fucosidosis urine, structure,
31:232-237 39:332

4-Decene-3,6-diol, 6-butyl- I ,2-dimethoxy-. of glycogen and starch, 3:251-310.

synthesis, 39: 141 17:407430
Dechlorination, of chlorodeoxy sugars in of linear polysaccharides. 23:299
presence of triethylamine, 28:302 of starch, 23:282
Decoynine, 21:174, 24:250, 252 by exoglycosidases, 38:412415
biosynthesis, 35: 123 of glycosyl esters of nucleoside 5 ' -
A-2 effect, on conformation, 23:30 pyrophosphates, 28:356
Defoliation, 21:429 ofhigher sugars to deoxy sugars., 21:153
Deglocosylation, glycoproteins, 47:200 localization of hydrogen isotopes by
Degradation, see also Bany degradation; chemical, 27:140
Depolymerization; Fragmentation; Smith Macdonald-Fischer, of dithioacetals.
degradation 32: 82-85
acid, methylation structural analysis, N-deacetylation and acid. 38:410-411
38:408410 of polysaccharides, 31: 185-240
of acylated nitriles of aldonic acids, by acid action, 31:187-200
4: 119-15 1 by p-elimination, 31:212-229
and ammonia reaction with carbohydrate by deamination, 31:232-237
acyl esters, 31:83 with hydrazine, 31:195
0-eliminative by oxidation with chromium trioxide,
of alditol methyl ethers and mass 31 :229-232
spectrometry, 29:57 by periodate oxidation, 31:200-211
of carbohydrates, 29:229-303 preceded by oxidation, 31:220-226
and double 0-elimination in activated by way of sulfone derivatives, 31:226-229
vinylog systems, 29:283 by Weermann and Lossen rearrangements,
in furanuronate derivatives, 29:273-28 1 3 1:237-238
of heteropolysaccharides, 29:238-252 Smith, 22:7
of hydroxy carboxylic acid derivatives, of capsular polysaccharide, 33:301
29:234-237 of dextrans, 30:383,389
principle and types of, 29:233 mass spectrometry of oligosaccharides
and structure of natural uronate-sugar from, 30:40
conjugates, 29:254 and structural analysis of
in unsaturated hexopyranoid systems, polysaccharides, 30:282
29:282 of polysaccharides, 28:98-101
during methylation of carbohydrates, of sugars, 28: I63
30: 14 of teichoic acid, 21:340
biochemical, of galactomannans, 35:356- thermal
375 of cellulose and cellulosic materials,
of carbohydrates, 19:181-218 23:423424
of cellulose, 22:20 of polysaccharides, 34:3845
decarboxylative enolacetal-forming p- of starch, 22483-515
elimination, 29:301 Degranol, synthesis and antitumor activity,
of 2-deoxy sugars. 21: 147 28:&7
of dextrans by dextranglucosidase, 30:395 Degree of methylation, of partially methylated
by endoglycosidases, 38:415416 methyl glycosides, mass spectrometry of,
enolacetal-forming p-elimination, 29:50-51
29:255-273 Degree of polymerization
enzymic and action pattern of enzymes, 30:271
p-elimination in, 33:358, 367 in cellulose synthesis, 26:333, 348,
of starch and glycogen, 33:4 41:114115
of dextrans, 30:390-399 determination of, of glucans, 30:284

Degree of polymerization (continued) in methylation analysis of polysaccharides,

in methylation of pectins, 30: 15 30:16
of oligosaccharides, gas-liquid Demissine, as beetle repellent, 24:6
chromatography of, 28:58, 83, 85 Demycarosylleucomycin A-3 hydrobromide,
of 4-0-methylmaltopolysaccharidesby ethanol solvate, crystal structure, 43:35 1
gas-liquid chromatography, 28:47 Dendroketose
Degree of substitution in formose reaction, 29:175
of 0-(carboxymethyl)cellulose, and L-
physicochemical properties, 29:320 selective metabolism of, 42:77
of polysaccharides, 29:308-309,3 13 structure of, 42:77
Dehalogenation synthesis of, 42: 128-129
deoxy sugars prepared by, 34: 14 1 Denegit, antiepileptic agent, 28:9
reductive, of deoxyhalogeno sugars, 28:299 Denitration
Dehydration, 53:300-30 1 of nitro sugars, 24: 109, 1 1 1
of aldoses and ketoses in acidic solution, selective, 39:55-58
28: 174-193 of sulfonic esters of carbohydrates, 23:266
in alkaline solution, 28: 193-207 Dental caries
analyses involving, 28:218-224 dextrans and sucrose in formation of,
of carbohydrates, 28: 161-224 30:433435
polarography of, 29: 164-168 prevention of, 30:44M42
of hexuronic acids, 28: 190 role of dextrans in formation of, 30:435-
Dehydroacetylation 439
by a-nitroalkenes, of P-nitroalkyl acetates, vaccines, 30:441
24: 127 Dental plaque
of deoxynihoalditol acetates, 24: 127 dextrans as structural components of, 30:438
Dehydroascorbic acid, 2-(p- formation of, 30:433435
bromophenyl)hydrazone, crystal structure fungal endodextranase in control of, 30:395
bibliography, 37:386 Deoxyadenosine
Dehydrohalogenation, of deoxyhalogeno 3-, crystal structure, 43:3 17-3 18
sugars, 28:291,294 3-amino-3-, crystal structure, 43:322-323
Dehydro names, aldoketoses, 52:80 3 -(cyclobutylamino)-3 -,methanolate,
Deiodination, by ultraviolet irradiation, 28:304 crystal structure, 43:327
Dejean-Laupretre-Monnerie model, 51:82, 12 I , 5 -Deoxyadenosine-5-ylcobalaminhydrate,
125 vitamin B,, coenzyme, crystal structure
Delignification bibliography, 31:371
of grasses, 36:222-224 Deoxyalditols, 52533
and hemicellulose loss, 36:261 Deoxyaldohexoses, 2-acetamido-2-,
Delocalization interactions, see also Lone-pair 50: 164-165
orbitals Deoxyaldonolactams, 5-Amino-5-, glycosidase
anomeric effect, 47:109-114 inhibition, 48:330-332
scaling with electrostatic interactions, 1-(2-Deoxy-2,2-difluoro-@-~-erythro-
47:114115 pentofuranosyl)cytosine, synthesis,
perturbation calculation, 47: 11 1 48~239-240
stabilization energy, 47: 113 Deoxyfluoro carbohydrates, labeled
Demercaptalation, of dithioacetals, by biological studies, 48:203-204
mercury(I1) chloride, 32:61-70 synthesis and biological applications, 48:204
Demethylation Deoxyfluorodeoxy carbonhydrates, labeled,
in hydrolysis of methylated polysaccharides, synthesis, 48: 190-199
28:22 D~Oxy-flUO~O-~-D-ga~~CtOpyr~~OS~~-D-
of methylated sugars, 39:4445 glycopyranosides, 48:211

Deoxyfluoro-a-o-ghcopyranos yi phosphates, glycosidic linkage, 47: 183-1 84. 186

48:205-206 Deoxymidine, 5 '-acetamido-3'-O-acetyl-5'-,
Deoxyfluorohexofuranoses, I3C-n.m.r data for, chloroform solvate, crystal structure,
46:165-167 433326-327
Deoxyfluoro starches, 48:222 I-Deoxynojirimycin. 51: 150
Deoxyfluoro sucroses, 48:21&2 17 glucosidase inhibition, 48:380
Deoxyfluoro sugars, fluorine- 18-labeled 3-Deoxynonulosonic acids, 48:297
biological application, 48: 199-203 Deoxy nucleosides, synthesis of, 42:246
uses, 48:186-189 2'-Deoxy nucleosides, 53:158-161
9-(3-Deoxy-3-fluoro-~-~-xy~ohranosy~)- 3-Deoxyoctulosonate aldolase, metabolism of
adenosine, synthesis, 48:275-276 3-deoxy-~-manno-2-octulosonicacid,
5-Deoxyfructose, taste properties, 49252 38:386
Deoxyglucopyranosyl trichloroacetiniidates. 2- 3-Deoxyoctulosonate 8-phosphate phosphatase,
azido-2-, reaction with nucleophiles, metabolism of 3-deoxy-o-manno-2-
50:73-76 octulosonic acid, 38:380-381
6-Deoxyglucose, liquid chromatography 3-Deoxyoctulosonate 8-phosphate synthetase,
methods for analysis of, 46:33 metabolism of 3-deoxy-o-manno-2-
Deoxyglycosides octulosonic acid, 38:379-380
hydrolysis of, 2254-55, 60 Deoxy-2-octulosonic acids, liquid
taste properties, 45259-260 chromatography, 46:3&37
2-Deoxyglycosides, glucosidase inhibit ion, 3-Deoxyoctulosylonotransferase, metabolism of
48: 359-3 62 3-deoxy-~-manno-2-octulosonic acid,
3-Deoxyglycosones, see Glycosuloses, 3- 38:384386
deoxy- 3-deoxy- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-~-~-threo-
3-Deoxyglycosuloses, see Glycosuloses, 3- pentodialdose 5-(dibeuzyl dithioacetal),
deoxy- preparation of, 32:28
3-Deoxyglyculsonic acids, 48:296 mercaptalation of, 32:28
Deoxyguanosine, 7-bromoactinomycin D bis2'- Deoxypentohranose derivatives, fluorinated,
, undecahydrate, crystal structure. 'H-and 19F-n.m.rdata for, 46:138
43:368-369 '
2-Deoxypentopyranosyl fluorides, H-and "F-
2'-Deoxyguanosine 5'-[nickel(II) phosphate], n.m.r data for, 46:137
trihydrate, 43:334 5-Deoxypentoses, 49:27
Deoxyguluronic acid, 2-acetamido-2-. Deoxyribonuclease
glycosidic linkage, 47: 185 amino acids of, 27:3 15-3 I6
Deoxyhalosucroses, sweetness-structure as glycoenzyme, 27:308
relationship, 45:265-269 Deoxyribonucleic acid, radiation-induced
3-Deoxyheoxs-2-ulose, formation of, 46:3 I 1 degradation. 37:59-64, 76, 5 2 1 I
6-Deoxyheptoses, 48:28&287 5-Deoxysorbose, taste properties, 45:252
3-Deoxyheptulosaric acid, 48:298 6-Deoxysucrose, 51: 150
6-Deoxyhexopyranose, derivatives, fluorinated, Deoxy sugars, 21: 143-207. 23:267
'H- and I9F-n.m.r data for, 46:132-133 2-
Deoxyhexopyranosides, possible AH,B unit esters, 21:146
involved in sweet-taste stimulation, synthesis of, 21:147
4S:261 3-, synthesis of, 21:157
2-Deoxyhexoses, 48:282-283 4-, synthesis of, 21:166
trichloroacetimidates, SO: 110-1 12 5-, synthesis of, 21:167
Deoxylactams, 5-amino-5-, reversible inhibitors acid decomposition, 46:252
of glycosidases, 48:327-333 in aqueous solution, NMR spectroscopy,
Deoxylividomycin B, 48:229-230 42:18
Deoxymannuronic acid, 2-acetamido-2-, in cardenolides, 21:275

Deoxy sugars (continued) enzymic, isolation of products of partial,

chemistry, Maurice Staceys work, 52: 14 30:272
chromatography of, 21:197-199 of permethylated carbohydrates, 38:39&398
definition, 52:5 1 starch, 47:280
deoxyalditols, 52233 Deprotection, see also Protecting groups
2,3-dideoxy, 21: 193 of glycosiduronic acids, 36:77-82
2,6-dideoxy, 21: 183 in polynucleotide syntheses, 36: 14 I ,
3,6-dideoxy, 21:187 146-147, 155
4,6-dideoxy, 21: 190 selective
5,6-dideoxy, 21:192 enzymic, glycopeptide synthesis, 50:303
from higher sugars by degradation, 21: 153 N-glycopeptides, 50:283-287
liquid chromatography, 46:3 1,33 methods, 50:294-298
mass spectra of, 21:64, 204 DEPT, 51:19
names derived from hivial names of sugars, Dermatan sulfate, 24:291, 44: 199, 52:382-383
52:81 as activator of enzymes in trehalose
nomenclature of, 52:81-83 biosynthesis, 30:243
nuclear magnetic resonance of, 21:202-203 p-eliminative degradation of, 29:239,
omega 24 1-242
occurrence of, 21 :17 1 carbohydrate chains in, 25:46046 1
synthesis of, 21:175 carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance
properties of, and derivatives, 26:279-296 spectra, 38:73-74, 76
rate constants and equilibrium constants in circular dichroism, 45: 1 17
polarography of, 29: 143 composition, analysis, 46:55
sweetness-structure relationship, 45:259- crystal structure bibliography, 33:400
261 depolymerization and structure of, 31:75
synthesis of, 21:18,23:269,271, 274, disaccharide repeating units, 43:53-55
53:186-188 in glycoproteins, 25:417
from aldonolactones, 50: 170-1 79 glycosidic linkage, 43:53
base-catalyzed rearrangement of hexosamine, 43:53,55
bromodeoxy aldonolactones, major uronic acid, 43:53,55
SO: 175-1 79 molecular conformation, 43: 109, 1 1 1
bromodeoxyaldono- 1,44actone proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of,
hydrogenolysis, SO: 173-1 74 27:4 1,43
enonolactone catalytic hydrogenation, structure
50: 170-173 enzymic analysis, 44:205-207
systematic names, 5253-83 repeating units in, 26:432
trideoxyhexoses, 21: 195 in urine, 24:443
trivial names, 52:8@81 Desalting, of solutions of glycosyl esters of
Deoxytrichloroacetimidate, 2-N-phthaloyl-2-, nucleoside pyrophosphates obtained by
reaction with nucleophiles, 50:81-83 chromatography, 28:3 11
Deoxyuridine, 5-acetyl-2-, crystal structure, Desglucocheirotoxin, 21 :285
43:324 Desilylation, of trimethylsilyl derivatives,
Dephosphorylation 28:32
selective, 39:5842 Desmosine, from urine peptide, 24:45 I
of sugar phosphates by radiolysis, 37:4246 Desosamine
Depolymerases p-, 25:83
classification of, 33:325 D-, biosynthesis, 35:84, 122
nomenclature of pectic, 33:326 DL-, synthesis of, 28:299,40:22,46, 106
Depolymerization L-, synthesis, 40: 120
of cellulose on heating, 23:42&427 Maurice Staceys work, 52:14-15

Desosaminide magnetic resonance spectroscopy,

ethyl D-, synthesis, 40:47 27: I43
methyl DL-, synthesis, 40:46, 107 labeled methylated monosaccharides, mass
Destomic acid, in destomycin A and spectra of, 21:71
hygromycin B, 30:133 Deuterium oxide
Destomic lactam, from destomycin A. 30: I33 effect on mutarotation of sugars, 24:28, 31
Destomycin A solvent for carbon-13 nuclear magnetic
discovery of, 30: 1 12 resonance spectroscopy, 41:29
isolation and structure of, 30: 133-134 Deuterium-substitution method, in assignment
Desulfation, of sulfated polysaccharides. of vibrational frequencies. 44:53-55
29:336 Deuteromvceres. polysaccharides of, 23:368
Desulfonylation, of sulfonic esters of Deuterostomes, sialic acids occurrence, 40: I37
carbohydrates, 23:258 Dextran, 47:19,51:104
Desulfonyloxylation, of carbohydrate sulfonic acetate
esters, 23:269 circular dichroism, 45: 12 I
Desulfurization determination of acetyl content of.
deoxy sugars prepared by, 34: 141 29:330
reductive, by Raney nickel, 5 - 2 8 aqueous, versus solid, laser-Raman
Detergents, as inhibitors for pectinesterase, spectroscopy, 44:75
33:336 bacterial, development, 36:27 I
Dethiobiotin, synthesis and absolute carbanilates, preparation of, 29:344
configuration of, 27:212 carbon-I 3 nuclear magnetic resonance
De(trialkylsilyl)ation, selective, 39:62--70 spectra. 38:98-99
Detritylation of branched-chain. 38:4146
selective, 39:48 of linear, 38:40
of trityl ethers of dithioacetals, 32:46 carboxymethyl derivative, circular
Deulofeu, Venancio dichroism, 45: 122- I23
academic career, 46: 12 circular dichroism, 45:89
awards and honors, 46: 14 Fourier-transform infrared-difference
book, 46: 13 spectroscopy, 44:6 1-62
doctoral thesis, 46: 1 1 L. mesenteroides. branch linkage synthesis,
at E. R. Squibb & Sons, 46: 12, 14 51:159-l62
editorial work, 46: 14 laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:82
education, 46: 11 Leuconostoc. structure, enzymic analysis,
family, 46: 11 44:258--261
publications, 46: 13 mass spectrometry of, 29:69
research, 46: 11-13 periodate oxidation of, 33:95
Deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide, solvent for per-0-benzyl-, carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic
cambon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance resonance spectra, 38:98-99
spectroscopy, 41:29 phosphate, preparation of, 29:334
Deuteration preparation, properties, and uses,
of anhydrodeoxyalditols, 23:78 36:303-305
effect on proton magnetic resonance spectra, proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of
29: 15 derivatives of, 27:40
polysaccharide, 38: 19-20 pyrolysis of, 22:496
Deuteriochloroform, solvent for carbon-13 (1+6)-, structure of, from sucrose, by
nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Leuconostoc mesenrerioides, 32: 7
41:29 relative reactivities of hydroxyl groups in,
Deuterium 33:57,64
determination of location of, by nuclear solubility in methanol, 27:95

Dextran (continued) bacterial, hydrolysis of oxidized, 31: 194

Streptococcus, structure, enzymic analysis, bacteria synthesizing, 30373
44:263-264 biosynthesis of, 30:418433
structure, 47:285,288-289 mechanism of, 30:427433
crystal structure bibliography, 36:3 19-320 branching in, 30:412
enzymic analysis, 44:258-264 branching patterns of, 46:41
in methanol, 27:95 constitution of, 2 5 6
moisture content and, 47:289-290 definition, 30:371
and synthesis of, 15:341-369 degradation by acetolysis, 31:197
sulfate, structure of, 29:336 by hydrolysis, 31: 196
sulfation of, 29:335 and dental caries, 30:433442
synthesis enzymic analysis of, 30:338-342
control, 51: 158-1 59 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:94
glucose addition to reducing end, gels
51:144-145 chromatography of, 2518-19,35
vibrational spectra, isotopic substitution formed by water-insoluble, 30:417418
studies, 44:54 formed by water-soluble, 30:414416
Dextran-antidextran reactions, antigenic, hydrolysis
30:400 by dextranglucosidases, 30:395
Dextran-antipneumococcal cross-reactions, of methylated, 28:22
30:402404 immunochemical reactivities of, 30:399404
Dextranases, 44:258 immunogenicity and molecular size, 41: 182
as anticaries agents, 30:440 interaction with concanavalin A, 35: 166,
assay of, with Blue Dextran 2000, 29:352 171-173
cross-linked, 29:354 with lentil lectins, 35: 194
0x0 derivatives, 29:341 length of branches in, 30:40&411
trimethylsilylation of, 29:329 levoglucosan from, 34:40
and dextran degradation, 30:39 I liquid chromatography analysis, 46:39
induction of, 30:262 Maurice Staceys work, 52:X-9
preparation, and dextran degradation by, methylation of, 3O:ll-12, 384-386
30:338-342 molecular-weight determination by gel
Dextranxoncanavalin A interaction, and chromatography, 25:22
dextran structure, 30:405 in neoglycoprotein preparation, 37:25 1
Dextran gels, in chromatography, 25: 14 network structures, 30:413
Dextranglucosidases, 44:258-259 origin and preparation of, 30:372-376
from liver and spleen homogenates, and periodate oxidation of, 30:382-385
hydrolysis of dextrans and glycogens, proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of,
30:395 30:380-382
Dextran NRLL 1353-3, acetolysis of, 22:21 pyrolysis of, 34:152
Dextran peracetate, carbon- I3 nuclear magnetic as reserve carbohydrates in cariogenic
resonance spectra, 38:98-99 plaques, 30:437
Dextrans role in dental caries development,
acetolysis of, 30:378-379, 386 30:435439
acid hydrolysis and acetolysis of, secondary linkages, 30:411
30~377-379,386 segment and type structures, 30:412
affinity chromatography adsorbent, 39:419 skeletal chain structures, 30:411
antigenicity of, 21:504 Smith degradation of, 30:383,389
antitumor activity of, 32:261 as structural components of dental plaque,
A and B, properties and antitumor activity of, 30:438
32:263 structure of, 30:376-418

from sucrose, 32:s potato, maize. and rice starch, 47:289,

water-soluble, a-glucan 3- 291 -292
glucanohydrolases in, 30:39X products. specific rotation, 47:301
in sugar industry, 30:442-444 purpose, 47:286
sulfone degradation of, 31:229 rate, 47:286, 288
synthesis, 39: 196 salts as catalysts, 47:319, 321
Dextransucrase, 51: 141 Dextrins, 22484,492
catalytic activity of, 30:423427 a-amylase action on @-limit,23:3 I7
cleavage of sucrose and formation of a - alkali-lability, 47:293, 295
(1+6)-glycosidic bond, 51:146-147 amylolytic index. 47:320-321
in dextran biosynthesis, 30:418419 from amylose, structure of, 22493
in D-fructose production, 22232 as antiulcer agent, 47:333-334
L. mesenteroides biological activity, 47:333-335
acceptor reactions, 51: 155-158 on humans. 47:334
branching experiment, 51: 159-1 6 1 on lower organisms, 47:334-335
dextrm synthesis by, 51: 148-149 @-limit,structure, enzymic analysis,
preparation and properties of, 30:4 I 9 4 2 3 44:254255
reaction scheme, 51:163 blue staining residue, 47:283
synthesis, primer-dependent mechanism, classification, 47:282-284
51: 142-143 color and water content, 51:275-276
Dextran sulfates, antitumor activity of, 32:257. complexes, 53:411412
273 critical micelle concentration, 47:301-302
Dextran xanthate, circular dichroism, 45: 122 generally-recognized-as-safe, 47:329
Dextrinization historical background. 47:28 1-282
acid factor, 47:3 18 hydrolysis, 47:301
catalysts, 47:3 18-3 19 infrared spectra, 47:3 12-3 13
chemistry, 47:302-317 iodine affinity. 47:283-284,297-298
acid catalyst role, 47:3 13-3 14 limit, from dextrans, 30:392
acid hydrolysis, 47:309-3 10 from starch and glycogen. 30:286.
action of water on starch, 47:303 289-290
aldehyde yield, 47:316 structure of, 30:303
base catalyst role, 47:3 15 macrodextrins from glycogen, 30:3 14
branching and cross-linking, 47:306-308 manufacture, 47:32 1-323
I T - or H-NMR, 47:313 maturation, 47:321-322
free-radical mechanism, 47:304-305 methylation analysis, 47:308-309
hydrolytic scission, 47:304 mutagenicity, 47:3 16
hydroxyl groups, 47:303 Nageli, structure, enzymic analysis, 44:255
phenol yield, 47:316 4-befa-,from glycogen and amylopectin,
in presence of a-amino acids, 47:3 I5 30:3 I5
in presence of oxidants, 47:3 16-3 1 7 organoleptic control, 47:298
starch containing fatty acids, 47:303 preparation of, 22:483
structural changes, 47:3 12-3 13 in presence of catalyzing acid, 47:29 1. 293
tamarind-kernel polysaccharide, properties. 47:284--302
47:3 10-3 12 atmosphere effects, 47:305
thennolysis with glycine, 47:3 15-3 I6 catalyzing acid effects, 47:293-294
transglycosylation, 47:308 modification, 47:301
condition of, 47:3 18 reaction time and temperature of heating,
degree of, 47:286-287 47~320-321
general reaction characteristics of, 22:484 reducibility changes, 47:294, 296
of maize amylose, 22:493 regulations, 47:333

Dextrins (continued) Dialdehydes

retrogradative ability, 47:306 cyclization with nitroalkanes in branched-
roasting, 47:322 sugar synthesis, 42:107-109
the Schardinger, 12: 189-260 from the periodate oxidation of
solvation, 47:328 carbohydrates, 16: 105-158
sources for manufacture, 47:3 17-32 I Dialdoses, 52:50,74-75
starch, gel chromatography 0,25:42 a,P-unsaturated, Wittig reaction with,
starch, levoglucosan from, 34:40 27:25 1
structure of, from starch, 22:490 dithioacetals, physical constants of, 32: 115
sulfonylation of a-and p-, 23:242 Dialkylstannylene acetals
temperature relationship, 47290-29 1 regioselectivity, 53:3644
total radioinduced acidity, 51:269 structure, 53:26-32
uses, 47:323-333 Dialkyltin dialkoxides
adhesives, 47:324-325 nomenclature, 53: 18
as binders, 47:32&325 structure, 53:26-32
coatings, 47:325 Dialysis bags, immobilization in, 49: 188
as complexing agent, 47:327-328 Diamagnetic species, 47: 129-130
in cosmetics, 47:329 Diamino sugars, 48:292
as depressant in flotation system, Diamond lattice model, 51:80-81
47:328-329 1,2:5,6-Dianhydrogalactitol, 43:333
electroplating brighteners, 47:326 1,4:3,6-Dianhydro-o-glucitol
as encapsulating agents, 47:332 acylation (selective) of, 25:262
in food, 47:329-332 biological uses of, 25268
free radical propagation, 47:327 dinitrate, circular dichroism spectrum of,
in fuel compositions, 47:326-327 25:254
matrices, 47:324-325 infrared spectra of, and nitrates, 25:25 1-252
in protective colloids, 47:325 isomerization of, 25:260
replacement by synthetic polymers, monostearate, surface activity of, 25:255
47:324 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of, and
thickness, 47:323-324 derivatives, 29254
viscosity ring opening of, 25:256
changes, 47:294,297 sulfonylation of, 23:246,252
of solutions, 47:283 1,4:3,6-Dianhydrohexitols,49:93-I 73
water-soluble, as function of water content, alkyl ethers, 49:135-145
51:271 P-blocker side-chain, 49:137
yellow, composition and characteristics, bis-glycidyl ethers, 49: 136
47:3 14 crown ethers, 49:143-144
yield, form, and color, 47:285 2,5-di-O-ethylisohexides,49: 141
Dextrose, commercial production of crystalline, isohexide etherification, 49: 139
5: 127-143 isosorbide 5-nitrate, 49: 142
3-Dexyaldulosonic acids, in bacterial oxaprostaglandins, 49: 138
polysaccharides, biosynthesis, 44:30 1- pentafluorophenyl ethers, 49: 141-142
302 analytical behavior, detection, and
Diabetes determination, 49: 117-1 19
glycoprotein in, 25:474 Chemical Abstracts references, 49:94
levoglucosan role in, 34:50 chemical uses, 49:158-161
Diacetoxonium ion, in fragmentation of cosmetics use, 49: I68
peracetylated glycosides, 29:46 deoxy derivatives
I ,4-Di-0-acetyI-2,3-di-O-methyl-a-~- amines, 49: 150-1 52
rhamnopyranose, 51909 azides, 49: 154

C-nitro compounds, 49: 155 Diastereoisomerism, of cyclic acetals, nuclear

halogens, 49:149-150 magnetic resonance spectroscopy and,
mono- and di-substituted, 49: 146- 149 34: 195-198
oxidation products, 49: 155-1 58 Diastereotopism, proton magnetic resonance
phosphanes, 49: 155 spectra, 27:63
thio derivatives, 49: 153 1,5-Diazabicyclo [5.4.0] undec-5-ene, P-
esters elimination by, 31:240
with carboxylic and sulfonic acids. Diazepine, 1H- l,2-, o-xylo-4,5,6-trihydroxy-I -
49:125-130 methyl-4,5,6.7-tetrahydro-,conformation
of nitric acid, 49: 133-1 35 of, 26:114
with phosphoric acid, 49: 130-132 1,2-Diazine, derivatives, from sugar
ethoxides, 49: 17 1 derivatives, 25:396
food applications, 49: 167-168 1,4-Diazine,derivatives, from sugar
as herbicides, 49: 170 derivatives, 25:396-398
nomenclature, 49:96-98 Diazo compounds
bridged systems, 49:97-98 carbohydrate, decomposition of, 22: 197
fused systems, 49:98 irradiation of carbohydrate, 38: 178-1 79
sugar-derived names, 49:96-97 preparation and reactions of, 31:59
parent compound preparation, 49: I 19-1 25 Diazo coupling, neoglycoprotein preparation,
2,3:4,5-dianhydro-o-iditol, 49: 124-125 37:229-234
isohexides, 49: 122-124 Diazodicarboxylic acid, diethyl ester, reaction
protonation, 49: 120 with thymidine, 33:45
(1R)-[l-2H]isomannide,49: 120-122 Diazomethane
pharmaceutical uses, 49: 161- 167 o-nitrophenyl-, selective etherifications with,
antitumor agents, 49:165-166 33:70
aryloxypropanolamines, 49: 162 selective methylation of cellulose with,
di-0-methylisosorbide, 49: 166 33:68
isohexide nicotinic esters, 49: 162 Diazomethane reaction, transition states in,
isohexide nitric esters, 49: 161-162 42:89
isosorbide dinitrate, 49: 16 1 Diazonium ions, in deamination. 31:11-14, 39
isosorbide disulfite, 49: 164-165 Diazotization, of dithioacetals of amino sugars,
isosorbide 5-mononitrate, 49: 161 32:56
isosorbide sydnonimine derivatives, Di-P-o-fructofuranose 1,2:2,1-dianhydride,
49: 163 21:462
sornidipine, 49: 163 Di-P-o-ribofuranose I ,5:1 5-dianhydride,
as plasticizers, 49: 168-169 2,3:2,3-di-O-benzylidene-, preparation.
polymers containing isohexide moieties, of, 34: 184
49: 171-173 Dibekacin, synthesis, 48: 1 1-12
polyurethanes, polycarbonates and Dibenzyl hydrogenphosphate, reaction with a
polyamides, 49: 172-1 73 and P-trichloroacetimidates, 50:30-32
preparation survey, 49:95 Dibenzyl phosphorochloridate
silyl ethers, 49: 145-146 as phosphorylating agent for 2-deoxy-
spectroscopic properties, 49:99-114 nucleosides, 22:345
chiroptical properties, 49:99-100 for nucleosides, 22:326
infrared spectra, 49: 100-102 phosphorylation of I-deoxy-l -fluoro-L-
mass spectra, 49:110, 112-1 14 glycerol with, 33:50
NMR spectra, 49: 102-1 1 1 Dibromomethyl methyl ether, reaction with
structural aspects, 49: 1 1 4 1 17 cyclic acetals, 39:l 19-121
ultraviolet spectra, 49:99-100 Dibucaine, effect on protein glycosylation,
Diastase, in honey, 25:303 40:345

Dibutylstannylene acetals 1,6,-Dideoxy-l,6-difluoro-galactito1, 'H and

alkylation, 53:63,98 I9F-NMR data for, 46:158
benzoylation, 53: 131 Dideoxydifluorohexopyranoses, 'H and I9F-
as glycosyl acceptors, 53:126-127 NMR data for, 46:149-151
near deoxy centers, 53: 103-1 10 Dideoxydifluorohexopyranosides,'H and I9F-
nomenclature, 53: 18-19 NMR data for, 46:149-151
reactions, 53:32-33 9-(2,3-Dideoxy-2-fluoro-~-o-efythro-
regioselectivity, 53:65-68,95-97 pentofuranosyl)adenine, synthesis,
terminal diols, 53:120-121 48:269-270
Dibutyltin oxide, 53:19 1,2-Dideoxy-3-heptuloses, 49:28
Dicarba-disaccharides, synthesis, 48:67-73 Dideoxyhexoses
Dicarbonyl derivatives, of carbohydrates, 3,6-, 48:284-285
17:223-299 2-acetamido-2,6-, glycosidic linkages,
Dicarboxylic anhydride, 4-cyclohexene-cis- 47:188-189
1,2-, reaction with cellulose, 29:338 Dideoxyisohexide C-nitro compounds, 49: 155
Dicellobiosylamine, preparation of, 31:92 Dideoxyisohexides, 2,5-diazido-2,5-, 49: 101,
Dichlobenil, inhibitor of cellulose biosynthesis, 104-10s
41:144 hypnotic properties, 49: 165
Dichloro-L-isoidide, 49: 149 Dideoxylactones, 50: 172
Dic hloromethane-anthracene-tetracyano- Dideoxy sugars, see Deoxy sugars
ethylene complex, structure of, 2555 Di-D-fructopyranose 2'. 1 :2,1'-dianhydride,
Dichloromethylenation, aldonolactones, 50: 145 from o-fmctose in anhydrous hydrogen
trans-Dichloroplatinum(II)(dimethyl sulfoxide) fluoride, 27:94
cytidine, crystal structure bibliography, Di-o-fructose dianhydrides, 22:260
38:517-518 acid hydrolysis, 52:232
Dichroism, 53:288-290 in chemical synthesis, 52:234
Dicotyledonous plants derivatives, 52:260
Albersheim model of cell-wall of, optical rotations and melting points,
42: 309-3 14 52:261
p-o-glucan from, 42:293 from higher plants, 52:2 13
cell-wall bound enzymes in, 42:301 industry and, 52:232-233
hydroxy-L-proline-rich glycoproteins of, microorganisms and, 52:2 13-2 16
42:299 'H NMR spectra, 52:264
primary cell-wall polysaccharides of, I3C NMR spectra, fructose components,
42:275 52:262
hemicelluloses, 42:287-292 nutrition and, 52:233-234
interconnections of, 42:303-309 per-0-acetyl derivatives, 'H NMR spectra of
pectic polysaccharides, 42:277-287 fructose components, 52:265-266
Dictyostelium discoideum Di-o-fructose-glycine, 22:279
lectin, isolation and properties, 35:308 Dielectric constant
trehalase in, 30:239-241, 253 effect on solubility of sucrose, 27:90
Dictyostelium discoidum, cellulosic cell-wall, of solvents, effect on sugar solubility, 27:87
41:108 Diels-Alder reaction
Dicumarol adduct, resolution, 48:36,38-39
discovery, 39: 1 in C-glycosylations, 33:163
structure, 39:6 condensation
8,5'-Didehydroadenosine,monohydrate, crystal of alkoxy-1,3-butadienes, in sugar
structure, 43:3 1 6 317 syntheses, 40:3638,49
Di(3-deoxy-~-glycero-pentulose) 1,2':2,1- and reduction of acrolein, 34:48
dianhydride, 52:227 in sugar syntheses with furan, 40:74-75

cycloaddition, furan and acrylic acid, Difluorinated hex-5-enofuranoses, 'H and I9F-
racemic carba-sugars, synthesis, NMR data for, 46: IS4
48:29-36 2P.6P-Difluoroandrost-4-ene-3,I 7-dione.
product, 24: 129 48: 165
L- I ,6-Diepicastanospetmine, SO: 198- I99 3,3-Difluoro-3-de( methoxy)sporaricin A,
Dietetic foods, hexitols in, gas-liquid 48:223
chromatographic estimation of, 28:58 Difluorofuranoses, 3,6-anhydro-6,6-, 48: 153
Diethanolamine, see also 2,2'-Iminodiethanol Difluorogalactopyranose, 6-deoxy-6,6-
from aminolysis of sucrose, 27:99 I ,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-a-~-, IH-and
Diethidium 5-iodocytidylyl-(3',5')-guanosine, I9F-NMR data for, 46: I5 1
27 hydrate, crystal structure bibliography, 1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyI-i,-,'H-and "F-NMR
38:502-503 data for. 46:150-151
Diethidium 5-iodouridylyl-(3 '+5 ')-adenosine, Difluorokanamycin A
27 hydrate, crystal structure bibliography, 4,6-dideoxy-4-epi-4,6-. 48:226
38:501-502 5,6-dideoxy-S-epi-5,6-, 48:225
Diethylamine Difluoromethylenation, aldonolactones.
(2-chloro-I , 1,2-trifluoroethyI), fluorinating 50: 145- 146
agent, 38:227-229 Difluorosucrose. 6,6'-dideoxy-6,6'-. 48:2 16
N-(2-chloro-l, 1,2-trifluoroethyl)- Difluoro sugars, 2-deoxy-2,2-, synthesis,
fluorinating agent, 38:227-229 48:181 182
reactions with alcohols and carbohydrates, Difluorouridiiie, 2',3'-dideoxy-3.'5'-, synthesis
28:257 and biological activity, 48:256
Diethy lamine, reducing sugar behavior in. Di-P-o-fiuctopyranose 1,2':1 '2-dianhydride,
42:34 47: 17,26
Diethylaminosulfur trifluoride, fluorinating Difructose anhydrides, 2:253-277,
agent, 38:225 52:211-212,240
Diethyl dithioacetals, circular dichroism. formation, S2:2 19
45: I23 Digalactosylceramide, biosynthesis, 40:248
Diethylenetriamine-guanosine-palladium(I1) Digalacturonopolygalacturonase,nomenclature,
bisperchlorate, crystal structure, 33:327
43 ~328-329 m-Digallic acid, 21:25
Diethyl ether, as solvent for sucrose, 27:87 Digestibility, 53:399400
Diethyl-hi-(trimethyIsilyl)amine, Digipronin, 39:302
trimethylsilylation with, 28:28 Digitalis pttrpitrra
Diferulic acid, esters, in ryegrass cell-walls, flavonoid from, 31:145
36:260 glucoapiosylapigenin from. 31: 175
in xylans, 36:242 Digitalose
Differential scanning calorimetry, I ,4:3,6- occurrence, 39:28 I
dianhydrohexitols, 49: 119 steroid glycosides, 39:302
Differential thermal analysis, starch, synthesis of. 32:65
47:299-300 Digitoxal, 3,4-di-O-nitrobenzoyI-, 2 1:299
Diffusion, agar, 53:205-206 Digitoxigenin, 21:273
Diffusion coefficients a-and P-o-rhamnosides, synthesis of, 27:4
of a-amylases, 23:309 a-r-rhamnopyranoside, preparation of, 27:4
of P-amylases, 23:333 3-U-(or-r-rhamnopyranosy)-, 21279
of phosphorylases, 23:348 8,14-anhydro-. structure of, 2 5 5 5
Diffusion-in-a-cone model, 51: 119-120. 126 anhydro-, 21:279
Diffusion measurement, enzyme molecular- 3-O-(~-u-glucopyranosyl)-, 21:282,3 12
weight determination by, 23:287 3-(2-deoxy-a-i) arubino-hexopyranosyl)-.
Diffusion model, 51:106 21:304

Digitoxigenin (continued) optical rotations and melting points,

3-0-( 6-deoxy-a-~-mannopyranosyl)-, 52:242-243
21:279,288 protonic activation
3-(2-deoxy-~-~-urubino-hexopyranosyl)-, with acids other than HF, 52:221
21:304,306 using anhydrous hydrogen fluoride,
3-(2-deoxy-P-o-ribo-hexopyranosyl)-, 52:216-220
21:308 from spriodioxanyl pseudo-oligosaccharides,
3-0-(6-deoxy-3-0-methyl-P-o- 52:220-221
glucopyranosy1)-, 21 :287 thermal activation
a-digitoxoside, 21:299, 3 12 in presence of acids, 52:22 1
Digitoxigenin glycosides without acids, 52:221
cardiotonic activities of, 21:314 thermodynamic versus kinetic control of
properties of, 21:313, 319 product distributions, 52:228-232
Digitoxose, 21:186,297 three spiro-linked rings, 52:225-226
p-D-,crystal structure bibliography, Dihydrocerebroside, ethanol solvate, crystal
38:425-426 structure, 43:355
D-, I ,3,4-tris(p-nitrobenzoate), preparation Dihydrochalcone glycosides, taste properties,
of, 27:3 45278-285
ester of uridine 5-pyrophosphate, isolation Dihydrochalcone-receptor complexes,
of, 28:326 45:281-282
Digitoxoside, 21:299 Dihydrochalcones
methyl (Y-D-, 23:271 4-0-(carboxyalkyl)-, sweetness structure
mono-, preparation and properties of, 27:3 relationship, 45:245
Diglyceride proposed AH,B,X systems of, 45:283-285
di-O-D-galactosyl- sulfoalkyl
biosynthesis, 37:362-366 sweetness-structure relationship, 45:245
isolation, 37:323, 325 taste properties, 45:342
mono-0-o-galactosyl taste properties
biosynthesis, 37:362-366 sulfobutyl, 45342-344
isolation, 37:323, 325 sulfoethyl, 45:342-344
Diglyme, 24:341 sulfomethyl, 45:342-344
Digoxigenin, 3-~-o-glucopyranosy~-, 21:282 Dihydrocinnamoyl groups, enzymic hydrolysis,
Digoxin, crystal structure, 43:269-27 I 39:4344
Digritoxigenone, 21:306 o-(+)-Dihydrocoumariloyl group, enzymic
gem-Dihalides, in acetal preparation, hydrolysis, 39:44
34:188-189 Dihydroisodonal, taste properties, 45:3 12
Diheteroevulosans, 22:260,52:209-211,240 o-Dihydro-N-(2-~-hydroxyoctadecanoyl)-~-~-
Dihexulose dianhydrides, 52:207-266 galactosylsphingosine, ethanol solvate,
I3C NMR spectra, 52:245-246 crystal structure, 43:355
conformation, electronic control, 52:224228 Dihydropyrrolopyrazine, formation of, 46:3 14
conformational rigidity, energetic outcomes, Dihydrotrichodonin, taste properties, 45:3 12
52:228 Dihydrouridine, 6,5-anhydro-2-deoxy-5-
hexulopyranose rings, 52:226 diazo-5,6-, hemihydrate, 43:373
historical overview, 52:210-213 Dihydrouridine 3 -(potassium phosphate),
H NMR spectra, 52:248-249 hemihydrate, crystal structure, 43:3 14
intramolecular hydrogen-bonds, 52:227 Dihydroxyacetone, 46:32 1
isomerization, 52:23 1-232 acetophenones formation, 46:280
1,2-linked, em-anomeric effect, 52:224-225 aromatics formation in acid solution,
listing, 52:240-241 46~279-280
nomenclature, 52:208-2 10 benzofuran formation, 46:280

high-temperature transformation, in alkali 2,5-Dimethyl- 1.4-benzenedio1, from

conditions, 46:284 hydrothermolyzed cellulose, 46:304-305
hydroxydimethylpyranopyrandiones 2,5-Dimethylbenzoquinone
formation, 46:280 formation, 46:294
3-hydroxy-6-methyl-4H-pyran-4-one from hydrothermolyzed cellulose,
formation, 46:280 46~304-305
pyranones formation, 46:280 Dimethylbenzyloxycarbonyl groups, 3,5-
reaction of, with amino acids, 46:321 dimethoxy-, photochemical removal of,
taste-structure relationship, 45:252-253 46: 192
1,3-Dihydroxyacetone phosphate, reactions Dimethylcyclopent-2-en- 1-one, 2-hydroxy-3,5-,
with aldolase, 49: 192 formation, 46:294
2,3-Dihydroxyacetophenone,46:290 3,4,3 ,4-Dimethylenedioxybenzoin,
1,2-Dihydroxyacrolein, see Triose-reductone photocyclization of, 46:201
6,7-Dihydroxyphthalide, 46:290 Dimethyl ethers, substituted
(2R, 3S,4R)-3,4-Dihydroxyproline,50: 197 bond length and angles, 47:96,98
Diisoamylborane, reduction of aldonolactones, net charge, 47:102-103
50: 160-161 rotational potential constants, 47:82-83, 85
Di-0-isopropylidene-a-DL-carba- N,N-Dimethylformamide, 53:374
mannopyranose, 48:73 in g.1.c. of sugar trimethyl ethers, 42:22
Di-0-isopropylidenecyclohexaneterol,48:40 sugar composition in, 42:60,68
Di-0-isopropylideneglycofuranosederivatives, N,N-Dimethylformamide-sul fur trioxide, as
51: 109-1 12 sulfating agent for polysaccharides,
Di-0-isopropylidene-m-validamine,48: 76 29:335
Di-0-isopropylidenevalinamine, 48: 76 1,7-Dimethylguanosine iodide, 43:373
Diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate, cyclodextrin N,N-Dimethylhydrazones, 46: 197
inclusion complexes with, 46:222,224 photosensitized decomposition of, in
Diketosamines presence of oxygen, 46: 198
decomposition, 47:264-266 N,N-Dimethyl(methaniminimum) halides,
mechanism for cleavage of, 46:309-3 11 selective halogenations with, 33:79-83
Diketoses, 52:50, 78-79 Dimethylnojirimycin, 1-deoxy-NN-,
Dilatometry, mutarotation measurement by, glucosidase inhibition, 48:339-340
23:50 Di-m-(methyl4,6-0-benzylidene-a-~-
3,4-Dimenthoxyphenylethylideneacetal, glucopyranosid-2,3-diyl)bis[dibutyl-
51:212 tin(IV)], crystal structure, 43:271
4,7-Dimethanesulfonates, 48:63 Dimethyl- 1-pentanol, 3-4, molecular-
3,5-Dimethoxybenzyloxycarbonylgroup, connectivity index, correlation with
photochemical removal of, 46: 192 biological activity, 45:229-230
Dimethoxymethane Dimethylsilylation, of cycloamyloses, 28:3 1
bond lengths and angles, 47:97-98 Dimethyl sulfoxide, 53:359-360
conformational energy map, 47:76-78 amino sugar behavior in, 42:48
dipole-dipole interactions, 47:82,84 in anhydridization, 34:48
highest-occupied MO orbitals, 47: 120-121 complex with amylose, crystal structure
molecular orbitals, 47: 1 1 1 bibliography, 33:391-393
relative energies, 47:78-79 NMR spectroscopy of sugars in, 42:23
torsional potentials, 47:82-83 periodate oxidation in, 31:201
N,N-Dimethyl(a1koxymethaniminimum) in selective oxidation of carbohydrates,
bromide, selective bromination with, 33:92-93
33:78, 81 sugar composition in, 42:60-61,68
5-(Dimethylamino)uridine, crystal structure, Dimethyl sulfoxide-acetic anhydride
43:29 1-292 ketonucleoside synthesis, 42:232

Dimethyl sul foxide-acetic anhydride Di-0-methylisosorbide, 49: 140, 166

(continued) 2,6-dioxabicyclo[3.1. llheptanes, synthesis,
for oxidation of isolated hydroxyl groups, 39: 169-17 1
34:97 2,7-Dioxabicyclo[2.2. llheptanes,
Dimethyl sulfoxideedicyclohexycarbodiimide polymerization, 39:2 10
method for keto derivatives, 42:232-233, synthesis, 39: 164-1 69
238 2,7-Dioxabicyclo[4.1 .O]heptanes, synthesis,
Dimethyl sulfoxide-phosphorus pentaoxide 39: 171-172
method for ketonucleoside synthesis, 2,7-Dioxabicyclo[3.2.O]hept-3-ene,6-methyl-,
42:232 substrate for 3-deoxystreptose, 40:83
Dimethylthiocarbarnates, photochemical 2,6-Dioxabicyclo[3.3.O]octane,(R,R)-cis-,
cleavage, 46: 189-1 90 49:147-148
Di(neogarobiose) hydrolase, p-D-,44: 190 2,6-Dioxabicyclo[3.3.O]octane,ring of D-
2,4-Dinitrobenzenesulfenicesters glucofuranurono-6,3-lactone,33: 191
photolysis of esters, 46:200 2,8-Dioxabicyclo[3.2. lloctane, structure for
as protecting groups for carboxyl groups, 1,6-anhydro-~-~-aldohexofuranoses,
46:200 34:24-25
Dinitrogen tetraoxide 6,8-Dioxabicyclo[3.2.1 ]octane
oxidation of polysaccharides with, 29:346 2-bromo-, preparation of, 34:48
reaction with glycals, 24:206 cis- and trans-Cbromo-, preparation of,
as solvent for sugars, 27:94 28:296
3,5-Dinitrophenyl phosphoric esters, 1,5-dimethyl-, in aggregation pheromones of
photohydrolysis, 46:203 westem-pine bark-beetle, 34:26
2,4-Dinitrophenylsulfenylgroup, as protecting exo-7-ethyl-5-methyl-, in aggregation
group, in nucleoside chemistry, 39:43 pheromone of westem-pine bark-beetle,
Dinucleoside phosphates, synthesis of, 28:287, 34:26
3554 hydrogenolysis, 39: 133
Dinucleosides, monophosphates, proton polymerization, 39:210
magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, preparation of, 28:296
27:36 from acrolein, 34:48
Dinucleotides, monophosphates, proton structure for 1,6-anhydro-P-~-
magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, aldohexofuranoses, 34:24-25
21:36 synthesis, 39:161-164
Diogenine, hydrogenolysis, 39: 122 2,8-Dioxabicyclo[3.2. Iloctanes, synthesis,
Di-0-isopropylidene-P-o-fructopyranose, 39:161-164
2,3:4,5-, phosphorylation, Garcia 6,8-Dioxabicyclo[3.2. I ]oct-2-ene, preparation
Gonzalez work on, 4 5 8 of, 28:296
gem-Diol, formation in aqueous solution, 6,8-Dioxabicyclo[3.2.l]oct-3-ene
42:30,38 preparation of, and isomer, 28:296
Diols synthesis, 40:35-36
acyclic, 53:129-131, 133 2,6-Dioxabicylo[3,3,9]octane,framework,
cis-, 53:71,95-100, 103 49:97
near deoxy centers, 53: 103-1 10 1,3,2-Dioxaborinane
near doubled bonds, 53: 103-1 10 5-hydroxy-2-phenyl-, nomenclature, 3 5 3 6
protection of, 46:188-189 nomenclature, 35:36
symmetrical, 53:44 1,3,2-Dioxaborolane
terminal, 53:110, 119-124 2-methyl-, preparation, 35:39
trans-, 53:44,61-88 nomenclature, 35:36
Di-0-methylhexopyranosylderivatives, 1,8-Dioxadecalin, photoelectron spectra,
sweetness, 49263 47: 120

p-Dioxane I ,3-Dioxolane-4-methanol, 2-phenyL. cis- and

effect on mutarotation of carbohydratcs. truns-. formation of, 34: I81
28:39 Dioxolanylium ion. in neighboring-group
as solvent for sugars, 27: 107 reactions, 26: I28
1,4-Dioxane,cyclodextrin inclusion complexes Dioxolanylium salts. preparation of. 26: 129
with, 46:222,224 1.3-Dioxol-2-one
rn-Dioxane ring 4-bromo-5-( trichloromethyl)-, synthesis,
Brown-Brewster-Shechter rule for formation 40:85-86
of, 26:2 10 carbohydrate substrate, 40: 8 4 9 6
conformation of, 26: 120-1 2 I 4-chloro-5-(trichloromethyl)-
stability in cyclic acetals, 26:202 substrate for monosaccharide synthesis,
1.3-Dioxan-5-01 40:84-96
cis- and trans-2-phenyl-, esterification with telomers, 40:85-86
p-phenylazo-benzoyl chloride, 33: 15 Dipeptide esters. sweetness-struchire
2-phenyl-, preparation of, 34: I81 relationship, 45:30&3 10
as solvent for sugars, 27:88-89 Dipeptide sweetcners, location of third binding-
Dioxanylium salts, 26: 129 site in, 45:234-235
1,3,2-Dioxaphospholene, carbohydrate Diphenylamine reagent, for o-fructose
substrate, 40:122-123 estimation. 22:237
I ,7-Dioxaspiro[5.5]undecane, 52:224 1,2-Diphenylethylene dithioacetals. 46: 196
Dioxastannolane, 2,2-dibutyl- I ,3.2-, structure. photochemical decomposition of, in presence
53:27,30-32 of oxygen, 46: 197
1,3,5,2,4-Dioxazadiborepane, 2,4-diphcnyl-, Diphenylphosphoric anhydride, as
formation, 3 5 6 7 phosphorylating agent for (2-
Dioxolane, benzylidene acetals, 51:223 deoxyribofuranosyl)purines, 0-
1,3-Dioxolane benzylphosphorus 0.0-,22:328,345
2-(a-cyclohexyl-a-hydroxybenzyl)-4- Diphenyl phosphorochloridate
(dimethylaminomethyl)-, isomers, as phosphorylating agent for nucleosides,
preparation of anticholinergic drug. 223326
27:219 selective phosphorylation of trehalose and
cis-2,4-dimethyl-, nuclear magnetic kanamycin with, 33:49-SO
resonance spectroscopy reference Dip1ococcic.Tpneumoniae
compound, 27:209 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:47
4-[(dimethylamino)methyl]-2-methyl-, mass spectrometry of capsular
methiodide, isomers, cholinergic polysaccharides from. 29:55
potency of, 27:208 type 111 immunoadsorbent, preparation of,
2-(2-furyl)-4,4,5,5-teramethyl-, substrate for 31:323
carbohydrate synthesis, 40:73 Dipolar interaction, correlation times, 47: 133
4-(hydroxymethyl)-2-methyl-,relative "C-H dipolar interaction, relaxation
configurations of, 27:208 parameters, 51:69
4-methano1, as solvent for sugars, 27:88- Dipoleedipole interaction, energies, 47: I07
89 Dipole4ipole relaxation, 51:65 -67
2-(o-nitrophenyl)-, irradiation, 39:86 Dipole moment
photoaddition to alkenes, 39:80, 94 in conformational analysis, 26:65
photochemical addition with unsaturated of D-fructose. 22~237
carbohydrate, 38: 1 18-1 I9 of solvents, effect on sugar solubility, 27:87
ring Dipotassiuni a-u-glucosyl phosphate dihydrate.
conformation of, 26: 1 17 crystal structure bibliography, 31:364
2,2-dimethyl-, hydrolysis of, 26:204 Dipropyl sulfoxide, as solvent for sugars,
stability in cyclic acetals, 26:202 27: 108

Dipterex, biological activity and structure of, mass spectrometry of

42: 189 permethylated, 29:84
Dipyrido[ 1,2-a:2, 1-clpyrazidinium trimethylsilyl derivatives, 30:39
dibromide, 1,l -dimethyl-, effect on mercaptalation of, 32:28
sugarcane, 21:422 neutral, analytical high-performance liquid
Diquat, effect on sugarcane, 21:422 chromatography, 46:32
Disaccharide alditols, trifluoroacetyl occurrence in plant kingdom, 37:309-3 10
derivatives, gas-liquid chromatography of, peracetylated, gas-liquid chromatography of,
28:113 28: 133
Disaccharide glycoside, synthesis Helferichs permethylated, mass spectrometry of,
work on, 45:3 30:42
Disaccharide precursors, synthesis, 40: 128 1-phenylflavazole acetates, mass
Disaccharides spectrometry of, 29: 100
acetals, cyclic, 34:209 preparative liquid chromatography, 46:60
acetates, gas-liquid chromatography of, proton spin-lattice relaxation rates, 45: 152
28:70 radiolysis and radical-induced scission,
acetolysis of, 31:197-200 37:5 I , 53-55
acyl esters, reaction with ammonia, 31:92- reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 33:76
99 reducing, sweetness, comparison to
amino, per(trimethylsilyl)ated, gas-liquid monosaccharides, 45246-247
chromatography of, 28: 134 (1+2)-linked, sweetness-structure
aminodeoxy, synthesis of, 33:233-234 relationship, 45277-290
ammonolysis selective esterification of, 33:35
of perbenzoylated, 39:30-32 solubility in liquid ammonia, 27:91
products from acylated, 31: 132-134 structure, 35x5
anomeric protons, nonselective spin-lattice crystal structure of, 2575-77
relaxation rates, 45: 149-152 sulfates
in blood and urine, trifluoroacetic acid in esters with uridine 5-pyrophosphate, in
hydrolysis of, 28: 16 hen oviduct, 28:330
C-C and C-0 bond-lengths in, 44: 14-15 liquid chromatography, 46:37
conformational analysis, 44: 14 synthesis of, 24:115, 132,34:160-161,
in dairy products, liquid chromatography 40: 123-129
separation, 46:52 trehalose, 18:201-225
definition, 52:148 tritiated, preparation and position of tritium,
dithioacetals, physical constants of, and their 27: 188
peracetates, 32: I 16 trivial names, 52: 150- 15 1
enzymic synthesis of, 5:2948 utilization by yeasts, 39:347404
fragmentation by radiation, 37: 14 vicinal carbon-proton coupling constants,
with free hemiacetal group, 52: 149-150 51:52-53
hydrogen bonding, 44: 15-16 without free hemiacetal group, 52: 148-
hydrolysis of, rate constants and activation 149
entropies for, 22:76 Dische test, 52: 13
and kinetic parameters for, 22:75 for 2-deoxy-o-euythro-pentose, 28:224
interaction with concanavalin A, 35: 184 Discoidin, preparation, composition, and
with lectins, 35: 142 properties of, 39309
ionic, high-performance liquid Diselenide
chromatography, 46:33-37 bis(5-deoxy- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-a-o-
large-scale preparative liquid xylofuranose-5-yl) 5,5-, 23:232
chromatography, 46:62 bis(methy1 5-deoxy-o-xylofuranoside-5-yl)
laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:75-8 1 5,5-, 23:232

Disialosyllactosylceramide, biosynthesis, gas-liquid chromatography of, 30:33

40:225,254,262 mass spectra of sugar, 29:71-73
Disilazane, hexamethyl-, trimethylsilylation of sugar, 26: 13
sugars with, 28:23 thioglycosides preparation, 52: 181
Disinfection, 53:297-298 Dithiocarbamoyl group, participation in sugar
Disodium phosphate, 2 '-deoxyuridine-5 '-. reactions, 22: 146, 164
pentahydrate, crystal structure. 43:3 10 1,3-Dithiolane-4-methanol. derivatives.
Disodium (pT'pT*), crystal structure preparation of, 32:20
bibliography, 31:361 Diumycin, inhibition of protein glycosylation,
Disodium thymidylyL(5 ' 4 3 ')-5 '-thymidylate 40:343-344
dodecahydrate, crystal structure Diuretics, 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-~-glucitol as,
bibliography, 31:36 1 25:269
Disopropyl fluorophosphate, as inhibitor for Diuron
pectinesterase, 33:336 effect on sugarcane, 21:427
Di-a-L-sorbopyranose 1,2': 1,'2-dianhydride, as herbicide, 21:405
47:17 Divinyl sulfone
Displacement reactions affinity adsorbent support activation,
involving participation, 24: 167 39:432
of sulfonic esters of carbohydrates. agarose activation for affinity
24:139-197 chromatography, 39:415
Dissociation constant, 48:330-33 1 cellulose cross-linking with, 33:68
Bronsted relationship between catalytic as cross-linking agent for polysaccharides,
activity and, 24: 19 29:356
Distribution coefficient, in gel chromatography. DNA, see Deoxyribonucleic acid
25:16 Dodecanoic acid, methyl ester, trans-
Disulfide esterification of methyl OL-D-
bis(2-deoxyaltrosid-2-yl),25: I39 glucopyranoside with, 33:44
bis(methy1 5-deoxy-o-yxlofuranoside-5-yl) Dodecanucleotide, synthesis, 36: 173
5 5 ' - , 23~208 Dodecyl sodium sulfate, as inhibitor for
Disulfones, from dithioacetal oxidation, pectinesterase, 33:336
32~82-88 Doisy, E.A., 46: 12
Disulfoxides, from dithioacetal oxidation, Dolichol, 26:382
32:82 biosynthesis, 40:288-299,323, 44:350
Diterpenes, of Isodon species, bitterness. composition, 40:288
45:3 12 cytological and topological aspects,
1,3-Dithiane 40:314-321
2-lithio-, in synthetic carbohydrate 2,3-dehydro-, phosphates, 40:289
chemistry, 32:37 metabolism, 44:350-352
2-lithio-2-methyl-, in carbohydrate synthesis, plant sources, 44:348
32:38 structure, 44:346
2-lithio-2-(trimethylsilyl)-, in preparation of subcellular localization, 40:3 15-3 18
propsnr- 1,3-diyl dithioacetals, 32:39 Dolichol phosphate
Dithioacetal, 2,3:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-n- biosynthesis. 40:289-299
gulose diethyl-, crystal structure, 43:247 inhibitors of formation, 40:322-326
Dithioacetals, see also Acetals; Thioacetals Dolichos biflorus lectin
acetylated, 22: 19 carbohydrate-binding specificity, 35:
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28: 12 I 229
of 2-amino-2-deoxyaldoses, deamination of, circular dichroic spectrum, 35:230
25: 192 hemagglutinating activity. 35:226
diethyl, of aldoses, conformation of, 26:72 isolation, 35: 138

Dolichos hiforus lectin (continued) E

purification and properties of, 35:227-229
uses, 35:23 1 E. COSY, 51~22-23
Dolichyl phosphate Earthworms, a-o-mannosidase in, 28:405
biosynthesis, 44:350 Ebenaceae, polysaccharides from, 31 :253-254
in biosynthesis of cell-wall polysaccharides, Echinocystis lobatu lectin, isolation, 35: 138
42:325-330 Echinoderms, glycolipids, see Glycolipids
metabolism, 44:350-352 ECNSS-M, in gas-liquid chromatography,
Dopamine P-hydrolase, sialic acid effect, 28:60
40:219 EDTA, effect on a-o-mannosidase activity,
Dosaccharides 28:42543 1
derived, 21:30 Eel
furanoid, 21: 126 electric, electrolectin from, 35:3 15
mass spectra of, 21:69 serum lectin
by reversion of monosaccharides, agglutinating activity, 35:277
21:443-444 carbohydrate-binding specificity,
synthetic, 21:31 35~277-279
Dotriacontanoic acid, 17-hydroxy- purification, 35:28 1-282
2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16-octamethyl-, ester of Egg-box model, 47:33
trehalose 2-sulfate, in Mycobacterium of cell-wall for calcium inclusion, 42:305
tuberculosis. 30:236 Ehrlich cells, lectin-reactive, 35:329-330
Double bonds Eicosanucleotide, synthesis, 36: 172
radiation and radical addition reactions, Einstein-Smoluchovsky relation, modified, in
37:23 polarography, 29: 137
unsaturated monosacchrides, 52:92-95 Elastin, as urinary protein-carbohydrate
cumulative, 52:95-96 compound source, 24:450
Double-sigmoid growth-curve of fruits, 42:34 I , (+)-Eldanolide, 50: 185-1 86
344 Electrical conductivity, mutarotation
Douglas fir, cell-wall studies on, 42:271 measurement by, 23:51
Drierite, in cardiac glycoside synthesis, 21:277 Electrical phenomena, starch modification,
Drilling, well, plant galactomannans in, 35:342 51:307-3 1 0
Drug action, 45:224 Electrochemistry, of carbohydrates and
theory of, 45:227-228 derivatives, 29: 107-1 7 1
Drug design, nonmathematical approach, Electrofocusing, 53:206
45~230-23I Electrolectin, isolation and properties, 35:3 15
Drug dose-response relationships, 45:211 Electrolyte effects, 53:272
free-energy relationship, 45:224 Electron availability, of solvent, effect on sugar
parameters, 45:224 solubility, 2R87
DS-GAG chain, 49:242-243 Electron density, carbohydrate structure and,
Duanosamine, synthesis of, 2 4 2 I0 2555
Duckweed, cell-wall studies on, 42:281 Electron distribution, lone-pair orbitals and,
Dulcin, sweetness, 45:205 47: 101- 103
Dulcitol, see Galactitol Electronic absorption spectra
Dutch-elm disease, 41:89 of or$-unsaturated acids, 27:260
Dyeing, of polysaccharides, 29:350-353 of or$-unsaturated carbonyl sugars, 27:248
Dyes of anhydro-C-(p-methoxypheny1)aldoses
anionic, 53:381, 383 and anhydro- 1,3-dideoxyketoses,
cellulose sorption, 53:384 27:286
coloration scales, 53:376, 378 of C-arylated unsaturated hexitols, 27:239
neutral, 53:378, 381 of dienic carbonyl sugars, 27:25 1

of furan derivatives from sugars, 27:289 gels and networks, 24:268

of thioenol sugars, 27:275 in solutions of metal salts, 21:23 1-232,
Electronic density, and mutarotation, 24:37 234-235
Electronic effects, on hydrolysis of glycosides. and structural integrity of synthetic
2259 polynucleotides, 36:20&206
Electron impact mass spectrometry, 45:23,43, sulfonylated phenylboronic acid in, 3 5 6 2
63,71 of urine protein-carbohydrate compounds,
Electron magnetic resonance, of free radicals 24:441
from irradiated sugars, 26: 15 Ekctvophortrs electricus, electrolectin,
Electron microscopy, of microfibrils. 26:307, properties, 35:3 I 5
312,315,335 Electroplating brighteners, dextrins as,
Electron-nuclear relaxation methods, carbon 47:326
atoms, 47:136-137 Electroreduction
Electron resonance spectroscopy, 53:287- of carbohydrates and derivatives,
288 29: 108-1 17
Electrons, high-energy, irradiation, starch, of lactones of polyhydroxycarboxylic acids,
51:263,265-267 29: 125
Electron-spin relaxation, 47: 133-1 35 Electrostatic interaction. anomeric effect,
epi-inositol, 47: 138-140 47:107-109
Electro-oxidation, of carbohydrates and Electrosynthesis, of carbohydrates and
derivatives, 29: I 17-1 24 derivatives, 29: 108-126
Electrophiles, with reactive halogen P-Elimination, 31:2 12, 37:3
substituents, glucosidase inhibition, aldono- 1,4-lactones, 50: 166- 170
48:375-377 aldono-l,5-lactones, 503162-166
Electrophoresis, 53:206 carbohydrate chains of glycoproteins,
affinity, for lectin detection, 35: 135 38:411412
agarose for, 29:329 of carbon monoxide by radiation, 37: 14
in carbohydrate-alkaline-earth hydroxide in degradation of capsular polysaccharides,
reactions, 21:252 31:239
of carbohydrates of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides,
in alcoholic alkali metal hydroxide 3 1:2 I 2-229
solutions, 21:262 degradation of heparin by, 43:85-86
paper, 18:61-97 by depolymerases, 33:325
zone, 1223-1 15 with ~-glucofuranurono-6,3-lactones and D-
2-diethylaminoethyl ethers of glucofuranosidurono-6,3-lactones,
polysaccharides as media for, 29:323 33:219--226
enzyme purification by, 23:284 in dithioacetal reactions with bases, 32:57
in enzyme purity test, 30:264 in enzymic degradation, 33:358,367
of galacturonanases, 33:361 in glucosiduronic acid preparation, 36:69
gel, in pectinesterase purification, of HOR and NR,, by radiation, 37:ll-12
33~339-342 of HX (X = Hal. OAc, or OPO,H,) by
of glycoenzymes, 27:3 1 1 radiation. 37: 12-13
metal cationxarbohydrate complexes in proteoglycan and glycoprotein splitting,
applications, 47:35-36 33:8
paper and splitting of pectic substances, 33:323
in carbohydrate chemistry, 36:3, 5-6 of water, from carbohydrate radicals by
in honey analysis, 25:297 radiation, 37:9-11
of pectic enzymes, 33:324 Elimination reactions, radical-mediated
polysaccharide dyeing in, 29:353 brominations, 49:85-9 1
of polysaccharides, 24:335 Ellagic acid, 21:26

Ellipticine 5-iodocytidylyl-(3'+5')-guanosine, purification of, 33:362-364

methonolate, eicosahydrate, crystal Endo-o-mannanases, oligosaccharide
structure, 43:304-305 degradation products from galacto and
Elongation, peptide chain gluco-mannans and, 32:3 14-3 16
following selective deprotection, 50:294-298 Endo-D-xylanases
N-glycopeptides, 50:283-287 arabinose-liberating, 32:335-340
Elsinan non-arabinose-liberating, 32:340-344
fimgal, 41:71 occurrence of, 32:335
structure, enzymic analysis, 44:265 Endo-galacturonanase, from Corticium rolfsii,
Elsinoe leucospila. polysaccharide, 41:7 1 32:285
Emulsifiers, anhydrohexitol esters as, 25:270 Endo-glucanases, mode of action, analysis of,
Emulsin, 50:8, 12 46:54
effect on glucosides, 50:13-14 Endo-glycosidases, degradation in structural
lack of effect on methyl xylosides, 50:13 analysis, 38:4 1 5 416
of sweet almonds, Helferich's work on, Endo-L-arabinanases, production of, 32:290
45:4-5 Endoplasmic reticulum
Enantiomeric 2-amino-2-deoxycarbahexoses, in cell-wall formation, 26:335, 338, 348
synthesis, 48:66-67 of yeast cells, 32:141
Enantiomeric 6a-carba-P-fructopyranoses, Endosperm, galactomannans in, 35:345,355,
synthesis, 48:51-52 356361
Enantiomeric carba-glycosylamines, synthesis, 1,2-Enediol, sugar transformation in alkaline
48:6445 medium, 47:253
Enantiomeric carba-sugars, synthesis etythro-elythro configuration, 41: 14
a-L-altro and P-o-glum modifications, Enediol theory, 26:6
48:4647 Energy of activation
amino carba-sugars, synthesis, 48:64-67 of a-amylases, 23:3 12
from o-arabinose, 48:4244 of anomerization, 24:5 1
from L-arabinose, 48:4142 1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-P-~-
Diels-Alder adduct, resolution, 48:36, 38- hydrolysis of, 26:203
39 rearrangement of, 26:220
from o-glucose, 48:4549 thin-layer chromatography of, 26:234
from optically active natural products, effect of flameproofing on, of cellulosic
48:4041 materials, 23:468
from D-ribose, 48:44 for interconversion of conformation, 26:91
from true sugars, 48:4149 of mutarotation of D-glucose, 24:53
from D-XylOSe, 48:44 of sugars, 2 4 5 5
Enantiomers, cyclic monosaccharides, 52:72 of phosphorylases, 23:350
Encephalitogen, 25:468 of rearrangement of acyloxonium ions,
End-group assay, 22:23,490491 26:136, 139
Endo-P-o-mannanase, in galactomannan of thermal degradation of cellulosic
degradation during germination of seeds, materials, 23:442443,446
35:361 Enitols, 1,5-anhydro-
Endodextranases, and dextran degradation, ald- 1-,see Glycosenes
30:391 6-deoxy-6-fluoro-~-arabino-hex- 1-
Endo-o-galacturonanases 3,4-di-0-acetyI-1,2-didexoy-, 'H- and I9F-
action pattern of, 33:345-354 NMR data for, 46: 1 13
crystalline, from Acrocylindrium. 33:363 3,4-di-O-benzyl-, 'H- and 19F-NMRdata
in fruit maturation, 33:381 for, 46: 1 13
molecular weight of, 33:346, 362-364 4-O-benzyl-3-deoxy-, 'H- and 19F- n.m.r
occurrence and formation of, 33:359-362 data for, 46: 113

3,4,6-tri-O-benzoyl-2-deoxy-~-arubino-hex- Enthalpy
I , crystal structure, 43:262 of activation
Enkephalins, effect on glycosylation, 40:347, of hindered rotation, 23: 198-199
350 of mutarotation of o-glucose, 24:53
Enofuranose of hydrogen bonding, 25:98
6-chloro-5,6-dideoxy-5,6-difluoro- I ,2-0- Entropy
isopropylidene-3-O-methyl-a-~-.qdo- of activation
hex-5- for acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of
(E) isomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46: 176 furanosides, 2 2 4 0
(Z) isomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46: 1 76 in hydrolysis of pyranosides, 2 2 3 3
5,6-dideoxy- for mutarotation of o-glucose, 24:37,53
6,6-difluoro- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-a-~- of hydrogen bonding. 2 5 9 8
xylo-hex-5- Envelope conformation, of furanoid sugars,
3-O-benzyl-,C-NMR data for. 46: 175 26: 109
3-O-methyl-,I3C-NMR data for, 46: 176 Enzyme inhibitors
1,2-O-isopropylidenehex-5- active-site-directed irreversible, 29:2-3
6-chloro-5,6-difluoro-3-O-rnethyI-a-~- low molecular weight, research, Japan,
xylo-, IH and I9F-NMR data for, 48: 13-14
46: 154 polysaccharide sulfates as, 29:336
6,6-difluoro-3-0-methyl-a-o-ribo-, H Enzyme-metal-ion complexes, catalytic
and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 154 activity of, 28:423
6,6-difluoro-3-0-methyl-a-~-.~ido-, H Enzyme Q, in starch synthesis, 34:6
and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 154 Enzymes, see also specific enzymes
6,6-difluoro-3-0-rnethyl-~-~-*ylo-.IH acting on pectic substances, -579-102
and I9F-NMR data for, 46: I54 active site probing, 50:13-14
Enol formation, mechanism of, 26:6 active sites of, 23:296, 298
Enolide, 1p,5,1 la,l9-tetrahydroxy-3b-O-a-~- affinity chromatography purification,
rhamnopymosyl-5P. 14b card-20(22)-, 39:441443
crystal structure, 43:26&265 in alginic acid synthesis, 26:407
Enones, formation of, 46:326 analytical methods utilizing, 30:279-284
Enonolactones Basidiomycetes, glucan degradation by,
2-acylamido-hex-2-. 50:169-1 70 30:361,363-364,367
p-elimination, 50:162-165 in biodegradative hydrolysis of
catalytic hydrogenation, 50:170-1 73 galactomannans, 31:256
Enopyranose, 1,4,6-hi-O-acetyl-2-(N- biosynthesis
acetylacetamido)-2,3-dideoxy-cr-o- of adenosine cyclic 3,5-phosphate in.
erythro-hex-2-, crystal structure, 30:224
43:243-244 guanosine 5-tetraphosphate in, 30:225
Enopyranosides of dexhans, 30:418433
ethyl 4,6-di-O-acety1-2,3-dideoxy-a-~- of tylosin, 3 5 8 4
erythro-hex-2-, crystal structure, 43:229 bound in plant cell-walls, 42:300-302
in synthesis of branched-chain sugars, bovine spleen, dextran degradation by,
4297-98 30:397
Enopyranos-2-ulose, 1,6-anhydro-3,4-dideoxy- in catabolism of starch and glycogen,
P-o-g&cero-hex-3-, 47:338 30:285-302
Enterobacterial common antigen in cellulose synthesis, 26:323-324, 327, 386
f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 4 5 3 4 classification of metal-dependent, 28:423
perdeuteriomethylated, f.a.b.-mass coffee-bean, in galactomannan structure
spectrometry, 45:69 study, 31:271-274
structure, on f.a.b.-mass spectrometry. 45:69 D-, 2 5 9

Enzymes (continued) for isomerization of o-glucose, 36:4&50

deficiency, in certain diseases, 25:478 isotope-effects in reactions, 27: 171-1 76
degradation kinetics of, 23:288
of dextrans by, 30:390-399 liver, dextran degradation by, 30:396
of starch and glycogen, 3:251-3 10, lysosomal, 25:474
17:407430 mechanism of action pattern, 30:27&272
3-deoxy-o-manno-2-octu~osonicacid mechanistic studies, hydrogen isotope
metabolism, 38:378-387 labeled sugars in, 27:155-162
depolymerization, isolation of products of in metabolism of D-fructose, 34:330-343
partial, 30:272 nomenclature, 23:306,33:324-327
of o-galactose pathway in yeasts, 32: 176 nonprotein constituents of, 23:298
publications on, 32:178-179 pectic, classification of, 33:324-327
difficulties associated with use of, mode of action, properties, and function
30:27&279 of, 33:323-385
DNA ligase, for poly(deoxyribonuc1eotide) in plant physiology and pathology,
synthesis, 36:178-180 33~381-385
for poly(ribonucleotide)synthesis, in peptidoglycan biosynthesis, 26:427
36: 189-193 poisons, effect on sugarcane, 21:427
endo- and exo-, 30:265 in polysaccharide bio-synthesis, 26:323-324,
exo-, in determination of linear or branched 327
polysaccharides, 30:274 polysaccharide-degrading, 26:347
for galactomannan degradation. 35:36 1-375 properties of, 30:267
as glycoproteins, 25:408 purification of, 23:282
of glycoprotein slmcture, 27:30 1-341 purity criteria, 30:264
halogenated carbohydrates and carrier purity tests for, 23:285
specificity, 22:209 Q-, 23:363,25:8,30:309
for hepatic o-fructose metabolism control, purification by chromatography, 23:283
34:296 R-, 23~363,25:9
in honey, 25:302 preparation and properties of, 30:293-296
in hydrolysis starch degrading and synthesizing,
of P-o-glucosidic linkages, 30:347-353 2 3 ~ 2 1-366
of starch, 36~31-35 in regulation of saccharide biosynthesis,
immobilized, in starch hydrolysis, 36:34 26:363,377
induction of, 30:262-264 sialylated, 40:2 19
sequential, 30:273 in solvent-exchange labeling of sugars with
inhibition of hydrogen isotopes, 27: 134
anhydroalditols for, 25:269 sources, 30:261
halogenated sugars as, 22:2 10,2 12 specificity of, 30:268-270,SO: 13-15
insolubilization of, 29:361-375 of debranching, 30:293-299
by cellulose bromoacetate, 29:337 in the domain of carbohydrates, 5:49-78
by cellulose triazine derivatives, 29:349, starch-metabolizing, 25:8
372 in starch synthesis, 26:382
by cellulose xanthate, 29:346 stereochemistry determination at a chiral
by imidocarbonates of polysaccharides, methylene group by, 27:141
29:373 in structural analysis
polysaccharide derivatives in, 29:32&327 of polysaccharides, 21:502
by triazine-dyed polysaccharides, 29:352 of starch and glycogen, 30:302-332
for interconversion of sugars, nucleotides, of sucrose and other disaccharides, 5:2948
32: 10 in synthese and degradations, 34:8
introduction of term, 50:8 synthesis of, 24:6

glycogen and starch, 17:371407 Enzymolysis

in UDP-apiose biosynthesis, 31: 169- I72 configuration of glycoside linkage by, 28:32
in vitro syntheses of natural glycosides, 30:6 of o-glucose and gas-liquid chromatography,
water-insoluble, as polysaccharide 28:40
derivatives, 29:361-375 of polysaccharides and proton magnetic
in yeast catabolism of sugars, 32:127 resonance spectroscopy, 27:4 1
from yeasts for sugar metabolism, 32: I28 ~-6-Epicastanospermine,SO: 198-199
Z-, 23:331,336,25:9 Epichlorohydrin, as cross-linking agent for
as contaminant in P-amylase, 30:287, polysaccharides, 29:355
306 Epididymis
nature of, 30:307 a-o-mannosidase activity in, 28:403
Enzyme-substrate complexes, crystals as a-o-mannosidase source, 28:41 I
structures of, 2593-98 3-Epidigiroxigenin, 21:274
Enzymic analysis, of carbohydrates, 35: 1 1 3-Epi-3-fluoro-3-de(methox)sporaricinA,
Enzymic deacylation, see Deacylation 48:223
Enzymic hydrolysis Epiglucosamine, 21 :I8
of glycosidic linkages, 46:27&271 Epi-isosaccharic acid, preparation of, 31: 18
protein activators, 40:28 1-285 Epimelibiose, isolation and structure, 37:309
Enzymic methods, 49: 175-237 Epimerases, 26:358
C-C bond-forming reactions, 49: 189--207 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:47
aldol reaction, 49:189-190 and hydrogen-isotope action on sugars,
miscellaneous reactions, 49:205 27: 156
synthesis inversion in glycosly group by, 28:369-379
with glycolysis aldolase, 49: 190-1 94 Epimerization, 21: 178
with sialyl aldolase, 49: 194-204 and acetolysis, 31:200
transketolase, 49:204-207 of aldonic acids, 21: 1 1
definitions and abbreviations, 49: 177 of lactones, 21:17S
glycosylations with transferases, see mechanism of, of glycosyl esters of
Glycosylation nucleotides, 26:358
immobilization, 49: 180-1 89 of nitro sugars, 24: 120
agarose, 49:181-186 in sugar moiety of nucleotides, 22:375
dialysis bags, 49: 188 Epimine, cleavage by fluoride ion, 48: 155,
poly(acry1amide) gels, 49: 186-1 88 163-169
silica gel-glutaraldehyde, 49: 188-1 89 Epiminonucleosides, preparation of, 42:245,
interest in, 49: 176-177 257
in organic solvents, 49:235-236 Epimino sugars, 25:352-356
phosphorylations, 49:207-2 18 Epimycarose, acetyl-, 21: 185
nucleotides, 49:2 10-2 13 Epinephrine, effect on glycogen synthetase
nucleotide-sugars, 49:213-2 18 activity, 26:378
sugar phosphates, 49:207-210,212 P-Epinoroxetanocin, 50: 196
synthesis in aqueous solution, 49:234-235 3-Epiparomamine, preparation of, 30: 179
transfer reactions, catalyzed by glycosidases, o-Epipurpurosamine, ethyl glycoside, synthesis
49:23 1-233 of, 30: 127
Enzymic reactions, of glycosyl esters of rac-4-Epishikimic acid, methyl ester triacetate,
nucleoside pyrophosphates, 28:362-396 isomenzation in hydrogen fluoride, 26: 172
Enzymic synthesis, of glycosyl esters of Episulfides, of sugars, 22: 156, 192
nucleoside 5 -pyrophosphates, 1,2-Episulfonium ion, in mercaptalation, 32:32,
26:354-366 56
Enzymology, and structural analysis of Epithelial cells, o-fructose effect on energy
polysaccharides, 30:257-370 metabolism of intestinal, 34:324

Epithio sugars, 22: 156 diacetate, isomerization of, 25:258

cleavage of, 22: 192 infrared spectrum of, 25:252
Epivalidamine, from dihydrovalidamycin A, reaction with hydrogen fluoride, 25:258
30: 139 as solvent for sugars, 27:88
Epoxidation 2,3-anhydro-, synthesis, 40:29
of double bonds, 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses 1,3-0-benzylidene-2,4-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-
prepared by, 34: 112 L-, 23:275
in sugar synthesis, 40:42-44, 56-59 1,I-bis(acetamid0)-1 -deoxy-, D-, preparation
Epoxide ring of, 31:83
conformation of, 26: 124 I , 1-bis(acetamido)- 1-deoxy-, L-, preparation
opening reactions, in sugar synthesis, of, 31:82, 84, 112
40:44--17,56-59 1,l-bis(benzamido)-1 -deoxy-L-, preparation
Epoxides of, 31:lOO
3,4-tulo-, 51:2 15-2 16 I ,4-bis[2-(methylsulfonyl)oxyethylamino]-,
carbohydrates, 24:168,25: 110 cytostatic activity, 28:7
cleavage by fluoride ion, 48: 155, 163-169 cis-2,3,-0-benzylidene-,isomerization,
hydroformylation and 39:27
hydro(methoxycarbony1)ation of,23 :63 2-C-methyl-n-, natural occurrence of, 42:76
sugar, 23:234 conformation of, 26:68
deoxy sugar from, 21:152, 159 crystallography of, 25:58,31:363, 34:371
0x0 reaction with anhydro, 23: 102 crystal structure, 43:205
Epoxyketonucleosides, synthesis of, 42:241 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-, 22: 199,201,207
Epoxypropyl-2-pyrone, 5-acetoxy-5,6-dihydro- DL-
6-1,2-, 51:107-108 structure, 38: 197
Equatorial bonds, 2 6 5 2 synthesis, 38:237,40:104
Equilenin, C-conjugate with P-D-~~UCO- as inhibitor for Brucella abortus, 22:212
pyranosiduronic acid, preparation, 36: 1 33 4-deoxy-~-,phenylboronate, structure, 35:43
Equilibrium constants, in polarography, 1-deoxy-2,4-0-ethylidene- 1-iodo-D-,
29: 137-143 reaction
Ergosterol, conjugate with methyl 2,3,4-tri-0- with 2-lithio-l,3-dithiane, 32:37
acetyl-a-o-galactopyranosiduronate,36:93 with sodium cyanide, 28:282
Erlose, in honey, 25:295,301-302,308 2,3-di-O-acetyl- 1-arnino-.l-bromo- 1,4-
Erwinia tahiticu, polysaccharide, preparation, dideoxy-, hydrobromide deamination of,
properties, and uses, 36:297 31:63
o-Erythorbic acid di-0-acetyl- 1,4-anhydro-, rearrangement in
preparation, 37:98, 106, 123 hydrogen fluoride, 26: 174
sodium salt monohydrate, crystal structure 1,2:3,4-di-O-benzyIidene-, selective
bibliography, 38:42042 1 hydrolysis, 39: 19
structure, 37:83 1,4-di-O-(methylsulfonyl)-,23:239
Erythran, as solvent for sugars, 27:88 enzymic determination of, 30:282-283
Erythraric acid gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:92
2-methoxy-o-, 22:7 2,4-0-ethylidene- I ,3-di-O-(p-nitrobenzoyl)-,
2-0-(carboxymethyl)-, 25:261 aroyl migration and deacetalation,
Erythritol 33: 107
2-amino-2-deox y- production by alkane-grown Candidu
D-, synthesis, 40: 1 14 zeylanoides, 32 :234
DL-, synthesis, 40:29-30 radiation chemistry, 37:34
1,4-anhydro-, 25:230 radiolysis and free-radical chemistry,
acetalation of, 25:265 37:27-29, 32
catalytic oxidation of, 25:262 selective phosphorylation of, 3 3 5 0

sweetness-structure relationship, 45:248,293 Erythromycin A

synthesis, 40:29 crystal structure of, and hydriodide
1,2,3,4-tetra-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-, infrared dihydrate, 25:82
spectrum, 23:255 formation, 35:85
2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl- I -amino- 1-deoxy-r,-, p - pyrolysis of, 24:250
toluenesulfonate (salt), deamination of, Erythromycin B, pyrolysis of, 24:250
31:63 Erythromycin C, biosynthesis, 35:84
water elimination reaction by radiation, Erythronic acid
37:lO 4-bromo-4-deoxy-~~-, synthesis, 40:5
Erythrocyte glycoprotein, permethylated, f.a.b.- 4-chloro-4-deoxy-o~-,synthesis, 40:5
mass spectrometry, 45:34-35 2-C-methyl-o-, isolation and characterization
Erythrocytes of, 28: I95
desialylated, 40:222-226 D-3
ganglisides of, 24:432 from 1-deoxy-o-euythro-2,3-hexodiulose,
human, carbohydrate linkages of, 25:433 28:196
lectin-reactive glycoproteins, 35:3 18-325 formation from o-fructoses, 28: 194
lentil lectin in hemagglutination, 35: 193 4-deoxy-o~-,synthesis, 40:5
P. vulgaris lectin receptor-site, 44:232 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-o~-,methyl ester,
Erythrofuranose synthesis, 40: 105
4-acetamido-4-deoxy-~-,23: 196 Erythronolactam, 4-amino-4-deoxy-o-,
3-C-(hydroxymethyl)- 23: 164
D-, see Apiose Erythrono- 1,4-lactone
1,2-O-isopropyIidene-cy-o-, preparation of, 2-C-methyL~-
31:183 natural occurrence of, 42:72,76
2,3-O-isopropylidene-P-~-, preparation of, structure of, 4 2 7 0
31:183 synthesis of, 42: 110, 121
1,2:3,3'-di-O-isopropylidene-[3-C- D-, 50:131
(hydroxymethy1)-a-o-, preparation of, DL-, synthesis, 40:6
31:183 sulfonylation of, 23:244
identity with tri-0-methyl-D-apiose. desialylated, 40:22 1
31:142 neuraminidase effect, 37: 162
Erythrofuranoside Erythropyrone, formation from erythrose.
methyl 4-acetamido-4-deoxy-~-,23: 179 28:176
synthesis, 41:9 Erythrose
methyl 3-C-(hydroxymethyl)-2,3-0- 4-acetamido-4-dcoxy-~-,23: 179
isopropylidene-P-DL-, synthesis, 4-acetamido-4-deoxy-~-,preparation from
40~81-82 dithioacetal, 3 2 8 5
methyl 2,3-O-ethyhdene-P-~-,formation by 2-C-methyl-~-
acetal migration, 34:205 natural occurrence of, 42:72,76
methyl 2,3-O-isopropylidene- structure of, 4 2 7 0
[3-C-(hydroxymethyl)]-4-thio-P-~-, D-, 46:32 1
preparation of, 31: 183-1 84 in aqueous solution, 42:31, 36-37
[N-acetyl-4-amino-4-deoxy-3-C- temperature effects on, 42:33
(hydroxymethyl)]-P-D-, preparation crystallography of, 25:58
of, 31:184 cyclic acetals, table, 34:210
Erythrofuranosylamine, 2-deoxy-2-fluoro- p-D-, from o-fructose by oxidation, 33:98
48:242-243 formation of aromatics from, 46:277-278
Erythromycin, sugar component desosamine, formation of-pyranone from, 46:277-278
28:299 gel chromatography of, 25:3 1

Erythrose (continued) serotype 08, 0-antigen polysaccharides,

high-temperature transformation of, in f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 45:66
alkali solution, 46:283 synthesis of five-carbon chain of thiazole,
polarography of, 29:129 52:275-277
preparation from o-fructose diethyl Esculin
dithioacetal, 32:84 levoglucosan from, 34:27
synthesis, 40:121-122 structure, 39:358
dehydration in acidic solution, 28: 176 Esterases, mammalian, glycoenzyme, 27:308
DL-, synthesis, 40:6-7,90 Esterification
enzymic isomerization, 36:46 of I ,6-anhydrohexopyranoses, 34:74-85,
1,2-Ethanedithiol 78-85
in dithioacetal preparation, 32: 19 of carbohydrates
reaction with aldosuloses, 32:24 boronates, 3 5 5 3
2,3-O-isopropylidene-r-, from 3,4-0- relative reactivities of hydroxyl groups in,
isopropylidene-L-arabinoseby 33:ll-109
oxidation, 33:98 of ~-g~ucofuranurono-6,3-~actone,
L- 33~203-205
crystallography of, 25:58 effect on proton chemical shifts, 29: 14,26
cyclic acetals, Table, 34:210 selective
from r-arabinose oxidation, 33:98 of anhydroalditols, 25262
synthesis, 50: 130- 131 of carbohydrates, 33: 12-5 1
2,3-O-benzylidene-o-, formation by acetal Esters
migration, 34:205 a,P-unsaturated carbohydrate, conjugate-
2,4-O-henzylidene-o- addition reactions of Grignard reagents
isomerization, 39:26 with, 27:202-204
migration of acetal group in, 34:205 a-0x0, of carbohydrates, Grignard reaction
2,4-0-ethylidene-o-, 23:24 with, 27:199
isomerization, 39:26 of carbohydrates, reduction reactions of,
migration of acetal group in, 34:205 27:201
2,3,-O-isopropylidene-P-o-, 23:33 carbohydrate, reaction with ammonia,
2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-aldehydo-~-, ammonolysis 31:81-134
of, 31534 of cellulose, with organic acids, 1:309-327
Erythrose 4-phosphate, D-, composition in fluoro alcohol, mass spectrometry of, 30:38
aqueous solution, 42:46 formation
Escasany, Irene, 46: 12 aldonolactones reaction with alcohols,
Escherichia coli 50: 148- 149
078, 0-antigen polysaccharide, 47: 186 by peroxide-induced rearrangements of
capsular polysaccharide, immune response, acetals, 39: 150
41:195,206 glycopyranosyl, of nucleotides, 18:309-356
K92, capsular polysaccharide, immune beta-ketonic (and related substances),
response, 41:I94 reactions with monosaccharides,
lipid A chemical structure, 50:2 1&2 15 11:97-143
LP1092, polysaccharides, circular dichroism, nitrate, of starch, 13:331-345
45: 107 photochemical reactions with carbohydrates,
M4 1 38: 129- 134
capsular polysaccharide, 52:396-398 protection as, 46:189-191
structure, 52:434437 as solvents for sugars, 27:106
crystal structure bibliography, 36:33 1 of starch, preparation and properties of,
polysaccharide mutant M41, crystal structure 1~279-307
bibliography, 40:395 sulfonic, of carbohydrates, 8: 107-2 15

Estrogenic compounds, in biosynthesis of 2-methoxy-, solubility of sucrose in, 27:87,

saccharides, 26:439 89
Estrone, 3-O-(methyl2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-P-~- as solvent for sugars, 27:96
glucopyranosy1uronate)-, synthesis of, 2-(2-methoxyethoxy)-, solubility of sucrose
34:253 in, 27:89
Ethane nitro-, reaction with aldoses, 24:72
1 -chloro-2-(diethylamino)-,selective I-phenyl-, R and S isomers, preparation of,
etherification with, 33:54 27: 197
1-(2-furyl)-l,2-dihydroxy-,substrate for 2,2,2,2-(propylenedinitrilo)tetra-,from
carbohydrate synthesis, 40:70 aminolysis of sucrose, 27:99
1,1,2,2-tetrabromo-, complex with amylose, @I-(+)- 1-cyclohexyl- 1 -phenyl-, preparation
crystal structure bibliography, 33:391 of, 27:194
1,1,2,2-tetrachloro-, complex with amylose, reactions with acyl halides, 33: I8
crystal structure bibliography, 33:39 I (S)-(-)- 1-cyclohexyl-~-phenyl-,preparation
1,2-Ethanediol of, 27:194
oxidation with mercuric acetate, 3 3 9 9 solubility of sucrose in, 27:87, 89
1-phenyl-, reaction with 2-acetoxy-2- as solvent
methylbutanoyl chloride, 33:84 in ammonolysis of benzoyl groups,
reaction with trimethylborane, 3 9 3 9 31:102
Ethanesulfenyl chloride for sugars, 2796-97
mercaptalation with, 32:25,43 syntheses with, 6:291-3 18
reaction with 5,6-dihydro-2-methoxy-2H- Ethanol-2-d
pyran, 28:274 configuration of, 27: 144, 146
Ethanethiol in determination of hydrogen configuration
in dithioacetal preparation, 32: 17, I9 in sugars, 27: 143
2-(ethy1amino)-, reaction with aldoses. 32:20 Ethanol-L-D. (+)-, absolute configuration of,
Ethanethiolysis, of 3,5,6-tri-O-benzoyl-~- 27:220
glucofuranose, 32:32 1.2-Ethenediyl carbonate, see I ,3-DioxoI-Z-one
1,1,2-Ethanetricarboxylicacid, 1 -(2,3,5-tri-O- Etherification
benzoyl-P-D-ribofuranosyl)-, triethyl ester. aldonolactones, 50: 132-134
preparation of, 33: 151, 161 of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses,34:74-85
Ethanol, 53:360-361 of carbohydrate boronates, 35:55
2-acetoxy-, solubility of sucrose in, 27:89 of o-glucofi1ranurono-6,3-lactone,
2-amino-, as solvent for sucrose, 27:99 33:201-203
2-butoxy-, solubility of sucrose in, 27:89 selective, 33:51-70
complexes Ethers, 53:365
with carbohydrates and alkali metal benzyl, of sugars, 12:137-156
hydroxides, 21:256 carboxymethyl, of cellulose, 9:285-302
with sodiocellulose, crystal structure of cellulose, 2:279-294
bibliography, 33:395 copolymerization with levoglucosan, 34:72
cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with, methyl,
46:222-224 of the aldopentoses, 7: 1-36, 10:257-272
effect on glycosylation, 40:345 of 2-amino-2-deoxy sugars, 13: 189-214
2,2,2,2-(ethylenedinitrilo)tetra-,from of fucose, 7:l-36,10:257-272
aminolysis of sucrose, 27:99 of o-galactose, 6:11-25, 10:273-282
fermentation sources, 46:326 Of D-glUCOSe, 5: 145-190
2,2-iminodi-, from aminolysis of sucrose, of hexuronic acids, 9: 13 1-148
27:99 of o-mannose, 8:217-230
metabolism of effect of o-fructose on, of rhamnose, 7: 1-36, 10:257-272
34:317-322 protection as, 46:181-182

Ethers (continued) as solvent for sugars, 27:98

sugar substrates, 40: 109 sweetness, 45:214,233
trityl, of carbohydrates, 3:79-1 II structure relationship, 45:293
Ethoxides, 1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitoIs,49: 171 water elimination reaction, by radiation,
Ethoxycarbonyl chloride, in selective acylation 37:lO
in steroid field, 33:20 Ethylene oxide, 0x0 reaction with, 23:63
(p-Ethoxyphenyl)thiourea,taste properties, 3-Ethyl-2-hydroxycyclopent-2-en-1 -one,
45:3 1 1 formation, 46:294
(p-Ethoxyphenyl) urea, see Dulcin Ethylisohexides, 2,5-di-0-, 49: 141
Ethylamylose, 2,3,4-tn-O-, structure, 52:412 Ethyl lactate, as solvent for sugars, 27: 106
Ethyl-3,7-anhydro-6,8-O-bensylidene-4-deoxy- Ethyl methyl ether, up orientation, 47:95
2-(ethylenedithio)-o-~u~o-2-octulosonate, Ethyl orthoformate, reaction with
crystal structure, 43:348-349 ribonucleosides, 22:340
Ethylation, of lipopolysaccharide, 30: 15 Ethyl p-aminobenzoate, effect on f.a.b.
5-Ethylbarbituric acid, cyclodextrin inclusion sensitivity, 45:32
complexes with, 46:223-224 3-Ethylphenyl acetate, cyclodextrin inclusion
Ethyl diazoacetate, aid-catalyzed complexes with, 46:223-224
decomposition in deuterium oxide and in Ethyl phosphite, reactions with deoxyhalogeno
water, 24:29 sugars, 28:285
Ethylene Ethylpylpyrrole, 2-acetyl- 1-,formation of,
1,2-bis(penta-O-acetyl-~-g~uconoyl)-, 24:264 46:313-314
effect on fruit ripening, 21:430 Ethyltetrahydropyran, (-)-(S)-2-, circular
as plant hormone, 21:378 dichroism, 45533
role in fruit development, 42:343-344,359, S-Ethyl thiophosphate, as phosphorylating
363-365,371 agent for nucleosides, 22:335
tetracyano-, complex with anthracene and Ethyl (trichloromethyl) phosphonate, selective
dichloromethane, structure of, 2 5 5 5 phosphorylation of nucleosides with,
Ethylenediamine 33:49
complex with amylose, crystal structure Ethyluracil, 1-(2-deoxy-2-fluoro-P-o-
bibliography, 33:392 arabinofuranosyl)-5-, biological activity,
for enhancing detectability of carbohydrates, 48:250
46:67 Ethyne
N,N'-diphenyl-, for selective derivatization 1-cY-o-ribofuranosyi-, preparation of,
of aldehydes, 33: 122, 135 33:130
as solvent for reaction of carbohydrates and 1-(2,3:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-P-~-
alkali metal hydroxides, 21:264 mannofuranosy1)-, preparation of,
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, effect on CY-D- 33: 130-1 3 1
mannosidase activity, 2k425-43 1 1-(2,3-0-isopropylidene-P-~-lyxofurano-
Ethylenedinihilotetraacetic acid, effect on syl)-, preparation of, 33:13C-13 1
sugarcane, 21:426 1-(2,3-O-isopropylidene-5-O-trityl-a-o-
1,l-Ethylenedioxacyclohexane,reaction with ribofuranosy1)-, preparation of, 33: 130
organolithium reagents, 39: 138 1-phenyl 1-2-(2,3,4,6-tetra-@acetyI-p-~-
I , I -Ethylenedioxacyclopentane,reaction with glucopyranosy1)-, preparation of,
organolithium reagents, 39: 138 33: 143
Ethylene dithioacetals, 46: 196 tetra-O-acetyl-P-~-glucopyranosyl-2-
circular dichroism, 45: 123 phenyl-, 25:242
Ethylene glycol 2,3,5-tri-O-benzyl-o-ribofuranosyl-,
radiation chemistry, 37:34 preparation of anomers, 33: 129, 144
radiolysis and free-radical reactions, Ethynyl compounds, reaction with sugar
37:27-28, 32 lactones, 50: 139-140

Eu3+,interaction with N-acetyl-a-o-neuraminic Evomonoside, 21:279, 288

acid, 47: 160 preparation of, 27:4
Eubacterium saburreum, polysaccharides, Evonoside, 21:28X
47: 179 Exo-anomeric effect, 4758, 69-71
Eucellulose, 26:308, 314 C-0 bond, 47:70
Euglena gracilis, aptrehalose phosphorylase definition, 47:48
from, 30:254 MO calculations. 47:94-96
Eukaryotes, cellulose biosynthesis, 41: I OX potential-function calculations, 47: 103-106
Euler angles, 51:76-77 Exodextranases, and dextran degradation,
Eumycetes, a,a-trehalose in, 30:230, 234 30:391
Eumycophyta, polysaccharides of, 23:367 Exo-glycanases, activity of, 28:402
Euonymus europeus lectin Exoglycosidases
carbohydrate-binding specificity, 35: I45 degradation in structural analysis,
purification and properties, 35:3 13 38:4 1 2 4 1 5
Europium, polysaccharide, 41 :72 enzymic specificity, monitored by jC-NMR
Europium (111) spectroscopy, 43: 10
in conformational analysis of acetals, 34: 197 glycosphingolipid catabolism, 40:268
tris (dipiva1omethanato)-, 29: 17,23 nomenclature, 40:285
tris (1 ,I, 1,2,2,3,3-heptafluoro-7,7-diniethyl- Exo-L-arabinanases, hydrolytic action on L-
4,6-octanedionato)-, 29:21 arabinanases, hydrolytic action on L-
Europium salts, for enchancing detectability of arabinan, 32:296292
carbohydrates, 46:67 Exopolysacchrides, 3-deoxy-D-manno-
Evalose octulosonic acid in acidic, 38:324,
natural occurrence of, 4 2 7 2 356-357,361-365
structure of, 4 2 7 0 Exo-( 1+4)-P-~-galactanase, production by
synthesis of, 42:97, 120 Sclerotium robii, 32:292
Evaporators, multiple-effect, in corn syrup Exotoxin, from Bacillus thuringiensis,
technology, 36:26-27 preparation of, 34: 170
Evatromonoside, 21:299. 301, 308 Explosives
Evermicose galactomannans in, 31:309, 3 11
composition in aqueous solution, 4 2 5 6 plant galactomannans in, 35:342
D-, synthesis, 40: 1 14 Extensin, 43:45,44:382
DL-,synthesis, 40:20 in plant cell-wall, 42:270, 308-309
natural occurrence of, 4 2 7 2 biosynthesis, 42:323,336-337
structure of, 42:70 interconnections, 42:3 10
synthesis of, 42:114, 119-120 External symmetry coordinates, 44:33
Evernian, lichen, 41:76 Extraction apparatus, countercurrent, 34:9
Evernia prunastri Eyring equation, 24:54
galactomannan, 41:95 for acyloxonium ion rearrangements, 26: 136,
polysaccharide, 41:76 139
Eveminose, mass spectrometry of trimethylsilyl Ezoaminouroic acid methyl glycoside,
derivative, 30:38 synthesis, 40:46
Evernitrose, 24:70, 114
composition in chloroform, 42:6(M1
3-epi-, synthesis of, 42123 F
natural occurrence of, 42:73
stiucture of, 42:70,78 Fabrys disease. 40:279-280
synthesis of, 42: 122 Factor IIa, 43: 1 17
Evertriose, mass spectrometry of Factor V, 43: I 18
permethylated, 29:88 Factor VII, 43: I 18

Factor IX, 43: 1 17 mass range selected for observation,

Factor IXa, 43: 117, 122 4533-34
Factor X, 43: 117 matrix, 45:24-25
Factor Xa, 43:117, 119, 122 acidified, 45:27,42
group proteinases, 43: 122 choice of, 4525-27
inhibition, 43: 129-132 effect of addition
Factor XI, 43: 117 of ammonium thiocyanate, 45228
Factor XIa, 43:117, 122 of dilute aq. HCI, 45:27-28
Factor XII, 43: 1 17 of sodium acetate, 4527-28
Factor XIIa, 43: 117, 122 ionic strength, 45:27
Fagara COCO, 46: 13 loading sample into, 4 5 3 3
y-Fagarine, 46: 13 pH, 4 9 2 7
Farina starch, dextrinization, 47:3 18 matrix additives, 4527-28
Fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry, molecular-ion, 4 5 5 3
45:19-72,46:70 clusters, 45:29-3 1
acyl-group location by, 4 5 5 3 of peracetylated and permethylated
analysis of mixtures, 4530-3 1 samples, 4547-48
applications, 45:54-7 1 molecular-weight assignment with, 45:23,
background ions, 45:29 4142,45
of bacterial polysaccharides, 4565-69 and minimum sample-loadings, 4533-34
choice of derivatives, 4530-32 monitoring chemical and enzymic reactions
cluster ions, 4529, 70 by, 45~48-52
of cyclic polysaccharides, 45:6849 negative ion mode, 45:25,42
experimental protocol, 4533-34 of N-glycosylic compounds, 4 5 5 8 4 3
fragmentation pathways, 4543-45 peracetylated samples, 45:30, 32-35,46
p-cleavage, 45:44,46,59,67 permethylated samples, 4530-32, 34, 38,46
double cleavages, 4946-47 HexNAc cleavage, 45:47,52
pathway A, 4543.46, 54,69 of plant cell-wall polysaccharides, 4 5 6 6 4 8
pathway B, 45:44,46,55, 69, 70 principles, 45:2425
pathway C, 45:44.46,55,69, 70 pseudomolecular ions, 45:25,28-29,41-42
pathway D, 45:4445,69 produced by analysis of mixtures, 4 5 3 0
pathway E, 4 5 4 5 types produced, 4 5 2 5
A,-type cleavage, 45:43,57,59,66 quantitation with, 4570-71
fragment ions, 4529, 39,46 role in carbohydrate-structure analysis, 45:23
future developments, 4971-72 sample purity, 4 5 3 0
of glycolipids, 4554-58 sensitivity, 4533-35
of glycoproteins, 4 5 5 8 4 5 in sequence assignment, 4 9 2 3
of glycosidic compounds, 4 5 6 3 4 5 sequence ions, 45:23
hardware, 45:24 sequencing by, 4 5 2 3
high-mass signal averaging, 4537-38
definition, 4535-36 source, 4 5 2 5
instrumentation, 4536-37 spectra
practical aspects, 4537738 characteristics, 4928-30
of high-molecular-weight samples, 45:34-4 I interpretation, 4 5 4 1-45
history, 45:20-23 recording, 4 5 2 9
linkage assignment by, 4 5 5 2 structure assignment by, 4545-53
mapping of permethylated, high-mass analysis of derivatized samples, 4546-48
samples, 4538-41 analysis of underivatized samples,
protocol, 4 9 3 9 45:45-46
mass assignment, 4 5 3 7 types of problems solved by, 4 9 2 3

of underivatized samples, 45:53 Fetuin

Fast-Fourier-transform algorithm, 44:7 anomeric carbon region, structural analysis,
Fat, metabolism of, 2 1 19-160 43:20-21
Fatty acids, 50:228-247,53:371-372, 386-387 carbohydrate linkage in, 25:420,444, 465,
amide-bound, 50:238-239 26:461
of o-galactosylglycerides, 37:326 deamination of, 31:236
ester-bound, 50:236-238 glycopeptide, 44:240
hexaacyl lipid A, 50:241-242 hydrolysis, with trifluoroacetic acid, 46:268
(R)-3-hydroxylated, 50:229-230 methanolysis, 46:258
(S)-2-hydroxylated, 50:230-232 separation, 35:277
linkage to lipid A backbone, 50:235-239 sialylated oligosaccharides, fractionation,
location at lipid A backbone, 50:239-240 46:46
nonhydroxylated, iso-, and anti-iso, 50:234 Smith degradation and methylation analysis,
other hydroxylated, 50:232 38:408
3-0X0,50:232-234 structural analysis. 43: 17-20
primary and secondary, in lipid A, 50:246 Feulgen reaction, 52: 13
unsaturated, 50:235 Fibers, synthetic, thermoanalytical techniques
of o-galactosylglycerides, 37:326-327 in pyrolysis of. 22:488
Fava bean lectin Fibrillar structures, development of,
agglutinating activity, 35201-202 26:32&335
carbohydrate-binding specificity, Fibrinogen
35:203-205 carbohydrate linkage in, 25:420
isolation, 35: 138 effect of glycoprotein structure on, 25:472
purification and properties, 35202 Fibrocystic disease, pancreas, glycoprotein
Favism, fava bean, 35:202 structure in, 25:437
Fenugreek, see Trigi)nella,foenum-grcrecum Fibronectin
Fermentation, 46:323 human amniotic fluid, lactosaminoglycan,
in exopolysaccharide production, f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 4 9 5 9
36:289-291 oligosaccharides, liquid chromatography
glycosides, 50: 1 6 11 separation, 46:42-43
preferential, of o-glucose and o-fructose, role in glycoproteins, 39:305
32: 152 sialylated oligosaccharides, fractionation,
sugars, 50:8-10 46:46
of yeast, 33:4 in transformed cells, 40:375-376
Fermi contact shifts, 47:131 Ficaprenol, structure, 44:346
Fem, cellulose biosynthesis in, 42332 Ficoll
Femandez-Bolafios, J., 45: 14 in chromatography, 33:274
Ferric chloride, in degradation of conductivity and viscosity of solutions of,
polysaccharides, 31:239 21:214
Femc L-gulonate, preparation, 38:299 gel chromatography of, 25:42
Ferricyanide number, starch, 47:294, 296 Field desorption, 4520-21
Fertility, male, o-fructose significance in, Fig, development physiology of, 42341,345,
34:303-305 363
Ferulic acid Films, elastic. from O-(2-~yanoethyl)cellulose
attachment to primary-wall polysaccharides, acetate, 29:330
42382 Filtration, of gels, 24:311
esters, in ryegrass cell-walls, 36:260 Finkelsteins reagent, 23:234
in xylans, 36:242-243 Fire, see Combustion
in plant cell-wall polysaccharide cross- Fire retardation
linking, 42:315 flame-proofing agents

Fire retardation (continued) Flavones

anhydrohexitols, 25:267 3-methoxy-, see Chrysoeriol
for cellulosic materials, 23:465 as plant-growth substances, 21:408,410
effect on thermal degradation of, 3,4,5,7-tetrahydroxy-, see Luteolin
23:467,470 4,5,7-trihydroxy-, see Apigenin
history of, 23:420 Flavonoid from Digitulispurpureu. 31: 145
theories, of cellulosic materials, 23:465 Flavonoid glycosides
levoglucosan formation and, 34:38 hydrolysis of, 28:15
plant galactomannans in, 31:31 I , 35342 trifluoroacetate, gas-liquid chromatography
Fischer, Emil, 45: 1 of, 30:33
asymmetric induction concept, 50:2-7 Flavonoid oligosaccharides, mass spectrometry
biography, 21:2 of, 29:88
carbohydrate chemistry and, 21: 1-38 Flavor enhancers, apiose-containing
contributions to nomenclature, 52:48 nucleosides as, 31:183
probing of enzyme active site, 50: 13-14 Flax, cell-wall studies on, 42:269
yeast fermentations, 50:7-9 Fletcher, Jr., Hewitt Grenville, obituary, 31:
Fischer, Hermann Otto Laurenz, 4 5 9 1-7
obituaryof, 17:l-14 Flies, trehalose as energy source in, 30:235
Fischer-Helferich method, 50:23 Flip-flop hydrogen bond, 46:228
Fischer-Kiliani synthesis, 50:6 Floridean starch, 2 5 9
3-deoxy-o-munno-2-octu~osonic acid, 38:37 1 Floridoside
Fischer method in algae, 37:314-316
of glycoside synthesis, 34:243,278 photosynthesis, 37:361-3 62
of glycosiduronic acid synthesis, 36:74 structure, 37:3 14
Fischer projection, monosaccharides Flour, hemicellulosic composition and quality,
acyclic form, 52:5&57 36:228,250
cyclic forms, 52:59-60 Flower drop, 21:429
modified, 52:60-61 Fluorene, 2-(N-hydroxyacetamido)-,o-
Fischer-Sowden reaction, 24:69 glucuronic acid conjugate, preparation and
synthesis of 2-deoxy sugars, 21:149 isolation, 36:131-132
Flambamycin, 42: 127 Fluorinated carbohydrates, 48:9 1-93, 121,
Flame ionization gas-liquid chromatography of 124-155
plant cell-wall components, 42:276 addition to glycals, 48: 169-181
Flummulinu velutipes from DAST treatment
a-L-arabinofuranosidase of, 42:387 with migration or configuration retention,
fucomannogalactan, 41: 101 48: 156-158
Flavanone glycosides with normal displacement, 48: 159-163
conversion into corresponding chalcone and epoxide and epimine cleavage by fluoride
dihydrochalcone analogs, 45278-279 ion, 48:155, 163-169
taste properties, 45277-278 glycals with MeCO,F, 48: 179-1 80
Flavanones, as plant-growth substances, 21:410 purity of compounds synthesized, 48: 178
Flavazoles, 25:398 Fluorinating agents
1-(3-nitrophenyl)-, oligosaccharide diethylaminosulfur [*F]trifluoride, 38:239
derivatives, 37:233-234 F,, 38:239
1-phenyl-, in mass spectrometry of silver [*F]fluoride, 38:239
disaccharides, 30:40 tetraethylammonium [I8F]fluoride, 38:239
1-phenyl-, oligosaccharides derivatives, mass Fluorination
spectrometry of, 29:lOO of carbohydrates, 22: 182
Flavines, preparation of, from Amadori by epoxide cleavage, 38:2 12-2 18
compounds, 22:278 of nucleosides and nucleotides, 22:379

by secondary sulfonyloxy group 2-deoxy-2-, 'H-and "F-n.m.r data for,

displacement, 38:2 18-225 46: 146-147
by sulfonyloxy group displacement, 2,6-dideoxy-2-, 'H and I9F-NMR data for,
38:20&212 46:153
Fluorine, 4 8 9 - 9 2 3(or 4, or 6)-deoxy-3(or 4, or 6)-, 'H-and
chemistry, 52: 18-19 I'F-n.m.r data for, 46:148-149
compounds, organic, 38: 195-199 Fluorohydrin, synthesis, 48: 148
introduction by DAST reagent, 48: 142-155 Fluorokanamycin A
COSF,Net,, group, 48: 143 3'-deoxy-3'-, 48:226
retention of configuration, 48: 147-148 4-deoxy-4-, 48:226
1,2-shift, 48:145-146 5-deoxy-5-
sulfonyloxy group displacement, acid- 4-diepi-5-, 48:225
catalyzed epimerization, 48: 130- epi-5,48:225
131 6-deoxy-6-. 48:224-226
as leaving group, 50:21-22 2',3'-dideoxy-2'-, 48:228
Fluorine- 18,48: 189 Fluorokanamycin B, 3'-deoxy-3'-, 48:226-228
production, 48: 196-197 Fluoro-6.3-lactones. 5-deoxy-5-, 48: 153
Fluorine-19 nuclear magnetic resonance Fluorolividomycin B, 5-deoxy-5-, 48:229-230
spectroscopy Fluoromaltose. 2'-deoxy-2'-, 48:212-213
Carbohydrates, 38: 197 Fluoromethylphosphonate, synthesis,
IYF-l3Ccoupling constants, 38:270-274 48:185-186
'9F-chemical shifts, 46:78-80 Fluoroneuraminic acid, 5-N-acetyl-
I9F-l9Fcoupling, 46:SO 3-, 48:210
constants, 38:268-270 9-deoxy-9-, 48:210
I9F-'H coupling constants, 38:260-268 2-Fluorooxane
fluorinated carbohydrates, 38:256-28 I , 285 a form preference in solvents, 47:92
applications, 38:274280 conformational equilibria, 47%
sugar binding to lysozymes, 38:283 Fluoropentofuranose, 1-O-acetyl-2,3,5-tri-O-
(Fluoroacetyl)ation, amino sugars, 38:25 I benzoyl-4-deoxy-4-
Fluoroadenosine OI-L-LVXO-. 'H- and IyF-NMR data for, 46:
2'-deoxy-2-, synthesis, 48:268-269 143
5'-deoxy-5'-, synthesis, 48:277 P-D-ribo-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 143
Fluoroaldohexoses, 6-deoxy-6-, synthesis, C'-Fluoropurine nucleosides, synthesis and
48: 149 biological activity, 48:267-277
Fluoro carbohydrates, 4 5 4 2 '-Fluoropyrimidine nucleosides
Fluorocarbons, 38: 195 biological activities, 48:244-256
Fluorocyclopentane, (lS,2R,3R,4S)-I -azido-4- conformational analysis, 48:240-244
benzyloxy-3-(benzyloxymethyl)-2-. synthesis, 48:234240
48: 139 Fluorosisomicin, 5-deoxy-5-, 48:228-229
Fluorocytidine, 2'-deoxy-2'- Fluorosucrose, 6-deoxy-6-, 51: 150
biological activity, 48:245-246,254 Fluoro sugars
synthesis, 48:235-236 2-deoxy-2-
3-Fluoro-3-de(methoxy)sporaricin A. 48:223 labeled, synthesis, 48: 193-194
Fluorodibekacin, 5-deoxy-5-, 48:229 synthesis, 48:170, 172-173, 181-182
Fluoroformates, carbohydrate, decomposition 3-deoxy-3-, synthesis, 48: 133-134
of, 22: 198,38:242 Fluoro sugars, antimicrobial and anticancer,
2-FluorofUranoses, synthesis, 48: 132-1 33 48:222-234
Fluoroglycosides, 2-deoxy-2-, glucosidase Fluorothymidine
inhibition, 48:359-362 3'-deoxy-3-, synthesis and biological
Fluorohexopyranosyl fluorides activity, 48:257-259

Fluorothymidine (continued) Force constants, in normal coordinate analysis,

5 '-deoxy-5-, synthesis and biological transfer from simple molecules to
activity, 48:262-264 carbohydrates, 44:34
Fluorotobramycin, 5-deoxy-5-, 48:229 Force field, models, in vibrational spectra band
Fluorouracil, 1-(2-deoxy-2-fluoro-P-~- assignments, 44:38-39
arabinofinanosyl)-5-, biological activity, Formaldehyde, 46:32 1
48:250 copolymers with sugars, 21:450
Fluorouridine as cross-linking agent for polysaccharides,
2 '-deoxy-2'- 29:356
biological activity, 48:254 determination of, from oxidized
conformation, 48:240-243 polysaccharides, 29:340
synthesis, 48:234-235 formation, 51:282
5'-deoxy-5'-, synthesis and biological formose from, 29: 173-1 79
activity, 48:261-262, 26&265 gas-liquid chromatographic determination
Fluoroxylopyranose, 3-deoxy-3- of, 30:35
'H-and I9F-n.m..r data for, 46:105 manufacture of, 29: 178-1 80
1,2,4-tri-O-acetyl-~-,'H- and I9F-n.m.r data reactions of carbonyl compounds and
for, 46: 105 ammonia in presence of, 25:324
Fly sprays, anhydrohexitols in, 25:269 Formamide, N,N-dimethyl-
Foams effect on trimethylsilylation, 28:25
levoglucosan esters, 34:76 with inorganic acid chlorides, selective
polyurethane chlorination with, 33:8&83
anhydrohexitols for, 25:267 mutarotation of sugars in, 24:61
sucrose copolymers in, 33:274 with phosphorus-based reagents, selective
Folic acid, analogs, history, 29:2 halogenations with, 33:77-80
Folin-Denis reagent, for D-fructose estimation, as solvent
22:238 for methylation of carbohydrates, 30: 11
Fohn-Lowry reagent for plant cell-wall for nucleophilic displacements, 24: 140
proteins, 42:275 for sugars, 27:89, 109, 113-1 16
Fomes annosus sucrate production in, 27:93
glucuronoglucan, 41:lOl for trimethylsilylation, 28:29
mass spectrometry of glucuronoglucan from, Formates, carbohydrate, formation of, 28:25 1,
2954 259
Fongose, 23:384 Formazans, 25:393
Food reaction, in carbohydrate research,
carbohydrates 13: 105- 167
analysis of, 44:22-24, 46:5&52 Formic acid, 46:296
identification , noncomputer spectroscopic cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with,
methods, 44:22-24 46:221
soluble, liquid chromatography methods determination of, from oxidized
for, 4 6 5 I polysaccharides, 29:340
dextrins in, 47:329-332 enzymic determination of, 30:282-283
1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitoIsapplications, formation, 51:282
49: 167-168 as function of y-ray irradiation, 51:270
discoloration of, 46:324-325 in hydrolysis of polysaccharides, 28:17,20,
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:43 22
industry, galactomannans in, 31:3 10,312 liquid chromatography, 46:53-54
plant galactomannans in, 35:341 as solvent for sugars. 27: 102
processing, color-stopping reaction in, Formolysis, for cleavage of glycosidic linkages,
46:32&325 46:269-270

Fonnose synthesis of. 33: 134, 174

biological efficacy, 29:21&225 Formycin B, 25:243
definition, 29: 173 analogs, preparation of, 33: 180
gas chromatograms of derivatives and antiviral and antitumor activity, 33: 1 12
reduced, 29:207-208 hydrochloride, crystal structure bibliography.
history of research on, 29: 173-1 79 38:488
infrared spectrum of, 29: 18 1 0x0-, crystal structure bibliography, 37:
metabolism by micro-organisms, 29: 177 414
nutritional tests in rats, 29:217 structure of, 33: I 12-1 13
production of, tank-reactor for, 29: 185 crystal structure of, 25:83,37:413
sugar composition of, 29: 187,205-2 I6 synthesis of, 33: 172
sugars, synthesis and utilization of, Formycin hydrobromide, monohydrate, crystal
29: 173-227 structure bibliography, 32:376
synthesis procedure for batch, 29: I82 Formylaminomethylenation, aldonolactones,
synthetic pathway of, 29: 187-190 50:14&148
toxicity of, 29:177,212 Formyl group, selective removal, 39:35, 37
utilization by ants and other insects, 29322 I , N-Formylkynurenine
224-225 interaction with receptor sites. 45288
by boar spermatozoa, 29: 177, 2 I8 sweetness. 45:290
by micro-organisms, 29:219-223 2H,5H-6-Formyl-3-0xopyrrolo[ 1,2-a]pyrazin-
Formose reaction, 29: 178-205 4-acetic acid, formation of, 46:3 12-3 14
addition, 29: 183 Formylpseudaminic acid, 5-N-acetyl-7-N-,
Cannizzaro reaction in, 29:192, 199-205 47: 178
carbohydrates, 49: 189-1 90 Forosamine, 23:155,24:161
carbocyclic rings from, 28: 174 D-, synthesis, 40: 1 14
catalysts for, 29: I8 I , 183 Forosaminide, methyl, synthesis, 40: 106
crossed-aldol reaction, 29: 184 Fortamine, crystal structure, 43:222
kinetics of, 29:189-199 Fosfonomycin, 42: 188
Formulas, see also Nomenclature structure of, 42: 150
D-GhCOSe, structural, 25:4 Fourier component analysis, torsional
proton spin-lattice relaxation rate, potentials, 47:82-85
45: 128-130 Fourier modulus. of cellulose combustion,
stereo-, writing of, in a plane, 3: 1-22 23:452
Formycin, 25243 Fourier transform, 38: 14,3 1, 198,41:28,34
analogs, synthesis of, 33: 180 in conformational analysis, 26:56
2- and 3-deoxy-, preparation of. 33: I8 I infrared spectroscopy, 44:7-9, 56-57
antiviral and antitumor activity of, 33: 1 I2 absorbance subtraction, 44:60-6 I
crystal structure of, and hydrobromide advantages of, 44:58,66
monohydrate, 2 5 8 3 application to biological systems, 44:58
2,3-dideoxy-,preparation of, 33: I81 data-processing techniques, 44:58-6 1
hydrobromide monohydrate, crystal structure factor analysis, 44:60
bibliography, 31:366 Fellgett advantage, 44:57-58
7-(methy1thio)-, preparation of, 33: 180 frequency-accuracy advantage, 44:58
monohydrate, crystal structure bibliography, Jacquinots advantage, 44:58
31:357 method, 4456-58
N7-benzyl-, preparation of, 33: 18 1 multiplex advantage, 44:57-58
N-isopentenyl-, preparation of, 33: I8 I quantitative analysis of mixtures.
reaction with 2-acetoxy-2-methylpropanoyl 44:58-60
bromide, 33:85 spectral results, 44:61-67
structure of, 33:l 12-1 13 time-resolved techniques, 44:61

Fourier transform (continued) of permethylated oligosaccharides, and

pulse, in characterization of polysaccharide alditols, 29234-89
degradation products, 31:239 of pyranose and furanose rings, 21:47
spectra, see Proton nuclear magnetic radiation and, in neutral sugars, 37:26
resonance spectroscopy of sugar carboxylic acids, 29:79-81
Fowl, see also specijk Wpes of trimethylsilylated glycosides, 29:47-50
metabolism of domestic, 30:6 of trimethylsilylated oligosaccharides,
Foxglove, see Digitalis purpurea 29:92-96
Fractionation Frangulin B, from Rhamnus frangula, 31:147
of hemicelluloses, 36:226-227 Free energy
in high-D-fructose corn-syrup technology, of activation, glycoside hydrolases,
36:54 48:324-325
of polysaccharides, 24:334-337 conformational. 26:99-103, 105
ranges, in gel chromatography, 25: 18 Free radicals
of starch, 1:247-277, 16:299-333 electron paramagnetic resonance studies on
Fragilin, gel chromatography of, 2 5 5 0 sugar, 26: 15
Fragmentation propagation, dextrins, 47:327
of alditol acetals, 29:75-77 reactions
of alditol acetates, 29:51-55 in biological systems, 37:3
of alditol methyl ethers, 29:56 of carbohydrates, by radiation, 37:7-77
of alditol trifluoroacetates, 29:55 Freezing, starch modification, 51:29&298
of aldononitrile acetates, 29:73 French, Dexter, obituary of, 42:l-13
of aldose dithioacetals, 29:71-73 Freudenberg rearrangement, thiocarbamates,
and alkaline-degradation reactions of sugars, 38:158
28: 196,200 Friedel-Crafts reaction
of alkoxyalkyl radicals by radiation, in the carbohydrate series, 6:25 1-289
37:14-15 C-glycosylations by, 33: 158-1 62
analysis, of polysaccharides, 26: 16 Friend murine leukemia virus, glycoprotein,
of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses,34:62 f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 45:63
of anhydro sugars, 29:74 Frog-egg lectin, isolation and properties,
of C-glycosyl derivatives, 29531 35:315
of dithioacetals, and mass spectrometry, Frost resistance
32~93-97 of insects, a,a-trehalose function in,
of formose reduction products, 29:207 30:235
of heparin heteropolysaccharide, 29:245 oligosaccharides effect, 37:296, 304,3 19
of inositol trimethylsilyl ethers and acetates, in plants, 44:383-384
29~78-79 Fructans, 2:253-277, 22:230
mechanisms, of reaction of sugars with D-
ammonia, 25:340 hydrolysis, 46:269
of partially methylated alditol acetates, metabolism of, 34:3 15
29~58-71 synthesis and degradation of, 34:3 14,
of partially methylated methyl glycosides, 316
29~50-51 fungal, 23:400
patterns hydrolysis of, 28: 19
of isopropylidene acetals of pentoses and of methylated, 28:23
hexoses, 34: 192-194 interaction with concanavalin A, 35: 175
for sucrose derivatives, 33:279-280 methylation analysis of, 30:5
of peracetylated glycosides and mass renal clearances of, 30:5
spectrometry, 29:46 structure, 35:7
of permethylated glycosides, 29:43 synthesis

and breakdown of, 22:253 2.3-0-isopropylidene-6-thio- I -0-p-

by Leuconostoc, 30:374 tolysUlfOnyl-D-, 24: 146
Fructazine 5-thio p-D-, sweetness-structure relationship,
D-, 22:303 45:256
deoxy-o-, 22:303 p-o-Fructofuranosidase
Fructofuranans, D-, carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic in catabolism of fructofuranosides.
resonance spectra, 38:7 1 32: 183-191
Fructofuranose genetic analysis, 39:372
2,6-anhydro-P-o-. 22:259 hydrolysis rates for sugars, 39:365
2,3-anhydro-o-, 22:259 kinetics, 39:366
1 '.2-anhydro-( 1 -O-a-o-fructofuranosyl)-P- location in yeast cell, 39:366-37 I
D-, conformation of, 26: 112 substrate specificity, 39:356-361
2,6-anhydro- I -0-methyl-o-, synthesis, Fructofuranosides
39: 172 3-acetamido-3-deoxy-a-~-allopyranosyl p-D-
2,3-anhydro-l,4,6-tri-O-nitro-~-, synthesis, , synthesis of, 33:269
39: I72 3,6-anhydro-a-~-glucopyranosyl
P-D- 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-P-n-
in biochemistry, 22:230 crystal structure bibliography, 30:453
I3C nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of, taste properties, 45:270, 273
33:277 3,6-dIanhydro-P-o-, taste properties,
sweetness-structure relationship, 45256 45:270, 273
D- p-0-
catabolism of, 32: 173 catabolism of, 32:183-191
6-deoxy-6-fluoro-2,3,-O-isopropylidene- regulation, 39:371-374
0-p-tolylsulfonyl-P- utilization by yeasts, 39:355-374
IT-NMR data for, 46: 174 utilization by yeasts and associations of
'H- and 19F-NMRdata for, 46: I45 abilities, 32:223
1,6-dideoxy-l,6-difluoro-2,3-0- benzyl a-D-, 21: 125-126,22:247,249
isopropylidene-P-, I3C-NMR data D-
for, 46: 174 degradation, 52:445
esters of, 22:292 methyl I -deoxy-1-fluoro-
6-0-benzoyl- 1-deoxy-1 -fluoro-2,3-O- a anomer, 'IC-NMR data for, 46: 174
isopropylidene-P-, 'H- and I9F-NMR p anomer, 13C-NMRdata for, 46: 174
data for, 46: I44 3,4,6-tri-O-hen~oyI-P-,'~C-NMR data
orthoesters of, 22:292 for, 46: 174
1,4-di-O-benzoyl-o-,2,3,4-orthobenzoate, methyl 1,6-dideoxy- I ,6-difluoro-
22:248 (Y anomer. IIC-NMR data for, 46: I74

1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-o-, preparation p anomer, "C-NMR data for, 46: 174

of anomers, 26:239 methyl 3,4-di-O-acetyl- I ,6-dideoxy- I ,6-
6-O-a-D-glUcopyranoSyl-~-D-, see difluoro-
Isomaltulose a anomer, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for,
2,3-O-(benzyloxybenzylidene)-,22:248 46: 145
6-deoxy-6-iodo-di-O-(methylsulfonyl)-o-, p anomer, IH- and "F-NMR data for,
22:248 46: 145
tri-0-benzoyl-o-, 22:248 methyl 3.4,6-tri-O-benzoyl-I -deoxy-I-
2,3-O-isopropylidene-p-~-, fluoro-
penta-0-acetyl-o-, 22:252 a anomer, 'H- and "F-NMR data for,
6-S-benzyl- 46:145
1-deoxy-2,3-O-isopropylidene-6-thio-P- p anomer, 'H- and "F-NMR data for,
D-, 23:274 46: 145

Fructofuranosides (continued) a anomer

a-o-glucopyranosyl- T - N M R data for, 46: 174
3,6-anhydro-P-o-, taste properties, 45:270, H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:144
273 p anomer
P-D-, 4:l-35 ?C-NMR data for, 46:174
1,4:3,6-dianhydro-P-~-,taste properties, H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:144
45:270,273 Fructofuranose, I ,2-anhydro-I-O-(a-~
4,6-dichloro-4,6-dideoxy-a-~- fructofuranosy1)-p-o-, 21: 100
galactopyranosyl 1.6-dichloro-1,6- Fructoglucans, gas-liquid chromatography of,
dideoxy-p-o-, sweetness, 45:265,268 28:68
ethyl a-D-,22:247 Fructokinase
ethyl p-D-, 21:126,22:247 control enzyme in o-fructose metabolism in
ethyl 3,4-di-O-acetyl- 1,6-di-O-trityI-a-o-, liver, 34:293,296
22:247 enzymic activity in liver metabolism, 34:326
p-hydroxyphenyl p-O-, 22:248 in metabolism of o-fructose, 34:330-331
methyl a-D-,21:102-103, 126 occurrence of. 34:33 1
methyl p-D-,21:103, 126, 22:247 Fructolysis, by spermatozoa, 34:30&302
methyl D- Fructo-oligosaccharides, liquid
conformation of, 2 I :1 O 1 chromatography, 46:39
formation from dithioacetal, 32:68 Fructopyranose
methyl per (trimethylsily1)-D-,mass spectra 6a-carba-p-o~-,synthesis, 48:50-5 1
of, 29:49 6-acetamido-6-deoxy-~-,23: 178
0-a-D-galactopyranosyl- a-D-, sweetness-structure relationship, 45:248
(l+3), a-D-glucopyranosyl P-D-, 2,6-anhydro-p-o-, crystal structure
occurrence, and structure, 37:294 bibliography, 31:348
(1+6)-a-~-g~ucopyranosy~ 0-p-D- 2,s-anhydro- 1 -O-methyl-p-o-, 25:203
fructofuranosyl-(2+ 1)- p-D-, p-D-
isolation, 37:3 I 1 AH,B system, 45:221,252
( 1 +4)-O-a-~-galactopyranosyl-( 1+3)-a- 2,3:4,5-bis(phenylboronate),preparation,
o-glucopyranosyl p-D-, isolation, 35:45
37:3 1 1 calcium bromide dihydrate, crystal
( 1+6)-U-a-~-glucopyranosyl P-D-, structure bibliography, 37:379
pentahydrate, crystal structure calcium chloride salts, hydrates, crystal
bibliography, 30:455 structure bibliography, 32:359
O-n-o-vibo-hexopyranosyl-3-ulose-( 1+2) p- conformation of, 25:103
D-, polarography of, 29: 145 crystallography of, 25:60, 31:365,
2,3,6-tri-O-acetyl-4-azido-4-deoxy-a-~- 38:43043 1
galactopyranosyl3,4-di-O-acetyl-1.6- infrared spectrum, 45:25 1
diazido-l,6-dideoxy-p-~-, 24: 147 molecular structure, vibrational
Fructofuranosyl a-o-ghcopyranoside, 6,6- spectroscopic study, 44537
dideoxy-6,6 dithiocyanato-p-o- purification of, 22:234
2,3,4,1,3,4-hexa-O-acetyI-, 44: 143 sweetness
2,3,4,1,3,4-hexa-O-benzoyl-, 44: 143 comparison to a-L-sorbopyranose,
I ,2,3,4,3,4-hexa-O-(methylsiilfonyl)-, 45250
44: 143 effect of temperature, 45:250
Fructofuranosyl cation, 52:2 17 structure relationship, 45241, 249
Fructofuranosyl fluoride, 52:2 17 taste properties, 45:242
a-D-,synthesis, 38:203 D-
p-o-, synthesis, 38:203 1-C derivatives of, 22:293
1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI-i)- 4-deoxy-4-fluoro-P-

I3C-NMR data for, 46: 173 effect of catalyst on preparation of, 26:200
'H- and "F-NMR data for, 46: 144 hydrolysis of, 26:204
l-deoxy-l-fluoro-2,3:4,5-di-O- preparative column chromatography of
isopropylidene- hydrolysis products, 26:233
13C-NMR data for, 46: 173 2,3:4,5-di-O-rnethylene-P-o-, 26:245
'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 144 1 -0-acetyl-2,3:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-~-o-,
esters of, 22:292 conformation of, 26:226
taste properties, 45:254 3-0-acetyl- 1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropyli-dene-P-
1-deoxy-1-fluoro-p-o-, synthesis, D-, conformation of, 26:225
38:209-210 3-O-m-~-glucopyranosyl-p-~-, crystal
I ,2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-o-, mass structure bibliography, 38:445446
spectrum of, 21:76 3-O-m-o-glucopyranosyl-o-, see Turanose
2,3:4,5-di-O-Isopropylidene-o-, mass 5-O-~-glucopyranosyl-o-,22:230
spectrum of, 21:76 1,2-O-isopropyIidene-p-D-, 26:203
4,5-di-O-acetyl- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-3-0- 2,3-O-isopropyIidene-p-~-, 26:204, 242
methyl-p-o-, conformation of, 26:224 conformation of, 26:225
2,3:4,5-di-O-benzyIidene-p-~-, 26:244 2,3-oxazolidine-2-thinone-o-, 22:280
I ,2:4,5-di-O-cyclohexylidene-o-, I-S-ethyl-] -thio-, 22:28 1
26:244245 1,3,4,5-tetra-U-acetyl-p-o-. 22:250
1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene- 1,3,4,5-tetra-O-benzoyl-p-~-, ammonolysis
3-O-methyl-p-~-,reaction with of. 31:91
butyllithium, 39:145 1,3,4,5-tetra-O-methyl-p-~-, 22:275
3-O-p-tO-lylSUlfOnyl-p-D-, fluorination, h-thio-p-~-.taste properties, 45252
38:222 ~,4,5-tri-~-acety~-2,3-O-isopropylidene-~-~-
2,3:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene- , crystal structure bibliography, 37:398
1-O-methyl-P-o-, reaction with 3,4,5-tri-O-acetyl- 1,2-O-isopropyhdene-p-~-
butyllithium, 39:144 , conformation of, 26:224
1 -O-(methykulfonyl)-p-D-, fluorination, P-D-Fructopyranose calcium chloride
38:210 dihydrate, crystal structure bibliography,
1-O-(tetrahydropyran-2-yl)-P-o-, reaction 32:359
with lithium diisopropylamide, o-Fructopyranose o-fructofuranose 2', I :2,I '-
39: 146 dianhydride, from o-fructose in anhydrous
2,3:4,6-di-O-isopropylidene-, 1-O-methyl-P- hydrogen fluoride, 27:94
D-, 26:244 Fructopyranoside, 53:98
1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-~-~- a-maltosyl p-D-, 22:23 1
conformation of, 26: 1 19,2 18,225 ethyl p-D-,l-[N,N-bis-(2-chloroethyl)
effect of catalyst on preparation of'. phosphoramidate]. 22:246
26:200,202 methyl 5-amino- 1.3-O-benzylidene-5-deoxy-
hydrolysis of, 26:203 p-D-, 23: 146
mass spectrum of, 26:23 1 methyl p-D-,sweetness-structure relation
oxidation of, 26:250 ship, 45249-250
thin-layer chromatography of, 26:234 methyl 1,3-O-benzyhdene-4,5-di-O-
rearrangement of, 26:220 (methylsulfonyl)-P-o-, displacement
structure of, 26:2 16-2 1 7 reactions of, 24: 16 1
crystal structure bibliography, 31:35 I , 367 trimethylsilyl tetra-O-(trimethylsilyl)-o-,
selective hydrolysis, 39: 17 mass spectrum of, 29:48
2,3:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-P-~-, 26:220, Fructopyranosyl bromide, 1.3,4,5-tetra-O-
242-243 benzoyl-P-o-, 22:262
conformation of, 26: 1 19, 2 19, 226 Fructopyranosyl fluoride
crystal structure bibliography, 31:367 a-o-and p-D-,22:262

Fructopyranosyl fluoride (coniinued) on lipid metabolism, 34:325-330

1-0-methyl-Pa-, reaction with sodium on metabolism of ethanol, 34:3 17-322
hydroxide, 25:203 on nucleotide pool in liver, 34:322-324
3,4,5-tri-O-acetyl- 1-0-methyl-a-D-, hereditary intolerance of, 34:306-310
synthesis, 38:203 history, 34:286
3,4,5-tri-O-acetyl- 1-O-methyl-P-D-, in male fertility, significance of,
synthesis, 38:203 34~303-305
Fructosans metabolism of, 34:285-343
poly-, see Fructans in adipose tissue, 34:297
review, 35:s in blood and muscle cells, 34:298
Fructosazine, 22:280 control in liver, 34:29&297
D-, and deca-0-acetyl derivative, 22:303 inborn errors of, 34:30&310
deoxy-, 22:280 key enzymes in, 34:330-343
preparation of, 31: 125 in liver, intestine, and kidney,
Fructose 34:291-297
acceptor products, 51:152-1 53 in micro-organisms, 34:3 10-314
6-acetamid0-6-deoxy-o-, 22:280,303 by spermatozoa, 34:30&302
composition in aqueous solution, 42:50 in testes and spermatozoa, 34:298-305
OL-D-, mutarotation of, isotope effect on, phosphorylation of, by liver,
24:32 34~325-330
1-amino- 1-deoxy-, 21 :1 8 pyrolysis of, 34:45
D-, derivatives, 22:267,272, 299-302 respiration-coupled transport system
3,4-and 4,5-di-O-methyI-~-,synthesis, 35: 1 1 for, 34:312-313
anhydrides, 22:258,295 sodium 1,6-bisphosphate heptahydrate,
di-, 2:253-277 crystal structure bibliography, 34:372
1-anilino- I-deoxy-D-, 22:266 acetalation of, mechanism of, 26:218-220
p-D- acetals, 22:245
solubility in methanol, 27:97 esters and ethers, 22:289-290
sweetness, effect of infrared hydraxyl 6-(a-hydrogen malate), 22:253
absorption bands and hydrogen- alkaline degradation of, 28:200, 46:292
bonding strength, 45:2 17 degradation mechanism of, 28: 164
1-chloro-1-deoxy- dehydration in acid solution, 28:176,
D-, preparation of, 28:247 179
keto-D-, tetraacetate, 22:257 dehydration reactions of, 28: 176
D-, 5 1 ~ 9 6 determination in presence of aldoses by
from 0~-2,3,dihydroxypropanal, gas-liquid chromatography, 28:43
49:193-194 ester of guanosine 5-pyrophosphate,
absorption of, mechanism of, 34:289-29 1 28:320
assimilation from intestine, 34:287-29 1 ester of uridine 5-pyrophosphate,
biosynthesis in seminal vesicles, isolation of, 28:326
pathways, of, 34:298-300 mutarotation and gas-liquid
camer-mediated transport system for, chromatography of, 28:40
34:314 saccharinic acids from, 28: 1 9 4 1 9 5
degradation to triose, in liver, intestine, trimethylsilylation and mutarotation of,
and kidney, 34:292-294 28:38
D-glucose regeneration from, by D- trimethylsilylation of, 28:24, 27
glucose 6-phosphate, 34:295 anomeric equilibria in aqueous solution
by triose condensation, 343294 and Fourier-transform spectra, 27:60
effect on energy metabolism of solubility in alkoxy alcohols, 27:99
intestinal epithelial cells, 34:324 in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride, 27:94

in liquid ammonia, 27:91 decomposition, 47:220-22 1

in methanol, effect of calcium chloride derivatives and. 22:229-305
on, 27:95 dicarbonyl condensation products of,
in aqueous solution 22:305
composition, 42:21, 38, 62, 65 diethyl dithioacetal, oxidation of, 32:84
equilibrium composition, 45:248 249 preparation of, 32:24
furanose form stability, 42:32 dimethyl acetal, formation from
inorganic compound effects on, 42:33 dithioacetal, 32:68
laser-Raman spectroscopy, 42:23, A-(disodium phosphate), irradiation,
44:73-74,76-78 38: 193
NMR spectroscopy,42:18.62 dithioacetal, preparation of, 26: 13
solute-solvent interactions, vibrational estimation of, 22:237
spectroscopic studies, 44:86 fermentalation by yeasts, 32: 152
base-degraded solution, products. 46:294 in fetal blood. 30:s
1,6-bisphosphate, radiolysis, 37:42 in food, liquid chromatography separation,
conversion to D-erythrobic acid, 37: 106 4652
1-phosphate, radiolysis, 37:42, 44 formation of 2-( 2-hydroxyacety1)furan
6-phosphate, radiolysis, 37:42,44 from, 46:286-287
radiation chemistry, 37:33 o-glucose conversion, 49: 180
radiation-induced, chain reactions in halogen derivatives of, 22:226
crystalline, 37:69, 7 1, 73 heated neutral solutions of, antimicrobial
radiation-induced, non-chain reactions, activity formed in, 46:326
37:74 in honey, 25:289,295
blinding to taste papillae, 45:329-330 hydrazones and osazones, 22:297
branched-chain derivatives of, 22:284,304 irradiation of, 22:243
catabolism of, 32:173 isomerization reactions of, and derivatives,
chelates of, 22:286 22:239
complex formation with phenylboronic and L-alanine, products from, 46:319
acid, 35:48 manufacture of, 22:23 I , 243
polymers, 35:7 mercaptalation of, 32:24
complex with germanic acid, 22:288 metabolism of, 33:4
with telluric acid, 22:288 selective oxidation with silver
composition in nonaqueous solvents, carbonate-on-Celite, 33:97
42:60,68 methyl ethers, 22:294
conformational equilibria, 23:32 estimation of, 22:239
effect of alkali tetraborates on rotation separation of, 30:s. 20
of, 23:36 mutarotation of, 24: 15
crystalline, technology, 36:55-56 in nectars, 25:304
by isomerization of D-glucose, by nitration of, 22:259
enzymic catalysis, 36:46-50 nitrogen-containing derivatives, 22:262
by isomerization of o-glucose, by optical rotation of, 22:235
nonenzymic catalysis, 36:4345 in solutions of alkali metals, 21:229
isomerization to D-glucose, 36:47 oxidation of, 22:284
crystallization of, 22:232-233 oxime, hexaacetate, 22:252
cyclic acetals, 26: 198 phenols from, 46:290
gas-liquid chromatography of, 26:235 physical properties of, 22:233
preparation of, 26:238 polarography of, 29: 126, 143-145
properties of, 26:258-262 polymerization by hydrogen chloride,
retention times of per(trimethylsily1) 2 1:462
ethers and other derivatives, 26:235 preparation of, 22:275

Fructose (continued) in o-apiose synthesis, 31:17&178

reaction with reaction with
acetone, effect of temperature on, triphenylphosphine and carbon
26:201 tetrachloride, 28:247
aqueous ammonia, 2 3 3 12,315 3,4-di-O-methyl-o-, 22256
dicarbonyl compounds, 22:288 4,5-di-O-methyl-o-, 22:256
with potassium thiocyanate, 22:279 1,6-di-O-trityl-o-, and oxime, 22257
reduction of, 22:283 DL-, 21~12-13
separation, 47:3940 O-gallOyl-D-, 21:27
solution, distribution of ketopyranose and its derivatives, 7:53-98
isomers in, 45:249 keto-o-, derivatives, 22293
structure-properties relationships, L-
vibrational spectroscopic study, crystalline, 26: 14
44% preparation of, 22:233
sulfur-containing derivatives, 22:28 1, 304 sweetness-structure relationship, 49258
sweetness, 45:23 1 synthesis, 40:2
and temperature, 45:221-222 large-scale preparative liquid
sweetness of, 22:23 1 chromatography, 46:62
sweetness-structure relationship, 45248, liquid Chromatography methods for analysis
256 of, 46:33
synthesis, 40:2 1-0-acetyl-o-, 22:253,275
taste, 45:249 1-0-a-o-glucopyranosyl-o-, in honey,
thermal mutarotation, 45221-222 25:297, 300
thermolysis of, in acid solution, products, 3-0-a-~-glucopyranosyl-~-, composition in
46:286 aqueous solution, 42:39
thiobenzhydrazide, 22:303 3-0-~-o-galactopyranosyl-o-,24:9
treatment with HF, 48:97-98 1-0-benzoyl-keto-D-, tetraacetate, 22:257
trimethylsilyl ether, mutarotation of, 1,2-O-cyclohe~ylidene-3,4,6-tri-0-methyl-~-
42:22-23 ,22:246
utilization by yeasts, 32: 147 2,3-0-isopropylidene-6-thio-o-, 22:28 1
decomposition in water, products, 52:458 oligosaccharides containing residues of, I3C-
1-deoxy- NMR data for, 42:203-204
composition in aqueous solution, 42:65 3-0-methyl-, 26:241
D-, 24:259 1-~-methyl-D-,22~256
2,3-0-isopropylidene-6-thio-~-, 22:28 1 3-0-methyl-o-, see Digitalose
3,4,5,6-tetra-O-methyl-o-, keto form in 3-0-methyl-o-, composition in aqueous
aqueous solution, 42:3 I solution, 42:39,4344
2-deoxy-, 2,2-bis(ethyIsulfonyi)-o-, 4-O-methyl-~-,22~256
preparation of, 3 2 8 4 synthesis, 35: 1 1
4-deoxy-, 4-flUOrO-D-, 48: I83 6-0-methyl-o-, preparation of. 26:238-239
1,4:3,6-dianhydro-o-, 22:261,25:261 I-0-trityl-o-, 22:257
1,6-dideoxy- 1,3,4,5,6-penta-O-acetyl-
1,6-difluoro-o-, preparation, 38:209 D-diethyl dithioacetal, hydrogenolysis,
2,3-0-isopropylidene-o-, 22:28 1 32:75
dihexulose dianhydrides from, 5 2 2 1 7-21 8 preparation of. 32:62
1,2:4,5-di-O-cyclopentyIidene-, 22:245 keto-o-
1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-P-o,reaction apiose synthesis, 31:176-178
with carbon tetrachloride-tri- ammonolysis of, 31:91
phenylphosphine, 28:247 in D-apiose synthesis, 31:178
1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-o-, 22:246 preparation of, 32:24

reaction with ethanethiol, 32:34 activity in liver metabolism, 34:326

2,3,4,5.6-penta-O-acetyl-aldehydo-l-. in metabolism of o-fructose. 34:332
preparation of, 32:62 Fructose phosphates in aqueous solution
penta-0-acetyl-keto-o-, 22:250 composition, 42:46
penta-O-(trimethylsilyl)-o-, 22:258 NMR spectroscopy, 42:20
phenylosazone, 21:ll [>-Fructose-I (R)-t
6-S-benzyl- mechanism of osazone formation, 27: 15 1
1 -deoxy-2.3-0-isopropylidene-6-thio-n-, 6-phosphate, preparation of, 27: 134, 158
22:281 o-Fructose-] (.S-t,
2,3-0-isopropylidene-6-thio-o-, 22:28 1 mechanism of osazone formation, 27: I5 I
spectral analysis and identification, 44:24 6-phosphatc, prcparation of, 27: 134
1,3,5,6-tetra-O-acetyI-, 4-0-benzoyl-keto-n-, Fructose-3,4,S-t3,u-, preparation of, 27: 135
synthesis, 39533 Fructose-5-t-, [I-, preparation of, 27: 132, 135
3,4,5,6-tetra-O-acetyl- Fructoside
1 -bromo-1-deoxy-r-, reaction with triethyl 1)-
phosphite, 28:285 esters and ethers of, 22:291
1 -deoxy- 1-diazo-keto-D-, ring structure of. 23:5
mercaptalation of, 32:25 methyl P-DL-,synthesis, 40:71
reaction with ethanesulfenyl chloride, methyl 1 .6-di-O-trityl-n-, 22:247
32:25,43 Fructosylamines, u-, 22:267, 272,298
1,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyI-~-,22:254 Fructosyl halides, 22:261
5-thio-~-,composition in aqueous solution, I>-, esters and ethers and, 22:296
42:53 Fructosyl phosphate, a-n-and p-0-, 22:253
6-thio-o-. 22:281 Fructo tetranose, 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-
composition in aqueous solution, 42:53 D-, 26:240
3,4,5-tri-O-acetyI- 1,6-di-O-trityl-krto-n-. Fructuronamide, 1 -deoxy-,ti-, derivatives.
oxime acetate, 22:257 22303
3,4,5-tri-O-methyl-P-n-, 22:275 Fructuronic acid, 1 -amino-1-deoxy-o-.
1,3,4-tri-O-methyl-n-, 22:255 derivatives, 22:303
1,4,5-tri-O-methyl-n-, 22:255 Fruit
1,4,6-tr-O-methyl-n-, 22:255 climacteric of, chemical changes with,
3,4,6-tri-O-methyl-n-, 22:255 42:365
tri-0-methyl-o-, synthesis, 35: 1 1 enlargement during maturation, 42:340-345
uses of, 34:286,343 maturation of, pectinesterase and endo-n-
o-Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate galacturonanase in, 33:381
in aqueous solution, acyclic forms, 42:21 physiology of development of, 42340-382
in fruit ripening, 42366 polarographic determination of 2-
reactions with aldolase, 49: 192 furaldehyde in. 29: I67
Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, laser-Raman respiratory climacteric in, 42:361-368
spectroscopy, at varying pH, 44:8 I ripening
o-Fructose I ,6-diphosphatase cell-wall role in, 42:315, 339-382
activity, deficiency of hepatic, 34:3 10 galacturonase and, 42:38 I
in metabolism of D-fructose, 34:335-340 Fruit drop, 21:429
n-Fructose 1,6- diphosphatase aldolase, Fruit juices
enzymic activity in liver metabolism, gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:48. 57
34:326 uronic acids, gas-liquid chromatography of,
in metabolism of o-fructose, 34:332-335 28:76
n-Fructose 1 -phosphate aldolase, enzymic F-substance, structure of, 33:321
activity in liver metabolism, 34:326 Fucans, immunological aspects of complex,
D-Fructose 1-phosphate kinase. enzymic 39:311-316

Fucitol, from fucoidan, determination by synthesis of complex, 39:297-299

gas-liquid chromatography, 2 8 5 7 Fucopyranosyl chloride, 3-0-acetyl-2,4-di-O-
Fucofuranoside methyl-a-r-, 51:2 16-2 17
methyl a-L-, preparation, crystalline, 39:293Fucopyranosyl chloride, tri-0-acetyl-a-L-,
methyl p-L-,preparation, syrupy, 39:293 preparation, 39:295-297
Fucohexitol, L-a-, structure of, 32:79 0-Fucopyranosyl trichloroacetimidates, inverse
Fucoidan procedure for glycosylation, 50:98,
r-fucitol determination in, by gas-liquid 104-107
Chromatography, 28:57 Fucopyranose, 1,2:3,4-~i-~-isopropylidene-o-,
L-fucose, 39:301 mass spectrum of, 21:76
Fucolipids Fucos antibodies, 53:223-224
biological functions, 39:309-3 1 1 Fucose
isolation, 39:315 aldehydo-L-,tetraacetate aldehydrol
Fucomannan, 39:303 formation, 42:31
Fuco(manno)galactans, 41 :100-10 1 in corn roots, 36:245
Fuconic acid, L-, preparation of, 29: 120 D-, 21:172, 177
Fucopyranose biological significance, 39:282
a-DL-,crystal structure bibliography, 38:426 biosynthesis and degradation, 39:336
a-L- metabolism, 39:328-329
calcium bromide salt, trihydrate, crystal properties of, and derivatives (tables),
structure bibliography, 34:35 1 39:337-339
crystal structure bibliography, 34:350 synthesis, 39:285-288
p-L-,ester of guanosine 5-pyrophosphate, toxicity, 39:329
enzymic preparation of, 28:343 chemistry and biochemistry, 39:279-345
isolation of, 28:321 cyclic acetals, Table, 34:239
tetra-0-acetyl-a-o-, preparation, 39:295 detection and determination, 39:289-290
tetra-0-acetyl-a-r-, preparation, 39:295 ester of thymidine 5-pyrophosphate,
tetra-0-acetyl-Pa-, preparation, 39:295 occurrence of, 28:323
tetra-0-acetyl-p-L-, preparation, 39:295 preparation of, 28:356
2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-l-O-(N- gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:48
methylacetimidy1)-P-i-, preparation, glycoside formation, by acid equilibration,
39:296 39~293-294
Fucopyranoside glycoside formation, by ion-exchange
methyl a-D-,preparation of, 33:87,39:293 resins, 39:293
methyl a-L-, preparation, 39:293 isolation, 39:282
methyl p-D-, preparation of, 33537 occurrence, 39:280-281,301-311
methyl p-L-,preparation, 39:293 4-0-methyl-, see Curacose, D-
methyl 2,3-di-O-methyl-P-o-, 23:27 1 relative reactivities of hydroxyl groups
methyl 3,4-0-benzylidene-6-deoxy-p-~-, conformational effects, 39:290-29 1
reaction with N-bromosuccinimide, enhanced reactivity of OH-4,
39: I02 39:291-292
methyl 3,4-0-isopropylidene-2-0-p- tritylation, 39:292
tolylSulfonyl-a-D-, 23:27 1 steric and electronic effects, of 5-
methyl 3-0-methyl+- D-, 23:271 subtituent, 39:283-285
methyl tri-O-methyI-p-D-, mass spectrum of, substituents and protecting groups, 39:290
21:64 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-~-
phenyl2-0-benzy1-3,4-O-benzylidene-p-o-, labeled, synthesis, 48:203-204
endv and e m - , hydrogenolysis preparation, 38:23 1
regioselectivity, 39: 131 2,4-di-O-methyl-~-,21: 172
L-Fucopyranosides, 48:132-133 1,2:3,4-di-U-isopropylidene- D-, 23:269

2,3-di-O-methyl-o-, see also Labilose a-L-,39~324-325,44:154,209,233

steroid glycosides, 39:302 p-D-,39:325-326
groups, glycoproteins containing 'H-NMR p-L-, 39:326
spectroscopy, 41 :305-332 in carbohydrate degradations, 38:413
L-, 21:172,48:283, 51:94 Fucoside
biological significance, 39:282 I_-, urinary, 39:330
biosynthesis, 39:3 1 6 318 methyl CX-D-, 22:207
biosynthesis and degradation, 39:336 methyl p-n-. 21:182
degradation, 39:326 Fucosidosis, 39:332-333
degradation, by bacterial metabolism, glycoprotein (compound 2), 'H-NMR
39:327 spectroscopy, 41:219-224
degradation, by mammalian glycoprotein (compound 4), 'H-NMR
metabolism, 39:327-328 spectroscopy, 41:219.22&228
enzymic transfer to glycoproteins, glycoprotein (compound 54), 'H-NMR
39:3 18-322 spectroscopy, 41:306,330-332
immune-defense system, 39:334-335 glycoprotein (compound 46 and 47). 'H-
properties of, and derivatives (tables), NMR spectroscopy, 41:306,313-318
39:340-345 oligosaccharides from urine, structure,
synthesis, 39:288-289 37:194-195,205
toxicity, 39:329 Fucosphingolipids, occurrence, 39:308-309
cyclic acetals, Table, 34:239 I - Fucosyl-agarose, affinity chromatography
enzymic isomerization, 36:46 adsorbent, 39:444-445
glycoenzyme constituent, 27:302, 307, Fucosylceramide. isolation, 40:238
321 Fucosyltransferase
in glycoproteins, 25:413 a-L-,40:252
in keratan sulfate, 25:441 i.-fucose transfer, 39:3 18-322
from linseed mucilage, 24:369 glycolipid substrates, 39:322-324
from tragacanthic acid, 24:362 in malignancy, 39:331
liquid chromatography methods for analysis a-t.-Fucosyl units, attachment, in situ
of, 46:33 anomerization, 50:280-28 1
4-0-rnethyl-o-, 21:172 Fucoxylomannan, 41:98
methyl ethers of, 7: 1-36, 10:257-272 isolation, 35:282
2-0-a-~-fucopyranosyI-~-, synthesis, 39:298 FUClIS
4-0-( P-D-glucopyranosyluronicacid)-L-, cellulosic cell-wall, 41: 108
24:363 guanosine 5 '-( D-mannopyranosyluronic acid
3,4-O-isopropyhdene-o-, preparation of, pyrophosphate)in, 32:9
34: 186 Fuels, dextrins in, 47:32&327
4,5-0-isopropyIidene-o-,dibenzyl Fukumi, H., 46:6
dithioacetal, oxidation of, 32530 Functional groups, determination by mass
4-O-methyI-o-, see Curacose spectrometry, 21:44
2-0-methyL~- Functional tests, for enzyme purity, 23:286
in cell-wall polymers, 42:280-28 I , 287 Fungal heterogalactan, degradation of sul fone
occurrence, 39:281 derivative, 31:227
trichloroacetimidates Fungal hyphae, cell-wall extension in, 42:35 1
reaction with N-nucleophiles, 50: 105- Fungal polysaccharides, see Polysaccharides
I07 Fungi
synthesis, 50:98, 104 a,a-trehalose in, 30:230, 234
L-Fucose-binding lectins. 35:277-291 o-fructose transport in, 34:3 14
Fucosidase galactomannans from, 31:243
a-D-,39:326 1.-arabinanases from, 32:282-283

Fungi (continued) polarography of, 29: 166

mass spectrometry of polysaccharides from, substrate for carbohydrate synthesis,
29:66 40~72-73
polysaccharides of, 23:367417,41:67-103 technical importance, 46:323
trehalase from, 30:247 tetrahydro-, preparation of enantiomorphic,
Furaldehyde 25:217
4-(hydroxymethyl)-2-, formation, Furan
52:457458 3-acetamido-5-( 1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-,
5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-, 46:296, 3 18 fomiation of, 28:202
effect on color formation, under sulfate- 2-(acetoxymethyl)-4-~hloro-,formation from
pulping conditions, 46:325 1,3,5-tri-0-acetyl-2-chloro-2-deoxy-~-
formation of, 46:28&285,287,47:249 arabinose, 28:305
from Amadori compounds, 46:3 19-320 2-acetyl-3-hydroxy; preparation of, 28: 170,
manufacture, 47:230 176, 179-180
reaction with reversion products, 47:252 2,5-bis(hydroxymethyI)tetrahydro-,half-
liquid chromatography, 46:53-54 ethers, as solvents for sugars, 27:88
tetrahydro-, diacetate, mass spectrum of, from carbohydrates, 46:323
21:62 C-glycosylated, synthesis by Wittig reaction,
2-Furaldehyde 27:288
5-(benzoyloxymethyl)-, from 2,3,5-tri-O- compounds, formation from hexoses,
benzoyl-P-D-ribofiuanosyl cyanide by 6: 83-1 06
reductive hydrolysis, and N , N - derivatives
diphenylimidazolidine derivative, Garcia Gonzalez work on, 45: 12-1 3
33:135 from pyrolysis of o-glucose, 22:504
from dehydration of 2-amino-2-deoxy-o- 2-(~-glycero-1,2-diacetoxyethyl)-, 24:2 14
glucose, 28: 182 2-(o-glycero- 1,2-dihydroxyethyI)-, 24:218
diethyl dithioacetal, 32:23 formation from D-glucal dehydration,
formation, 46:3 18,47:247-248 28: I83
from 2,5-anhydroaldoses, 2 5 2 1 1 2,5-dialkoxy-2,5-dihydro-, sugar substrates,
from pentoses, 28:176,46:275-276 40:61
in sugar dehydrations, 28: 1 7 6 1 7 7 Diels-Alder cycloaddition, racemic carba-
from hexuronic acids by decarboxylation, sugars, synthesis, 48:29-36
28:18&193 2-( 1,2-diethoxyethy)-, 24:218
5-(hydroxymethy1)-, 25:215,46:323 2,3-dihydro-, carbohydrate substrate,
from cellulose on pyrolysis, 23:432 40:80-84
from dehydration of 2-amino-2-deoxy-o- 2,5-dihydro-
glucose, 28: 182 2,5-dimethoxy-
in o-fructose degradation, 22:239 Carbohydrate substrate, 40:64-72
formation from o-fructose and other cis- and trans-, hydroxylation, 40:61-
sugars, 28:16&165 62
gas-liquid chromatographic determination (R)-formyl, diisobutyl dithioacetal, 24:229
of, 30:36 transformations, sugar syntheses,
polarography of, 29: 166 40:6 1-74
preparation of, and derivatives, 27: 101, 3-( 1,l-dimethoxyethyl)-2,5-dihydro-2,5-
I04 dimethoxy-, synthesis, 40:63
liquid chromatography, 46:53-54 2-( 1-ethoxy-2-hydroxyethyl)-,24:2 18
5-methyl- 2-ethyl-4,5-dihydro-5-0~0-, hexitol
formation in dehydrations of hexoses, precursor, 40: 11 1
28: 177 2-(ethylthio)-3-(ethylthiomethyl)-,
substrate for carbohydrate synthesis, 40:74 preparation of, 32:23

3-(ethylthio)-2-[(ethylthio)methyl]-, from D- 2,5-dimethyl-3(2H)-, formation, 46:294,

xylose, 27: 101 318
formation of, 46:326 5-methyl-3(2H)-, 46:3 18
Garcia Gonzalez' work on, 45: 10- I2 formation, 46:290-291,321
2-(2-hydroxyacetyl)- from Amadori compound and its 2,3-
acetate, formation of, 28: 184 enolization, 46:320
from dehydration of o-fructose. 28: 176, 3(2H)-Furanone
I79 5-(~-g(vcero-I ,2-dimethoxyethyl)-, 24:23 1
isolation and identification, 28: 162. I70 formation in dehydration reaction, 28: 172,
2-(hydroxymethyl)-5-( p-methoxypheny1)-, 175
synthesis by Wittig reaction, 27:288 from methylated sugars, 28: 172. 181
2-(methoxyoxalyl), formation of, 28: 185 2(5H)-Furanones, p-elimination, 50: 166-1 70
2(3)-one, dihydro-, as solvent for sugars, Furanose, 53:99-100, 167-170
27: 106 a-,51:9&97
2-(p-bromophenyl)-, synthesis by Wittig p-, 51:9&97
reaction, 27:288 carba-, 48:22
2-(p-methoxyphenyl)-, synthesis by Wittig conformation and tautomers, vibrational
reaction, 27:288 spectra used to analyze, 44:25
2(R)-azidomethyl-2,5-dihydro-, 24:229 D-. 3-deoxy-3-C-(difluoromethylene)-l,2-0-
2(R)-bensoyloxymethyI-2,5-dihydi-o-, isopropylidene-a-
24:229 '
eryfhro-pentodialdo- 1,4-furanose, H- and
tetrahydro- "F-NMR data for, 46: 141
3,4-dihydroxy-3-( 1-hydroxytheyl)-2,5- ribo-hexo-, 'H- and "F-NMR data for,
dimethoxy-, synthesis, 40:63 46:141
2-methyl-, 24:195 3-deoxy-3-C-(mono or di) fluoromethylene
solubility of sucrose in, 27:107 D-hexo(or pento), 'H-and "F-NMR data
as solvent in lithium aluminum hydride for. 46:140-141
reductions, 23:269 formation from reducing sugars in solution,
2,5-Furandimethanol, tetrahydro-, alkoxyalkyl 42: 16-68
monoethers, as solvents for sugars, 27: temperature effects on, 42:32-33
107 stability in solution, 42:27-29
Furanoid compounds sweetness-structure relationship, 45:25&258
conformation of, 25: 104 Furanose amines. deamination of, 31:54-57
stability of enolacetal, 29:291-298 Furanose derivatives
sweetness-structure relationship, 45:25&258 proton spin-lattice relaxation rates, 45: 153
Furanoid rings radical-mediated brominations, 49:49-5 I
conformations, 34:201,45:256 Furanose polymers, 21: 138
fragmentation of, 21:47 Furanose residues, natural occurrence of,
mass spectrum of, 21:61 21:139
monosaccharides with phosphorus in, Furanosides
42:176-188 dithioacetals in synthesis of, 32:16
nomenclature for, 30:466 hydrolysis of, 22:39
stability of, 21:135 from pyranosides, 22:4
Furanoid sugars, see Sugars Furanosonic acid, 5-hexulo-5,2-, a-o-qdo-,
Furanone calcium salt, crystal structure. 37:128-129
3-acetoxy-5-methylen-2(5H)-, 50: I68 Furanuronates. with enolacetal linkage,
3-benzoyloxy-5-ethylidene-2( 5H)-, 50: 168 preparation of, 29:285-29 I
2-(2-hrylidene)-4-hydroxy-5-methyl-3(2H)-, Furcatin
46:322 hydrolysis of, 31: 175
4-Hydroxy- from ViburnumJurcatum, 31: 148

Furcatinase, furcatin hydrolysis by, 31: 175 G

K-Furcellaran, 24:28 1
Furcellaran, gel formation, 31:285-291 P-o-Gal, 47:157
Furfuryl alcohol Galactal
degradation in acidified methanol, 28:215 D-, 48:349-350
levulinic acid from, 28:2 12-2 18 dehydration of, 28: 184
as solvent for sugars, 27:88 rnercaptalation of, 32:28
substrate for carbohydrate synthesis, 40:72 3,4,6-tri 0-acetyl-o-, 0x0 reaction with,
tetrahydro-, solubility of sucrose in, 27:89 23:73
as solvent for sugars, 27:88,96, 107 tri-0-acetyl-o-
Furfurylidene- P-pyranone addition and rearrangement reactions of,
chromophoric, 46:322 24:214
formation of, in presence of methanol, bromination, 38:235
46:322-323 halogenation of, 24:203
Furoic acid, methyl ester, Fourier proton reaction with alcohols and phenols, 24:215
magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, Galactan, 44: 182
21:62 of beef lung, structure of, 26: 16
2-Furoic acid biosynthesis of, 26:404
cellulose esters, and derivatives, 29:338 LY-D-, (146)-
conversion of, into methyl 5-nitro-2-furoate, acetate, circular dichroism, 45: 121
46:289 benzyl derivative, circular dichroism,
5-formyl-, from hexuronic acids, 28:186, 45:122
189, 191 D-erabino-D-, structure, enzymic analysis,
3-Furoic acid 44:247
2,3-dihydro-, carbohydrate substrate, I-, from larch, 35: 10
40:80-81 L-erebino-D-, structure, enzymic analysis,
tetrahydro-3-hydroxy-5-(hydroxymethyl)-, 44:247
isolation of, 28:205 from plant cell-walls, 44:359
Furst-Plattner rule, 25: 123 (1-+4)-~-,biosynthesis, 44:366
Furylalanines, 45: 12 sulfated, from marine algae, 3 2 5
2- Fury1 hydroxymethyl ketone, from cellulose Galactanases
on heating, 23:432 p-D-,44:247
Furylpyruvic acid, 45: 13 (1-+3)-, 44~247
Furylthiopyruvic acid, 45: 13 D-
Furze seed, see Ulex europeus assay of, 32:293
Fusarium oxysporum, pectinesterase from, concentration of culture solutions, 32:294
33:332 definition and nomenclature of, 32:278,
Fused-ring sugars 292
composition in aqueous solution, 4258-60 F 111, mode of action of, 32:296-299
in solution, 49:3 1 occurrence of, 32:292-293
Fusicoccin, crystal structure of, andp- separation and purification of, 32:294
iodobenzenesulfonate, 25:90 unit of activity, 32:293
Fusicoccin A, p-iodobenzenesulfonate, crystal endo-P-(1+4)-, in plant cell-wall
structure bibliography , 3 1 :3 69 fractionation, 42977,282
Fusicoccum amygdali, amylose, 41:68 on plant cell-walls, 42:351
Fucopyranosyl bromide (1+3)+-~-, mode of action of, 32:296
2-0-benzyl-3,4-di-0-( p-nitrobenzoy1)-a-L-, physicochemical properties of, 32:295
preparation, 39:296 (1+4)-P-o-, mode of action of, 32:296
tri-0-acetyl-a+-, preparation, 39:295-296 physicochemical properties of,
tri-0-acetyl-cY-L-, preparation, 39:295-296 32:294-295

Galactan galactanohydrolase, (143)-p-o-, resonance spectrum of, 25:252

name for o-galactanase, 32:292 I ,4-anhydro-o~-,catalytic oxidation of,
Galactans, 41:87-88 25:261
D-, occurrence, 37:332-334 I , 1-bis(benzamido)- 1-deoxy-D-, preparation
fungal, 23:392,398 of.31:117
gas-liquid chromatography of, 30:Y 1-92 1,6-bis(diethylborinate)2,3:4,5-
gel chromatography of, 25:38 bis(ethylboronate)
hetero-, 23:410 preparation, 35:40
methylation of, 30: 12 selective cleavage, 39:55
molecular-weight determination by gel 2,3:4,5-bis(ethylboronate), preparation,
chromatography, 25:30 35:41
in plant cell-wall polymers conformation of, 26:69
biosynthesis, 42:322 crystallography of, 25:64
interconnections, 42:305 crystal structure bibliography, 31:365
structure, 42:282-283 1-deoxy-
polysaccharides, see Polysaccharides I , 1-his(ethylsulfonyl)-n-,recrystallization
from red lagae, hydrolysis of, 31: I87 of. 32:86
snail, Barry degradation of, 31:203 D-, preparation of, 32:77
degradation by Weermann reaction, 1-(ethylsulfiny1)-o-, photolysis, 38: 156
31:211 1-fluoro-L-, preparation, 38:245
Smith degradation of, 31:209 1-(2-methyIhydrozino)-o-,preparation of,
structure of snail, 30:5 29: 154-155
Galactaric acid, dimethyl ester 2,3:4,5-dianhydro- 1,6-di-O-mesyl-,
methanesulfonate, p-eliminative synthesis, 40:26
degradation of, 29:235 I ,6-dibromo- 1,6-dideoxy-, crystal structure
Galactinol bibliography, 30:449
biosynthesis, 26:375,37:348, 35&357 1,6-dichloro- 1,6-dideoxy-, crystal structure
in vitro, 37:348 bibliography, 30:449
homologs, 37:3 18 I ,6-dideoxy- 1,6-difluoro-, preparation,
occurrence, 37:3 16 38:210
physiological role, 37:317-3 18 2,5-di-O-benzoyl- 1,3:4,6-di-O-henzylidene-,
structure, 37:3 17 acetolysis of, 22: 14
Galactitol 1.3 :4,6-di-O-benzylidene-2,5-di-O-p-
acetates, separation of methylated. 30:23 tolylsulfonyl-, acetolysis of, 23:261
acetylation of, effect ofborate on, 28:35 1,3:4,6-di-O-( 1-chloroethylidene)-2,5-di-O-
1,5-anhydro- p-tolylsulfonyl-, hydrolysis and
D-, sweetness-structure relationship, acetolysis of, 23:261
45:240 esterification with acetic acid, 33:45
DL-, 43:333 ethyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy- 1-thio-
3,6-anhydro- OL-D-,formation from dithioacetal,
D-, mass spectrometry of permethylated, 32:66-67
29:74 p-D-,formation from dithioacetal, 3 2 6 7
L-, tetraacetate, mass spectrometry of, ethyl P-D-, preparation from dithioacetal,
29:74 32:68
4-O-~-o-galactopyranosyl-o; mass ethyl I-thio-a-o-, preparation of, and
spectrum of, 29:89 peracetate, 32:6&67
2-O-methyl-~-,acetate, mass spectrometry gas-liquid chromatography as tl-imethylsilyl
of, 29:74 ether, 28:57
2,6-anhydro-l, 1-bis(ethylsulfonyl)-1-deoxy- halogenation with concentrated halogen
D-, triacetate, nuclear magnetic acids, 33:85

Galactitol (continued) Galactofuranose

hexanitrate, selective denitration, 39:58 a-D-, ester of uridine 5'-pyprophosphate,
hexa-0-acetyl-, rearrangement in hydrogen isolation, 28:325
fluoride, 26: 176 1,6-anhydro-
hexa-0-(trimethylsily1)-, as standard in a-D-
gas-liquid chromatography, 28:59 preparation and history of, 34: 152
liquid chromatography methods for analysis selective oxidation of, 33:90
of, 46:33 synthesis, 39: 163
in marine algae extract, 32:5 p-D-,synthesis, 39:169
6-0-benzoyl-l,2:4,5-di-O- 2,3,5-tri-O-benzyl-o-~-, polymerization
isopropylidene,DL-,oxidation of, of, 34: 157
26:254 2,3,5-tri-0-benzyl-p-o-, polymerization,
4-0-benzoyl- 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-3- 39: 182
0-methyl-o-, 24: 158 p-D-, pentaacetate, 22: 18
6-O-methyl-o-, pentaacetate, gas-liquid D-
chromatography of, 30:32 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-l,2:5,6-di-O-
2,3,4,5,6-penta-O-acetyI- isopropylidene-a-, 'H- and I9F-NMR
1-acetyl-I-O-methyI-D-, preparation of, data for, 46:99
32:72 l-O-acetyl-2,3,5,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-4-
1 -bromo- 1&ethyl- 1-thio-o-, preparation fl~oro-p-,~~C-NMR data for, 46: 172
of, 32:43,7 I 3-deoxy-3,4-C-(dichloromethylene)-1,2:5,6-
1-chloro-1-S-ethyl-I-thio-D-, preparation di-0-isopropylidene-a-D-
from dithioacetal, 32:71 conformation of, 34:201
preparation of, 32:78 crystal structure bibliography, 31:368
selective oxidation with sodium crystal structure of, 25:74
metaperiodate, 33:95 3-deoxy-l,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-3-C-
1-S-ethyl-I -thio-0-, preparation, 32:77-78, methyl-D- galacto-, synthesis of, 27:282
3 8 ~ 1 1-152
5 1,2:3,5-di-O-isopropylidene-, 6-
sweetness-structure relationship, 45:295 (@rnethyhlfonyl)-a-D-, fluorination,
tetra-0-acetyl- 1,5-anhydro-o, rearrangement 38:2 10
in hydrogen fluoride, 26: 173 0-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-o-fluorination,
1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyyl-2,5-di-U- 38:210
benzoyl-, 22: 14 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropyIidene-,a-D-
p-tolylsulfonyl-, 23:26 1 formation of, 34: 185
1,6:2,3:4,5-tris(ethylboronate) selective hydrolysis, 39: 15
preparation, 35:40,43 3-O-benzoyl-l,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-a-
selective cleavage, 39:55 D-, selective hydrolysis, 39: 15
tris(phenylboronate), preparation, 35:4 1 5,6-O-isopropylidene-o-, preparation of,
utilization by yeasts, 32: 147, 218 34:185
Galactitol diarsenite, 43:333 Galactofuranoside
Galactocarolose, 23:392, 399 ethyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy- 1-thio-a(and p)-
biosynthesis of, 28:325 D-, 21:116
Galactocerebroside, 24:395,44:437 ethyl p-D-,21:117, 121,22:113
dihydro-o-, 24:4 12 entropy of activation for hydrolysis of,
from marine bivalve, 44:415 22:39
natural, 24:399 hydrolysis of, 21: 131
in sea anemone, 44:4 11 preparation of, 34:278
Galactofucomannan, methylation of, 30: 12 tetraacetate, acetolysis of, 22: 18
Galactofuranan, D-, carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic ethyl 2,3,5,6-tetra-O-acetyl-p-u-, preparation
resonance spectra, 38:68-70 of, 34:279

ethyl I-thio-a-o-, 21: 116 hemicellulosic, analogy to galactomannans,

methyl OI-D-, entropy of activation for 31:267
hydrolysis of, 22:40 Nicotiuna tubacum, 44: 18 1
methyl P-D-, 21:103 in plant cell-walls, 42:269
conformation, 21 :100 structure, enzymic analysis, 44: 180-1 86
methyl D-,selective periodate oxidation of, galucro-Hept- 1-entitol, 2,h-anhydro- 1 -deoxy-
33:94 D-, 48:354-355
methyl 2-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-6-0-trityl-P- w, Galactokinase, specificity, fluorinated
23:244 carbohydrate effect, 38:282
methyl 3-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-6-0-trityl p- D-, D-Galactolipids
23:244 biochemistry, 37:322-33 1
methyl 5-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-6-O-tr1tyl-~- I)-, photosynthesis, 37:362-366
23:244 Galactomannans, 24:339, 41:92-95,
methyl 6-O-trityl-P-o, selective p - 52:395-396
toluenesulfonylation of, 33:35 A. niger, 44:366
Galactohranosylamine, N-acetyl-P-o- biochemistry of plant, 35:341-376
configuration of. 31:108-109 biodegradative hydrolysis of, 31 :256
preparation of, 31: 122 biosynthesis, 31:255-256,35352-356
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, botanical sources, 31:243,247-253
27:23 Cuesalpina pulcherimu
Galactofuranosyl fluoride enzymic analysis, 44: 170-1 7 1
D- hydrolysis, effect of fine structure on,
2,3,5,6-tetra-O-acetyl-, IH- and "F-NMR 44: 174
data for, 46:97 Cuesulpina spinosa
2,3,5,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-a-, 'H- and "F- enzymic analysis, 44: 170
NMR data for, 46:97 hydrolysis, effect of fine structure on,
L-, 3,6-dideoxy-P- 44: 174
3-azido-5-O-benzoyl-2-O-benzyl-, ' H-and Cuesulpina vesicaria
"F-NMR data for, 46: 127 enzymic analysis. 44: 170
3-azido-5-O-benzoyl-2-O-methyl-. 'H- hydrolysis, effect of fine structure on,
and "F-NMR data for, 46: 127 44: 174
5-O-benzoyl-2-O-benzyl-3- carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance
(trifluoroacetamid0)-, 'H- and "F- spectra, 38:62, 61-68
NMR data for, 46: 128 carob, 44: 176-1 77
5-O-benzoyl-2-O-methyl-3- enzymic analysis, 44: 167-1 68, 170
(trifluor0acetamido)-, 'H- and "F- hydrolysis, effect of fine structure on,
NMR data for, 46: 128 44: I74
per-0-benzoyl-Pa-, synthesis, 38:20 1 Cussiafistulu. hydrolysis, effect of fine
Galactofuranuronate, methyl 1,2,3,5-tetra-0- structure on, 44: 174
acetyl-P-o-, conformation of, 26: 1 10 chemistry and interactions of seed,
Galactofurnosyl bromide, 2,3-di-O-benzyl-S,6- 31:24 1-3 12
di-0-( p-nitrobenzoyl)-P-o-, methanolysis circular dichroism, 4 5 9 0
of, 34:281 commercial exploitation of, 31:307-3 12
Galactogen, structure of snail, 3 0 5 composition of, 31:245
Galactoglucan, 52:362-364,417418 conformational analysis and molecular shape
Galactoglucomannans, 44: 164,46:305 of, 31:279,281
Cercis siliquustrum, 44: 180 crystallography of, 22:466, 40:391-392
D-, composition, 37:338 Cyumopsis tetrugonolobus, enzymic
occurrence, 37:337 analysis, 44: I70
structure, 37:339 D-, hiosynthesis, 37:366-.369

Galactomannans (continued) role in seeds of Leguminoseae species,

metabolism pathway, 32369 31:255
occurrence, 37:334 solution properties of, 31:282-284
properties, 37:336 Sophora japonica, enzymic analysis,
structure, 37:335 44: I65
depolymerase, in seed germination, 35:361 soybean, enzymic analysis, 44: 168
o-galactose distribution, 44: 166 structure, 31:263-267,35347-351
o-mannose to o-galactose ratio in, 31:261 enzymic analysis, 44:165-178
enzymic hydrolysis, effect of fine structure model, 44: 176
on, 44: 174 synergistic action of, 31:242
extraction and purification of, 31:259-260 uses, 35:341-342
fine structure of, 31:269-277 viscosities of, 31:283
function, 39375-376 X-ray crystallography of, 31:280
fungal, 23:398,406 of yeast cell-wall, 32:229
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:47,56 Galactomanno-oligosaccharides, from enzymic
Gleditsia, 44: 173, 175 hydrolyzates of galactomannans,
enzymic analysis, 44: 167, 170 32:314-315
hydrolysis, effect of fine structure on, Galactonate, methyl 3,6-anhydro-~-,mass
44: 174 spectrum of, 29:75
guar Galactonic acid
a-o-galactosidase modified, hydrolysis, 2-amino-2-deoxy-o-, deamination of, 31:25
effect of fine structure on, 44: 174 analytical high-performance liquid
hydrolysis, effect of fine structure on, chromatography, 46:34
44: 174 2,5-anhydro-o-, preparation of, 33: 1 18
history, 31:243-246 3,6-anhydro-o~-,25261
homogeneity of, 31:261-263 D-, preparation of, 29: 1 19
I, 23:404405 Galactono- 1,rl-lactone
II,23:404 2,3,6,-tri-O-rnethyl-o-, crystal structure
industrial applications of, 31:246, 308-3 12 bibliography, 31:350
interaction with bacterial polysaccharides, D-
31~301-305 crystallography of, 25:65,31:364
with carrageenan, agar, and other selective periodate oxidation of, 33:94
polysaccharides, 31:284-307 L-, irradiation, 37: 123
isolation, 35345 oxidation, enzymic, 37: 123
Leucaena leucocephala, 44: 173-175 preparation, 37237
enzymic analysis, 44: 168 Galactono-l,5-lactone
hydrolysis, effect of fine structure on, 4-C-acetyl-6-deoxy-2,3-O-methylene-o-,
44: 174 synthesis of, 42: 126
location in vivo, 35:345 6-deoxy-4-C[ 1(A-hydroxyethyl] -2,3-O-
metabolism during seed germination, methylene-o-
35:3 56-36 1 natural occurrence of, 42:73
methylation analysis of, 30:25 structure of, 42:71
microbial, 31:243-244,35354 synthesis of, 42: 126
molecular weights of, 31:26&261, 277-279 Galactononitrile
of non-leguminous plants, 31:254 2,3,4,5,6-penta-O-
occurrence, 35343-345 acetyl-D- ammonolysis of, 31:82
peptido-0-phosphono-, biosynthesis, 35:3 54 effect of solvent on, 31:99
from plant cell-walls, 44:359 propionyl-o-, ammonolysis of, 31238
Pusa mosami, enzymic analysis, 44: 170- penta-0-benzoyl-o-, ammonolysis of, effect
171 of solvent on, 31 :99

Galactopyranan, 2-amino-2-deoxy-~-, 1.4-anhydro-

41:88-89 2,3,6-tri-O-methyl-p-~-
Galactopyranose polymerization, 39:204
2-acetamido- 1,6-anhydro-2-deoxy- synthesis, 39: 165
p-D-,benzoylation of, 23:252,33:23, 2,3,6-tri-O-methyl-o-, synthesis and
34532 polymerization of. 21:488
3-O-bezoyl-4-(methylsulfonyl)-~-i~-,azide 1,6-anhydro-
replacement of methylsulfonyloxy p-D-
group in, 34:85, 125 acetylation of, 33:23,34:84
4-0-(methylsulfonyl)-~-D-, 23:252 from agar pyrolysis. 34:45
2-acetamido-2-deoxy- AH,B systems for. 45:27 1
CX-D- alkylation of, 34234
crystal structure bibliography, 34:354 cleavage by hypophosphorous acid,
ester of thymidine 5-pyrophosphate, 34:6849
enzymic preparation of, 28:324 copolymers with tribenzyl ethers of
ester with uridine 5-pyrophosphate, levoglucosan, 34:73
enzymic preparation and biosynthesis crystal structure of, 34:51
Of, 28~342-343 from lactose pyrolysis, 34:45
isolation of, 28:327 per-0-substituted, 34: 77
circular dischroism, 45:97 3,4-phenylboronate, 34:93
3-0-(4-deoxy-cy-i.-threo-hex-4- polymerization of, 34:71
enopyranosyluronic acid)-a-ii-. preparation of, 34:27,32
proton magnetic resonance properties of, 34:50
spectroscopy of, 27:42 sweetness-structure relationship, 45:
6-acetamido-6-deoxy-~-,23: 178 269
(Y-D-, 45:74 synthesis, 39: 163
calcium bromide trihydrate, crystal p-toluenesulfonylation of, 34:8 1
structure bibliography, 30:465 P-DL-. preparation of, 34:49
crystal structure bibliography, 3 4 3 7 1, D-
37:377 acetolysis of, 34:65
ester of adenosine 5-pyrophosphate, complexes, 34:54
enzymic preparation of, 28:340 3-deoxy-3-iodo-2-0-
isolation of, 28:3 15 (methy1thio)carhonyl-P-D-, crystal
sweetness, 45:219 structure, 43:213-214
structure relationship, 45:239-24 I 2,4-di-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-~-, preparation
taste properties, 45:242 Of, 34~81-82
2-amino- 1,6-anhydro-2-deoxy- 2-0-benzyl-3,4-0-isopropylidene-~-~-,
p-D-, preparation of, 34: 122 polymerization, 39: 195
4-O-methyl-p-~-,preparation of, 34: 3,4-O-isopropylidene-@~-
122 formation of, 34:46
3-amino- 1,6-anhydro-3-deoxy-p-o-, oxidation of, 34:97
preparation of, 34: 126 3,4-0-isopropylidene-2-0-
2-amino-2-deoxy- (methylsulfony1)-P-o-
CX-D-, ester of uridine 5-pyrophosphate. hydrolysis of, 23:262
preparation of, 28:355 reaction with potassium fluoride.
p-D-, hydrochloride, crystal structure 38:220
bibliography, 30:450 reactivity of, 24: I55
3 - 0 4 ~-D-g~ucopyranosyluronic acid)-ol-u- solvolysis of. 24: 197
, monohydrate, crystal structure 3,4-O-isopropylidene-2-0-p-tolysulfonyl-
bibliography, 34:358 p-D-,reactivity of, 24: I54

Galactopyranose (continued) a anomer, 'H- and "F-NMR data for,

2-O-(methylsulfonyI)-3,4-0-(0- 46535
nitrobenzylidene)-P-o-, photo- p anomer, IH- and 19F-NMR data for,
rearrangement, 39:90 46:85
2-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-p-o-, preparation of, 1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-, 'H- and I9F-
34:86 NMR data for, 46:85-86
1(6)-thio-P-o-, preparation of, 34: 146 4-deoxy-4-fluoro-
2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-P-o-, polymerization, a anomer, 13C-NMR data for, 46: 163
34:73,39:182, 187 p anomer, IT-NMR data for, 46:163
6-azido-6-deoxy- 1,2:3,4-di-O- 1,2,3,6-tetra-O-acetyl-P-, 'H- and 19F-
isopropylidene-a-o-, preparation of, NMR data for, 46:92
28:286 1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-
p-0- a-,I3C-NMR data for, 46:161
crystal structure bibliography, 34:35 1, 6-deoxy-6-fluoro-
372,37:378 a anomer, IH- and 19F-NMRdata for,
1-mesitoic ester, 1,6-anhydride from, 46:95
34:32 p anomer, IH- and I9F-NMR data for,
pentaacetate 46:95
gas-liquid chromatography of, 30:32 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-a-, IH- and
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy I9F-NMR data for, 46:95
of, 27:70 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-,l,2,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI-,
sweetness-structure relationship, 45: 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:90
239 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-6-0-
taste properties, 49242 [(methylthio)thiocarbonyl]-a-,
benzyl 3,4,6-tri-O-benzy1-2-0-(2,3,4,6-tetra- photochemical cleavage of, 46: 190
0-benzyl-a-D-, glucopyranosy1)-a-D-, 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-6-O-nitro-a-,
preparation of, 34:268 photolysis of, 46:191
bis (benzyloxy)isopropyl2,3,4,6-tetra-O- 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-6-O-p-
benzyl-a-D-, preparation of, 34:258 tolysulfonyl-a-, photolysis of, 46: 191
P-L-, ester with guanosine 5'-pyrophosphate, orientation of hydroxyl groups for, in
isolation of, 28:319 4 C , ( ~conformation,
) 45:75
carba-a-DL-, 48:23, 33 peracetate, ammonolysis of, 31537
synthesis, 48:27-28 sweetness, 45:264
carba-a-o-, 48:24, 86-87 I ,2,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI-3-deoxy-3-fluoro-
synthesis, 48:36,40 a anomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46: 162
6-chloro-6-deoxy-l,2:3,4-di-O- p anomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46:162
isopropylidene-a-o-, 22: 183, 198 3-deoxy-, 3-fluoro-P-o-, synthesis,
6-chloro-6-deoxy- 1,2:3,4-di-O- 48: 134-135
isopropyhdene-a-o-, preparation 6-deoxy-
of,246,251,252,257,259 reaction with a-DL-,crystal structure bibliography,
sodium azide, 28:286 38:426
CX-D-, 43:371 6,6-difluoro- 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropyIidene-
D- a-D-,preparation, 38:226
2-acetamido-2-deoxy, circular dischroism, 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-6-
45~95-96 phthalimido-a-o-, proton free-
2-acetamido- 1,3,4-tri-O-acety1-2,6- induction decay signal, 27:4849,5 1,
dideoxy-6-fluoro-, 'H- and I9F-NMR 57-58
data for, 46: 120 6-[ 18F]fluoro-a-~-, synthesis, 38:239
conformations of, 26:87 6-fluoro- 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-a-o-,
2-deoxy-2-fluoro- preparation, 38:244

6-iodo- 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-a-~- anomer, preparation of, 34:269

deiodination by irradiation, 28:304 2,4-di-O-methyl-a-~-,monohydrate, crystal
irradiation, 38: 187 structure, 43:340-341
1,2:3,4-O-isopropyhdene-a-o-, I ,2:3,4-di-O-methylene-6-O-p-tolysul-
preparation by irradiation, 28:304 fonyl-u-, displacement reactions of,
1,6:3,4-dianhydro- 24: 144
p-D-. preparation of, and derivatives, ester of guanosine 5-pyrophosphate,
34:108, 111, 113 isolation of, 28:3 19
2-O-benzyl-P-u-, as synthetic ester of thymidine 5-pyrophosphate,
intermediate, 34:120 enzymic preparation of, 28:340
2-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-p-D- isolation of, 28:322
de-p-toluenesulfonylationof, 34:75 ester of uridine 5 -pyrophosphate, enzymic
hydrolysis of, 23:262 synthesis and fermentation production
preparation of, 34:80, 110 of, 28:34&341
4,6-dideoxy-4-(dimethyIamino)-u-, 23: I 55 isolation of, 28:325
2,3-di-O-acetyl- 1,6-anhydro-P-~,crystal oxidation with u-galactose oxidase,
structure bibliography, 37:383 28:344
1,2:3,4-di-O-benzylidene-(~-u-, configuration synthesis by mixed anhydride method,
of, 34: 196 28:35 1
1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene- I-
Ct-D- 2,6-dideoxy-2-fluoro-
carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic resonance (Y anomer, H- and I9F-NMR data for,

spectroscopy, 4 1 5 3 46: I32

chlorination by carbon tetrachloride and p anomer, H- and 19F-NMR data for,
triphenylphosphine, 28:246 46: 132
conformation of, 26: 1 19, 226 1,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-P-, H-and I9F-NMR
low-pressure distillation of, 34:46 data for, 46:132
6-nitrate, denitration, 3 9 5 7 2,3,6-trideoxy-2-fluoro-
reaction with (chloromethy1ene)di- 3-amino-, H- and I9F-NMR data for,
methyliminium chloride, 28:25 1 46: 124
with cyanuric chloride, 28:259 1 -O-acetyl-4-O-benzoy1-2-fluoro-3-
with N-(2-chloro-l, 1,2-trifluoroethyl)- (trifluoroacetamido)-P-, H-and IF-
diethylamine, 28:257-258 NMR data for, 46: 124
reaction with (2-chloro-l ,l,2- methyl 6-O-benzyl-cu-o-,preparation by
trifluoroethyl) diethylamine, methanolysis, 34:206
38:227-228 methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-o-
6-O-(methylsulfonyl)-a-~-, fluorination. conformation of, 34: 199
38:207 hydrolysis of, 34:202
6-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-~- 2,3-di-O-methyI-a-o-, preparation of,
fluorination, 38:2 19 34: 189, 195
infrared spectrum, 23:256 2,3-di-O-methyl-P-~-,diastereoisomers,
6-O-pyruvoyl-~t-u-,photolysis, 34: 196
mechanism, 38:128 methyl 3-O-benzyl-4,6-O-benzylidene-2-O-
6-0-[3,4-6-tri-O-acetyl-2-0-(4- methyl-a-u-, hydrolysis of, 34:204
oxopentanoy1)-p-u- methyl 3,4-O-ethylidene-(~-~-,
galactopyranosyl]-a-D-,preparation diastereoisomers, 34: 197
and hydrazinolysis, 39:42 methyl 4,6-O-ethylidene-2,3-di-O- methyl-p-
6-[ 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-(2,4- D-, hydrolysis of, 34:204
dinitro-anilino)-a-o-, methyl 4,6-O-isopropylidene-a-u-, and-P-D-,
glucopyranosyl]-a-o-, and-P-ii-, preparation of, 34: 186

Galactopyranose (continued) 2-deoxy-2-N-nitrosoacetamido-o-,

methyl 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyI-2-amino-2- deoxy- reaction with potassium hydroxide,
p-D-, synthesis of, 34:254 31:70
6-0-(2-acetamido-3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2- 2-(N-acetylacetamido)-2-deoxy-P-~-,
deoxy-P-o-glucopyranosy1)- 1,2:3,4-di- crystal structure, 43:249-250
0-isopropylidene-a-D-, nitrosation of, 3-0-(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-p-~-
31:68 galactopyranosy1)-a-o-, crystal
0-a-D-galactopyranosyl-( 1+4)-o-, in plant structure, 43:262
tissues, 37:310 1-thio-P-D-, pentaacetate, proton magnetic
~ - ~ - ~ - D - X ~ ~ O ~ ~24~370
~ ~ O S ~ ~ - D -
, resonance spectroscopy of, 27:68
6-0-(4,6-dichloro-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)-1,2:3,4- 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl- 1,2-O-(R)-(ferf-
di-0-isopropylidene-a+-, preparation butoxyethy1idene)-a-o, crystal
of, 28:259 structure, 43:252
6-0-(dimethylthiocarbonyl)-1,2:3,4-di-0- 2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-~-,preparation, 39:50
isopropylidene-a-o-, photochemical a-D-Galactopyranose calcium bromide
cleavage of, 46: 190 trihydrate, crystal structure bibliography,
6-O-(fluoroformyl)-l,2:3,4-di-0- 31:349
isopropylidene-a-o-, preparation and Galactopyranose pentaacetate
reactions, 38~242-243 carba-a-DL-, 48:29
6-0-formyl- 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-c~- synthesis, 48:27-28
,D, preparation of, 28:251,259 carba-P-DL-, synthesis, 48:28-29
3,4-0-isopropylidene-~-, preparation of, D-, nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates,
34:185 45: 148
4,6-O-isopropylidene-o-,preparation of, P-D-GalaCtOpyranOSe penta(acetate-d,),
34: 185 nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates,
3-0-(2-0-benzyl-a-o-, glucopyranosy1)-4,6- 45: 148
0-ethylidene- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-a- Galactopyranose tetraacetate, 2-bromo-2-
D-, preparation of, 34:263 deoxy-carba-a-m-, 48:30
6-0-a-iodobiphenylyl- 1,2:3,4-di-0- Galactopyranoside, 2-fluoro-p-~-,48: 131
isopropylidene-a-o-, irradiation, Galactopyranosides
38:187, 191 2,4,6,-tri-O-methyl-o-, preparation of, 30:4
0-[3,4,6-tri-0-acetyl-2-0-(4-oxopentanoyl)- 3,4,-di-O-acetyl-6-
P-o-galactopyranosyl]-( 1+2)-0-(3,4,6- azido-6-deoxy- 1-0-(methylsulfony1)-o-
tri-0-acetyl-P-o-galactopyranosy1)- fructofuranosyl2,3,6-tri-O-acetyl-4-
(1+6)-( 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-a- azido-4-deoxy-a-o-, preparation of,
D-, preparation and hydrazinolysis, 33:267,269
39:42 chloro-6-deoxy-l-O-formyl-~-o-
penta-0-acetyl-P-o- fiuctofuranosyl 2,3,6-tri-O-acety1-4-
acetoxonium salt, 26: 160 chloro-4-deoxy-a-o-, preparation of,
ammonolysis of, 31:122 33~262
penta-0-henzoyh-, ammonolysis of, a-D-
31:117, 120 galactopyranosyl D-, in plant tissues,
effect of solvent on, 31:99-100 37:310
per-0-trimethylsilyl-o-, mass spectrometry utilization by yeasts, 32:205-208,
of, 29:48 39:374378
phenyl a-D-,1,6-anhydride formation from, p-D-, utilization by yeasts, 32:208-209
34~29-30 ally1 6-0-allyl-2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-a-o-,
phenyl-p-D-, alkaline cleavage of, 34:29 deallylation, 39:50
1,2,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI- ally1 2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-, 6-0-2-butenyl-a-
p-D-, synthesis, 39:35 D-, isomerization and cleavage, 39:52

ally1 2,4,6-tri-O-benzyl-, 3-0-2-butenyl-a- with benzoyl cyanide, 33:45

D-, selective and cleavage, 39:5 1 with N-benzoylimidazole. 33:43
2-amino-2-deoxy-o-,mass spectrometry of selective methylation with diazomethane,
trimethylsilyl fragmentation derivatives, 33:69
30:38 benzyl 3-0-benzyl-4,6-O-benzylidene-2-O-
methylation and gas-liquid (2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzyl-P-~-,
chromatography of, 30:22 galactopyranosyl) p-D-. hydrogenolysis
3,6-anhydro-4-chloro-4-deoxy-a-u- regioselectivity, 39: 130
galactopyranosyl 3,6-anhydro-4-chloro- 6-bromo-6-deoxy- 1,3,4-tri-O-
4-deoxy-a-o-, taste properties, 45:270 (methylsulfony1)- p-D-fructofuranosyl
anti-a-D-, as myeloma immunoglobulins, 4,6-dibronio-4,6-dideoxy-2,,3-di-O-
31:346 (methykulfonyl)-a-D-, preparation of,
6-azido-6-deoxy- 1,3,4-tri-0- 33:259
(methylsulfony1)- P-D-hctofuranosyl 6-chloro-6-deoxy-~-~-hctofuranosyl4,6-
4,6-diazido-4,6-dideoxy-2,3-di-O- dichloro-4,6-dideoxy-a-~-.preparation
(methylsulfony1)- a-D-, preparation of, of, 33:262
33:267 D-
p-0- benzyl 3,4,6-hi-O-benzyl-2-deoxy-2-
mtctofuranosyl a-D- fluoro-p-, I3C-NMR data for, 46: 161
derivatives, physical properties of, 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-
33:291-293 methyl-, 'H- and "F-NMR data for,
synthesis of, 33:270 46:86
utilization by yeasts, 39:394-397 methyl 3,4-0-isopropylidene-6-O-trityl-
benzyl2-acetamid0-6-0-(2-acetamido-2,4- p-, 'H- and "F-NMR data for, 46536
dideoxy-4-fluoro-~-~-glucopyranosyl)- trifluoromethyl3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-a-,
2-deoxy-a-~-,48:2 18 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:86
benzyl 6-deoxy-a-o-. catalytic oxidation of, 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-, methyl 2,4-di-O-
33539 benzoyl-6-O-(bromoacetyl), IH- and
benzyl 2,3-di-O-benzyl- I9F-NMR data for, 46:90
4,6-O-benzyhdene-p-o-, hydrogenolysis 4,6-dideoxy-4,6-difluoro-
regioselectivity, 39: 129 methyl, IH- and IyF-NMR data for,
4,6-O-benzyl-4,6-O-benzylidene LY-D-, 46:150
hydrogenolysis regioselectivity. phenyl-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for,
39: 129 46: 150
benzyl2,6-di-O-benzyl-3,4-O-benzylidene- methyl 2-acetamido-2,4,6-trideoxy-4,6-
p-D-, endo- and exo-, hydrogenolysis difluoro-a-
regioselectivity, 39: 131 'H- and "F-NMR data for, 46: 157
benzyl2,3-di-O-methyl-4,6-O-benzylidene- 3-O-acetyl-, IH- and I9F-NMR data for,
p-D-, hydrogenolysis regioselectivity, 46:157
39:129 methyl 2-benzamido-2,4,6-trideoxy-4,6-
benzyl 6-O-allyl-2-0-benzyl-3,4-0- difluoro-a-
benzylidene-a-o-, endo-and e.xo-, 3-O-acetyl-, 'H- and "F-NMR data for,
hydrogenolysis regioselectivity, 39: I32 46:157
benzyl3-O-benzoyl-4,6-0-benzylidene-p-~-, 3-O-benzyl-, 'H- and "F-NMR data for,
acyl migration in, 33: 101 46:157
benzyl6-0-benzoyl-2-0-(tri-O-acetyl-a-~- methyl 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-
fucopyranosy1)-p-o-, synthesis of, p anomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46:161
34:252 3,4,6-tri-O-a~etyI-p-,'~C-NMR data for,
benzyl4,6-0-benzyIidene-p-o-p-u- 46:161
benzoylation of, 33:21-22 methyl 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-

Galactopyranosides (continued) 2-deoxy-2-(methylamino)-o-, trimethylsilyl

p anomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46:162 ethers of methylated, gas-liquid
2,4-di-0-benzoyl-6-0-(brornoacetyl)-, chromatography of, 30:29
I3C-NMR data for, 46:162-163 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-~-u-fructofuranosyl3,6-
2,4,6-tri-O-a~etyl+-,~~C-NMR data for, anhydro-a+, preparation of, 33:255
46: 162 1,6-diazido- I ,6-dideoxy-
methyl 4-deoxy-4-fluoro- ~-o-fi'uctofuranosyl4-azido-4-deoxy-a-o-,
a anomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46: 163 preparation of, 33:267
p anomer, %NMR data for, 46: 163 3,4-di-0-(methylsulfonyl)-p-D-
2,3-di-O-ber~yl-P-,~~C-NMR data for, fructohanosyl4,6-diazido-4,6-
46: 164 dideoxy-2,3-di-O-(methylsulfony1)-
2,3-di-O-benzyl-6-0-trityl-P-, I3C- a-u-, preparation of, 33:267
NMR data for, 46: 164 4,6-dichloro-4,6-dideoxy-a-u-
2,3-di-O-trityl-p-, 'H- and I9F-NMR galactopyranosyl4,6-dichloro-4,6-
data for, 46:93 dideoxy-a-o-, preparation from
6-0-benzoyl-2,3-di-O-benzyl-P-, 'H- trehalose, 33:77
and I9F-NMR data for, 46:93 3,4-di-O-acetyl-
2,3,6-tri-0-acetyl-au-,'H- and I9F-NMR 6-chloro-6-deoxy-~-fructofuranosyl 2,3,6-
data for, 46:93 tri-O-acetyl-4-chloro-4-deoxy-a-u-,
2,3,6-tri-0-acetyl-,I3C-NMR data for, preparation of, 33:262
46: 164 1,6-diazido-, 1,6-dideoxy-p-o-
2,3,6-tri-O-benzoyl-P-, 'H- and I9F- fructofuranosy12,3,6-tri-O-acetyl-
NMR data for, 46:93 4azIdo-4-deoxy-a-o-, preparation of,
methyl 6-deoxy-6-fluoro- 33:267,269
a anomer, IH- and I9F-NMR data for, 1,6-dichloro- 1,6-dideoxy-p-~-
46:95 fructofuranosyl2,3,6-tri-O-acetyl-4-
p anomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46: 164 chIoro-4-deoxy-a-o-, preparation of,
1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyl-a-,IH- and I9F- 33:262
NMR data for, 46:95 2,3-di-O-rnethyl-o-, preparation of, 3 0 5
2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-o-, 'H- and "F-NMR 2,6-di-O-methyl-u-, preparation of, 30:4-5
data for, 46:95 3,4-di-O-methyl-o-, preparation of, 30:4
2,3,4-tri-O-a~etyl-p-,'~C-NMRdata for, ethyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy- 1-thio-P-o-,
46: 164 formation from dithioacetal, 32:67
methyl 4,6-dideoxy-4,6-difluoro- ethyl p-D-, entropy of activation for
a anomer I3C-NMR data for, 46:175 hydrolysis of, 22:40
p anomer 13C-NMR data for, 46: 175 L-
methyl 2,6-dideoxy-6-fluoro-a- benzyl2,3,6-trideoxy-2-fluoro-P-
2-acetamido-, IH- and I9F-NMR data 3-amino-, IH- and I9F-NMR data for,
for, 46: 120 46: 124
2-acetamido-3,4-di-O-acetyl-, 'H- and 3-benzamido-
I9F-NMR data for, 46: 120 I3C-NMR data for, 46:171
2-benzamido-, IH- and I9F-NMR data IH- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:124
for, 46: 120 4-0-benzoyl-3-(trifluoroacetamido)-
2-benzamido-4-0-benzoyl-3 -0-benzyl-, I3C-NMR data for, 46:171
IH- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 121 IH- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 124
2-benzamido-3-0-benzyl-, IH-and 3-(trifluoroacetarnido)-, 'H- and I9F-
j9F.NMR data for, 46:121 NMR data for, 46: 124
3,4-di-O-acetyl-2-benzamido-, IH- and methyl 6-deoxy-2,3-di-O-p-~-
I9F-NMR data for, 46: 120 galactopyranosyl-a-, synthesis of,
4-deoxy-4-fluoro-a-u-, 48: 149 utilization of 2-nitrobenzylidene

protecting group in, 46: 188- I 89 hydrolysis of, trifluoroacetic acid in,
methyl 2,3,6-trideoxy-2-fluoro- 28: 17
3-amino-P-, IH- and I9F-NMR data for, monohydrate, crystal structure
46: 124 bibliography, 30:45 1
P- 4,6-phosphate, hydrolysis, 39:6 1
3-amino-,13C-NMR data for, 46: I71 reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 33:74.251,
3-benzamid0-4-O-benzoyl-,~~C-NMR 259
data for, 46:171 selective benzylation of, 33:57
3-(trifluoroa~etarnido)-,~~C-NMR data selective chlorination with
for, 46: 17 1 methanesulfonyl chloride, 33:s 1
3-benzamido-P-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data selective esterification of, 33:27-28
for, 46: 125 sulfonylation of, 23:247
3-benzamido-4-0-benzoyl-P-, ' H- and methyl 4-amino-4-deoxy-a-o-, deamination
I9F-NMR data for, 46:125 of, 31:42
3-(trifluoroacetamido)-, 'H- and "F- methyl 3,h-anhydro-
NMR data for, 46: 125 a-D-,crystal structure bibliography,
trifluoromethyl 3,4-di-O-acetyl-2,6- 31:359
dideoxy-a-, IH- and I9F-NMR data 2,4-di-O-methyl-P-~-.23:270, 24: 146
for, 46: 132 2-0-benzyl-P-o-, 24: 196
methyl 2,3,-di-0-acetyl-4,6-dichloro-4,6- methyl 3.4-anhydro-a-o-, 25127, 145
dideoxy-a-o-, reaction with sodium methyl 6-azido-6-deoxy-2-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-
azide, 28:286 a+-, 24: 145
with tributyltin hydride, 28:303 methyl P-11-
methyl 3, 6-anhydro-a-~-,crystal structure catalytic oxidation of, 33:87
bibliography, 30:45 1 crystal structure bibliography, 3k433-434
methyl 2-acetamido- sulfonylation of, 23:248
3,4-di-0-acetyI-2,-6-dideoxy-6-fluoro-a- methyl 2-benzamido-3-O-benzyi-2,4,-6-
D-, preparation, 38:208 trideoxy-4,6-difluoro-~-,preparation,
6-0-acetyl-2- deoxy-a-o-, selective 38:222
sulfation of, 3 3 5 1 methyl 4,6-bis(acetamido)-4,6-dideoxy-a-~-,
methyl 2-(acetoxymercuri)-3,4,6-tri-O- 23:155
acety1-2-deoxy-P-o-, irradiation, methyl 6-bromo-h-deoxy-. a-D-, crystal
38: 190-1 9 1 structure of, 2 5 7 3
methyl a-D- methyl 2-chloro-2-deoxy-
benzoylation of, 23:250 a,p-o-, crystal structure bibliography,
catalytic oxidation of, 33237 31:366
4,6-dideoxy-4,6-di(thiocyanato)-, P-D-, reaction with sulfuryl chloride,
synthesis, 44: 125 28:235
2,3,4-di-O-acety-6-deoxy-6-thiocyanato-, methyl 4-chloro-4-deoxy-2,3,4-tri-O-p-
44: I43 tolylsulfonyl-a-o-, 22: 183
2,3-di-O-acetyl-6-deoxy-6-thio~yanato-4- methyl 6-chIoro-6-deoxy-2,3,4-tri-O-p-
0-p-tolylsulfonyl-, 44: 143 tolylsulfonyl-a-D-, 22: 184
2,3-di-O-acetyl-4,6-di( thiocyanat0)-. methyl D-
44: I43 halogen derivatives of, 22:221
synthesis, 44: 126 reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 33:74
2,3-di-0-benzoyl-4-deoxy-4-thiocyanato-, methyl 4-deoxy-
44:143 4-iodo-2,3-di O-methyI-2,6-di-O-p-
2,3-di-0-benzoyl-4,6-dideoxy-4,6- tolylsulfonyl-a-o-, 23:268
di(thiocyanat0)-, 44: 143 4-iodo-2,3-di-O-methyI-6-O-p-
formation from dithioacetal, 3 2 6 8 tOlylSUlfOtlyl-D-, 23~268

Galactopyranosides (continued) 3-O-methyl-o-, hydrogenation over Raney

4-iodo-2,3-di-O-methyl6-O-p- nickel, 28:300
tolysulfonyl-a-o-, preparation of, methyl 4,6-dideoxy-4,6-diiodo-3-O-methyl-
28:241 ~-O-~-~OI~ISUI~O~~I-CY-D-, 23:268
4-iodo-3-O-methyl-2,6-di-O-p- methyl 2,4-di-O-acetyl-3,6-anhydro-o-,
tolylSulfonyl-D-,22: 185 rearrangement in zinc chloride-acetic
methyl 6-deoxy- anhydnde, 26: 193
(Y-D-,catalytic oxidation of, 33239 methyl 2,3-di-O-benzoyl-
CY-DL-, synthesis, 40:70 (Y-D-, preparation, 3 5 5 3
2,3-di-O-methyl-4-0-(methylsulfonyl)-~- 4,6-di-O-p-to~ylsulfonyl-a-o-,
D-, 23:270 displacement reactions of, 24: 159
displacement reactions of, 24: 159, 190 4,6-di-(thiocyano)-4,6-dideoxy-o-, 24: 160
6-fluoro-a-o-, hydrolysis rate of, 22:208 4,6-O-benzyhdene-a-o-, irradiation, 39:92
6-iod0-3,4-O-isopropylidene-p-o, 4-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-(~-~-, inversion of,
preparation of, 28:241 29:5
CY-L- methyl 2,3-di-O-benzyl-
dibenzoylation of, 33:28 CY-D-, selective benzylation of, 33:58
3,4-phenylboronate, preparation, 3 5 4 8 6-deoxy-p-o-, 23:270
selective benzylation of, 33:57 6-deoxy-4-O-(methylsulfonyl)-ol-o-,
4-O-methyI-p-o-, 23:270 displacement reactions of, 24: 164
methyl 4,6-diazido-2,3-di-O-benzoyl-4,6- 4,6-dideoxy-4-iodo-a-~-
dideoxy-o-, 24: 160, 191 displacement reactions of, 24: 160
methyl 4,6-dichloro-4,6-dideoxy- reaction with radioactive iodine, 28:
CY-D- 229
2,3-bis(chlorosulfate), preparation of, 6-O-(methylsulfonyl)-a-o-, displacement
33:13,259 reaction of, 24: 174
crystal structure bibliography, 31:366 6-O-(methylsulfonyl)-p-~-, solvolysis of,
2,3-cyclic sulfate, preparation of, 24: 196
28~230-231 methyl 2,3-di-O-methyl-
2,3-cyclic sulfate, preparation of, 73 p-D-, 23:270
preparation of, 33:81 p-D-,
2,3-di(chlorosultate), preparation of, displacement reactions of, 24: 159,
2 n : z 1-232 190
hydrogenation over Raney nickel, 4-O-(methylsulfonyl)-6-O-trityl-a-o-,
28:301 fluorination, 38:220
preparation of, 28:238 6-O-p-to~ylsu~fonyk~-o-, 23:240
p-D- reaction with methyl-
2,3-di(chlorosulfate). displacement triphenoxyphosphonium iodide,
reaction, 28:234 28:241
preparation of, 33:74, 81 6-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-P-~-,23:240
~-o,2,3-bis(chlorosuIfate), displacement methyl 2,6-di-O-(rnethylsulfonyl)-~~-o-,
reactions of, 24:162 23:247
2,3-di-O-rnethyl-a-o-, preparation of, methyl 3,6-di-O-(methylsulfonyl)-~-~-,
2n:247 23:248
2,3-di-O-(methylsulfonyl)-~~-~-, methyl 2,6-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-~-,
preparation of, 28:255 displacement reaction of, 24: 145
2,3-di-O-p-tolyh~fony~-o-, preparation methyl 2,5-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-6-O-trityl-~-
of, 33:83 D-, 23:244
2,3-di-O-p-tolysuifony1-(~-~-, 22: 183 methyl exo-3,4-O-ethylidene-P-~-, crystal
preparation of, 28:255 structure bibliography, 37:38 1

methyl 6-O-acetyI-p-o-, crystal structure methyl 2,3.6-tri-O-benzoyl-4-0-

bibliography, 32:381,37:382 (methylsulfony1)-u-D(and P-D)-%
methyl 6-O-benzoyl-a-o-, synthesis, 39:29 displacement reactions of, 24: 159
methyl 4,6-0-benzylidene- methyl tri-0-methyl-o-, gas-liquid
(Y-D- chromatography of acetates of, 30:26
hydrogenolysis regioselectivity, 39: methyl 2,3 4-tri-O-methyl-6-O-p-
125 tolylsulfonyl-a-o-, displacement
reaction with N-bromosuccinimide, reactions of, 24: 144
39:99 2-0-methyl-o-, preparation of, 30:4
selective acylation of, 33:21 3-O-rnethyl-o-, in leaves, gas-liquid
synthesis, 39:78 chromatography of as nitrile, 30:33
p-0- trimethylsilyl ether and gas-liquid
reaction with N-bromosuccinimide, chromatography of, 30:28
39: 100 0-nitrophenyl p-D-
selective acylation of, 33:21 6-phosphate, preparation, 39:63
selective oxidation with chromium reaction with phospboryl chloride-
trioxide, 33:98 trimethyl phosphate, 33:46
2-C-(dicarbethoxymethyl)-2,3-dideoxy-3- phenyl 2,3-di-O-benzyl-4,6-O-benzylidene-
nitro-o-, 24: 137 (Y-D-, hydrogenolysis regioselectivity,
3-deoxy-3-nitro-P-o-, reaction with basic 39: 129
aluminum oxide, 24: 113 p-D-,hydrogenolysis regioselectivity,
2,3-di-O-p-to~yhlfonyI-o-,23:25 1 39:129
2,3-O-rnethylene-o-, proton magnetic pheny14,6-O-benzylidene-P-o-,
resonance spectroscopy of, 27:66 benzoylation of, 33:21
2p-tol)lSUlfOllyl-D-,2 3 ~ 2 15 p-nitrophenyl, (Y-D-and p-o-, 42:390
3p-tolylsulfonyl- D-, 23:25 I t ,3,4,6-tetra-0-acetyl-p-~-fructofuranosy1
methyl 3,4-O-isopropylidene-p-~- 2,3 -di-O-acetyl-4,6-dichloro-4,6-dideoxy-
reaction with (Y-D-, preparation of, 33:263
methyltriphenoxyphosphonium 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-a-o-, nuclear
iodide, 28:241 magnetic resonance spectra and
selective iodination with methyltri- structure of, 33:275
phenoxyphosphonium iodide, 33:77 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-o-, acetate, gas-liquid
methyl 2,3,4,6-tetrakis(acetamido)-2.3,4,6- chromatography of, 30:29
tetradeoxy-a-D-, 23: 187 trimethylsilyl ether and gas-liquid
methyl tetra-0-benzoyl-a+-, selective chromatography of, 30:29
deacylation, 39:29 Galactopyranosid]uronate, methyl [methyl 2,3-
methyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-o-, 24: 160 di-O-benzyl-4-O-(methylsulfonyl)-a-~-,
methyl tetra-0-methyl-cu-D-, mass spectrum conformation of, 29:262
of, 21:61 Galactopyranosiduronic acid
methyl 3,4,6-trideoxy-3,4-epimino-a-i--, cholesterol 2,3,4-tri-0-acetyl-a-~-,methyl
23:278 ester, preparation, 36:93
methyl 2,3,6-tri(rnethylsulfonyl)-~~-~-~ ergosterol 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl (Y-D-. methyl
23:24712 ester, preparation, 36:93
methyl 2,3,4-tr-O-acetyl-6-deoxy-6-iodo- methyl CY-D-, methyl ester, benzoylation of,
thio-a-o-, reaction with sodium nitrite, 33:30
28:282 methyl p-D-, acid-catalyzed hydrolysis,
methyl 2,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-3-deoxy-3-nitro-~. 36:84
D-, dehydroacetylation of, 24: 129 methyl D-, methyl ester, preparation, 36:74
methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-benzoyl-6-bromo-6- methyl methyl, reaction with sodium
deoxy-pa-, synthesis, 39: 100 methoxide in methanol, 28:206

Galactopyranosiduronic acid (continued) 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-o-

p-nitrophenyl a-and p-D-,preparation, 01 anomer, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for,
36:7 1 46: I46
sitosterol2,3,4-tri-O-acetyI-a-~-,methyl 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyI-, IH- and I'F-NMR data
ester, preparation, 36:93 for, 46: I46
Galactopyranosyl 2,6-dideoxy-2-fluoro-
amine, N-acetyl-D-, oxidation and a - ~ -48:176
configuration of, 31:103, 105 L-
O-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-a-~-, linkage with anomer, ')I-and I9F-NMR data for,

amino acids, 2 5 4 2 5 4 3 4 46: 153

2,4,6-tri-0-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-a-o-, 3,4-di-O-acetyl-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data
48: 175 for, 46: 153
Galactopyranosyl benzothiazole, 2-(tetra-O- peracetyl-4-deoxy-4-fluoro-
acetyl-l -bromo-p-D-, synthesis, 49:60 OL-D-,synthesis, 38:204
Galactopyranosyl bromide p-D-, synthesis, 38:204
L-, 4-0-benzoyl-2,3,6-trideoxy-2-fluoro-3- 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyi-~-
trifluoroacetamido)-a-, 'H- and I9F- OL anomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46: 160
NMR data for, 46: 125 p anomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46:160
2,3,4,6-tetra-@acetyl-a-o-, reaction with IH- and "F-NMR data for, 46:82
trimethylamine and anhydridization, 3,4,6-trideoxy-3,4,6-trifluoro-a-o-
34:32 I3C-NMR data for, 46:177
tri-O-acetyl-6-bromo-6-deoxy-a-~-, IH- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 158
22:181 3,4,6-tn-0-acetyl-2-deoxy-o-
Galactopyranosyl bromide uronic acid, 2,3,4- 2-bromo-, IH- and I9F-NMR data for,
tri-0-acetyl-a-o-, methyl ester, 46: I29
preparation, 36:65 2-1odo-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for,
Galactopyranosyl chloride 46: 129
D-, methyl 2,4-di-0-benzoyl-6-0- 2,3,6-tn-0-acety~-4-deoxy-4-fluoro-o-
(bromoacetyl)-3-deoxy-3-fluoro-0~-, a anomer, 'H- and 19F-NMR data for,
I'C-NMR data for, 46: 172 46: I48
4,6-dichloro-4,6-dideoxy-~-,2,3- p anomer, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for,
di(chlorosulfate), preparation of, 46: 148
28:235 Galactopyranosyl glycerol, 2 - 0 - a - ~ -taste
tetra-0-acetyl- properties, 45:275
OL-D-,acetoxonium salt, 26: 160 Galactopyranosyl isothiocyanate, 2,3,4,6-tetra-
p-D-,acetoxonium salt, 26:160-161 0-acetyl-p-o-, 44: 141
Galactopyranosyl chloride uronic acid, 2,3,4- Galactopyranosyl-L-serine, 3-0-2-Acetamido-
tri-0-acetyl-a-o-, methyl ester, 2-deoxy-a-o-, 43:5
preparation, 36:65 Galactopyranosyl-L-threonine,3-0-2-
Galactopyranosyl cyanide, 2,3,4,6-tetra-O- acetamido-2-deoxy-a-~-,43:5
acetyl-P-o-, crystal structure bibliography, Galactopyranosyl- 1,4-oxidiazole, 5-methyl-2-
31:396 tetra-0-acetyl- 1-bromo-p-o-, synthesis,
Galactopyranosyh-arabinitol, 3-0-p-o-, taste 49:59
properties, 45275 Galactopyranosyluronic acid, WD-
Galactopyranosyi-o-erythritol, ~-O-OL-D-, taste ester with uridine 5 '-pyrophosphate, enzymic
properties, 45275 preparation of, 28:343
Galactopyranosyl dipotassium phosphate, 6- isolation of, 28:326
deoxy-6-fluoro-a-o-, preparation, 38:245 methyl ester, ester with uridine 5'-
Galactopyranosyl fluoride pyrophosphate, preparation of, 28:355
2-bromo-2-deoxy-a-o-, preparation, 38:235 D-Galactopyranuronate, diaxial and

axial-equatorial processes in p- mutarotation of, 23:20-2 I , 23

elimination, 29:25&265 sweetness, effect of infrared hydroxyl
Galactopyranuronic acid absorption bands and hydrogen-
a-D- bonding strength, 45:2 16-2 17
calcium sodium salt hexahydrate, crystal aldehydo-n-
structure bibliography, 34:347 acetate, 26:8
sodium strontium salt hexahydrate, crystal pentaacetatc, aldehydrol, and hemiacetal,
structure bibliography, 34:348 23:25
circular dichroism. 45: 109-1 10 aldehydo-ui.-.aldehydrol heptaacetate,
u-, methyl ester, and pectinesterase activity, 26: 192
33:329 2-amino-2-deoxy-u-. 24: 1 12.208
1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyl-p-~-, methyl ester, composition in aqueous solution, 42:47,
crystal structure bibliography, 34:360 67
L-Galactosaccharinic acid, a-and p-, formation deamination of, 25: 186,31:25
from L-, 28: 195 determination of, 25:2 16
D-Galactosamine, see Galactose, 2-amino-2- in glycoproteins. 25:413
deoxy-o- decarboxylation of, 28: I87
Galactosamine trichloroacetimidates dehydration in acid solution, 28: I82
glycosylation, 50:98-102 derivatives, 24: 161
as glycosyl donors, 50534, 92-1 02 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:78-79
Galactosaminidase, endo-N-acetyl-a-u-. 44:240 in glycoprotein of urine, 24:441442
Galactosan, D-, polymerization of, 21:483 microdetermination of, 31:26
Galactose polysaccharides containing, 23:402
4,5,6-tri-O-benzoyl-o-, diethyl dithioacetal. 3-amino-3-deoxy-o-, 22: 132
2,3-di-O-methyI-o- galactose from, 4-amino-4-deoxy-o-, composition in aqueous
32:65 solution. 42:49
preparation of, 32:45 6-amino-6-deoxy-~-,24: 147
3,6-anhydro-2,4.5-tri-O-methyl-~-, diinethyl 6-amino-6-dcoxy-l,2:3,4-di-O-
acetal and dithioacetal, mass spectra of, isopropyhdene-D-, 23:235
29:74-75 deamination of, 31:51
2-acetamido-2-deoxy- 4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-o-, 23: 155, 24: 160
a-D-,crystal structure bibliography. 4,5-anhydro-u-, formation of, 31:3 1
32:361 I .6-anhydro-
U-, 24:134,47:186-187 2-O-benzoyl-3,4-O-isopropylidene-~-11-,
diethyl dithioacetal, partial photobromination, 49:53-54
demercaptalation of, 32:66 D-, formation of, 34:36
ester of thymidine 5-pyprophosphate, 3,4-0-isopropylidene-i,-,22:4
and epimer, 28:323 3,6-anhydro-
in glycopeptides, 25:433 D-, 24:321,25:140
protein linkage with, 25:418 in agar-agar, 22:4
lectins, 35:22&254 composition in aqueous solution, 42:58
nitrosation of, 31:67 dithioacetals, hydrolysis of, 32:64
3-O-~-~-galactopyranosyl-u-, 24:425 mass spectra of derivatives of, 29:74
5-thio-u-, composition in aqueous hydrazones, 23:266
solution, 42:52-53 L-
1 -O-acetyl-2,3,5,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-4-bromo- in agar, 25:6
p-D-,synthesis, 49:49 mass spectra of derivatives of, 29:74
acyl migration in esters, 30:4 polarography of, 29: 142
a-D- (4-O-~-o-galactopyranosyl)-,dimethyl
crystallography of, 25:6 1 acetal, 24:280

Galactose (continued) sulfonylation of, 24: 175

4-O-(p-~-galactopyranosyl)-~,-, effect of mutarotase on mutarotation of,
p-0- 24:3 1
crystallography of, 2 5 6 1 in glycoprotein of urine, 24:441,443
mutarotation of, 23:20, 23 mutarotation of, 24: 15
synthesis, 3-sulate, 24:404
48~60-61 diethyl dithioacetal
configuration of, 21: 15 hydrogenolysis of, 32:77
D-, 48:282 methylation of, 32:47
absorptive rate by human jejunum, 34:289 oxidation of, 32:8&82
acetonation of, 34: 185 partial demercaptalation of, 32:66
derivatives, cyclic acetals, Table, preparation of, 32:2 1
34:224-227 reaction with tert-butyl vinyl ether,
pyrolysis of, 34:185 32:54
acyloxonium rearrangement of, 26: 159 irradiation, 39:94
anomers, correlation between CH utilization by yeasts, oxygen
orientation and vibrational requirement, 39:397401
frequencies observed, 44:2 1 photolysis, 38: 151-152
in aqueous solution, 42:16 dimethyl acetal
composition, 42:26,28, 31, 63 hydrolysis of, 22: 1 13
polarimetry, 42: 17 preparation of, 32:65
ascorbic acid synthesis, 37: 146 o-tagatose from, 31:71
occurrence in plant kingdom, o-talose from, by acyloxonium
37:284-289 rearrangement, 26: 161
radiation chemistry, 37:33 in endosperm during germination, 35357
toxicity, 37:342-345 enzymes of pathway in yeasts, 32: 176
cx and p pyranose anomers, circular publications, 32: 178-1 79
dichroism, 4579-80 enzymic phosphorylation of, 32:9
catabolism by yeasts, 32:232 gas-liquid chromatography of,in blood,
catalytic oxidation of, 33237 28:46
diethyl dithioacetal, selective methanolysis of, 28: 19
benzoylation of, 33:41 mutarotation and gas-liquid
dithioacetals, selective esterification of, chromatography of, 28:40-41
33:40 gel chromatography of, 2 5 3 1
selective methylation of, 3 3 6 6 in glycoenzymes, 27:302,307, 321
reaction with (methoxycarbonyl- in glycoproteins, 25:413
methylene)triphenylphosphorane, halogen derivatives of, 22:220
33: 154 in honey, 25:290
with sulfuryl chloride, 33:76 intramolecular hydrogen bonding in,
selective oxidation with silver 4 5 2 16-2 17
carbonate-on-Celite, 33:97 lectins, 35:254-277
C-C and C-0 bond-lengths in, 44: 15 liquid chromatography analysis, 46:55
complex with germanic acid, 22:288 mercaptalation of, 32:21
composition in nonaqueous solvents, mutarotation of, 23:12, 16
42:68 nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates,
dialkyl dithioacetals, reaction with 45: 148, 150
sulfonyl chlorides, 32:49 pernicotinate, ammonolysis of, 31539
dibenzyl dithioacetal polarography and reactions with
reaction with mercury(I1) chloride in hydrazine, semicarbazide, and
methanol, 32:68 hydroxylamine, 29: 152

protein linkage with, 25:418 4-O-methyl-o-, 23:270

proton spin-lattice relaxation rates. 4,5-O-isopropylidene-o-, dibenzyl
45: 150-1 5 I dithioacetal, digitalose from, 3 2 6 5
pyrophosphate ester in red alga, 32:9 in protein-carbohydrate compounds of
solubility in liquid ammonia, 27:91 urine, 24:442443,450
in methanol, 27:97 determination of enantiomeric form, 4 6 6 6
in methanol, effect of calcium chloride 2,3-diamino-2,3-dideoxy-o-, 24:135
on, 27:95 2,6-diamino-2,6-dideoxy-o-, 22: 136
in tnchloroacetonitrile, 27: 1 I3 4,6-diamino-4,6-dideoxy-~-, composition in
sweetness, 45220 aqueous solution, 42:52
transport into Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 4,6-dideoxy-
32: I53 4-dimethylamino-o-, 24: 160
trimethylsilyl ethers, mutarotation of, 4-[(R)-3-hydroxybutanamido]-~-.
42:22 47: 175-1 76
uridine 5'-pyrophosphate ester, in mung 4-methylamino-o-, 24: 160
bean, 32:9 3,6-dideoxy-3-( r-glyceroylamino)-D-,
utilization by yeasts, 32:17&177, 47:175-176
224225 I ,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-
2-deoxy-, 2-flUOrO-D-, 48: I3 1 D-, 23:269
labeled, 48: 192-1 94, 198 oxidation of, 22:4
metabolism, 48:207 preparation of, 34: 185
preparation, 38:23 1 6-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-cu-o-,hydrolysis of,
3-deoxy- 34:204
3,4-C-(dichloromethylene)-1,2:5.6-di-0- 6-O-p-tolylsulonyl-o-, displacement
isopropylidene-a-o-, 24:247 reaction of, 24: 143
1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-3,4-C- 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-, D-, selective
methylene-a-D-, 24:247 hydrolysis, 39:15
3-fluoro-o-, preparation, 38:222 2,3:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene,-u-, diethyl and
4-deoxy-, 6-fluoro-o-, preparation. 38:220 dibenzyl dithioacetals, reactions with
6-deoxy- methyltriphenoxyphosphonium iodide,
a-L- 28:242
1,2:3,4-bis(phenylboronate),preparation 2,3-di-O-methyl-o-
of, 35:45 composition
mutarotation of, 23:23 in aqueous solution, 42:4344
composition in nonaqueous solution, 4 2 6 1
in aqueous solution, 42:63 preparation of, 32:65
in methanol, 42:68 2,4-di-O-methyl-3-0-(2,3,4-tri-O-rnethyl-~-
D-, 21~176 glucopyranosyluronic acid)-o-, from
6,6-difluoro-o-, 48: 152 mesquite gum, 24:349
2,4-dimethyl-o-, 23:270 DL-,synthesis, 40:93
6-flUOrO-D-, 22: 179 0-galactosyl, 21:3 1
enzyme activity and, 22:211 y-D-. gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:40
preparation, 38:207 0-glucosyl-, 21:31
6-hydrazino- 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene- I , 1,2,3,4,5,h-hepta-O-acteyl-aldehydo-~1.-,
D-, 23:235 22:205
6-iod0-2,3:4,5-di-0-isopropylidene-u-, 4,7-~-isopropylIdene-a-o~-carba-, synthesis,
diethyl and dibenzyl dithioacetsls, 48:60-61
preparation of, 28:242 L-
L-, see Fucose, L- ascorbic acid synthesis, 37: 146
diethyl dithioacetal, oxidation of. 32:85 residue in plant polysaccharides, 24:369

Galactose (continued) ( 1+2)-0-a-o-galactopyranosyluronic

6-sulfate, 25: 10 acid- (1+4)-o-, 24:367
liquid chromatography, 42:23-24,46:33, 5,6-0-ethylidene-o-, diethyl dithioacetal,
52-5 3 mass spectrometry of, 32:96
methylation analyses of, 30: 19 preparation of, 32:5&55
methyl ethers, 30:6 1,2-~-isopropylidene-a-~-, preparation of,
Of D-, 6: I 1-25,10:273-282 34: 188
periodate oxidation and gas-liquid 4,5-0-isopropylidene-u-
chromatography of, 30:34 diethyl dithioacetal, dimethyl acetal from,
methyl glycosides of oligosaccharides 32:65
containing, ' T - N M R data for, dithioacetals, demercaptalation of, 32:64
42:2 12-2 13 preparation of, 3 2 5 4
3-0-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy-a-u- 3,4-0-isopropylidene-6-0-methyl-~-,
galactopyranosyl)-2-0-a-~- preparation of, 34: 186
fucopyranosyl-u-, synthesis, 40: 127 0-L-rhamnopyranosyl-( 1+4)-O-o-
~-O-(Y-D-, glucopyranosyl-o-, preparation of, glucopyranosyl-( 1+6)-D-, 24:35 1
34:263 6-O-methyl-o-, isolation of, 35:7
6-0-a-o-, glucopyranosyl-o-, preparation of, 6-0-( methylsulfonyl)-o-, hydrozones,
34:263 23:265
4-O-(a-o-galactopyranosyluronic acid)+, O-(N-acetylneuraminic acid)-(2+3)-a-o,
24:366 24:425
2-O-a-~-fucopyranosyl-o-,synthesis, 39: 4-0-(4-0-methyl-a-u-glucopyranosyluronic
296 acid)-o-, 24:364
0-a-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1+2)-[0-P-D-glU- from mesquite gum, 24:349-350
copyranosyl-( 1+3)-~-, see Solatriose 6-O-(4-0-methyl-~-o-glucopyranosyluronic
4-0-p-o-, galactopyranosyl-o-, synthesis, acid)+-, 24:359-360
41:9 from mesquite gum, 24:349
3-O-P-o-galactopyranosyl-o-, 24:355 6-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-, D-
synthesis, 41:9 hydrozones, 23:265
6-0-P-o-galactopyranosyl-o-, 24:355 mercaptalation of, 32:28,49
0-P-o-galactopyranosyl-(1+6)-0-P-u- 6-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-
galactopyranosyl-( 1+4)-u-, 24:376 a-D-,23:261
3-04P-o-galactopyranosy~uronic acid)+, P-D-, 23:261
24:353 in pectic polysaccharides, 42:277-278
3,0-P-~-galacto~yl-~-, 25:34 2,3,4,5,6-penta-O-acetyl-o-
6-~-(~-o-g~ucopyranosy~uronic acid)+, diethyl dithioacetal, dimethyl acetal from,
24~350,354,359-360 32:65
from Acacia gums, 24:345-346 reactions with halogen compounds,
3-0-( P-o-glucosyluronic acid)+-, 2 5 3 4 32:7 1
0-P-o-xylopyranosyl-( 1+3)-[O-P-o- ethyl methyl and benzothiazolyl ethyl
glucopyranosyl-( 1+2)-[0-P-o- dithioacetals, ethyl
glucopyranosyl-( 1+4)-o-, see pseudothiouronium salt, and ethyl
Lycotetraose dithiohemiacetal, preparation of,
6-0-benzoyl-u-, dimethyl dithioacetal, 32:43
reaction with benzaldehyde, 32:54 penta-0-acetyl-o-, structure of cyclic
6-0-benzyl- 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-a- isomers, 32:4
D-, methanolysis of, 34:206 1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-benzoyl-o, ammonolysis,
O-o-galactopyranosyl- 39:31
(1-+4)-3,6-anhydro-~-,polarography of, 2,3,4,5,6-penta-O-methyl-aldehydo-o-,
29: 142 preparation of, 32:62

polarography of, 29:127 Galactoseptanoside

pseudo-a-o-, occurrence of, 42:116 methyl 2,3.4,5-tetra-O-acetyl-a-~-,
relation to rhamnose, 21: 16 preparation of, 34:283
6-sulfonates, displacement reactions of, methyl 6-thio-a-o-, and-P-D-, derivatives,
24: 143 preparation of, 34:283
2,3,4,6-tetraamino-2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-n-, Galactoseptanosyl chloride, 2,3,4,5-tetra-O-
24:147, 160 acetlyI-6-thio-a-o-, 23:230
2,3,4,6-tetra-O- Galactose-4-1, 24:247
acetyl- D-, preparation of, 27: 136
6-deoxy-6-iodo-aldehydo-o-, Galactosioase, 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-a-~-,in
rearrangement in zinc chloride-acetic glycoprotein structure determination, 33:7
anhydride, 26: 192 a-o-Galactosidase A, 40:279-280
6-deoxy-6-iodo-o-, diethyl dithioacetal, a-o-Galactosidase B, 40:279-280
hydrogenolysis by Raney nickel, Galactosidases, 16:239-298
32:76 p-D-,39:394-397,42:383-384.44: 154, 186,
6-deoxy-h-thio-o-, diethyl dithioacetal, 202,208-209,247
hydrogenolysis of, 32:63 acidic and neutral, 40:274-276
6-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-aldehydo-o-, from Corticium rolfiii, 32:285
rearrangement in zinc chloride-acetic in plant cell-walls, 42:30 I-302,373-377
anhydride, 26: 192 purification by affinity chromatography,
6-S-acetyl-6-thio-o-, diethyl 39:442
dithioacetal, hydrogenolysis by in yeasts, purification and molecular
Raney nickel, 32:76 weight of, 32:208-209
benzyl-o- synthesis, 39:50 in carbohydrate degradations, 38:4 13
tetra-O-benzoyl-6-bromo-6-deoxy-n-. diethyl a-D-, 39:375-378,44: 165- 167
dithioacetal, 22: 181 Aspergillus n iger, 44: 22 9-2 30
6-thio-o-, derivatives, 24: 147 for biodegradative hydrolysis of
thio linkage to cysteine, 43:4647 galactomannans, 31 :256
trimethylsilyl ethers of methylated. in galactoniannan degradation during
gas-liquid chromatography of, 30:28 germination of seeds, 35:362-366
2,4,5-tri-O-acetyl-3-6-anhydro-~-,dimethyl molecular weight of, 32:205
acetal and dithioacetal, mass spectra of, multimolecular forms, 35:365
29:75 in plant cell-walls, 42:301, 376
UDP-D-, in polysaccharide biosynthesis, in Saccharomyces. 32:205--208
42:322, 33 1 specificity, 35:364
Galactose antibodies, 53:2 18-2 19 endo-p-n-, 44: 148,216, 240-242,408
D-Galactose dehydrogenase, 44:232 a-D-Galactaside galactohydrolase, in
D-GalaCtoSe diethyl dithioacetal, photochemical galactomannan degradation, 35:362
decomposition of, 46: 197 Galactosides
D-(;akiCtoSe oxidase, 44: 186, 234 D-, of glycerol, 37:36&362
Galactose pentaacetate, p-D-,proton of polyols, 37:3 12-322
spin-lattice relaxation, 45: 157 of sucrose, 37:289-3 1 1
Galactoseptanose 4-deoxy-4-fluoro-o-, 48: 137
5-0-acetyl- 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-a-o-. 4,6-dideoxy-4,6-difluoro-o-, 48: 137
crystal structure, 43:237-238 ethyl a-D-
pentaacetyl-6-thio-aY-o-,23:230 isolation and properties, 37:320
penta-O-acetlyI-6-thio-u-, 23:230 in soybean extracts, 2 8 5 4
2,3,4,5-tetra-O- mass spectrometry of, 30:38
acetyl-o-, preparation of, 32:63 methyl 3-acetamido-2-(methylsulfonyl)-~-,
methlyl-6-thio-o-, 23:230 22: I29

Galactosides (continued) 0-Galactosyl trichloroacetimidates

methyl a-D-,selective periodate oxidation of, acetylated, glycosylation with, 5053, 56-57
33:95 benzylated, glycosidation, 50:53-55
methyl 4-amin0-4,6-dideoxy-o-, 23: 154 as donors, 50:49, 52-59
methyl 3,6-anhydro-~-,synthesis of, 2 2 4 glycosylation with sphingosine derivatives,
methyl-p-D-, C-C and C-0 bond-lengths in, 50:58-59
44: 15 synthesis, 5052-53
methyl 6-bromo-6-deoxy-u-o-, crystal Galactosyluronic residues in plant cell-wall
structure bibliography, 31:366 polysaccharides, 42:280
rnetnyl3,4-anhydro-6-deoxy-P-o-, 22: 179 Galacturonic acid
2-0-acetyI-l,6-anhydro-P-o~-, synthesis, Ci-D-
40:55 calcium salt, tetrahydrate, crystal structure
p-aminophenyl p-D-, synthesis, 39:42 1 4 2 2 bibliography, 32:380
refractive index and specific rotation of, 30:4 calcium sodium salt, hexahydrate, crystal
a-o-Galactosidic linkages, biochemistry of, in structure bibliography, 32380
plant kingdom, 37:283-372 D-
Galactosiduronic acid enzymic phosphorylation of, 32:9
a-D-,methyl, methyl ester hydrate, crystal mercaptalation of, 32:26
structure bibliography, 34:372 methyl ester, dimethyl dithioacetal,
methyl D-, preparation, 39:3,5 reaction with benzaldehyde, 32:54
Galactosyl, 2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-~-, 2,3:4,5-di-O-benzylidene-o-, methyl ester
glycosidic linkages, 47: 188 dithioacetals, reduction of, 32:55
Galactosylamine, N-@romoacetyl)-P-D-, 2,3,4,5-tetra-O-acetyyl-~-,methyl ester,
48:315-376 preparation of, 32:6243
Galactosylation, with transferases, 49:2 19- Galacturonamide, 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-~-,
224 47: 177-178
Galactosylceramide Galacturonan, 44: 182
biosynthesis, 40:247-248 D-, metabolism by pseudomonad enzyme,
catabolism, 40:274 and p-eliminative degradation,
glycosphingolipids, 40:238 29:247-249
isolation, 40:238 from plant cell-walls, 44:359
Galactosylceramide sulfate sulfatase, activator Galacturonanases
for enzymic hydrolysis, 40:281,283 D-
Galactosyl chloride, 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyI-2-deoxy- action pattern and specificity of,
2-nitroso-a-o-, 24:207 33:345-359
D-GalaCtOSyl di- and tri-saccharides, assay of, 33:365-367
48:2 18-220 definition, 33:327
P-o-Galactosylmethyl carbenium ion, molecular weight of, 33:346
formation, 48:373-374 occurrence and formation of, 33:359-362
~-~-Galactosylmethyl-4-(nitrophenyl)tnazene, purification of, 33:362-364
48~373-374 effect on plant cell-walls, 42346-347,
Galactosyl phosphate, 2-amino-2-deoxy-a-o-, 369-372,376377,381
monohydrate, crystal structure, endo-a-( 1+4), in primary plant cell-wall
4 3 ~ 17-2
2 18 fractionation, 42:270,275
Galactosyltransferase, 49:220-22 1 endo-( I+~)-c~-D-, 44: 183-1 84
a-,40:249,252 exo-o-
4-p-, 44:202 action pattern of, 33:354-359
p-D-,40:248 assay of, 33:366
D-, 44:203,371 definition, 33:327
UDP-, 44~244 occurrence and formation of, 33:359-362

purification of, 33:364 tetra-0-acetyl-aldehydo-D-, methyl ester

Galacturonans ethyl hemiacetal, isolation. 3 9 3
biosynthesis of, 26:399402 synthesis, 39:5
in cell walls, 26:298,300, 337,348 treated with trifluoroacetic acid. recoveries
crystallography of, 22:480 of, 46:261-262
D- UDP-, in polysaccharide biosynthesis,
enzymic degradation by lyase, 33:378 42:33 I
pectinesterase specificity for, 33:329, 334 UDP-D-, in poly(ga1acturonic acid)
in plant cell-walls biosynthesis. 42:321
in ripening, 42:372,374 in xylans, 363236-237
role in structure, 42:305 Galacturonorhamnan, 24:37 1
Galacturonic acid Galacturonorhamnan polysaccharides, see
acid hydrolysis of, correction factors, 46:254 Polysaccharides
01-D-, calcium sodium salt hexahydrate, P-D-Galatosidase. production of, 30:263
crystal structure bibliography, 37:377 n-Galactosyltransferase, glycoside synthesis,
aldehvdo-D-,tetraacetate methyl ester ethyl 39:430
hemiacetal, 23:25 P-u-Galf-( I-+5)-D-GaK 50: 180-1 8 1
antibodies, 53:227,229 Gallic acid. tri-0-methyl-, esters of methyl OI-D-
n- glucopyranoside, 33:43
circular dichroism, 45: 102-103 Gallotannins, 21:26
decarboxylation of, 28: 187 3-0-a-D-Gal-L-Ser, Gd3' and Mn2+effect,
degradation, 39:4 47: 15 1-1 54
diethyl dithioacetal, synthesis, 3 9 5 a-D-Galp group, 47: 157
isolation, 39:3 3-O-a-u-GalpNAcC-~--Ser, Gd" and MnZ'
dehydration of, 28:188-189 effect, 47:151-154
electro-oxidation of, 29: 1 17 Gamma-ray irradiation
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:64 cereals, 51:29&291
isomerization and gas-liquid effects on saccharides, 52: 17
chromatography of, 28:40 saccharides. 47:276
in L-ascorbic acid synthesis, 37: 146- 148 starch modification by, 51:245-247,
mass spectrometry of trirnethylsilyl 267-290
isomerization products, 30:38 carbonyl compounds as function of,
methyl ester, preparation, 36:74 51:268-269
methyl-'4c ester, preparation, 36:65 degree of depolymerization. 51:272, 275
in mosses, 46:324 effect on
mutarotation kinetics, 2 3 5 7 reducing power and viscosity,
phenols from, 46:290 51 ~286-287
preparation of crystalline, 39:4 shear and molecular weight,
DI--, crystalline, isolation, 39:4 51:286-287
L.-, preparation of crystalline, 39:4 ESR spectra and water content,
4-0-(a-o-galactopyranosyluronic acid)+, 51:283-285
24:361,364 formic acid and total acidity as function
3-O-(~-o-glucopyranosyluronic acid)-[)-. of, 51:270
24:366 gaseous product, 51:276
3-0-( P-D-xylopyranosyl-o-, 24:362 glycolaldehyde concentration, 51:280-
4-0-(4-deoxy-P-~-threo-hex-4-enosyluronic 28 1
acid)+-, 26~400 hydrogen peroxide, 51:276-277
oligosaccharides, plant cell-wall, f.a.b.-mass induced acidity, 51:269,272,275
spectrometry, 4566-67 induced hydrogen peroxide as function of
in pectic polysaccharides, 42:277-278.28 I water content, 51:270

Gamma-ray irradiation (continued) GM2, biosynthesis, 40:255-257,261

mass as function of amylose content, catabolism, 40:276-279
51:268 sialidase action, 40:272
nitrogen-containing components, 51:276 GM3, biosynthesis, 40:254,261
peak-to-peak widths, 51:284 sialidase action, 40:273
polymer bond splitting, 51:276 GTla, biosynthesis, 40:258-259, 261
properties, 51:245-246 GTlb. biosynthesis, 40:258,262
radiodecomposition products, 51:278-279 sialidase action, 40:271, 273-274
radioproduct yield, 51:289 isolation, 40:235, 242-243
shear-humidity relationships, 51:288 and purification of, 24:414
solvent composition effect on radiative methanolysis, 28: 19
depolymerization, 51:289-290 trimethylsilylation and gas-liquid
water-soluble dextrins as function of water chromatography, 28:52
content, 51:27 1 oligosaccharides of, structure of, 24:423
weak versus strong irradiation, 51:272 from pathological tissues, 24:428
gA myeloma protein, carbohydrate-peptide sialic acids, 24:417,40:139-140
linkage in, 25442,445 sialylation, 40:217
Ganglio-N-biose-I, 24:425 structure, nomenclature, and abbreviations,
Ganglio-N-tetraose, 2423,423 40~242-243
Gangliosides, 24:383,4 13433,44:388-390 synthesis of carbohydrate chain of brain,
acetolysis of, 31:199 34:159
acid hydrolysis of, 31:190 Tay-Sachs, 24:430
asialo GMl, biosynthesis, 40:259,263 toxin binding, 40:230-231
catabolism, 40:27&276 Gangliosidosis
asialo GM2, biosynthesis, 40:259,263 GM,, 40:274-276
catabolism, 40:276-279 glycoprotein (compound 7), 'H-NMR
biosynthesis, 26:442450,40:253-265 spectroscopy, 41:219,232-233,
deficiency disease, 40:265-266 235-237
transient intermediate, 40:264 glycoprotein (compound lo), IH-NMR
brain, 24% spectroscopy, 41:2 19,232-233,
"C-NMR data for, 4 2 2 2 6 2 2 5 242-244
definition, 40:237 glycoprotein (compound 1 l), 'H-NMR
degradation by sialidase, 40:27 1-274 spectroscopy, 41:219,232-233,
discovery, 40:235 244-246
of erythrocytes and spleen, 24:432 glycoprotein (compound 12), 'H-NMR
f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 4555-56 spectroscopy, 41:219,232-233,
gas-liquid chromatography, 28:84, 87 246-248
and mass spectra of, 30:38 glycoprotein (compound 17), IH-NMR
GD1, biosynthesis, 40:260,263 spectroscopy, 41:219,261-264
GD2, biosynthesis, 40:256-257,262 glycoprotein (compound 18), 'H-NMR
GD3, biosynthesis, 40:256255,262 spectroscopy, 41:2 19,262-266
GDla, biosynthesis, 40:258,261 GM,, variant 0, see Sandhoff s disease
GDlb, biosynthesis, 40:257-258,262 oligosaccharides from urine and tissues,
G, 24:423 structure, 37: 196
GI,, 24:427 Ganglio-type gangliosides, biosynthesis,
G, 24:427 40:255-265
GI, 24:427,429 Garamine, preparation from sisomicin
GM1, biosynthesis, 40:257-258, 261,263 derivative, 30: 129
catabolism, 40:27&276 Garcia Gonzalez. Francisco, 45:7-17
sialidase action, 40:272 coauthors, 45: 17

doctoral dissertations, 4 9 9 Gastric secretions, analysis by gas-liquid

doctorates, 45:9 chromatography, 28:44, 81
early life, 45:7 (+)-guuche-(-)-guuche arrangement, 47: 14
education, 45:7-8 Gaucher's disease, 40:282
family, 45:7 glycoprotein (compound 3), 'H-NMR
marriage, 45: 1 1 spectroscopy, 41:219, 225-226
research, 45:X-15 glycoprotein (compound 61), IH-NMR
Garcia Gonzalez reaction, 45: 13 spectroscopy, 41 :344-347
Garosamine glycoprotein (compound 62); 'H-NMR
DI.-, synthesis (attempted), 40:23 spectroscopy, 41:344, 346-348
4-epimer of, synthesis, 42:98 Gaussian coil, 29:3 18
in Gentamicin and Sisomicin, 29: 105 Gd3-
gentamicin component, structure of. 30: 126 N-acetyl-a-u-neuraminic acid
L-, biosynthesis, 35: 1 12 binding to, computer modeling,
natural occurrence of, 42:70 47:160-161
structure of, 42:73 effect on "C-NMR, 47:159-160, 164-165
synthesis of, 42:78-79, 104 effect on u-gluconamides 13C-NMR,
Gasification, 46:273-274,323 47:146-147. 149
Gas-liquid chromatography electron-nuclear relaxation methods,
of aldonic acids, 38:3 18 47:136-137
for methylation completeness, 38:391 exchange for CaZi and Mg2+in biological
of partially methylated sugars, 38:398402 systems, 47:134
applications to carbohydrates, 28: I 1-160, epi-inositol electron-spin relaxation effect,
30:9-110 47:138-139
column packing, 28:60, 30:45-52. interactions
105-106 with complex glycopeptides, 47: 155-158
history, 28: 12 with glycosylated amino acids,
and infrared spectroscopy, techniques of, 47: 15 1-1 54
30:43 with inositol, see Inositols
and mass spectroscopy medical uses, 47:135-136
in structural studies, 30: 103-104 Gelatin
techniques of, 30:43 Junction zones in, 24:306
of methylated glycosides. 30:23-24 mutarotation of. 23: 13
molar response factors in, 30:50-52 Gelatinization, 53:402405
and periodate degradation of methylated of alginic acid sulfate and cellulose sulfate,
sugars, 30:33 29:336
of trimethylsilyl ethers of methylated Gelation, 53:378
methyl glycosides, 30:25-26 of agars, mechanism of, 24:321
boronic acids in, 35:65 mechanism of, 24:314
of carbohydrate derivatives, 19:95-147 Gel chromatography, see Chromatography
of cyclic acetals, 26:235 Gel electrophoresis. mucus glycoproteins,
of deuterated sugars, 27: 15 I 47:359
1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitols,49:118 Gel filtration of plant cell-wall polysaccharides,
of formose, 29: 177 42:27&275
and mass spectrometry, 29:42 Gel isoelectrofocusing, 53:206
of methylated monosaccharides, 29 :3 I 1 Gellan, 47:192-193, 199, 52:385-391
in mutarotation studies, 24:60 Gel-permeation chromatography. mucus
of sialic acids, 40: 16k-165 glycoproteins, 47:358
sugars in solution, 49:21-22 Gels
of trimethylsilyl ethers of sugars, 42:22 agar, 24:277

Gels (continued) Gentamicin-kanamycin adenylyl transferase, in

alginate. 24:323 Escherichia coli. 30:204
alginic acid, 24:298 Gentamicin-kanamycin nucleotidyl transferase,
biological, 24:314, 326 in Escherichia coli, 30:204-208
birefiingence of, 24:305 Gentamicins
carrageenan, 24: 28 1-2 82 adenylylation of, 30:20&208
carrageenan-galactomannan, 31:289-29 1 discovery of, 30: 112
dextran, in cariogenic dental plaques, 30:438 isolation and structures of, 30:125-127
filtration of, 24:311 structure, 35: 1 1 0 - 1 15
hysteresis of, 24:306 Gentamines, from gentamicin C, 30:126
pectate, 24:323 Gentamicin C, mass spectrometry of, 29:105
from pectic substances, 24:302 Gentiobiitol, per-0-trimethylsilyl derivatives,
pectin-sugar, 24:324 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:69
polysaccharide, structure, conformation and Gentiobiose, 21:29
mechanism in formation of 24:267-332 P-
properties of, 24:268 octaacetate, 23:264
spectroscopy and optical rotation of, 24:309 synthesis of, 34:246,250,256
syneresis, 24:303 undecaacetate, synthesis of, 34:247
synthetic, 24:3 13 circular dichroism, 45:87
thermodynamic properties of, 24:306 crystal structure, 43:23 1-232
ultracentrifugation of, 24:3 1 1 in honey, 25:297
from water-insoluble dextrans, 30:4 1 7 4 18 liquid chromatography methods for analysis
from water-soluble dextrans, 30:414416 of, 46:33
X-ray diffraction by, 24:305 nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates,
Genes, role in utilization of sugars by 45: 149
Sacchavomyces, 32:180-181, 198, octaacetate, gas-liquid chromatography of,
206-207 28:70
Genetic mutations, in cellulose biosynthesis, preparation of, 34:266
41 :143- 144 proton magnetic resonance spectra, 29:39
Genetics pyrolysis of, 34:45
genotype improvement of industrial radiolysis and radical-induced scission,
microbes, 36:286 3752
genotype maintenance of industrial microbes, sweetness-structure relationship, 45:248
36:273 synthesis, Helferichs work on, 45:3
Gentamicin acetyl transferase, origin and Gentiobioside, methyl hepta-0-benzoyl-a-,
purification of, 30:2 11-2 I5 preparation of, 34:272
Gentamicin C, Gentiodextrins, 21:457
inactivated, nuclear magnetic resonance Gentiotetraose, 21:456
spectrum of, 30:214 Gentosaminide, methyl, synthesis of, 30: 125
minimum inhibitory concentrations of, Germacrolide, taste properties, 45:3 14
30:221 Germanic acid, sugar complexes with, 22:288
Gentamicin C, Germination
derivatives, preparation of, 30: 180 galactomannan degradation during, of seeds,
synthesis and antibacterial activity of, 30:173 35:356-361
Gentamicin C,a lectins during, 35:149
acetyl-, properties of, 30:212 gG Globulin
minimum inhibitory concentrations of, heterogeneity in, 25:447
30:221 rabbit, carbohydrate-peptide linkages in,
tetra-N-benzyl-, preparation and antibacterial 25:442443
activity of, 30: 180 gG Immunoglobulin, 25:446

y-Globulin, synthesis of, 27:33 1 2-acetoxytriacetyl-o-. 0x0 reaction with,

Gibberellic acid 23:92
abscission promotion by, 21:429 D-
effect on sugarcane, 21:427428 acid degradation of, 24:2 18
as plant-growth substance, 21:416 catalytic selective oxidation of, 33:87
Gibberellins, 21:378,416 selective oxidation with silver
in fruit ripening, 42:342-345 carbonate-on-Celite, 33:97
Gibbs energy, anomeric effect, 47:53-59 dehydration of, 28: 183
Gitostin, 39:302 as inhibitor of a-o-mannosidase activity,
Gitoxin, 43:333 28:420
penta-0-acetyl-. mass spectrum of, 29: 104 oxidation of. 24:2 18
Glactofuranose, 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene- triacetate, reaction with lead tetrafluoride,
D-, mass spectrum of, 21:77 25: I96
Glass, porous 3,4-di-0-acetyl-6-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-,
for affinity chromatography adsorbent, 24:206
39:407,417418 fluorination, 38:206
in chromatography, 25: 15 3,4-di-O-benzoyl-6-O-p-tolylsulfony-~-.
Glaucoma, 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-~-gIucitol in fluorination, 38:206
treatment of, t5:269 3,4-di-O-benzyl-6-deoxy-6-fluoro-o-,
Glebidine, see Bluensidine preparation, 38:209
Glebomycin, see Bluensomycin 2-hydroxy-, dehydration of, 28: 184
Gkditsiu umorphoides, galactomannan from X- 2-methoxy-3,4,6-tri-O-methyl-~-,
ray crystallography of, 31:280, 282 dehydration of, 28: 184
Globoid leukodystrophy, see Krabbes disease 4-0-benzyl-3,6-dideoxy-6-fluoro-o-.
Globopentaosylceramide, biosynthesis. 40:250 preparation, 38:209
Globoside, discovery, 40:236 4,6-0-benzylidene-3-deoxy-3-C-
Globotetraosylceramide (iodoniethyf)-~-,preparation of, 28:306
biosynthesis, 40:249 3(S)-d. 4,6-0-benzylidene-3-deoxy-~-,
catabolism, 40:276-279,286 synthesis of, 27: 131
Globotriaosylceramide, biosynthesis. 403249 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-
Glocopyranoside-6-ylsulfonicacid, methyl 6- 2-
deoxy-a+, sodium salt, 24:258 (N-acety1acetamido)-D-,24:225
Gloeosporium kuki, a-L-arabinofuranosidase (NJ-dimethyldithiocarbamoy1)-o-,
from, 42387 24:224
Glomerelh cingulutu, cu-L-arabinofuranosidase th1ocyanato-D-. 24:209,224
of, 42388 2-bromo-~-,24:224
Glossopharynageal nerves, taste units, taste 2-chloro-o-, preparation and chlorination
perception by, 45:339 of, 28:61,262
Glow electrolysis technique, starch, 51 :308 D-, 0 x 0 reaction with, 23:70, 89-90
Glucagon, effect on o-fructose conversion into tri-0-acetyl-D-
D-glUCOSe, 34~297 acid degradation of. 24:2 18
Glucal, 21:18 alkaline degradation of, 28:203
2-acetamido- bromofluorination, 38:203,205
D-, 24:225 chlorination of, 28:261-262
3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-o-, 24:225 chlorofluorination, 38:237
2-acetoxy- conformation of, 26: 122
3,4,6-tri-O-acetyh-, hydroformylation halogenation of, 24:203
and methoxymercuration of, 24:220 mass spectra of, 24:219
tri-0-acetyl-D-, alkaline degradation of, photochemical cycloaddition with acetone,
28:205 38: 106, I 17

Glucal (continued) in vitro, 41:106, 152

photochemical reaction with 2-propano1, cellulose biosynthesis, 41:110
38:119-120 polymerization mechanism, 41: 125-132
reaction with 2-acetamido-6- Glucanases
chloropyridine, 24:218 p-0-, of yeast cell-walls, 32:229
with alcohols and phenols, 24:2 I5 endo-( 1+3)-a-o-, 44~258
with sulfur-containing reagents, 24:209 endo-( 1+6)-a-o-, 44:258
reaction with hydrogen bromide, 28:263 endo-( 1+3)-p-O-, 44:267, 272
with iodobenzene dichloride, 28:263 endo-(1 +4)-@-0-, 44: 180
with nitryl iodide, 28:273 endo-(1+6)-P-o-, 44:225-226, 272
reaction with N-bromosuccinimide and exo-p-o-, activity of, 28:42 1
hydrogen fluoride, 38:234 exo-( l+4)-a-~-, 44:262
with N-iodosuccinimide and hydrogen exo-( l+3)-p-~-, 44: 149,266
fluoride, 38:234 Eisinia bicyclis, 44: 148-149
rearrangement reactions of, 24:2 13 (I+~)-CX-O-,42~379
synthesis of, 24:202 activity of, 30:343-347
tri-@benzoyh-, reaction with hydrogen (1+6)-a-o-, on plant cell-walls, 42:351
fluoride, 24:216 (1+2)43-0-, preparation of, 30:352
3,4,6-tri-O-benzyl-2-(benzyloxy)-o-, 24:220 (1+3)(4)-p-~-, 44~273
Glucan, 25:9 (143)-p-D-
p-0- ex-0-, occurrence of, 30:351
from oat flour, Smith degradation of, nonspecific and specific, 30:350
31:206 on plant cell-walls, 42:351-352, 377,
structure, 3 3 7 , 8, 10 379
carbon-I 3 nuclear magnetic resonance (1+4)-p-o-
spectra, 39:200 endo, in primary plant cell-wall
D- fractionation, 42:275, 277
from Acetobacter xylinum, crystal isolation and purification of. 30:348
structure bibliography, 40:388 specificities of, 30:349
p-, in plant cell-walls, 42:285. 293-294 ( 1+6)-p-0-
hiosynthesis, 42:323 on plant cell-walls, 42:351
chains, in plant cell-wall cellulose, 42:296 preparation and specificity of, 30:352
+3)-a-D-, 52~361-362,416 a-Glucan 3-glucanohydrolases, dextran
crystal structure bibliography, 40:386 hydrolysis by, 30:397
polymorphs, crystal structure P - D - G I u chydrolases,
~~ in structural analysis of
bibliography, 40:386 p-D-glucans, 30:353-370
+4)-a-0-, (glycogen), biosynthesis in Glucans, 21:455,472,485
liver, 32: 1 1 acetylated, circular dichroism, 45: 122
(1+2)-p-o-, biosynthesis in Rhizobium a-D-, 51:I04
japonicum, 32: 11 branched (1-+4)(1+6)-, structure,
(1+3)-p-~-, 52~356-361 enzymic analysis, 44:252-256
biosynthesis, 41:147 carbon- I3 nuclear magnetic resonance
in Acetobacter xylinum, 32: 1 1 spectra, 38:3748
in higher plants, 41:139-142 enzymic cleavage, 44: 147
in plant cell-walls, 41:128 (1+6)-, benzyl derivative, circular
crystal structure bibliography, 36:326, dischroism, 45: 122
40:389 structure, enzymic analysis, 44:252-266
(1+4)-p-~- a-o-linked, 23:368,41:68-72
biosynthesis, 41 :1 I7 a - ~ -I+3)-linked,
( 23:374
in Acetobacter xylinum, 32: 1 1 p-0-

based on (1+6)-b chains, structure, hydrolysis products from mcthylated.

enzymic analysis, 44:275-276 23:385
P-D-glucan hydrolases in structural lichen, 41:75-76
analysis of, 30:353-370 methylation of, 30:12
biosynthesis, 44:366-367 proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of.
carbon- I3 nuclear magnetic resonance 30:381
spectra, 38:48-52 (1+3)u-u-, occurrence and enzymic
in cereals, 36:246-248 degradation of, 30:343-347
cyclic (l+2)-, structure, enzymic analysis. ( I +2)-@-0-. biosynthesis of, 26:393
44:276 (l+3)-p-o-, biosynthesis of, 26:392
enzymic analysis of, 30:347-370 reactions with o-phenylenediamine,
enzymic cleavage, 44: 147-149 polarography of, 29: 159
extracellular and reserve, 30:366- 370 side-chain substitution, 41:74-75
(1+3)-p-, from plant cell-walls, 44:359 structure of yeast, 30:6
( 1 - 4 - p - , from plant cell-walls, 44:359 synthesis, 26:325
(1-3) (l+4)-a-~-, structure, enzyme enzymes catalyzing, 51:138-139
analysis, 44:265-266 inhibition, 51:150-151
(1-3) (1+4)-p-~-, structure, enzyme from sucrose by glucansucrases, 51: 134
analysis, 44:273-275 yeast, 23:380
structure, enzymic analysis, 44:266 276 Glucansucrases
P-o-linked, 23:376 acceptor products, 51: 154-155
linear, 41:72-73 molecular weights and structures, 51: 139
p-o-( 1+3)-linked, 23:378, 380 purification, 51: 138-139
P-D-( 1+6)-linked, 23:378, 380 reactions, formulation and kinetics,
p-( 1+2)-, f.a.b.-mass spectrometry. 45:68 51: 163-1 64
branched-chain Cilucan synthetase, 26:383
P-D-, 41:73-75 assay of solubilizcd, 41: 146
preparation from cellulose acetate, 29:332 p-D-, in plant tissues, auxin effects on,
cyclic, 46:60 42350
p-C l+2)-, f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 4 5 3 4 1, 41:129
u- 11, 41: 129
p-amylase action on, 23:337 Glucaric acid
synthesis of linear. 23:304 2,5-anhydro-o-. preparation of, 33: 119
based on (1+3)-p backbone and (1+3)-p D-
chains, structure, enzymic analysis, p-eliminative degradation of, 29:234
44:266-273 calcium salt tetrahydrate, crystal structure
circular dichroism. 45:88-90 bibliography, 37:375
formation in yeast cell-wall, 32:229 potassium salt, crystal structure
from fungi, antitumor activity of, bibliography. 38:422423
32:245-248.270 i>-Glucaro-1.4-lactone, monohydrate, crystal
from lichens, antitumor activity of. structure bibliography, 37:375
32248-249 Glucaro- 1,4-lactone. D-, crystal structure
in yeast cell-walls, 32: 138-140 bibliography, 34:371
degree of polymerization of, deterniination Glucitol
of, 30:284 2-acetanlido-
deuteropermethylated, cyclic p( l+2)-, 2-deoxy-o-. methyl ethers. separation of,
molecular ion clusters obtained from, in 30:22
f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 4 5 3 7 3X 3,4,5,6-tetra-O-acetl- I -bromo-2-deoxy- I-
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:50. 59. S-ethyl- 1 -thio-o-. preparation from
30:90-91 dithioacetal, 32:71

Glucitol (continued) I ,6-anhydro-

1-acetamido-l -deoxy- 1-p- D-, 25245
toluenesulfonamido-o-, preparation of, DL-, infrared spectrum of, 25250
31:124 2,5-anhydro-
2-amino- 1,5-anhydro-2-deoxy-~-, 6-chloro-6-deoxy-o-, 2521 I
deamination of, 31:24 D-, preparation of, 33:121
5-amino- 1,5-anhydr0-5-deoxy-~-,proton 1,6-dibromo- 1,6-dideoxy-, preparation of
magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, racemic mixture, 33:128
27:27 1,6-dibrorno-l,6-dideoxy-4-O-
1-amino-l,5-anhydro-r-deoxy-o-, 23: 132, (methykulfonyl)-o-, preparation of,
144 33: 127-128
I-amino-l -deoxy-D-, deamination of, 31:60 1,6-di-O-benzoyl-o-, preparation of,
2-amino-2-deoxy-o- 33:120-121. 131
acetylation of, 31:63 1,6-di-O-benzoyl-3,4-di-p-tolylsulfonyl-
deamination of, 25:191,31:63 D-, preparation of, 33:128-129
and migration of carbon atom, 31:64 4,6-di-0-benzoyl-3-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-I -
2,6- and 3,6-di-O-methyl-o-, trimethylsilyl 0-trityl-o-, preparation of,
ethers, gas-liquid chromatography of, 33: 123-124
30:30 1,3-O-isopropyhdene-o-, preparation of,
2- and 3-O-methyl-~-,trimethylsilyl ethers, and oxidation with carbodiimide-
gas-liquid chromatography of, 30:30 dimethyl sulfoxide, 33:121-122
1,3-anhydro- 2,6-anhydro-
5,6-di-O-methyl-2,4-0-methylene-o-, I , 1-bis(ethylsulfonyl)- I-deoxy-o-,
29243 triacetate, nuclear magnetic
2,4-O-benzylidene-o-, 2 5 2 4 4 2 4 5 resonance spectrum of, 25:253
I,/l-anhydro-, D- D-, 25:237,245
oxidative cleavage of, 25:209,261 structure of, 25251
preparation of, 31:60 structure of, infrared study in, 28:8
sweetness-structure relationship, 45257 D-L-,25237
tetraacetate, ring opening and 3,6-anhydro-, D-, infrared spectrum of,
isomerization of, 29259 25251
1,4:3,6-anhydro-, D-, mass spectrum of, 5,6-anhydro-
21534 D-, hydrolysis of, 28:5
1,5-anhydro- 2,4-O-benzylidene- 1 -0-p-tolylsulfonyl-
2-chloro-2-deoxy-~-,25239 D-, displacement reaction of, 24:
2-C-phenyl-o-, 25240 174
D-, 23:110,25:237-238 2,4-O-benzylidene-O-p-tolysulfonyl-o-,
formation of, 31:24 25244
infrared spectrum of, 25250 2,4-O-benzylidene- 1,6-dichloro-1.6-di-
preparation of, 32:75 deoxy-o-, 49: 158-159
sweetness-structure relationship, 45: 1, I -bis(acetamido)- 1-deoxy-o-, preparation
240 of, 31:86
2,4-O-benzylidene-o-, 25244 I , 1 -bis(benzamido)- 1 -deoxy-
4,6-O-benzylidene-~- D-
acylation of, 25263 effect of benzoyl groups on formation
sulfonylation of, 23:253 of, 31:114117, 121
4,6-0-benzylidene-2-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-o-, preparation of, 31:84-85, 88, 117,
23~253 121-122
displacement reactions of, 24: 169 4-O-cu-~-glucopyranosyl-o-, synthesis,
2-9benzyl-2-thio-o-, 24:209,25:238 39:227,239

D- D-, 49:96-97, I 17
acetylation of, effect of borate on, benzoylation with N-benzoyliniidazole,
28:3435 33:43
anhydridation of, 25:233 esterification with p-phenylazobenzoyl
catalytic oxidation of, 33:88 chloride, 33: 15
selective oxidation with mercuric p-toluenesulfonylation of, 33: 14
acetate, 33: 100 sweetness-structure relationship,
with sodium metaperiodate, 33:95 45:257, 274
conformation of, 25: 105, 26:69 taste properties, 45:270
crystallography of, 25:60 2,5-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-u-, 23:252
crystal structure bibliography, 30:450 displacement reactions of, 24: 149
methyl ethers, separation of, 30:2 1 L-, catalytic oxidation of, 2S:261
determination in blood by gas-liquid 2-S-benzoyl-5-O-methylsulfonyl-2-thio-
chromatography, 28:57 I>-, 49: 153
from o-fructose, 22:232,283 2-0-
from o-glucose and its conversion into u- (p-bromopheny1sulfonyI)-u-, 5-nitrate,
fructose, 36:53-54 crystal structure bibliography, 31:367
effect of alkali tetraborates on rotation of, (p-bromophenylsulfonyl)-(exo/-o-,
23:36 crystal and niolecular structures of,
hexaacetate, mass spectrum of, 21:89 25:255
hexanitrate, selective denitration, 3 9 5 8 5-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-,23:252
reaction with butanal, 39:26 2,5:3,6-dianhydro-,D-, 29246
irradiation, 38: 147-148 preparation of, 33: I3 1
L-ascorbic acid synthesis, 37: 149 ring opening of, 25257
oxidation, chemical, 37: 1 13-1 I5 1,5:3,6-dianhydro-2,4-0-methylene-~-,
fermentative, 37: 112-1 13 25:245
to L-sorbose, in L-ascorbic acid 2,4:3,5-di-0-benzylidene-l,6-dichloro-l,6-
synthesis, 37:9 1-92 dideoxy-o-, 49: 158
radiolysis and free-radical chcmistry, 1.6-dichloro- I,h-dideoxy-u-, 25:256.
37:27,32 49: 158- I59
in mammalian nerve, determination by preparation of, 28:280
gas-liquid chromatography, 28:58 2,5-dideoxy-2,5-diiodo-u-, 49: 149- 150
utilization by yeasts, 32:146, 218 1,4-dideoxy- 1,4-imino-o-, SO: 198
1-deoxy- I ,S-di-0-acetyl-2,3,4,6-tetra-0-mcthyl-~-,
1,1-bis(nicotinamido)-o-,preparation of, mass spectrum of. 29:62
31:88 1,6-di-0-benzoyl-2,4:3,5-di-O-methylene-o-,
1 -C-methyl-I.-, preparation of, 27:242 acetolysis of, 22:13,39:25
1,l -di-C-(p-methoxypheny1)-D-, 1,3:2,4-di-0-ethylidene-
preparation of, 33: 125 selective
I -( 2,4-dinitroaniIino)-o-, irradiation. deacylation, 39:29
38: 173 11-
1-(2-methylhydrazino)-~-,preparation of, 5,6-dinitrate, selective denitration,
29:153 39:57
2,5-diamino-l,4:3,6-dianhydro-~-, oxidation, 38:301
deamination of, 31:55 2,4:3,5-di-0-isopropylidene-o-
1,4-diamino, 1,4-dideoxy-3-0-(4-deoxy-4- acetolysis, selective, 39:25
propionamido-a-o-glucopyranosyl-i>-, selective hydrolysis, 39:23
hydrobromide dihydrate, crystal 1,3:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-2,4-0-
structure bibliography, 38:463 methylene-o-, selective hydrolysis,
1,4:3,6-dianhydro- 39:23

Glucitol (continued) 1,5-anhydro-2-ethynyl-o-, preparation of,

1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-3-O-methyl-4- 33:143
O-(methykulfonyl)-o-, displacement 3,4,5,6-tetra-O-acetyI-
reactions of, 24: 158 1-bromo-2-deoxy-2-(2,4-dinitroanilino)- 1-
DL-, crystalline, 26: 14 S-(l,l-dichloroethyl)-2-(2,4-
hexa-0-acetyl-o- dinitroanilin0)- 1-thio-o-, preparation
mass spectrum of, 2 9 5 2 of, 32:71
rearrangement in liquid hydrogen fluoride, 1-chloro-2-deoxy- 1-S-( 1,l -dichloroethyl)-
26: 176 2-(2,4-dinitroanilinio)-1-thio-D-,
L-, crystallography of, 25:60 preparation of, 32:71
liquid chromatography methods for analysis tetra-0-acetyl-
of, 46:33 1,4-anhydro-o-, rearrangement in
mono-0-methyl-, trifluoroacetates, hydrogen fluoride, 26: 175
gas-liquid chromatography of, 30:32 1,5-anhydro-o-, 24:221
5-0-acetyl- 1,6-di-O-benzoyl-2,4-0- stability in hydrogen fluoride, 26: 173
methylene-o-, preparation, 39:25 1,5-anhydro-3-deoxy-3-C-
6-0-(2-arnino-2-deoxy-p-o- (hydroxymethy1)-o-, 23:98
mannopyranosy1)-o-, deamination of, I ,2,3,5-tetra-O-benzoyl-4,6-O-ethylidene-o-,
31:46 aroyl migration and deacetalation of,
4-0-P-o-glucopyranosyl-o-, crystal structure, 33:107
43:232-233 1,2,3,4-tetra-O-benzoy1-5,6-0-
6-0-benzoyl- 1,3:2,4-di-O-ethylidene-o-, isopropylidene-o-, oxidation by
oxidation of, 26:247 triphenylmethyl fluoroborate,
2,3-O-benzylidene-o-, isomerization, 39536
39:27 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-, acetate, gas-liquid
2,4-U-benzylidene-~-,structure of, 28:4 chromatography of, trifluoroacetate,
2,3-0-butylidene- gas-liquid chromatography of, 30:32
D-, isomerization, 39:27 1,5,6-tri-O-acetyI-2,3,4-0-methyl-o-, mass
1-deoxy-o-, isomerization, 39:27 spectrometry of, 29:59
1,4:3,6-0- dianhydro-o-, reaction with boron 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-S-acetyl- 1,5-anhydro-2-
trichloride, 28:280 thio-o-, 24:209
2,3-0-ethylidene-o-, isomerization, 39:27 1,3:2,4:5,6-tri-O-benzylidene-o-, selective
0-ethyl-0-methyl-, acetate, gas-liquid hydrolysis, 39:22
chromatography of, 30:3 1 tri-0-methyl-o-, separation of, 30:22
0-methyl-0-propyl-, acetate, gas-liquid o-Glucitol dehydrogenase, in metabolism of D-
chromatography of, 30:3 1 fructose, 34:340-341
2,3,4,5,6-penta-O-acetyl- 1-deoxy-o-, Glucitol 5-nitrate, 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-2-0-(p-
preparation from dithioacetal, 32:75 bromophenylsu1fonyl)-o-, 49: 1 14-1 15
(I-S)-l-(6-chloropurin-9-yl)-l-.S-ethyl-l- o-Glucitol-pyndine, crystal structure
thio-o-, crystal structure bibliography, bibliography, 30:450
38:493494 Glucoamylase, 23:358,50:16, 53:211,247-
1,2,5,6-tetra-O-acetyI-, 3.4-O-methylene-o-, 249
oxidation of, 26:254 amino acids of, 27:315,317
1,3,5,6-tetra-O-acetyl-, 2,4-0-benzylidene- carbohydrate content of, 27:306307
D-, oxidation by chromium oxide, 39:83 carbohydrate-peptide linkages in, 25:418
1,4,5,6-tetra-O-acetyI-, 2-3-di-O-methyl-o-, I 3C-NMR spectroscopy, 43: 8-1 0
mass spectrometry of, 29:59 a-D-(;~uCopyranOSe
2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyyl- crystal structure, 43:2 1 6 2 17
1,5-anhydro-2-C-phenyI-o-, preparation monohydrate, 43:371
of, 33: 143 1 and I1

'3C-NMRstructural analysis, 43:4043 5-amino-5-deoxy-1,2-0-isopropylidene-a-

glycosidic linkage formation, from D-, 23: I76
anomeric region, 43:43 1,6-anhydro-
degradation o f starch and glycogen to I)- p-D-. 22:501
glucose, 30:280-281 from cellulose on heating, 23:432,441
in hydrolysis of starch, 36:33, 42 formation, 47:340
hydrolytic action of, 30:398 formation during pyrolysis o f starch and
kinetics, 23:289 cellulose, 34:42-43
preparation and properties of, 30:29 1-293 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:43
structure of, 27:327 hydrolysis, of, 34: 153
Glucobiose preparation of, 34: I52
')C-NMR data for, 42195-196 properties of, 34: I52
peracetates, I3C-NMR data on, 42: 195 selective oxidation of, 33:90
Glucobrassicin, 21 :392 2,3-di-0-methyl-4,6-dithio-p-~-,and 3.5-
Glucocerebrosides, 24:395,44:437 dinitrobenzoate, 23:244
in sponges, 44:410 2,4-di-O-methyl-1(6),4-dithio-P-~-,
Glucodextranase, 44:258 preparation of, 34: 150
Gluco-l,4:6,3-difuranose,1,2-0- 3,5-di-O-methyl-6-thio-P-~-, 23:228
isopropylidene-5-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-ol-i~-, l(h)-thio-p-o-, preparation of, 34:150
preparation of, 33:218 3,6-anhydro-
o-Gluco-o-mannan, biosynthesis of, 26:403 5-deoxy-5-iodo- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-a-
Glucofructans, 22:6 D-. preparation of, 28:271
a-~-Glucofurano[2,1 -d]imidazolidine-2-thione, 5-0-benzoyl- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-a-~-,
1-phenyl-, crystal structure bibliography, synthesis, 39: 103-104
37:391 1,2-0-isopropylidene-5,-0-p-
Glucofurano[2,1 -d]imidazolidine-2-thione tOlylSUlfOIlyl-Ci-D-, 24: 196
D-, I-allyl-, crystal structure bibliography. displacement reactions of, 24: 152
37:384 I ,2-0-isopropylidene-a-~-,23:257
1.- conformation of. 26: 120
I-(p-bromopheny1)-, crystal structure 1,2-O-isopropylidene-5-0-~-tolysulfonyl-
bibliography, 37:389 (Y-D-, 23:257
1-p-chloropheny1)-, crystal structure 5-0-p-tolysulfonyl-~-,hydrazone and
bibliography, 37:389 osazone, 23:265
Glucofuranose 5,6-anhydro-
1,2,-O-isopropylidene-5-O-p-tolylsulfonyl- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-a-r~-,22:202.
a-D-,preparation of, 33:2 17-2 18 25:112, 162
a-D- 0x0 reaction with, 23: 102, 104
6-deoxy- 1,2;3,5-di-O-isopropylidcne-6- polymerization, 39:210
isothicyanato-, 44: 141 synthesis of, 28:2
3-deoxy-l,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-3- I ,2-0-Isopropylidene-3-O-methyl-a-~-.
thiocyanato-, 44: 143 polymerization, 39:209
3-deoxy-1,2-0-isopropylidene-3- 3-azido-3-deoxy-
thiocyanato-, 44: 143 1,2:5,6-di-0-isopropylidene-a-o-,
1,2:3,5-di(benzeneboronate),reaction with photolysis of, 34:207
carbon tetrachloride and 1,2-0-1sopropylidene-6-0-[3,4,6-tri-
triphenylphosphine, 28:246 acetyl-2-deoxy-2-(2,4
5,6-di-O-acetyl-3-deoxy- 1,2-0- dinitroanilino-a- and-p-o-,
isopropylidene-3-thiocyanato-, glucopyranosyl]-a-D-,preparation of,
44:143 34:269
taste properties, 45:242 p-D-.taste properties, 45242

Glucofuranose (continued) methyl]- 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-

3-bromo-3-deoxy- 1,2:5,6-di-0- a-, IH- and I9F-NMR data for,
isopropyhdene-a-D-, preparation of, 46:139
28:280 3-C-[ethoxy(ethoxycarbonyl)-
6-bromo-6-deoxy-l,2:3,5-di-0- (formylamino)methyl]- 1,2:5,6-di-0-
isopropylidene-a-o- isopropylidene-a-, IH- and 19F-NMR
preparation of, 28:240,249 data for, 46:139
synthesis, 39:115-116 3-C-(hydroxymethyl)- 1,2:5,6-di-0-
6-bromo- I ,2:3,5-di-O-isopropylidene-a-~-, isopropylidene-a-, 'H- and I9F-NMR
21:165 data for, 46: 139
3-C-(difluoromethylene)-I,2:5,6-di-0- I ,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-a-, IH- and
isopropyhdene-a+-, preparation, I9F-NMR data for, 46:99, 138-139
38:249 I ,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-3-C-
3-chloro-3 -deoxy-3-deuterio- 1,2:5,6-di-0- (methoxycarbony1)-a-, 'H- and "F-
isopropylidene-a-D-, preparation and NMR data for, 46: 140
reduction of, 28:303 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-3-deoxy-3-
6-chloro-6-deoxy- 1,2:3,5-di-0- M R for, 46:166
f l ~ o r o - a - , ~ ~ C - N data
isopropylidene-a-o- 6-0-benzoyl- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-a-,
preparation of, 28:239,247,252,254, 259 'H- and I9F-Nh4R data for, 46:139
reaction with anhydrous hydrazine, 28:285 1,2-0-isopropylidene-a-
synthesis, 39: 1 16-1 17 5,6-carbonate, IH- and I9F-NMR data
D- for, 46:99
3,6-anhydro-5-deoxy-5-fluoro- 1,2-O- 'H- and "F-NMR data for, 46:99, 139
isopropylidene-a-, 'H- and I9F-NMR 1,2-O-isopropylidene-3-C-
data for, 46: 1 15 (methoxyally1)-a-, 'H- and I9F-NMR
3,6-anhydro-5-deoxy-5,6,6-trifluoro- I ,2- data for, 46:139
O-isopropylidene- 5,6-phenylboronate, IH- and I9F-NMR
I3C-NMR data for, 46:177 data for, 46:99
IH- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 158 5-deoxy-5-fluoro-
3,6-anhydro-6,6-difluoro- a anomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46:166
a- P anomer, 13C-NMRdata for, 46: I66
1,2-0-ben~ylidene,'~C-NMR data for, 1,2-0-isopropylidene-a-,I3C-NMR data
46: 175 for, 46: 167
1,2-0-isopropylidene,13C-NMR data 6-deoxy-6-fluoro-
for, 46: 175 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-a-, IH- and
1,2-O-benzylidene-a-, 'H- and I9F- I9F-NMR data for, 46: 100
NMR data for, 46: 152 1,2:3,5-di-O-methylidene-a-, 'H- and
1,2-0-isopropylidene-P-, 'H- and I9F- I9F-NMR data for, 46: 100
NMR data for, 46: 152 3,5-0-benzylidene- 1,2-0-
3-deoxy-3-fluoro- isopropylidene-a-, 'H- and I9F-NMR
3-C-(acetoxymethyl)- 1,2-0- data for, 46: 100
isopropylidene-a-, IH- and I9F-NMR 1,2-0-isopropylidene-a-,'H- and I9F-
data for, 46: 138 NMR data for, 46: 100
3-C-[ 1,2-di(hydroxyethyI)]- 1,2:5,6-di- 1,2-0-isopropyIidene-5-O-benzyl-a-,
0-isopropylidene-a-, 'H- and 19F- 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:lOO
NMR data for, 46: 139 1-0-acetyl-2,3,5,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-4-
3-C-(ethoxyallyl)-l,2-0-isopropylidene- fluoro-P-,I3C-NMR data for, 46: 172
a-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, p-toluenesulfonylation of, 30:4
46:139 3-deoxy-
3-C-[(etboxycarbonyl)(formylimino)- 3-C-ethoxalyl-3-fluoro,l,2: 5,6-di-0-

isopropylidene-a-o-, preparation, preparation of, 28:240

38:249-250 reaction with potassium phthalimide-
3-deuterio- 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-a- IsN, 28:283
D-, preparation of, 27: 135 synthesis, 39: 1 15-1 16
3-[(ethoxycarbonyl)(formylimino)methyl]- 1,2-~-isopropy!idene-a-o-, 23:274
3-flUOr0- I ,2:5,6-di-O-isopropyIidene- selective catalytic oxidation of, 33:9 I ,
a-D-,preparation, 38:249-250 99
3-[ '8F]fluoro-l ,2:5,6-di-0-isopropylidene- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-5-C-phenyl-a-~-,
a-D-, preparation, 38:227,239 preparation of, 27:214-216
3-fluoro-3-C-[ethoxy(ethoxy- 5,6-dIdeoxy-a-o, 21: 193
carhonyl)(formylimino)methyl]- 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-a-o-, mass
1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-a-u-. spectrum of, 21:77
preparation, 38:249-250 1,5-di-O-acetyI-l-6-deoxy-2,3-di-O-methyl-
3-fluoro-3-C-(hydroxymethyl)-1,2:5,h-di- 4-thio-~-,23:224
0-isopropylidene-a-o-, preparation, 3,5-di-O-acetyl-6-deoxy-6-halo- I ,2-0-
38:250-25 1 isopropylidene-a-o-. 22: 187
3-fluoro-o-, preparation, 38:224 5,6-di-O-acetyl- 1,24 1-ethoxyethylidenej-3-
3-fluoro- 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-a-n-, O-(methylsulfonyl)-a-D-, 23:265
preparation, 38:219,227 1,2:3,5-di-O-benzylIdene-a-~-, conformation
3-flUOrO-1,2-0-isopropylidene-a-r~-. of, 26:121
22: 180 2,3-di-0-benzyl-5-0-(methylsulfronyl)-6-0-
3-fluor0-1,2-O-isopropylidene-a-o-,5.6- trityl-o-, displacement reactions of,
phenylhoronate, preparation, 3 5 4 5 24:171
3-iOdO- 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-o-, I ,2:5,6-di-O-cyclohexylidene-
21:166 a-D-, hydrogenolysis regioselectivity,
3-iodo- 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-a-o- 39: I25
irradiation, 38: 187 3-0-(phenylglyoxylyl)-a-o, reduction of,
preparation of, 28:279 27:20 I
5,6-deoxy-, 1,2-( l-bromoethylidenej-3-0- 1,2:3,5-di-O-isopropylidene-, a-~-
(methykulfonyl)-a-o-, 23:265 formation of, 34: 182-1 83
5-deoxy- mass spectrum of, 29:77
5-flUOrO-D-, 48~138-139 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-
5-iodo- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-6-0- a-D-
trifluoroacetyl-a-o-, preparation of, conformation of, 34: 182-1 83
28:271 and derivatives, carbon- 13 nuclear
I ,2-0-isopropylindene-3-0- magnetic resonance spectroscopy,
(methylsulfonyl)-a-o-, 23:268 4153
6-deoxy- formation of, 34: 182
I,2:3,5-di-O-isopropyIidene-6- fragmentation pattern for, 34: 193
phthalimido-a-o-, proton magnetic hydrogenolysis, over copper chromite,
resonance spectroscopy of, 27:29,79 39: 135
1,2:3,5-di-O-isopropyIidene-6- hydrogenolysis regioselectivity, 39: 125
phthalimido-'5N-a-~-,proton irradiation, 39:88
magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, levoglucosan from pyrolysis of, 34:46
27:29,76,79 migration of 5,6-acetal group,
6-hydrazino- 1,2:3,5-di-O-isopropylidene- 39:115-116
a-D-,preparation of, 28:285 paper chromatography of. 26:233
6-iodo- 1,2:3,5-di-O-isopropyIidene-w-o- preparation of, 30:4
methylphosphonite, preparation of, proton magnetic resonance spectra of,
28:280 29: 17, 20, 23

Glucofuranose (continued) reactions of, 24: 176

reaction with diethylaminosulfur 6-S-acetyl-l,2-0-isopropylidene-6-thio-5-
trifluoride, 38:226-227,239 O-p-tolylsulfonly-cu-D-, 24: 145
reaction with N-bromosuccinimide and 6-0-acetyl-
triphenylphosphine, 28:249 1,2:3,5-di-O-isopropylideneLY-D-,
with bromotriphenoxyphosphonium selective hydrolysis, 39:24
bromide, 28:240 1,2:3,5-di-O-methylene-a-~-
with carbon tetrachloride- deacetalation, 39:24
triphenylphosphine, 28:247 oxidation by potassium permanganate,
with (chloromethy1ene)- 39:82
dimethyliminium chloride, 28:252 1,2-O-isopropylidene-ol-o-,3,5-dinitrate,
with cyanuric chloride, 28:259 selective denitration, 3 9 5 7
with N-(2-chloro-l, 1,2-trifluoroethyl)- 5-0-benzoyl-6-bromo-1,2-0-isopropylidene-
diethylamine, 28:258 LY-D-, synthesis, 39: 103-104
with phosphorus pentachloride, 28:239 6-0-benzoyl- 1,2isopropylidene-5-0-p-
with triphenylphosphine-carbon tolylsulfonyl-LY-D-,23~244
tetrachloride, 28:254 3-0-(benzyl4-deoxy-~-~-gulopyranosid-4-
stereoselectivity of Grignard reaction in yl)- 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropyIidene-a-~-,
presence of, and its derivatives, synthesis, 40: 126
27:194195 3,5-0-benzylidene-
sulfonylation of, 23:236 6-deoxy-6-fluoro- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-a-
D-, 26:240 D-, preparation, 38:207
3-~-(methyh~fony~)-cu-o-, 23:268 1,2-O-isopropylidene-cu-~-
3-0-( 1-propenyl)-a+-, acid hydrolysis, bydrogenolysis regioselectivity, 39: 126
39:49 isomerization, 39:27
3-0-p-tolysulfonyl-WD- reaction with N-bromosuccinimide,
displacement reactions of, 24: 148 26:166,39:103
solvolysis of, 25:207 1,2-0-isopropylidene-6-0-
1,2:3,5-di-O-rnethylene- (methykulfonyl)-a-D-, fluorination,
reaction with (2-chloro-I, 1,2-
(Y-D-, 38:207
trifluoroethyl)diethylamine, 38:227 5.6-0-benzylidene-
6-@~~-to~ysu~fony~-cu-o-, fluorination, 1,2-0-isopropylldene-~~-~-,
38:208 hydrogenolysis regioselectivity,
(E)-3-C-[2-(carboxamido)- 1-(ethoxy- 39: 125
carbonyl)ethylene]-3-deoxy-3-fluoro- 1,2-U-isopropylidene-3-0-
1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-ol-o-, (methykulfony~)-cr-D-
preparation, 38:250,252 reaction with potassium fluoride,
I -0-(2-acetoxy-2-propyl)-1,3,5,6-tetra-O- 38:220
acetyl-o-, 22: 15 reaction with tiphenylmethyl
3-0-acetyl- fluoroborate and
1,2-O-benzoyl-1,2-0-isopropylidene-5,6 tetrabutylammonium bromide,
di-O-p-tolylsu~fony~-o-, displacement 39:108-109
reactions of, 24: 145 3-0-benzyl- 1,2-0-cyclohexylidene-cu-o-,
6-0-benzoyl- 1.2-O-isopropylidene-5-0-p- complex with lithium aluminum
tolysulfonyl-D-, 24: 145 hydride, stereoselectivity of reductions
1,2-0-isopropylidene-5,-O-p-tolylsulfonyl with, 27:196-199
6-0-, tityl-~l-o-,displacement 3-0-benzyl- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-
reaction of, 24: 174 (Y-D-, synthesis, 39: 126
I ,2-0-isopropylidene-5,6 di-0-p- 5,6-di-O-p-tolylsuIfonyl-ol-~-
tolylsulfonyl a-D-,displacement solvolysis of, 24: 196

sulfonate displacement in, 33: 126 methyl iodide, 28:280

5,6-di-O-p-tolysulfonyl-o-, solvolysis of, selective oxidation with silver carbonate-
25:203 on-Celite, 33:98
5-~-p-tolysulfony~-6-~-trityh-~-, synthesis of, 28:4
displacement reaction of, 24: I56 1,2-0-isopropylidene-5-0-(methylsulfonyl)-
6-0-henzyl- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-, 5-0-1,- (Y-D-, preparation of, 33:218
tolysulfonyl-a-o-displacement reactions 1,2-0-isopropylindene-5,6-di-O-p-
of, 24:156 tolylsulfonyl-a+-, 23:244
3-0-crotonyl- 1,2:5,6-di-O-cyclohexylidene- 3-0-o-iodobiphenylyl- I ,2:5,6-di-0-
a-o-,Grignard reaction with, 27:202 isopropyhdene-a-o-, irradiation,
1,2-0-cyclohexy~idene-a-o-, and 3-methyl 38:187, 191
ether, complexes with lithium aluminum solvolysis of. 25:206
hydride, reductions with, 27: 196 2,3,5,6-tetra-0-benzoyl-o-, ammonolysis of,
1,2-O-ethylene-a-~-,from 0-(2- 31:116, 121
hydroxyethyl) starch, 29:3 18-3 I9 1,2,6-tri-0-acetyl-3,5-di-O-methyl-a-~-,
3-O-formyl-l,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-(~- selective deacylation, 39:28
D-, preparation of, 28:254 3,5,6-tri-O-acetyl-1,2-O-isopropy~idene-a-o-
1,2-0-isopropylidene-3,5,6- acetolysis and bromination, 39:114
0-phosphino-a-o-, crystal structure. reaction with hydrogen fluoride, 39: 1 17
43:223 3,5,6-tri-O-benzoyI-
tri-O-(methy~sulfonyI)-(Y-D-, reaction with D-
potassium fluoride, 38:220 ammonolysis of, 31:85, 116, 121
1,2-0-isopropylidene-3,5- ethanethiolysis of, 32:32
di-O-methyl-6-O-p-tolysulfonyl-a-o-, 1,2-O-isopropylidene-a-~-, oxidation by
solvolysis of, 24:195 triphenylmethyl fluoroborate, 39:85
O-[(endo-methoxy)methyIidene]-6-0-p- Glucofuranose-5,6,6'-4,,1,2-O-isopropylidene-
tolylsulfonyl-a-o-, proton magnetic a-D-,preparation of, 33:219
resonance spectra, iterative analysis Glucofuranose-d,,, 6-deoxy-l,2:3,5-di-O-
of, 27:78 isopropylidene-a-o-, proton magnetic
0-(methoxymethylidene)-6-0-p- resonance spectra, iterative analysis of,
tolylsulfonyl-a-o-, conformation of, 27:79
26:121 Glucofuranoses, 3-fluoro-o-, 3-C-branched, 'H
1,2-O-isopropylidene-ol-o- and "F-NMR data for, 46:138-140
acetolysis of, 22: 15 Glucofuranoside
3- and 6-chloroacetates, preparation, 3 5 3 4 alkyl I-thio-a-o-, formation from
3,5-horate, preparation, 3 5 3 1 dithioacetals, 3 2 6 8
conformation of, 26: 120 3,6-anhydro-a-o-glucofuranosyl 3,6-
crystal structure, 43:223-224 anhydro-a-o-, tetrabenzoate, proton
esterification with methyl octadecanoate, magnetic resonance spectroscopy of,
33:44 27:33
and 3-ethers, complexes with lithium 3,6-anhydro-a-o-glucofuranosyl 3,6-
aluminum hydride, reduction with, anhydro-a-o-
27:196 sweetness-structure relationship, 45:257,
hydrogenolysis, over copper chromite, 274
39:135 taste properties, 45:270
oxidation of, 33:232 benzyl 1-thio-a-o-, 21:115, 118
3,5-phenylboronate, preparation and use, ethyl 2,3,5,6,-tetra-O-acetyl- 1 -thio-a-o-,
35:32 preparation of, 3 2 4 6
phosphorylation of, 33:46 ethyl (Y-D-, 21:95,102
reaction with triphenyl phosphite and ethyl p-D-,2195, 102, 125

Glucofuranoside (continued) Glucofuranosiduronamide

preparation of, 34:278 akyl 1-thio-a+-, preparation, 36: 101
ethyl 2-ucetumido-2-deoxy-1 -thio-a (and p)- ethyl I-thio-a-o-, preparation from
D-, 21:116 dithioacetal, 32:66
ethyl I-thio-a-D-, 21:114, 118 methyl a-D-and p-D-, preparation of, 33:213
crystal structure of, 25:71,31:366 methyl 2,5-di-O-(ethoxycarbonyl)-a-~-,
preparation of, 3 2 6 6 preparation of, 33:2 14
rearrangement by dilute acid, 32:60 methyl 2-0-(ethoxycarbonyl)- p-D-,
ethyl 1-thio-pa-, 21:115 preparation of, 33:214
isopropyl OL (and P)-D-, 21:125 purin-6-yl 1-thio-o-, preparation, 36:98
methyl 2-acetamid0-2-deoxy-o-, preparation Glucofuranosiduronic acid
from dithioacetal, 3 2 6 8 alkyl D-, reducing ability of derivatives of,
methyl a-D-, formation of, 31:32 33:22&229
methyl a-D-, 21:102, 125 alkyl 1-thio-a-o-, sodium salts, preparation,
entropy of activation for hydrolysis of, 36:lOl
2240 ethyl 1-thio-a-o-, sodium salt, 21: 115
methyl 3,6-anhydro-a-o- preparation from dithioacetal, 32:66
sweetness-structure relationship, 45:257, methyl 2,3,5-tri-O-methyI-
274 a-D-, and methyl ester, preparation of,
taste properties, 45:270 33:201
methyl 3,6-anhydro-a-o-, mass spectrum of, o-. methyl ester, preparation of, 33: 197
21:81 propyl I-thio-a+-, sodium salt, 21:115
methyl p-D-, 21:117, 125 Glucofuranosiduronic N-phenylhydrazide,
acidic methanol action on, 21 :1 10- 1 1 1 preparation of, and hepato-protective
conformation of, 21: 100 activity, 33:215
3-deoxy-3-thiocyanato-2-0-p- Glucofuranosiduronolactone
tolysulfonyl-5-O-trityl-, 44: 143 2-naphthyl p-D-, 21: 121
entropy of activation for hydrolysis of, phenyl p-D-, 21:121
22:40 Glucofuranosidurono-6,3 -lactone
formation of, 31:32 alkyl and aryl, preparation of, 33: 195-197
sweetness-structure relationship, 45256 ammonolysis, aminolysis, and hydrazinolysis
methyl D-, 21:21 Of, 33:213-216
selective periodate oxidation of, 33:94 conformational analysis of, 33:205-210
methyl 3-deoxy-3-iodo-2,5,6-tri-O-methyl-p- elimination reactions with, 33:219-226
D-, 22: 185 ethyl 2,5-di-O-benzoyl-p-~-,preparation of,
preparation of, 28:241 33: 196
methyl 2,5-di-O-methyl-a-~-,21: 125 infrared measurements and hydrogen
methyl 2,5-di-~-p-to~ylsu~fony~-~-~-, bonding for, 33:209-2 10
preparation of, 33:2 18 methyl a-D-and p-D-
methyl 3-0-benzyl-5,6-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl- oxidation of, 33:230
D-, 25:205 preparation of, 33: 196
methyl 2-O-methyl-o-, reaction with acetone, proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy
30:4 of, 33:207-209
methyl I-thio-a-D-, 21: 115 reducing ability of, 33:227-229
methyl 2,5,6-tri-O-methyI-p-o-, reaction selective acylation of, 33:204
with methyltriphenoxyphosphonium methyl D-, preparation, 36:74
iodide, 28:241 methyl 2,5-di-O-acetyl-P-o-, reducing ability
phenyl-p-o-, acetolysis of, 2220 of, 3 3 ~ 2 2 1
propyl 1-thio-a-o-, 21:115 methyl 2,5-di-O-methyl-a-o-, preparation of,
tert-butyl 1-thio-a(and P)-D-, 2 1:121 33:196,201

methyl 2,5-dj-O-rnethyl-P-o-, preparation of, Glucofuranosyl fluoride

33:201 D-
methyl 2,5-di-O-(methylsulfonyl)-~-~-, 2,3,5,6-tetra-O-acetyl-
preparation of, 33:203 13C-NMR data for, 46: 165
methyl 2,5-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-p-~-, 'H- and "F-NMR data for, 46:97
preparation of, 33:203 2,3,5,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-,'H- and I9F-
methyl 5-O-benzoyl-P-~-,preparation of, NMR data for, 46:97
33:205 2,5,6-tri-O-acetyl-3-O-methyl, I3C- NMR
methyl 5-O-benzyl-P-o-, oxidation of, data for, 46: 166
33:23 1 3,5,6-tri-O-a~etyl-2-O-methyl-,'~C-NMR
methyl 5-O-benzyl-2-O-methyI-a-~- and+ data for. 46: 166
D-, preparation of, 33:231 per-0-benzoyl-pa-, synthesis, 38:20 1
methyl 5-O-benzyl-2-O-methyl-p-~-, 3,5,6-tr-O-acetyl-2-O-methyl-a, p-O-,
elimination reaction with, 33:222-223 26: 184
methyl 5-O-benzyl-2-O-(methylsulfonyl)- p- (ri-Glucofuranosyl fluoride)urono-6,3-lactone
D-, preparation of, 33:203 2,5-di-O-acetyl-P-, 'H- and 19F-NMRdata
methyl 5-O-(benzyloxycarbonyl)- for, 46: 1 16
p-D-, preparation of, 33:204 2,5-di-O-benzoyl-p-, IH- and I9F-NMR data
2-O-(ethoxycarbonyl)- OL-D- and+-[)-, for, 46: 1 16
preparation of, 33:205 Glucofuranosylurono-6,3-lactonebromide
methyl 2-O-(ethoxycarbonyl)-a-~-and-p-~-, 2,5-di-O-acetyki-o-, preparation of, 33: 192
preparation of, 33:205 2-O-acetyl-5-O-benzoyl-p-~-, preparation of,
methyl 5-O-(ethoxycarbonyl)-p-~-, 33: 193
preparation of, 33:204 Glucofuranosylurono-6,3-lactonechloride
oxidation of, 33:230 2,5-di-O-acetykx-~-,preparation of,
phenyl5-O-acetyl-p-~-,preparation of. 33:194
33:214 2,5-di-O-acetyI-p-o-
reduction with complex metal hydrides, preparation of, 33: 193
33:217,220 reaction with methanol, 33: 196
Glucofuranosylamine 2,5-di-O-benzoyI-P-o-
N-acetyl-a-o- preparation of, 33: 193
configuration of, 31: 109 reaction with ethanol, 33: 196
mechanism of formation of, 3 1 : l l l 2-O-acetyl-5-O-benzoyl-p-~-, preparation of,
oxidation and configuration of, 33: 193
31: 104-1 06 Glucofuranosylurono-6,3-lactonefluoride
preparation of, 31533, 85-86, 122 2,5-di-O-acetyl-p-o-, preparation of, 33: 194
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy 2,5-di-O-benzoyl-P-o, preparation of,
of, 21:23 33:194
N-acetyl-6-O-a-~-galactopyranosyl-p-~-, GIucofuranosylurono-6,3-lactone halides.
preparation of, 31:94 preparation and properties of, 33: 192-194
N-acyl-, oxidation and configuration of, Glucofuranuronamide
3 1:104-1 05 3-O-acetyl- 1,2-O-isopropyIidene-a-~-,
N-nicotinoyl-o-, preparation of. 31:88 preparation of, 33:2 13
(Glucofuranosylamine)uronamides, W a r y -D-, 3-0-benzoyl- 1.2-O-isopropylidene-a-~-,
preparation of, 33:200 preparation of, 33:213
(Glucofuranosy1amine)uronic acids, D-, 5-O-(ethoxycarbonyl)- 1,2-O-isopropyIidene-
biological importance of, 33:200 a-D-,preparation of, 33:2 14
(Glucofuranosylamine)urono-6,3-lactone 1,2-O-isopropylidene-5-0-
N-aryl-D-, preparation of, 33:200 (rnethykulfonyl)-a-D, preparation of,
h'-cyanomethyI-o-, preparation of, 33:20 I 33:214

Glucofuranuronamide (continued) methylation of, 33:202

p-tolylsulfonyl-a+-, preparation of, reactions of, 33: 189-234
33:214 reaction with aromatic amines, 33:200
Glucofuranuronic acid structure of, 33: 190
D-,structure of, 33: 190 thermodynamic stability of, 33: 19 1-192
6-deoxy- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-a-~-, methyl hydrogenation, 37: 120
ester, 23:104 synthesis, 37:118-119
3,5-di-O-benzoyl- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-a- 5-deoxy-5-fluoro-a-o-, 1,2-0-
D-, methyl ester, preparation, 36:74 isopropylidene-,C-NMR data for,
1,2:3,5-di-O-benzylidene-a-~-, preparation 46: 170
of, 33:200 5-deoxy-5-fluoro-l,2-O-isopropylidene-a-
1,2:3,5-di-O-isopropylidene-a-~-, methyl D-, H-and 9F-n.m.r data for, 46:116
ester, preparation of, 33: 199 1,2-di-O-acetyl-5-O-benzoyi-ol-o-and-~-~-,
1,2-O-alkylidene-a-o-, reducing ability of preparation of, 33:204
derivatives of, 33:226-229 1-O-acetyl-2,5-di-O-benzoyl-a-~-and-p-~-,
1,2-O-isopropylidene-3,5-di-O-methyl-a-~-, preparation of, 33:204
methyl ester, preparation of, 33:202 5-0-acetyl- 1,2-0-( 1-methoxyethylidene)-a-
3,5-O-isopropylidene-2-O-(methoxy- D-, preparation of, 33:195
isopropy1)- I-0-methyl-a-o-, 1,2-O-alkylidene-a-o-
preparation of, 33: 199 preparation of, 33: 197-200
2,3,5-tri-O-methyl-o-, methyl ester, transacetalation of Ssubstituted, 33: 197
preparation and reaction with N- 1,2-O-alkylidene-5-O-(methylsulfonyl)-a-
acylamino acid, 36: 113-1 14 D-,reaction with hydrazine, 33:216
Glucofuranuronic hydrazide 5-0-benzoyl- 1,2-O-cyclohexylidene-a-~-,
1,2-O-cyclohexylidene-5-0- preparation of, 33:203
(methyisulfony1)-a-D-, fragmentation 5-0-benzoyl- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-a-~-
of, 33:226 acetolysis of, 33:204
1,2-O-isopropylidene-5-O-(methylsulfonyl)- elimination reaction with, 33:220
a-D-, fragmentation of, 33:226 preparation of, 33:203
Glucofuranurono-6,3-lactones reactions of, 33:20&205
aldehydo-o-, N-acylhydrazones, syntheses with, 33:231
disproportionation of, 33:215 1,2-O-cyclohexylidene-a-~-
crystallography of, p-O-,25:65 benzylation of, 33:202
D- synthesis of, 33: 199
alcoholysis reactions of, 33:212 1,2-O-cyclohexylidene-5-0-
ammonolysis, aminolysis, and (methykulfonyl)-a-D-, preparation of.
hydrazinolysis of, 33:213-216 33:203
elimination reactions with, 33:219- 1,2-O-isopropyiidene-a-~-
226 benzylation of, 33:202
hydrolysis reactions of, 33:2 1&2 1 1 methylation of, 33:202
oxidation of, 33:230 oxidation of, 33:230
reaction with hydroxylamine, 33:214 preparation of, 33: 198,36:74
with phenylhydrazine, 33:2 14 proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy
reduction with complex metal hydrides, of, 33:207-209
33:217,220 reducing ability of, 33:227-229
syntheses with, 33:23 1-234 1,2-O-isopropylidene-5-O-methyl-a-~-
catalytic hydrogenation, 38:288 preparation of, 33:202
reactions, 38:305, 308, 3 10 reducing ability of, 33:227
esterification of, 33:203-205 1,2-O-isopropylidene-5-O-(methylsulfonyl)-
etherification of, 33:201-203 a-D-,preparation of, 33:203

1,2-0-isopropylidene-5-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-a- structure, enzymic analysis, 44: 178-1 80

D- synthesis, 44:366
preparation of, 33:203 yeast, 41:99
reduction with lithium aluminum hydride, Glucomanno-oligosaccharides, from enzymic
33:217 hydrolyzates of glucomannans,
1,2-0-(S)-benzylidene-a-o-, preparation of, 3 2 3 1 4 3 I6
33:200 Glucometasaccharinic acid
1,2,5-tri-o-acetyl-a-o- and-p-o-, 33:O D-, 25:343
1,2,5-tri-0-benzoyl-p-o- preparation of, formation of, 28: 199
33:203 structure, 46:291
Glucofuranurononitrile, 3,5-di-O-acetyl- I ,2-0- D-, formation of, 46:292, 303
isopropylidene-a-D-, elimination and Glucomylase, gas-liquid chromatography of,
degradation reactions of, 33:226 2850
Glucofuranuronos, 6,3-lactone-5-d, 1.2-0- Gluconamides, 50: 15 1
isopropylidene-a+-, preparation of. 2,5-anhydro-, D-, preparation of, 33: 1 17
33:219 2,5-anhydro-, N,N-dimethyl-D-, preparation
Glucogalactans, 41: 100 of,33:117
Glucogenes, 45202 D-, 47:144-150
gluco-Hept-l -enitol, 2,6-anhydro-1-deoxy-u-. "-C-chemical-shift data, 47: 145-146
48:356 I3C-NMR
Glucoheptose,-p-D-. crystal structure Gd3+effect, 47:146-147, 149
bibliography, 38:436 MnZ' effect, 47:146. 148-149
Glucohydrolase, exo-( 1+6)-cx-~-,44:258 structures, 47: 144
Glucoisosaccharinic acid N-(2-chloroethyl)-o-, crystal structure
a- and p-, formation of, 28: 194 bibliography, 34:356,38:438439
a-D- n-Gluconate ion, conformation of, 26:69
calcium and strontium salts, Gluconic acid
crystallography of, 25:68 2-amino-2-deoxy-o-
electric charges on atoms of, 25: 100 deamination of, 33:116-1 17
D-, 25:343 in muscarine synthesis, 31:70
formation of, 28: 199, 46:292 ethyl ester. deamination of, 31:58
structure, 46:291 2-amino-2-deoxy-~-
Glucokinase, enzymic activity in liver deamination of, in muscarine synthesis,
metabolism, 34:326 31:70
Glucomannans, 24:339,41:91,44:164 methyl ester, deamination of, 33: I 17
acetolysis of, 22:22 2-amino-4,6-0-benzylidene-2-deoxy-~-,
antitumor activity of, 32:25 1-252,26 1-262 ethyl ester, deamination of, 3 1 5 9
biosynthesis, 35:353,41:127 2,5-anhydro-
carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance D-, preparation of, and methyl ester,
spectra, 38:66,39:200 33: 1 16-1 17
D-ghCOnyl isothiocyanate, 2,3,4,5,6-penta- L-, and methyl ester, preparation of.
0-acetyl, 44: 141 33:117-118
formation in cellulose, biosynthesis, D-
42318-3 19 analytical high-performance liquid
fungal, 23:397 chromatography, 46:34
degradation of, 31:192 and calcium salt, preparation of,
methylation analysis of wood, 30: 17 29:118-119
in plant cell-walls, 42:269,44:359 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-, 'H- and "F-NMR data
properties and antitumor activity of, 32:263 for, 46: 1 16
reaction with diamines, 44: 120 in honey, 25:290

Gluconic acid (continued) Glucopyranan

lactones, 23: 15 CK-D-, fungal, 41:70
0-isopropylidene derivatives, 45: 1 1 anti-a+-, as murine immunoglobulins,
potassium salt, crystal structure 31:337-342
bibliography, 31: 105, 364 p-D-,fungal, 41:73
potassium salt monohydrate, crystal Glucopyranose
structure bibliography, 30:448 1,3,4,-tri-O-acetyl-6-deoxy-6-thiocyanto-2-
trisodium salt, monohydrate, crystal 0-p-tolysulfonyl-a+-, 44: 143
structure bibliography, 32:356,367 2-acetamido-
2-deoxy-2-diazo-o-, methyl ester 1,6-anhydr0-4-azido-3-O-benzoyl-2-
tetraacetate, preparation of, 3 1 5 9 deoxy-P-D-, preparation of, 34:85,
2-deoxy-2-(2,4-dinitroaniho)-o-, sodium 125-126
salt, irradiation, 38: 173 2-deoxy-a-~-,crystal structure
3-deoxy-3-fluoro-o-, preparation, 38:245 bibliography, 34:354
4-O-p-o-gaIactopyranosyl-~-,calcium 2-deoxy-a-D-esterof adenosine 5-
bromide tetrahydrate, crystal structure pyrophosphate, 28:3 15,342
bibliography, 31:351 of thymidine 5 -pyrophosphate,
6-O-phosphono-~-,trisodium salt, dihydrate, enzymic synthesis of, 28:324, 342
crystal structure bibliography, 32:355 of uridine 5- pyrophosphate, enzymic
2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-o-, ethyl ester, reaction preparation of, 28:341
with phosphorus pentachloride, 28:239 fermentation production and
3,4,5,6-tetra-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-(N- biosynthesis, 28:327,343
nitrosoacetamid0)-o-, reaction with 2-deoxy-o-, laser-Raman spectroscopy,
potassium hydroxide, 31:70 44533
Glucono- I ,5-lactam, 5-arnino-5-deoxy-o-, 4-0-[2-acetamido-2-deoxy-P(ol)-o-
23: 165-166 glucopyranosyl]-2-deoxy-o-,
Glucono- 1,6-lactam, 6-arnino-6-deoxy-o-, monohydrate, crystal structure
23:165 bibliography, 38:46&467
D-GluCOnO- 1.5-lactone 4-0-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy-p-~-
crystal structure bibliography, 30:448 g~ucopyransoyl)-2-deeoxy-p-~-,
electro-oxidation of, 29: 117 trihydrate, crystal structure, 43:246
preparation of, 25:4 ~-O-(D- l-carboxyethyl)-2deoxy-a-~-,
Glucono- 1,4-lactone hydrate, crystal structure
2-acetamido-2-deoxy-~-,effect on bibliography, 32:364
hexosaminidases, 31:6 1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI-2-deoxy-a-~-,
6-O-(N,N-dimenthylglycyl)-o-, synthesis, methane chemical-ionization mass
3554 spectrum of, 29:81
Glucononitrile 1,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-6-O-(p-
2,3,4,5,6,-penta-O-acetyI-~-, reaction with nitrophenylsulfonyl)-P-D-,
ammonia, 31:81-82 fluorination, 38:206
2,3,4,5,6,-penta-O-benzoyl-o-, ammonolysis 1,3,4-tri-0-acetyl-2,6-dideoxy-6-fluoro-~-
of, effect of solvent on, 31:99 D-, preparation, 38:206
2,3,4,5,6,-penta-O-propionyI-~-, 4-acetamido-, 1,2,3,6-tetra-O-acety1-4-
ammonolysis of, 31:88 deoxy-o-, 23: 187
2-acetamido-tetra-O-acetyI-2-deoxy-o-, a - D - , 45:74
ammonolysis of, 31:87 2-acetamido-2-deoxy, circular dichroism,
Gluconylhydrazides, 1-aroyl-2-o-, 50: 155-1 56 45:9495
Gluco-oligosaccharides, a-(1+4)-linked, liquid I3Cnuclear magnetic resonance spectra of,
chromatography analysis, 46:3840 33:277
Glucophore, 45:202-205,218 crystallography of, 25:61

ester of hydrogen bonding in, 25:56

adenosine 5-pyrophosphate, 28:309, mutarotation is deuterium oxide and in
314 water, 24:31
enzymic preparation of, 28:337 sweetness-structure relationship, 45:239
in sucrose synthesis, 28:395 taste properties, 45242
8- bromoadenosine 5 -pyrophosphate, 2-amino- I ,6-anhydro-2-deoxy-p-~-
preparation of, 28:355 deamination of, 31:41,34:128-129
cytidine 5-pyrophosphate, 28:309. 3 15, 4-ethers, preparation of, 34: 124
338 preparation of, and N-derivatives. 34: 122
2-deoxyadenosine 5-pyrophosphate, 3-amino- 1,6-anhydr0-3-deoxy-p-o-
enzymic preparation of, 28:338 conformation of, 34: 127
2-deoxyuridine 5-pyrophosphate. crystal structure bibliography, 38:424
enzymic preparation of, 28:338 deamination of, 34:128
5,6-dihydrouridine 5 -pyrophosphate. hydrochloride
preparation of, 28:354 conformation of, 34:59
guanosine 5 -pyrophosphate, 28:309, monohydrate, crystal structure
338 bibliography, 38:425
5-hydroxyuridine 5-pyrophosphatc, preparation of, 34: 123
enzymic preparation of, 28:338 4-amino- 1,6-anhydro-4-deoxy-p-~-.
inosine 5- pyrophosphate, enzymic deamination of, 34: 128
preparation of, 28:338 2-amino- I ,6-anhydro-2,4-dideoxy-4-fluoro-
N6-hydroxyadenosine pyrophosphate, p-D-,preparation, 34:124, 135,38:216
preparation of, 28:355 4-amino- 1,6-anhydr0-2,4-dideoxy-2-fluoro-
Nh-methoxyadenosine5 I- p-D-,preparation of, 34: 124
pyrophosphate, preparation of, 2-amino-2-deoxy-a-o-, esters of uridine,
28:355 adenosine, cytidine and thymidine 5-
N-methyluridine 5 - pyrophosphate, pyrophosphates, enzymic syntheses of,
preparation of, 28:355 2 8 ~338-339
thymidine 5-pyrophosphate, 28:309, 5-amin0-5-deoxy-o-, 23:116, 132-133,
338 51:150
epimerase action on, 28:375 2-amino-2-deoxy-4-0-a-~-g~ucopyranosy~-
isolation of, 28:322 D-, isolation and synthesis, 39:240
mechanism of conversion of, 28:38 I 4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-p-~-, 23: I87
uridine 5-pyrophosphate. 28:309, 1,2-anhydro-a-o-, from cellulose pyrolysis,
3 12-3 13 22502
carbodiimides in synthesis of, 28:353 1,4-anhydro-a-n-
degradation of, 28:356 from cellulose on heating, 23:441442
enzymic preparation of, 28:33&337 from 2-0-methylcellulose pyrolysis, 34:44
isolation of, 28:325 1,4-anhydro-P-o-, synthesis, 39: 165
mechanism of epimerase reaction with, 1,6-anhydro-P-o-. 47:16, 304, 51:112-1 14
28:372 acetobrominolysis, 39: 1 15
synthesis by mixed anhydride method, acetolysis of, 34:65
28:351 conformation of, 25:101, 103. 107
synthesis by phosphoramidate method, crystal structure bibliography, 30:448,
28:345 34:348
hydrogen bonds in, 25:99 determination of, in corn syrup, 28:25
ionization constants and mutarotation of, effect of flame retardants on pyrolysis of,
24:25 23:47 1
monohydrate formation from cellulose on heating,
configuration of, 25:55 23:43 1,433

Glucopyranose (continued) 1,6-anhydro-2.4-di-O-benzyl-3-O-crotyl-P-

pyrolysis of, 23:460462 D-, polymerization, 39:181-183, 195
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:42 1,6-anhydro-2,3-di-O-benzyi-4-0-(2,3,4,6-
history, preparation, and uses of, 34:25 tetra-O-benzyhx-D-ghcopyranosyl)-P-
hydrogenolysis, 39: 133 D-, polymerization, 39: 195
mass spectrum of, 21:81 1,6-anhydro-2,3-di-O-rnethyl-P-~-,
potassium alcoholate, structure of, preparation of, 34:79
21:266 1,6-anhydro-2,4-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-~-,
per-0-substituted, 34:77 23:25 1
2,4-phenylboronate, preparation, 3 5 4 8 preparation of, 33:24
polymerization, 39: 179 5,6-anhydro- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-3-0-
preparation and history of, 34:27 methyh-, polymerization of, 21:491
production of, 22:498499, 50 1 1,6-anhydr0-4-methyl-2-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-
proton spin-lattice relaxation rates, D-, 23:262
45: 160 ~,6-anhydro-4-O-a-~-g~ucopyranosyl)-~-~-,
pyrolysis of, 22:497 synthesis, and hexaacetate, 39:235
selective esterification of, 33:23 1,6-anhydro-2-0-benzoyl-4-0-p-
sweetness-structure relationship, 45269, tolylsulfonyl-P-D-, 23~251
271 1,6-anhydro-4-O-benzyl-~-~-, p-
synthesis, 39: 160, 163 toluenesulfonylation of, 34:80
1,6-anhydro-2 deoxy- 5,6-anhydro- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-cy-o-,
2-fluoro-P-o-, reaction with hydrogen synthesis, 39: 173
bromide, 28:278 5,6-anhydro- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-3-0-
2-flUOr0-P-D- methyl-a-o-, synthesis, 39: 173
hydrolysis or acetolysis of, 34: 135 1,6-anhydro-2-O-methyl-P-~-, from 2-0-
preparation of, 34:67 methylcellulose pyrolysis, 34:44
1,6-anhydr0-4-deoxy- 1,6-anhydro-2-0-p-toIylsulfonyl-~-~-,
4-fluoro-2-O-p-tolysulfonyl-P-~-, 23:25 I , 262
preparation of, 34: 134 1,6-anhydro-4-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-~-,
4-fluoro-P-o-, preparation of, 34: 133 23:251
3-O-methyl-2-~-p-to~y~sulfony~-~-o-, acid
cleavage of, 34:64 preparation of, 34: 136
1,6-anhydro-2,4-diazido-2,4-dideoxy-P-~- 1,6-anhydro-4-S-henzyI-4-thio-2-O-p-
conformation of, 34: 127 tolysulfonyl-P-o-, preparation of,
crystal structure, 43:209-2 10 34:138
1,6-anhydro-2,4-dideoxy-2,4-difluoro-P-u- 1.6-anhydro- 1 (6)-thio-P-o-, crystal structure
crystal structure, 43:209 bibliography, 38:423424
hydrolysis or acetolysis of, 34: 135 1,6-anhydro- 1(6)-thio-P-~-,preparation of,
preparation of, 34: 133,38:2 16-2 18 34: 146
1,6-anhydro-2,3-di-O-benzoyl-~-u-, 1,2-anhydro-3,4,6-tri-O-benzyI-a-o-,
oxidation of, 34: 100 synthesis, 39:172
1,6-anhydro-2,4-di-O-benzyl-P-~-, p- 1,4-anhydro-2,3,6-tri-O-benzyl-a-~-
toluenesulfonylation of, 34:80 polymerization, 39:205
1,6-anhydro-3,4-di-O-benzyl-2-deoxy-~-~-, synthesis, 39: 164
debenzylation of, 34:75 1,6-anhydro-2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-~-o-
1,6-anhydro-2,3-di-O-benzyl-4-0-(2,3,4,6- acetolysis of, 22: 16
tetra-O-benzyl-a-o-ghcopyranosyl)-P- polymerization, 39: 179, 18 1-1 82, 187,
D- 207
polymerization, 39: 195 preparation of, 34:32
synthesis, 39:223 synthesis, 39: 170-17 1

1,6-anhydr0-2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-o- carba-P-D-, synthesis, 48:36

preparation of, 34:47 (Y-D-, derivatives, vibrational spectra, 44:20
reaction with ethanethiol and zinc 2,3',3 '-d3, penta-O-acetyl-3-deoxy-3-C-
chloride, 34:64 (hydroxymethy1)-a-D-,23:96.98
1,6-anhydro-2,3,4-tri-O-ethyl-p-~-, D-
polymerization, 39: 181-1 83 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-
1,6-anhydr0-2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-P-~- circular dichroism, 45:98
copolymerization with Lewis acids, and ohgomers, circular dichroism, 45: 100
with styrene, 34:74 2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-6-fluoro-
polymerization, 39: 159, 179-1 80, 182 u anomer, H- and "F-NMR data for,
I ,4-anhydr0-2,3,6-tri-O-methyl-~-, synthesis, 46:121
39: 164 I ,3,4-tr-O-acetyl-, 'H- and "F-NMR
I ,6-anhydr0-2,3,4-tri-O-(p-bromobenzyl)-P- data for, 46: 12 1
D-, polymerization, 39: 182-1 83 01 form preference in solvents, 47:92
1,6-anhydro-2,3,4-tri-O-(p-rnethylbenzyl)-P- 1,6-anhydro-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-~-
D-, polymerization, 39: 182-1 83 3,4-di-O-acetyl-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data
1,6-anhydro-2,3,4-tri-O-p-xyIyl-P-~-, for, 46: 1 14
polymerization, 39: I83 3,4-di-O-benzyl-, 'H- and l9F-NMR
I ,6-anhydr0-2,3,4-tri-O-tolylsulfonyl-~-i~-, data for, 46: 114
23:25 1 3-0-acetyl-4-O-benzyl-, 'H- and I9F-
p-0- NMR data for, 46: 1 14
and p-L-, superpositioned over same 1,5-anhydro-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-l -C-
receptor site, 45:236 methyl-a-,3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-. I H- and
conformation of, 25: 106 I9F-NMR data for, 46: 1 13
crystallography of, 25:6 I anomeric equilibnum, solvent effects,
2,3,4,6,2',3 '-hexa-0-acetyl- 1,6-anhydro- 47:68
4-0-P-glucopyranosyl- anomers, 47:54-55
interproton distances, 45: 156 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-
spin-lattice relaxation rates, 45: 155 ol anomer, I'C-NMR data for, 46: 162
hydrogen bonding in, 2 5 5 6 P anomer
ionization constants and mutarotation of, I3C-NMR data for, 46: 162
24:25 IH- and IyF-NMR data for, 46:86
I-mesitoic ester,I ,6-anhydride from, 34:32 1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-, 'H- and lYF-
sweetness-structure relationship. 45:239 NMR data for, 46:86
taste properties, 45:242 I ,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI-a-, 'H- and "F-
5,6-bis(acetamid0)-2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl- 1,6- NMR data for, 46:162
anhydro-5,6-dideoxy-P-~-, 23: I34 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-
C-allyl-S-P-o-glucopyranosyl-0- (Y anomer

sulfo(thiocarbohydroximidate) I3C-NMR data for, 46: 163

4-deoxy-4-fluoro-a-o-galactopyranosy l-ol- 'H- and IyF-NMR data for, 46:90
D-, preparation, 38:222 (3 anomer
6-deoxy-6-fluoro-ol-~-glucopyranosyl-a- 13C-NMR data for, 46: 163
D- 'H- and IyF-NMR data for, 46:91
biological activity, 38:283 6-phosphate, 'H- and "F-NMR data for,
synthesis, 38:2 11 46:9 1
potassium salt monohydrate, crystal 1,2,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI-, '1-1- and "F-
structure bibliography, 38:440 NMR data for, 46:9 I
carba-a-o-, synthesis, 48:38 4-deoxy-4-fluoro-
carba-P-DL-, 48:23, 33, 87 OL anomer
synthesis, 48:27 I3C-NMR data for, 46: 164

Glucopyranose (continued) o-glucopyranosyl-a-o-, biological

'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:93 activity, 38:283
p anomer 2,4-diamino- 1,6-anhydro-2,4-dideoxy-p-~-
I3C-NMR data for, 46: I64 conformation of, 34: 127
'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:93 preparation of, 34:124-125
1,2,3,6-tetra-O-acetyl-P-, 'H- and I9F- 5,6-diamino- 1,6-anhydr0-5,6-dideoxy-p-o-,
NMR data for, 46:93 formation of, 34: 149
6-deoxy-6-fluoro- 2,7-diamino-2,7-dideoxy-a-DL-carba-,
a anomer 48:63
I3C-NMR data for, 46: 164 4,7-diamino-4,7-dideoxy-a-DL-carba-,
'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:95 48:63
p anomer 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-
I3C-NMR data for, 46: 164 a-D-
'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:95 from cellulose on heating, 23:433,441
1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyyl-, 'H- and I9F- crystal structure bibliography,
NMR data for, 46:95 38:42 1 4 2 2
derivatives, equilibrium compositions, p-D-, 47~306-308
47:4849 D-
2,4-difluoro-P-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data from amylose pyrolysis, 22:500
for, 46: 151 from o-glucose pyrolysis, 22:501
mutarotation and polarography, 4,6-dideoxy-
29: 139-141 4,6-difluoro-a-o-ga~actopyranosy~-a-o-,
3-0-acetyl- 1,6-anhydro-2,4-dideoxy-P- preparation, 38:222
2-acetamido-4-fluoro-, IH- and I9F- 4-(dimethylamino)-~-,23: 154
NMR data for, 46: 114 3,4-di-O-acetyl-2-amino-l,6-anhydro-2-
4-acetamido-2-fluoro-, 'H- and I9F- deoxy-p-o-, deamination of, 34: 128
NMR data for, 46: 114 2,3-di-O-acetyl-l,6-anhydro-P-o-, in
orientation of hydroxyl groups for, in synthesis of oligosaccharides, 34: 160
4 C , ( ~conformation,
) 4975 3,6-di-O-acetyl-l,2-anhydro-4-0-(2,3,4,6-
phosphorus derivatives of, physical tetra-0-acetyl-a-o-glucopyranosy1)-a-
properties, 42: 191 D-, synthesis, 39: 171
polymerization of, 21:436 1,6-di-O-acetyI-2,3,4-tri-0-benzy~-o-,
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy 22:16
of derivatives of, 27:26 1,2:4,6-di-0-benzyIidene-3-0-
2-deoxy- (methylsulfonyl)-ol-o-, proton magnetic
2-(fluoroacetamido)-o-, preparation, resonance spectroscopy of, 27:67,78
38:252 I ,2:4,6-di-O-ethylidene-a-o-,
2-fluoro-3-O-methyl-o-, labeled, 48: diastereoisomers, 34: 197
I98 2,3 :4,6-di-O-isopropylidene-5-thio-a-o-,
4-0-(4-deoxy-a-~-threo-hex-4- crystal structure, 43:230-23 1
enopyranosyluronic acid 2-sulfate)-2- 2,3:4,6-di-0-isopropylidene-5-thio-a-o-,
sulfoamino-~-,6-suifate,29:243 synthesis, 39:77
2-(trifluoroacetamido)-o-, preparation, 1-O-(indole-3-acetyI)-P-o-, 21:390
38:252 I.-, 2,6-dideoxy-2-fluoro-
3-deoxy- a anomer, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for,
3-fluoro-o-, preparation, 38:2 16 46: 132
s-nitro-p-o-, tetraacetate, 24: 115 p anomer, IH- and I9F-NMR data for,
5-deoxy-, 5-phosphonyl-o-, synthesis and 46: 132
structures of, 42:155-161 1,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data
6-deoxy-, 6-fluoro-4-O-(methylsulfonyl)-a- for, 46: 133

methyl 2-acetamid0-3,4-di-O-acetyl-2,6- crystal structure bibliography, 30:453,

dideoxy-6-fluoro-a-~-,preparation, 38:449450
38:208 0-a-D-glucopyranosyl-(1+4)-0-[a-o-
methyl 2-acetamido-3,4-di-O-acetyl-2,4- glucopyranosyl-( I+~)]-D-,in honey,
dideoxy-4-fluoro-a-~-,preparation, 25297
38:220 0-a-o-glucopyranosyl-( 1+6)-0-[a-u-
methyl a-D-,crystal structure bibliography, glucopyranosyl-( I+~)]-D-,in honey,
38:434 25297.302
methyl P-D-, hemihydrate, crystal Struchire 0-a-o-glucopyranosyl-( 1-+3)-0-a-o-
bibliography, 38:435436 glucopyranosyl-( 1+6)-0-a-o-
methyl 2-benzamido-2-deoxy-3-0-[~- 1- glucopyranosyl-( 1+6)-0-, from
(methoxycarbonyl)ethyl]-6-0-p- dextran, 30:339-340
tolylsulfonyl-P-o-, fluorination, O-a-L-fucopyranosyl-( 1+3)-0-p-o-
38:205 galactopyranosyl-( 1-.4)-2-acetamido-
methyl 4-deoxy-4-fluoro-a-o-, structure, 2-deoxy-o-, preparation, 3 9 5 3
38: 197 1,2-0-alkylidene-a-o-, conformation of,
methyl 2-deoxy-2-(trifluoroacetamido)-a-~-, 34:200
biological activity, 38:283 1,2-O-(aminoisopropylidene)-a-~-
methyl 2,3-di-O-benzyl-4-0-(p - conformation of, 25: 102
bromophenylsulfonyl)-6-O-trityl-~-i~-, hydroiodide, crystal structure
fluorination, 38:222 bibliography. 25:68, 31:366
methyl 4,6-0-benzylidene- 4-0-P-o-galactopyranosyl-a-~-,
2,3-di-O-(methylsulfonyI)-a-o-, reaction monohydrate, crystal structure
with potassium fluoride, 38:22 1 bibliography, 30:453
2,3-di-@~-tolyhlfony]-cY-o-, reaction 4-0-P-~-galactopyranosyl-o-,see Lactose
with potassium iodide, 38:22 I 0-P-o-galactopyranosyl-(1+4)-P-o-, see
3-0-(methyhlfonyl)-a-o-, reaction with Lactose, p-
potassium fluoride, 38:221 3-O-P-~-glucopyranosyl-a,-~-~-,0. 19-
methyl 6-~-p-to~yhlfonyi-a-o-, hydrate, crystal structure bibliography,
fluorination, 38:205,207 38:447448
methyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-P-o-, crystal 2-0-P-~-glucopyranosyl-a-~-, monohydrate,
structure bibliography, 38:46 1 4 6 2 crystal structure bibliography,
methyl 2,3,6-tri-O-benzoyI-4-0-(p- 38:45045 I
bromophenylsulfony1)-P-o-, 6-~-P-D-glUCOpyranOSyl-P-D-, crystal
fluorination, 38:222 structure, 43:23 1-232
1-naphthyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-P-r,-, O-P-o-glucopyranosyl-(1+4)-P-o-, see
crystal structure bibliography, 38: Cellobiose
478 O-P-o-glucopyranosyl-( 1+6)-0-a-o-
l-O-abscisoyl-P-D-, synthesis, 39:36 glucopyranosyl-( 1+4)-o-, in honey,
1-0-(2-acetamidoacyl)-2,3,4,6-tetra-O- 25:297
acetyl-P-o-, 25:420 0-P-o-glucopyranosyl-( 1+3)-0-P-o-
2-O-acetyl-l,6-anhydro-3,4-di-O-benzyl-~- glucopyranosyl-( 1+4)-~-,from oat and
D-, formation of, 34:47 barley glucans, and lichenan, 30:355,
6-~-a-~-galactopyranosy~-a, P-O- 359
monohydrate, 43:37 1 0-P-o-glucopyranosyl-( 1+3)-0-P-o-
monohydrate, crystal structure glucopyranosyl-( 1+6)-o-, from yeast
bibliography, 37:388,38:448449 glucan, 30:363
4-0-a-o-glucopyranosyl-a,-~-~-, crystal 0-P-o-glucopyranosyl-( 1+4)-0-P-~-
structure bibliography, 38:44&447 glucopyranosyl-( 1+3)-o-, from p-D-
4-0-a-o-glucopyranosyl-~-~-, monohydrate, glucans, 30:352,355,357, 360

Glucopyranose (continued) fury1idene)lethylene-a-o-,

O-p-~-ghcopyranosyl-(1+6)-0-p-D- monohydrate, crystal structure
glucopyranosyl-( 1+3)-o-, from cell- bibliography, 31:350
wall polysaccharide, 30:364 0-( 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-
0-p-o-glucopyranosyl-( 1+3)-O-p-o- o-glucopyranosy1)-(I +6)-tetra-O-
glucopyranosyl-( 1+4)-0-P-o- acetyl-a-o-, 23:264
glucopyranosyl-( 1-+4)-o-, from 1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-acetyI-a-~-, reaction with
lichenan and P-o-glucans, 30:354355, methanolic ammonia, 31:85
357 penta-0-acetyl-a-o-, 22: 16
0-P-o-glucopyranosyl-( 1 +4)-0-p-o- reaction with piperidine, 39:30
glucopyranosyl-( 1+3)-O-P-o- penta-0-acetyl-p-o-, reaction with
glucopyranosyl-( 1+4)-o-, from piperidine, 39:30
lichenan and p-D-glucans, 30:354-355, selective deacylation, 39:28
357 1,2,3,4,6-penta-o-acetyl-o-, ammonolysis of,
0-P-o-glucopyranosyl-( 1+4)-O-p-o- mechanism of, 31:lll
glucopyranosyl-( 1-+4)-0-p-o- penta-0-acetyl-o-, anomerization of, 24:44
glucopyranosyl-(l+3)-~-, from p-D- penta-O-acetyl-3-deoxy-3-C-
glucans, 30:355,360 (hydroxymethy1)-a-o-, 23:94,98,
O-p-~-xy~o-hexopyranosy~-3-ulose-( 1+4)- 24:242
D-, polarography of, 29: 145 nucleoside, 23:99
1,2-O-benzylidene-a-o-, diastereoisomers, I ,2,3,4,6-penta-O-acetyI-5-thio-a-o-, 43:372
34: 197 penta-O-acetyI-5-thio-a-o-, and sulfoxide
1,2-O-benzylidene-o-, preparation of, 34: 191 and sulfone, 23:216
2-0-benzyl- 1 -O-(methylsulfonyl)-3,4,6-tri- 1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-benzoyl-a-o-,
0-(p-nitrobenzoy1)-a+-, preparation ammonolysis of, 31535
of, 34:262 1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-benzoyl-p-o-,
1,2-O-cyclohexylidene-o-, preparation of, ammonolysis of, 31:86
34:191 penta-0-benzoyl-o-, ammonolysis of, 31: I1 7
1,2-O-cyc~openty~idene-o-, preparation of. effect of solvent on, 31:99
34:191 1,2,3,4,6-penta-~-nicotinoyl-a-~-,
4-0-(2-deoxy-2-fluoro-a-o- ammonolysis of, 31 :88
mannopyranosy1)-o-, 48:2 13 per-O-acetyl-4-acetamido-4,6-dideoxy-6-
1,2-O-ethyIene-a-o-and-p-~-, from 0-(2- fluoro-a-o-galactopyranosyl a-D-,
hydroxyethyl)starch, 29:3 19 preparation, 38:2 12
1,2-O-ethylidene-a-~-,diastereoisomers, per-O-trimethyisilyl-D, mass spectrometry of,
34: 197 29:48
4,6-0-isopropylidene-a,~-~-, preparation of phenyl2,3-di-O-acetyl-6-0-
34: 188 (methylsulfonyl)-4-0-(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-
1,2-O-isopropylidene-o-,preparation of, acetyl-a-o-glucopyranosy1)-a-o-,
34:191 fluorination, 38:205
O-N-acetylneuraminoyI-(2+8)-0-(N- S-p-o-galactopyranosyI-4-thio-~-,synthesis,
acetylneuraminoyl)-(2+3 )-O-p-o- 44:135
galactopyranosyl-( l+4)-a-~-, 2 5 3 5 2-S-ethyl-2-thio-o-, preparation of, 32:30,32
LO-( p-acetoxybenzoyl)-2,3,4,6-tetra-O- 1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyl-
acetyl-a-o- 6-amino-6-deoxy-D-, deamination of,
acyl migration in, 33: 103 31:51
deacetylation, 33:103,39:34 p-0-
1-0-( p-acetoxybenzoyI)-2,3,4,6-tetra-O- 1,6-anhydride formation from, 34:46
acetyl-pa-, deacetylation, 39:34 reaction with aryl cyanate and
1,2-0-[2-(S)-2-(2-oxotetrahydro-5- hydrochloric acid, 28:257

reaction with 2-0-substituted 3,5-di-0- 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI-

benzoyI-i--arahino- and-D-riho- 1-0-(indol-3-ylacetyl)-p-~-, proton
furanosyl bromides, 34:280 magnetic response spectroscopy,
6-chloro-6 deoxy-P-o-, preparation of, 36:l 10
28:257 I -0-(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl)-a-~- and+
6-chloro-6-deoxy-~-,22: 182 D-, deacetylation and acyl migration
6-deoxy-6-iodo-a-o-,3,6-anhydride from, in, 33: 102
34:33 1-0-(tri-0-acetylgalloy1)-a+-,
2-deoxy-2-thiocyanto-a-~-, 44: 143 deacetylation, 33: 103,39:34
6-~-p-to~ylsulfonyk-~-o-, 44: 144 1-thio-D-
reaction with sodium methoxide, 34:33 reaction with ethanethiol, 32:34
6-O-trityl-P-u-,1,6-anhydride formation reductive cleavage to 1,5-anhydro-i)-,
from, 34:46 glucitol, 32:75
1,2,3,6-tetra-O-acetyI-, 4-0-[2,3,6-tri-0- tetra-0-acetyl-2-amino-2-deoxy-a- and-pa-,
acety1-4-0-(2,3,4,6-tetra-C)-acetyl-p-~- deamination of, 31:22
glucopyranosyl)-P-~-glucopyranosyl]- I ,2,4,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-3-0-1,-
p-D-,crystal structure bibliography, tolylusulfonyl-a-o-, (and P-D-),
38:483485 displacement reactions of, 24: 16 1
1,2,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI- 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzyl-~-,selective
3-O-(ch~oroacetyl)-P-o-,selective acetolysis, 39:47
deacylation, 39:35 tetra-0-methyl-a-D-, mutarotation of, 24: 15,
3-0-formyl-P-o-, selective removal of 27-28,3 I , 27: 104
formyl group, 39:36 5-thio-a-~-,23:2 16
1,3,4,5-tetra-O-acetyI-, 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-i)-, 5-thio-~-,biochemical activity of, 23:212
48:163 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl- 1,2-anhydro-~-,polymer-
1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl- ization of (Brigls anhydride), 21:490
a - ~and++-,
- methylation and acyl trifluoromethyl 3,6-di-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-
migration in, 33: 104 fluoro-4-O-(2.3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl- p-D-
2-amino-2-deoxy-o-, ammonoiysis of, galactopyranosy1)-a-D-, preparation,
mechanism of, 3 1 : l l l 38:232
2-deoxy-2-C-(4,6-di-O-acetyI-2,3- trifluoromethyl 3,4,6-tn-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-
dideoxy-a-~-eryfhro-hex-2- fluoro-a-o-, preparation, 38:23 1
enopyranosy1)-p-o-, 24:2 14 2,3,6-tri-O-acetyl- 1,4-anhydro-a-o-,
2-deoxy-2-(N-nitrosoacetamido)-a-r-, synthesis, 39: 172
decomposition of, effect of solvent 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl- 1,2-anhydro-a-o-, 25: 164,
on, 31:68-70 53:150-152
2-deoxy-2-(N-nitrosoacetamido)-~-~-, Brigls synthesis, 39: 17 1
reactions of, 31:69-70 levoglucosan synthesis from, 34:29.48
2-deoxy-2-thiocyanto-a-o-, 44: 143 polymerization, 39:207-208
2-deoxy-2-thiocyanto-P-~-, 44: 144 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyI- 1,6-anhydro-P-o-
2-,6-dideoxy-2,6-di( isothiocyanato)-a-o-, crystal structure bibliography, 32364-365
44:141 polymerization, 39: 179-1 80, 183
2-[N-(benzoyloxycarbonyl)glycylamino]- reaction with hydrogen bromide, 28:278
2-deoxy-P-~-,synthesis, 43: 146 tri-0-acetyl- 1,2-anhydro-o-,0x0 reaction
2-0-[3,6-di-0-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-iodo-4-0- with, 23: 105
(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-a- 1,2,4-tri-O-acetyl-5,6-dIdeoxy-3-O-methyl-
glucopyranosyl)]-c~-~-, synthesis. 5-[(S)-phenyIphosphinyl]-p-o-, crystal
39:243 structure bibliography, 38526
2-O-methyl-P-o-, 25: 195 1.4,6-tri-O-acetyl-0-3-(methylsulfonyl)-
preparation of, 28:289 a-u-, 23:261

Glucopyranose (continued) a-D-

3,4,6-tri-0-acetyl-1-0-benzoyl-2-chloro-2- acetylation of, 33: 19
deoxy-a-o-, partial proton nuclear hydrolysis by glucoamylase, 50: 17-1 8
magnetic resonance spectrum, 29:38 oxidation products of, hydrolysis of,
1,2,3-tri-O-acetyl-4,6-O-benzylidene-P-o-, 22:58
irradiation, 39:92 structures and catabolism of, 32: 191-200
3,4,6-tri-O-acetyI-1,2-0-( uptake by yeasts, 39:381-391
cyanoethy1idene)-a-o- utilization by yeasts, Michaelis
crystal structure bibliography, 37:396 constants, 39:382
preparation of, 33: 132-133 utilization by yeasts and associations of
3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl- 1,2-0-( 1-exo- abilities, 32:223
ethoxyethy1idene)-a-o-, crystal xylopyranosyl a-D-,enzymic preparation
structure bibliography, 31:353,32:370 of, 30:254
3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-I -0-(indol-3-ylacetyl)-2- alkyl tetra-0-acetyl-P-o-, synthesis and
O-(trideuterioacetyl)-o-, synthesis, history of, 34:245
36: 110 ally1 3-0-allyl-2,3,6-tri-O-benzyl-o-,
2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-P-o-, azeotropic synthesis, 39: 170
dehydration with p-toluenesulfonic acid, 2-amino-2-deoxy-a-o-g~ucopyranosyl a-o,
34:47 48:72
3,4,6-tri-O-benzyl-I ,2-0-( 1- from Streptomyces, 30:236
ethoxyethy1idene)-a-o-, anhydridization 4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-6-fluoro-a-o-
with mercuric chloride, 34:47 galactopyranosyl-a-o-, 48:2 1 1-21 2
2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-P-o-, azeotropic 3,4-anhydro-, proton magnetic resonance
dehydration of, 34:47 spectra of, 27:8 1
Glucopyrano~e-~~C, a-D-,ester with uridine 5- 3,6-anhydro-a-o-glucopyranosyl3,6-
pyrophosphate, enzymic preparation of, anhydro-a+-, taste properties, 45:270
28:336 aryl, hydrolysis of, estimated thermodynamic
Glucopyranose hydrochloride, 2-amino-2,6- activation functions for, 22:84
dideoxy-6-fluoro-a-o-, 48: 139 aryl D-, rates of hydrolysis and substituent
Glucopyranose pentaacetate constants for, 22:80
5a-carba-a-o-, synthesis, 48:49 p-0-
carba-a-or.-, 48:27, 34 acetylation of, 33: 19
carba-P-L-, synthesis, 48:44 alkaline degradation, 52:44&445
D-, nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates, enzymic hydrolysis, 48:323-324
45: 148 fmctofuranosyl-a-o-, see Sucrose
Glucopyranoses, 2-azido-2-deoxy-, 53: 167- 170 hydrolysis of, rate constants and kinetic
Glucopyranose 6-sulfate, 2-deoxy-4-0-(4- parameters for, 22:48, 72
deoxy-a-~-threo-hex-4-enopyranosyl- non-enzymic hydrolysis, 48:322-323
uronic acid 2-sulfate)-2-sulfoamino-o-, synthesis, 49:74
from heparin, 27:41 utilization by yeasts, 32:201-205,
Glucopyranose-t, a-D-,esters with uridine 5 I- 39: 39 1-394
pyrophosphates, 28:337 and association of abilities, 32:222
a-o-Glucopyranose-urea, crystal structure benzyl-, 2,3,4,-tri-O-benzyI- 1-thio-P-0-,
bibliography, 30:450 reaction with methyl iodide, 34:32
a-D-Glucopyranoside hydrolases benzyl2-acetamido-
molecular weights, 39:388 6-0-benzyl-2,4-dideoxy-4-fluoro-a-~-,
yeast, substrate specificities, 39:384390 48: 149
Glucopyranosides 2-deoxy-6-O-a-~-mannopyranosy~-a-o-,
4-acetamido-4,6-dideoxy-6-fluoro-a-o- mannopyranosyl-a-o-, deacetylation
ga!actopyranosyL-o, 48:2 11 and hydrolysis of, 31:195

2-deoxy-3-~-~-~-galactopyranosy~-a-~-cholesterol-3-yl 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-P-o-,
mannopyranosyl-a-o-, preparation, 36:82
deacetylation and hydrolysis of, 31: 195 2-d, methyl 2-deoxy-a-D- and-P-D-,
deamination degradation of, 31:234 preparation of, 27: 132
3,4-di-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-p-~-,synthesis, D-
39:35 2-acetamido-2.6-dideoxy-6-fluoro-a-
3,6-di-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-4-U-(tetra-O- benzyl 3,4-di-O-acetyl-, 'H- and "F-
acetyl-a-D- galactopyranosy1)-, NMR data for, 46: 121
synthesis of, 34:25&25 I methyl 7,4-di-O-acetyI-, 'H- and I9F-
3-0-acetyl-2-deoxy-4.6-di-0- NMR data for, 46: 121
(methylsu1fony)-a-o-, displacement methyl 3,4-di-O-methyI-, 'H-and I9F-
reactions of, 24: 160 NMR data for, 46: 121
4,6-0-benzylidene-2-deoxy-p-~-, selective 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-
etherification with 2-chloropropionic methyl 4,6-di-O-acetyl-3-0-benzyl-P-,
acid, 33:55 IH- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:86
4,6-0-benzylidene-2-deoxy-3-0-( tetra-0- methyl 3-0-acetyl-4,6-0-benzylidene-
acetyl-P-o-galactopyranosyl)-a-n-, p-, 'H- and IyF-NMR data for, 46:87
synthesis of, 34:252 methyl 4,6-0-benzyhdene-3-0-methyl-
benzyl2-amino-2-deoxy-6-0-a-~- p-, 'H- and IyF-NMR data for, 46:87
mannopyranosyl-a-o-, deamination methyl 3-0-benzyl-4,6-0-benzylidene-
degradation of, 31:234 p-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46537
benzyl2,3-di-0-allyl-4-0-benzyl-p-~-. phenyl 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-P-, IH- and
hydrogenolysis, 39: 130 I9F-NMR data for, 46:87
benzyl2,3-di-0-benzyl-4,6-0-benzyl idene- tnfluoromethyl 3.4,6-tn-O-acetyl-a-,
p-D-,hydrogenolysis regioselectivity, 'H-and I9F-NMR data for, 46:87
39:128 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-
benzyl3-0-acetyl-2-[henzyl- benzyl p, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for,
oxycarbonyl)amino]-2-deoxy-4.6-di-0- 46:91
(methylsulfony1)-a-o-, displacement benzyl 2,4,6-tn-O-acetyl-P-, 'H- and
reactions of, 24:160 I9F-NMR data for, 46:91
henzyl4-0-(a-~-glucopyranosyluronic methyl 2-0-acetyl-4,6-0-benzylidene-
acid)++-, synthesis of, 33:88 p-, 'H- and "F-NMR data for, 46:91
benzyl4,6-0-benzylidene- 6-deox y-h-fluoro-
p-D-, selective acylation of, 33:20 methyl. 'H- and 19F-NMR data for,
2-( benzyl-oxycarbonyl)amino-2-deoxy-a- 46:96
D-, hydrogenolysis regioselectivity, methyl 2,7,4-tn-O-benzyl-a-, 'H- and
39: 127 '"F-NMR data for. 46:96
benzyl 6 - ~ - p - t o ~ y ~ s u ~ f o n 23:240
y~-~-~-, phenyl, 'H- and IyF-NMR data for,
benzyl 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-amino-2-deoxy- 46:96
p-D-,selective deacylation, 39:29 p-nitrophenyl p-, 'H- and IyF-NMR
benzyl 2,3.4-tri-O-benzyl-P-~-,oxidation, data for, 46:96
36:72 methyl 2-acetamido-3-0-acety1-2,4,6-
benzyl 3,4,6-tri-0-benzyl-2-0-triflyl-p-~-, trideoxy-4,6-diffluoro-a-, 'H- and
48:124-125 I9F-NMR data for. 46: IS7
bis(benzy1oxy) isopropyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-O- methyl 4-azido-4,6-dideoxy-6-fluoro-a-,
benzyl-a-o-, preparation of, "C-NMR data for, 46: 171
34:258-259 methyl 2-benzamido-2.6-dideowy-6-
butyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-P-o-, fluoro-a-
transglycosylation of, 31:5 3,4-di-O-acetyl-, 'H- and "F-NMR data
carha-glucopyranosyl a-D-,synthesis, 48: 7 1 for, 46: 12 1

Glucopyranose (continued) phenyl6-deoxy-6-fluoro-

3-O-benzyl-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, a anomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46: 165
46:122 P anomer, I3C-NMRdata for, 46:165
3-O-benzyl-4-O-mesyl-, 'H- and I9F- p-nitrophenyl6-deoxy-6-fluoro-, I3C-
NMR data for, 46: 122 NMR data for, 46: 165
methyl 2-benzamido-2,4,6-trideoxy-4,6- pyrolysis of, 34: 152
difluoro-a- decyl a-D-, crystal structure bibliography,
3-O-acetyl-, IH-and I9F-NMR data for, 34:372,37:401
46:157 6-deoxy-a-~-glucopyranosyl a-D-, enzymic
3-O-benzyl-, 'H- and 19F-NMRdata for, preparation of, 30:254
46:157 2-deoxy-p-~-,derivatives, 24:210
methyl 4-deoxy-4-fluoro- derivatives, mutorotation, 44:25
a anomer, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, a-D-glucopyranosyla-D-,see Trehaloses
46:93 4,6-dideoxy-4,6-difluoro-a-~-
2,3-di-O-methyl-a-, IH- and I9F-NMR galactopyranosyl-o-, 4821 1
data for, 46:94 4'-5-dhydroxyflavon-7-yl2-0-[3-C-
6-O-acetyl-2,3-di-O-methyl-a-, IH- and (hydroxymethy1)-p-0-
19F-NMRdata for, 46:94 erythrofuranosyl]-p-~-,see Apiin
2,3,6-tri-O-acetyl-a-, 'H- and I9F-NMR 4-dimethylepipodophyIlotoxin-9-yl4,6-O-
data for, 46:93 thenylidene-P-o-, 43:372
2,3,6-tri-O-benzoyl-a-, 'H- and 19F- 2,4-dinitrophenyl2-deoxy-2-fluoro-P-o-,
NMR data for, 46:94 48:207
methyl 6-deoxy-6-fluoro- ethyl 2-amino-2-deoxy-a-~-,deamination of,
a anomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46: 165 31:21
P anomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46165 ethyl-P-D-, hydrolysis of, rate constants and
methyl 4,6-dideoxy-6-fluoro-a- kinetic parameter of, 22:35-36
4-amino-, 'H-and I9F-NMR data for, ethyl 1-thio-a-~-
46:122 hydrolysis of, 22:42
4-azido-, 'H- and I9F-NMRdata for, preparation of, 32:21
46: 122 structure, 39:357
methyl 3,6-di-O-acetyl-2,4-ddeoxy-4- transport into Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
fluoro-a- 32:159
2-acetamido-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data utilization by yeasts, 32:197
for, 46:119 ethyl I-thio-Pa-, hydrolysis of, rate
2-benzamido-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data constants and kinetic parameter of,
for, 46: 119 22:35-36
4,6-O-benzylidene-2,3-dideoxy-3-fluoro- interaction with concanavalin A, 35: 188-
a- 190
benzyl2-acetamid0, 'H- and 19F-NMR isopropyl2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-p-~-,
data for, 46: 119 acetolysis of, 22: 18
benzyl2-azido- isopropyl3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-
I3C-NMR data for, 46:171 2-deoxy-P-~-,acetolysis of, 22: 18
'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:119 2-O-methyl-P-~-,acetolysis of, 22: 18
benzyl2-benzamido-, I3C-NMR data L-, trifluoromethyl3,4-di-O-acetyl-a-, 'H-
for, 46: 171 and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 133
methyl 2-benzamido-, IH- and 19F- methyl 2,3,-di-O-benzoyl-4-O-p-
NMR data for, 46: 119 23~238
phenyl p-, photoinduced, electrontransfer methyl 2-acetamido-
reaction of, with 1,4- 2,6-dideoxy-6-iodo-a-~-, crystallography
dicyanonaphthalene,46: 184-1 85 of, 2393

3,4-di-O-acetyl-6-bromo-2,6-dideoxy-c~- tolylsulfonyl-3-O-(trimethylsilyl)-,
D-, preparation by Pinner reaction, 44:144
28:257 2,3-di-O-acety1-6-deoxy-4-0-
3-O-acetyl-6-chloro-2,6-dideoxy-4-0- (methylsulfonyl)-6-thiocyanato-,
(methylsulfonyl)-(Y-D-,preparation 44: 144
of, 28:256,33:83 2,3-di-O-acetyl-4,6-dideoxy-4,6-
3-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-a-o-, di(thiocyanat0)-, 44: 144
methanesulfonylationof, 28:256 2,3-di-O-acetyl-4,6-dideoxy-4-
4,6-O-benzylidene-2-deoxy-a-~-and- thiocyanato-, 44:144
p-D-, selective etherification 2,3-di-O-benzoyI-4,6-didexoy-4-
with 2-chloropropionic acid, thiocyanato-, 44: 144
33:55 2,3-(diphenylcyclodiboronate)-4,6-
3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-p-~-, phenylboronate, selective cleavage,
nitrosation of, 31:67 3953
methyl 3-acetamido- electro-oxidation of, 29: 117
3,6-dideoxy-a-~-,acylation and formation from dithioacetal,32:68
sulfonylation of, 33:30 gel chromatography of, 2332
3,6-dideoxy-p-~-,reaction with acetyl hydrolysis of, 22:3 1-32,34
chloride, 33:29 trifuluoroacetic acid in, 28: 17
2,4-di-O-acetyl-3,-6-dideoxy-a-~-, methyl derivatives, sweetness, 43262
selective deacylation, 39:29 methyl ethers, taste properties, 49262
2-O-acetyl-3,6-dideoxy-P-~-, reaction mono-and dideoxy derivatives,
with acetyl chloride, 33:29 sweetness-structure relationship,
4-0-acetyl-3,6-dideoxy-P-~-, reaction 45259-260
with acetyl chloride, 33:29 2-O-acetyl-4,6-dideoxy-4-thiocyanto-,
methyl (Y-D- 44: 144
acetals, taste of, 45243 phenylboronate, preparation, 3538, 46,52
2-acetamido-3-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-4,6-di-O- 4,6-phenylboronate 2,3-(diphenyl-
(methylsufonyl)-S~2nucleophilic cyclodiboronate), hydrolysis, 3552
displacement, 44: 125-126 preparation, 35:47
acylation with N-(tri-0- 4,6-phosphate, hydrolysis, 39:6 1
methylgalloyl)imidazole, 33:43 preparation of, 27:101,31:31-32,34:256,
4,6-benzeneboronate, acetylation and 266
benzoylation of, 23:267 reaction with N-bromosuccinimideand
benzoylation of, 23:249 triphenylphosphine,28:249,33:78
sulfonylation of, 23:247,249 with sulfur monochloride, 28:256
2,3-bis(diethylborinate)4,67- with sulfur monochloride in N,N-
ethylboronate, selective cleavage, dimethylformamide,33: 82
3955 with sulfuryl chloride, 28:230-23 1
catalytic oxidation of, 33:88 relative reactivities of hydroxyl groups in,
C Z and C-0 bond-lengths in, 44: 15 335657
crystal structure bibliography, 31:366 selective acetalation of, 33:71
cyclic 4,6-phosphate selective acetylation with acetic anhydride
cyclohexylammoniumsalt, crystal in pyridine, 33:30
structure bibliography, 37:392 selective benzylation of, 3357
4-deoxy-4-(thiocyanato)-, synthesis, selective chlorination
44: 126 with carbon tetrachloride and
4,6-dideoxy-4-thiocyanato-2-O-p- tris(dimethylamino)phosphine,33:79
tolylsulfonyl-, 44: 144 with methanesulfonyl chloride, 33:8 1
4,6-dideoxy-4-thiocyanato-2-O-p- with sulfuryl chloride, 33:73-74

Glucopyranose (continued) (Y-D-

selective esterification of, 33:27-28 formation from methyl 2,3-anhydro-c*-
selective methylation with diazomethane, D-aiiopyranoside, 24:46
33:68 reaction with boron trichloride, 28:280
structure, 32: 192,39:356 sulfonylation of, 23:253
sulfonylation and chlorination of, 33:83 taste properties, 45:273
sweetness, 49263 p-D-,preparation of, 28:287
structure relationship, 45241, 244245 2-benzamido-2-de0xy-P-o; 22: 135
threshold, determination by triangular 2,4-di-O-methyl-cu-o (am++)-,
test, 45:245 hydrolysis of, 22:46
synthesis, 40: I13 2,4-di-O-p-tolysulfonyl-cu-~-,
tetraacetate, proton magnetic resonance displacement reactions of, 24: 153
spectroscopy of, 27:32 4-O-p-tolyl~~Ifonyl-cu-~-, 23~253
2,3,4,6-tetra(chlorosulfate),preparation of,
methyl 6-azido-6-deoxy-a-o-, preparation of.
28:232 28:286
transesterification with methyl esters of methyl 3-azido-4,6-O-benzylidene-3-deoxy-
fatty acids, 33:44 p-D-, preparation of, 28:286
transport into Saccharornyces cerevisiae. 2-O-(methy~su~fonyl)-cu-o-, displacement
32:159 reactions of, 24: 164
2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-6-deoxy-6-thiocyanato-, methyl p-D-
44:144 acetolysis of, 22:20
2,3,6-tri-O-benzoyl-4-deoxy-4- 2.3-di-O-acetyl-6-deoxy-6-thiocyanato-,
thiocyanato, 44: 144 44:144
true sweetness of, 45:240 formation from dithioacetal, 32:68
utilization by yeasts, 32:194199 hydrolysis of, 22:28, 32,28:305
vinylation and reduction of vinyl ethers, rate constants and activation energies
gas-liquid chromatography of, 30:26 for, 22:70
methyl (Y-DL-, synthesis, 40:70 oxidation, 37: 119
methyl 2-amino- 4,6-(phenyl phosphate), hydrolysis, 39:6 1
2-deoxy-a-~-,deamination of, 25: 185, preparation of, 33:55,37:119
31:21-22,47,233 relative activities of hydroxyl groups in,
2-deoxy-P-o-, deamination of, 25: 185, 33:58
312-22,47,233 selective acetylation with acetic anhydride
2-deoxy-4,6-O-ethylidene-3-O-methyl-o-, in pyridine, 33:30
deamination of, 25:188,31:21 selective methylation of, 33:56
4,6-O-benzylidene-2-deoxy-p-~-, selective oxidation with chromium
deamination of, 25:188,31:21 trioxide, 33:99
4,6-O-benzylidene-2,3-dideoxy-3-nitro-P- sulfonylation of, 23:247-248,28:255
D-, 24: 134 2,3,4,6-tetranitrate, selective denitration,
methyl 3-amino- 39:56-57
3-deoxy-cu-o- 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-6-deoxy-6-thiocyanato-,
deamination of, 31:28 44:144
reaction with nitrous acid, 24:193 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-thiocyanato-,
3,6-dideoxy-a-L-, sulfonylation of, 23:248 44: I44
4,6-O-benzylidene-3-deoxy-(~-~-, 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-S-(N-
deamination of, 31:77 acetylthiocarbamoyl)-2-thio-,
methyl 4-amino- synthesis, 44: 131
4-deoxy-a-o-, deamination of, 31:3 1,44 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-thio-2-S-
4-didexoy-a-o-, 23: 153 (thiocarbamoy1)-, synthesis, 44:13 1
methyl 3,6-anhydro- true sweetness of, 45:240

methyl 2-benzamido-2-deoxy-a-~-~ a-D-

benzoylation of, 33:30 crystal structure of. 25:73
methyl 2-(benzylamino)-4,6-0-benzylidcne- 2,3-di( chlorosulfate), preparation of.74
2-deoxy-a-~-,23:278 preparation of, 33:8 1
methyl 2-(benzyloxycarbonyl)amino-2- p-0-
deoxy6-O-p-tolysulfonyl-a-~-, 23:24 I 2,3-bis (chlorosulfate), displacement
methyl 2-chloro-2, deoxy-P-D-, hydrolysis reactions of, 24: 162
of, 28:305 2,3-di(chlorosulfate), displacement
methyl 4-chloro-4-deoxy-, a - ~ -22:200
, reaction, 28:233-234
methyl 6-chloro-6-deoxy- preparation of, 33:83
a-D-,22: 183 2,3-di-O-(methylsulfonyl)-~-~-,
displacement of chloro by benzoate Preparation of, 28:256
group, 28:285 methyl 2,3-di-O-acetyl-
preparation of, 28:256,280 4-O-benzoyl-6-deoxy-a-~-,synthesis,
reaction with sodium azide, 28:286 39: 150
2,3,4-tri(chlorosulfate),preparation of, 4,6-O-benzylidene-
28:232 a-D-, and-@+-, preparation and
2,3,4-tri(chlorosulfate), preparation of, stereochemistry of, 34: 195
33:73 a-D-,proton magnetic resonance
4-0-(4,6-dichloro-4,6-dideoxy-a-~- spectroscopy of, 27:68
galactopyranosy1)-o-, synthesis, a-D-. reaction with di-revr-butyl
39:232 peroxide, 39: 150
tetra-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-D-and-P-D-. methyl 2,3-di-O-allyl-4,6-O-benzylidene-a-
preparation of, 28:255 D-, selective deallylation, 39:5 I
2,3,4-tr-0-rnethyl-a-o-and-a-~-, methyl 2,3-di-O-benzoyl-
preparation of, 28:257 4,6-di-O-(methylsuIfonyl)-a-~-,
2,3,4-hi-0-(methylsulfonyl)-a-~-and 0-D-, displacement reactions, 24: 160, 191,
preparation of, 28:255 28:230
2,3,4-hi-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-~- and+-[>-, 4,6-O-benzylidene-a-~-
preparation of, 28:255,33:83 irradiation, 39:92
methyl-d, D-, nonselective spin-lattice peroxide-induced rearrangement,
relaxation rates, 45: 148 39: 150
methyl 4-deoxy- reaction with di-tert-butyl peroxide,
4-fluoro-a-o-, crystal structure 39: I50
bibliography, 34:352 methyl 2,3-di-O-benzyl-
4-iodo-2,3-di-O-methyl 6-0-p- 4,6,-di-0-( methysulfonyl)-a-~-,
tolylsulfonyl-a+, preparation of, displacement reaction of, 24: 145
28:241 4,6-dideoxy-4-iodo-a-~-
4-iodo-2,3-di-O-methyI-6-0-p- displacement reactions of, 24: 160, 191
tolylsulfonyl-D-, 22: 185,23:268 reaction with radioactive iodine,
methyl 6-deoxy- 28:229
a-, 2,4-phenylboronate, preparation. 35:48 4,6-dideoxy-4-(methylamino)-a-r,-,
WD-, dibenzoylation of, 33:28 23: I54
3,4-di-O-methyl-a-o-, 23:270 4,6-0-benzylidene-a-o-, hydrogenolysis
6-(methylsulfinyl)-a-~-,crystal structure regioselectivity, 39: 128
bibliography, 30:451 methyl 3,4 di-0-benzyl-
6-nitro-a-o-, 24:99 a-D-,23:270
methyl 4,6-diazido-4,6-diazido-4,6. dideoxy- 6-deoxy-a-~-,23:270
(Y-D-, preparation of, 28:286 methyl 2.3 :4.6-di-O-cycIohexylidene-ol-o-,
methyl 4,6-dichloro-4,6-dideoxy- preparation by acetal exchange, 34: 187

Glucopyranose (conrinued) methyl 4-O-acetyl-, 6-chloro-6-deoxy-2,3-di-

methyl 2,3 :4,6-di-O-isopropyIidene-a-~-. O-p-tolysulfonyl-a-D-, 22: 183
synthesis, 39:77 methyl 6-0-acetyl-, p-D-
methyl 2,3-di-O-methyl- crystal structure bibliography, 32:381
a-D-and-P-D-, selective methylation of preparation, 39:63
Cu(1I) derivatives of, 33:54 methyl 6 - 0 4 1-alkoxyethyl)-a-o-, formation
6-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-~-,reaction with of, 33:7 1
methyltriphenoxyphosphonium methyl 2-0-allyI-3,4,6-tri-O-benzyl-a-~-,
iodide, 28:241 selective acetolysis, 39:47
methyl 4,6-di-O-methyl-, a-D-, reaction with methyl 4,6-O-anisylidene-a-o-, synthesis,
triphenylphosphine-carbon 39:79
tetrachloride, 28:247 methyl 3-0-P-o-galactohranosyl-a-~-,
methyl 2,6-di-U-(methylsulfonyl)- synthesis of, 33:3 19
a-D- methyl 4-0-P-~-glucopyranosyl-~-~-,
displacement reaction of, 24: 145 methanolate, crystal structure
preparation of, 33:27 bibliography, 30:454
P-0-, 23:248 methyl 6-0-benzoyl-a-~-,preparation,
methyl 4,6-di-O-(methylsulfonyl)-~-~-, 28:285,39:29
23:248 methyl 4-0-benzoyl-6-bromo-6-deoxy-a-~-,
methyl 2,3-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-~-, 23:247 preparation, 39:98
4,6-benzeneboronate, 23:267 methyl 3-0-benzoyl-4,6-0-benzylidene-
distillation and attempted cyclization of, a-D-, imidazole-catalyzed acyl migration
34:47 in, 33:42
methylation of, 23:266 2-0-(trifluoroacety1)-a-D-, selective
methyl 4,6-di-S-acetyI-2,3-di-O-methyl-4,6- deacylation, 39:36
dithio-P-o-, 23:224 methyl 2-0-benzoyl-4,6-0-benzylidene-a-
methyl 4,6-ethylidene-P-~-,methylation with D-, acyl migration in, 33:lOl
dimethyl sulfate, 3 3 5 3 methyl 6-0-benzyl-a-o-, relative reactivities
selective oxidation with chromium of hydroxyl groups in, 3 3 5 7
trioxide, 33:98 methyl 4-0-benzyl-P-o-, selective
methyl 2-0-acetyl- methylation of, 3 3 5 6
6-deoxy-6-iodo-3-0-(methylsulfonyl)-4- methyl 4,6-0-benzylidene-
0-(2,3,4-tri-O-acetyI- a-D-
6-deoxy-6-iodo-a-~-glucopyranosyl)-P- benzoylation with benzoyl chloride-
D-, synthesis, 39:229-230 triethylamine, 33:22
6-~-p-tolysu~fony~-a-0- with benzoyl cyanide, 33:45
glucopyranosy1)-P-o-, synthesis, with N-benzoylimidazole, 33:42
39~229-230 complex with lithium aluminum
6-deoxy-3-0-(methylsulfonyl)-4-0-(2,3,4- hydride, reduction with, 27: 196
tri-O-acetyl-6-deoxy-a-~- conformation of, 26: I 15,34: 199
glucopyranosy1)-P-o-, synthesis, 2,3-dinitrate, selective denitration,
39:236 39:5&57
4,6-0-benzylidene-3-deoxy-3 -phenylazo- etherification with 1-chloro-2-
a-D-, proton magnetic resonance (diethylamino)ethane, 33:54
spectroscopy of, 21:69,78 hydrogenolysis regioselectivity, 39: 125,
methyl 3-0-acetyl- 130
4.6-0-benzylidene-2-bromo-2-deoxy-a-~- oxidation with dimethyl sulfoxide,
, preparation of, 28:268 33:92
2-0-methyl-P-o-, 4,6-dinitrate, selective reactions with sulfuryl chloride, 33:
denitration, 39:56 74

reaction with N-bromosucciniinide, 2-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-~-, 23:25 1

39:97-98 3-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-@-o-, 23:25 1
selective acylation of, 33: 19,2 I , 29 2-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-01-~-, displacement
selective methylation of, 3354 reactions of, 24: 169
selective methylation of Cu(1l) methyl 3-0-benzy1-4,6-0-benzylidene-ol-o-,
derivatives, 3 3 5 4 hydrogenolysis regioselectivity, 39:
with diazomethane, 33:68 128
selective sulfation of, 33:5&5 1 methyl 2-0-benzyl-4,6-0-benzylidene-3-
selective sulfonylation of, 33: 14 deoxy-3-nltro-p-o-, 24: 13 1
sulfonylation of, 23:238 methyl 6-0-( I-ethoxyethy1)-a-o-,
transesterification with methyl preparation of, 33:71
benzoate-sodium methoxide. 33:44 methyl 4.6-0-ethylidene-
p-0- OI-D-
acetylation of, 33: 19 2,3-dinitrate, selective denitration,
benzoylation with benzoyl chloride- 39:56
triethylamine, 33:22 preparation by acetal exchange, 34: 187
with N-benzoylimidazole, 33:42 preparation of, 33:7 1
etherification with 1-chloro-2- p-D-, 2,3-dinitrate, selective denitration,
(diethy1amino)ethane. 33:54 3956
methylation with dimethyl sulfate, methyl 4,6-0-isopropylidene-a-~-,
3353 hydrolysis of, 34:204
2-C-dicarbethoxymethyl-2,3-dideoxy-3- methyl 4,5-0-(4-methoxybenzyylidene)-2,3-
nitro-D-, 24:137 di-0-methyl-a-o-, hydrogenolysis
D-, hydrolysis of, 34:202 regiospecificity, 39: 130
2-deoxy-2-(ethyIamino)-cr-~-,23:278 methyl 6-0-( I -methoxyethyl)-a-D-,
3-deoxy-3-nitro-a-o-, (and-p-o)-. reaction preparation of. 33:71
with basic aluminum oxide, 24: 1 13 methyl 3-0-methyl-
3-deoxy-2-0-ethyl-3-nitro-p-o-, 24: 13 1 D-, reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 28:300
2,3-di-O-benzyI-P-~-,hydrogen01ysis 2,6-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-~-, 23:240
regioselectivity, 39: 125, 128 methyl 4-O-methyl-p-o-, hydrolysis of, rate
2,3-dI-O-methyl-n-~- constants and activation energies for,
preparation of, 34: 189- 190 22:70
preparation of diastereoisomers. 34: 195 methyl 6-0-(methyIsulfonyl)-cu-~-, 23:240
2,3-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-ol-o-, methyl 6-O-octadecanoyl-@-~-, preparation,
displacement reaction of, 24: 16Y 39:63
2.3-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-o-, 23:25 1 methyl 4.6-0-( 1-phenylethyl)-a-n-,
2,3-di-O-(trifluoroacetyl)-a-o-, selective hydrolysis of, 34:204
deacylation, 39:29 methyl 2-0-(p-nitrophenyh1~fonyl)-a-o-,
2-m(andp)-carboxyphenylamino-3-deoxy- solvolysis of, 24:193), 25:208, 31:25
3-nitro-o-, 24:136 methyl 3-0-(1.-nitrophenylsulfonyI)-ol-~-,
2-o-carboxyphenylamino-3-deoxy-3-nitro- solvolysis of, ring contraction by,
D-, and methyl ester, 24:136 24: 193
2,3-0-methylene-u-o-, proton magnetic methyl 4-0-Ip-nitrophenylsulfonyl)-cy-o-,
resonance spectroscopy of, 27:65 displacement reactions of, 24:19 1
2-0-methyl-3-0-(methylsulfonyl)-~-~-, methyl 4,6-0-propylidene-a-o-, 2.3-
hydrolysis of, 23:261 dinitrate, selective denitration, 39:56
3 - ~ - ( m e t h y l s u ~ f o n y ~ ) 2-nitrate,
-a-~- methyl 6-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-~-,23:240
denitration of, 23:266 methyl 3-O-p-tolysulfonyl-o-, 25:207
2-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-~-,23:238, 250 methyl 4,6-0-syringylidene-a-o-, synthesis,
oxidation of, 23:258 39:79

Glucopyranose (continued) 6-bromo-6-deoxy-01-D-,preparation of,

methyl 6-O-(tetrahydropyran-2-yl)-a-~-, 28:249,251
relative reactivities of hydroxyl groups 6-bromo-6-deoxy-P-o-, reaction with
in, 33:57 barium hydroxide, 28:287
methyl 4-O-(tetrahydropyran-2-yl)-p-o-. 6-chloro-6-deoxy-a-o-, preparation of
selective methylation of, 33:56 Pinner reaction, 28:257
methyl 4,6-O-(tetraisopropyIdisiloxane- I ,3- 6-deoxy-P-o-, acetolysis of, 22: 18
diyl)-a-D-, preparation and 6-deoxy-5-C-niethoxy-a-~-, preparation
isomerization, 39:69 of, 29:293
methyl 6-o-trity~-a-o-and-p-o-, selective 6-deoxy-6-iodo-a-o-, hydrolysis of,
oxidation with chromium trioxide, 28:305
33:98 6-deoxy-6-nitro-a-o-, deacetylation of,
methyl 4,6-O-veQlidene-a-o-, synthesis, 24:118
39:19 6-0-(3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-
methyl 2-S-benzyl-4,6-O-benzylidene-3- oximino-a-o urubino-
chloro-3-deoxy-2-thio-a-o-, 22: 161 hexopyranosyl)-P-D-, 24:208
methyl S-benzyl-6-thio-a-o-, 24:258 methyl 2,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-
methyl 2,3,4,6-tetrakis-O-(trimethylsiIyl)- 3-deoxy-3-nitro-p-~-,dehydroacetylation
01-D-,selective methanolysis, 39:62- of, 24: 129
63 3-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-cu-o-,(and p-D-),
methyl tetra-0-acetyl-a+, 23:264 displacement reaction of, 24: 162
carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance methyl 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-
spectrum, 41:38 2-amino-2-deoxy-P-o-, hydrobromide,
selective deacylation, 39:28 synthesis of, 34:254
methyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-0-acetyl-P-~- 2-deoxy-2-iodo-P-o-, reaction with
acetolysis of, 22:18 bromine and silver acetate, 28:288
oxidation by chromium trioxide, 39533 with sodium cobalt tetracarbonyl and
selective deacylation, 39:28 carbon monoxide, 28:292
methyl tetra-0-benzoyl-a-o-, 24: 159 2-(methyhlfonyl)-P-o-, 23:264
methyl tetra-0-benzyl-a-o-, preparation of, methyl tri-0-acetyl-
34:266 2-bromo-2-deoxy-P-o-, 0x0 reaction with,
methyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-(chlorosulfonyl)-a-~-, 23:112
reaction with aluminum chloride, 6-deoxy-6-C-(methylsuIfinyl)-a-D-,
34:3&35 crystal structure bibliography,
methyl tetra-0-methyl-P-D-, preparation of, 37:395
34274 2-deoxy-2-iodo-P-o-
methyl tetra-O-(methylsulfonyl)-ru-D-, brominolysis of, 25: 194
displacement reactions of,24: 161 0x0 reaction with, 23: 110, 112
methyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-(tnmethylsilyl)-a-o- methyl 2.3.6-tri-O-acetyI-4-S-acetyl-4-thio-
methanolysis os, 28:32 01-D-,23:225
methyl 5-thio- methyl 2,3,4-tn-O-benzoyl-a-o-, preparation
a-D-,6-phosphate, preparation, 39:63 of, 29:5
D-, 23:216 methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-methyl
methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyI- a-D-, reaction with aryl cyanate and
a - ~and-P-o-,
- methylation and acyl hydrochloric acid, 28:257
migration, 33:103 p-D-, reaction with aryl cyanate and
2-amino-2-deoxy-p-~-,hydrobromide, hydrochloric acid, 28:257
deamination of, 31:22 methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-(N-phenylcarbamoyl)-P-
p-D-, methylation and acyl migration in, D-, methylation and acyl migration in,
33:103 33:103

methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-(trimethylsiIyl)-w-i~-, synthesis and history of, 34:245

preparation, 39:62 phenyl2,3-di-O-benzyl-4,6-O-henzylidene-
methy 3,4,6-tri-O-acety1-2-bromo-2-deoxy- a-D-. hydrogenolysis regioselectivity,
p-0, reaction with sodium cobalt 39:128
tetracarbonyl and carbon monoxide, phenyl4,6-O-benzylidene-p-o-, selective
28:293 acylation of, 33:20
2-naphthyl p-D-,hydrolysis of, 31: I93 phenyl tetra-0-acetyl-a-o-. and-p-ii-,
6-nitroveratryl p-D-,photochemical cleavage preparation of, 34:265-266
of, 46:18&185 phenyl I-thio-p-o-
O-ct-o-galactopyranosyl- 1,6-anhydrohexopyranose from, 34:28
(I+ l)-P-~-fructofuranosylCX-D-. hydrolysis of, rate constants and kinetic
occurrence, 37:290 parameter of, 22:35-36
(1+3)-P-~-fructofuranosyl a+, phenyl 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-p-o-, benzylation
occurrence, 37:291 and acyl migration in, 33: 103
( 1+6)-0-p-o-fructohranosyl a+-, p nitrophenyl
dihydrate, crystal structure 2-acetamido-
bibliography, 30:455 2-deoxy-P-o-, monohydrate, crystal
O-oc-o-glucopyranosyl- structure bibliography, 34:359
(I+3)-~-~-fructofuranosyl,see Melezitose 4,6-0-benzylidene-2-deoxy-P-r,-.
( 1+3)-~-o-fructofuranosyl a-D-, selective etherification with 2-
monohydrate, crystal structure chloropropionic acid, 33:55
bibliography, 37:404 a-D-
(1+6)-O-ct-~-ga~actopyranosy~-( I +6)-0- catabolism by yeasts, 32:233
a-o-galactopyranosyl-(1-6 )-a+ structure, 39:357
galactopyranosyl a-D-.isolation. utilization by yeasts, 32: 197
37:3 11 p-D-,hydrolysis of, 22:37
0-P-o-fructofuranosyl- (2- l)-O-p+ 1-seleno-p-o-, hydrolysis of, 22:37
fructofuranosyl a-D-.see I-Kestose I-thio-p-o-, hydrolysis of, 22:37
0-P-o-galactopyranosyl-(( 1+3)-O-u-r)- 2-(R)-methylcyclohexyl a+-, 43:333
galactopyranosyl-( 1+3)-O-a-i)- 6,6-selenobis[methyI 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-6-
galactopyranosyl-( 1+ 3 ) - a - ~ - deoxy-P-D-, 22:205
galactopyranosyl a-D-,isolation, 37:3 1 I tert-butyl and triethylmethyl-p-o-, rate
0-nitrophenyl constants and kinetic parameters for
p-D-,hydrolysis of, 22:37 hydrolysis of, 22:74
I-seleno-p-o-, hydrolysis of, 22:37 tetrahydropyran-2-yl P-D-, selective
tetra-0-acetyl-P-o-, selective deacylation, etherification with acrylonitrile, 33:
39:28 67
I-thio-p-o-, hydrolysis of, 22:37 6,6-thiobis[methyl2,3,4-tri-O-acetyI-6-
phenyl a-D- deoxyl-p-D-,22:204
1,6-anhydride formation from, 34:29 vinyl p-D-,levoglucosan from, 34:28
methanolysis of, 22:34 glucopyranosides, 2-azido-3-fluoro-a-r,-.
selective methylations with diazomethane, 48: I45
33:68 Glucopyranosiduronamide
phenyl p-D- alkyl 1-thio-a-D-, preparation, 36: I0 I
alkaline cleavage of, 34:29 ethyl I -thio-p-D-, preparation, 36:98
hydrolysis of, rate constants and kinetic ethyl 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyI- 1-thio-p-o-.
parameter of, 22:35-36 preparation and deacetylation, 36:98
methanolysis of, 22:34 preparation, 36:80
selective methylations with diazomethane, Glucopyranosiduronate, (5R)-tri-O-acetyl-5-
33:68 bromo- 1-thio-p-o-, 49:40

Glucopyranosiduronates preparation, 36: 134

a-D-, methyl benzyl3-0-henzyl-2- cholesterol-p-o-, preparation and
(benzyloxycarbonyl) amino-Z-deoxy-4- characterization, 36:94
0-(methylsulfony1)-, p-elimination cholesterol-3-yl 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-P-o-,
reactions of, 29:261,302 methyl ester, conversion into glucoside,
D-, proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy 36532
of, 27:26 cyclohexyl2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-P-o-, methyl
methyl cholest-5-en-3 p-yl 2,3,4-tri-O- ester, deprotection, 36530
acetyl-, proton magnetic resonance D-, conjugate with 2-(N-hydroxy-
spectroscopy of, p-D-,27:26 acetamido)fluorene, isolation, 36: 132
Glucopyranosiduronic acids equilenin-3-yl2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-
2-acetamido-5-ethoxyhenyl a-D-,methyl ester, preparation, 36:77
(Y- and P-D-, preparation, 36:70,9 1 p-D-,methyl ester, preparation, 36:77, 133
2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-a-~-, methyl ester, estrone 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-P-~-, methyl ester,
preparation, 36:70 preparation, 36:78
5-acetamido-5-ethoxyphenylp-D-, menthyl 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-o-~-,preparation,
preparation, 36:70, 91 36:68
4-acetamidop benyl methyl, methyl ester, photochemistry,
P-D-, synthesis and properties, 36:91 38: 140-141
2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-p-o-,methyl ester, methyl a-D-, preparation of, 33:88
preparation, 36:92 methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-o-, and benzyl
aldosterone- 18-yl2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-a-o-, ester, preparation, 36:62
methyl ester, isolation, 36:95 morphin-3-yl p-D-, preparation, 36:78
alkyl p-D-,acid catalyzed hydrolysis, 2-naphthyl p-D-,hydrolysis, kinetics, 36:85
36:8485 N,N-diethylthiocarbamoyl
aryl, estimated thermodynamic activation 1-thio-p-D-, from urine, 36:103
functions for hydrolysis of, 2 2 8 4 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl- 1-thio-p-D-, methyl
p-0- ester, identification, 36: 103
methyl 2,3-di-O-methyl-4-0-(2,3,4,6- 2 1-O-acetylaldosterone-18-yl2,3,4-tri-O-
tetra-O-methyl-cx-D-glucopyranosyl)-, acetyl-a-and p-D-, methyl esters,
methyl ester, degradation, preparation, 36:77
39~247-248 p-[bis(2-chloroethyl) aminolphenyl 2,3,4-tri-
synthesis, 39:222, 246 0-acetyl- 1-thio-p-D-, methyl ester,
2-naphthy1, hydrolysis of, 31 :193 preparation, 36:98
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, phenolphthalein 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-~-,
36~87-88 preparation, 36:77
benzothiazol-2-yl 1-thio-p-D-, in dog urine, phenyl a- and p-D-,formation, 36:71
36: 103 pheny12,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-a-o-, methyl ester,
benzyl2,3-di-O-benzyl-a- and p-D-, methyl preparation, 36:75, 77
esters, preparation, 36:69 p-nitrophenyl 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-p-o-,methyl
2-benzyloxy-4-formylphenyl2,3,4-tri-O- ester, preparation, 36:75
acetyl-D-, methyl ester, preparation, pregnanediol-3-yl p-D-, preparation, 36:93
36:78 2-pyridyl p-D-, synthesis, and p-D-
benzyl 2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-p-o-, and methyl glucosiduronase action, 36: 125-126
ester, preparation, 36:72 1-thio-, biosynthesis, 36: I03
benzyl2,3,4-tri-O-(ch~oroacety~)-~-~-, and 1-thio-p-D-, preparation and properties,
methyl ester, preparation, 36:64 36~96-98
bile acid-3-yl p-D-, preparation, 36:95 2,3,4-tri-0-acetyl-o-, methyl ester, conjugate
4-butyl-3,5-dioxo- 1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4- with 2-(N-hydroxyacetamido)fluorene,
yl2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-o-, methyl ester, 36: 132

p-o-Ghcopyranoshahdamine, 48:75 acetyl-p-o-, methyl ester, preparation,

Glucopyranos-4-ulose, 1,6-anhydro-2,3-di-0- 36: 122
benzoyl-P-o-, preparation and reactions Glucopyranosyl bromide
of, 34:lOO-101 6-0-acetyl-2.3,4-tri-O-acyl-a-o-, preparation
Glucopyranosylamine from levoglucosan triesters, 34:66
2-acetamido-l -N- 2-amIno-2-deoxy-a-o-, 48:72-73
p-~-aspartyl-2-deoxy-P-o-,protein-linking 6-deoxy-6-thIocyanato-a-o-, synthesis,
with, 2 5 4 2 0 4 2 5 44: I23
(~-aspart-4-oy1)-2-deoxy-P-o-, 3,4-di-O-acetyl-
40:287-288 6-bromo-2,6-dideoxy-2-fluoror-a-~-
hydrate, crystal structure, 43:23 I preparation of, 28:278
2-acetamido-3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-N-[N- 2,6-dibromo-2-6-dibromo-2,6-dideoxy-~-
(benzylocycarbonyl)-~-aspart-4-oyl]-2- D-, preparation of, 34: 135-1 36
deoxy-P-o-, synthesis, 43: 146 2,3-di-O-benzyI-4,6-di-O-( p-nitrobenzoy1)-
D- p-D-
mutarotation of, 24:48 methanolysis of, 34:274
selective esterification with methyl preparation of, 34:258
octadecanoate, 33:44 4-O-benzoyl-2-bromo-2,6-dideoxy-3-0-
N-acetyl-D-, structure of, 31:102-103 formyl-a-r-, synthesis, 39: 120
N-benzoyl-P-u-, preparation of, 31:86 2-0-benzyl-3,4.6-tri-O-( p-nitrobenzoy1)-
N-(~-Aspart-4-oyl)-p-o-,synthesis. a-D-,34:274
43: 136-137 P-D-, 34:258, 274
N-p-tolylsulfonyl-P-o-, preparation of, 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-a-~-
31:124 preparation to, 28:279
2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI-N- reaction with
[N-(benzyloxycarbonyl)-~-aspart-4-oyl]-2- diethyl 2-fomamidomalonate, 33: 146
deoxy-b-D-, synthesis, 43: 146 with ethynylmagnesium bromide,
p-tolylsulfonyl-P-o-, ammonolysis of, 33: I43
31:124 with phenylmagnesium bromide,
2,3,4,6-tetra-o-benzoyl-o-, ammonolysis of, 33: 142
31:88, 121 with silver cyanide, 33: I32
2,3,6-tri-O-acetyl-4-0-(2,3,4,6-tetra-O- trimethylamine and anhydridization.
acetyl-a-o-glucopyranosyl)-P-t~-, 34:32
synthesis, 39:239 tetra-0-acetyl-a-o-
(Glucopyranosylamine)uronamides,D-. anomerization of, 24:45
preparation of, 33:200-201 crystal structure bibliography, 37:393
(Glucopyranosylamine)uronic acid, 2,3,4-tri-0- 0x0 reaction with, 23: 109
acetyl-N-(6-ethylthio-5-nitro-pyrimidin-4- tetra-0-acetyl-P-o-, acetoxonium ion in
yl)-P-~-,methyl ester, preparation, 36: 122 reaction with alcohols, 26:135
Glucopyranosylaminobenzoate, 2- 2,3,4,6-tetra-o-benzyl-a-~-,methanolysis of.
diethylaminoethyl 4-P-o-, monohydrate, 34:274
crystal structure, 43:252 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyI-
Glucopyranosyl azide a-D-,preparation of. 34:67
p-D-, 1,6-anhydride from, 34:32 6-bromo-6-deoxy-a-~-~ preparation of,
2,3,6-tn-O-acetyl-4-0-(2,3,4,6-tetra-O- 34:61
acetyl-a-o-glucopyranosyl)-p-i>-, 3-O-(rnethylsulfonyl)-a-o-, 23:265
synthesis, 39:239 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-6-
(Glucopyranosyl azide)uronamide, 2.3,4-tri- 0- deoxy-6-thIocyanato-a-o-, 44: 144
acetyl-P-o-, preparation, 36: 122 0-propionyl-a-o-, preparation of, 34:66,
(Glucopyranosyl azide)uronic acid, 2,3,4-tri-0- 68

Glucopyranosyl bromide (continued) Koenigs-Knorr reaction with, 34:259

tn-O-acetyl-6-bromo-6-deoxy-~-,22: 18I 2-chloro-2-dexoy-~-~-preparationof,
2,4,6-tn-0-acetyl-3-deoxy-3-nitro-a-o-, 28:262
24:115 2-chloror-2-deoxy-a-o-, preparation of,
3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2- 28:26 1-262
(trifluoroacetamid0)-a+-, preparation, 2-deoxy-2-nitroso-a-~-,24:207
38:253 2-deoxy-2-thiocyanato-a-~-,44: 144
2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-6- 2-0-benzyl-a-D- and-@-, Koenigs-Knorr
O-(p-nitrobenzoyl)-a-D-, methanolysis of, reaction with, 34:259-260
34:274 2-O-nitro-P-o-, preparation of, 34:257
O-(p-nitrobenzoyi)-p-D-, preparation of, 2-@(trichloroacety~)-p-o-
34:258 methyl-a-o-glucopyranosidefrom,
(Glucopyranosyl bromide)uronamide, 2,3,4-tri- 34:256
0-acetyl-a-o-, preparation, 36:62 selective deacylation, 39:35
(Glucopyranosyl bromide)uronic acid tri-0-acetyl-
2,3,4-tri-U-acetyl- 6-deoxy-
a-D-, methyl ester, intermediate in p-D- D-, acetoxonium salts, 26:157-158
glucosiduronic acid synthesis, 36:59, 6-iodo-o-, acetoxonium salts,
62 26~157-158
p-D-. methyl ester, preparation, 36:59,62 6-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-o-, acetoxonium salts,
2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-a-~- 26: 157-1 58
benzyl ester, preparation, 36:62-63 2,3 ,4-tri-O-acety~-6-O-p-to~ylsu~fony~-p-o-,
reaction with N-acylamino acid silver 23:265
salts, 36:113 Glucopyranosyl chloride or bromide, 2,4-di-O-
Glucopyranosyl chloride acetyl-3,6-di-O-methyI-a-~-, 51 :207-208
3-acetamido-2,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-3-deoxy-a- (Glucopyranosyl ch1oride)uronic acid
D-, acetoxonium rearrangement of, 3,4-di-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-nitroso-rw-o-,
26:161 methyl ester, preparation, 36:61
6-acetamido-2,3,4-trii-O-acetyl-6-deoxy-a- 2,3,4-tn-0-acetyl-ar- and++-, methyl ester,
D-, acetoxonium salts, 26:163 preparation, 36:60
2,3,4,6-tetra-O- 2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-a-~-,benzyl ester,
acetyl-a+-, reaction with phenyllithium, preparation, 36:62-63
33:143 reactivity, 36: 109
acetyl-p-o-, preparation of, 34:258 2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-p-o-, benzyl ester,
(chlorosulfonyl)-6-O-methyl-a-~-, preparation, 36:6243
formation of, 34:34-35 reactivity, 36:109
methyl-a+-, methanolysis of, 34:274 Glucopyranosyl cyanide, 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI-
tetra-0-acetyl-a-o-, crystal structure a-D,preparation of, 33:132-133
bibliography, 31:368 Glucopyranosyl2-2-deoxy-2-methylamino-a-
tetra-0-benzoyl-a-o-, benzoxonium L-, a-L-streptohranosylstreptidine, oxime,
rearrangements of, 26: 15 1 selenate, tetrahydrate, crystal structure,
2,3,4-tri-O-acetoxonium rearrangement of, 43: 349-35 0
26: I62 Glucopyranosyl-D-erythritol
2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl- 2-O-a-o-, taste properties, 45:275
6-O-(dichloromethyl)-a-o-,preparation of, 2-0-P-D-, taste properties, 45:275
34:68 a-o-Glucopyranosyl dibenzyl phosphate, 3,4,6-
6-O-formyl-a-o-, preparation of, 34:68 tri-0-acetyl-, phosphono migration in,
3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl- during acetylation, 33: 109
p-D-,preparation of, 34:257 c t - ~ - ~ ~ u c o p y r a n(dipotassium
osy~ phosphate)
2-chloro-2-deoxy-a-D- and-P-o-, dihydrate, crystallography of, 25:66

Glucopyranosyl fluorides 2-bromo-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for,

2-acetamido-2-deoxy- 46: 129
a-D-,synthesis, 38:203 2-chloro-, 'H- and "F-NMR data for,
p-D-, synthesis, 38:203 46: 129
a-D- 2-iodo-. 'H- and IyF-NMR data for,
cyclization of, 34:3 1 46: 129- 130
as glycosyl donor for glucansucrases, 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-O-methyl-
51:140- 14 1 I3C-NMR data for, 46: 160
as substrate for dextransucrases, 30:423 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:83
p-D-, cyclization of, 34:3 1 2,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-3-0-methyl-,"C-NMR
4-0-benzoyl-6-deoxy-3-0-methyl-2-0- data for, 46: 160
triflyl-L-, 48:127 2,4,6-tri-O-benzoyl-3-O-methyl-, 'H- and
2-chloro-2-deoxy-P-~-,preparation, 38:237 "F-NMR data for, 46:83
D- 3,4,6-tri-O-benzoyl-2-O-methyl-, ' H- and
2-acetamido-2-deoxy-P- I9F-NMR data for, 46233
IH- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: I I7 2-deoxy-
3,4,6-tri-O-acetyI-. 'H- and 19F-NMR 2-fluoro-o-, labeled, 48:203
data for, 46: 146 2-( p-tolylsulfonamido)-a-D-, synthesis,
a anomer 38:203
I3C-NMR data for, 46: 160 2-( p-toly~sulfonamido)-~-~-, synthesis,
'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:82 38:203
p anomer 3-deoxy-, 3-fluoro-~-,preparation, 38:2 15
I3C-NMR data for, 46: 160 6-deoxy-
'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:X2 6-fluoro-cu-o-, synthesis, 38:204
2-deoxy-2-fluoro- 6-fluoro-P-D-, synthesis, 38:204
Q anomer, 'H- and '"F-NMR data for, 3,6-di-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-fluor0-4-0-
46: 146 (2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-p-~-
3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-, 'H- and I9F-NMR galactopyranosy1)-a-o-. preparation,
data for, 46: 146 38:232
3-deoxy-3-fluoro-,2,3,6-tri-O-acetyl-, I H- L-
and lYF-NMRdata for, 46:148 3,4-di-O-acetyl-2,6-dideoxy-2-fluoro-a-,
4-deoxy-4-fluoro-,2,3,6-tri-O-acetyl-, 'H- 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 153
and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 14X 2,3,4-tri-O-a~etyl-6-deoxy-a-,'~C-NMR
6-deoxy-6-fluoro-,2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-, 'H- data for, 46: 172
and IyF-NMR data for, 46: 148- per-0-acetyl-
149 a-D-,synthesis, 38:202
2,3-di-O-acetyl-4,6-O-benzylidene-, I H- P-D-, synthesis, 38:201-202
and I9F-NMR data for, 46532 6-brom0-6-deoxy-a-o-, synthesis, 38:203
2,3-di-O-benzoyl-4,6-di-O-methyl-, 'H- 2-bromo-2-deoxy-P-o-, synthesis, 38:201
and I9F-NMR data for, 46:83 84 6-bromo-6-deoxy-P-~-,synthesis, 38:203
2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyyl- 2-chloro-2-deoxy-o-, synthesis, 38:202
I3C-NMR data for, 46: 160 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-a-o-, synthesis, 38:204
'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:82 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-a-o-, synthesis, 38:204
2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-, IH- and "F- 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-P-~-,synthesis, 38:204
NMR data for, 46:83 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-P-~-,synthesis, 38:204
2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzyl-a-, 'H- and "F- 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-4-0-p-~-
NMR data for, 46534 galactopyranosyl-a-D-, synthesis,
2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-, 'H- and l"F-NMR 38:204
data for, 46:84 tetra-0-acetyl-
3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy- a-D-.preparation of, 34:67

Glucopyranosyl fluorides (continued) 2,3,6-tri-O-acetyl-4-0-(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-

CX-D-, synthesis, 38: 199 acetyl-a-D-glucopyranosyl)-p-D-,
p-D-,24:45 44: 142
3,4,6-tri-O-acetyI-, 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-a-o-, 13C.NMR,44:141
preparation, 38:23 1 infrared spectrum, 44: 141
tri-0-acetyl- 2,3,6-tri-O-acetyI-4-0-(2,3,4,6-tetra-0-
2-brom0-2-deoxy-a-o-, preparation, acetyl-P-o-glucopyranosyl j-p-o-,
38:234-235 44:142
2-bromo-2-deoxy-P-o-, preparation, I3C NMR, 44:141
.38:234-235 infrared spectrum, 44:141
2-chloro-2-deoxy-~~-o-, preparation, 3,4,6-tri-0-acetyI-4-0-(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-
38:237 acetyl-P-o-glucop yranosy1)-pa-,
2-deoxy-2-Iodo-a-~-,preparation, 38:234 44: 142
2-deoxy-2-iodo-P-o-, preparation, 38:234 I3C NMR, 44:141
3,4,6-tri-O-benzoyl-2-0-1nethyl-a-o-, infrared spectrum, 44: 141
26: 183 (Glucopyranosyl isothiocyanate)uronic acid,
Glucopyranosyl gallate, 2,0-cinnamoyl-p-~-, 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-p-~-,methyl ester,
hydrolysis, 39:35 preparation, 36: 123
Glucopyranosylglycerol Glucopyranosylmalonate, diethyl2,3,4,6-tetra-
2-0-a-o-, taste properties, 45:275 0-acetyl-, proton magnetic resonance
2-0-p-o-, taste properties, 45:275 spectroscopy of, p-D-, 27:27
N-P-o-Glucopyranosylhydroxylaniine,crystal Glucopyranosyl mesitoate, P-D-,
structure, 43:338 polymerization of, 21:460
s-(~-~-Glucopyranosyl)-3-indolylthioace- trang-O-P-D-Glucopyranosyl methyl
tylhydroximyl 0-sulfate, as growth acetoacetate, crystal structure
regulator, 21:392 bibliography, 32:363-364
(Glucopyranosyl iodide)uronic acid, 2,3,4-tri- Glucopyranosyl nitrate, OI-D-, 1.6-anhydride
0-acetyl-a+-, methyl ester, preparation, from, 34:32
36:60 s-(~-o-Glucopyranosyl)-N-methyl-3-
Glucopyranosyl isothiocyanate indolylthioacetylhydroximyl 0-sulfate, as
2-acetamido-4-0-(2-acetamido-3,4,6-tri-0- growth regulator, 21:392
acety~-2-deoxy-~-~-g~ucopyranosyl)- Glucopyranosyl perchlorate, 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-
3,6-di-O-acetyl-P-~-,44: 142 2-0-benzyl-a-D- and-p-o-,
2-acetamido-3,4-6-tri-0-acetyl-2-deoxy-p- Koenigs-Knorr reaction with, 34:259-260
D-, 44: 142 Glucopyranosyl phosphate
synthesis, 44:94 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-ax-o-,carbon-I3
2,3,4,6-tetra-0-acetyI-p-~-, 44: 142, 144 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra,
I3C NMR, 44:141 38532, 85
formation of amino acid diastereoisomers a-o-,synthesis of, 26: 15
using, 44: 117 o-Ghcopyranosyl polymer, catalyzed by p-D-
infrared spectrum, 44: 141 galactosyltransferase, incorporation of D-
synthesis, 44:94 galactose into, 46: 187
3,4.6-tri-0-acetyl-2-benzamido-2-deoxy-, ~-~-o-GIucopyranosy~procaine, monohydrate,
44:142 crystal structure, 43:252
2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-6-bromo-6-deoxy- Glucopyranosylpropanonitrile,3-tetra-O-
p-D-,44: 144 acetyl-a-o-, synthesis, 49:73-74
CX-D-, 44:141 O - C X - D - G ~ U C O ~ ~ ~ ~ I I O145)-p-D-
synthesis, 44:94 fmctopyranose, monohydrate, 43:37 1
3,4,6-tri-0-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-thiocyanato-~~-Glucopyranosyl sulfone, 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyyl-
D,44:141, 144 p-D-,photolysis, 38:155-157

(Glucopyranosylthioureide)uronamide, Glucopyranuronamide
preparation, 36: 122-123 a-D-, crystal structure bibliography, 32:3S6
(G1ucopyranosylthioureide)uronicacid, 2,3,4- D-, preparation of, 33:201
tri-O-acetyl-N'-p-o-, methyl ester, D-Glucopyranuronate, diaxial and
preparation, 36: 122 axialequatorial processes in p-elimination,
r)-Glucopyranosyltoluene, surface activity of, 29:258-265
25:256 Glucopyranuronic acid
Glucopyranosyl 2,4,6-trimethylbenzoate. a- and p-D-. 1-esters, preparation, 36: 106
2,3,4,6-tetra-0-acetyI- (Y-D-, calcium bromide salt trihydrate, crystal
a-D-,deacetylation, 39:34 structure bibliography, 34:347
P-D-, deacetylation, 39:34 D-
9-(P-o-Glucopyranosyluronamide)adenine, methyl ester. preparation, 36:59, 64
preparation, 36: 129 structure of, and lactone, 33:190
1 -(~-~-Glucopyranosyluronamide)cytosine, 3,4-di-O-acetyl-l,2-0-[ I -(4-methyl ester,
preparation, 36: 129 preparation, 36: 102
(Glucopyranosyluronamide)thiocarbamate, 1-0-acyl-a- and-p-o-, kinetics of p-D-
preparation, 36:123 glucosiduronase action, 36: 1 12
(Glucopyranosyluronamide)thiosemicarbazide, 1-0-anisoyl-a- and-p-o-, preparation,
derivatives, preparation, 36: 123 36: I08
(Glucopyranosyluronamide)thiourea, 1 -0-benzoyl-a- and-@+-, preparation,
derivatives, preparation, 36: 123 36: 108
Glucopyranosyluronic acid I -0-(1 8p-glycynhet-30-yl)-o-, preparation,
2-acetamido-2-deoxy-ol-o- 36:109-110
ester of uridine 5'-pyrophosphate, 1 -0-(3-carboxypropanoyl- 18P-glycynhet-
isolation of, 28:327 30-yl)-p-o-, preparation, 36:109-110
methyl ester, ester of uridine 5'- I -0-(5-hydroxyindol-3-ylacetyl)-p-~-,
pyrophosphate, preparation and chromatography, 36: 108
reduction of, 28:355 l-O-(indol-3-ylacetyI)-P-~-,
o~-D-, ester of uridine 5'-pyrophosphate, chromatography, 36: 108
decarboxylation of, 28:385 I-0-indomethacin-pa-, synthesis, 36: 104,
enzymic preparation of, 28:343 Ill
isolation of, 28:326 I -0-(N-acylaminoacyl)-tri-~-benzyl-p-o-,
4-0-( ~-D-Glucopyranosy~uronic acid)-D- benzyl esters, preparation, 36: 1 13
glucaric acid, hydrolysis of, rate of, 22:78 I -0-[N-(rerr-buty1oxycarbonyI)-~-alanyl]- p-
(Glucopyranosyluronic acid)-2-4- D-, preparation, 36: I 14
dioxothiazolidine, preparation, 1-0-veratroyl-a- and-p-o-, preparation.
36:123-124 36:lOS
Glucopyranosyluronic acid epitope, 4- tetra-0-acetyl-u-, methyl ester, preparation,
acetamido-4-deoxy-2-0-methyl-~-1.- 3659
fucopyranosyl-( 1+4)-p-o-, 51:2 18 1,2,3,4-tetra-O-benzyl-a- and-@+, benzyl
Glucopyransoylamine,2-acetamido-N-( I - ester, preparation, 36:78
aspart-4-oyl)-2-deoxy-p-o- 1,1 '-thiobis(methy1 2,3,4-tri-0-acetyl-P-~-,
analogs, synthesis, 43: 140-141 dimethyl ester, preparation, 36:99
elongation of 2,3,4-tri 0-acetyl-D-, methyl ester,
cabohydrate chain, 43: 155-156 preparation, 36:60,62
peptide chain, 43: 152-154 2,3,4-tri-0-acetyI-l-O-
synthesis, 43:137-138, 140 acetyl- 1-0-4-methoxybenozyl-p-~-,
Glucopyransoyl isothiocyanate, 3,4,6-tri-0- methyl ester, preparation, 36: 106
acetyl-2-deoxy-2-thicoyanato-a-o.24: acyl-o-, methyl esters, proton magnetic
209 resonance spectroscopy, 36: 1 I &I I 1

Glucopyranuronic acid (continued) trichloroacetimidates, synthesis, 50:68-71

benzoyl-P-u- as donors, 50:61, 68-77
methyl ester, preparation, 36: I06 trichloroacetimidates, as glucosyl donors,
preparation, 36: 105 50:60-61,68-77
cinnamoyl-a-and p-D-,methyl ester, chitobiose donors, 50531, 89
preparation, 36: 106 glucosamine donors, 50:61, 68-77
phenylacetyl-P-o-, methyl ester, lactosamine donors, 50:73,78-88
preparation, 36: 106 muramic acid donors, 50:81, 84, 9&91
propanoyl-P-D-, methyl ester, preparation, Glucosamine sulfatase, N-acetyl-a-o-, 44:2 14
and anomerization, 36: 106 Glucosaminidase
salicyloyl-Pa-, methyl ester, preparation, amino acids of, 27:315-316
36: 105 carbohydrate content of, 27:306-307
2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl- endo-N-acetyI-P-D-, 44:232
D- glycoprotein structure examined with,
benzyl ester, I-acyl ester, 44:238-239
debenzylation, 36: 108 groups, 44:237-238
preparation, 36:62-63 N-acetyl-a-o-, 44:214
reaction with N-acylamino acids, in plant cell walls, 42:301
36:113 N-acetyl-P-o-, 44: 196,208-209
1-0- [N-(tert-butyl-oxycarbony1)-L- from jack bean, 44:229-230
alanylI-P-o-, benzyl ester, in plant cell-walls, 42:301-302
preparation, 36: I 14 Glucosaminide, methyl N-acetyl-tri-0-methyl-
1-0-(p-methoxybenzoy1)-a-D-, benzyl D-, mass spectrum of, 21:67
ester, preparation, 36: 109 Glucosaminide-( 1+4)-P-~-galacto-
2,3,4-tri-0-(2,2,2-trichloroethoxycarbonyl)- syltransferase, N-acetyl-P-o-, 44:245-246
~-,2,2,2-trichloroethylester, Glucosaminyldeacetylase, N-acetyl-o-, 44:215
preparation, 36:64 Glucosan
Glucopyranurono-6,1 -lactone p-. see Levoglucosan
derivatives, 33:190 from cellulose in anhydrous hydrogen
2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-P-~-,and 2,3,4-tris-(2,2,2- fluoride, 27:93
trichloroethoxycarbonyi) ester, 34: 150 Glucose, see also Dextrose
Glucopyranurono-6,3-lactonederivatives, 2-,3-,4-, and 6-fluoro-o-, composition in
33: 190 aqueous solution, 42:45
thermodynamic stability of, 33: 191 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-
Glucopymoside a-D-
ethyl 2-acetamido-3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2- biological activity of, 42: 135
deoxy-I-thio-a(and P)-D-, 21:116 structure of, 42: 136
methyl 3,6-anhydro-a-o-, mass spectra of, crystal structure bibliography, 31:366
21:81 D-
methyl tetra-0-methyl-a-o-, mass spectrum crystallography of, 2 5 9 3
of, 21:61,73 gel chromatography of, 2 9 3 2
phenyl tetra-0-methyl-a(and b)-D-, mass crystal structure of, 2 9 7 0
spectra of, 21:56 diethyl dithioacetal, hydrogenolysis of,
Glucosacchannic acid 32:78
a-D-, formation, 46:292-293 oxidation of, 32:85
D-, 25343 reactions of, 32:55
formation of, 28: 199 thioglucoside from, 32:66
structure, 46:291 glycoenzyme constituent, 27:302, 307,
Glucosamine 321,329
D-, 47:19 lectins, 35206-226

nitrosation of, 31:67 3-(N-acetyl-~-seryl)amIdo-3,6-dideoxy-~-,

reaction with 47: 175-1 76
(methoxycarbonylmethylene)tri- 1-O-acetyl-2.3.4,6-tetra-O-methyl-@-~-,
phenylphosphorane, 33: 154 mass spectrum of, 21:56
unsaturated derivatives, 31:5 Ci-D-
uridine 5-pyrophosphateester, in mung effect of isotope of mutarotation of, 24:32
bean, 32:9 energies, heats, and entropies of activation
6-O-a-~-fucopyranosy~-~-, preparation of, of mutarotations of, 24:53
34:263 hydrate, 24:60
4-O-a-~-fucopyranosyl-3-O-@-~- infrared spectroscopy of, 27: 149
galactopyranosyl-D-, preparation of, monohydrate, crystal structure
34:268 bibliography, 30:465
6-O-P-o-mannopyranosyb, derivative, mutarotation, 23:22,24:14
preparation of, 34:259 in cresol and pyridine or pyridinone,
3,4-O-isopropyhdene-o-, diethyl 27: 104
dithioacetal, oxidation of, 32:XI history of, 23: 12
5-thio-~-,composition in aqueous and proton magnetic resonance
solution, 42:52-53 spectroscopy, 27:59
3-acetamido-3-deoxy-, D-, synthesis, 41 :9 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of,
2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-6-fluoro-u-, 23:45
preparation, 38:208 proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy
4-acetamido-2,4-dideoxy-2-fluro-~-i~-, of, 27:28
preparation, 38:2 16 sweetness, 45:207
2-acetarnido-4-0-(2-acetam~do-2-deoxy-~-~- effect of infrared hydroxyl absorption
glucopyranosyl)-2-deoxy-~-,diethyl bands and hydrogen-bonding
dithioacetal, oxidation of, 32:8 I strength, 4 5 2 I &2 17
2-acetamido-4,6-O-benzylidene-2- deoxy-o- ADP-D-, biosynthesis of, 42:3 16
methylation of, 33:55 aldehydo-D-,ammonolysis of, effect of
reaction with (methoxycarbonyl- solvent on, 31:100
methylene)triphenylphosphorane, 2-amino-2-deoxy-
33: 154 Ci-D-
2-acetamido-3,4,5,6-tetra-O-acetyl- hydorbromide and hydrochloride,
2-deoxy-~- crystal structures of, 25:69-70
demercaptalation of, 32:63 hydrobromide and hydrochloride,
diethyl dithioacetal, oxidation of, 3 2 8 3 crystal structure bibliography, 31:365
1,2-dideoxy-l,1-bis(ethylsulfonyl)-o-, D-, 21:18.24:112,208
preparation of, 32:83, 85 composition in aqueous solution, 4247,
2-acetamido-tetra-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-~~-. 67
ammonolysis of, 31:87 configurational relationship to L-
2-acetamido-2,4,6-trideoxy-4-[(S)-3 - alanine, 27:206
hydroxybutanamido]-D-, 47: 175-176 deamination, by radiation, 37: 12
2-acetamodi-2-deoxy-o- deamination of, 25:185, 195,31:18, 24,
ally1 radical formation by radiation, 37: 14 33:115
radiation-induced, free-radical reactions, dehydration of, 28: 182
37:74 diethyl dithioacetal, deamination of,
radiolysis, 37:48, 50-5 1 25: 192,32:32
acetobromo-a-D-, 21:20 diazotization of, 32:56
acetodibromo-, 21: 17 methylation of, 32:55
4-(N-acetylglycyl)amido-4,6-dideoxy-n-, diethyl dithioacetal, deamination of, and
47: 175-176 effect ofpH on, 31:65

Glucose (continued) 3-amino-2-O-[o(and ~)-l-carboxyethyl1-3-

diethyl dithioacetal hydrochloride, deoxy-o-, 24~132
deamination of, 31: 16 3,4- and 4,6-di-U-methyl-o-, trimethylsilyl
ethylene dithioacetal, deamination of, ethers and gas-liquid chromatography
32:57 of, 30:28-29
ethylene dithioacetal, dearnination of, 1,6-anhydro-
effect of pH on, 31:65 p-D-,47:306
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:78- ~-,2,4-phenylboronate,reaction with
79 methacrylic anhydride, 35:55
in glycoprotein of urine, 24:441,443 6-thio-p-o-, 23:226
glycosarnin, 25: 181 2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-P-o-, acetolysis, 39:45
inhibition of lipid-linked 2,5-anhydro-
oligosaccharide formation, 40:326, aldehydo-o-,I ,6-hemiacetal, 25:213
334-336 D-, 25: 187
isolation from heparin, 36: 10 diethyl dithioacetal, 25: 192
nitrous acid deamination, 43:86-87 preparation of, 33: 1 16
6-phosphatq preparation of, 33:47 3,4,6-tri-U-benzoyl-o-, reaction with
phosphorylation with metaphosphoric (ethoxycarbonyl-rnethylene)
acid, 33:47 phosphorane, 33: 136
polymerization by hydrogen chloride, 3,6-anhydro-
resistance to, 21 :464 D-, composition in aqueous solution, 42:58
protein linkage with, 25419 2,4-di-U-methyl-o, composition in
radiolysis and deamination, 37:48-50 aqueous solution, 42:58
L-, conversion into L-(+)-muscarine, 2-(anisylideneamino)-2-deoxy-o-,selective
27:207 phosphorylation with diphenyl
6-U-p-tolylsulfonyl-o-, anhydride phosphorochloridate, 33:47
formation from, 34:33 p-D-, 45322
6-thio-o-, derivatives, 24: 146 crystal structure bibliography, 31:365
6-amino-6-deoxy-, 21: 18 infrared spectroscopy of, 27: 149
D- mutarotation of, 23:23,24: 14
derivatives, 22:205 (p-bromophenyl) hydrazone, crystal
from kanamycin A, 30: 12I structure of, 2 5 9 2
preparation of, 33:233 sweetness, 45207
3-amino-3-deoxy-o- effect of infrared hydroxyl absorption
diethyl dithioacetal, preparation of, 32:22 bands and hydrogen-bonding
from kanamycin A, 30: 12I strength, 45216-217
structure of, 31:29 minus P-o-xylose, difference-circular
4-amino-4-deoxy-o-, 23: I52 dichroism spectra, 4 5 8 1
composition in aqueous solution, 42:49 2-benzamido-tetra-O-benzoyl-2-deoxy-~-,
5-amino-5-deoxy-o-, 23: 116 ammonolysis of, 31237
as antibiotic, 42: 136-137 4,6-O-benzylidene-~-,acetolysis of, 22: 14
composition in aqueous solution, 42:49 2-(benzyloxycarbonyl)amino-2-deoxy-~-,
4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-o-, 23: 153,24:159 selective phosphorylation with 2-
hydrochloride, composition in aqueous cyanoethyl phosphate, 33:47
solution, 42:49 biosynthesis of aromatic compounds from D-,
6-amino-2,6-dideoxy-2-fluoro-o-, 19235-270
preparation, 38:246 5,6-bis(acetamido)-5,6-dideoxy-~-, 23: 175
3-amino-6-0-(2-arnino-2-deoxy-~-~- 3-bromo-3-deoxy-o-, preparation of, 28:229
glucopyranosy~)-3-deoxy-~-, synthesis 6-brom0-6-deoxy-o-, 22: 185,23: 133
of, 34:255 preparation of, 28:246

from boronate, 3 5 5 6 ethyl acetoacetate, pyrrole structure,

0-(2-acetamid0-2-deoxy-ol(andP)-D- 4510-1 I
glucopyranosy1)-(1+6)-2-amino-2- from 2-amin0-2-deoxy-o-mannose, 25: I87
deoxy-D-, 21 :464 anaerobic catabolism of, 32: 162-163
2-acetamido-2-deoxy-~-,polymerization by anaerobic fermentation of. 32: 145
hydrogen chloride, 21:464 anomerization and gas-liquid
2-chloro-2-deoxy-~-,enzyme activity and, chromatography of, 28:4 1
22:211 anomers
3-chloro-3-deoxy-~-,preparation of, 28:229 aqueous solutions versus crystalline,
6-chloro-6-deoxy-~-,22: 184 laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:80
preparation of, 28:246, 35:56 p, 44:19-20
3-chloro-3-deoxy- I ,2:5,6-di-0- correction between CH orientation and
isopropyiidene-a-o-, preparation of, vibrational frequencies observed,
28:247 44:21
component of cardenolides, 21:311 spectral differences, 4452-53
configuration of, 21: 13 vibrational spectra, calculation of
conversion into o-(-)-muscarine, 27:208 frequencies, 44:3946
CY-D-,pyrolysis, 47:304-305 antiketogenic action, Garcia Gonzalez
5,6,6-d3,(Y-D-, nuclear magnetic resonance work on, 45: 10
spectrum of, 23:45 aqueous
D-, 48~281-285 laser-Rainan spectroscopy, 44:73-74,
absorption from intestine, 34:287-288 76-78
caramelization of, 34:46 versus solid, laser-Raman spectroscopy.
derivatives, cyclic acetals, Table, 44:75
34:228-233 solute-solvent interactions, vibrational
pyrolysis of, 34:45, 152 spectroscopic studies, 44:86
reaction with acetone, 34: 182-1 83 in aqueous solution, 42: 16
regeneration from o-fructose, by 11- composition, 42:21,26.31,3&35,63
glucose 6-phosphagq 34:295 inorganic compound effects, 42:34
by triose condensation, 34:294 polarimetry, 42: 17
transport in mammalian intestine, polarography, 42:2 1
34:289 p-D-,vibrational spectra
2-acetamido-2-deoxy- atomic displacements for calculated
circular dichroism, 45:97-98 frequencies, 44:4146
nonselective spin-lattice relaxation calculated frequencies, with potential
rates, 45:148 energy distributions, 44:41,4445
acetoxonium rearrangements of 6-C observed and calculated frequencies,
derivatives, 26: 157 44:4043
acetylation of, 33:37 binding to taste papillae, 45:329-330
with acetic acid, 33:44 2,3-bis( acetamido)-2,3-dideoxy-~-
acid and base catalysts in mutarotation of, dideoxy-, circular dichroism, 45:99
24:23 1,2:3,5-bis(phenylboronate),preparation,
acid-catalyzed reversion, 47:252 35:45
acyloxonium rearrangement into D-idose, 01 and p pyranose anomers, circular
26: 146 dichroism, 45:79-80
aerobic catabolism of, 32: 163-166 catabolism of, 32: 159-162
aerobic respiration by yeasts on, 32: 144 non-oxidative pathway, 52:289-290
alkaline degradation of, 46:292 oxidative pathway, 52:289
Amadori compounds from, 46:307-308 catalytic constants for mutarotation by
2-amino-2-deoxy-, reaction product with weak acids and anions, 24: 19

Glucose (continued) mutarotation of, 24:24

catalytic oxidation of, 335.37 electro-oxidation of, 29: 1 I7
C-C and C-0-bond-lengths in, 44: 15 electroreduction of, 26: 15,29: 109-1 17
I4C-labeled, alkaline degradation of, enantiomeric carba-sugars, synthesis,
28:200 48:4549
complex formation enzymic degradation of starch and
with germanic acid, 22:288 glycogen to, 30:281
with phenylboronic acid, 3 5 4 9 fermentation by yeasts, 32: 152
with potassium bromide, 21:215 in food, liquid chromatography separation,
with potassium iodide, 21:215 46:52
with sodium ethoxide, 21:258 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:4C41
with sodium methoxide, 21:258 gas-liquid chromatography of, in blood,
composition of evolved gases, 47:272,274 28:46-47
conversion into o-fructose, 49: 180 gel chromatography of, 25:3 1-32
course of total gas evolution, 47:272-273 glycoenzyme constituent, 27:302,307,
cryoprotective effect, 44:89 32 1
decomposition, 47:220-221,272 glycolysis control and Pasteur effects,
degradation of, 28: 164,46:296 32~168-173
determination of hydration numbers, 44:87 in glycoproteins, 25413
D-fructose from, 22:232 halogen derivatives of, 22:222-223
dibenzyl dithioacetal, reaction with lead heated neutral solutions of, antimicrobial
tetraacetate in acetic acid, 32:70 activity formed in, 46:326
diethyl dithioacetal in honey, 25:289,295
ethyl I-thio-D- glucoside from, 32:66 in hydrolyzates of non-endospermic
mass spectrometry of, 32:96 hemicelluloses, 36:246
preparation of, 32:20 isomerization to o-fructose, by enzymic
reaction with mercury(I1)chloride in catalysis, 36:46-50
methanol, 32:68 by nonenzymic catalysis, 36:4345
reaction with silver benzoate, 32:60 production from starch, 36:20-22
hydrolysis of, 22: 1 13 technology of crystalline, 36:30, 3 9 4 3
irradiation, 39:94 enzyme catalysis, 36:3943
selective benzoylation of, 33:41 5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-firraldehyde from,
selective methylation of, 33:66 46~284-285
dimethyl acetal infrared spectrum of, 23:39
crystalline, 26: 14 inhibitory effect on pectinesterase, 33:337
hydrolysis of, 22: 113 in L-ascorbic acid synthesis, 37:89-105
diphenyl dithioacetal, preparation of, oxidation, fermentative, 37: 137-140
32:21 oxidation to L-ascorbic acid,
6-(disodium phosphate), irradiation, 37: 126-129
38:192-193 6-phosphate, radiolysis, 37:42,44
irradiation, 38: 147-149 radiation chemistry, 37:33-35
dithioacetals radiation-induced, non-chain reactions,
reaction with sulfonyl chloride, 32:48 37:73
selective esterification of, 33:40 radiation-induced, radical reactions,
dithioacetal with 1,2-dithiolycerol, 32:99 37:3642
effect of alkali tetraborates on rotation of, radiolysis, 37:35
23:36 with L-asparagine, pyrazines formed from,
effect of histidine and histidylhistidine on 4 6 ~ 16-3
3 17
mutarotation of, 24:32 with L-phenylalanine, products obtained
mutarotase on mutarotation of, 24:3 1 from, 46:3 17

Maillard reaction between glycine and, reaction of

46:309 with glycine, pyrarines formed.
mass spectrometry of ethylene oxide 46:3 15-3 16
reaction products of, 30:38 with methylamine in dilute acetic acid,
methanolysis of, 28: 19 46:314
methyl ethers, 49:29 reaction with
periodate degradation and gas-liquid aqueous ammonia, 25:3 12.3 15
chromatography of, 30:34 boric acid, 35:31
separation of, 30:20 ethyl acetoacetate, 45: 10-12
monohydrate, C-C and C-0 bond-lengths sulfuryl chloride, 28:235,33:76
in, 44: 15 reducing properties, 47:2 18,220
mutarotation of, 28:404 1 reduction in alcohols, 27:99-100
catalytic coefficients of, 24: 16 regional consumption evaluation,
kinetics of, 23: 16 48: 186-1 89
reaction constants for, 23:40 saccharinic acids from, 28: 194-195
mechanism of, 24:41 selective methylation of, 3 3 5 6
molten and unmelted, 22497 separation, 47:3940
in nectars, 25:304 solubility in alkoxy alcohols, 27:99
in nonqueous solvents, 4262, 68 in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride, 27:94
nonselective spin-lattice relaxatilon rate, in ethanol, 27:97
45:148, 150 in isobutyl alcohol, 27:98
nucleotide esters of, 42:338 in liquid ammonia, 27:9 I
(p-bromophenyl)hydrazone, crystal in methanol, 27:97
structure bibliography, 31:367 in methanol, effect of calcium chloride
a-D-, crystal structure bibliography. on, 27:95
31:36S in thiocyanates. 27:95
monohydrate, crystal structure solution, Fourier-transform infrared
bibliography, 31:349 spectroscopy, 44:6 1
pentaacetate, 22: 14 structural formula of, 25:4
methane chemical-ionization mass structure-properties relationships,
spectrum of, 29:81 vibrational spectroscopic study,
penta-0-acetyl-, 45:s 44:88
phenols from, 46:290,295 sucrose phosphorylase reaction with, 3 2 8
6-phosphate, synthesis of, 33:4647 sweetness, 49220
phosphorylation of, 33:48 structure relationship, 45:259
in plant cell-wall hydrolyzates, liquid syrups, taste, effect of aglycons on,
chromatography analysis, 46: 55 45245
in plant glycoproteins, 42:329-330 1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyI-, 45:4
polarography of, 29: 126 6-0-trityl-. 45:3
and reactions with hydrazine, 2,3,4.6-tetra-0-acetyl-, 4 5 5
semicarbazide, and hydroxy lamine, trehalose as intermediate in resorption or
29: 152 motility of, 30:2S6
preparation from potatoes, 25:7 trichloroacetimidates, 50:27-29
proton spin-lattice relaxation rate, trifluoroacetylation and mutarotation of,
45: 150-1s 1 28:38
pyrolysis of, 22497, 501,47:272 trimethylsilyl ethers of, mutarotation,
course of, 47:273, 276 42:22
liquid products, 47:272, 275 uridine 5-pyrophosphate ester, in mung
volatile products, 47:274, 276 bean, 32:9
volatile products from, 22:504-505, 508 utilization by yeasts, 32: 146

Glucose (continued) metabolism, 48:209

vibrational spectra, isotopic substitution preparation, 38:222
studies, 44:54 3-nitro-~-,24: 118
water loss, 47:218-219 4-deoxy-, 4-fluOrO-D-
Wittig five-membered anhydro products preparation, 38:216,2 18,220
from, and its derivatives, 27:284 synthesis, 48:135-136
yeasts unable to utilize anaerobically, 5-deoxy-, 5-fluoro-o-, synthesis, 48: 137-
32: 166-168 138
in de novo polysaccharide synthesis, 6-deoxy-
51:1 4 6 1 4 9 composition in aqueous solution, 42:45,
I-deoxy-, I , 1-bis-p-toluidino-aldehydo-D-, 63
tetrabenzoate, 22:276 D-, 21:173, 175, 177
2-deoxy- ester of thymidine 5'-pyrophosphate,
D-, 21~19 28:323
catabolism of, 32:177, 181-183 2,3-di-O-methyl-o-, 21: 173
dithioacetals, hydrolysis of, 32:67 6-fluoro-o-, enzyme activity and, 22:210
effect on biosynthesis of cell-wall a-L-,21:177
polysaccharides and glycoprotein, 6-nitro-o-, 24:98, 100, 118
32:229 dextro-, structure, 50:5
utilization by yeasts, 32:23 1 2,3-diamino-2,3-dideoxy-~-, 24: 135
2-flUOr0-D-, 24:206,48:171, 175 2,6-diamino-2,6-dideoxy-o-, synthesis of,
[I4C]-, preparation, 38:240 30:116
['HI-, preparation, 38:239 5,6-diamin0-5,6-dideoxy-o-, composition in
inhibition of lipid-linked aqueous solution, 42:5 1-52
oligosaccharides, 40:326, 332-333 4,6-dideoxy-4-
labeled, PET technique, 48: 199-202 dimethylamino-o-, 24: 159
labeled, synthesis, 48: 121, 124, methylamino-o-, 24: 159
143-144, 192-1 94, 197-1 98 2,4-dideoxy-2,4-difluoro-~-, preparation,
metabolic fate, 48: 188-189 38:216
metabolism, 48:207 2,6-dideoxy-2,6-difluoro-o-, preparation,
preparation, 38:216,231 38:216
2-fluoro-3,4:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene- 2,4-di-O-cu-~-rhamnopyranosyl-~-, see
aldehydo-o-, 48: 155, 163 Chacotriose
2- (methylamino)-D-, trimethylsilyl ethers 2,3:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-
of methylated, gas-liquid D-
chromatography of, 30:29 dithioacetals, preparation of, 32:54
2- (methylamino)+-, synthesis of, 30: 114,K diethyl dithioacetal, partial
35: 107-109 demercaptalation of, 32:69
2-(trifluoroacetamido)-cu-~-,biological4-O-( 4.6-O-isopropylidene-cu-o-
activity, 38:283 glucopyranosy1)-ddehydo-D-,
2-(trifluoroacetamido)-p-~-,biological dimethyl acetal, synthesis, 39:238
activity, 38:283 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-cu-o-, from
3,4,6-tri-0-methyl-2-(methylamino)-~-, levoglucosan, chloral, and acid, 34:65,
composition in aqueous solution, 93
42:47 3,4:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-o-,
3-deoxy- dithioacetals, preparation of, 32:54
3-[18F]fluoro-~-,synthesis, 38:239 trimethylene dithioacetal, preparation of,
3-flUOrO-D-, 48: 183 32:38
biological activity, 38:28 1 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropyIidene-5-thio-o-,
labeled, 48: 199 synthesis, 39:77

2,3-di-O-methyI-o-, composition in aqueous (1+3)-0-a-~-glucopyranosyl- ( I + ~ ) - D - ,

solution, 42:44 from dextran, 30:393
2,4-di-O-methyl-~-,preparation of, 3 0 5 (1+6)-~-a-~-g~ucopyranosyl- ( ~+Z)-D-,
2,6-di-O-methyI-o-, preparation of, 30:4 from dextran, 30:389
3,4-di-O-methyI-o- (1+6)-0-a-o-g~ucopyranosy~-( 1 +3)-D-,
preparation of, 3 0 5 from dextran, 30:388
synthesis of, 33:27 (1-6)-0- [a-o-glucopyranosyl- (1+2)]-
3,5-di-O-methyI-o-, 24: 195 D-, from dextran, 30:386,389
3,6-di-O-methyl-o-, preparation of, 30:4 (1+6)-O- [a-o-glucopyranosyl- (l+3)]-
4,6-di-O-methyl-~-,preparation of, 30:4 D-, from dextran, 30:388
5,6-di-O-methyl-o-, composition in aqueous (1+6)-~-a-~-glucopyranosy~- (1+6)-O-
solution, 42:4546 a-D-glucopyranosyl- ( l+2)-o-, from
DL- dextran, 30:389
crystalline, 26: 14 (1-+2)-0-a-~-glucopyranosyl- ( 1+6)-O-
synthesis, 40:93 a-u-glucopyranosyl- ( 1 +6)-0-a-~-
effect of calcium chloride on specific glucopyranosyl- (1+6)-0-. from
rotation of, 21:230 dextran, 30:394
electrophoretic migration of, 21:234 ( l+6)-O-a-~-g~ucopyranosy~- (1+2)-0-
0-galactosyl-, 21:3 I a-o-glucopyranosyl- ( 1 +6)-0-a-o-
3-O-galloyl-~-,2 1 ~ 2 7 glucopyranosyl- ( I + ~ ) - D - , from
GDP-D-, in cellulose biosynthesis, dextran, 30:394
42:3 17-320 4-O-a-~-glucopyranosyl-2,3 :5,6-di-O-
in polysaccharide biosynthesis, isopropylidene-aldeh,ydo-D-, dimethyl
42:329-330 acetal, synthesis, 39:238
1,1,2,3,4,5,6-hepta-O-acetyl-~-,preparation 4-O-(c~-~-glucopyranosyluronic acid)-$-,
from dithioacetal, 32:70 synthesis, 39:246
hydrogen bonding, Raman and infrared 4-O-a-o-ma~opyranosyl-u-,24:357
spectral study of, 4498-29 4-~-(a-~-riho-hexosy~-3-u~ose)-~-, by
1-O-(indole-3-propionyl)-P-~-, 21:39 1 maltose microbial oxidation, 39:246
inositol-o-glucuronic acid-2-amino-2-deoxy- 6-0-a-D xylopyranosyl-o-, 24:373
D-, 24:4 10 76-0-(2-arnino-2-deoxy-P-~-
3-keto-o-, polarography of, 29:145 mannopyranosy1)-0-, deamination of,
L- 31:46, 78, 234
derivatives of cyclic acetals, Table, 3-O-P-o-galactopyranosyI-o-, 24:9
34: 22 8-2 33 0-P-D-galactopyranosyl-( I+3)-0-2-
sweetness-structure relationship. 45259 acetamido-2-deoxy-P-~-
liquid chromatography glucopyranosyl-
methods for analysis of, 46:33 (1+3)-O-P-o-galactopyransoyl-( 1+4)-a-
separation, 46:52-53 D-, 24:l
4-O-methyI-o-, 22:7 ( 1-+4)-O-P-~-galactopyransoyl-( I+~)-D-,
methyl ethers of D-, 5:145-190 24:8
methyl glycosides of, oligosaccharides 6-O-benzoyl-n-
containing, IT-NMR data for, ammonolysis, 39:3 I
42212-2 13 diethyl dithioacetal. preparation of, 32:45
mutorotation, 44:25 2-O-benzyI-o-. synthesis, 39:30
6-N-amino-6-deoxy-~-,synthesis of, 2-O-carbanihno-o-, synthesis, 39:30
28:283 1,2-O-isopropyIidene-a-~-
O-a-o-glucopyranosyl- 5,6-diphenylcyclodiboronate,preparation,
(l-+2)-O-a-~-glucopyranosyl- (I+~)-D-. 35:45
from dextran, 30:386,389 3,5-phenylboronate, preparation, 35:45

Glucose (continued) aldehydo-o-

composition in ammonolysis of, 31:84
aqueous solution, 42:45 diethyl dithioacetal, preparation of, 32:29
oligomers of, "C-NMR data for, 42:196- mercaptalation of, 32:29
199 preparation of, 32:62
4-O-~-rhamnopyranosyl-o-,24:35 1 2,3,4,5,6-penta-O-methyl-
2-O-methyl-o- aldehydo-o-, preparation of, 32:62
composition in solution, 42:34,45 D-, in aqueous solution, 42:33
diethyl dithioacetal, hydrogenolysis of, penta-0-( tnmethyl-d,,-silyl)-o-, gas-liquid
32:78 chromatography and mass spectrometry
preparation of, 32:46-47 of, 28:32
synthesis, 39:30 periodate oxidation of methyl derivatives,
3-O-methyl-o- 21500
composition in aqueous solution, 42:45 phenylosazone, 21:ll-12
selective oxidation with silver carbonate- polymerization of, 21:437,441,468,475
on-Celite, 33:97 by hydrogen chloride, 21:462
5-0-methyl-D- in hydrogen fluoride, 21:445
composition in solution, 42:4546 by ion-exchange resins, 21:464
synthesis of, 28:4 in solid state by boric acid, 21:466
6-O-methyl-o- in sulfuric acid, 21:446
preparation, 3 5 5 5 2-s-ethyl-2-thio-o-, 25: 193
synthesis of, 30:4 preparation of, 31:65,32:56
6-O-(N,N-dirnethylglycyl)-o-, synthesis, 6-S-methyl-6-thio-o-, preparation of, 34: 147
35:54 spectral analysis and identification, 44:24
2-0-,3-0-,4-0-, and 6-O-methyl-, synthesis of, 21:12
trimethylsilyl ethers and gas-liquid system with sodium chloride, 21:211
chromatography of, 30:27-28 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-o-, reaction with
2,3,4,5,6-penta-U-acetyl- methyl sulfoxide, 21:45 1
aldehydo-o- 1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyl-
ammonolysis of, 31:85 6-deoxy-6-thiocyanato-a-~-, synthesis,
diethyl dithioacetal, hydrogenolysis of, 44: 123
32:75 6-deoxy-6-thio-cyano-P-~-,23:235
oxidation of, 32:83 2-O-methyl-o-, 22: 115
preparation of, 32:29 2,3,4,5-tetra-O-acetyl-, 6-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-
reaction with mercury@) chloride, aldehydo-o-, rearrangement in zinc
32:62 chloride-acetic anhydride, 26: 193
mercaptalation of, 32:29 3,4,5,6-tetra-O-acetyl-
preparation of, 32:62,70 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-aldehydo-o-,
Wittig reaction with, 27:23 1 preparation of, 32:63
D- D-, diethyl dithioacetal, preparation of,
dibenzyl dithioacetal, oxidation of, 32:45
32:81 tetra-O-acetyl-2-benamido-, 2-deoxy-~-,
diethyl dithioacetal, demercaptalation ammonolysis of, 31:87
of, 32:62 2,3,4,5-tetra-O-benzoyl-
ultraviolet photolysis of, 32:78 D-, reaction with ethanethiol, 32:34
ethylene dithioacetal, reaction with 6-deoxy-6-iodo-~-,diethyl dithioacetal,
bromine, 32:70 hydrolysis of, 32:63
penta-0-acetyl-o-, ammonolysis of, 31236 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benoyl-
1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-benzoyl-, D-, D-, synthesis, 39:50
ammonolysis, 39:3 1 5-hydroxy-P-~-,synthesis, 49:79

3,4,5,6-tetra O-benzoyl- reaction with hydrogen bromide in acetic

uldehydo-o- acid, 39: 1 14
ammonolysis of, 31:114 Glucose antibodies, 53:21&215,217
preparation of, 32:62 Glucose-5,6.6-dj,
reaction with ethanethiol and (Y-D- and (Y, p-D-, proton magnetic resonance
hydrochloric acid, 32:30 spectroscopy of, 27:28
D-, diethyl dithioacetal, preparation of, D-, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
32:30,45 of, 27:148
2-S-ethyl-2-thio-o-, diethyl dithioacetal, Glucose-5-d
preparation of, 32:30 01. p-D-.proton magnetic resonance
tetra-0-methyl-, D-, mutarotation of, i n spectroscopy of, 27:28
pyridine, 28:39 D-
2,3,4,5-tetra-O-methyl-o- nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
alkaline degradation of, 28:202 of. 27: 149
in aqueous solution, 4 2 3 4 preparation of, 27: 129
septanose form of, 42:29 Glucose-d,, p-D-,mass-spectrometric analysis
2,3,4,6-tetra-o-methyl-o- of, 27: 15 1
acetate, gas-liquid chromatography of,29 Glucoseen, tetramethyl-, dehydration of,
trimethylsilyl ether and gas-liquid 28: 184
chromatography of, 30:29 Glucose-I-d, D-, effect of mutarotase on
enediol theory and, 26:6 mutarotation of, 24:32
2,3,5,6-tetra-O-methyl-o-, dehydration of, o-Glucose isomerase
28:181 isomerization kinetics and mechanism.
I-thio-o-, composition in aqueous solution, 36:4849, 5 1
4254 production, 36:50-52
4-thio-o-, composition in aqueous solution, sources and activity, 36:46-50
4253 D-Glucose oligosaccharides, a-(1+4)-linked,
5-thio-o-, antitumor activity of, 42: 136- liquid chromatography analysis, 46:3740
137 D-Glucose oxidase
composition in aqueous solution, 4 2 5 2 amino acid content of, 27:3 15-3 16
6-thio-o-, 23:226 carbohydrate components of, 27:326
derivatives, 24: 146 electrophoresis and sedimentation of,
thio linkage to cysteine, 43:4&47 27:3 12-3 13
(6S)-2,3,4,tri-O-acetyl- 1,6-anhydro-6-bromo- glycoenzyme, 27:309
p-o-. synthesis, 49:5 1 Glucose-I-P, 53:25 1-252
tri-0-acetyl-o-, 1,6-dinitrate, preparation of, Glucose 6-phosphate, 2-de0xy-2-['~F]fluoro-~-,
34:67 synthesis, 38:245
4,5,6-tri-O-acetyl-2,3-di-O-methyl-uldrhydo-Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase in fruit
D-, ammonolysis of, 31: 114 climacteric, 42:364
3,4,4-tri-O-methyl-u-, synthesis of, 33:27 o-Glucose-procollagen glucosyltransferase,
3,4,6-tri-O-rnethyl-~- UDP-, 44:244
composition in solution, 42:45 Glucoseptanose
trimethylsilyl ethers and gas-liquid D-, 1,2:3,4-diacetal, selective hydrolysis,
chromatography of, 30:29 39: 16
UDP-D-, biosynthesis of, 4 2 3 16 1,2:3,4-di-O-iso-propyIidene-c~-~-. formation
in cellulose biosynthesis, 42:319 of, 34: 183
in polysaccharide biosynthesis, 42:322, 2.3:4,S-dI-O-isopropylidene-n-~-, formation
325-326,331 of, 34: 183
Glucose aldehydrol. 1(R)-1,3,4,5,6-penta-O- 3-0-acetyl- 1.2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-(~-~-,
acetyl- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-u~~~h~~d~~-o-, crystal structure bibliography, 30:465

Glucoseptanose (continued) regulation, 39:388-390

5-O-(chloroacetyl)- 1,2:3,4-di-O- snythesis by yeasts, 32:233
isopropylidene-a-o- specificities of, 32: 196
conformation of, 26: 113 substrate specificity, 39:387
crystal structure bibliography, 30:465, p-, Helferichs work on, 45:5
31:353 p-D-.23:2 12,44: I49
Glucoseptanoside almond emulsin, 44: 149
ethyl 2,3:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene- I-thio-p- inhibition, 48:207-333-334
D- by castanospermine, 48:342-344
conformation of, 26: 114 pH-dependence, 48:338-339
crystal structure bibliography, 30:454,465 in plant cell-walls, 42:301-302, 379
preparation from dithioacetal, 32:69 purification and carbohydrates of, 27:305
methyl 2,3 :4,5-di-O-isopropyIidene-a-~- specificity of, 30:270,353-370
and-p-D-, preparation of, 34:279 substrate specificities, 39:392-393
methyl 3,4-O-isopropylidene-2-O-(p- in yeasts, 32:201-205
nitrophenylsulfonyl)-a-D-,fluorination, molecular weights of, 32:202
38:224 specificities of, 32:204
methyl 2,3,4,5-tetra-O-acetyl-P-~- 1-deoxy-~-g/uco-hept-l-enitol, reaction with
conformation of, 26: 1 14 a-D-, 48:356-357
crystal structure bibliography, 30:465 halogenated sugars and a-and p-, 22:209
methyl 2,3,4,5-tetra-O-methyl-p-~-, Glucosidase-transferase
preparation of, 34:279 and P-amylase, in characterization of
Glucose-6-sulfonic acid,+-, sodium salt, amylaceous polysaccharides, 30:329,
preparation of, 34:69 33 1
Glucose-t, 6-deoxy-~-,detection and preparation and properties of, 30:297-299
localization in tissue by autoradiography, Glucoside
27:181 1,4-benzoxazin-3-one,2,4-dihydroxy-7-
Glucose-1-r, D- methoxy-,2-~-,21 :407
osazone formation, mechanism of, 27: 152 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-o-, 48: 166
preparation of, 27: 129 Glucosides
Glucose-2-t, D- a-D-
6-phosphate, preparation of, 27: 158 mannosyl 2-amino-2-deoxy-oc-o-,
preparation of, 27:134 discovery of, 30: 112
Glucose-3-r, D-, preparation of, 27: 129, 135 production and properties of, 30: 137
Glucose-4-t, D-, preparation of, 27: 135 sweetness-structure relationship, 45:239
Glucose-5-r, D- synthesis, 36: 108
6-phosphate, preparation of, 27: 135 2-amino-2-deoxy-o-, deamination of,
preparation of, 27: 129 31:233
Glucose-6-t, D-, preparation of, 27: 129 p-D-, sweetness-structure relationship,
Glucosidases 45:239
2-acetamido-2-deoxy-p-~-,25:446 benzyl2-acetamido-2-deoxy-4-O-p-~-
OL-D-, 44:230,234,236 galactopyranosyl-p-D-, degradation of
activity in utilization of a - ~ - peracetylated with ferric chloride,
glucopyranosides by yeasts, 31:239
32:191-199 D-
buckwheat, 44: 149 containing 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-~-~-glucosyl
of honey, 25:303 group, 48:208
molecular weight of, 32: 194-195 phenolic, gel chromatography of,
in plant cell walls, 42:301-302 25:49-50
preparation and activity of, 30:301 emulsin effect, 50:13-14

ethyl CX-D-, in sake, gas-liquid methyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-

chromatography and, 28:54-55 a(and P)-D-, mass spectra of, 21:56
ethyl 1 -thio-o-, preparation from D-, effect of volatility on methylation
dithioacetal, 32:66 analysis of, 30: I7
ethyl 2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-I -thio-a-m. methyl 2,4,6-tri-O-methyl-P-~-, reaction
preparation of, 34:64 with methyl sulfoxide, 21:450
mass spectrometry of, 30:38 methyl 2,3,6-tn-O-benzoyI-a-~-, synthesis
melthyl4,6-O-benzylidene-a-o-, 0x0 of, 30:4
reaction with, 23: 107 4-methylumbelliferyl p-D-, hydrolysis,
methyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3,4,6-tri-O- 48:359-360
methyl-a-o-, mass spectrum of, 21:67 phenyl I-thio-, 21:22
methyl a-D-,21:21 p-nitrophenyl (Y-D-, aryl migration in, 33:109
periodate oxidation of, 33:95 pyrolysis of, 34:46, 152
methyl (3-D-. 21:21 synthesis, S0:21-117
ring structure of, 25:4 anomeric 0-alkylation, 50:23-25
methyl 4,6-0-benzylidene-3-deoxy-3-iodo- p-D-Glucosidic linkages, enzymes in hydrolysis
a-D-, 21:162 of, 30:347-353
methyl 3-bromo-3-deoxy-a-o-, hydrolysis Glucosiduronase
rate of, 22:208 p-, isolation of carbohydrates from, on
methyl 6-bromo-6-deoxy-a-~-,21: 182 analytical-scale columns, 46:60
methyl 3-chloro-3-deoxy-a-o-, hydrolysis p-D-,44: 199-200,204,214
rate of, 22:208 action on glycosiduronic acid conjugates
methyl 6-chloro-6-deoxy-~~-o-, 21: 182 of N-hydroxy compounds,
methyl D-, halogen derivatives of, 22:224 36: I3 1-132
methyl 2-deoxy-, mass spectrum of, 21:64 activity with 1 -0-acyl-o-glucuronic acids,
methyl 3-deoxy-, mass spectrum of, 21:64 36:112, 124
methyl 4-deoxy-, mass spectrum of, 2164 oligosaccharides, liquid chromatography
methyl 2,6-diamino-2,3,4,6-tet~a-deoxy-~-, separation, 46:4243
preparation of, 30: 167 specificity, 36: 125
methyl 2,3-di-U-acetyl-4,6-O-ethyIidene-p- carbohydrate content of. 27:306-307
D-, acetolysis of, 22: 14 P-o-Glucosiduronates, synthesis, 50: I I I , I 13
methyl 4-0-( 1-acetoxyethyl)-2,3,6-tri-O- Glucosiduronic acids
acetyl-pa-, 22: 14 p-D-, cardenolides. preparation, 36:7 1
methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-a-o- phenacetin-related, 36:9 1-92
preparation by acetal exchange, 34: 1 X7 properties. 36:s 1
reaction with carbon tetrachloride- D-, deprotection and purification, 36:79-82
triphenylphosphine, 28:247 digitoxigenin-3P-yl 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-P-~-,
methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-p-~-,preparation methyl ester, 21:291
by acetal exchange, 34: 187 gas-liquid chromatography of phenolic and
methyl 4,6-0-benzylidene-3-deoxy-3-iodo- terpenoid, 28:77
(Y-D-,22: 189 retinyl p-D-, biosynthesis of, 26:440
methyl 4,6-0-benzyhdene-P-o-, 0x0 reaction Glucosinolates
with, 23:107 allyl, carbon- I3 nuclear magnetic resonance
methyl 3-0-methyl-2,4,6-tri-O-propyl-~-, spectroscopy, 41 :65
gas-liquid chromatography of, 30: I5 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:25, 54
methyl 6-0-methyl-2,3,4-tri-O-propyl-~-, Glucosone, D-, from o-fructose, 22:245
gas-liquid chromatography of, 30: 15 Glucosylamine
methyl 3-S-acetyl-4-6-U-benylidene-2- p-0-
deoxy-2-(methylsulfonamido)-o-, 2-acetamido- 1-N-acetyl-2-deoxy-, NMR,
22: 153 45:98

Glucosylamine (continued) in cellulose biosynthesis, 42:3 18

2-acetamido- 1-N-(~-aspart-4-oyl)-2- glycoside synthesis, 39:429
deoxy- membrane-bound, 44:284
circular dichroism, 45:98-99 0-Glucosyl trichloroacetimidates
NMR, 45:98 acetylated, glycosides and saccharides from,
D, tetra-0-acetyl-, 45:s 50:41,4344
N-benzyl-, 45:5 benzyl-protected, 50:35-39
N-aCetyl-6-0-a-D-galaCtOpyranOSyl-p-o-, as donors, 50:34-49
configuration of, 31:lOS acid catalyst, 50:35
Glucosyl arsenate, fast Fourier-transform glycosylation, 50:3940
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy azidosphingosine derivatives, 50:4 1,
in preparation of, 27:59 4548
Glucosylation, of cellulose acetate, 29:332 ceramides, 50:49-5 1
Glucosyl bromide solvent effects, 50:35, 39
2,3,4-tri-0-acetyl-6-bromo-6-deoxy-~-, synthesis, 50:34-35
21:17 Glucosyluronate-rhamnose, 53:236,238-240
3,4,6-tri-0-acety~-2(methylsulfonyl)-a-~-, Clucosyluronorhamnomannan, carbon- 13
23:264 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, 38:64
Glucosylceramides Gluco tetranose, 1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-
biosynthesis, 40:247-248 D-, 26:240
glycosphingolipids, 40:239-240 Glucupyranosyl bromide, 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-c-
isolation, 40:238 D-, polymerization of, 21:441
in starfish, 44:429 Glucuralone, trimethyl-, structure of, 29:235
Glucosyl chloride Glucuronamide, D-, diethyl dithioacetal
3-acetamido-tri-O-benzyl-3-deoxy-o-, preparation, 36: 101
preparation of, 30: 143 thioglucoside from, 32:66
3,4,6-tri-0-acety~-2-0-p-to~y~su~fonyl-P-~-, Glucuronic acid, 53:224-226
23:264 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-o-, polymer, 41:88
Glucosyl cobalt tricarbonyl triphenyl- uldehydo-o-, structure of, and lactone,
phosphine, 2,3,4,6-tetra-0-acetyl-P-~-, 33: 190
23:109 2-amino-2-deoxy-o-. decarboxylation of,
Glucosyl dipotassium phosphate, a+-, 28:187
irradiation, 38: 190-191 p-0-
Glucosyl fluoride, D-, 2,3,4-tri-O-benzoyI-6-0- per (trimethylsilyl)ated, mass spectrometry
trityl-, 45:3 of, 29:47
(Glucosyl fluoride)urono-(6,3)-lactone, per-0- potassium salt dihydrate, crystal structure
acetyl-p-D-, synthesis, 38:203 bibliography, 31:364
Glucosylimidazole, 1+D-, inhibition by, rubidium salt dihydrate, crystal structure
48:334-335 bibliography, 31:364
P-D-GIUCOSYI isothiocyanate, 48:377-378 D-
D-GIUCOSYI oxocarbonium ions, 47:304 alkaline degradation of, 28:206
Glucosyl phosphate in apiose biosynthesis, 31: 160-162
WD-, preparation of, 32:6 bilirubin conjugates, 36: 105, 117-1 19
D- derivatives, 36:59-65
conversion into amylopectin, 34:6 diethyl dithioacetal sodium salt,
radiolysis, 37:42 preparation, 36: 101
o-Glucosylselenophosphates, 53: 152-1 54 I-esters, occurrence in urine, 36: 104
~-Ghcosyl-3-tphosphate, synthesis of, 27: 130 preparation, 36:74
Glucosyltransferase, 44:262 steroid conjugates, synthesis, 36:92-96
D-, 44:179 in xylans, 36:236-238,240

catalytic hydrogenation, 38:289 Glucurono-6,3-lactone

chemical synthesis of, 8:23 1-249 aldehydo-
circular dichroism, 45: 102, 1 0 4 105 acylhydrazones, preparation of, 33:2 15
conjugates of, of animal origin, 9: 185-246 N-isonicotinoylhydrazone,preparation of,
degradation, 39:4 33:215
enzymic phosphorylation of, 32:9 oxime. preparation of, 33:214
epimenzation of, 28:40 P-D-. crystal structure bibliography, 31 :364
in fungal polysaccharides, 23:412 color reaction with alkali, 33:224
gas-liquid chromatography of, 2 8 6 4 u-
isomers, structures of, 33: 190 diethyl dithioacetal. thioglycoside from,
synthesis of, 33: 190 3256
r-ascorbic acid synthesis, 37: 1 15-1 19 dithioacetals, reduction of, 32:55
mercaptalation of, 32:26 mercaptalation of, 32:26
in metabolism, tk251-275 polarography of, 29: 163
methyl ethers, synthesis, 35: I 1 2,4-O-benzyhdene-o-, dialkyl dithioacetals,
phenols from, 46:290 reaction with p-toluenesulfonyl
phenylhydrazide dialkyl dithioacctals, chloride, 32:51
preparation of, 32:55 2,4-O-ethylidene-o-, dithioacetals, hydrolysis
uridine 5-pyrophosphateester, in mung of, 32364
bean, 32:9 Glucuronomannan polysaccharides, see
L-, crystalline, 39:4 Polysaccharides
4-O-methyl-u-, 46:306 Glucuronomannans, 24:357
I -O-acyl-o-, P-D-ghcosiduronase action, Glucuronoxylans
36:112 carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance
I -0-(I8P-glycyrrhet-3O-yl)-o-, preparation, spectra, 38:95
36: 109 4-0-methyl-
4-O-methyl-~-,22:7 birch, structure of, 31:277
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:64- 65 structure of, 32:350-352
in mesquite gum, 24:349 Gluopyranoside
I -O-retinoyl-P-o-, biosynthesis of, 26:440 methyl 3-acetamido-2,4-di-O-acetyl-3,6-
residues in Acacia gums, 24:345 dideoxy-a-o-, selective deacylation,
tetra-0-acetyl-a-, methyl ester, acetoxonium 39:30
salts, 26:157-158 methyl 6-O-benzoyl-3-bromo-3-deoxy-~-~-,
trichloroacetimidates, SO: 1 1 I , I 13 synthesis. 39: 100
Glucuronic hydrazide, aldehydo-D-, N-acyl-, N- methyl 4-O-benzoyl-3-bromo-3,6-di-deoxy-
acylhydrazones, preparation of, 33:215 D-, synthesis, 39: 102
Glucuronic phenylhydrazide, aldehydo-, P-u-Glucose-2-yl dibenzyl phosphate, 1,3,4,6-
phenylhdrazone, preparation of, 33:2 14 tetra-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-, preparation by
P-Glucuronidase, preparation and properties of, phoshono migration and acetylation,
14:381428 33: 109
Glucuronoarabinoxylan Glutaconic acid, 3-methoxy-, crystal structure
in plant cell-walls, 42:285 bibliography, 38:422
interconnections, 42:307,3 14 L-Glutamate 1-decarboxylase, in fruit
purification, 42:276 climacteric, 42:365
structure, 42:289,291-292 Glutamic acids
wheat-straw, enzymic analysis, 44: 163 1:1 cytidine-A-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-,
Glucuronoglucans, 41: 101 dihydrate, crystal structure
fungal, mass spectrometry of, 29:66 bibliography, 34:362-363
mass spectrometry of, from fungus Fonies L-
unnosus, 29:54 carbohydrate substrate, 40: 118

Glutamic acids (continued) synthesis of, 24:219

o-ribose synthesis from, 28:294 lead tetrafluoride action on pyranoid, 25: I95
in glycoprotein, 25:419 methoxymercuration of, 24:210
from sheep and ox, 33:7 nitrosyl chloride addition to, 24:206
N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-, cytidine-, nucleosides from, 24:217
dihydrate, crystal structure 0x0 reaction with, 23:66,86
bibliography, 34:362-363 preparation from ketoses, 24:254
L-Glutamine, o-fructose 6-phosphate reaction with
aminotransferase, in metabolism of u- alcohols and phenols, 24:215
fructose, 34:341-343 hydrogen fluoride, 38:229-237
Glutaraldehyde, in neoglycoprotein preparation, synthesis of, 24:200,39:147
37:250 in synthesis of 2-deoxy sugars, 21: 148
Glutaraldehydic-2,4-d, acid, 2-0xo-, Glycanase, 44: 148
preparation of, 27: 165 endo, plant cell-wall and, 42:337, 346
Glutarimide, 3-[2-(3,5-dimethyl-2- ex0 action pattern, 44: 149
oxocyclohexyl)-2-hydroxyethyl]-, Glycans
inhibitor of galactomannan degradation, a-and p-, carbanilyl derivatives, circular
35:361 dichroism, 45:119-120
Glutathione, ketonucleside reaction with, antitumor activity of, 32:259
42:263-264 p-D-,crystal structure bibliography,
Gluten, 53:398 35:379-381,36:320-327
Glutose, 3:113-128 biological role, 37:158-164
Glycals, 7:209-245,53:154-158 biosynthesis, 39:3 18
acid degradation of, 24:218 complex, gl ycoprotein-derived, reversed-
addition to, fluorinated carbohydrates, phase chromatography, 46:4344
48: 169-1 81 (Y-D-, crystal structure bibliography, 35:378,
alkaline degradation of, 28:203 36:3 19-320
allylic rearrangements of, 24:2 13 f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 45:58
D-, 48:349-357 fucose occurrence, 39:301-311
hydration stereochemistry, 48:354 glycosaminoglycan, 25:436,477
inhibition patterns, 48:35 1 configuration determination of, 25: 185
interaction with glycosidases, 48:350-352 gel chromatography of, 25:47
intermediates formed in slow inhibition, of degradation products of, 25:34,44
48: 352-3 53 in mucopolysaccharidoses, 25475
kinetics of hydration, 48:355 protein complexes, 25:416
proton transfer to C-2,48:353 structure of carbohydrate chains in,
dehydration in acid solution, 28: 182.-186 25:459462
deoxyhalogeno sugars by addition reactions maturation, 37: 188
with, 28:261 N-glycosylically-linked,behavior during
dinitrogen tetraoxide addition to, 24:206 reaction sequence of hydrazinolysis,
effect on glycosidases, 31:6 4 5 ~ 1-52
electrophilic additions, 38:234-237 periodate degradation and gas-liquid
furanose-related, preparation of, 31:4 chromatography of, 30:34
halogen and hydrogen halide addition to, primary structure, and catabolism,
24:202 37:189-199,222-223
hydroformylation of, 24:210 development and improvement of
2-hydroxy-, 24:2 19-223 procedures, 37:200-205
addition reactions, 24:220 of glycosidically linked, 37:217-218
0x0 reaction with, 23:92 of N-glycosylically linked, 37:214-217
rearrangement reactions of, 24:22 1 of N-linked

and biosynthesis, 37: 182-1 89, 2 18-22 1 polarography of, 29:133, 150-151
and glycosylation, 37: 184-187 radiation chemistry, 37:32-33
and metabolism, 37: 182, 218-22 I separation from glycolaldehyde as
role, 37:2 13-2 14 trimethylsilyl oxrmes, 28:3 I
spatial conformation, 37:206-2 12 Wittig reaction with, 27:245, 288-289
structure of glycoprotein, 37: 157-223 Glyceric acid
antenna and variable fraction, 37: 170, 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-, 22:206
172-173, 177 3-0-phosphono-
core and invariant fraction, 37: 170 u-, calcium salt trihydrate, crystal structure
glycan-protein linkages, 37: 164- I70 bibliography, 30:447
N-acetyllactosaminic type, 37: 171, 173, in photosynthesis, 32:7-8
178-179 trimethylsilylated, mass spectrometry of.
n-glycans and isoglycans, 37: 170 29:80
oligomannosidic type, 37:171-176, 178 Glyceride, 0-a-u-galactosyl-, occurrence,
Glycenoses, 23:234 37:322-328
Glyc-3-enuloses, l-bromo-l,3,4-trideoxy-, Glycerol
synthesis of, 27:295 I - and 2-phosphates. phosphono migration
Glyceraldehyde, 46:32 1 in. 33: 108
carbon monoxide elimination by radiation, 1.2-anhydro-3-deoxy-or -,sulfonylation of,
37:14 23:239
composition in solution, 42:20, 3 I , 37 2-C-(hydroxymethyl)-,synthetic and
D- formose component, 29:209
(+)-,synthesis of, 21:17 cluster ions, 45:29
configurational correlation with L-serrne, 3-deoxy-
27:207 I-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-o~-, 23:239
configuration of, 26: 13 2-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-o~-, 23:239
from u-fructose in liver, 34:292--293 1 -deoxy- 1 -fluoro-
diethyl dithioacetal, physical constants of, D-, preparation, 38:210
32: 102 L-, selective phosphorylation with
gel chromatography of, 2 5 3 I dibenzyl phosphorochloridate, 33:50
3-phosphate hydrate, carbon- 13 nuclear 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-, synthesis, 38:237
magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 6-deoxy-6-sulfo-a-o-glucopyranosy1-( 1 4 I )-
41:53 D-, rubidium salt, crystal structure
reaction with 1,3 dicarbonyl compounds, bibliography, 31:366
45: 13 o-galactosides, 37:3 12-3 16. 360-362
dehydration to pyruvaldehyde, 28: 174 1,2-dithio-. in dithioacetal preparation, 32: 19
acidic conditions, 46:278-279 enzymic determination of, 30:282-283
2-deoxy-2-fluoro-o~-,22: 199 ester of cytidine 5'-pyrophosphate, isolation
synthesis, 40: 105 of, 28:334
DL- esters, acyl migration in. 33: 107
dimer, crystal structure bibliography, ethylboronate, structure, 35:43
31:359 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:57,91
reaction with ammonia, 25:325 inhibitory effect in pectinesterase, 33:337
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:96 manufacture from yeast and sugar,
high-temperature transformation, in alkali 32:127-128
conditions, 46:284 as matrix for f.a.b.-mass spectrometry,
kinetic currents in polarography of, 29: I36 45:25-26
2,3-0-isopropylidene-~-, carbohydrate 2,2'-0-methylenebis-
substrate, 40: 120-122 1 -deoxy- I -fluoro-L-, 'H-and I9F-NMR
3-phosphate, radiolysis, 37:42 data for, 46: 158

Glycerol (continued) crystal structure bibliography, 38:458

3-0-benzoyl- I-deoxy- I-fluoro-L-, IH-and Glycerol glycosides, sweetness-structure
19F-NMR data for, 46:158 relationship, 45:248
1-0-a-o-glucopyranosyl-, from dextran, Glycerolipids, biosynthesis of, 26:450453
30:389 Glycerol kinase, S.cerevisiue, 49:208
1-0-a-D-isomaltosyl-, from dextran, 30:389 Glycerone phosphate, from o-fructose in liver,
2-0-(2-amino-2-deoxy-~-galactopyranosyl)-, 34:292-293
deamination and structure of, 31:76 Glycerose, 21:12
1-0-(6-deoxy-6-sulfo-a-~-glucopyranosyI)-, Glycine
crystal structure of, 25:72 2-~-glucopyranosyl-,synthesis of, 33: 146
3-0-glycopyranosyl-, mass spectrometry of in glycoprotein from sheep and ox, 33:7
phenylboronates, 3 5 6 8 sweetness, 45:233
1,2-0-isopropyiidene-~~-, isomerization, Glycine rnax lectin, see Soybean, lectin
39:27 Glycoasparagines, structure of, from
1,3-0-methylidene-, as solvent for sugars, asparaginylglucosaminuria urine, 37: 198
27:88-89 Glycoaspartamidase, activity of, 28:438
2,3-0-methylidene-, as solvent for sugars, Glycobiose peracetates, I3C-NMRdata for,
27~88-89 42:216-217
1-0-[O-a-D-galactopyranosyl-( 1+6)-P-o- Glycobiosyluronic acid, 51:216-217
galactopyranosyl]-D-, occurrence, Glycocalicin, sialylated oligosaccharides,
37:326 fractionation, 46:46
1-0-palmitoyl-m-, preparation of, 33:42 GIycoconjugates
1,3-O-@henyIboranediyl)-, nomenclature, acid hydrolysis of, 46:265-269
35:36 biological significance, 50:2 1
1,3-0-@henylborylene)-, nomenclature, classification, 37:157
35:36 degradation of, by deamination, 31:232-237
1-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-, infrared spectrum, by Weermann and Lossen rearrangements,
23:255 31:237
1,2 (or 2,3)-O-isopropyhdene-o~-, f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, fragmentation
hydrogenolysis, stereoselectivity, pathways, 45:43
39: 124 hydrolysis (partial) of, 31:196
oxidation with mercuric acetate, 33:99 methanolysis, 46:258-259
phenylboronate, nomenclature, 35:36 mixtures, f.a.b. mapping, 45:39
properties and structure, 35:42 neutral and amino monosaccharides of,
3-phosphate disodium salt hexahydrate, measurement of, 46:268
crystal structure bibliography, 30:465 nondialyzable, by hydrochloric acid, 46:267
radiation chemistry, 37:34 primary structure, conclusions, 37:2 12-2 13
radiolysis and free-radical chemistry, sialic acids occurrence, 40:138, 140
37~27-28,32 structure of, 31: 185
reaction with benzaldehyde, 34: 181 enzymic analysis, 44:231, -246
selective acylation of, 33:42 Glycoconjugates isolation, 53:211-212
as solvent for sucrose, 27:98 GIycodiuloses
sweetness-structure relationship, 45:293 3-deoxy-, alkaline degradation of, 28: 196
triesters, rearrangement of acyloxonium ions 4-deoxy-, alkaline degradation of, 28:196
in, 26:135 Glycoenzymes
utilization by yeasts, 32: 146 amino acid sequences in glycopeptides of,
Glycerol 1-(diethylborinate) 2,3-ethylboronate, 27:319-323,333
selective cleavage, 3 9 5 4 amino acids of, 27:3 15-3 18
~-Glycero-~-gfuco-heptofurano[2,1- biological and structural significance of,
d]iniidazolidine-2-thione,1-phenyl-, 27~337-341

biosynthesis of, 27:303, 308 enzymes in structural analysis of,

mechanism of, 27:328-337 30:302-332
carbohydrate components, 27:306, 32 1-327 enzymic degradation of, 3:25 1-3 10,
cellular locale, reactions and mechanisms, 17:407430,30:285-302,33:4
27~328-332 enzymic synthesis of, 17:371407
conformational structures, 27:327 fungal, 41:69
definition of, 32:333 as fungal component, 23:370
of glycoprotein structure, 27:301-34 I gel chromatography of. 25:42
in plants, 44:382 hydrogen bonding. Raman and infrared
protein-carbohydrate linkages in, spectral study of, 44:29
27:3 18-323 hydrolysis by dextranglucosidases, 30:395
purity criteria for, 27:309-314 isolation, purity, and structure of, 30:4-5
stability of, 27:340 laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44: 83
types of, 27:305-307 molecular structure of, 12:261-298
Glycofuranoses, occurrence in nature, 21: 139 during Mycobacteriurn srnegrnatis growth,
Glycofuranosides, 2 1:95- 142 30:255
conformation of, 21 :96 phosphorylase action on, 23:352,355
formation in acidic methanol, 21:101, 105 reaction with concanavalin A, 35: 169-1 7 1
hydrolysis by acids, 21: 128, 130-1 3 I separation from guaran, 35:277
kinetics of formation of, 21:106, 108 solubility in liquid ammonia, 27:91
melting points and specific optical rotations solubilization by methyl sulfoxide, 27: 109
of, 21:140-141 structure of, 26: 1 6 , 3 5 5
methyl, synthesis of, 27:4 fine structure, 30:309-326
methyl 2-deoxy-, thermal polymerization of, from sweet corn, structure of. 32:5
21:476 Glycogen synthetase, 26:377-38 1
oxidation o f glycol groups in, 21: I32 Glycoglycerolipids, 44:387
polymerization of, 21:138 Glycol, laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:83
preparation from dithioacetals, 21:l 12-1 13 a-Glycol, rotamers, orientations of,
structure of, 21: 127 45:215-216
synthesis by Koenigs-Knorr reaction and Glycolaldehyde
other methods, 34:277-283 in aqueous solution, 42:30, 323-324, 327,
Glycofuranosylamines, 21: 122 338
Glycogen carbon monoxide elimination by radiation,
a-amylase action on, 23:3 17, 324 37: 14
mechanism of, 23:328 2-cyclohexyl-2-phenyl-(R)-(-)- and (S)-(+)-,
affinity chromatography adsorbent, 39:419 preparation of, 27:219
arsenolysis of, 23:355,357 D-, phosphate hydrate, carbon-I3 nuclear
P-amylase action on, 23:317, 324 magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 41:53
biosynthesis of, 26:326,376-382 enzymic determination of, 30:282-283
as carbohydrate-reserve in yeasts, and formation, 51:280-281
synthesis of, 32:230 in formose reaction, 29:183-184
carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic resonance gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:95
spectra of P-limit dextrins, 38:3940 radiation chemistry, 37:32-33
chromatography of, 25:9 reaction with, 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds,
circular dichroism, 45:89 45: 13
crystallography of, 22:478 separation from glyceraldehyde as
degradation by P-amylase, 30:288 trimethylsilyl oximes, 28:3 1
to o-glucose with glucoamylase, 30:281 Wittig reaction with, 27:288
dog-liver, structure of, 32:5 Glycol groups, oxidation of, in
end-group assays, 35:8 glycofuranosides, 21: 132

Glycolic acid class Cephalopoda, 44:421

aminoalkyl and 3-piperidinyl esters, class Gastropoda, 44:412
preparation and anticholinergic potency class Loricata, 44:412
of, 27:209 in mycobacteria, 30:235
2-(2-furyl)-, resolution of racemates, 40: 1 13 native, antigenicity, 51:229-23 1
glucopyranosyl-, mass spectrometry of, neutral, from Asferoides, 44:429-430
30:38 other biological properties, 51:23 1-235
Glycolic-2-d acid, preparation and permethylated, mass spectrometry, structure
configuration of, 27: 142 analysis, 38:394-395
Glycolic-2-t acid, preparation and pyruvic acetylated, f.a.b.-mass spectrometry,
stereochemistry of, 27: 141 45: 56 - 5 7
Glycolipids, 44:342,387,51: 169-235, of rice bran, 44:413
53:397-398, see also Glycopeptidolipids; from sponges, 44:409410,436
Neoglycoconjugates, glycolipid-based sterol-containing, in plant kingdom,
of acid-fast bacteria, 16:207-238 37:328-331
animal, occurrence, 39:308 structural analysis, methylation techniques,
structure determination, 39:309 38:389416
from arthropods, 44:421422,436 structures, 51:175, 177-203
biosynthesis of, 26:408,442455,39:3 10 acyl substituent location, 51: 198-200
from brachiopods, 44:42 1 glycopeptidolipids, M. avium complex,
in cellulose biosynthesis, 26:330 51: 179-188
from coelenterates, 44:410411,436 historical prespective, 51:175, 177-179
distribution in marine invertebrates, 44:436 phenolic, containing phenolphthiocerols,
Dolichos biflorus lcctin in study of, 3 5 2 3 1 51:200-203
from echinoderms, 44:422434 trehalose-containing lipo-oligosaccharides,
class Asteroidea, 44:429 51: 188-198
class Echinoidea, 44:422428 substrates, fucosyltransferases, 39:322-324
class Holothurioidea, 44:434 synthesis, 50: 151-152
f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 45: 54-5 8 trehalose-containing, 30:254
from freshwater bivalves, 44:4 1 W 2 1 f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 4 5 5 7
fucose-containing, 39:307-3 1 1 trifluoroacetates, gas-liquid chromatography
gas-liquid chromatography of bacterial, of, 28:55
28:47,50 from tunicates, 44:434-435
giycosyl, composition, 51:172-173 Glycols
glycosyl residue cyclic 1,2-, periodate oxidation of, 33:93-94
anomeric and ring configurations, on-column silylation of, 30:45
51: 1 7 4 176 oxidation with lead tetraacetate, 33:93-96
sequences, 51:173-174 a-Glycol units, oxygen-oxygen distance of,
hydrolysis with hydrochloric acid, 46:266 45~215-216
individual, separation, 44:395 N-Glycolylneuraminic acid, synthesis, 49:201
isolation and fractionation, 51: 171-172 Glycolysis
from marine bivalves, 44:415416 control of, and Pasteur effects, 32: 168-1 73
from marine worms, 44:411 in tumor cells, 33:4
methanolysis of, and gas-liquid Glycolysis aldolase, synthesis, 49: 190-1 94
chromatography, 2 8 5 1 Glycopeptide-N-glycosidase, 44:239
methylation analysis by mass spectrometry, Glycopeptide n-heptyl esters, lipase-catalyzed
29:66 cleavage, 50:306-307
methylation-linkage analysis, 51: 173 Glycopeptides, 23:406,24:3 14,50:277-307,
from mollusks, 44:411421 52: 167-168
class Bivalvia, 44:415421 a-o-mannosidase

action on, 28:420 from neuronal cells. lectins in isolation of,

as structural reagent for, 28:437445 35:326
amino acid sequences in, 27:333 0-glycosylated, structural analysis, 43:2 I -
p-eliminative degradation and structure of, 44
29:254 pea Iectin-reactive, structure, 3 5 3 2 1
binding to proteins, 50:298-299 peptide composition of, 24:445
carbohydrate identification in, 25433 prechromatographic purification of, 46:20
carrying o-glycosyl group preparative liquid chromatography, 46:60
at C-terminal of peptide,I3C-NMR sialylated, liquid chromatography separation,
chemical-shift data, 43:30 46:48
at N-terminal of peptide,I3C-NMR solid-phase, 50:299-303, 306
chemical-shift data, 43:29 synthesis, 49:221, 50:277-307
complex by solid-phase procedure, 43:151-153
interactions with Gd3+and Mn*-, in urine, 25:41&415
47: 155-158 N-Glycopeptides, 50:278-287
ionic, liquid chromatography, 46:45-49 2-acetam~do-2-deoxy-~-~-glucosyl-~-
concanavalin A-reactive, from calf asparagine linkage, 50:278-283
thymocytes, 35325 selective deprotection and peptide-chain
containing 2-acetamido-N-(~-aspart-4-oyl)-2- elongation, 50:283-287
deoxy-b-o-glucopyranosyl-amine 3-O-Glycopeptides, L-serine or L-threonine,
residue, enlongation of peptide chain, 50:287-298
43~152-154 3-0-glycosidic linkage formation,
containing N-glycosyl linkages intact, 50:287-294
structural analysis, 43: 11-21 selective deprotection methods, 50:294-298
structural analysis, 43: I S 2 1 Glycopeptidolipids, 51: 171
containing 0-glycosyl linkages, intact, i(: acyl substituent location. 51: 198-200
NMR structural analysis, 43:3&45 apolar C-mycoside, 51: 177-178
containing unusual carbohydrate-protein haptens, M. avium serovars, 51:2 19-220
linkages, structural analysis, 43:4449 M. avium complex, 51:179-188
deamination and structure of, 31:77 hapten groupings, 51:179-181
enzymes as tools, 50:303-306 from serovars 2 , 4 , 9 , 14,20,25, and 26,
in glycoenzyme characterization, 27:3 14, 51 :1 8 1- 184
319 from serovars 8 and 2 I , 51:1 85
interaction with concanavalin A, 35: 187 from serovars 12 and 17, 51:184185
with lectins, 35140 from other mycobacteria, 51: 186-1 88
lactosamine importance, 50:73 polar antigenic, 51: 178
lectin-reactive, from human erythrocytes, GIycophorin
35319 glycopentapeptide 10, '3C'-NMRchemical
from tumor cells, 353277333 shift data, 45: I88
L-fucose-containing, 39:306 labeled, '3Cnuclear magnetic resonance,
liquid chromatography separation, 46:47- 45~169-198
48 N-terminus
mass spectrometry, structure analysis, di[ 13Clmethylaminogroups
38:394395 "C chemical shift data. 45:189-192
methanolysis of, 28:18-19 titration data, 45: I89
methylated, liquid chromatography peptides related to, pH-titration studies,
separation, 46:48 45192-194
molecular weights of, 25:447452 stmctu re
N-acylated, liquid chromatography effect of carbohydrate residues, 45: 197
separation, 46:48 effect of hydrogen bond, 45: 192

Glycophorin (continued) various degress of glycosylation,

effect of neighboring glycosylation, 45:184-186
45: 191-1 92 partial methylation studies, 45: 182-184
role of lysine residues in determining, pH titration studies, 45: 182
45: 194 as red cell receptor, 45: 170
properties, 45: 170 structural analysis, 43:34-37
reductively ['3C]methylated, pH titration virgin and reductively methylated, circular
studies, 4 5 1 87-192 dichroism studies, 45: 178-1 79
Glycophorin A, 45: 170 Glycophorin A"
amino acid residues, 45: 172 hydrogen bonding in, 45: 195
amino acid sequence data, 45: 172-173 N-terminal structure, 45:194
carbohydrate structure, 45: 172-1 73 reductively methylated, minor component,
I3C labels 45:181-182, 186, 197-198
chemical cleavage of glycoprotein for Glycophorin AN,see Glycophorin A
assigning, 45: 178 Glycophorin B, 45: 170
enzymic digestion for assigning, 45: 178 amino acid residues, 45: 172-1 73
on lysine and N-terminal amino acid, function, 45: 171
distinction between, 45: 177-1 78 labeling studies of, 45: 195-197
methods used for assignment, 45: 177- relationship to results obtained for
178 glycophorin A, 45: 195-196
partial-methylation assignment technique, pH titration studies, 45: 196-197
45: 178 relationship to results for glycophorin AN
pH-titration, 45: 178 and glyco-octapeptide AN,
deglycosylation, structural effects, 45: 1 9 6 1 9 7
45184-186 Glycophorin C, 45: I70
dimethylated N-terminal species, carbohydrate content, 45: 172
differentiation by pH studies, properties, 45: 172
45:182-183 Glycophorin glycopeptide, 45: 182
display of MN blood group determinants, isolation, 45: 186
45: 175 N-terminal di[13C]methylaminogroups I3C
hlly reductively ['3C]methylated, I3C-NMR chemical shift data, 45:189-192
spectra, 45: 186-187 titration data, 45: 189
functions, 45:170-171 pH dependence, 45: 187
inhibition of protein glycosylation, 40:339 production, 45: 186
intact, from heterozygous and homozygous reductively [I3C]methylated, pH titration
RBC, 45~178-186 studies, 45: 187-192
labeling, reductive [13C]methylation Glycophorin-related glylcopeptides,
technique, 45: 175-195 m~no[~~C]methylated, pH-titration
drawbacks, 45: I77 studies, 45: 192-194
method, 45175-177 Glycopranosyl oxocarbenium ion, 48:327
NaCNBH, as reducing agent, 45: 176- Glycoproteinosis, 37: 163
177 Glycoproteins, 43: 135-136,44:342-343,
reaction scheme, 45: 176-177 52:167-168, see olso Glycans; Lectins
side-reactions, 45: 176177 acetolysis and f.a.h.-mass spectrometry, as
specificity, 45: 177 screening method, 4550-5 1
molecular weight, 45: 172 a-o-mannosidase
native and reductively methylated, aliphatic action on, 28:420
region of proton-decoupled I3C-NMR as structural reagent for, 28:437445
spectra, 45: 179-182 in catabolism of, 28:436
N-terminal proteins, I3C-NMR spectra in amino acids of, 33:7

antifreeze, 40:35 1 gangliosidosis 'H-NMR spectroscopy,

antigenicity, effect of sugar side-chains. 41~219.232-233.242-244
40~352,355-356 compound I 1 , from GM,-gangliosidosis and
basal-membrane, 43: 136 Morquio syndrome type B. 'H-NMR
p-elimination spectroscopy. 41:219,232-233,
and degradation of, 31:213 244246
reaction of, 25:427 compound 12, from GM,-gangliosidosis. 'H-
biological and structural significance of, NMR spectroscopy, 41:219,233,
27:337-34 1 246-248
biosynthesis, 25:467-472, 27:303, 328-337, compound 13. from asiolo a,-acid
39:320-321 glycoprotein , 'H-NMR spectroscopy,
lipid-linked sugars as intermediates, 41:219,239,248-251
44:367-373 compound 14, from Sandhoffs disease, 'H-
mechanism of, 26:456 NMR spectroscopy, 41 :2 19.254-257
carbohydrate-peptide linkages in, compound 15, from Morquio syndrome type
25:467472 B, 'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41:219,
carbohydrates 256-259
components of, 25:409414,469,477. compound 16, from chicken ovotransferrin,
27:325 'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41:219,
compositional analysis of, 46:56 259-261
cell-surface lectin-reactive, 35:205,3 17- compound 17, from and. 18 from GM,-
333 gangliosidosis,'H-NMR spectroscopy,
chemical and functional aspects, 37:3 41:219.261-264
I3'-NMR studies, 43: 1 4 9 compound 18. from GM,-gangliosidosis, and
complex, storage products derived from, Morquio syndrome type B,'H-NMR
f.a.b.-mass spectrometry of, 45:62 spectroscopy, 41:2 19, 262-266
compound I , from aspartylglucosaminuria, compound 19, from Morquio syndrome type
'H-NMR spectroscopy. 41:2 19-224 B, 'H-NMR spectroscopy. 41:219. 263,
compound 2, from fucosidosis, 'H-NMR 26&268
spectroscopy, 41:2 19-224 compound 20, from Morquio syndrome type
compound 3, from aspartylglucosaminuria B, 'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41:219,263,
and Gaucher's disease, IH-NMR 267-268
spectroscopy, 41:219,225-226 compound 2 I . from sialidosis, 'H-NMR
compound 4, from fucosidosis, 'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41 :269-274
spectroscopy, 41:219,226-228 compound 22, from sialidosis, 'H-NMR
compound 5, from mannosidosis, 'H-NMR spectroscopy, 'H-NMR spectroscopy,
spectroscopy, 41:219, 227-230 41:270-272,274-275
compound 6, from Sandhoff s disease, 'H- compound 23, and 24, from sialidosis and
NMR spectroscopy, 41:219,23 1-234 new-born human meconium, 'H-NMR
compound 7, from GM,-gangliosidosis, and spectroscopy, 41:27&272,275-276
Morquio syndrome type B, 'H-NMR compound 25, and 26, from sialidosis and
spectroscopy, 41:219,232-233, new-born human meconium, 'H-NMR
235-237 spectroscopy, 41:270. 273.275.
compound 8 , from asialo a,-acid 277-278
glycoprotein, 'H-NMR spectroscopy, compound 27, and 28, from sialidosis and
41:219,237-240 new-born human meconium' H-NMR
compound 9, from asialo a,-acid spectroscopy, 41:270, 273.279,282
glycoprotein 'H-NMR spectroscopy, compound 29, form sialidosis and new-born
41:219,239-242 human meconium, 'H-NMR
compound 10, from asiolo GM,- spectroscopy. 41:270, 273, 279. 282

Glycoproteins (continued) compound 54, from fucosidosis, 'H-NMR

compound 30, from sialidosis, 'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41:306,330-332
spectroscopy, 41:270,273,279,281, compound 5 5 , from aspartylglucosaminuria,
283 IH-NMR spectroscopy, 41:33 3-337
compound 3 1, and 32, from rabbit compound 56, from aspartylglucosaminuria,
serotransferrin, 'H-NMR spectroscopy, 'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41:333,
41~270,283-287 336-338
compound 33, from human serotransferrin. compound 57, from aspartylglucosaminuria,
'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41:270, 'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41:333,335,
283-288 337-338
compound 34, 'H-NMR spectroscopy, compound 58, from aspartylglucosaminuria,
41:270,284-289 'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41:333,
compound 35, 'H-NMR spectroscopy, 337-339
41:270,289-293 compound 59, from aspartylglucosaminuria,
compound 36, and 37, from sialidosis, 'H- 'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41:333, 337,
NMR spectroscopy, 41:270,297-298 340-342
compound 38, from sialidosis, 'H-NMR compound 60, from aspartylglucosaminuria,
spectroscopy, 41:270,297-298 'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41:333,337,
compound 39, from sialidosis, 'H-NMR 340-343
spectroscopy, 41:270,298-300 compound 61, from Gaucher's disease, 'H-
compound 40, from sialidosis, 'H-NMR NMR spectroscopy, 41:344-347
spectroscopy, 41:270,298,300-302 compound 62, from Gaucher's disease, 'H-
compound 41, from sialidosis, 'H-NMR NMR spectroscopy, 41:344,346-348
spectroscopy, 41:270,300,302-305 compound 63, from hen-egg albumin, 'H-
compound 42, from human lactotransfemn, NMR spectroscopy, 41:344,346,
'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41 :306-308, 348-350,357,359-361
3 l C 3 1 1,324-326 compound 64, from mannosidosis, IH-NMR
compound 43, from human lactotransferrin, spectroscopy, 41:344, 350-35 1
'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41:306-311, compound 65, from mannosidosis, 'H-NMR
324-326 spectroscopy, 41:344,351-352
compound 44, and 45, from horse-pancreatic compound 66, from mannosidosis, 'H-NMR
ribonuclease, 'H-NMR spectroscopy, spectroscopy, 41:344,351,353-355
41:306-307,309-312,316 compound 67, from mannosidosis, IH-NMR
compound 46, from fucosidosis, 'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41:344,351,355-357
spectroscopy, 41:306,313-3 18 compound 68,69, and 70, from
compound 47, from fucosidosis, 'H-NMR Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia,lH-
spectroscopy, 41:306,313-3 18 NMR spectroscopy, 41:344,357-363
compound 48, from asialo a,-acid compound 7 I , and 72, from bovine
glycoprotein and asialo ceruloplasmin, lactotransfemn 'H-NMR spectroscopy,
'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41:306, 41~344,360-361,363-366
314-315,319-321 compound 72, from soybean agglutinin, 'H-
compound 49,50, and 5 1, from asialo a,-acid NMR spectroscopy, 41:363-365
glycoprotein, 'H-NMR spectroscopy, containing unusual carbohydrate-protein
41:306,314-315,321-324 linkages, structural analysis, 43:4449
compound 52, from human lactotransferrin crystallographic structures, effect of sugar
and human milk, IH-NMR side-chains, 40:354
spectroscopy, 41:306,324-328 deamination of, 31:236
compound 53, from human-plasma deglycosylation, 47:200
ceruloplasmin, 'H-NMR spectroscopy, desialylated, elimination, 40:220-223
41:306,327-330 diseases related to changes in, 25:472477

distribution and mobility, 35: 129 substitutions, 50:239-332, 325

Dolichos biflorus lectin in study of, 35:23 I NaOH- NaBH, treatment. 43:6-7
enzymes with structure of, 27:301-34 I nature and occurrence of, 25:4074 I7
f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 45:58-65 from neuronal cells, lectins in isolation.
formation in cell walls, 26:340 35:326
function of sugar side-chains, 40:350-353 N-glycosylated, complex oligosaccharide
of fungal origin, 23:367 structure, 43:17
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:4344,48, containing N-glycosyl linkages
63 intact, structural analysis, 43: 11-21
glycosylation site(s), 46:4748 structural analysis, 43: 10-2 I
heterogeneity in, 25:443447,477 occurrence and functions. 37:225-226
history, 33:34 0-glycosylated, structural analysis. 43:2 I-
in host-pathogen interactions, 44:380 44
hydrazinolysis. 43:6-7 containing 0-glycosyl linkages, intact, ' 3 c -
hydrolysis of, 28: 16-1 7, 86 NMR structural analysis, 43:3445
with hydrochloric acid, 46:267 oligomannoside-type carbohydrate chains,
with ion-exchange resin in acid form, high-resolution proton magnetic
46:268-269 resonance spectroscopy, 41 :343-365
hydroxyl-L-proline-rich, in plant cell-walls, oligosaccharides
42298-300 I3C-NMR spectroscopy, 42:219-220,
interaction with concanavalin A, 35: 177- I79 43~8-10
with lectins, 35:140-141 determinants. 50:3 1-345
lentil, 35: 194 backbones and core regions, N- and 0-
isolation, 53:2 10-2 I 1 linked chains, secreted and plasma
lectin-reactive, of erythrocyte membrane. membrane glycoprotein. 50:3 15-325,
35~318-325 3 16-322
from tumor cells, 35328-333 conformations and molecular
lentil lectin-reactive, from pig lymphocyte, recognition
35325 determinants adjacent to protein moiety,
L-fucose-containing, 39:301, 304-307 50~343-345
L-fucose enzymic transfer, 39:3 18-322 determinants distant from core,
lipid intermediates in biosynthesis of, 26:430 50:332-342,333- 337,337-342
LTF-D, from lactotransferrin, antennae, purification and profiling, 50:314-315
circular dichroism, 45: 120 structural analysis methods, 50:3 1 1 -
metabolism and structure of, 25:407478 314
methanolysis, 28:19,46:257 OTF-C, from ovotranferrin, antennae,
for analysis of carbohydrates in, 46:258 circular dichroism, 45: 120
trimethylsilylation, and gas-liquid physicochemical properties, effect of sugar
chromatography of, 2 8 5 2 side-chains, 40:355
molecular biology, 37: 157-223 pig submaxillary-gland, 25433,458
future, 37:200-212 pituitary, D-XY~OSCin, gas-liquid
past and birth, 37: 158- 164 chromatography of, 28:67-68
present, 37: 1 6 6 199 in plants, 26:299,346-347, 42337-338
molecular weights of polypeptides from, biosynthesis, involvement of lipid
25447452 intermediates in, 44:372
with multiple 0-glycosylation sites, 50:344 linkage between peptide and saccharide
N-acetyllactosamine-type carbohydrate moieties, 44:372
chains, high-resolution proton magnetic from platelet membrane, 35:325
resonance spoectroscopy, 41:2 18-343 proteolysis, 43:6-7
N-and 0-linked chains, peripheral glycosylation effect, 403356-359

Glycoproteins (continued) rearrangement in hydrogen fluoride,

proton nuclear magnetic resonance 26: 182
spectroscopy of Carbohydrate chains in D-, rearrangement in aluminum chloride-
structural analysis, 41:210-374 phosphorus pentachloride, 26: 194
removal of oligosaccharide chain, 43:6-7 penta-0-benzoyl-p-D-, benzoxonium
routing, secretion, recognition, and uptake, rearrangements of, 26: 15 1
glycosylation effects, 40:359-364 tetra-0-acetyl-
separation of partially sialated, 35:277 6-deoxy-6-iodo-o, acetoxonium salts,
sheep suhmaxillary-gland, 25446 26:157-158
stability of, 27:340 3-O-methyl-o-, rearrangement in hydrogen
STF-A, from serum transferrin, antennae, fluoride, 26: 184-185
circular dichroism, 45: 120 6-O-methyl-~-,acetoxonium salts,
structural analysis, methylation techniques, 26: 157-158
38:389416 6-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-,acetoxonium salts,
structure, 26:455,33:8 26: 157-1 58
of carbohydrate moieties of, 25:452467 1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-2-O-methyl-a-o-,
liquid chromatography analysis, 46:4647 rearrangement in hydrogen fluoride,
sugar side-chains, effect on conformation, 26: 184
40~353-354 1.3,4,6-tetra-O-henzoyl-2-O-methyl-~-~-,
sulfated oligosaccharide chains, 'H-NMR- rearrangement in hydrogen fluoride,
spectral and mass spectrometric 26: 183
analysis, 50:330-33 1 tetra-O-henzoyI-3-O-methyl-o-,
sulfate incorporation into, 25:470472 rearrangement in hydrogen fluoride,
synthetic, see Neoglycoproteins 26: 185
in urine, 24:436,440,33:6 3,4,6-tri-0-acetyl-1,2-O-isopropylidene-cr-
Y and T antennae, circular dichroism studies, D-, conformation of, 26: I 19
45:118-120 Glycopyranose peracetates, proton nuclear
0-Glycoproteins, 43:136 magnetic resonance spectra, 29:26
Glycopyranose Glycopyranoses, selective esterification of,
3-acetamido- 1,2,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-3-deoxy- 33:25
p-D-, acetoxonium rearrangement of, Glycopyranosides
26:161 alkyl, conformational effect of aglycon on,
OI-D-, conformation of, 26:77-78 26:95
OL-L-, conformation of, 26:77-78 1.2-cis- and 1,2-trans-, mechanism of
2-amin0-2-deoxy-cw-o~-carba-,48:63 preparation by Koenigs-Knorr reaction,
1,6-anhydro-p-~-,conformation of, 34~272-277
26: 1 1 6-1 17 ethylboronates, preparation, 35:41
p-D- hydrolysis of, 21:130-131, 137, 25:437
conformational inversion in, 26:67 rate constants and kinetic parameters for,
conformation of, 26:75-76 22:66-67
1,2:4,6-di-O-henzylidene-~~-~-, indolyl, acid-catalyzed decomposition in
conformations of, 26: 120 deuterium oxide and in water, 24:29
1,2-0-( 1-aminoethyhdene)-a+-, kinetics of formation of, 21:106, 108
conformation of, 26: 1I8 methyl CX-D-, hydrolysis rate of substituted,
penta-0-acetyl- 22:208
a-D-,acetoxonium rearrangements of, methyl 4,6-O-henzyhdene-o-, p-
26:146, 149 toluenesulfonylation of, 33: 14
p-0- selective esterification of, 33:25
acetoxonium rearrangements of, 26: 146, synthesis
149 of 1,2-cis-, 34:25&272

of 1,2-trans-, 34:246-256 enzymic analysis, 44: 198-2 I7

and history of, 34:245-246 sulfated, as activators of enzymes in
Glycopyranosiduronic acids, D-, acid-catalyzed trehalose biosynthesis, 30:243
hydrolysis, 36:83-86 gas-liquid chromatography of, 30:36
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, synthesis, 49:256
36:86-88 synthetic, sulfated. 43: 108
GIycopyranosy lamine titration, 43:62
2-acetaido-N-(~-aspart-4-oyl)-2-deoxy-p-o-, tritium labelling of, 29:350
linkage, 43:13&156 vibrational spectra, isotopic substitution
2-acetamido-N-(~-aspart-4-oyl)-2-deoxy-P- studies, 4 4 5 5
D-, synthesis, 43:138-139 Glycosaminoglycuronans
Glycopyranosyl derivatives, tetra-0- oliogosaccharides, liquid chromatography
acetyl(benzoy1)-o-, carbon- 13 nuclear separation, 46:48
magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 41:SO reactions with carbodiimides, 29:348
Glycopyranosyl fluorides, cyclization of, 34:3 1 sulfated oligosaccharides, chromatographic
Glycosamin, deamination of, 25: 18 I separation of. 46:49
Glycosamines, 1-hydroxy-o-, reactions with Glycose-based terms, 52: 177
ammonium hydrogencarbonate, Glycosenes, 45:4
50:282-283 Glycoseptanosides, synthesis of, 34:283
Glycosaminoglycans, 46:7 Glycoses, UDP-, biosynthesis of, 42:3 16
alkaline cleavage, 43:85 Glycosidases, 39:304, 324,42:383,
p-eliminative degradation of, 29:239. 244 44:147-148,231-233,46:270
biosynthesis of, 26:432439 action on oligosaccharide, I3"-NMR
circular dichroism, 45: 1 17-1 18 spectroscopic analysis, 43:48
composition, 49:241 activity of, 28:402
analysis, 4 6 5 5 in cell walls, 42:337
crystalline, Fourier-transfomi infrared classification of, 42:384
spectroscopy, 44:6 1 from different sources, 44: 149
detection of, 29:401 effect on-a-ri-mannosidase activity, 28:409,
formation in cell wall by Golgi bodies, 438
26:340 glycoside hydrolysis exogenously,
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:48-49, 54, 39:353-378
75,79 glycosphingolipid catabolism, 40:268
hydrolysis of, 28: 14 Helferich's work on, 45:4-5
isolation of carbohydrates from, on history, 33:4
analytical-scale columns, 46:60 isolation and purification, 40:269-270
laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:82 lectins and, 42:309, 337
nomenclature, 43:56 pyranosyl transfer with, 49:232-233
optical rotation, 43:66 specificities. 40:285
periodate oxidation, 43:95 transfer reactions catalyzed by, 49:23 1-233
in plants, biosynthesis, 44:373-375 uses of, 25:462467
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, yeast, 39:350
27:41 Glycosidation
repeating disaccharide units, 43:53-55 of I .6-anhydrohexopyranoses, 34:64
separation, 43:60-6 I benzylated 0-galactosyl
structure, 43:52-53,49:241-242 trichloroacetimidates, 50:53-55
crystal bibliography, 33:399403, halide-ion catalyzed, 34:266
35~381-385,36:327-329, mechanism of, 34:272-277
40:392-395 methods, oligosaccharide synthesis,
disaccharide units, 49:240-241 52: 179-1 82

Glycosidation (continued) ethyl, sweetness-structure relationship,

of sugars in methanol, 27:97 45:275
Glycoside-cuprammonium complexes, fermentation, 50: 10-1 1
6: 107-1 34 flavonoid, hydrolysis of, 28: 15
Glycosides, 52:51, 132-135 formation, 53:124, 126-129
acetals, hydrolysis of, 34204 from dithioacetals, 32:66-70
acetolysis of, and deacetylation of, 22: 19 hydrolases, 48:3 19-384
from acetylated glucosyl active-site-directed inactivation, 48:370
trichloroacetimidates, 50:41,4344 anomeric specificity, 48:329-330
alditol, sweetness-structure relationship, catalytic efficiency, 48:323-325
45:275-276 inhibition
of aldohexose-containing oligosaccharides, access of solvent water to active site,
I3C-NMR data for, 42:211-212 48:38&38 1
alkali-sensitive, 9:59-95, 39:6 carhoxylate and proton-donating groups
allyl, as affinity chromatography adsorbents, at active site, 48:378-379
39:420,427429 generalizations and exceptions,
aminoalkyl, as affinity chromatography 48:383-384
absorbents, 39:420,423424,43 1 ionic strength effects, 48:380
of amino sugars, trifluoroacetyl derivatives, sequence homologies around, 48:38 1
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28: 114 slow, tight-binding inhibitors and
aryl, photolysis, 38:142, 147 transition state, 48:382-383
aryl, times to half value for hydrolysis of, substrate distortion and catalysis,
22:83 48:382
associations of abilities of yeasts of utilize, irreversible inhibitors, 48:362-364
32:222-226 conduritol epoxides, 48:364-371
benzoylated, mass spectra of, 29:47 electrophiles with reactive halogen
benzoylation of, 23:249 substituents, 48:375-377
biosynthesis of, 26:439442 glycosyl isothiocyanates, 48:377-378
bitterness, 45:3 18 glycosylmethyltriazenes,48:373-375
bond cleavage, 48: 128,326 sugar-related aziridines, 48:37 1-373
boronates, acetates and benzoates, 35:53 mechanistic information from X-ray
preparation, 35:4548 crystallography, 48:325-326
properties, 35:72-76 reversible inhibitors
C-alkylidene, branched-chain sugar synthesis aldonolactones and 5-amino-5-deoxy-
by addition to, 42:91-95 lactams, 48:327-333
cardiac, 1:147-173 aminocyclitols, 48:347-348
o-fucopyranosides, 39:302 cyclic sugar analogs having imino
perchloric acid in hydrolysis of, 28: 16 group, 48:335-341
the sugars of, 17:65-120 2-deoxy- and 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-
catabolism of, 32: 183-209 glycosides, 48:359-362
chlorodeoxy, formation during sulfonylation, o-glycals, 48:349-359
28:255 glycosylamines, 48:333-335
1,2-cis-, of 2-amino-2-deoxy sugars, glycosyl fluorides, 48:357-359
preparation of, 34968 indolizine alkaloids, 48:34 1-344
cleavage with bases, 34:2&3 I polyhydroxypyrrolidines,48:344-
complex, qualitative motional description, 347
51:97-102 pseudosubstrates, 48:348-349
crystal structures of, 25:90 slow onset, 48:340
deoxy, hydrolysis of, 22:54-55, 60 hydrolysis of
enzymic in vitro syntheses, 30:6 acid-catalyzed, 22:25-108

effect of aglycon on, 22:7 I chromatography of, 28:43.5 1-54,

of ring size on, 22:42 115-1 18,30:25-26,SO-81
effect of halogeno groups on, 28:305 acid-catalyzed anomerization of, 24:43
Koenigs-Knorr synthesis of, 21:275 ofcommon sugars, 12:157-187
large-scale preparative liquid gel chromatography of, 2 5 3 2
chromatography, 46:62 mass spectrometry and analysis of,
linkages, 46:250 29~50-51
acetolysis, 46:252, 269-270 of oligosaccharides containing galactose
with activating group at @-position. and glucose, ' T - N M R data for,
cleavage, 46:255 42:212-213
cleavage, 46:250-25 1 of reducing sugars, composition in
hydrogen fluoride, 47:168 methanol, 42:61
liberation of Wand 0-linked selective esterification of. 33:37
carbohydrate chains, 46:255-256 sweetness-structure relationship, 45:274
enzymic hydrolysis, 46:270-27 1 times to half values for hydrolysis of,
formolysis, 46:252,269-270 22:61
free energy of hydrolysis, 37:287 of xylose oligomers, "C-NMR data for,
hydrolysis 42~213-216
correction factors, 46:254 methyl anhydro-, carbon-13 nuclear
internal standard, 46:254 magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 41:57
liberation of neutral monosaccharides methyl ethers, taste properties, 45262
during, 46:252-25 3 methyl ketoses, carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic
recoveries from, 46:255 resonance spectroscopy, 41:48
lability, 47: 178, 180, I89 3-methyl-I -naphthyl, in mass spectrometry
sugar residues, 47:194-195 of disaccharides, 30:40
methanolysis, 46:252, 259 methyl 2(or 3)-amino-4,6-0-benzylidene-
deamination prior to, 46:256 2(or 3)-deoxy-a-o-, proton magnetic
recoveries from, 46:255 resonance spectra, iterative analyses of,
reductive cleavage, 46:27 1 27:78
synthesis, 46:250 Meystre-Miescher modification in synthesis
total hydrolysis with acid, 46:259-269 of, 21:277
liquid chromatography, pre-column molecular weight determination, 21:274
derivatization procedures, 46:68 in neoglycoprotein preparation, 37:252
low basicity, 48:32 1-322 nitro
from mannosyl trichloroacetimidates, 5 0 5 8 , acylation of, 24: 1 I5
62-65 synthesis, 40: 106
mercaptalation of, 32:28 nitrophenyl, carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic
mercuric cyanide in synthesis of, 21:278 resonance spectra, 41:48
methyl non-enzymic hydrolysis, 48:320-323
acetates, gas-liquid chromatography of, 0-,synthesis, 50:296-297
28:54, 118,30:82 oxidation of 4,6-0-benzylidene, by N-
gas-liquid chromatography of, bromosuccinimide, 22: 198
285-56,30:5&71 oxidation to uronic acids, 36:69
methylated (fully), gas-liquid oximino, 24:208
chromatography of, 28: 118 oxygen catalysis, protonation by hydrated
separation by gas-liquid magnesium ions, 52:461462
chromatography, 30:22-24 p-aminophenyl, as aftinity chromatography
trifluoroacetates, gas-liquid adsorbents, 39:419421,431
chromatography of, 28:55, I 12 enzymic synthesis, 39:429430
trimethylsilyl ethers, gas-liquid synthesis, 39:421423

Glycosides (continued) transport into yeasts, 32: 157-159

of the parsley plant, 4:57-74 trimethylsilylated, mass spectra of, 29:47-50
peracetylated, mass spectrometry of, 29:46 2,3-unsaturated, 24:2 13
permethylated methyl, mass spectra of, 29:43 utilization by yeasts, 32:224, 233
permethylated oligosaccharide, mass entry into cell, 39:379-381
spectrometry of, 29:84-89 hydrolyzed inside plasmalemma,
phenolic, trimethylsilyl derivatives, gas- 39:378-397
liquid chromatography of, 28:54, 118 hydrolyzed outside plasmalemma,
phenyl 39~353-378
carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance oxygen requirement, 39:397401
spectra, 41:48-49 structure and hydrolysis, 39:349-353
of the common sugars, 12: 157-187 vicinal proton-carbon coupling constants,
1-seleno-p-o-, alkaline cleavage of, 34:28 51:49
photosensitive protecting groups, I ,2-hans-Glycosides, synthesis, 48: 108
46~182-187 3-0-Glycosidic linkage formation, 50:287-294
plant, trimethylsilyl derivatives, gasliquid 1-0-acetyl activation, 50:292-293
chromatography of, 28: 118 electrophile-induced lactonization of
as plant-growth substances, 21:408,413 glycosyl4-pentenoates, 50:293-294
preparation of, 3 3 5 5 glycosyl fluorides, 50:290
preparative liquid chromatography, 46:60 Koenigs-Knorr methods, 50:287-289
radiolysis and radical-induced scission, 1-thioglycosides, 50:290-292
37:15,51-53 trichloroacetimidate method, 50:289-290
rate of formation of, 21:108 Glycosiduloses, nucleophilic addition to, for
reaction with lectins, 35140 branched-sugar synthesis, 42:78-9 1
with phenylboronic acid, 3 5 3 2 Glycosid-3-uloses, preparation, 35:46
related to blood-group determinants, I3C- Glycosiduronase, from Flavobacterzum
NMR data for, 42:2 17-2 19 heparinurn. 43: 72-73
of Salmonella oligosaccharides, I3C-NMR Glycosiduronic acids, 36:66-96
data for, 42:222-223 of animals, 9: 185-246
steroid, gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:53 circular dichroism spectra, 36:88-90
sweet hydrolysis of, in xylans, 36:238-239
bonding to taste-bud receptor sites, 455279 ofhr-hydroxy compounds, 36:131-132
structural features, 45289 optical rotatory dispersion, 36%
sweetness-structure relationship, 4 5 2 7 4 2 7 6 poly, of plants, 1:329-344
synthesis of,21:21,491,25:164,34:243-244 preparation by Fischer method, 36:74
with D-ribohranosyl group, 31:4 by Helferich method, 36:74
synthetic, as plant-growth substances, by Koenigs-Knorr and other methods,
21:413,415 36~75-79
taste, effect of aglycons on, 45245 oxidative methods, 36:67-74
thio, synthesis, 4O:lOl-104 reactions, 36:82
l-thio- and related compounds, 36:57-134
as affinity chromatography adsorbents, steroid derivatives, preparation, 36:77-78
39:420421 sugar intermediates in synthesis, 36:59-66
p-, laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:8 1 1-thio-, isolation from biological materials,
preparation, 36: 101 36:102-103
thio- preparation, 36:96-103
carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance Glycosones, 3-deoxy-, see Glycosuloses, 3-
spectroscopy, 41:65 deoxy-
trimethylsilyl derivatives, gas-liquid Glycosphingolipids, 24:381433,40:235-286,
chromatography of, 28: 1 18 44:387

abbreviations, 40:241-244 chronic myelogenous leukemia cells,

(2-aminoethyl)phosphonic group, characterization, 45:55
44~397-398 embryonal-carcinoma cells,
(2-aminoethy1)pliosphoricacid group bound characterization, 45: 55
to mannose, 44:398 granulocytes, characterization, 4 5 5 5
biosynthesis of, 24:394,26:442445, identification, 40:267-268
39:3 I8,40:244-268 isolation, 44:392-394
enzyme preparation and enzyme assay, mammalian, 44:387-388
40:245-247 mannose-containing, from insect,
of globo and isoglobo series, 40:249-25 1 characterization, 45:56
of lacto and neolacto series, 40:250, from marine bivalves, 44:415416
252-253 marine invertebrate, 44:387
in pathological conditions, 40:265-266 [2-(methylaniino)ethyl)]phosphonic group,
in virus-transformed cells, 40:266 44:397-398
in vitro, 403266-268 monosaccharides, 44:397
in blood group ABH, I, I, Lewis N-acetylgalactosamine-containing,
characterization, 45:55 structures, 50:84, 92
blood group B-active nomenclature, 24:383,40:237-238.24 1-244
digestion with a-o-galactosidase followed occurrence, among marine invertebrates,
by Smith degradation, 45:48 44:39 1-392
structure determination of permethylated permethylated
derivative, by f.a.b.-mass f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 45:37, 54
spectrometry, 45:48 mass spectrometry, 44:404
carbohydrate chain structure NMR spectroscopy, 44:406
chemical analysis, 44:399402 of sea snail, 44:412
determination, 44:399409 separation, 44:394395
enzymic analysis, 44:408409 sphingosine bases, 44:396, 398-399
mass spectrometry, 44:402406 structure, 40:236-244
NMR spectroscopy, 44:406408 determination. 44:398409
physicochemical analysis, 44:402408 2 5 -sugar residue
catabolism, 40:268-286 f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 45:54
with P-linked galactose, 402744276 isolated from rabbit erythrocyte membrane
enzyme preparation and enzyme assay, sequence of, 45:48
40:269-271 after enzymic degradation with a - ~ -
with a-linked galactose, 40:279-280 galactosidase, 45:49
protein activators of enzymic hydrolysis, Smith-degradation product, predicted
40:281-285 sequence, 45:49
classification, 40:238-244 sulfate-containing, 24:403
composition of, 44:396-398 synthesis, lactosamine importance, 50:73
distribution, in marine invertebrates, 44:436 trimethylsilylation of, 28:28
enzymic hydrolysis, protein activators, verbrate, composition of, 44:389-390
40:281-286 Glycosuloses
f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 4527-28, 54-56 anhydro-I ,3-dideoxy-, synthesis by Wittig
molecular ion species, 45:42 reaction and properties, 27:284-288
fatty acids, 44:396-397 3-deoxy-, 22:239,279
composition determination, 44:399 and the degradation of carbohydrates,
from freshwater bivalves, 44:4164 I7 19: 18 1-21 8
fucose-containing, 44:42 1 intermediates in 2-furaldehyde formation
mannose-containing, 44:420,438 in sugar dehydrations, 28: 177-178
in humans 6-deoxy-, synthesis of, 29:294

Glycosuloses (continued) affinity chromatography adsorbents,

derivatives, radical-mediated brominations, 39:424426
49:54-57 Glycosylation
reactions in which carbonyl groups are acetylated 0-galactosyl
converted into asymmetric centers, trichloroacetimidates, 50:53, 56-57
27: 193,204 acety lated 0-mannopyranosyl
reaction with ammonia, 25345 trichloroacetimidates, 50:58, 66-67
Glycosyl aldonolactones, 50: 179-181
glycolipid composition, 51: 172-1 73 of 1,6-anhydrobexopyranoses,34: 159-161
residues azidosphingosine derivatives, with
anomeric and ring configurations, trichloroacetimidates, 50:4 I , 4 5 4 8
51: 174176 carbon, by condensations with carbanions,
sequences, 51: 173-174 33: 145-1 53
units, conjugation to protein, 51:204206 with organometallic and related agents,
Glycosylamines, 10:95-168,23:209,211 33:142-145
carba- ceramides, by trichloroacetimidates,
enantiomeric, synthesis, 48:6&65 50:49-5 1
inhibitory activity, 48:88-89 chitobiose derivatives, 50:81,89
synthesis, 48:52-59 by 0-Gal groups, 47:157
condensation of acid chloride with, 43: effect on structure of protein, 43:3 1-34
146 0-fucopyranosyl trichloroacetimidates,
coupling with aspartic acid inverse procedure, 50:98, 104-107
carbodiimide reagent, 43: 136-144 galactosamine trichloroacetimidates,
2-ethoxy-N-(ethoxycarbonyl)-1,2- 50:98-102
dihydroquinoline reagent, 0-galactosyl trichloroacetimidates, with
43:144146 sphingosine derivatives, 50:58-59
miscellaneous methods, 43: 149- 151 0-glucosyl trichloroacetimidates, 50:3940
mixed anhydrides and anhydrides, glycopeptide synthesis, 50:303-306
43: 147- 149 glycosyl esters of nucleoside pyrophosphates
Woodward Reagent K, 43: 149 in, 28:391-397
formation in reaction of sugars and ammonia, glycosyl fluorides, 48: 103-104, 107-108
25:333 hydroxyl groups, 47: 170
glycosidase inhibition, 48:333-335 of L-serine or L-threonine derivatives,
hydrolysis of, 22:37,60 43:15&-172
mutarotation of, 24:47 alkyl orthoacetates, 43:159-160
N-acyl- by condensation with (2,l -d)-2-oxazoline
as affinity chromatography adsorbents, derivatives, 43: 156-1 58
39:420,426 Helferich-Wedemeyer procedure,
structure determination of, 31:102 43:167-171
N-[~-aspart4(0r1)-oyll- Koenigs-Knorr method, 43:160-171
mono- and-di-0-glycosyl-, properties, of phenylboronates, 3 5 5 5
43:187-189 protein, 37: 183-1 87
properties, 43:182-186 biological effects, 40:350-379
nomenclature, 52: 137-139 inhibition by sugar starvation, 40:346
N-phenyl-, mass spectrometry of, 30:43 inhibition effect on cell differentiation,
as plant-growth substances, 21:413 40:366-369
polarography of, 29:153 inhibition effect on viruses, 40:369-373
synthesis of, 25: 166 inhibitors, 40:32 1-350
(Glycosy1amine)uronic acids, 36: 120-13 1 lipid pathway, 40:287-321
Glycosyl6-aminohexyl diphospbates, as sidedness, signal theory, and theory of

membrane-triggered folding, Glycosyl esters

40:3 19-321 cis-,53: 126
reaction mechanisms, 44:278, 309, 342,384 of nucleoside 5-pyrophosphates.
in plant glycoprotein biosynthesis, 44:37 I 28:307-399
ribofuranoside, 53:174 in plant cell-wall biosynthesis, 42:315-323,
selenoglycosides in, 53: 167-1 70 338
sites Glycosyl fluorides, 16:85-103
isolation, 46:47-48 cleavage, 48:358-359
separation of, 46:4748 glycoside hydrolase inhibition, 48:357-359
solvent effects, 50:35, 39 3-0-glycosidic linkage formation, 50:290
steps, 50:26 preparation, from glycals, 38:229-237
with transferases, 49:2 18-23 1 stability, 47: I72
galactosylation, 49:2 19-224 synthesis, 38: 199-204,48:94-121
glycosylation, 49:23 1 affinity of silicon, 48: 107
sialylation, 49:223-23 1 C-arylglycosyl derivatives, 48: I 19
trichloroacetimidates of 2-azido-2-deoxy-i>- BF, catalyst, 48: 108
mannose derivatives, 50:98, I03 cellulose treatment with HF, 48:97
Glycosyl azides, 16:85-103 chitin treatment with HF, 48:98-99
C-Glycosylbenzene esters, radical-mediated condensation reactions, 48: 109-1 10
brominations, 49:59-60 enzyme-catalyzed reactions, 48: 12 I
Glycosyl carboxylates, base-catalyzed addition, o-fructose treatment with HF, 48:97-98
50:116 glycosylations, 48:103-104, 107-108
Glycosylceramide, in pearl oyster, 44:4 I5 C-glycosyl compounds, 48: 116-1 18
C-Glycosyl compounds inulin treatment with HF, 48:97-98
naturally occurring, 18:227-258, Mukaiyama condensation methods,
20:357-369 48: I 0 4 1 07
nomenclature, 52: 139-140 Noyori procedure, 48: 107
N-Glycosyl compounds, Helferichs work on, from 0-protected free sugars or 1 -0-acyl
45:5 sugars, 48:10&-101
Glycosyl cyanide esters, radical-mediated per-0-acyl displacement, 48:9&95
brominations, 49:57-59 from phenyl thioglycosides. 48: 100
0-Glycosyl derivatives physical and chemical properties.
-L-serine and -L-seryl, properties, 48:119-121
43: 190-196 polysaccharide treatment with HF. 4 8 9 6
-L-threonine, properties, 43: 197-199 protected, 48: 122-123
synthetic o-ribofuranosyl fluorides, 48: 101
base-catalyzed elimination, 43: 175-1 78 treatment
enzymic reactions, 43: 179- 180 with HF, 48:95-96
hydrolysis with acid, 43:178-179 with pyridinium poly(hydrogen
mass spectra, 43: 180-1 8 I fluoride), 48: 102
NMR spectra, 43: I80 Glycosylfructoses, treatment with
optical rotatory dispersion and circular hydrogen fluoride, 52:230
dichroism spectra, 43: 18 I pyridinium poly(hydrogen fluoride), 52:
properties, 43:181-201 229
reactions, 43: 175-180 Glycosyl group, effect on rate of hydrolysis of
Glycosyl di-o-fructose dianhydrides, 52:254 pyranosides, 22:49-50
I3C NMR spectra, 52:259 Glycosyl halides, 51:7-8, 10
dianhydride components, 52256-257 acylated, preparation of, 27:3
optical rotations and melting points, 52:255 esters, radical-mediated brominations,
Glycosyl donors, 52: 186-1 87,53:170-177 49:60-61

Glycosyl halides (continued) Glycosyl thiocyanates, thioglycosides

in situ generation from thioglycosides, preparation, 52: 183
52: 184-185 Glycosyltransferase, 39:3 18,40:25 1,44: 150,
nomenclature, 52: 136-137 306,343
solvolysis of, 22:38 acceptor specificities, 40:246, 267-268
and their derivatives, 10:207-256 in bacterial polysaccharide chain assembly,
thioglycosides preparation, 52: 18I 44:310-311
C-Glycosylheterocycle esters, radical-mediated biosynthetic, specificity, effects on structure,
brominations, 4 9 5 9 4 0 44:244
CX-D-G~YCOSYI hydrolases, specificities of blocking, 40:266
purified, 32:195-196 glycosphingolipid biosynthesis, 40:245-
N-Glycosylic linkage, cleavage, 46:255 247
Glycosylic phosphate, lipid A backbone, membrane-bound, 44:283,305
50:221-222 in plant cell-wall biosynthesis, 42:3 16
Glycosyl imidates, base-catalyzed addition, 0-Glycosyl trichloroacetimidates, reactions
50:114, 116 with N-, S-, C-, and P-acceptors, 50: 11I ,
Glycosyl isothiocyanates, glucosidase 114-1 15
inhibition, 48:377-378 C-Glycosyluronic acids, synthesis and
0-Glycosyl linkage, 43:4 reactions, 36: 133-134
distinguishing from N-linkages, 43:6 Glycosyluronic nucleosides, synthesis of,
model compounds, 43:21-34 42:232
Glycosylmethyltriazenes, glucosidase Glycosyluronic residues in plant cell-wall
inhibition, 48:373-375 polymers, 42:276
Glycosyl nucleotides Glycosyl xanthates, thioglycosides preparation,
in biosynthesis of polysaccharide chains of 52: 183
bacterial polymers, 44:280 Glycotriosyl ceramide, synthesis, 48: 107
primary, 44:280-283 Glycoyl a-phosphate, lipid A substituents,
in bacteria, 44:281 50:226-227
secondary, 44:280-281 Glyculose derivatives, radical-mediated
GI ycosyl oxides, base-catalyzed addition, brominations, 49:54-57
50:114 Glyculoses, 48:288-289
Glycosyl4-pentenoates, electrophile-induced Wittig reaction with, 27:231
lactonization, 50:293-294 Glyculosonic acids, 48:295-298
Glycosyl phosphates 3-deoxy-
anomeric-oxygen activation, 50: 116 in polysaccharides and glycoconjugates,
preparation of, 3 2 9 31:187
synthesis of, 31:4 synthesis by Wittig reaction, 27:267,
Glycosyl piperidine carbodithioates, acetylated, 274
thioglycosides preparation, 52: 183 Glyc-2-ulosonic acids, 3-deoxy-, periodate-
Glycosyl region, lipid A backbone, 50:2 18-22 1 thiobarbituric acid assay, 38:238,327
Glycosyl residues Glycuronans, 24:296,323
nomenclature, 52: 125 (aminodeoxyg1yco)-, acidic, in human urine,
in plant cell-wall polymers, 42:274,276 24:436
sequencing of, 42:27&277 p-eliminative depolymerization of,
Glycosyl sulfonates, base-catalyzed addition, 29~245-252
50:116 crystal structure bibliography, 33:403
Glycosyl sulfones, as glycosyl donors, decarboxylation of, 28:186, 188,46:306
52: 199-200 dehydration of, 28: 188
Glycosyl sulfoxides, as glycosyl donors, high-temperature transformation of,
52: 199-200 46~305-307

hydrolysis, 46:265 carbohydrate-peptide linkage in, 25:442

in marine algae, 46:307 Gorse-seed extract, see Ulex europeus, I1
reaction with carbodiimides, 29:347 Cossypol, structure, 29:2
Glycuronic acids, 48:293-295 Gottschalk, Alfred, obituary, 33: 1-9
alkaline degradation of, 28:206 Gougerotin
circular dichroism, 45: 102-105 antibiotic. 33:200
decarboxylation of, 28: 186, 190 synthesis, 36:72
degradation of, 28: 166, 168 structure of, 42:229
1-esters, 36:10&1 19 Gracibioside, 39:302
nucleosides, 36: 126-131 Graminae, see also Cereals; Grasses
Glycyl azide, N-(benzyloxycarbonyl)glycyl-, anatomy, 36:2 18-2 19
in selective esterification of adenosine, ferulic acid in, 42:315
33:45 hemicelluloses, 36:2 15-220
Glycyphillin, taste properties, 45:280 species, 36:2 18
Glycyrrhetic acid, 45:287 Gram-negative bacteria
18P-Glycyrrhetic acid, o-glycopyranuronic 3-deoxy-o-ncmno-2-octulosonic acid
acid conjugates, preparation, 36: I09 constituent, 38:324-325
Glycyrrhiza glabra L., 45:287 lipopolysaccharides, 44:277
Glycyrrhizic acid, 45:287 Gram-positive bacteria. cell-wall polymers,
Glycyrrhizin 44:277
structural features, 45:289 Gram-staining process, study, 52: 12
taste properties, 45:287-290 Grandidentatin. gel chromatography of. 25:50
Glykergenic acid, sweetness, 45:290 Granulation. of honey, 25:293
Glyoxylic acid Granulocytes
phenyl- normal, f.a.b. map of lactosaminoglycan
esters with sugars, Grignard reaction with, sample from, 45:3940
27:200 0-linked oligosaccharides, f.a.b.-mass
polarography of, 29:147 spectrometry, 4 5 5 4
sodium salt, reaction with nitro alcohols, permethylated ganglioside from, f.a.b.-mass
40:106107 spectrometry, fragmentation observed
2-(2,3,5-tri-0-acetyi-P-~-nbofuranosyl)-, in, 45:54-55
preparation and use in synthesis of Grape, development physiology of, 42334 I ,
showdomycin, 33:159, 167 344,363,371,378-380
Goepp, Rudolph Maximilian, Jr., obituary of, Graphium, rhamnomannan. 41:89
3:xv-xxiii Grasses
Golden rod, polysaccharide from, antitumor cultivars, 36:219
activity of, 32:253 harvesting and storage, 36:220
effect on tumor cell volume and hemicellulose-cellulose ratio, 36:253
vacuolization, 32265 hemicelluloses, 36:2 15-264
Golgi apparatus, 26:469 lignin and delignification, 36:222
biogenesis of matrix polysaccharides by, xylans, structure, 36:229-249
26:339-342 Grasshoppers, gas-liquid chromatographic
in cellulose synthesis, 26:325,335,337 analysis of constituents of, 28:62
in glycoenzyme biosynthesis, 27:303, 330 Graviolbioside A, isolation of, 31: 146
polysaccharide biosynthesis in, 4 2 3 3 1-332, Graviolbioside B, isolation of, 31:144, 146
334,336,338 Griessmayer-Aubry method, 47:234
Gomez-Sanchez, A,, 45: 13-14 Grignard reagents
Gonadotropin, 23466 in the carbohydrate series, 6:25 1-289
a-o-mannosidase in structural studies of cyclic acetal cleavage, 39: 153
human chorionic, 28:445 reaction with

Grignard reagents (continued) pyrophosphate), isolation of, 28:320

acyclic sugar derivatives for synthesis of 8-bromo-
compounds containing asymmetric dihydrate, crystal structure bibliography,
benzylic carbon atoms, 27:217 30:459,31:370
a-0x0 esters of optically active alcohols, 2',5'-di-O-(methylsuIfonyl)-, 23:245
27:199-201 2',3 '-0-isopropylidene-5 '-0-
asymmetric benzylic carbon atoms created (methylsulfony1)-, displacement
by, 27:213 reaction of, 24: 188
conjugate-addition with a,P-unsaturated cadmium 5 ' -monophosphate octahydrate,
carbohydrate esters, 27:202-204 crystal structure bibliography, 37:4 16
with glycosuloses, new asymmetric copper 5'-monophosphate dodecahydrate,
centers by, 27:204 crystal structure bibliography, 37:435
oxirane aldoses, 25: 126, 137 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate sodium salt
in solvents containing carbohydrate tetrahydrate, crystal structure
derivatives, 27: 193-195 bibliography, 32:373
in synthesis of 1-C-substituded 2'3'-cyclic phosphate, 22:314,357
carbohydrates, 25241 3',5'-cyclic phosphate, 22:321, 360
in unsaturated carbohydrates preparation, hydrolysis, 39:61
24:260,262 2' -deoxy-
Grob fragmentation, 23: 156, 161 actinomycin complex dodecahydrate,
Ground state, anomeric effect, 47:118 crystal structure bibliography,
Guanidination, in neoglycoprotein preparation, 30:460
37:245-246 5 '-,(a-o-mannopyranosyl pyrophosphate),
Guanidine, nitroso-, research, 29:2 enzymic synthesis of, 28:340
Guanidino group, participation in sugar 3'-phosphate, 22:348
reactions, 22: 149 5'-phosphate, 22:308, 31 1,345
Guanosine 5'-phosphate disodium salt tetrahydrate,
5 '-(a-o-galactopyranosyl pyrophosphates), crystal structure bibliography, 32:374
isolation of, 28:3 19 selective oxidation with chromium
5 '-(a-o-glucopyranosyl pyrophosphate) trioxide, 33:99
enzymic synthesis of, 28:338 6-thio, monohydrate, crystal structure
role in biosynthesis, 32: 12 bibliography, 38:489490
5 '-(a-~-mannopyranosylpyrophosphate), 5 ' -(6-deoxy-a-o-lyxo-hexopyranosyl-4-ulose
enzymic and fermentation production pyrophosphate), 28:322
of, 28~339-340 5'-(2-deoxy-o-arabino-hexosyl
occurrence and isolation of, 28:3 19 pyrophosphate), enzymic synthesis of,
5 '-(a-o-mannopyranosyluronic acid 28:338
pyrophosphate), isolation of, 28:320 5 ' -(6-deoxy-o-taIosyl pyrophosphate),
5'-(a-~-rhamnopyranosylpyrophosphate), 28:321
enzymic preparation of, 28:344 derivatives, diastereoisomeric, 46:28
isolation of, 28:321 5 '-(D-gbcevo-o-manno-heptosyl
9-aminoacridine 5-iodocytidylyl-(3 ' 4 5 ')-, pyrophosphate), occurrence and
hydrate, crystal structure, 43:302-304 isolation of, 28:320
5 ',8-anhydro-2,'3'-0-isopropylidene-8- 5 '-(3,6-dideoxy-P-~-xylo-hexopyranosyl
mercapto-, 24: 188 pyrophosphate), isolation of, 28:321
5 '-(P-L-fucopyranosyl pyrophosphate), diethidium 5-iodocytidylyl-(3 ',5')-, 27
enzymic synthesis of, 28:343 hydrate 4 MeOH, crystal structure
5 '-(P-L-galactopyranosyl pyrophosphates), bibliography, 38:502-503
isolation of, 28:319 dihydrate, crystal structure bibliogrpahy,
5 '-(P-L-gulopyranosyluronic acid 30:461

3,5-di-0-acetyl-N2-benzoyl-, preparation, 5-pyrophosphase glycosyl esters, occurrence

39:40 and enzymic synthesis of, 26:355
5 -(o-mannopyranosyluronic acid 5-pyrophosphate, esters of L-galactose and
pyrophosphate), from brown alga, 32:9 o-mannose in red alga, 32:9
5 -(fructosyl pyrophosphate), occurrence of, reaction with 2-acetoxy-2-methyl-propanoyl
28:320 halides, 33:85
glycuronic acid conjugates, preparation, selective etherification of, 33:70
36: 127 selective oxidation of, 33:88
8-hydroxy-2,3 -0-isopropylidene-5-0- 3 ,5-(sodium monophosphate) tetrahydrate,
(methylsu1fony)-, displacement reaction crystal structure bibliography, 31:360
of, 24: I88 structure of, 28:309
8-iodo-, monohydrate, crystal structure 3,5,6,8-tetramethyl-N1-methylphen-
bibliography, 38:508 anthroltnium 5-iodocytidylyl-(3+5),
manganese 5 -monophosphate octahydrate, methanolate, heptodecahydrate, crystal
crystal structure bibliography, 32:382 structure, 43:305-306
3.5-monophosphate,crystal structure 5-tetraphosphate. in enzyme biosynthesis,
bibliography, 37:435 30:225
5-monophosphate copper complex, crystal 6-thio-, monohydrate, crystal structure
structure bibliography, 37:416 bibliography, 30:461
N 2 , N2-dimethyl-, crystal structure 2,3,5-tri-O-acetyI-
bibliography, 30:463 N2-benzoyl-,selective deacylation, 39:40
N2-benzoyl-5-0-benzoyl-2-0-(4- 6-O-(mesitylenesulfonyl)-, crystal
methoxytetrahydropyran-4-yl)-, structure bibliography, 38:525-526
preparation, 39:37 Guanosine 5-[copper(II)monophosphate],
N-benzoyl-2-0-(tetrahydropyran-2-yl)-, 5 - tetrahydrate, crystal structure
phosphate, preparation, 36: I80 bibliography, 38:508-5 10
Nz-henzoyl-2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-, selective Guanosine diphosphate: (1+4)-P-~-glucan
deacylation, 39:3940 synthetase, cellulose biosynthesis, 41: 127
N7-[chloromercuri(II)]-, crystal structure Guanosine 5-diphosphate, glycosyl esters,
bibliography, 38:5 10 44:280, see also Glycosyl nucleotides
nickel 5 monophosphate octahydrate, crystal Guanosine diphosphate-glucose. precursor to
structure bibliography, 32:382 cellulose biosynthesis, 41: 125-132
N2-methyl-, monohydrate, crystal structure Guanosine diphosphate-glucose
bibliography, 38:516 pyrophosphorylase, cellulose biosynthesis,
occurrence and isolation of, 28:3 18. 32 1 41:126
2,3-U-isopropylidene- Guanosine 5-( o-mannosyl diphosphate).
p-toluenesulfonylation of, 24: 186 44:282; .see ulso Glycosyl nucleotides
reaction with phosphoryl chloride, 28:239 Guanosine hydrobromide, hemihydrate. crystal
5-(oligosaccharidepyrophosphates), 28:322 structure, 43:361-362
5-phosphate, 22:311,326, 328, 336 Guanosine 5-phosphate. trihydrate, crystal
preparation, 35:54 structure, 43:321
5-phosphate trihydrate, crystal structure Guanosine proflavine, 3-2 cytidylyl-(3, 5 )-,
bibliography, 31:370 hydrate, crystal structure bibliography,
5-phosphorocyclohexylamidate,in synthesis 38:527
of glycosyl nucleoside pyrophosphates, 8-Guanosin-8-ylguanosine, tetrahydrate, crystal
28:346 structure, 43:307-308
phosphorylation of, 22:341 Guanylic acid, 22:312
platinum ethylenediamine, mixed chloride 2-deoxy-
iodide salt dihydrate, crystal structure 3-phosphate, 22343
bibliography, 34:375 5-phosphate, 22:343

Guar, galactomannan from seeds of, 31:245 1-C-( 1,3-Dithian-2-~1)-2,3:5,6-di-O-

Guaran isopropylidene-P-L-, 2-propanol solvate,
affinity chromatography adsorbent, 39:419 crystal structure, 43:347
hydrolysis, 46:265 1 -(chloroethynyl)-2,3:5,6-di-O-
oxidation and acid hydrolysis of, 31:194 isopropylidene-L-, preparation, 38:3 17
periodate oxidation of, 31:201,239 3-deoxy- 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-3-C-
separation from glycogen, 35:276 methyl-a-o-, synthesis of, 27:282
structure, 35:349 1,6:3,5-dianhydro-a-o-, crystal structure,
Guaran sulfate, preparation of, 29:335 43:210-211
Guar galactomannan 1 -(diethoxy- 1-propynyl)-2,3:5,6-di-O-
solid film, circular dichroism, 45:9G91 isopropylidene-r-, preparation, 38:3 17
structure, 35:349 2,3:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene- 1-
Guar gum (phenylethyny1)-L-, preparation, 38:3 17
industrial applications of, 31:307-3 12 (pyridin-2-yl)-~-,preparation, 38:3 18
solution properties of, 31:283 [(tetra-hydrop yran-2 -y10xy)- -propynyl]
1 -
Guar seeds L-, preparation, 38:317
a-D-galactosidase from, 35:364 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-3-O-methyl-a-
P-o-mananase from, 35:367 D-,hydrolysis of, 34:203
enzymes in galactomannan degradation 1-( 1,3-dithian-2-yl)-2,3:5,6-di-O-
during germination, 35:361 isopropylidene-P-L-, preparation,
Gulal 38:321
4,6-O-benzylidene-n-, 24:20 1 I -ethynyl-2,3:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-~-,
3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-~-,24:2 14 preparation, 38:37 1
tri-0-acetyl-o-, 24:214 3-0-benzyl- 1,2:5,6-di-U-isopropylidene-a-
Gularic acid, 2,5-anhydro-o-, 25: 190 D-
Gulitol hydrolysis of, 34:203
2-acetamido- 1,2-dideoxy- 1-nitro+-, 2 selective hydrolysis, 39:15
4:133 2,3,5,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-~-, preparation,
1 -amino- I-deoxy-D-, deamination of, 31:60 38:316
1,5-anhydro- Gulofi1ranose-4,6-lactone,3-O-acetyl-4-C-
D-,25:237 carboxy-l,2-O-isopropylidene-5-O-p-
from 1,5-anhydro-o-galactitoIin tolylsulfonyl-a-~-,crystal structure
hydrogen fluoride, 26: 173 bibliography, 38:471472
L-, 25:237,245,250-251 9-P-~-Gulofuranosyladenine, 50: 195
2,6-anhydro-l-deoxy-l-nitro-o-, 24: 1 19 Gulonamide
D-,preparation, 38:3 15 2-acetamido-N-cyclohexyl-2-deoxy-3,-4: 5,6-
6-deoxy-1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-~-, di-0-isopropylidene-D-, preparation,
preparation of, 32:64 38:309
3.5-O-benzylidene-~-,preparation, 38:3 15 D-, preparation, 38:299
2,3-0-isopropylidene-~-, preparation, 2,3:4,5-di-O-carbonyl-6,6-dichloro-6-deoxy-,
38:315 preparation, 38:312
Gulofuranose 2,3:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-~-, preparation,
5-acetamido-5-deoxy-~-,23: 176 38:301
1,6-anhydro-a-~-, crystal structure, 43:214 L-, preparation, 38:299
1,6-anhydro-a-~-,preparation of, 34: 153 N, N-dimethyl-D-, preparation, 38:300
1-(benzothiazo1-2-y1)-2,-3:5,6-di-O- N-allyl-D-, preparation, 38:300
isopropylidene-L-, preparation, 38:3 I8 N-(4-ethoxyphenyl)-~-,preparation, 38:300
1-(1-benzylbenzimidazol-2-y1)-2,3:5,-6-di- N-(methoxycarbonylmethyl)-o-, preparation,
0-isopropylidene-L-, preparation, 38:300
38:318 N-(methoxypheny1)-L-, preparation, 38: 300

4-0-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy-o- Gulono- I ~

galactopyranosy1)-L-, preparation, 6-lactam

38:3 I 1 6-amino-6-deoxy-~-,23: 164
3,5-O-benzylidene-~-,preparation. 38:30 1 preparation. 38:308
Gulonic acid L-, preparation of, 33:233
5-amino-5-deoxy-o~-,23: 139 4-lactone, 38:287-32 1
6-amino-6-deoxy-~-,preparation, 38: 308 5-acetamido-5-deoxy-~-,preparation,
5-amino-5,6-dideoxy-~~- 38:308
preparation, 38:310 alcoholysis, 38:301
synthesis, 40: 112 3,6-anhydro-~-,25:26 1
2,5-anhydro-o-, structure of, 33: 118-1 I9 preparation, 38:307
2,6-anhydro-6-deoxy-6-deoxy-6-phenyl-~-, biological role, 38:320
preparation, 38:307 D-
2-anilino-2-deoxy-o-, ammonium salt, crystal structure, 38:296
preparation, 38:308 mass spectra. 38:297
biological role, 38:320 synthesis, 38:287, 289, 294
D-, oxidation, 38:314 crystal structure bibliography, 30:
6-deoxy-6-[ 1,3-di(carboxypropyl)amino-~-, 448
preparation, 38:3 10 irradiation, 37: 123
6-deoxy-6,6-dipheny-~-,preparation, 38:3 10 synthesis, 36: 1 1
6-deoxy-6.6-sulfo-~-,preparation, 38:3 1 1 6-deoxy-6,6-bis(4,4-dimethyl-2,6-
3,5:4,6-di-O-benzylidene-~-, ethylestcrs, dioxocyclohexyl)-3,5-O-ethylidene-
preparation, 38:301 L-, preparation, 38:3 1 1
2,3 :4,5-di-O-carbonyl-6,6-dichloro-6-deoxy-, 6-deoxy-~-,preparation, 38:305
methyl ester, preparation, 38:3 12 6-deoxy-6-(2-isonicotinoylhydrazino)-6-
3,5:4,6-di-O-ethylidene-~-, preparation, S U ~ ~ O - D -preparation,
, 38:3 10
37:114 6-deoxy-~-,preparation, 38:305-307
2,3:4,5-di-O-methylene-~-, methyl ester, 2,3-di-O-acetyl-5,6-O-isopropylidene-~-,
preparation, 38:302 preparation, 38:32 1
L- 2,6:3,5-di-O-benzylidene-~-, preparation,
in L-ascorbic acid synthesis, 37: 1 19-125 38:304
oxidation, chemical, 37: 123-125 2,2' :5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-2-C-
fermentative, 37: 122-123 (hydroxymethy1)-L-
oxidation, 38:3 14 crystal structure bibliography, 38:456
preparation, 38:295 preparation, 38:313
preparation, and salts, 38:298-299 2,3:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-2-C-
N-acetylchondrosaminido-r-, methylester, (hydroxymethy1)-L-, preparation,
preparation, 38:3 11 38:3 I3
3-O-P-~-glucopyranosyl-~-, preparation, 2,3:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-~-
38:305 oxidation, 38:321
3-O-benzoyl-2,4,5,6-tetra-O-benzyl-~-, preparation, 38:302
preparation, 38:302 2,3 :5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-~-
2-O-methyl-~-,methyl ester, 38:3 1 I preparation, 38:302
preparation, 37:87, 113, 119-120 reaction with lithiated 1,3-dithiane.
2,4,5,6-tetra-O-benzyl-~-, preparation of. and 38:321
esters, 38:302 L-
3,4,5-tri-O-acetyl-2,6-anhydro-~-, methyl conversion into r-ascorbic acid,
ester, preparation, 38:307 37:124125
Gulonic phenylhydrazide, L-, preparation, irradiation, 37: 123
38:299 oxidation to L-ascorbic acid, 37: 123

Gulono-I, (continued) 5-lactone, L-, formation, 38:296-297

oxidation to L-ascorbic acid Gulonolactone, 2-C-(hydroxymethyl)-~-,
enzymically, 37:123 2,2':5,6-di-U-isopropylidene-, crystal
preparation, 37537, 12C121 structure bibliography, 38:456
hydrolysis, 38:296,298 Gulononitrile
spectroscopic properties, 38:297 2-amino-2-deoxy-o, N-derivatives,
synthesis, 38:287-288,295 preparation, 38:308
preparation of, 33:2 18 2,5-anhydro-3,4,6-tri-O-(p-nitrobenzoyl)-~-,
nucleophilic additions to carbonyl group, preparation, 38:3 1 1
38:3 17 2-deoxy-3,5:4,6-di-U-ethylidene-2-C-
3,5-O-benzylidene-~-,preparation, 38:303 methyl-L-, preparation, 38:3 12
3,5-0-benzylidene-6-O-trityl-~-, 2,3 :4,5-di-O-carbonyl-6,6-dichloro-6-deoxy-
preparation, 38:305 DL-, preparation, 38:3 12
3,5-0-(2-chlorobenzylidene)-~-, Gulopyranose
preparation, 38:303 0.-D-, 45:74
3,5-O-ethylidene-~-,preparation, 2-amino- 1,6-anhydro-2-deoxy-p-~-,
38:303-304 preparation of, 34: 122
2,3-O-isopropylidene-o-, preparation, 3-amino- 1,6-anhydro-3-deoxy-P-o-,
38:303 preparation of, 34:122, 126
3,5-O-isobutylidene-~-,preparation, 1,6-anhydro-
38:303 p-D-
5,6-O-isobutylidene-~-,preparation, chiroptical properties of, 3 4 5 2
38:303 conformation of, 34:61
5,6-O-isopropylidene-o-, preparation, per-U-substituted, 34:77
38:302, 321 2,3-phenylboronate, 34:93
3,5-O-isopropylidenee-~-, preparation, preparation of, 34: 115
38:303 and triacetate, 34:89
3,5-0-(2-methylbenzylidene)-~-, p-toluenesulfonylation of, and 2,3-
preparation, 38:303 phenylboronate, 34:81
3,5-0-(3-methylbenzylidene)-~-, reaction with hydrogen bromide and
preparation, 38:303 bromine, 34:66
3-O-methyl-~-,preparation, 38:305 complexes, 3 4 5 4
3,5-0-(2-methyoxybenzylidene)-~-, 2,3-dideoxy-2,3-epirnino-p-o-, preparation
preparation, 38:303 and properties of, 34:13&13 1
2-O-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-3,5-0- 2,3-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-@-~-, preparation
isopropylidene-L-, preparation, of, 3 4 s 1
38:306 2,3-O-isopropylidene-P-o-, as synthetic
oxidation, 38:3 14 intermediate, 34:90
reactions, of hydroxyl groups, 38:302-305 D-, orientation of hydroxyl groups for, in
reduction, 38:3 15-3 17 4 C , ( ~conformation,
) 4575
2,3,5,6-tetra-O-acetyl-1~-,preparation, 1,6:2,3-dianhydro-p-~-
38:304 crystal structure bibliography, 30:447
2,3,5,6-tetra-O-benzoyI-o-, preparation, preparation of, 34:109, 113
38:304 1,2,3,4,6-penta-U-acetyl-a-~-, crystal
2,3,5,6-tetra-U-(trimethylsilyl)-o-, structure bibliography, 38:466
preparation, 38:304 Gulopyranoside
2,3,5-tri-O-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-~-, 2,3-anhydro-~-,48: 164
preparation, 38:305 benzyl2-acetamido-2,4-dideoxy-4-dideoxy-
3,5,6-tri-O-(tert-butyldmethylsilyl)-~-, 4-fluoro-6-O-trityi-u-o-, 48: 163
preparation, 38:305 D-, benzyl2-acetamido-3-O-acetyl-2,4-

H- and
dideoxy-4-fluoro-6-O-trityl-01-, ' by o-gulono- 1,4-lactone reduction.
"F-NMR data for, 46: 1 19 3 8 ~ 15-3
3 16
2-deoxy-2-fluoro-p-~-,48: 132 preparation, 38:293-294
2-flUOrO-OI-D-, 48:13 1-132 halogen derivatives of, 22:217
methyl cx(and P)-D-, hydrolysis of, 22:45 synthesis of, 24:247
methyl 4-acetamido-4,6-dideoxy-01-~-, 6-deoxy-
23:187 ~-,21:173,178, 181
methyl 3-acetylation 3,6-dideoxy-a-~-, L-, 21:178
acetylation of, 33:30 preparation, 38:3 16
methyl 2,3-anhydro- 2,3-O-isopropylidene-~-composition in
OI-D-, 25~127,145-146 aqueous solution, 42:59
4,6-benzylidene-o-, 25: 116 4-thio-~-composition in aqueous solution,
methyl D-, effect of calcium chloride on 42:53
specific rotation of, 21:230 2,6-diamin0-2,6-dideoxy-o-, 22: 14 I
methyl 6 - d e o x y - a - ~ ~synthesis,
-, 40:h9 I ,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-
methyl 2-deoxy-3,4,6-tri-O-p-tolylsufonyl-01- OI-D-, 24:247
D-, 23:272 D-, selective hydrolysis, 39: 15
methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-, hydrolysis of, 2,3:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-o-, preparation,
34:202 38:316
Gulopyranosiduronic acid, methyl p-0-, L-
ammonium salt, preparation, 36:73 derivatives of cyclic acetals, Table, 34:234
Gulopyranosse, 1,6-anhydro- preparation, 37: 109-1 10,38:290-29 1
p-D-, sulfonylation of, 23:252 synthesis of, 33:88
2,3-di-O-p-tolylsuIfonyl-~-u-, 23:252 2,3-O-isopropylidene-o-,preparation, 38:3 16
2,3,4-~-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-u-, 23:252 pyranose form, 42:63
Gulopyranosyl chloride, 6-deoxy-2,3-0- stability in solution, 42:26
isopropylidene-4-O-methyl-p-~-, reaction Guloseptanose, 4,5-di-O-acetyl- I ,2-0-
with base, 39: 147-148 isopropylidene-3-O-methyl-01-~-, crystal
Gulopyranosyluronic acid, P-L-, ester of structure bibliography, 31:3 53
guanosine 5'-pyrophosphate, isolation of. Guluronan, L-, crystal structure bibliography,
28:320 33:403
Gulopyranuronic acid, D-, methyl 01- and p- i.-Guluronan lyase, 44: 192-1 94
glycosides, preparation, 36:72 Guluronic acid
Gulose 2,3-diamino-2.3-dideoxy-~-, biosynthesis,
2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D- composition in 44:29&298
aqueous solution, 42:47, 67 01-L-, 47:24-25
2-amino-2-deoxy-u-, 22: 13 I , 14 I. 24: I 12 complexing. 47:32
derivatives, synthesis of, 22: 138 L-
3-amino-3-deoxy-o-, 22: 131 of alginic acid, 35:8, 10
2-amino-2,6-dideoxy-o-, 22: 141 biosynthesis, 44:296-298
3,6-anhydro-~-composition in aqueous Gum arabic, 22:5. 24:34&341
solution, 42:58 acetolysis of carboxyl-reduced, 31: 199
in aqueous solution, composition, 42:63 as a-L-arabinofuranosidase substrate,
OI-D-, effect of alkaline-earth metal salts on 42:390,392
specific rotation of, 21:230 antitumor activity of, 32:253. 266
D- structure, 24:343, 346, 41:8
calcium chloride complex, mutarotation enzymic analysis, 44:247
of, 23:34 Gums, 22:5,24:333-379
derivatives of cyclic acetals, Table, Acacia, 24:343-348
34:234 Acacia arubicu, 24:342, 345-346

Gums (continued) Sterculia, 24:361,365-369

Acacia drepanolobium, 24:345,348 Sterculia urens, 24:340
Acacia elata, 24:348 oligodsaccharides from, 24:368
Acacia karroo, 24:346 structure, history, 41:3, 7
Acacia laeta, 24:348 Virgilia oroboides, 24:360
Acacia laiifolia (ghatti), 24:354. 376 Gum tragacanth, 24:336,353,361
Acacia leiocarpus, 24:336, 340, 356 antitumor activity of, 32:253-254,262,273
Acacia mearnsii, 24:34&345 and pectinesterase activity, 33:329
Acacia nilotica, 24:344 Gutambuine, 46: 13
Acacia nubica, 24:345-346 Gymneina sylvestre, sweet-taste inhibitors
Acacia podalyriaefolia, 24: 348 from, 45:337
Acacia pycnantha. 24:344-345 Gymnemic acids, as sweet-taste inhibitors,
Acacia senegal, 24:344-345 45:33&339
Acacia seyal, 24:348 Gymnosperms, cell-wall
apricot-tree, 24:359 composition of, 26:300, 302
arabic antibodies, 53:242-246 formation in, 42:269
Araucaria bidwillii, 24:339-340,35 1 Gynocardin, 6-0- (p-bromophenylsulfony1)-,
blackthorn-tree, 24:359 crystal structure bibliography, 30:465
British, structure of, 26:16
cereal, definition, 36:2 17
cherry, 24:354,359 H
cholla, 24:353
Citrus limonia (lemon), 24:342, 351 Haemophilus injluenzae
Cochlospermum gossypicum, 24: 365 capsular polysaccharide-protein conjugate
Combretum leonense, 24: 336 vaccine, 41:198
polysaccharide from, 24:375,377 capsular polysaccharides, end groups, 41: 185
commercial, 13:265-287 structure, 41: 164-1 67
consumption of natural, 36:268-270 polysaccharide vaccine, 41: 195-1 96
damson, 24:354 Hakomori reaction, methylation of
Encephalarios longifolius. 24:359 carbohydrates, 30:12, 31:215, 230
gas-liquid chromatography of, 30:94 Hall-Weber-Helfand model, 51:8 1-82, 122,
gel chromatography of, 2 5 3 8 125
golden-apple, 24:351 Haloalkanes, 53:35 7
hydrolysis of, 46:263,265 Halobenzenes, 53:357
in industry, 36:268-270 Haloformates, carbohydrate, decomposition of,
jeol, 24:353 22:197
Khaya, 24:336,351,361,363-365 Halogenated carbohydrates, see Carbohydrates;
Kuiira. 24:365 Sugars
leiocarpan A, 24:356 Halogenation
lemon, 24:342, 351 of alcohols, 28:240
mesquite, 24:341,349 of carbohydrates with phosphorusbased
Odina wodier, Roxb. (jeol), 24:353 reagents, 33:77-80
Opuntiafulgida (cholla), 24:353 cyclic acetal, 39:95-121
plant, constitution, 3 5 6 reagents causing migration of acetal
review, 3 5 8 groups, 39:115-121
structure, 35:9 of 6-deoxyhexoses, 21: 182
ofplants, 4:243-291 1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitols, 49: 149-150
polysaccharide, 53:411412 of diazo compounds, 31:59-60
Prunus, 24:360 of glycals, 24:202
sapote, 24:371 of nucleotides, 22:377

of polysaccharides, 29:348 Hunsenula holstii

selective, of carbohydrates, 33:72-86 phosphonomannan, 41:85-86
of sulfonic esters of, carobhydrates, 23:268 Y-2448, polysaccharide, 41:77
Halogen nucleophiles, for oxirane aldoses, Hansenulu polymorphu, polysaccharide, 41:87
25: 125 Hansenulu wingei, polysaccharide, 41:87
Halogeno carbohydrate, 4 5 4 0-Hapten, 44:3 17
2-Halogeno derivatives, nonselective Hardegger, Emil, obituary, 38: 1-1 1
relaxation-rates, stereospecific Hard-sphere exoanomeric algorithm, 47: 105,
dependencies, 45: 152 50:333-3 35
Halogenohexopyranosyl fluorides, 2-deoxy-2-, Harmones, as glycoproteins, 25408
'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:129 Hassid, William Zev, obituary, 32: 1-14
Halogenoketonucleosides, synthesis of, 42:244 Haworth, Walter Norman, obituary of, 6: 1-9
Halogenolysis Haworth method
of dithioacetals, 32:72 cyclic monosaccharides, 52:6 1-63
of halogenated deoxy sugars, 25: 194 of methylation of carbohydrates, 30: 1 I . 13,
(Halogenomethy1ene)dimethyliminIum halides, 15
in synthesis of deoxyhalogeno sugars, Hayashi, H., 46:7
28:250 'H chemical shifts, isohexide derivative ring
Halogenopentopyranosyl fluorides, 2-deoxy-2-, system, 49: 108- 109
'H- and lyFF-NMRdata for, 46:135-137 Heat of activation, of mutarotation of D-
Halogen oxidation, see Oxidation, halogen glucose, 24:53
Halogens Heat of combustion, for levoglucosan, 34:52
addition to unsaturated sugars, 22: 193, 195 Heat of dehydration, for levoglucosan, 3 4 5 2
atom, effect on neighboring groups in Heat of evaporation, for levoglucosan, 34:52
halogenated carbohydrates, 22:207 Heat of formation, for levoglucosan, 34:52
displacement of, in sugar derivatives, 25202 Heat of pyrolysis, of cellulose, 23:447
Halo(methoxyl)ation, of glycals, 24:203 Heavy water, reducing sugar composition in,
Hamamelitol, in biosynthesis of clusianose, 42:6344
37:3 19 Helferich, Burckhardt, 45: 1-6
Hamamelopyranoside, methyl f3-D-,preparation awards, 45:2
of, 32:38 career, 45: 1-2
Hamamelose education, 45: 1
composition mamage, 4 5 2
in aqueous solution, 4254, 134 publications and patents, 45:6
in nonaqueous solution, 4 2 6 1 research, 452-6
D-, carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic resonance Helferich method
spectroscopy, 41:64 of glycosiduronic acid synthesis, 36:74
isolation of, 31: 136 of 1-thio-P-o-glycopyranosiduronicacid
L-, synthesis, 42:78, 81 synthesis, 36:98
natural occurrence of, 4269, 76 Heliunthus
occurrence, 37:3 19-320 coleoptiles, development physiology of,
structure of, 42:70 42:358
synthesis of, 42:78, 80, 128 D-fructose from, 22:232
Hammett constant, 45:224-225, 303 Helichysoside, hydrate, 43:372
Ham-Woolf plots, 51: 157 Helixpomatia lectin, see Snail, lectin
Hanganutziu-Diecher antigen, 50:339, 342 Helminthosporoside
Hunsenula, 0-phosphonomannans, 36:302 and clones, effect on sugar-cane leaves,
Hansenulu cupsulutu Y-I842 37:321
phosphonomannan, 41:84 isolation and structure, 37:320
polysaccharide, 41 :77 Helminths, a-o-mannosidase in, 28:405

Helveticoside, 21:308 biosynthesis, 42:321-322,331-332,337

Hemagglutination tests, for lectins, 35: 133, 140 bonding to cellulose, 42:306-307
Hemagglutinins, see Lectins in fruit ripening, 42:365, 378-379
Hematoside, discovery, 40:235 interconnections, 42:3 1 1-3 12
Hemiacetals, 23:25 tissue, gas-liquid chromatographic
of aldehydo sugars, 25214 determination, 28:60
of 2,5-anhydroaldoses, 25:212 polysaccharides, 46:305
disaccharides problems, 35:8, 10
with, 52:149-150 quantitative values, 36:25 1-262
without, 52:149-150 of ryegrass, 36:258-262
formation of, 42:30, 133 softwood, 46:305
nomenclature, 52: 122-123 structure
oligosaccharides chemistry of, 14:429468
with, 52:153-154 features, 36:229-249
without, 52: 151-153 sugars in hydrolyzates of oats, 36:255-257
sugar analogs having phosphorus in ring of, trimethylsilylation and gas-liquid
42: 135-1 9 1 chromatography of, 28:42
biological activity, 42:188-190 of wood, 19~247-302,20:409483
physical properties of, 42: 191 Hemichordates, sialic acids occurrence, 40: 137
Hemicellulases Hemiketals, nomenclature, 52: 122-123
occurrence, purification, properties, and Hemp, cell-wall studies on, 42:268
mode of action, 32:277-352 Hen egg-white lysozyme, 44: 195
of rumen micro-organisms, 32:344-346 Hen-ovalbumin glycopeptide, structure,
Hemicellulose-lignin complex, from perennial 37:174, 179-180
ryegrass, 36:260 Hen ovomucoid, complex glycans, f.a.b.-mass
Hemicelluloses, 46:300 spectrometry, 4560-62
antitumor activity of, 32:254-257,262 Hen-ovotransfenin glycopeptide, structure,
A and B from plant cell-walls, 42:310 37:176, 178-180
biosynthesis of, 26:405 Henry reaction, 24: 12 1
in cell walls of plants, 36:257-258 for deoxynitroinositols, 24:lOO
chemical composition of, 26:302 for nitro-sugar synthesis, 24:68, 70
classification of, 32:278 Hexonic acid, 3,4,5,6-tetra-O-acetyyl-2-deoxy-2-
definition, 32:278,36:216-218 diazo-o-arabzno-, methyl ester, irradiation,
effect on animal nutrition, 36:251 38: 179
endospermic and non-endospermic, 36:220, Hexopyranoside-4-uI0-2~,4-pyranose, methyl
228 2,3,6-trideoxy-2-C[ 1 , l -(ethylenedithio)-2-
fractionation, 36:22&227 hydroxyethyl]-a-~-treo-,crystal structure
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:62 bibliography, 38:442443
gel chromatography of, 2 9 4 3 Heparanase, 43:99-100
in grasses, 36:215-264 cleavage of heparin, 43: 100-103
current views, 36:262-264 Heparan sulfate
hardwood, 46:305 biological activity, 43: 132-133
high-temperature transformation of, circular dichroism, 45: 117
46:305-307 crystal structure bibliography, 35:383,
from holocellulose, 36:223-225 36:329
isolation, 36:220-229 depolymerization by nitrous acid, 31:75
non-fermentable oligosaccharides, liquid disaccharide repeating units, 43:53-55
chromatography methods for, 46:52 glycosidic linkage, 43:53
in plants, 26:298,300,346,36:250-262, heterogeneous regions, structure, 43:72-74
42:268-269,27&275,287-292 hexosamine, 43:53,55

major uronic acid, 43:53, 55 with heparanase, 43: 102

N-acetyl-, p-eliminative degradation of, with heparinase, 43:90, 100-103
29:243 commercial preparations, bleached, 43:6 1
periodate-oxidized, cleavage, 43:98-99 complexation
selective cleavage, 43:84-103 with alkylammonium salts, 43:63
structure with antithrombin, 43:119-122
enzymic analysis, 44:209-216 with basic biogenic amines and drugs,
similarity to heaparin, 43:57-59 43: I I7
Heparan sulfate lyase, 43:102,44:210-214 with cationic dyes, 43:62-63, 116
Heparin, 24:291,25:11 with fibronogen, 43: 126
acid hydrolysis, 43:8485 with lipoproeteins, 43: 123-124
as activator of enzymes in trehalose with lipoproteinlipase, 43: 125-126
biosynthesis, 30:243 with plasmin, 43:126
alkaline cleavage, 43:85-86 with platelet factor 4,43: 124-125
amide derivatives, preparation of, 29:348 with thrombin, 43:122
amino acid content, 25:434,43:66 Cu2+binding. 43: 1 16
amino sugar content, 43:73-74 deamination
anticoagulant activity, 43:52,75, 1 1 8-1 19, degradation of, 31:232,235
127 gas-liquid chromatography and, 28:76
and charge density, 43: 130, 132-1 33 D-glucoronic acid
correlation with structure, 43:128-132 configuration, 43:72-73
and degree of sulfation, 43: 129- I30 residues, 43:71-72
mechanisms, 43: 128 from different sources
molecular weight dependence, 43: I32 biological activity, 43:67
as anticoagulant for blood, 29:336 physicochemical parameters, 43:67
antilipemic properties, 43: 127-128 Smith-degraded, fragmentation patterns,
antithrombin 111binding site, 52,86,120 43:98
structure, 43:75-79 disaccharide
antitumor activity of, and its salts, 32:257, repeating units, 43:53-55
273 structure. 39:240-241
assays, 43:61 divalent cation binding, 43: 114-1 16
p-eliminative degradation of, 29:243-245 effect on complement system, 43:126
binding of Cu(I1) with, monitoring with fast- and slow-moving components, 43:82
circular dichroism study, 45: I I8 fractions
binding to insoluble matrices, 43: 106 affinity for antithrombin, 43533
biosynthesis of, 26:434,437,43:56-59 characterization, 43:82-83
Ca2' binding, 43: 1 15-1 16 gas-liquid chromatography of hydrolyzates,
carbohydrate chains in, 29460 28:75, 78
carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance gel chromatography of, 2 5 4 5
spectra, 38:72-74 of degradation products of, 25:34
characterization, 43:61-66 as glycosaminoglycan, 43:52-53
chromatographic methods, 43:6344 glycosidic linkage, 43:53
colorimetric methods, 43:61-62 anomeric configuration, 43:70
electrophoretic methods, 43:63 heterogeneity, 43:52, 84
optical rotation, 43:66 heterogeneous regions, structure, 43:71-
titrimetric methods, 43:6243 75
chemical modification, 43: 103-108 hexosamine, 43:53,55
chemistry of, 10:335-368 structure, 43:6748
circular dichroism, 45: 117 'H-NMR spectrum, 43: 1 11-1 12
cleavage hydrodynamic properties, 43: 113-1 14

Heparin (continued) solvolytic desulfation, 43: 103

hydrolysis of, trifluoroacetic acid in, 28: 16 structural and sequence analysis of, 46:49,
infrared spectrum, 43:64 57
interaction structure of, 26:15,36:10,316
with cells and cell components, crystal bibliography, 33:401,35:382,
43:126127 36:328-329
with coagulation proteinases, 43: 122- enzymic analysis, 44:209-216
123 main building blocks, 43:66-7 1
with plasma protein, 43:117-127 subfractionation, 43: 8 1-82
isolation, 4 3 5 9 4 0 sulfated disaccharides, liquid
large-scale columns, 46:62 chromatography, 46:37
labeling, 43:105-106 sulfur analysis, 43:66
with hydrogen isotopes, 27:138 supersulfated, 43: 104
r-iduronic acid in, 2 8 5 5 tissue storage, 43:59
linkage region, 43:86-88 tritium labelling of, 29:350
structure, 43:74-75 ultraviolet spectrophotometry, 43:64
liquid chromatography, 43:64 in urine, 24:443
macromolecular, 43 :56 Heparinase, 43:99- 100,44:21&2 14
major uronic acid, 43:53,55,69 cleavage ofheparin, 43:10O-103
Maurice Staceys work, 52: 1 1 Heparinoids, 43: 103-108, 128
molecular conformation, 43: 108-1 13 preparation of, 29:342-343, 347
molecular weight, 43:80 Heparin proteoglycan, 43:5657
nitrous acid deamination, 31:73-75,43:62, molecular weight, 43:59
8695 Heparin substitutes, polyglycose sulfates as,
major fragments from, 43:89-95 21508
nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Heparin sulfate
43:64-66 composition, analysis, 4 6 5 5
optical rotation, 43:7&71 crystal structure bibliography, 33:401
oxidative hydrolysis of, 31: 190 Heparitin
partial deaminative cleavage, 43:89 peptide compound, in urine, 24:444
periodate oxidation, 43:95-99, 104 proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of,
physically separable species, 43S3O-84 27:4142
physiological roles, 43: 132-133 sulfate, 24:291
as polyelectrolyte, 43:113-117 Heparitinase, see Heparan sulfate lyase
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, Heparitin lyase, see Heparan sulfate lyase
27:41 Heparitin sulfate, 2 5 4 7
proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, as activator of enzymes in trehalose
29:26 biosynthesis, 30:243
purification, 43:6061 carbohydrate chains in, 23460
Purity deamination and structure of, 31:75
assessment, 43:62 structure of, 26:433
criteria, 43:66 Hepato-protective activity, of D-
quantitation, by photodensitometry, 43:63 glucohranosiduronic N-phenylthydrazide.
radiolabelling of, by N-resulfation, 29:343 33:215
Raman spectra, 43:64 Heptasaccharide, synthesis, 49:228-229
repeating units of, 26:432 Heptenitol, hydration, 48:355
selective cleavage, 43:84103 Hept-5-enodialdo- 1,4-furanose
separation from other glycosaminoglycans, 7-C-aryl- 1,2-O-cyclohexylidene-5,6-
43:6O-61 dideoxy-a-o-xylo-, syntheses by Wittig
Smith degradation, 43:95-98 reaction, 27:247

3-0-benzyl- 1,2-0-cyclohexylidene-5,6- reaction, 27:256

dideoxy-a-o-xylo-, synthesis by Wittig Hept-6-enopyranose, 6,7-dideoxy- 1,2:3.4-di-0-
reaction, 27:244 isopropylidene-a-o-guhcto-, synthesis by
Wittig reaction, with, 27:251 Wittig reaction, 27:293
Hept-5-eno- I ,4-furanuronate Hept-2-enose
butyl3-0-benzoyl- 1,2-0-cyclohexylidene- 4,6:5,7-di-O-benzyIidene-2,3-dideoxy- 1 -C-
5,6-dideoxy-a-~-xylo-,synthesis by phenyl-o-ribo-, synthesis by Wittig
Wittig reaction, 27:257 reaction, 27:246
methyl 3-0-benzyl- I ,2-0-cyclohexylidene- 4,5 :6,7-di-O-cyclohexylidene-2,3-dideoxy-
5,6-dideoxy-P-o-xylu-, synthesis by uldehydo-o-xylo-, synthesis by Wittig
Wittig reaction, 27:257 reaction, 27:245
Hept-5-enofuranurononitrile aldehydo-L-aruhino-, synthesis by Wittig
5-deoxy-1,2-0-isoproplidene-3-0- reaction, 27:245
(methylsulfony1)-a-o-xylo-, c/s-and 1-C-phenyl-L-urabino-, synthesis by
trans-, preparation of, 29:284 Wittig reaction, 27:246
E-, and Z-6-fluoro- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-3- Wittig reaction with, 27:252
0-methyl-a-o-xylo, preparation, Heptitols
38:247 acetates, gas-liquid chromatography of,
Hept-2-enonamidq 4,6:5,7-di-O-benzylidene- 28:64, 128
2,3-dideoxy-o-ribo-, synthesis by Wittig acetylation of, 28:36
reaction, 27:256 1 -amino-2,6-anhydro-
Hept-2-enonate 1 -deoxy-D-glycero-o-guh'to-,
ethyl 2-bromo-2,3-dideoxy-4,5:6,7-di-O- deamination of, 31:51
isopropylidene- 1-deoxy-o-glycero-L-munno-,deamination
D - ~ J O synthesis
-, by Wittig reaction. of, 31:52
27:257 1,7-deoxy-~-glycero-~-gaIacto-,
L-urubino-, synthesis by Wittig rcaction, deamination of, 31:52
27:257 1-amino- 1-deoxy-D-g/ycero-u-
ethyl 2-bromo-2,3-dideoxy-~-urabino-, galacto-, deamination and cyclization of,
4,5,6,7-tetraacetate, synthesis by Wittig 31:60
reaction, 27:257 gulo-, deamination and cyclization of,
ethyl 3-deoxy-2-0-ethyl-4,5:6,7-di-0- 31:60
isopropylidene-o-aruhino-. synthesis by 2,6-anhydro-. 25:248
Wittig reaction, 27:274 anhydro-, and derivatives, 25:248, 28 1-
ethyl 2,3-dideoxy-o- and-L-arubino-. 282
synthesis by Wittig reaction, 27:254 2,5-anhydro- 1-deoxy-
ethyl 2,3-dideoxy-4,5 :6,7-di-0- 1-nitro-o-glycero-L-gluco-, 25:248
isopropylidene-L-urubino-, synthesis by 1-nitro-o-glycero-r-manno-,25:248
Wittig reaction, 27:254 2,6-anhydro- 1 -deoxy-, 1-nitro-o-glycero-L-
ethyl 2,3-dideoxy-~-ribo-,synthesis by manno-, 24:120
Wittig reaction, 27:254 2,6-anhydro-3-deoxy-
ethyl 4,6:5,7-di-0-benzylidene-2,3-dideoxy- o-galucto-, 23:73, 24:210, 25:248
D-ribo-, synthesis by Wittig reaction, 0 - g l U C O - , 2 3 ~ 7 2 76.25~248
27:254 o-manno-, 23:72,76, 25:248
methyl 2.3-dideoxy-3-C-(hydroxymethyl)-, D-talO-, 23~73,24:210,25:248
3 ',4,5,6,7-pentaacetate, synthesis by 2,6-anhydro-5-deoxy-, o-ultro-, 25:248
Wittig reaction, 27:255-256 anhydrodeoxy-, characterization by X-ray
Hept-2-enono-l,4-lactone, 50: 167 analysis, 23:86
Hept-2-enononitrile, 4,6:5,7-di-O-benzylidene- 2,6-anhydro-o-glycero-
2,3-dideoxy-o-ribo-, synthesis by W h i g 0-gUlO-, 23~92-93, 110, 24:220

Heptitols (continued) Hepto-3,5-dienofuranuronamide, frans-3,5,6-

L-manno-, 23:93,24:220,25:248 trideoxy- 1,2-0-isopropyhdene-a-o-
2,6-anhydro- 1,3:5,7-di-O-benzylidene-o- glycero-, preparation of, 29:285
glycero-r-manno-, selective hydrolysis, Hepto-3,5-dienohranurononitrile, 3,5-di-
39:20 deoxy- 1,2-0-isopropIidene-a-o-
2,6-anhydro-5,7-0-benzylidene- 1-deoxy- 1- glycero-, cis-and trans-, preparation of,
nitro-, 25248 29:285
2,6-anhydro-l,3-O-p-anisylidene-5,7-0- Heptodiulose, 4,5-0-isopropylidene-7-0-
benzyhdene-o-glycero-L-manno-, (tetrahydropyran-2-yl)-,2-(trimethylene
selective hydrolysis, 39:20 dithioacetal), preparation of, 32:39
1-deoxy- Heptofuranose
D-glycero-o-galacto-, identity with ~ - a - 1,5-anhydro-2,3:6,7-di-O-isopropyIidene-p-
fucohexitol and 7-deoxy-o-g~ycero-o- o-glycero-o-allo-, 24: 171
manno-heptitol, 32:79 2,3:6,7-di-0-isopropylidene-5-0-
1-nitro-o-glycero-L-manno-, dehydration isopropylidene-p-D-glycero-D-gub-,
of, 33: 123 displacement reactions of, 24: 171
7-deoxy-, L-glycero-D-manno-,identity with Heptofuranoside, methyl 2,3:6,7-di-0-
L-a-hcohexitol, 32:79 isopropylidene-p-o-glycero-L-faIo-,
o-glycero D - ~ u ~ o24:68
-, 24:171
3,5:6,7-di-O-isopropylidene-~-glycero-o- Heptofuranuronic acid, 5-O-acetyl-3-0-benzyI-
gulo-, selective hydrolysis, 39:23 6-deoxy-6-(formamido)- 1,2-0-
glycero-gulo-, crystal structure bibliography, isopropylidene-L-glycero-
37:379 a-L-allo-, ethyl ester, crystal structure
1,3,4,5,7-pent-O-acety-2,6-anhydi-o-~- bibliography, 38:475476
glycero-o-gulo-, 23: 105 P - D - t d O - , ethyl ester, crystal structure
synthesis, 40:94 bibliography, 38:475
trimethylsilyl ethers, gas-liquid Heptofuranurononitrile
chromatography of, 2 8 5 8 3-azido-3,6-dideoxy- 1.2-0-isopropylidene-
4,5,7-tri-O-acetyl-2,6-anhydro- a-D-gluco-, double @-eliminationin,
3-deoxy-~-gluco-,X-ray diffraction of, 29:285
23:254 6-deoxy- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-3,5-di-0-
3-deoxy-o-manno-, X-ray diffraction of, (rnethykulfonyl)-a-D-ghco-, double p-
23:254 elimination in, 29:284
1-O-(p-bromophenylsulfonyl)-3-deoxy-~- 3,5,6-trideoxy- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-p-~-
gluco-, 23~72,86 fhreo-, preparation of, 29:29 1
I -0-(p-bromophenylsulfonyl)-3-deoxy-~- Heptonamide
gluco-, crystal structure bibliography, 3-acetamido-2,3-dideoxy-4,5:6,7 di-0-
31:369 isopropylidene-L-arabino-,preparation
Heptodialdo-I, of epimers, 27:263
6-deoxy- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-a-~-gluco-, 3,4,5,7-tetra-O-acety1-2,6-anhydro-o-
23:102 glycero-L-gluco-, anomeric equilibrium,
5,6-dideoxy- I ,2-~-ispropylidene-a-~-xyb, 47:65
23: 102 Heptonate, ethyl 2,3-(Nbenzylepimino)-2,3-
4-furanose-7,3-pyranose,5-O-acetyl-6- dideoxy-L-glycero-L-galacto-, 4,5,6,7-
deoxy- I ,2-O-isopropyhdene-a-o- tetraacetate, preparation of, 27:264
gluco-, nucleoside, and anomer, 23: Heptonic acids
105 3-amino-3-deoxy-, deamination of, 31:60
Heptodialdo- 1,4-furanose, 6-deoxy- 1,2-0- 7-amino-7-deoxy-, derivatives, synthesis,
isopropylidene-a-~-gluco-7-(trimethylene 39:63
dithioacetal), preparation of, 32:37 o-glycero-D-gulo-, analytical high-

performance liquid chromatography, ammonolysis of, 31:87

46:34 synthesis of, 27:294
Heptono-l,44actone D-glycero-D-gulo-
o-glycero-D-gulo-, selective periodate dithioacetals, reaction with sulfonyl
oxidation of, 33:94 chloride, 32:48
3,5:6,7-di-O-isopropylidene-o-gul~~-, effect of calcium chlorode on equilibrium
selective hydrolysis, 39:23 rotation of, 21:230-231
Heptonolactones hexaacetate and hexabenzoate.
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:72 ammonolysis of, 31:87
trimethylsilylation of, 28:28 hydrolysis of, 22:45
Heptononitrile o-g/ycero-D-ido
2,3,4,5,6,7-hexa-0-acetyl-~-g/ycero-n- composition in aqueous solution, 42:3 1,
gulucto-, ammonolysis of. 31:83-84 35-36,65
hexa-O-acetyl-D-glycero-D-gu/o-, 2,3 :6,7-dI-O-isopropylidene-o-glycero-
ammonolysis of, 31:83 o-gulo-, composition in aqueous
2,3,4,5,6,7-hexa-0-benzoyl-~-glycrro- solution, 42:59
o-gzrlo-, ammonolysis of, 31:84 purification of, dithioacetal in, 32:6 1
L-manno-, ammonolysis of, 31:84 o-gljlcero-D-man no-
Heptonoyl cobalt tricarbonyl triphenyl- ester of guanosine 5'-pyrophosphate,
phosphine, 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI-2,6- 28:320
anhydro-o-g!vcero-o-gulo-, 23: 1 I0 synthesis, 41:8-9
Heptopyranose D-glycero-L-ido-,synthesis of, 27:294
1,4-anhydro-2,3 :6.7-di-O-isopropyl idene-a- o-glycero-L-munno-
D-glycero-D-ullo-,synthesis, 39: 168 diethyl dithio acetal, reaction with sulfonyl
D-glj,cero-P-o-gulo-,crystal structure chloride in pyridine, 32:48
bibliography, 38:436 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:59
6,7-dideoxy- 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-7- hexaacetate and hexabenzoate,
(diethoxymethylsilyl)-a-o-gul[~~,to-. ammonolysis of, 31:87
synthesis of, 27:293 o-glycero-r-tulo-,47:39
Heptopyranoside, methyl P-D-gl?icero-u-gtr/o- 2,6-dideoxy-~-munnu-,24:264
oxidation, 36:73 dithioacetals, physical constants of, and
selective periodate of, 33:94 peracetates, 32: 1 13
Heptose hexa-0-acety l-u/dehydo-D-glvcero-
3-acetamido-3-deoxy-, 24: 112 D- gU/UCtO-
3,6-anhydro-2-deoxy- 1-C-(p- preparation of, 32:62
methoxypheny1)-o-xylo-, synthesis by reaction with acetic anhydride in
Wittig reaction, 27:285 pyridine or in sulfuric acid, 32:69-
4,7-anhydro-~-glycero-~-munno-, diethyl 70
dithioacetal, preparation of, 32:48 L-gluco-, preparation of, 3 2 6 2
7-deoxy- 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexa-0-acetyl-7-O-trityl-~-~-
glycero-gulo-, synthesis, 40:95 glycero-n-gulucto-, detritylation and
L-glycero-L-gulacto-, 21: 178 acyl migration in, 33: 106
2-deoxy-o- 2,3,4,5,6-penta-0-actyl-7-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-
galucto-. 24: 127,264 aldehydo- D-glycero-D-gulo-,
manno-. 24:264 rearrangement in zinc chloride-acetic
6-deoxy-~-,from liposaccharide from anhydride, 26: 194
Pusteurellu pseudotuberculosis, mass 4,5,7-tri-O-acetyl-2,6-anhydr0-3-deoxy-
spectrum of, 29:54 uldehydo-o-
D-glycero-D-gulacto- gluco-, 23: 86
hexaacetate and hexabenzoate, manno-, 23:86

Heptose aldehydrol, 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexa-O-acetyl- (chloromethyl)-l,7-di-deoxy-au-o~-

7-O-p-toly lsulfonyl-aldehydo-o-glycerol- ido-,crystal structure bibliography,
L-manno-, rearrangement in zinc chloride- 38:458--459
acetic anhydride, 26: 194 4-Heptulopyranose, 1,2:6,7-di-O-isopropyl-
Heptoseptanoside, methyl 5-7-0-benzylidene- idene-3-oxa-a-o-ribo-, 23:268
3-deoxy-2,4-di-O-methyl-3-nitro-, Heptulopyranoside
24:133 ol-D-glucopyranosyl4-amino-4-deoxy-p-~-
Heptoses, 48:285-287 gluco-, 2 4 ~ 9 7
deoxy-, melting points and optical rotations methyl 4-deoxy-4-nitro-a-o-gluco-, 24:97
of, 26:288 Heptulopyranosidonic acid, methyl 4,5-di-0-
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:49,54 benzoyl-3,7-dideoxy-7-iodo-a-~-arabino-,
trimethylsilyl derivatives, gas-liquid methyl ester, crystal structure of, 25:69
chromatography of, 28: 109 Heptulose
Heptosylamine, N-benzoyl-o-glycero-L- 1-deoxy-o-
manno-, preparation of, 31:87 gulacto-, 48:354-355
Heptulopyranose gluco-, 48:356
7-acetamido-7-deoxy-~-galacto-, 23: 178 5,7-dideoxy-~-xylo-,synthesis, 49: 194
2,7-anhydro- 2-Heptulose, I -deoxy-, preparation of, 31:51
p-0- 3-Heptulose
ultro- uffro, composition in dimethyl sulfoxide,
acetylation of, 33:24 42:68
catalytic oxidation of, 33:87 o-alfro-
alfro-, monohydrate, crystal structure in aqueous solution, 42: 16,41
bibliography, 31:366 crystal structure bibliography, 30:451
carbon-I 3 nuclear magnetic resonance 1,2,4,5,6,7-hexa-O-(triemthylsilyl)-keto-,
spectroscopy, 41:5 I 28:25
conformations of, and tetraacetates, trimethylsilylation of, 28:25
26:116 D-munno-, monohydrate, crystal structure
optical rotation and conformation of, bibliography, 31:366
and acetates, 26:61 trimethylsily ethers, mutarotation, 42:23
4-deoxy-4-nitro-~-o-u/lo-,24:95 Heptuloses, 49:28
4-deoxy-4-nitro-~-o-gulo-,24:95 a-0-ghCO-, conformation of, 23:30
1,3:4,5-di-O-methylene-p-~-ulfro-, a-o-gluco-2-, sweetness-structure
26:252 relationship, 49253-254
formation by mutarotation, 24:46 a-D-munno-, difference-circular dichroism
4,5-O-isopropy~idene-p-~-uho-, 26:252 spectra, 4 5 8 1
structure and proton magnetic spectra ol-D-?nUnn0-2-,sweetness-structure
of, 26:227 relationship, 45253-254
3,4-O-isopropylidene-p-~-manno-, 26:253 a-o-tul0-2-, sweetness-structure
5,7-O-ethylidene-a-~-ulfro-, 26:253 relationship, 45253-254
1,3,5-tri-O-acetyl-2,7-anhydro-~-~-altro-, 2,7-anhydro-P-o-a~t-,cyclic acetals,
preparation of, 33:24 26:252
a-~-manno-2-Heptulopyranose,crystal I-bromo-l -deoxy-o-galacfo-, 22: 197
structure, 43:219-220 1-chloro-1-deoxy-o-galacfo-, 22: 197
2-Heptulopyranose composition in solution, 42:29,40-12,66
2,7:4,5-dianhydro-P-o-dfro-, structure of, cyclic acetals, 26:252
34: I09 properties of, 26:275
2,7:3,4-dianhydro-P-~-manno-, structure of, ol-D-UhO-2-, sweetness-structure
34: 109 relationship, 45253-254
3,4,5-tri-O-acetyl- 1,7-dibromo-6- 0-UlfrO-, taste properties, 45254

deoxy, composition in solution, 42:4042 p-L-ido-, 24:260

7-deoxy-o-a~tro-,taste properties, 45:254 ol-D-g/UCO-. 24~260
1-deoxy-o-manno-, taste properties, Herbicides
45:254-255 3-amino-S-triazole, 21 :399
7-deoxy-~-galacto-.taste properties, 45:254 benzoic acid derivatives, 21:407
o-gluco- carbamates and carbanilates. 21:403
in aqueous solution, 42: 17 chlorinated aliphatic acids, 21:402
hexaacetate, reaction with ethanethiol. I ,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitolsas. 49: 170
32:34 maleic hydrazide. 21:398
1,3-dideoxy-4,5:6,7-di-O-isopropylidene-o- phenoxyacetic acids, 21:392
arabino-, diethyl dithioacetal, plant-growth substances as, 21:392
preparation of, 32:59 s-triazines, 21:406
o-manno- for sugarcane, 21:422
conformation of, 23:32 urea derivatives, 21:404
as plant-growth substance, 21:4 I6 Herdan relations, 47:375
halogen derivatives of, 22:227 Hemandulcidin, sweetness-structure
ido-, in aqueous solution, 42: 17 relationship, 45:295-296
L-allo-, taste properties, 45:254 Herpes infections, glycosylation inhibition
I.-gulucto- effect, 40:369-370
conformational equilibria. 23:32 Herpesvirus- 1. adenine nucleoside activity
taste properties, 45:254 against, 42: I3 1
L-gluco-, taste properties, 45:254 Hesperitin dihydrochalcone-4-yI p-D-
5,7-0-ethylidene-keto-~-manno-, 26:253 galactopyranoside, taste properties, 45279
3,4,5,6,7-penta-O-acetyl- 1-chloro- 1 -deoxy- Hesperitin dihydrochalcone-4-yI p-D-
o-galaczo-, reaction with triethyl xyloside. taste properties, 45:280
phosphite, 28:285 Heterocyclic compounds
trimethylsilylation of, 28:25. 28 formation by ammonolysis, 31:89, 12&125
Heptuloside, methyl a-oL-gluco-, synthesis, lithiated. addition to aldonolactones.
40:7 1 50: 138-1 39
a-Heptuloside, formation. 48:356 nitrogen, synthesis from saccharide
Heptulosonate, ethyl 3-deoxy-4,s-0- derivatives, 25:35 1 4 0 5
isopropylidene-o-arabino-, synthesis of, as solvents for sugars, 27: 107, 1 I I , I 17
27:279 from sugars and aqueous ammonia,
2-Heptulosonic acid, 3-deoxy-4-O-methyl-~- 25:3 1 1-349
arabino-, periodate-thiobarbituric acid sulfur-containing, preparation of, 32:20
assay, 38:33 1-332 Heterogalactans, 23:410
Heptulosonic acid 7-phosphate, 3-deoxy-n- Heteroglycans. hydrolysis of, 28: 14
arabino-2-, 49:206-207 Heteropolymolecular, defined, 24:337
5-Heptylbarbituric acid, cyclodextrin inclusion Heteropolysaccharides, 23:403,411
complexes with, 46:223-224 p-eliminative degradation of, 29:238-252
Hept-1 -ynitol biosynthesis of, 26:403439
4,5-0-isopropylident-7-O-trityl-o-allo-, branched, 41:95-100
cyclization of, 33: 130 galactan main-chains, 41: 100-101
4,5,7-tri-O-benzyl-o-allo-, p-toluene o-mannan main-chains, 41:89-100
sulfonylation of, 33: 129 methylation of, 30: 12
Hept-5-ynofuranose, 1,2-O-isopropylidene-3- properties of, of Cvptococcus and Tremella
O-methyl-6-pheny1, preparation, species, 23:416
38:246-247 Heteroxylans, in plant cell-walls, 42:275
Hept-6-ynofuranose, 6,7-dideoxy-1,2-0- Heuser, Emil. obituary of, 15:l-9
isopropylidene- Hevea brasiltensis, apiose from. 31: 139

Heveaprenol, structure, 44:346 Hex-2-enamide, N,N-dimethyl-2,4,6-tri-O-

Hexadecanoic acid 24:263
ester of trehalose 2-sulfate, in Hex-4-enaro-6,3-lactone,4-deoxy-2,5-di-O-
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 30:236 methyl-L-threo-, methyl ester, preparation
methy ester, transesterification of methyl a- of, 33:202,219,221
o-glucopyranoside with, 33:44 1-Hexene
2P-Hexadienedioic acid, 2,5-dimethoxy-6-oxo- -o-ribo- 1,3,4,5,6-pentol, 3,6-anhydro-4,5-0-
and dimethyl ester, 33:22,229 isopropylidene- 1-S-methyl- 1-thio-,cis-
preparation of, 33:225 and trans-, synthesis by Wittig reaction,
2,4-Hexadiene- 1,6-diol, substrate for sugar 27:27 1
synthesis, 40:26 -~-ribo-3,4,5,6-tetrol,1-C-nitro-, tetraacetate,
2P-Hexadienoic acid, see Sorbic acid 21:304
1,4-Hexadien-3-one, I-chloro-, substrate for - D - x ~ ~ o1,3,4,5,6-pentol,
- 3,4:5,6-di-O-
carbohydrate synthesis, 40:27 cyclohexylidene- I -0-methyl-, synthesis
3,5-Hexadien-2-one, 3,4,5-trihydroxy-, from by Wittig reaction, 27:271
dehydration of D-fructose, 28: 176, 180 -~-arabino- 1,3,4,5,6-pentol
Hexafluoro-2-propanol, 1,1,1,3,3,3-, as solvent 3,4:5,6-di-O-cycIohexylidene- 1-0-methyl-
for circular dichroism studies, 45:96-97 , synthesis by Wittig reaction,
Hexahydro-exo-methylenepolyprenol,structure, 27:271
44:346 3,4:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-l-O-methyl-,
Hexahydropolyprenol, structure, 44:346 synthesis by Wittig reaction, 27:271
Hexakis(cyclohexylammonium) myo-inositol 3,4:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-
hexasulfate, hydrate, 43:370 synthesis by Wittig reaction, 27:271
Hexanal, 2,6-diethoxy-4-0~0-,diethyl acetal, 3,4:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene- 1-S-methyl-1-
24:218 thio-, synthesis by Wittig reaction,
Hexanedioate, dimethyl (+)-3,4-dihydroxy-, p- 27:271
elimination of diacetate and tetraacetoxy-trans- 1-nitro-, conformation of
dimethanesulfonate of, 29:235 o-arabino, D-xylo. and D-ribo-, 26:72
1,6-Hexanediol, cyclic phenylboronate, 3,4,5,6-tetrol, 3,4:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-~-
preparation, 35:35 arabino-, synthesis by Wittig reaction,
2,4-Hexanedione, formation of, 46:3 18 27:234
1-Hexanethiol 2-Hexene, 1-(2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-P-~-
odor of, 32: 17 ribofuranosy1)- preparation of, 33: 162
reaction with L-arabinose, 32:22 D-arabino-Hex- 1-enitol, 1,2-dideoxy- 1,l-
Hexanoic acid difluoro-3,4:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-, 'H-
amylose ester, preparation of, 29:330 and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 159
2-ethyl-,l -ester with b-D-glucuronic acid, Hex- 1-enitol
36: 104 1,5-anhydro-
1-Hexanol, cyclodextrin inclusion complexes 3-C-butyl- 1,2,6-trideoxy-~-auabino-,
with, 46:222-224 synthesis, 39: 142-143
Hexanone, 1,6-dihydroxy-2-, dimerization D-arabino-
products, 52:228-229 dehydration (theoretical) of, 28: 184
2-Hexanone, 6-hydroxy-, acyclic form in 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-
aqueous solutions of, 42:30 thiocyanato-, 44: 144
HeXa-O-~-D-glUCOpyranOSyl-D-glUCitOlS 2-deoxy-o-arubino-, as inhibitor of a - ~ -
isomeric, liquid chromatography separation, mannosidase activity, 28:420
46:4142 2-deoxy-o-&xo-, mercaptalation of,
preparative liquid chromatography, 46:60 32:28
Hexasaccharide, from human milk, acetolysis 4,6-0-benzylidene-2,3-dideoxy-3-
of, 31:199 (iodomethy1)-o-arabino-, proton

magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, 1-naphthyl-1.-urubino-, synthesis by Wittig

27:29 reaction, 27:236
4,6-0-benzylidene-2,3-dideoxy-3- pentyl-o-xylo-, synthesis by Wittig
(iodomethy1)-o-ribo-, proton reaction, 27:236
magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, pentyl-L-arabino-, synthesis by Wittig
27:29 reaction, 27:236
4,6-O-benzylidene- 1,2,3-trideoxy-3-C- phenyl-o-xylo-, synthesis by Wittig
(iodomethy1)-o-arabino-, preparation reaction, 27:236
of, 28:306 phenyl-L-arubino-, synthesis by Wittig
4,6-0-benzylidene- 1,2,3-trideoxy-3-C- reaction, 27:236
(iodomethy1)-D-ribo-,preparation and (p-nitrophenyl)-o-.rylo-, synthesis by
methanolysis of, 28:305 Wittig reaction, 27:236
4,6-0-benzylidene- 1,2,3-trideoxy-3-C- (p-nitropheny1)-L-arubino-,synthesis by
methylene-o-erythro-, preparation of, Wittig reaction, 27:236
28:306 propyl-L-arubino-, synthesis by Wittig
1-C-butyl-3,4: 5,6-di-O-cycIohexylidene- 1,2- reaction, 27:236
dideoxy-o-qlo-, synthesis by Wittig 1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-3-O-methyl-o-
reaction, 27:236 urabino-, synthesis, 39: 145
1-C-p-anisyl-3,4:5,6-di-O-cyclohexylidene- 6-0-acetyl- 1,5-anhydro-3-azido- 1,2,3-
1.2-dideoxy- trideoxy-4-0-(2,3,4.6-tetra-O-acetyl-a-
D - x ~ ~ o - ,synthesis
by Wittig reaction. o-g~ucopyranosy~)-o-ribo-, synthesis,
27:236 39:242
~-arabino-,synthesis by Wittig reaction, 3,4,5,6-tetra-O-acetyyl-
27:236 1-deoxy- 1 -nitro-D-rib, proton magnetic
2-cyano- 1,2-dideoxy-3,5:4,-6-di-O- resonance spectroscopy of, 27:23
etbylidene-L-xylo-, preparation, 38: 1-deoxy- I -nitro-o-qlo-, proton magnetic
313 resonance spectroscopy of, 27:23
I ,2-dideoxy- 1,2-dideoxy-l,I-bis(ethylsulfony1)-o-
1,l -bis(ethylsulfonyl)-o-urabino-, urubino-, preparation of, 32:83, 85
formation of, 32:86 1,2-dideoxy- I -nitro-o-arabino-, proton
1-C-hexyl-L-urabino-, synthesis by Wittig magnetic resonance spectroscopy of,
reaction, 27:231 27:71-72
1-C-pentyl-L-arubino-, synthesis by Wittig 1,2-dideoxy-l-nitro-o-xylo-, proton
reaction, 27:237 magnetic resonance spectroscopy of,
3,5:4,6-di-O-ethylidene- 1-C-nitro-L-.Yyh-, 27:12, 11
preparation, 38:3 12 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI- 1,5-anhydro-~-
3,4:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-o-thrro-, arabino-
24:26 1 alkaline degradation of, 28:205
3,4,6-di-O-acetyl- 1,5-anhydro-2,3-di-deoxy- crystal structure, 43:235-236
isothiocyanato-o-ribo-3-, 44: 142 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-
3,4:5,6-di-0-cyclohexylidene-l,2-dideoxy- 1- 1,5-anhydro-o-, conformation of, 26: 122
C- 1,5-anhydro-2-deoxy-~-arabino-, crystal
hexyl-o-$0-, synthesis by Wittig structure, 43:228
reaction, 27:236 1,5-anhydro-2-deoxy-o-arabino-, reaction
hexyl-L-arabino-, synthesis by Wittig with lead tetrafluoride, 25: 196
reaction, 27:236 I ,5-anhydro-2-deoxy-2-isothiocyanato-~-
methyl-o-qb, synthesis by Wittig arubino-, 44: 142
reaction, 27:236 2-(N-acetylacetamido)- 1,5-anhydro-2-
methyl-L-arabino-, synthesis by Wittig deoxy-o-arabino-, crystal structure
reaction, 27:236 bibliography, 38:432,464

Hex-1 -enitol (continued) structure bibliography, 37:385

2-(N-acetylacetamido)-1,5-anhydro-2- 3-deoxy-2-O-methyl-P-~-erythro-,24:238
deoxy-D-bxo-, crystal structure 3-dexoy-2,5,6-tri-O-methyl-o-erythro-,
bibliography, 38:464-465 24:23 1
2-(N-acetylacetamido)- 1,5-anhydro-2- Hex-3-enofuranose
deoxy-o-xylo-, crystal structure a-D-eVthro-, 3-deoxy- 1,2:5,6-di-O-
bibliography, 38:465466 isopropylidene-, synthesis, 44: 139
Hex-2-enito1, 1,3,4,5-tetra-O-acetyI-2,6- 3-deoxy- I ,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-
anhydro-L-threo-, dehydration of, 28: 184 a-D-erythro-, 22: 180, 24:246
reaction with hydrogen bromide, 28:266 o-erythro-, 21:163
Hex-3-enitol Hex-5-enofuranose
3-4-dideoxy-1,2:5,6-di-O-ispropylidene- 6-deoxy-6-fluoro- 1,2-O-isopropyldene-3-0-
trans-D- methyl-6-(methylphenylamino)-a-~-
erythro-, 24:230 qdo, preparation, 38:246
thero-, 24:230, 261 D-eiythro-, 3,5,6-trideoxy-6,6-difluoro- 1,2-
1-0-benzoyl 1-4-deoxy-2,3:5,6-di-O- O-isopropylidene-a-
isopropylidene-o-thero-, 24:261 I3C-NMR data for, 46: 176
6-0-benzoyl-3-deoxy-l,2:4,5-di-0- 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:154
ispropyhdene-o-threo-, 24: 158 5,6-dideoxy- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-
Hex-4-enitol a-D-
1-5-anhydro-2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-~- irradiation, with 1,3-dioxolane, 39530
thero-, 24:254 X J ~ O - ,24~255
1,5-anhydro-2,3,6-tri-O-benzoyl-4-deoxy-~- 0x0 reaction with, 23:lOl
erythro-, 24:254 reaction with iodine azide, 28:271
2,3,6-tri-O-acetyl-I ,5-anhydro-4-deoxy-~- reaction with iodine azide with iodine
threo-, 24:254 trifluoroacetate, 28:271
Hex-5-enitol reaction with iodine a i d e with silver
2,5-anhydro-l -S-benzy1-6-deoxy-3,4-di-O- trifluoroacetate and iodine, 28:272
(p-nitrobenzoy1)- 1-thio-D-xylo-, 24:252 xylo-, and acetate, synthesis by Wittig
2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl- 1,-5-anhydro-6-deoxy-~- reaction, 27:234, 293
xylo-, 24:259 xylo-, photochemical addition with 1,3-
Hex-1-enitols, 1,5-anhydro-2-deoxy- dioxolane, 38: 118-1 19
, I ,6anhydrohexoses from, 34:4748 3-o-Ct-D-XylO-, 24:255
Hex-2-enno- 1,5-lactone, 4,6-0-benzylidene- 5,6-didoxy-6,6-difluoro- 1,2-0-
2,3-dideoxy-o- isopropylidene-3-O-methyl-a-~-xy~o-,
eiythro-, 24: 1 13 preparation, 38246
thero-, 24: 1 14 o-ribo-, 5,6-dideoxy-6,6-difluoro-1,2-0-
Hex-4-enodialdo-l,5-pyranoside, ethyl 4- i~opropylidene-O-methyl-a-,'~C-NMR
deoxy-2,3-di-O-methyI-a-~-threo-, data for, 46: 176
preparation of, 31:222 D-XY~O-, 1,2-O-isopropylidene-5,6-dideoxy-
Hex-4-eno- 1,6-dialdo-l,5-pyranoside 6,6-difluoro-3-O-methyl-a-, H- and
methyl 4-deoxy-6-nldehydo-aY-~-threo-, I9F-NMR data for, 46: 154
preparation of, 29:272 L - ~ ~ x o5,6-dideoxy-6,6-difluoro-
-, I ,2-0-
methyl 2,3-di-O-acetyl-4-deoxy- i~opropyIidene-3-O-methyl-f3-,'~C-
6-aldehydo-P-o-erythro-, preparation of, NMR data for, 46: 176
29:271 3-0-acetyl-5,6-dideoxy-1,2-0-
P-L-threo-, reactions of, 29:300 isopropylidene-
Hex-2-enofuranose a-D-XY~O-, reaction with nitryl iodide,
2-acetamino-2,3-di-deoxy-5,6-0- 28:270,299
isopropylidene-a-o-erythro-, crystal 6-C-nitro-a-~-xylo-,24:256

6-nitro-a-o-xylo-, preparation of, 28:2 Hex-5-enonic acid

99 3,4-di-O-acetyI-2.6-anhydro-5-deoxy-o-~yxo-
3-0-benzyl-5,6-dideoxy-1,2-0- , methyl ester, preparation, 36:61

isopropylidene- 3,4.5-tri-0-acetyl-2,6-anhydro-o-lyxo-.
cU-D-X,VlO-, 24~255 methyl ester, preparation, 36:61. 78
a - ~xylo-,
- synthesis by Wittig reaction, Hex-2-enono- I ,4-Iactone
21:293 2-acetamido-2,3-dideoxy-
3,5-0-benzylidene-6-deoxy- 1,2-0- o-erythro-, crystal structure bibliography,
isopropylidene-, C U - D - X ~ ~ O22:202
-. 38:437
2.3,5-tri-O-acetyl-l,6-anhydro-P-~-urnhino-, D-threo-, crystal structure bibliography.
preparation of, 34: 156 37:380
Hex-3-enofuranoside, 4,6-dichloro-4.6- 5,6-O-isopropylidene-~-threo-. crystal
dideoxy-a-o-galactopyranosyl1,4,6- structure bibliography. 38:44044 I
trichloro- 1,3,4,6-tertradeoxy-2.3-di-O- o-erythro-. see u-Erythorbic acid
sulfo-P-D-g[ycero-, physical properties I -threo-, see Ascorbic acid, I.-
of, 33:294 2-mesyslates, 50: 167
dideoxy-2.3-di-O-sulfo-a-~- 2-O-benzyl-3-deoxy-~-threo-. preparation of,
galactopyranosyl 1,4,6-trichloro- 33:220-22 I
1,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-P-~-g[ycero-. Hex-2-enono- 1,j-lactone
preparation of, 33:261 2,4-di-0-benroyl-3,6-dideoxy-i.-eryrhro-,
Hex-4-enofuranoside, methyl 5,6-dideoxy-2,3- 50: 164
0-isopropylidene-P-n-eryfhro-, reaction 2,4,6-tri-0-benzoyl-3-deoxy-1~-erythro-,
with bromine in chloroform or carbon synthesis. 49:90-91
tetrachloride, 28:269 Hex-2-enono- 1,5-lactone, 2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-
Hex-5-enofuranoside m-glycero-. see Parasorbic acid
5,6-dideoxy-2,3-O-isopropylidene-P- v-riho-, Hex-2-enopuranoside
preparation of, 31:56 cholesteryl4.6-di-0-acetyl-2,3-dideoxy-a-o-
D-riho-, methyl 5,6-dideoxy-6,6-difluoro- erythro-, 24:215
2,3-O-isopropylidene-a- 6-deoxy- 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-a-~-
13C-NMR data for, 46: 176 galactopyranos-6-yl4,6-di-O-acetyl-
'H- and I9F-NMR data for. 46: 154 2,3-dideoxy-a-o-etyhro-, 24:2 15
methyl 5,6-dideoxy- 4,6-di-0-acetyI-2,3-dideoxy-i~ervthro-hex-
2,3-di-O-p-to~ykulfony~-a-~-arabino-, 2-enopyranosyl4,6-di-O-acetyI-2,3-
reaction with iodine trifluoroacetate, dideoxy-o-ecvthro-. 24:2 16
28:273 ethyl 4,6-di-O-acetyl-2,3-dideoxy-a-~-
with nitryl iodide, and with iodien erythro-, 24:2 15
azide, 28:270-27 I , 299 methyl 2-azido-4,6-0-benzylidene-2.3-
6-nitro-2,3-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-~- dideoxy-a-n-eythro-, 24:244
arubino-, preparation of, 28:299 methyl 4,6-di-U-acetyl-2,3-dideoxy-a-o-
2,3,4,6-tetra-0-acety~-a-~-glucopyranosyl erythro-, 24:232
1,3,4-tri-0-actyl-6-deoxy-P-o-/hre~~- threo-, 24:215
preparation of, 33:264 methyl 4,0-acetyl-2,3,6-trideoxy-3-C-
reduction of, 33:266 methyl-L-threo-, 24:246
2-Hexenoic acid, cis-4,5-epoxy-, resolution, methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-
40:114 3-cyano-2,3-dideoxy-a-~-y!~rhro-,
4-Hexenoic acid 24:246
3(R)-hydroxy-3(R)-methyl-, preparation, 3-deoxy-2,S-methyI-2-thio-a-o-ey/hro-,
40:114 24:244
trans-3-hydroxy-3-methyl-, methyl ester. 3-deoxy-2,S-phenyl-2-thio-a-o-enThro-,
precursor for sugar synthesis, 40:2 I 24:244

Hex-2-enopuranoside (continued) 2,3-dideoxy-~-eyihro-,24:2 13

2,3-dideoxy-a-~(andP-D)-eryfhro-, 2-(N-acetylacetamido)-2,3-dideoxy-a-o-
24:232,244-245,249 threo-, crystal structure bibliography,
2,3-dideoxy-a-o(and P-o)-ihreo-, 24: 37:399
232 2-(N-acetylacetamido)-2,3-dideoxy-~-
2,3-dideoxy-3-C-nitro-cr-o-erythro-, ihero-, 24:243
24:243 2,4,6-tri-0-benzoyl-3-deoxy-
2,3-dideoxy-3-C-nitro-cY-o-threo-, 24: L-ihreo-. 24:240
243 l-O-(trichloracetyl)-a-o-eyfhro-,24:
2,3-dideoxy-3-C-nitro-P-~-eyZhro-, 223
24:242 Hex-3-enopyranose
2,3-dideoxy-3-phenylazo-0~-~-eythro-, 1,6-anhydro-3,4-dideoxy-P-~~-eyfhro-,
24:243 synthesis, 40:49
2,3-dideoxy-2-pyrroIidinyl-c~-o-eyihro-, 4-0-acetyl- 1,6-anhydro-2,3-0-
24:244 isopropylidene-p-D-ihhveo,preparation
Hex-2-enopyranoglycan,2,3-dideoxy-6-0- of, 34:98
trityl-a-D-eythro-, bromination in Hex-5-enopyranose
methanol and silver acetate, 28:268 1,2,3,4,-tetra-O-acety~-6deoxy-~-~-xylo-,
Hex- 1-enopyranose hydrogenation of, 33:265
tetra-0-acetyl-I-deoxy- 6-deoxy- I ,2:3,4-di-O-isopropyIidene-p-~-
D- arabino-
arabino, 0x0 reaction with, 23:93 formation of, 28:246
0x0 reaction with, 23:92 preparation by irradiation, 28:304
D-~YXO-, 0x0 reaction with, 23:93 Hexenopyranoses, 1,6-anhydro-, preparation of,
1,2,6-trideoxy-3,4-di-O-p-nitrobenzoyl-o- 34: I45
ribo-, 21:299 Hex-2-enopyranoside
Hex-2-enopyranose D-eyfhro-, 2,3,6-trideoxy-6-fluoro-a-
2-acetamid0-2,3-dideoxy-o-thero-, 24:244 ethyl 4-0-acetyl-, 'H- and l9F-NMR data
1,6-anhydro-2,3,4-trideoxy-P-~~-g~cero-, for, 46: 134
preparation and epoxidation of, 34:48 methyl 4-O-acetyl-, 'H- and 19F-NMR
4,6-di-0-acetyl-2,3-dideoxy-o-eythro-, data for, 46: 134
24:216 ethyl OL-D-
4,6-di-0-benzoyl-2,3-dideoxy-o-eyihro-, eyihro-, 4,-deoxy-6-O-(methylsulfonyl)-
24:216 4-thiocyanato-, 44: 144
3-0-acetyl- 1,6-anhydro-2,4-dideoxy-P-~- ihreo-6-azido-2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-4-
glycero-, preparation of, 34: 103 thiocyanato-, 44: 144
1,2,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-3-deoxy- 2,3,4-trideoxy-6-0-(methylsulfonyl)-4-
p-D-eythro-, 24:222 thiocyanato-, 44: 144
o-eyihro-, conformations of anomers, ethyl 4,6-di-0-acetyl-2,3-dideoxy-a-o-
24:241 eryihro-, reaction with lead
tetra-O-acetyI-3-deoxy-c~-o-eyihro- tetrafluoride, 25: 196
conformation of, and p-D anomer, 26: ethyl 4-0-acetyl-
123 2-,-3-dideoxy-6-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-cu-o-
0x0 reaction with, 23:94-95 erythro-, fluorination, 38:206
1,2,4,6-tetra-O-acety1-3-deoxy-0~-~-ihreo-, 2,3,6-trideoxy-6-fluoro-cu-~-eyihro-,
24:223 preparation, 38:24 1-242
tetra-O-acetyl-3-deoxy-c~-~-Zhreo-, 0x0 ethyl 6-0-benzoyl-2,3,4-trideoxy-4-iodo-c~-
reaction with, 23:99 D-ihreo-, crystal structure bibliography,
1,4,6-tri-U-acetyl- 37:395
2,3-dideoxy-a-o-fhreo-, 24:2 14 ethyl 4-0-benzyI-2,3,6-trideoxy-6-fluoro-a-

o-erythro-, preparation, 38:209 isothiocyanato-6-O-(methylsulfonyl),

ethyl 2,3,6-trideoxy-6-fluoro-a-~-e~~i~th~o-. 44: I42
preparation, 38:242 ethyl r,-threo-, 2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-2-
methyl 4,6-0-benzylidene-2.3-dideoxy-. isothiocyanato-6-0-(methylsulfonyl),
22:204 44: 142
methyl a-o-erythro-2,3-didexoy-, synthesis, methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-
44:135 P-o-erythro, preparation of, 28:293
4,6-0-benzylidene-2,3-dideoxy-, 2-bromo-2,3-dideoxy-a-~-fhreo-, 24:249,
synthesis, 44: 135 253
methyl 3-deoxy-2,4,6-tri-0-methyl-o- 2,3-dideoxy-a-o-givcero-, 24:236,249
evythro-, conformation of, 26: 123 methyl 3,4.6-trideoxy-
methyl 4,6-di-U-acetyl-2,3-dideoxy-P-~- a-oL-eythro-. synthesis, 40:74
threo-, preparation of, and a anomer, a-DL-threo-. synthesis, 40:74
28:292 derivatives, 24:250
methyl 4-0-benzyl-2,3-dideoxy-6-O-trityl-a-Hex-4-enopyranoside
o-erythro-, reaction with hydrogen o-fhreo-. methyl 3-benzamido-2,3,4,6-
bromide-acetic acid, 28:269 tetradeoxy-2-fluoro-a-, 'H- and I9F-
methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene- NMR data for, 46: 127
2-bromo2,3-dideoxy-a-o-threo- L-threo-. methyl 2-benzamido-3-0-benzyl-
preparation of, 28:293 2,4.6-trideoxy-6-fluoro-~-. 'H- and IyF-
3-deoxy-P-o-e~~fhro-, preparation of. NMR data for, 46:127
28:286 methyl 2-benzamido-3-O-benzyl-2.4.5,6-
2,3-dideoxy-a-o-erythro-, 25: I39 tetradeoxy-6-fluoro-P-~-threo-,
bromination of, 28:267 preparation. 38:222
dehydration of, 28: 184 methyl 4,6-dideoxy-2,3-0-isopropylidene-P-
preparation of, 28:253,292,31:66 L-eryrhro-, 23:277,24:254
reaction with nitryl iodide, iodine azide, methyl 2,3-di-O-benzyl-4,6-dideoxy a-D-
or nitrosyl chloride, 28:273 thero-, 24:253
with Simmons-Smith reagent, 28:305 Hex-5-enop yranoside
2,3-dideoxy-a-~-fhreo-,preparation of, P-o-fructofuranosyl 6-deoxy-a-o-x.ylo-,
28:292 reduction of, 33:265
2,3-dideoxy-P-~-erythro-, preparation of, o-urubino-
28:292 methyl 3-benzamido-4-O-benzoyl-2,3,6-
2,3-dideoxy-P-o-threo-, preparation of, trideoxy-2-fluoro-a-, I3C-NMR data
28:292 for, 46: 171
methyl 2,3,6-trideoxy- 2,3,6-trideoxy-2-fluoro-2-a-
a-D-eiythro-, preparation of, 28:292 benzyl 3-azido-. 'H- and I9F-NMR data
a-DL-erythro-, synthesis, 40:32,67,69 for, 46:126
a-oL-threo-, synthesis, 40:67, 69 benzyl3-benzamido-, 'H- and "F-NMR
a-L-erythro-, synthesis, 39: 142- I43 data for, 46: 127
P-DL-erythro-, synthesis, 40:67, 69 methyl 3-benzamido-, 'H- and "F-
P-DL-threo-, synthesis, 40:67 NMR data for, 46: 127
5-0-(2,3,4-tri-0-acetyl-6-deoxy-a-o- methyl 3-benzamido-4-O-benzoyl-,
glucopyranosyl)-P-o-eryfhro-, 'H- and "F-NMR data for, 46:
synthesis, 39:242-243 I27
Hex-3-enopyranoside methyl 4-0-benzoyl-3-
alkyl 3,4-dideoxy-, synthesis, 40:52 trifluoroacetamido-, 'H- and I9F-
benzyl 2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-a-~~-glyc'rro-, NMR data for, 46:127
synthesis, 40:53-54 methyl 6-deoxy-
ethyl 0-eryfhro-, 2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-2- a-o-arubino-, hydrolysis of, 28:291

Hex-4-enopyranoside (continued) synthesis of, 34: 103

@-D-,hydrolysis and rearrangement of, 3-O-acetyl-l,6-anhydro-4-deoxy-~-~-
28:291 glycero-, preparation of, 34:96
2,3-0-isopropylidene-4-0- Hex-2-enopyranosylamine, N, N-diethyl-2,4,6-
(methylsulfonyl)-a-o-r.rxo-, tri-O-acetyl-3-deoxy-o-erythro-, 24:222
instability of, 29:292 Hex-2-enopyranosyl chloride, 2,4,6-tri-0-
methyl 2,3,4-tri-0-acetyl-a-~-xylo-, acetyl-3-deoxy-a-o-erythro-, 24:240
reduction of, 33:265 Hex-2-enopyranosyl dimethylphosphonate, 4,6-
1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI-@-o-fructofuranosyl Di-O-acetyl-2,3-dideoxy-a-~-erythro-,
2,3,4-tr-O-acetyl-6-deoxy-a-~-xylo- crystal structure, 43:229-230
preparation of, 33:263 Hex-2-enopyranosyl fluoride
reduction of, 33:265 3-deoxy-a-~-erythro-
1,3,4,6-tr-0-benzoyl-6-deoxy-a-~-threo- 2,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-, 'H- and "F-NMR data
hex-5-enofi1ranosyl2,3,4-tr-0-benzoyl- for, 46: 134
6-deoxy-a-~-xylo-,preparation of, 2,4,6-tn-0-benzoyl-, IH-and 19F-n.m.r
33:264 data for, 46: 134
Hex-4-enopyranosideuronate 4,6-di-O-acetyl-2,3-dideoxy-o-erythro-,
methylbenzyl2,3-di-0-benzyl-4-deoxy-a-~- 24:216
threo-, stereochemistry in preparation 2,4,6-tri-0-acetyl-3-deoxy-~-ribo-,
of, and spectra, 29:268,270 preparation, 38:230
methylbenzyl4-deoxy-a-~-threo-, Hex-3-enopyranosyl fluoride, 3,4-dideoxy-o-
stereochemistry in preparation of, glycero-
29:269 6-0-acetyl-2-ulose, 'H and "F-NMR data
methyl 2,3-di-O-benzyI-4-deoxy-@-~-threo-, for, 46: 134
ultraviolet absorption spectrum and 6-O-benzoyl-2-ulose, IH and I9F-NMR data
optical rotatory dispersion spectrum of, for, 46: 134
29:260 Hex-3-enopyranosylylose,fluoride, 6-0-acetyl-
Hex- I-enopyranosid-3-ulose, 2,4,6-tri-0- 3,4-dideoxy-o-glycero-, preparation,
acetyl-1-thio-D-erythro-, 49:39 38:230
Hex-2-enopyranosid-4-ulose Hex-4-enopyranuronate, r)-deoxy-~-threo-,
methyl 2,3-dideoxy-@-o-glycero- metabolism and @-eliminativedegradation
preparation of, 28:293-294 of, 29:253
synthesis, 41:lO Hex-2-enopyranuronic acid
methyl 2,3,6-trideoxy- 1,4-di-0-acetyl-2,3-dideoxy-a-~~-
CI-DL-, reduction, 40:67 erythro-, butylester, synthesis, 40:49
@-DL-, reduction, 40:67 threo-, butyl ester, synthesis, 40:49
L-glycero-, synthesis, 40: 117 3-O-methyl-~-eryfhro-,methyl ester,
Hex-3-enopyranosidulose,methyl 3,4-dideoxy- 24:241
6-O-methyl-a-o-, (and @-D)-glycera-, Hex-2-enose
24:239 cis- and truns-3-deoxy-o-, by alkaline
Hex-4-enopyranosiduronicacid, methyl 4- degradation of 2,3,4,5-tetra-O-methyl-
deoxy-@-L-threo-,methyl ester, 24:252, D-gluCoSe, 28~202
255,28:206 3-deoxy-2,4,5,6-tetra-O-rnethyl-~-erythro-,
Hex-2-enopyranos-4-ulose,I ,6-anhydro-2,3- 24:263
dideoxy-@-D-glycero-,synthesis of, 3-deoxy-2,4,5-tri-O-methyl-o-erythro-,cis-
34: 103 and trans-, 24:263
Hex-3-enopyranos-2-ulose 4,6-di-O-acetyl-2,3-dideoxy-~-erythro-,
1,6-anhydro-3,4-dideoxy-@-~-glycero-, formation and degradation of, 28:204
formation during pyrolysis of starch and (E)-4,5,6-tr-O-acetyl-2,3-dideoxy-aldehydo-
cellulose, 34:42, 103 D-efythro-, synthesis, 39: 1 14

1,2,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-3-deoxy-ol-u-erythro-, Hexitol-4,6,6-d3, 1,5-anhydro-4-deoxy-

24:240 o-arabino-, 23:80-8 I
4,5,6-tri-O-benzoyl-3-deoxy-2-S-etIiyl-2- L-xylo-, 23:80-81
thio-, preparation of, 32:63 Hexitols
Hex-3-enose acetals of, 7: 137-207
3-deoxy- 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-a- acetates, gas-liquid chromatography of,
erythro-, 0x0 reaction with, 23: 100 28: 127-128
3-0-acetyl-1,2: 5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-u-~- aminodeoxy-, synthesis of, 29:8
erythro-, 24:247 anhydrides of, 5:191-228
Hex-5-enose 1,4-anhydro-. selective catalytic oxidation of,
5-deoxy- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-6-O-trityl-n- 33:oo
D-XylO-, 24~256 1,5-anhydro-
2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-5,6-di-deoxy-~-,ry/o-, o-deoxy- 1,2-C-(dichloromethylene)-3,4,6-
diethyl acetal, irradiation, 39:95 tri-O-methyl-D-g/vcero-o-ido-,
Hex-2-enoside 24:2 12
ethyl ,4,6-di-O-acetyI-2,3-dideoxy-u-o- 2-deoxy-~-arubino-,preparation by
evthro-, 0x0 reaction with, 2 3 9 3 hydrogenolysis o f levoglucosan,
methyl 4,6-di-O-acetyI-2,3-dideoxy- 34:69
a-o-erythro-, 23: 110, 112 4-deoxy-o-aruhino-, 2356, 74,91
P-o-erythro, 23: 1 10 4-deoxy-o-lyxo-, 23:69,76
methyl 2,3-dideoxy-4,6-di-O- 4-deoxy-~-ribo-,23:69, 76
(methykulfonyl)-cx-D- 4-deoxy-~-.xylo-,23:66, 74,91
erythro-, displacement reactions of, 2-deoxy-3-O-~-tolylsulfonyl-o-arabino-,
24: 164 23:26 1
/hreo-, displacement reactions of. 24: 164 4,6-0-benzylidene-2-deoxy-3-O-p-
Hex-5-enoulofuranose, 6-deoxy-2,3-0- tolylsulfonyl-o-nrabinu-, hydrolysis
isopropylidene-P-o-/hreo-, 24:25 1 of. 23:261
Hex-3-enousulose, 3,4-dideoxy-5,6-di-O- preparation of, 31:3
methyl-D-glycero-, 24:263 1 ,6-anhydro-, 25:245
Hex-5-enufuranose, 1-2-O-isopropylidene-a- 2,5-anhydro-, 1 deoxy-1 , I -difluoro-o-
D-, 25: 162 arabino-. 'H- and I'F-NMR data for,
Hex-5-enulofuranose, 6-deoxy-2,3-0- 46:151
isopropylidene-P-o-treo-, preparation of, riho-. 'H- and l9F-NMR data for. 46:
28:29 I 152
Hex-5-enulopyranose, 5-deoxy-2,3-0- 3,4,6-tn-O-acetyl-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data
isopropylidene- 1-O-(tetrahydropyran-2- for, 46: 152
yl)-P-D-threo-, synthesis, 39: 145 3.6-anhydro-, I ,2-dideoxy-4,5-0-
Hex-4-enulopyranoside, methyl 1,3-0- isopropylidene-[I-ribo-. synthesis of,
benzylidene-4,5-dideoxy-a-~-g!vc.ero-. 27:281
24:249 anhydro-, 25236-247, 215-278
Hex-3-enulopyronose, 3-0-acetyl- 1,2:4,5-di-O- catalytic oxidation of, 25:261
isopropylidene-P-o-g[ycero-, 26:276 ring opening of, 25:256
Hex-3-enulose uses
3,4-dideoxy-o-g!vceroo; 24:230,26 I biological, 25268
1,3,4-trideoxy-o-glycero-, synthesis by industrial, 25:267
Wittig reaction, 27:245,290 3-benzamido-4,5-di-O-benzoyl- 1,2,3.6-
Hex-4-enuronic acid, 4-deoxy-~-/hreo-, tetradeoxy-D-urabino-, preparation of,
biosynthesis, 44:296-298 32~77
Hex-4-enurono-6,3-lactone, aldehydo-L-threo-, I , I -bis(benzamido)-6-U-benzoyl- 1 -deoxy-
synthesis, 37: 1 16 D-, preparation, 39:31

Hexitols (continued) 5,6-ethylboronate, selective cleavage,

C-alkylated and C-arylated unsaturated, 39:54
physical properties of, 27:239-241 trimethylsilyl ethers, gas-liquid
catalytic oxidation of, 33:88 chromatography of, 28:57
1-(6-chloropurin-9-yI)-l-S-ethyl- l-thio-o- 3,4,6-tri-0-acetyl-1,5-anhydro-2-deoxy-o-
glycero-o-ido-, crystal structure arubino-, 24:221
bibliography, 38:454,493494 Hex-~-en-3-ulose, l-deoxy-2-methoxy-4,6-di-
conformation of, 25: 105 0-methyl-o-, preparation of, 31:221
2-deoxy- HexNAc cleavages, 4 5 5 4
D-arubino-, reaction with butanal, 39:27 HexNAc residues, permethylated molecules
DL-ribo-, synthesis, 40: I09 containing, linkage-site-specific, 45:52
4-deoxy-o-, acetates, gas-liquid Hexo- 1,
chromatography of, 28:63 6-deoxy- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-cw-o-xylo-,
3,6-diacetamido-4,5-di-O-acetyl- 1,2,3,6- 23: 102
tetradeoxy-D-ribo-, 22: 163 4-furanos-5-ulose,N-acetyl-3-0-benzyl-6-
dianhydro-, 25:245-247 deoxy- I ,2-0-isopropy~idene-cu-~-q\ylo-,
circular dichroism spectra of, 25254 5-hydrazone, 23: 139
and derivatives, 25:279-280 Hexobarbital, cyclodextrin inclusion complexes
1,2-dideoxy- with, 46:223-224
1-(diethylphosphono)-3,4:5,6-di-0- Hexodialdo- 1,4-furanose,5-(benzylamino)-1,2-
isopropylidene-o-arubino-, synthesis 0-cyclohexylidene-5-deoxy-~-c~o-,
of, 27:297 23:141
1-nitro-D-ribo-, 21 :305 Hexodialdo-1,5-pyranose,1,2:3,4-di-0-
3,6-dideoxy-, L-lyxo-, preparation of, isopropylidene-cu-o-galacto-
29:289 and hydrate, 2 5 2 14
5,6-dideoxy- reaction with 2-lithio-2-methyl- 1,3-dithiane,
or-ribo-, synthesis, 40: 1 I0 32:39
1,6-imino-, 23: 157 Hexodialdo- 1.5-pyranoside
4.6-di-0-acetyl- 1,5-anhydr0-2,3-dideoxy-o- o-gluco-, preparation of, 28:286
erythro-, 24:2 13, 22 1 ethyl 2,3,4-tri-~-methyl-a-o-gluco-,
gel chromatography of, 2 5 3 1 degradation of, 31:222
1,3,4,5,6-penta-O-acetyI-, 2-deoxy-o- methyl, hydrolysis of, 31:193
arubino-, preparation from dithioacetal, methyl-P-D-glum-, hydrolysis of, rate
32:75 constants and activation energies for,
2,3,4,5,6-penta-O-acetyI- 22:70
1-deoxy- 1-C-furfirrylidene-o-gluco-, methyl 4-0-methyl-P-D- gluco-, hydrolysis
synthesis by Wittig reaction, 27:237 of, rate constants and activation
1-deoxy- 1-0-9-fluorenylidene-o-gu~ucto-, energies for, 22:70
synthesis by Wittig reaction, 27:237 Hexodialdose
1-0-1O-anthranylidene-l-deoxy-o- a-o-gulucto-, ester of uridine 5'-
galacto-, synthesis by Wittig pyrophosphate, preparation of, and 6-
reaction, 27:237 tritiated derivative, 28:344
selective periodate oxidation of, 33:95 o-gluco-, preparation of, 33:218
separation, 47:37 o-munno-,1,6-bis(diethyl dithioacetal),
and some of their derivatives, 4:211-241 oxidation of, 32530
sweetness-structure relationship, 45295 mercaptalation of, 32:25
synthesis of, 2:107-114 Hexo-2,5-dienonate, methyl 4-0-acetyl-2,6-
trianhydro-, 25247 anhydro-3,5-dideoxy-o-glycero-,
and derivatives, 25279-280 29:281
2,3,4-trideoxy-o~-glycero-, 1-diethyl-borinate Hexodiulose, 4-deoxy-o-glycero-2,3-, 46:292

2,3-Hexodiulose 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-a-~-
1-deoxy-o-erythro-, 25:343 ribo-, cis- and trans-, preparation.
alkaline degradation of, 28:196 38:247-248
dehydration of, 28: 194 xylo-, cis- and trans-. preparation,
from D-fructose dehydration, 28: 1 79- I80 38:247-248
preparation of, 28: 168-1 69, I94 D-
4-deoxy-o-g~cero-,25:343 3-deoxy-3-C-(difluoromethylene)- 1,2:,5,6-
preparation of, 28: 168-169 di-0-isopropylidene-a-
2,5-Hexodiulose ribo-. IH- and I9F-NMR data for,
1,4:3,6-dianhydro-o-rhreo-, 25:26 1 46:141
o-threo-, 22:284 xylo-. 'H- and "F-NMR data for,
composition in aqueous solution, 42:38 46:141
dehydration of, 28: 186 3-deoxy-3-C-(fluoromethylene)- 1,2:5,6)-
preparation, 37: 140 di-0-isopropylidene-a-, ribo-, 'H-
L-threo-, dimer, crystal structure and IyF-NMR data for, 46:140
bibliography, 37:387 3-deoxy-3-C-(fluoromethylene)-I .2:5,6-
Hexodiulosonic acid, o-thre0-2,5-, 46:34 di-0-isopropylidene-a-, xylo-. 'H-
composition in aqueous solution, 42:40 and "F-NMR data for, 46: 140
2,3-hexodiulosonic acid, threo-, polarog-raphy L-ribo-
of o-phenylenediamine condensation 3-acetamido-2,3,5,6-tetradeoxy-5-
products, 29: 154 fl~oro-@-,'~C-NMR data for, 46: 17 I
2,5-Hexodiulosonic acid, o-threo- 3-acetamido-2,3,5,6-tetradeoxy-5-
methyl ester, preparation, 37: 143 fluoro- l-O-(4-nitrobenzoyl)a-, P-
reduction, 37: 145 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 128
preparation, 37: 137-140, 145-146 methyl 3-acetamido-2,3,5,6-tetradeoxy-
reactions, 37: 142-143 5-flUOrO-P-, IH- and I9F-NMR data
reduction, 37:14&145 for, 46: 128
structure, 37:141-142 1 -0-acetyl-2.3,5,6-tetra-O-henzoyl-4-
2,3-Hexodiulosono- 1,4-lactone, L-thrro-.2-( p - deoxy-4-fluoro-P-
bromophenyl)hydrazone, crystal structure galacro-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for,
bibliography, 37:386 46: 143
Hexofuranose gluco-, 'H- and "F-NMR data for,
1,5-anhydro-, formation of, 34:88 46: 143
1,6-anhydro-, 7:37-52 2-deoxy-, 2-fluoro-, IH- and "F-NMR data
(6-acetamido-2,3-di-O-acetyl-5,6-dideoxy- for, 46:99
P-D-xY~o-,preparation of, 34: 15 1 3-deoxy-
analogs, 34: 146-1 5 1 3-C-(difluoromethylene)- 1,2:5,6-di-O-
complex formation with, 34: 154 isopropyhdene-a-o-rzbo-,
and derivatives, Table, 34: 177 preparation, 38:249
formation and preparation of, 34388. 3-C-(difluoromethylene)-l,2:5,6-di-0-
151 isopropyhdene-a-o-xv[o-,
by pyrolysis of monosaccharides, preparation, 38:249
34:46 3-C-(fluoromethyl)-I ,2:5,6-di-0-
properties of, 34: 153-1 55 isopropylidene-cu-D-ribo-,cis- and
reactions of, 34: 155-1 57 trans-, preparation, 38:247-248
5,6-anhydro-, 25: 160-163, 179 3-C-( fluoromethyl)- 1,2:5,6-di-0-
3,6-anhydro-5-deoxy- 1,2-0-isopropylidene- isopropylidene-a-o-xylo-,cis- and
~-D-I$o-, 23:241 trans-, preparation, 38:247-248
preparation of, 28:271 3-deuterio- 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-a-
3-C-(chlorofluoromethylene)-3-deoxy- o-ribo-, preparation of, 28:303

Hexofuranose (continued) methyl-P-o-ribo-, synthesis, 40: 123

3,3-diiodo- 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-a- Hexofuranosiduronic acid, methyl 5-deoxy-2,3-
o-ribo-, preparation of, 28:279 0-isopropyhdene-P-DL-ribo-, methyl
1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-a-o-ribo, ester, synthesis, 40:109
selective hydrolysis, 39: I 5 Hexofuranos-3-ulose, 1,2:5,6-di-O-
1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropyIidene-3-C- isopropylidene-
methylene-a-D-ribo-, preparation by a-o-ribo-
Wittig reaction, 27:235 acetal cleavage by Grignard reagents,
3-fluorO-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 39: 154
46:99 ketenic dithioacetal from, 32:44
5-deoxy- D-, proton magnetic resonance spectra,
o-x~~o-, 21:169, 171 analyses of, 2 7 s I
derivatives, preparation of, 33:232 Hexofuranos-5-ulose
5-fluOrO-, 'H- and 19F-NMRdata for, 1,6-anhydr0-2,3-0-isopropylidene-~-o-lyxo-,
46:lOO preparation of, 34: 156
1,2-O-isopropyhdene-ol-~-xy~o-, 21: 168, 6-deoxy-o-, synthesis of, 29:294
23:275 Hexofuranosyl fluorides
preparation of, 28:271 I3C-NMR data for, 46:165-167
1,2-O-isopropylidene-6-0- IH- and "F-NMR data for, 46:97-98
(methykulfonyi)-a-D-xylo-, 23:241 Hexofuranurono-6,3-lactone
1,2-O-isopropylidene-6-O-p-tolylsulfonyl- 5-deoxy-o-xylo-, preparation of, 33:232
Ci-D-XylO-, 23~241 5-deoxy- 1,2-isopropylidene-o-qlo-,
6-deoxy-, 6-fluoro-, IH- and I9F-NMR data preparation of, 33:226
for, 46: 100 5-deoxy- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-a-~-xylo-,
5,6-dideoxy- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-6-nitro-a- preparation of, 28:303
o-qlo-, 24:99 1,2-O-cylohexylidene-5-deoxy-o-xylo-,
Hexofuranoside preparation of, 33:226
2,3-anhydro-, 25: 177 Hexoglycosuloses, 1,6-anhydro-, conformation
5-deoxy-5-fluoro-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data of, 34: 100
for, 46: 100 Hexokinase, 25269
h-deoxy-6-fluoro-, 'H- and 19F-NMR data enzymic activity in liver metabolism,
for, 46: 100 34:326
methyl 3-acetamido-2,3,5,6-tetradeoxy-5- in formose sugar separation, 29: 178
fluoro-D,L,-ribo- halogenated sugars and, 22:209
a anomer, 13C-NMR data for, 46: 17I hexose extraction from formose mixture by,
P anomer, ')C-NMR data for, 46:128, 172 29:225
methyl 6-amino-5,6-dideoxy-2,3-0- immobilization, 49: 1 8 6 1 8 7
isopropylidene-P-o-, ribo-, deamination specificity, fluorinated carbohydrate effect,
of, 3 1 5 7 38:281
methyl 3,6-anhydro-, sweetness-structure Hexonamide, 3-amino-3,4,6-trideoxy-r-q10-,
relationship, 45:274 synthesis, 40: 120
methyl 2-deoxy-o-arubino-, 21: 114,309 Hexonic acid
methyl 5-deoxy-2,3-O-isopropylidene-~-~~- 4-amino-2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-o~-erythro-
ribo-, synthesis, 40: 109 preparation of, 30: 151
methyl 5,6-dideoxy-2,3-isopropylidene-P- 2,5-anhydro-4-deoxy-
oL-ribo-, synthesis, 40: 109 3,6-di-O-(p-nitrobenzoyI)-o-ribo-,
methyl 5,6-O-cyclohexylidene-3 -deoxy-2-C- preparation of, 33:142
methyl-P-o-ribo-, acetal cleavage by D-ribo-, preparation of, 33: 142
Grignard reagent, 39: 154 2,3,4,5-tetra-O-acetyl-6-chloro-6-deoxy-,
Hexofuranosid-2-ulose, methyl I-deoxy-3-C- ethyl ester, preparation of, 28:239

3,4,5,6-tetra-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-o-urubino-, 2-deoxy-p-o-urabino-, taste properties,

methyl ester, preparation of, 31:59 45:270
Hexonic acids 2-deoxy-p-~-]yxo-,taste properties,
2,5-anhydro-, in synthesis of C-nucleosides, 45:270
33:117 2-deoxy-P-o-ribo-, taste properties,
diazo-, preparation of, 31:59 45:270
Hexonolactone, 4,6-dideoxy-~-ribo-,synthesis, interatomic oxygen-oxygen distances,
40:119 45~272-273
Hexono- 1,4-lactone 2-O-methyi-p-o-gluco-, taste properties,
2,5,6-tri-O-acetyl-3-deoxy-~-riho-. 50: 176 45:270
tri-0-acetyl-2- deoxy-o-arabino-, proton spin-lattice relaxation, 45: I53
preparation of, 32:57 sweetness-structure relationship, 45:269
Hexononitrile, 3,4,5,6-tetra-O-acetyl-2-deoxy- benzoylation of, 34:82
2-(phenyhmino)-~-araabino-,24: 1 14 2-brom0-2,3,4-trideoxy-P-o~-,preparation
Hexopyranoid systems, p-elimination in of, 34:48
unsaturated, 29:28 1 3-C-(cyanomethyl)-2,3-dideoxy-~-~-ribo-,
Hexopyranose preparation of, 34: 140
3-acetamido-2,3,6-trideoxy-o~-arahrno-, see chiroptical properties of, and aminodeoxy,
Acosamine, N-acetyl- deoxyfluoro, and deoxy derivatives,
aminodeoxy, carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic 34~52-53
resonance spectroscopy, 41:54 chromatography of, 34:62
3-amino-2,3,6-tridexoy-3-C-methyl-~~-l.vxu-, cleavage of, by acid, 34:63-69
see Vancosamine complexes, 34:54-55
l,f-anhydro-, 25: 163-167 conformation of, 34:51
1,5-anhydro-, 4-0-benzyl-3-bromo-2.3- dehalogenation and desulfurization of,
dideoxy-p-o-ribo, preparation of, 34:141
28:269 deoxy
1,6-anhydro- formation and preparation, 34: 140-143
acetalation of,34:89-93 properties and reactions of, 34:143-145
acetates, Table, 34: 16&-165 Table, 34:175-176
acetylation of, 34:83 2-deoxy-P-arubino-, sweetness-structure
alkylation of,34534 relationship, 45:269
aminodeoxy, preparation of, 34:98 deoxy-p-o-
table, 34: 173-174 conformation of, 26: 1 16
amino derivatives, properties and reactions optical rotation and conformation of,
of, 34:126-129 and acetates, 26:6 I
analogs, 34:146-151 3-deoxy-(3-~-arabino-,21: 160
p-D-,25: 172-173 preparation of, 34: I40
p-o-allo-, taste properties, 45:270 3-deoxy-P-o-ribo-, preparation of, 34: 140
p-o-altro-, taste properties, 45:270 2-deoxy-P-o-xylo-, preparation of, 34: 140
p-o-galacto-, taste properties, 45:270 3-deoxy-p-o-,ryk1-
p-o-glum-, taste properties, 45:270 preparation of, 34: 140
P-D-~u~o-, taste properties, 45:270 p-toluenesulfonylation of, 34:s 1
P-D-idO-, taste properties, 45:270 selective esterification of, 33:24
p-o-manno-, taste properties, 45:270 4-deoxy-p-~-arabino-,preparation of,
p-o-talo-, taste properties, 45:270 34:140
carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic resonance 2-deoxy-P-lyxo-, sweetness-structure
spectroscopy, 41:5 I relationship, 45:269
conformations of, and triacetates, 4-deoxy-4-diazo-2,3,-0-isopropylidene-P-
26:116 D-/,VXO-, preparation of, 34:98

Hexopyranose (continued) thio derivatives, 34: 136-139

3-deoxy-2-0-p-to~ykuIfony~-P-~-xylo-, 2,3,4-trideoxy-
preparation of, 34:81 P-o-glycero-
4-deoxy-2-0-p-toly~su~fonyl-P-~-xylo-, chiroptical properties of, 3 4 5 3
preparation of, 34: 141 preparation of, 34: 146
2-deoxy-l(6)-thio-P-o-arabino-, P-DL-glycero-
preparation of, 34:146 acid cleavage of, 34:64
dideoxy, and trideoxy, table, 34:175-176 polymerization of, 34:74
dideoxy, synthesis of, 34:141 preparation from acrolein, 34:48
2,4-d~deoxy-2-fluoro-~-o-xylo-, reductive cleavage of, 34:69
preparation of, 34: 135 structure of, 34:26
epimines and amino epoxides of, unsaturated, preparation of, 34: 145-146
34: 129-13 1 6-azido-4-0-benzoyl-2,3,6-trideoxy-2-
etherification and esterification of, fluoro-o-ribo-
34: 74-7 6 a anomer, 'H- and 19F-NMR data for,
formation 46: 126
by mineral acids, 34:34-37 P anomer, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for,
by mutarotation, 24:46 46: 126
and preparation of, 34:26-49 C-C and C-0 bond-lengths in, 44:14-15
fragmentation processes, 34:62 cyclization of 6-C-substituted, 34:33-34
glycosylation of, 34: 159-1 6 1 D-, peracetylated, carbon-13 nuclear
halogeno derivatives, 34: 131-136 magnetic resonance spectroscopy,
infrared spectroscopy of, 3 4 5 6 41:49
isopropylidene derivatives, Table VII, 2-deoxy-
34:171 2, 2-difluoro-D-arabino-
mass spectrometry of, 34:62 a anomer, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for,
methanesulfonylation of, 34232 46: 149
mono- and di-0-substituted derivatives, p anomer, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for,
Table VI, 34: 1 6 6169 46: 149
nitrogen analogs, 34:121-131, 149 a-o-arabzno-, ester with uridine5'-
nucleophilic substitutions in, 34:85-87, 92 pyrophosphate, fermentation
oxidation (partial) of, 34:93-96 production of, 28:341
partially substituted, 34:78-85 C U - D - ~ ~ X O ester
-, with uridine 5 ' -
periodate oxidation of, 34: 104-107 pyrophosphate, fermentation
per-0-substituted, 34:77-78 production of, 28:341
polymerization of, 34:69-74 a-o-arabino-, tetraacetate, 21: 146
properties of, 3450-63 o-arabino-, proton nuclear magnetic
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy resonance spectra, 29:33-34
of, and conformation, 34:56-61 D(OT L)-arabino-, tetraacetate, mass
p-toluenesulfonylation of, 34530 spectrum of, 21:62
pyrolysis of, 34:69 2-fluoro-, IH- and I9F-NMR data for,
reactions of, 34:63-107 46~85-89
with boron tribromide or trichloride, 3-deoxy-, 3-flUOrO-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data
34:68 for, 46:90-92
with trifluoromethanesulfonic acid, 4-deoxy-, 4-flUOrO-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data
34~87-88 for, 46:92-94
reductive cleavage of, 34:69 6-deoxy-, 6-fluoro-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data
structure of, 34:50-51 for, 46:95-96
synthesis of, 34:75, 145 deoxyhalo, carbon-13 nuclear magnetic
from acrolein, 34: 1 12 resonance spectroscopy, 4154-55

derivatives, proton spinlattice relaxat ion keto-, conformations in solution, 26:85

rates, 45: 153 with one amino group, I3C-NMR data for,
2,4-diamino-2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-o-aruhino-, 42:210
synthesis of, 28:283 optical rotation and conformation of, and
1,6:2,3-dianhydro-, 25:131-134 triacetates. 26:61-62
cleavage of, with ammonia, amine, and per-0-acetyl- 1,6-anhydro-P-o-, carbon- 13
azide ions, 34:122-125 nuclear magnetic resonance
4-deoxy+-~~-lyxo-,ring opening. 40:45 spectroscopy, 41:5 1
4-deoxy-P-o~-ribo-,reaction with 2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-4-( dimethylamino)-D-
butyllithium, 34:49 eiythro-, 23: 155
preparation of, 34: 107-1 12 tetra-0-acetyf-o-deoxy-a-D-urubino-,
1,6:3,4-dianhydro-, 25:13 1-134 anomerization of, 24:43
cleavage of, with ammonia, amine, and 1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI-2-deoxy-~-~-arabino-,
azide ions, 34:122-125 rearrangement in hydrogen fluoride,
preparation of, 34:107-112 26: 187
dianhydro- 1,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-2-deoxy-~-o-
and derivatives, Table, 34: 172 arahino-, rearrangement in hydrogen
hydrogenation of, reductive cleavage of, fluoride, 26:185
34:141 thio, carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance
oxidation of, 34: 100 spectroscopy, 41:54
properties of, 34: 112-1 15 1,3,4-tri-0-acetyI-2,6-dideoxy-2,2-difluoro-
reactions of substituted, 34:120-12 1 L-~J'XO-, 48: 182
of unsubstituted, 34: 1 17-1 19 3,4,6-trideoxy-3-(dimethylamino)-~~-xylo-,
2,6-dideoxy- see Desosamine
P-D-ribo-, crystal structure bibliography, 3.4,6-tri-O-acetyl- 1-0-benzoyl-2-deoxy-2-
38:425426 bromo-o-, derivatives, nonselective
4-C-acetyl-~-xylo-,component of relaxation-rates, stereospecific
quinocycline B and isoquinocycline dependencies, 45: 152
B, 35:92 Hexopyranosid-2,4,6-0-benzylidene-o-,
4-C-( 1-hydroxyethyl)-L-xylo-, component nucleophilic reactions of, 42:86
of quinocycline A and Hexopyranoside
isoquinocycline A, 35:9 1 2,3-anhydro-, 25:141-150, 171
3-C-methyl-o~-riho-,see Mycarose 4,6-O-benzylidene-. 25: 134-141
3,6-dideoxy- 3,4-anhydro-, 25: 141-150, 171, 175-176
a-D-arabino-, see Tyvelose 3,6-anhydr0-4-deoxy-a-o-xylo-
a-o-ribo-, see Paratose hexopyranosyl 3,6-anhydro-4-deoxy-a-
CY-D-XJJ~O-, ester of cytidine pyrophosphate, o - x ~ ~ otaste
- , properties, 45:270
isolation of, 28:3 16 3,2'-anhydro methyl 2,6-dideoxy-4-0-(3,6-
P-D-arabino-, see Ascarylose dideoxy-a-o-ribo-hexopyranosy l)-a-~-
P-L-x~~o-, ester with guanosine 5'- lyxo. crystal structure, 43:343-344
pyrophosphate, 28:32 1 benzy12,6-dideoxy-a-o~-
DL-arabino-, synthesis, 40:33 lyxo-, synthesis, 40:54
DL-ribO-, synthesis, 40:33 ribo-, synthesis, 40:54
4,6-dideoxy-, 3-O-methyl-~~-xylo-. see 2-deoxy-
Chalcose a-o-urabino-, rate constants for hydrolysis
2,4-di-O-acetyl- 1,6-anhydr0-3-deoxy-P-r,- of, 22:83
arabino-, preparation of, 34: 137 2-fluoro-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for,
esters, 5-bromides from, 49:48 46:85-89
hydrogen bonding, Raman and infrared 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-, IH- and "F-NMR data
spectral study of, 44:29 for, 46:90-92

Hexopyranose (continued) resonance spectroscopy, 41:65

4-deoxy-4-fluoro-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data 3-C-methyl-4-0-methyI-P-r.-xylo, crystal
for, 46:92-94 structure bibliography, 38:443444
6-deoxy-6-fluoro-, IH- and "F-NMR data o~-D-~Yxo-, carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic
for, 46:95-96 resonance spectroscopy, 41:65
derivatives, fluorinated, 'H- and "F-NMR a-i,-ribo-, carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic
data for, 46:135 resonance spectroscopy, 41:65
2,3'-didehydro-5-methyl-2H-l,2,6- methyl 5-amino-5-N-benzoyl-4,5-didexoy
thiadiazin-3-yI4,6-di-O-acetyl-2,3- ribo-, synthesis, 40:lOl
dideoxy-a-u-ribo-. I , 1-di-S-oxide, methyl 4-amino-2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-
crystal structure, 43:364-365 a-o~-erythro-,synthesis, 40: 106
o-ribo- P-rx-etythro-, synthesis, 40: 106
methyl 6-azido-4-O-benzoyl-2,3,-6- methyl 3-amino-2,3,6-trideoxy-P-o-L-xylo-
trideoxy-2-fluoro-P-, IH- and "F- carbon- I3 nuclear magnetic resonance
NMR data for, 46: 126 spectroscopy, 41:65
methyl 4-O-benzoyl-6-bromo-2,3,6- methyl 2,3-anhydro-, 25: 173-1 75
trideoxy-2-fluoro-P-, 'H- and I9F- methyl 3,6-anhydro-
NMR data for, 46: 135 a-D-
methyl 4,5-0-benzylidene-2-deoxy-3-C- 4-chloro-4-deoxy-a-o-g~1ucto-, taste
[(ethoxycarbonyl)-(fluoromethyl)]-a- properties, 45270
o-ribo-hexopyranoside 4- deoxy-a-o-xylo-, taste properties,
(R) isomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46:172 45270
(S) isomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46:172 a-D-gluco, taste properties, 45:270
esters, radical-mediated brominations, D-,carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic resonance
49~62-64 spectroscopy, 41:5 1
ethyl 2,3-anhydro-4,6-dideoxy- methyl 2,3-anhydro-4-deoxy-6-O-methyl-a-
a, P-DL-1~x0-, 25: 146 DL-
DL-ribo-, 25: 146 lyxo, synthesis of, 28:295
ethyl 2,4-bis(acetamido)-2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy- ribo-, preparation of, 28:295
P-D-urabino-, preparation of, 28:284 methyl 2,3-anhydro-4-dideoxy-6-O-methyl-
ethyl 2,3-dideoxy- ~ - D L - ~ ~ x o25:
- , 120
a-o-erythro-, 21:193 methyl 4,6-0-benzylidene-3-deoxy a-D-
a-o-threo-, 21:194 urabino-, 21: 160
6-O-p-tolysulfonyl-a-~-erythf-o-,23:241 methyl 2,6-bis(acetamido)-2,3,4,6-
ethyl 2,3,6-trideoxy- tetradeoxy-a-DL-, synthesis, 40:35
6-fluoro-a-D-erythro- methyl 3,6-bis(acetamido)-2,3,4,6-
4-O-acetyl-, 'H and I9F-NMR data for, tetradeoxy-a-DL-threo-, synthesis,
46:135 40:18
4-O-benzyl-, IH and I9F-NMR data for, methyl 2,3-C-(aminomethylene)-4,6-0-
46: 135 benzylidene-2,3-dideoxy-a-~-manno-,
4-O-sulfonyl-c~-o-etythro-, displacement synthesis (attempted) of, 27:299
reactions of, 24: 163 methyl 2,3-C-[(aminomethyl)methylene]-
4-O-sulfonyl-a-o-threo-, displacement 4,6-0-benzylidene-2,3-dideoxy-a-~-
reactions of, 24: 163 manno-, synthesis of, 27:298
ethyl 3,4,6-trideoxy-3-(dimethylamino)-a- methyl 6-chloro-4,6-dideoxy-a-~-xylo-,
oL-arabino-, synthesis, 40:4&47 preparation of, 28:302
methyl, 4,6-dideoxy- 1,2-0-isopropyl-idene- methyl 6-chloro-3,4,6-trideoxy-a-~-erythro-,
a-o-xylo-, conformation of, 34:200 preparation of, 28:302
methyl 3-acetamido-2,3,6-trideoxy- methyl 4-(cyanomethylene)-4-deoxy-2,3-0-
a-o-arubino-, carbon-1 3 nuclear magnetic isopropylidene-6-O-methyl-a-~-lyxo-,

crystal structure bibliography, 34:358 spectral study of, 44:29

methyl deoxy, carbon-13 nuclear magnetic preparation of, 28:301
resonance spectroscopy, 41:56--57 P-D-xY~o-,23:272
methyl 2-deoxy- methyl 4,6-dideoxy-
a-D- a-o-xylo-.preparation of, 28:302
lyxo-, p-toluenesulfonylation of, 33:30 3-O-methyl-o-xylo-, 23:75,273
ribo-, sweetness-structure relationship, methyl 2,3-di-O-acetyl-6-chloro-4,6-
45:271 dideoxy-a-o-xylo-, preparation of,
a-o-urubino-, hydrolysis of, 22:54 28:303
P-D-arabino-, 21:149,302 methyl 4,6-O-alkylidene-o-, 2,3-dinitrate,
3-C-methyl-a-~-ribo-,carbon- 13 nuclear selective denitration, 39:56
magnetic resonance spectroscopy, methyl 4-0-benzoyl-6-bromo-
41:65 6-deoxy-a-~-,preparation of, mechanism
3,6-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyI-a-o-~~~0-. of, 28:276
23:248 2,6-di-deoxy-3-C-methyl-3-O-methyl-a-~-
a-o-ribo-, 21: 150 ,I$o-, synthesis, 39:99
3,6-O-p-tolylsulfony~-a-o-arubino-. 2,6-di-deoxy-3-C-methyl-3-O-methyl-a-~-
23:240 urahino-, synthesis, 39:99
methyl 3-deoxy- 2,3,6-trideoxy-a-o-eryfhro. preparation of,
P-o-ribo-, 21: 164 28:283
6-O-p-tolylsulfonyi-~-~xo-, 23:240 methyl 4-O-benzoyl-6-chloro-, 2,3,6-
6-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-D-xylo-, 23:240 trideoxy-a-D-erythro-, preparation of,
methyl 4-deoxy- 28:302-303
a-D-xylo-, sweetness-structure threshold, methyl 4-0-benzoyl-2,3,6-trideoxy-6-iodo-
determination, by triangular test, a-o-ewthro-, preparation of, 28:283
45:245 methyl 2-0-benzyl-4.6-dideoxy-3-C-(2-
6-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-~-~~o-, 23:240 methyl- 1,3-dithian-2-yl)-P-o-ribo-,
methyl 2,4-diamino-2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-a-~~- preparation of, and 3-epimer, 32:38-39
arubino-, synthesis, 40:34 methyl 4.6-0-benzylidene-
methyl 2,3-dideoxy- a-D-,reaction with N-bromosuccinimide,
3-C-[(methoxycarbonyl)methyl]-o-rib~~-, 28:276
preparation of, 27:262 carbon-1 3 nuclear magnetic resonance
3-C-methylene-a-~-erythro-,synthesis by spectroscopy, 4 1 5 3
Wittig reaction, 27:235 2,3-C-(cyanomethylene)-2,3-dideoxy-a-o-
methyl 2,6-dideoxy- manno-, synthesis of, 27:299
3,-C-methyl-a-o-ribo-, 23:272 D-, 2,3-dinitrate, selective denitration,
a-o-ribo-, 23:271 39:56
a-L-arabino-, 24:210 3-deoxy-a-o-lyxo-, 25: 121
3-C-rnethyl-3-O-methyl-a-~-ribo-, 23:272 3-deoxy-u-o-ribo-, 23:276
3-C-methyl-3-O-methyI-~-ribo-, carbon- 3-deoxy-P-~-ribo-,23:276
13 nuclear magnetic resonance 2-deoxy-3-C-methyl-ar-~-urubino-.
spectroscopy, 4 1 6 5 preparation of, 27:242
3,4-di-O-methyI-a-o-arabino-, 23:270 2-deoxy-3-O-(methylsulfonyl)-a-~-ribo-,
3,4-di-O-p-to~y~su~fony~-a-~-xyb. 23: displacement reactions of, 24: 163
272 3-deoxy-2-O-p-tolysulfonyl-a-o-ribo-,
methyl 3,6-dideoxy- displacement reactions of, 24: 163
~ - D - T ~ o acetylation
-, and 2-deuteno-a-o-ribo-, proton magnetic
methanesulfonylation of, 33:30 resonance spectra. 29: 16
P-o-ribo- 2,3-dideoxy-a-o-erythro-, reaction with N-
hydrogen bonding, Raman and infrared bromosuccinimide, 28:283

Hexopyranose (continued) 4,6-0-benzylidene-a-~-ribo-, preparation

2,3-dideoxy-2,3-C-(formylmethylene)-a- of, 33:92
D-, synthesis of, 27:298 Hexopyranosid-2-ulose
2,3-dideoxy-2,3-C-[(hydroxymethyl)- o-ribo-3-ket0, reductic acid formation from,
methylene]-a-~-,manno-, synthesis 46:289
of, 27:299 methyl-o-arubino-, reductic acid formation
2,3-dideoxy-2,3-C-[(methoxycarbonyl- from, 46:289
methylene)-a-D-munno-, synthesis of, methyl 1-deoxy-3-C-methyl-P-~-ribo-,
27:298 synthesis, 40: 123
2,3-dideoxy-3-C-methylene-a-~-threo-, Hexopyranosid-3-ulose
synthesis by Wittig reaction, methyl P-o-ribo-, polarography of, 29: 145
27:234-235 methyl 2-bromo-2-deoxy-a-~-arubino-,3-
2,3-dideoxy-2,3-C-vinylene-ol-o-manno-, hydrate 3,3,4,6-tetraacetate, 25: 195
synthesis of, 27:299 methyl 2-0-benzyl-4,6-dideoxy-P-~-erythro-
2,3-di-O-methyl-a-~-,reaction with reaction with 2-lithio-2-methyl- 1,3-
butyllithium, 39: 140 dithiane, 32:38
fragmentation patterns of, 34: 194 methyl 4,6-0-benzylidene-2-O-p-
methyl 3,4-0-(S)-benzylidene-2-6-di-deoxy- tolysulfonyl-a-D-ribo-,23:258
a-D-ribo-, preparation of, 28:292 Hexopyranosi~-3-u~ose, methyl 4-deoxy-a-o-
methyl 2,3,6-trideoxy-a-o-erythro-, erythro-, preparation of, 31:42
preparation of, 28:283 Hexopyranosio-4-ulose
methyl 3,4,6-trideoxy-a-~-erythro-, methyl 3-deoxy-a-~-threo-,formation of,
preparation of, 28:302 31:43
methyl 2,3,6-trideoxy-P-~-erythro-, methyl 2,3,6-tri 0-benzoyI-a-D-xylo-,
preparation of, 28:294 reaction with 1,2-ethanedithiol, 32:25
methyl 2,3,6-trideoxy-P-~-threo-, Hexopyranosid-3-dose 3-hydrate, methyl 2-
preparation of, 28:294 bromo-2-deoxy-a-~-arubino-,3,3,4,6-
methyl 3,4,6-trideoxy-3-(dimethylamino)-o- tetraacetate, preparation of, 28:289
xylo-, carbon-13 nuclear magnetic Hexopyranosiduloses, gas-liquid
resonance spectroscopy, 41:65 chromatography of, 28:54
methyl 2,3,6-tri-0-acetyl-4-deoxy-a-o-xylo-,a-o-Hexopyranosid-4-doses nucleophilic
synthesis, 40: 113 reactions of, 42:87
replacement of primary hydroxyl groups with Hexopyranosiduronamides,degradation by
methanesulfonyl chloride-N, N- Weermann rearrangement, 31:237
dimethylformamide complex, Hexopyranosiduronic acid, methyl 4-deoxy-P-
33~261-263 L-urabino-, methyl ester, 21: 167
1-thio-P-D- L-arabino-Hexo-l,5-pyranos-5-ulose, 5 (R)-5-
aqueous, laser-Raman spectroscopy, C-acetoxy-6-deoxy-6-fluoro- I ,2:3,4-di-0-
44:75 isopropylidene-P-, 'H- and 19F-NMRdata
laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:s 1 for, 46: 142
3,4,6-tri-0-acetyl-2-deoxy-P-~-arabino-, Hexopyranos-2-ulose, 1,6-anhydro-3,4-
synthesis, 44: 130 dideoxy-, preparation of, 34: 103
xylo-, methyl 3-C-cyano-2,6-dideoxy-3-0- 0-isopropylidene-P-o-lyxo-,preparation and
mesyl-0-methyl-P-L-, synthesis and reduction of, and hydrate, 34:91, 97
structure of, 42:9 1 0-isopropyhdene-P-o-ribo-, acetylation of,
Hexopyranosides 34:98
2-deoxy-P-o-arabino-, 50: 110-1 12 Hexopyranos-3 -dose
2,3-dideoxy-2-fluoro-, 'H and I9F-NMR data a-o-ribo-, ester of uridine 5'-pyrophosphate,
for, 46:131-132 enzymic preparation of, 28:344
Hexopyranoside-3-ulose, methyl 2-0-acetyl- 1,6-anhydro-P-~-

arabino-, dimers and acetals, 34:96 tolylsulfonyl-ol-u-arabino-,preparation

lyxo-, preparation of, 34:95 of, 28:264
riho-, dimers, 34:96 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyI-2-deoxy-~-arabino-,
xyfo-, dimers, and acetals, 34:96 24:206
1 ,h-anhydro4-deoxy-2-0-p-tolysulfonyl-~- preparation of, 28:264
o-threo-, preparation of, 34: 103 Hexopyranosyl chloride
1,6-anhydro-2,4-dideoxy- 2,2-dichloro-2-deoxy-ol-~-urabino-,
P-o-glycero- preparation of, 28:26 1-262
preparation of, 34: 103 3,4,6-tri-O-acety-2,2-dichloro-2-deoxy-o-
reaction with 1,2-ethanedithiol, 32:24 arabino-, preparation of, 28:262
2-fluoro-P-~-erythro-,'H- and "F-NMR Hexopyranosyl ethylxanthate, 3,4,6-tri-0-
data for, 46: I 14 acetyl-2-deoxy-P-u-arubino-, 24:206
1,6-anhydro-2,4-di-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-u- Hexopyranosyl fluoride
ribo-, isomerization of, 34: 101 I3C-NMR data for, 46:160-161
1,6-anhydro-2,3-0-isopropylidene-P- D- 2-deoxy-
arahino-, crystal structure, 43:238- u-arahino-
239 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyI-
1,6-anhyldro-2,4-dideoxy-2,4-difluoro- P-D- a anomer, 'H- and IYF-NMRdata for,
ribo-, reaction with phenylsulfur 46:131
trifluoride, 38:225 P anomer, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for,
2,4-di-O-acetyl- 1,6-anhydro-P-~-l~.~o-, 46:131
preparation of, 34:96 3,4,6-tri-O-benzoyl-a-, 'H- and "F-
Hexopyranos-4-ulose NMR data for, 46: 131
1,6-anhydr0-3-C-(hydroxymethyl)-2,3-0- D-~VXO-
isopropylidene-P-D-lyxo-, preparation 3,6-di-O-benzoyl-a-, 'H- and IyF-NMR
of, 34: 100 data for, 46: 131
1,6-anhydr0-2,3-dideoxy- preparation of, 4,6-di-O-benzoyl-a-, 'H- and "F-NMR
34: 103 data for, 46: 131
1,6-anhydro-2,3-0-isopropyIidene-~-1~-1~~~~~-, 3,4,6-tri-O-benzoyl-a-, 'H- and IYF-
preparation and reduction of, 34:97-100 NMR data for, 46: 13 1
3-d, 1,6-anhydro-2,3-0-isopropyhdene-~-~- 'H- and 1yFF-NMRdatafor,46:131-132
fyxo-, preparation of, 27: 133 2,6-di-O-benzoyl-2-deoxy-
6-deoxy-a-o-lyxo-, ester with guanosine 5 ' - a-u-ribo-, preparation, 38:230
pyrophosphate, 28:322 P-O-XJdO-, 26: I86
6-deoxy-a-~-xylo-,ester of cytidine 5 ' - 3,6-di-0-benzoyl-2-deoxy-a-~-ribo-, 24:2 17
pyrophosphate, 28:318 4,6-di-O-benzoyl- 2.3-dideoxy-o-erythro-,
of thymidine 5'-pyrophosphate, 28:323 preparation, 38:230
3,6-dideoxy-a-~-erythro-, ester with cytidine 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:82-85
5'-pyrophosphate, 28:3 18 per-O-benzoyl-2-deoxy-a-o-
~-ribo-Hexo-pyranos-3-ulose hydrate, I ,6- arabino-, synthesis, 38:203
anhydro-2,4,-dideoxy-2,4-difluoro-P-, 'H- lyxo-, synthesis, 38:201
and IyF-NMR data for, 46: 151 poly-0-acyl-D-, proton magnetic resonance
Hexopyranosuloses spectroscopy of, 27:2 1
1,6-anhydro- tri-O-acetyI-2-deoxy-a-u-, preparation,
preparation of, 34:9496 38:234
properties of, 34: 104 Hexopyranosyl halide, 6-azido-4-0-benzoyl-
spectral properties of, 34: 104 2,3,6-trideoxy-2-fluoro-o-ribo-
preparation of, 34:93-104 a bromide, 'H-and "F-NMR data for,
Hexopyranosyl bromide 46: 126
4-0-acetyl-3-bromo-2,3-dideoxy-6-O-p- chloride, 'H-and "F-NMR data for, 46: 125

Hexopyranosyl halide, 6-azido-4-0-benzoyl- Hexoses, 48:281-285

2,3,6-trideoxy-2-fluoro-~-ribo- 2-acetamido-
(continued) 2-deoxy-, liquid chromatography methods
a iodide, 'H-and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 126 for analysis of, 46:33
Hexopyranosyl nitrate, 2-deoxy-o-arabino-, 2,4,6-trideoxy-, ester of uridine 5'-
substituted, equilibrium composition, pyrophosphate, isolation of, 28:327
47:6344 acetamidodeoxy-
Hexopyranosylpyridine, 3-keto-arahino-, alkaline degradation of, 28:202
synthesis of, 42:232 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:80-82
Hexopyranosyl streptamine, 2,6-dideoxy-O- 0-trimethylsilyl derivatives, gas-liquid
2,3-dideoxy-2-fluoro-ol-~-riho-, 48:224 Chromatography of, 28:143-144
Hexopyranuronates 4-0-acetyl-2,6-dideoxy-3-C-methyl-~-
@-eliminationin unsaturated, 29:281 arabino-, 21: 185
conformations of, 29:256 3-0-acetyl-2,6-dideoxy-~-lyxo-, 21: 184-1 87
deoxy, biochemical transformation of 4 3 - acylamidodeoxy-, 1,2-oxazoline derivatives,
unsaturated, 29:252 preparation, 31:4
structure and conformation of unsaturated, acylated, gas-liquid chromatography of
29:259 trimethylsilyl derivatives, 28: 110
diaxial @-eliminationin, 29:265-271 2-amino-
in natural polysaccharides, 29:23 1 2-deoxycarba-, synthesis, 48:5943
Hexopyroanoside, 3-amino-2,3,6-trideoxy-2- enantiomeric, 48:6&67
fluoro-, derivatives 2-deoxy-D-, preparation of, 24:9
'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:123-125 2-dexoy-, trimethylsilylated, mass
N-containing synthetic precursors, 'H-and spectrometry of, 29:47
I9F-NMR data for, 46:123-125 3-amino-
Hex-2(or 3)-enopyranose derivatives, 2,3,6-trideoxy-o~-lyxo-, see Daunosamine
fluorinated, IH- and 19F-NMR data for, 2,3,6-trideoxy-~-,composition in aqueous
46: 134 solution, 42:48
Hexosamines 5-amino-
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:78-79 5-deoxy-, 23: 131
liquid chromatography, precolumn deoxy-, composition in aqueous solution,
derivatization procedures, 46:68 42:4849
methylation of, in methyl sulfate and sodium 6-amino-
hydroxide, 30: 12 1,6-anhydro-5,6-dideoxy-~-xylo-, 23:228
trimethylsilylation of, 28:29 6-deoxy, composition in aqueous solution,
trimethylsilyl derivatives, gas-liquid 42:5 1
chromatography of, 28: 143 1,5,6-dideoxy-~-xylo-,23: 156
Hexosaminidase aminodeoxy-, in urine (human), 24:438-
@-, isolation and characterization, 439
40~277-279 1,6-anhydro-
N-acetyl-P-D-, 44:204 5-deoxy-6-thio-o-xylo-, 23:229
and Tay-Sachs disease, 31:6 4-0-benzyl-3-hrorno-2,3-dideoxy-o-
Hexosaminoglycans, bacterial, monosaccharide arahino-, 24:236
composition, 47:174-175 preparation of, 34:32
Hexosans, polymerization of 2,3,4-tri-0- from 2,3-unsaturated hexopyranosides,
substituted, 34:73 34:47
Hexos-2,3-diulose,4,6-dideoxy-glycero-, synthesis from acrolein, 34:49
21:191 3,6-anhydro-
Hexose C-nucleosides, 4-keto-lyxo-, synthesis composition in aqueous solution,
of. 42:232 42:58-59

2-deoxy-o-arabino-, formation of, 28:202, benzoylation of, 33:4 1

204 DL-,synthesis, 40: 17-1 8
O-~JZO-, 23:266 0 - l y X O - . 21:159
3-benzamido-2,3,6-trideoxy- a - o - r i b , 21: 160, I64
D-xylo-,synthesis, 40: 1 17, I 18 o-ribo-, 21:159, 163
L-, (4 isomers), composition in aqueous 6-phosphate, 21:158
solution, 42:61 u - x ~ ~ o21~159,
-, 161, 163
5,6-O-carbonyl-2-deoxy-I ,3-di-O-p- dialkyl dithioacetals, selective
nitrobenzoyl-o-arabino-, 2 1 3 1 I benzoylation of, 33:4 1
D-, 2-acetamidio-2-deoxy-, 46:3 1 reaction with sulfonyl chloride, 32:48
dehydration of, 28: 176,209 4,5-O-isopropylidene-~-xylo-,
2-deoxy- dithioacetals, preparation of, 32:54
o-arabino-, labeled, 48: 186-1 88 ribo-, furanose stability in solution, 42:28
arabino-, liquid chromatography methods xylo-, composition in pyridine, 42:68
for analysis of, 46:33 4-deoxy-
composition in aqueous solution, 42:35, o-arabino-, 21:166
63 biosynthesis, 44:296-298
D-, polymer, 21:472 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:63
o-arabino-, 21:149, 157, 24:218, 25:191 0-xylo-. 21:166
alkaline degradation of, 28:202 synthesis, 39:63
effect on immunoglobulin secretion, 5-deoxy-
40:361 o-ribo-, 21: 169
esters of uridine 5-pyrophosphate and O-XY~O-, 21~168
of guanosine 5-pyrophosphate, 1,2-O-isopropylidene-a-u-xv[o-, 24:256
enzymic synthesis of, 28:338 6-deoxy-
inhibition of lipid-linked 5-c-methyl-o-xylo-, composition in
oligosaccharide formation, aqueous solution, 42:57-58
40:327-331,378 L-, biosynthesis of, 29:293
nonselective spin-lattice relaxation 3-O-methyl-, from Rhodopseudomonas
rates, 45: 148 capsulata lipopolysaccharide, 29:67
proton spin-lattice relaxation rates, in urine (human), 24:438439
45: 150 deoxy-
3,4:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-~-arabino-, dithioacetals, physical constants of, and
diethyl dithioacetal, reaction with peracetates, 32: 109-1 12
butyllithium, 32:59 transport into Saccharomvces
o-lyxo-, diethyl dithioacetal, preparation cerevisiae, 32: I54
of, 32:28 melting points and optical rotations of,
o-ribo-, 21:304,24: 127,264 26~283-287
in cancer chemotherapy, 21:145 dexoy-, synthesis, 40: 17-1 8
methyl glycosides, synthesis of, 27:4 u-galacto-
D - x ~ ~ o - 24:
, 127 biosynthesis. 44:287-294
in cancer chemotherapy, 21:145 structure. 44:289
r-arabino-, synthesis of, 27:280 D-ghlCO-
lyxo-, furanose stability in solution. 42:28 biosynthesis, 44:287-294
ribo-, furanose stability in solution, 42:28 structures, 44:289
1,3,4,6-tetra-O-p-nitrobenzoyl-o-ribo-, 2,6-diacetamid0-2,3,4,6-tetra-deoxy-o-threo-
21:307 diethyl dithioacetal, preparation of,
3-deoxy- 30:129
o-arabino-, 21:159, 164, 50:171 ethyl glycoside, synthesis of, 30: 127
dimethyl dithioacetal, selective 5,6-diamino-5.6-dideoxy-,23: 13 1

Hexoses (continued) synthesis, 41:8

2,4-diamino-2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-, 1,2-O-isopropyhdene-o-xyio-, 21: 169
kasugamine structure, 30: 135 L-arubino-, 21:189-190, 193
2,6-diamino-2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy- synthesis, 41:8
in gentamicin and sisomicin, 29: 105 4,5-di-O-acetyl-2,6-anhydro-3-deoxy-
purpurosamines and, 30: 127 aldehydo-o-lyxo-, 23:91,25:214
2,4-diamino-2,4,6-trideoxy-, 23: 155 uldehydo-o-xylo-, 23:91,25:214
1,4:3,6-dianhydro-, formation during D - ~ x o -24:211
pyrolysis of starch and cellulose, 34:42 0-XylO-,24~211
2,2-dichloro-2-deoxy-o-arabino-, 4,6-di-O-acetyl-3-bromo-2,3-dideoxy-, (Y-D-

preparation of, 28:262 arubino-, 24:206

2,4-dideoxy- preparation of, 28:263
0-threo-, 24:212 2,6-di-O-benzoyl-3-deoxy- o-qlo-diethyl
synthesis, 40:41 dithioacetal, preparation of, 32:45
2,6-dideoxy- 3,4:5,6-di-O-cyclohexylidene-2-deoxy-
P-D-ribo-, see Digitoxose uldehydo-o xylo-, synthesis of, 27:278
3-C-methyL~arubino-, synthesis of, aldehydo-L-arabino-, synthesis of, 27:278
27:242 dithioacetals, physical constants of, and
D-arabino-, 21: 185-1 86, 308 peracetates, 32: 106-109
synthesis of, 27:4 o-manno-
DL-, synthesis, 40: 17 biosynthesis, 44:287-294
o-ribo- structures, 44:289
ester of uridine 5'-pyrophosphate, extraction from formose mixture by
isolation of, 28:326 hexokinase reaction, 29:225
1,3,4-tris(p-nitrohenzoate),preparation formation of furan compounds from,
of, 27:3 6:83-106
D - x ~ ~ o - 21:
, I86 high-temperature transformation
L-urubino-, 21: 186 acidic conditions, 46:284-291
L-lyxo-, 21: 184, 186 basic conditions, 46:291-295
4-O-methyl-~-xylo-,21:184185, 187 isotopic substitution, in i.r. and Raman
4-O-rnethyl-o-lyxo-, 23:27 1 spectra band assignments, 44:37
3,6-dideoxy- L-galacto-, biosynthesis, 44:294295
o-(and L ) - ~ x o - ,21: 190 ~-gltrco-,biosynthesis, 44:294-295
o-arubino-, 21:188-190,23:272,274, see L-munno-, biosynthesis, 44:294295
Tyvelose methylation analyses of, 30: 19-22
3-(dimethylamino)-P-~-ribo-,23:273 NMRspectroscopy,42:18
DL-, synthesis, 40: 17-1 8 2-(N-nitroso) acetamido-2-deoxy-
o-ribo-, 21:188-189,23:272, see Paratose alkaline decomposition of, to acetylenic
D-XJ~O-, 21:188-190,23:274 sugar derivatives, 31:71
L-ribo-, 21:190 stabilities of, 31:70
L-xylo-, 21:188, 190 3-0-acetyl-2,6-dideoxy-~-lyxo-, 23:27 1
periodate-thiobarbituric acid assay, 4-O-(dichloroisoeverninyl)-2,6-dideoxy-o-
38~335-336 arubino-. see Curacin
4,6-dideoxy- production of edible from formaldehyde,
D-XYlO-, 21:192 29:224
synthesis of, 28:300 proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra
3-O-methyl-o-xylo-, 21: 191-1 92, of, spin decoupling method, 29:29
see+Chalcose pyrolysis of, 34:151-153
5,6-dideoxy- rearrangement in liquid hydrogen fluoride,
0-XylO-, 21:193 26: 176-1 88

saccharinic acids formed from, 46:29 I a - ~and-P-o-ribo-,

- preparation of, 34:281
2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-4-dimethylamino-~- 3,5,6-tri-O-pni trobenozyl-
erythro-, 24: 161 P-D-arahino-. 21:302
1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI-2-deoxy- o-arabino-, 21:309
Ol-O-lyXO-, 24:214 methyl 3-deoxy-P-o-xyh-, 21: 161
2-thiocyanato-a-o-manno-, 24:209 methyl 4-deoxy-P-o-.rylo-, 21: 161
5-thio-, 23:216 methyl 4,6-0-benzylidene-2,3-dideoxy-P-~-
2,3,6-trideoxy- erythro-, 23:276
4-C-(2-hydroxyacetyl)-~-threo-, methyl 3,4,6-tri-0-benzoyl-2-deoxy-P-o-
Pillarose arabino-, 21:297
3-C-methyl-4-0-methyI-3-nitro-~-ribo (or Hexosid-3-dose
L-arabino)-, 24:70 P-o-fructofuranosyl a-D-ribo-. from sucrose
o-erythro-, 21:195, 197 microbial oxidation, 33:271
3-(dirnethylamino)-4-0-(4-idobenzoyl)-~- ethyl 2,3,6-tri-O-methyl-, isomers,
ribo-, dihydrate, crystal structure, preparation of, 31:22 1
43:272-273 methyl 2,4,6-tri-O-methyl-a- and-P-n- ribo-,
oL-erythro-, 21: 197 degradation of, 31:221
oL-threo-, 21: 197 Hexosid-4-ulose
o-threo-, 21:197 methyl 2,3-di-0-ethyl-6-0-propyl-a-~-xyb
L-threo-, 21:195 degradation of, 31 :22 1
3,4,6-trideoxy-3-(dimethylamino)-~-.~vlo-, as 1,3,4,6-tetra-0-acety~-~-~-fructofuranosy~
structure of desosamine, 28:299 2,3,6-tri-0-acetykx-~-.~y~o-, preparation
3,4,6-tri-0-acetyl-2-deoxy-a-~-arabino-, of, 33:271
24:206 Hexosid-5-ulose, methyl 6-deoxy-2,3-0-
preparation of, 28:263 isopropylidene-a-D-lyxo-, 24:258
tr-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-~-arabino-diethyl ~-/yxo-5-Hexosuiopyranuronic acid, in mosses,
dithioacetal, dimethyl acetal from, 46:323-324
32:65 Hexosulose
in urine (human), 24:438439 o-arabino-, 22:245,284
utilization by yeasts, 32:232 mannonic acid from, 25:343
xylo-, 3-amino-2,3,6-trideoxy-C-methyl-~- phenylosazone, 25:212
natural occurrence of, 42:73 reaction with ammonia, 25:325
structure of, 42:70-7 I 3-deoxy-, 26: 14
synthesis of, 42: 122 3-deoxy-o-en~irhro-,25:343,46:292
Hexose-2-t, 2-deoxy- D arabino-, preparation alkaline degradation of, 28: 196
of, 27: 137 in dehydration of o-fructose, 28: 179
Hexoside preparation of, 28: 168- 169
2-Deoxy-o-arabino-, hydrolysis, 48:353 reaction with ammonia, 25:325
methyl acetamidodeoxy structures of, 28: 171
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:82-84 trimethylsilylation
per-0-(trimethylsilyl) derivatives, and gas-liquid chromatography of.
gasliquid chromatography of, 2858
28: 144-145 and mutarotation of. 28:38
methyl 4,6-0-benzylidene- 3,6-deoxy-~-erythro-,reaction with
2-deoxy-a-o-ribo-, 21 :304 ammonia, 25:325
3-deoxy-a-o-ribo-, 21: 161-162 3,4,5,6-tetra-O-acetyl-o-arahino-, I-(diethyl
2,3-dideoxy-P-~-erythro-,21: 162 dithioacetal), desulfunzation of. 32:77
methyl 5,6-0-carbonyl-2-deoxy-3-O-p- Hexos-2-ulose
nitrobenzoyl-a-o-arabino-,21 :309 o-arabino-, from 2-amino-2-deoxy-o-
methyl 2-deoxy- glucose radiolysis, 37:49

Hexos-2-dose (continued) Hexosyl residues in plant cell-wall polymers,

3-deoxy-D- erythro-, formation. 46:3 1 0 - 42:276
31 1 Hexosyl-3-ulose, 5-4,6-dideoxy-a-~-glycero-,
3-deoxy-4,6-O-benzylidene, synthesis, 3-P-~-mycarosyl-1343-
39: 144 mycinosyllankamycin 1 1-(2-hydroxy-3-
L-qlo- methylbutanoic ester), monohydrate,
oxidation, 37: 1 1 1 monoacetonate, crystal structure,
preparation from iL-sorbose, 37: 109-1 12 4 3 ~ 2 1-272
Hexos-3-dose Hexulofuranose
3-deoxy-~-erythro-,21: 164 6-amino5,6-dideoxy-~-xylo-, 23: 142
2-deoxy-4,6-0-benzylidene,synthesis, 4,6-anhydro-
39: 1 39-1 40 1 -O-benzoyl-2,3-O-isopropylidene-a-~-
o-ribo-, polarography of, 29: 145 xylo-, preparation of, 28:290
1,2,5,6-tetra-O-acetyl-4-~-formy~-keto-~- 2,3-O-isopropylidene-a-~-xylo-, 24: 172
arabino-, synthesis, 39:83 6-deoxy-a-~-xylo-2-,crystal structure,
Hexos-4-ulose, D-threo-,1 -(dimethyl 43:21&215
dithioacetal), preparation of, 32:82 2,3 :4,6-di-O-isopropylidene- L-x~~o-
Hexos-5-dose oxidation to ~-xylo-hexos-2-ulose,
6-acetamido-6-deoxy-o-xylo-, composition in 37:llO
solution, 42:39 preparation from L-sorbose, in L-ascorbic
6-deoxy-o-arbino-, 21: 174 acid synthesis, 37:92-93
6-deoxy-o-xylo-, 24:256 4-0-acetyl- 1 -O-benzoyl-6-deoxy-6-iodo-2,3-
preparation of, 28:291 0-isopropylidene-a-L-xylo-, reaction
D - ~ X O - ,1 -(diethy1 dithioacetal) preparation with silver fluoride, 28:291
of, 32:82 1-O-benzoyl-6-deoxy-6-iodo-2,3-0-
Hexosulosonic acid, o-xylo-, calcium salt isopropylidene-a-L-, reaction with silver
dihydrate, crystal structure bibliography, fluoride, 28:290
31:364 2,3-O-isopropylidene-1,4,6-tri-O-
Hexosyl, 2-deoxy-a-~-arubino-,formation, (methylsulfonyl)-a-r-xylo-,
48:353-354 displacement reaction of, 24: 173
Hexosyl bromide 3-Hexulofuranose
5,6-O-carbonyl-2-deoxy-3-O-p-nitrohenzoyl- 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-P-~-xylo-,
o-arabino-, 21:3 10 26:254
2-deoxy-3,4,6-tri-O-( p-nitrobenzoy1)- 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropyiidene-a-~-ribo-,
a-o-arabino-, 21:301 23:267
a-o-lyxo-, synthesis of, 27:4 Hexulofuranoside
a-o-ribo-, 21:305,307 4,6-dichloro-4,6-dideoxy-
methanolysis of, 34:281 a-D-galactopyranosyl 3,4-anhydro- 1,6-
o-ribo-, synthesis of, 27:4 dichloro- 1,6-dideoxy-2,3-di-O-suIfo-
2,6-dideoxy-3,4-di-O-p-nitrobenzoyl-P-~- P-D-ribo-, physical properties of,
ribo-, 21:298 33:294
3,4,6-tri-O-benzoyl-2-deoxy a-o-arabino-, 2,3-di-O-sulfo-a-~-ga~actopyranosy~ 3,4-
21:297 anhydro- 1,6-dichloro-l,6-dideoxy-P-
Hexosyl chloride, 2-deoxy-3,4,6-tri-O-p- D-ribo-, preparation of, 33:261
ni trobenzoyl-a-D- 2,3-di-O-su~fo-a-~-ga~actopyranosy~
arabino-, 21:301 1,4,6-trideoxy-P-o-, preparation of,
ribo-, 21:305 33:261
Hexosyl purines, keto derivatives of, 42:232 4,6-dichloro-4,6-trichloro-, 1,4,6-tri-deoxy-
Hexosyl pyrimidines, keto derivatives of, 2,3-di-O-sulfo-P-o-, physical properties
42:232 of, 33:294

3-Hexulo-3,6-furanosidono- 1,4-lactone, methyl ascorbic acid, 37: 105-1 06

2-C-benzyl-a- ~-xylo-, crystal structure Hexulopyranosonic acid.-a-L-xylo-,
bibliography, 37:393 monohydrate, crystal structure
5-Hexulofuranosidurono-6,3-lactone, methyl D- bibliography, 34:349
xylo-, preparation of, 33:230 Hexulose, I -(Benzy lamino)- I -deoxy-o-rhreo-
Hexulofuranosonic acid, 2,3 :4,6-di-0- 2-, 46~320
isopropylidene- u-xylo-4-Hexulose, 1,3,-dideoxy- 1-fluoro-3-
WL-, monohydrate, crystal structure iodo- I ,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-a-, 'H-
bibliography, 38:445 and "F-NMR data for, 46:159
L-xylo- 3-Hexulose
conversion to L-ascorbic acid, 37:96- 105 1,5-anhydro-2-deoxy-o-erythro-, preparation
preparation, in L-ascorbic acid synthesis, of, 31 :48
37~93-96 1 -deoxy-L-urabino-, synthesis, 41:9
uses, 37:96 4-0-benzoyl- 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-
5-Hexulofuranurono-6,3-lactone,1,2-0- keto-u-urubino-, 26:254
isopropylidene-a-o-xylo- 6-0-benzoyl- 1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-
L-ascorbic acid preparation from, 332 19, keto-oL-xylo-, 26:254
232 synthesis, 41:9
preparation of, 33:230 1,2,5,6-tetra-O-acetyI-4-0-formyl-~-ribo-,
reaction with hydrazine or phenylhydrazine, 26:254
33:216 4-Hexulose. 3-deoxy-l -fluoro-3-iodo- 1,2:5,6-
2-Hexulopranose, I -(benzylmethylamino)-1 - di-O-isopropylidene-u;rylo-, preparation,
deoxy- 38:242
o-D-, lyxo-, crystal structure bibliography, Hexulose 1 -phosphate, 5,6-dideoxy-o-threo-,
38:460 composition in aqueous solution, 42:32
P-D-arabino-, crystal structure bibliography, Hexulose 6-phosphate furanoses, stability in
38:459 solution, 42:27-28
Hexulopyranose Hexuloses
4-deoxy-4-fluoro- 1,2-0-isopropy~idene-~-u- 5-acetamido-
xylo, preparation, 38:218 5-deoxy-, 23: 187
a-~-xylo-2-, crystal structure, 43:2 I7 5,6-deoxy-r.-xylo-, 23:188
1,2-~-isopropylidene-~-o-~.vb, 5-deoxy-i.-xylo-. 23: 188
preparation, 38:218 6-acetamido-
3-Hexulopyranose, 1,6-anhydro- 6-deoxy-, 23: 174
2,4-dideoxy-2,4-difluoro-P-~-,hydrate, 6-deoxy-~-xylo-,23: 178
preparation, 38:246 CX-D-~JJXO-, see Tagatose, a+-
4-0-benzyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-~-~-ribo-, a-o-xylo-, conformation of, 23:30
preparation, 38:246 a-~-xylo-, .see Sorbose, a - ~ -
Hexulopyranoside 6-amino-6-deoxy-, 23: 142
benzyl4-deoxy-4-nitro-a-~-xylo-, 24:97 composition in aqueous solution, 42:4849
methyl 5-amino- urubino-, composition in aqueous solution,
6-deoxy-xylo-, 23: 142 42:65
1,3-0-benzylidene-5-deoxy-a-~-.r~~lo-, P-D-arablnO-, see Fmctopyranose, P-0-
23:146 composition in aqueous solution, 42:30,
methyl per (trimethylsily1)- 3740,65
a-and-P-o-arubino-, mass spectra of, crystallography of, 2560
29:48 cyclic acetals, properties of, 26:274
a-and-P-L-xylo-, mass spectra of. 29:48 1-deoxy-
2-Hexulopyranosidonic acid,-a- ~-xylu-,methyl acyclic form in solutions of, 42:30
ester, preparation and conversion into L- hydrated carbonyl forms of, 42:3 I , 38

Hexuloses (continued) methyl ester, cyclization to L-ascorbic

4-deoxy-, o-eiythro-, 21: 166 acid, 37:103-104
5,6-deoxy-, o-threo-, 21:193 preparation, 37:89,97
5-deoxy- preparation from L-gulono- 1,4-1actone,
o-erythro-, 21: 168 37: 1 2 4 1 2 5
o-threo-2-, taste properties, 45:252 preparation, 37:89, 107, 130
6-deoxy- by chemical oxidation of L-sorhose,
o-urubino-, 21:176 37: 106, 109
D-lyXO-, 21:176 from o-galactose, 37: 146
L - x ~ ~ o21:174-176
-, from o-glucitol, 37: 112-1 15
1,3-dideoxy-, o-erythro-, synthesis of, 27:4 from o-glucuronic acid, 37: 115-1 16
1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-~-~-ribo-, by fermentative oxidation of o-glucose,
reaction with carbon tetrachloride- 37:127-129
triphenylphosphine, 28:247 by fermentative oxidation of L-sorbose,
1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-4-0- 37:108-109, 112
(methylsu~fonyl)-o-urubino-3-, 23:258 from L-glucuronic acid, 37:119-125
D-lyXO-, 23~32,39 from L-idonic acid, 37:134-137
halogen derivatives of, 22:226 from ~-~yIo-hexos-2-ulose, 37:l I 1
isopropylidene acetals, hydrolysis rates for. from pectin, 37:147
26:204 L-xylo-, preparation, 38:288,3 14
keto-, conformation of, 26:73 3-Hexulosonic acid, 2,4,5,6-tetra-U-benzyl-r-
~-xylo-,utilization by yeasts, 32:225 xylo-, benzyl ester, preparation, 38:3 14
nucleosides of, reduction of, 42:254 5-Hexulosonic acid
trimethylsilylation, 28:25 D - ~ J X O - ,22:245,284
and methyl glycosides, mass spectra of, 0-XylO-
29:48, 50 calcium salt dihydrate, crystallography of,
xylo-, composition in aqueous solution, 2967
42:65 dehydration of, 28: 189
2-Hexuloses preparation from o-glucose, 37: 126-1 37
1-amino- 1,3-dideoxy-o-eiythro-, preparation reduction, 37:129-133
and deamination of, 31:50 salts, hydrogenation, 37:129-133, 136
3-deoxy-o-erythro-, preparation of, 31:50 sodium salt, structure, 37: 128-129
sweetness-structure relationship, Hexulosonic acids
45:253-254 P-o-urubino-, calcium salt trihydrate, crystal
Hexulosonates structure bibliography, 37:376
3-deoxy-o-erythro-, from alginic acid, composition in aqueous solution, 42:37,
29:252 3940,66
3-deoxy-6-0-phosphono-~-eiythro-, from D-urubino-, 22:245,284
alginic acid, 29:253 2-, analytical high-performance liquid
5-Hexulosonates chromatography, 46:34
methyl tetra-0-acetyl-, conformation of, calcium salt trihydrate, crystal structure
26:73 bibliography, 34:371
methyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-0-acetyI-o-xylo-, dehydration of, 28:188-189, 193
synthesis, 39233 polarography of, 29: 171
2-Hexulosonic acid 3-deoxy-o-eiythro-, and ethyl ester,
arubino-, composition in organic solvents, synthesis of, 27:279
42:68 6-deoxy-6-fluoro-o-arabino-, 22:2 10
L-xylo- 2,3:4,6-di-O-isopropylidene-~-xylo-,
conversion to L-ascorbic acid, 37:100, 103 preparation of, 29: 123-124
esters, preparation, 37:97-98 D-xy[o-5-. analytical high-performance liquid

chromatography, 46:34 aminopropyl-bonded phase columns,

L-xylo- maintenance of, 46:24
2-, analytical high-performance liquid aminopropyl-bonded silica gels, for
chromatography, 46:34 preparative purposes, 46:5Y
dehydration of, 28: 192 analytical separation, 46:3249
polarography of, 29: 147-149, 171 anion-exchange resins and silica gels. 46:30
mass spectrometry of, 29:79 automated fraction-collectors, 46:23
2-Hexulosono- 1,4-lactone, 3.6-anhydro-I -xyh-, bonded-phase silica cartridges, 46: 19
preparation, 38:3 14 boronic acid substituted silica gel, 46:3 1
Hexulosono- I ,4-lactone, 3,6-anhydro-i.-.~~,lo-, cartridge-type filtration-units. 46:20
25:261 cation-exchange resin columns, 46:24-27
Hexulosuronic acid applications, 46:26
I -(benzylamino)- I -deoxy-o-arubino-2-, calcium-form, 46:2&27, 50-52
46:320 hydrogen-form, 46:25-26,50
1-deoxy- I -(dibenzylamino)-o-urabino-2-, lead-form, 46:26, 50-5 I
46:320 maintenance, 46:27
Hexuronic acids for preparative purposes, 46:59
analysis of, 28: 188 silver-form, 46:26, 50
decarboxylation, 28: 186, 190,46:288-289 C,,-bonded silica-gel columns, 46:28-29, 59
dehydration of, 28: 1 YO column design, 46:2 1
derivatives column ovens. 46:22
5-bromides from, 49:4344 column-packing equipment, 46:21-22
radical-mediated brominations, 49:4245 data systems, 46:22-23
formation of 2-furaldehyde from, 46:28Y degassing instruments, 46: 19
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:7 1 detectors, 46:22
history, 39:2 diol-modified silica gel, 46:3 1
methyl ethers of, 9:131-148 equipment for preserving column-life,
nucleotide-linked, biosynthesis, 44:289-290 46: 19-20
1,2-O-cyclohexylidene-5-deoxy-i~-xy~o-, filters, 46:20
hydrazide, 23: 16 I fittings, 46:20
residues, reduction to hexose resides, 24:34 1 guard columns, 46:19
synthesis, 39:4 injectors. 46:20-2 1
ultraviolet-absorbances of, 4 6 5 5 instrumentation, 46: 18-23
in urine (human), 24:438 ion-exchange resins, 46:3 1
5-Hexylbarbituric acid, cyclodextrin inclusion in plastic cartridges, 46: I9
complexes with, 46:223-224 metal cation-carbohydrate complexes
4-Hexyn-l -al-3-ol, 3-methyl-, dimethyl acetal, applications, 47:40
precursor for m-mycarose, 40: 14- I5 mini-columns, 46: 19-20
Hex- 1-ynitol, 1,2-dideoxy-o-uuuhino-, 24:224 phenyl-bonded phase, 46:28
Heyns rearrangement, 22:268,25:335. post-column reaction-modules, 46:22
337-338,46:308 pre-columns, 46: 19, 27
Hibbert, Harold, obituary of, 16:l-1 1 preparative, solvent-delivery system, 46: 19
High-mannose oligosaccharides, size- refractive-index detectors, 46: 18
fractionation of, 46:62 reversed-phase columns, 46:24,29
High mass, definition, 45:34-36 reversed-phase silica-gel phases, 46:28
High-performance liquid chromatography, silica saturator columns, 46: 19
46: 17-72, I8 solvent-delivery systems, 46: 18-19
alkylated (reversed-phase) silica gels, stationary phases, 46:23-3 1
46:27-30 sugars in solution, 49:22
amine-modified silica gels, 46:23 switching valves, 46:20

Hilbert-Johnson procedure, 23:211,222 folklore, 25:286

Hill reaction, inhibition of, 21:405 gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of,
Hirano, S., 46:4,6-7 28:48, 68
Hirase, Susumu, 46:1,9 granulation of, 25:293
Hirst, Edmund Langley, obituary, 35: 1-29 history, 25:285
Histamine, complexation with heparin, 43: 1 17 honeydew, 25:287,307-309
Histidine monosaccharides, 25:289-294
catalytic action on mutarotation, 24:32 nectar, 25:286
D-, favored conformation, 45:232 oligosaccharides
OL-, 45: 15 composition of, 25:295-298
histidyl-, catalytic action on mutarotation, origin of, 25:298-306
24:32 polysaccharides in, 25:306
Histidine pyridoxol pathway, 52:305 sugars of, 25:285-309
Histidine-2-thio1, DL-, 45: 15 uses of, 25:286
Histocompatability antigens, oligosaccharides, Honeydew, honey from, 25:287,307-309
liquid chromatography separation, 46:43 Honghelin, 21:286
Histone, calf-thymus, 25:444 Hormones
Histoplasma capsulatum, polysaccharide, effect on carbohydrate metabolism, 33:4
41 ~69-70 effect on glycogen synthetase activity,
Histoplasma farcinosum, polysaccharide, 26:378
41:70 ganglioside effect, 40:23 1
HMBC, 51:22 sex, effect on a-D-mannosidase activity,
HMQC, 51:22 28:434,437
'H-NMR spectroscopy, 43:7 Hormonocorticogonadotropin, structure,
Holocellulose 37: 185
hemicellulose from, 36:223-225 Horse gram, see Dolichos bijlorus
ryegrass, hemicelluloses from, 36:259 Horseshoe-crab lectin, isolation, purification,
Holoruthin A, 6-deoxy-~-glucosefrom, 21: and composition, 35:306
I73 Houssay, B., 46:12
Homarus americanus lectins, isolation, 35:3 13 2H-Pyran
Homogalacturonan from plant cell-walls, 2-alkoxy-5,6-dihydro-
42:285 chemical and physical properties,
interconnections of, 42305 40:3841
purification of, 42:276 cis-hydroxylation, 40:4142
structure of, 42:280 epoxidation, 40:4244
Homogeneous, defined, 24:337 synthesis, 40:35-38
Homonucleosides, preparation of, 32:73 cis-5,6-dihydro-2,5-dimethoxy-, preparation
Homopoly(deoxyribonucleotides),preparation, of, 28:296
36: 169-170 3,4-dihydro-
Homopolynucleotides, 22:360 2-(hydroxymethy1)-, preparation from
Homopolysaccharides acrolein dimer, 28:296
biosynthesis of, 26:37&403, 396 2-(methoxymethyl)-, bromomethoxylation
nomenclature, 52: 163 of, 28:295
Homoxylans, isolation, 36:229 selective acetalations with, 33:71
Honey in sugar syntheses, 40:30-35
chromatography of, 25:290-293,295 5,6 dihydro-
composition and analysis of, 25:289-293 2-methoxy-, reactions with 1,3-dibromo-
definition of, 25:287 5,5-dimethylhydantoin and with
enzymes in, 25:303 ethanesulfenyl chloride, 28:274
fermentation by yeasts, 32: 129 in sugar syntheses, 40:35-60

2-enoxy-5,6-dihydro-6-methyl-, preparation, Human chorionic gonadotropin glycopeptides,

40:36 structure, 37: 181
tetrahydro-, reaction with iodine Human IgG glycopeptide, structure, 37: 178
tris(trifluoroacetate), 40: 109 Human milk, see Milk
trans-5,6-dihydro- Human plasma a,-acid glycoprotein,
6-(hydroxymethyl)-2-methoxy-,resolution deamination of, 31:236
of racemates, 40: 113 Humectants, tobacco, gas-liquid
2-methoxy-6-( methoxymethy1)-, chromatography of, 28:97
preparation of, 28:295 Humic acids, spectral analysis and
4H-Pyran, 2,3-dihydro-, halogenation of, identification, 44:24
24:203 Humus formation, carbohydrate transformation
4H-Pyran-2-carboxylic acid in, 46:323-326
5,6-dihydro-3-hydroxy-4-0~0-, methyl ester, Hurlers syndrome, 45: 1 18
formation of, 28: 185 Hyaluronan, 52:370-378,421
3,4,5-triacetoxy-5,6-dihyro-,methyl ester, 3-fold helix, 52375-378
dehydration of, 28: 185 4-fold helix, 52372-375
2H-Pyran-2-methanol,3,4-dihydro- segment, 52:371
cyclization of, 34:48 Hyaluronate lyase, 44:204
preparation of, 34:48, 145 Hyaluronate oligosaccharides, liquid
4H-Pyran-4-one chromatography separation, 46:4849
2,3-dihydro- Hyaluronates, crystal structure bibliography,
3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-, from 35:383-385
dehydration of o-fractose, 28: 176, Hyaluronic acid, 24:29 I , 44: 198
179-180 in aqueous ethanol solvent at pH 2.5, circular
3-hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)-,24:2 18 dichroism, 45:115-116
3-hydroxy-2-methyl-, from o-fructose p-eliminative degradation of, 29:238, 241
dehydration, 28: 180 biosynthesis of, 12:299-319,26:436
2( 1H)-Pyridinone bovine nasal cartilage, 38:36,79
5-(2-deoxy-o-erythro-pentofuranosyl)-6- calcium and strontium salts, crystal structure
hydroxy-, preparation of, 33: 179 bibliography, 40:393-3 94
6-hydroxy-5-o-nbofuranosyl-,preparation circular dichroism, 45: 1 13-1 15, 1 17
of, 33:178-179 composition, analysis, 4 6 5 5
2( 1H)-Pyrimdinone depolymerization by nitrous acid, 31:75
1-P-L-ribosyl-, dihydrate, crystal structure disaccharide repeating units, 43:53-55
bibliography, 38:504-505 gas-liquid chromatography of hydrolyzates
4-ethoxy-5-methyl- 1-(2,3,5-tri-O-acetyl-4- of, 28:78
thio-o-ribohanosyl)-, 23:222 gel chromatography of, 25:34,46
4-ethoxy- 1-(2,3,4-tri-O-acety1-5-thio-w hexosamine; 43:53, 55
xylopyranosy1)-, 23:2 11 hydrazinolysis and deamination of, 31:78
4-methoxy- I-P-o-ribohranosyl-, selective major uronic acid, 43:53,55
methylation with diazomethane, 33:69 model molecules, laser-Raman spectroscopy,
HSEA approach, 47: 105 44~80-81
HSQC, 51:22 potassium salt, crystal structure bibliography,
2H-thiopyran, 5,6-dihydro-, carbohydrate 33:402
substrate, 40:38 proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of,
Hudson, Claude Silbert, obituary of, 27:4 I 43
9:xiii-xviii repeating units of, 26:432
Hudson isorotation rule, 23:16, 185, 191,231 and salts. crytal structures of, 39384-385
Human cerebral-cortex ganglioside, sodium salt, crystal structure bibliography,
hydrochloric acid hydrolysis, 46:267 33:216

Hyaluronic acid (continued) labeling of sugars with hydrogen

structure isotopes by, 27: I35
crystal bibliography, 33:401402,36:327, Hydrazinol ysis
40:393 of glucofuranurono-6,3-lactones,33:216
enzymic analysis, 44:203-205 N-deacetylation by, 31:78
and sequence analysis of, 46:57 regioselective, 39:40
synovial, 37:2-3 Hydrazones
synthesis and assay of, 27: 18 1 of o-fructose derivatives, 22:263
in urine, 24:443 as photosensitive protecting groups, 46:195
Hyaluronidase, 44: 199, 202,205 of sugars, 3:2344
testicular, heat stability of, 30:279 Hydroboration
transglycosylation activity, 30:276 of alkene sugars, 27:242
Hybrimycins, A and B, discovery of, 30:112 of sugar methanesulfonate, 23:268
and structure of, 30: 1 18 Hydroboration reaction, 21:168-169, 181
Hydantoin, 1,3-dibromo-5,5-dimetbyl-, reaction Hydrocarbon films, 1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitoIs,
with 5,6-dihydro-2-methoxy-W-pyran, 49:171
28:274 Hydrocarbons, 53:352-353
Hydracrylaldebyde, from ethylene oxide, 23:63 aliphatic, as solvents for sugars, 27: 105
Hydracrylic acid methyl ester, from ethylene aromatic, as solvents for sugars, 27: 105
oxide, 23:64 Hydrocellulose, 25:6
Hydrangea,antimalarial alkaloid from, 29:2 gas-liquid chromatographyic analysis of,
Hydration, 44:87 28:74
of C-glycosylated alkenes, 27:241 Hydrochloric acid
Hydration shell, 44:87 as catalyst for hydrolysis of starch, 36:25
Hydrazine hydrolysis
1-benzyl- 1-phenyl-, 21: 147 of glycoconjugates with, 46:266
in degradation of polysaccharides, 31: 195 of polysaccharides, 28: 15
I,l-diphenyl-, in sugar chemistry, 21: I I recoveries of monosaccharides after,
lactone group reaction with, 50:155-157 46~260-261
1-methyl-1-phenyl-, in sugar chemistry, pH of aqueous solutions of, 46:252
21:11 Hydrochloric acid-magnesium chloride test, for
(p-bromopheny1)-, in sugar chemistry, 21: 11 sugar oxiranes, 25: 170
phenyl- Hydrocinnamic acid
derivatives, discovery by Fischer, 21:3, 10 P-methyl-. (+I, (-1, W-),and (SF(+),
reaction with preparation of, 27:202-203
a,6-unsaturated sugars, 27:249 cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with,
2,5-an-hydroaldoses, 25:2 12 46:222,224
(p-nitropheny1)-, reaction with bromodeoxy Hydrocolloids, commercial, polysaccharidic,
sugar, 28:287 13:265-287
in polarographic determination of Hydrofluoric acid, in hydrolysis of teichoic acid
carbohydrates, 29:152 polymers, 28: 16
reaction of anhydrous, with chlorodeoxy Hydroformylation, see also 0 x 0 reaction
sugars, 28:285 of 2-acetoxy-3,4,6-tri-~-acetyl-o-g~uca~,
(thiomethoxythiocarbony1)-, reactions with 24:220
ketoses, 22:267 of epoxides, 23:63
Hydrazine hydrate, deacylating agent, of glycals, 23:86,24:210
39:3940 of olefins, 23:61
Hydrazino compounds Hydrogen
carbohydrate, decomposition of, 22: 197 isotopes, hydride and proton exchange,
oxidation in alkaline deuterium oxide, 27: 156-1 62

intermolecular transfer, 27: 166 anhydrous

localization of proton movement, protonic activation of dihexulose
27162-166 dianhydndes, S2:216-220
sugars labeled with, 27:127-190 as solvent for carbohydrates, 27:93
substitution reactions, radical-mediated glycoprotein deglycosylation, 47:200-20 1
brominations, 49:75-79 glycosyl fluoride synthesis, 48:95-96
transfer to cofactor, 27:169 mechanism of reaction with carbohydrates,
Hydrogen-abstraction reactions, by radiation, 47:168-173
37:18-19,65, 71-72 polymerization in liquid, 21:445
Hydrogenation polysaccharide degradation, 48:96
of a,@-unsaturatedacids, 27:261-263 presence in reaction mixture of water, 47: 172
catalytic, enonolactones, SO: 170-1 73 reaction with
of nitro sugars, 24: 109 cyclic acetals, 39: 1 17
of nucleotides, 22:380 tri-0-acetyl-D-glucal,24:2 I6
of unsaturated sugars, 27:241 rearrangements of alditols and an-
Hydrogen atom abstraction, radical-mediated hydroalditols in, 26: 173-175
brominations of cyclitols in liquid, 26: 169
regiochemistry, 49:67-68 of monosaccharide esters in liquid,
stereochemistry, 49:7 1-72 26: 1 7 6 188
Hydrogen bonding, see also Carbohydrates, solvolysis, 47: 173-174
hydrogen bonding in methanol, 47: 195
bond lengths, 45219 sugar
in carbohydrates, 2956-57 polymerization, 47:202
effect on conformation, 23:30 removing from cell walls, 47:201
in crystal structures, 25:98-101 Hydrogen-ion concentration
in cyclic acetals, anomeric configuration and, effect enzyme kinetics, 23:292, 327
26:228 on phosporylase action, 23:355
directional influence, in sweetness, mutarotation measurement by, 23:52
45:219-220 Hydrogen ions, catalysis of mutarotation by,
between hydrogen fluoride and hydroxyl 24: 17
groups of sugars, 47: 169 Hydrogenolysis
infrared measurements and, for D- of I ,6-anhydrohexopyranose ethers and
glucofuranosidurono-6,3-lactones, esters, 34:7475
33:209-2 10 of bicyclic acetals, 39: 133-135
effect on selective esterification, 33: 15-1 9, bromodeoxyaldono-l,4-lactone, 50: I 73-1 74
24,34,37,40,43, 204 of carbon-sulfur bonds of dithioacetals,
in water and aqueous solutions, vibrational 32:75-79
spectroscopic studies, 44236 of cyclic acetals, 34:205,39:121-138
Hydrogen bromide rate of reductive cleavage, 39: 122
acetolysis and bromination of cyclic acetals, reducing systems, 39: 135-136
39: 113-1 15 regioselectivity, 39: 123-124
as catalyst in polymerization of sugars, stereoselectivity, 39: 124-135
21:452 of cyclic orthoesters, 39:79
reaction with aldonolactones, SO: 134-136 of levoglucosan, 34:69
Hydrogen chloride, catalysis of polymerization of tri-0-acetyl-D-glucal, 24:2 13
by, 21:452,462 unsaturated cyclic acetals, 39: 136-1 38
Hydrogen-deuterium exchange, 44:3 6 Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen fluoride, S2:216 action of carbohydrates and related
acyloxonium ion formation in liquid, 26: 132 compounds, 19: 149-1 79
in anhydridization of hexoses, 34:46 2-hydroxy-, 9:97-129

Hydrogen peroxide (continued) of glycosyl esters of nucleoside 5-

radioinduced, 51:27&277 pyrophosphates, 28:356-360
reactions with radicals by radiolysis, 37:2 1 kinetics of, of cyclic monosaccharides,
Hydrogen starch, moisture and degradation, 23:209
47:290 a- and P-maltosyl fluoride, 48:358-359
Hydrogen sulfide, as solvent for sugars, 27:94 mechanism of
Hydrogensulfite, thiamine cleavage, of cyclic acetals, 34:202-205
52~271-272 of deoxyhalogeno sugars, 28:305
Hydroglucan, antitumor activity of, 32:250, 4-methylumbelliferyl P-o-ghcosides,
267,271 48:359-360
Hydro(hydroxymethyl)ation, of olefins, 23:61 of nitro sugars, 24:118
Hydrolases non-enzymic, glycosides, 48:32&323
carbohydrate, 27:305-307 participation of carboxylate group, 48:379
nucleic acid, 27:307 of phosphate esters, 21:328
Hydrolyses, monitoring with f.a.b.-mass of polysaccharides, 22:85,24:337,28:14-23
spectrometry, 45:4849,50 of pyranosides, 22:27
Hydrolysis of radicals a to lactol bridge by radiation,
acetal, selective, 39: 14-24 37: 15
of acetals, 22:30, 59, 113 rates of, 22:91-106
acid, of glycofuranosides, 21: 128 of substituted methyl a-D-
acid-catalyzed, 47: 172 glycopyranosides, 22:208
of D-glycopyranosiduronic acids, kinetics, of sucrose, 22:31
36~83-86 effect of concentration on rate of, 22:41
of starch, 36:29, 42 of teichoic acids, 21:331,345-346,352
of glycosides, 22:25-108 of I-thioglycosides, 22:35
alkaline, of methyl aldosides, 21: 137 of 5-thiopyranosides, 22:37
of aminodeoxy 1,6-anhydrohexo-pyranoses, of 5-thioxylopyranosides, 24:50
34: 128 Hydro(methoxycarbonyl)ation, of epoxides,
of carbohydrate boronates, 3550-52 23:63
of carbohydrate sulfonic esters, 23:259 Hydronium ion, in mutarotation, 24:4 1,43
for cleavage of glycosidic linkages, 46:252 Hydroquinine, bitterness, 45320
of cyclic acetals of ketoses, 26:203 Hydroxide ion, cyclodextrin inclusion
2-deoxy-~-arabino-hexoside, 48:353 complexes with, 46:221
dextrins, 47:301 2-(2-Hydroxyacetyl)furan, 3 18 formation,
of dithioacetals, mercury(I1) chloride in, 46:285-287
32:60-66 a-Hydroxy acids, cyanohydrin synthesis, 50:6
enzymic Hydroxyaldehydes
of galactomannans, 31:256 a-, 45:13
glycosides, 48:323-324 in aqueous solution, 42:29-30
of polysaccharides, 24:340 hemiacetal formation, 42:30
selective, 39:43 D-, Helferichs work on, 45:3
of starch, 36:31-34 8-(Hydroxyalkyl)adenines, 50: 153
structure and configuration effects, 50: 12 Hydroxyalkylation, determination of,
of furanosides, 22:39 29:315-316
a-D-glucopyranoside by glucoamylase, a-Hydroxyalkyl radicals
50: 17-1 8 elimination reactions, by radiation, 37: 1 1-12
of glycosides, effect of aglycon on, 22:7 1 radiation and reactions with nitrous oxide
of glycosidic linkages in polysaccharides, and halides, 37:21-22
31:187 radical-radical reactions, 37: 17-1 8
of glycosylamines, 22:37 Hydroxyaminolysis, regioselective, 39:40

4-Hydroxybenzoate ion, cyclodextrin inclusion of secondary, in sulfonylation, 23:244,

complexes with, 46:221 247
2-Hydroxybenzoic acid, cyclodextrin inclusion relative reactivities of, 8: 1 4 4 , 3 3 : 11-109
complexes with, 46:223-224 Hydroxyl ion, catalytic activity of, 24:24
3-Hydroxybenzoic acid, cyclodextrin inclusion 4-Hydroxyl-~-threonine,pyridoxol
complexes with, 46:221 biosynthesis, 52:287
4-Hydroxybenzoic acid, cyclodextrin inclusion Hydroxy-r-proline
complexes with, 46:221,223-224 and D-glucose or r-rhamnose, high-
m-Hydroxybiphenyl reagent for plant cell-wall temperature transformation of, 46:3 15
residues, 42:275 in extensin, 42:270
3-Hydroxybutanal, condensation, 49: I94 glycoproteins in plant cell-walls, 42:298-
Hydroxy compounds 3 00
glycosiduronic acids, 36: 131-132 biosynthesis of, 42:322,372-373
polyol products in formose, 29:209 cell-wall expansion and, 42352-355
Hydroxycyclopentylmethanol, 4-amino-3,3- interconnections involving, 42:307-309
difluoro-2-, 48:152-153 inripening, 42:380-381
2-Hydroxyethyl group, gas-liquid Hydroxyl radicals, 51:286
chromatographic determination of, 30:35 Hydroxymethylbutanoic acid, 2,4-dihydroxy-
Hydroxyethyl groups, from aminoethyl groups 2-, 46~305
by nitrosation, 31:71 Hydroxymethylpyrimidine,4-amino-2-
Hydroxyfiran, 2-aceyl-3-, 46:320-32 1 carboxymethyl-5-, decarboxylation,
a-Hydroxyketones, 45: 13 52:303
Hydroxyketones in aqueous solution, 42:29 C-(Hydroxymethy1)-scyllo-inositol,47: I 7
hemiacetal formation, 4 2 3 0 Hydroxymethyluridine, 2-deoxy-5-, crystal
temperature effects on, 42:33 structure, 43:3 19
Hydroxylamine y-Hydroxyvaleraldehyde, Helferichs work on,
in polarographic determination of 452-3
carbohydrates, 29: 152 Hydroxyvalidamine, 48:74
reaction with synthesis, 48:52-53
glycosyl esters of nucleoside 5 - Hygromycin A, 24:258
pyrophosphate, 28:360-362 structure of, 29:294
nucleotides, 22386 sugar component, preparation of, 28:291
Hydrox ylation Hygromycin B, isolation and structure of,
of a,@-unsaturatedaldonic esters, 27:266 30: 133-1 34
of unsaturated sugars, 27:24 I Hygromycins, 21: 174
Hydroxyl group discovery of, 30: 112
anomeric effects, solvent effects, 47:68-69 identification of sugar component of, 32:78
in dextrins, 47:303 Hyosamine. DL- and L-, synthesis of, 30: 134
effect on hydrolysis rates of acetals, 22:59 Hyperuricemia, mechanism of o-fmctose-
of pyranoid rings, 2255-56 induced, 34:322-324
glycosylation, 47: 170 Hypochlorous acid, in chlorinolysis of
lipid A backbone glycosidic bond, 34:48
position 4, 50:247-249 Hypophosphorous acid, 1,6-
position 6 , 50:249-252 anhydrohexopyranose cleavage by, 34:69
participation in sugar reactions, 22: I I2 Hypoxanthine. 8-(2-deoxy-a-o-eythro-
photosensitive protecting groups, pentofuranosy1)-, crystal structure
46: 180-19 1 bibliography, 34:367
protecting groups for sugar, 36: 142-149 Hysteresis, 24:3 16
reactivity of primary, in sulfonylation, of agar gels, 24:277
23:240 of gels, 24:306

I crystal
structure, 43:341
Idaric acid, 2,5-anhydro-o-, 25190 1,6-di-0-acetyl-2,4:3,5-di-O-methyl-ene-~-,
preparation of, 33: 119 22:15
ldono- 1,4-lactone, 2-amino-2-deoxy-~-, 1,6-di-O-benzyl-2,4:3,5-di-O-methyl-ene-~ ,
deamination of, 31:58 acetolysis of, 22:15
Iditol 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropyIidene-o-,3,-4-
3-acetamido- 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-~-, trithiocarbonate, acetobrominolysis,
22:133 39:114
1-amino-1,5-anhydro- I-deoxy-L-, 23: 137 di-0-isopropylidene-o ,monobenzoate,
preparation of, 34: 150 22:118
I-amino-l,6-anhydro- 1-deoxy-L-, 23: 156 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-3,4-dithio-o-,
preparation of, 34: 150 acid hydrolysis of, 32:44
1-amino- 1 -deoxy-o-, deamination of, 31:60 2,4:3,5-di-O-methylene-~ , acetoiysis of,
1,4-anhydro-r-, catalytic oxidation of, 22:13
25261 L-, anhydridation of, 25:233
1,6-anhydro-r- 3,4-S-kopropylidene-3,4-dithio-o-,
crystal structure bibliography, 34:350 preparation of, 32:44
infrared spectrum of, 25250 tri-0-acetyl- 1,5-anhydro-5-deoxy-5-C-[(S)-
2,5-anhydro-~-,29243 phenylphosphinyl]-L-, physical
1,2-bis(acetamid0)-3,4,5-tri-O-acetyl-2,6- properties of, 42:191
anhydro- 1,2-dideoxy-o-, 23: 160 ldofuranose
crystallography of, 25:60 3,6-(acetylepimino)-3,6-dideoxy-1,2-0-
D-, 21:17 isopropylidene-P-L-, crystal structure
conformation of, 26:69 bibliography, 30:452
crystal structure bibliography, 30:450 5-amino-5-deoxy-l,2-0-isopropylidene-~-~-,
1,6-diamino- I ,5-anhydro-l,6-dideoxy-~-, 23:135
23:137 5-amino-3-0-benzyl-5,6-dideoxy- 1,2-0-
1,4:3,6-dianhydro- isopropylidene-P-L-, 23: 139
2,5-0-benzoyl-2,5-dithio-~-, 49: 153 3,6-anhydro-5-deoxy-5 -fluoro- 1,2-0-
D-, 25246 isopropylidene-
2,5-dideoxy-2,5-(dithiocyano)-~-, 49: 153 a-L-,proton magnetic resonance
2,5-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-r-, displacement spectroscopy of, 27532
reactions of, 24: 149 p-L-,preparation, 38:221
L-, 25:260,49:96 3,6-anhydro-5-deoxy-5-iodo-l,2-0-
catalytic oxidation of, 25261 isopropylidene-P-r-, preparation of,
infrared spectra of, and nitrates, 25:252 28:27 1
nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of, I ,5-anhydro-2,3-di-O-benzyl-6-O-trityl-a-~-,
and derivatives, 25254 24:171
2,3:4,5-dianhydro- 3,5-anhydro-l,2-0-isopropylidene-
D-, 24:168,49:124-125 p-L-,conformation of, 26: 122
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy 6-O-trityl-p-~-,24:114
of, and esters, 27:64 5,6-anhydro- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-P-~-,
1.6-di-O-(methyIsulfonyl)-~-, cytostatic 25112
activity, 28:7 6-azido-5,6-dideoxy-5-iodo- 1,2-0-
2,5-dideoxy-2,5-diiodo-~-, 49: 149-1 50 isopropylidene-P-L-
2,5-di-O-acetyI-l,4:3,6-dianhydro- 1(4);3(6)- crystal structure of, 25:74,30:452
dithio-D- preparation of, 28:271
disulfoxide, crystal structure bibliography, S-(benzylamino)- 1,2-0-cyclohexylidene-5-
34:372 deoxy-L-, 23:141

3-0-benzyl-6-deoxy- 1,2-O-isopropylidene- P anomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46: 167

p-L-,21:180 data
5,6 bis(acetamido)-5,6-dideoxy-~-,23: I76 for, 46: 167
3-chloro-3-deoxy- 1,2:5,6-di-0- 5-deoxy-5-fluoro- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-
isopropylidene-P-o-,conformation of, @-, 'H-and I9F-NMR data for,
34:201 46: 100
D-, 3-deoxy-3-fluoro- N-acetyl-5,6-diamino- 1.6-anhydro-5.6-
01 anomer, 'H- and 19F-NMR data for, dideoxy-P-L-, 23:137
46:99 2-0-acetyl- I ,6:3,5-dianhydro-a-i.-,crystal
P anomer, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, structure, 43:220
46:99 3-O-acetyl-5,6-di-O-benzoyl- I ,2-0-
3-deoxy-3-fluoro- isopropylidene-I., 22: 1 19
1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-P-~-, 6-0-benzoyl-3-deoxy-3-fluoro- 1,2-0-
preparation, 38:223 isopropylidene-P-L-, preparation,
I ,2-0-isopropylidene-P-~-, preparation, 38:224
38:224 3-0-benzyl-5-
5-deoxy-2-fluoro-~-,48: 138-1 39 deoxy-5-hydrazino- I ,2-0-isopropylidene-
5-deoxy-5-iodo- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-6-0- P-L-, 24: 156
trifluoroacetyl-P-L, preparation of, S-benzyl-6-chloro-6-deoxy- 1,2-0-
28:271-272 isopropylidene-5-thio-P-t.-, 22: 1 93
6-deoxy-1,2-0-isopropylidene- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-
P-L-,23:275 P-L-, conformation of, 26: 120
selective oxidation with chromium 5,6-dithio-P-~-,23:2 18
trioxide, 33:99 5,6-thionocarbonate, 25: 162
5-C-phenyl-P-~-,preparation of. 3,5,6-tri-O-acetyl- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-~-,
27:21&2 16 22: I20
5-thio-P-~-,23:2 17 Idofuranoside, methyl 3.6-anhydro-5-deoxy-5-
5,6-diamino-l,6-anhydro-5,6-dideoxy-P-i.-. fluoro- 1.2-0-isopropylidene-P-~-,
23: 137 preparation, 38:221
5,6-dideoxy-5,6-epithio- 1,2-0- ldofuranosyl fluoride
isopropylidene-P-L-, 25: 162 L-, 2-O-acetyl-3,6-anhydro-5-O-benzoyl-
3,5-di-0-acetyl-6-0-benzoyl- 1-,2-0- 01 anomer, 'H- and "F-NMR data for,
isopyopylidene-L-, 22: 120 46:l 15
5,6-di-O-benzoyl-3-deoxy-3-fluoro- 1,2-O- P anomer, IH- and I9F-NMR data for,
isopropylidene-P-L-, preparation, 46:115
38:223-224 2-O-acetyl-3,6-anhydro-5-O-benzoyl-P-~-,
1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-c~-~-, hydrolysis synthesis, 38:203
of, 34:203 Idofuranuronic acid, 3,5-di-U-benoyl- 1,2-0-
L- isopropylidene-P-r-, methyl ester,
3,6-anhydro-5-deoxy-5-fluoro- preparation, 36:74
1,2-di-O-acetyl-,l-H- and l9F-NMR ldofuranuronic N,N-diethylamide, 5-azido-5-
data for, 46: 115 deoxy- I ,2-O-isopropylidene-3-0-
1,2-0-isopropylidene-P-,'H-and '"F- (methylsulfony1)-@+-, crystal structure
NMR data for, 46: 1 15 bibliography, 38:46046 1
3,6-anhydro-5-deoxy-5,6,6-trifluoro- 1,2- Idofuranurono-6,3-lactone
0-isopropylidene-P- 5-bromo-5-deoxy- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-P-~-
13C-NMR data for, 46:175, 177 , debromination of, 28:304
'H-and "F-NMR data for, 46: 152, I58 5-deoxy-5-fluoro-P-~-
5-deoxy-5-fluoro- 'H-and IyF-NMR data for. 46:116
a anomer, 'IC-NMR data for, 46: 167 1,2-0-benzylidene-

Idofuranurono-6,3-lactone(continued) 1,4-anhydro-
I3C-NMR data for, 46: 170 2,3-di-O-benzyl-6-O-trityl-P-~-,
24: 171
'H-and "F-NMR data for, 46: 116 2,3,6-tri-O-methyl-i-, synthesis, 39: 165
1,2-O-isopropylidene- 1,6-anhydro-
I3C-NMR data for, 46: 170 p-0-
'H- and "F-NMR data for, 46: 116 catalytic oxidation of, 33:90
1,2-0-isopropylidene-P-~-, preparation, per-0-substituted, 34:77
36:74 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-P-o-, specific rotation
Idonic acid of, 34: 135
2-amino-2-deoxy-o-, deamination, 25: 190, 3-deoxy-3-nitro-P-o-, preparation of,
31:58,33:119 34:105, 126
2,4:3,5-di-O-benzyIidene-L-, preparation and 2,4-di (benzylamin0)- 2,3,4-trideoxy-3-
structure, 37: 129 nitro-p-o-, preparation of, 34: 106,
L-, conversion into ~-xylo-2-hexulosonic 126
acid, 37:134-137 2-Sbenzyl-2-thi-P-~-, preparation of,
preparation, 37:108-109, 120, 129-133 34:136
Idono-l,5-lactam, 5-amino-5-deoxy-~-,23: 166 5-(benzylamino)-5-deoxy-~-,23: 141
Idonolactone, 2-amino-2-deoxy-o-, 5,6-bis(acetamido)
deamination, 25: 190,33:119 1,6-anhydro-5,6-dideoxy-P-~-, 23: 176,
Idono- 1,4-lactone 199-200
3,6-anhydro-~-,25261 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl- 1,6-anhydro-5,6-
L-, irradiation, 37: 123 dideoxy-P-L-, mass spectrum of,
Idopyranose 23:205
OL-D-, 45:74 carba-P-DL-, 48:34
D-, orientation of hydroxyl groups for, in 5-deoxy-5-phosphino-and 5-phosphinyl-~-
4 C , ( ~conformation,
) 45:75 bond lengths for pyranoid ring of, 42: 165
Idopyranose Cremer-People puckering parameters for,
2,3,4,-triamino- 1,6-anhydr0-2,3,4-trideoxy- 42: 164
P-D-, preparation of, 34: 126 ORTEP representation, 42:163
5-acetamido- synthesis and structures of, 42: 145-155
1,6-anhydro-5-deoxy-P-L-, 23: 175 5.6 diamino- 1,6-anhydro-5,6-dideoxy-P-~-
2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl- 1,6-anhydro-5-deoxy-P- formation of, 34: 149
L-, mass spectrum of, 23:204 mass spectrum of, 23: 176
6-acetamido-2,3,4-tri-0-acetyl-1,6-anhydro- 2,6-diamino-2,6-dideoxy-~-, 23: 168
5-deoxy-P-~-,mass spectrum of, 23:203 L-, 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-
a-D- 01 anomer, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for,
conformation in aqueous solution, 26534 46:91
pentaacetate p anomer, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for,
conformation of, 24:58 46:9 1
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy penta-0-acetyl-
of, 27:23 OL-D-
6-amino- 1,6-anhydr0-6-deoxy- conformation of, 26: 102
p-L-, formation of, 34: 149 in solution, 26:87
L-, 23: 156 preparation and conformation of,
2-amino- 1,6-anhydro-2- deoxy-P-o-, 26:149
preparation of, 34: 122 5-thio-~-,23:217
3-amino- 1,6-anhydro-3-deoxy-P-o-, 1,2,3,4,6-penta-0-acetyI-a-~-, crystal
preparation of, 34: 122, 126 structure bibliography, 37:401
5-amino-l,6-anhydro-5-deoxy-P-~-, 23: 136 5-(phenylphosphinyl)-~-
formation of, 34: 149 mass spectrometry of, 42: 172-1 76

NMR spectroscopy of, 42: 165-172 Idopyranosiduronatc, methyl [methyl 2.3-di-0-

X-ray crystallography of, 42: 161-1 65 benzyl-4-deoxy-P-1.-, preparation of.
phosphorus derivatives of, physical 29:260
properties, 42: 191 ldopyranosiduronic acid
1,2,3,6-tetra-O-acetyl-a-~-,preparation by a-and P-L-,cycloheylanimonium salts,
acetoxonium rearrangement, 26: 149 preparation, 36:71
1,2,3.4-tetra-O-acetyl-5,6-dideoxy-6-C-nitro- benzyl 2,3-di-O-benzyl-a-and-P-~-, methyl
5-C-(phenylphosphiny)-P-~-, esters, preparation, 36:69
methanolate, crystal structure. 43:253 methyl a-and P-ri-, brucinium salts,
2,3,4-tri-O- acetyl- 1,6-anhydro-P-o- preparation, 36:72
mass spectrum of, 23:203 ldopyranosyl bromide, 3,4-di-O-benzoyl-h-
reaction with trifluoromethanesulfonic bromo-6-deoxy-2-O-formyl-a-o-.
acid, 34:88 synthesis, 39: 120-1 2 I
Idopyranose pentaacetate ldopyranosyl chloride, tetra-0-acetyl-a-m,
a+-, nonselective spin-lattice relaxation acetoxonium salt, 26: I59
rates, 45: 148 ldopyranosyluronic acid, I-. phosphate, and
Sol-Carba-a-L-, synthesis, 4834849 dicyclohexylammonium salt of IX-L-,
Idopyranoside preparation. 36:7 1
ethyl tetra-O-acetyl-a-~-,synthesis, 49:76 1.-Idopyranuronates, conformation of anomers,
methyl 3-acetamido-3,6-dideoxy-a-i -. 29:266
acetylation of, 33:30 Idopyranoside. methyl 1,2,3,4-tetrakis-
methyl OI-D- (acetamido)-2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-ol-1i-,
conformation in solution, 26:84 23: 187
2,3-di-O-benzyl-4,6-dideoxy-4- ldose
thiocyanato-, 44: 145 5-acetamido-
methyl 5-benzamido-5-deoxy-, synthesis, 5-deoxy-L-, 23: 175
40:97-98 5,6-dideoxy-6-nitro-~-.23: I75
methyl 2-chloro-2-deoxy-a-~-,22: 190, 200 2-amino-, 2-deoxy-~-.24: 1 12
methyl 6 - d e o x y - a - ~ ~synthesis,
-, 40:70 5-amino-
methyl 3,6-di-O-benzoyl-2,4-di(N- 3,6-anhydro-5-deoxy-i.-, 23: 138
benzoylacetamido)-2,4-dideoxy-a-u-, 4-cyano-2-(2,3 ,S-tri-O-benzoyl-P-n-
crystal structure bibliography, 38:483 ribofuranosy1)-, preparation of.
methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene- 33: 185
CY-D- 5-deoxy-I -.23: 135
conformation in solution, 26:84 2-5-O-benzoyl-P-~-ribofuranosyl-4-
conformation of, 34: I99 cyano-. preparation of, 33: I85
hydrolysis of, 34:202 6-amino -
P-D-, conformation, 34: 199 6-deoxy-o-, derivatives, preparation by
in solution, 26:84 acyloxonium rearrangements, 26: 163
2-deoxy-2-iodo-a-~-,24:20 1 6-deoxy-t-, 23: I56
methyl 1,2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-6-deoxy-~-1-, composition in aqueous solution, 42:51
preparation of, 33:265 5-thio-I 23:218
methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-6-deoxy-5-C- 2,5-anhydro-
methoxy-P-L-, preparation of, 29:293 aldehydo-I.-, 25:206
~,3,4,6-tetra-O-acety~-~-~-fructofuranosyl L-, degradation of, mcchanism of, 28: 165
2,3,4-tri-O-acety1-6-deoxy-P-i 3-O-benzyl-6-O-~~-~olylsulfonyl-u/~e~~~~~-
nuclear magnetic resonance spectra and I.-. dimethyl acetal, preparation of,
structure of, 33:276 33:126
physical properties of, 33:294 3-0-benzyl-6-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-.
preparation of, 33:265 dimethyl acetal, 25:203

Idose (continued) nucleoside derivatives with, 33:43

3,6-anhydro-, D-, 25: 140 N-benzoyl-, benzoylation of carbohydrates
5-(benzyloxycarbonyl) amino-5,6-dideoxy-3- with, 33:4243
0-mesyl-L-, composition in aqueous N-p-tolylsulfonyl-, selective sulfonylation
solution, 42:50 with, 33:43
6-bromo-6-deoxy-~-,tetraacetate, 26: I 53 N-(tri-0-methylgalloyl)-, selective acylations
3-chloro-3-deoxy- I ,2:5,6-di-U- with, 33:43
isopropylidene-P-o-, preparation of, in solution, 49:3 1,35
28:247 2,3,4,6-tetraamin0-2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-o-,
5-C-methyl-~-,composition in aqueous 24: I47
solution, 4257-58 5-thio-~-,23:2 I7
D- Idoside
acyloxonium rearrangement, 26: 159 methyl D-, 25:125
to o-glucose, 26: 146 methyl 2X-benzyi-D-, 25: 125
composition in aqueous solution, 42:26, a-L-Idosiduronase, 44:213-2 14
29, 31,35,63 L-Iduronate sulfatase, 44:206
derivatives of cyclic acetals, Table, Iduronic acid
34:222-223 L-, 44:2
halogen derivatives of, 22:217 biosynthesis, 44296-298
isolation of, by mercaptalation- colorimetric reaction, 43:61-62
purification-demercaptalation from o-glucuronic acid by epimerization
process, 32: 100 in pyridine, 28:40
nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates, in heparin, 28:55,75
45: I48 preparation, 36:74
proton spin-lattice relaxation rates, 45: 150 synthesis of, 26: 15
purification of, dithioacetal in, 32:61 4-0-methyl-~-,mass spectrometry of
4-S-acetyl-6-deoxy-4-thio-, synthesis, trimethylsilyl derivatives, 30:38
44:132 Ilex puruguuriensis, 46: 13
3-deoxy-, 3-fluoro-~-,preparation, Ilkovi 269; equation, in polarography, 29:135,
38:223-224 137
5-deoxy-, 5-fluoro-~-,synthesis, 48: 137-138 Imidazo[4,5-d] [ 1,3]diazepin-b(R)-ol, 3-p-0-
6-deoxy- ribofuranosyl-6.7.8-trihydro-,crystal
L-, 21~176,180 structure bibliography, 32:383
6-nitro-~-,24:98, 100, 1 18 Imidazole
2,6-diamino-2,6-dideoxy- 5-amino-] -P-D-ribofuranosyl-
L-, 22~137 biochemical methods, 52:297-300
synthesis of, 30: 116 chemical synthesis, 52295-297
3,6-diamino-3,6-dideoxy-o-, 24: 147 5-phosphate
5,6-diamino-5,6-dideoxy-~-, 23: 135 derepression of thiamine synthesis,
1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropyIidene-~-, selective 52292-293
hydrolysis, 39: 15 ring expansion, 52:293-295
or-synthesis, 40:93 preparation of specifically labeled
L- samples, 52:295-300
derivatives of cyclic acetals, Table, 1,1-carbonylbis-, agarose activation for
34:222-223 affinity chromatography, 39:415416,
preparation, 37:108, 133-134 436
rearrangement of, 28:5 4-( o-arubino-tetrahydroxybuty1)-,
synthesis of, 28:5,33:218,232 derivatives, 25:372-373
lack of crystalline form of, 42: 16 4(5)-(o-arubino-tetritol-1-yl)-, formation by
N-(aminoacy1)-, esterification of 5- ammonolysis, 31:91

4(5)-(2-hydroxyethyl)-, formation by structure bibliography, 38:457458

ammonolysis, 31:90 Imidocarbonates, of polysaccharides,
4(5)-(hydroxyethy1)-, formation by preparation of, 29:345
ammonolysis, 31:90-91 Iminium chloride, (chloromethy1ene)di-
4(5)-(I-deoxy-glycerol-l-yl)-,formation by methyl-. reaction with aldose oxiranes,
ammonolysis, 31:90-91 25:126
4(5)-(~-xylitol-l-yl)-,formation by Iminium compounds
ammonolysis. 31:90 (alkoxymethylene)dimethyliminiumhalides,
4(5)-methyl-, formation by ammonolysis, reaction with alcohols, 28:254
31:90-91 (bromomethylene)dimethyliminium bromide,
N-acyl-, for selective acylation of in synthesis of bromodeoxy sugars,
carbohydrate, 33:4244 28:250
N -P-o-ribofuanosyl-, crystal structure (ch1oromethylene)dimethyliminium chloride,
bibliography, 31:355 in synthesis of chlorodeoxy sugars,
N-(trimethylsily1)-, trimethylsilylation with, 28:250,278
28:27 I ,5-Iminoalditols, glucosidase inhibition,
ring expansion, 52:293-295 48:336, 338
sugar derivatives, 29315-318, 328, 336, 2,2-Iminodiethanol, as matrix for f.a.b.-mass
344,347,349,373 spectrometry, 45:26
4(5)-(2,3,4-hihydroxybutyl)-,formation by lmino group
ammonolysis, 31:90-91 in cyclic monosaccharides, 23: 119
1-(tri-0-acetyl-a-D-xylopyranosy1)-, crystal cyclic sugar analogs with, 48:335-341
structure bibliography, 32:369 Immune system
5-Imidazolecarboxamide, 4-amino-2-(2,3,5-tri- fucose, 39:334-335
0-benzoyl-P-o-ribofuranosy1)-, immunization, 53:212-2 13
preparation of, 33: 185 natural immunity, 41:200-201
Imidazole-4-carboxamide, 5-amino- 1+-a- polysaccharide vaccines, 41: 191-197
ribofuranosyl-,5-phospbate, 22:374 Immunoadsorbents
5-Imidazolecarboxylic acid, 4-amino-2-(2,3,5- polysaccharide derivatives as, 29:326-327,
tri-O-benzoyl-P-o-ribofuranosyl)-, ethyl 375-383
and methyl esters, preparation of, preparation of, 31:323
33: 185 Immunochemistry
Imidazolide, (arylsulf0nyl)-, in nucleotide dextrans in, 30:399404
formation, 36: 158 in structure analysis of polysaccharides,
Imidazolidine, sugar derivatives, 25:367- 21:504
371 Immunodiffusion, agarose for, 29:329
Imidazoline, sugar derivatives, 25:37 I Immunoelectrophoresis, 2-diethylaminoethyl
4-Imidazoline-2-thione ethers of polysaccharides as media for,
4-a-D-erythrofur-anosyl- 1-p-tolyl-, crystal 29:323
structure bibliography, 34:372 Immunogenicity, sialic acids, 40: 176
4-~-erythrofuranosyl-1 -methyl-, crystal Immunogens, azophenyl proteins, 37:232
structure bibliography, 32:38 1 Immunoglobulin D
1-methy~-4-P-o-erythrofuranosyl-,crystal isolation of carbohydrates from, on
structure bibliography, 34:353, 362 analytical-scale columns, 46:60
1-(p-chlorophenyl)-4-a-~-erythrofuranosyl-, oligosaccharides, liquid chromatography
crystal structure bibliography, 32:367 separation, 46:4243
Imidazoline-2-thione sialylated oligosaccharides, fractionation,
4-a-D-erythrofuranosyl-1-p-tolyl-, crystal 46:46
structure bibliography, 38:456457 Immunoglobulin E, 44:232
4-P-~-erythrofuranosyl-1ptolyl-, crystal Immunoglobulin G, production, 41:190, 197

Immunoglobulin M Indole-3-acetic acid, 21:377

isolation of carbohydrates from on effect on cell-wall polysaccharides, 21:381
analytical-scale columns, 46:60 on sugarcane, 21:424
oligosaccharides, liquid chromatography role in fruit development, 42:344
separation, 46:4243 lndole-3-butyric acid, effect on sugarcane,
Immunoglobulins 21:424
a-o-mannosidase in structural studies of lndolines
human, 28:445 formation of, 46:317
anti-carbohydrate myeloma, 31:326-346 I -(2,3,4,6-tetra-0-acetyl-P-~-
antigenic markers on, 31:318 glucopyranosy1)-, proton magnetic
biosynthesis of, genetic control of, 31:317 resonance spectrum, analysis of, 27533
carbohydrate linkage in, 25:42 I , 425, Indolizine alkaloids, glucosidase inhibition,
26:46 I, 465 48:34 1-344
combining sites of, 31:3 18 Indol-3-ylacetic acid
dextran-antidextran systems, 31 :341 I -ester of P-o-glucopyranuronic acid,
gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of, 36: 108
28:72, 86 of 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyI-2-0-
glycopeptides, liquid chromatography (trideuterioacetyl)-D-glucopyranose,
separation, 46:48 36:llO
as glycoproteins, 25:408 5-hydroxy-, 1-ester of P-o-glucopyranuronic
hydrolysis with hydrochloric acid, 46:266 acid, 36: 108
interaction of homogeneous, with antigens, [N-(4-chlorobenzoyl-5-methoxy-2-methyl]-,
3 1 ~ 3 1-323
2 I-ester with o-glucuronic acid,
m u r k myeloma, with polysaccharide synthesis, 36: 104, 11 1
antigens, 31:3 13-346 lndolyl glycopyranosides, acid-catalyzed
molecular weights of, 31:316 decomposition in deuterium oxide and in
myeloma, interactions with polysaccharides, water, 24:29
3 9 3 17 Indomethacin, 1-ester with o-glucuronic acid,
polyclonal, restricted, and monoclonal types synthesis, 36: 104, 111
of cellular responses, 31:3 18-320 INDOR. see Proton nuclear magnetic resonance
purification from ascites or serum, spectroscopy
31:323-325 Induction, asymmetric, 50:2-7
secretion, effect of glycosylation, 40:36 1 discovery, 50:6-7
structural effects, 40:354 INEPT, 51:19, 21-22
structure of, 31:316317 Infection, see Bacteria, infection
Immunology Influenza virus
capsular polysaccharides, 41: 174-178 action on red blood cells, 33:4
role ofcomplement, 41:187-189 red cell receptor, 45: 170
of complex fucans, 39:3 1 1-3 16 Infrared absorption spectra
lectins role in, 35:128 of a,@-unsaturatedacids, 27:261
Immunostimulants, 48:13-I4 of a,P-unsaturated sugars, 27:248
Inclusion complexes, 46:205-206 of alkyl ald-3-enulosonates, 27:268
Indochrome A, synthesis of, 33: 169-171 of anhydro-C-(p-methoxypheny1)aldosesand
Indochrome BI, synthesis of, 33: 170 anhydro- 1,3-dideoxy-ketoses, 27:286
Indochrome BII of C-alkylated unsaturated sugars, 27:240
structure of, 33:112-113 of deuterated sugars, 27: 149
synthesis of, 33:169-171 of furan derivatives from sugars, 27:289
Indochrome BIII, structure of, 33: I70 of thioenol sugars, 27:276
3-Indoleacetic acid, as reagent for o-fructose Infrared dichroism, 44:26-27
estimation, 22:238 Infrared radiation, starch modification, 51:298

Infrared spectroscopy, 44:7-8, 16-22, 53:286 Inorganic compounds. effect on reducing

of 1 -acylamido sugars and 1,I-bisacylamido- sugars in solution, 42:33-34
I-deoxyalditols, 31: 107 Inosadiamines, di-N-acetyl-tetra-0-acetyl-.
of anhydroalditols, 25:250-252 24: 102
of I,6-anhydrohexopyranoses,3456, 63 Inosamines
anomer determination by, 23:41 bromination with acetyl bromide, 33:85
band assignments, 44:36-39 deamination of. 31:29,3 I , 35,48-50. -39
isotopic substitution, 44:36-38 paper electrophoresis, 36:6
model-compound approach, 44:38-39 synthesis of, 28:284
and carbohydrate boronate structure, 35:42 Inosine
and carbohydrate chemistry, 19:2349 5 -(a-o-glucopyranosyl pyrophosphate),
of carbohydrates, 12: 13-33 enzymic synthesis of, 28:338
of cellulose on heating, 23:435 5 -(a-u-mannopyranosyl pyrophosphate),
in conformational analysis, 26:54 enzymic synthesis of, 28:340
of cross-linked celluloses, 29:354 5-(barium phosphate) hexahydrate, crystal
of cyclic acetals, 26:227-229 structure bibliography, 31:370
1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitols,49: 100- I02 8-bromo-, crystal structure bibliography,
of dithioacetals, 32:97 38:487488
electro-optical parameters, 44:35-36 5-bromo-5 -deoxy-2,3-0-isopropylidene-,
of fluorinated carbohydrates, 38:280 preparation of, 28:247-248
of formose, paraformaldehyde, and 1 J.5- cadmium 5 -monophosphate dodecahydrate,
trioxane, 29: 18I crystal structure bibliography, 34:375
and gas-liquid chromatography, 30:43 S-chloro-5-deoxy-2,3-O-isopropylidene-,
and hydrogen bonding for D- preparation of, 28:247
glucofuranosidurono-6,3-lactones, cis-platinumdiammonio 5-monophosphate
33~209-210 sodium salt 16 hydrate crystal structure
of ketonucleosides, 42249-250 bibliography, 34:375
maturation measurement by, 23:s 1 cobalt 5-phosphate heptahydrate, crystal
noncomputer results, in analysis of structure bibliography, 34:366
foodstuffs and biological samples. crystal structure, 31:360, 43:286-287
44: 22-24 3:5-cyclic phosphate. 22:320
of reducing sugars in solution, 42:20 5-deoxy-S-iodo-2,3-O-isopropylidene-,
of sugar oxiranes, 25: 170 preparation of, 283247
of sugars, 23:39,41 and dihydrate, crystal structure bibliography,
of sulfuric esters of carbohydrates, 23:255 30:460
Inhibine, in honey, 25:290 5-(disodium phosphate) hydrate, crystal
Inhibitors structure bibliography, 31:370
of cellulose biosynthesis, 41: 143-1 44 2-(ethylthio)-S-methyI-, monohydrate,
of 3-deoxy-~-manno-2-octu~osonic acid crystal structure bibliography. 32:379
metabolism, 38:387-388 2,3-isopropylidene-S-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-,
enzyme, 23:290,336,354 24: 185
glycosylation, biological effects, 40:350-379 nickel 5-monophosphate heptahydrate,
inhibition constants, crystal structure bibliography, 32:381
polyhydroxypyrrolidines, 48:345-346 nickel 5-phosphate heptahydrate, crystal
for pectinesterases, 33:336 structure bibliography, 34:366
in plant pathology, 33:384 5-0-acetyl-, selective chlorination with
of protein glycosylation, 40:321-350 triphenylphosphine and carbon
in unripe fruit, 33:382 tetrachloride, 33:79
Inline, carbon- I3 nuclear magnetic resonance 5-0-acetyl-3-chloro-3-deoxy-, preparation
spectra, 38:72 of, 28:247

Inosine (continued) DL- I-acetamido- I-deoxy-, bromination

2',3 '-0-isopropylidene- with acetyl bromide, 33:86
p-toluenesulfonylation of, 24: 185 DL-4-acetamido-1,2,6-tri-O-acetyl-3,5-
reaction with phosphoryl chloride, 28:239 dibromo-3,4,5-trideoxy-, preparation
with triphenylphosphine-carbon of, 33:85
tetrabromide, 28:248 DL- 1 ,4-dibromo- 1,4-dideoxy-, preparation
5'-phosphate, 22:325, 336 of, 33:86
5'-phosphate methanolate monohydrate, ~~-2,4-dibromo-2,4-dideoxy-, preparation
crystal structure bibliography, 32:375 of, 33:86
reaction with 2-acetoxy-2-methylpropanoyl 1~-3-O-methyl-,catalytic oxidation of,
halides, 33% 33:89
selective acetylation of, 33:33 ~-3-amino-3-deoxy-,deamination of,
selective alkylation of, 33:70 31:37
selective bromination with N- 1~-3,4-di-O-benzyl- 1,2-0-
bromosuccinimide and cyclohexylidene-, selective
triphenylphosphine, 33:78 benzylation of, 33:65
5'-(sodium phosphate) octahydrate, crystal 1~-2-O-methyl-,catalytic oxidation of,
structure bibliography, 31:370 33:89
2',3,'5'-tri-O-benzoyl-, selective deacylation, I L- 1,2,3,4-tetra-O-benzyI-, selective
39:39 benzylation of, 33:65
zinc 5 'monophosphate monohydrate, crystal 1L- 1,2,3,4-tetra-O-methyl-, benzoylation
structure bibliography, 32:382 of, 33: 14
Inosine 5'-(calcium phosphate), 6.5 hydrate, penta-0-acetyl-l -amino-I -deoxy-L-,
crystal structure, 43:315-316 deamination of, 31:49
Inosine 5 '-[copper(II) 2,2'-dipyridylamine cis-, 47:4, 8, 138
phosphate], tetrahydrate, 43:334 I3C-NMR
Inosine [copper(II) 5'-monophosphate], Cu2' effect, 47:142-143
monohydrate, crystal structure, Mn2+effect, 47:141-142
43~283-284 complex-formation, 47: 15
Inosine (diethylenetriamine) platinum (11) plots of '3C-(Te,)-'versusmetal-ion
dinitrate, monohydrate, crystal structure concentration, 47: 142-144
bibliography, 38523 stability constants, 47:29
Inosinic acid, 22:309 trihydroxyl pocket, 47:29
Inositol, myo-, proton nuclear magnetic cyclic acetals, selective esterification of,
resonance spectra, 29:2&27 33:39
Inosit01-2-'~C,myo-, 24: 100 (-)- l~-l-deoxy-l-fluoro-myo-, 48: 152
myo-Inositol calcium bromide pentahydrate, deoxynitro-, acetalation of, 24: 116
crystal structure bibliography, 31:349 derivatives, proton spin-lattice relaxation
Inositol-24, myo-, preparation of, 27: 132 rates, 45: 153
myo-Inositol magnesium chloride tetrahydrate, 1,4-dideoxy- 1,4-dinitro-neo-, 24: 104
crystal structure bibliography, 31:350 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-
scyNo-Inositol monoorthoformate, 47: 1 5 5,6-dithio-neo-, conformation of, 26: 120
Inositols epi-, 24: 170
acetylation of, 28:36 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropyIidene-, 3,4-di-O-p-
allo-, ~~-5-bromo-5-deoxy-, preparation of, tolylsulfonyl-L-chiro-, crystal structure
3396 bibliography, 30:455
bromination with acetyl bromide, 33:85 di-0-isopropylidene- muco-,-epi-, and-cis-,
carbohydrate substrates, 40: 108-109 conformations of, 26: 120
chiro- DL-
1-amino- 1-deoxy-, deamination of, 31:48 I-O-benzoyl-3,4,5,6-tetra-O-benzyl-2-

(bromomethy1)-myo-, 48: 148 muco-

1,2-0-cyclohexylidene-5-deoxy-chiro-. 2-amino-2-deoxy-, hydrochloride,
48:28 bromination with acetyl bromide,
1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-5-O-methyl- 33:86
epi-, carbohydrate substrate, 40: 108 1,3-bis(acetamido)-4,5,6-tri-O-acetyl- I,3-
myo-l-deoxy-3-nitro,24: 100 dideoxy-, preparation of, 33:40
1,4,5,6-tetra-O-substitutedmyo-, catalytic oxidation of, 33239
methanesulfonylation and p - 3-deoxynitro-, 24: 100
toluenesulfonylation of, 33: 14 1,3-diamino-l,3-dideoxy-, acetylation of,
electrophoresis in metal salt solutions, 33:40
21:232 1,5-diamino- 1,5-dideoxy-. bromination of
epi-, 47:7, 138 N-acetyl derivative with acetyl
(+/-)-2-(acetoxymethy1)- 1,3,4,6-tetra-O- bromide, 33536
acetyl-, crystal structure bibliography, DL- I -acetamido- 1-deoxy-. bromination
31:354 with acetyl bromide, 33:86
conformation of crystalline, 26:8 1 D L - ~ -and-3 -0-acetyl- 1,4,5,6-tetra-O-
crystal structure bibliography, 30:449 methyl-, acyl migration in,
2-deoxy-2-methyl-, 47:8, 15 33: 106-1 07
diamagnetic shifts, 47: 129 DL- 1,2:4,5-di-O-cyclohexylidene-
DL-,bromination with acetyl bromide. selective benzoylation of, 33:39
33:85-86 selective benzylation of, 33:65
~~-2-amino-2-deoxy-, bromination with DL- 1,2:5,6-di-O-cyclohexylidene-
acetyl bromide, 33:85 selective benzoylation of, 33:39
DL- 1,2:3,4-di-O-cyclohexylidene-, selective benzylatioii of, 33:65
selective benzoylation and p - DL- 1,2-O-cyclohexylidene-, benzoylation
toluenesulfonylation of, 33:39 and p-toluenesulfonylation of, 33:39
DL-1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-, selective DL- 1,3,4.5,6-penta-O-acetyl-, methylation
benzoylation andp- and acyl migration in, 33: 107
toluenesulfonylation of, 33:39 DL- 1,4,5,6-tetra-O-benzyI-, selective
electron-spin relaxation, 47: 138- I40 benzylation of, 33:64
penta-O-acetyl-2-amino-2-deoxy-~i -, penta-O-acetyl-3-amino-3-deoxy-
deamination of, 31:49 deamination of, 3 1 5 0
strontium chloride pentahydrate, crystal phophatidyl-, selective deacetylation in
structure bibliography, 38:432 preparation, 39:34
T',/Te2 values, 47:140-141 myo-
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:89 a-D-galactosides, 37:3 16-3 18
hexa-0-(trimethylsily1)-myo-, 28:90 occurrence in plant kingdom, 37:345
interactions with Gd3+and Mn2', radiolysis and free-radical chemistry,
47:137-144 37:27, 30, 32
L-, 3-amino-l,3,6-trideoxy-l-methoxy-6- role in plant metabolism, 37:346
(methylamino)-chiro-, crystal structure, a-L-fucopyranosyl-, in urine, 39:330
43:222 2-amino-2-deoxy-, deamination of, 31:48
labeling with hydrogen isotopes, 27: 137- 1- and 2-phosphate, phosphono migration
138 in, 33: 109
laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44533 assay by yeasts, 32:22 I
1L-chiro-, 48:40 calcium bromide pentahydrate, crystal
in liquid hydrogen fluoride, 26: 170-1 73 structure bibliography, 30:465
mass spectrometry of, 21:91,29:78-79 catabolism by yeasts, 32:2 19-22 1
metal-ion size-requirement for binding, confomiation of crystalline, 26:81
47:138 I (3),2-cyclic phosphate, hydrolysis, 39:60

Inositols (continued) synthesis and antibiotic activity of,

and dihydrate, crystal structure 30: I53
bibliography, 31:365 paper chromatography, phenylboronic acid
DL- in, 35:60
1-amino-I-deoxy-, deamination of, I ,3,4,5,6-penta-0-acetyl-myo-, sulfonylation
31:37 of, 23:238,250
I ,4,5,6-tetra-O-benzyl-3-0-methyl-, 1,2,4,5,6-penta-O-acetyl-3-O-p-
selective acetolysis, 39:46 tolylsulfonyl-myo-, 23:238
2-C-(fluoromethyl)-, 48: 165 per(trimethylsily1)-scyllo-,28:90
hexa-0-benzyl-, selective acetolysis, as plant-growth substances, 21:416
39:46 proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of,
hexaphosphate, selective 27:64
dephosphonylation, 3 9 5 9 rearrangements in acetic acid-sulfuric acid,
2-C-(hydroxymethyl)-, 47: 17 26: I90
I.- I ,2-anhydro-, preparation of, 31:48 scyllo-
1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-acetyI-, preparation of, aminodeoxy-, deamination of, 31:35
31:71 deoxy-l -nitro-, 24: 100
penta-O-acetyl-4-amino-4-deoxy-, penta-0-acetylaminodeoxy-, deamination
deamination of, 31:37 of, 31:37
1,3,4,5,6-penta-O-benzyl-, selective radiolysis and free-radical chemistry,
acetolysis, 39:46 37:27-28,30
I-phosphate, from o-glucose 1-phosphate, sweetness-structure relationship, 45:241
27: 167 1,4,5,6-tetra-O-acetyL
2-phosphate monohydrate, crystal myo-, sulfonylation of, 23:238, 250
structure bibliography, 32:360 3-U-(methylsulfonyl)-myo-,23:250
in plants, 26:402 2,4,5,6-tetra-O-acetyl- 1,3-di-O-p-
preparation of, and hexaacetate, 31:35 tolylsulfonyl-myo-, 23:238
racemic carba-sugars from, 48:28-29 tetra-0-a-o-galactosyl-myo-, occurrence,
selective p-toluenesulfonylation of, 37:318
33:38 tri-0-a-o-galactosyl-myo-, occurrence,
utilization by yeasts, 32: 147 37:3 18
neo- Inositol-2-r, myo-, degradation in higher plants,
1,4-diamino-l,4-dideoxy-, broinination of 27: 177
N-acetyl derivative with acetyl epi-Inositol x SrCI, x 5 H , , 47:24
bromide, 33:86 hiosose-2
oL-I-bromo-1-deoxy-, preparation of, myo-, phenylosotriazole derivative, proton
33:86 magnetic resonance spectroscopy of,
L- I -amino- 1-deoxy-, deamination of, 27:64, 73
31:37 per (trimethylsily1)-myo-,28:90
penta-O-acety1-2-amino-2-deoxy-, Inososes
deamination of, 31:49,71 dithioacetals, oxidative degradation of, 32:84
O-a-o-galactopyranosyl- myo-, 2-(diethyl dithioacetal), oxidation of,
(l-+l)-myo-, see Galactinol 32:84
( 1-+6)-O-a-o-ga~actopyranosy~-( 1+ 1)- as valienamine precursor, 42: 129
myo-, occurrence, 37:318 Inoue, Yoshiyuki, 46:3
2-~-a-o-mannopyranosy~-6-0-[(2-amino-2- Insects
deoxy-a-D-glucopyranosyl)-(1-+4)-a-o- a,a-trehalose in, 30:23 1, 234
glucopyranosyluronic acid]-, 24:411 a-D-mannosidase in, 28:405
4-0- (6-arnino-6-deoxy-P-o- sex-attractant, preparation of, 42:94
glucopyranosyl)-3-0-methyl-(+)-, trehalase from, 30:248, 25 1

Insolubilization treatment with HF, 48:97-98

of antibiotics, 29:387 utilization by yeast, 39:361-366
of enzymes, 29:361-375 Inverse gated decoupling method, 51:72
by cellulose triazine derivatives. 29:349, Inversion in w-deoxy sugar synthesis, 21: 178
372 Invertase, 23:5, SO: 1 1
by cellulose xanthates, 29:346 activity in developing systems, 30:252
by imidocarbonates of polysacchaddes, amino acids of, 27:3 1.5, 3 17
29:373 carbohydrate components of. 27:326
by triazine-dyed polysaccharides, 29:352 in fruit climacteric, 42:364
of nucleic acids by polysaccharides. in honey, 25303
29:384-387 in human intestine, 34:287
periodate-oxidized starch derivative in, membrane-associated isozyme, in plants,
29:341 44:370
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, purification and carbohydrates of, 27:305
establishment, 48: 12 yeast, carbohydrate-peptide linkages in,
Institute of Microbial Chemistry, establishment, 2 5 4 19
48:X Invertebrates, a,-a-trehalose in. 30:23 I , 235
Insulin, 46: 1 1 Invertin, 50:8, 12
carbon-13, signals, 38:23 Invert sugar, 52:449
effect on glycogen synthetase activity, Iodide ion, cyclodextrin inclusion complexes
26:379 with, 46:22 1
glycosylation inhibition effect, 40:377 Iodination
receptor, 40:23 1 of alcohols, 28:260
Interferogram, 4 4 5 7 of nucleosides and nucleotides, 22:378
Interferon Iodine affinity, dextrins, 47:283-284,297-298
glycosylation inhibition effect, 40:373-374 Iodine azide, reactions with unsaturated
inactivation, 40:221 carbohydrates, 28:271
Interleukin 2, f.a.b.-mass spectrometry. Iodine fluoride, reaction with unsaturated
45:6465 sugars, 28:273
Intermediate neglect of differential overlap Iodine-starch complexes
approximation, 51:27-28 alcohol effects, 53:283
Interstellar solid material, infrared spectroscopy applications, 53:296-298
of, 44:3 1 chemical properties, 53:293--294,296
Intradex, dextranglucosidase degradation of, electrolyte efffects, 53:272
30:396 formation, 53:278-284
Intramolecular &-elimination, 47:248 history, 53:264266
Inulinase, 39:361-366 organic compound effects, 53:272-274
enzyme of Kluyveromyces fragilis. 32: I87 origins, 53:268-270
induction of, 30:262 physical properties, 53:284-292
Inulin fructotransferase, microorganisms and, preparation, 53:26&268
52 :2 14-2 15 protein effects, 53:272-274
lnulins solvent effects, 53:270-272
caramels, 52:222-223 state, 53:268-270
catabolism by yeasts, 32: 185, 233 structure, 53:274-278
o-fructose from, 22:232 Iodine trifluoroacetate, reaction with
dihexulose dianhydrides from, 5 2 2 1 7-2 I 8 unsaturated carbohydrates, 28:27 I
gel chromatography of, 25:42 Iodine tris( trifluoroacetate),reactions with
hydrolysis, 46:269 alkanes and ethers, 40: 109
structure, 35:7, 39:362 o-Iodobiphenylyl ethers, irradiation of
thermal activation, 52:222 carbohydrate. 38:187, 190-191

Iodo compounds, irradiation of carbohydrate, Isobutyl alcohol

38:186-190 solubility of o-glucose in, 27:98
5-Iodocytidine, crystal structure, 43:276-277 as solvent in ammonolysis of benzoyl
Iodocytosine, I-(2-deoxy-2-fluoro-p-~- groups, 31:102
arabinofuranosyl)-5-, biological activity, lsochromene, 3,5-bis(acetoxymethyI)-7-nitro-,
48:24&248,254-255 24: 129
Iodofluorination, of glycals, 38:234-235, 242 lsocitrate dehydrogenase, in glycolysis control,
Iodo (methoxyl)ation, of glycals, 24:203 32:169
Iodouracil, 1-(2-Deoxy-2-fluoro-fi-o- Isocolchicine, mutarotation of, 23: 13
arabinofuranosyl)-5-, labeled, biological Isocrotonic acid, precursor for sugar synthesis,
activity, 48:255-256 40:4-7
Iodouridine, 5-amino-2, 5-dideoxy-5-, crystal I-Isocyanates, as precursors, 50:281-282
structure, 43:275-276 Isocyanuric acid, 3,5-dimethyl- 1-(2,3,4,6-tetra-
Ion-exchange chromatography of plant cell- 0-acetyl-a-o-mannopyranosy1)-,crystal
wall polysaccharides, 42:274-275 structure bibliography, 38:472
Ionization constants, of wand p-D- Isocytidine, 5,6-dihydro-, monohydrate, crystal
glucopyanose, 24:25 structure bibliography, 37:412
Irideue luminarioides ethanol-extractable Isocytosine, 5-b-~-ribofuranosyl-,preparation
carbohydrates of, 32:5 of anomers, 33: 179
Iris, cell-wall studies on, 42:300 Isodesmosine, from urine peptide, 24:45 1
Iron Iso-o-glucosamine, 22:277, 280
dextran-citrate complexes, gel 3-deoxy-, 22:280
chromatography of, 25:50 Isodigitoxigenin, 21:280
dextrin as complexing agent, 47:327-328 Isodityrosine in cross-linkages of plant cell
Iron-D-glucitol-citrate complexes, gel walls, 42:382
chromatography of,25:50 Isodonal, taste properties, 4 5 3 12
Iron-starch complexes, 53:326-327 Isoelectric focusing, agarose for, 29:329
Irradiated food, 37:75 Isoenzymes, amino acid components of,
Irradiation, of-o-fructose, 22:243 27:315, 317
Irvine, James Colquhoun, obituary of, 8: Isoflavones, as plant-growth substances, 21:410
xi-xvii Isofloridoside
Isbell-Horace S., 51:1-13 occurrence, 37:3 12-313
coauthors, 51:5 photosynthesis, 37:360-361
postdoctoral fellows and graduate students, physiological function in algae, 37:3 13
51:4 structure, 37:3 13
scientific achievements, 51:4-13 Isoglobotetraosylceramide, biosynthesis,
lseki N., 46:9 40:249
Islandic acid, 23:379 Isoglobotriaosylceramide, biosynthesis, 40:249
Isoamylase, 44:252-253 Isoglucal, formation of, 28:204
debranching of amylopectins and glycogens Isoglycans, structure, 37: 170
by, 30:329,331 Isoglycoenzymes, structure of, 27:301
in hydrolysis of starch, 36:33 Isohexide
preparation and properties of, 30:29&297 amino-substituted, 49: 15G15 1
specificity of, 30:268-269 derivatives
lsoascorbic acid H chemical shifts, ring system,
crystal structure bibliography, 30:448, 49: 108-109
31:348 infrared data, 49: 101
D-, crystal structure bibliography, 30:448 dialkyl, 49: 140
Isobutoxycarbonyl chloride, in esterification of esters, 49: 129-130
thymidine, 33: 13 etherification, 49: 139

fragmentation, 49: 1 12-1 13 from dextrans by acetolysis and acid

monoalkylated, 49: 139 hydrolysis, 30:378-379, 386
mono- and di-amines, 49: 165 from dextrans by exocellular dextranases,
mono- and di-nitrates, 49: 133-134 30:392
nicotinic esters, 49: 162-163 Fischers, 21:3 I , 444,464
nitrates, 49: 1 I 8 gel chromatography of, 25:33
nitric esters. vasodilation, 49: 161-162 in honey. 25:295, 300
phosphorus-substituted, 49: 155 liquid chromatography methods for analysis
as plasticizers, 49: 168- 169 of, 46:33
preparation, 49: 122-124 preparation of, 34:266
proton coupling constants, 49: 105 structure, 26:16, 32: 192, 39:356
unsubstituted azido, 49:147 synthesis of, on light-sensitive, solid support,
Isohumulone, taste properties, 45:3 13. 3 19-320 46: 184, 186
Isolactose, 21:31 utilization by yeasts, 32: 194-197
Isolectins Isomaltose myeloma protein, 53:240-242
of Bandeiraea simplicifolia I, 35:266 lsomaltotetraose
from haricot kidney-bean, 35:297 in honey, 25:297
lentil, properties, 35: 190, 192 preparation of, 34:266
pea, 35: 197 Isomaltotriose, 51: I5 I
of Phaseolus vulgaris. 35:294 from dextrans, 30:380,392
Isolichenan, 25:9 gel chromatography of, 25:33
antitumor activity of, 32:248-249, 259-260 in honey, 25:297,300
fine structure of, 30:345 liquid chromatography separation, 46:4 1
lichen, 41:75-76 Isomaltulose, 22:230
structure, enzymic analysis, 44:265 in honey, 25:297,300
Isolychnose liquid chromatography methods for analysis
occurrence, 37:29 1,300 of, 46:33
oligosaccharides. occurrence and structure, monohydrate, crystal structure bibliography,
37:304-305 31:352
structure, 37:301 structure of, 32: 193
Isomaltobiouronic acid, from dextrans, 30:408, taste properties, 45:254-255
410 utilization by yeasts, 32: 194
Isomaltodextranase, 44:258,260 Isomannide, 25:246
Isomaltohydrolase, exo-. 44:258 1,4:2,5:3,6-trianhydro-~-. 49:116
Isomaltol (IR)-l-H-Isomannide, 49: 120-122
from dehydration of D-fructose, 28: 176, Isomerases
179-180 for carbohydrates, 36:46
preparation of, 28: 170, 176, I79 and hydrogen-isotope action on sugars,
Isomalto-octaose, preparation of, 34:265 27:156
Isomalto-oligosaccharides I somerization
fluorinated, 48:22 I acetal, 39:26-28
preparative liquid chromatography. 46:60 of anhydroalditols, 25:258-26 1
Isomaltopentaose, in honey, 25:297 anhydro-ring, 25: 127- I3 1
Isomaltose o-glucose-mfructose, kinetics, 36:48
acetolysis of, 22:21 mechanism, 36:49
p-, octaacetate, 23:264 of D-ghCOSe to n-fructose, nonenzymic
preparation of, 34:256, 261 catalysis, 36:4345
carba-, synthesis, 48:68-70 Of-D-fructOSe and derivatives, 22:239
decomposition, 47:272 photochemical, 38: 121
derivative, preparation of, 34:270-27 1 of pyranosides to furanosides, 22:4

Isomerization (continued) crystal structure, 43:363-364

in sweetener industry, 36:43-56 2 ',3 '-0-Isopropylideneuridine5'-phosphate,
Isomers, relative abundance, 4759-7 1 synthesis of, 46:203
aglycon character, 47:62-65 Isopropyluridine, 2'-deoxy-5-, crystal structure,
exo-anomeric equilibrium, 47:69-7 I 43:292
P-D-ribopyranose derivatives, 47:62 Isopullulanase, 44:257
ring substituents, 47:66-67 isolation and specificity of, 30:302
solvent effect, 47:6749 Isoquinocycline A, crystal structure of
P-D-xylopyranose derivatives, 47:61 hydrobromide and hydrochloride, 25:82
P - D - x Y ~ o ~ ~halides,
~ ~ o s 47:62-63
Y~ Isoquinocyclines A and 3, components of,
Isopanose 35:91
in honey, 25:297,302 Isorotation, furanoid ring detection by, 21: 127
from pullulan by enzymic action, 30:302 Isosaccharic acid, preparation of, 31: 18
Isoprenoid intermediates in biosynthesis of Isosaccharinates, 25:341
bacterial polysaccharides, 42:324-325 lsosaccharinic acid
Isopropyl alcohol, as solvent a-D-, calcium salt, crystal structure
in ammonolysis of benzoyl groups, 31: 102 bibliography, 31:364
for sugars, 27:96 from deoxyglycodiuloses by alkaline
Isopropylidenation, aldonolactones, 50: 127 degradation, 28: 196
Isopropylidene, formation of, 42: 133 Isosaccharosan, 47:244
2 ',3 '-0-Isopropylideneadenosine5 '-phosphate, Isosclerotan, structure analysis of, 30:369
synthesis of, 46:203 Isosorbide, 49: 126
Isopropylidene-a-o-glucofuranose acylation, 49: 126-127
5-deoxy-5-fluoro-1,2-0-, 'H- and I9F-NMR bis(tetramethy1phosphoroic diamide), 49: 132
data for, 46: 100 diesters, cosmetics use, 49:168
1-0-acetyl-3-0-benzyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro- 5-[ I ,4-dihydro-3-(methoxycarbonyl)-2,6-
5,6-0-, IH- and I9F-NMR data for, dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-5-
46:99 pyridylcarbonyl], 49:115-116
Isopropylidene-a-D-glucofumnose3-sulfate, disulfite, 49:164-165
1,2-0-, oxidation, Garcia Gonzalez' work ethoxylated monoesters, 49: 171
on, 4 9 9 infrared spectra of, and nitrates, 29252
Isopropyhdene-a-o-mannofuranose, 2,3 :5,6-di- platinum-catalyzed oxidation, 49: 155-156
0- proton-proton coupling constants, 49: 104
nonselective relaxation rates of H-5, syndnonimine derivatives, 49: 163
45~143-144 Isosorbide 2-acetate, 49: 128
proton spin-lattice relaxation, 45: I57 Isosorbide 5-acylates, 49: 128
2,3-0-Isopropylidene-o-ribono- 1,4-lactone, Isosorbide di(docosanoate), 49: 168-169
50: 129 Isosorbide diheptanoate, 49: 168-169
Isopropylidenegalactitol,1,6-dideoxy- 1,6- Isosorbide dimethyl ether, 49: 167-168
diffluor0-2,3:4,6-di-O-, 'H and I9F-NMR Isosorbide dinitrate, 49: I 17
data for, 46: 159 pharmaceuticals, 49: 161
Isopropylidene group, determination of, in Isosorbide di(octadecanoate), 49: 168-1 69
carbohydrates, 30:4 Isosorbide dipropanoate, 49: 167-168
Isopropylidenesucrose tetraacetate, 2, I ':4,6-di- Isosorbide mono(trans-docosenate), 49: 168,
0-,crystal structure, 43:260 171
Isopropylidenetubercidin,8,5'-anhydo-7- Isosorbide mononitrates
bromo-8-hydroxy-2,' 3 '-0-,crystal 'H-NMR data, 49: 106
structure, 43:364 pharmaceuticals, 49: 161
Isopropylideneuridine, 2,5 '-anhydro-2,'3 '-0-, Isosorbide mono-oleate, 49:168-169, 171
43:373 Isosorbide mono(tetradecanoate), 49: 168

Isosorbide 2-nitrate, 49:134 Jones, John Kenyon Netherton, bibliography,

Isosorbide 5-nitrate, 49:99, 117, 142 41: 1 1-26
fragmentation, 49:113-114 obituary. 41:l-26
Isosorbide phosphinite, monosubstituted, Jones-Stockmayer model, 51:81, 118-1 19,
49:132 124-125
Isosucrose, permethylation of, in liquid Josamycin, 48:9
ammonia, 27:93 Juniprenol, structure, 44:346
lsothioc yanates
aryl, synthesis, 44:97
cellulose, synthesis, 44:97 K
cycloaddition of, 44:92
in neoglycoprotein preparation, 37:224-2 Kaempferol, derivative, as plant-growth
LJ substance, 21:410
nucleophilic additions, 44:91 Kaempferor-3 P-glucoapioside, from Cicer
reaction with amino sugars, 45:1415 urietinum, 31:147
unsaturated, synthesis, 44:95-96 Kamaloside, 39:302
Isotopes Kanamycin
effect inenzymic reactions, 27:171-176 3 -amino-3-deoxy-2 -r-glycero-,
effect on mutarotation reactions, 24:28 preparation of, 30: 180
determination of mechanism of reaction, chlorinated, 28:226
24:32 crystal structure of, 25:8 1
effect on reactions of glycosyl esters of 3-deoxy-, synthesis of, 30: 185
nucleoside pyrophosphates, 28:371-373 discovery, 48:6-7
hydrogen, radiochemical and chemical inactivation of, 30: 184
stability of labeled sugars, 27: 138 mass spectrometry of, 29:105
sugars labeled with, 27: 127-1 90 NK-1001 and NK1012-I, isolation of.
Isotopic tracers, see Tracers, isotopic 30: 123
Isotrehalose, 21:32 selective phosphorylation with diphenyl
Isovaleraldehyde, formed from L-leucine. phosphorochloridate, 33:50
46:3 11 structuresof. 30:121-123, 188
Isovaleric acid, from apiose, 31:137 synthesis of, 30: 1 12, 143
Isoxazole-5-carboxamide, 343-0- I ,2,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-, deamination of,
ribofuranosyl-, preparation of, 33: 184 31:29
Isozymes, 23:286 Kanamycin A
3-amino-3-deoxy-,preparation of, 30: 180
h-amino-6-deoxy-, preparation and activity
J of, 30: I80
configuration of, 30:188
Jack beans 3-deoxy-, synthesis and antibacterial activity
lectin, isolation from, 35:137 of, 30: 165
meal,-a-o-mannosidase from, purification of, 6-deoxy-6-hydrazino-, preparation and
28:410 activity of, 30: 180
residual activity of purified, 28:414 fluorinated analogs, 48:224-228
Japanese agar, structure, enzymic analysis, hepta-O-acetyl-tetra-N-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-,
44: 187 preparation of, 34:263
Japanese pagoda tree, see Sophoru japonica inactivation of, 30: 187
Javose, 21: 173 6-N-acetyl-, inactivated, 30: I73
Jeol gum, 24:353 1-N- (~-4-amino-2-hydroxybutyryl)-.
Jequirity bean, see Ahrus precatorius minimum inhibiting concentrations of,
Jerusalem artichoke,-o-fructose from, 22:23 I 30:222

Kanamycin A (continued) structure of, 25231

N-methanesulfonate derivatives. preparation Kanamycin monosulfate monohydrate, crystal
and activity of, 30:179 structure of, 25531
6-N-methyl-, preparation and activity Kanamycin-neomycin acetyl transferase
against resistant bacteria, 30: 173 and inactivation of kanamycins, 30: 184
3-O-methyl-, synthesis and antibacterial origins of, 30:208-211
activity of, 30: 165 Kanamycin-neomycin phosphate transferases
3-phosphate history and activity of, 30:186-196
nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of, and inactivation of antibiotics, 30: 185-208
30: 189 and inactivation of kanamycins, 30:184
structure of, 30: 187 phosphorylations with, 30: 196-199
preparation of, 34:262 in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and
synthesis of, 30: 156-1 58 phophorylations by, 30: 199-204
tetra-N-alkyl and aralkyl derivatives, purification of, 30: 193
preparation and activity of, 30: 179 in Staphylococci, 30:204
tetra&( p-chlorobenzy1)-, activity against Kanosamine
Pseudomonas, 30: 179 configuration, 51:2 15
Kanamycin B from kanamycin A, 30: 12 1
3-deoxy-, minimum inhibitory preparation of, 34:262
concentrations of, 30:22 1 Kanosaminide, methyl N-acetyl-2,4,6-tri-O-
3,4-dideoxy- acetyl-a+-, synthesis, 40:72
1-N-acyl derivative, activity against K-antigens, 38:324,35&357,361-365
resistant bacteria, 30: 174 Karabinos, Joseph Vincent, obituary, 36:9-13
adenylylation of, 30:206 Karasawa, I., 46:3
minimum inhibitory concentrations of, Karplus equation, 24:265, 45:126,49:104
30:221 and conformational analysis, 33:206
synthesis and activity against common in conformational analysis, 26:57, 111
and resistant bacteria, 30: 169 in localization of hydrogen isotopes,
synthesis of, 30: 185 27: 144-145
6-N-methyl-, minimum inhibitory and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy,
concentrations of, 30:22 I 21:35
preparation and activity against resistant Kashimura, N., 46:6-7
bacteria, 30: 173 Kasugamine, synthesis of, 28:283,30: 152
selective benzoylation of, 33:40 Kasugaminide
monoadenylyl-3,4-dideoxy-, trihydrate, methyl, preparation of, 30: 15 1
30:206 methyl D-, synthesis, 40: 1 14
1-N-acyl derivative, activity against resistant methyl DL-
bacteria, 30: 174 crystal structure of, 25535
1-N- (~-4-amino-2-hydroxybutyryl)-, synthesis, 40:34
minimum inhibitory concentrations of, methyl N, N-diacetyl-a-, preparation of,
30:222 30: 152
1-N- (~-4-amino-2-hydroxybutyryl)-3,4- Kasugamycin, 48:8
dideoxy-, minimum inhibitory derivatives, preparation and antibacterial
concentrations of, 30:222 activity of, 30: 181
preparation of, 34:262 diamino sugar component of, 28:283
synthesis of, 30:158 discovery of, 30:112
Kanamycin C hydrobromide monohydrate, crystal structure
preparation of, 34:262 bibliography, 31:368
synthesis of, 30:142, 159 isolation and structure of, 30:135-136
Kanamycin monoselenate monohydrate, crystal synthesis of, 30:15@152

Kasugamycinic acid, preparation of, 30: I35 Ketofuranose derivatives, mono-and

Kasuganobiosamine, synthesis of, 30: 135, difluorinated
151-152,40:35, 127 "C-NMR data for, 46: 174
K-Carrageenan, 24:280,285 'H- and "F-NMR data for, 46: 144-145
kcatinhibitors, 48:364 Ketoglycosyl nucleosides. unsaturated, 42:230
Kelp, algin from, antitumor activity of. 32: Ketohexose, reactions in anhydrous hydrogen
257 fluoride, 47:170
Kerasin, 24:395,399 Ketohexose nucleosides
sulfate, 24:405 nucleophilic additions to, 42:257-258
synthesis of, 24:401 stability of. 42245
Keratan sulfate, 29439, 44: 198-199 synthesis of, 42:237-240
bovine nasal-cartilage, 38:36,79 unsaturated, nucleophilic addition to,
carbohydrate chains in, 25:459462 42:258-260
crystal structure bibliography, 33:40 1 Ketones, 53:36&367
disaccharide repeating units, 43:53. -55 aldonolactones, 50:127-130
in glycoproteins, 2541 7 conjugated, substrates for carbohydrate
hexosamine, 43:53, 55 synthesis, 40:26-27
major uronic acid, 43:53, 55 protection of, 46: 195-198
mammalian, circular dichroism, 45: I 17 reactions with
molecular weights of chains in, 2 5 4 5 I alditols, 39:2 1
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, carbohydrates, 38: 122-129
27:41,43 gulono-l,4-lactones, 38:302
shark sulfated, circular dichroism, 45: 1 I7 hydrogen fluoride, 38:242-244
structure of, 26:433 Ketonucleosides, 42:227-264
enzymic analysis, 44:207-209 antitumor activity of, 42:262-264
Keratan 6-sulfate, 52:383-384,427 biological activity of, 42:230-23 1, 261-264
Keratin fibers, hydrolysis of, with hydrochloric definition of, 42:227
acid, 46:267 'H-NMR spectra of, 42:25&25 1
Keratosulfates, gas-liquid chromatography of, infrared spectra of, 42:249-250
28~43,79 nucleophilic additions to, 42:257-260
I-Kestose stability of, 42:245-248
I3C nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of, in acidic media, 42:245-246
33:277 in alkaline media, 42:246-248
crystal structure bibliography. 30:455. stereospecific reduction of, 42:252-257
32:370 structure and spectroscopic properties of,
crystal structure bibliogrpahy, 30:455 42249-252
hendecaacetate, proton magnetic resonance synthesis of. 42:23 1-244
spectroscopy of, 27:30-3 1 epoxyketonucleosides, 42:240
in honey, 25295 from ketohexoses, 42:237-240
synthesis of, 252301 from ketopentoses, 42:233-236
Ketals, see also Acetals oxidative systems in, 42:23 1-233
nomenclature, 52: 123-124 unsaturated ketonucleosides, 42:24 1-244
Ketoaldonic acids, 52:51, 10&107 ultraviolet spectra of, 42:252
composition in aqueous solution, 42:41 unsaturated, 42:241-244,251, 257, 263-264
Ketoaldoses, 52:5 1, 79-80 nucleophilic additions to, 42:258-260
Ketoepoxynucleosides, synthesis of, 42:233 reaction with protein sulfhydryl groups,
kero Forms of reducing sugars, 42:29-30 42:264
determination of, 42:2&22 stability of, 42:246
2'-Ketofucosyl nucleosides, synthesis of, 2'-Ketonucleosides, synthesis of, 42:237-238
42:238 4'-Ketonucleosides, synthesis of, 42:238-240

5'-Ketonucleosides, synthesis of, 42:240 mass spectra of, 21:66

Ketopentose nucleosides, synthesis of, phosphorylated, in aqueous solution, 42:32
42~233-236 polarography of, 29:126, 128, 143-145
Ketopyranoses, 47: 17-1 8 preparation of, 29:8,49:191-192
derivatives, fluorinated, 'H- and "F-NMR separation from aldoses, 32:24
data for, 46: 144 synthesis of, 24: 1 1 1,26: 13
fluorinated, I3C-NMR data for, 46: 173 systematic names, 52:75-76
sweetness-structure relationship, 45:248-256 taste properties, 45:253-255
Ketoses trimethylsilylation of, 28:24,42:23
anhydro-l,3-dideoxy-, synthesis and trivial names, 52:75
properties of, 27:284-292 2-Ketoses
anomeric, equilibria of, 23:30 acylesters, ammonolysis of, 31 :89
in aqueous solution, 49:28-29 catalytic oxidation of, 33237
acyclic forms, 42:2 1 deoxy-, melting points and optical rotations
composition, 42:26-28,3742 of, 26:289-290
NMR spectroscopy, 42: 18-1 9 Ketothionucleosides, synthesis of, 42:233
temperature effects, 42:33 3'-Ketothymidines
in bacterial polysaccharides, hiosynthesis, protected, synthesis of, 42:233
44~301-302 synthesis of, 42:236
branched-and straight-chain, in formose 2'-Ketouridines
formation, 29:213-215 alkali effect on, 42:247-248
carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance stereospecific reduction of, 42:252
spectroscopy, 41 :48 synthesis of, 42:232
catabolism by yeasts, 32:2 10, 2 16-2 17 3 '-Ketouridines
circular dichroism, 45:79 alkali effect on, 42:247-248
classification, 52:75 synthesis of, 42:232
configurational prefixes, 52:76-77 K-Furcellaran, 24:281
cyclic acetals, 26: 197-277 Kidney bean, cell-wall studies on, 42:271
hydrolysis of, 26:203 Kidney-bean, extracts, effect on lymphocyte
stability of, 26:202 division, 35: 130
definition, 52:50 Kikuyu grass, hemicellulose-cellulose ratio,
dehydration in acidic solutions, 28: 174-1 82 36:253
in alkaline solution, 28: 193-207 Kinases, alditol determination with, 30:282
deoxy, in aqueous solution, 42: 17 Kinetics
NMR spectroscopy, 42: 18-19 of a-amylase action, 23:324
I-deoxy-, 24:258 anomeric effect, 50:29
1,3-dideoxy-, preparation of, 32:59 Koenigs-Knorr method, 50:2 1
disaccharides, large-scale preparative liquid 3-0-glycosidic linkage formation,
chromatography, 46:62 50:287-289
dithioacetals, degradative oxidation of, 32:84 of P-amylase action, 23:341
physical constants of, and peracetates, enzyme, 23:288
32:113-114 of glycofuranoside and glycopyranoside
gas-liquid chromatography and mass formation, 21:106, 108
spectrometry of, 30:38 of hydrolysis of cyclic monosaccharides,
in honey, 25295 23:209
I-amino- 1-deoxy-, preparation and of mutarotation, 23: 16
deamination of, 31:71 parameters, 22:9 1-106
keto hydration of, 42:31 for acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of
liquid chromatography of, 42:24 glycosides, 22:26
methods for analysis of, 46:33 for hydrolysis of disaccharides, 22:75

of maltose and derivatives, 22:77 degradation of, 31:208

of-@-D-glucopyranosides,2274 0 group 7 lipopolysaccharide, Smith
of pyranosides, 22:36,4849, 66-67 degradation and methylation analysis of,
of phosphorylase action, 23:353 31:210
of thermal degradation of cellulosic 0 group 9 lipopolysaccharide, hydrolysis,
materials, 23:442443 acidic, 31:191
Kinetin K. pneumoniue, enzyme in E. coli from,
effect on abscission and ripening, 21 :429 30~205-208
as plant-growth substance, 21:420 serotype 0 5 , 0-antigen polysaccharides,
Kinins, 21:378 f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 4 5 6 6
as plant-growth substances, 21:416 type 9 capsular polysaccharide, degradation
Kitaoka, S., 4 6 : 3 4 by p-elimination, 31:217
Kivirikko-Liesmaa reagent for plant cell-wall type 28 capsular polysaccharide, degradation
residues, 42:275 of, 31:239
Klebsiellu spp. type 38 capsular polysaccharide, methylation
capsular polysaccharides analysis of, 31:189, 191-192
conformation and serological specificity, type 47 capsular polysaccharide, degradation
41:179 by p-elimination, 31:218,220
mass spectrometry of, 29:55,90 of methylated, 31:225
K5 polysaccharide, crystal structure type 56 capsular polysaccharide, hydrolysis
bibliography, 36:330,40:398 of methylated, 31: 192
K8 polysaccharide, crystal structure type 59 capsular polysaccharide, degradation
bibliography, 36:330 of methylated, 31:225
K9 polysaccharide, crystal structure Smith degradation of, 31:239
bibliography, 40:397 type 81 capsular polysaccharide, Smith
K16 polysaccharide, crystal structure degradation of, 31:239
bibliography, 40:397 type 52 capsular polysaccharide degradation
K25 polysaccharide, crystal structure of methylated, by @-elimination,
bibliography, 40:397 31:219
K30 polysaccharide, crystal structure partial hydrolysis of methylated, 31 :192
bibliography, 40:396 Kloeckeru upiculutu
K54 polysaccharide, crystal structure fermentation of o-glucose by, 32: 153
bibliography, 40:398 polysacchande, 41:74
K54 repeating-unit, f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, Kloekeru brevis. phosphonomannan, 41:86
45~65-66 Kluyveromycesfrugilis
K57 capsular polysaccharide, Smith enzyme of, 32: 187
degradation of, 31:239 as protein source, 32: 128
K57 polysaccharide, crystal structure Knoevenagel reaction, 24:262
bibliography, 36:330,40:396 Koenigs-Knorr reaction, 21:20, 275, 441,456,
K63 polysaccharide, crystal structure 23:264,26: 16,34:243-283
bibliography, 40:398 for glycosiduronic acid synthesis, 36:75-79,
lipopolysaccharides, mass spectrometry of, 91
29:6?, 69-70,9 1,97 glycosylation of anhydrohexopyranoses,
0 group 5 and 0 group 9, lipopolysaccharide 34: 166161
from, methylation analysis of, 30: 16 hexuronic acid, 39:5
0 group 3 lipopolysaccharide, degradation of history, 34:245
acetylated, by oxidation with chromium intermediates, 36:59, 62
trioxide, 31:230 selectivity in, 34:85
Smith degradation of, 31:208 for steroid p-D-ghcosiduronic acid synthesis,
0 group 5 lipopolysaccharide, Smith 36~94-95

Koenigs-Knorr reaction (continued) Lactams, from aldonolactone intramolecular

in syntheses of aminoglycoside antibiotics, reaction, 50: 154-155
30: 140 Lactase, 50: 12
KOH-amylose, 52:34&347,41&411 Lactic acid
Kojibiitol, 21:344 from o-glucose and ammonia, 25345
Kojihiose, 21:344, 22:2 I ethyl ester, as solvent for sugars, 27: 106
a-, octaacetate, preparation of, 34:261 formation from hexoses, 28: I97
from dextrans by acetolysis and acid 0-methyl-L-, preparation of, 32:79
hydrolysis, 30:378-379, 387 Lactitol
in honey, 25:295, 300 1, I -bis(acetamido)-l -deoxy-, preparation of,
liquid chromatography methods for analysis 31:92
of, 46:33 possible hydrogen bonding in, 45:27&277
Kojibiouronic acid, from dextran, 30:410 sweetness-structure relationship, 45:275-276
Kojic acid, 11:145-183 Lactobucillus, dextran synthesis by, 30:373
calcium salt, chelate structure of, 21:238 Lactohucillus arabinosus, teichoic acid from,
from ~-threo-2,5-hexodiuloseby 21:334,361
dehydration, 28: 186 Lactobacillus buchneri, teichoic acid from,
Kojitriose, 21:344 21:350
Komano, T., 46:4,&7 Lactobacillus casei, teichoic acid from, 21:34 I
Koutecky relation, of kinetic current in Lactobionic acid-calcium bromide tetrahydrate,
polarography, 29: 137, 144 crystal structure bibliography, 31:351
Krabbes disease, 40:27&276 Lac tobiononitrile, octa-0-acetyl-, ammonolysis
Kratos HF-MS5O spectrometer, 45:36-37 of, 31:98
Kuhn, Richard, obituary, 24: 1 Lactoferrin, 44:233
Kuhn reaction Lactoglobulin, carhohydrate-peptide link-age
3-deoxy-o-manno-2-octulosonic acid in, 25442
synthesis, 38:369-371 Lactol bridge, hydrolysis of a radicals by
of methylation of carbohydrates, 30: 1 1, 16 radiation, 37: 15
Lactone group, reaction with hydrazine and
derivatives, 50: 155-157
L Lacto-neotetraose, 24:433
Labeling, of rafinose family oligosaccharides, of aldonic acids, gas-liquid chromatography
37:35 1-353 of, 30:29
Labilomycin, 21: 172 2-benzamido-4,6-0-benzylidene-2,3-
Labilose, 21:172 dideoxy-D-evythro-hex-2-enono-1 ,5-,
occurrence, 39:28 1 50: I63
synthesis of, 23:270 of carbohydrate acids, gasliquid
Laburnum alpinum lectin, 35:208 chromatography of, 28:71-78
carbohydrate-binding specificity of, 35305 2,3-0-cyclohexylidene-~-rihono- 1,4-,
Lacquers SO: 129-130
anhydroalditols for, 25:268 2,3-dideoxyhex-2-enonol,5-, derivatives,
from copolymers of levoglucosan with 50: 190
alcohols and ethers, 34:73 2,3-di-0-acetyl-2-C-methyl-~-erythrono-
Lactal, hexa-0-acetyl-, fluorination, 38:232 1,4-, crystal structure, 43:222-223
a-Lactalbumin, 26:37 1 electroreduction of, of polyhydroxy
in lactose biosynthesis in mammary tissue, carboxylic acids, 29: 125
32:10 epimerization of sugar, 21:175
Lactam rings, monosaccharides, containing, fluorinated
23: 164 I3C-NMR data for. 46:170

H-and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 116 bands and hydrogen-bonding

nomenclature, 52: 105 strength, 4 5 2 17
polarography of, of sugar acids, 29: 162 binding to taste papillae. 45:329-330
as solvents for sugars, 27: 106 biosynthesis of, 26:370-372
of sugar acids, 315 in mammary tissue, 32: 10
1,4,6-tri-O-acetyI- 1,3-0-(0- 1-carboxy-ethyl)- complex with calcium chloride and
P-~-glucopyranose-2,1-,crystal methanol, 21:215
structure, 43:239-240 composition in nonaqueous solution, 42:61
ultraviolet-absorbances of, 46:65 dibenzyl dithioacetal, demercaptalation of,
I ,5-lactones, formation, 51:6 3269
Lactonization, electrophile-induced, ;glycosyl- di-0-sialyl-, 2 5 3 5
4-pentenoates, 50:293-294 in food, liquid chromatography separation,
Lacto-N-tetraose, 24:7 46:52
Lactopyranoside 1,2,6,2,3,4 ,6-hepta-0- benzoyl-P-,
benzyl I-thio-, preparation from dithioacetal, ammonolysis of, 31:96
32:69 isomers, laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44: 80
ethyl, preparation from dithioacetal, 32:69 3-keto-, polarography of, 29: 145
Lactosamine liquid chromatography methods for analysis
2-azido-2-deoxytrichloroacetimidates, of, 46:33
reaction with nucleophiless, 50:8 1. 85 mutarotation of, 23:12, 16,23, 24:24
as donors, 50:73,78-88 N-acetylneuraminyl-, structure, 38:32
oligomers, synthesis, 50:8 I , 84 nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates,
Lactosaminoglycans 45: 149
f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 4558-59 nuclear magnetic relaxation study, 51: 100
permethylated, f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, octa-0-acetyl-, rearrangement in aluminum
45:38 chloride-phosphorus pentachloride,
Lactosan, synthesis of, 34: 159-1 60 26: 194
Lactose, 16:159-206,21:28 octa-0-acetyl-P-, ammonolysis of, 31:92
01- 0-(N-acetylneuraminic acid)-(2r3)-a-.
monohydrate, radiation-induced chain 24:425
reactions in crystalline, 37:69. 7 1-72 3-0-(N-acetylneuraminyl)-, 24:8
radiolysis and radical-induced scission, polarography of, 29: 126
3752 pyrolysis of, 34:45, 152
sweetness, 45:207 reaction with aqueous ammonia, 25x3 12, 315
effect of infrared hydroxyl absorption reducing properties, 47:2 18,220
bands and hydrogen-bonding solubility in liquid ammonia, 27:91
strength, 45:217 in methanol, 27:95,97
2-acetamido-2-deoxy-, 24:8 stability constants, 47:30
4-acetamido-4-deoxy-a-, preparation of, structure, 39:359
34: 162 crystal structure. 25:77
analysis and identification, 44:22-23 sweetness, 45:276
in aqueous solution, inorganic ion effects, comparison to o-galactose, 45:247
42:34 synthesis, 41:9
P- thermodynamics of anomerization of a-and
crystal structure bibliography, 32366 P-, 2 4 5 I
I ,2,6,2,3,4,6-hepta-O-benzoyl-, 6, I ,6-tri-O-p-tolylsuIfonyl-, 23:244
ammonolysis. 39:3 1-32 utilization by Candida inrerrnedia, 32: 183
6-0-benzoyl-, preparation, 39:32 by yeasts, 32:208-209
sweetness, 49207,220 water loss, 47:2 18-2 19
effect of infrared hydroxyl absorption Lactose antibodies, 53:23 1--233,235-236

Lactose calcium bromide heptahydrate, crystal taste properties, 45:254-255

structure bibliography, 31:352 Lactulosucrose, as substrate for
Lactose calcium chloride heptahydrate, crystal dextransucrases, 30:423
structure bibliography, 31:352 Laminarabiose
a-lactose hydrate, benzoylation of, 33:37 in honey, 29297
a-lactose monohydrate 0.19-hydrate, crystal structure bibliography,
C-C and C-0 bond-lengths in, 44: 15 38:447448
crystal structure bibliography, 30:453 liquid chromatography methods for analysis
Lactose synthetase, 25:98,26:37 1 of, 46:33
preparation of, 32: 10 octaacetate, gas-liquid chromatography of,
Lactoside 28:70
benzyl penta-O-benzyl-4,6-0-benzylidene- Laminaran, 25:9
p-. hydrogenolysis regioselectivity, carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance
39:130 spectra, 38:48
methyl p-, benzoylation of, 33:37 carbon-13 signals, 38:23
Lactosylamine, N-acetyl-a-, and anomer, in cell walls, 26:345, 349
preparation of, 31:92 permethyl-, mass spectrum of, 21:90
Lactosyl bromide, 2,3,6,2,3,4,6-hepta-O- structure analysis of, 30:370
acetyl-, reaction with pyridine, 39:32 sulfated degraded antitumor activity of,
Lactosylceramide, 44:437 32:258
biosynthesis, 40:248 synthesis of, 26:324-325,32:11
catabolism, 40:274-276 Laminaranase, specificity of, 30:269, 277
in starfish, 44:429 Laminaran-exo-( 1+3)-p-~-glucanse, action
Lactosyl fluoride, per-0-acetyl-a-, synthesis, pattern of, 30:267,272
38:202 Laminaran sulfate, preparation of, 29:335
Lactotetraosylceramide Laminarabiose, 21:464,22:2 1
biosynthesis, 40:25 1-252 Laminitol
catabolism, 40:274-276 natural occurrence of, 42:73,76
Lactotransferrin structureof, 42:71, 78, 80, 115
bovine, glycoproteins (compounds 71 and Lamport model for plant primary-wall
72), H-NMRspectroscopy, 41:344, structure, 42:309
360-361,363-366 Lampteromyces japonicus, polysaccharide,
carbohydrate-peptide linkage in, 25:442 41:103
deamination of, 31:236 Lanceolarin, from Dalbergia lanceolaria,
human, glycoprotein (compound 421, H- 31:147
NMRspectroscopy, 41 :306-308, Landsteiner hapten-inhibition technique, for
310-311,324-326 lectins, 35: 139
glycoprotein (compound 43), H- Langmuir, 53:381
NMRspectroscopy, 41:306-3 11, Lankavose, 21 :190
324-326 Lanthanide ion
glycoprotein (compound 52); H- complex-formation, 47:20
NMRspectroscopy, 41:306,324-328 coordination spheres, 47: 128
Lactulose oxidation state, 47:129
composition Lanthanide metals, as shift reagents in proton
in aqueous solution, 42:65 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy,
in dimethyl sulfoxide, 42:68 29: 16-25
conformational equilibria, 23:32 Lanthanide shift-reagents, in conformational
liquid chromatography methods for analysis analysis of acetals, 34: 197
of, 46:33 Larch
synthesis of, 24:6 arabinogalactans

Barry degradation of, 31:203 interaction with cellular structure,

hydrolysis of oxidized, 31: 194 35:317-333
cell wall studies on, 42:283-285 with glycosides, 35: 140
LasaNia papulosa, polysaccharide, 41:75 with polysaccharides, glycoproteins, and
Laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:8-9,67-85 glycolipids, 35: 140
advantages of, 44:73 isolation and purification, 35: 136-139
applications, 44: 85 L-fucose-binding, 35:277-291
of carbohydrates, results, 44:75-85 in life cycle of plant, 35: 148
of o-fructose solutions, 42:23 neoglycoproteins as substrates, 37:268-269
instrumentation, 44:70-73 nomenclature, 35: 145-146
sampling techniques, 44:70-73 physical and chemical properties,
Laspartomycin, inhibitor of protein 35: 133-337
glycosylation, 40:342 Plant a-D-galactopyranosyl-specific.
o-Laudanine, 46: 13 37:339-341
Lauric acid, methyl ester, transesterification of potato, 43:45,44:234
methyl a-o-ghcopyranoside with, 33:44 purification by affinity chromatography,
Laurusin, 25:243 39:444445
Lead tetraacetate red cell receptor, 45: 170
action of, on the sugars, 14:9-61 reviews, 35: 132
in dimethyl sulfoxide as glycol-cleaving role in plant recognition systems,
agent, 31:202 44:379--381
oxidation of carbohydrates and glycols with, sialic acid analysis, 40: 175
33:95-97 sources, 35: I39
Lead tetrafluoride, reaction with pyranoid soybean, 25:45 1
glycals, 25: 195 toxicity, 35:149
Lecithin, 53:388 uses, 35: 129
Lectins, see also Isolectins Ledienoside, fucose-containing, 39:28 I . 302
2-acetamido-2-deoxy-o- Leguminoseae
galactose-binding, 35:226-254 chemotaxonomy of, 31:258
glucose-binding. 35:206-226 galactomannans, role in seeds of, 31:255
a-o-mannosidase action of soybean, 28:445 from seeds, 31:243,245,247-252
antibody activity, 35: 147 Lemieux effect, 45:264
anti-recognition glycoprotein, 40:220 Lemnaceae minor
applications in serological laboratories, apiobiose from, 31: 188
35: I29 apiogalacturonan from cell walls of, 31: 151
arabinogalactan properties similar to. 42:287 Lemna spp., cell-wall studies on, 42:280-28 1
binding function in plant cell-walls, Lemon
42~309-310,329-332,337-338 cell-wall studies on, 42:278, 281
blood-group and carbohydrate-binding development physiology of, 42:362-363
specificities of purified, 35338-339 Lens culinavis, see Lentil
carbohydrate association, 35:340 Lens esculenra. lentil lectin from, 35: I93
carbohydrate-binding specificity, Lentil
35: 139-145,33 1-333 large-seed and small-seed, lectins from,
classification, 35:133, 141, 146 35: 193
definition, 35: 128, 131 lectin
detection, 35: 133-136 carbohydrate-binding specificity, 35: 194,
o-galactose-binding, 35:254-277 20&205
o-mannose(D-ghxose)-hinding, 35: I 50-205 hemagglutinating activity, 35: 190, 20 1
functions, 35: 146-149 interaction with cellular structures, 35:317
in host-pathogen interactions, 44:380 with erythrocyte glycopeptide, 35:320

Lentil (continued) Levans, 22:23 1

isolation, 35:137-138, 138, 190-196 Fourier-transform infrared-difference
properties, 35:138, 19G196 spectroscopy, 44:62
structure, 35: 190-192 hydrolysis, 46:269
Lentinan interaction with concanavalin A, 35: 175
antitumor activity, 32:247,269, 272, 38:5 1 mass spectrometry of, 29:54
effect of urea on, 32:260-261 plant, structure, 35:7
carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance synthesis by Leuconostoc, 30:374
spectra, 38:51-52 Levene, Phoebus Aaron Theodore, obituary of,
crystal structure bibliography, 36:326, 12:l-12
40:390 Levoglucosan
fungal, 41:75 acetylation of, 34:83
Lentinus edodes 2-amino-2-deoxy-
a-r-arabinohranosidase of, 42:387 derivatives, preparation of, 34:3 1
polysaccharide, 41:70,75 preparation of, 34: 130
Lentinus lepideus, a-r-arabinofuranosidase of, 4-amino-4-deoxy-, preparation of, 34: 130
42:387 benzylation and tritylation of, 34:85
Leprosy, specific neoglycoconjugates, chiroptical properties of, 34:52
51:20&2 10 chromatography of, 34:63
Leptine, as beetle repellent, 24:6 cleavage of, by acid, 34:64-69
Lettuce seeds, p-D-mannanase and germination, by hypophosphorous acid, 34:6849
35:371 by periodate oxidation, 34: 104
Leucine, D-, favored conformation, 45232 reductive, 34:69
Leucoagglutinin, purification and composition by sodium hydrogen sulfite, 34:69
of, from Phuseolus vulgaris, 35:295 complexes, 34:93
Leucomycin, sugar component mycaminose, formation by, 34:54-55
28:297 conformation of, and triacetate, 34:5 1
Leuconostoc, dextran synthesis by, 30:373 co-polymerization with alcohols and ethers,
Leuconostoc mesenterioides, 51: 135-1 37 34: 72
action on sucrose, 32:7 crystal structure bibliography, 30:448
alteman synthesis, by altemansucrase, determination of, 34:63
51:148 effect of flame retardants on pyrolysis of,
dextran 23:471
branch linkage synthesis, 51:159-162 in flaming combustion, 34:26
synthesis formation from celluslose on heating,
by dextransucrase, 51:148-149 23:43 1,433
two-site insertion mechanism, glycidyl ethers, 34:76
51: 145-146 heat action on, 34:52
dextransucrase, acceptor reactions, heat of combustion formation, dehydration,
51:154-158 and evaporation, and vapor-tension data
enzyme purification, 51:138-139 for, 34:52
NRRL B-5 12 dextran, degradation of sulfone history, preparation, and uses of, 34:25,27
derivative, 31:227 hydrogenolysis of, 34:69
Leucopenia, 45: 171 infrared spectroscopy of, and derivatives,
Leucrose, 22:230,51:152 34:56, 63
in honey, 25:295 mass spectrum of, 21:81
liquid chromatography methods for analysis methylation of, 34534
of, 46:33 oxidation of, 34:94
monohydrate, 43:37 1 partially substituted, 34:78
Leukemia, treatment of, 22:213 per-0-substituted, 34:77

polymerization of, 21:478,34:70, 1.59 carbon- I3 nuclear magnetic resonance

preparation of, 34:27, 32-33 spectrum, 38:24,49-50
from acrolein, 34:4849 carboxymethyl ethers, preparation of, 29:3 19
from monosaccharides, 34:46 enzymic degradation products of, 30:358
production of, 2 2 4 9 8 4 9 9 , 501,34:3845 fine structure of, 30:357
properties of, 34:50 levoglucosan from, 34:40
p-toluenesulfonylation of, 34:80 lichen, 41:75
pyrolysis of, 22:497,23:460462,34:69 0-(2-hydroxyethyl)-, preparation of, 29:3 15
structure of, 34:50 structural analyses of. 30:353
synthesis of, from Brigls anhydride. 34:29, structure, enzymic analysis, 44:273
48 Lichenanase, 44:273-275
synthetic exploitation of, 34:79 Lichenase, preparation and specificity of,
1(6)-thio-, crystal structure bibliography, 30:351-352
38:423424 Lichens
triacetate, acid cleavage of, 34:67 glucans, 41:75-76
cleavage by dichloromethyl methyl ether polysaccharides, 41 :67-703
and zinc chloride, 34:68 Licopodiirni swurus. 46: 13
formation of, 34:46 Lidocaine, effect on glycosylation, 40:345
reaction with Light-scatteririg procedures, mucus
antimony pentachloride. 34389 glycoproteins, 47:356-358
trifluoromethanesulfonic acid. 34:88 Lignin
Shorygina reaction in ammonia, 34:78 in grasses and cereals, 36:222-224
tributyrate, tripropionate, tribenzoate, and in plant cell-walls, 26:300, 42:269
tristearate, reactions with titanium source of humus, 46:323
tetrachloride, 34:67 structure and origin of, 26:299
Levoglucosenone, 44:4 Lignocellulosic materials
Levulinaldehyde, a-hydroxy-, in dehydration of fermentation products, 46:326
2-deoxypentoses, 28:224 polysaccharides in, 46:306
Levulinic acid, 46:296 Lignoceric acid, 24:410
from glycal dehydration, 28: 184 Lilium longiflorum, trehalose 6-phosphate
preparation of, 28:2 12-2 18 synthetase in, 30:241
Lewis acids Lima-bean, see Phaseolus lunutus
as catalysts in C-glycosylations, 33: 158-162 Limonine, taste properties, 45:3 13
copolymerization with 1 -6-anhydro- 2.3.4- Limpet,-a-u-mannosidase, activation of,
tri-0-methyl-P-u-, glucopyranose, 28:417419
34:74 pH and activity of, 28:412
in degradation of acetals, 34:s purification of, 28:411
in diazomethane methylations, 33:61(-69 Limulin, sialic acid analysis, 40: 175
in flameproofing of cellulosic materials. Limuliis polyphemus lectin. see Horseshoe-crab
23:472 lectin
lanthanide shift-reagents in proton nuclear Linamarin, 21:23
magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 29: I8 biosynthesis of, 26:441
Ievoglucosan complexes with, 3 4 5 - 5 6 Ljncomycin
in polymerization reactions. 34: 163 anhydrooctitols from, 25:249
reaction with carbon-1 3 nuclear magnetic resonance
cyclic acetals, 26:202 spectroscopy, 41:65
dialkyl dithioacetals, 32:60 chemical-ionization mass spectra of,
rearrangements of saccharides in, 26: 192 29:82-83
Lichenan, 2 5 9 chlorination of, 28:225
antitumor activity of, 32:248,249 crystal structure of, and hydrochloride, 25:85

Lincomycin (continued) heptaacyl, 50:243

hydrochloride monohydrate, crystal structure hexaacyl, 50:24 1-242
bibliography, 31:368 as lipopolysaccharide endotoxic center,
migration of hexanoyl groups in, 33: 102 50:256-258
N-acetyl-, carbon- I 3 nuclear magnetic molecular shape, 50:253-254
resonance spectroscopy, 41:65 pentaacyl, 50:243-245
reaction with triphenylphosphinecarbon phase states, 50:258
tetrachloride, 28:247 phosphate and pyrophosphate, 48:3 14-
7(S)-chloro-7-deoxy- 315
crystal structure of, 2585 phosphate substituents, 50:225-227
hydrochloride monohydrate, crystal properties, 50:2 13-214
structure bibliography, 31:368 serology, 50:258-260
synthesis of, 28:282 structure, 50:260-261
Lincomycitol, anhydro-, 25249 chemical, 50:2 14-215
Lincosaminide, methyl 7 - d e o x y - a - ~ ~ - , primary, 50:214216
synthesis, 40:60 synthetic, 50:252
Lincosaminol, N-acetyl-3-4-O-isopropylidene-, tetraacyl, 50:244
25249 three-dimensional organization, 50:256-258
Linear models, mucin structure, 47:367-370 Lipid intermediates
(+)-Lineatin, synthesis, 50: 193 in biosynthesis of glycoproteins, 26:47 1
Lineweaver-Burk plot, 51: 157 of peptidoglycans, 26:427432
in enzyme kinetics, 23:289,292 in cellular biosynthesis, 41:132-135
Link, Karl Paul Gerhardt, obituary, 39: 1-12 Lipid-linked sugars, in plants
Linked-Atom Least-Squares analysis, 52:3 19 lipid moiety, 44:347-352
Linokic acid, in o-galactosylglycerides, 37:326 occurrence, 44:347
Linolenic acid, in D-galactosylglycerides, saccharide derivatives, 44:352-356
37:326327 structural aspects, 44:347-352
Lipase turnover, 44:356-358
in cultured cells, 40:377-378 Lipids
effect of sugar side-chain, 40:35 1 D-fruCtOSe effect on metabolism of,
Lipid A, 50:211-265 34~325-330
amphiphilic nature, 50:213 formation by yeasts, 32:219
amphoteric nature, 50:2 13 Lipid-starch complexes
antibodies, 50:259-260 characteristics, 53:385-386
antitumor activity of, 32:242-243 digestibility, 53:399400
backbone, 50:216225,260 functional properties, 53:396399
glycosyl region, 50:2 18-22 1 native, 53:386387
hydroxyl groups preparation, 53:387-388,390-392
position 4', 50:247-249,26 1-262 properties, 53:392-393,395
position 6', 50:249-252,262 structure, 53:392-393, 395
phosphate groups, 50:221-225 Lipooligosaccharides
principles and structures, 50:216 antigens, purification, 51: 171-172
structural elucidation, 50:2 17-2 I 8 trehalose-containing, 51:188-198
biosynthesis of, 26:409410 N-acylkansosaminyl-( 1 4 3 ) - ~ -
components, 48:308 fucopyranose disaccharides group,
conformation, 50:252-256 51:193
definition, 50:213 M.fortuitum, 51:195
endotoxic activity, 50:263-264 M.gordonae. 51:195-196
f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 4557 M. kansasii, 51:188, 192-193
fatty acids, see Fatty acids M.malmoense, 51: 193-194

M. smegmatis, 51:197-198 spectrometry of, 29:66

M. szulgui, 51:194 Salmonella, mass spectrometry of, 2 9 5 3
M. tuberculosis, 51:196-197 Salmonella &phi, mass spectrometry of,
structures, 51: 189-1 91 29:63-65
unknown Mycobacterium species, serological determinants, 41: 177
51:194195 structural principles, 50:211-212
Lipopolysaccharides, 50:211-265, 53:254, see structure of, 38:337,339,343-356
also Lipid A subunit of, from Salmonella typhimurium,
acid hydrolysis of, from Salmonella and 26:411
Yersinia, 31 :188 sugar composition, 38:341
bacterial of Veillonella, gas-liquid chromatography
L-fucose containing, 39:307-308 and mass spectrum of, 30:36
methanolysis, 46:258-259 Lipoprotein, desialylation, 40:22 1
biosynthesis, lipid intermediates in bacterial, Lipoproteinlipase. 43: 125-126
26:430 Liposaccharide, biosynthesis of bacterial,
cell-wall, of Gram-negative bacteria, 26:439
26:409424 P-Lipotropin, role, 37:2 14
core oligosaccharide, 50:212 Lipoxygenase in fruit climacterics, 42:365
core region, 44:278 Lippia dulcis Trev., 45:295
3-deoxy-o-manno-2-octulosonic acid Liquefaction, 46:273-274,323
component, 38:324 Liquid chromatography, 46: 17-1 8
effect on immune tumor response, 32:266 accuracy, 46:63-64
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:49, combined techniques, 46:69-70, 72
30:9498 detectability, 46:63-69
gel chromatography of, 25:43 direct-detection methods, 46:65-66
hydrolysis of, 28: 19 electrochemical detectors, 46:65
interaction with concanavalin A, 35: 179 flame-ionization detectors, 46:65-66
Klebsiella future trends in. 46:71-72
0-group 5, mass spectrometry, of, 29:67, mass detectors, 4 6 5 - 6 6
97 polarimetric detectors, 46:66
0-group 9, mass spectrometry, of. post-column derivatization methods,
29:69-70,91 46:66-68
0-group 10, mass spectrometry, of, pre-column derivatization methods,
29:67 46:68-69
lipid A as endotoxic center, 50:25&258 preparative, 46:58-63, 71-72
methylation, ethylation, and propylation of, in analytical-scale equipment, 46:59-6 1
30:15 general aspects of, 4 6 3 - 5 9
methylation analysis, 38:352 in large-scale equipment, 46:61-63
Myxococcus fulvus, mass spectrometry of, sample recovery from columns, 46:59
29:66 refractive index detection, 46:64-65
occurrence and linkages of KDO, stationary phases, 46:7 I
38:334-356 of sugars, pyranose form separation in,
0-specific chain, 50:2 12 42~23-24
Pusteurella pseudotu berculosis, mass triple-pulsed amperometry on platinum or
spectrometry of, 2 9 5 4 gold electrodes, 46:65
from Proteus vulgaris, antitumor activity of. ultraviolet detectors, 4 6 5 5
32~241-242 Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry,
Rhodopseudomonas cupsuluta, mass 46:69-70
spectrometry of, 29:67 Liquid chromatography-NMR spectroscopy,
Rhodopseudomonas viridis, mass 46:69-70

Lithium N-acylation of, 30:175, 177

butyl-, reaction with cyclic acetals, 34:49, 1 -N- (1,-4-amino-2-hydroxybutyryl)-,
209 minimum inhibitory concentrations
organic compounds, in synthesis of 1-C- of, 30:223
substituted carbohydrates, 25240 1-N- [(S)-4-amino-2-hydroxybutyryl]-,
Lithium aluminum deuteride, for reduction and preparation and antibacterial activity,
deuteration of sugar derivatives, 27: 131 30:178
Lithium aluminum hydride penta-N-(benzyloxycarbony1)-,preparation
in 1,5-anhydrohexitols preparation, 31:3 of, 30: 192
effect of solvents on reduction of penta-N-(benzyloxycarbonyl)-4',6':2 , 3 :
carbohydrate sulfonic esters, 23:269 4,6-tri-O-isopropylidene-,5-
reaction with (diphenylphosphate), preparation of,
complexes of, in presence of optically 30:192-193
active sugars, 27:195-199,216 5-phosphate
sulfonic esters of dithioacetals, 32:52 structure of, 30:192,203
reduction of chlorodeoxy sugars by, 28:303 synthesis of, 30:193
reductive cleavage of 1,6-anhydrohexopy- sepharose 4B, preparation of, 30: 194
ranoses by, 34:69 B, 48~229-230
Lithium borohydride, for reduction ofp- discovery of, 30: 112
toluenesulfonates and methanesulfonates, and structure of, 30:119-121
33:217 inactivation of, 30:190-191
Lithium borohydride-t, tritiation of sugars by, Lividotriosamine, structure of, 30: 121
27: 129 Lobry de Bruyn-Alberda van Ekenstein
Lithium bromide, complex with sucrose, transformation, 13:63-103, 25332,
21:223 28:161, 163, 168,46:281
Lithium chloride, complex with sucrose, of o-glucose, 46:303
21:223 in formose formation, 29: 180, 2 13
Lithium diisopropylamide, reaction with Lock and key concept, 50:9-13
acetals, 39: 145 Locust, cY,cY-trehalosebiosynthesis in, 30:238
Lithium divinylcyanocuprate, 1,4-conjugate Locust bean, galactomannan from, 31:242,
addition, 50:184-185 244-245
Lithium gellan, 52:386 Locust-bean gum
Lithium iodide, complex with sucrose, 21:223 conductivity of solutions of, 21:214
Lithium NAD' dihydrate, crystal structure industrial use of, 31:307-312
bibliography, 38527 solution properties of, 31:283
Lithiumtrimethylsilyl acetate, C-1 elongation of structure of, 31:272
aldonolactones, 50: 144 Loguniuceae, polysaccharides from,
Liver 31:253-254
D-fructose uptake by, 34:291 Loganin, crystal structure, 43:248-249
nucleotide pool in, effect of o-fructose on, Log(c2) model, 51:79, 117-118, 125-126
34:322-324 Loliunr, see Ryegrass
Lividomycins Lone-pair orbitals
A (ap,ap) conformation, 47: 120
5-amino-5-deoxy-, preparation and electron distribution and, 47:lOl-103
antibacterial activity of, 30: 171 interactions in reactivity, 47: 1 19-1 23
5-deoxy-, preparation and antibacterial orbital interactions, 47: 110
activity of, 30: 171 oxygen
inactivated, 30: 191,203 distribution, 47: 109
minimum inhibitory concentrations of, interactions, 47:lll-I 12
30:223 p-type, 47: 109

through-space mechanism, 47: 122 2,5-anhydro-5-seleno-o-, dimethyl acetal,

Lopez Aparicio, F.J., 45: 13 23:232
Lorenzini jelly, gas-liquid chromatography of, mutarotation, 23:23
28:47 Lymphoblastic leukemia cells, adenine
Lossen reaction, for degradation of periodate- nucleoside activity against, 42: 13 I
oxidized polysaccharides, 31 :237 Lymphoblastoid cells, thioguanine nucleoside
of Salmonella lipopolysaccharide, 31 :2 1 I activity against, 42: 132
Lotus tetragonolobus lectin, see Asparagus-pea Lymphocytes
lectin desialylated, 40:221
Low-speed sedimentation equilibrium, mucus lectin-reactive glycoproteins from, 35:325
glycoproteins, 47:359-367 Lyoluminescence, of irradiated carbohydrates,
5-[(~-Phenylalanyl)amino]uridine, crystal 37:76
structure, 43:368 Lyxoside, methyl D-. acetylated. structure of,
Lubricants, 0-(carboxymethyl) cellulose as, 26:8
29:321 Lysine
Lucerne leaves, cell-wall studies on, 42:278, 5-hydroxy-~-
280 carbohydrate residues linked to, in
Lumazine glycoproteins. 26:456-458
6,7-dimethyl- 1 -P-o-ribofuranosyl-, crystal in glycoprotein linkages, 25:418
structure bibliography, 38:495;196 hydroxy-L-, in glycopeptide of urine, 24:450
6,7-dimethyl-N -P-D-ribofuranosyl-. crystal 5-O-P-~-galactopyranosyloxy-~-, linkage in
structure bibliography, 30:463 glycopeptides, 25:436
Lupin Lysogangliosides, analysis, 45:56
cell-wall studies on, 42:27 1, 309, 3 1 I , 3 13 Lysophosphatidylcholine, 53:386
enzyme from, in polysaccharide synthesis, Lysosomal-storage disorders, urine in
26: 324-3 25 liquid chromatography, 46:44
Lupinus luteus, a-L-arabinofuranosidase from, sialylated oligosaccharides, liquid
42:387 chromatography analysis, 46:4546
Lupoxes-A, taste properties, 45:3 13 Lysosomes
Lutean, structure, enzymic analysis, 44:275 glycosphingolipid catabolism, 40:269
Luteic acid, 52:8 of yeast cell vacuole, 32:141
fungal, 23:378 Lysosome theory. a-o-mannosidase activity
Luteolin, from Perroselinum crispum. 31: 143 and, 28:408
Lutes, 23:380 Lysozyme, 24:3 14, 26:371
Lyases, 44: 148 action on chitotriose, gel chromatography of
action pattern and specificity of, 33:367- products, 25:35
378 crystal structures of, and substrate
assay of, 33:380 complexes, 25:93-98
occurrence and formation of, 33:378 Lyxitol
purification of, 33:379 1-acetamido- 1-deoxy-L-, 23: I70
Lychee, development physiology of, 42:379 1-amino- I-deoxy-o-, deamination of,
Lychnose 31:60-62
occurrence, 37:291,301 2,5-anhydro-o-, 25:234
oligosaccharides 4-O-methyl-~-,22:115
occurrence, 37:306 2,3,4-tri-O-benzyI- 1,5,-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-
structure, 37:305 L-, solvolysis of, 24: 196
structure, 37:301-302 Lyxofuranose
Lycotetraose, 24:7 5-acetamido-5-deoxy-
Lyxose D-, 23~171
5-acetamid0-5-deoxy-o, 23: 170 1,2-O-isopropylidene-P-D-, 23: I7 I

Lyxofuranose (continued) "F-NMR data for, 46: 107

1,5-anhydro-2,3-0-isopropyhdene-p-~-, 2,3-benzoxonium-5-0-benzoyl-a-, 'H-
synthesis, 39: 168 and lyF-NMR data for, 46: 107
conformation of, 34:201 5-0-benzoyl-2,3-benzoxonium-(~-, 13C-
5-deoxy-3-C-formyl- NMR data for, 46: 168
p-~-,3'-(trimethylenedithioacetal), crystal 2,3,5-tri-O-acetyl-, 'H- and IYF-NMRdata
structure bibliography, 32:362, for, 46: 107
34:357 2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-
1,2-O-isopropylidene-P-~-, 3 I- I3C-NMR data for, 46: 168-1 69
(trimethylene dithioacetal), crystal 'H-and 19F-NMRdata for, 46:107
structure bibliography, 32:366, 3,5-di-O-benzoyl-a, p-D-, 26: 179
34:358 1-p-o-Lyxofixanosyluracil, crystal structure,
L- 43:277
1-O-acetyl-2,3,5-tri-O-henzoyl-4-fluoro- Lyxopyranose
a-,l3C-NMR data for, 46:172 5-acetamido-5-deoxy-cu-o-, 23: 171
X-ray crystallography of, 42: 16 1 (Y-D-, 45:74
2,3-O-isopropyhdene-o-, synthesis, 39:74 conformation in solution, 26:85
tri-O-acetyl-4,5-dideoxy-4-C[(R)- tetraacetate, conformation in acetone-d,,
phenylphosphinyl]-cr-~-, physical 26:87
properties of, 42:191 p-D-
2,3,5-tri-O-benzyl-~-,24: 194 conformation in solution, 26:85
Lyxofuranoside reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 28:235,
ethyl 2,3-anhydro-5-0-(tetrahydropyran-2- 33:76
~I)-D-,25: 120 p-L-,crystal structure bibliography,
ethyl 2-S-ethyl- 38:4 1 9 4 2 0
1,2-dithio-o-, preparation of, 32:50 D-, 1,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-a-,
3-0-methyl- 1,2-dithio-o-, preparation of, IH- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:104
3250 4-deoxy-4-(dimethylamino)-~-, 23: 151
methyl (Y-D-,21:122 tetra-0-acetyl-a- L-, crystal structure
conformation of, 21:98 bibliography, 37: 39 1
crystallography of, 25:58,31:365 1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyl-5-[(benql-
preparation from dithioacetal, 32:68 oxycarhonyl) amino]-5-deoxy-a-o-,
methyl 4-amino-4-deoxy-2,3-0- conformation of, 26:89
isopropylidene-cu-D-, deamination of, tetra-0-acetyl-D-, rearrangement in hydrogen
31:34 fluoride, 26:179
methyl 2,3-anhydro-~-,25: 1 16 tetra-0-benzoyl-a-D-, rearrangement in
methyl 3-deoxy-3-C-formyI-a-~- hydrogen fluoride, 26: 179
hemiacetal, 24: 193 1-thio-a-D-, tetraacetate, proton magnetic
preparation of, 31:28 resonance spectroscopy of, 27:28
methyl 5-deoxy-3-C-(hydroxymethyl)-2,3-0- Lyxopyranoside
isopropylidene-P-DL-, synthesis, 40:82 benzyl a-D-, catalytic oxidation of, 33:89
methyl 5-0-benzoyl-2,3-0-isopropylidene- D-, trifluoromethyI3,4-di-O-acetyl-P-,'H-
(Y-D-,reaction with dibromomethyl and I9F-NMR data for, 46: I04
methyl ether, 39: 120 methyl a(and P)-D-. hydrolysis of, 22:46
methyl 5-0-benzyl-a-o-, preparation of, methyl c.-D-
28:294 reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 33:75
9-a-~-Lyxofuranosyladenine, 50:195 selective henzoylation of, 33:26
Lyxofuranosyl fluoride methyl (Y-DL-, synthesis, 40:67
D- methyl 4-amino-4-deoxy-a-~-,23: 15 I
2,3-acetoxonium-5-0-acetyl-~-, 'H- and methyl 2,3-anhydro-

synthesis, 40:68-69
a-DL-, a-D-, 26: 119
p-DL-, synthesis, 40:69 Lyxopyranosylmethane, bis(ethylsulfony1) a-
p-L-, 25: 154 D-, triacetate, nuclear magnetic resonance
D-, 25: 153 spectrum of, 25:252
methyl p-DL-,synthesis, 40:68 Lyxose
methyl++-, 22:126 2,s-anhydro-
methyl D-, conformation in solution, 26:84 D-
methyl 2,4-di-O-benzoyl-3-bromo-3-deoxy- dialkyl dithioacetal, 25: 198
a-D-,synthesis, 39:112 diisobutyl dithioacetal, 24: 175
methyl 2-O-benezoyl-3,4-di-S-benzoyl-3,4- 3,4-di-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-, diisobutyl
dithio-P-L-, 22: 141 dithioacetal, preparation of, 32:5 1
methyl 4-O-benxoyl-2,-3-O-benzylidene-01- 5-seleno-~-,dimethyl acetal, 25:205
D-, reaction with triphenylmethyl 5-thio-D-,dimethyl acetal, 25:205
fluoroborate, 39: 110-1 12 p-L-
methyl 2,3-O-isopropylidene-01-~- crystal structure bibliography, 31:363
hydrolysis of, 34:204 taste properties, 45:242
in L-apiose synthesis, 31: 182 5-bromo-5-deoxy-DL-,synthesis of, 28:304,
methyl 2.3-O-isopropylidene-4-O-p- 40:90
tolylsulfonyl-a-o-(or a - ~ ) - , composition in nonaqueous solvents, 42:68
displacement reactions of, 24: 191 D-
methyl tri-0-methyl-a(and P)-D-, mass in aqueous solution, 42:16
spectra of, 21:60 composition, 42:64.66
methyl tri-0-acetyl-a+-, proton magnetic polarimetry, 42:22
resonance spectroscopy of, 27:28 derivatives of cyclic acetals, Table.
methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-5-amino-S-deoxy- 34:212
5-N-(methoxy)-, synthesis, 40: 100 dialkyl dithioacetal, reaction withp-
methyl tri-0-benzoyl-a-D-, proton magnetic toluenesulfonyl chloride, 25: 198
resonance spectroscopy of, 27:28 diethyl dithioacetal, partial
Lyxopyranosyl chloride demercaptalation of, 32:67
01-D-, 2,3,4-tri(chlorosulfate), preparation and diisobutyl dithioacetal, reaction with p -
reactions of, 28:235-237 toluenesulfonyl chloride, 3 2 3 1
2-chloro-2-deoxy-01-~-,2,4-di(chlorosulfate), dithioacetal
preparation of, 28:236 reaction with sulfonyl chloride in
Lyxopyranosyl fluoride pyridine, 32:48
D- selective esterification of, 33:4041
3,4-di-O-acetyl-2-deoxy- reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 33:76
2-bromo-, IH- and 19F-NMR data for, synthesis of, 33:93
46:135 halogen derivatives, 22:2 16
2-iodo-, 'H- and IYF-NMRdata for, nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates,
46: I36 45:148
2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-a-, IH- and IYF-NMR polarography of, 29: 126
data for, 46: 102 utilization by yeasts, 32:2 15
2,3,4-tri-O-henzoyl-a-, IH- and "F-NMR 5-deoxy-~-,21: 177
data for, 46: 102 5-deoxy-~-,21:17&177
per-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-p-~-, preparation from dithioacetal of 6-deoxy-
preparation, 38:204 L-galactose, 32:8S
per-0-benzoyl-a-o-, preparation, 38:20 1 3,4-di-O-acetyl-2,5-anhydro-
tri-0-acetyl-a, p-D-,26: 179 aldeh-ydo-o-, and p-nitrophenylhydrazone,
tri-0-benzoyl- preparation of, 28:287-288
a,p-D-, 26: 179 D-,(p-nitrophenyl)hydrazone, 25:202

Lyxose (continued) sialic acid effect on structure, 40:2 18-220

2,4:3,5-di-O-benzylidene-o-, Macrophages
preparation of, 32:53 a-r-fucosidase activity, 39:334-335
DL-,synthesis, 40:8-9 immune action, 41: 187
L- Madinaveitia, A,, 4 5 1 0
derivatives of cyclic acetals, Table, 34:212 Magnamycin, mycaminose sugar component,
synthesis of, 33:93 28:297
1-O-benzoyl-2,3,5-tri-O-benzyl-4-O-methyl-Magnesium ion
L-,methyl hemiacetal, 24: 194 effect on reducing sugars in solution, 42:33
4-O-methyl-o~-,composition in aqueous inhibitor of cellulose biosynthesis, 41: 144
solution, 42:45 Magnetic field, Schrodinger equation,
4-S-methyl-4-thio-~-,dimethyl dithio-acetal, 51:23-24
preparation of, 32:35 Magnets, high-field, for proton nuclear
5,5,5-hichloro-5-deoxy-~~-, synthesis, 40:92 magnetic resonance spectrometers,
3,4,5-tri-O-benzoyI-2-S-ethyl-2-thio-o-, 29:25
diethyl dithioacetal, dimethyl acetal Maillard reaction, 14:63-134,22:272,46:3 1 I ,
from, 32:65 3 18,47:255-256,52:458459
Lyxose 2,3-carbonate, D-, composition in chromophoric products, 46:322
aqueous solution, 42:59 at elevated temperatures, 46:307
Lyxose 5-phosphate, composition in aqueous factors affecting, 46:307
solution, 42:46 mechanism of, 26: 14
Lyxoside non-nitrogenous products, 46:3 18-32 1
methyl a-D-, selective periodate oxidation of, products of, 46:320,47:269-270
33:95 inhibition of bacterial growth by, 46:326
methyl 2,3-anhydro-cu-~-and-p-~-, 25: 150 Maize, see Corn
methyl D-, catalytic oxidation of, 33539 Malarial parasites, red cell receptor, 45: 170
Lyxurono- 1,4-lactone, 3,4-O-isopropylidene-~-, Maleic acid, 2-(2,3,5-tri-O-benzyI-p-~-
preparation, 38:3 14 ribofuranosy1)-, methyl ester, preparation
of, 33:145
Maleic hydrazide
M effect on sugarcane, 21:425
as plant-growth substance, 21:398
Muackiu umurensis lectins, isolation, Maleylation, of lentil lectin, 35: 196
purification, and properties, 35:3 13 Malic acid, D-, fructose ester, 22:253
MacDonald-Fischer degradation Malic-3-d acid, in determination of hydrogen
deoxy sugars by, 21:156, 178 configuration in sugars, 27: 143
of dithioacetals, 32:82 Malic dehydrogenase, in fruit climacteric,
Muclura pornifem lectin, see Osageorange, 42:365
lectin Malic enzyme, in fruit climacteric, 42:364
Mucracanthorhynchus. trehalose biosynthesis Malignancy, fucose levels, 39:33 1
in, 30:239 Malonaldehyde, formation, S1:280-28 1
Macrodex, dextranglucosidase degradation of, from radicals from hydroxy compounds by
30:396 radiation, 37:16
Macrodexhins, from glycogen, 30:3 14 Malonic acid
a,-Macroglobulin, 44:23 3 2-bromo-2-(2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-~-~-
Macrolide antibiotics, glycosidic, 3 5 8 1 ribofuranosy1)-, diethyl ester,
Macromolecules preparation of, 33: 151-152
affinity chromatography, with 2-(2,3 :5,6-di-O-isopropyhdene-a-~-and-p-~-
carbohydratebearing adsorbents, mannofuranosy1)-, diethyl esters,
39:405447 preparation of, 33: 148

~r-tetrahydropyran-2-~1-, and diethyl cstcr. Malto-oligosaccharides

preparation of, 33:145 linear, preparative liquid chromatography,
2-formamido-2-~-glucopyranosyl-. dictliyl 46:60
ester, preparation of, 33: 146 liquid chromatography
2-(2,3-~-isopropylidene-~-lyxofuranosyi )-, large-scale preparative, 4 6 5 1-63
diethyl ester, preparation of, 33: 148 peak-area analyses, 4 6 5 4
2-(2,3-O-isopropylidene-5-O-trityl-(3-1)- 4-O-methy1, degree of polymerization by
ribofuranosy1)-, diethyl ester, gas-liquid chromatography, 28:47
preparation of, 33: 152-1 53 relative efficiencies, 51 :158- I 5 9
2-(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-p-~- spectroscopic analysis, 44:23
glucopyranosy1)-, and diethyl and Maltopentaose, 1-phenylflavazole acetate, mass
dibenzyl esters, preparation of, spectrometry of, 29: 1 0 1
33:146-147, 161 Maltopyranoside
2-(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzyl-~-glucopyranosyl)-, methyl p-
diethyl ester, anomers, preparation of, C-C and C C I bond-lengths in, 44:15
33: 147- 148 hydrogen bonding in; 25: 100
2-(2,3,5-tri-O-acetyl-a-~-and++ phenyl a-, crystal structure bibliography,
arabinofuranosy1)-, diethyl esters, 37:403
preparation of, 33: I52 phenyl 6-deoxy-6-iodo-a-. crystal structure
2-(2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-a-~- and-@-I,- bibliography, 37:402
ribofuranosy1)-, diethyl esters. Maltosamine
preparation of, 33: 150, 161 6-amino-6-deoxy-,synthesis, 39:24 I
2-(2,3,5-tri-O-benzoy~-~-~-ribofuranosyl)-, 6-azido-h-deoxy-,synthesis, 39:24 I
and dibenzyl ester, preparation of, 6,6-dichloro-6.6-dideoxy-, synthesis,
33: 162 39:232
Malonogalactan, 41:87 1,2,3,2,3,4-hexa-O-acetyl-6,6-di-O-trityl-,
Maltal, hexa-0-acetyl-, synthesis. 39:242 synthesis, 39:219
Maltitol N-acetyl-, synthesis, 39:240-24 1
I .I-bis(acetamido)-1 -deoxy-, preparation of, N-benzoyl-, synthesis, 39:227, 239
31:93, 100 per-O-methyl-
nonaacetate, degradation by oxidation with 6,6-di-O-trityl-, synthesis, 39:223
chromium trioxide, 31:230 h-O-trityI-, synthesis. 39:223
6-O-benzoyl-, ammonolysis, 39:3 I synthesis, 39:223
per-0-(trimethylsilyl)ether, gasliquid 6-thio-, derivatives, synthesis, 39:244
chromatography of, 28:58-59 Maltosan, synthesis of, 34: 158-159
structure, 45:276 Maltose, 21:30. 39:213-278
sweetness-structure relationship, 45:275- a-
216 crystal structure bibliography. 38:446-
Maltobiouronic acid, from dextrans, 30:409 447
Maltodextrins 1,2,3,2,3.4,6-hepta-O-acetyl-6-O-trityl-
a-amylase action on, 23:3 15 , synthesis, 39:2 19
from amylose, 23:3 18, 32 I , 323 structure, 39:2 15-2 16
salivary a-amylase action on, 23:3 19 acceptor products, 51: 154
Maltohexahydrolase, exo-, 44:254 acetates and benzoates, properties,
Maltol 39:266-267
from u-fructose dehydration, 28: 180 acetolysis, 39:248
5-hydroxy-, 22~284 alkaline degradation, 39:247-248
by ~-threo-2,5-hexod1ulosedehydration, 6-a-maltotriosyl-, and enzyme specificity,
28: 186 30:269
preparation, 37: 143 anhydro derivatives, properties, 39:272

Maltose (continued) 1,2,3,6,2,3,4,6-hepta-O-benzoyl-

1,6-anhydro-hexa-O-benzyI-, polymerization ammonolysis, 39:3 1-32
of, 34: 163 synthesis, 39:225
aqueous, versus solid, laser-Raman 1,2,3,2,3,4-hexa-0-acetyl-6,6-di-O-p-
spectroscopy, 44:75 tolylsulfonyl-, synthesis, 39:227
P- 1,2,3,2,3,4-hexa-0-acetyl-6,6-di-O-
I ,2,3,6,2,3,4,-hepta-O-acetyl-6-0- trityl-a+-, synthesis, 39:219
trityl-, synthesis, 39:219 1,2,6,2,3,6-hexa-O-benzoyl, synthesis,
1,2,3,6,2,3,4,-hepta-O-acetyl-6-0- 39:226
trityl-a-D-, synthesis, 39:2 19 hydrogen bonding, Raman and infrared
6-amho-l,6-anhydro-6-deoxy, synthesis, spectral study of, 44:29
39:241 monohydrate, structure, 39:2 15-2 16
1,6-anhydro-2,3,2,3,4,6,-hexa-0- mutarotation of, 23:23
acetyl-6-thio-, synthesis, 39:244 6-O-P-~-galactosyl-,synthesis, 39:244
1,6-anhydro-2,2-di-O-benzoyl-4,6-0- 6-0-benzoyl-
benzylidene-, synthesis, 39:226 ammonolysis, 39:227
1,6-anhydro-2,3-di-O-benzoyl-4,6-0- preparation, 39:3 1-32
benzylidene-, synthesis, 39:226 octaacetate, preparation of, 34:261
1,6-anhydro-2-0-benzoyl-4,6-0- octa-0-acetyl-
benzylidene-, synthesis, 39:226 proton nuclear magnetic resonance
1,6-anhydro-4,6-0-benzylidene- spectroscopy, 39:250-25 1
selective benzoylation, 39:225-226 reaction with phosphorus pentachloride,
synthesis, 39:237 39:35,224
1,6-anhydro-per-O-benzyl-, with piperidine, 39:224
polymerization, 39:244 selective deacylation, 39:28
1,6-anhyro-2,3,2,3-tetra-0-benzoyl- synthesis, 39:215
4,6-0-benzylidene-, synthesis, octa-0-benzoyl-
39:226 ammonolysis, 39:3 1
I ,6-anhyro-2,2,3-tri-O-benzoyl-4,6-0- selective debenzoylation, 39:226-227,
benzylidene-, synthesis, 39:226 239
crystal structure bibliography, 38:44&447 synthesis, 39:225
crystal structure of, 25:76 reaction with sulfuryl chloride,
1,2,3,2,3,4,6-hepta-O-acetyl-, 39:23 1-233
synthesis, 39:225, 235 selective benzoylation, 39:225-226
1,3,6,2,3,4,6-hepta-O-acetyl-, selective methanesulfonylation and p -
synthesis, 39:224-225 toluenesul fonylation, 39:227-229
2,3,6,2,3 ,4,6-hepta-@acetyl-, structure, 39:216
synthesis, 39:223 synthesis of derivatives of, 34: 162
1,2,3,2,3,4,6-hepta-O-acetyl-6-0- 2,3,2,3-tetra-O-acetyl-1,6-anhydro-4,6-
methyl-, synthesis, 39:221 di-0-(methylsulfony1)-, synthesis,
1,2,3,2,3,4,6-hepta-O-acetyl-3-0- 39:229
(methylsulfony1)- benzoylation of, 33:36
desulfonylation, 39:230 carba-, synthesis, 48:68-70
proton nuclear magnetic resonance carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy, 39:252 spectroscopy of, and derivatives,
synthesis, 39:229 39:254-258
1,2,3,2,3,4,6-hepta-O-acetyl-6-O-p- carboxylic derivatives, properties, 39:277
tolylsulfonyl-, synthesis, 39:229 chemical ionization mass spectra,
I ,2,3,2,3,4,6-hepta-O-acetyl-6-9 39:261-263
acetyl-6-thio-, synthesis, 39:224 complex-forming reactions, 39:245

cyclic acetals, properties, 39:273 reaction with

decomposition, 47:272 acetyl chloride or acetyl bromide, 22:23
dehydration of, 28: 169 aqueous ammonia, 25:3 13,3I5
deoxy derivatives, properties, 39:273 selective-oxidation reactions. 39:246-247
derivatives, tables of properties, 39:263-278 selective tritylation of, 33:52
from dextrans by acetolysis and acid solubility in liquid ammonia, 27:91
hydrolysis, 30:378-379 in methanol, effect of calcium chloride on,
electro-oxidation of, 29: 1 17 27:95
in food, liquid chromatography separation, structure of, 25:4,32:192,39:214-215,356
4652 sulfonates, properties, 39:267-268
gel chromatography of, 25:33 sulfur-containing derivatives, properties.
halides, properties, 39:269-270 39:276
1,2,6,2,3,4,6-hepta-O-benzoyI-~-, sweetness. comparison, to D-glucose,
ammonolysis of, 31:95 45247-248
I ,2,2,3,3,4-hexa-O-acetyI-6,6-di-O-p- synthesis of. 25:165,39:215-216
tolylsulfonyl-P-, 23:241 trimethylsilylation of. 28:24
and homologs, gas-liquid chromatography trityl ethers, properties, 39:264
of, 28:68 utilization by Torulopsis dufrilu, 32: I83
in honey, 25295,299 by yeasts, 32:146, 1944199,233
hydrolysis, 39:248 and associations of abilities, 32:223
and fermentative oxidation, 37: 138 vibrational spectra, isotopic substitution
rate constants and kinetic parameters for, studies, 44:54
and derivatives, 22:77 volatile products from pyrolysis of, 22:505,
laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:82 508
liquid chromatography methods for analysis P-Maltose monohydrate
of, 46:33 acetylation of, 33:36
mass spectrometry of, and derivatives, crystal structure bibliography. 30:453,
39~258-263 38:449450
methyl ethers, properties, 39:265 Maltoside
microbial oxidation, 39:246 ci-
nitrogen-containing derivatives, properties, Lyxofuranose, S-deoxy-3-C-formyI-, P-
39:275-276 i.-,??-(trimethylene dithioacetal),
nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates, crystal structure bibliography. 39:22 1
45: 149 methyl
octa-0-acetyl-P-, ammonolysis of, 31 :93. synthesis, 39:217-2 18
100 synthesis, gas-liquid chromatography
octa-0-benzoyl P-, ammonolysis of, effect of in, 2 8 5 0
conformation on, 31:97 phenyl, heptaacetate, synthesis, 39:2 18
perbenzoate, ammonolysis of, 31:95 phenyl 3-O-methyl-, synthesis, 39:222
polarography of, 29: 126 P-
polymer-forming reactions, 39:244 benzyl, synthesis, 39:2 I8
polymerization by hydrogen chloride, 21:463 benzyl 4,6-0-benzylidene-, selective [J-
in hydrogen fluoride, 21:446 toluenesulfonylation, 39:228
proton nuclear magnetic resonance benzyl 6-trityl-. synthesis, 39:220
spectroscopy, 39:249-253 ethyl hepta-0-acetyl-1-thio, synthesis,
p-toluenesulfonylation of, 33:36 39:243
pyrolysis of, 34:45, 159 ethyl 1-thio-6-O-trityl-, synthesis, 39:220
course of, 47:273,276 methyl
radiolysis and radical-induced scission. reaction with sulfuryl chloride,
3752 39:23 1-233

Maltoside (continued) methyl 2,3,2,3,4-penta-O-acetyl-6-

selective benzoylation, 39:225-226 deoxy-6-iodo-6-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-,
selective methanesulfonylation and p - synthesis, 39:229
toluenesulfonylation, 39:227-228 methy1,2,3,2,3,4-penta-O-acetyl-6,6-
structure, 39:215-216 dichloro-6,6-dideoxy-,mass
synthesis, 39:217 spectrometry, 39:258-260
methyl 3 ,6-anhydro-6-deoxy-, synthesis, methyl 2,3,6,2,3-penta-O-acetyl-4,6-di-
39:237 0-methyl-, mass spectrum, 39:261
methyl 3,6:3,6-dianhydro-, synthesis, methyl 2,6,2,3,6-penta-O-benzoyl-,
39:237 synthesis, 39:226
methyl 6,6-dichIoro-6,6-dideoxy-, methyl 2,3,2,3-tetra-U-acety1-4,6-0-
synthesis, 39:234 benzylidene-6-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-,
methyl 6,6-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-, synthesis, 39:228
synthesis, 39:228 methyl 2,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyl-6,6-O-di-
methyl 2,4,6,2,3,6-hepta-O-acetyl-3- p-tolylsulfonyl-, synthesis, 39:236
azido-3-deoxy-, proton nuclear methyl 2,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyl-3-O-
magnetic resonance spectroscopy, (methylsulfonyl)-6,6-di-O-trityl-,
39:252 proton nuclear magnetic resonance
methyl 2,3,2,3,4,6-hexa-O-acetyl-, spectroscopy, 39:253
synthesis, 39:235 methyl 2,6,2,3-tetra-O-benzoyl-4,6-0-
methyl 2,6,2,3,4,6-hexa-O-acetyl- benzylidene-, synthesis, 39:226
oxidation to 3-keto derivative, methyl 2,6,2-tri-O-benzoyl-4,6-0-
39:24&247 benzylidene-, synthesis, 39:226
proton nuclear magnetic resonance methyl 2,6,3-tri-O-benzoyl-4,6-0-
spectroscopy, 39:252 benzylidene-, synthesis, 39:226
methyl 2,6,2,3,4,6-hexa-O-acetyl-3- p-bromophenyl, synthesis, 39:2 18
azido-3-deoxy-, synthesis, 39:230 benzyl 0-, catalytic oxidation of, 33:XX
methyl 2,6,2,3,4,6-hexa-O-acetyl-3- methyl p-
bromo-3-deoxy-, synthesis, monohydrate, crystal structure, 2575,
39:23&237 31:368
methyl 2,3,6,2,3,6-hexa-O-acetyl-4-0- p-toluenesulfonylation of, 33:35
(methylsulfony1)-, proton nuclear reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 33:77
magnetic resonance spectroscopy, selective chlorination with
39:252 methanesulfonyl chloride, 33:8 1
methyl 2,6,2,3,4,6-hexa-O-benzoyl-, with methanesulfonyl chloride-N,N-
synthesis, 39:226 dimethylformamide complex, 33:261
methyl 2,3,2,3,4,6-hexa-O-methyl-, methyl 6,6-dichloro-6,6-dideoxy-P-,
preparation and oxidation, 39:222 preparation of, 33:X2
methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene- methyl 6,6-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-P-, 23:24 1
selective benzoylation, 39:225-226 selective acetylation of, 33:37
selective p-toluenesulfonylation, 39:228 properties, 39:263
methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-, synthesis, Maltosyl bromide, 2,3,6,2,3,4,6-hepta-O-
39:237 acetyl-, reaction with pyridine, 39:32
methyl 3-O-(methylsulfonyl)-6-trityl-, Maltosyl chloride
synthesis, 39:220 6,6-dichloro-6,6-dideoxy-,
methyl 6-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-, synthesis, penta(chlorosulfate), synthesis, 39:232
39:228 3,6,2,3,4,6-hexa-O-acetyI-2-0-
methyl 2,3,2,3,4-penta-O-acetyl-6,-6- (trichloroacety1)-0-, structure, 39:224
di-0-(methylsulfony1)-, synthesis, 6-O-a-Maltosylcyclodextrins, synthesis,
39:227 48:116

01-and P-Maltosyl fluoride, hydrolysis. gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of,

48:358-359 28:48
Maltosyl halides, properties, 39:27 1 tissues
Maltotetraohydrolase, ex0 and endo action a-o-mannosidase in, 28:403,407
patterns, 44: 148 biosynthesis of lactose in, 32:lO
Maltotetraose subcellular localization of 01-D-
63-a-D-g~~COSy~-, structure Of, 30:304 mannosidase in, 28:405
substrate, 30:299 trehalase from, 30:249, 252
6s a-maltotriosyl-, and enzyme specificity, Mandelic acid
30:269 L-, cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with,
64-a-maltotriosyl-,from pullulan, 30:335 46:222,224
Maltotriosan, synthesis of, 34: 159 (R)-(-)- and (S)-(+)-,preparation of,
Maltotriose 27:201-202
63-a-~-glucosy~-, and glucosidase-transferase Mango, development physiology of,
action, 30:299 42~340-341. 347,361,363,369, 372,
from pullulan, 30:336 378-379
62-a-maltosyl-, structure of, 30:304 Manna, 25:287, 308
63-a-maltosyl-, and glucosidase-transferase Mannan, 52:33433 8
action, 30:299 acetate, conformation of, 29:33 I
63-a-maltotetrosyl-,from pullulan, a-D-
30:334335 (1~6)-acetate,circular dichroism, 45: 121
62-~-maltotriosyl-, and enzyme specificity, (I-+6)-benzylderivative, circular
30:269 dichroism, 45:122
I ,6-anhydro-l(6)-thio-~-, preparation of, antiparallel packing arrangement,
34: 170 52:335-336
gel chromatography of, 25:33 biosynthesis of, 26:394-398,430
in honey, 25:297 of bacterial, lipid intermediates in. 26:430
laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:82 carbon-I 3 nuclear magnetic resonance
nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates, Spectra, 39:200
45: 149 crystallography of, 22:458,465
pyrolysis of, 34:45 D-
structure of, 32:193,39:357 biosynthesis of, 42:323-325
utilization by yeasts, 32: 194195 crystal structure bibliography, 40:389
P-Maltotriose hendecaacetate, reaction with synthesis, in pants, 44:366
phosphorus pentachloride, 39:35 yeast cell-wall, structure, enzymic
6-0-a-Maltotriosylcyclomaltoheptaose. 46: analysis, 44:248-250
246 0-acetyl-, crystal structure bibliography,
Maltouronic acid, synthesis, 39:246 33:398
Maltulose oxidation of ivory-nut, with dinitrogen
composition tetraoxide, 29:346
in aqueous solution, 42:65 packing arrangement, 52:337-338
in dimethyl sulfoxide, 42:68 in plant cell-walls, 26:300,44:359
in honey, 25:295, 300 proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of
liquid chromatography methods for analysis derivatives of, 27:40
of, 46:33 ( 1+4)-P-o-, enzymic analysis, 44: 165
taste properties, 45:254-255 structure of, 52:406
Mammals of green coffee bean, 26: I6
nerves X-ray diffraction pattern, 52:334-335
o-glucitol in, determination by gas-liquid yeast, 25:9
chromatography, 28:58 biosynthesis, 44:362-366

Mannan (continued) branched-chain, 41 :78-84

structural analysis by mass spectrometry, carbon-I 3 nuclear magnetic resonance
29:46 spectra, 41:78
Mannanase linear, 41:77-78
P-D-, 44:167, 169, 179-180 gas-liquid chromatography of, 30:92
A. niger, 44:170-171 hydrolysis products from methylated, 23:388
action on galactomannans, 35350 I, crystal structure bibliography, 33:398
activity, occurrence, and properties, 11, crystal structure bibliography, 33:398
35~366-371 interaction with concanavalin A, 35:173-1 75
in biodegradative hydrolysis of linear D-, carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic
galactomannans, 31:256 resonance spectra, 38:52-56
endo-( l+4)-, 44: 165 methylated, purificatyion by gel
exo-, 44: 165 chromatography, 30: 16
eXO-( 1+4)-p-D-, 44:149 methylation analysis of, 30:25
galactomannan reaction with, 31:272-273 protein complex with, 23:389
OI-D-,exo-, Arthrobacter, 44:233 pyrolysis of, from ivory-nut kernels, 34:44
V- structure, from ivory nuts, 35:7
amino acid composition of, 32:307 yeast, 23:386,41:82-84
assay of, 32:304 acetolysis of, 31:197
definition, 32:299, 303 methylation and gas-liquid
extraction from germinating seeds, 32:306 chromatography of, 30:22
mode of action ofbacterial, 32:309-310 Mannaric acid
of fungal, 32:310-313 2,s-anhydro-D-
ofplant origin, 32:313-314 dehydration of, 28: 166
occurrence of, 32:300-304 preparation of, 31: 18
physicochemical properties of, 1,4:6,3-dilactone, p-eliminative degradation
32 :307-309 of, 29:235
separation and purification of. 32:306-307 Mannaro- 1,4:6,3-dilactone
unit of activity of, 32:304-306 2,5-di-O-methyI-o-, reducing ability of,
em-, induction of, 30:262 33227
exo-a+-, activity of, 28:402,421 methylation with diazomethane, 33:202
p-D-Mannan mannobiohydrolase, exo-, 44: 165 Mannich condensation, 23:166
Mannans Mannide
P-D-(I h 3 ) - and P-D-(1+4)-linked, 23:397 p-, 25:246
branched-chain D-, carbon-13 nuclear D-, monooleate, as emulsifier in vaccine,
magnetic resonance spectra, 3 8 5 6 6 0 , 25:270
64 Manninotriose
from Candida species, 23:393 formation, 37:357
D- occurrence and structure, 37:310
antitumor activity of, 32:250-252, 261 Mannitol
in assay of v-mannanase activity, 32:305 1,2,-O-isopropylidene-~-, synthesis of, 28:4
formation in yeast cell-wall, 32:228 2-acetamido-
0-(carboxymethy1)-, antitumor activity of, 1,5-anhydro-2-deoxy-~-,24:225
32:251-252 1,2-dideoxy-l-nitro-o-, 24: 133
properties and antitumor activity of, 1,2-dideoxy-l-nitro-L-, 24:265
32:263 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl- 1,5-anhydro-2-deoxy-o-,
transfer of D-galactosyl substituents to, 24:225
44:172-173 2-amino- 1,5-anhydr0-2-deoxy-o-,
in yeast cell-walls, 32: 139-140 deamination of, 31:48
fungal, 23:383 I-amino-1-deoxy-o-, deamination of, 31:60

I ,4-anhydro- selective oxidation with mercuric

2,3-and-3,-5-0-benzylidene-o-, 25:265 acetate, 33: 100
D-, 29236 with sodium metaperiodate, 33:95
infrared spectrum of, 25:25 1 selective phosphorylation of, 33:50
preparation of, 33: 121 conformation of, 26:69
sweetness-structure relationship. 45:257 crystallography of, 25:64
di-0-benzoyl-o-, preparation of, 33: 120 from o-fructose, 22:283
3,5-O-benzylidene-o-, isomerization, D-fructose from, 22:233
39:2&27 1,6-dideoxy- I ,6-difluoro-2,5-0-
1,5-anhydro- methylene-, IH-and "F-NMR data
o-, 25237 for, 46: 159
preparation of, 33: 121 ester of adenosine 5'-pyrophosphate.
sweetness-structure relationship, 28:333
45:240, 249 3,4-ethylboronate, preparation, 35:4 1
2-S-benzyl-2-thio-o-, 24:209 hexanitrate, selective denitration,
sweetness-structure relationship, 39: 57-58
45:240-241 1,2:5,6-tetrakis(diethylborinate)3,4-
taste properties, 45:254 ethylboronate, selective cleavage,
2,5-anhydro- 39:54-55
D-, 24:193,25:194,208 1,2:3,4:5,6-tris(ethyIboronate), selective
preparation of, 31:20-22 cleavage, 39:54
I-deoxy-1,l-difluoro-o-, 22: 196,24:205, 3,4-0-benzylidene- 1.6-dideoxy- 1.6-
25:196 difluoro-2,5-O-methylene-, 'H-, and
preparation, 38:233 I9F-NMR data for, 46: 159
1,6-dichloro- 1,6-dideoxy-~-,25:257 1,2,43,5,6-penta-O-acetyl-3-deoxy-3-
1,3:4,6-di-O-methylene-o-, 23:277 fluoro-, 'H- and "F-NMR data for,
2,6-anhydro-, 1-deoxy- 1,l- 46: 159
bis(ethylsulfony1)-o-, preparation of, polysaccharide from, 32:5
32:86 in potato extracts, determination by
3,6-anhydro-, D-, oxidative cleavage of. gas-liquid chromatography, 28:57
25:209 production by alkane-grown Cundida
3-benzamido-2,4,5-tri-O-benzoyl- I ,3,6- zeylunoides, 32:234
trideoxy-o-, preparation of, 32:77 radiolysis and free-radical chemistry,
1,I-bis(benzamid0)-I-deoxy-o-, preparation 37:27
of, 31533, 86 sweetness-structure relationship, 45:295
1.6-bis[2-(chloroethyI)amino]-1,6-di-deoxy- 1,2,5.6-tetrakis(diethylborinate) 3.4-
D-, dihydrochloride, synthesis and ethylboronate, preparation, 35:40
antitumor activity of, 28:7 I ,2:3,4:5,6-triboronate, preparation, 35:40
1-bromo- 1-deoxy-o-, crystal structure 1,2:3,4:5.6-tris(phenylboronate),crystal
bibliography, 32:380 structure bibliography, 38:477478
1 -chloro-I-deoxy-o-, crystal structure tris(phenylboronate), hydrolysis, 35:50
bibliography, 32:380 utilization by yeasts, 32: 146
D- I-deoxy-
anhydridation of, 25:233 I-C-methyl-r-, preparation of, 27:242
B-form and K-form, crystal structure D-, identity with 6-deoxy-~-mannitol,
bibliography, 31:365 32:79
catalytic oxidation of, 33:88 I -(2-methylhydrazino)-~-,preparation of,
dehydration of, 33:121 29: 153
selective chlorination with sulfuryl I-nitro-. 24:69
chloride, 33:73 2-0-methyl-l-nitro-o-. 24: 130

Mannitol (continued) 3,6-di-O-(methylsulfonyl)-o-,

3-deoxy-, 3-fluoro-o-, 48: 164 displacement reactions of, 24: 158
6-deoxy-, 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-o-, 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropyIidene-
preparation of, 32:63 ~-,3,4-trithiocarbonate,acetobrominolysis,
2,5-diamino- 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-2,5-dideoxy- 39: 1 I 4
D-,deamination of, 31:55 3-O-(methyIsu~fony~)-o-, oxidation of,
1,2:5,6-dianhydro- 23:258
D-, formation of, 28:287 1,3:4,6-di-O-methylene-o-, 23:277
3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-, sulfonylation of, 1,6-di-O-(methylsulfonyl)-o-, 23:239
23:239 cytostatic activity, 28:7
1,4:3,6-dianhydro- reaction with sodium methoxide, 33: 131
2,-5-di-O-benzyl-o-, acetolysis of, 22: 16 2,5-di-O-(methylsulfonyl)-o-, cyto-static
D-, 49:96 activity of, 22:213
monostearate, surface activity of, DL-, 21:12-13
25:255 crystal structure bibliography, 38:432433
preparation of, 33: 12 1 synthesis, 40:2
ring opening of, 25:256 effect of alkali tetraborates on rotation of,
sweetness-structure relationship, 23:36
45:257,274 hexa-0-acetyl-o-, rearrangement in hydrogen
taste properties, 45:270 fluoride, 26: 176
di-0-benzoyl-o-, preparation of, 33: 120 liquid chromatography methods for analysis
2,5-di-O-benzyl-o-, acetolysis, 39:45 of, 46:33
2,5-di-O-methyl-~-,infrared spectrum of, 3-0-benzoyl- 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-
25:25 1 D-, oxidation of, 26:254
2,5-di-O-(methyIsulfonyl)-o-, 4-O-(metbylsulfonyl)-o-
displacement reactions of, 24: 150 displacement reactions of, 24: 157
2,5-di-O-p-toly~sulfony1-~-,displacement reaction with potassium fluoride,
reactions of, 24: 149 38:22 1
1,6-dibromo- 1,6-dideoxy-o-, 25:257 2,4-O-benzylidene- 1,6-dibromo- 1,6-dideoxy-
as antitumor agent, 28:287 3,5-di-O-(rnethylsu~fony~)-o-,
crystal structure, 43:338 cyclization by sulfonate displacement,
cytostatic activity, 28:7 33: I28
1,6-dichloro- 1,6-dideoxy-~-,crystal structure 3,4-0-benzylidene-2,5-O-methylene-
bibliography, 32:381 D-, proton magnetic resonance
1,6-dideoxy- spectroscopy of, and derivatives,
I ,6-difluoro-o-, preparation, 38:2 11 27~65
2,5-0-methylene-o-, proton magnetic 1,6-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-o-, fluorination,
resonance spectroscopy of, 27:65,73 38:210
3,5-di-O-acetyl- 1,6-dibromo- 1,6-dideoxy- 2.5-0-ethylidene- 1,3:4,6-di-O-methylene-~-,
2,4-di-O-(metbylsuIfonyl)-o-, proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy
cyclization by sulfonate displacement, of, 27:65
33:127-128 3,4,-O-isopropylidene-~-, selective
1,6-di-O-benzoyl-o- esterification with pivaloyl chloride, and
dehydration of, 33:120 with benzoyl chloride, 33: 13
p-toluenesulfonylation of, 33: 128 2,5-O-isopropylidene-1,3:4,6-di-O-
1,6-di-O-benzyl-2,5-0-methylene-o-, methylene-D-, proton magnetic
selective oxidation with dimethyl resonance spectroscopy of, 27:65
sulfoxide-acetic anhydride, 33:93 2,5-O-methylene-~-,sodium chloride, crystal
1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropyIidene- structure bibliography, 37:379
D-, selective hydrolysis, 39:23 6-O-(tert-butyldimethylsily)- 1-0-(tert-

butyldiphenylsily1)-2,3:4,5-di-O- acetonation of, 34: 155

methykne-o-, selective hydrolysis, conformation of. 34:153-154
39:64 crystal structure bibliography, 30:448
1-0-( tert-butyldiphenylsilyl)-2,3:4,5-di-0- preparation of, 34: 152
methyhe-o-, preparation. 39:64 synthesis, 39: 163
1,2,5,6-tetra-O-acetyl-, 3,4-O-methylene-~-, p-D-
oxidation by chromium oxide, 39:83-84 calcium chloride tetrahydrate, crystal
1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl- structure bibliography, 30:465
2,5,-0-methylene-l, I , 6,6,-d4-o-,proton xCaC1, 4 H , , 47:22-23
magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, 2,3:4,6-di-0-cyclohexylidene-,a+-,
27:73, 81 synthesis, 39:76
1-2,5-di-O-benzyl-o-, 22: 15 2,3:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-
2,5-0-methylene-o-, crystal structure OL-D-, 51:105-106
bibliography, 38:462463 acetobrominolysis, 39: 114-1 15
tetra-0-acetyl- 1,5-anhydro-o-, 24:22 1 carbon-I 3 nuclear magnetic resonance
rearrangement in hydrogen fluoride, spectroscopy, 41:53
26: 174 reaction with (p-methoxybenzoyl-
2,3,4,5-tetra-O-benzoyl-, reaction with methy1ene)diphenylphosphorane.
phosphorus pentachloride, 28:239 33: 154-1 55
1,2,5,6-tetra-O-benzoy1-3,4-0- D-
isopropylidene-o-, oxidation by acetolysis of, 22: 19
triphenylmethyl fluoroborate, 39:85 mass spectrum of, 21:77
1,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzyl-o-, selective oxidation selective oxidation with silver
with dimethyl sulfoxide-acetic carbonate-on-Celite, 33:97
anhydride, 33:93 2,3-O-cyclohexyhdene-a-o-, synthesis,
1,4:2,5 :3,6-trianhydro- 39:76
crystal structure bibliography, 34:346 2,3-O-isopropylidene-o-
o-, 25:247 acetobrominolysis, 39:l 15
3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-acetyl- 1,5-anhydro-2- 5,6-phenylboronate, preparation, 35:39
thio-D-, 24:209 1,2-S-ethylene-5,6-O-isopropylidene- 1,2-
1,3:2,5:4,6-tri-O-ethyIidene-o- dithio-cr-r)-, crystal structure, 43:22?
conformation of 1,3-dioxepane ring in, 1,5,6-tri-0-acetyl-2,3-O-isopropyl~dene-o-,
26: 1 14 acetolysis of, 22:20
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy tri-0-acetyl- 1,2-S-ethylene- 1,2-dithio-a-~-,
of, 27:65 preparation of, 32:57
selective hydrolysis, 39:22 3,5,6-hi-O-benzoyl-2-S-ethyl-2-thIo-o-,
1,2:3,4:5,6-tri-0-isopropylidene-o-. selective methanethiolysis of. 32:32
hydrolysis, 39:22 Mannofuranoside
1,3:2,5:4,6-trI-O-methylene-o- ethyl 2-S-ethyl- 1,2-dithio-a-~-, 25: 192
acetolysis, selective, 39:25 crystal structure bibliography, 30:452
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy preparation of, 31:65
of, 27:65 ethyl 2-S-ethyl2-S-ethyl- 1,2-dithio-a-o-,
selective hydrolysis, 39:22 preparation of, 32:3 I , 56,67
Mannitol-I, I , 6,6,-d4,1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI- ethyl 1,3,5,6-tetra-O-acetyI-2-S-ethyl-2-thio-
2,5,-0-methylene-o-, proton magnetic a,pa-, desulfurization by Raney
resonance spectroscopy of, 27:73, 81 nickel, 32:?6-77
D-Mannitol diardenite, 43:333 ethyl 3,5,6-tri-O-acetyI-2-S-ethyl- 1,2-dithio-
Mannocarolose, 23:392 OL-D-, desulfurization by Raney nickel,
Mannofuranose 32:76-77
1,6-anhydro-P-o- methyl OL-D-. 21:102, 122, 126

Mannofuranoside (continued) structure bibliography, 37:390

kinetics of formation of, 21: 110 N- ( p-bromobenzyl)-6-deoxy-3-C-methyl-
preparation from dithioacetal, 32:68,70 2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-~-,crystal structure
methyl p-D- bibliography, 30:454
acetolysis of, 22:20 Mannonic acids
conformation of, 21 :100 2-amino-2-deoxy-o-, deamination of, 31:58,
preparation from dithioacetal, 32:68,70 33:119
methyl 6-deoxy-2,3-O-isopropylidene-5-O- analytical high-performance liquid
p-tolylsulfonyl-a-L-, displacement chromatography, 46:34
reaction of, 24: 156 2,5-anhydr0-~-,25~189
methyl 5,6-di-O-acetyl-P-~-,2,3-carbonate, dehydration of, 28: I66
preparation of, and a-Danomer, 34:279 preparation of, 31:18, 33:119
methyl 2,6-di-O-benzyl-a-o-, synthesis, D-, 25343
39: 127 preparation of, 29: 119
methyl 2,3 :5,6-di-O-benzylidene-a-~-, Mannonolactone, 2-amino-2-deoxy-o-,
hydrogenolysis regioselectivity, 39: 127 deamination of, 25: 189
methyl 6-O-trityl-a-o-, selective p - o-Mannono- I $lactone
toluenesulfonylation of, 33:35 inhibition of a-D-mannosidase activity by,
Mannofuranosidurono-6,3-lactone,methyl p- 28:419
D-, synthesis of, 33:232 preparation of, 25:4
Mannofuranosylamine, N-acetyl-a- and-p-D-, Mannono- 1,4-lactone
preparation of, 31:86 2-amino-f-deoxy-o-, deamination of, 3 1 5 8
Mannofuranosyl bromide D-, trimethylsilyl ether, gas-liquid
2,3 :5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-a-o-, reaction chromatography of, 28:7 I
with base, 39: 147 2,3 :5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-o-, oxidation,
5-0-acetyl-6-bromo-6-deoxy-2,3-0- 38:32 1
isopropylidene-a-o-, synthesis, 39: 1 15 D-Mannophosphoinositides, biosynthesis of,
Mannofuranosyl fluoride 26:453
D- Mannopyranan, a+-
3,5,6,-tri-O-a~etyl-2-O-rnethyl-P-,'~C- carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic resonance
NMR data for, 46: 166 spectra, 38:5460
2,3:5,6-di-O-acetoxonium-, IH- and I9F- structure, 41:80-81
NMR data for, 46:98 Mannopyranose
2,3:5,6-di-O-benzoxonium-, IH- and IYF- 2-acetamido-
NMR data for, 46:98 2-deoxy-P-o-, monohydrate, crystal
2,3 :5,6-di-O-isopropylidene- structure bibliography, 34:355
I3C-NMR data for, 46: 166 1,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-2,6-dideoxy-6-fluoro-o-,
IH-, and 19F-NMR data for, 46:98 48:2 10
2,3:5,6-tetra-O-acetyl- a-o-, 45:74
I3C-NMR data for, 46: 166 crystal structure bibliography, 37:378
'H-, and I9F-NMR data for, 46:98 ester with adenosine 5'-pyrophosphate,
2,3,5,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-a-, IH- and ''F- 28:315, 339
NMR data for, 46:98 with 2'-deoxyguanosine 5'-
2,3:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-a-~-, synthesis, pyrophosphate, enzymic preparation
48:lOl-102 of, 28:340
per-0-benzoyi-a-D-, synthesis, 38:20 1 with guanosine 5 '-pyrophosphate,
D-Mannolipid, as intermediate in 28:319
polysaccharide biosynthesis, 42:323-324 with guanosine 5'-pyrophosphate,
Mannonamide enzymic preparation and fermentation
2,5-anhydro-6-0-benzoyl-o-, crystal production of, 28:339-340

with inosine 5'-pyrophosphate, enzymic 4-0-methyl- I-2-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-~-,

preparation of, 28:340 23:25 I
with thymidine 5 '-pyrophosphatc, 2-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-p-~-,preparation of,
isolation of, 28:322 34:8 I
of uridine 5'-pyrophosphate, 28:325 2-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-~-, 23:25 1
sweetness-structure relationship, 45:239 3-S-benzyl-3-thio-o-, preparation of,
taste properties, 45942 34:137
2-amino- 2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-p-~-
1,6-anhydro-2-deoxy-P-o-, preparation of, polymerization, 39: 182, 187
34:131 synthesis, 39:163
2-deoxy-P-o~-carba-,synthesis, 48:60-6 1 p-D-
4-amino- pentaacetate, from cellulose, 22:22
1,6-anhydro-2-deoxy-P-o- sweetness-structure relationship, 45:239
deamination of, 34: 128 taste properties, 45:242
preparation of, 34: 123, 131 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl,l,2-0-( 1-
1,6-anhydro-4-deoxy-p-o-, deamination benzyloxyethylidene) derivatives,
of, 31:40 proton spin-lattice relaxation, 45: 158
4,6-dideoxy-~-,23: 155 3,4,6-tri-0-acetyl,l,2-0-(1-
1,2-anhydro-, 3,4,6-tri-O-benzyl-P-o- methoxyethylidene) derivatives,
polymerization, 39:208-209 proton spin-lattice relaxation, 45: 158
synthesis, 39: 171-172 OL-D-, 1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acety1-2-deoxy-2-
1,3-anhydro-, 2,4,6-tri-O-benzyl-p-i)- thiocyanato-, 44: 145
polymerization, 39:207 D-
synthesis, 39: 170 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-, circular dichroism,
1,4-anhydro-, 6-deoxy-2,3-0-isopropylidene- 4595
a-L-,synthesis, 39: 166 2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-6-fluoro-
1,6-anhydro- 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 122
p-o-, 47:2 I I ,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-, 'H- and I9F- NMR
conformation of, 34:61 data for, 46: 122
copolymer with tribenzyl ethers of 1.6-anhydro-3-deoxy-3-fluoro-p-
levoglucosan, 34:73 2,4-di-O-acetyl-, 'H- and 19F-NMR data
esterification of, 33: 14 for, 46: I 14
per-0-substituted, 34:77 'H-and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 1 14
p-toluenesulfonylation of, 33:23 axial hydroxyl group on C-2,47:66
p-toluenesulfonylation of, 34:8 1 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-
sweetness-structure relationship, 45:269 cx anomer
D-, formation of, 34:47 I3C-NMR data for, 46: 162
2,3-dideoxy-2,3-epimino-p-~-, preparation 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46537
of, 34:129, 131 p anomer
2,3-0-benzylidene-p-~-,reaction with N- "C-NMR data for, 46:162
bromosuccinimide, 39: 107 'H- and I'F-NMR data for, 46:87
2,3-0-isopropylidene-P-~-, oxidation of, 1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI-, IH- and I9F-
34:97 NMR data for, 46:87
2,3-0-isopropylidene-4-0-p-tolylsulfonyl- 1,2,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI-cx-, IH- and "F-
p-O-,reactivity of, 24: 154 NMR data for, 46:92
2,3-O-isopropylidene 4-thio-p-o-, I ,3,4,6-tetra-0-acetyl-p-,13C-NMR data
preparation of, 34: 136 for, 46: 162
2-3-O-isopropyhdene-~-thio-p-~-, 23:225 1,4,6-tri-0-acetyl-3-U-methyl-, IH- and
4-O-methyl-P-o-, p-toluenesulfonylation "F-NMR data for, 46:87-88
of, 33:23 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-

Mannopyranose (continued) 0-o-glucopyranosyl-o-, octaacetate, from

a anomer cellulose, 22:22
')C-NMR data for, 46: 163 4,6-O-isopropylidene-~-, synthesis, 39:73
'H-and I9F-NMR data for, 46:92 1,2,3,4,6-penta-0-
P anomer acetyl-P-o-, ammonolysis of, 31:86
I3C-NMR data for, 46:163 nicotinoyl-P-o-, ammonolysis of, 31:89
'H-and I9F-NMR data for, 46:92 penta-0-acetyl-a-o-, rearrangement in
4-deoxy-4-fluoro- hydrogen fluoride, 26: 183
a anomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46: 164 per-0-trimethylsilyl-D-, mass spectrometry
P anomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46: 164 of, 29:48
hydrochloride, 2-amino-2,6-dideoxy-6- 2,3,4,6-tetra-0-acetl-a-~-,double p-
fluoro- elimination in, 29:283
a anomer, 'H-and I9F-NMR data for, tetra-0-acetyl-2- and-3-O-methyl-o-,
46:122 rearrangements in hydrogen fluoride,
P anomer, 'H-and I9F-NMR data for, 26: 184
46: 122 1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyI-P-o-,reaction with
orientation of hydroxyl groups for, in phosphorus pentachloride, 28:239
4 C , ( ~conformation,
) 45:75 tetra-O-acetyl-6-chloro-6-deoxy-~-o-,
6-deoxy a-L- 22: 184
crystal structure bibliography, 30:449 preparation of, 28:239
monohydrate, crystal structure 1,2,3,6-tetra-O-acetyI-4-0-(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-
bibliography, 38:430 acetyl-P-o-galactopyranosy1)-a+,
2-deoxy-2-fluoro-P-o- preparation of, 34: 162
crystal structure, 34:349, 38:280 tri-0-acetyl- 1,6-anhydro-P-o-, reaction with
preparation, 38:224 trifluoromethanesulfonic acid, 34:87
1,4:3,6-dianhydro-, D-, 49: 158 1,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-2,6-anhydro-~-,
I ,6:2,3-dianhydro- preparation of, 34: 129
p-D-, 25: 112-1 13 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl- 1,2-0-
preparation of, and derivatives, 34: 108, ( 1-benzyloxyethylidene)-P-D-, 51:89
111, 113 (I-methoxyethylidene)-P-~-, 51:83,89
4-deoxy-4-fluoro-P-o-, preparation, crystal structure bibliography, 37:398
38:217 3,4,6-tri-O-benzyl-I,2-0-, (1-
4-0-benzyl-P-o-, rnethoxyethylidene)-P-o-,selective
conversion to 1,6-anhydro-2,3-di-O- acetolysis, 39:46
methyl-P-o-glucopyranose, 34:79 Mannopyranose pentaacetate
as synthetic intermediate, 34: 120 carba-a-DL-, 48:3 1
4-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-p-~-,as synthetic carba-P-L-, synthesis, 48:44
intermediate, 34:121 Mannopyranoside, 2-amino-2-deoxy-a-o-
2,3:4,6-di-O-isopropylidene-o-, synthesis, glucopyranosyl a-D-,48:72
39:73 Mannopyranosides
L- a-o-glucopyranosyl a-D-,preparation of,
2,6-dideoxy-2-fluoro 34:265
a anomer, 'H-and 19F-NMRdata for, aldehydo-o-, pentaacetate aldehydrol,
46:133 23:25
P anomer, IH-and I9F-NMR data for, alkyl and aryl, interaction with concanavalin
46: 133 A, 35: 188
1,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-a-, IH-and 19F-NMR P-D-, synthesis, 49:82
data for. 46: 133 benzyl2,3-di-0-benzyl-4,6-0-benzylidene-
6-0-a-D-xy~OpyranOSyl-D-, preparation of, a-D-,hydrogenolysis regioselectivity,
28:236 39: 128

benzyl exo-2,3:4,6-di-O-benzyIidenc-01-r)-, 3,6-dideowy-6-O-p-toIyIsulfonyI-cu-~-,

hydrogenolysis and regioselectivity. 23:241
39: 132 methyl 6-acetamido-, 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-6-
D- deoxy-a-Dr-, synthesis, 40:72
methyl 2-deoxy-2-fluoro- methyl a-D-,21:458
'H-and acetolysis of, 22:20
I9F-NMR data for, 46238 2,3-and 4,6-phenylboronates and 2,3:4,6-
3-0-acetyl-4,6-0-benzylidene-P-, ' H- bis(phenylboronate), preparation.
and I9F-NMR data for, 46388 35:48
3-0-benzoyl-4,6-0-benzylidene-, ' H- methyl 6-deoxy-a-~-,2.3-
and I9F-NMR data for, 46:88 phenylboronate, preparation, 35:48
4,6-O-benzylidene-P-, IH-and '"F-NMR benzoylation of, 23:249
data for, 46:88 crystal structure bibliography, 30:45 1,
3-0-benzyl-4,6-0-benylidene-P-, 'H- 38:435
and I9F-NMR data for, 46:88 methylation of, 30: 15
3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-P-, IH-and '"F-NMR methyl ethers, separation of, 30:2 I , 25
data for, 46:88 hydrolysis of, 22:3 I
methyl 6-deoxy-6-fluoro- trifluoroacetic acid in, 28: 17
OI anomer, 'H-and I9F-NMR data for, preparation from dithioacetal and bromine,
46:96 32:70
I3C-NMR data for, 46: 165 reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 28:234,
2,3-di-O-methyl-a-, IH-and "F-NMR 33:74
data for, 46:96 relative reactivities of hydroxyl groups in,
2,3-di-O-meth~I-,~~C-NMR data for, 33:.58
46: 165 selectivc chlorination with
2,3-O-isopropylidene-a-, IH-and "F- methanesulfonyl chloride, 33:8 1
NMR data for, 46:96 selective esterification of, 33:28
2,3-O-i~opropylidene-,'~C-NMR data selective methanesulfonylation of, 33:27
for, 46: 165 sulfonylation of, 23:248
trifluoromethyl3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2- synthesis, 40: I 13
deoxy-2-fluoro-P-, 'H-and '"F-NMR 2,3,4-tri-0-acetyl-6-deoxy-6-thiocyanato-,
data for, 46:88 44: 145
2,6-diamino-2,6-dideoxy-~-, 23:24 I 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-thiocyanato-,
ethyl 3-amino-3,6-dideoxy-I-thio-B-i)-. 44: 14.5
formation of, 32:22 methyl 2-amino-
ethyl 4-O-benzoyl-2,3,6-tri-S-ethyl- 1,2,3,6- 2-deoxy-01-~-, deamination of, 31:4.547,
tetrathio-a-o-, preparation of, 32:33 234
ethyl l-thio- 2-deoxy-P-~-,deamination of, 31:47
P-0-,21:117 4,6-0-benzylidene-2,3-dideoxy-3-nitro-P-
preparation of, 32:2 1 D-, 24: 134
L-, trifluoromethyl 3,4-di-O-acetyl-2-,6- methyl 4-amino-
dideoxy-P-, 'H-and "F-NMR data for, 4,6-dideoxy-a-~-,deamination of, 31:3 1,
46:133 34
methyl 2,3,-di-O-acetyl-4,6-O-benzylidene- 4,6-dideoxy-2,3-0-isopropylidene-c-~-,
a-D-, reaction with N- deamination of, 31:34
bromosuccinimide, 39:99 methyl 2.3-anhydro-
methyl 3-acetamido- 01-D-, 23:106,25:145, 147
3-deoxy-6-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-cr-o-, 23:24 1 4,6-O-benzylidene OI-D-
3,6-dideoxy-a-o-, acetylation and crystal structure bibliography, 30:454
methanesulfonylation of, 33:3 I 0x0 reaction with, 23: 106

Mannopyranosides (continued) configuration of, 34: 196

4,6-O-benzylidene-o-, 25: 114, 141 hydrogenolysis regioselectivity, 39: 126,
methyl 2-anilino-4,6-0-benzylidene-2- 133
deoxy-a-o-, preparation of, 29:6 irradiation, 39:92
methyl p-D, 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2- preparation by acetal exchange,
thiocyanato-, 44: 145 34~187-188
methyl 6-chlor0-6-deoxy-a-o-, 2,3,4- reaction with N-bromosuccinimide,
tri(chlorosulfate), preparation of, 39~103-106
28:234,33:74 with butyllithium, 39: 139-140
methyl 4-deoxy-2,3,-0-isopropylidene-4-C- with triphenylmethyl fluoroborate,
methyl-6-0-methyl-a-o-, synthesis of, 39: I 12
27:28 1 selective hydrolysis, 39: 18
methyl 6-deoxy- synthesis, 39:78
a-DL-, synthesis, 40:69 methyl 2,3:4,6-di-O-isopropyIidene-
a-L- a-D-, selective hydrolysis, 39: 18-19
catalytic oxidation of, 33:89-90 D-, selective hydrolysis, 39:23-24
dibenzoylation of, 33:28 methyl 2,3 :4,6-di-O-(o-nitrobenzylidene)-a-
6-C-nitro-a- DL-, synthesis, 40:72 D-, irradiation, 39:91
2,3-U-isopropylidene-a-~-, chemical shift methyl 4,6-ethylidene-3-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-
values for, 32:42 D-, 23:25 1
2,3-O-isopropylidene-4-0- methyl 4-O-acetyl-6-deoxy-2,3-0-(~-
(methyhlfonyl)-a-o-, displacement nitrobenzy1idene)-a-r-, irradiation,
reactions of, 24: 189, 191 39:89
solvolysis of, 24: 194 methyl 2-0- and 3-O-acetyl-a-~-,acyl
2,3-0-isopropylidene-4-0- migration in, 33: 102
(methy1sulfonyl)-a-L-, 23: 177 methyl 2-0- and 3-O-carbamoyl-a-o-, acyl
2,3-O-isopropylidene-4-O-p- tolylsulfonyl- migration in, 33: I02
L-, displacement reactions of, 24:189, methyl 4-0-benzoyl-
191 3-bromo-2,6-dichloro-2,3,6-trideoxy-a-o-,
methyl 2,3-diamino-2,3-dideoxy-p-~-, dehalogenation of, 28:302
24:136 2,3-0-carbonyl-6-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-~-,
methyl 4,6-dideoxy-4-iodo-2,3-0- 23:266
isopropylidene-a+- 2,3,6-tri-S-ethyl- 1,2,3,6-tetrathio-a-o-,
iodine displacement, 28:282 preparation of, 32:33
preparation of, 28:242,282 methyl 3-O-benzoy1-4,6-U-benzylidene-a-o-
methyl 2,3-di-O-acetyl- acyl migration in, 33:102
4,6-O-benzylidene-a-o-, reaction with N- imidazole-catalyzed acyl migration in,
bromosuccinimide, 28:283 33:42
6-azido-4-O-benzoyl-6-deoxy-a-o-, preparation of, 33:22
preparation of, 28:283 methyl 4,6-0-benzoyl-2,3-0-isopropylidene-
4-O-benzoyl-6-bromo-6-deoxy-a-~-, a-D-, reaction with dibromomethyl
preparation of, 28:283 methyl ether, 39: 120
methyl 3,4-di-O-acetyl-, 6-deoxy-6-iodo-2- methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-
0-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-o-, crystal structure a-D-
bibliography, 38:47047 1 acetylation of, 33:22
methyl 4,6-di-O-acetyl-, a- DL-, synthesis, benzoylation with N-benzoylimidazole,
40:70 33:42
methyl 2,3-di-0-benzoyl-6-deoxy-a-~-, conformation of, 34: 199
sulfonylation of, 23:237 hydrogenolysis regioselectivity, 39: 125
methyl 2.3:4,6-di-O-benzylidene-a-o- hydrolysis of, 34:202

selective benzylation of, 33:55 methyl 2.3,6-tri-O-benzoyI-, 4-0-acetyl-2-

p-D-, acetylation of, 33:22 bromo-2-deoxy-a-o-, displacement
2-deoxy-2-C-methyl-3-0-methyl-n-. reaction of, 24:161
carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic methyl 2,3,6-tr-O-(methylsuIfonyl)-a-o-,
resonance spectroscopy, 41 :65 23:248
2,3-dideoxy-2,3-di(phenylazo)-~u-n-. phenyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-6-0-p-
crystal structure bibliography. 38:479 tolylsulfonyl-a-o-, 23:24 1
2,3-dideoxy-2,3-epithio-a-o-, 22: 158, phenyl OL-D- and P-D-, l,h-anhydride
25:139 formation from, 34:29-30
2-(o-carboxyphenylamino)-2,3-dideoxy-3- 2-S-ethyl-2-thIo-o-, preparation of, 32:3 1
nitro+-, and methyl ester, 24: 136 4-thio-0-, 23:225
methyl 4,6-0-ethylidene-a-o- trifluoromethyl 3,6-di-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-
2,3-dinitrate, selective denitration, 39:56 fluoro-4-0-(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-p-D-
p-toluenesulfonylation of, 33: 14 galactopyranosy1)-pa-, preparation,
methyl 2,3-~-isopropyhdene-a-~- 38:232
conformation of, 34:200 trifluoromethyl 3,4,6-tr-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-
synthesis, 39:79 fluoro-p-o-, preparation, 38:23 1
methyl 4,6-0-isopropylidene-a-o-, synthesis, 2-0-hflyl-D-, 48: 125
39:79 tri-0-acetyl- 1.2-S-ethylene-1-2-dithio-a-o-,
methyl 6-0-methyl-a-~-, preparation of, 32:57
ethoxycarbonylation of, 33:30 Mannopyranosiduronic acid
methyl 4-0-methyl-2,3,6-tri-O- methyl OL-D-
(methylsulfony1)-a-o-. infrared acid-catalyzed hydrolysis, 36:84
spectrum, 23:256 circular dichroism spectra, 36:90
methyl 3-0-( p-nitrophenylsulfonyI)-a+, methyl ester, preparation, 36:74
solvolysis and ring contraction of, p-nitrophenyl a-D,preparation, 36:71
24: 193 Mannopyranosylamine
methyl 6-O-trityl-a-o, selective p - a-DL-carba-, synthesis, 48:59,61
toluenesulfonylation of, 33:27 N-acetyl-a-o-, preparation of, 31:86
methyl tetra-O-methyl-a-D-, mass spectrum N-acetyl-P-o-, configuration of, 31: 104
of, 21:61 N-benzoyl-u-, preparation of, 31:83, 122
methyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyyl-, a-D-.crystal 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzoyI-p-~-% ammonolysis
structure bibliography, 34:372 of, 31:122
methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-, 6-bromo-6-deoxy- Mannopyranosyl chloride
OL-D-, preparation by Pinner reaction, WD-, 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-
28:257 thiocyanato-, 44: 145
methyl 2,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-, 3-deoxy-3-nitro- tetra-0-acetyl-a-r-, crystal structure
p-D-,dehydroacetylation of, 24: 129 bibliography, 37:394
methyl 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyI- 2,3,4,6-tetra-0-benzoyl-a-~-, crystal
2-bromo-2-deoxy-a-o-, reaction with structure bibliography, 38:48 1 4 8 2
sodium cobalt tetracarbonyl and 3,4,6-tri-0-acetyl-2-chloro-2-deoxy-
carbon monoxide, 28:293 a-D-,preparation of, 28:262
2-deoxy-2-iodo-a-o-, reaction with p-D-. preparation of, 28:261-262
sodium cobalt tetracarbonyl and tri-O-acetyl-6-deoxy-a-~-,crystal structure
carbon monoxide, 28:293 bibliography, 37:387
methyl tri-0-acetyl- Mannopyranosylh-erythritol, 4-0-p-o-, taste
2-deoxy-2-bromo-a-o-, 0x0 reaction with, properties, 45:275
23: 1 12 Mannopyranosyl fluoride
2-deoxy-2-iodo-a-o-, 0x0 reaction with, Q-D-, reaction with sodium methoxide, 34:31
23: 110 2-bromo-2-deoxy-P-o-. 22: 194

Mannopyranosyl fluoride (continued) galactopyranosyl-P-D-, synthesis,

o(-D-, polymerization of, 21 :458 38:204
D- 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-brom0-2-deoxy-
2-deoxy-2-fluoro- 24:204
P anomer, IH-and "F-NMR data for, crystal structure bibliography, 31:367
46: 146 crystal structure of, 25:74
3,4,6-tri-O-acetyI-, IH-and "F-NMR P-D-, crystal structure bibliography,
data for, 46: 147 31:367
2,3-di-O-benzoyl-4,6-di-O-methyl, 'H-and tri-O-acetyl-2-chloro-2-deoxy-P-~-,
I9F-NMR data for, 46:84-85 preparation, 38:237
2-0-benzoyl-4,6-di-O-rnethyl-a-, 'H-and 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyI-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-P-~-
I9F-NMR data for, 46:85 F-2 chemical shift, 38:257
3-0-benzoyI-4,6-di-O-methyl-P-, 'H-and preparation, 38:23 1
I9F-NMR data for, 46:85 3,4,5-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-iodo-a-~-,
2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl- 24:205
')C-NMR data for, 46: 161 o-Mannopyranosyl radicals, 49:72-73
'H-and "F-NMR data for, 46:84 O-a-D-MannopyranosyI-( 1-+3)-O-p-o-
2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-a-, IH-and I9F- mannopyranosyl-( 1+4)-2-acetamido-2-
NMR data for, 46534 deoxy-a-D-glucopyranose, crystal
3,4,6-tri-O-acetyI-2-deoxy- structure, 43:253-254
2-bromo-, 'H-and IyF-NMR data for, 0-Mannopyranosyl trichloroacetimidates
46: 130 acetylated, glycosylation, 50:58,6&67
2-chloro-, 'H-and I9F-NMR data for, as donors, 5 0 : 5 8 , 6 M 7
46: 130 glycosides and saccharides from, 50:58,
2-iodo-, IH-and I9F-NMR data for, 6245
46: 130 reaction with, 50:58, 61
3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-O-rnethyl-a- Mannopyranosyluronic acid, a-o-
I3C-NMR data for, 46:161 ester of guanosine 5'-pyrophosphate.
IH-and "F-NMR data for, 46:132 28:320
2,4,6-tri-O-a~etyl-3-O-rnethyl-ol-,'~C- phosphate, preparation, 36:71
NMR data for, 46: 16 1 Mannopyranuronic acid
2-deoxy- p-D-, structure, 45: 102
2-fluoro-P-~-,conformation, 48: 177 1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyl-o, methyl ester,
2-iodo-p-o-, 22:194 preparation, 36:66
3,6-di-O-acetyl-, 2-deoxy-Z-fluoro-4-0- Mannosamines
(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-P-o- 4-deoxy, composition in aqueous solution,
galactopyranosy1)-P-D-,preparation, 42:47
38:232 trichloroacetimidates, as glycosyl donors,
3,6-di-O-acetyl-, 4-0-(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyI- 50:98, 103
P-o-glucopyranosy1)-a+-,from Mannose
cellobiose, 26: 188 2,3,4-,2,4,6, and 3,4,6-tri-O-methyl-o-, and
L- gas-liquid chromatography of
I3C-NMRdata for, 46: 173 trimethylsilyl ethers of, 30:25
3,4-di-O-acetyI-2,6-dideoxy-2-fluoro-P-, 3-acetamido-
IH-and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 153 3-deoxy-o-, nitrosation of, 31:67
'H-and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 132 3,6-dideoxy-~-,mercaptalation of, 32:27
per-O-acetyl-2- 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-o-, crystal structure
bromo-2-deoxy-a-~-,synthesis, bibliography, 32:381
38:202-203 a-D-
deoxy-4-fluoro-4-0-P-o- crystallography of, 25:61

2-(hydroxymethyl) derivatives, circular mutarotation of, 25:2 13

dichroism, 4 5 7 9 preparation of, 31:18, 33: 115
sweetness, effect of infrared hydroxyl properties of, and derivatives, 31:19
absorption bands and hydrogen- reaction with phenylhydrazine, 2 5 2 12
bonding strength, 4 5 2 1 6 2 I7 structure of. 31:9
(Y-DL-, crystal structure bibliography, 3 I :365 and derivatives, 3 I : 19-2 1
2-amino- 3,6-anhydro-, 2.4-di-O-methyI-o-.
3,h-anhydro-2-deoxy-o- derivativcs, composition in aqueous solution, 42:58
24: 1 76 2-azido-2-deoxy-o-, derivatives,
2-deoxy-, deamination of, 33: 1 IS hichloroacetimidates, glycosylation,
2-deoxy-o-. 24: 1 12,208 50:98, 103
deamination of, 25:187, 31:40-44 p-0-
3-amino- bitterness, 45:322
3-deoxy-o- crystallography of, 2561
deamination of, 31:29 sweetness-structure relationship, 45:248
derivative, 22: I32 3-benzamido-
diethyl dithioacetal, preparation of, 3,6-dideoxy- D-, mercaptalation of, 32:27
32:22 2,4,5-tn-O-benzoyl-3,6-dideoxy-u-.
preparation by acetoxonium diethyl dithioacetal, hydrogenolysis
rearrangement, 26: 162 by Raney nickel, 32:77
3,6-dideoxy-o-, diethyl dithioacetal. composition in nonaqueous solvents, 42:68
preparation of, 3 2 2 2 IU-,48~282
6-amino-, 6-deoxy-u- absorptive rate by human jejunum, 34:289
composition in aqueous solution, 42:5 I derivatives, cyclic acetals, Table,
preparation of, 28:283 34:236238
1.6-anhydro- pyrolysis of, 34:46. 152
p-0- 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-, nonselective
complexes, 34:54-55 spin-lattice relaxation rates, 45: I48
from mannan pyrolysis, 34:44 alkaline degradation of, 46:292
D-, formation of, 34:36 anomers. correlation between CH
2,3-anhydro-, D- orientation and vibrational
composition in aqueous solution, frequencies observed, 44:2 1
4259-60 in aqueous solution, 42: I6
composition in nonaqueous solvents, composition, 4226, 28. 3 I , 34,45,47,
4261, 68 63
2,5-anhydro- inorganic ion effects. 42:34
D-, 25:181, 185 polarimetry, 42: 17
degradation mechanism of, 28: 164- I65 calcium chloride complex, mutarotation
dimethyl acetal and, 25212 of, 23:35
mutarotation of, 25:2 I3 catabolism of, 32: 173
preparation of, 33: 1 15 catalytic oxidation of, 33:87
reaction with phenylhydrazine, 25:2 12 diethyl dithioacetal. selective
4,6-O-benzylidene-u-, 25: 118. 188 methylation of. 33:66
4-O-(r-idopyranosyIuronicacid 2-sulfate). dithioacetals, selective esterification of,
D-, 6-sulfate, from heparin, 31:236 33:40
3,4,6-tri-O-methyl-aldehydo-~-, reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 33:76
mutarotation of, 25:2 14 in cellulose structure, 26:326
2,25:5-anhydro-, D-, 2 5 1 8 1 , 185 complex formation with phenylboronic
degradation mechanism of, 28: 164-165 acid, 35:49
dimethyl acetal and, 2 5 2 12 structure. history, 35:5

Mannose (continued) inhibition of lipid-linked oligosaccharides,

diethyl dithioacetal, methylation of, 32:49 40:326,333-334
dithioacetals, hydrolysis of, 32:67 labeled
oxidation of, 32:84 PET technique, 48:203
oxidation by Acetobacter suboxydans. synthesis, 48:192-194, 198
32:82 preparation, 38:23 1-233
preparation of, 32:21 synthesis, 48:128-129
2,6-di-O-methyl-, see Curamycose 3-deoxy-, 3-flUOrO-D-, 48~164,183
dithioacetals, hydrolysis of, reaction with composition in aqueous solution, 42:45
sulfonyl chloride, 32:48 6-deoxy-
electro-oxidation of, 29:117 composition
gel chromatography of, 2 5 3 2 in aqueous solution, 42:63
glycoenzyme constituent, 27:302,307, in dimethyl sulfoxide, 42:68
321 L-, see Rhamnose
in glycoprotein of urine, 24:44 1,443 determination of enantiomeric form, 46:66
in glycoproteins, 25:413 2,3-diamino-2,3-dideoxy-o-, 24: 135-136
guanosine 5-pyrophosphate ester in red 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-o-, 47:306
alga, 32:9 4,6-dideoxy-4-[(S)-2,4-
halogen derivatives of, 22:225 dihydroxybutanamidol-D-,47: 175-
infrared spectrum of, 23:39 176
intramolecular hydrogen bonding in, 3,4:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-~-dithioacetals,
4 5 2 16-2 17 preparation of, 32:54
in keratan sulfate, 25:441 trimethylene dithioacetal, preparation of,
mercaptalation of, 32:2 1 32:38
methanolysis of, 28: 19 3,4-di-O-methyl-, mass spectrum, 38:399
mutarotation and gas-liquid 3,6-di-O-methyl-, mass spectrum,
Chromatography of, 28:40 38:399400
nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates, 2,3-di-O-methyl-~-,composition in aqueous
45: 148 solution, 42:45
(p-bromophenyl)hydrazone,crystal 2,4-di-O-methyl-o-, synthesis and gas-liquid
structure bibliography, 31:367 chromatography of, 30:21
pernicotinate, ammonolysis of, 31:89 3,6-di-O-methyl-o-, synthesis and gas-liquid
in plant cell-wall hydrolyzates, liquid chromatography of, 30:21
chromatography analysis, 46:55 GDP-D-
polarography and reactions with in cellulose biosynthesis, 42:3 17-319
hydrazine, semicarbazide, and in polysaccharide biosynthesis, 42:323,
hydroxylamine, 29: 152 327
polarography of, 29: 126 L-
protein linkage with, 25:418 derivatives, cyclic acetals, Table,
proton spin-lattice relaxation rates, 45: I50 34:23&238
radiation chemistry, 37:33 gel chromatography of, 2 5 3 2
ring structure of, 23:4 synthesis, 40:2
solubility in methanol, 27:97 liquid chromatography, 46:33,52-53
in trichloroacetonitrile, 27: 1 13 methylation analysis of, 30:20-2 1
sweetness, 49220 methyl ethers
synthesis, 40:2 of D-, 8:217-230
trimethylsilyl ethers, mutarotation of, periodate oxidation and gas-liquid
42:22 chromatography of, 30:34
utilization of, 32:21 6-O-(ol-~-ga~actopyranosyluronic acid)+-,
2-deoxy-, i!-fluoro-o-, 48: 171 preparation of, 31: 194

6-O-a-o-xy~opyransoyh-,preparation of, gas-liquid chromatography of, 30:28

34:258 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2,5-anhydro-o-, formation
0-P-D-, glucopyranosyluronic acid-( 1-2)- by deamination, 31:22, 68-69
0-o-mannopyranosyl-( 1+4)-O-p-u- 2,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-P-o-,methylation and acyl
glucopyranosyluronic acid-( 1+2)-u-. migration in, 33: 104
24:355 3,5,6-tri-O-benzoyl-2-S-ethyl-2-thio-o-,
2-O-P-o-glucopyranosyl-o-, 24:357 diethyl dithioacetal. preparation of,
2-0-P-o-glucopyranosyluronicacid-n-, 32:32
24~354,359-360 3,4,6-tri-O-methyl-, and gas-liquid
3-O-~-arabinopyranosyI-o-, 24: 355 chromatography of, 30:3 1
2-O-methyl-o- 2,3,6-tri-O-methyl-o-, synthesis and
composition in aqueous solution, 42:45 gas-liquid chromatography of, 30:2 1
formation from dithioacetal, 32:68 2,4,6-tri-O-rnethyl-o-, gas-liquid
nucleoside, preparation, 42:254 chromatography of, 30:3 1
3-O-methyl-o-, from Klebsiella 0-group 5 synthesis and gas-liquid chromatography
lipopolysaccharide, 29:67 of, 30:2 I
5-O-methyl-o-, composition in aqueous a-o-Mannose antibodies, 53:2 19-220
solution, 42:4546 Mannose 2,3-carbonate, D-, composition in
2,3,4,5.6-penta-O-acetyl-o-, diethyl aqueous solution, 4 2 5 9
dithioacetal, oxidation of, 32:83 D- Mannose kinas,. in metabolism of D-
1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-benzoyl-a-o-, fructose, 34:33 1
ammonolysis of, 31536 Mannosidase
3,4,5,6-penta-O-benzoyl-2-S-ethyl-2-thio- OI-D-, 25:466,28:401445,44:209,234-236
aldehydo-n-,ammonolysis of, 31 :1 14 A . nigev.44333
and phenylhydrazone, 21:lO action on naturally occurring substrates,
2-S-ethyl-2-thio-~-,25: 194 28:437445
diethyl dithioacetal, crystal structure activation and inhibition of, 28:416420
bibliography, 31:353, 32:367 activity, in certain mammalian tissues,
hydrolysis of, 32:67 28:403
nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum changes in iivo, 28:434-437
and conformation of, 32:92 in molluscs, 28:405406
ethyl phenyl dithioacetal, identification by of plant seeds, 28:404
mass spectrometry, 32:94 in sucrose homogenates of mammalian
preparation of, 3 2 5 6 tissues, 28:407
I ,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-2,5-anhydro-u- assay, 28:408
dimethyl acetal, 25:194 distribution in nature, 28:402405
methyl hemiacetal, 25: 194 in sucrose homogenates of mammalian
preparation of, 28:288 tissues, 28:407
3,4,5,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-2-S-ethyl-2-thio-~- effect of zinc2' and other cations on
diethyl dithioacetal (Brigl's compound), activity of, 28:422,424431
dimethyl acetal from, 32:65 epididymis, purification of, 28:411
preparation of, 32:30, 31 residual activity of purified, 28:4 1 4 -
ethyl phenyl dithioacetal, preparation of, 415
32:32 history, 28:401
2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyI-o- inactivation by heat, 28:4 16
acetate, and gas-liquid chromatography inhibition by swainsonine, 48:342. 344
of, 30:29 jack bean, 44:232-233
composition in aqueous solution, 42:45 purification of, 28:410412
1-thio-a-o-, 53:220-223 residual activity of purified, 28:414
trimethylsilyl ethers of methylated, limpet, activation of, 28:417419

Mannosidase (continued) 3-deoxy-3-(thiocyanato)-o-, 25: 139

effect of chloride ion on activity of, 2,3-epimino-o-, 22: 143
28:431432 methyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-, effect of
purification of, 28:411 volatility on methylation analysis of,
residual activity of purified, 28:415 30:17
metal analysis of fractions during trimethylsilylation and separation of,
purification, 28:435 30:25
as metalloenzyme, 28:423, 433 methyl 2,4,6-tri-O-methyl-, tri-
PH methylsilylation and separation by
and activity of, 28:4 1 2 4 13 gas-liquid chromatography of, 30:25
and stability of, 28:413416 methyl 3,4,6-tri-U-methyl-, tri-
in plant cell-walls, 42301. 376 methylsilylation and separation by
purification of, 28:409412,424 gas-liquid chromatography of, 30:25
residual activity of purified, after p-nitrophenyl-a-D-, hydrolysis, effect of
incubation, 28:414415 limpet a-D-mannosidase on,
specificity of, 28:420422 28:4 18-41 9
as structural reagent in ovalbumin, by jack bean meal, 28:430
28:437443 Mannosidosis
subcellular localization in manmialian H-NMRspectroscopy, 45:63
tissues, 28:405408 glycoprotein (compounds 5), 41:219,
p-D-, 44:165, 168,209 227-230
assay, 28:408 glycoprotein (compounds 64), 41:344,
for biodegradative hydrolysis of 350-351
galactomannans, 31:256 glycoprotein (compounds 65), 41:344,
distribution in Nature, 28:420 351-352
in galactomannan degradation during glycoprotein (compounds 66), 41:344,
germination of seeds, 35:362, 351, 353-355
366-371 glycoprotein (compounds 67), 41:344,
occurrence, 35:372-375 351,355-357
and activity of, 28:420 structure of oligosaccharides of urine,
in plant cell-walls, 42:301 37:182, 190,205,209
purification, and properties, 35372-375 Mannosylamine, N-benzoyl-o-, preparation of,
in carbohydrate degradations, 38:4 13 31:83, 86
Mannoside Mannosyl bromide
3-amino-3-deoxy-~-,derivative, 22: 132 4-0-benzoyl-2,3-carbonyl-6-deoxy-a-~-,
methyl a-D- 21:296
periodate oxidation of, 33:95 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyyl-a-r-,21:29 I
phenylboronate, preparation. 3 5 3 8 2,3,4-tri-O-benzoyl-6-deoxy-a-~-, 21:290
methyl 4-0-benzoyl-2 Mannosylceramide, from freshwater bivalves,
3-O-carbonyl-6-deoxy-a-o-, 21 :295 44:420
3-O-carbonyl-6-deoxy-p-~-, 21:296 ol-D-Mannosyl chloride, 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-
3-O-carbony~-6-O-p-to~y~sulfony~-a-~-, deoxy-2-thiocyanato-, synthesis, 44: 130
21:295 o-Mannosyltransferase, 44: I79
methyl D-, 25: 125 in cellulose biosynthesis, 42:3 18-319
halogen derivatives of, 22:225 GDP-, 44~244
methyl 6-deoxy-6-O-sulfo-a-o-, 22203 Mannuronan, D-, crystal structure bibliography,
methyl di-0-methyl-, gas-liquid 33:403
chromatography of trimethylsilyl ethers o-Mannuronan lyase, 44: 192
of, 30:25 Mannuronic acid
methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene- 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-o-, 41: 164-167

D- of formosc reduction products. 29:207

of alginic acid, 35: 10 Fourier-transform. 45:36
methyl ethers, synthesis, 35:11 future developments. 45:7 1-72
derivatives, preparation, 36:66 and gas-liquid chromatography in structural
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:64 studies. 30: 103-104
isolation of crystalline anomers, 39:3 4 techniqucs of, 30:4345
on fungal polysaccharides, 23:412 glycolipids, 51:173-174
L-, isolation of crystalline anomers, 39:3-4 of hemicelluloses, 36:264
~-Mannurono-6,3-lactone high mass, 45:35
mutarotation kinetics, 23:57 high-voltage, double-focusing, sector. 45:36
polography of, 29: I63 instrumentation, 29:42
Mannurono- 1,4-lactone, D-, mutarotation of. magnetic-sector, maximum mass range,
23:33 4536
Marenzi, A.D., 46: 13 maltose and derivatives, 39:258-263
Marine microorganisms, bioactive products of methylated monosaccharides, 29:3 I 1
from, 48: 14 in methylation analysis of alditol acetates,
Marini-Bettolo, G., 46: 13 30:30
Marrow, development physiology of, 42:380 for methylation completeness, 38:391
Mascaroside ditmethanolate), crystal structure mucin oligosaccharide chains, 50:322-328
bibliography, 38:479480 of nucleosides, 21:90
Mass fragmentography, 38:405.413,4 15 of oligosaccharides, 21:93, 50:3 12-3 13
Mass spectrometry, 21:40,46:69 partial, per-0-trimethylsilylated dihexulose
of acetals, 21:74, 79 dianhydrides, 52:253
of aldonic acids, 38:3 18 of partially methylated sugars, 38:398402
of aldoses and ketoses, 21:66 of permethylated glycolipids, 38:394-395
of amino sugars, 21:67,93 of polysaccharides. 24:338
of 1,6-anhydrofuranoses, 34: 155 polysaccharide structure determination by.
of 1,9-anhydrohexopyranoses, 34:62 30:3745
of anhydro sugars, 21:93 principles of interpretation of, 21:43,45
of carbohydrate boronates, 35:41, 65 -70 scope and limitations of, 21:43
of carbohydrate derivatives, 21:39-93.46 of sialic acids. 40:165-167
chemical-ionization, 29:43, 8 1-84 of sphingosines, 24:390
of methylated alditol acetates, 38:40 I 4 0 2 stereochcmistry and, 21:79. 92
of cyclic acetals, 26:229-233 of stereoisomers, 2 1 5 9
of degradation products of polysaccharides. in structural analysis of natural
31:239 carbohydrates, 29:41-105
of 5-deoxy-5-phosphino- and 5-phospliinyl- and structurc of cyclic acetals, 34: 192-194
L-idopyranoses, 42: 165-1 72 of sucrose derivatives, 33:278-281
of deoxy sugars, 21:204 of sulfonic esters of carbohydrates, 23:254
of deuterated sugars, 27: 146, 149 of thioacetals, 21:93, 205-206
of deuterio-labelled and unlabelled time-of-flight, 45:36
compounds, 30:39 of tri-O-acetyl-o-glucal and other
1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitols, 49:l 10, I 12- I 14 unsaturated sugars, 24:2 19
of diastereoisomers, 30:39 Mass spectrometry-NMR spectroscopy. 45:70
of disaccharides, 21:69 Masuda, F., 46:6-7
of dithioacetals, 32:92-97 Mate, 46:13-14
effect of substituents on, 21:54 4-0-Methylglucuronoxylans
extended mass-range, 45:37 enzymic analysis, 44: 16 I
of fluorinated carbohydrates, 38:253-255, white willow, enzymic analysis, 44: 162
285 Matsushima, Y., 46:9

Maturation during germination of seeds, 35:362-366

of glycans, 37: 188 Melibiitol
raffinose family oligosaccharides during, of 1,l -bis(acetamido)-1 -deoxy-, preparation of,
plants, 37:358 31:94
Meadow-mushroom lectin, see Mushroom sweetness-structure relationship, 45:275
lectin Melibiononitrile, octa-0-acetyl-, ammonolysis
Mechanism-based inhibitors, 48:364 of, 31:98
Meconium Melibiose, 21:30
glycoproteins, expressing oncofetal antigens, in honey, 25:295
f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 45:64 liquid chromatography methods for analysis
new-born human, glycoproteins (compounds of, 46:33
23 and 24), 'H-NMR spectroscopy, nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates,
41:270-272,275-276 45: 149
glycoprotein (compounds 29), 'H-NMR occurrence, 37:309-3 10
spectroscopy, 41:270,273,279, octa-0-acetyl-, ammonolysis of, effect of
282 solvent on, 31: 100
glycoproteins (compounds 25 and 26), 'H- octa-0-methyl-, ammonolysis of, 31:94
NMR spectroscopy, 41:270,273, pyrolysis of, 34:45, 152
275,277-278 radiolysis and radical-induced scission,
glycoproteins (compounds 27 and 28), 'H- 37:52
NMR spectroscopy, 41:270,273, reaction with aqueous ammonia, 25:313,
277,280 315
Medlar, development physiology of, 42:37 1 structure, 39:359
Megalomycin A, 4-0-(4-iodobenzoyl)-, sweetness, comparison to D-galactose,
dihydrate, crystal structure, 43:272-273 45:247
Megosamine, DL-,synthesis, 40:23, 25-26 utilization by yeasts, 32:205-208,
Megosaminic acid lactone, synthesis, 40:23 39:374-378
Melamine resins, anhydrohexitols for, 25:267 a,P-Melibiose, monohydrate, crystal structure
Melanoidins bibliography, 37:388,38:448449
13C-and lSN-cp./massNMR spectra, 47:257 Melibiosylamine, N-acetyl-P-, configuration of,
carbon types, 47:257-258 31:105
formation, 46:307,47:223-224, 257, Melizitose, in honey, 25:286,295, 301,308
259-262 Melon, development physiology of, 42:371
in ammonolysis, 31:89-91 Melting points, of deoxy sugars, 26:279-296
mutagenicity, 47:269-270 Meningitis, capsular polysaccharide vaccine,
nondialyzable, 47:256-257 for infants, 41:195-197
oxidation, 47:256-257 Meningococcal disease, polysaccharide
precursors, 47:259 vaccines, 41:193-195
spectral analysis and identification, 44:24 Mental retardation, lysosomal enzyme and
structure, 47:256 glycopeptides in, 29474
Melanoma, 44:240 Menthone, 53:367
Melezitose, 2: 1-36 Menthyl benzonylformate, mutarotation of,
monohydrate, crystal structure bibliography, 23:12
32:381,37:404 Mephrobarbital, cyclodextrin inclusion
solubility in methanol, effect of calcium complexes with, 46:223-224
chloride on, 27:95 Mercaptalation
structure of, 8:277-290,32: 193,39:357 of carbonyl compounds, 32: 18
utilization by yeasts, 32:194 of deoxyhexoses, 32:23
and associations of abilities, 32:226 effect of substituents on, 32:27-36
Melibiase, in galactomannan degradation stereochemistry and, 32:20

Mercaptals, of aldoses, 21: 19 of ethanol, effect of o-fructose on,

Mercaptans, reaction with aldoses, 21: I9 34:3 17-322
Mercaptolysis, of polysaccharides, 26: 13. of fat, 2:119-160
31:190,32:29 D-glucuronic acid in, 8:251-275
Mercurationdemercuration, of alkene sugars, ofglycans, 37:182,218-221
27:242, 280 of glycoproteins, 25:407478
Mercuric acetate, selective oxidation of alditols inhibitors, for 3-deoxy-~-manno-2-
with, 33:99 octulosonic acid, 38:387-388
Mercuric chloride, in anhydridization of i,-fucose, 39:327-328
hexoses, 34:47 of lipids. o-fructose effect on, 34:325-330
Mercurie cyanide, in cardenolide synthesis, of marine algae, 32:5
21:278 in plants
Mercury compounds auxin activity on, 21:387
crystal structure of methyl 2- polysaccharides, 37: 366-3 72
(chloromercuri)-2-deoxy-a-~- role of a,a-trehalose in, 30:254-256
talopyranoside, 25:75 of the sugar alcohols and their derivatives,
organic, research, 29:2 1: 175--l92
Mercury(I1) chloride, reaction with dithiacetals, Metal cation--carbohydrate complexes, 47: 1-3,
32:61-70 see also Metal-sugar complexes
Mercury salts, in Koenigs-Knorr reaction, alduronic acids, 47:31-35
34:246,251-252 applications
spiro-Mesenheimer complex, aryl migration cation-exchange resin columns, 47:3&40
and, 33: 109 electrophoresis, 47:35-36
Mesitylenesulfonyl chloride, intermediate in high-performance liquid chromatography,
nucleotide formation, 36: 157 47:40
meso forms NMR spectroscopy, 47:4041
aldaric acids, 52: 110-1 1 I synthetic applications, 47:4142
monosaccharides, 5 2 5 9 thin-layer chromatography. 47:35-36
Mesogloia, antitumor activity of, 32:257 biological implications, 47:4243
Mesquite gum, 24:341,349 cations, 47: 19-21
Metabolism complexing sites, 47:12-19
of a,-a-trehalose, 30:227-256 a, e, a sequence, 47:12-13
of apiose, 31: 153-154 alditols, 47: 13-14
of auxins, 21:396 syn-axial hydroxyl groups, 47: 15-1 6
of carbohydrates, 2:119-160,33:4 dextran, 47:20
use of isotopic tracers in studying, effectiveness of, 47:19
3:229-250 cis-inositol. 47: 15
3-deoxy-o-manno-2-octu~osonic acid. ketopyranoses, 47: 17-18
enzymes, 38:378-387 methoxyl group replacing hydroxyl group,
Of D-frUCtallS, 34:315 47:14
o-fructose, 34:285-343 crystalline complex structures, 47:22-26
inborn errors of, 34:306-3 10 a-o-allopyranosyl a-o-allopyranoside,
key enzymes in, 34:330-343 47:25
in micro-organisms, 34:3 10-343 a-L-guluronic acids, 47:2&25
o-fucose, 39:328-329 epi-inositol x SrCI, x 5H,O, 47:24
of o-galactose-containing oligosaccharides p-o-mannofuranose x CaCI, x 4H,O,
and polysaccharides, 37:342-372 47:22-23
of domestic fowl, 30:6 methyl o-glycero-a-o-gulo-
of epithelial cells of intestine, effect of I)- heptopyranoside x CaCI, x H,O,
fructose on, 34:324 47:23

Metal cation-carbohydrate complexes syn-axial hydroxyl groups, 47:8

(continued) complexes
methyl P-o-mannofuranoside x CaCI, x with diamagnetic cations, 47:6-9
3H,O, 47:23 with paramagnetic cations, 47:9-11
in solution, 47:22 contact and pseudocontact shifts, 47:9-10
electrophorectic mobilities, in cupric sulfate polyols, 47:5-6
solution, 47:21 screening constant change, 47:6
stability constants, 47:26-30 shifts, 47:5
1: 1 and I :2 complexes, 47:27 optical rotation, 47: 12
cation-sugar complexes, 47:28 paper electrophoresis, 47:3-5
in methanol, 47:30 stability constants, 47:28
methods of determination, 47:27 thin-layer ligand-exchange chromatography,
reducing sugars, 47:29 47:5
Metal chelates, effect of pH on stability of, Metaphosphates, as phosphorylating agents for
28:422, 424 nucleosides, 22:333
Metal hydrides Metaphosphoric acid, in selective
complex, reduction of D- phosphorylation of carbohydrates, 33:47
glucofuranosidurono-6,3-lactonesand Metasaccharinates, 2 5 3 4 1
o-g~ucofuranurono-6,3-~actones with, Metasaccharinic acid
33:217, 220 4-carbon, preparation of, 28: 195
ketonucleoside reduction by, 42:252 from deoxyglycodiuloses by alkaline
Metal ions, see also specific ions degradation, 28: 196
binding site, 47:127 Methacrylic acid, methyl ester,
coordination spheres, 47: 128 copolymerization with 6,1',6'-tri-U-(p-
diamagnetic species, 47: 129-130 vinylbenzoyl)sucrose, 33:274
interactions with carbohydrates, 47: 125-126 Methacrylic anhydride, reaction with 1,6-
a, e, a sequence, 47: 127 anhydro-o-glucose 2,4-phenylboronate,
m, p arrangement, 47: I27 3555
selective-broadening technique, 47: 134 Methane
U-(amineothyl)cellulose in chromatography bis(ethylsulfonyl)-(2,3,4-tri-U-acetyl-~-~-
of, 29:323 ribopyranosy1)-, proton magnetic
0-(carboxymethyl)cellulose in resonance spectra, nonequivalence of
chromatography of, 29:321, 349 nuclei in, 27:63
oxidation states, 47: 129 C-a-oand C-P-o-galactofuranosylnitro-,
paramagnetic species, 47: 130-1 35 preparation of, 33: 124
quaternization of caramel, 47:232 C-OC-D and C-P-D-galactopyranosylnitro-,
Metallation, of sugars in liquid ammonia, 27:92 preparation of, 33: 123
Metalloenzymes, 28:423,433 chlori(methoxypheny1)diphenyl-,selective
Metals tritylation with, 33:53
hydroxides, 53:3 14-3 16 chlorotriphenyl-, selective etherifications
nontransition, 53:322-326 with, 33:5 1
transition, 53:326-327 diazo-, reaction with aldehydo-aldose
Metal salts acetates, 32:64
cello-and malto-oligosaccharides in presence dibromo-, methylene acetals prepared with,
of, f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 45:70 34: I89
reactions of 5-(hydroxymethyl)-2- dichloro-
furaldehyde and, 47:252-253 complex
Metal-sugar complexes with anthracene and tetracyanoethylene,
electrophoretic mobilities, 47:4-5 structure of, 25:55
NMR spectroscopy, 47:5-11 with tri-0-ethylamylose, crystal

structure bibliography, 40:385 solubility of sugars in, effect of salts on,

as solvent for sugars, 27: 105 2795
dipivalo-europium complex, in proton as solvent
magnetic resonance spectroscopy, in ammonolysis of benzoyl groups. 31 :102
29: 17 for sugars, 27:96-97
nitro- sugar composition in, 42:61
complex Methanol-utilizing micro-organisms,
with tri-0-acetylcellulose, crystal polysaccharides, 36:3 12-3 13
structure bibliography, 33:397 Methanolyses, monitoring with f.a.b.-mass
with tri-0-ethylamylose, crystal spectrometry, 45:48
structure bibliography, 40:385 Methanolysis
in nitro-sugars synthesis, 2458, 70 of carbohydrate sulfonic esters, 23:262
syntheses with, 6:291-3 18 of cyclic acetals, 34:206
(4-0-acetyl-2,3-0-isopropylidene-cu-1~- deacetylation in, 28:82
lyxopyranosyl) bis (ethylsulfony I)-, deacylation and, of polysaccharide aliphatic
conformation of, 26: 1 18 carboxylic esters, 29:332-333
[5-O-(bromobenzoyl)-2,3-0-isopropyl1dene- in degradation of polysaccharides, 31: 190
a-D-ribofuranosyl]cyano-, crystal f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 45:5 1
structure bibliography, 38:467-468 and gas-liquid chromatography, 30:36
trifluoro(fluor0xy)-, fluorinating agent, of glucopyranosyl chlorides and bromides,
38:230-233 34:274-275
Methanediol, 47:78-79 of glycofuranosyl bromides and chlorides,
Methanesulfonates, photolysis of, 46: I9 1 34~279-281
4-Methanesulfonates. 48:63 of glycolipids and glycoproteins, and
Methanesulfonic acid gas-liquid chromatography. 28:5 1
esters, Helferichs work on, 45:4 ofglycopeptides and oligosaccharides, 28: 18
sulfonylation of carbohydrates by, 23:239 of glycosyl esters of nucleoside 5-
trifluoro-, reaction with I ,6- pyrophosphates, 28:358
anhydrohexopyranoses, 34:87-88 of monosaccharides, gas-liquid
Methanesulfonic anhydride, sulfonylation of chromatography and, 28:54
carbohydrates by, 23:238 of nitro sugars, 24: I 18
Methanesulfonylation of pyranosides, 22334
of I ,6-anhydrohexopyranoses, 34:X2 structural analysis, 38:397
of hexopyranosides. 28:256 of 5-thiopyranosides, 22:37
selective, 33: 14, 27 of uronic acids, gas-liquid chromatography
of maltose and derivatives, 39:227 and, 28:76
Methanesulfonyl chloride Methase, definition, 29: I74
selective chlorination with, in N.N- Methionine
dimethylformamide. 33:XO-83 ethylene biosynthesis from, 42:343-344
sulfonylation agent for sugars, 23:236 inhibition of, 42:363-364
Methanesulfonyl chloride-NJ-dimethy I- S-adenosyl-. selective methylations with,
formamide reaction, 39:233-235 33:66
in selective replacement of primary hydroxyl Methoximes. of monosaccharides, gas-liquid
groups, 33:261-263 chromatography of trimethylsilyl
Methanethiol, reaction with D-ribose, 32:23 derivatives, 28:49. 110
Methanethiolysis, of 3,5,6-tri-O-benzoyl-2-9 Methoxyl group
ethyl-2-thio-u-mannofuranose, 32:32 anomeric effects. solvent effects, 47:68-69
Methanol determination of, in carbohydrates, 26: 15
complex with sodiocellulose, crystal Methoxymercuration, of glycals, 24:2 10, 220
structure bibliography, 33:395 Methoxymethanol, relative energies, 47:78-79

2-Methoxyoxane 1-Methylallyl group, as protecting group, 3 9 5 2

acetal segment, rabbit-ear effect interactions, 2-Methylallyl group, as protecting group, 39:52
47: 107-108 Methyl 3-amino-2,3-dideoxy-2-ureido-p-
axial, exo-anomeric effect, 47:95 xylopyranoside, 43:37 1
bond angle variation with torsional angle, Methylaminomethyluridine, 2-thio-5-,
47: 100 dihydrate, crystal structure, 43:290
conformers, solvent effect, 47:90-92 Methylamylose, 2,3,6-tri-O-, nonselective
net atomic charges and dipole moments, spin-lattice relaxation rates, 45: 149
47: 103 Methyl 2,3-anhydro-6-bromo-6-deoxy-40-(4,6-
torsional potential, 47534, 8 6 8 7 di-O-acetyl-2,3-dideoxy-a-~-erythro-hex-
4-Methoxyphenacyl, photocleavage of, 2-enopyranosy~)-a-o-a~~opyranoside,
46:20 1-202 crystal structure, 43:248
N-(p-Methoxyphenyl)glycosylamines,liquid Methyl 2,3-anhydro-4-deoxy-4-fluoro-a-~-
chromatography, pre-column lyxopyranoside, 48: 137
derivatization procedures, 46:68 Methyl 3,6-anhydro-P-o-gIucopyranoside,
5-Methoxyuridine, 43:373 51:6,9
Methyl 3-acetamido-4-O-benzoyl-2,3,6-tri- Methyl a-L-arabinoside, circular dichroism,
deoxy-2-fluoro-P-~-mannopyranoside, predicted and fragment spectra, 45:84
48:232-233 Methyl-P-D-arabinopyranoside,crystal
Methyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-a-o- structure, 43:215
glucopyranoside, circular dichroism, 45:96 Methylated sugars, 48:300-302
Methyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-p-~- Methylation, 53:61-62, see also
galactopyranoside, circular dichroism, Permethylation
45:96 acyl migration during Purdie, 33: 103
Methyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-p-o- analysis, 47:308-3 10
glucopyranoside, circular dichroism, 45:96 of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses,34:50
in water and fluorinated alcohols, 45:97 glycolipids, 51:173
Methyl 4-0-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy- p-D- of carbohydrate boronates, 35:42,55
mannopyranosy1)-a-o-glucopyranoside, of carbohydrate sulfonic esters, 23:266
synthesis, 49233 carbon, of sugars, 35233
Methyl 2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-6-fluoro-a-~- of dextrans, 30:384-386
galactopyranoside, 48: 139 of dithioacetals, 32:47
Methyl 3-acetamido-2,3,5,6-tetradeoxy-5- effect on transport of monosaccharides into
fluoro-ribo-hexopyranosides,48: 155 yeasts, 32: 152
Methyl (5-acetamido-4,7,8,9-tetra-O-acetyl- Hakomori method
3,5-dideoxy-2-nonulosyl fluoride)onate for carbohydrates, 30: 12
a-o-glycero-a-D-galacto-, I3C-NMR data for polysaccharides, 31:215
for, 46: 177 Haworth method for carbohydrates, 30: 1 1,
a-o-glycero-P-o-galacto-, "C-NMR data 15
for, 46: 177 hemicellulose loss, 36:261
Methyl [21-acetoxy-(18R)-l l p , 18-epoxy-3,20- Kuhn method for carbohydrates, 30: 1 1, 16
dioxopregn-4-en- 18-yl2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl- of nucloeotides, 22:383
a-D-giucopyranosid]uronate, crystal oligosaccharide of glycoconjugates analysis,
structure, 43 :352-3 54 50:3 11-3 I3
Methyl 5-acetoxy-teha-O-acetyl-a-L- of polysaccharides, 25:6,29:3 10-315,
idopyranuronate, synthesis, 49:79-80 36:239-240,264
2'-C-Methyladenosine, 50: 195 selective
Methyl aldofwanosides, cation-exchange of cyclic acetals of carbohydrates, 33:54
columns, retention volumes, 47:20 of maltose derivatives, 39:220-223
Methyl D-allosides, synthesis, 47:42 sodium hydride in, 30: 12-13,53

Srivastava method for carbohydrates. 30: 1 I, Methyl 2-C-(hydroxymethyIacetyl)-P-o-

15 ribopyranoside [methyl P-D-
structural analysis, of glycoproteins and hamameloside], crystal structure, 43:340
glycolipids, 3k389-416 Methylcoumarin, 7-(3-0-carbamyl-5,5-di-C-
Smith degradation, 38:407408 methyl-4-O-rnethyl-ol-r-lyxopyranosyl)-4-
in structural analysis, 3 5 5 hydroxy-3-[4-hydroxy-3-(3-methyl-2-
of sucrose, 33:243-245 buteny1)-benzamidol-8-, monohydrate,
of sugars, 24:7,30:4, 1Q-18 crystal structure, 43:35 1
history, 23: 1 N-( I -Methylcyclohexyl) sulfamate, three-
in liquid ammonia, 27:93 dimensional X-ray analysis of, 4 5 5 0 1
technique, 46:214 Methylcyclopent-2-en- 1-one, 2-hydroxy-5-,
Unrau methof for carbohydrates, 30: 13 formation, 46:294
C-Methyl7-azabicyclo[4.1.O]heptanes, Methylcytosine, I -(2-deoxy-2-fluoro-P-o-
epimine-ring opening, 48: 168 arabinofuranosyl)-5-
Methyl 3-azido-4,6-O-benzylidene-2,3- biological activity, 48:248-249,255
dideoxy-3-C-( fluoromethyl)-ol-o-urcrhino- synthesis, 48:238
hexopyranoside, 48: 142 Methyl 3-deoxy-a-o-manno-2-
Methyl 2-azido-4,6-0-benzylidene-2,3- octulopyranosidonic acid, circular
dideoxy-2-C-(fluoromethyl)-P-~-riho- dichroism, 45: 107
hexopyranoside, 48: 142 Methyl 3-deoxy-P-o-manno-2-
5-Methylbarbituric acid, cyclodextrin inclusion octulopyranosidonic acid, circular
complexes with, 46:223-224 dichroism, 45: 107
Methyl 2-benzamido-4,6-0-benzylidene-2- Methyl 5-deoxy-5,5-ditluoro-~-ribofuranoside
deoxy-3-O-tosyl-ol-o-glucopyranos~de. 3-O-benzyl-a-, 'H-and I9F-NMR data for,
48: 166 46:156
2-Methylbenzofuran-5,6-diol, 46:290 2,3-0-isopropylidene-P-,IH-and I9F-NMR
3-Methylbenzoic acid, cyclodextrin inclusion data for, 46: 156
complexes with, 46:222,224 Methyl 2-deoxy-2.2-difluoro-3,4-0-
2-Methylbenzoquinone, formation, 46:294 isoprop ylidene-D-erythro-
4-Methylbenzoylacetic acid, cyclodextrin pentopyranosides, 48: 153
inclusion complexes with, 46:223-224 Methyl 4-04 deoxyfluoro-, galactopyranosy1)-
Methyl [benzyl2-(benzyloxycarbonyl)a1nino- P-D-galactopyranoside, 48:2 13-2 14
2,3,4-trideoxy-5-fluoro-ol-o-erythm-hex- Methyl 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-a-o-gulopyranoside,
3-enopyranosid]uronate I3C-NMR data 'H-and I9F-NMR data for, 46:91
for, 46: I72 Methyl 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-P-o-ribo-
IH-and I9F-NMR data for, 46:116 hexopyranoside, 4,6-0-benzylidene-3-
Methyl 2,3-0-benzylidene-c~-~- deoxy-, IH-and I9F-NMR data for,
rhamnopyranoside, 51:9&95 46: I32
Methyl 3-C-acetyl-4,6-0-benzylidene-2-deoxy- Methyl 5-deoxy-5-fluoro-~-ribofuranoside
a-o-ribo-hexopyranoside, crystal 2,3-di 0-acetyl-, IH-and I9F-NMR data for,
structure, 43:243 46:112
Methylcellulose, 2,3,6-tri-O-, nonselective 2,3-O-isopropylidene-, 'H-and "F-NMR
spin-lattice relaxation rates, 45: 149 data for, 46: 1 12- 1 13
Methyl 4-chloro-3,4-didieoxy- 1,2:6,7-di-0- Methyl 4-deoxy-4-fluoro-P-o-
isopropylidene-ol-o-erythro-hept-3- galactopyranoside, 48: 136,209-210
enopyranos-5-uloside, crystal structure, Methyl 6-deoxy-6-fluoro-4-0-cu-~-
43:231 galactopyranosyl-P-o-galactopyranoside,
Methyl-chromone 48:213-214
3.8-dihydroxy-2-, formation, 46:290-29 1 Methyldextrantaose, 2,3,4-tri-O-, nonselective
3-hydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)-2-, 46:290 spin-lattice relaxation rates, 45: 149

Methyl 3,4-dideoxy-a-~~-threo-hex-3- Methyl a-o-galactopyranoside

enopyranoside, crystal structure, 43:2 18 crystal structure, 43:339-340
Methyl 3,6-dideoxy-3,6-difluoro-p-~- monohydrate, crystal structure, 43:219
allopyranoside, 48: 149 Methyl P-n-galactopyranoside, crystal
Methyl 4,6-dideoxy-4,6-difluoro-a-~- structure, 43:218-219
galactopyranoside, 48: 149 Methyl a-and P-D-glucopyranoside
Methyl 2,3-dideoxy-3-fluoro-~-eryrhro- aglycon orientations, 47:50-5 1
pentofbranoside, 48: 135 conformational energy, 47:88
Methyl 3,4-didiexoy-3-(salicylidenedmino)-a- Methyl a-o-glucopyranoside, 50: 16-1 7
L-erythro-pentopyranoside,crystal circular dichroism, 45:87-88
structure, 43:343 Methyl o-ghcopyranoside, 51:89,94,96
Methyl 2,4-di-O-acetyl-3-deoxy-3-C-nitro-P-~- 01 and P pyranose anomers, circular
xylopyranoside, crystal structure. dichroism, 45:80
43:22&227 circular dichroism-difference spectra, 45:8 I
Methyl 4,5-di-O-acetyl-2,3-dideoxy-a-~-lhreo- nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates,
hex-2-enopyranoside, crystal structure, 45: 148
43:226 proton spin-lattice relaxation rates, 45: 157
Methyl 3,4-di-O-a-o-fructofuranoside, 52:445 U-Methyl-D-glucose polysaccharide
Methyl-2,3:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-a-~- f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 4 5 2 - 2 3 , 58, 65
glucoseptanoside, crystal structure, molecular weight, 45:21
43:233-234 mycobacterial, f.a.b.-mass spectrometry,
Methylenation, aldonolactones, 50: 143-146 45:37
Methylene blue, 53:381, 383 structure, 45:21-22
Methylenitan Methyl o-ghcoside, a and p pyranose
definition, 29: 173 anomers, circular dichroism, 45:80
synthesis, 40:2 2-C-Methylglyceric acid, 46:303
Methyl 1,2-epoxy- 1-methylethanephosphonate, Methyl D-glycero-a-o-gulo-heptopyranoside
synthesis and structure of, 42: 150 calcium chloride, monohydrate, crystal
Methyl a-n-erythrofuranoside, 51:83. 89.94 structure, 43:221
Methyl ethers, 48:300-302 Methyl glycopyanosiduronic acids, circular
of the aldopentoses, 7:l-36,10:257-272 dichroism, 45: 102
of 2-amino-2-deoxy sugars, 13: 189-214 Methyl glycopyranosides, circular dichroism,
of fucose, 7:l-36,10:257-272 45:96
of D-galactose, 6: 11-25, 10:273-282 Methyl a-glycoside, 47: 198-1 99
of o-glucose, 5: 145-190 Methyl glycosides. 46:29
ofhexuronic acids, 9:131-148 circular dichroism, 45:79
of o-mannose, 8:217-230 high-performance liquid chromatography of,
of rhamnose, 7: 1-36, 10:257-272 46:256
Methyl(ethyl2,3,4-tri-O-acetylglucosid)- hydrogen bonding, 44: 15-1 6
uronate, 43:371 perbcnzoylation of, 46:256
2-Methylformycin, 43:373 prcparative liquid chromatography, 46:60
Methyl D-fructofuranosides, 52:445447 1,2-cis-Methyl glycosides, 53:124, 126
Methyl furanosides Methylglyoxal, liquid chromatography,
conformation of, 42:27 46:53-54
synthesis, 47:42 Methyl a-o-gulopyranoside, 47: 10
Methyl D-galactofuranosyl-( 1+6)-P-u- Methyl a-o-gdoside, I3C-NMR structural
galactofuranoside, 50: 180 analysis, 43:4748
Methyl a-and P-o-galactopyranoside, Gd3 Methyl D-~~,vcero-a-o-gulo-heptopyranoside x
and Mn2+effect, 47: 15&152 CaCI, x H,O, 47:23
Methyl P-D-galactopyranoside, 51:94 Methylideneadenosine, 3 -(N-benzylamino)-3 I-

deoxy-0-2,' N'-, crystal structure, 43:329 Meth,vlomonus. polysaccharides, properties,

4(5)-Methylimidazole, 47:267 preparation, and uses, 36:3 12-313
Methyl iodide-methyl red test, for sugar Methyl 2,3,4-0-phosphono-P-u-
oxiranes, 25: 170 ribopyranoside, crystal structure, 43:2 I2
Methyl P-isomaltoside, synthesis, 4 9 5 3 Methyl 4,6-0-fR)-benzylidene-2,3-di-O-
Methyl P-lactoside, 51:114-1 15 methyl-a-o-glucopyranoside, crystal
Methyllithium, reaction with aldose oxirane, structure, 43:24&245
25:139 Methyl 4,6-0-(R)-benzylidene-2,3-di-O-
Methyl a-o-lyxofuranoside, 47: 16 methyl-P-o-galactopyranoside,crystal
Methyl maltosides, large-scale preparative structure, 43:245
liquid chromatography, 46:62 Methyl orthoacetate. reaction with
Methyl P-o-mannofuranoside x CaClz x 3 H,O, ribonucleosides, 22340
41:23 Methyl 2,3,4-0-(thiophosphono)-o-
Methyl a-o-mannopyranosiduronic acid, ribopyranoside, crystal structure,
circular dichroism, 45: 102- 104 43:2 12-2 I3
3-0-Methylmannose dodecasaccharide, Methyl oxetane-2-carboxylate. 50: 193
complex with alkyltrimethylammonium a-Methylphenacyl, photocleavage of,
ions having decyl and hexadecyl as alkyl 46:201-202
chains, f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 45:70 Methylphenylquinoline, 4-
N-Methylmayserine, synthesis of. 42:96 (amidosulfonylmethyl)-6-methoxy-2-4-,
Methyl methacrylate. copolymerization with photodecomposition of, 46: 194
6,1'6'-tri-O-( ~-vinylbenzoyl)sucrose, Methyl phosphate methanolate, 2,3-0-
33:274 sodiouridine 5'-, crystal structure
Methyl (methyl 4-deoxy-4-fluoro-a-o- bibliography. 38:s 10-5 11
glucopyranosid)uronate, 'H-and "F-NMR Methyl P-D-psicofuranoside, 47: I & I 7
data for, 46: 1 16 Methyl p-(2,4.6-tridiexoy-2-guanidino-4-
Methyl a-nigeroside, crystal structure, 43:234 ureido-a-o-glucoyranosylox y)-benzote,
Methyl 3-O-a-o-glucopyranosyl-a-~- hydrochloride, monohydrate, 43:372
glucopyranoside, crystal structure, 43:234 Methylpyan-2-one. 3-benzoyloxy-6-,
Methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-2-deoxy-3-0- 50:165-166
[(methylthio)thiocarbonyl]-a-D- Methyl pyranosides, circular dichroism, 45:85
arabinopyranoside, crystal structure, Methyl a- and P-D-pyranosides, mean.
43:240-24 I hemiacetal and acetal geometries, 47:72
Methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-3-deoxy-2-0- 2-Methylpyrazine, formation of, 46:3 17
[(methylthio)thiocarbon y l ] - a - ~ - Methylpyrimidine, 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-
arabinopyranoside, crystal structure. 2-, 52:268-269
43 :24 1-242 Methylpyrrole
methyl 2,3-0-benzylidene-5,6-di-O-methyl-a- 1 -Ethyl-2-formyl-5-, formation of,
D-, hydrogenolysis, 39: 127 46:3 13-3 14
Methyl 4,6-0-benzyIidine-2-deoxy-3-0- 2-formyl-5-(hydroxymethyl)-l-, 46:3 14
[(methylthio)thiocarbonyl]-a-D- formation of, 46:312-3 14
ribopyranoside, crystal structure, Methyl quinate, selective esterification of,
43:242-243 33:40
Methyl 3,4-O-ethylidene-P-~- Methyl 3-O-a-~-rhamnopyranosyl-a-u-
arabinopyranoside, 43:333 glucopyranoside, 51: 1 15- 1 16
Methyl 3,5-O-isopropylidene-2-(methyl-3,5-0- Methyl a-o-ribofuranoside, 51:83,89
isopropy~idene-a-~-xylofuranosid-3-yl )-a- Methyl(SR)-tetra-O-acetyI-5-bromo-(3-~-
o-xylofuranosid, 43:372 glucopyranuronate, synthesis, 49:43
Methyl 4,6-O-methylene-o-hexopyranosides, Methylsucrose
taste, 45:243 1 ',6'-di-O-, sweetness, 45:264

Methylsucrose (continued) gIucopyranoside-2,3,4,6,6-d5, anomeric

6,6-di-O-, sweetness, 45:264 forms proton spin-lattice relaxation,
4-0-, sweetness-structure relationship, 45: 162
45:263 Methylthiazole, 2-carboxy-5-(2-
6-0-, sweetness, 45:264 hydroxymethyl)-4-, synthesis and
0-,degradation, 52:447 transformations, 52:284-286
Methyl sulfate Methyl 5-thio-P-o-ribopyranoside(R)-S-oxide.
methylation of sugars by, history of, 23: 1 43:371
as solvent with sodium hydroxide for Methyl 5-thio-P-o-ribopyranoside(S)-S-oxide,
methylation, 30: 12 43:371
Methylsulfinyl carbanion, in methylation of Methyl P-o-threo-2,5-hexodiulo-2,6-
carbohydrates, 30:12-13 pyranosonate 5-(dimethyl acetal), crystal
Methylsulfonyl group, deshielding effect in structure, 43:224
sugars, 27:283 Methyl(tri-O-acetyl-a-~-xylo-
Methylsulfonyloxy group, reactivity of, hexulopyranosy1)ate bromide, synthesis,
24:139 49:4243
Methyl sulfoxide Methyl triflate, 52: 187
polymerization of sugars in, 21:449, Methyl 2,3,6-tri-O-acetyI-2,3:4,6-di-O-
453454 benzylidene-7-(R)-P-cellobioside,crystal
purification of, 28:30 structure, 43:266
as solvent Methyl 2,3,4-tr-O-(acetylglucosyl
in acetalation, 34: 186 bromide)uronate, 43:37 1
in displacement reactions of carbohydrate Methyl 2,4,6-tri-O-acety1-3-0-(2,3,4.6-tetra-O-
sulfonic esters, 24:141 acetyl-~-o-glucopyranosyl)-~-o-
for methylation of carbohydrates, 30: I 1 glucopyranoside, crystal structure,
for sugars, 27:89, 108 43~350-351
for trimethylsilylation, 28:29 Methyl 2,3,4-tn-0-benZOyl-P-D-
sucrate production in, 27:93 xylopyranoside, 43:372
Methyl sulfoxide-sulfur trioxide, sulfation of crystal structure, 43:26 1-262
polysaccharides with, 29:335 Methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-6-thio-a-~-
Methyl tetra-0-acetyl-P-D-glucopyranuronate, glucopyranoside (methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-
synthesis, 49:87 methyl-a-o-glucopyranoside) 6,6-
Methyl tetra-0-acetyl a-and P- dithiocarbonate, preparation of, 28:283
glycopyranosides, vicinal carbon-proton Methyluridine, 2-deoxy-6-, crystal structure,
coupling constants, 51:56 4 3 ~ 138-3 19
Methyl tetra-0-acetyl-P-L-xylo- Methyl vinyl sulfone, selective etherifications
hexulopyranosonate, synthesis, 49:79-80 with, 33:6&67
Methyl tetra-0-acetyl-a-L-idopyranuronate, Methyl P-xylobioside, vicinal carbon-proton
photobromination, 49:45 coupling constants, 51:54
Methyl 6,6,7,7-tetradehydro-6,7-dideoxy-2,3- Methyl a-o-xylopyranoside, circular dichroism,
0-isopropylidene-P-o-allo- 45:85
heptofuranoside, crystal structure, 43:342 Methyl P-u-xylopyranoside, 53:67
Methyl 2,3,4,5-tetra-O-acetyl-a-o- circular dichroism, 45:85
galactoseptanoside, crystal structure, Methyl o-xylopyranoside, circular dichroism-
43:240 difference spectra, 45:8 1
Methyl 2,3,4,5-tetra-O-acetyl-a-o- Methyl+-xyloside, a and b pyranose anomers,
glucoseptanoside, crystal structure, 43:345 circular dichroism, 4 5 8 0
Methyl 1,2,3,5-tetra-O-acetyI-P-o- Methyoxynapthalene esters, 5-azido-4-
galactofhranuronate, 43:37 1 (hydroxymethy1)-1-, photocyclization of,
Methyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-(trideuterioacetyl)-a-o- 46:201

Mevalonic acid, inhibition of protein of cellulosic, 41:123-125

glycosylation, 40:324 mechanism of, 26:331-335,338
Mevinolinic acid, inhibition of protein original concepts, 26:307-3 12
glycosylation, 40:324 structure,41:111-116
Meyer, Kurt Heinrich, obituary of, 11: terminal complexes, 41:119-121
xiii-xviii uncoupling, 41:117
Meystre-Miescher modification, of Micro-organisms
Koenigs-Knorr synthesis, 21:277 P-o-mannanase in, 35:366 of Gd3' and Mn2' for, 47: 136 o-fructose metabolism in, 34:310-3 14
MGP, see 0-methyl-D-glucose polysaccharide di-o-fructose dianhydrides, 52:2 13-216
Micelles in enzyme production, 30:263
critical concentration, dextrins, 47:30 1-302 formose utilization by, 29:2 19-223
orientation, 26:303 galactomannans in, 35:354, 376
Mice tissue, water-soluble polysaccharids from, Microsomes, -a-D-mannosidase in structural
antitumor activity of, 32:257 studies of rat-liver, 28:445
Michaelis-Arbuzov reaction Microtubules, in cell-wall formation,
carbon-phosphorus sugars by, 28:285 26: 335-337-338
in phosphorus sugar synthesis, 42: 139, Microwave radiation, starch modification,
142-143, 145 51:299-304
Michaelis constant, 23:289 kinetics of heating, 51:299-300
of a-amylases, 23:325-326 Microwave spectroscopy, in conformational
of P-amylases, 23:342 analysis, 2 6 5 5
D-glycal hydration, 48:355 Mildiomycin, 42: 135
for pectinesterase, 33:333 structure of, 42:17
of phosphorylases. 23:353,355 Mildiomycin monobenzoate, heptahydrate,
Michaelis-Menten kinetics, 51: 157 43:374
of D- fructose transport, 34:290-29 1 Milk
in enzyme kinetics, 23:288 a-o-mannosidase in cow's, 28:403
Michael reaction, 24: 137 gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of,
Michelson interferometer, 44:56-57 28:48, 53, 81, 83
Micrasterias denticulata, cellulose biosynthesis hexasaccharide from human, acetolysis of,
in, 42:332-336 31:199
Microanalysis human, 24:7
carbohydrate, 39:2 complex, neutral oligosaccharides, liquid
of sugars, 35:5 chromatography. 46:44
Microbial media, L-arabinitol and D-mannitol glycoprotein (compound 52), 'H-
metabolism in, gas-liquid chromatography NMRspectroscopy, 41:306, 32&
of, 28:57 328
Microbial polysaccharides, see Polysaccharides oligosaccharides
Micrococcus lysodeikficus, biosynthesis of cell- f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 45:70
wall polysaccharides in, 42:323-325,330 preparative liquid chromatography,
Microfibrils 4660
biogenesis by plasmalemma particles, sialylated oligosaccharides, liquid
26:342-345 chromatography analysis, 46:4546
biosynthesis, 41:116-117 0-(carboxymethyl)cellulose as stabilizer for,
cellulosic 29:32 1
formation of, 26:326-331 Mills, John Archer, obituary, 36: 1-8
morphology and biogenesis of, 26:298 Mills depiction, cyclic monosaccharides,
new models, 26:312-319 5253
orientation Mining, plant galactomannans in, 35:342

Miraculin, 45:290 Molecular biology, 26:297

sweetness, 45:213 Molecular connectivity index, 45229-230, 319
as sweet-taste modifier, 45339 third-order, 45230
Misaki, A,, 46:9 Molecular interactions, in aqueous solution,
Mitochondria, of yeast cells, 32:137, 141 44:9
Mitogenesis, lectin-induced, 3 5 2 9 1 Molecular mechanics, 47: 104-106
Mitogenic activity calculations, 44: 16
of Phytoluccu lectins, 35:309,3 1 1 Molecular orbital calculations, 45:231
of WisturiujZoribundu lectins, 3 5 3 11-3 12 anomeric effect, see Anomeric effect
Mixtures, analysis of pyranose forms of sugar in solution,
advantages of Fourier-transform infrared 49:22-23
spectroscopy, 44:58 solvent effect
by infrared spectroscopy, 4 4 5 8 u form preference, 47:92
Miyazaki, N.,46:6 2-methoxyoxane conformers, 47:90-92
Mn2+ solvophobic theory, 47:89
effect on I3C-NMR supermolecule quantum chemical
N-acetyl-cY-D-neuraminic acid, calculations, 47:89
47~162-163, 165 Molecular sieves in ketonucleoside synthesis,
o-gluconamides, 47: 146, 148-149 42:233
cis-inositol, 47: 141-142 Molecular still, 22:500
electron-nuclear relaxation methods, Molecular structure, of glycogens, 12:26 1-298
47:136-140 Molecular weight
exchange for CaZ+and Mg2' in biological of asparagus-pea lectin, 35284
systems, 47: 134 of castor-bean lectin, 39272
epi-inositol electron-spin relaxation effect, chemical-ionization mass spectra of
47:138-140 carbohydrates and, 29:82
interactions of concanavalin A, 35152
with complex glycopeptides, 47: 155-158 determination
with inositol, see Inositols by gel chromatography, 25:21-30
with methyl a-and p-D- of glycosides and cardenolides, 21:274
galactopyranoside, 47: 150-1 52 of polysaccharides, 21:494
medical uses, 47:135-136 by mass spectrometry, 21:44
Moenuronic acid of endo-o-galacturonanase, 33:346,362-364
natural occurrence of, 42:73 of endopectate lyase, 33:379
structure of, 42:70 of enzymes, determination of, 23:287
synthesis of, 42:120-121 of fava-bean lectin, 35203
Moffatt, J.G., 46:6 of galactomannans, 31:260-261,277-279
Molar response factors, in gas-liquid of glycopeptides from glycoproteins,
chromatography, 30: 50-52 25447452
Molasses of lectins, 35:334,336
cane, 3:113-128 mass spectrometry and, of carbohydrates,
cane final, composition of, 8:29 1-2 14 29:43
cane-sugar, composition of, 26: 15 of Osage-orange lectin, 3 5 2 6 8
caramel from, 47:221 of pectinesterase, 33:339-341
polysaccharide, antitumor activity of, 32:257 of pectin lyase, 33:380
Mold of polymers, determination of, 25: 14,22
gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of, of ricin, 35:271
28:48 for starch, determination of, 29:400
slime, trehalase in, 30:253 of UIex europeus lectin, 35289
trehalose biosynthesis in, 30:239-24 1 of urine constituents, 24:438

Moles, Enrique, 45: 10 UV spectra, 44: 139

Mollusks Monosaccharides, 53:400405, see also
a-o-mannosidase activity in. 28:405406 Aldoses
glycolipids, see Glycolipids absolute or relative decomposition of, 46:259
sialic acids occurrence, 40: 136-137 acetates. gas-liquid chromatography of,
Molybdate complexes, in conformational 28:33,49
analysis by circular dichroism, 26:63 acetylated, gas-liquid chromatography of.
Monellin 28:111
sweetness, 45:2 13,332 with acetylimino group in ring. 23:166
three-dimensional structure, 45:333 -334 acid degradation, 52:457459
Monensin, effect on glycosylation, 40:347 acid hydrolysis, losses, 46:259
Moniliformis dubius. trehalose biosynthesis in. acyclic, 'H-and l9F-NMR data for,
30:239 46: 158- I59
Monoamine oxidase, amino acids of, acyl esters, reaction with ammonia, 31:8 1-92
27:3 15-3 16 acylic, carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic
Monoaminohexoses, 48:290 resonance spectroscopy, 4 1 5 9
Monobenzoylated isohexides. fragmentation, alkali metal hydroxide adducts, 21:254
49:113 alkaline degradation, 52:449455
Monoblephurellu elongutu, glycogen, 41:69 mechanisms, 5 2 4 5 I
Monocarba-disaccharides, synthesis, 48:67- 73 reaction model, 52:453454
Monocotyledonous plants ammonolysis
cell wall-bound enzymes in, 42:301-302 of perbenzoylated, 39:30-3 1
o-glucans from, 42:293-294 products from acylated, 31:12&131
hemicelluloses of, 42:291-292 anomeric protons. nonselective spin-lattice
hydroxy-L-proline-rich glycoproteins of. relaxation rates, 45: 148, 150
42:298-299 anomers
pectic polysaccharides of, 42:285, 287 ct and p. 44: 19-20
polymer interconnections in cell walls of, center of chirality, 52:65
4 2 3 1 4 3 15 mixtures, 52:67
Mono-6-deoxy-6-fluorocyclomaltoheptose, reference atom and configurational
48:22 1 symbol, 5 2 5 - 6 7
Monodeoxy sugars, taste properties, 45:260 use of a and b, 52:68
Monoglycerides, 53:396-397 biologically significant, carbon- 13 nuclear
Monoglycosylceramide, from freshwater magnetic spectroscopy, 41:6465
bivalves, 44:417 biosynthesis of, 11:185-262
Mononucleotides, 22:307-419; see also bivalent and tervalent groups, 52:128
Nucleotides branched-chain
polymerization, 36: 169-1 70, 184 l3C-NMR data for, 46: 172-173
synthetic, 22:398416 naming branches, 52: 101
Mono-0-methylsucrose derivatives, taste numbering, 52: 10 1
properties, 45263 parent choice, 5298-101
Monosaccharide isothiocyanates, 44:93- I23 synthesis by Wittig reaction, 27:294
I3C NMR, 44:139, 141 systematic names, 52:98
'H NMR, 44:139 terminal substitution, 52: 100
reduction trivial names, 5297-98
by tributyltin hydride, 44: 123 carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance
by triethylphosphine, 44: 122 chemical shifts, 41:28
by triethyl phosphite, 44: 122 carbon-I3nuclear magnetic resonance
by triphenyltin hydride, 44:122 spectroscopy, 41 :27-65
spectroscopic properties, 44: 139-1 4 I carbon- I3 signals, identification, 38: 1 9-22

Monosaccharides (continued) Fischer projection of acyclic forms,

ceramide, 24:395,401 525657
CH,OH group, possible dispositions of, fluorinated
44: 18-19 branched, IH-and I9F-NMR data for,
circular dichroism, 45278-85 46: 142- I43
composition of bacterial NMR spectroscopyof, 46:73-178
hexosoaminoglycans, 47: 174-175 formation of phenolic compounds from,
configurational atom, 5257-58 46:295
configurational prefixes in systematic names, furanoid, selective esterificationof,
52~58-59 33:31-35
conformational analysis, 44: 14 selective etherification of, 3 3 5 9
conformation and frequency calculations for, gel chromatographyof, 2 5 3 1
method, 4451-52 glycoenzyme constituents, 27:302,307
conformationand tautomers, vibrational glycosides, 52:132-135
spectra used to analyze, 44:25 glycosidic linkages, 47: 167-168
crystal structure of, 2558-75 C-glycosyl compounds, 52:139-140
cyclic N-glycosyl derivatives, 52:137-139
conformationdepiction, 52:6344,68-69 glycosyl halides, 52: 136137
conformations of chains, 52:64 glycosyl residues, 52:125
enantiomers, 52:72 high-performance liquid chromatography,
Fischer projection, 5259-60 46:31
Haworth projection, 52:6 1 4 3 hindered rotation of acetyl group in,
hydrolysis of, kinetics of, 23:209 containing acetamido in ring, 23:193,
Mills depiction, 52:63 197
modified Fischer projection, 52:6M1 honey, 25:289-294
with nitrogen of sulfur in ring, 23: 115-232 hydrogen bonding, Raman and infrared
ring shape notation, 52:69 spectral study of, 44:29
ring size, 5259 hydroxyl groups, 44: 18
unconventional Haworth representations, identification of partially methylated,
52:63 38:398402
variant notation, 52:69-72 interaction with concanavalinA, 35181-184
D and L, use of, 5257 ionic, high-performance liquid
definition, 5250 chromatography, 4633-37
deoxy fluorinated, I3C-NMR data for, isomolar solutions, and related reducing
46: 172-1 73 disaccharides, comparison of sweetness,
derivatives, anomeric C-H bond, carbon- 45246247
proton coupling constants, 51:32-33 isopropylideneacetals, in gas-liquid
deuterated chromatography, 28: 37
preparation and position of deuterium, isotopic substitution and isotopic labelling,
27: 188-189 52:91
separation by trimethylsilylation,28:32 kinetic currents of, and derivatives,
dithioacetalsof substituted,physical 29:135-149
constants of, and peracetates, labeled, incorporation into polysaccharides,
32: 118-123 27: 179
of unsubstituted, and their peracetates, with lactam rings, 23:164
physical constants of, 32: 102-1 15 large-scale preparative liquid
dolichol-linked, biosynthesis, 40:288-299 chromatography, 46:62
electroreductionof, 29: 109-1 17 laser-Raman spectroscopy,44:75-8 1
esters, rearrangement in liquid hydrogen lectin-reactive,classification,35: 141
fluoride, 26:176-188 lipid-linked, in plants, 44:352-355

mass spectra of, 21:46 radicals, 52:129

with acetamido in ring, 23:201 reactions of, with beta-ketonic esters and
meso forms, 5259 related substances, 11:97-143
methanolysis, 46:257-258 rearrangement of acyloxonium ions in,
methylated, quantitation, 38:402407 26:146-168
mutarotation and mass spectra of, 2950 replacement of
neutral, analytical high-performance liquid carbonyl oxygen by nitrogen, 52:89-90
chromatography,46:32-33 hydrogen at non-terminal carbon atom,
occurrence and structure of natural. book, 52~87-88
30:7 OH at non-terminal, non-anomeric carbon
optical rotation, 5259 atom, 52:88
0-substituted, carbon-13 nuclear magnetic reversion of, to disaccharides,21:444
resonance spectroscopy,4152-53 ring oxygen replacement by
parent structure carbon, 52:141-143
choice, 5253 nitrogen or phosphorus, 52:140-141
numbering and naming, 52:53-56 selenoglycosides,52:136
partially methylated, structural and sequence structural and sequence analysis of, 46:57
analysis of, 4657 structure, 35:5,7
2-phenyl-l,2,3-osotriazolederivatives, as substituent groups, 52:125-128
circular dichroism, 45:123 sulfates, esters with uridine 5'-
polarography of, 29:126135 pyrophosphates, 28:329
preparation, for analysis, 47:174180 sulfur-or selenium-containing,23:206
preparative liquid chromatography,46:60 synthesis of, 28:295-296
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, from 2,5-dihydrofurans, 40:61-74
27:21-30 from vinylene carbonate, 40:84-96
proton nuclear magnetic resonance terminal substitution, 52:89
spectroscopy of, and spectrometersfor, thioglycosides, 52:135-136
29:25 transport
pyranoid, selective acylation of, 33:1 9-31 into Rhodotorula glutinis, 32:155
selective etherification of, 3353 into Sachharomycescerevisiae,
pyrolysis of, 34:4546 32:15&155
pyruvated, of bacterial origin, studied using into yeasts and carriers, 32:150-157
methanolysis, 46:259 within tissues and excretion in urine, 30:7
qualitative motional description, 51:83, tri-and tetra-fluorinated
89-105 I3C-NMR data for, 46:177
C-H bond length, 51:92 'H-and I9F-NMR data for, 46:158
''C spin-lattice relaxation times, 51:96 trifluoroacetyl derivatives, gas-liquid
effective correlation times, 51:92 chromatographyof, 28:112
hexopyranoses, 51:94-96 trimethylsilylationand methanolysis of,
oligosaccharides,complex glycosides, and 2854
derivatives, 51:97-102 and mutarotation of, 2838
pentofuranoses, 51:95-96 solvents for, 28:30
polysaccharides, 51: 102-104 himethylsilyl ethers, gas-liquid
structural features, 51:93-94 chromatographyof, 28:4149,102-1 10
quantitative motional description, tritiated, preparation and localization of
51:105-114 tritium, 27:183-187
quinoxaline derivatives, polarography of, trivial names with systematic equivalents,
29~157-162 52:172-176
racemates, 5259 unequal substitution at non-terminal carbon
radical ions, 52:131-132 atom, 52:88-89

Monosaccharides (continued) Mountain-pine pollen, polysaccharides of,

unsaturated, 52:91 24:363
double bonds, 52:92-95 Mucilage, 22:5,24:333-379,44:375-376
triple bonds and cumulative double bonds, commercial, 13:265-287
52:95-96 constitution, 35:6
utilization by yeasts, effect of temperature cress-seed, 24:336-369
changes on, 32:230 galactomannan polysaccharides, history of,
Monosaccharide thiocyanates, 44: 123-139 31:244
Monoses, configuration of, 2153 gel structure of, 24:326
Monosulfide, bis(2-deoxyaltrosid-2yl), 25: 1 39 hydrocolloids, see Hydrocolloids
Monotropein, rubidium salt, crystal structure linseed (flax seed), 24:336
of, 25:90 polysaccharides from, 24:369
Monro model of plant primary cell-wall, mustard-seed, 24:336
42:313 plants, 4:243-29 I
Monuron gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:62
effect on sugarcane, 21:422,426 trifluoroacetic acid in hydrolysis of.
as herbicide, 21:405 28: 16
Morgan-Elson color reaction, 24:8 slippery-elm, 24:371,41:7
Morpholine structure of plant, 35:9
N-acetyl-, solubility of sucrose in, 27: 119 Mucins
N-butyryl-, solubility of sucrose in, 27: 119 backbone and core sequences, 50:3 16-322
N-formyl-, solubility of sucrose in, 27: 1 19 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:85
N-methyl-, as solvent for sucrose, hydrolysis, by hydrochloric acid,
27:117-118 46:266-267
N-propionyl-, solubility of sucrose in, isolation of carbohydrates from, on
27:119 analytical-scale columns, 46:60
as solvent methanolysis, 46:258
for sucrose, 27: 1 17-1 18 oligosaccharides
for sugars, 27: 107 liquid chromatography separation,
sugar derivatives, 25:403 46:4243
4 4 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoyl)-,synthesis as sialylated, fractionation, 46:46
tranquilizer, 28:9 structure, 50:3 16-322
Morquio syndrome type B, 'H-NMR 'H-NMR-spectral and mass
spectroscopy spectrometric analysis, 50:322-328
glycoprotein (compound 7), 41:219, structure, 37:3
232-233,235-237 Muconic acid, 2,5-dihydroxy-, polarography of.
glycoprotein (compound 1 l), 41:219, 29: 170
232-233,244246 Mucopeptides, 24:3 14
glycoprotein (compound 15), 41 :2 19, Mucopol ysaccharides
256-259 analysis by gas-liquid chromatography,
glycoprotein (compound 18), 41:219, 28:4344
262-266 biosynthesis of, 26:432439
glycoprotein (compound 19), 41:219,263, deamination and structure of, 31:74
266-268 formation in cell wall by Golgi bodies,
glycoprotein (compound 20), 41:2 19,262, 26:340
267-268 Mucopolysaccharidoses, glycosaminoglycans
Mossbauer spectroscopy, 53:287 in, 25:475477
Mosses, formation of humus from, 46:323-324 Mucoproteins
Motarotation constant, 23: 17 history, 33:8
of sugars, 23:53-56 from Phuseolus vulgaris,35:292

Mucoran, 41: 10 1-1 02 tertiary structure

Mucor rouxii, mucoran, 41:lOl-102 branched models, 47:353-356
Mucous secretions, viscosity, sialic acid effect, linear models, 47:367-370
40:218 molecular weights, 47:356-367
Mucus glycoproteins, 47:345-347 star average, 47:361
amino acid composition, 47:349 subunits, 47:3.52-353
basic unit, 47:349-352 T-domains, 47:353
coiled structure, 47:350-352 thiol reduction, 47:352-353
containing proline residue, 47:350-35 I Muellitol, 47:6, I5
prolyl residue, 47:350 Mukaiyama condensation methods, glycosyl
carbohydrate side-chain composition fluoride synthesis, 48: 104-107
variability, 47:35 1-3.52 Multiple internal rotations model, 51: 125
components, terminology, 47:353 Multirotation. term, 23: 12
composition, 47:347-349 Mung bean
electron microscopy, 47:368-369 cellulose biosynthesis, 41: 108
gross conformation in solution, 47:370-373 high-molecular-weight precursors, 41 :138
heterogeneity, 47:374-380 precursors, 41: 126
Herdan relations, 47:37.5 cell wall studies on, 42:308-309, 3 1 I ,
InJ versus x,47:378-379 320--321, 327, 331
interactions with other macromolecules, development physiology of, 42:343-344
47:380 enzymes from, 32: 12
molecular weight distribution. 47: 3 78-3 79 root of, in biosynthesis of cellulose,
polydispersity and self-association 26: 324-3 25
behavior, 47:377-380 from seedlings, 26:373. 387,391, 397,
sedimentation coefficient distribution, 406
47:376-377 seedlings, enzyme from, 35:353
terminology, 47:374 sucrose synthetase from, 26:367
thermodynamic non-ideality, 47:3 74-375 uridine 5 -pyrophosphates of o-glucose, D-
importance, 47:345-346 galactose, o-xylose, and L-arabinose in,
molecular weights, 47:349, 356-367 32:9
distribution, 47:378-379 Muramic acid, 24:3 14, 48:303
light-scattering, 47:35&358 l,h-anhydro-. synthesis of, 34: 124
low-speed sedimentation equilibrium. circular dichroism, 45: 1 12- 1 I3
47: 359-367 as donor, 50:8 1,84,90-91
meniscus-depletion technique, 47:365-366 ethanethiolysis of analog of, 32:26
partial specific volume, 47:361 glycosides, synthesis. 50:8 1. 84, 90-91
Rayleigh interference optics, 47366 mycobacteria, 48:308-3 10
relative techniques, 47:358-359 N-acetyl-
scanning absorption optics, 47:365-366 crystal structure, 25:93, 32:364
thermodynamic non-ideality effects. ester o f uridine 5-pyrophosphate,
47:365 isolation of, and derivatives, 28:328
virial coefficient, 47:366 6-0-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy-~-~-glycosyl)-,
mucin component, 47:348 crystallography of, 25:93
as polyelectrolytes, 47:373 N-acetylbenzyl-. crystallography of, 25:93
properties, 47:346 N-glycolyl-. ester of uridine 5-
Rayleigh equilibrium interference patterns, pyrophosphate, isolation of, 28:329
47: 371-3 78 synthesis of, 22: 138
secondary structure, 47:350-35 1 Murein, 24:3 14
sialylated saccharide-alditols, structures, Murine myeloma, immunoglobulins,
45:64 31:313-346

Muscarine in gas-liquid chromatography, 28:384 1

D-(-)-, Erom 2-amino-2-deoxy-~-glucose, of glycoside nitronates, 24: 121
27:208 of glycosylamines, 24:47
L-(+)-, from 2-amino-2-deoxy-1.-glucose, isotope effect on, 24:28
27:207 kinetics of, 23: 16
synthesis of,deamination in, 31:71 measurement of, 23:47,44:25
Muscarine-related compounds, preparation of, mechanism of, 24:35,38,4042
34: 105 determination by use of isotope effect,
Muscle cells, o-fructose metabolism in, 34:298 24:32
Mushroom lectin of monosaccharides, and mass spectra, 29:50
carbohydrate-binding specificity, 35: 145 mutarotase effect on, of sugars, 24:3 1, 63-64
interaction with cellular glycopeptides, polarography and, 29:139-141
3 5 3 18 ring contraction and expansion by, 24:46
with erythrocyte glycopeptide, 35:320 of sugars
isolation, purification, and structure, 3 5 3 0 8 in aqueous solution, mechanism of, 24:35
Mustard in N,N-dimethylformamide, 24:6 1
cell-wall studies on, 42281-282 in pyridine, 24:61
polysaccharide from seed of, 24:374 in solution, 23: 11-57, 24:13-65
Mutagenicity solvents for, 27:120
caramel, 47:267-269 thermal, ofD-fructose, 22:231, 234
melanoidins, 47:269-270 of 5-thio-o-
Mutansucrase, 51:141 ribopyranose, 23:215
S. mutuns mutan synthesis, 51:14.7 xylopyranose, 23:208
Mutants, genetic, in cellulose biosynthesis, Mycaminose, 23:273
41: 143-144 D-, biosynthesis, 35: 122
Mutarotase synthesis of, 28:297
effect on mutarotation of sugars, 24:3 1, Mycaminoside
63-64 methyl WL-, synthesis, 40:117
mutarotation coefficients and gas-liquid methyl DL-,synthesis, 28:297, 40:32
chromatography in assay of, 28:40 Mycaminosyl-tylonolide, 5-0-4-deoxy-4-
Mutarotation fluorO-p-D-, 48~230-231
of u-D-glucose Mycaral, L-, synthesis of, 42:103
in cresol and pyridine, 27:104 Mycarose
history of, 23: 12 5-C-methyl-
of 2,5-anhydro-a/dehydo-aldoses, 2 5 2 I3 DL-,synthesis, 40:60
anomerization and ring change as basis for, 3-epi-o~-,synthesis, 40: 14
23:13 D-, synthesis of, 42:79
caramel, 47:249 DL-, synthesis, 40:14-15,20-21,59
catalysis by acids and bases, 24: 14 ~ - @ - D L - , synthesis, 40:20-21, 59-60
catalytic coefficients ratios for sugars, 24:30 L-, 50~158-159
complex and simple, 23: 19 synthesis of, 3582-83, 88,40:114, 129,
determination of mechanism of reaction by 41:9,42: 103
use of isotope effect, 24:32 natural occurrence of, 42:72, 76
of o-fructosylamines, 22:271 structure of, 42:72
of D-glucose, molten and below melting synthesis of, 42:78-79, 115
point, 22497 Mycaroside
electronic density and, 24:37 methyl 3,4-anhydro-P-, 25: 169
entropy of activation in water-catalyzed, methyl-DL-, synthesis, 40:14-15, 114
24:37 Mycinamicins, synthesis, 48: 110
equilibria and thermodynamics of, 24:5 1 Mycinose, 21:173, 179

Mycobacteria, 51: 170 lipo-oligosaccharides, 51: 194

muramic acid, 48:308-310 Mycobacterium tuberculosis
polysaccharides, 48:308 antigenicity, 51:23 1
Mycobacterium avium containing phenolphthiocerols, 51:202
glycolipid antigenicity, 51:229-23 1 oligosaccharides, mass spectrometry of,
glycopeptidolipids, see Glycopeptidol ipids 29:96
morphological variations, 51:232 polysaccharides from, 3:3 11-336
rough mutants, 51:232 Maurice Staceys work, 52:7-8
Mvcobacterium bovis, containing trehalose biosynthesis in, 30:242
phenolphthiocerols, 51:202 trehalose esters and cord factor in, 30:235
M~~cobacteriumfortuitum, trehalose-containing trehalose-containing lipo-oligosaccharides,
lipo-oligosaccharides, 51: 195 51: 196-1 97
Mycobacterium gastri, containing Mycodextran, 23:374
phenolphthiocerols, 51:203 acetate, circular dichrolism, 45: I2 1
Mycobacterium gordonae, trehalose-containing crystal structure bibliography, 33:394,
lipo-oligosaccharides, 51: 195-1 96 35:378
Mycobacterium haemophilum, containing Mycodextranase, 23 :31S.44:265
phenolphthiocerols, 51:203 induction of, 30:262
Mycobacterium kansasii specificity of, 30:345
containing phenolphthiocerols, 51 :202 Mycogalactan, 23:398
trehalose-containing lipo-oligosaccharides, Mycoglycosphingolipids. 24:408
51~188,192-193 Mycolic acid, trehalose ester, in mycobacteria,
Mycobacterium kansasii, glycolipids, f.a.b.- 30:235
mass spectrometry, 4 5 5 7 Mycoplasm pneumoniar, binding specificity,
Mvcobacterium leprae 50:339
antigenicity, 51:230-23 1 Mycoribnin, as inhibitor in trehalose
containing phenolphthiocerols, 51 :200-20 I biosynthesis, 30:242
microscopic properties, 51:233-234 Mycoside G, gas-liquid chromatography of,
phthiocerol lipids in, 51:234-235 28: 55
Mycobacterium malmoense, trehalose- Mycosides, methanolysis of. 28: 18
containing lipo-oligosaccharides, Mycospocidin, inhibition of protein
51:193-194 glycosylation, 40:339-340
Mvcobacterium marinum. containing Myeloma IgE glycopeptide, structure of human,
phenolphthiocerols, 51:202-203 37: 180
Mycobacterium phlei, lipopolysaccharide Myeloma IgM. structure of human, 37: I80
degradation by Lossen rearrangement, Myeloma proteins
31:238 human gG, 44:232
methylation analysis of, 30: 15 purification by affinity chromatogrphy,
Mvcobacterium smegmutis 39:44&447
glycolipids, f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, Myristic acid
45:56-57 3-hydroxy-, in lipid A, 26:410
trehalase from, 30:25 1 methyl ester, esterification of sucrose with,
trehalose and glycogen during growth of, 33:44
30:255 Myronate, potassium, crystal structure
trehalose hiosynthesis in, 30:242. 244 bibliography. 30:452
trehalose 6-phosphate phosphatase from, Myrothecium vernrcaria, o(-L-
30:245 arabinofuranosidase of. 42:388
trehalose-containing lipo-oligosaccharides, Mytilitol
51: 197-198 hexaacetate, proton magnetic resonance
Mycobacterium szulgai, trehalose-contai ning spectroscopy of, 27:24

Mytilitol (continued) minimum inhibitory concentrations of,

natural occurrence of, 42:73, 76 30:222
structure of, 42:73 N-acyl derivative, activity against resistant
synthesis of, 42:78-79, 115 bacteria, 30:174
Myxococcusfulvus, lipopolysaccharide, mass neomycin A and, 30: 1 16
spectrometry of, 29:66 1-N- (~-4-amino-2-hydroxybutyryl)-,
Myxomyceteae, polysaccharides of, 23:368 minimum inhibitory concentrations of,
Myxomycophyta, polysaccharides of, 23:368 30:222
I -N-[(S)-4-amino-2-hydroxybutyryl]-, from
butirosins, antibacterial activity, 30: 132
N preparation and activity against resistant
bacteria, 30: 176
Naphthalene 30-methyl-, preparation and antibacterial
2-P-o-ribofuranosyl-, preparation of, 33: 160 activity of, 30: 166
9,lO-trans 4-O-methyl-, preparation and antibacterial
cis-2-amino-decahydro-, deamination of, activity of, 30: 166
31:16-17 from ribostamycin, 30: 130
frans-2-aminodecahydro-, deamination of, structure of, 30:188
31:15, 17 synthesis of, 30: 1 18, 142
1-Naphthaleneacetamide, effect on abscission Nebramine, from tobramycin, structure of,
and ripening, 21:429 30: 124
1-Naphthaleneacetic acid, effect on abscission Nebramycin factor 6, see Tobramycin
and ripening, 21:429 Nebrosamine, from tobramycin, 30: 124
on cell-wall polysaccharides, 21:38 1 Nebularine
on sugarcane, 21:424 crystal structure bibliography, 32:373
1-Naphthol, complex with V-amylose, crystal 5-phosphate, 22:327
structure bibliography, 33:392 Nectar
Napthoic acid, esters of 0-(diethylamino-ethyl) flower, gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:43
polysaccharides, 29:325 sugars in, 25304
( I-Napthyldiphenylmethyl) group, reductive Nef reaction, 24:69,72, 11 1, 127, 134
cleavage, 39:48 synthesis of 2-deoxy sugars by, 21: 150
Narbomycin, sugar components desosamine, Negamycin
28:299 (+)-, 50:201
Naringenin, as plant-growth substance, 21: synthesis, 40: 18
410 Neighboring-group reactions, 26:127, 130
Naringin complex and simple, 22: 1 1I
dihydrochalcone effect of halogen on reactivity, 22:207
structural features, 45:289 participation, in sugar reactions, 22: 109-175
sweetness, 45279 in syntheses, 29:3,7
taste properties, 4 5 3 11 Neiifolin, 21:286
Nasturtium Neisseria meningitidis
cell-wall studies on, 42:287 capsular polysaccharides, conformations,
polysaccharide from seed of, 24:374 41:179
Neamine molecular size and immunological
biological transglycosylation of, 30: 123 specificity, 41: 182-184
3,4-dideoxy-, N-acylation of, 30: I75 structure, 41:158-164
minimum inhibitory concentrations of, 0-deacetylated capsular polysaccharide,
30:222 47: 185
synthesis and activity against resistant polysaccharide vaccines, 41: 193-195
bacteria, 30: 168 structure of polysaccharide antigens, 41:200

Neobiosamine B desired characteristics of modification

deamination and structure of, 31:7S reactions, 37:228-229
paromobiosamine I and, 30: 1 I8 diazo coupling, 37:229-234
Neobiosamine C, paromobiosamine II and, guanidination, 37:245-246
30:118 isothiocyanates, 37:224-225
Neogitostin, 39:302 mixed anhydride method, 37:238-240
Neoglucobrassicin, 21 :392 summary, 37:252-254
Neoglycoconjugates Neobesperidin dihydrochalcone
antigenicity, 51:229-23 1 after-taste. 45:265, 341
glycolipid-based, 51 :203-229 relative sweetness, 45:332
glycopeptidolipid haptens, 51:2 19-220 structural features, 45:289
leprosy-specific, synthesis, 51:204-2 I0 sweetness, 45:279
based on 4-aminophenol glycosides, structure relationship, 45:24 1
51:206-207 taste properties, 45:288
linker-arm method, 51:205-207 third structural feature comprising postulated
reductive amination, 51:204-205 glucophore in, 45:234
related to glycopeptidolipids of M. avium P-Neohesperidose, taste properties, 45:278-279
complex, 51:211-227 Neolactotetraosylceramide
based on serovar-specific outer regions, biosynthesis, 40:25 1-252
51:211-220 catabolism, 40:274-276
complete oligosaccharide haptens, Neomycins
51:221-227 A, and C, LP, and LP,. stereochemistry of,
synthetic strategy, 51 :2 12 30:116
other, synthesis and immunoreactivity, B
51:227-229 allkyl and aralkyl derivatives, preparation
Neoglycoproteins, 37:225-28 1 of. 30: 179
applications, as affinity materials, 3-deoxy-, minimum inhibitory
37:271-279 concentrations of. 30:223
as antigens, 37:241, 259-267 preparation and antibacterial activity of,
binding to 30: I72
liver membranes, 37:273-275 sterochemistry of, 30: 1 16
purified binding protein, 37:275-276 biosynthesis, 35: 1 15-1 I8
as cytochemical markers, 37:279 determination by trimethylsilylation, 28:28
general, 37:257-259 discovery of, 30:112
potential, 37:279-28 1 N-methanesulfonate derivatives, preparation
as substrates and activity of, 30: 179
for glycoprotein clearance in iivo. Neosamine, B and C, synthesis of, 30: 1 16
37:270-273 Neosaminide C. methyl 4-deoxy-~1.-,synthesis,
for lectins, 37:268-269 40:47
uptake by cells in vitro, 37:276-277 Neplanocin A, SO: 196
biological activity, 37:255-257 Nervon, 24:398-399
definition, 37:226 Neuberg, Carl, obituary of, 13: 1-7
physicochemical properties, 37:254255 Neuraminic acid, 23: 150
preparation, active ester method, 37:241-242 5-acetamido-3,5-dideoxy-3-fluoro-,
acyl azide method, 37:240-241 preparation, 38:238
amidination, 37:235,246-248 N-acetyl-u-
amination, 37:242-245 (2+3)-P-~-galactopyranosyl-( 1+ 4 ) - ~ -
bifunctional reagents, 37:248-25 1 glucopyranose, 51 :97-99
carbodiimide-facilitated amidation. (2+6)-P-~-galactopyranosyl-( 1+4)-0-
37:236-238 glucopyranose, 51:97-99

Neuraminic acid (continued) history, 33:5-7

N-acetyl-P-, 47:34, 158-165 isolation, 40: 132
binding to Gd3+,computer modeling, mercaptalation of, 32:26
47: 160-1 6 1 4-O-acetyl-, occurrence, 40:145
Gd3+effect on I3C-NMR, 47:159-160, 7-O-acetyl-, occurrence, 40: 144
164-165 8-O-acetyl-, occurrence, 40: 145
interaction with CaZ' and Eu3+,47: 160 9-O-acetyl-, occurrence, 40: 143-145
Mn2+effect on "C-NMR, 47: 162-163, 4-O-acetyI-9-O-lactyl-, occurrence,
165 40:145, 160
structure, 47: 158 occurrence, 40:141
acylated, in gangliosides, 24:413,415 4-O-methyl-, synthesis, 40: 146
anti-recognition effect, 40:220 8-O-methyl-, occurrence, 40: 146
deamination of methyl glycoside of, 31:35 8-O-methyl-, structure and mass spectrum
derivatives, 24:417 of, 29:47
fluorinated, I3C-NMR data for, 46:177 peracetylated methyl ester methyl
4,9-di-O-acetyl-N-glycolyl-, occurrence, glycoside, fragmentation and mass
40: I45 spectrum of, 29:46
7,9-di-O-acetyl-N-glycolyl-, occurrence, reversible cleavage, 40:158,211-214
40: I43 structure, 38:328-329,40: 132
8,9-di-O-acetyl-N-glycolyl-, occurrence, trimethylsilylation of, 28:28-29
40: I45 7,8,9-tri-O-acetyl-, occurrence, 40: 143,
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:56 145
history, 40: 132 trisaccharide esters with uridine 5'-
hydrolysis, 46:254 pyrophosphate, 28:33 1
linkages, structural analysis, by acid 5-N-acetyl-4,7,8,9-tetra-O-acetyl
degradation, 38:408409 nz-bromobenzyl glycoside, crystal
by methylation, 38:401 structure bibliography, 34:36 1
liquid chromatography, 46:36-37 N-(benzyloxycarbony1)-, 23: 150
mass fragmentography, 38:413415 N-(fluoroacety1)-, preparation, 38:252
methoxy-, trihydrate, crystal structure N-glycolyl-, 24~418,420
bibliography, 30:465 biosynthesis, 40:181, 183
methyl, composition in aqueous solution, ester with cytidine 5'-phosphate, 28:332
42:42,49 isolation, 40:132
methyl P-glycoside, isolation, 40: 132, 148 mass spectrum of, 29:47
N-acetyl-, 23:151,24:8,417,419 occurrence, 40: 142-143
9-azido-9-deoxy-, synthesis, 40: 178 8-O-methyl-, occurrence, 40: 146
biosynthesis, 40: 1 7 6 181 8-O-sulfo-, occurrence, 40: 146
composition in aqueous solution, trisaccharide esters with uridine 5'-
42:4142 pyrophosphates, 28:33 1
D-, carbon 13 nuclear magnetic resonance 4-O-acetyl-N-glycolyI-, occurrence, 40: 145
spectroscopy, 41:64 7-O-acetyl-N-glycolyI-, occurrence, 40: 145
detection, 38:338-340 9-O-acetyl-N-glycolyI-, occurrence,
4,9-di-O-acetyl-, occurrence, 40: 145 40: 143-1 44
7,9-di-O-acetyl-, occurrence, 40: 143-144, occurrence, 40: 141
145 oligosaccharides containing, structure
8,9-di-O-acetyl-, occurrence, 40: 144-145 analysis of permethylated, 38:393
enzymic modification, 40: 181-185 in polysaccharides and glycoconjugates,
ester with cytidine 5'-phosphate, 28:332 31:187
3-flUOrO-, 22:199 and related compounds, 13:237-263
as enzyme inhibitor, 22:212 structure of, 29:261

7,8,9-hi-O-acetyl-N-glycolyl-, occurrence, monodeuteriated, proton magnetic

40:143, 145 resonance spectroscopy of, 27:38
Neuraminic acid glycosides, synthesis, 48: 1 14 Nicotinic acid, carbohydrate esters,
Neuraminic lactone ammonolysis of, 31:88-89, 124
N-acetyl-, 24:4 19 Nigeran, 23:374
N-(benzyloxycarbony1)-, 24:420 antitumor activity of, 32:259-260
Neuraminidases, 24:4 I8,44:208 Barry degradation of, 31:203
amino acid sequence, 40: 198 circular dichroism, 4 5 8 9
in carbohydrate degradation, 38:413 crystallography of, 22:478,33:394, 35:378,
deficiency, 40:207 40:384
degradation of gangliosides, 40:27 1 274
fungal, 41:69-70
effect on glycoproteins, 37:161-163 structure of, 30:345
immobilized, 40: 149,210 Nigerobiouronic acid, from dextrans, 30:409
inhibitors, 40:209 Nigerose
interaction with glycosidases, 48:35 1-353 acetolysis of, 22:21
molecular weights, 40: 198 p-, octaacetate, preparation of, 34:261
occurrence, 40: 195 from dextran, 30:378-379,388,393
pathophysiological significance, 40:206-2 1 I by acetolysis, 31: 197
purification, 40: 149-150, 196, 198 in honey, 25:295, 300
receptor-destroying enzyme, 33:5-6 liquid chromatography methods for analysis
substrate specificities, 40:200-2 10 of, 46:33
use of, 25:463 Nitrate group
viral, 40:210 displacement in carbohy-drates by halogen,
Neuronal cells, glycoproteins and glycopeptides 22:181
from, isolation and properties of, 35326 removal of. without desulfonylation, 23:266
Neurospora crassa Nitrates
polysaccharide, 41:69, 71, 73 ofstarch, 13:331-345
trehalase from, 30:25 1 of sugars, 12:117-135
Neutral sugars, hydrolysis of, 46:262- 263 Nitration, of o-fructose, 22:259
Neutramycin, 21: 173 Nitric acid
Neutron irradiation, starch, 51:263-264 1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitolesters, 49: 133-
Newcastle disease, effect of glycosylation 135
inhibition, 40:372 in hydrolysis of polysaccharides, 28: 15
Newman projection for phenyl ring, 42: I64 Nitriles
N-Glycoproteins, 43: I36 a-amino, mutarotation of, 23: 13
N-Glycosyl linkage, 43:4, 10 acetates, gas-liquid chromatography of,
model compounds, 43:lO-11 28:66
Nickel, Raney, see Raney nickel acylated
Nickel carbonyl, reduction of of aldonic acids, 4: 119-1 5 1
polyhalogenomethyl groups, 28:304 sugar, ammonolysis and free sugar
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide formation, 31534
for enzymic reduction and labeling with amino, hydrogenation of, 24:9
hydrogen isotope, 27: 132 ammonolysis of acetylated, mechanism of,
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy 31:110
of reduced, 27:37,57 of acylated aldobionic acid, 31:97
and phosphate, in isolation of cytidine of acylated aldonic acids, 31:82-85
pyrophosphate glycosyl esters, 28:3 I6 as solvents for sugars, 27: 112
in transformations of glycosyl groups, 2,2,2-Nitrilotriethanol, as matrix for f.a.b.-
28:364-369 mass spectrometry, 45:26-27
Nicotinamide mononucleotide, Nitrites, carbohydrate, photolysis, 38: I77

Nitroalkanes in branched-chain sugar synthesis, proposed mechanism for, 46: I83

42: 107- 109 2-Nitrobenzyl group. for protection of
Nitro-alkenic sugars in synthesis of branched- carboxylic acids, 46: 198
chain sugars, 42:99-100 2-Nitrohenzylidene derivatives
Nitroanilides, as protecting groups for in protection of diols, 46: 188
carboxylic acids, 46:202 utilized in syntheses leading to trisaccharides
Nitroanilines of biological significance, 46: 189
location of third hinding-site in, 45:234-23 5 2-Nitrobenzyloxycarbonyl group,
of structure X-C,H,-Y, taste properties, photochemical cleavage of, 46: 193
45:304-306 2-Nitrobenzyl phosphoric esters, in nucleotide
sweetness-structure relationship, 45:303-306 synthesis, 46:203
third structural feature comprising postulated Nitro compounds, photolysis, of carbohydrates,
glucophore in, 45:234 38:160, 165-176
5-Nitroanilines Nitrogen, ring oxygen replacement by,
2-propoxy- 52:14&141
derivatives, sweetness, 45:303-304 Nitrogen atom, participation in sugar action,
relative sweetness, 45:35 1 22: I43
2-substituted Nitrogen compounds, 53:358
binding to sweet-taste receptor, 45:336 of cyclic monosaccharides, 23: 1 15-232
sweetness, 45:228-23 I , 233 of D-fructose, 22:262
correlation with Hammett constant and as solvents for sugars, 27: 1 12-1 23
hydrophobicity, 45:225 Nitrogen heterocycles, synthesis from
structure relationship, 45:303 saccharide derivatives, 25:3 I 1-349,
Nitrobenzyl polymer, a-bromo-2-, 46: 199 351-405
2-Nitrobenzylidene derivatives, photochemical Nitrogen nucleophiles, for oxirane aldoses,
cleavage of, 46: 188 25: 125
2-Nitrobenzaldehyde, photoinduced oxidation- Nitro group
reduction of, 46: 181 reaction that proceed with retention of, in
Nitrobenzene, 2-amino-4-, sweetness, AH, B nitro sugars, 24:115
system in, 45:221 in sugars, reactions which alter or remove,
Nitrobenzene derivatives 24: 109
2-amino-4-, sweetness, 45:226 Nitroguanidino group, participation in sugar
4-amino-2-, sweetness, 45:226 reactions, 22: 149
Nitrobenzenesulfonate, in displacement 2-Nitropheno1, cyclodextrin inclusion
reactions of carbohydrates, 24: 140 complexes with, 46:222-224
3-Nitrobenzoic acid, cyclodextrin inclusion 3-Nitropheno1, cyclodextrin inclusion
complexes with, 46:221 complexes with, 46:22 1
4-Nitrobenzoic acid, cyclodextrin inclusion 4-Nitropheno1, cyclodextrin inclusion
complexes with, 46:221 complexes with, 46:221
p-Nitrobenzoyloxy group, participation in sugar 3-Nitrophenolate ion, cyclodextrin inclusion
reactions, 22: 1 18 complexes with, 46:221
2-Nitrobenzy1, photochemical cleavage of, 4-Ni trophenolate ion, cyclodextrin inclusion
46: 193 complexes with, 46:22 I , 223-224
2-Nitrobenzyl carbonates, photochemical 3-Nitrophenyl esters, photosolvolysis of,
cleavage of, 46:19@-191 46:203
2-Nitrobenzyl ethers, 46:181-182 (2-Nitrophenyl)ethylenedioxy acetals, 46: I95
photochemical cleavage, 46:181-183, 198 removal of, by strong base, proposed
proposed mechanism for, 46: 183 mechanism for, 46: 196
2-Nitrobenzyl glycosides (2-Nitropheny1)ethylene glycol, 46: 195
photochemical cleavage of, 46: 183 (p-Nitrophenyl)hydrazones, liquid

chromatography, pre-column anhydrides

derivatization procedures, 46:68 intermolecular, 52: 12&121
3-Nitrophenyloxycarbonyl,46: 193 intramolecular, 52: 1 18- 120
Nitrophenyl phosphate, 2-(dimethylamino)-4-, carbohydrate, 26:20
selective phosphorylation of adenosine of carbohydrate boronates, 35:36
with, 33:49 carbohydrates containing additional rings,
Nitrosyl chloride, reaction with glycals, 24:206 52:143-147
Nitrous acid, deamination of amino sugars by, bivalent substituent prefixes, 52: 143-145
25: 181-194 ring fusion methods, 52:145-146
Nitrous oxide, reactions with a-hydroxyalkyl spiro systems, 52: 1 4 6 147
radicals, 37:21-22 commissions, 52:49
6-Nitroveratryloxycarbonyl group, of conformers of furanoid sugars, 26: I09
photochemical cleavage of, 46: I93 of sugars, 26:76-8 1
6-Nitroveratryl urethans, photochemical conventions. 52:52
cleavage of, 46: 193 of cordycepin and cordycepose, 31: 149
Nitryl iodide cyclic acetals, 52:121-122
nitro sugar preparation with, 24:94,99 cyclic forms, 52:4849
reaction with unsaturated carbohydrate of o-apiose, 31: I37
derivatives, 28:270, 299 of deoxy sugars, 21:144, 52:SO-83
NK-1001 (antibiotic), synthesis of, 30: 160 of o-galactanases, 32:292
Nocardic acid, trehalose ester, in mycohacteria, dialdoses. 52:74-75
30:235 diketoses, 52:78-79
Nogalonamide, N-( p-bromobenzy1)-, crystal disaccharides, 52: 148-1 51
structure bibliography, 30:454 enzyme. 33:323-327
Nogalose of enzymes, 23:306
D-, synthesis, 42: 120 exo-glycosidases, 40:285
natural occurrence of, 42:72 furanose and pyranose, 35:5
structure of, 42:70,7S for furanose rings, 30:466
synthesis of, 42: 120 glycosides. 52: 132-135
Nojirimycin, 23:I 16, 132-133,50:154-155, of glycosphingolipids, 24:383,40:237-244
51:150 C-glycosyl compounds, 52: 139- 140
biological activity and structure of. N-glycosyl compounds, 52: 137-1 39
42: 136-137 of glycosyl esters of nucleoside
composition in aqueous solution, 42:49 pyrophosphates, 28:309
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of hemiacetals, hemiketals and thio analogues,
reduction product of, 27:27 52: 122-123
synthesis, 40:96 historical development, 52:4849
Nojirimycin glucosidase inhibition, ketoaldonic acids, 52: 106107
48:335-336 ketoaldoses, 5279-80
Nomenclature, 52:44-177; see also ketoses, 52:75-77
Monosaccharides; Oligosaccharidrs; of L-arabinanases, 32:279
Polysaccharides of L-ascorbic acid, 37:82
acetals, ketals and thio analogues, of lectins, 35: 145- 146
52: 123-124 of nitro sugars, 24:67
aldaric acids, 52:110-112 N-substitution, 52:117-118
alditols, 52: 102-103 of nucleosides, 24:228
aldonic acids, 52: 103-106 0-substitution, 52: I 12-1 17
of aldose oxiranes, 25: 110 of pectinesterases, 33:324
aldoses, 52:72-74 of permethylated glycosides. 29:43, 84
amino sugars, 5284-86 for pneumococci, 33:297

Nomenclature (continued) Nonuloaonic acid, 5,7-diacetamido-3,5,7,9-

of protein-carbohydrate compounds in urine, tetradeoxy-D-glycero-L-gakzcto-, 47: 198
24:435,437 2-Nonulopyranosidonic acid, m-bromobenzyl
radical ions, 52:131-132 5-acetamido-4,7,8,9-tetra-O-acetyl-3,5-
radicals, 52: 129 dideoxy-o-glycero-a-D-gulacto-, crystal
ring oxygen replacement structure bibliography, 34:36 1
by carbon, 52:141-143 Nonulopyranosonic acid
by nitrogen or phosphorus, 52: 140-141 5-acetamido-3-5-dideoxy-P-~-glycero-o-
selenoglycosides, 52: 136 gulucto, see Sialic acid
sulfates, 52:116-117 5-amino-3,5-dideoxy-~-g~ycero-c~-~-gu~ucfo,
of tartaric acid, 21:34 see Neuraminic acid
thioglycosides, 52: 135-136 2-Nonulopyranos-1-onic acid, 5-amino-3,5-
thio sugars and chalcogen analogues, dideoxy-o-glycero-o-gulacto-, see
52:86-87 Neuraminic acid
trivial names with systematic equivalents, Nonulosaminic acids, 13:237-263
52: 172-176 Nonulose
of unsaturated sugars, 24:200 4,7-anhydro- 1,3-dideoxy-
uronic acids, 52:108-110 o-glycero-r-gluco-, synthesis by Wittig
Nomilin, taste properties, 4 5 3 13 reaction, 27:286-287
Non-carbohydrate substrate, see Substrate o-glycero-L-manno-, synthesis by Wittig
3-Nonene-2,5-diol, 5-butyl-1 methoxy 1-, reaction, 27:286-287
synthesis, 39:141 5,6:8,9-di-O-isopropylidene-~-glycero-~-
3-Nonene- I ,2,5-triol, 5-butyl-, synthesis, galucto-, synthesis by Wittig
39: 142 reaction, 27:285
Non-2-enonate 5,6:8,9-di-O-isopropylidene-o-glycero-~-
ethyl 5-acetamido-3,5-dideoxy-~-g~ycero-o- tulo-, synthesis by Wittig reaction,
gulacto-, synthesis by Wittig reaction, 27:285
27:274 3,7-anhydro-6,8-O-benzylidene-2-deoxy- 1-
ethyl 2,3-dideoxy-o-glycero-o-gluco-, C-(p-methoxypheny1)-o-gluco-,
synthesis by Wittig reaction, 27:255 synthesis by Wittig reaction, 27:288
Non-2-enopyranulosonic acid, 5-acetamido- 4,g-anhydro- 1,3,9-trideoxy-~-manno-,
3,5-dideoxy-o-glycero-~-gulucto-, synthesis by Wittig reaction, 27:288
occurrence, 40:147, 185 o-eiythro-L-galacfo-, gas-liquid
Non-3-enulose, 1,3,4-trideoxy-o- chromatography of, 28:49
galucfo-, 5,6,7,8-tetraacetate, synthesis by Nonulosonic acid
Wittig reaction, 27:245 5-acetamido-3,5-dideoxy-3-fluoro-o-glycero-
gluco-,5,6,7&tetraacetate, preparation of, o-gulucto-, preparation, 38:23 8
27:245 5-amino-3,5-dideoxy-o-g~ycero-~-gu~ucro-,
Non-3-enulosonic acid, 3,4-dideoxy-o- see Neuraminic acid
gulucro-, and methyl and isobutyl esters, 3-deoxy-o-ga~acto-,49:202-204
pentaacetates, syntheses by Wittig 2-Nonulosonic acid, 3,8,9-trideoxy-9-C-
reaction, 27:267 phosphono-o-munno-, preparation,
gluco-, methyl ester pentaacetate, synthesis 38:387
by Wittig reaction, 27:267 Nonulosono- 1,4-lactone,5-acetamid0-5-deoxy-
Nonglycosylic phosphate, lipid A backbone, o-glycero-o-gulucto-, 2- (diethyl
50:223-224 dithioacetal), preparation of, 32:26
Nonitol, (hydroxymethy1)-branched, natural Norleucine
occurrence of, 42:76 D-, taste properties, 45:315-316
Non-sugar aglycons, 48:299-300 6-diazo-5-oxo-~-,inhibition of protein
Nontransition metals, 53:322-326 glycosylation, 40:344,368

6,[2-formyl-5-(hydroxymethyl)pyrrole-I -yl], of carbohydrate boronates, 35:4 I , 70

formation of, 46:314 characterization of anhydrodeoxyalditols by,
L-, taste properties, 45:3 15-3 16 23:74, 77, 79
Normal coordinate analysis, 44: 12, 32-34 of chromoses, 21 :185
computerization, 44:9 cIs-2,4-dimethyl- 1,3-dioxolane as reference
Normuscarine, synthesis of, 25:216 compound for, 27:209
P-Noroxetanocin, 50: 196 comparison of relevant parameters of
Nosemu upis, gas-liquid chromatography of different nuclei, 46:74
spores of, 28:47 in conformational analysis, 26:55
Noviose of acyclic sugars, 26:70
composition in aqueous solution, 42:58 and conformational equlibria of cyclic
L-, biosynthesis, 35:82 acetals, 34: 198-202
natural occurrence of, 42:73 conformation of glycofuranosides and, 21:97
structure of, 42:70 of degradation products of polysaccharides,
synthesis of, 40:70,42:78-79 31:239
Novobiocin, monohydrate, crystal structure, of 5-deoxy-5-phosphino-and 5-phosphinyl-i.-
43:351 idopyranoses, 42: 165-1 72
N-substitution, nomenclature, 52: 1 17-1 18 of deoxy sugars, 21:202-203
N-terminal sequence, proteoglycans, in determination of acetylation of partially
49:251-253 substituted carbohydrate, 33: 19
Nuclear acids, 1:193-245, 11:285-333 of deuterated compounds, 27: 147
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, deuterium location, determination by, 27: 143
195-93,21:191, 195 of o-g~ucofuranosidurono-6,3-~actones,
of a,P-unsaturated acids, 27:26 1 33:207-209
of 2-acetamido- 1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitols, 49: 102-1 I0
1-N-acetyl-2-deoxy-P-~-,glucosylaniine, of dithioacetals, 32:88-92
45:98 of fluorinated monosaccharides, 46:74
1-N-(~-aspart-4-oyl)-2-deoxy-P-~- Fourier-transform, acquisition of the free-
glucosylamine, 45:98 induction decay signal, 27:4849
of acetoxonium salts, 26: 132 applications of, 2756-62
of acyloxonium salts, 26: 136 digital processing of the free-induction
advantages of, 46:73-74 decay signal, 27:50
of alkyl ald-3-enulosonates, 27:268 distinction of continuous-wave and pulsed
of anhydroalditols, 25:252 techniques, 27:44
of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses,34:5 I fast Fourier transformation, 27:52-54
anomer determination by, 23:43 noise-stimulated resonance, 27:55
applications, 51 :63-64 phase correction, 27:54
13C, 51:63-127,53:25,288 pulse methods, 27:4549
dipole-dipole relaxation, 516 - 6 7 techniques, 27:43
experimental methods, 51:71-73 of glycans, 37:20&205
extreme narrowing limit, 51:69 'H-, 53:288
free and diffusive rotational motion, oligosaccharide physicochemical analysis,
51~73-74 50:3 12-3 14
of labeled glycophoprins, 45: 169- 198 mucin oligosaccharide chains,
motion narrowing limit, 51:69-70 50:322-328
relaxation mechanisms, 51:7&7 1 sulfated oligosaccharide chains,
relaxation parameters, 51:64 50:330-333
spectral density and, 51:68-70 of halogenated sugars, 22: 199,201
time-correlation function, 51:64,67-68 of hydrazones and osazones of o-fructose,
of capsular polysaccharide Type 2,33:30 I 22:264

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy Nucleic acid hydrolases, 27:307

(continued) Nucleic acids
of ketonucleosides, 42:25&25 I characterization of hydrolysis products of,
metal cation-carbohydrate complexes 25:374
applications, 47:404 1 conformation of furanoid ring in, 26: 1 1 1
metal-sugar complexes, see Metal-sugar infrared and Raman spectroscopic studies,
complexes 44:30
multiplicity rule, 51: 18 laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:84-85
nuclear spin-spin couplings, 51: 17-1 8 nucleosides and nucleotides, crystal
origin, 51:18 structures of, 25:86-90
other nuclei, 4 6 8 0 polysaccharide derivatives, 29:384-387
of polysaccharides, 21:501 separation by cross-linked cycloamyloses,
ofreducing sugars in solution, 42:16, 18-23, 29:404
32,34,6243 structure, 36: 140
resonance condition, 51: 17 Nucleocidin
of sialic acids, 40: 167 conformation of, 26: 1 12
'I9Sn, 53: 19-20 structure, 38:196, 198
solvents for sugars for, 27:108, 124 synthesis of, 28:226,273, 38:237
spectrometers, 29:25, 27 Nuc leophiles
spectroscopy, conformation determination 0-,alcohols and sugars as, 50:32-114; see
by, 24:57 d s o 0-Glucosyl trichloroacetimidates,
in structural chemistry, 26: I3 as donors
and structure of cyclic acetals, 34: 195-198 0-galactosyl trichloroacetimidates, 50:49,
study of electron-rich positions in sweet 52-59,84,92-102
compounds, 45:23 1-232 trichloroacetimidates of 6-
of sucrose derivatives, 33:275-278 deoxyhexoses, 50:98, 104-1 10
of sugar oxiranes, 25: I7 1 trichloroacetimidates of mannosamine
sugars in solution, 49:20-21 derivatives, 50:98, 103
of sulfonic esters of carbohydrates, 0-mannopyranosyl trichloroacetimidates,
23:255-256 50:58,6M7
two-dimensional techniques, 46:74 reaction with
of unsaturated sugars, 24:265 benzoxonium ions, 39:113, 151-152
furanoses, 27:240 oxirane-containing aldoses, 25: 120, 125
phosphonates, 27:297 with sulfonyloxy groups of alditols,
of vinylthio ethers of sugars, 27:276 25264
Nuclear Overhauser enhancement, 38:26-35, Nucleophilic agents, oxirane ring cleavage by,
45:126, 168, 51:16 34:l I5
in combination with nonselective relaxation- Nucleophilicity, enhanced, P-oxides, 50:29
rate measurements, 45: 159 Nucleophilic reactions, for chain-extension of
combined with proton spin-lattice relaxation, carbohydrates, 32:37
45: I 64- 167 Nucleophilic substitutions
single- and double-selective relaxation-rates in 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses,34: 85-87,
with, 4 5 1 60 92
Nuclear relaxation time, measurement of, 27:59 dianhydrohexopyranose preparation by,
Nuclear spin-spin coupling, 51: 17-1 8 34: 107
constants, 51:23-29 radical-mediated brominations, 49:79-84
finite perturbation theory, 51:26-28 Nucleophlic displacement, 53:148-150
indirect, 51:24-26 of sulfonates, 39:229-23 1
Schrodinger equation, 51:23-24 Nucleoside analogs, synthesis, 40:77-80
origin, 51: 18 Nucleoside antibiotics, see Antibiotics

Nucleoside diphosphates, glycosyl esters, in 34:346, 363 -378,37:408435,

polymerization, 41 :125-132 38:485-529
Nucleoside pyrophosphates 3:5-cyclic phosphates, 22:3 19, 358
glycopyranosyl esters, synthesis of cytosine, isolation, 35: 124
saccharides from, 26:35 1 4 8 3 deamination in synthesis of, 31:70
glycosyl esters, occurrence of, 26:353 2-deoxy-, 24:212
Nucleosides, 21:23, 23:99, 105, 222, 224. .see 5 -deoxy-4-fluoro-5-iodo-, preparation of,
also Ribonucleosides 28:273
acyclic analogues, preparation of, 32:72-75 2-deoxyhexofuranosyI-, synthesis of, 27:4
acylation of nitro-, 24: 1 I5 deoxyiodo-, preparation of, 28:243
acyl migration in acyl derivatives, 3-deoxy-3-nitro-, hydrogenation of, 24: I 10
33:104105 derivatives, high-performance liquid
5-aldehydes, isolation of, 33: 122 chromatography. 46:28
anhydro-, 24: 177-188,25:405 2,3-dideoxy-, 24:226
anomerization of, 24:47 errata for 1970-1978,43:375-376
apiose-containing purine, synthesis, esterification of, 33: 13
31: 183-184 with N-(aminoacyl)imidazoles,33:43
arabinosyl, biosynthesis, 35: 123 fraudulent, 29:4-5
arsenic-containing, attempted preparation of, from glycals, 24:217
28:253 5 -(glycosyl pyrophosphate) epimerases,
bacterial, 1 9 2 01-234 gas-liquid chromatography in
3-benzoylpropionyl group as protective monitoring action of, 28:47
group in, 33:248 5 -(glycosyl pyrophosphates), 28:307-399
book on chemistry of. 27:5 carbodiimides in synthesis of, 28:307-399
boronates, acetates and benzoates of. 35:53 chemical reactivity of, 28:356-362
preparation, 35:38,4548 chemical syntheses of. 28:344-356
properties, 35:80 chromatography of. 28:3 10
of branched sugars, 42: 13 1-132 degradation of, 28:311-314. 356
bromination by N-bromosuccinimide and enzymic reactions of, 28:362-396
triphenylphosphine, 28:249 enzymic splitting
C-, P-D-arabinohranosyl, synthesis of, of glycosyl linkage, 28:391-397
33:139 of pyrophosphate linkage, 28:388
structure of, 33: 1 13 extraction of, 28:3 10
synthesis of, 33: 134 history, 28:308
of naturally occurring, analogs. and 2-hydroxypyridyl esters of nucleoside 5-
functionalized C-glycosyl precursors, phosphates in synthesis of, 28:353
33:llI-l88 inversion of hydroxyl group in,
synthetic analogs, 33: 175-1 88 28:369-379
Wittig reaction in preparation of isolation, characterization and structure of
precursors for, 33: 1 5 4 158 natural. 28:3 10-334
5-chloro-5-deoxy-,dinucleosides from. nomenclature, 28:309
28:287 preparation of, 28:334-356
cobalt-containing, preparation, 35356 transfomiations of glycosyl group,
column chromatography, boronic acids in, 28:363-368
3563-64 of glycuronic acids, 36:126-131
complex formation with boronic acids. 35:49 halogenation of, 28:247
conformation of furanoid ring in, halogeno sugar, synthesis of, 28:226
26:110-111 5-halo-4-0x0, biological activity, 48:248
crystal structure of, 25:86-90, 30:445466, hydrolysis of, 22:60
31:355-363,369-371,323372-384. index for 1935-1980,43:405421

Nucleosides (continued) selective deacylation, 39:3644

isomeric 2-deoxy-C-, 46:28 selective esterification, 33:53, 59
laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44534 with acyl azides, 33:45
mass spectra of, 21:90 selective halogenation with N.N-dimethyl
1 -methyl 2-deoxy-, synthesis of, 27:4 (halomethaniminium) halides, 33:82
2,3-O-benzylidene-, reaction with N- with phosphorus-based reagents, 33:
bromosuccinimide, 39: 103 78-80
2 (or 3), 5-diphosphates,22:321 with tertiary phosphines and carbon
phenylboronates, hydrolysis, 355 1 tetrahalides, 33:79
mass spectrometry, 35:68 selective metbylations with diazomethane,
5-phosphates from 5 phosphites, 22:341 33~69-70
5 -phosphoroimidazolidates, in synthesis of selective oxidation of, 33538
glycosyl nucleoside pyrophosphates, selective phosphorylation of, 33:46,4849
28:346 selective reactivity of hydroxyl groups in
phosphorolysis of activated, 22:369 furanoid, 33:3 1
5 -phosphoromorpholidates, in synthesis of sulfonylation of, 23:241, 245
glycosyl esters of nucleoside 5- sulfur-containing, photolysis, 38: 154-155
pyrophosphates, 28:346-35 1 synthesis of, 25:218,26:14,31:4,39:153,
5-phosphorothioate, in synthesis of 46:6
pyrophosphates of nucleosides, 28:352 from aldonolactones, 50: 195-201
phosphorylating agents for, 22:392-395 branched-chain, by Wittig reaction,
phosphorylation of, 22:325 27:234235,243
photolysis of o-nitrophenyl ethers, transacetalation of, 33:72
38: 167-1 68 trifluoroacetates, mass spectrometry of,
32P-labelled,synthesis of, 33:49 30:42
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, unsaturated, 24:226-227
27:33-39, 81 synthesis of, 24:250
purine, 17:301-369 Nucleotides, 21:24,22:307419; see also
purine anhydro-, 24: 185 Mononucleotides; Oligonucleotides;
pyrimidine, 14:283-380.24: 176 Polynucleotides
containing 2,3-dideoxy sugar, 21: 194 N-alkylation of, 22:382
pyrimidine anhydro-, 24: 176-177 analogs, antibacterial, 42: 189
5-pyrophosphates apiose-containing sugar, 31: 163
enzymic synthesis of glycosyl esters of, apiosyladenine, deamination of, 31: 153
26:354-366 bacterial, 15:201-234
glycerol and triose esters, 28:334 biosynthesis of sugar, 27:336
hexitol and pentitol esters, 28:333 book on chemistry of, 27:5
radiation-induced degradation, 37:76 column chromatography, boronic acids in,
radiolysis and radical-induced scission, 3564
37:55-58 complex formation with boronic acids,
reactions with (bromo(or chloro)- 35:49
methy1ene)dimethyliminium bromide(or condensation of units, 36: 156-1 67
chloride), 28:253 conversions of, 22:375
regioselective ring cleavage of crystal structure of, 25236-90,30:445466,
tetraisopropyldisiloxane- 1,3-diyl 31:355-363,369-371,32:372-384,
derivatives, 3 9 5 8 34~346,362-378,37:408435,
research, 29:2-3 38:485-529
ribo-chlorination or bromination by thionyl deamination of, 22:376
chloride or bromide and 2-deoxy-, 24:226
hexamethylphosphoric triamide, 28:250 errata for 1970-1978,43:375-376

esterification of, 33: 13 0

francationation of mono-, dextran derivative
for, 29:326 Oats
glycopyranosyl esters of, 18:309-356 cell-wall studies on, 42:267, 271,285, 287,
halogenation of, 22:377 291-292.294,300-301,320,352-
hydrogenation of, 22:380 353
index for 1935-1980,43:405421 hemicellulose-cellulose ratio, 36:253-
laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:84 255
in liver, effect of o-fructose on, 34:322-324 sugars in hydrolyzates of hemicelluloses,
N-oxidation of, 22379 36~255-251
phenylboronates, mass spectrometry, 35:68 xylans, 36:234
phosphono migration in, 33: 108 0-P-o-Glucopyranosyl- (1 -3)-o-
phosphorylating agents for synthesis of, glucopyranose, 43:333
22~392-395 Obituaries
phosphorylation, 49:210-2 13 Alfred Gottschalk, 33:l-9
32P-labeled,22339 Alva Thompson, 19: 1-6
precursors in cellulose biosynthesis, Bernard Randall Baker, 29:l-10
26:323-326 Carl Neuberg, 13:l-7
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, Claude Silbert Hudson, 9:xiii-xviii
27:33-39 David James Bell, 30: 1-8
pyrophosphorolysis of sugar, 28:390 Edmund George Vincent Percival, 10:
radiation-induced degradation, 37:76 xiii-xx
radiolysis and radical reactions, 37:47 Edmund Langley Hirst, 35: 1-29
reaction with hydroxylamine, 22386 Edward John Bourne, 34: 1-22
selective dephosphonylation, 39:59 Emil Hardegger, 38: 1-1 I
sugar Emil Heuser, 15:l-9
biosynthesis of saccharides from. Emile Bourquelot, 18: 1-8
26:351483 Fred Smith, 22:1-10
enzymic conversion of, 32: 10 Geza Zemplen, 14: 1-8
in interconversion of carbohydrates, Harold Hibbert, 16:l-11
32:8 Hermann Otto Laurenz Fischer, 17:l-14
in Nature, biosynthesis of, 3 2 9 Hewitt Grenville Fletcher, Jr., 31:l-7
in marine alga, 26:404 James Colquhoun Irvine, 8:xi-xvii
sulfonylation of, 22:376 John Archer Mills, 36: 1-8
synthesis of, 22324, 27:260 John Clinton Sowden, 20:1-10
in synthesis of trehalose 6-phosphatq 30:241 John Kenyon Netherton Jones, 41: 1-26
synthetic, 22:398416 Joseph Vincent Karabinos, 36:9-13
tritiated, stability and storage of, 27: 139 Karl Paul Gerhardt Link, 39:l-12
Nucleotide-sugars, 44:280 Kurt Heinrich Meyer. 1l:xiii-xviii
phosphorylation, 49:2 13-2 18 Laszlo Vargha, 28: 1-10
Nucleotidyltransferases, 44:280-28 1 Melville Lawrence Wolfrom, 26:146
Numbering, of carbon atoms in sugars by Phoebus Aaron Theodor Levene, 12: 1-1 2
Fischer, 21:lO Richard Kuhn, 24: I
Nutrition, di-o-fructose dianhydrides and, Rudolph Maximilian Goepp, Jr., 3:
52233-234 xv-xxiii
Nystose, 22230 William Ward Pigman, 37: 1-5
I3C nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of, Walter Norman Haworth, 6: 1-9
33:277 William Werner Zorbach, 27: 1 4
tetradecaacetate, proton magnetic resonance William Zev Hassid, 32:1-14
spectroscopy of, 27:3 1 Ochiai, H., 46:4

Ocotea puberula, 46: 13 2-C-phenyl-o-g\uco-, 4,5,6,7,8-

Ocotein, 46: 13 pentaacetate, synthesis by Wittig
Octadecane-l,3,4-triol, 2-amino-, see reaction, 27:256
Phytosphingosine D-gulacto-, pentaacetate, synthesis by
Octadecanoic acid, methyl ester, Wittig reaction, 27:253, 255
transesterification of carbohydrates with, synthesis by Wittig reaction, 27:255
33:44 4,5,6,8-tetraacetate, synthesis by Wittig
4-Octadecene- 1,3-diol, 2-amino-, see reaction, 27:255
Sphingosine D-gluco-, pentaacetate, synthesis by Wittig
3,5-0ctadiyne-2,7-diol, 2,7-dimethyl-, reaction reaction, 27:253
with sugars, 40:124 synthesis by Wittig reaction,
Octane 27:25+255
(1 S,2S,3R,4S,5S, 7R)- 1-Acetoxy-2,3,4-tetra- methyl 4-acetamido-
O-benzoyloxy-7-bromo-6- 6,8-0-benzylidene-2,3,4-trideoxy-o-
oxabicyclo[3.2.1], synthesis, 49:65 gluco-, synthesis by Wittig reaction,
(lR, 5R)-6,8-dioxa-3-thiabicyclo[3.2.1]-, 27:255
preparation of, 34:105, 148 2,3,4-trideoxy-o-ghco-, synthesis by
4,6-Octanedione, 1,l ,1,2,2,3,3,-heptafluoro-7,7- Wittig reaction, 27:255
dimethyl-, lanthanide complex, in proton Oct-3-enonate, dimethyl 3-(carboxymethy1)-
magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 29:2 1 2,3,4-trideoxy-5,6:7,8-di-O-
1-Octanethiol, odor of, 32:17 isopropylidene-, synthesis by Wittig
Octanucleotide, synthesis, 36: 173 reaction, 27:255-256
Octasaccharides, 47: 190, 192 Oct-2-enononitrile, 2,3-dideoxy-o-gluco-,4,5,6-
of ribonuclease B, 27:325 7,8-pentaacetate, synthesis by Wittig
Octenitol, 48:356-357 reaction, 27:256
Oct-5-eno- 1,4-furanose,3-O-benzoyl-1,2-O- Oct-2-enose, 2,3-dideoxy-1-C-phenyl-o-
cyclohexylidene-5,6,8-trideoxy-a-~-xylo-, gulucto-, synthesis by Wittig reaction,
27:250 27:246
Oct-5-eno- 1,4-furanos-7-ulose Oct-6-enose
3-0-benzoyl- 1.2-O-cyclohexylidene-5,6,8- cis(and tran.s)-6,7,8-trideoxy-1,2:3,4-di-0-
trideoxy-a-o-xyb, reactions of, 27:250 isopropylidene-7-nito-a-o-gu~ucto-,
3-0-benzyl- 1,2-O-cyclohexylidene-5,6,8- 24:112, 127
trideoxy-a-o-xyb, synthesis by Wittig (@-6,7,8-trideoxy- 1,2:3,4-diisopropylidene-
reaction, 27:245 7-C-nitro-ct-o-gulacto-, irradiation,
Oct-2-enonamide, 2,3-dideoxy-o-gluco-,4,5. 38: 174-1 75
6,7,8-pentaacetate, synthesis by Wittig 6,7,8-trideoxy- 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-
reaction, 27:256 a-o-galucto-, synthesis by Wittig
Oct-2-enonate reactions, 27:235
ethyl 4-acetamido- Octenoses, 1-C-aryl uldehydo-, pentaacetates,
3,4-dideoxy-2-O-ethy1-5,6:7,8-di-O- syntheses by Wittig reactions, 27:24&247
isopropylidene-o-gluco-, synthesis by Oct-5-enose-7-ulose,6,8-dideoxy- 1,2:3,4-di-O-
Wittig reaction. 27:274 isopropylidene-a-o-galacto-, cis-and cis-
2,3,4-trideoxy-~-ghco-,synthesis by trans isomers, 24: 1 12
Wittig reaction, 27:255 Oct-3-enulose, 5,7:6,8-di-O-benzylidene- 1,3,4-
ethyl 2-bromo-2,3-dideoxy-o- trideoxy-o-ribo-, synthesis by Wittig
galacto-, 4,5,6,7,8-pentaccetate, synthesis reaction, 27:245
by Wittig reaction, 27:257 Oct-3-enulosonic acid, 3,4-dideoxy-
gluco-, 4,5,6,7&pentaacetate, synthesis by D-urubino-, and tert-butyl ester pentaacetate,
Wittig reaction, 27:257 synthesis by Wittig reaction,
ethyl 2,3-dideoxy- 27:267-268

L-urubino-, and methyl and isobutyl esters, Octoses

pentaacetates, synthesis by Wittig 6-acetamido-6,8-dideoxy-~-e~ythro-~-
reaction, 27:267-268 gulacto-. dimethyl dithioacetal, reaction
Octitols with hydrochloric acid, 32:60
6-acetamido-l,5-anhydro-6,8-dideoxy-3,4-0- 3,6-anhydro-2-deoxy-
isopropylidene- 1-C-( p-methoxyphenyl)-D-gu/ueto-,
D-ewthro-D-galacro-, 25:249 synthesis by Wittig reaction, 27:285
7-O-methy~-~-eq~thro-~-ga/acto-. 25: 4,5:7,8-di-O-isopropylidene-l -C-(p-
249 methoxypheny1)-D-glycero-D-
1,5-anhydro- gulucto-, synthesis by Wittig
D-eiythro-D-galucto-, 25:249 reaction, 27:285
6,8-dideoxy-N-(4-propyI-~-hygroyI )-D- 4,5:7,8-di-0-1sopropylidene-l -C-(p-
eiythro-o-gulucro-, 25249 methoxyphenyl)-D-g!ycero-D-tuk-,
anhydro-, 25:249,282 synthesis by Wittig reaction, 27:285
conformation of, 25: 105 3,7-anhydro-2,8-dideoxy- 1-C-(p-
Octonate, methyl 4-acetamido-2,3,4-tndeoxy- methoxypheny1)-L-munno-, synthesis by
D-gluco-, preparation of. 27:26 I Wittig reaction, 27:288
Octonic acid deoxy-, melting points and optical rotations
4-acetamido-6,8-0-benzylidene-4-deoxy-~- of, 26:288
threo-L-galaeto-, methyl ester, o-eryrhro-i.-talo-, 47:39
preparation of, 27:266 composition in solution, 42:36
D-threo-L- dithioacetals, physical constants of, and
gulacto-. preparation of, and 1,4-lactone, peracetates, 32: I 13
27:266 DI.-threo-uL-. synthesis, 40:95
ido-, preparation of, 27:266 o-threo-L-
Octopyranose gulucto-, preparation of, 27:266
7-acetamido- talo, composition in solution, 42:36
7,8-dideoxy- 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropyIidene- Y-
L-threo-a-D-gulacto-, hemihydrate, composition in aqueous solution,
crystal structure, 43:245-246 42~55-56
6-O-acetyl-7,8-dideoxy- I ,2:3,4-di-0- natural occurrence of, 42:73
isopropylidene-D-erythro-a+- synthesis of, 42:126
galucro-, crystal structure, 43:252 Octos-6-ulose, (IS)-5,7-anhydro-&deoxy-
6,7,8-trideoxy- 1,2:3,4-di-0- 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidine- 1 -0-methyl-
isopropylidene-D-g~,vcero-r.-grr/ucto-, u/deh,vdo-D-g~ycero-D-gu/acto-, 1-acetal,
crystal structure, 43:347 crystal structure bibliography, 37:399
7-azido-8-deoxy- 1,2:3,4-di-0- Octulopyranose, 2,7-anhydro-~-glycero-~-~-
isopropylidene-6-7-dithio-6,7-S manno-. monohydrate, crystal structure
trimethylene-o-erythro-a-D-gulucto-, bibliography, 38:438,467
crystal structure bibliography, 34:361 Octulopyranosonic acid. 3-deoxy-~-manno-2-,
8-azido-8-deoxy-l,2:3,4-di-O- 48:lll-112
isopropylidene-5,5,6,7-trimethylene- 2-Octulopyranosonic acid
6,7- dithio-a-L-threo-o-gulucto- crystal 2,4,5,7,8-penta-0-acetyl-3-deoxy-~-munno-
structure bibliography, 32:38 1 deacetylation products, 38:374-375
6-O-acetyl-7,8-dideoxy-l,2:3,4-di-0- methyl ester, synthesis, 38:365-367, 375
isopropylidene-7-nitro-,24:99 4,5,7,8-tetra-O-acetyyl-2-chloro-2,3-dideoxy-
Octopyranoside, methyl 6-acetamido-6.7,8- o-manno-, methyl ester, synthesis,
trideoxy-a-DL-g/ycero-DL- 38~375-376
ullo-, synthesis, 40:60 Octulopyranosylonic acids, 3-deoxy-D-munno-
gulacto-, synthesis, 40:60 2, circular dichroism, 45:107

Octulose nuclear magnetic resonance spectra,

4,7-anhydro- 389-94
1,3-dideoxy-o-ribo-, synthesis by Wittig semicarbazide assay, 38:341,343-344
reaction, 27:285 spectroscopic analysis, 38:359-365
1,3-dideoxy-o-xylo-, synthesis by Wittig structure, 38:357-365
reaction, 27:285 synthesis, by Cornforth reaction,
5,6,8-tri-O-benzyl- 1,3-dideoxy-o-2-, 38:365-369
synthesis, 48: 116 cyanohydrin, 38:371
4,8-anhydro-, 7,9-O-benzylidene- I ,3- by Kuhn reaction, 38:369-371
dideoxy-o-gluco-, synthesis by Wittig Wittig synthesis, 38:358,369, 371-373
reaction, 22288 5-O-rx-~-rhamnopyranosyl-, synthesis,
D-glyCerO- 38:369
o-altro-, synthesis, 41:9 5-O-P-o-glucopyranosyl-, synthesis,
D-gUkKtfl-, synthesis, 4 1 9 38:369
Or-D-glUC0-2-,sweetness-structure 5-O-(P-o-glucopyranosyluronicacid)-,
relationship, 45:253-254 synthesis, 38:369
L-galacto-, synthesis, 41:9 5-O-methyl-, synthesis, 38:329, 33 1
r-gluco-, taste properties, 45:254-255 5-0-(2-acetamid0-2-deoxy-P-o-
~-gulo-,taste properties, 45:254 glucopyranosyl)-3-deoxy-, synthesis,
L-glycero-, L-galacto-, synthesis, 41:9 38:369
Octulose bisphosphates, composition in Octulosonic acid &phosphate, 3-deoxy-o-
aqueous solution, 42:46 manno-2-, synthesis, 49:204,206
2-Octuloses, sweetness-structure relationship, Octulosonic acids
45:253-254 3-deoxy-, esters with cytidine 5-phosphate,
3-Octuloses, composition in aqueous solution, 28:332
42:41 3-deoxy-o-galacto-, synthesis of, 28:77
Octulosonic acid, 3-deoxy-o-manno-, 48:297 3-deoxy-o-ghco-, synthesis of,28:77
2-Octulosonic acid 3-deoxy-o-manno-, 41:159, 164
7-(2-aminoethyl)-3-deoxy-manno-, ester with cytidine triphosphate, 28:333
phosphate, 38:343,345 in polysaccharides and glycoconjugates,
3-deoxy- 31:187
o-manno- sodium salt, carbon-13 nuclear magnetic
in acidic exopolysaccharides, resonance spectroscopy, 41:64
38:356-357,361-365 synthesis and gas-liquid chromatography
biosynthesis, 38:325 of, 28:77
chemistry and biological significance, trimethylsilylation of, 28:28
38:323-388 Oct- 1-ynitol, 4,5:7,8-di-O-isopropylidene-o-
composition in aqueous solution, 42:42 glycero-o-talo-, preparation and
in lipopolysaccharides, 38:324 cyclization of, 33:130-131
metabolism, enzymes, 38:378-387 Oct-7-ynopyranose, 7,g-dideoxy- 1,2:3,4-di-O-
inhibitors, 38:387-388 isopropylidene-o-glycevo(andL-glycero)-
monosaccharide chemistry, 38:373-378 a-o-galacto-, 24:260
occurrence and linkages in 0-(2,6-diamino-2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-6-C-methyl-
lipopolysaccharides, 38:334-356 oc-o-eryrhro-hexopyranosyl)-(1- + 4 ) - ~ - 3 -
periodate-thiobarbituric acid assay, amino- 1,3,6-trideoxy-l-methoxy-6-
38:326-334 (methylamino)-chiro-inositol,hydrate,
phosphate, synthesis, 38:326, 367 crystal structure, 43:346-347
phosphate-thiobarbituric acid assay, 3-O-(di- and tri-glycosy1)-serine or-threonine
38:326-334 derivatives, properties, 43:200-20 1
polysaccharides containing, carbon- 13% Odorotrioside G, 39:302

Odorous substances, 45223 by selective deacylation, 39:36

Ohle, Heinz, 452-9 Ohgo-( 1+6)-D-glucosidase
1,3-O-(hydroxyborylene)-o-mannitol, activity in utilization of a-u-
monohydrate, 43:37 1 glucopyranosides by yeasts,
Oleandomycin 32: 191-1 99
desosamine component of, 28:299 regulation, 39:388-390
sugar component oleandrose, 28:299 substrate specificity, 39:387
Oleandrose, in cardiac glycosides, 28:298 Oligoribonucleotides
Oleandroside condensation catalyzed by RNA ligase,
methyl a-UL-,synthesis, 40:40 36:191
methyl DL-,synthesis, 28:298,40:32 separation and purification, 36: 197-204
Olefins, hydroformylation and structural integrity of synthetic, 36:20&206
hydro(hydroxymethy1)ation of, 23:6 1 synthesis, 39:64,66
Oleic acid, lithium, potassium, and sodium on polymer supports, 36:212
salts, as catalysts and solubilizers for protecting groups, 36:142-149
sugars, 21:96 by triester method, 36: 186-1 89
Olgose, monohydrate, crystal structure. 43:268 Oligosaccharide chains, @linked,
Oligodeoxyribonucleotides glycoproteins, 50:322, 324
separation and purification, 36: 193-204 Oligosaccharide precursors, lipid-linked,
structural integrity of synthetic, 36:204--206 biosynthesis pathways, 40:295
synthesis, 39:64 Oligosaccharides, 17:121-167,21:27,
on polymer supports, 36:207-2 12 53:400405
protecting groups, 36: 142-143 from Acacia gums, 24:344
Ohgo-D-galactosiduronate hydrolases, acetates, gas-liquid chromatography of,
nomenclature, 33:327-328 28:70
Oligogalactosiduronic acid, f.a.b.-mass acetolysis and anumerization of, 31: 199
spectrum acetylated. mass spectrometry of, 29:99-104
effect of acid-dosing, 45:27-28 N-acetylated or deoxy sugar-containing,
effect of (pentafluororbenzyl) oxime 46:29
derivative, 4 5 3 2 acidic
Oligogalacturonic acids, 0-trimethylsily I animal-derived, large-scale preparative
derivatives, decomposition rates for, 28:29 liquid chromatography, 4 6 5 2
Oligogalacturonide hydrolase, nomenclature, structures proved by methylation and gas-
33:327 liquid chromatography, 30:76-78
Oligogalacturonide lyase, nomenclature, a-u-mannosidase action on, 28:420
33:327 with amino or acetamido groups, I3C-NMR
Oligoglycosiduronic acids, liquid data for, 42:209-210
chromatography, 46:4041 analogues, 52:158-159
Oligoglycosylalditols, 51: 17 1 1.6-anhydr0, preparation of, 34: 158-161
homonuclear COSY spectrum, 51:174, 176 properties and reactions of, 34:161-163,
'H-NMR spectrum, 51: 174-175 170
Oligomerization, secondary, polysaccharides, anomeric protons, nonselective spinlatttice
41: 170 relaxation rates, 45: 149-1 52
Oligonucleotides f3-amylase action on, 23:337
block polymerization, 36:170, 185-1 86 basic, structures proved by methylation and
chromatography of, 29:333 gas-liquid chromatography, 30:79
phosphate protection groups, 36: 152-1 56 biologically active, carba-, 48:74-86,
purification, 36: 193-204 279-3 18
synthesis alpha amylase inhibitors, 48:X 1-86
and protecting groups, 36: I5 1-1 52 validamycins, 48:74-78

Oligosaccharides (continued) furanoid, 21:126

biosynthesis of, 26:366-376 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:67-71
block synthesis, thioglycosides in, gel chromatography of, 25:32-35
52: 19 1-198 glucosyl trichloroacetimidates, reaction,
blood-group, hifluoroacetic acid in 50:4142
hydrolysis of, 28: 16 in glycoenzymes, 27:325
branched, 52: 155-1 56 glycoprotein-derived
caramel production, 47:222 liquid chromatography, 46:42-43
carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance structural and sequence analysis of, 46:57
signals, identification, 38:22-25 gl ycosaminoglycan-derived, liquid
cation complexes, 47: 18-19 chromatography, pre-column
cello-, structure of, 26: 16 derivatization procedures, 46:68
ceramide, 24:395,400 from glycosaminoglycans, ultraviolet-
characterization of, from sucrose, 30:5 absorbances of, 46:65
chitin-derived, 46:29 guanosine 5-pyrophosphate esters, 28:322
chromatography of, 25:9 from gums
cleavage of glycosidic linkages, 46:252 of galactan group, 24:352
I3C-NMRdata for, 42: 193-225 ghatti, 24:354
complete haptens, synthesis, 51:221-227 haptens from glycopeptidolipid antigens,
complex 51:186
with alkali metal hydroxides, 21:254 high-mannose, preparative liquid
with metal salts, 21:221 chromatography, 46:60
determining sequence of glycosyl residues honey
in, 46:58 composition of, 25:295-298
ionic, liquid chromatography, 46:4549 origin of, 25:298-306
neutral, liquid chromatography, 46:4 1 4 5 hyaluronic acid-derived, liquid
preparative liquid chromatography, 46:60 chromatography separation, 46:48
conformation, 50:335-337 hydrolysis of, 22:53
containing 2-acetamido-2-deoxyhexose units, interaction with asparagus-pea lectin,
ultraviolet-absorbances of, 46:65 35286-288
containing L-rhamnose, 47: 193 with concanavalin A, 35:181-186
crystal structure of, 25:77-80 with lectins, 35: 142
cyclic, 52: 156-158 with wheat-germ lectin, 35:219
liquid chromatography separation, interglycosidic carbon-peoton coupling
46:4445 constants, 51:55
definition of, 21:433, 52:52 ionic, of animal origin, preparative liquid
degradation by oxidation with chromium chromatography, 46:60
trioxide, 31:229 of isolychnose series, occurrence, 37:304
degree of polymerization, determination by structure, 37:305
gas-liquid chromatography, 28:58, 83, lipid-linked
85 in animals, structure, 44:357
derivatives, anomeric C,H bond, carbon- in plants, 44:355-356
proton coupling constants, 51:34-35 sources, 44:356
by endo-o-mannanase degradation of structure, 44:357
galacto- and gluco-mannans, laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:8 1-83
32314316 with Le determinants, synthesis, 50:8 1,
from enzymic hydrolyzates of o-xylans, 8688
32: 346-3 52 linear, structural and sequence analysis of,
esters with uridine 5-pyrophosphate,28:33 1 46:57
with free hemiacetal group, 52:153-154 linkage analysis, 5217-18

lipid-linked, assembly and transfer to protein peptido-, peptide composition of urinary,

in vitro, 40:307-312 24:445
assembly and transfer to protein in v i w , peralkylated, prechromatographic
40:299-306 purification of, 46:20
biosynthesis, 40:288-32 I permethylated, structure analysis,
cell mutants in biosynthesis, 40:3 12-3 14 38:392-394
inhibitors of formation, 40:326-342 per(trimethylsily1) ethers, gas-liquid
liquid chromatography, peak-area analyses, chromatography of, 28:130-135
46:64 1 -phenylflavazole acetates, mass
of lychnose series, occurrence, 37:306 spectrometry of, 29: I0 1
structure, 37:305 phosphorylated
malto-, determination by trimethylsilylation, fractionation, 46:46
28:25 preparative liquid chromatography, 46:60
mass spectrometry of, 21:46,93,29:84-105 physiochemical analysis, 50:3 11-3 14
trimethylsilyl derivatives, 30:39-40 plant-derived
mean, hemiacetal and acetal geometries, large-scale preparative liquid
47:72 chromatography, 46:62
metabolism of u-galactose-containing, liquid chromatography, 46:41
37:342-372 from polysaccharides by acetolysis, 22:20
methanolysis of, 28: 18 preparation of, 34:267,275,47: 180-200
methyl a-isomalto, preparation of, 34:262 proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of,
methylated (fully), gas-liquid 27:30
chromatography of, 28: 135 pyrolysis of, 34:45, 152
methylation analysis by mass spectrometry, qualitative motional description, 51:97-102
29:66 quantitative motional description,
methyl glycosides, 47: 199 51:114117
microbial, preparative liquid quinoxaline derivatives. polarography of.
chromatography, 46:60 29:157-I 62
mucin structure, 50:3 16-322 raffinose family, biosynthesis pathway.
'H-NMR-spectral and mass-spectrometric 31:357
analysis, 50:322-328 in plant kingdom, 37:351-360
N-arylglycosylamine acetates, mass the raffinose family of, 9: 149-184
spectrometry of, 29:99 recognition specificity of proteins, 50: 17
neuraminic acid-containing, permethylated, reductive-amination, affinity adsorbent
structure analysis, 38:393 preparation, 39:433434
neutral reductively aminated with aniline, f.a.b.-
of animal origin, preparative liquid mass spectrometry, 45:33
chromatography, 46:60, 62 relatives reactivities of hydroxyl groups in,
structural and sequence analysis of, 46:57 33:60
structures proved by methylation and gas- selective esterification of, 33:3540
liquid chromatography, 30:72-75 sequences related to Lea and Leb antigens,
nitrogen-containing, in human milk, 24:7 50:337,340-341
N-phenylosotriazole acetates, mass of sesamose series, occurrence, 37:306
spectrometry of, 29: 101- 103 structure. 37:307
occurrence and structure of natural, book, sialic acids
30:7 from colostrum, gel chromatography of,
of ovarian-cyst blood-group substances, 25:35
25:452458 large-scale preparative liquid
partially fluorinated low-molecular-weight, chromatography, 46:62
48:212 occurrence, 40: 138-140

Oligosaccharides (continued) branch linkage synthesis, 51:159-162

preparative liquid chromatography, 46:60 combined organic-enzymic approach,
sialylated, 49:225-226 46: 1 8 4 1 8 7
determinants, 50:337-342 control of dextran and acceptor product
liquid chromatography separation, synthesis, 51: 158-1 59
46:4546 glycosidation methods, 52: 179-182
ultraviolet absorbances of, 46:65 4-oxopentanoyl group hydrazinolysis,
simple 39:42
ionic, liquid chromatography separation on polymer supports, by Koenigs-Knorr
of, 46:4041 reaction, 34:269
liquid chromatography, pre-column from sucrose and acceptor molecules by
derivatization procedures, 46:68 dextransucrases, 30:424-427
neutral, liquid chromatography analysis, thioglycosides as glycosyl acceptors,
46:3740 52: 197-198
of stachyose series, occurrence, 37:306-309 trifluoroacetates, gas-liquid chromatography
structure, 37:308 of, 28:70, 113
starch-derived, 46:29 trimethylsilyl ethers
from Sterculia urens gums, 24:368 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:68-70
structure of, 35:5 mass spectrometry of, 29:91-96
from asparaginylglucosaminuria urine, underivatized, unreduced, f.a.b.-mass
37: 198 spectrometry, fragmentation pathways,
from fucosidosis urine, 37: 194195, 4546
205 unsaturated, 24:253
from gangliosidosis urine and tissues, synthesis of, 29:262
37: 196 in urine, 24:436,39:330-331
from mannosidosis urine, 37: 182, 190, without free hemiacetal groups, 52:151-153
205,209 yeast high-mannose, hydrolysis and
from Sandhoff s disease urine, 37: 197 acetolysis, monitoring with f.a.b.-mass
from sialidosis urine, 37:191-193,205 spectrometry, 45:49-50
gangliosides, 24:423 Oligospermia, o-fructose level in, 34:304
sulfated Oligostatin, 48:81, 83
preparative liquid chromatography, 46:60 Oligosylceramide, from freshwater bivalves,
uronic acid-containing, large-scale 44:417,419420
preparative liquid chromatography, Oliose, acetyl-, 21: 184, 186
46:62 Olivacine, 46: 13
sulfonylation of, 23:241 Olive, development physiology of, 42:341
symbols for defining structures Olivomose, 21: 184
condensed form, 52:161-162 Olivomycal, L-, synthesis of, 42: 103
extended form, 52: 161 Olivomycin, 21:184, 186
short form, 52:162-163 Olivomycose, 21:184,50:158-159
sugar chain representation, 52: 159 DL-, synthesis, 40:20
symbols, 52: 160 L-, synthesis of, 40:129,42: 103
synthesis of, 6:27-81, 21:457,34:159, natural occurrence of, 42:72
36: 136,49:221,51: 15 1-163 structure of, 42:70
acceptor product synthesis of, 27:235,242,42:78,94,
formation mechanism, 51:154-157 114-1 15
structures, 51:15 1-1 55 Olivose, 21:184
acceptors and acceptor reaction, Ombuin, 46: 13
51: I5 1-152 Oncology
applications, 51:162-163 sialic acid function, 40:232

sialidase treatment, 40:228 of metal hydroxides on. of carbohydrates,

One enzyme-one linkage concept, 44:306-3 11 21:253
Onion bulbs, gas-liquid chromatographic of gels, 24:309
analysis of, 28:68 of glycofuranosides, 21: 140-141
Onodera, Akifumi, 46:9 in glycoside hydrolysis, 22:26
Onodera, Fumi, 46:9 of sucrose, effect of salts on, 21:225
Onodera, Koji, 46:9 of sugars, 23:53-56
Onodera, Konoshin of teichoic acids, 21:344
accomplishments, 46:4-5 of I-thioaldofuranosides, 21: 142
awards and honors, 462-9 Optical rotatory dispersion, 4591, 53:290
baccalaureate graduation thesis, 46:3 of acyclic sugar acetates, 26: 13
childhood, 46:2 of glycosiduronic acid, 36:88
climbing in Himalayas, 46:5 spectrum, of dithioacetals, 32:98
editorial work, 46:8 of sugars, 35:5
family, 46: 1-9 Orange, development physiology of. 42380
fields of research, 46:6 Orange pectinesterase, see Pectinesterases
founder of Japanese Society of Carbohydrate Orchidectomy, effect on a-D-mannosidase
Research, 46:9 activity, 28:434, 436
interest in mountain climbing, 46:2 Orcinol reaction, in sugar analysis, 28:223
investigation of synthetic procedure for Orcinol reagent for plant cell-wall residues,
nucleosides, 46:6 42:215
Ph.D. thesis, 46:3 Orcinol-sulfuric acid reagent, for estimation of
scientific research, 46:3-8 D-fmctose, 22~238
study of biochemistry, 46:2-3 Orconectes limosus. trehalose biosynthesis in,
as teacher, 46:5 30:239
work for Agricultural Chemical Society, Organelles. of yeast cell, 32: 141-142
46:8 Organic chemistry, in 19rhcentury, 50:5
work for Biochemical Society of Japan, 46:8 Organic compounds, mass spectrometry and
work habits, 46:5 structure of. 21:39
work in Laboratory of Biological Chemistry, Organolithium compounds, reaction with
46:3 aldonolactones, 50: 138-143
Onodera, Mizuyo, 46:9 dioxolanes. 39: 138
Onodera, Yukari, 46:3, 9 Organomagnesium reagents, reaction with
Ontogeny, fucolipid role, 39:309 aldonolactones, 50: 138-143
2-( 0-pheny1enedioxy)acetyl group, enzymic Organomercurials, research, 2 9 2
hydrolysis, 39:44 Organometallic compounds
Optically active natural products, enantiomeric for C-glycosylations, 33: 142-145
carba-sugars, synthesis, 48:4&4 1 irradiation, 38: 190-191
Optical rotation Organoselenium
of I ,6-anhydrohexofuranoses, 34: 154 chemistry, 53: 143-145
anomer estimation from, 23:3 1,41 mediated alkenylations, 53: 18C186
and configuration of deuterated compounds, Organotin
27: 146 analysis, 53: 19-22, 25
in conformational analysis, 26:60-64 nomenclature, 53: 18
of deoxy sugars, 26:219-296 preparation, 53: 18-19
Of D-fructose, 22~235 reactions, 53:32-33
effect of carbohydrate-complex salt regioselectivity
formation on, 21:213 factors, 53:33-44
of complexing on, of carbohydrates, trends, 53:44,60-68
21:228 structures, 53:25-32

Orientation, mechanism of, in plant cell walls, phenyl-, in mass spectrometry, 30:43
26~331-335,338 of sugars, 3:2344
Orosomucoid Osladin
a-o-mannosidase in structural studies of structural features, 45:289
human, 28:445 taste properties, 45:286-287
carbohydrate linkage in, 25:421,444,466 Osones, 11:43-96,21:11
glycopeptides, liquid chromatography Osotriazoles
separation, 46:48 chemistry of, 18:99-121
isolation of carbohydrates from, on conformation of sugar derivatives, 26:
analytical-scale columns, 46:60 71-72
sialylated oligosaccharides, fractionation, N-phenyl-, oligosaccharide acetates, mass
46:46 spectrometry of, 29: 101-103
Orotic acid monohydrate, 43:274 Ospolot, 45:5
Orotidine 5-phosphate, 22:3 12 0-substitution
ORTEP representation of phosphorus sugars, nomenclature, 52: 1 12-1 13
42:163, 183 acyl, 52:112-113
Orthoacetates, of sugars, 21:20 phosphates, 52: 113-1 15
Orthoacetic acid, methyl ester, reaction with phosphinates, 52: 116
ribonucleosides, 22:340 phosphonates, 52: 115-1 16
Orthobenzoic acid, esters of o-fructose sugars, composition in aqueous solution,
derivatives, 22:248 42:4346
Orthoesters Ouabain, octahydrate, crystal structure,
of carbohydrates, 1:77-127 43:264-265
derivatives, formation, aldonolactones Ovalbumin, 44:232,239-240
reaction with alcohols, 50:149-151 a-D-mannosidase action on, 28:437443
of D-fructofuranose, 22:292 aspartamidoglycans from, composition and
of o-fructose derivatives, 22:248 effect of enzymic hydrolysis of,
hydrogenolysis, 39: 127 28:440442
of cyclic, cyclic acetal synthesis, 39:79 glycopeptides, liquid chromatography
as protecting groups, 36: 144 separation, 46:48
1,2-Orthoesters, of acylated sugars, glycoside hen
synthesis from, 34:244,248 spectral reporter regions,
Orthoformic acid, ethyl ester, reaction with 43: 14-1 5
ribonucleosides, 22:340 oligopeptides
Orthoglyoxylic acid, trithio-, triethyl ester, high-mannose, 43: 11-13
formation from dithioacetal, 32:81 hybrid, 43: 1 1-14
Orthosaccharinic acids, and lactones, 22:206 hydrolysis, with trifluoroacetic acid,
Osage orange 46:268
lectin isolation of carbohydrates from, on
carbohydrate-binding specificity, analytical-scale columns, 46:60
35:268-270 oligosaccharides, liquid chromatography
isolation, purification, and properties, separation, 46:4243
35~267 sialylated oligosacchairdes, fractionation,
pigments, structure of, 26: 16 46:46
Osazones Ovarian cysts
chemistry of, 20:139-181 blood-group
of o-fructose derivatives, 22:263 H substance, Smith degradation of,
discovery of, 21:lO 31:209
formation mechanism of, hydrogen isotope substances, 25:426,433,446,452458
effect on, 27: 15 1 glycoproteins, oligosaccharides from, liquid

chromatography separation, 46:4243, anomeric equilibrium, 47:67-68

60 axial preferences and Gibbs energy,
Ovariectomy, effect on a+-mannosidasc 47:55-56
activity, 28:404, 434 bond lengths and angles, 47:98-99
Overhauser effect dipolar interactions, 47: 107
'IC-NMR spectra and, 42: 19 non-equivalent lone-pairs, 47: 1 1 1
in conformational analysis, 26:56 solvent effects on axial preference,
Overmercaptalation, of polysaccharides, 32:29, 47:67-68
32 Oxane ring, conformational properties, 47:53
Ovomucoid 2-(Oxane-2-yloxy)oxane,conformers, 4 7 9 3
a-D-mannosidase action on, 28:445 Oxaprostaglandin F,,, 1 1 -deoxy-8-epi-l 1 -,
carbohydrate linkage in, 25:420 49: 159
deamination of, 31:236 Oxaprostaglandins. 49: I38
glycopeptides, liquid chromatography Oxathiabicyclo[2.2.2]octane,sugar derivative,
separation, 46:48 28:290
heterogeneity in, 25:446 I ,4-Oxathiane
isolation of carbohydrates from 6-(hydroxymethyl)-2-methoxy-, S-oxide,
on analytical-scale columns, 4 6 6 0 isomers. preparation of, 27:222
on large-scale columns, 46:62 (2R, 4S,6S)-2- (hydroxymethyl)-6-methoxy-,
oligosaccharides, liquid chromatography S-oxide, crystal structure bibliography,
separation, 46:43 30:449
sialylated oligosaccharides, fractionation, (2S,6R)-6-(hydroxymethyl)-2-methoxy-,S-
46:46 oxide, crystal structure of, 25:72
Ovotransferrin, chicken, glycoprotein Oxazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane, sugar derivative,
(compound 16), 'H-NMRspectroscopy, 28:290
41:219,256,259-261 I ,3,2-Oxazaborolane, 2-phenylformation, 35:67
Ovumucin, activity loss, 33:5 I .2-Oxazine, 3,6-dihydro-cis-6-methoxy-3-
exo-7-Oxabicyclo[2.2.2]hept-5-ene-2- methyl-, substrate for hexonic acids,
carboxylic acid, 48:35 40:112
7-0xabicycIo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene-exxo-5,6-diol, I ,3-Oxazine, sugar derivatives, 25:400402
5,6,-O-isoprorpylidene-, carbohydrate 1,4-Oxazine, sugar derivatives, 25:403
substrate, 40:75-76 Oxazinomycin
Oxadiazole, 2-(tri-O-acetyl- 1-bromo-cu-o- antiviral and antitumor activity of, 33: 1 I 2
arabinopyranosyl)-5-(trifluoromethyl)- structure of. 33: 1 12- I I3
I ,3,4-, synthesis, 49:60 Oxazole, sugar derivatives, 25:385
1,3,4-Oxadiazole, 3-amino-5P-DL- Oxazolidinc, sugar derivatives, 25: 150,
rihofuranosyl-. synthesis, 40:77 375-380
Oxadizoles, 5-ary~-2-ethoxy-3-~-gluconyi-2,3- Oxazoline, derivatives, from sugar derivatives,
dihydro-1,3,4-, 50: 155-156 25:356,380-384
Oxaheterocycles, formation, 47:247-248 I ,2-0xazoIine, carbohydrate derivatives, 31:4
Oxalic acid, in hydrolysis of fmctans, 28:20 Oxepan, 43:238
Oxalyl chloride method for preparation of Oxepane ring, anhydrohexitols containing,
ketonucleosides, 42:232,240 25:245
Oxane Oxetane ring
alkoxy and alkylthio derivatives, exo- alditols containing, 25:235, 243
anomeric effect, 47:69-70 conformation of, 26: 12 1
derivative, axiakquatorial equilibrium. by isomenzation of oxirane ring, 25: I29
47: 59-60 stability of, 25:210
substituted, anomeric equilibrium, 47:54 Oxetanes, carbohydrate. preparation of. 28:289
2-substituted Oxetans, carbohydrate, 24: 172

Oxidation Oxidation-reduction mechanism, of

anodic, starch in acidic and alkaline epimerization, 26:358
solutions, 51:308-309 Oxidation states, metal ions, 47: 129
of carbohydrate boronates, 3 5 5 7 P-Oxides, enhanced nucleophilicity, 50:29
catalytic, of anhydrohexitols, 25:261 Oxidizing agents, for alcohol to carbonyl
catalytic, of dextrans and length of branches, oxidation, 31:223
30:406410 Oxidoreductases, glycoenzymes, 27:309
of o-fructose, 22:284 Oxime ethers, 3-amino-2-hydroxypropyl-
of glucofuranosidurono-6,3-lactonesand substituted, 49:164
glucofuranurono-6,3-lactones, Oximes
33:229-23 1 carbohydrate, polarography of, 29: 152
of glycol groups in glycofuranosides, 21: effect on f.a.b.-mass spectrometry sensitivity,
132 4532
halogen, of simple carbohydrates, 3: 129- gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:49, 70
148 irradiation of carbohydrate, 38:179, 185
of halogenated carbohydrates, 22:208 of monosaccharides, gas-liquid
lead tetraacetate, of sugars, 14:941 chromatography of trimethylsilyl
mechanism of, hydrogen isotope effect on derivatives, 28: 110
aldose, 27: 153-1 55 per(trimethylsily1)ated disaccharide,
of nucleotides, 22:379 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28: 135
oxidation of cyclic acetals, 34:207 sweetness-structure relationship, 45:
partial, of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses, 296-297
34:93-96 trimethylsilyl ethers of O-methyl, mass
periodate spectra of, 29:77
of carbohydrates, 11:141 trimethylsilylation of, 28:30
the dialdehydes from, 16:105-158 Oxirane, 1-C-(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-P-~-
in characterization of glycogen and glucopyranosy1)-lo-, crystal structure
amylopectin, 30:33 1 bibliography, 37:400
of dextrans, 30:382-385 Oxirane ring
of methylated sugars and gas-liquid aldoses containing, 25: 109-179
chromatography, 30:33, 101 in branched-chain sugars, 25: 167- 169
of polysaccharides, enzymic characterization of, 25: 170-172
determination of products, 30:282 cleavage of, 25: 125
degration of polysaccharides by, reactions involving, 34: 115-1 17
31:20&211 formation in aldoses, 2 5 1 10-120
and structure determination of migration of, 25: 127
carbohydrate amines, 31: 102-105 reductive cleavage of, 34:141
and polarography of carbohydrates, stability of, 25120,210, 34:131
29: 167 Oxoformycin B
of polysaccharides, 29:340 lower homolog, antileukemic activity of,
of ring-sulfur atom of 5-thioaldopyranoses, 33:182-183
23:2 12 structure of, 33: 112-1 13
selective catalytic, of carbohydrates, synthesis of, 33: 134, 172
33~86-100 Oxolane ring
employing platinum catalysts, 17: 169-22 1 opening of, in alditols, 29257
of sulfonic esters of carbohydrates, 23:258 stability of, 25210
by transition-metal ions, 37:20 Oxonium ions
of vinylthio sugar derivatives, 27:283 in acetalation reaction, 34: 181
Oxidation products, 1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitoIs, acyl-
49:155-158 reactions of. 26:133-135

rearrangement in polyol systems, P

26: 135-146
cyclic acyl-, in carbohydrate chemistry, Pachyman, 23 :37 8
26: 127-195 antitumor activity of, 32:246,259-260
mass spectrum of 2,3:4,5-di-O- carboxymethyl ethers, preparation of, 29:
isopropylidene-P-o-fructopyranoseand, 319
26:23 I fine structure of, 30:369
Oxonium salts, acyl-, preparation of. fungal. 41:73
26: 129- 133 0-acetyl-. crystal structure bibliography,
4-Oxopentanoyl group, as protecting group, 35:381,40:390
39:42 Pachymaran, antitumor activity of, 32:246-247,
Oxopropylthiophene, 3-methyl-2-2-, formation 266
of, 46:3 18 and effect of urea on, 32:26 1
0 x 0 reaction Paeniflorin. bromo-ethanolysis product, crystal
application to carbohydrate derivatives, structure, 43:351
2359-1 14 PA1 human embryonal carcinoma cells.
with glycals, 23:66,24:210 lactosaminoglycans, f.a.b.-mass
mechanism of, 23533 spectrometry, 4 5 5 9
stereochemistry of, 23:78 Paints, galactomannans in, 31:31 I , 35:342
Oxporus populinus, a-L-arabinofUranosidase Palatinose, 22:230
of, 42:387 in honey, 25:297,300
Oxyamlose, chlorite-oxidized, antitumor liquid chromatography methods for analysis
activity of, 32:258 of, 46:33
Oxycellulose, 23:426,25:6 monohydrate, crystal structure bibliography,
Oxygen 31:352
isotopeI80, effect on anomerization of structure of, 32: I93
sugars, 24:44 taste properties, 45:254-255
lone-pair electrons, 47: 101-102 utilization by yeasts, 32: 194
lone-pair orbitals, back-donation Palmae, galactomannans from, 31:253-254
chloromethoxymethane, 47: 109-1 10 Palmitaldehyde. as precursor in biosynthesis of
distribution, 47: 109 sphingosines, 24:394
interactions, 47: 1 1 1-1 12 Palmitic acid
nucleophilicity, enhancement, 47: 120, I22 in o-galactosylglycerides, 37:326
radiation and reactions of molecular, with ester of trehalose 2-sulfate, in
primary carbohydrate radicals. 37:23 Mycohacterium tuberculosis, 30:236
requirement for utilization of glycosides and lithium, potassium, and sodium salts, as
galactose, 39:397401 catalysts and solubilizers for sugars,
Oxygen atom, participation in sugar reactions, 27:96
22:llO methyl ester, transesterification of methyl a-
Oxygen nucleophiles, for oxirane aldoses, o-glucopyranoside with, 33:44
25:125 Pampas grass, hemicellulose-cellulose ratio,
Oxygen ring, formation and cleavage of, in 36:253
sugars, 13:9-61 Panaxoside A-progenin I acetate, 43:373
Oxymethylene groups, in polyglycoses, 21 : Pancreatic ribonucleases, carbohydrate linkage
450 in, 25:42 1
Oxynervon, 24:398-399 Pancreatin, hydrolysis of bydroxyalkyl
Ozone, oxidative degradation of polysaccharides by, 29:3 19
polysaccharides by, 31:232 Pangamic acid, synthesis, 35:54
Ozonolysis, of cyclic acetals, 34:207, 39: Pangamolactone, synthesis, 3 5 5 4
8 1-82 PAN gels, cross-linked, 49: 186-1 87

Panose, 51:151, 153 Parasorbic acid

enzymic action on, 30:277,292, 302 DL-, reduction, 40:38
in honey, 25:297,300 synthesis, 40:21-22
liquid chromatography separation, 46:41 (9-, carbohydrate substrate, 40:119
preparation of, 34:257 Paratose, 21:188-189, 23:272
synthesis of, 26: 16 ester of cytidine pyrophosphate, isolation of,
utilization by yeasts, 32: 197 28:3 16
Panstroside, o-fucose-containing, 39:302 preparation of, 28:300
Papain, 44:208 synthesis of, 33:75,41:10
Papaya pectinesterase, see Pectinesterases Paratyphoid B epidemic, Japan, 48:3
Paper chromatography Purmeliu caperatu. polysaccharide, 41:76
of aldonic acids, 38:3 18 Paromamine
of cyclic acetals, 26:233 alkyl and aralkyl derivatives, preparation of,
in formose research, 29: 175, 206 30:179
and mercaptalation reactions, 32:2 1 derivatives, preparation of, 34:262
phenylboronic acid in, 35:58-62 formation, 35:113-1 14
Paper chromatography, of carbohydrates and inactivation of, 30: 187
related compounds, 9:303-353 isolation and synthesis of, 30: 1 18
Paper electrophoresis structure of inactivated, 30: 188
of carbohydrates, 18:6 1-97 synthesis of, 30: 140-142
metal-sugar complexes, 47:3-5 Paromamine 3 '-phosphate
Paper industry, galactomannans in, 31:311 and inactivated paromamine, 30: 188
Paper ionophoresis, sugars, Maurice Stacey's nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of,
work, 52: 17 30: 190
Paper products, plant galactomannans in, Paromobiosamine, deamination of derivatives
35:342 Of, 31:26-28
Purucoccidioides brusiliensis Paromobiosamine I, neobiosamine B and,
galactomannan, 41:93 30:118
polysaccharide, 41:70, 73 Paromobiosamine 11, neobiosamine C and,
Paraformaldehyde, infrared spectrum of, 30:118
29:181 Paromomycin, 23: 168
Paraldehyde, reaction with sucrose, 33:255 discovery of, 30: 112
Paramagnetic species, 47: 130-135 o-mannosyl-, isolation of, 30:118
dipolar interaction, 47: 133 mass spectrometry of, 29:96
electron-spin relaxation, 47: 133-135 stereochemistry of, 30: 1 17
Fermi contact shifts, 47: 13 1 Paromomycin I
hyperfine shifts, 47: 130 alkyl and aralkyl derivatives, preparation of,
pseudo-contact shifts, 47: 130-1 3 1 30: 179
relaxation agents, 47: 130- 135 1-N-acyl derivative, activity against resistant
scalar coupling, 47: 134 bacteria, 30:174
shift agents, 47:130-131 Paromose
Paramecia, lethality of sonicated starch to, diethyl dithioacetal, oxidation of, 32:85
5 1:306-307 synthesis of, 30: 116
Paramomycin 11, mass spectrometry of, 29: Parsley, see Petroselinum crispum
96 Pasteur, Louis, L-tartaric acid preparation, 50:3
Paramose, 23: 168 Pasteur effect
Paramylon in control of glycolysis, 32:168-173
biosynthesis of, 26:392 history, 33:4
enzymic action on, 30:276 oxygen inhibition of glycolysis, in
Paraquat, effect on sugarcane, 21:422 spermatozoa, 34:301

Pastewella pseudotuberculosis, in plant cellwalls, 42:274

lipopolysaccharide, mass spectrometry of, biosynthesis, 42321-322.331-332,337
29:54 of dicotyledonous plants, 42277-285
Pathogenesis, bacterial, capsular fruit ripening and, 42:343,365, 368-378.
polysaccharides, role, 41:202-206 373
Pathogenicity, polysaccharide structure role, gel formation, 42:277
41~206-208 interconnections between, 42:304-306
Patrinoside, monohydrate, 43:333 of monocotyledonous plants, 42:285,
Paucin, monohydrate, crystal structure 287
bibliography, 38:47&477 splitting by p-elimination, 33:323
Paucirotation, term, 23: 12 structure, enzymic analysis. 44: 182-1 86
Pea, see Pisum .sutivus Pectinase, enzyme from commercial, 29:246
Peach Pectin demethoxylase, name for pectinesterase,
development physiology of, 42:34 I , 347, 33:324
370-372,380 Pectinesterases
gum, structure, 41:X action pattern and specificity, 33:329-337
Peanut lectin, 35:257-262 assay of, 33:343-345
biological activity, 35:261 banana, purification of, 33:341
carbohydrate-binding specificity, in h i t maturation, 33:381
35:259-261 inhibitors for, 33:336
isolation, 35: 138 Michaelis constants for, 33:333
purification and properties, 35258 microbial, 33:334-335, 338
Pear, development physiology of, 4 2 3 4 1-342, pH optima of, 33:335
37&372,376,378-379 purification of, 33:342
Pea-tree lectin, composition, purification, and nomenclature. 33:324
properties, 35:3 13 occurrence and formation of, 33:337
Pectase, name for pectinesterase, 33:324 orange. purification of, 33:341
Pectate, 47:32 plant, 33:33&335
Pectate lyase, depolymerizing enzymes, 33: pH optima of, 33:335
325 purification of, 33:338-343
Pectic acid, 24:299, 52:330, 352, 414 tomato, molecular weight of, 33:339. 341
acetylated, preparation of, 29:330 purification and characterization of,
p-eliminative depolymerization of, 29:245 33:338-341
crystallography of, 22:479480 Pectinex
enzymic degradation by lyase, 33:367 endo-o-galacturonanases from, 33:346
esterification and p-eliminative degradation, pectin lyase from, 33:379
29:247 Pectin galacturonase. role in cell-wall changes,
with propionic anhydride, 29:350 42:369
esters, preparation and properties of. 29: Pectinic acid, 52:353
338 Pectin lyase, 44: 183- I84
oligomers, liquid chromatography, 46:40 depolymerizing enzymes, 33:325,379
structure of, 33:327,41:7 Pectin methoxylase, name for pectinesterase,
sulfation of, 29:335 33:324
Pectic enzymes, see Enzymes Pectin methylesterase
Pectic polysaccharides, 24: 298 association with plant cell wall, 42:337,369,
chemistry of, 2:235-251 371-372
constitution, 35:6 in fruit climacteric, 42:364
definition, 36:217 name for pectinesterase, 33:324
enzymes acting on, 5:79-102 Pectin pectyl-hydrolase, name for
gels, biological, 24:326 pectinesterase. 33:324

Pectins, 24:299,301,46:306,326, 52:348, 2,4-Pentadienone, 3-henzoyloxy-, precursor for

350-353,53:411412 4-deoxy-o~-daunosamie,40: I 1 1
acid hydrolysis of, correction factors, 46: 3-Pentadienone, substrate for carbohydrate
254 synthesis, 40:27
affinity chromatography adsorbent, 39:4 19 Pentaerythritol
analysis and identification, 44:23 crystal structure bibliography, 31:363
@-eliminatiavedepolymerization of, 29:245 cyclic acyloxonium rearrangements in,
biosynthesis of, 26:399402,32: 1 1 26:142, 144
in cell-wall formation, 26:337 tetraacetate
circular dichroism, 45: 11 1 crystal structure bibliography, 31:368
dehydration of, 28: I88 rearrangement in liquid hydrogen fluoride,
galactan in, 42:282-283 26:171
galacturonic acid units of, hydrolysis losses, tetra(cyanoethy1)-, in gas-liquid
46:261-262 chromatography, 28:45
hydrolysis of methylated, 28:23 tetranitrate, crystal structure bibliography,
in L-ascorbic acid synthesis, 37:147 31:363
methanolyzate, structure, 39:5 trimetbylsilylation, effect of impure solvents
methylation of, 30: 15, 32: 11 on analysis of, 28:30
non-fermentable oligosaccharides, liquid Pentanal, 5-hydroxy, as hemiacetal in solution,
chromatography methods for, 46:52 42:3 I
in plant cell-walls, 26:298, 300 1,4-PentanedioI, 4-0-benzyl-1-0-p-tolyl-
reductic acid from, 28:207 sulfonyl-, 22: 144
structure of, 33:327 solvolysis of, 24: 195
uronic acids, gas-liquid chromatography of, 1,5-Pentanediol, cyclic phenylboronate,
28:76 preparation, 35:35
Pectin trans-eliminase, from commercial 2,4-Pentanedione
pectinase, 29:246 condensation products with o-fructose,
Pectolipase, name for pectinesterase, 33:325 22:288, 305
@-PelatinA for enhancing detectability of carbohydrates,
activation by a-L-arabinofuranosidase, 46:67
42:392 transition metal chelates in proton nuclear
structure of, 42:392 magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 29:24
Pellicle, acquired, formation of, 30:434 1,3,5-Pentanetriol, tripivalate, acyloxonium
Pelliculuria sasukii, validamycin and rearrangement of, 26: 143
validoxylamine activity against, 48:87 Penta-N.0-acetates, 48:59-60
Penicillin Penta-N,~-acety~-3-amino-3-deoxy-a-~~-
effect on peptidoglycan biosynthesis, 26:43 1 carba-glucopyranose, 48:61-62
production, Japan, 4 8 : M Penta-N,0-acetylamino-deoxy carba-sugars,
Penicillium charlesii, polysaccharides, 41 :95 48:60,62
Penicillium chrysogenum, galactomannan, Penta-N,O-acetyl-4-amino-4,7-dideoxy-a-o~-
41:95 carba-glucopyranose, 48:63
Penicillium citrinium, malonogalactan, 41:87 Pentanoic acid, amylase ester, preparation of,
Penicillium varians, glucogalactan varianose, 29:330
41:lOO 1-Pentanol, cyclodextrin inclusion complexes
Pentadecanoic acid, 3-hydroxy-, gas-liquid with, 46:222-224
chromatography and mass spectrum of, Pentanone, 5-hydroxy-2; acyclic form in
30:36 solutions of, 42:30
Pentadecathymidylic acid, synthesis, 36: 175 2-Pentanone 1,5-bisphosphate 1,5-dihydroxy-
2,4-Pentadienal, 2,5-dihydroxy-, formation of, hydrate of, 42:32
and reductic acid from, 28:191-192 structure of, 42:32

Penta-O-acetyl-5-bromo-P-~-glucopyranose, Pent-2-enofuranoside, methyl 5-0-benzoyl-2,3-

synthesis, 49:4549 dideoxy-P-o-glycero-. 24:229
Pentaric acid, 2,3-di-O-acetyl-4-deoxy-~- bromination in methanol and silver acetate,
threo-, dimethyl ester, synthesis, 40: I I6 28:269
Pentasaccharides reaction with nitryl iodide, 28:273
hydrolytic degradation of, 31: 188 Pent-3-enofuranos-5-ulose,3-deoxy-1,2-0-
methylation of, 30: 11 isopropylidene-5-C-phenyl-a-~-g[ycero-,
in plant kingdom, 37:3 11 and dimer, preparation of, 29:297
4-Pentenal, precursor for sugar synthesis, 9-(Pent-3-enofuranosyluronic acid)adenine,
40:12 isopropyl 3-deoxy-P-~-gl,vcero-.
2-Penten-I ,5-dial-4-one, synthesis, 40:73 preparation, 36: 128
Pent- I -enitol I -(Pent-3-enofuranosyluronicacid)uracil, 2-0-
1,2-dideoxy-4,5-0-isopropylidene-o-e~~~~~/~r~~-, acetyl-3-deoxy-P-o-g!ycero-. methyl ester,
synthesis, 39: 147 preparation, 36: 130
3,4-di-O-acetyl- 1,5-anhydro-2-deoxy-r>-and 3-Pentenoic acid, trans-2-hydroxy-, precursor
r.-evythro-, reaction with lead for sugar synthesis, 40:19
tetrafluoride, 25: 195 4-Pentenoic acid
4-O-acetyl-l,5-anhydro-3-(6-chloro-9- 3-hydroxy-, precursor for sugar synthesis,
purinyl)-l,2,3-trideoxy-o-threo-.proton 40: 19
magnetic resonance spectra, analysis of, 3jR) hydroxy-, preparation, 40: 114
27:82 Penten-5-olides, 50: 190
1-0-acetyl-2,3:4,5-di-U-isopropylident-n- Pent-2-enonate. ethyl 2,3-dideoxy-
erythro-, crystal structure bibliography, D-glycero-, synthesis by Wittig reaction,
34:372 27:254
2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl- 1,5-anhydro-o-ei?.thro-. 4,5-O-isopropylidene-~-g~i~cero-, synthesis
reaction with hydrogen chloride, 28:266 by Wittig reaction. 27:253
2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl- 1,5-anhydro-o-threo-, Pent-2-enono- 1,4-1actone,2,5-di-O-benzyl-o-
reaction with hydrogen chloride, 28:266 gluycero-, 50: 168
(Z)- 1-0-acetyl-2,3:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene- Pent-2-enopyranose
D- 3,4-dichloro-2.3,4-trideoxy-P-~-glycero-,
erythro-, crystal structure bibliography. 24:246
37~434,38:454456 1,2,4-tri-0-acetyl-3-deoxy-~-g/vcero-,
threo-, crystal structure bibliography. 24:241
37:434, 38:454 Pent-2-enopyranosi de
Pent-] -enitol-3-ulose, 1,2-dideoxy-5,6-0- 3,4-dichloro-2,3,4-trideoxy-P-o-g[ycero-
isopropylidene-D-glycero-. proton pent-2-enopyranosyl 3,4-dichloro-2,3,4-
magnetic resonance spectra, analysis of, trideoxy-P-D-glycero-, 24:245
27:80 preparation of, 28:238
Pent-3-enodialdo- 1,4-furanose, 3-deoxy- 1,243 methyl 3,4-dichloro-4-deoxy-
isopropylidene-a-o-g[ycero-. 24:248 a - ~and
- p-o-g/ycero-. proton magnetic
Pent-] -enofuranose, 2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-I- resonance spectra of, analysis of,
deoxy-o- 27230
eryrhro-, 24:220 o-glycero-, conformation of, 26: 124
threo-, 24:220 methyl 3,4-dichloro-2,3.4-trideoxy-
Pent-4-enofuranose a-D(and @-o)-gbcero-,24:245
5-deoxy- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-3-0-methyl- P-D-glvcero-. preparation of, 28:238
P-L-threo-, 24:25 1 methyl 4-0-henzyl-2,3-dideoxy-P-~-
3-0-acetyl-5-deoxy- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-P- glycero-. preparation of, 28:293
L-threo-, 24:250 Pent-3-enopyranoside
preparation of, 28:291 benzyl2-O-benzyl-3,4-dideoxy-

Pent-3-enopyranoside (continued) Pent-3-enoside, methyl 2-0-benzyl-2,3-

a-D-glycero-, reaction with nitryl iodide, dideoxy-P-L-glycero-, 24:232
28:273,299 Pent-4-enoside, methyl 5-deoxy-2,3-0-
4-nitro-a-o-glycero-, preparation of, isopropylidene-P-o-eryfhro-, 24:25 1
28:299 Pent-3-enosid-2-ulose, methyl 4-deoxy-3-0-
methyl 2-0-benzyl-3,4-dideoxy-, p-L- methyl-, formation and hydrolysis of,
glycero-, 24:250 31:221
methyl 2-0-benzyl-3,4-dideoxy-, p-L- Pent-3-enosulose, 3,4-dideoxy-, dehydration of,
glycero-, preparation of, 28:293 28: 172-1 73
Pent-2-enopyranosid-4-ulose, 2,3-dideoxy-~~-, I -Penten-3-yn-5-01, 1-ethoxy-, precursor for
synthesis, 40:66,72 sugar synthesis, 40:9
Pent-2-enopyranosyl bromide, 2,4-di-O-acetyl- Pent-4-exo-enopyranose, 4-deoxy- 1,2-0-
3-deoxy-o-gbcero-, preparation of, isopropylidene-p-o-threo-, synthesis,
28:266 39: I42
Pent-2-enopyranosyl chloride, 2,4-di-O-acetyl- Pentitols
3-deoxy-o-g@cero-, preparation of, acetals of, 7: 137-207
28:266 anhydrides of, 5:191-228
Pent- 1-enose, 2-deoxy-4,5-0-isopropylidene- 1,4-anhydro-
o-eiythro-, diphenyl dithioacetal, preparation 2-deoxy-~-threo-,infrared spectrum of,
of, 32:57 25:252
o-threo-, diphenyl dithioacetal, preparation 2-deoxy-~-erythro-,infrared spectrum of,
of, 29:298 25:252
3-0-methyl-o-erythro-, diphenyl preparation of, 31:60-62
dithioacetal, oxidation and detonation 1,5-anhydro-, 25:235
of, 32534 anhydro-, 25:23 1-236.272-274
preparation of, 32:57 ring opening of, 25:257
3-O-(p-nitrobenzoyl)-o-erythro-, diphenyl I, 1-bis(acylamido)- I-deoxy-, conformations
dithioacetal, nuclear magnetic of, 31:110
resonance spectrum and conformation I , 1-bis(benzamido)- 1-deoxy-mono-0-
of, 32:92 benzoyl-, preparation, 39:3 1
preparation of, 32:58 catabolism by yeasts, 32:234
Pent-2-enose 1-C-cyclohexyl-2,3 :4,5-di-O-isopropyl-
I-C-(p-bromophenyI)-2,3-dideoxy-o- idene-, preparation of isomers, 27:218
glycero-, synthesis by Wittig reaction, conformation of, 25: 105
27:246 2-deoxy-
2,3-dideoxy- 1-C- m-erythro-, synthesis, 40:109
phenyl-o-gbcero-, synthesis by Wittig 2-fluoro-, synthesis, 40: 104105
reaction, 27246 dianhydro-, 25:235
(p-methoxypheny1)-D-glycero-, synthesis 1,2-dideoxy-~-threo-,21: 157
by Wittig reaction, 27:246,290 2,3:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene- 1-C-
(p-nitrophenyl)-D-gbcero-, synthesis by methyl-, preparation of isomers, 27:218
Wittig reaction, 27:246 phenyl-o-gluco-, preparation and
Pent-3-enose, 2,5-anhydro 3,4-dideoxy- configuration of, 27:218
o-glycero-, diisohutyl dithioacetal, gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:67
preparation of, 32:52,57 gel chromatography of, 25:3 1
L-glycero-, diisobutyl dithioacetal, I-amino-1-deoxy-, deamination of, 3 1 : 6 M 2
preparation of, 3 2 5 2 infrared spectra, 45:294
Pent-4-enose, 4,5-dideoxy-~-threo-,24:26 1 1-S-ethyl-l-(5-fluorouracy~-~-y~)-l-thio-o-
Pent-2-enoside, methyl 4-0-benzyl-2,3- gluco-, crystal structure bibliography,
dideoxy-P-L-glycero-, 24:232, 250 38:493

2(S)-4-0-acetyl-3,5-0-benzylidene- I ,2- NMR spectroscopy of. 42:184-187

dideoxy-2-C-phenyl-o-evythro-, crystal X-ray crystallography of, 42: 183-1 84
structure bibliography, 38:472473 5-deoxy-, 5-fluoro-o-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data
synthesis of, 2: 107-1 18 for,46:112-113
2,3,4,5-tetra-O-acetyl-l-S-ethyl- 1-(5- derivatives, fluorinated, I3C-NMR data for,
fluorouracil- 1-yl)- 1-thio-D-gluco-, 46~168-169
ethanolate, crystal structure 2,3-dideoxy-a, P-aL-g!vcero-, synthesis,
bibliography, 38:499-500 40: 12-1 3
Pentobarhital, cyclodextrin inclusion 4.5-dideoxy-4 phosphinyl
complexes with, 46:223-224 ORTEP representation of, 42: 184
Pentodialdo- 1,4-furanose synthesis and structures of. 42: 179- 18 I
3-deoxy- 1,2-0-isopropylidene- 5-0-benzyl-
P-L-threo-, 24:248 3-deoxy- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-3-C-
a-o-erythro-, 24:248 methylene-a-o-erythro-, synthesis by
0-X)dO- Wittig reaction, 27:235
1,2,-0-isopropylidene-3-deoxy-3-fluoro- 2,3-dideoxy-o-glycero-, preparation of,
a-, 'H-and I9F-NMR data for, 46: I I2 28:294
3-deoxy-3-fluoro- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-a- 2,3,4-trideoxy-
, NMR data for, 46: 169 4-C-(phenylphosphinyI)-a~-glycero-.
3-0-benzyl- I ,2-O-isopropy~idene-a-a-x,vh-, synthesis, and 1,5-diacetate, 40: 110
reaction with phenylmagnesium 4-phosphinyl synthesis and structures of,
bromide, 27:214 42:176-178
1,2-O-isopropyhdene-a-a-xy/o-, 23:24 Pentofuranose-3 -dose, 5-deoxy- 1.2-0-
~,2-0-isopropylidene-a-o-q~k-, in L-apiose isopropylidene-P-L-threo-. reaction with
synthesis, 31:181 2-lithio-l,3-dithiane, 32:38
1,2-0-isopropylidene-5-uldehydo-a-o-.~~vlo-, Pentofuranoside
and dimer, 25:214 2,3-anhydro-, 25:155-160, 177-179
1,2-0-isopropylidene-3-0-methyl-a-o-.rv~o-, 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-, IH- and '"-NMR data
ketenic dithioacetal from, 32:44 for, 46: 109-1 1 1
Pentodialdose 5-deoxy-4-fluoro-, 'H- and "F-NMR data
mercaptalation of, 32:25 for, 46: 112-1 13
2,4-O-benzylidene-o-xyk~-, 1 -(diethy1 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-o-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data
dithioacetal), reduction of, 32:55 for, 46: 1 12
xylo-, preparation of, 32534 ethyl 3-amino-3-deoxy-~-or-urubino-,
Pentofuranose synthesis, 40: 10-1 1
D-, peracetylated, carbon-I 3 nuclear methyl 2.3-anhydro-5-0-benzyyl-
magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 41:49 a-o-~vxxo-. synthesis, 40: 1 18
2-deoxy- a-o-riho-, synthesis, 40: I I9
o-evythro-, nucleosides and nucleotides, P-D-~~xo-,synthesis, 40:119
crystal structures of, 25:86-90 P-o-ribo-, synthesis, 40: 1 18
2,2-difluoro-~-evythvo-.48: 182 methyl 2,5-bis(benzamido)-2,3,5-trideoxy-P-
2-fluoro-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, a-threo-, 23:174
46: 109-1 1 1 methyl 2-deoxy-
3-deoxy- a,P-D-rrythro-, selective phosphorylation
3-fluoro-o-, IH- and I9F-NMR data for, of, 33:46
46:112 P -a-ervthro-
threo-, tns(trifluoroacetate), synthesis, preparation of, 29:5
40:83 proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy
4-deoxy-, 4-phosphinyl of. 27:28, 83
mass spectrometry of, 42:187-188 P-L-erythro-, 23:276

Pentofuranoside (continued) Pentonic acid

2-(hydroxymethy1)-, formation by 2-amino-2-deoxy-o-, synthesis, 4 0 12 1
deamination, 31:22 2-amino-2-deoxy-~-,synthesis, 40: 121
3,4-O-isopropylidene-2-C-methyl-p-~- 3-deoxy-2-C-(hydroxyethyl)-~-erythro-
erythro-, 23:279 calcium salt, crystal structure
5-0-(methylsulfonyl)o-erythro-, bibliography, 31:364
fluorination, 38:207 strontium salt, crystal structure
5-~-p-tolylsulfonul-3-~-trity~-~-erythro-, bibliography, 31:364
fluorination, 38:207 Pentono- 1,4-lactone
5-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-erythro-, 2-deoxy-~~-erythro-. synthesis, 40: 19
fluorination, 38:207 2,5-dideoxy-o~-threo-,synthesis, 40:20
5-thio-P-~-erythro-,23:2 14 5-0-acetyl-2-deo,~y-3-S-phenyl-3-thio-o-
methyl 3-deoxy-, P-L-qthro-, 23:276 threo-, preparation of, and 3-epimer,
methyl 2,5-dideoxy-a-o-erythro-, 21: 194 32:59
methyl 3,5-dideoxy-a-~-erythro-, 21: 194 5-0- ( p-bromophenylsulfony1)-2,2'-0-
Pentofuranosulose, methyl 3,4-0- cyclohexylidene-3-deoxy-2-C-
isopropylidene-P-o-erythro-, reaction with (hydroxymethy1)-o- erythro-, crystal
2-lithio- 13-dithiane, 32:38 structure bibliography, 30:454
L-threo-Pento-l,4-furanos-4-ulose, 4-0-acetyl- 5-S-acetyl-2,2'-anhydro-3-deoxy-2-C-
5-acetyl-5-deoxy-5-fluoro-1,2-0- (hydroxymethyl)-5-thio-~-erythro-,
isopropylidene-3-0-tosyl-P-, 'H- and "F- proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy
NMR data for, 46: 143 of, 27:28
Pentofuranos-3-ulose, 5-deoxy- 1,2-0- Pentononitrile, 2-deoxy-3,5-O-ethylidene-o-
isopropylidene-P-L-treo-, irradiation, erythro-, preparation of, 28:283
38: 123-124 Pentopyranose
Pentofuranosyl, 1-3-chloro-2,3-dideoxy-5-0- D-, peracetylated, carbon- 13 nuclear
trityl-6-o-threo-, preparation of, 28:248 magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 41:49
Pentofuranosyl chloride, 2-deoxy-o-erythro-, 2-deoxy-P-~-erythro-
esters, 21:146 mutarotation of, 24:59
Pentofuranosyl cyanide triacetate and tribenzoate, conformations
P-D-, preparation and reactions of, in chloroform solution, 26536
33:13 1-142 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data
3-deoxy-2,5, di-O-(p-nitrobenzoyl)-p-o- for, 46:104-105
eryythro-, preparation of, 33: 142 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data
2-deoxy-3,5-di-O-p-toluoyl-P-o-erythro-, for, 46: 105-106
preparation of, and anomer, 33: 140 4-deoxy-4-fluoro-, 'H- and 19F-NMRdata
Pentofuranosyl fluoride for, 46: 105-106
conformation of derivatives, 26: 11 1 derivatives
'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46:106-109 fluorinated
3,5-0-benzoyl-2-bromo-2-deoxy-o- 13C-NMRdata for, 46:167-168
a-o-arahino-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, C(or 0)-branched, 'H- and I9F-NMR
46:138 data for, 46:141-142
~ - D - x J ~ I -IH-
, and I9F-NMR data for, proton spin-lattice relaxation rates, 45: 153
46:138 3,4-dideoxy-l,2-di-O-(trifluoroacetyl)-~~-,
l-(p-o-eryrhro-Pentofuranosyluronic synthesis, 40: 109
acid)thymine, 2-deoxy-, preparation, 1-0-acetyl-3-deoxy-
36: 127 2-C-methyl-5-thio-o~-erythro-,
Pentofuranuronate conjugates, enolacetal- phenylboronate, synthesis.
forming p-elimination, 29:273-28 1 40: 103-1 04
Pentoglycans, 53:40 1 4 0 2 4-C-methyl-5-thio-o~-erythro-,

phenylboronate, synthesis, erythro-, synthesis by Wittig reaction,

40: 103-104 27:292
1,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2,2-difluoro-a-~- methyl 3-deoxy-P-~-erythro-,conformation
erythro-, 48:181-182 of, 24:59
1,2,4-tri-O-acetyI-3-deoxy- methyl 2.3-dideoxy-4-0-methyl-a-o~-
2-C-methyl-5-thIo-o~-threo-,synthesis, glycero-, synthesis, 40:33
40: 103- 104 methyl 3,4-di-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-~-fhreo-,
4-C-methyl-5-thio-o~-threo-, synthesis, reaction with hydrogen bromide, 28:266
40:103-104 Pentopyranosid-2-ulose
I ,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-2,2-di-chloro-2-deoxy-~- methyl 3,4-O-isopropylidene-P-~-erythro-,
erythro-, preparation of, 28:26 I crystal structure bibliography, 37:38 I
Pentopyranoses, 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-o-, 48: I 8 I tert-butyl3,4-0-isopropylidene-a-~-erythro-,
Pentopyranoside photolysis, 38: 122-123
2-3-anhydro-, 25:150-154, 171, 176-177 Pentopyranosid-3-ulose
3,4-anhydro-, 25:15&154, 176-177 a-u-threo-, preparation of, 33:89
benzyl2-0-benzyl-3,4-dideoxy-4-nitro-~-t - P-o-erythro-, preparation of, 33:89
threo-, 24:94 methyl a-u-and P-n-erythro-, preparation by
2-deoxy-2-fluoro-, 'H- and I'F-NMR data oxidation of boronate, 35:57
for, 46: 104-1 05 Pentopyranosid-4-ulose
3-deoxy-3-fluoro-, 'H- and "F-NMR data P-o-threo-and P-L-threo-, preparation of,
for, 46:105-106 33:89
4-deoxy-4-fluoro-, IH- and I9F-NMR data methyl 2,3-dideoxy-( ~S)-DL-, reaction with
for, 46:105-106 P-toluenesulfonylhydrazide,
ethyl 3-cyano-3,4-dideoxy-a-o~-, threo-. 40: 109-1 10
crystal structure bibliograpy, 34:353 erythro-Pentopyranos-4-ulosehydrate,
L-erythro- synthesis, 40:62
methyl 4-deoxy-4,4-difluoro-2,3-0- Pentopyranosyl bromide
isopropylidene-P-, 'H- and IYF-NMR 3,4-di-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-~-erythro-,
data for, 46: 156 preparation of, 28:265
methyl 2-deoxy-2,2-difluoro-3,4-0- 4-0-acetyl-3-bromo-2,3-dideoxy-~-threo-,
isopropylideneb-P-, IH- and '"F- preparation of, 28:264, 266
NMR data for, 46: 156 Pentopyranosyl chloride, 4-0-acetyl-3-chloro-
methyl 2-amin0-2,3.4-trideoxy-3-fluoro- 2,3-dideoxy-u-threo-, preparation of,
threo- 28:264
a-L-,'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 128 Pentopyranosyl fluoride
P-D-, IH- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 128 3,4-di-O-benzoyl-2-deoxy-o-erythro-
methyl 2-bromo-2,3-dideoxy-4-O-methyl-a- a anomer, 'H- and I'F-NMR data for,
DL-erythro-, synthesis, 40:33 46: 137
methyl 2-deoxy, carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic P anomer. IH- and I'F-NMR data for,
resonance spectroscopy, 41:56 46:137
methyl 2-deoxy- 'H- and "F-NMR data for, 46:101-103
o-erythro-, preparation of, 32:69 poly-0-acyl-u-, proton magnetic resonance
2,2-difluoro-3,4-O-isopropylidene-P-~- spectroscopy of, 27:21
erythro-, preparation, 38:226 Pentopyranosyl halides, 3,4-di-O-benzoyl-2-
uL-erythro-, synthesis, 40:54 deoxy-, preparation of, 28:265
L-erythro-, conformational equilibria of Pentosans
anomers, 24:59 definition, 36:2 17
3,4-O-isopropylidene-2-C-methyl-o-ribo-, determination by polarography, 29: 167
synthesis by Wittig reaction, 27:293 formation of, 28: 188
3,4-O-isopropylidene 2-C-methylene-P-o- gas-liquid chromatography of, 30:89-90

Pentose, 48:281 m-threo-,

5-acetamido-5-deoxy-, composition in diethyl acetal, synthesis, 40: 12
aqueous solution, 42:50 synthesis, 40: 12
aldehyde-acetates, preparation of, 32:62 D-fhreo-, 21:151, 153
2-amino-2-deoxy; synthesis of, 26: 14 rythro-, liquid chromatography methods
5-amino-5-deoxy-, 23: 119 for analysis of, 46:33
5-amIno-3,5-dideoxy-o-eyrhrc~-. 23: 130 L-erythro-, synthesis of, 28:276, 40:114
2,S-anhydro-3-deoxy-o-eyfhro-, reactivity 3,4-O-isopropylidene-~-eyfhro-,
of, 25:211 dithioacetals, preparation of, 3 2 5 4
5-(benzyloxycarbonyl) amino-, composition 2(S)- and 2(R)- deuteno-o-erythro-,
in aqueous solution, 42:50 cytosine derivatives, proton magnetic
I-14C,2-deoxy-o-etythro-, 21: 150 resonance spectroscopy of, 27:28
catabolism by yeasts, 32:21&219 syntheses, 40: 11-13
chromatographic technique for estimation of, 5-thio-o-erythro-, oxidation, 23:2 14
30:7 3-deoxy-
4-C-(hydroxymethyl)-~-fhreo-,o-apiose o-erythro-, 21:157, 159, see Cordycepose
from, 31:176 oL-threo-, composition in aqueous
crystallography of, 25:58 solution, 42:64
2-d, 2-deoxy-o-etyfhro-, proton magnetic L-etyfhro-, 21:158
resonance spectroscopy of, 27: 146 4-deoxy-
dehydration of, 28: 176, 188,208,46:275 eqvhro-, composition in aqueous solution,
2-deoxy- 42:64
o-erythro-, 21:149, 151, 153, 156,25:192 L-eryfhro-, 21: 166
alkaline degradation of, 28:203 2,3-O-isopropyhdene-o~-eythro-,
composition in solution, 42:22-23, 32, synthesis, 40: 109
64 deoxy-
crystallography of, 25:58 dithioacetals, physical constants of, and
crystal structure bibliography, 31:363 peracetates, 323105-106
dehydration of, 28: 184 melting points and optical rotations of,
Dische test for, 28:224 26:281-282
dithioacetals, hydrolysis of, 32:67 3,5-diacetamido-3,5-dideoxy-, composition
reaction with sulfonyl chloride, 32:48 in aqueous solution, 42:50-5 I
dithioacetals, selective esterification of, dialkyl dithioacetals
33:40 oxidation and detonation of, 32:82,84
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:4S selective p-toluenesulfonylation of, 33:41
mutarotation and gas-liquid 2,4-dideoxy, synthesis, 40:41
chromatography of, 28:40 2,5-dideoxy-~-eryfhro-,21: 194
5-phosphate, radiolysis, 37:42 3,S-dideoxy-~-eyfhro-,synthesis, 40: 119
phosphorylation of, 33:47 2,3-dideoxy-~-g[ycero-,21: 194
radiation chemistry, 37:33-34 difluorinated, 'H- and 19F-NMR data for,
radiation-induced chain reactions in 46:lSS
crystalline, 37:69-7 1 3,4-di-O-benzy1-2-deoxy-r-threo-.
synthesis, 40:120 preparation of, 29:261
synthesis of, 28:282 dithioacetals, physical constants of, and
tests for, 28:212 peracetates, 32: 102-105
trimethylene dithioacetal, preparation esters, 21: 146
of, 32:37 in fungal cell walls, 23:413
or-erythro-, 21: 157 NMR spectroscopy of, 42: 18
diethyl acetal, synthesis, 40: 12 5-0-benzoyl-2-deoxy-D-eyfhro-, ethylene
synthesis, 40:4, 11-12, 18-20,27-28 dithioacetal, preparation of, 32:4S

4-0-benzoyl-3,5-0-benzylidene-2-deoxy-o- preparation of, 26:236

etythro-, diethyl dithioacetal, hydrolysis 2,3-O-isopropylidene-~-o-fhreo-, 26:237
of, 3 2 6 8 2-Pentulofuranose, 1,2:3.4-di-O-
3,4-O-benzylidene-2-deoxy-o-erytltro-. isopropylidene-pa-, selective hydrolysis,
ethylene dithioacetal, rearrangement of, 39: 16-1 7
3254 Pentulofuranoside
5-0-substituted, 49:26 methyl 1.3,4-tri-O-acetyl-o-etythro-,
5-phosphatq 21:158 configuration of, 26:22 I
phosphates, preparation, 49:2 10 methyl 1,3,4-tri-O-benzoyI-o-e~thro-,
proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra configurations of anomers. 26:22 1
of, spin decoupling method, 29:29 Pentulose
rearrangement in liquid hydrogen fluoride, 5-acetamido-5-deoxy-
26:176-188 o-threo. 23: 188
2(S)-d- ~-erythro-, 23: 188
2-deoxy-o-erythro-, synthesis of, 27: 131 1-amino- I .5-anhydro- I -deoxy-o-threo-
4,6-0-benzylidene-2-deoxy-o-eryfhro-, hydrate, 23: 120
synthesis of, 27: I3 1 mass spectrum of, 21:9 I
2-S-ethyl-2-thio-o- composition in aqueous solution, 42:3740,
diethyl dithioacetal, hydrogenolysis by 65
Raney nickel, 32:76 1 -deoxy-
preparation of, 32:32 o-erylhro-, synthesis, 52:288
syntheses, 405-17 o-threo-
2,3,4,5-tetra-O-acetyl-ukfeh.~do-, in aqueous biosynthesis
solution, 4 2 3 I problems. 52:282-284
trichloroacetimidates, 50: I 1 1 of pyridoxol, 52:287
utilization by yeasts and association of chemical and preparative enzymic
abilities, 32:225-228 syntheses, 52:278-282
Pentose 5-phosphates, aldehydrol fonns of in isolation from S. hygroscopicus,
aqueous solution, 4 2 3 1 52~277-278
Pentoside, methyl 3-deoxy-~-eryfhro-,2 I : I59 as precursor of five-carbon chain of
Pentosidulose, methyl 4-0-ethyl-3-O-methyl-~- thiazole in E. coli. 52:275-277
0-threo-, degradation of, 31:221 stray thiazolic metabolites with
Pentosulose, 3-deoxy- probably deoxypentulose origin,
o-glycero-, reaction with ammonia. 25325 52:284-287
L-threo-, formation from L-ascorbic acid, synthesis
28: 192 from diethyl tartrate, 52:28 I
structures of, and dehydration, 28: 171 I72
- from u-glyceraldehyde. 52:279
Pentos-2-ulose. L-threo-, preparation, 37:87 labeled at both ends with deuterium,
Pentos-4-u~ose.5-deoxy-o-etythro-, from o- 52:279-280
ribose 5-phosphate radiolysis, 37:43 with labeled pentulose, 52:281-282
Pentulofuranose rhreo-, composition in aqueous solution,
1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropyIidene- 42:65
a-o-etythro-, preparation of, 26:236 5-deoxy-u-threo-, 21: 175
P-o-etythro- D-eryfhro-, 26:204
hydrolysis of, 26:204 cyclic acetals, properties of, 26:256
preparation of, 26:236 preparation of, 26:236
P-L-, preparation of, 26:236 utilization by yeasts. 3 2 2 15
o-erythro-, configurations of anomers, 1,5-di-O-benzoyl-3,4-O-isopropylidene-ket~-
26:221 o-threo-, preparation of, 26:238
3,4-U-isopropylidene-a-~-ety~hro-, o-rhreo-

Pentulose (continued) 3-Pentulosonic acid, 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-4,5-0-

cyclic acetals, properties of, 26:257 isopropylidene-DL-,ethyl ester, synthesis,
as plant-growth substance, 21:416 40: 104
preparation of, 26:237 4-Pentulosonic acid, 2,3-di-O-acetyl-5-deoxy-
purification of, and isopropylidene acetal, L-threo-, methyl ester, synthesis, 40:116
26: 198 5-Pentylbarbituric acid, cyclodexhin inclusion
erythro-2-, liquid chromatography methods complexes with, 46:223-224
for analysis of, 46:33 2-Pentyn-l-al, 5-hydroxy-, substrate for
isopropylidene acetals, hydrolysis rate for, carbohydrate synthesis, 40:36
26:204 Pent- 1-ynitol, I ,2-dideoxy-o-
L-erythro- erythro-, preparation of, and triacetate, 31 :70
cyclic acetals, properties of, 26:256 threo-, preparation of triacetate, 31:70
preparation of, 26:236 2-Pentyn-1-01, 5,5-dimethoxy-, precursor for
purification of. and disopropylidene acetal, sugar synthesis, 40: 12
26:198 3-Pentyn-2-01-, 1 , l -ethoxy-5-(tetrahydropyran-
3,4-0-isopropylidene- 2-yloxy)-, precursor for sugar synthesis,
o-erythro-, 26:204 40:8-9
I ,5-di-O-trityl-kefo-o-erythro-,preparation Peptide chain, elongation
of, 26:237 following selective deprotection, 50:294-298
I(R)-f,o-erythro-, Sphosphate, preparation N-glycopeptides, 50:283-287
of, 27:135 Peptides
I (S)-t, o-etythro-, 5-phosphatq preparation derivatives with uridine 5'-pyrophosphate N-
of, 27:135 acetylmuramic acid esters, 28:328
synthesis, 52:281 of glycopeptides and peptido-
threo-, composition in aqueous solution, oligosaccharides of urine, 24:445,447
42:65 Peptidogalactomannans
2-Pentulose, 42:16,49:26, 34 gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of,
crystallography of, 25:58 28:64
1-deoxy-D-threo-, composition in aqueous hydrolysis of, trifluoroacetic acid, in, 28: 16
solution, 42:38 Peptidoglycans, 24:3 14,52: 167-1 68
0-threo-, preparation from o-xylose, 28:39 Bacillus cereus, 44: 198
L-threo- Bacillus lichenformis, crystal structure
preparation, 38:3 14 bibliography, 40:399
synthesis of, 28:4 of bacterial lipopolysaccharides,
5-S-ethyl-5-thio-o-threo- biosynthesis, 42:324
preparation of, 33: 100 biosynthesis of, 26:408,40:339
synthesis, 41:8 in bacterial cell-walls, 26:424-432
sweetness-structure relationship, 45:253 Micrococcus lysodeikticus, 44: 195, 197
3-Pentulose Staphylococcus aureus, 44: 196
cyclic acetals, properties of, 26:274 synthesis of disaccharide of, 34: 160
1,5-di-O-benzoyl-2,4-O-methylene-keto- Peptidoheteroglycan, 41:96
eryfhro-, 26:253 Peptido-oligosaccharides
r-threo-, 22:243 peptide composition of urinary, 24:445
2,4-O-methylene-keto-erythro-, 26:254 in urine (human), 24:436
4-Pentulose, 5-deoxy-3-C-(dimethoxymethyl)- Peptido-0-phosphonogalactomannan,
DL-erythro-, dimethyl acetal, synthesis, biosynthesis, 35354
4054 Peptidopolysaccharides, biosynthesis, in plants,
Pentulose 1,5-bisphosphate, o-erythro-, 44: 367-3 73
composition in aqueous solutions, 42:32 Peracetylation, with trifluoroacetic anhydride-
o-erythro-Pentulose 5-phosphate, 52:289 acetic acid, 4 3 5 3

Peracetylneuraminic acid ally1 esters, 48: 1 14 and structure determination of

Peracylated aldoses carbohydrate amines, 31: 102-105
furanose derivatives, 49:49-5 1 Periodate-thiobarbituric acid
pyranose derivatives, 49:4549 assay, 3-deoxy-o-manno-2-octu~ososnic acid,
radical-mediated brominations, 49:45-5 I 38~326-334
Perbenzoates, liquid chromatography, chromaphores, 38:326, 328, 330,336
precolumn derivatization procedures, Periodic acid. selective oxidation of 1,2-glycols
46:68 with, 33:93-95
Perbenzoylated sugars, prechromatographic Periplogenin, 3-P-o-glucopyranosyl-, 21:282
purification of, 46:20 Permeases, glycoside entry into yeast,
Perbismuthate, as cleaving agent for cellulose, 39:379-381
23:6 Permethylation
Perchlorate ion, cyclodextrin inclusion completeness detection, 38:390-392
complexes with, 46:221 of polysaccharides, 29:3 10
Perchloric acid Pernaphthoates, liquid chromatography. pre-
1,6-anhydrohexopyranose cleavage by, 34:66 column derivatization procedures, 46:68
cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with, Per-0-acetylated di-D-fructose dianhydride
46:222,224 derivatives, "C NMR spectra of the
in hydrolysis of cardiac glycosides, 28: I6 fructose components, 52:263
Percival, Edmund George Vincent, obituary of, Per-0-acetyl dihexulose dianhydrides
l0:xiii-xx I3C NMR spectra, 52:247
Perillaldehyde oxime 'H NMR spectra, 52:250-251
sweetness-structure relationship, 45:296 optical rotations and melting points, 52:244
third structural feature comprising postulated Per-0-acetyl fructose glucose, 'H-NMR
glucophore in, 45:234 spectra. 52:252
Perillartine, sweetness, AH, B system in, Per-0-acetyl glycosyl di-D-fructose
45:221 dianhydrides, 13CNMR spectra of fructose
Perimycine, 23:155 components, 52:258
Periodate Per-0-methyl derivatives, acid hydrolysis,
for enhancing detectability of carbohydrates, 52:232
46:67 Perosamine, 23: 155
oxidation Per-0-trimethy Isilylated dihexulose
of acetals, 34: 192 dianhydrides, partial mass spectra,
of aminodeoxy I ,6- 52:253
anhydrohexopyranoses, 34: I28 Peroxidase
of 1,6-anhydro-P-o-hexopyranoses, in fruit climacteric, 42:364
34:104-107 gibberellin suppression of, 42:343
of 1,6-anhydrohexofuranoses,34: I54 Peroxidation, aldoses, 51: 11-12
and 1,6-anhydrohexopyranose structure, Peroxides, organic, radiation-induced reactions
34:50 with a-hydroxyalkyl radicals, 37:22
of carbohydrate phenylboronates. 3 5 5 7 Peroxisomes, of yeast cells, 32: 142
degradation of polysaccharides by, Peroxyl-radical reactions, radiation-induced,
31:200-211 37:23-26
nonmodified, dextrinized, and y-irradiated Per-p-bromobenzoates, liquid chromatography,
starch, 51:248 pre-column derivatization precedures.
polarography and, of carbohydrates, 46:68
29: 167 Perseitol, 21: 17
of polysaccharides, mechanism of, 29:340 Perseulose, conformational equilibria, 23:32
in structural analysis of polysaccharides, Persimmon, 42:371
35:8 Perturbation energy, second-order, 51 :25-26

Perturbation theory composition, 35:247

chemical reactivity, 47: 122 isolation, 35:138
finite, 51:26-28 purification, 35245-246
Petroselinin, in parsley plant, 31: 140-141 Phaseolus vulgaris
Petroselinum crispum lectin
apiose from, 31:137-138 carbohydrate-binding specificity, 35: 145,
glycosides from, 31:140-143 297-302
glycosides of the plant, 4:57-74 composition, 35292
PET technique, labeled 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-o- hemagglutinating and mitogenic activity,
glucose, 48: 199-202 35~291-292
PG-I interaction with cellular glycopeptides,
amino acid composition, 49:248 35:3 18-320
NH,-terminal amino acid sequences, 49:253 isolation, 35: 138, 296-297
protein core amino acid sequences, 49:255 purification, 35292
structure, 49:249 structure, 35267
PG-I1 phytohemagglutinin, 35291, 293
amino acid composition, 49:248 Phenacetin, metabolism, and p-D-
NH,-terminal amino acid sequences, 49:252 glycopyranosiduronic acid conjugate,
protein core amino acid sequences, 49:255 36:91
structure, 49:250-25 1 1-Phenethylindoline, 46:3 17
PH Phenobarbital
and activity of a-o-mannosidase, 28:412 cyclodextrin, inclusion complexes with,
caramel, 47:2 16-2 17 46:223-224
control and measurement in sugar refining, effect on glycosylation, 40:345
52:464-466 Phenokarbohydrate derivatives, in higher
effect plants, 20:371408
on p-eliminative degradation of alginates, Phenolics
29:251 from carbohydrates, 46:323
on formose reaction, 29: 183-1 85 formation of, 46326
on deamination, 31:65 glycolipids, purification, 51: 172
on stability of metal chelates, 28:422 Phenols, 53:364-365
and stability of a-o-mannosidase, 28:413 4-acetamido-, formation and inactivation,
Phagocytosis 36:9 1
desialylated erythrocytes, 40:223 from 1,6-anhydrohexopyranose trimethyl
macrophages and polymorphs, 41:187 ethers in liquid ammonia, 34:77
Pharmaceuticals cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with,
1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitolsuse, 49: 161-167 46:222-224
galactomannans in, 31:3 10,3 12 2,4-dinitro-, inhibitor of galactomannan
plant galactomannans in, 35:341 degradation, 35:361
sucrose derivatives in, 33:274 reaction with glycals, 24:215
Phaseoloside D, isolation and structure, 37:330 as solvents for sugars, 27: 104
Phaseoloside E, isolation and structure, 37:330 Phenol-sulfuric acid, test, in sugar analysis,
Phaseolus aureus, see mung bean 28:223
Phaseolus coccineus lectin, carbohydrate- Phenolthiocerols, in phenolic glycolipids,
binding specificity, 35: 145 51:200-203
Phaseolus lunatus Phenoxides, reduction of acylalkyl radicals,
extracts, agglutinating action. 35: 128 37: 19
lectin Phenylacetic acid, 1-ester of p-D-
agglutinating activity, 35:243-244, 247 glycopyranuronic acid, preparation,
carbohydrate-binding specificity, 35249 36: 106

Phenylalanine Phenylurethans. of dithioacetals, preparation of,

D-, favored conformation, 45:232 32:48
L-, cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with, Pheromones, I-6-anhydro-2,3,4-trideoxy-
46:222,224 hexopyranoses in aggregation, of westem-
Phenyl 2-azido-2-deoxy-selenoglycosides, pine bark-beetle, 34:26
53:163 Phizophydium .sphaerothetern, glycogen, 41:69
Phenylboronates, stability to hydrolysis, 35: Phloridzin, taste properties, 49280
50 Phlorizin
Phenylboronic acid catabolism by yeasts, 32:201
complex formation with carbohydrates, effect on trehalase, 30:254
35:4849 levoglucosan from, 3497
effect in paper chromatography, 35:59-62 Phormia regina. enzyme from, 30:246
reaction with glycosides, 35:32 Phosgene, selective chlorination with, in N,N-
sulfonylated, in electrophoresis, 35:62 dimethylformamide. 33:80
Phenylbutazone, metabolism of, and analog. Phoshonogalactans
36:134 compositions and yields of, 23:400
Phenyl 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-~-o-glucopyranoside, fungal, 23:398
48:208 Phosphatase
1-Pheny~-(o-g~ucofuran0)-[2,1-6]-imidazolidin- in fruit climacteric, 42:364
2-one,43:333 glycoenzymes, 27:308
o-Phenylenediamine, in polarographic in honey, 25:303
determination of carbohydrates, Phosphate, substituents, lipid A, 50:225-227
29:150-162 4-Phosphate, non-glycosylic, lipid A
Phenylethane, I-amino- I-,Helferichs work on, substituents, 50:226
45:5 Phosphate groups
Phenyl glycosides displacement in carbohydrates by halogen,
cleavage, photosensitized by 1,4- 22:182
dicyanonaphthalene, 46:184 elimination reactions, by radiation, 37:
preparation of, Helferichs work on, 45:4 12-14
3-Phenylindoline, 46:3 17 lipid A backbone, 50:221-225
Phenylisocyanates, liquid chromatography, pre- protecting groups for, 36:152-156
column derivatization precedures, 46:68 Phosphate ions, in dextran gel, effect on dental
Phenyllithium, reaction with dioxolanes, canes and plaque, 30:439
39:138 Phosphates
Phenylosotriazoles, sugar derivatives. carbohydrate, mass spectrometry of
conformation of, 26:7 1 boronates of. 35:69
Phenyl phosphorohydrazidate, as of dithioacetals, preparation of, 32:48
phosphorylating agent for nucleostdes, esters, hydrolysis of, 21:328
22:338 irradiation of carbohydrate. 38:192-I93
Phenylpropanoic acid, 2-(indolin-l-yl)-I-. nomenclature, 52:1 13-1 I5
46:317 Phosphatides, 24:408
N-Phenylselenophthalimide,53:184 Phosphatidylserine, activator for enzymic
Phenyl selenoribofuranoside, 53:174-177 hydrolysis, 40:283
Phenylselenylation, 53:1 5 4158 Phosphinates, nomenclature, 52:1 16
Phenylsulfur trifluoride, fluorinating agent, Phosphine dibromide, triphenyl-, selective
38:225 bromination with N,N-dimethylformamide
Phenyl tetra-0-acetyl-a-L-idopyranoside, and, 33:78
synthesis, 49:76 Phosphinediol group on pyranose ring of
Phenyl I-thiohexopyranoside esters, radical- monosaccharides, synthesis of,
mediated brominations. 49:64-65 42:138-176

Phosphines activity and occurrence of, 42:188-189

addition to unsaturated carbohydrates, Phosphonium bromide, bromotriphenoxy-, as
24:256 reagent for bromination of carbohydrates,
bis (5,6-dideoxy-l,2-~-isopropylidene-cy-o- 28:240
xylo-hexohranose-6-yl)-, 24:256 Phosphonium iodide
with carbon tetrahalides, selective iodotriphenoxy-, as reagent for iodination of
halogenation with, 33:79 alcohols and carbohydrates, 28:240
(5,6-dideoxy- 1,2-~-isopropy~idene-ol-o-xylo. methyltriphenoxy-
hexohranose-6-yl)-, 24:256 in displacement reactions with deoxy-
phenyl(5,6-dideoxy- 1.2-0-isopropylidene- halogeno sugars, 28:282
a-~-xylo-hexohranose-6-yl)-, 24:256 reactions with nucleosides, 28:243
biphenyl- as reagent for iodination of alcohols and
and carbon tetrachloride, reactions with carbohydrates, 28:240
alcohols and carbohydrates, 28:246 selective iodination with, 33:77
with carbon tetrahalides, selective Phosphonium ylides, in Wittig reaction with
halogenations with, 33:79 carbohydrates, 27:228-239
and N-bromosuccinimide, reactions with Phosphonoglunic acid, 43:371
carbohydrates, 28:249 0-Phosphonoglycans, carbon- 13 nuclear
and N-halosuccinimides, selective magnetic resonance spectra, 38:82-88
halogenations with, 33:77-78 Phosphonoglycosphingolipids
tris(dimethylamin0)-, selective chlorination from gastropods, 44:413414
with carbon tetrachloride and, 33:79 0-,in gastropods, 44:438
0-Phosphincoglycosphingolipids,44:4 13 0-Phosphonohexopyranans,carbon- 13 nuclear
Phosphinothricin, biological activity and magnetic resonance spectra, 38:81-88
structure of, 42: 189 Phosphonomannans, 26:395,41:8&87
Phosphite, 1,2-O-cyclohexylidene-cu-o- fungal, 23:394,417
glucohranose 3,5,6, crystal structure, 0-
43:228 carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance
Phosphodiesterase in plant cell-walls, 42:302 spectra, 38:82,86-88
Phosphofructokinase, enzymic activity in liver preparation and uses, 36:302
metabolism, 34:326 Phosphono migration, in phosphorylation,
6-Phosphofructokinase 33: 108-109
activity in yeasts grown on o-glucose, Phosphonyl group on pyranose ring of
32: 166-168 monosaccharides, synthesis of,
in glycolysis control, 32:169-171 42: 138-176
6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase in fmit Phosphoramidates
climacteric, 42:36&365 of o-fructose derivatives, 22:246
Phosphoglycolipids, deamination and structure in phosphorylation of nucleosides, 22:337
of, 31:77 in synthesis of glycosyl esters of nucleoside
Phospholipids, 26:414 5-pyrophosphates, 28:345-35 1
Phosphonates Phosphorane
5-deoxy-5-C-methyleneadenosine3-0,5 I - (bromoacetylmethy1ene)triphenyl-, synthesis
C-cyclic, monohydrate, crystal and reactions of, 27:294
structure, 43:362-363 formylmethylenetriphenyl-, preparation of,
dipheny ltriphenylphosphorany lidenemethyl, 27:244
Wittig reactions with, 27:260,296 methylene-, derivatives, in Wittig reaction
nomenclature, 52: 115-1 16 with carbohydrates, 27:228-239,
of unsaturated sugars, synthesis by Wittig 33: 153-158
reaction, 27:296 [5-(R)-(3-deoxy-3-fluoro-l,2-0-
Phosphonic acid, 2-aminoethane, biological isopropylidene-5-0-trityl-cy-o-

xylofuranos-3-yl)-5-hydroxy-2,4- Phosphorus
dioxopyrrolidin-3-ylidene]triphenyl-, 32P-labelednucleotides, 22:339
preparation, 38:25 1-252 ring oxygen replacement by, 52: 140-141
[5-(,")-(3-deoxy-3-fluoro- 1,-2:5,6-di-0- starch phosphate content. 51:250, 253
isopropylidene-a-u-glucoft1ranos-3-yl)- in yeast mannan, 23:391
5-hydroxy-2,4-dioxopyrrolidin-3- Phosphorus acid, in nucleotide synthesis,
ylideneltriphenyl- 22:342
preparation, 38:250-25 I Phosphorus compounds
X-ray crystallography, 38:28 1 in deoxyhalogeno, sugar synthesis, 28:280
sugar, synthesis of, 27:295 as solvents for sugars, 27:123
Phosphoric acid Phosphorus halides, replacement of hydroxyl
1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitolsesters, 49: 130-132 group in carbohydrates by halogen, 22: 184
as solvent for sugars, 27:94 Phosphorus-3 1 NMR spectroscopy, 42: 19-20
Phosphoric esters Phosphorus oxoacid esters, nomenclature,
bacterial polysaccharides, 48:3 13-3 17 52:113-1 I6
of carbohydrates, synthesis of, 31:4 Phosphorus pentachloride
effect on proton nuclear magnetic resonance polycondensation of u-glucose in aqueous,
spectroscopy, 29:23 21:447
of polysaccharides, 29:334 reactions with carbohydrate derivatives,
protection of, 46:202-203 28:239
Phosphoric triamide, hexamethyl- replacement of hydroxyl group by chlorine,
photochemical reaction with carbohydrate 22: I84
esters, 38: 137-142 Phosphorus pentachloride-aluminum chloride,
as solvent rearrangements of saccharides in, 26: 194
in displacement reactions, 24: 14 I Phosphorus pentafluoride, as catalyst in
for sugars, 27: 123 polymerization of 1.6-
for trimethylsilylation, 28:30 anhydrohexopyranoses, 34:74
and thionyl bromide or chloride, reaction Phosphorus pentaoxide
with o-rihonucleosides, 28:250 as catalyst for polycondensation of sugars,
Phosphorochloridic acid 21 :441,452, 454
bis (2,2,2-trichloroethyI) ester, selective oxidation and polymerization of sugars with,
phosphorylation of nucleosides with, 46:6
33:48 Phosphorus sugars
dibenzyl ester biological activity of, 42: 188-190
as phosphorylating agent physical properties of, 42: 19 1
for 2'-deoxynucleosides, 22:345 synthesis and structure of, 42: 135-191
for nucleosides, 22:326 Phosphorus trichloride
for nucleosides, 22:326 as phosphorylating agent for nucleosides,
selective phosphorylation with, 33:48 22:341-342
diphenyl ester, in selective phosphorylation polycondensation of D-glucose in aqueous,
of carbohydrates, 33:4647 21:447
Phosphorochloridites, in nucleotide formation, Phosphorylases, 25:8
36: 159 active sites of, 23:346
Phosphorohydrazidic acid, phenyl ester, as amino acids of, 23:345
phosphorylating agent for nucleosides, and amylo-( I-t6)-glucosidase, mechanism
22:338 ofaction of, 30:312,328,331
Phosphorolysis, of activated nucleosides, function, 51: 141- 142
22:369 in honey, 25:303
Phosphorothioic acid, S-ethyl ester, as kinetics, 23:289, 353
phosphorylating for nucleosides, 22:335 mechanism of action of, 23:356

Phosphorylases (continued) Photolysis

oligo-P-o-mannosyl-( l+4)-, in cyclic acetals, 34:207, 39:86-95
galactomannan degradation during in 6-deoxy-a, a-trehalose synthesis, 28:305
germination of seeds, 35:362,375 of nitro-olefinic sugar, 24:112
preparation and properties of, 30:299-301 Photosynthesis
properties of, 23:347 radioactive carbon in study of, 32:6
purification by chromatography, 23983 of raffinose family oligosaccharides,
by electrophorsis, 23:284 37:35 1-353
sources of, 23:343 sugar conversion in, 32: 1 1
specificity and action of, 23:351 Phrenosin. 24:395, 399
in starch synthesis, 26:384 synthesis of, 24:401,403
structure of, 23:344 Phrenosinic acid, 24:396
sucrose, reaction on o-glucose, 3 2 8 Phthalazine, 3-(o-gluco-pentitol- 1-yl)-5-
in synthesis and breakdown of starch in phenyl-l,2,4-trazo1[3,4-a], 50: 156
plants, 3 2 5 Phthaloyl group, as protecting group, 29:4
Phosphorylated sugars in aqueous solution, Phthioceranic acid
acyclic forms, 42:20-21 ester of trehalose 2-sulfate, in
Phosphorylating agents, 22:325 Mycobucterium tuberculosis, 30:236
for nucleosides, 22:3?5 hydroxy-, ester of trehalose 2-sulfate, in
for synthesis of nucleotides, 22:392-395 Mjicobacteriirm tuberculosis, 30:236
Phosphorylation Phthiocerol lipids, in M. leprue, 51 :234235
of D-fructose by liver, 34:325 Phycom.vcetes, polysaccharides of, 23:367
enzymic Phyllodulcin
and inactivation of aminoglycoside proposed AH, B,X systems of, 45:283-285
antibiotics, 30: 165 taste properties. 45:280,282-283, 288
methods, see Enzymic methods Physarium polycephalum, polysaccharide,
o f sugars, 32:9 41:88-89
of nucleoside boronates, 35:54 Physical chemistry
of nucleosides, 22:325 of carbohydrates, 15: 1 1-5 1
selective of starch, 11:335-385
of carbohydrates, 33:46-50 Physical properties
of 2-deoxyribonucleosides, 22:343 of herbicides, biological activity and, 21:408
in transport of monosaccharides into of solutions of polysaccharides, 18:357-398
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 32: 151 of sulfonic esters of carbohydrates, 23:253
and transport of sugars into yeasts, Physical studies, of cyclitols containing four or
3 2 2 31 five hydroxyl groups, 20: I 1-65
Phosphoryl chloride Phytic acid
as phosphorylating agent for nucleosides, metabolism in plants, 37:347
22:325,335,341 in plants, 26:402
in selective phosphorylation of Phytoceramides, 24:409
carbohydrates, 33:4648 Phytoglucolipids, 24:409
Phosphotransferase system, PEP-dependent, Phytoglycogens
34:31&312 biosynthesis of. 26:383
Photochemical addition branching enzyme, 44:256
in branched-chain sugar synthesis, enzymic degradation of, 30:332
42: 105-107 tine structure of, 30:322
method for synthesis of ketonucleosides, Phytoglycolipids, deamination and structure of,
42:236 31:7?
Photochemistry, of carbohydrates, 18:9-59, Phytoglycosphingolipids, 24:408
38: 105-193 Phytohemagglutinin, 35:291, 293

Phytolacca americanum, see Pokeweed stem bromelain glycan, structure, 37: I8 I

Phytolacca dioica, 46: 13 Pinitol. as plant-growth substance. 21:416
Phytolacca esculenta lectin, isolation and Piiiner reaction, deoxyhalogeno sugars
properties, 35:310 preparation by, 28:256
Phytophthora cinnamoni, polysaccharide. Pinocytosis. in cell wall formation, 26:338
41:73 Pinoprenol, structure, 44:346
Phytophthora infestans, polysaccharide, 41 :69 Pinus. cell wall studies on, 42:268
Phytosphingolipids, 24:382 Pinus elliotti. see Slash pine
Phytosphingosines, 24:390 Piperazine
anhydro-, 24:387 derivatives from sugars and ammonia,
p-D-glucosyl-, hydrochloride monohydrate, 25:3 17
crystal structure bibliography, 2-methyL. solubility o f sucrose in, 27: 1 18
38:478-479 Piperidine
dehydro-, stereochemistry of, 24:386 derivatives, from sugar derivatives, 25:394
derivatives, 24:257 1 -(3,6,2',3,'4',6'-hexa-O-acetyl-p-
D-glucosyl-, hydrochloride, crystal structure cellobiosy1)-, preparation, 39:30
bibliography, 34:372 A-acetyl-, solubility of sucrose in, 27: 1 18
N-2-hydroxytetracosanoyl-, 1 -phosphate. N-formyl-, solubility of sucrose in. 27: 118
24:409 as solvent for sugars, 27: 1 17
stereochemistry of, 24:384, 386 1-(3,4,6-tri-~-acetyl-~-glucopyranosyl)-,
synthesis of, 22:138,24:388, 27:237, 258, preparation, 39:30
262 1 -Piperidinesulfonic acid, as sulfating agent for
of C,,-, 24:389 dextran, 29:335
p-antibonding orbitals, CH,, group, 47: 113 3-Piperidino1, (S)-(-)-, absolute configuration
Picea engelmann, polysaccharide from bark of, of, 27:209
24:374 2-Piperidinone
Pichia I-methyl-, as solvent for sugars, 27: 1 18-1 19
fermentans, D-ribose transport into, 32: I55 as solvent for sugars, 27: 1 19
pinus. D-ribose transport into, 32: I55 Piptoparus hetulinus, a-L-arabinofuranosidase
Pichia hovis, polysaccharide, 41:99 of, 42:387
Pichia pastoris, mannan, 41:82 Piriculariu o ~ z a e
Picoline, from sugars and ammonia, 25:328 peptidoheteroglycan, 41:96
Picrocin, DL-, synthesis of, 28:299 polysaccharide, 41:75
Picrocrocin Pisum sativus
p-eliminative degradation of, 29:283 cellulose biosynthesis, 41: 108
structure of, 24:6 precursors, 41 :I26
Pictet-Andrianoff vacuum process, 47:2 16-2 17 cell wall studies on, 42:267,282, 300,
Pigman,William Ward, obituary, 37: 1-5 327-329,331,350,3555356
Pigments, Osage orange, structure of, 26: I6 development physiology of. 42:343-344,
Pig submaxillary gland, glycoprotein of. 350,352-353,358-359
25:433,458 enzyme from, in cellulose synthesis, 26:325,
Pillaromycin A, structure, 35:96 387
Pillarose lectin, carbohydrate-binding specificity,
natural occurrence of, 42:73 35: 199.204
structure of, 35:96,42:71, 81. 125 heinagglutinating activity, 35: 197,201
synthesis of, 42: 125-126 interaction with erythrocyte glycopeptides,
Pinacol, acetoxonium salt from, 26: 132 35:32 1
Pineapple with glycopeptides, 35: 141
development physiology of, 42:363, 370, isolation, 35: 138, 196
379 purification, 35: 196

Pivaloyl chloride, in esterification of hydrolysis of, trifluoroacetic acid in,

nucleotides, 33: I3 28: I6
Pivaloyloxy group, reactivity of, in hydroxy-L-proline-rich glycoproteins in,
acyloxonium salt formation, 26: 131 42~298-300
Planteobiose, occurrence, 37:3 10 interconnections, 42:307-309
Planteose interconnections in, 42:302-3 15
biosynthesis of, 26:373,37:292 laminar structure of, 26:302-307
derivative, preparation of, 34:264 liquid chromatography analysis, 46:52
dihydrate, crystal structure bibliography, loosening of, 42:347-361
30:455 diagram, 42:360
occurrence, 37:29 1-293 materials, hydrolysis, 46:264
structure, 37:292 mechanism of orientation in, 26:331-335
Plant fiber, liquid chromatography analysis, microfibril orientation, 41: 123-125
46:52 morphology and hiogenesis of,
Plants, see also Cereals; Grasses 26:297-349
a,a-trehalose in, 30:230,234 origin of, 26:335
analysis, monosaccharides and pectins in, 26:399
oligosaccharides in, 30:6 plant, effect of plant-growth substances
apiose-containing, 31: 139, 145 on, 21:381
polysaccharides from, 31:150-152 polysaccharides of
biochemistry of-a-o-galactosidic linkages, effect of auxins on, 21:381
37~283-372 f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 45:66-68
cellulose biosynthesis in higher, high- preparation of, 42:273-274
molecular-weight precursors, primary, 42:267
41 :138- 142 structure, 42:269-277,303
lipid intermediates involvement, 41: 132, protein in, 26:346
134-135 role of glycoproteins, in, 44:382-383
cell walls, 42:265-382 sugars, preparative liquid chromatography,
acidification hypothesis for, 42:349 46:60
Albersheim model of, 42:303-304, terminal complexes, 41:121-123
309-314 extracts
bacterial, teichoic acids, in, 21:324 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:48,57
of barley and wheat, arabinoxylans, uronic acids, gas-liquid chromatography
36:242 of, 28:76
biosynthesis of, polymers of, 42:3 15-338 glycosides of parsley, 4:57-74
during cell-expansion of fruits, growth substances
423345-347 effect on carbohydrate systems,
chemical composition, 26:30&302 21:377430
complex, acidic oligosaccharides from, on sugarcane, 21:421
fractional liquid chromatography flavonoids, 21:409
methods, 46:49 glycosides and other carbohydrate
description of, 42:266 derivatives as, 21:408,413
development and transformation of, as herbicides, 21:392
26:345-349 gums, 4:243-291,44:375
o-gluco-n-mannans in, 26:403 hemicelluloses from, 36:25&262
enzymes bound in, 42:300-302,351 isoprenoids
formation of, 26:335-345 biosynthesis, 44:35 1
fruit ripening and, 42:339-382 metabolism, 44:351
cell wall loosening, 42:347-361 life cycle, lectins in, 35: 148
hemicellulose in, 26:405,36:257-258 mucilages of, 4:243-291

oligosaccharides, preparative liquid Platelets

chromatography. 46:60 activity, effects of heparin, 33:127
pathology, pectic enzymes in, 33:381 385 membrane. glycoproteins from, 35325
physiology Platelets Factor 4, complexes with heparin,
carbohydrate chemistry and, 21:378 43:124--125
pectic enzymes in, 33:381-385 Platinum, see Catalysts
polyprenols, see also Polyprenyl glycosyl Platinum catalyst (Adam), in oxidation of
phosphates carbohydrate sulfonic esters, 23:258
occurrence, 44347 Platinum ethylenediamine cytidine 5'-
structure, 44:346-350 phosphare, dihydrate, crystal structure
polysaccharides bibliography, 38527
complex, structural and sequence analysis Platinum ethylenediamine dichloride, 1 -P-n-
of, 46:57 arabinofuranosylcytosine,crystal structure
monosaccharide composition of bibliography, 38:518
gas-liquid chromatography analysis, Platinum(Il), 2'-Deoxycytidylyl-(3 '+5 ')-2'-
46:54 deoxyguanosine-2-hydroxyethanethiolato-
liquid chromatography separations, 2,2,'2-terpyridine-, hydrate, 43:373
46:5&55 Pleurotus ostreatus, polysaccharide, 41 :73
polyuronides of, 1:329-344 Plum
seeds, a-o-mannosidase activity of, 28:404 cell-wall studies on, 42:3 15
sialic acid occurrence, 40:134 developmcnt physiology of, 42:341, 379
tissue, cellulose and hemicellulose in, Plymers, starchlike, 23:368
gas-liquid chromatography of. 28:60 1 -( p-Methylphenyl)-3-rnethyl-4-(o-urubino-
trehalase from, 30:247-248 tetritol- 1-yl)imidazolidine-2-thione,
Plasma-desorption mass spectrometry, acyl 43:371
location, 51: 199-200 Pneuntococcus spp.
Plasma extender, 0-(2-hydroxyethyl)-starch as, C-substance. deamination of, 31:78
29:318 polysaccharides, 19:303-357,52:6-7
Plasmalemma capsular
biogenesis of microfibrils by, 26:342-345 f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 45:65
glycosides mass spectrometry of, 29:97
hydrolyzed inside, 39:402404 gel chromatography of, 25:4344
hydrolyzed outside, 39:353-378, structure, 41: 171-174
40 1 4 0 2 type 2 capsular polysaccharide, degradation
passage, 39:349,352 of acetylated, by oxidation with
isolation and analysis of, 26:344 chromium trioxide. 31:231
in plant cell-wall synthesis, 26:331, 335, type 2 polysaccharide degradation by p-
337-338 elimination, 2 18 of sulfone derivative,
sugar caniers across, 32: 147, 149 31:228
utilization of glycosides hydrolyzed inside, type XA capsular polysaccharide,
39:378-397 deamination and structure of, 31:76
of yeast cell, 32: 137, 140 types 1OA and 29, deacetylation4eamination
Plasma membrane, description of, 42:266 of capsular substances of, 31:237
Plasmapexin, sialic acid binding, 40:2 I6 type XXlX specific substance, deamination
Plasmid, and resistance of staphylococci, and structure of, 31:77
30: 184 type 29 capsular polysaccharide,
Plasmolysis, of cell walls in plants, 26:332 deacetylation and partial hydrolysis of,
Plasters, plant galactomannans in, 35:342 31:196
Plastics, sucrose-based, and polymers, type 34 specific polysaccharide, modified
33:273-274 Barry degradation of, 31:203

Pneumonia Poly( P-D-mannopyranuronic acid), circular

death rate, 41:156 dichroism, 45:108
polysaccharide vaccines, 41:191-193 Poly(P-o-mannuronic acid), 52:353-354,414
Pneumosamine, N-acetyl-, in Type 5 capsular Poly(butyl methacrylate), spin-lattice
polysaccharide, 33:302 relaxation-times and nuclear Over-hauser
Podzol, spectral analysis and identification, enhancement values, 38:30
44:24 Polycarbonates, 1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitols,
Pogonopus tubulosus, 46: 13 49: 172-1 73
Point group, 44:12 Poly(deoxyribonucleotides), synthesis,
Poisson distribution, 23:304 36~167-180
Pokeweed of double-stranded, 36: 178-1 80
extract, mitogenic activity, 35:309-310 with RNA ligase, 36: 178-1 80
lectin, isolation and properties, 35:309 stepwise by diester method, 36: 167-169
Polar factors, in selective esterification of by triester method, 36: 173-178
carbohydrates, 33: 13-19 Poly( tl-galactopyranuronic acid), circular
Polarimetry dichroism, 45:109-110
mutarotation measurement, 23:42,47 Poly(3,5-dimethylstyrene)sulfonylchloride,
of reducing sugars in solution, 42: 17-1 8 intermediate in nucleotide formation,
Polarography 36: 157
of aldehydo form of sugars, 42:20 Polydispersity
carbohydrate derivatives, 29:108, 149-162 defined, 24:337
of carbohydrate oxidation and degradation self-association behavior and. mucus
products, 29:162-171 glycoproteins, 47:377-380
kinetic currents in, 29:135-149 Pol y-( D-mannopyranuronate)
of monosaccharides, 29:126135 blocks, circular dichroism, 45: 107-108
mutarotation and, 29:139-141 interference in circular dichroism studies of
and structure of carbohydrates and CaZ+chelation of alginates, elimination
derivatives, 29: 142 of, 45: 106
Pollen Polyelectrolytes, mucus glycoproteins as,
compatibility, 44:381 47:373
germination, inhibitors of, 21:410 Polyethylene glycol
Pollen tubes, cell-wall extension in, 42:35 1 effect on cellulose synthetase complex,
Polyacrylamide beads, affinity chromatography 41:145-148, 152
adsorbent, 39:407,416417,436 as matrix for f.a.b.-mass spectrometry,
Poly(acrylamide-coallyl2-acetamido-2-deoxy- 45:26
D-glucopyranoside) glycopolymers, as solvent for sugars, 27:98
51:123 Polyfructosans, see Fructans
Polyacrylamide gels Polygalactoglucose, 21 :483
in chromatography, 25: 14 Polygalactose, 21:483
fractionation ranges of, 25: 19 in immunochemistry, 21:506
immobilization on, 49: 1 8 6 188 Polygalacturonases
Poly[adenosine 5- (o-ribose 5- endo, solubilization of pectic polymers by,
pyrophosphate)], 26:48 1 42:304305,372
Polyagglutinability, in serology, 35:257 substrate for, 42:321
Poly-(a-L-gulopyranuronate), blocks, circular enzymes preferring pectate, 33:325
dichroism, 45: 108 in fruit climacteric, 42:364
Poly(a-L-guluronic acid), 52:353,355-356,415 on plant cell-wall, 42:337, 351
Polyamides, I ,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitols, Poly(ga1acturonic acid)
49: 172-1 73 biosynthesis of, 42:321
Polyarabinose, 21:474 lyases, mode of action, analysis of, 46:54

Polygdlacturonide digalacturonohydrolasc, of anhydroaldoses, mechanism. 39: 173-

33:327 176
Polygalitol, 25:237-238 of I ,6-anhydrohexopyranoses. 34:69-74
Polyglucose, 21:462463,465,467,469.47 I, ofanhydro sugars, 39:158-160, 173-212
48 1 block, of oligonucleotides, 36: 170
fractionation of. 21:505 caramel, 47:245
glycosidic linkages in, 21:448 catalysis by boric acid. 21:466
in immunochemistry, 21504 by hydrogen chloride, 21:462
Polyglucan, dextranglucosidase degradation of, by ion-exchange resins, 21:464
30:396 catalysts for, of sugars, 21:447, 452
Polyglycoses, 21:433 condensation. of carbohydrates, 21 :434
from aldopyranosyl fluorides, 21 :460 of cyclic acetals, 39: 152
nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, degree of, of cellulose on heating, 23:430,
21:501 435
preparation of, 21:491 effect of pressure on, tl:467
sulfates, as heparin substitutes, 21:508 epoxide, 21:491
X-ray diffraction of, 21:501 of glycofuranosides, 21 :138
Polyglycosiduronic acids, crystal structure graft co-, of polysaccharides, 29:358-360
bibliography, 33:403 mechanism, factors affecting, 41:145-150
Polyhydric compounds glycosyl esters of nucleoside diphosphates,
acetates, gas-liquid chromatography of, 41: 125-1 32
28:153-155 polysaccharide chain growth, 41: 135
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:90-98 in methyl sulfoxide, 21:449,453
per(trimethylsilyl) ethers, gas-liquid of mononucleotides, 36: 169-1 70, 184
chromatography of, 28: 15 I-! 52 in solid state, 21:461
trifluoroacetyl derivatives, gas-liquid sugars, hydrogen fluoride, 47:202
chromatography of, 28:l 14 thermal, 21:476
2-Polyhydroxyalkylimidazoles,50: 1 52 Polymers
Polyhydroxy compounds, cation complexes, furanose. 21:138
47:11 molecular-weight detemiination by gel
Polyhydroxypyrrolidines, glucosidasc chromatography. 25: 14,22
inhibition, 48:344-347 networks structures from, 24:270
Polyisoprenyl phosphates as possible orientational measurements in, 44:27
polysaccharide intermediates, 42:327- X-ray diffraction studies on, 22427
330 Polymethylgalacturonases, enzymes degrading
Poly-( L-gulopyranuronate acid), blocks. substrates, 33:325
circular dichroism, 45: 107-1 OX Polymorphism
Poly(r-proline), mutarotation of, 23: I2 in chitin, 2 4 5 0 , 4 5 5
Polymaltose, 21:463,475 immune action, 41: I87
in immunochemistry, 21:506 Polynucleotides, see also Nucleotides
Polymannose, 21:466,483 chromatography of, 29:333
Polymerases, specificity toward structure of crystallography of, 22:479
monosaccharide substrates, in bio- structural integrity of synthetic, 3 6 : 2 0 4
synthesis of bacterial polysaccharidcs, 206
44:338-339 synthesis of, 33:70,36:135-213
Polymer complexes, 53:413 by block condensations, 36: 171-173
Polymerization, see also Copolymerization; on polymer supports, 36:207-2 13
Degree of polymerization protecting groups, 36: 139-1 56
of acetals, 34:208 uses, in molecular-biological problems,
addition, 21:477 36:138

Polyols by triester method, 36: 186-1 89

complex formation with cations of Group I1 Polyn'bose, glycosidic linkages in, 21:448
and with borate ions, laser-Raman Polysaccharases, extraction from germinating
spectroscopy, 44:83-84 seeds. 32:306
cis-diols-containing, 53:7 1,95-100, 103 Polysaccharide antigens, see Antigens
trans-diols-containing, 53:44, 6 1-68 Polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, mode of
electrophoretic and thin-layer mobilities, action, liquid chromatography analysis,
47:35-36 46:53-54
electrophoretic behavior, 47:4 Polysaccharide gum, 53:411412
threo-threo configuration, 47: 145 Polysaccharide hydrolases
tridentate complexes, 47: 10-1 1 ethylene effects on, 42:363
Polyoxin C, 23: 1 16 in fruit ripening, 42:365
Polyoxins, biosynthesis, 35: 125-126 role in cell-wall extension, 42:35 1
Polyoxyethylene isosorbide, 49: 136 Polysaccharide hydrolyzates, isolation of, on
Polyphosphoric acid, in selective large-scale columns, 46:62
phosphorylation of carbohydrates, 33:47 Polysaccharide-protein conjugates,
Polyphosphoric acid esters, in glycoside immunogenicity, 41: 197-200
synthesis, 21:448 Polysaccharides, 21:27,47: 167-1 68,
Polypodium vulgare L., 45:286 51:133-164, 5 2 ~ 3 1 1 4 3 9
Polyporus annosus, see Fomes annosus acetals, preparation of, 29:339
Polyporus circinatus, glycogen, 41 :69 acetates, determination of acetyl content in,
Polyporus fomenturius, fucomannnogalactan, 29:330
41:lOO acetolysis of, 22:20
Polyporus igniarus, fucomannogalactan, hydrolysis of, 22:26, 53, 85
41:lOO structure of, 22:8
Polyporus ovinus, fucomannogalactan, 41: 100 sulfated, crystallography of, 22:481
Polyporus pinicolu, fucoxylomannan, 41:98 unit-cell parameters for, 22:422423
Polyporus squamosu.~.heteropolysaccharide, X-ray structure of, 22:421482
41:lOO adducts with alkali metal hydroxides, 21:254
Polyporus tumulosis, xylomannan, 41:96 affinity-chromatography matrices as
Polyprenyl diphosphate trisaccharides, enzymes derivatives of, 29:388-399
of biosynthesis, specificity toward aldehydo, preparation of, 28:286
structure of monosaccharide residues of 6-aldehydo, preparation of, 29:337
substrates, 44:336-337 alduronic acids in, 47: 177
Polyprenyl glycosyl diphosphates, 44:285-286 algal, gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:59,
Polyprenyl glycosyl monophosphates, 30:93-94
44:284-285 alkaline degradation of, 13:289-329
Polyprenyl glycosyl phosphates alkaline thermochemical degradation, 4 2 3 15
characterization, 44:344-345 alkyl ethers, preparation and
as intermediates in synthesis of complex physicochemical properties of,
glycans, 44:343 29~310-315
solubility properties, 44:344 amination of, 29:342
Polyrhamnose, 21:474 amino, 24:321
Poly(ribonuc1eotides) crystal structure bibliography, 35:38 1-385
protection and deprotection of hydroxyl sulfates, 24:291
groups, 36: 141 aminoalkyl and alkylaminoalkyl ethers,
synthesis, by diester method, 36: 180-1 84 29:322-325
with RNA ligase, 36:189-193 2-amino-2-deoxy-~-ga~actose-containing,
by stepwise block condensation, 23:402
36:185-186 amino sugar derivatives, 52:166

amylaceous,routine characterizationof, role in bacterial virulence, 41:202-206

30:326-332 role in complement, 41:187-189
analysis of, 28:188 role in pathogenicity, 41:206-208
anhydrides, preparation of, 29:343 structural heterogeneity,41: 174-175
from animal and seaweed tissues, 24:293 structures, 41: 15&174
from Annona muricata L., 24:374 gas-liquid chromatographyof, 30:92-93
anomeric protons, nonselective spinlattice Klebsiella K-type 9 and K-type 47, mass
relaxation rates, 45:149-152 spectrometry of, 29:90
antibiotic derivatives, 29:387 mass spectrometry of, 29:55,66
antigenicity and immunogenicityof, 31:3 14 from Pneumococcus Type 11, mass
apiose-containing,31: 15C152 spectrometry of, 2 9 9 7
associated with wood cellulose, 10:283- of microorganisms,26:408
333 Type 1 capsular, purification and structure
bacterial, 2:203-233,ll: 15,271-340 of, 33:298
antitumor, 32:236-243 Type 2 capsular, structure of, 33:298-301
antitumor activity of, 32:267,270 Type 4 capsular, structure of, 33:301-302
effect on blood supply in antitumor Type 5 capsular, structure of, 33:302
activity, 32:264 Type 6 capsular, structure of, 33:303
capsular, lipid intermediates in, 26:430 Type 7 capsular, purification and structure
crystal structure bibliography, Of, 33:303-305
3633&332,40:395-399 Type 9N capsular, structure of, 33:306
determinationof 0-acyl groups by mass Type 10A capsular, structure of,
spectrometry, 29:67 33:306-309
interaction with galactomannans,31:301 Type 11A capsular, structure of,
L-fucose, 39:301 33~309-310
from beech, 24:376-377 Type 12 capsular, purification and
biogenesis of, 26298 structure of, 33:3 10
by Golgi bodies of matrix, 26:339 Type 13 capsular, structure of,
biosynthesis of, lipid intermediates in, 33~311-312
28:390 Type 14 capsular, structure and
blood SOUP, 4:37-55 immunologicalproperties of,
branched, immunodominance, 41: 177-178 33:3 12-3 13
branching, determination of degree of, Type 18A capsular, structure and
21:496 serological properties of, 33:3 13
from bull seminal-plasma, antitumor activity Type 19 capsular, purification and
of, 32:257 structure of, 33:313-314
capsular Type 23 capsular, structure of, 33:314
conformation and serological Type 29 capsular, structure of, 33:315
specificityl78-12 Type 31 capsular, structure of, 33:316
definition, 41:185 Type 33B capsular, structure of,
as human vaccines, 41:155-208 33:3 16-3 18
immune response to bacterial infection, Type 34 capsular, structure of,
41: 186-191 33:31&320
and immunity, 41:191-202 Type 37 capsular, structure of, 33:320
immunologicalspecificity determinants, caramel production, 47:222
41~175-178 carbamates, preparation of, 29:344
location and immune response, carbanilates, preparation of, 29:344
41: 183-186 carbonates, preparation of, 29344
molecular mimicry, 41:208 carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance
molecular size, 41:182-183 signals, identification, 38:22-25

Polysaccharides (continuedj 3-deoxy-D-munno-octulosylonic acid-

carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance containing, carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic
spectroscopy, 38: 13-104 resonance spectra, 38:9 1-94
carboxylakyl ethers, 29:3 19-322 derivatives
carboxymethylated, determination of, 29:320 anomeric C,H bond, carbon-proton
cation complexes, 47: 18-19 coupling constants, 51:34-35
cell-wall, effect of indole-3-acetic acid and chemically reactive, 29:305405
of I-naphthaleneacetic acid on, 21:381 classification, 29:308
characterization of, 21:473 scope, 29:306-308
chemical repeating units, 52:321, 324-325 determination by enzymic hydrolysis to
3-chloro-2-hydroxypropylated,29:325 monosaccharides, 30:280-28 I
circular dichroism, 45:78,85-92 deuteration, 38: 19-20, 22
classification of, 24:376 o-fucopyranosides, 39:302
from Combreturn leonense gum, 24:375,377 o-galactose-containing, 37:332-339
complex dialdehyde derivatives, preparation of,
with alkali-metal and alkaline-earth-metal 29:339
salts, 21:221,224 diphenylborinates, carbon-1 3 nuclear
determining sequence ofglycosyl residues magnetic resonance spectra, 38: 103
in, 46:58 from D-mannitol, 32:5
on surface, 47:43 D-xylose-containing, carbon- 13 nuclear
composed of more than one kind of residue, magnetic resonance spectra, 38:95
52: 166-167 dye derivatives, 29:350-353
configuration, of anomeric linkages, 21:496 enzymes depolymerizing
conformation, analysis, 33:388,35:8 endo action pattern, 44:147-148
containing uronic acids, solvolysis, 47: 181 exo action pattern, 44:147-148
of corm sacs of Wutsonia pyrumidutu, enzyme (water-insoluble) derivatives,
24:371 29:361-375
covalent secondary derivatives, uses for, enzymic degradation of, 23:299,34:8
29:398400 enzymic synthesis of, 26:324,34:8
cross-linked, heterogeneous, 29:357 enzymolyses and proton magnetic resonance
homogeneous, 29:353-357 spectroscopy, 27:41
crystal structure, 33:387404,35:377-385, esters, 29:329-338
36~315-332,40:381-399,52:321-323 ethers, 29:309-329
deacylation and methanolysis of aliphatic f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, fragmentation
carboxylic esters, 29:332 pathways, 45:43
definition, 5 2 3 2 1-323 Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy,
degradation, 31: 185-240,48:96 44:63
acidic, 31: 187-200 fractionation and isolation of structurally
by @-elimination,31:212-229 homogeneous, 24:334-337
by deamination, 31:232-237 fractionation of, 21:493
with hydrazine, 31: 195 fragmentation by mercaptolysis, 26: 13
by hydrolysis, 31: 187-196 fungal, 23:3674[7
by oxidation with chromium trioxide, antitumor activity of, 32:243-248
31:229-232 exocellular, neutral sugar, 36:278-279
pathways for, 29:23 1-232 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:44,
by periodate oxidation, 31:200-2 11 30~93-94
preceded by oxidation, 31:220-226 structural chemistry, 41:67-103
of sulfone derivatives, 31:226-229 furanose-containing, carbon-I 3 nuclear
by Weermann and Lossen rearrangements, magnetic resonance spectra, 38:68-72
31~237-238 galactan group, 24:341

galactomannan-related, structure of. iodine, 53:277

31:267-269 with seed galactomannans, 31:241-3 12
galacturonorhamnan group, 24:36 1 in interstellar space. 44:3 1
gel chromatography of, 25:3549 iodoacetates, 29:338
gellan family, 52:383-393, 4 2 8 4 3 1 isolation of, 21:492,53:209-212
helical parameters and conformation Klebsiella, see Klebsiellu spp.
angles, 52:385 laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:75, 8 1-83
welan, 52:389, 391-393,432434 lichen
gelling, interaction with galactornannans, antitumor activity if, 32:248-249
31:284 structural chemistry, 41:67-103
gels and networks, structures, conformation linkage analysis, 52: 17-18
and mechanism in formation of. linkage designation, 52: 164
24:267-332 lipid intermediates in plant, 26:430
glucuronomannan group, 24:354 liquid ammonia effect on, 27:91
glycoproteins, glycopeptides and mannose-conraining, carbon- I3 nuclear
peptidoglycans, 52: 167-168 megnetic resonance spectra, 38:60-68
glycosidic linkages, 21:498 of marine algae, 32:4-5
cleavages of, 46:251-272 mass spectra of, 21:46
graft copolymers, 29:358-360 mercaptolysis and structure determination,
of gram-negative bacteria, 15:27 1-340 32:29
halogen derivatives, 29:348 metabolism of o-galactose-containing,
having P-o-xylan backbone, enzymic 37342-372
analysis, 44: 158-164 methods in structural chemistry of, 15:53-89
having (1+4)-P-~-glucan backbone, methylation of, 25:6,29:3 10-3 15, 36:239,
enzymic analysis of, 44: 150-1 58 264
having (1+4)-P-~-mannan backbone. mass spectrometry and, 29:62-7 1
enzymic analysis of, 443164182 purification by gel chromatography, 30: 16
helix diffraction theory, 52:320 from mice tissue, antitumor activity of,
hetero-, 23:403,411 32:257
hexopyranuronate residues in natural. 29:23 I microbial, 32229
high-temperature transformation of, cell wall. glucan component structure,
46:295-307 30~361-366
historical background, 51: 133, 135 exocellular, 36:265-3 13
homogeniety of, 21:494 acidic, 36:272, 274-275
homopolysaccharides, 52: 1 63 acidic sugar-containing. of commercial
in honey, 25:306 importance, 36:292-302
hydrocolloidal, 13:265-287 amino sugar, 36:272, 280
hydrolysis of, 28: 1 4 2 3 biosynthesis, 36:286-289
products of methylated, 23:412 fermentation methods, 36:289-29 1
hydroxyalkyl ethers, 29:3 15-3 19 genotype improvement, 36:286
imidocarbonates, preparation of, 29:345 genotype maintenance. 36:273
incorporation of labeled monosaccharides isolation and purification, 36:29 1
into, 27: I79 modilication and release, 36:289
interactions neutral, of commercial importance.
with castor-bean lectin, 35:274 36:303-3 13
with concanavalin A, 35: 166- 169, 1 79 neutral sugar, 36:272, 2 7 6 2 1 1
with lectins, 35: 140 selection of microbes, 36:273
with lentil lectins, 35: 194 sources and types, 36:270-272
with myeloma immunoglobulins, stimulants to usage, 36:268-272
35:3 17 Maurice Stacey's work, 52:6-8

Polysaccharides (continued) o-glucans, 42:293-294

molecular-weight determinations of, 25:28 hemicelluloses, 42:268-269, 274275,
mono-and di-saccharides enzymically 2 87-292
released from, structural and sequence interconnections among, 42:303-309
analysis of, 46:57 pectic polysaccharides, 42:277-287
more-branched, 52:39340 1 purification of, 42:274
E. coli M41 capsular, 52:396-398, types of, 42:274277
434437 metabolism, 37:366-372
galactomannans, 52:395-396 structure, 35: 10
helical parameters and conformation from plant cell walls, 44:358-359
angles, 52:394 pneumococcal, 19:303-357,33:295-322
R. trifolii capsular, 52:398401,437439 biosynthesis of, 33:296
xanthan, 52:395 gel chromatography of,25:4344
morphology of plant cell-wall, 26:302 purification of, 33:29&297
from mountain-pine pollen, 24:363 preparation, 52:213-214
muco-, chemistry of, 2:161-201 properties of, ofLipomyces spp., 23:415
from mustard(white) seed, 24:374 protein-, 24:292
of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 3:3 1 1-336 proton nuclear magnetic resonance
newly discovered, nomenclature, spectroscopy of,27:3943,29:12,26
52: 1 6 4 165 pyrolysis of, 34:3845
nonbiological derivatives, circular dichroism, pyruvic acid assay in, by enzymic method,
45~75,119-124 30:284
noncovalent complexes of, 29:398402 qualitative motional description, 51:102-104
noncytotoxic antitumor, 32:235-275 quantitation of I3C-signal intensities,
nucleic acid derivatives, 29:384-387 389-37
orientation, infrared dichroism study, quantitative motional description,
44:26-27 51:117- 124
oxidation with dinitrogen tetraoxide, 29:346 bistable (two-state) jump model, 51:120
p-aminobenzyl ethers, in insolubilization of Dejean-Laupretre-Monnerie model,
enzymes and preparation of 51:121
immunoadsorbents, 29:327 difhsion in cone model, 51:119-120
partially methylated, preparation of, 31:223 Hall-Weber-Helfand model, 51: 122
permethylated, f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, Jones-Stockmayer model, 51:118-119
45:37 log(c2) model, 51:117-118
permethylation of,29:3 10 quinoxaline derivatives, polarography of,
phosphoric esters, 29:334 29: 157-1 62
physical properties of solutions of, from red-spruce compression wood, 24:374
18~357-398 reductive-cleavage, 46:27 1
from Picea engelmann (spruce) bark, 24: relative reactivities of hydroxyl groups in,
374 33:60-64
plant residue configuration designation, 52: 163
antitumor activity of, 32:253-257, 274 (1+3)-linked, 52:356-364,364383
effect on cell volume and vacuolization galactoglucan, 52:362-364
in antitumor activity, 32:265 helical parameters and conformation
cell walls angles, 52:357
acidic, 42:266 ( 1-3)-a-o-glucan, 52: 36 1-362,4 16
alterations outside plasma membrane, (1+3)-P-D-Xyh, 52~361
42:337-338 structure, 52:417418
biosynthesis of, 42:315-338 (1+4)-linked, 52:326-356,364383
cellulose, 42:29&297 agarose, 52:368-370,420

alginic acid, 52:353-356 sulfated

amylose, 52:340-349,407412 carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance
carrageenans, 52:36&368,418419 spectra, 38:72-81
cellulose, 52:326, 329-332,405 crystal structure bibliography, 33:404
chitin, 52:333-334,405 sulfates, desulfation of, 29:336
chondroitin sulfate, 52:378-382,424426 sulfonic esters, 29:337
dermatan 4-sulfate, 52:382-383 sulfonylation of, 23:24 I
helical parameters and conformation sulfuric esters, preparation of, 29:335-337
angles, 52:327-328, 364-366 from sycamore, 24:374
hyaluronan, 52:370-378,42 I synthatic linear, 23:304
keratan 6-sulfate, 52:383-384 synthesis of, 21:431-512,34:250
mannan, 52:334-338,406 by bacteria, 51:135-138
pectin, 52:348, 35G353,4134.14 in growing plant cell, 26:339
from Succharomyces cerecisiue, structure of, mechanisms, 51:139-151
323 de n o w , two-site insertion mechanism,
sasa, antitumor activity of, 32:268 51: 144-149
of seaweeds, 8:3 15-3.50 enzyme covalent intermediate
secondary oligomerization, 47: 170 formation, 51:141
from seed boxes of Watsoniu versveldii. glucan synthesis inhibition, 51: 150-
24:371 151
selective catalytic oxidation of, 33:88 primer-dependent, from nonreductng
selective esterification of, 33:3540 end, 51:141-144
serogroup, carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic substrates and glucansucrase activity,
resonance spectra, 38:81-88,96 51 :139--141
serological cross-reaction, 41 :20 1-203 in plants
from Serratiu murcescens, antitumor activity functional aspects, 44:383
Of, 32~236-239 lipid intermediates in, 44:384-385
shape and size of molecules of, 7:289-332, from tamarind seed, 24:373
11:3 85-393 thiosemicarbazide derivatives of periodate-
sialic acids oxidized, antitumor activity of, 32:258
carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance tirmethylsilylation of, 28:3 1, 29:329
spectra, 38:89-9 I , 95 tritiated, preparation and position of tritium,
occurrence, 40: 138-139 27: I88
soil, chromatography of, 25:43 from Tropeoleum mujus (nasturtium) seeds,
from soy-bean, 24:362 24:374
starchlike, 23:368 uronic acid derivatives, 52: 165
stereochemistry of, 33:389 acid hydrolysis of, 31: 193
stereoregular, synthesis, 39: 158, 199 @-eliminationand degradation of,
structural analysis of, 21:494,33:389 31:2 14-220
enzymic methods of, 30:257-370 used as thickeners, analysis and
by gas-liquid chromatography, 28:47 identification, 44:23
structure, 35:5, 7,41:4, 7, 10, 51:135-138 uses of synthetic, 21:507
and conformation of gel-forming, 24:270 xanthates, preparation and uses of, 29:346
determination of, 29:339-340, x-ray diffraction analysis, 52:314325
31~185-I86 computer model building, 52:3 18-320
enzymes in analysis of, 21:502 data presentation, 52:320-32.5
immunochemistry in study of. 21504 Linked-Atom Least-Squares analysis,
substituted residues, 52: 167 52:319
sugar-cane bagasse, antitumor activity of, oriented fiber, 52:316-317
32:254,268 powder pattern, 52:3 15

Polysaccharides (continued) Potassium acetate, complex with sucrose,

types of diffracting specimens, 21:223
52:3 14-3 17 Potassium P-o-glucuronate dihydrate, crystal
xylan group, 24:371 structure bibliography, 31:364
xyloglucan group, 24:372 Potassium bromide, complex
yeast with amylose, crystal structure bibliography,
antitumor, 32:249-252 33:392
antitumor activity of, 32:267 with sucrose, 21:215
cell-walls, 32:138-140, 229 Potassium chloride, complex with sucrose,
Polysaccharide side-chains, structural and 21:223
sequence analysis of, 4 6 5 7 Potassium chondroitin 4-sulfate, 52:379-381,
Polysaccharide synthase 424
localization in cell, 42:331 Potassium o-glucarate, crystal structure
in plant cell-wall biosynthesis, 42:3 16 bibliography, 38:422423
Poly(sialo) glycoproteins, f.a.h.-mass Potassium o-gluconate, crystal structure
spectrometry, 45:65 bibliography, 31:364
Polysialylgangliosides, formation, 40:2 17 Potassium o-gluconate monohydrate
P olysphondylium pallidum crystal structure bibliography, 30:448
cellulosic cell-wall, 41: 108 (form A), crystal structure bibliography,
lectin, isolation and properties, 35:309 32:356
Polystyrene, gels, in chromatography, 25: 15 (form B), crystal structure bibliography,
Polystyrene resins, in acetal synthesis, 39:79 32:357
Polysucrose, gel chromatography of, 25:42 Potassium ferrate, oxidation of methyl CX-D-
Polytran, see Scleroglucan aldohexopyranosides with, 33: 100
Polyurethanes Potassium fluoride, fluorination agent, 38:220
1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitols,49: 172-173 Potassium gellan, 52:38&389,428429
foams, anhydrohexitols for, 25:267 Potassium hyaluronate
Polyuronic acids, hydrolysis of, 46:263 crystal structure bibliography, 33:402
Polyuronides of plants, 1:329-344 3-fold helix, 52:377
Polyvinyl alcohol, trimethylsilylation of, 4-fold helix, 52:374-375
28:3 1 Potassium iodide, complex with sucrose,
Polyxylose, 21:463,474 21:215,223
Poppy, opium, gas-liquid chromatographic Potassium ion, effect on reducing sugars in
analysis of, 28:49 solution, 42:33-34
Populin, gel chromatography of, 2 5 5 0 Potassium myronate, crystal structure
Porasil, 25: 15 bibliography, 30:452
Porcine thyroglobulin glycopeptide, structure, Potassium native gellan, 52:389-391,43043 1
37: 177 Potassium permanganate, cyclic acetal
Poria cocos. polysaccharide, 41:73 oxidation, 39:82
Poria vaporaria, a-L-arabinofuranosidase of, Potassium selenocyanate, 53: 148-159
42:387 Potassium rert-butoxide, in methylations,
Porphyran, 24:278 38:392
structure, enzymic analysis, 44: 189-190 Potassium thiocyanate, reaction with D-
Porphyra perforata, see Algae, red fructose, 22:279
Portuguese man-of-war toxin, red cell receptor, Potato, see Soianum tuberosum
45: 170 Potential barrier, 51:78
P osidonia Potential-function calculations, anomeric and
apiose-containing polysaccharides from, exo-anomenc effects, 47: 103-106
31:150 Praseodymium complex, in conformational
galacturonan of, 42:281 analysis of acetals, 34: 198

Precipitation, enzyme purification by specific, 1,3-Propanedithiol, in dithioacetal preparation,

23:284 32: 19
Precipitin, 53:222 Propanoic acid, cyclodextrin inclusion
reaction, theory of, 31:320-321 complexes with, 46:221
Pregnanediol, conjugate with P-0-gluco- Propanol
pyranosiduronic acid, preparation, 36:93 2,2-dimethyl- 1-, cyclodextrin inclusion
Prelog-Djerassi lactone, synthesis of, 42: 1 12 complexes with, 46:222-224
Prelogs rule, for configurations, 27: 193, 2-methyl-2-, cyclodextrin inclusion
199-201 complexes with, 46:222,224
Preparation, of P-glucuronidase, 14:38 1 4 2 8 Propanol, 3-methoxy-, solubility of sucrose in,
Pressure, effect on hydrolysis of pyranosides, 27537, 89
22:34 I -Propano1
Pringsheim, H., 4 5 9 complex with sodiocellulose, crystal
Procion dyes, for cellulosic materials, 29:35 I structure bibliography, 33:395
Procollagen, conversion into collagen, 2-(dimethylamino)-, enantiomers and
40:364-366 benzilic and glycolic acid esters, effect
Proflavine 2-deoxycytidylyl-(3+S)- on nervous systems, 27:210
gunosine, hydrate, crystal, structure, 2-Propanol
43 :329-3 3 0 cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with,
Proflavine cytidylyl-(3 +5 )-guanosine 46:222,224
8.5 H,O, crystal structure, 43:33&332 1-(dimethylamino)-,enantiomers and
methanolate, pentadecahydrate, crystal benzilic and glycolic esters, effect on
structure, 43:300 nervous system, 27:210
sulfate, hydrate, crystal structure, photochemical reaction with 3,4,6-tri-O-
43: 306-3 07 acetyl-o-glucal, 38: 119-120
Prolectin, isolation, 35: 149, 229 Propanone
Pro1ine 1,3-dihydroxy-2-, taste-structure relationship,
4-hydroxy-~- 45:252-253
in glycoprotein linkages, 2541 8 I -hydroxy-2-. 4 6 ~ 3 12
in plant cell-wall, 26:346 formation, 46:293
hydroxy-L-, in urine compounds, 24:44S reaction with, 45: I , 3
Prolyl residue, 47:350 dicarbonyl compounds, 45: 13
Pronase in plant cell-wall purification, 42:273 2-Propanone
Propane I -D-arabinofuranosyl-, preparation of,
1,2-bis(benzoyloxy)-3-chloro-,acetoxonium 33: 154-1 55
salt from, 26:130 1-o-glucofuranosyl-, preparation of,
1,2-diacetoxy-3-chloro-, acetoxonium salt 33: 156155
from, 26: 130 1,3-dihydroxy-
2,3-(2R)-epoxy-l-(2,3,4,6-tetreacetyl-~-~- electroroeduction of, 29: 133-1 34
glucopyranosy1)-, crystal structure ester of uridine 5-pyrophosphate.
bibliography, 38:468 isolation of, 28:334
1,3-Propanediamine,N,W-dimethyl-, polarographic determination of,
complex with cellulose, crystal structure 29:l SO-I51
bibliography, 40:388 1,3-dimethoxy-, electroreduction of,
1,2-Propanediol 29: 133
3-acetoxy-, reaction with 2-acetoxy-2- 1-D-ribofuranosyl-,Preparation of,
methylbutanoyl chloride, 33:84 33: 154-155
3-chloro-, reaction with 2-acetoxy-2- 2-Propanone phosphate, 1,3-dihydroxy-2-
methylbutanoyl chloride, 33:84 hydrate and keto form of, 42:32
radiolysis and free-radical chemistiy, 37:27 structure of, 42:32

2-Propanone-3-r, 1,3-dihydroxy-, 1 -phosphate, Propylene, 3-chloro-, copolymerization with

configuration of, 27: 141 sucrose, 33:274
Propanoyl halides, 2-acetoxy-2-methyl-, Propylene glycol, as solvent for sucrose, 27:98
reactions with diols, 33:83-85 Propyl sulfoxide, as solvent for sugars, 27: 108
Propanoylthiophene, 2-methyl-3-, formation of, Prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase, high-
46:3 18 mannose carbohydrate chains, f.a.b.-mass
Propenal, see Acrolein spectrometry, 4 9 6 3
Propene, 2-acetoxy-, in acetal synthesis, Prostaglandin Fla, synthesis of, 42: 112
39:76 Protamine, heparin binding, 43: 1 17
1-Propene Proteases, 23:287
1-(2,3,5-tr-O-acety~-D-arabinofuranosy~)-, effect on cellulose synthetase complex,
preparation of, 33: 144 41:145
I-(2,3,5-tri-O-acetyl-~-xylohranosyl)-, glycoenzymes, 27:308
preparation of, 33:144 Protecting groups
I-Propenyl group, as protecting group, 3 9 5 0 for amino groups, 36:150-152
Properdin, effect of antitumor polysaccharides cyclic acetals, 39:72, 155
on level of, 32:271 light-sensitive, 46: I80
Propiolic acid, 3-ribofuranosyl-, preparation of, modifier, 46: 180
33: I45 for phosphate groups, 36:152-156
Propionaldehyde, 3-hydroxy-, see photochemical removal of, 46: 179-180
Hydracrylaldehyde photosensitive, application to biological
Propionic acid models, 46:203-204
amylose ester, preparation of, 29:330 for polynucleotide syntheses, 36: 139-1 56
3-benzoyl-, esters, reaction with hydrazine selective removal, 39: 13-70
hydrate-acetic acid-pyridine, 33:248 for sugar hydroxyl groups, 36: 142-149
Carbohydrate esters, ammonolysis of, 31238 Protein activators, enzymic hydrolysis of
2,2-dichloro- glycosphingolipids, 40:28 1-286
effect on sugarcane, 21:426 Proteinxarbohydrate linkages, 2 5 4 1 7 4 3 9
as plant-growth substance, 21:402 in glycoenzymes, 27:3 18-323
3-hydroxy-, see Hydracrylic acid Protein glycosylation, see Glycosylation
2-(o-chlorophenoxy)-, effect on sugarcane, Protein-polysaccharides, 24:292
21:424 Proteins
2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)- biosynthesis of, 26:382
effect on sugarcane, 21:425 carbohydrate-binding, of plants and animals,
as herbicide, 21:392 see Lectins
Propionic-2-d acid, in determination of carbohydrate compounds, in urine human,
hydrogen configuration in sugars, 27: 143 24:435452
Propionitrile, 2,2'-azobis(2-methyl-), in chromatography (gel) of globular, 25: 18
reduction of chlorodeoxy sugars, 28:303 crystallography of, 2 5 9 3
Propionyloxy group, reactivity of, in egg white, carbohydrate linkages in, 25:420,
acyloxonium salt formation, 26: 131 445
2-Propanone in glycoenzymes, 27:3 14-3 18
1,3-dihydroxy-, from D-fructose irradiation, glycopeptide binding, 50:298-299
22:243 molecular-weight determination by gel
I -hydroxy-, in D-fructose degradation, chromatography, 25:23
22:242 muco-, chemistry of, 2: 161-201
Proportionality constant, 51: 17 oligosaccharide recognition, specificity,
Propyl alcohol, solubility of sucrose in, 27:89, 50: 17
98 peptide-chain conformation and
Propylation, of lipopolysaccharide, 30: 15 glycosylation, 37: 183-184

in plant cell wall, 26:346 coupling constants and line widths,

salivary, dextran complexes, in dental 41:212-213
plaque, 30:439 and coupling constants for compounds 1 and
separation of, polysaccharide derivatives for, 2, 41:221
29:326 structural-reporter groups, 41:304305,3 17.
serum, carbohydrate linkages in, 25420 330,332,370
synthesis in respiratory climacteric of fruits, of compounds 3 and 4,41:226,346
42~365-366 of compound 5,41:230,351
Protein-starch complexes of compounds 6,7, and 10-12,
characteristics, 53:405 41:232-233
native, 53:405406 of compounds 8,9, and 13,41:239
synthetic, 53:406411 of compounds 14, 15, and 16,41:256
Proteodermatan sulfate, hydrolysis, with of compounds 17-20,41:263
trifluoroacetic acid, 46:268 of compounds 21-30,41:272-273
Proteoglycan aggregate, structure, enzymic of compounds 31-34,41:286-287
analysis, 44:21&217 of compounds 35-38.41 :292-293
Proteoglycan-hyaluronate complex, Fourier- ofcompounds 3941,41:300
transform infrared spectroscopy, 44:6 I ofcompounds 4245,41:310-311
Proteoglycans, 43:45, 136,49:239-259 ofcompounds 4&51,41:314315
amino acid sequence analysis, 49:254- of compounds 52 and 53,41:327
255 of compound 54,41:331
biological roles, 49:257-259 of compound 55,41:334
biosynthesis, 40:364366 of compounds 55-60,41:337
explant culture, 49:257 ofcompounds 61-63,41:346
primary culture, 49:254,256-257 of compounds 63 and 68-72,41:360-361
carbohydrate-protein linkage regions, of compounds 64-67,41:351
49:242-243 fucose groups, 41:305-332
carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance of mannose residues, 41:249-305
spectra, 38:36, 78-80 Proton-coupling constants, isohexides, 49: 105
isolation and fractionation, 49:243-244 Proton-donating groups, at active site, 48:378
Mr values, 49:248-249 Proton-flip experiment, 51:21
N-terminal sequence, 49:25 1-253 Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy
structure of, 33:8,37: 170 of amino 1.6-anhydrohexopyranoses,34: 127
Proteolysis, glycoprotein, glycosylation effect, analysis, assignment of transitions in, 27:77
40:356-359 computerized iterative, 27:73-77
Proteopolysaccharides, in urine (human), criteria for good, 27:80
24:436440 experimental errors and variation of
Proteum micrubiiis. 0-specific parameters in, 27:77-80
polysaccharides, 47: 181-1 82 limitations of first-order, 27:66-71
Profeus vulgaris, lipopolysaccharide from, manual, 27:71-73
antitumor activity of, 32:241-242 non-equivalence of nuclei in, 27:62-66
Protocatechualdehyde, di-0-acyl derivatives. of 1,6-anhydrohexofuranoses,34: 153
hydrolysis of, 28:2 of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses,34:56-61
Protofibrils, 26:316, 319 of carbohydrates, 27:7-83
Protoglucal configuration of o-evythro-pentulose
di-0-acetyl-, formation and degradation of, denvatives and, 26:221
28:204 in conformational analysis, 26:56
formation of, 28:204 conformation of cyclic acetals, 26:222
Proton chemical shifts of dextrans, 30:380-382
additivity rules, 41:365-371 and diastereotopism, 27:63

Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy as basis for configurational assignments,

(coniinued) 45:153
enantiotopic nuclei, 27:64 carbon-l3,45:137
of glycopyranosiduronic acids, 36:86-88 combinations of nonselective and/or single-
instrumentation, automatic control and selective relaxation-rates, 45:164-167
data acquisition, 27:17 cross-correlation effects, 45:130-131, 143
field-frequency stabilization, 27:14-1 6 cross-relaxation effects, 45130-131,138,
magnets and probes, 27:ll-I3 143
signal-averaging techniques, 27:16 density-matrix theory, 45:138
spectrometer consoles, 27:13 deuterium, 45x137
superconducting solenoids, 27:18-21 deuterium substitution, 45:158,164,166
magnetic nonequivalence, 27:64 effect on rate of receptor proton,
of methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-l-O-acyl-o- 45~157-158
glucopyranuronates, 36:1 10-1 11 dipolar interactions, dynamic range
of monosaccharides, 27:21-30 limitation, 45:165-166
structure of cyclic acetals and, 26:226 dipole-dipole interaction, 45:128
virtual coupling in, 27:68-71 dipole-dipole mechanism, simplified
Proton nuclear magnetic resonance version of, 45:127
spectroscopy double-selective inversion experiments,
aldopyranans, 39:198 45:141-1 42
carbohydrates, 41:27-28 double-selective relaxation rates,
deuteration, effect on, 29:15 45134135,159
esterification effect on, 29:14 exo-anomeric effect, 45:162
Fourier-transform, partially relaxed, 29:37 experimental methods for, 45:138-142
of hexoses and pentoses, spin-decoupling failure to provide information on spatial
method, 29:29 arrangement of protons, 45153-154
hidden-resonance problem in, 29:1 1-40 for homonuclear spin-system, 45:128
high-resolution, literature data, 41:214-218 initial relaxation-rate, 45:143
structural analysis of carbohydrate chains definition, 45:131
related to glycoproteins, 41:210- intemuclear distances, calculation,
374 45:137-138
structural-reporter groups, 41:211-213 interpretation of, 45:126-127
hydroxyalkylation determination by, interproton distances, 45:163
29:316 calculation, 45:127
intemuclear double-resoance (IN-DOR), determination, 45:137-138
29:29-37 error introduced into, 45:147
maltose and derivatives, 39:249-253 quantitative interpretation in terms of
of methylated polysaccharides, 29:313 molecular conformation, 45:I68
paramagnetic shift-reagents in, 29:16-25 and relative efficiency of relaxation
solvents, effect on, 29:13 pathways between protons,
spectrometers, 41:373 45:164-165
and high-field magnets for, 29:25 inversion-recovery experiments
spin-decoupling and spin-tickling, requirements for static-field homogeneity,
29:27-29,31 45:I46
spin-pumping mechanism, 29:32 systematic error in, 45:145
Proton shielding, by chelation of Ca*+,47:129 inversion recovery (1 8O0-f-90"-AT-PD),
Proton spin-lattice relaxation rate, 45:125-168 pulse sequence, 45138-141
analysis of data, 45142-145 limitations, 45:163-165
applicability to molecules with flexible magnetization-recovery curve,
conformations, 45:166-168 45:130-131

measurements, 45: 138-147 sequence, 45: 139-140

methods, comparison of relative merits of, triple-selective relaxation rates, 45: 135,
45: 165-166 I63
for multispin system, 45: 128-129 Protopectin, conversion into pectin and pectate
nonselective relaxation experiments, in plant maturation, 33:381, 383
45: 163 Protoplasts
nonselective relaxation rates, 45: 128. cellulose biosynthesis, 41: 109
131-133 from yeast cell-walls, 32:140
extraction of p,j values from, 45: 157- (5)-Protoquercitol,taste properties, 45:29 1
158 Prototheca zopfii
statistical analyses, 45: 168 cellulose biosynthesis, 41: 127
stereochemical implications, 45: 147- high-molecular-weight precursors,
159 41 :137- 138
painvise additivity of relaxation lipid intermediates involvement.
contributions, 45: 127-128 41:133-134
problems cellulosic cell wall, 41: 108
from intermolecular dipolar contributions, cell wall polysaccharide biosynthesis in,
45: 146 42~325-326,330,332,336
from paramagnetic relaxation due to diagram, 42:328
dissolved oxygen, 45: 146 Protoyuccoside C
progressive-saturation[90-(t-900)NT] occurrence, 37:328
pulse sequence, 45: 140 structure, 37:329
random errors, 45: 147 Protoyuccoside E
relative relaxation-efficiency between two occurrence, 37:328
protons, as function of interproton structure, 37:329
distance, 45: 153-1 54 Protozoa, sialic acid occurrence, 40: 136
rL,and si, Protuberic acid, structure, enzymic analysis,
definition, 45: 129-130 44:247-248
evaluation, 45: 136-137 Pseudo-a-oL-galactose, 45292
and molecular motion, 45: I37 Pseudoaldobiouronic acids, mass spectra of,
separation, 45: 13&135 29:85
saturation-recovery (9O0-r-9O0-AT-PD), I Pseudoaldotriouronic acids, from xylans,
sequence, 45: 140 36:238
selective pulse experiments, systematic Pseudo-P-DL-glucose, 45292
errors in, 45:145-146 Pseudocellobiouronic acid, hydrolysis of,
selective relaxation rates, 45: 163 46:299
stereochemical implications, 45: 159- 163 rate constants and activation energies for,
single-selective relaxation rates. 22:68
45133-134, 159, 163 Pseudocidamine, racemic, 46: 13
stereochemical implications of, Pseudo-contact shifts, 47:13&13 I
45: 147- 163 Pseudocorydine, 46: 13
in strongly coupled spin-systems, 45: I38 Pseudocytidine, synthesis of, and (Y anomer,
systematic errors, 45: 145-147 33: 179
tailored excitation experiments, 45: I42 Pseudohalogens, reactions with unsaturated
theory, 45:128-138 sugars, 28:270
general formulation, 49128-130 Pseudomonas aeniginosa
three distinct proton-proton relaxation extracellular polysaccharide, 47: 189
pathways in six-membered ring in kanamycin-neomycin phosphate transferase
4C, conformation, 45: 150 in, 30: 199-204
three-pulse (1 80-t-900-AT-PD-90")NT lipid A, 50:244245

Pseudomonas aeruginosa (continued) p-D-,conformation of, 25: 103

methylated oligosaccharide fragment, 1,2:4,5-di-O-cyclohexylidene-~-~-, 26:25 1
47: 179-180 1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-
0-specific polysaccharides, 47: 175, 177, p-D-,26:250
182-183, 196, 198 3-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-, fluorination, 38:
Pseudomonas aurantiaca 3 1,O-specific 222
polysaccharide, 47: 188 3-0-acetyl- 1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-P-
Pseudomonasfluorescens 36 1,O-specific D-, 26:276
polysaccharide, 47: 1 8 6 1 8 7 1,2-0-isopropylidene-p-~-, 26:203,25 1
Pseudomonas stutzeri amylase, preparation and Psicose, 7:99-136,23:280,25:60
activity of, 30:301 cyclic acetals, 26:249-25 1
Pseudonigeran D-
carbon-13 signals, 38:23 alkaline degradation of, 46:292
circular dichroism, 45:89 in aqueous solution
fungal, 41:69-70 composition, 42:29,37,41,44,62,65
structure, enzymic analysis, 44:265 NMR spectroscopy, 42: 19
Pseudo-oligosaccharides, 48:348 cyclic acetals
spirodioxanyl, 52:220-221 gas-liquid chromatography of, 26:235
Pseudosubstrates, 48:348-349 properties of, 26:272
o-glycals, 48:349-357 retention times of per(trimethylsily1)
glycosyl fluorides, 48:357-359 ethers and other derivatives, 26:235
Pseudo-sugars, see Carba-sugars in methanol, 42:62
Pseudouridine purification of, and disopropylidene
-a-,43~312 acetals, 26: 198
monohydrate, crystal structure synthesis, 41:8
bibliography, 30:458 1-deoxy
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy composition in aqueous solution, 42:65
of, 27:34 furanose stability in solution, 42:29
5 '-(a-o-glucopyranosyl pyrophosphate), keto-o-, pentaacetate, reaction with
enzymic preparation of, 28:338 ethanethiol, 32:33
6-aza-, see 6-Azapseudouridine L-
p-, proton magnetic resonance cyclic acetals, properties of, 26:272
spectroscopy of, 27:34 purification of, and disopropylidene
discovery of, 33: 1 1 1 acetals, 26:198
structureof,33:112-113 lack of crystalline form of, 42: 16
synthesis of, 33:164-167 liquid chromatography methods for
synthetic analogs, 33: 175-1 80 analysis of, 46:33
Pseudouridylic acid, 22:323 nucleosides of, 42:227
Psichosine, 24:394, 396 6-0-benzoyl- 1-deoxy-o-, diethyl
N-2-hydroxytetracosanoyl-,3-sulfate, dithioacetal, demercaptalation of,
24:405,407 32357
N-tetracosanoyl-, 3-sulfate, 24:405 5-@methyl-~-,composition in aqueous
Psicofuranine, 21: 174, 24:252 solution, 42:46
biosynthesis, 35123 6-O-methyl-o-, composition in aqueous
Psicofuranose, 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene- solution, 42:46
P-D-, 26:220,250-251 preparation, 36: 11
L-, 26~249 Psicose 6-phosphate, D-, composition in
Psicopyranose aqueous solution, 42:46
3,4-anhydo- 1,2-O-isopropyhdene-p-~-, Psicoside, methyl a-DL-, synthesis, 40:71
26:246 Psychosine, biosynthesis, 26:449,40:247

[Pt(diethylenetriamine)(guanosine)]di- 5-phosphate, 22:327

(perchlorate), crystal structure, 43:294 6-(benzylamino)-9-~-~-nbofuranosyl-,
Pteridine, derivatives, preparation from crystal structure bibliography, 37:
Amadori compounds, 22:278 426
Pterins, sugar, 25:399 9-b~tyl-[6-~S]mercapto-,metabolism to
Pullulan, 51:103 I-thio-I-glucosiduronic acid, 36: 103
biosynthesis, 44:367 6-chloro-Y-
carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance P-I-ribofuranosyl-, crystal structure
spectra, 38:4&48, 101 bibliography, 34:365
circular dichroism, 45:89 (2,3-dideoxyglyc-2-enopyranosyl)-,
definition, 30:336 conformations of. 26: 124
fine structure of, 30:332-338 (3.4-di-0-acetyl-2- deoxy P-o-epthro-
fungal, 23:372, 382,41:72 pentopyranosy1)-, crystal structure
carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic resonance bibliography, 30:466
spectrum, 41:71 conjugates with l-thio-u-
gel chromatography of, 25:42 glucopyranuronaniides, preparation,
isopullulanase action on, 30:302 36:98
from plant cell-walls, 44:359 o-arabinosyl-6-thio-, preparation of, 29:6
properties, production, and uses. 9-[3-deoxy-3-( p-niethoxypheny1-i.-
36:3 1&3 12 alanylamino)-P-o-ri bofuranosyll-6-
structure, enzymic analysis, 44:256-257 (dimethylamino)-, dihydrochloride
trimethylsilylation of, 28:3 1 pentahydrate, crystal structure
tri-0-benzoyl-, proton magnetic resonance bibliography, 30:464
spectroscopy of, 27:40 D-glucuronic acid conjugates, synthesis,
Pullulanase, 23:360,373,44:148, 253-254. 36: 129
256 9-(2,3-dideoxy-P-o-g!ycero-
action pattern of, 30:272 pentofuranosy1)-. 21: 194
and @-amylase,in characterization of 6-(dimethylamino)-9-~-~-ribofuranosyl-,
amylaceous polysaccharides, 30:328, 5-phosphate. 22:33 I
33 1 o-ribofuranosyl-6-thio-, crystal structure
heat stability of, 30:279 bibliography, 31:370
in hydrolysis of starch, 36:33 9-ethyl-[6-3sS]mercapto-,metabolism to 1
induction of, 30:262 thio-D-glucosiduronic acid, 36: 103
preparation and properties of, 30:293-296 6-methy1-9-P-o-ribofuranosyl-, crystal
and pullulan structure, 30:333-338 structure bibliography, 34:368
purification by chromatography, 23:283 6-(methylthio)-P-~-ribofuranosyl-.
specificity of, 30:268 monohydrate, crystal structure
Pulmonary glycoprotein, 44:232 bibliography, 37:42 1
Pulse and chase experiments, 51:145 9-(2-0-acetyl-3-chloro-5 -0-pivaloyl-P-o-
Pummerer rearrangement, 40: 101-104 xylofuranosyl)-6-(pivalamido)-,
Purine preparation of, 28:279
2-acetamido-6-chloro-, reaction with tri-0- 9-(4-0-acetyl-2.3-dideoxy-a-~-and-P-~-
acetyl-o-glucal, 24:2 18 gl.~crro-pent-2-enopyranosyl)-6-
9-[3-amino-3-deoxy-5-0-(methylsulfonyl)- chloro-, proton magnetic resonance
P-~-ribofuranosyl]-6-(dimethylamIno)-, spectra, analysis of, 27:82
cyclization of, 24: 187 Purine nucleosides
6-amino-9-(2-deoxy-3-S-ethyl-3-thio-P-~- apiose-containing, synthesis of, 31: 183-184
threo-pentofuranosy1)-, 24: 166 5-phosphate, radiolysis and radical
9-P-~-ribofuranosyl- reactions, 37:47
crystal structure bibliography, 32:373-374 Purine nucleotides, biosynthesis of, 22:374

Purines conformational analysis of, 26:66

N-glycosyl derivatives, 21:23 photolysis, 39:95
nucleosides of, 17:301-369 3~-bromotetrahydro-2a,4-a-dimethoxy-,
Puromycin, 22: 128 preparation of, 28:274
dihydrochloride pentahydrate, crystal 4~-chloro-3-a-(ethyIthio)tetrahydro-2~-
structure bibliography, 30:464 methoxy-, preparation of, 28:275
research, 29:2-3 2-chlorotetrahydro-, conformation of, 26:66
Puromycin aminonucleoside, antitumor activity 2,3-diacetoxytetrahydro-,mass spectra of
of, 29:4 cis- and trans-, 21:62
Purpurosamines tetrahydro-
B, synthesis, 40:4748 interconversion of conformers, 26:91
C, derivative, preparation, 44: 128 2-methoxy-, hydrolysis of, and derivatives,
gentamicin C components, 30: 126-127 22:64
Purpurosaminide, C microwave spectroscopy of, 26:55
methyl diacetyl-DL-, synthesis, 40:35 2-(nitromethyl)-, 24: 105
methyl diacetyl-DL-epi-,synthesis, 40:35 Pyran-2,6-dimethanol, tetrahydro-, 23:62
Pustulan Pyran-2-methano1, tetrahydro-, 23:62
antitumor activity of, 32:248-249, 261 Pyran-3-methano1, tetrahydro-, 23:62
carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance Pyranoid enolones, in branched-chain sugar
spectra, 38:49] synthesis, 42:102-103
circular dichroism, 45:85-87, 89 Pyranoid enones in synthesis of branched-chain
crystal structure bibliography, 40:391 sugar synthesis, 42:10&102
properties and antitumor activity of, 32:263 Pyranoid rings, conformation of, 34: 199-200
relative reactivities of hydroxyl groups in, Pyranoids
33:57, 64 conformation of, 25:102, 104
structure, enzymic analysis, 44:275 saccharides, energy relations, 47: 1 17
Pyramine stability of enolacetal, 29:291-298
biosynthesis, 52:305-306 sugars, see Sugars
5-amino- 1-(p-D-ribofuranosyl)imidazole Pyranone, 2-hydroxy-6-(hydroxyethyl)-
pathway, 52:301-302,305 3(2H,6Hj-, 46~323
eukaryote-prokaryote dichotomy, Pyran-2-one
52~305-306 (4s. 6S)-4-dimethyl-tert-butylsilyloxy-6-
histidine pyridoxol pathway, 52:305 [(dimethyl-tert-butylsilyloxy)rnethyl]-
degradation, 52:274 tetrahydro-2H-, 50:190
mass-spectrometric fragmentation, tetrahydro-, as solvent for acylation of
52:274-275 cellulose, 27:106
synthesis Pyran-4-one, 3-hydroxy-2-methyl-4H-,
irnidazole ring expansion, 52:293 -294 46:320-321
in yeasts, 52:303-306 Pyranose
participation of o-glucose, 52:303-304 aldo-, anomeric equilibria of, 42:25,37
participation of L-histidine and D-aldohexo-, orientations of hydroxyl groups
pyridoxol, 52:303-304 for, 45:75
man anhydro-3-deoxy-3-fluoro-P-~-ido-, 2,4-di-
3-a-bromotetrahydro-2o,4p-dimethoxy-, O-acetyl-1,6-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data
preparation of, 28:274 for, 46: 1 14
2-alkoxy-5,6-dihydro-2H-pyran, p-, 5 1 ~ 9 6 9 7
hydrohalogenation and carba-, 48:22
hydroxyhalogenation of, 28:276 circular dichroism, 45235
2-alkoxytetrahydro- o-o-aldo-
derivatives, dipole moments and hexo-, 45:74

pento-, 4 5 7 4 of activation for hydrolysis of, 22:X I

derivatives, radical-mediated brominations, 4(or 6)-deoxy-4(or 6)-fluorohexo-, I3C-NMR
49:4549 data for. 46:163-165
formation from reducing sugars in solution, 2(or 3)-deoxy-2(or 3)-fluorohexo-,"C-NMR
42:16-68 data for, 46:161-163
stability, 42:24-27 propyl and 2-propy1, hydrolysis rates for,
temperature effects, 42:32-33 22:73
2,3-hexodiulo-2,6- 5-thio, hydrolysis and methanolysis of,
1,2:4,5-di-O-cyclohexylidene-P-o- 22:37
erythro-, reduction of, 26:25 I Pyranosid-4-ulose, 51:2 17-2 18
1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-P-~-e@1r.o-, Pyranosyl fluorides, 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-
26:250 2-[ I8F]fluoro-a-~-g~uco- and p-o-munno-,
thin-layer chromatography of, 26:234 48:190-192
mean, hemiacetal and acetal geometries. Pyranosyl transfer, with glycosidases,
47:72 49: 232-23 3
methylated, effect on stability of, 42:25 Pyranuronates, with enolacetal linkage,
monosaccharides, hydrogen bonding, preparation of, 29:285-29 I
44: 15-16 Pyrazine
2(or 3)-deoxy-2(or 3)-fl~orohexo-.~T-NMR alkylated, formation of, 46:315
data for, 46: I6 1-1 63 2,5-bis( D-arabino-tetritol-1-yl)-, preparation
4(or 6)-deoxy-4(or 6)-fluorohexo-,"C-NMR of, 31:91
data for, 46:161-165 2,5-bis( ~-xylitol-1-yl)-, preparation of,
polarimetry of, 42:17 31:89, 124
shift-changes, 47:7-8 5-( 1-deoxy-D-erythro-tetritol-1-yl)-2-(0-
Pyranose rings arabino-tetritol- 1-yl)-, preparation of,
4 C , ( ~conformation,
) 455'4-75 31:91
chair conformations, 4 5 7 4 6 4 1-deoxy-o-erythro-tetritol- 1 -yl)-2-( D-
conformers, 51:6-7 arubino-tetritol- 1-yl)-, preparation of,
fragmentation of, 21 :47 31:88
mass spectrum of, 21:61 6-( 1-deoxy-o-glycerol- 1-yl)-2-(o-threo-
monosaccharides with phosphorus in, glycerol-I-yl)-, preparation of, 31:89
42: I 38- 176 6-( 1-deoxy-L-threo-tetritol-1-yl)-2-( L-
stability of, 21:136 xylitol-I-yl)-, preparation of, 31:89,
Pyranosides 124
a. e, a sequence, 47:41 derivatives
aryl, rate constants and activation energies formation in ammoniation of molasses,
for hydrolysis of, 22:82 25:349
deoxy, rates of hydrolysis of, 22:55 from sugars and ammonia, 2 5 3 16-3 18,
effect of configuration of carbon atoms on 328,335
hydrolysis of, 22:52 formation, pathways of, 46:3 17
history, 23:3 2-methyl-, solubility of sucrose in, 27: 118
hydrolysis of, 22:27 solubility of sucrose in, 27: 1 18
effect of anomeric configuration on, as solvent for sugars, 27:96
22:4344 3,6-Pyrazinedione, 1,2-dihydro-, see Maleic
rate constants and kinetic parameters of, hydrazide
22:4849 Pyrazine ring, in fructosazine, 22:280
isomerization to furanosides, 22:4 Pyrazofurin A, ~ ~ - 2 - e p isynthesis,
-, 40:78
methyl deoxy-, carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic Pyrazol[4,3-d]pyrimidine, 7-amino-3-P-D-
resonance spectroscopy, 4156-57 ribofuranosyl-, monohydrate, crystal
o-and p-nitrophenyl, rate constants and heats structure bibliography, 31:357

Pyrazole structure of, 33: 113

4-p-~-ribofuranosyl-,derivatives, synthesis of, 33: 174
33: 183-184 Pyrazomycin B
3-(carboxamido)-4-p-~~-ribofuranosyl-, antiviral activity of,33: 112
synthesis, 40:77 structure of,33: 113
3(5)-(1-deoxy- 1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropyIidene- synthesis of,33: I74
D-manno-pentitol- 1- Pyridazine, 3-methyl-, 23:162
y1)-, isomerization,39:27-28 4,5-Pyridazinediol, 1,4,5,6-terahydro-6-
derivatives, from sugar hydrazones, 25:366 methyl-, 23:162
3-(~-eryfhro-1,2,3-trihydroxypropyl)-, 3-Pyridazinone,4,5-dihydro-6-phenyl-,
23:163 preparation of, 33:248
3-(2,3-O-isopropylidene-p-~- 6-Pyridazinone,4-hydroxy-1-p-D-
erythrofuranosyl)-4,5- ribofuranosyl-, crystal structure
di(methoxycarbony1)-1- bibliography, 38:529
(p-nitropheny1)-, crystal structure Pyridine, 53:373-374
bibliography, 37:43 1 cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with,
3-phenyl-4-a-~-and-P-D-nbofuranosyl-, 46:222,224
preparation of, 33: 184 derivatives
3-( 1,2,3-trihydroxy-~-erythro-propyl)-, carbohydrate substrates, 4 0 9 6 1 0 1
26241 from sugar and ammonia, 25:3 17,
5-Pyrazolecarboxamide, 4-p-~-ribofuranosyl-, 328-329
preparation of,33: 184 mglucitol compound, crystal structure
3,5-Pyzoledicarboxamide, 4-p-0- bibliography, 30450
ribofuranosyl-, preparation of, 33:184 effect on mutarotation of carbohydrates,
Pyrazoline, derivatives, from sugar derivatives, 28:39
25:364 mutarotation of sugars in, 24:61
Pyrazolo [4,3-6]-5,7(4H,6H)-pyrimidinedione as solvent
3-a-0- and-p-D-arabinofuranosyl-, for mutarotation of D-glucose, 27:104
preparation of, 33:183 for sugars, 27:117-118
3-p-~-ribofuranosyl-,see Oxoformycin B in sulfonylation of carbohydrates, 23:236
3-(2,3-O-isopropylidene-p-~- for trimethylsilylation,28:29
erythrofuranosy1)-, antileukemic activity sugar composition in, 42:22,60-6 1,68
Of, 33:182-183 2,5-Pyridinedicarboxylic acid,
Pyrazolo [4,3-d]-7(6H)-pyrimidinone cyclodhexaamyloseester, 29:403
3-p-~-ribofuranosy~-, see Fotmycin B 2-Pyridinemethanol
3-(2,3,-U-isopropylidene-~-~-ribofuranosyl), ~-~Y&oxY-, 23:143
preparation of, 33:173 5-hydroxy-, 23~132
Pyrazolo [3,4-d]pyrimidine Pyridinium bromide
4-amin0-2-P-marabinofuranosyl-, 3,6,2',3,'4',6'-hexa-O-acetylmatosyI-,
preparation of,33: 186 preparation, 3932
4-amino-2-(2-deoxy-p-~-eryfhro- 4-methyl-N-(tetra-O-acetyl-a-~-
pentofuranosy1)-, preparation of, glucopyranosy1)-, conformation of,
33: 186 26: 107
F'yrazolo [4,3-4 pyrimidine N-[3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-(2,4-
7-amino-3-p-~-ribofuranosy1-, see Fonnycin dinitroanilino)-~-~-glucopyranosyl]-,
7-(methylthio)-3-~-~-ribofuranosyl-, preparation of,34:269
preparation of, 33: 180 3,6,3',4,'6'-penta-O-acetyllactosyl-,
Pyrazomycin preparation, 39:32
analogs, synthesis of,33:183, 184 3,3 ',4'-tri-O-acetyllactosyl-, preparation,
antiviral activity of, 33: 1 11, 113 39:32

Pyridinium chloride bibliography, 34:369

N-benzyl-3-hydroxy-, 23: 140 Pyrocatechol. 46:290
N-benzyl-5-hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)-, Pyrocellulose, 23:426
23:141 Pyrodextrins, 22:483
Pyridinol manufacture, 47:3 18
2-methyl-3-, formation of, 46:3 12-3 I3 methylation analysis, 47:308-3 10
6-methyl-3-, 46:3 12 structure of, 26: 16
2-Pyridinol Pyrogallol, 46:290
as bifunctional catalyst of mutarotation, Pyrolysis, 46:273-274
24:27 CX-D-glUcOSe, 4 7 ~ 3 0 4 3 0 5
esters of nucleoside 5-phosphates, i n ofcellulose, 22:511,23:419474.456
synthesis of pyrophosphates, 28:353 rate of, 23:444445
3-Pyridinol, 23: 120 of hexoses. 1,6-anhydrohexofuranoses
2-Pyridinone prepared by, 34:151-153
4-hydroxy-1 -(3-D-ribOfUranOSyl-,crystal of hexuronic acids, 28: 188
structure bibliography, 31:356 isothermal. of cellulose. 23:457
as solvent for mutarotation of o-glucose, of levoglucosan, 23:460462,34:69
27: I05 mechanism of, of starch and cellulose,
Pyridin-2-yl I-thio-(3-D-glucopyranoside, 34:4345
monohydrate, crystal structure, of monosaccharides, 34:4546
43:225-226 of oligosaccharides, 34:45, 152
Pyridizinium compounds, preparation, 37: 143 of polysaccharides, 34:3845
Pyridone, 1-((3-u-GIucopyranosyluronicacid)- of starch, 22:483, 47:335-344
2(1H)- flash, 22504
synthesis, and (3-D-glucosiduronase action, physical changes in solid, 22:486
36: 125-126 structural changes in solid, 22:489
2,3,4-tri-O-acetyI-4-methoxy-, preparation, volatile decomposition products, 22:498
36: I29 sugars, 47:270-278
4-Pyridone), 2,2-anhydro-(1-P-o-arcrhino- Pyrolyzate, composition, 47:272-273
furanosyl-2-hydroxy-, crystal structure 2-Pyrone, 3-acylamido-, 50:165-166
bibliography, 38:439440,488 a-Pyrones, (3-elimination, 50: 165.- 166
Pyridoxol, biosynthesis, 1-deoxy-D-threo- y-Pyrone,3,5-dihydroxy-2-methyl-, 22:284
pentulose in, 52:287 P yrophosphates
2-Pyridyl thioglycoside, 51:2 17-21 8 nucleosides, biosynthesis of saccharides from
Pyrimidines glycopyranosyl esters, 26:35 1 4 8 3
(3-D-arabinOfuranOSyl-,synthesis of, 29:7 tetra-p-nitrophenyl, as phosphorylating
cleavage of bond with thiazole, 52:27 1-272 agent, 22:328
D-g~UCUrOniCacid conjugates, synthesis, Pyrophosphorolysis, of sugar nucleotides,
36: 129 28:390
precursors, biosynthesis of thiamine Pyrophosphorylases
diphosphate, 52:269-27 1 in biosynthesis of sugar nucleotides, 32:9
Pyrimidines, nucleosides of, 14:283-380 sugar nucleotide, 28:335
Pyrimidinium chloride), 2,2-anbydro-( 1 +-D- Pyrophosphoryl chloride, selective
arabinofuranosyl-2,4-diamino-5-fluoro-, phosphorylation with, 33:49
crystal structure bibliography, 38: 527 Pyrroles
Pyrimidinone, 4-amino- 1-(il-amino-4-deoxy-P. and derivatives from sugar derivatives,
u-glucopyranosyluronic acid)-2( I m-, 25~361-364
monohydrate, crystal structure, 43:320 Garcia Gonzalez, work on, 45: 13-14
Pyrimido [5,4-4 pyrimidine, 6-amino- 10- ((3- Pyrrolidine
o-ribopyranosy1amino)-, crystal structure derivatives, from amino aldoses, 29357-361

Pyrrolidine (continued) 3-0-P-~-rhamnopyranosyl-,as plant-growth

N-acetyl-, solubility of sucrose in, 27: 1 18 substance, 21:410
N-formyl-, solubility of sucrose in, 27: I 18 3-(6-O-P-~-rhamnopyranosyI-o-
2-Pyrrolidinone g1ucopyranosyl)-, as plant-growth
N-methyl-, as solvent substance, 21:410
in displacement reactions, 24: 141 derivatives, as plant-growth substances,
for methylation of carbohydrates, 30: 1 1 21:410
for trimethylsilylation, 28:30 Quercetrin, as plant-growth substance, 21:410
3-(R)-acetamido-spiuo-3,-4-R-(3-deoxy- Quercitols
1,2:5,6-diisopropylidene-aribo- (+)-proto-and (-)-vibo-, rearrangement in
hexofuranose-3-y1)-, crystal structure acetic acid-sulfuric acid, 26: 189
bibliography, 38:468469 proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of,
3-(S)-acetamido-spiro-3,4-R-(3-deoxy- 27:24-25
1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-c~-o-ribo- sweetness-structure relationship, 45:24 1
hexoduranos-3-yl)-, crystal structure Queuosine 5-phospahte, hydrate, 43:335
bibliography, 38:469470 Quinic acid
Pyrroline, derivatives, from sugars, 25:361 methyl ester, selective esterification of,
3-Pyrroline-2,5-dione, 3-P-o-ribofuranosyI-, 33:40
crystal structure bibliography, 30:457 rearrangement
3-Pyrrolin-2-one, l-acetyl-3-benzamido-4- in acetic acid-sulfuric acid, 26: 191
(2,3,4,6-tetra-0-acetyl-P-~- of reduction product in liquid hydrogen
glucopyranosy1oxy)-, crystal structure fluoride, 26: 173
bibliography, 38:48048 1 structure of, 42:77
Pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine, 4-amino-7-P-o- synthesis of, 42: 129
ribofuranosyl-, see Tubercidin Quinicol
Pyruvaldehyde, 46:32 1 2,5-anhydro-, 29208
formation, 46:293 5-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-epi-, solvolysis of,
from oL-glyceraldehyde, 28: 174 25208
polarography of, 29:150-152, 164 Quinine
reaction with ammonia, 25:347 L-gulonate, preparation, 38:299
Pyruvate acetal, 51:212 taste properties, 45:313
Pyruvate kinase, enzymic activity in liver Quinine HCI, taste properties, 4 5 3 1 I
metabolism, 34:326 Quinocyclines A and B, biosynthesis, 35:91-96
Pyruvic acid 0-Quinovopyranosyl trichloroacetimidates,
assay of, in agar and other polysaccharides, 50:105, 110
by enzymic method, 30:284 Quinovose
cyclic acetals, 48:304-306 CI-D-, taste properties, 45:242
mechanism of formation of, 28:200 r>-, sweetness-structure relationship, 45:24 I
polarography of, 29: 147 Quinovosides, 50: 105
carbohydrate derivatives, polarography of,
Q 29: 154-1 62
2-(~-arabino-tetraacetoxyhuty~)-, 25:396,
Q enzyme, 23:363 398
purification by chromatography, 23:283 conformation of sugar chain in, 26:71
Quebrachitol preparation and polarography of, 29: 157
as plant growth substance, 21:416 2-(~-arabino-tetritoI-l-yl)-, 45: 14
rearrangement in acetic acid-sulfuric acid, derivatives, from sugar derivatives, 25:373,
26:191 396-399
Quercetin 2,3-dimethyl-, polarography of, 29: 154-1 56

2-(2-furYl)-, 4 5 ~ 1 4 glyculose and glycosulose derivatives,

IH-pyrazolo[3,4-b], 1-phenyl-, 49:54-57
monosaccharide derivatives, 37:233 hexopyranoside esters, 49:62-64
2-(3-hydroxy-2-furyl)-, 45: 14 hexuronic acid derivatives, 49:4245
2-methyl-, in polarographic determination of hydroxyl group protection, 49:42
pyruvaldehyde, 29: 152 introduction at C-5,49:39
polyhydroxyalkyl-, conformation of, 26:72 miscellaneous compounds, 49:65
2-QuinoxalinecarboxaIdehyde,polarography peracylated aldoses, 49:45-5 I
of, 29:157 phenyl 1-thiohexopyranoside esters,
reaction conditions and suitable compounds,
R 49:4142
regiochemistry, 49:67-7 1
(2R, 4R)-DioxolanedicarbaIdehyde, from I ,6- hydrogen atom abstraction, 49:67-68
anhydro-P-o-hexopyranoses,34: I04 radical intermediate stabilization,
Rabbit-ear effect, acetal segment of 2- 49:68-71
methoxyoxane, 47: 107-1 08 stereochemistry, 49:7 1-75
Racemic amino carba-sugars, synthesis hydrogen atom abstraction, 49:71-72
2-amino-2-deoxycarba-hexosesand relatives, products, 49:73-75
48~59-63 radical intermediate conformation,
carba-glycosylamines, 48: 52-59 49:72-73
Racemic carba-sugars, synthesis substitution reactions, 49:75-85
from Diels-Alder adduct of furan and acrylic nucleophilic substitutions, 49:79-84
acid, 48:29-36 radical reactions leading to, 49:84-85
McCasland's three carba-sugars, 48:26-27 substitution by hydrogen, 49:75-79
from my-inositol, 48:28-29 Radical-radical reactions, of carbohydrate
Racemization, occurring during glycosylation radicals by radiation, 37: 17-1 8
or peptide coupling, '3C-n.m.r Radical reactions, leading to substitutions,
spectroscopy for testing, 43:37-39 radical-mediated brominations, 49:84-85
Radiation Radical-scavenger reactions, of carbohydrate
chemistry of carbohydrates, 16: 13-5X radicals, by radiation, 37: 18-23
of L-sorbose, conversion into r-ascorbic acid, Radiochemical stability, of hydrogen-isotope
37:107-108 labeled compounds, 27: 138
of L-tagatose, conversion into L-ascorbic y-Radiolysis, of solvent water, 37:7-9
acid, 37: 107-1 08 Radish, cell wall studies on, 42:301
techniques, for free-radical reaction study, Raffinose, 21:30, 51:152
37:7-77 biosynthesis of, 26:372-374,37:354-359
Radical intermediate stabilization, radical- catabolism by yeasts, 32:183,233
mediated brominations, 49:68-7 1 I3C nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of,
Radical-mediated brominations, 49:37-9 I 33:277
I ,6-anhydrohexopyranose derivatives, crystal structure of, 25:77
49:51-54 derivatives, preparation of, 34:264
I ,5-anhydropentofuranose derivatives. effect on sucrose manufacture, 37:299-300
49:54 f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 4 5 2 0
carbon radical stabilization factors, 49:70-7 1 family of oligosaccharides, 9: 149-1 84
elimination reactions, 49:85-91 in honey, 25:290,295
C-glycosylbenzene and C- hydrogen bonding in, 25: 100
glycosylheterocycle esters, 49:59-60 nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates,
glycosyl cyanide esters, 49:57-59 45: 149
glycosyl halide esters, 4 9 : 6 M 1 occurrence, 37:294-300

Raffinose (continued) Rare-sugar nucleosides, preparation of,

0-D-hctofuranosyl-, isolation and structure, 42:245-246,257
37:3 11 Rata constants, in polargraphy, 29: 137-143
of oligosaccharides, biosynthesis pathway, Raucaffricine, slmcture, 37:330-33 1
37:357 Rayleigh scattering, 44:67-68
in plant kingdom, 37:351-360 mucus glycoproteins, 47:359-360
pentahydrate, crystal structure bibliography, Rayleigh-Schrodinger sum-over-states theory,
30:455 51:27
photosynthesis, 37:35 1-353 (R)-3-(2-deoxy-P-~-erythro-pentofuranosyl)-
pyrolysis of, 34: 152 3,6,7,8-tetrahydroimidazo[4,5-6]-1,3-
solubility in liquid ammonia, 27:91 diazepin-%ol,43:373
in methanol, 27:97 Reactions
effect of calcium chloride on, 27:95 of amino sugars with beta-dicarbonyl
spin-lattice relaxation of I3C nuclei in. 27:60 compounds, 20:303-355
structure, 35:5,37:295,39:359 of cellulose, 19:219-246
sweetness, effect of infrared hydroxyl energypaths, 47:116-118
absorption bands and hydrogen-bonding the formazan, in carbohydrate research,
strength, 45217 13: 105-167
utilization by yeasts, 32:205-208, free-radical reactions, see Free-radicals,
39~375-378 reactions
and associations of abilities, 32:223 the Maillard, 14:63-134
Raman effect, physical principles of, 44:67-70 mechanisms
Raman spectroscopy, 4453, 16-22,67-68,70, of chemical, hydrogen isotope effect on,
53:28&287 27:151
advantages of, 44:70,8 1 of mutarotation of sugars in aqueous
band assignments, 44:3&39 solution, 24:35
of carbohydrates, 44:8 media
complementarity to infrared spectroscopy, acids (organic) as, 27:102
44:69 alcohols as, 27:99
depolarization ratio, 44:68 of monosaccharides with beta-ketonic esters
electro-optical parameters, 44:35-36 and related substances, 11:97-143
noncomputer results, in analysis and Reactivity
identification of food carbohydrates and conformation effect on, 26:5 1
biological samples, 44:22-24 of cyclic acetals of aldoses and aldosides,
polarization directions of beams in, 44:68-69 39:7 1-1 56
of water, 44:70 relative, of hydroxyl groups in
Ramazol dyes, for polysaccharides, 29:353 carbohydrates, 8: l 4 4 , 3 3 : 1 1-109
Rana cutesbianu lectin, isolation and replacement-oxidation correlations.
properties, 35:3 15 33:9 1-92
Raney nickel and structure correlations of D-
reductive cleavage of carbon-sulfur bonds, glucofuranosidurono-6,3-lactones,
3275-79 33~205-210
reductive desulfurization by, 5: 1-28 of sulfonyloxy groups, 24: 139
Ranuncoside monohydrate, crystal structure Reactone dyes, for polysaccharides, 29:352
bibliography, 31:350 Rearrangement
Ranunculin, synthesis, 50: 183 acetal migration, 34:205
Rape seed of acetals, 26:220
cell wall studies on, 42:278, 282-284, 287 during acetolysis, 22: 19
mass spectrometry of polysaccharides from, of acyloxonium ions in monosaccharides,
29:66 26: I46168

in polyol systems, 26: 135-146 in nonaqueous solvents, 42:60-62,68

of alkoxyalkyl radicals by radiation, in solution, 49: 19-35
37:1415 aldohexoses and aldopentoses, 49:25-26,
allylic, 24:249 33
of glycals, 24:213 aldotetroses and related sugars, 49:26, 34
of 2-hydroxyglycals, 24:221 amino sugars, 49:29-30, 34
Amadoh, 10:169-205,22:267,269 branched-chain sugars, 49:30-3 1
benzilic acid, in alkaline degradation, 28:205 furanose content in organic solvents,
in dehydration of sugars, 28: 171 49:3 1-32
in lactic acid formation, 28: 197 gas-liquid chromatography, 49:2 1-22
in saccharinic acid formation, 28: 194 heptuloses, 49:28
branched-chain sugar synthesis by, hexuloses and pentuloses, 49:27-28
42:109-113 HPLC, 49:22
of cyclitols with acetic acid-sulfuric acid, NMR spectroscopy, 49:2&21
26: 188-1 9 1 partially @substituted sugars, 49:28-29
in deamination reactions, 31:ll-13 relative stability
Heyns, 22:268 uldehyde and keto forms, 49:2425
Lobry de Bruyn-Alberda van Ekenstein, composition variation with temperature,
28:161, 163, 168 49:25
monosaccharide esters in liquid hydrogen furanose form, 49:23-24
fluoride, 26:176-188 hydrated carbonyl forms, 49:25
peroxide-induced, of acetals to esters, 39: I50 pyranose form, 49:22-23
of polyol esters in liquid hydrogen fluoride, in solvents other than water. 49:3 1-32,
26:169-176 35
of saccharides with Lewis acids, 26: 192-1 95 sugars having fused rings, 49:3 1
Wagner-Meerwein, 24: 193 thio sugars, 49:30
Rebaudoside A, taste properties, 45:285-286 Reductic acid
Receptor from D-xylose and other pentoses, 28: 176
o-galactose-specific, 40:220 effect on color formation, under sulfate-
sialic acids as components, 40:22%232 pulping conditions, 46:325
Recognition systems formation of, 28:191,46:288
in animals cells, 44:378-379 from hexuronic acids by decarboxylation,
in plants, 44:378-382 28: 186
Red blood cell, role of glycophorin A i ti. preparation and properties of, 28:207-212
45:17&171 as product after acid exposure of o-xylose,
Red kidney bean, see Phaseolus vulgirris 46:276
Reducing sugars, 46:214 Reductic-'T acid, preparation of, 28:210
alkaline degradation, reaction model, Reduction
52:453454 of alkoxycarbonyl function, 29:286
in aqueous solution, 42: 15-68 of a-0x0 esters of carbohydrate derivatives,
acyclic-form determination, 42:20-22 27:201
composition variation with temperature, asymmetric, with complexes of lithium
42:32-33 aluminum hydride, 27: 195-199, 216
compound separation, 42: 16 biochemical, at the expense of sugars,
inorganic compound effects on, 42:33 4~75-117
NMR spectroscopy, 42: 16, 18-20 of chlorodeoxy sugars, 28:302-303
polarimetry, 42: 17-1 8 of o-fructose, 22:283
stability of various forms in, 42:2434 enzymic, and labeling with hydrogen
enolization, in acid solution, 52:457 isotopes, 27: 132
mutarotation and isomerization, 52:450 of hexuronic acid residues, 24:341

Reduction (continued) melamine, anhydrohexitols for, 25:67

by hydride reagents and labeling of sugars from periodate-oxidized starch, 29:358
with hydrogen isotopes, 27: 129-132 sucrose copolymers in, 33:274
by hydrogen in deuterium oxide, 27: 132 Resolution, of racemic carbohydrates and
of nucleotides, 22:380 substrates, 40: 113-1 I7
by phenoxides, of acylalkyl radicals, 37: 19 Resonance energy hypothesis, of sweetness,
of sugar sulfonates by lithium aluminum 45:2 18
hydride, 23:269 Resonance Raman effect, 44:84
by transition-metal ions, of acylalkyl Resorcinol, as reagent for estimation of D-,
radicals, 37:19-20 fructose, 22:237
of w-deoxy-o-halo sugars, 22:206 Respiration
Reductones, 47:249-250 in plants, effect of auxins on, 21:387
formation of, 28:207 respiratory climacteric in fruits, 42:361-368
polarography of, 29: 170 Restricted internal diffusion model, 51: 127
Redundant coordinates, 44:34 Retention times
Reformatsky-type reactions, aldonolactone factors affecting, 30:47
carbonyl group, 50:136-138 of furanosides and pyranosides, 28:54
Refractive index in gas-liquid chromatography, 28:45,69,
mutarotation measurement by, 2 3 5 0 30:31
and specific rotation of methyl D- of 0-trimethylsilyl derivatives, 28:82
galactosides, 30:4 stereoisomeric structure and, 28:33
Regiochemistry, radical-mediated Retinoic acid, 1-ester with D-glycuronic acid,
brominations, 49:67-7 1 36: 105
Regioselectivity Reverse anomeric effect, 26: 108,4759
factors, 53:3344 definition, 4752-53
hydrogenolysis, 39: 123-124 Reversion, of saccharides, 21:442
trends, 53:44, 6 0 4 8 R factor, and resistance of Gram-negative
Reichstein, T., 46: 13 organisms, 30: 184
Relaxation reagents, 47: 131-135 Rhamnal, L-, methoxymercuration of, 24:210
nonspecific, 47: 13 1-132 Rhamnan, methylated, gas-liquid
specific, 47: 132 chromatography and periodate degradation
Relaxation time, molecular-weight dependence, of, 30:33
51533 Rhamnazin, synthesis of, 24:6
R-enzyme, 23:363 Rhamnetin, synthesis of, 24:6
Repellents, beetle, 24:7 Rhamnitol
Replacement reactions, mechanisms of, in acetylation of, 28:35
carbohydrate chemistry, 9: 1-57 1,5-anhydro-~-,25:237
Reproduction, a-o-mannosidase effect on, 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-~-, selective
28:436 hydrolysis, 39:22
Repulsion, by nonbonded atoms in 2,3-di-0-methyl-, acetate, gas-liquid
conformational changes, 25: 104 chromatography of, 30:31
Resins 4-0-P-~-galactopyranosyl-~-, crystal
catalysis of polymerization by ion-exchange, structure bibliography, 38:452
21:464 Rhamnofuranose
ion-exchange 1,5-di-O-acetyl-~-,preparation, 39:55
as catalysts in glycofuranoside formation, 2,3-O-isopropylidene-
21:104 L-, nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of,
cellulose derivative as, 29:326 34:201
in hydrolysis of glycoproteins, 28: 17.22 5-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-,displacement
levoglucosan derivatives, 34:76 reactions of, 24: 171

Rhamnofuranoside gas-liquid chromatography and

ethyl a-L-and p-L-,21: 112 structure of, 30:26
preparation form dithioacetal, 32:68 144)-
methyl a-L-,formation from dithioacetal, 2,3-di-O-methyl-~-,51 :204
32:68 2,3-0-isopropylidene-4-U-methyl-~-1.-,
methyl 2,5-di-O-methyl-3-0- 47:30
(methylsul fonyl)-a+, displacement :I
reaction of, 24: 165 1,2:3,5-bis(ethylboronate), selective
methyl 2,3-0-isopropylidene- cleavage, 3 9 5 5
a-L-, synthesis, 39:166 peracetate, ammonolysis of, 31:87
p-L-, synthesis, 39: 167 tetra-0-acetyl a,p-t-, ammonolysis of,
Rhamnofuranosylamine, N-acetyl a-L-, 31:123
configuration of, 31:109 1.2,3,4-tetra-0-benzoyl-~-, ammonolysis of,
Rhamnogalacturan 31536
I, in plant cell walls Rhamnopyranoside
changes in, 42:368,370,373-375, 377, 4-O-benzoyl-3-O-methyl-a-i.-, 51:209
381 benzyl exo-2,3-0-benzylidene-4-0-(2,-3,4,6-
interconnections, 42:305, 309 tetra-~-benzy~-a-D-ga~actopyrdnosy~)-
purification, 42276 a-L-.synthesis, 39: I33
structure, 42278-279 benzyl4-0-allyl-2,3-0-benzylidene-~-, exo,
11, in plant cell-walls, 42:287 hydrogenolysis regioselectivity, 39: I32
changes in, 42:369-370,377.38 I benzyl 2,3-0-benzylidene-~-,endo- and exo-,
interconnections, 42305,309 hydrogenolysis regioselectivity, 39: I32
purification, 42:276 benzyl4-0-benzyl-2,3-0-benylidene-~-,
structure, 42:280-281 endo- and exo-, hydrogenolysis
Rhamnogalacturonan, 44: 182-1 83 regioselectivity, 39: 132
I1 ethyl 2,3-di-O-acetyI-4-0-benzyl-1 -thio-a-
f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, 45:67-68 L-, 51~226-227
heptasaccharide isolated from, sequence 8-methoxycarbonyloctyl2,3-di-O-methyl-a-
of, 4567-68 L-, 51~208
oligosaccharides, liquid chromatography methyl a-L-,reaction with sulfuryl chloride,
fractionation, 46:49 33:74
Rhamnomannan, 41:89-91 methyl 6-chloro-6-deoxy-a-~-,
carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance tri(chlorosulfate), preparation of, 33:74
spectra, 38:61-68 methyl 4-0-benzoyl-2,3-isopropylidene-a-
carbon-13 signals, 38:23 L-, reaction with dibromomethyl methyl
gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of, ether, 39: 120
28:50 methyl 2,3-0-benzylidene-
Rhamnononitrile, tetra-0-acetyl-L-, reaction a-L-
with ammonia, 31:82 reaction with butyllithium, 39: 142-
Rhamnopyranose 143
a-D-, ester of guanosine, 5-pyrophosphate, synthesis, 39:78
enzymic preparation of, 28:32 I , 344 5-O-acetyl-a-~-,reaction with N-
p-L- bromosuccinimide, 39: 107
ester of thymidine 5-pyrophosphate, methyl 2,3-0-isopropylidene-a-~-, reaction
isolation of, 28:323 with methyltriphenoxyphosphonium
ester of uridine 5-pyrophosphate, bio- iodide, 28:242,282
synthesis of, 28:326 methyl 4-0-methyl-2,3-di-O-
1,2:1,2-dianhydride, O - ( ~ - D - (trifluoroacety1)-a-L-, selective
galactopyranosyluronic acid)-, alcoholysis, 39:29

Rhamnopyranosyl, 3,6-di-O-methyl-a-o- in plant cell-wall hydrolyzates, liquid

glucopyranosyl-( 1+4)-2,3-di-O-methyl- chromatography analysis, 46:55
a-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1+2)-3-0-methyl- proton spin-lattice relaxation rates, 45: 150
a- solubility in methanol, 27:97
L-, 51:200-201 synthesis of, 27:4
,%amnopyranosylamine, N-benzoyl-L- sweetness-structure relationship, 45:24 1
oxidation and configuration of, 103 utilization by yeasts, 32:224
preparation of, 31:86 liquid chromatography
Rhamnopyranosyl chloride, 2,3-0- methods for analysis of, 46:33
isopropylidene-4-0-methyl-a-~-, reaction separation, 4 6 5 3
with base, 39:147 methyl ethers of, 7:l-36, 10:257-272
0-(a-L-Rhamnopyranosy1)-(1-t2)-6-deoxy-a- 2-0-(a-o-galactopyranosyluronic acid)-L-,
L-talopyranose, 51: 179 24:361, 364, 366,316
0-Rhamnopyranosyl trichloroacetimidates, 0-(P-o-glucopyranosyluronic acid)-( l+3)-
50:105, 108-109 0-(a-o-galactopyranosyluronicacid)-
Rhamnose (1+2)-~-, 24~366
(Y-L- 0-(galactopyranosyluronic acid)-( 1+2)-0-
hydrate, solubility in ethanol, 27:98 rhamnopyranosyl-( 1-+4)-0-(galacto-
taste properties, 45:242 pyranosyluronic acid)-( 142)-, 24:364
p-L-,taste properties, 45:242 2,3-0-isopropylidene-r-, composition in
configuration of, 21 :17 aqueous solution, 42:59
D- oligosaccharides containing, I3C-NMR data
occurrence in Nature, 21: 172 for, 42:205-207
polarography of, 29:126 i!-O-methy]-~-,composjtion in aqueous
synthesis of, 21:177, 289 solution, 42:45
determination of enantiomeric form, 46:66 3-0-methyl-~-,24:359
O-(3,6-di-O-rnethyl-P-o-glucopyranosyl)- from Klebsiellu 0-group 10
(1+4)-0-(2,3-di-0-methyl-a-~- lipopolysaccharide, 29:67
rhamnopyranosyl-( 1+2)-3-0-methyl- from Rhodopseudomonas capsulata
L-, 51:204205 lipopolysaccharide, 29:67
in fungal cell walls, 23:413 in pectic polysaccharides, 42:277-278
L-, 48:283, 51:226 relation to galactose, 21: 16
derivatives, cyclic acetals, table, 34:240 synthesis of, 23:261,274
dibenzyl dithioacetal, reaction with Rhamnose antibodies, 53:229-230
mercury(I1) chloride in methanol, L-Rhamnose nucleosides, 'H-NMR spectra of,
32:68 42951
dimethyl acetal, formation from Rhamnose synthon, 4-0-methyl-~-,51:222
dithioacetal, 32:68 D-Rhamnose synthon, 51:223
dithioacetals, selective methylation of, L-Rhamnose thioglycoside, 51:22 1-222
33:66 Rhamnosides, SO: 105
reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 33:76 methyl a - ~ -selective
, periodate oxidation of,
and ethylamine, reaction between, 46:3 13 33:95
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:46-17 methyl 2,3-0-isopropylidene-4-0-
gel chromatography of, 2 5 3 2 (methylsulfony1)-a+-, displacement
infrared spectrum of, 23:39 reactions of, 24:153, 190
Maurice Stacey's work, 52: 13 a-L-Rhamnosyl linkage, 47: 192-193
1,2-(methyl orthoacetate), 21:20 Rhamnosyl trichloroacetimidate, 51:223-224
nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates, Rharnnusfrungulu. frangulin B from, 31: 147
45: 148 Rhamonpyranose, a-L-,monohydrate, crystal
occurrence in Nature, 21:171 structure bibliography, 38:430

Rheology, 53:292 1-deoxy-I,]-difluoro-o-, 22:196, 201,

Rhinocludiellu, polysaccharide, 36:30 1 24:205,25:196, 235
Rhinocladiellu elicitor, polysaccharide, 41 :88 synthesis, 38: 196
Rhinocludiellu munsonii, polysaccharide, I-deoxy-l,l-difluoro-~-, 25: 196
41:102 1,I-difluoro-, synthesis, 38:233
Rhizobia 2-0-~-D-glucopyranosyl-D(and I-)-,
acidic polysaccharides, f.a.b.-mass degradation of, 21:356
spectrometry, 45:66 conformation of, 25: 104
p-(1+2)-glucans, f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, crystal structure of, 25:59,31:364
45:68 D-
Rhizobium japonicum 3IIb 83, extracellular catabolism by yeasts, 32:226
polysaccharide, 47: 189-1 90 derivatives, synthesis, 41:s
Rhizohium leguminosarum, extracellular 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-, 22: 199,20 I
polysaccharides, 47: 190-1 92 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-o~-,synthesis, 38:238,
Rhizobium meliloti, mass spectrometry of 40: 105
polysaccharide from, 29:68 5-deoxy-2,3-0-isopropylidene-~-, 23:274
Rhizobium trifolii 1-deoxy-2-0-methyl-1-nitro+-, 24: I30
capsular polysaccharide, 52:39840 I 1,5-dideoxy-, phenylboronate, structure,
extracellular polysaccharides, 47: 190. 192 35:43
Rhodinose, 21:195, 50:158 1,5-di-0-benzoyl-2,4-0-
Rhodinoside, methyl p-D-,preparation of, benzylidene-, esterification and hydrogen-
28:294 bonding, 33: 16
Rhodobucter capsulutus, lipid A, 50:232-234 methylene-, esterification and hydrogen-
Rhodobacter sphaeroides, lipid A, 50:232-234 bonding, 33: I6
Rhodomycin, 21 :195 2,4:3,5-di-O-benzylidene- 1-deoxy- 1-
Rhodopseudomonas cupsuluta. (2,5-dioxo-N-phenyl-3-pyrrolylidene)-~-,
lipopolysaccharide, mass spectrometry of, synthesis by Wittig reaction, 27:256
29:67 (2,5-dioxo-3-pyrrolylidene)-~-, synthesis
Rhodopseudomonas viridis, lipopolysaccharide, by Wittig reaction, 27:256
mass spectrometry of, 29:66 infrared spectrum, 45:294
Rhodotorulu,flava, a-L-arabinofuranosidase L-, ester of cytidine 5'-pyrophosphate.
from, 42:387-388,390-392 biosynthesis and isolation of, 28:333
Rhodotorula glutinis liquid chromatography methods for analysis
K-24, hcomannnogalactan, 41:101 of, 46:33
mannan, 41:78 4-~-(2-amino-2-deoxy-~-g~uco-pyranosy~)-
monosaccharide transport into, 32: 155-157 D-, deamination and structure of, 31:76
Rhodymenan, D-xylan from Rhodymenia 5-0-benzoyl-4-C-(benzoyloxymethyI)-
palmutu, 32:348 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-~-,
Ribitol selective hydrolysis, 39:23
2-arnino-2-deoxy-~-,deamination of, 31:63 2,4-0-benzylidene- 1-deoxy- 1-(2,5-dioxo-3-
1,4-anhydro- pyrrolyhdene)-o-, synthesis by Wittig
D-, 25~233 reaction, 27:256
sweetness-structure relationship, 45:257 I-phosphate, solvolysis of, 25:208
tribenzoate, isomerization of, 25:258 radiolysis and free-radical chemistry, 37:27
DL-, 25:208,23 1 selective oxidation with mercuric acetate,
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:57 33:99
L-, 25: 198 sweetness-structure relationship, 45: 295
1,5-anhydro-, D-, laser-Raman spectroscopy, 2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl- 1,5,-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-,
44:83 solvolysis of, 24:196
2,5-anhydro- Ribitol dehydrogenase, production of, 30:263

Ribitol phosphate, bacterial polysaccharides, data

48:316 for, 46: 169
Riboflavin, analongs, research, 29:2 'H-
1 -O-acetyl-5-O-(methoxymethyl)-~1-,
Riboflavine and I9F-NMR data for, 46: I I I
complex with 5'-bromo-5'-deoxyadenosine, I -O-acetyl-2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-4-deoxy-4-
trihydrate, crystal structure fluoro-p-,13C-NMRdata for, 46: 172
bibliography, 30:459 phosphorus derivatives of, physical
hydrobromide monohydrate, crystal structure properties, 42: 191
of, 25:92,31:368 3-deoxy-
photochemistry, 38: 149 I ,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-3-C-methyl-
selective phosphorylation of, 33:50 D-, synthesis of, 27:282
synthesis of, 24:5 1,2-O-isopropylidene-3-thiocyanato-~1-~-,
Riboflavine 5 '-(alkyl phosphate), preparation, 44: I45
39:60 5-deoxy-
Riboflavine hydrobromide monohydrate, 3-C-( 1,3-dithian-2-yl)-1,2-0-
conformation of, 26:69 isopropylidene-P-L-, preparation of,
ol-o-Ribofurano[1,2-~-2-oxazolidinone,crystal 32:38
structure bibliography, 37:376 3-C-(hydroxymethyl)- 1,2-0-
Ribofuranose isopropylidene-a-DL-, synthesis,
4-acetamido- 40:82
5-di-O-acetyl-2,3-di-O-benzoyl-4-deoxy- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-3-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-
D-, 23: I86 CI-D-, displacement reactions of,
l-O-acetyl-4-deoxy-2,3,5-tri-O-p- 24: 152
nitrobenzoyl-p-D-, 23: I92 1,5-di-O-acetyl-3-C-(R)-
1,2,3,5-tetra-O-acetyI-4-deoxy-~-, 23: 184, (ethoxycarbonyl)methyl-5(R), 1 '(R)-N-
186 formylepimin0-2,3-O-isopropylidene-p-
2,3,5-tri-O-acetyl-4-deoxy-~-, 23: 185 D-, crystal structure bibliography,
5-acetamido-5-deoxy-~-,23: 172 37:434
a-D-,glycosides and N-glycosyl derivatives, 3,5-di-O-benzoyl- 1,2-0-
preparation of, 31:4 (diphenylmethy1idene)-a-w, reaction
1,Sanhydro- with 2.4-
P-D-,synthesis, 39: 165 bis(trimethylsilyl)oxypyrimidine and
2,3-O-benzylidene-p-o- stannic chloride, 39: 153
polymerization, 39:206 1,5-di-O-trityl-o-, selective cleavage, 39:47
synthesis, 39: 165 L-, derivatives, synthesis, 50: 132
2,3-O-isopropylidene-o-, formation of, methyl 2,3-di-O-benzoyl-5-deoxy-~-,
34: 184 22: 120
p-D- methyl mono-O-benzoyl-5-deoxy-o-, 22: 120
1,5:2,3-bis(phenylboronate).preparation 1-O-acetyl-2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-
and structure, 35:44 p-D-,reactions with aromatic compounds,
1,5:2,3-di- 33: 159-160
[(diethylamido)thionophosphate], with terminal alkenes, 33:162
crystal structure, 43:23&235 p-L-, 22:121
conformation of, 34:201 5-0-benzyl-
D- 3-deoxy-3-C-(hydroxymethyl)-1,2-0-
5-deoxy-5-fluoro-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data isopropylidene-a-D-, preparation of,
for, 46: 1 12 27:243
nucleosides and nucleotides, crystal 1,2-O-isopropylidene-3-C-methyl-~1-~-,
structures of, 25:86-90 preparation of, 27:243
1 -0-acety-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-5-0- 2,3-O-benzylidene-P-~-,

diastereoisomers, 34: 196 2(3)-0-acetyl-o-, selective cleavage,

preparation of, 34: 184 39:4748
1,2-O-isopropylidene- Ribofuranoside, 53: 174
a-D- alkyl I-thio-a+-, preparation from
formation of, 34: 184 dithioacetals, 32:66
selective esterification of, 33:35 benzyl P-D-, 21:125
3,5-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-o-, selective phosphorylation of, 33:46
displacement reactions of, 24: 15 I p-chlorophenyl p a - , 21: 12 1
2,3-0-isopropylidene- ethyl 2,3-anhydro-5-(tetrahydropyran-2-yl)-
D- D-, 25: 120
conformation of, 34:201 ethyl 1-thio-a-o-. 21:I 15-1 16
preparation of, 34: 1 8 4 185, 188 isopropyl I-thio-a-o-, 21: I15
reaction with (ethoxycarbonyl- methyl 4-acetamido-4-deoxy-p-~-,23: 185
methy1ene)triphenylphosphorane. methyl a+, 21:122
33:155 conformation of, 21:98
selective oxidation with silver preparation of, 34:281
carbonate-on-Celite, 33:97 methyl 5-(adenin-l-yl)-5-deoxy-2.3-0-
synthesis, 39:75 isopropyhdene-p-o-, 23: 141
DL-, synthesis, 40:69 methyl 2-amino-2,3-N, O-benzylidyne-2,5-
5-O-(p-bromophenylsulfonyl)-3-deoxy-3-C- dideoxy-5-C-
(R)-(ethoxycarbonylformamido )- pentadecyhdene-P-o-. 24:257
methyl- I ,2-O-isopropylidene-a-o-. tridecylidene-p-o-, 24:257
crystal structure, 43:348 methyl 2,3-anhydro-
I ,2,3,5-tetra-O-acetyl-p-~-,crystal structure a-D-,conformation of, 21:99
bibliography, 31:353,37:392 p-D-, 23: 108
tetra-0-acetyl- p-D- conformation of, 21:99
reaction with methanethiol, 32:35 p-L-.23~277
rearrangement in hydrogen fluoride, methyl 5-azido-5-deoxy-2,3-di-O-p-
26:181 tolylsulfonyl-p-o-, 24: 145
tetra-0-acetyl-4-thio- methyl P-D-, 21:121,23:280
D-, 23:220 conformation of, 21:98
L-, 23:220 preparation of, 34:278
tetra-0-benzoyl-p-o-, rearrangement in methyl 5-deoxy-
hydrogen fluoride, 26: 181 2.3-O-isopropylidene-5-[(purin-6-
4-thio-p-~-,and tetrakis(p-nitrobenzoate), yl)amino]-p-o-, 23: 141
23:22 I 5-[9-(tetrahydropyran-2-yl)purin-6-
1,3,5-tn-O-benzoyl-o-o- yl]amino-2,3-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-
preparation of, 31:4 D-, 23:141
proton magnetic resonance spectra. virtual methyl 5-0-acetyl-2,3-anhydro-p-~-, 0x0
coupling in, 27:69 reaction with, 23: 108
rearrangement in hydrogen fluoride, methyl 5-0-benzoyl-2,3-0-
26:181 isopropylidene-p-o-, reaction with
2,3,5-tn-O-benzoyl-o-, reaction with dibromomethyl methyl ether. 39: I20
(ethoxycarbon ylmethylene) methylene-p-o-, preparation of, 34: 191
triphenylphosphorane, 33: 156 methyl 5-O-benzyl-P-~-,preparation of,
2,3,5-tri-O-benzyl-~-,reaction with 28:294
(ethoxycarbonylmethylene) methyl 2,3-O-benzylidene-
triphenylphosphorane, 33: 157 p-D-, irradiation, 39:88
1,3(2),5-tri-O-trityl- 5-O-methyl-P-o-, reaction with N-
D-, selective cleavage, 39:47 bromosuccinimide, 28:277,39:101

Ribofuranoside (continued) p-D-,reaction with mercuric cyanide,

reaction with
5-O-(methylsulfonyl)-P-~-, 33: 138
N-bromosuccinimide, 26: 164 D-, methanolysis of, 34:281
methyl 2,3-0-isopropylidene- Ribofuranosyl chloride
P-D-,23:214 2,3-O-isopropylidene-5-0-trityf-P-~-,
5-O-(methylsulfonyl), fluorination, 38:207 reaction with diethyl sodiomalonate,
5-O-(methylsulfonyl)-o-,displacement 33: 152
reactions of, 24: 142 5-O-(methoxycarbonyl)-~-,2,3-carbonate,
reaction with methanolysis of, 34:281
diethyl sodiomalonate, 33: 149 2,3,5-tri-O-benzyl-P-o-, reaction with
with mercuric cyanide, 33: 132 2,6-dibenzyloxypyridin-3-ylcadmium,
with 1,2,5-trimethoxybenzene and zinc 33:178
oxide, 33:159 with diethyl sodiomalonate, 33: 149
methanol or with 1,2,3,4-tetra-O- diethyl sodiomalonate, 33: 150
acetyl-P-o-glucopyranose, 34:280 Ribofuranosyl cyanide
methyl 5-0-trityl-P-~-,24:230 5-0-benzoyl-
methyl 4-thio- P-D-,preparation, 39:39
D-, 23:22 1 2,3-O-isopropylidene-P-~, preparation and
L-, 23:222 reductive hydrolysis of, 33: 135, 137
methyl I-thio-P-D-, formation of, 32:35 2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-, P-n-
methyl 2,3,5-tri-~-p-tolylsulfonyI-P-o-, preparation of, 33: 132
displacement reactions of, 24: 165 reaction with 2-amino-2-cyanoacetic acid
phenyl (3-D-, preparation of, 34:278 derivatives, 33: 185
Ribofuranosiduronic acid, methyl 2,3,-0- reductive hydrolysis of, 33: 134
isopropyiidene-P-D-, preparation, 36:68 selective debenzoylation, 39:39
Ribofuranosyl acetate, 8-oxabicyclo[3.2. I ] N-P-o-Ribofuranosylcyanu~cacid, proton
octa-2,6-diene, 2,3,4,4-tetrachlori-, methyl magnetic resonance spectroscopy of,
2-2,3-0-isopropylidene-p-, synthesis 27:35
from, 33:163 Ribofuranosyl fluoride
Ribofuranosylamine, 4-a-Carba-P-o-, 48:23 2,5- and 3,5-di-O-benzoyl-P-o-, 26:177
P-o-Ribofuranosyl azide, 2,3-0 isopropylidene- D-
5-0-phosphone-, 22:374 2,3-acetoxonium-5-0-acetyl-P-, I3C-NMR
Ribofuranosyl benzimidazole, 5,6-dimethyl- 1- data for, 46: 169
a+-, crystal structure, 43:293 2-0-acetyl-3,5-di-0-benzoyl-P-, ' H- and
Ribofuranosyl bromide I9F-NMR data for, 46: 108
3,5-di-O-benzoyl- 3-0-acetyl-2,5-di-0-benzoyl-P-, 'H- and
a-D-, reaction with methanol or with I9F-NMR data for, 46:108
1,2,3,4-tetra-O- acetyl-P-o- 5-0-acetyl-2,3-di-O-benzoyl-P-, 'H- and
glucopyranose, 34:280 I9F-NMR data for, 46:108
2-0-nitro-P-o-, reaction with methanol or synthesis, 48: 101
with 1,2,3,4-tetra-0- acetyl-P-o- 2,3,5-tri-U-acetyl-, 'H- and "F-NMR data
glucopyranose, 34:280 for, 46: I07
2-0-(p-nitro-benzoyl)-P-~-,reaction with 2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyI-
methanol or with 1,2,3,4-tetra-0- "C-NMR data for, 46: 169
acetyl-P-o-glucopyranose, 34:280 IH- and "F-NMR data for, 46:108
2-0-acetyl-3,5-di-0-benzoyl-P-~-, reaction 3,5-di-O-benzoyI-a-o-, 26: 177
with methanol or with 1,2,3,4-tetra-O- 2,3,5-tri-O-benzyl-P-o-, synthesis, 48:99
acetyl-P-o-glucopyranose, 34:280 tri-0-benzoyl-
tri-0-benzoyh-, preparation of, 31:4 a-D-, proton magnetic resonance
2,3,5-tri-O-benzyl- spectroscopy of, 27:82

P-D-, 26: 177 conformational structure of, 27:327

proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy deoxy, amino acids of, 27:3 15-3 I6
of, 27232 as glycoenzyme, 27:308
Ribofuranosyl halide, 3,5-di-O-benzoyl-~-, horse pancreatic, glycoproteins (compounds
preparation of, 31:4 44 and 45), H-NMRspectroscopy,
Ribofuranosylimidazo-[2,1-d]purine, 7-ethyl-3- 41:306-307,309-312.316
P-D-, chloride, monohydrate, crystal purification by chromatography, 27:3 10
structure, 43:365 Ribonucleic acid ligase, bacteriophage T4-
Ribofuranosyl isothiocyanate, 2,3,4-tr-O- induced, Escherichia coli. 46: 182
benzoyl-P-o-, 44: 142 Ribonucleic acids
I3C NMR, 44:141 chromatography of, 29:333
infrared spectrum, 44:141 deoxy-, structure, 36: 140
P-o-Ribofuranosyl phosphate, preparation of, D-g~ucosyl2-deoxy-.26:475
33:47 structure, 36:140
Ribofuranosyl-2-thiothymine, 1 -P-D-. synthesis and separation of, O-(2-
synthesis, 44:98 diethylaminoethy1)cellulose in, 29:
9-( P-D-Ribofuranosyluronic acid)adenine, 325
preparation, 36: I27 Ribonucleosides
I -(P-D-Ribofuranosyluronic acid)uracil acetals, 22340
Sarnino-, preparation, 36: 126 2- and 3-phosphate,phosphono migration
methyl ester, preparation, 36: 130 in, 33:108
5-nitro-, preparation, 36: 126 2:3-cyclic phosphates, 22:3 12, 355
preparation, 36: 127 D-, acetalation by enol ethers, 34: 188
Ribonic acids, analytical high-performance 2-deoxy-
liquid chromatography, 46:34 3-and 5-phosphate, 22:343-344
Ribonolactone 3:5 -cyclic phosphates, 22360
P-elimination, 50: 189 monophosphates, 22309
D- 3 -O-acyl-2-0-(4-methoxytetrahydropyran-
O-benzylidene derivatives, physical 4-yl)-, preparation, 39:38
constants for reassigned structures, 2 ,3-O-(dibutylstanny1ene)-, as activating
50: 1 2 6 1 2 7 group in esterifications and alkylations,
syntheses from, 50:192-195 33:70
Ribono-1 ,4-lactone 2(or 3). 5-diphosphates, 22366
5-deoxy-o~-,synthesis, 40: 19 2-phosphate, 22312,348
nucleophilic additions, 38:317 3-phosphate, 22:312,348
2,3-O-isopropylidene-5-O-(tetrahydropyran- 5-phosphates, 22:309,325
2-y1)-0-, reaction with 2-lithio-2- reaction with isobutyl diphenylborinate,
methyl- 1,3-dithiane, 32:39 35:39
sulfonylation of, 23:245 selective esterification of, 33:3 1-32
Ribonolactam, 5-amino-2,3-benzylidene-5- selective phosphoIylation of, 33:49
deoxy-D-, 23: 164 Ribonucleotide reductase, and hydrogen-
Ribonucleases, 25:446, 44:232 isotope action on sugars. 27: 156
amino acids of, 27:315,3 I 7 Ribonucleotides, protecting groups,
B 36:150-152
a-D-mannosidase as structural reagent for, Ribo-oligonucleotides, synthesis of, 46: 18 1
28:444 Ribopyranose
glycopetides, liquid chromatography 5-acetmido-5-deoxy-o-, 23: 172-1 73
separation, 46:48 a - D - , 45:74
structural analysis, 43: 15-1 7 confonnation in solution, 26:85
carbohydrates of, 27:307,325-326, 340 conformation of, 26:67

hbopyranose (continued) D-, conformation of, 26:89

1,6-anhydro-4-O-benzy1-3- tetra-O-acetyl-5-deoxy-5-C-
dideoxy-pa-, preparation of, 34: I32 (ethylphosphiny1)-D-,physical
p-D-,47: 13 properties of, 42: 19 1
conformation in solution, 26535 tetra-0-benzoyl-
derivatives, conformational equilibria, a+-, conformation in chloroform solution,
47:62 26536
g.1.c. of aqueous solutions of, 42:23 p-o-
tetraacetate conformation in chloroform solution,
conformational equilibria, 26:89-92 26:86
conformations of, 24:57 rearrangement in hydrogen fluoride,
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy 26:177, 181
of, 27:22 I -thio-p-o-, tetraacetate, proton magnetic
5-[(benzyloxycarbonyl)amino]-5-deoxy- spectroscopy of, 27:68
a-D-, 23:191-192 5-thio-o-, derivatives, 24: 146
p-D-, 23:191-192 mutarotation of, 24:49
D- Ribopyranoside
2-deoxy-2-fluoro- benzyl p-D-,catalytic oxidation of, 33:88
a,@-,'H- and "F-NMR data for, 46: 3' deoxy-, minimum inhibitory
104 concentrations of, 30:22 1
1,3,4-hi-O-acetyl-, IH- and I'F-NMR 3',4'-dideoxy-, minimum inhibitory
data for, 46: 104 concentrations of, 30:22 I
1,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro- phosphorylation of, 30: 195
a anomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46: I67 synthesis and activity against resistant
p anomer, I3C-NMR data for, 46: 168 bacteria, 30: 171
5-deoxy-5-phosphinyl-~-, synthesis and ethyl 3,4-anhydro-p-~-,25: 154
structure of, 42: 145 methyl 4-acetamido-
1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene- 4-deoxy-m-~-,22:133,23:184
(Y-D-, 4-deoxy-p-o-, 23: 184
formation of, 34: 184 methyl 4-amino-4-deoxy-2,3-0-
hydrolysis of, 34:204 isopropylidene-P-L-, dearnination of,
5-thio-a-~-,selective hydrolysis, 39: I7 31:42
1-O-acetyl-3-benzamido-2,4-di-O-benzoyl-3- methyl 2,3-anhydro-
deoxy-3-C-(ethoxycarbonyl)-p-~-, and a - ~and++-,
- conformations of, 26: 125
nucleoside, conformations of, 26: 109 p-D-, 25: 152
3-O-benzoyl-l,2,4-O-benzylidyne-a-o- methyl p-D-, 22: 125,23:280
conformation of, 26530 catalytic oxidation of, 33:89
proton magnetic resonance spectra, crystal structure bibliography, 32:357.
iterative analysis of, 27:78 38:428
3,4-O-isopropylidene-o- reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 33:75
preparation of, 34: 185, 188 methyl p-DL-,synthesis, 40:68
synthesis, 39:75 methyl 2-C-
1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyl-a-o-, crystal structure (aminomethyl)-, deamination, 31:53
bibliography, 38:7,452453 ( 1,3-dithian-2-yl)-3,4-O-isopropylidene-p-
tetra-0-acetyl-P-D- D-, chemical shift values for, 32:41
reaction with methanethiol, 32:35 methyl 2-deoxy-3,4-O-isopropylidene-2-
rearrangement in hydrogen fluoride, (salicylideneamino)P-o-, 24: 152
26:177, 181 methyl 3,4-dichloro-3,4-dideoxy-f3-~-, 2-
1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyl-5-[(benzyloxy- chlorosulfate, preparation of, 28:237,
carbony~)amino]-5-deoxy-a-~- and p- 33:75

methyl 1,5-dithio- bibliography, 31:368

(Y-D- 2,4-phenylboronate, preparation and
hemihydrate, crystal structure structure, 35:46
bibliography, 30:465 Ribopyranosyl bromide
tetartohydrate, crystal structure tri-0-acetyl-p-o-, conformation of, 26:87
bibliography, 32:358 tri-0-benzoyl-o-, preparation of, 3 1 : 3 4
p-D-,crystal structure bibliography, Ribopyranosyl chloride, 3,4-dichloro-3,4-
32:358 dideoxy-~-o-,2-chlorosu~fate, preparation
preparation of, 32:35 of, 28:238
methyl 5-0-benzoyl-2,3-0-benzylidene-~- Ribopyranosyl cyanide
D-, reaction with tetraethylammonium tri-0-benzoyl-, proton magnetic resonance
p-toluenesulfonate, 39: 152 spectroscopy of conformers of, 27:23
with triphenylmethyl fluoroborate, 39: 108. 2,3,4-tri-0-benzoyl-p-o-, proton magnetic
152 resonance spectroscopy of, 27:68
methyl 3,4-O-isopropylidene-2-(2-methyl- I,Ribopyranosyl fluoride
3-dithian-2-(2-0-methyl- 1,3-dithian-2- D-
y1)- p-D-, chemical-shift values for, 3,4-di-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-bromo-, IH-
32:41 and l9F-NMR data for, 46: 136
methyl 3,4-0-(R)-benzylidene-P-~-, 3,4-di-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-a-, IH-
isomerization, 39:26 and 19F-NMRdata for, 46: 155
methyl 4-S-acetyl-2,3-0-isopropylidene-4- 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-, IH- and I9F-NMR data
thio-p-o-, 24:192 for, 46: 102
methyl S-acetyl-2,3-0-isopropylidene-4-thio- 2,3,4-tri-O-acety1-2-fluoro-p->H- and
p-D-, 23:221 I9F-NMR data for, 46:143
methyl 4Sbenzoyl- 2,3,4-tri-O-benzoyl-, H- and I9F-NMR
2,3-O-isopropylidene-4-thio-P-t-, 23:220 data for, 46: I02
4-thio-p-~,23:220 3,4-di-O-acetyl-2-fluoro-p-o-, preparation,
methyl l-thio- 38:233
OL-D-, crystal structure bibliography, 2,4-di-O-benzoyl-P-o-, 26: 177
30:465,31:348 3,4-di-O-benzoyl-p-o-, 26: 177
p-D-, preparation of, 32:35 2,4-di-O-henzoyl-P-~-,26: 176
methyl 5-thio- per-~-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-~-o-,
(Y-D-, crystal structure bibliography, synthesis, 38:204
31:349 tri-0-acetyl-P-o-, 26:177
p-D- crystal structure bibliography, 31:349 2,3,4-tri-0-acetyl-2-fluoro-~-~-, preparation,
methyl tri-O-methyl-p-D-, mass spectrum of, 38:233
21:60 Ribopyranosylpurine, 6-methoxy-9-p-o-,
methyl 2,3,4-tri-0-acetyl-5-amino-5-deoxy- hemihydrate, crystal structure, 43:325
5-N-(methoxycarbonyl)-, synthesis, Riborunanose
40: 100 cis-2,3-diamino-2,3-dideoxy-~-, preparation
3-N- (carboxymethy1)-, preparation of, of, 29:8
30:131 2,3,5-tri-O-methyI-o-, polargraphy of,
3,4,5-trideoxy-,synthesis and antibacterial 29: 142
activity, 30:171 Ribose
trifluoromethyl2,3,4-tri-0-acetyl-2-deoxy-2- 2-acetamid0-2-deocy-o-, preparation from
fluoro-p-o-, preparation, 38:233 dithioacetal, 32535
Ribopyranosylamine, N-(p-bromopheny1)-a-o- 4-acetamido-4-deoxy-~-,23: 184
2,4-benzeneboeronate, conformation of, 5-acetamido-5-deoxy-o-, 23: 171
26:116 1-0-acetyl-2,3,4-tri-O-benzoyI-4-fluoro-p-
2,4-dibenzeneboronate, crystal structure D-, synthesis, 49:80-81

Ribose (continued) diisobutyl dithioacetal, reaction with p-

a-D-, 2,4-phenylboronate, preparation and toluenesulfonyl chloride, 32:5 1
structure, 3 9 4 4 dimethyi dithioacetal, preparation of,
2-amino- 32:23,35
2-deoxy-~-,22:134 diphenyl dithioacetal, 43:372
2-deoxy-~-,deamination of, 31:26 conformation of, 26:72
3-amino-, 3-deoxy-o-, 22: 128 preparation of, 32:22
synthesis, 29:3 dithioacetals
5-amino-, 5-deoxy-D-, 23:13 1 reaction with sulfonyl chlorides in
2,5-anhydro-~- pyridine, 32:48
dialkyl dithioacetal, 25: 198 selective esterification of, 33:4041
diisobutyl dithioacetal, 24: 175 5-phosphate, preparation of, 33:47
hydrolysis of, 32:64 enantiomeric carba-sugars, synthesis,
2,5-anhydro-3,4-di-O-p-to~yku~fonyI-o-, 48:44
diisobutyl dithioacetal, preparation of, ester of thymidine 5'-pyrophosphate,
32:5 1 occurrence of, 28:322
reaction with sodium iodide-N,N- Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy,
dimethylformamide-zinc dust, 32:52 44:65-66
5-(benzyloxycarbonyl)amino-5-deoxy-~-, gel chromatography of, 2 5 3 1-32
composition in aqueous solution, 42:50 halogen derivatives, 22:215
chemistry of, 6:135-174 liquid chromatography of, 42:24
2-C-(hydroxymethyl)-o- mercaptalation of, 32:22
composition nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates,
in aqueous solution, 42:54 45: 148
in dimethyl sulfoxide, 42:68 (p-bromophenyl) hydrazone, crystal
isolation of, 31: 136 structure bibliography, 31:367
composition derivatives, preparation of, 31:3
in aqueous solution, 42:26, 64, 134 (p-bromophenyl) hydrazone
in nonaqueous solvents, 42:68 crystal structure of, 25:92
D-. 21:17 hydrogen bonding in, 2 5 9 8
acetonation of, 34: 184-1 85 5-phosphate, ally1 radical formation by
benzylidenation of, 34: 184 radiation, 37: 14
derivatives of cyclic acetals, Table, oxidation by transition-metal ions,
34:216215 37:20
diphenyl dithioacetal, crystal structure radiation chemistry, 37:33-34
bibliography, 34:372 radiolysis, 37:4246
aldehydo form, detection, 42:20 radiolysis in D , , 37:20
catabolism by yeasts, 32:226 polarography of, 29: 127, 141
crystalline form, 42: 18 preparation by electroreduction of D-
crystallography of, 2 5 5 8 ribono-l,4-lactone, 29: 125
1,2:3,4-diacetal, selective hydrolysis, proton spin-lattice relaxation rates, 45:
39:16 152
dialkyl dithioacetal pure and commercial, infrared spectra,
alkyl 1-thio-a-o-ribofuranosidesfrom, 44~65-66
32:66 stability constants, 47:29
reaction with p-toluenesulfonyl synthesis from L-glutamic acid, 28:294
chloride, 25:198 transport into Rhodotorula glutinis, and
diethyl dithioacetal, 43:371 Pichia fermentans, 32:155
conformation of, 26:72 I ,3,4-tri-O-benzoyl-P-, 'H- and 19F-NMR
irradiation, 39:94 data for, 46: 104

2-deoxy- alkoxyl group, 24: 194

D-, synthesis of, 28:8 Ribose 5-phosphate, composition in aqueous
2-fluoro-, derivatives, 22: 190 solution, 42:46
2-fluoro-~-,preparation, 38:240 Ribose-t, D-, detection and distribution in rat
5-deoxy- tissue, autoradiography in, 27: 181
3-C-(dimethoxymethyl)-o~-, dimethyl Ribose-3-t, D-, preparation of, 27: 137
acetal, synthesis, 40:64 Riboside
D-, 21:176-177, 179 methyl p-D-,selective periodate oxidation of,
5-fluoro-o-, 22: 179 33:95
preparation, 38:207 methyl 2,3-di-O-acetyl-4-S-benzoyl-4-thio-
2,4:3,5-di-O-benzylidene- p-D-,acetolysis of, 22:20
aldehydo-o-,Wittig reaction with, 27:23 I Ribostamycin
D-, ethylene dithioacetal, selective discovery of, 30: 112
hydrolysis, 39:22 isolation, structure, and synthesis of,
di-0-benzylidene-o-, preparation of, 34: I 84 30:130-131
2,3:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-~-, minimum inhibitory concentrations of,
diphenyl dithioacetal, fragmentation and 30:22 1
mass spectrometry of, 32:96 N-acylation of, 30: 175
dithioacetals, preparation of, 32:53 phosphorylation of, 30: 195
DL-,synthesis, 40:8-10,73 synthesis of, 30: 112, 162
L- Ribostamycin 3-phosphate, by
derivatives of cyclic acetals, table, phosphorylation, 30: 195
34:2 14-21 5 Ribostamycin 5-phosphate, 3,4-dideoxy-,by
synthesis of, 22: 12 1 phosphorylation, 30: 195
mutarotation of, 23:23 Ribosyluronic acid uracil, 5-nitro-1- p - ~ - ,
5-O-benzoyl-2,4-O-benzylidene-~-, dipropyl monohydrate, crystal structure,
dithioacetal, reaction withp- 43:274-275
toluenesulfonyl chloride, 32:5 I Ribitol
3-0-(2,6-diamin0-2,6-dideoxy-P-~- 1 ,banhydro-
idopyranosy1)-o-, deamination of D-, from 1,4-anhydro-~-xylitol, 26: 175
derivatives of, 31:26-28,75 tri-0-benzoyl-o-, rearrangement in
4,5-ChopropylIdene-o-, dithioacetals, hydrogen fluoride, 26: 174
preparation of, 32:53 conformation of, 26:69
5-S-methyl-5-thio-o-, dimethyl dithioacetal Ribovarin, see Virazole
formation of, 32:35 Ribulose
2,3,4,5-tetra-O-acetyl-o-, D-
diethyl dithioacetal, ultraviolet photolysis cyclic acetals, properties of, 26:256
of, 32:78 preparation of, 26:236
diisobutyl dithioacetal, nuclear magnetic L-, cyclic acetals, properties of, 26:256
resonance spectrum and conformation Riburonic acid, 3-C-(hydroxymethyl)-o-
of, 32:91 natural occurrence of, 42:76
4-thio-o-, composition in aqueous solution, structure of, 42:77
42:53 synthesis of, 42:8 1
5-thio-~-,23:214 Rice
composition in aqueous solution, 42:53 cell wall studies on, 42:271,287,294, 300
1,3,4-tri-O-benzoyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-o-, starch, dextrinization, 47:289
proton magnetic resonance spectra, Rich
analysis of, 27230 carbohydrate-binding specificity, 39274
2,3,5-tri-O-benzyl-4-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-o-, immunization, 35: 129
dimethyl acetal, displacement by isolation, 35:270

Ricin (continued) structure of, 42:71

purification, 35: 138,271 synthesis of, 42:127-128
toxicity, 35:271 Rubidium P-D-glucuronate dihydrate, crystal
Ricinus communis lectin, see Castor-bean structure bibliography, 31:364
lectin; Ricin Rubranitrose
Rickamicin, see Sisomicin D-, synthesis of, 42: 123
Rifamycin, synthesis of, 42:96 L-, synthesis of, 42: 123
Ring change, mutarotation and, 23: 13 natural occurrence of, 42:73
Ring contractions structure of, 42:70,78
and expansion by mutarotation, 24:46 synthesis of, 42123
in fluorinations, 38:200 Ruff degradation, of higher sugars to deoxy
during sulfonate displacement, 24: 188 sugars, 21:153, 177
Ring expansion, in glycosyl fluoride synthesis, Rumen, microbial hemicellulase system,
38:201 32:34&346
Ring fusion methods, 52:145-146 Ruthenium tetraoxide
h g s method for ketonucleoside synthesis, 42:232
furanoid, stability of, 21:135 for oxidation
opening of, in anhydroalditols, 2 5 2 5 6 of alcohol to carbonyl compound, 31:223
pyranoid, stability of, 21: 136 of carbohydrate sulfonic esters, 23:258
shape, notation, cyclic monosaccharides, of isolated hydroxyl groups, 34:97, 100
52:69 oxidative degradation of polysaccharides by,
size 31:232
cyclic monosaccharides, 52:59 Rutin
effect of conformation on, in sugar as plant-growth substance, 21:410
reactions, 22: 17 1 sodium mono-0-(propylsulfony1)-, 23:239
on hydrolysis of glycosides, 2 2 4 2 Rutinose, taste properties, 452278-279
structure Rydon reagents
determination of, of sugars in solution, for halogenation of carbohydrates, 28:240
23:41 reactions with nucleosides, 28:243
factors affecting, 23:23 Ryegrass
gas-liquid chromatography and, 28:50 a-,a-trehalose from ergot of, 30:232
of sugars, 23:3 arabinogalactan, 36:244
Ripening, 21:429 cell wall studies on, 42:271,291,293-294,
of fruit, cell wall role in, 42315, 339-382 300,315
Ristocetin, effect on peptidoglycan endosperm cells of perennial, 36:261
biosynthesis, 26:430 hemicellulose-cellulose ratio, 36:253
Robinia pseudoaccacia lectin, robin, interaction hemicellulose-lignin complex from
with erythrocyte glycopeptide, 35320 perennial, 36:260
isolation and properties, 3 5 3 1 1 hemicelluloses, 36:258-262
Rodenticide, warfarin, discovery, 39: 1 leaf mesophyll cells, 36:259-262
Roots, of grasses, polysaccharides, 36:245 xylans, 36:235
Rose, cell wall studies on, 42:281,283, 288
Ross test, for sugar oxiranges, 25: 170
Rotation, hindered, of acetyl group in 5
monosaccharides, 23:193, 197
Rotational platinum-shadowing, mucus Saccharides
glycoproteins, 47:367 biologically active, 48:205-222
Rous sarcoma virus, 44:232-238 metabolism, 48:206
(2R,3S)-2-isobutylthrearic acid biosynthesis, from glycopyranosyl esters,
natural occurrence of, 42:73,76 18:309-356, 26:35 1-483

caramel from, in presence of additives, four-carbon, 13: 169-1 88

47:223 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:7 1, 73,
complex formation with cations of Group I1 75
and with borate ions, laser-Raman per(trimethylsily1) derivatives, gas-liquid
spectroscopy. 44:83-84 chromatography of, 28:141-142
conformational energy, 47:88 preparation of, 28: 198
course of decomposition, 47:33&337 Saccharonivces hailii. o-fructose fermentation
cyclic-hemiacetal formation by, Helferichs by, 32: I53
work on, 45:3 Succharoni.yce.s hisporus. in honey
force-field, 47: 105 fermentation, 32: 129
y-irradiation, 47:276 Succharom.vces carlshergensis.
from glycoproteins, liquid chromatography phosphonomannan. 41:86
separation, 46:56-57 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
monomeric, high-temperature transformation cell wall shwture of, 32: 138
of, 46:275-295 polysaccharide from, structure of, 32:5
acidic conditions, 46:275-280 sugar removal from citrus molasses by,
basic conditions, 46:281-284 32:128
nitrogen heterocycles from, 25:35 1 4 0 5 transport of glycosides into, 32: 158-1 59
reactivity of monosaccharides into, 32: 148
hydrolysis, 47: 119-120 chitin, 41: 103
stereoelectronic effect, 47: 1 19 phosphonomannnan, 41:86-87
solid-state structures, 47:70 polysaccharide, 41:73,77-80
synthesis, 44:341, 50:2 1-22 sugar utilization, 39:348
from acetylated glucosyl Saccharom.vce.s,fermentati. polysaccharide,
trichloroacetimidates, 50:41,4344 41:74
from mannosyl trichloroacetimidates, Saccharomvces,fragilis, polysaccharide. 41 :74
50:58,6245 Snccharomyces phuseolosporus,
thermal treatment above melting points, polysaccharide, 41:99
47:226 Succharomyces rouxii
treatment with mineral acids or alkali, degradation of acetylated by oxidation with
47:226 chromium trioxide, 31 :230
Saccharification, of wood, 4:153-188 in honey fermentation, 32: 129
Saccharin mass spectrometry of, 29:63-65
after-taste, 45:265, 341 polysaccharide, 41 :77
and sucrose, comparison of, 45:34 I Succharomvcrs uvarum, sugar removal from
sweetness, 45:205,226,23 1 vitamin C concentrate by, 32: 128
AH, B system in, 45:22 1 transport of glycosides into, 32: 158-159
early explanations of, 45:202-206 Sachse-Mohr theory, of conformation of
structure relationship, 45:297-303 sugars, 2 6 5 0
thio analog, bitterness, 45:3 10 Saeman hydrolysis, 46:263-264
third structural feature comprising postulated Saffron, picrocrocin in, 24:6
glucophore in, 45:234 Sagarose, 25: 14,23
three-dimensional x-ray analysis of, 45:30 I Sake, ethyl a-o-glucoside in, and gas-liquid
Saccharinic acid nucleosides, preparation of, chromatography, 28:54-55
42:248 Salicin
Saccharinic acids, 12:35-79, 25:341 aerobic respiration by yeasts on, 32: 144
analysis of, 31:213 catabolism by yeasts. 32:20 I
in D-fructose degradation, 22:239 gel chromatography of, 25:47
formation of, 28:163, 193-194,46:281-282, levoglucosan from, 34:27
29 1 structure. 39:358

Salicin (continued) spectroscopy, 41:2 19,23 1-234

utilization by yeasts and associations of glycoprotein (compound 14), 'H-NMR
abilities, 32:222 spectroscopy, 41 :2 19,254-257
Salicyclic acid-cytidine complex, crystal oligosaccharides from urine, structure,
structure, 43:357 37: 197
Salicylaldehyde, alkali metal chelates, 21:265 Saponins
Salicylic acid hydrolysis of steroidal, 28:15
3,5-dinitro-, as reagent in o-fructose steroidal, gas-liquid chromatography of,
estimation, 22:239 28:46
1-ester with-o-ghcuronic acid, 36: 104-1 05 Saponoside D
as herbicide, 21:408 isolation, 37:330
as plant-growth substance, 21:409 structure, 37:33 1
Salireposide, gel chromatography of, 2 5 5 0 Sapophoric groups, 45:202-203,218
Saliva, analysis by gas-liquid chromatography, Sarcoma 180 tumor cells, cancer antigens from,
28:44,81 antitumor activity of, 32:257
Salivary glycoproteins, hydrolysis, with Sarkaran, a pullulan, 30:337
trifluoroacetic acid, 46:268 Saurine, 46: 13
Salmonella spp. Sauroxine, 46: 13
lipopolysaccharides Scalar coupling, 47:134
degradation by Lossen reaction, 31:211 Scarlet runner-bean lectin, carbohydrate-
mass spectrometry of, 29:53 binding specificity, 35: 145
periodate oxidation of, 31:211 Schardinger dextrins, see Cyclodextrins
oligosaccharides related to those of Schiff bases
I3C-NMR data for, 42:220-222 derived from D-glycosyl thiosemicarbazide
glycosides of, I3C-NMR data for, and L-arabinosyl thiosemicarbazide,
42:222-223 synthesis, 44: 106-107
Salmonella kentucky lipopolysaccharide, in neoglycoprotein preparation, 37:242-
degradation of acetylated, by oxidation 245
with chromium trioxide, 31:230 Schima liukiuensis, 46:3
Salmonella newport lipopolysaccharide, Schistocerca gregaria, a,-a-trehalose
degradation of acetylated, by oxidation biosynthesis in, 30:238
with chromium trioxide, 31:231 Schizophyllan, antitumor activity of,
Salmonella strasbourg lipopolysaccharide, 32:246-247
degradation of acetylated by oxidation Schizophyllum commune, polysaccharide, 41 :70
with chromium trioxide, 31:230 Schizosaccharomyces polysaccharide, 41 :69
Salmonella typhimurium Schizosaccharomyces ociosporus.
lipid A, 50:217 galactomannan, 41:92
LT2 lipopolysaccharide, degradation of Schizosuccharomyces pombe
methylated, 31:225 galactomannan, 41:92
monophosphoryl lipid A, f.a.b.-mass polysaccharide, 41:74
spectrometry, 4557-58 Schmidt-Rutz reaction, 24:69, 127, 129
395 MS lipopolysaccharide, hydrolysis and Schrodinger equation, in magnetic field,
structure of, 31:188 51:23-24
Salts, 53:316-322 Scleroglucan
catalytic effect on mutarotation of sugars, antitumor activity of, 32:246-247, 259-260
24:28 preparation, properties, and uses,
effect on sugar solubility, 27:95 36~305-307
Sambunigrin, 21:23 Sclerotan, structure of, 30:366
Sandhoff s disease Sclerotina fructigena, a-L-arabinofuranosidase
glycoprotein (compound 6), 'H-NMR from, 42:387

Sclerotina libertiana, cY-L-arabinofuranosidase 0-glycosidation with, 53: 170

from, 42387 glycosylation by, 53: 167-1 70
Sclerotinan, antitumor activity of, 32:246 as glycosyl donors, 52: 199, 53: 170-177
Sclerotina sclertiorum, a - ~ - nomenclature, 52: 136
arabinofuranosidase of, 42:388 nucleophilic displacement, 53:148-150
Sclerotinia. gum, 36:305 opening, 53: 150-154
Sclerotium, scleroglucan, 36:305-307 phenylselenylation, 53: 154-1 58, 161--167
Scopolia juponicu, a-L-arabinofuranosidase preparation, 53: 145-148
from, 42387,389,391 tethered approach connection, 53:300-30 1
SDS,see Sodium dodecylsulfate Selenoglycosyl azides, 2-Se-phenyl-2-,
Sea urchins 53: 162- I63
sialoglycolipids, see Sialoglycolipids Selenolactonization, 53: 19 1-1 92
sulfolipids, see Sulfolipids Seleno sugars, 1: 144-145, 22:205, 23:232
Seaweed, polysaccharides from. 8:3 15-350, Self-association behavior, polydispersity and,
24:293 mucus glycoproteins, 47:377-380
Secondary-ion mass spectrometry, 4924-25 Self-consistent field wavefunction, 51 :27-28
Sedimentation Self-consistent perturbation theory, 51 :27
coefficients SELRESOLV, 51:22
of a-amylases, 23:309 Semen
of P-amylases, 23:333 a-D-mannosidase, in, 28:403
of phosphorylases, 23:348 bull seminal plasma, plasma, polysaccharide
enzyme molecular-weight determination by, from, antitumor activity of, 32:257
23:287 D-fruCtoSe in, 34:304-305
of glycoenzymes, 27:312 Semicarbazide, in polarographic determination
Sedoheptulosan of carbohydrates, 29: 152
acetylation of, 33:24 Senescence of plants, cell-wall changes in,
catalytic oxidation of, 33:87 4 2 3 15
conformation of, 25: 101, 103 Sensory system function, 45325-326
crystallography of, and monohydrate, 25:63 Sephadex, 24:268,3 13,25: 14
cyclic acetals, 26:252 applications of, 29:354
structure by proton magnetic resonance in chromatography of urine protein-
spectroscopy, 26:227 carbohydrate compounds, 24:440,
monohydrate, crystal structure bibliography, 444
31:366 fractionation ranges of, 25: 18
taste properties, 45254-255 0-(2-aminoethyl)-, preparation of, 29:323
1,3,5-tri-O-acetyl-, preparation of, 33:24 Sephadex A-50, 0-(2-diethylaniinoethyl)-, in
Seluginella kraussinana, selaginose from, ion-exchange chromatography, 24:335,
30:237 338
Selaginose, from Selaginella kraussinana, Sephadex imidocarbonates. preparation of,
30:237 29:345
Selenium, 53: 144-145 Sepharose, 25:14
in hemiacetal rings of monosaccharides, fractionation ranges of, 25: 18
23:206 mechanism of activation, 49: 181-1 82
Selenodisaccharides, 53: 177-1 80 Septanoid sugars, conformation of, 26: 1 13
2-Se-phenyl-2-, 53: 154- I57 Septanoses. 23:228
1-Selenoglucopyranoside, o (and p)-nitrophenyl derivatives, proton spin-lattice relaxation
P-D-hydrolysis of, 22:37 rates, 45: 153
Selenoglycosides, see also spec$c sugars from reducing sugars in solution, 42: 16, 29
chemistry, 53: 143-145 Sequoyitol, as plant-growth substance, 21:
cyclization-mediated reactions, 53: I 8 6 1 88 416

LSerinatocopper (11) 'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41:270,283-

bis-0- (p-D- xylopyranosy1)-, crystal 288
structure bibliography, 30:465 structure, 41:170
di-0-p-o-xylopyranosyl-, crystal structure Serotransferrin glycan, primary structure,
bibliography, 31:359 37:20 1-203
Serine Serrutiu murcescens, polysaccharides
L- and antitumor activity, 32:236-239
a-and p-o-glycosyl derivatives, 13C-NMR gas-liquid chromatography, 28:59
chemical-shift data, 43:22 Sesamose
carbohydrate chains linked to, in occurrence, 37:303
gl ycoproteins, 26:458 oligosaccharides, occurrence, 37:306
in cell wall glycoproteins, 42:298-299 structure, 37:307
I3C-NMR spectral data, 43:22,25-26 structure, 37:302-303
configurational correlation with D- S-glycosyl linkage, 43:4
glyceraldehyde, 27:207 Shafizadeh, Fred, 44: 14
configuration of, 26:13 career accomplishments, 44:5
derivatives, glycosylation, 43: 156-1 72 development of thermal analysis methods,
in glycoprotein from sheep and ox, 33:7 44:4
in glycoprotein linkages, 25:418,425 education, 44: 1
L-ascorbic acid, crystal structure, 43:211 investigation of cellulose, 44: 1-2
mass spectra of acetylated 0-glycosyl study of synthesis of biologically significant
derivatives, 29:105 amino sugars, 44:2
3-0-~-glycosyl,43: 156-1 75 teaching ability, 44:5-6
0-glycosyl derivatives, synthetic, at University of Montana Wood Chemistry
43:135-201 Laboratory, 4 4 : 3 4 , 6
as precursor in biosynthesis of work for Weyerhauser, 44:2-3
sphingosines, 24:394 work on morphology and biogenesis of
0-(2-acetamid0-2-deoxy-a-~- cellulose and plant cell walls, 44:4-5
galactopyranosy1)-r-, glycoprotein Shallenberger A.H., B hypothesis, 45200-201,
linkage, 25:426 213-223,231,246,257-261,264,271,
0-P-D-xylopyranosyl-L- 283-285,292,297-299,303-307,322,
copper(I1) complex, crystal structure 34 1
bibliography, 34:356 Shape, of some polysaccharide molecules,
crystal structure bibliography, 34:355 7:289-332, 11:385-393
glycoprotein linkage, 25:434 Shear's polysaccharide, antitumor activity of,
0-glycosyl derivatives, 43:27-28 32:236,264
Serology Sheep
Dolichos bcjlorus lectin in, 35:226 rumen, carbohydrates, 35: 1 1
Helispomutia lectin in, 35:226, 239,241 submaxillary gland, glycoproteins, 25:446
lectins in, 35: 129 Shift reagents, 47: 13C13 1
lipid A, 50:258-260 relaxation times, 47: 130
polyagglutinability in, 35:257 Shigellu flesneri
Ules europeus seed extract in, 35:224,289 lipopolysaccharides, 53:254
Serotonin, sialic acid binding, 40:2 16-2 17 oligosaccharides related to, I3C-NMR data
Serotransfemn for, 42:223-224
conformation, 37:206-212 Shigellu sonnei, 0-specific polysaccharide,
glycoprotein (compound 3 1 and 32) from 47: 176
rabbit, 'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41:270, Shikimic acid
283-287 rue-, methyl ester, 26: 172
glycoprotein (compound 33) from human, structure of, 42:77-78

synthesis of, 42:129 spcctroscopy, 41 :269-305

Shortening composition, anhydroglucitols for, in glycoproteins, 25:413,463
25268 high-performance liquid chromatography,
Shorygina reaction, 34:78 46:3 I
Showdomycin, 25243 history, 33:&6, 40: 132
2,5-anhydro-5-deoxy-3,4-dihydro-2,3-0- hydrolysis, 46:254,270
isopropylidene- 14-methyl-, immunogenicity, 40: 176
hydrobromide, crystal structure isolation, acid hydrolysis of glycosidic
bibliography, 31:368 bonds, 40: 147-148
antitumor and antibacterial activity of, enzymic hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds,
33:112 40:149-150
crystal structure of, 25:84,30:457 in keratan sulfate, 25:440
o~-2-deoxy-,synthesis, 40:78 linkages, stability of, 31:199
~ ~ - 2 - e p isynthesis,
-, 40:78 liquid chromatography, pre-column
inhibition of protein glycosylation, derivatization procedures, 46:68
40:343-344 metabolism, 40: 183, 207
structure of, 33:112-113 methanolysis, 46:254
synthesis of, 27:256, 33: 159, 167- I69,40:80 methyl ester monohydrate, crystal structure
Sialic acid, 13:237-263,40:131-234 bibliography, 31:351
abbreviations, 40: 134-135 naturally occurring, 49: 195-196,200-203
analysis, 40:152-176 nucleotide esters, enzymic synthesis,
circular dichroism, 40: 170 40:186-188
colorimetric methods, 40:153-160 occurrence, 40: 134147
gas-liquid chromatography, 40: 164- 165 oligosaccharides, from colostrum, gel
histochemical, 40: 171-176 chromatography of, 2 5 3 5
lectins and antibodies, 40: 175-1 76 polysaccharides containing, carbon- I3
mass spectrometry, 40: 165-1 67 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra,
nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 38:89-91, 95
40: 167-1 70 purification, chromatography on cellulose,
periodate oxidation, 40: 157, 160- I62 40: I5 1-1 52
spin-labelling, 40: 170-1 7 1 ion-exchange chromatography,
thin-layer chromatography, 40: 162- I64 40:150-151
x-ray crystallography, 40: 170 receptor components, 40:229-232
biological significance, 40:214-234 reversible cleavage, 40:158,211-214
biosynthesis, 40: 176-1 88 substitution patterns, H-NMR analysis,
cation binding, 40:2 16 50:331-332
determinant group in polysaccharide synthesis of, 27:275
immunology, 41: 175-1 76, 178, 182 tumor antigen masking, 40:227-229
dihydrate, crystal structure bibliography, ultraviolet-absorbances of, 46:65
31:350 in urine (human), 24:438439,441
enzymic release from glycosidic linkages. Sialidases, 24:418, 44:208
40: 195-2 1 1 amino acid sequence, 40: 198
3-fluOrO-, 22:199,212 in carbohydrate degradation, 38:4 I3
function, anti-recognition effect, 40:220-229 deficiency, 40:207
due to negative charge, 40:2 15-2 1 8 degradation of gangliosides, 40:271-274
effect on macromolecular structure, effect on glycoproteins, 37: 161-163
40:218-220 immobilized, 40: l49,2 10
of gangliosides, 24:4 I7 inhibitors, 40:209
glycoenzyme constituent, 27:302,307, 321 interaction with glycosidases, 48:35 1-353
glycoprotein carbohydrate chains, H-NMR molecular weights, 40: 198

Sialidases (continued) of echinoderms

occurrence, 40: 195 biological role of, 44:435436
pathophysiological significance, 40:206- structure, 44:437
21 1 and evolutionary position of animals,
purification, 40:149-150, 196, 198 44:436437
receptor-destroying enzyme, 3 3 : 5 4 occurrence, 44:392
substrate specificities, 40:200-2 I0 of sea urchins, 44:423-128,437438
use of, 25463 in vertebrates, 44:437
viral, 40:210 Sialoglycopeptide, from tumor cells, 35:327
Sialidosis, 40:207 Sialoglycoprotein, properties of, of erythrocyte
glycoprotein (compound 2 l), IH-NMR membrane, 35:318-3 19
spectroscopy, 41:269-274 Sialoglycosaminoglycans,gel chromatography
glycoprotein (compound 22), 'H-NMR of, 2 5 4 4
spectroscopy, 41 :270-272,274-275 Sialoglycosphingolipids, mass spectrometry of,
glycoprotein (compound 29), 'H-NMR 29:96
spectroscopy, 41:270,273,279, 282 Sialosides, synthesis, 49:231
glycoprotein (compound 30), IH-NMR Sialosylgalactosylceramide, biosynthesis,
S P ~ C ~ ~ O S C O41~270,273,279-281,
P~, 40:253
283 Sialosyllactosylceramide
glycoprotein (compound 38), 'H-NMR biosynthesis, 40:254
spectroscopy, 41:270,292,298 sialidase action, 40:273
glycoprotein (compound 39), 'H-NMR Sialosylneolactosylceramide, biosynthesis,
spectroscopy, 41:270,298-300 40:253
glycoprotein (compound 40), 'H-NMR Sialosyltransferase, 40:253-255
spectroscopy, 41:270,298, 300-302 activity, 40:192-194
glycoprotein (compound 4 l), from sialidosis, ganglioside, 40: 192
IH-NMR spectroscopy, 41:270,300, occurrence, 40: 188
302-305 purification, 40: 189
glycoprotein (compound 23 and 24), 'H- specificity, 40:190-191
NMR spectroscopy, 41:270-272, Sialyl aldolase, synthesis with, 49: 194-204
275-276 N-acetylmannosamine derivatives, 49: 195,
glycoprotein (compound 27 and 28), 'H- 197-199
NMR spectroscopy, 41:270,273,277, naturally occurring sialic acids,
280 49: 195-196,200-203
glycoprotein (compound 36 and 37), N-acetylneuraminic acid, 49: 194-194
'H-NMR spectroscopy, 41:270, 3-deoxy-o-g~ycero-~-ga~ucto-nonu~osonic
292-298 acid, 49:202-204
structure of oligosaccharides from urine, Sialylation, with transferases, 49:223, 225-
37:191-193,205 23 1
Sialoglycoconjugates, calcium binding of bone heptasaccharide synthesis, 49:228-229
tissue, 40:217 immobilized sialyltransferases, 49:225,
Sialoglycolipids, 44:388 227-228
from Asteroidea. 44:430434 sialoside synthesis, 49:230-23 1
carbohydrate chain structure, mass soluble transferases, 49:225-226
spectrometry, 44:403 tetrasaccharide-glycosidesynthesis,
containing sulfated sialic acid, 44:424, 49:228
426427 trisaccharide synthesis, 49:229
distribution, 44:437 Sialyllactose methanolysis, 46:258
distribution, in marine invertebrates, Sibiromycin, degradation product of, synthesis,
44:426437 42: 122

Sibirosamine Simple sugars. liquid chromatography, pre-

4-epimer of, synthesis, 42:98 column derivatization procedures. 46:68
natural occurrence of, 42:73 Sinapyl alcohol polymer in lignin, 42:269
structure of, 42:70, 121 Sindbis virus S-4 glycan, structure, 37: 175
synthesis of, 42: 12 1 Sinigrin
Sickle conformation, 26:72 crystal structure of, 25:71, 38:440
Silane monohydrate, potassium salt, crystal
chlorotricyclohexyl-, selective etherifications structure bibliography, 30:452
with, 33:53 Sisal, cell-wall studies on, 42:268, 280
chlorotriisopropyl-, selective etherification Sisomicin
with, 33:53 dihydro-, preparation and structure of,
chlorotrimethyl- 30: 129-130
purification of, 28:30 discovery of, 30:112
trimethylsilylation of sugars with, 28:23 isolation and structure of, 30: 128- 130
fluorotrimethyl-, effect on chromatography. mass spectrometry of, 29: 105
28:33 penta-N-(benzyloxycarhony1)-,garamine
teut-butylchlorodimethyl-, selective from, 30: 129
etherification with, 33:53 structure of, 29:286
Silica beads, porous, in chromatography, 25: 15 Sissotrin, from biochanin-A, 31: 147
Silica gel-glutaraldehyde, immobilization on, Sitosterol, conjugate with methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-
49:188-189 acetyh-o-gaiactopyranosiduronate, 36:93
Silicon compounds Size, of some polysaccharide molecules,
per (trimethylsilyl) ethers of sugars in 7:289-332,11:385-393
mutarotation studies, 24:60 Skatole, as reagent for D-fructose estimation,
trimethylsilyl ethers 22:238
of D-fructose and its derivatives, 22258 Skewed log distribution, 51:79, 117-1 18,
of oligosaccharides, mass spectra and, 125-1 26
21:93 Slash pine, hemicellulose fraction of, 46:306
Silicone polyester (ECNSS-M), organa. in Slime mold
gas-liquid chromatography, 28: 60 glycoprotein, oligosaccharides, liquid
Silkmoths, a,a-trehalose 6-phosphate chromatography separation, 46:4243
biosynthesis by, 30:238,244 high-mannose oligosaccharide, f.a.b.-mass
Silver benzoate, reaction with dithioacetals, spectrometry, 45:63
3260 polysaccharide, 41:88
Silver carbonate-on-celite, selective oxidation (1+4)-P-~-glucan biosynthesis, 41: 108, 128
with, 33:97 trehalase in, 30:253
Silver fluoride, reaction with 6-bromo-or 6- trehalose biosynthesis in, 30:239-241
iodo-6-deoxyaldohexopyranoses,33:263 Sludge, definition, 36:229
Silver ion, trivalent, as cleaving agent for Smell, and sensory system, 45:325
cellulose, 23:6 Smith, Fred, obituary, 22:l-10
Silver methanesulfonate, sulfonylation of Smith degradation, 22:7,24:349
carbohydrates by, 23:239 ofAcacia gums, 24:345, 347
Silver salts, in Koenigs-Knorr reaction, 34:246, of capsular polysaccharide type 2,33:301
275 of carbohydrates, 3 5 9
Silver trifluoroacetate, reaction with iodine on in cellulose structure study, 26:326
unsaturated sugars, 28:272 by chemical modification of polysaccharides,
Silyl ethers, 1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitoIs, 31:192
49: 145-146 methylation structural analysis, 38:407408
Simazine, as herbicide, 21:407 modified, of capsular polysaccharides,
Simmons-Smith reagent, 28:305 31:239

Smith degradation (continued) Sodium chondroitin 4-sulfate, 52:379, 381

of plant cell-wall polysaccharides, 42:277, Sodium cytidine 2,3-cyclic phosphate,
28 I-282,284 dihydrate, crystal structure, 43:357-358
of polysaccharides, 24:340,342,28:98-101, Sodium D-glucuronate, circular dichroism,
31~203-210 45: 104- 105
of xylans, 36:235,242 Sodium diammineplatinum(I1) inosine 5-
Snail monophosphate, crystal structure,
galactan 43:308-309
Barry degradation of, 31:203 Sodium diphenylborinates
degradation by Weermann reaction, boronates from, 35:3941
31:211 carbohydrate, preparation, 35:70
Smith degradation of, 31:209 Sodium diphenylborinates, polysaccharide,
L-arabinanases from, 32:283 carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic resonance
lectin spectra, 38: 103
carbohydrate-binding specificity, 35:242 Sodium o-isoascorbate, monohydrate, crystal
composition, 35:240 structure bibliography, 38:42042 1
hemagglutinating activity, 35:239 Sodium dodecylsulfate, 53:375-376
isolation, 35: 138 Sodium ethoxide, complex with o-glucose,
purification and properties, 35:240 21:258
Snow tussock, hemicellulose-cellulose ratio, Sodium P-D-glucopyranuronate, monohydrate,
36:253 crystal structure, 43:338
Sodiocellulose, crystal structure bibliography Sodium 1.-gulonate, preparation, 38:299
of, and regeneration complexes, Sodium heparinate, see Heparin
33:394-395 Sodium hyaluronate
Sodiocellulose 11, crystal structure circular dichroism, 45:113-114
bibliography, 35:379 crystal structure bibliography, 33:402,
Sodium aluminate, 53:325 35:383-385
Sodium amalgam, aldonolactone reduction, 3-fold helix, 52:375-376
50:157 4-fold helix, 52:372-374
Sodium amide, sucrate production by, in N,N- Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy,
dimethylformamide or methyl sulfoxide, 44:61
27:93 structure, 52:421
Sodium L-ascorbate, crystal structure, 31:364, Sodium hydride
37:83-84 in methylations, 30:53
Sodium a i d e , reaction with deoxy halosucrose, and methyl sulfoxide in methylation of
33:26&268 carbohydrates, 30: 12-13
Sodium borohydride, effect on ketonucleoside sucrate production by, in N,N-
stability, 42:248 dimethylformamide or methyl
Sodium borohydride-d, deuteration of sugars sulfoxide, 27:93
with, 27:129 Sodium hydrogensulfite, 1,6-anhydro-
Sodium borohydride-t, tritiation of sugars by, hexopyranose cleavage by, 34:69
27: I29 Sodium iodide
Sodium bromide, complex with sucrose, complex with sucrose, 21:215
structure of, 21:236 systems with sucrose, 21:211
Sodium carbonate, complex with sucrose, Sodium ion, effect on reducing sugars in
21:213 solution, 42:33
Sodium carboxylates, effect on proton nuclear Sodium isosorbide 5-nitratq 49: 134-135
magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 29:23 Sodium metaperiodate, selective oxidation of
Sodium chloride, 53:322-323 1,2-glycols with, 33:93-95
system with o-glucose, 21:211 Sodium methoxide

complex with o-glucose, 21:258 purification, 35210

reaction with sugar sulfonates, 23:279 starch
sucrate production by, in N,N- alkali number as function of milling
dimethylformamide or methyl duration, 51:256
sulfoxide, 27:93 compressibility, 51:255
Sodium pectate, 52:350,352-353 dextrinization, 47:289,291-292
structure, 52:4 1 3 4 1 4 dextrins from. 47:3 17-3 18
Sodium perchlorate, cyclodextrin inclusion solubility, 47:291,293
complexes with, 46:222,224 disruption in electrolyzer, 51:308-309
Sodium poly-(L-gulopyranuronate), chelation of gelatinization, 51:25&25 1
Ca2+to, circular dichroism, 45: 105-1 06 enthalpy, native and freeze-dried,
Sodium saccharin, relative sweetness, 45332 51:297
Sodium salicylate, 53:3 19 temperatures, 51:296
Sodium strontium-a-o-,galactopyran- uronate properties, after high-energy electron
hexahydrate, crystal structure irradiation, 51 :265-266
bibliography, 34:348 Staudinger index and viscosity, 51:257
Sodium taurodeoxycholate, activator for thermal analysis, 51:248-249
enzymic hydrolysis of glycosphingolipids, thermolyzed or UV-irradiated, spins.
40:281-285 51:295-296
Sodium thiosulfate-phenolphthalein test, for water-soluble dextrins as function of water
sugar oxiranges, 25170 content, 51:27 I
Sodium thymidylyL(5 +3 )-thymidylate-( 5 ), Solatriose, 24:7
dodecahydrate, crystal structure Solubility
bibliography, 37:43 1 4 3 2 caramel, 47:217
Sodium (trimethylenediamine)bis(inosine 5- determination of, of sugars, 27:90
phosphato)platinum(II)inosine 5 - mutarotation constant and, 23: 18
phosphate, hydrate, 43:374 mutarotation measurement by, 23:5 I
Sofa conformation, 26: 122 of quinoxaline carbohydrate derivatives,
Soil 29: IS8
carbohydrates in, 16:335-355 solvation and, of sugars, 27:86-90
organic matter, spectral analysis and of sugars, 23: 19
identification, 44:24 test, for enzyme purity, 23:28S
polysaccharides, chromatography of, 25:43 Solutions, of polysaccharides, physical
Solanesol, 44:349 properties of, 18:357-398
structure, 44:346 Solvation
Solanidine, 24:7 of carbohydrate-metal salt complexes,
Solanine, 24:7 21:226
Solanum gluucophyllum, 46: 14 effect on ring structure and conformation,
Solanurn tuberosum 23:33
cell-wall studies on, 42:308 energy, 47:89-90, 1 IS
D-glucose from, 2 5 7 solubility and, of sugars. 27:86-90
extracts Solvent effects, 53:270-272
o-mannitol determination in, by gas-liquid Solvent exchange
chromatography, 28:57 base-catalyzed, in labeling sugars with
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:43 hydrogen isotopes, 27: 133
lectin enzyme-catalyzed, in labeling sugars with
amino acids, 35:211 hydrogen isotopes, 27: 134
carbohydrate-binding specificity, 3 5 2 I2 hydride and proton exchange related to
hemagglutinating activity, 3 5 2 10 enediol or oxido-reduction mechanisms,
isolation. 3 5 1 3 8 27:156-162

Solvent exchange (continued) of glycosyl halides, 22:38

of hydrogen isotopes, mechanism of, 27: 153 hydrogen fluoride in methanol, 47: 195
localization of proton movement, mechanism of, 31:4
27: 162-1 7 1 and of deamination, 31: 1 1
on oxidation in deuterium oxide of hydrazino of sulfonates of sugars, 25:203-209
group, labeling of sugars with hydrogen techniques, 47: 173-1 74
isotopes by, 27:135 Solvophobic theory, 47:89
platinum-catalyzed in deuterium oxide, Somatostatin, glycosylated, 50:299
27:137 Sophora japonica lectin
Solvents agglutinating activity, 35250-254
acids (organic) as, for sugars, 27: 102 carbohydrate-binding specificity, 3 5 2 5 1
aliphatic amines as, for sugars, 27:112 isolation, 35:138
aprotic, for sugars, 27:105-123 purification, 35:250
for carbon-I 3 nuclear magnetic resonance Sophorose
spectroscopy, 41:29-30 @-eliminationand degradation of, 31:212
for chromatography of glycosyl esters of benzylidene derivatives, reactions with N-
nucleoside pyrophosphates, 28:3 1I bromosuccinimide, 26: 164
for displacement reactions, 28:229 interaction with concanavalin A, 35: 184-186
of carbohydrate sulfonic esters, 24: 140 liquid chromatography methods for analysis
effect of, 46:33
on ammonolysis of carbohydrate acyl mass spectrometry of, 29:99
esters, 31:99-102 monohydrate, crystal structure bibliography,
on deamination of amines, 31:16 38:45045 1
on decomposition of nitrosoamides of pyrolysis of, 34:45
carbohydrates, 31:68 structure, 35:186
on conformation, 26:86, 95, 104 Sophorosyldihydrochalcones,p-D-,45280
on formation of anomeric cyanides, Sorbic acid, precursor for sugar synthesis,
33:141 40:24-26
on glycosidation reactions, 34:277 Sorbitol, see Glucitol, D-
on mutarotation Sorbofuranose
of monosaccharides, 28:39 4,6-anhydro-2,3-O-isopropylidene-a-~-,
of sugars, 24:15,60,62 24: 172
on proton chemical shifts, 29: 13 1-deoxy-2,3 :4,6-di-O-isopropylidene- 1-,
in reduction with lithium aluminum phthalimido-a-L-, crystal structure
hydride, 23:269 bibliography, 37:405
heterocyclic, for sugars, 27: 1 17 1-deoxy-2,3:4,6-di-O-isopropylidene- 1-,
inorganic, for sugars, 27:90-96 thiocyanato-a-L-, 44: 145
nonaqueous 2,3:4,6-di-methylene-a-~-, 26:248
for carbohydrates, 27:85-125 1,3:4,6-di-O-benzylidene-, p-L-,26:2 10
reducing sugar composition in, 4236042, 2,3 :4,6-di-O-benzylidene-, a-L-, 26:2 10,
68 248
organic, for proton magnetic resonance 2,3 :4,6-di-O-(2-butylidene)-, a-L-,26:248
spectroscopy of polysaccharides, 27:40 2,3 :4,6-di-O-cyclohexylidene-, a-L-, 26:249
for sugars, 27:96-123 1,3:4,6-di-O-ethylidene-, p-L-, 26:209,247
protic, for sugars, 27:96-105 2,3 :4,6-di-O-ethylidene-, a-L-,26:209,247
for sulfonylation of carbohydrates, 23:236 1,2:4,6-di-O-isopropylidene-
for trimethylsilylation, 28:29 01-L-, 26:206-207
water, access to active site, 48:38&381 conformation of, 26: 12 1
Solvolysis mass spectrum of, 26:233
chitin, 47:171-172 p-L-,26:208

1,3:4,6-di-O-isopropylidene-, P-L-, 26:208, a - ~ -crystal

, structure, 43:2 17
246 L-
2,3:4,6-di-0-isopropylidene- S-deoxy-5-fl~oro-a-,'~C-NMR data for.
a-D-,26:246 46: 173
01-L-, 26~245 selective oxidation of. 33:86
conformation of, 26:223 taste properties, 45254
effect of temperature on preparation of, 3-0-acetyl- 1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-P-~-,
26:201-202 conformation of, 26:225
electro-oxidation of, 29: 122, 124 5-0-acetyl- 1.2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-p-~-,
mass spectra of, 29:77 conformation of, 26:225
mass spectrum of, 26:232 1,2-O-ethylidene-a-~-,26:209.247
preparation of, 26:206 I ,3-0-ethylidene-u-~-,26:209, 247
2-0-acetyl-l,3:4,6-di-O-isopropylidcne-~-~-, 1,2-O-isopropylidene-a-t-, 26:246
conformation of, 26:222 acetonation of, 26:205
1-0-(2-ethoxy-2-propyI)-2,3:4,6-di-O- 1,2-O-isopropyIidene-4-O-methyl-~-~-,
isopropylidene-a-L-, 26:206 263246
1,2-0- isopropylidene-a+-, 26:208 1,2-O-isopropylidene-4-0-niethyl-P-~-,
2,343- isopropylidene-a-L-, 26:245 conformation equilibrium, 36:5
effect of temperature on preparation of, 3.4.5-tri-0-acetyl- 1,2,-0-isopropylidene-a-
26:20 I L-, conformation of, 26:224
mechanism of preparation of, 26:206 Sorbopyranoside
1,4,6-tri-0-acetyl-2,3-0-isopropylidene-a-~-, ethyl 4,5-di-O-acetyl- 1,3-O-isopropylidene-
conformation of, 26:223 a-L-.conformation of, 26:224
Sorbofuranoside methyl 4-amino-4-deoxy-a-~-,24:97
4-chloro-4-deoxy-a-~-galactopyranosyl methyl 4-deoxy-4-nitro-a-~-,24:97
1,4,6-trichIoro- 1,4,6-tndeoxy-P-i1-, methyl I ,3-0-benzylidene-4,5-di-O-
sweetness, 45269 (methylsulfony1)-a+-, displacement
methyl 4,6-di-O-acetyl-l,3-0- reactions of, 24: 16 I
isopropylidene-P-L-, confonnation of, Sorbosazine, preparation of, 31: 125
26:222 Sorbose, 7:99-136
methyl 4,6-0-isopropylidene-a-~-, 2,3: 4,6-di-O-isopropylidene-t.-, electro-
conformation of, 26:223 oxidation of, 29: 122
Sorbopyranose 6-acetamido-6-deoxy-~-,composition in
a-D-,conformation in solution, 26:86 aqueous solution, 4 2 5 0
a-I.- a-D-
conformation in solution, 26:86 conformation of, 23:30
sweetness-structure relationship, minus a-D-xylose, difference-circular
45:250-252 dichroism spectra, 45:8 1
taste properties, 45:242 a - ~ -crystallography
, of, 25:61,31:365
6-amino-6-deoxy-~-,23: 145 6-arnino-6-deoxy-r-, composition in aqueous
D- solution, 42:49
4-deo~y-4-fluoro-a-,'~C-NMR data for, 1-chloro- I -deoxy-L-, preparation of, 28:247
46:173 composition in aqueous solution, 42:32,
4-deoxy-4-fluoro- 1,2-0-isopropylidene- 37-38.41.65
p-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, D-
46: 144 cyclic acetals, properties of. 26:263-271
4-deoxy-4-fluoro-a-o-, 48: 183 polarography of, 29: 126
5-deoxy-5-fluoro-a-~-,preparation, 38:2 I 8 6-deoxy.. composition in aqueous solution,
1,2:3,4-di-0-isopropylidene-P-~-,26:2 I3 42:38,65
26:2 13
1,2:4,5-di-0-isopropylidene-P-t.-, 4-deoxy-4-fluoro-a-~-preparation, 38:2 I8

Sorbose (continued) liquid chromatography methods for analysis

1-deoxy-L-, composition in aqueous solution, of, 46:33
42:65 1-O-benzoyl-3,5:4,6-di-O-ethylidene-~-,
1,4:3,6-dianhydro-~-,25261 26:247
2,3 :4,6-di-O-isopropylidene-~-, reaction with 1,3-O-benzylidene-r-, proton magnetic
triphenylphosphine-carbon resonance spectroscopy and
tetrachloride, 28:247 tautomerization of, 26:226
1,6-di-O-trityI-o-, diethyl dithioacetal, 1,3,4,5,6-penta-O-acetyl-keto-
preparation of, 32:46 D-, reaction with ethanethiol, 32:34
DL-, 21~12-13 L-
crystallography of, 25:61 ammonolysis of, 31:89
L- photolysis, cyclobutanol formation,
absorptive rate by human jejunum, 34:289 38:128
acetalation of, mechanism of, 26:205-218 preparation, 36: 11
ammonolyis of, 31:90 6-S-ethyl-6-thio-~-,preparation of, 33: 100
conformation of, 26:213 3,4,5,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-keto-~-, preparation,
conversion into L-ascorbic acid, 37: 1 14
37~105-112 Sorbose 6-phosphate, composition in aqueous
oxidation, chemical, 37: 106-1 10 solution, 42:46
fermentative, 37: 108-109, 1 11-1 12 Sorboside, methyl (Y-DL-, synthesis, 40:71
synthesis from D-glucitol, 37:91-92, Sorburonic acid, L-, dehydration of, 28: 189
1I4 Sordelli, A,, 46: 1 1
cyclic acetals, 26: 198,245-249 Somidipine, 49: 163
properties of, 26:263-271 Sorption, 53:304-307,3 12-313
thin-layer chromategraphy of, 26:233 Sowden, John Clinton, obituary of, 20: 1-1 0
dihexulose dianhydrides from, Soybean
52: 2 18-220 agglutinin, glycoprotein (compound 72), 'H-
from ~~-2,3-dihydroxypropanal, NMR spectroscopy, 41:366
49: 193-1 94 cell wall studies on, 42:278,280-281,
effect of alkali tetraborate on rotation of, 283-284,327,358-359
23:36 ethyl a-o-galactoside in, 37:320
electro-oxidation of, 29: 123 extracts, ethyl a-D-gaiactoside in, and
infrared spectrum of, 23:39 gas-liquid chromatography, 2 8 5 4
L-galactosaccharinic acids, from, 28: 195 lectin
from L-idose rearrangement, 28:5 amino acids, 35:234
oxidation of, 22:4 biological activity, 35238
pentaacetate, Wittig reaction with, 27:247 biophysical characteristics, 35:233-234
proton magnetic resonance spectra and carbohydrate-binding specificity,
structure of acetalation products, 35236238
26:226 hemagglutinating activity, 35:23 1
reaction with acetone, 26:201 interaction with cellular structures, 35:3 17
selective oxidation with silver carbonate- isolation, 3 5 1 3 8
on-celite, 33:97 purification, 35:232-233
solubility in methanol, effect of calcium toxicity, 35232
chloride on, 27:95 lectin glycan, structure, 37: 175
transport into yeast cells, 32:148 polysaccharides of, 24:362
utilization by Saccharomyces Spadicol, 44:349
cerevisiae, 32: 148 structure, 44:346
utilization by yeast, 32:230 Spear grass, hemicellulose-cellulose ratio,
trimethylsilylation of, 28:24 36:253

Specificity, of enzymes, in the domain of Sphingolipidosis, 40:265-266, 268

carbohydrates, 949-78 Sphingolipids, biosynthesis of, 26:442450
Specific rotation Sphingosines, 24:382
products of dextrinization, 47:301 biosynthesis of, 24:394
and refractive index of methyl D- derivatives trichloroacetimidate
galactosides, 30:4 glycosylation with, 50:58-59
Spectinomycin D-galactosyl-, 24:394,396
biosynthesis and structure, 35: 1 18-1 2 I dihydro-, 24:382,384-385,390-393
dihydro- synthesis by Wittig reaction, 27:238
formation, 35: 119, 121 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:56
preparation and antibacterial activity, N, (2-hydroxytetracosanoyl)-, 24:396
30:181 N-acyl-, linkage with oligosaccharidemoiety,
discovery of, 30: 112 24:42 1
N,N-bis (trifluoroacety1)-, and 9- natural and synthetic, 24:39&393
trifluoroacetate, antibacterial activity of, N-stearoyl-, o-glucosides and lactoside,
30:181-182 24:42 I
structure of, 30:136 3-0-benzoyl-N-octadecanoyl- 1-0-(2,4,6-tri-
Spectroscopy, see also specific o p e O-acetyl-/3-~-galactopyranosyl)-~~-
I3C NMR, 53:25 dihydro-, 24:408
of o-fructose and derivatives, 22:236 O-~-galactosyl-N-(2-hydroxytetracosanoyl)-,
electron resonance, 53:287-288 sulfate, 24:403
of gels, 24:309 palmitoyl-, D-galactosides, 24:421
infrared, 53:286 stereochemical aspects of, 24:384
and carbohydrate chemistry, 19:2349 structure. 40:236-237
in conformational analysis, 26:54 synthesis and structure of, 27:238,241
of sugar oxiranes, 25: 170 Spinach
of lectins, 35: 134 chloroplasts, thiamine synthesis, 52:277
microwave, in conformational analysis, gibberellin effects on cell cultures of, 42:343
2655 Spindle-tree lectin, carbohydrate-binding
Mossbauer, 53:287 specificity, 35:145
nuclear magnetic resonance, in Spin-lattice relaxation time, 38: 15, 26, 28-35,
conformational analysis, 26:55 45: 128
Raman, 53:286-287 Spin-spin relaxation times, measurements,
Il9Sn NMR, 53:19-20 51:72
spectra Spiramycin, sugar component mycaminose,
infrared, of carbohydrates, 12: 13-33 28:297
mass, of monosaccharides with acetmido Spire[( 1-acetyl-2-(methyl4,6-0-benzylidene-
in ring, 23:201 2,3-dideoxy-a-D-arubino-hexopyranosid-
spectrometers, nuclear magnetic resonance, 3-yl)aziridine], crystal structure,
29:25,21 43:247-248
UV, 53:284285 Spirodioxanyl pseudo-oligosaccharides,
visible, 53:28&285 52:220-22 1
Spergualin, 48: 10 Spiro systems, nomenclature, 52: 146147
Spermatozoa Spleen, gangliosides, of, 24:432
o-fructose metabolism in, 34:298-305 Sponge
regulation of, 34:302 glycolipid content, see Glycolipids
fmctolysis by, 34:300-302 lectin, isolation and properties, 3 5 3 15-3 16
Sphuerophorus globosus, polysaccharide, 41 :76 Spongoadenosine, synthesis of, 31:4
Sphinganine, 24:382,384-385,390-393 Spongothymidine, 24: 180
4-o-hydroxy; 24:384 Spongouridine, 24: 180

Spore germination, a,-a-trehalose as energy universities and industryigovemment,

source in, 30:255 52:4
Sporobolomyces roseus, glucogalactans, 41 : sporting prowess, 52:4
100 typhoid fever vaccine work, 52:6
Sporobolomyces singularis, in glycosyl University of Birmingham, 52:2-3
transfer, 32:128,209 vitamin C research, 5 2 : 5 4
Sporothrix schenchli Stachyose
amylose, 41:68 biosynthesis, 26:374,37:285,288, 356358
galactomannan, 41:93 in fenugreek seeds, 35:352
polysaccharide, 4 1:73 carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance
rhamnomannans, 41:90 spectrum, 38:3 1
Spruce, polysaccharides from, 24:374 catabolism by yeasts, 32: 183
Spurlin analysis I3C nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of,
of methylation of D-glucose, 33:54,56 33:217
of relative activities of hydroxyl groups, in endosperm during germination, 35:357
33:61, 64, 67 hydrate, crystal structure bibliography,
Squeegee, definition, 36:229 34:372
Srivastava method, of methylation of nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates,
carbohydrates, 30: 1 1, 15 45: 149
SS-56-C, antibiotic, discovery of, I 12 isolation occurrence, 37:303-304
and structure of, 30: 134 of oligosaccharides, occurrence, 37:306309
Stability structure, 37:308
of aldose oxiranges, 25: 120 photosynthesis, 37:35 1-353
of carbohydrate-metal salt complexes, spin-lattice relaxation of )C nuclei in, 27:60
21:227 structure, 37:303
of cyclic acetals, 26:202 Stannic chloride, in anhydridization of hexoses,
of furanoid and pyranoid derivatives, 21: 135, 34:46
29:291-298 Stannous chloride dihydrate, as catalyst for
of sulfonic esters of carbohyderates, 23:257 diazomethane methylations, 33:70
Stabilizers, 0-(carboxyrnethyl) cellulose as, for Staphylococci, kanamycin-neomycin phosphate
milk proteins, 29:32 1 transferase in, 30:204
Stacey, Maurice, 52: 1-19 Staphylococcus aureus
amino sugar work, 52: 15 Copenhagen, teichoic acid from, 21:360
analytical chemistry, 52: 18 H, teichoic acid from, 21:359
authoring papers, 52:4 teichoic acid from, 21:342
awards, 52:6, 19 Staphylococcus lactis. teichoic acid from,
childhood, 52: 1-2 21:342,347,350
community roles, 52:3-4 Starch, 46:295, see also Corn starch
desosamine work, 52: 14-15 a-amylase action on, mechanism of, 23:328
dextran work, 52:8-9 absorption curves, ultrasound effects, 51:306
DNA studies, 52:11-12 acetals, preparation of, 29:339
effects of y-radiation on saccharides studies, acetate, in food industry, 29:330
52:17 acetobrominolysis of, 22:23
fluorine chemistry, 52: 18-19 acid hydrolysis of, 46:296
gram-staining reaction studies, 52: 12 action of water on, 47:303
horticultural interests, 52:2 adipate, in food industry, 29:330
influence of colleagues, 52:4 affinity chromatography adsorbent, 39:419
Mason professor of chemistry, 52:3 alginate complexes, 53:411412
polysaccharide structure work, 52: 17- I8 alkali-lability, 47:293,295
promotion of collaborations between amino derivatives of, 26: I6

amylose and amylopection in, detemiination y-radiation effect, 47:225

of, 32:6 guest complexes
analysis by gas-liquid chromatography, alcohols, 53:360-361, 363-364
28:47 aldehydes, 53:365-366
beta-amylolysis value, 47:298-299 amines, 53:373-374
biosynthesis of, 26:382-386,30:320 ammonium salts, 53:322-326
canna, structure of, 32:5 Arrhenius acids, 53:313-314
carboxymethyl ethers, preparation of, 29:3 19 bases, 53:313-314
cellulose complexes, 53:412413 carboxyamides, 53:374
changes in solid during pyrolysis carboxylic acids, 53:367-372
physical, 22:486 carboxylic esters, 53:372-373
structural, 22:489 dyes with, 53:376-385
composition, 36:16 ethers, 53:365
hydrolysis, acid catalyst system, 36:20-30 formation, 53:348-349
acid-catalyzed, 36:42 haloalkanes, 53:357
economic considerations, 36:34 hydrocarbons, 53:352-353
enzyme-catalyzed, 36:3 1-43 ketones, 53:366-367
physical characteristics, 36: 18 metal hydroxides, 53:3 14-315
sweeteners, 36: 15-56 monosaccharides with, 53:400415
containing fatty acids, 47:303-304 nitrogen-based compounds, 53:357,358
cross-linked, preparation and use of, nontransi tion metals, 53:322-3 26
29~353-355 oligosaccharides with, 53:400405
decomposition, 47:279-28 1 phenols, 53:364-365
degradation to D-glucose with glucoamylase, preparation. 53:350-352
30:28 1 salts, 53:316-322
degree of dextrinization, 47:286-287 sorption, 53:312-313
6-deoxy-6-iodo-, preparation of, 29:348 structures, 53:263-264, 346-348
depolymerization, 47:280 sulfates, 53:375-376
derivatives, 53:411412 sulfur-containing, 53:359-360
dextrin complexes, 53:411412 vitamins, 53:374-375
dextrins from, structure of, 22:490 hydrogen fluoride as solvent for, 27:93
differential thermal analysis, 22:487, 489, hydrolysis of, 22:85
47~299-300 iodine complex
effect of auxins on, 21:386 alcohol effects, 53:283
end-group assays, 3 5 8 applications, 53:296-298
in endosperm and cotyledon during chemical properties, 53:293-294,296
germination, 35:356-361 electrolyte effects, 53:272
enzymes for degradation and synthesis of, formation, 53:278-284
23~281-366 history, 53:264-266
enzymes in structural analysis of, organic compound effects, 53:272-274
30~302-332 physical properties. 53:284292
enzymic conversion into D-glucose and u- preparation, 53:266-268
glucose-D-fructose mixture, 34:286 protein effects, 53:272-274
enzymic degradation of. 3:25 1-3 10. solvent effects, 53:270-272
17:407430,25:9,30:285-302.33:4 starch origins, 53:268-270
enzymic synthesis of, 17:371407, 25:Y, state, 53:268-270
34:6 structure, 53~274-278
ferricyanide number, 47:294,296 iron complex, 53:326--327
flondean, 2 5 9 laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:83
fractionation of, 1:247-277, 16:299-333 lipid complexes

Starch (continued) sorption-desorption hysteresis,

characteristics, 53:385-386 5 1:248-249
digestibility, 53:399400 thermal analysis, 51:248-249
functional properties, 53:396-399 water, 51:250
native, 53:386-387 molecular-weight determination, and starch-
preparation, 53:387-388, 390-392 iodine reaction, 29:400
properties, 53:392-393,395 nitrates of, 13:331-345
structure, 53:392-393 0-(carbamoylethy1)-, preparation of, 29:328
mercaptolysis of partially methylated, 32:47 0-(2-hydroxyethyl)-
methylation analysis of rice, 30:5 degree of substitution in, 29:3 17
modification, 51:243-3 10 hydrolysis of, 29:3 I8
depolymerization, 5 1:244 as plasma extender, 29:3 18
electrical phenomena, 51:307-3 10 pyrolysis of, 22:504
freezing, 51:296-298 0-vinyl-, preparation of, 29:326
infrared radiation, 51:298 oxidation, 37: 1 18
irradiated periodate-oxidized, derivative in
applications, 51:292 insolubilization, 29:34 1
biological studies, 51:291-292 phosphates
irradiation phosphorus content, 51:250,253
with high-energy electrons, 51:263, preparation of, 29:334
265-267 physical chemistry of, 11:335-385
with neutrons, 51:263-264 polarography and reactivity of, 29: 159
ultrasonic, 51:245-246,302-303, polymer complexes, 53:413
305-307 polymerization in hydrogen fluoride, 21:446
visible and ultraviolet light, 51:292- polysaccharide complexes, 53:4114 12
296 preparation and properties of esters of,
with x-rays, 51:263-265 1~219-307
mechanical, 51:254262 protein complexes
alkali number and milling duration, characteristics, 53:405
51:256 native, 53:405406
compression effect, 51:254-255 synthetic, 53:40&411
conductivity and compression, 51:261 pyrolysis of, 34:3845, 152,47:335-344
dielectric constant, pressure and course of decomposition, 47:336-337
humidity effects, 51:261-262 effect of inorganic salts, 47:340
DTA and DTG curves, compression fragmentation, 47:338-339
effect, 51:258-259 gaseous and liquid fractions, 47:336,339
gelation temperature under high kinetics, 47:340
pressure, 51:257-258 mechanism of, 34:4345
organoleptic changes, 51:256 origin of starch and, 47:336
powder diffractogram and compression, pressure and temperature, 47:336
51:260 products, 47:336, 338
shaking and compression effect on volatile decomposition, products from,
spins, 51:254 22:498,502-503,505-506,508
microwave radiation, 51:299-304 volatile products, 47:336, 339
nonconventional, 51 :244248 radiation-induced degradation, 37:75
solvent effects, 51:248-253 rate of dextrinization, 47:286,288
desiccation effects, 51:248, 25G25 1 relative reactivities of hydroxyl groups in,
mashing, 51:25 1-252 33:64
microscopic observation in normal and screw model of, 46:215
polarized light, 51:250,252 sodium glycolate, 25:8

solubility in methyl sulfoxide, 27: 108-109 esters of nucleoside pyrophosphates,

structure of, 26:16,35:10 28:364
from sweet corn, structure of, 3 2 5 on hydrolysis of glycosyl esters of
synthesis, 2 5 8 nucleoside 5 '-pyrophosphates,
synthetase, 23:364, 26:384 28:358
kinetics, 23:289 effect on hydrolysis of glycosides, 2242,
syrups, analysis by gas-liquid 52
chromatography, 28:58 enzymes in determination of, 27: 141
thermal degradation of, 22:483-5 15 formulas, writing of, in a plane, 3: 1-22
thermal stability of, 22:498 of hydnde exchange, 27: 159
transformation, see Dextrins of hydrogen transfer, 27: 170
water complexes and mass spectrometry, 21:79,92,30:39
analysis, 53:310-312 of nucleoside synthesis, 29:4
binding capacity, 53:320-32 I of oxirane derivatives of aldoses, 25: 122
problems, 53:298-300 of 0x0 reaction, 23:78
sorption, 53:304-307 of phytosphingosines and sphingosines,
starch origins, 53:307-3 10 24:384
water in, 53:300-304 of polysaccharides, analysis of, 33:389
xanthates, preparation and use of, 29:346 radical-mediated brominations, 49:7 1-75
Starch-iodine reaction, and complex formation, of sugars, 3 9 5
29:398 of Wittig normal and abnormal products,
Starch Round Table, 39:9 27:290-292
Starfish, glycolipids, see Glycolipids Stereoisomers, mass spectra of, 21:59
Staudinger equation, viscosity-molecular Stereoselective synthesis, of asymmetric
weight, 29:319, 321 sulfoxides, 27:222
Stearic acid, methyl ester, transesterification of Stereoselectivity
carbohydrates with, 33:44 of ammonia addition to a, p-unsaturated
Stereocaulonjaponicum, polysaccharide, 41 :76 acids, 27:264
Stereochemistry carbohydrates in asymmetric syntheses,
and ammonolysis of disaccharides, 31:96 27~192-204,214
of p-eliminative degradation of alginic acid, in deoxynitroalditol formation, 24: 106
29:251 in hydrogenation, hydroboration, and
of heparin, 29:243, 25 1 mercuration-demercuration of
synthetic models for, 29:255-27 I unsaturated sugars, 27:241-244
biochemistry and, 21:34 hydrogenolysis, 39: 124135
of branched-chain sugars, 32:40 Stereospecificity, fluorination of carbohydrates,
conformation and, 26:75 38:259,266
of cyclic acetals, 34: 198-202 Steric effects, in sulfonylation of carbohydrates,
of cyclic derivatives of carbohydrates, 23~237
10: l-53,36:4 Steric factors
and cyclization of dithioacetal sulfonates, effect on conformational equilibria, 26:95,
3249 106, 124
cytostatic activity and, of carbohydrates, in selective esterification of carbohydrates,
28:7 33: 13-1 9
of deamination of carbohydrate amines. Steric hindrance
31~10,12-17 in ammonolysis of disaccharides, 31:93, 95
and displacement of sulfonyloxy groups in effect
dithioacetals, 3 2 5 1 on displacement reactions, 24: 152
of dithioacetals, 32:20-23, 90,98-100 on gel chromatography, 2 5 3 1
effect on enzymic reactions of glycosyl on reactivities of hydroxyl groups, 33:28

Steric hindrance (continued) synthesis of, 30: 116

on trimethylsilylation or deoxy-
dimethylsilylation, 28:32 biosynthesis, 35:104, 117
Steric strain, effect on selective periodate trifluoroacetate, gas-liquid
oxidation of cyclic glycols, 33:94 chromatography of, 28537
Steroidal saponins, hydrolysis of, 28: 15 1,3-di-N-acetyl-
Steroids 1,3-di-N-methyl-5-0-methyl-2-deoxy-,
in biosynthesis of polysaccharides, 26:439 from gentamkin C, 30: 127
conjugates with o-glucuronic acid, synthesis, from sisomicin derivative, 30: 130
36~92-96 from tohramycin, 30: 124
fluorinations, 38:2 19, 230 2,4-di-O-acetyl-l,3-di-N-methyl-5-0-
of glycosiduronic acids, preparation, methyl-2-deoxy-, preparation of,
36:77-78 30: 124
0-trimethylsilyl and hifluoroacetates, 28:3 1 5-0-methyl-2-deoxy-, from kanamycin
selective acylation with ethoxycarbonyl derivative, 30: 122
chloride, 33:20 6-O-methyl-2-deoxy-, configuration of,
trimethylsilylation of, 28:26, 28 30:117
Sterol o-ghcosides, biosynthesis of, 26:454 from ribostamycin derivative, 30: 13I
Steryl glucosides, trimethylsilylation of, 28:28 di-N-acetyltetra-0-acetyl-, 24: 101
Stevia rehaudiana Bertoni. 45:285 1,3-di-N-(benzyloxycarbonyl)-2-deoxy-,
Stevioside isopropylidene derivative, preparation
1,6-anhydride formation from, 34:33 of, 30: 143
structure of, 31:4,45:289 1,3-di-N-methyl-
taste properties, 45:285-286 2-deoxy-, preparation of, 30: 124
Stoichiometry 4,5-di-O-methyl-3-deoxy-,
of carbohydrate-alkali metal alcoholate stereochemistry of, 30: 123
formation, 21:259 4,6-di-O-a-o-, glucopyranosyl-2-deoxy-,
of carbohydrate-alkali metal hydroxide synthesis of, 30: 162
complexes, 21:248 4,6-di-O-( 6-amino-6-deoxy-a-o-
of carbohydrate-alkaline-earth metal glucopyranosyl)-2-deoxy-, synthesis
complexes, 21:25 1 and antibacterial activity, 30:160
of carbohydrate-metal salt complexes, N-methyl-5-O-P-~-talopyranosyl-2-deoxy-,
21:222 from destomycin A, 30: 133
Stokes-Einstein-Debye equation, 51:74 4-0-(a-~-glucopyranosy~)-2-deoxy-,
Stokes lines, 44:68 synthesis of, 30:146-147
Stoppani, A.O.M., 46:13 5-0-(a-o-g~ucopyranosyl)-2-deoxy-,
Storage glycoproteins, in plants, functional synthesis of, 30: 149
aspects, 44:383 6-0-(a-o-glucopyranosyl)-2-deoxy-,
Strawberry, development physiology of, synthesis of, 30:145, 147
42:341-342,346-347,363,313-375, 4-0-( 4-amino-4-deoxy-a-o-
378-379,381 glucopyranosyl)-2-deoxy-,synthesis of,
Strehloside, 39:302 30:147-148
Strecker degradation, 46:311-312,315,317 4 - 0 4 6-amino-6-deoxy-a-o-
Streptamine glucopyranosyl)-2-deoxy-, synthesis of,
biosynthesis, 35: I 17 30:142, 145
deamination of peracetate, 31:36 5 - 0 4 2-arnino-2-deoxy-a-~-
2-deoxy- glucopyranosyl)-2-deoxy-, synthesis of,
in gentamicin and sisomycin, 29: 105 30: 148-1 49
N-acylation of, 30: 175 6-0-( 2-amino-2-deoxy-a-o-
configuration of, 30: 1 18 glucopyranosyl)-2-deoxy-,preparation

and activity of, 141, mino)-, Streptolydigin, 21: 196

dihydrochloride pentahydrate, crystal Streptomutin A, production and structure,
structure bibliography, 30:464 35: I06
6-0-(3-amino-3-deoxy-a-~-glucopyranosyl)- Streptomyces spp.
2-deoxy-, synthesis of, 142-144,30:158 branched-chain sugars from antibiotics from,
6-0-(4-amino-4-deoxy-a-~-glucopyranosyl)- 42:76
2-deoxy-, synthesis of, 30: 148 o-glucose isomerase source, 36:47
6-0- (3,6-diamino-3,6-dideoxy-a-~- Streptomyces curacoi, 46: I4
glucopyranosyl)-2-deoxy-,preparation Streptomyces,frudiae,antibiotics from, mass
and activity of, 30: 142 spectrometry of, 29:96
4-O-glycosyl-2-deoxy-, preparation of, Streptomyces griseochromogenes
30: 129 ketonucleoside intermediate from, 42262
preparation, selective deacetylation. 39:34 Streptomvces h-vgroscopicus
synthesis of, 33:91 1-deoxy-D-threo-pentulose isolation.
Streptidine 52:277-278
biosynthesis, 35102-107, 109 trehalase in, 30:229,253
configuration of, 26:14,30: 114 trehalose 6-phosphate in, 30:241
L-, biosynthesis of, 27: 177 Streptomyces 2755 lectin, isolation,
6-phosphate, biosynthesis, 35: 103- 106, purification, and composition, 35:307
109 Streptomyces massasporeus. a - ~ -
in streptomycin group of antibiotics. 30: arabinofuranosidase from. 42:387-388,
113 390-391
synthesis of, 26: 14,30: 1 14 Streptomyces purpurascens, a-L-
Streptobiosaminide, benzyl a - ~ -preparation
, arabinofuranosidase from, 4 2 3 8 6 3 9 1
of, 30: 154 Streptomycetes, a,-a-trehalose in, 30:234,242
Streptococcus spp. Streptomycin
dextran synthesis by, 30:373-375 a-and p-salts, 30: 115
S.faecalis, 3-O-a-~-glucopyranosyl-a, p- biosynthesis and structure, 35: 102-1 10
trehalose, from, 30:237, 53:212-2 13 chemistry of, 3:337-384
S.mutans, 51: 137-138,53:20+20.5 crystal structure, 25:80,43:349-350
in cariogenic plaques, 30:436 derivatives, preparation and antibacterial
mutan synthesis by mutansucrase. 51: 147 activity of, 30: 178
S. sanguis, in cariogenic plaques, 30:436 dihydro-
teichoic acid from group D, 21:344 biosynthesis, 35: 102
Group B 3-phosphate, structure of, 30:219
capsular polysaccharides, conformations, synthesis of, 30: 1 12, 153-1 56
41:181 synthesis of, and derivative, 34:28 1-282
immunological response, 41: 177 dihydrodeoxy-, preparation and activity of,
structure, 41:167-170 30: I 78
capsular polysaccharide vaccine. discovery of, 30:111-112
41 :196-1 97 fermentation of, 30: 1 16
Streptococcus pneumoniae hydroxy-, discovery of, 30: 1 12
capsular polysaccharides, 47: 176-1 77 inactivated, structure of, 30:2 16
conformations, 41: 180 mannosido-, discovery of, 30: 1 12
structure, 41:170-147 mannosidohydroxy-. preparation of, 30: I 16
polysaccharide vaccines, 41:191-193 mercaptolysis
type 9, capsular polysaccharide, Smith in preparation of, 31: 190
degradation product, f.a.b.-mass and structure determination, 3 2 2 9
spectrometry, 4 5 6 6 N-demethyl-, discovery of, 30:112
Streptolin, hydrolysis of, 34: 122 preparation of, 30:116

Streptomycin (continued) Strontium ion, effect on reducing sugars in

NN-(dialkoxyphenylthio) carbamoyl- solution, 42:33
dideamidinodihydro-, preparation and Strontium L-arabinonate pentahydrate, crystal
activity of, 30:178 structure bibliography, 31:363
6-phosphate, biosynthesis, 35: 109 Strontium 4-0-(4-deoxy-P-~-threo-hex-4-
production, Japan, 48:6 enopyranosyluronic acid)-a-o-
structure determination of, 26: 14 galactopyranuronate, hydrate, crystal
structure of, 30: 1 14 structure bibliography, 37:386
synthesis of, 30: 153-156 Strontium oxide, complex with sucrose, 21:
undecabenzoyl-, antiviral activity of, 30: 178 213
2-Streptomycin-imidaolidine,1,3-dibenzyl-, Strophanthidin
preparation and activity of, 30: 178 a- and P-D-rhamnosides, synthesis of, 27:4
Streptomycin oxime sesquiselenate 3-0-(Cr-D-lyXOSyl)-,21~286
tetrahydrate, crystal structure of, 2 5 8 0 3-a-~-mannopyranosyI-,21:292
Streptomycin phosphate transferase, origins and 3-a-o-rhamnopyranosy~-,21:296
purification of, 30:218-219 3-fl-D-XylOpyranOSyl-, 21 :28 1
Streptomycylamine, dideguanyl-, preparation 3-a-~-arabinopyranosyl-,21:281,285
of, 30:178 3-P-o-glucopyranosyl-, 21:281,288,312
Streptopmycin adenylyl transferase, origin of, ~-~-D-ghKOSyl-~-~-D-g~UCOSy~-~-
30:215-218 cymarosyl-, 21:293
Streptose 3-P-o-rhamnopyranosy1-, 21:296,3 13
a, P-m-dihydro-, synthesis, 40:82 3-0-( 6-deoxy-a-~-mannopyranosyl)-, see
3-deoxy-, synthesis, 40:83 Convallatoxin
dihydro- 3-(6-deoxy-P-~-gulosyl)-, 21 :286
composition in aqueous solution, 42:55 description, 21:274
L-, biosynthesis, 35:98-102 3-(2,6-dideoxy-P-o-ribo-hexopyranosy1)-,
natural occurrence of, 42:72 21:308
structure of, 42:70 3 - 0 - ( a - ~ - m a ~ o s y l )preparation
-, and
synthesis of, 42:78-79 cardiotonic activity of, 27:4
3-dihydro-, synthesis, 40:82 Strophanthidin glycosides
DL- cardiotonic activities of, 21:3 14
synthesis, 42:113 properties of, 21:313,319
tetramethyl acetal, synthesis, 40:64 Strophanthidol
hydroxy 19-O-a-~-rhamnopyranosyl-, 21:294
natural occurrence of, 42:72 3-P-o-glucopyranosyl-, 21:288
structure of, 42:70 3,19-di-0-( a-L-rhamnopyranosy1)-, 2 1:294
identification of, 32:78 K-Strophanthin-h, 21 :293
L-, hiosynthesis, 35:98-102 K-Strophanthoside, 21:292,51: 101
natural occurrence of, 42:72 structure, 38:33
preparation of, 32:38 Strospeside, 39:302
in streptomycin group of antibiotics, 30:113 Structural chemistry, of the hemicellulose,
structure of, 26:14,42:70 14:429468
synthesis of, 30: 1 14,42:78-79,8 1 Structural sequences, in polymers, 38: 14
Streptothricin, hydrolysis of, 34: 122 Structure, see also spec@ substances
Sheptoviridin, effect on protein glycosylation, and antitumor activity, of polysaccharides,
40:339,341 32:258-262
Stromatinia, gum, 36:305 crystallography and, of carbohydrates,
Strontium 3-deoxy-2-C-(hydroxymethyl)-o- 25:53-56
evthro-pentonate, crystal structure of cyclic acetals, mass spectrometry and,
bibliography, 31:364 34: 192-1 94

nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy Succinic dehydrogenase in fruit climacteric,

and, 34:195-198 42:365
deamination in determination of, 3 1:7 1-79 Succinimide
determination of. of carbohydrate aniides, N-bromo-
31: 102-1 10 in acetal preparation, 34: I9 I
enediol, polarography and detection of. cyclic acetal bromination, 39:96-107
29:168-171 oxidation of 4.6-0-benzylideneglycosides
of glycoproteins, 25:407-408 by, 22: 198
of herbicides, biological activity and, 21 :408 reaction with
mass spectormetry in analysis of natural benzylidene acetals, 26: 163-1 68
carbohydrates, 29:41-105 cyclic acetals, 34:206
molecular, 0-benzylidene sugars, 28:268,27&
of cellulose, 19:2 19-246 278
of dextran, 15:341-369 with triphenylphosphine
of glycogen, 12:261-298 reactions with carbohydrates, 28:249
of sucrose, 4:l-35 selective bromination with, 33:78
and polarography of carbohydrates and N-chloro-
derivatives, 29: 142 chlorination of carbohydrates with, 28:250
of polysaccharides, enzymic methods of reaction with cyclic acetals, 39: I 18
analysis of, 30:257-370 N-iodo-
and reactivity correlations, of D- iodination of carbohydrates by, 28:250
glucofuranosidurono-6,3-lactones, reaction with hydrazino carbohydrates,
33~205-210 28:279
Strychnine, ~-gulonate,preparation, 38:299 Succinoglucan, gas-liquid chromatography of,
Styracitol, 25237 28:47,93
Styrene Succinoglycan depolymerase, 44:225-226
copolymerization Sucrase, inhibition by acarbose, 48:88
with 1,6-anhydro-2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-P-~-Sucrates, preparation of, 2792. 1 I0
glucopyranose, 34:74 Sucrose, see also Sugar
with 6,l ',6'-tn-O-(p- acetates, benzoates, and 3-
vinylbenzoyl)sucrose, 33:274 benzoylpropionates, physical properties
polymers, gels, in chromatography, 25: I5 of. 33:284
Submaxillary mucin, 44:240 preparation of, 33:245-250
Substituents acid hydrolysis, 52:455456
determination by mass spectrometry, 21 :44 in water and in deuterium oxide, 24:29
effect on conformation, 26:86 a-D-galactosides, 37:289-3 1 1
on conformational population, 26:95. 106 aminolysis of, 27:99
effect on mass spectra, 2 1 5 4 ammonolysis of, in liquid ammonia, 27:93
effect on mercaptalation of sugars, 32:27-36 6- and 6'-bromodeoxyhepta-0-
migration of, in carbohydrates, 33: 100- 109 (methylsulfony1)-, preparation of,
neighboring-group participation in sugar 33:258
reaction, 22: 109-175 6- and 6'-O-trityl-. preparation of,
N-Substituted aldosylamine 33:238-239
conversion, into I -amino- 1-deoxy-2-kctose3 3',6'-anhydro-. synthesis of, 33:253
46:308-309 anhydro derivatives, physical properties of,
formation of, 46:308 33:286
Substitution reactions, radical-mediated preparation of, 33:253-255
brominations, 49:75-85 aqueous
Substrate, non-carbohydrate, sugar synthesis, laser-Raman spectroscopy, 44:73-74,
40: 1-129 7680

Sucrose (continued) inversion rates and sucrose loss,

solute-solvent interactions, vibrational 52:460464
spectroscopic studies, 44:86 statistical process control, 52:463
aqueous syrups, pH, 47:239 and dental caries, 30:433
azidodeoxy, preparation of, 33:266-268 and dental plaque, 30:435
binding to taste papillae, 45:329-330 deoxy derivatives, physical properties of,
inactivation by heating in boiling water, 33:289
45:330-33 1 preparation of, 33:264-266
biological properties of derivatives of, 4-deoxy-4-fluoro-galacto-, 48:2 15
33:274 deoxyhalo derivatives, relative sweetness,
biosynthesis of, 26:366-368,32:7-8 45266-268
calcium complexes, laser-Raman derivatives, 0-methylated, large scale
spectroscopy, 44534 preparative liquid chromatography,
caramelization, 47:2 19-220 46:62
caramels, 52:222-223 determination of hydration numbers, 44:87
carbonates, preparation of, 33:252 dextran from, structure of, 32:5
catabolism by yeasts, 32:183,233 D-fruCtOSe from, 22~232
C-C and C - 0 bond-lengths in, 44: 15 6,6-diamino-6,6-dideoxy-, preparation of,
c h e m i s e of, 33:235-294 33:269
6-chloro-6-deoxy-, preparation of, 33:77, 1 ,4:3,6-dianhydro-,synthesis of, 33:253
26 1 3,6:3,6-dianhydro-,synthesis of, 33:253
chlorodeoxy-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-, 6,6-diazido-6,6-dideoxy-
hexabenzoate, preparation of, 28:256 2,3,4,1,3,4- hexa-0-(methylsulfony1)-,
chlorosulfates preparation of, 33:267
physical properties of, 33:285-286 hydrogenation of, 33:269
preparation of, 33:250-253 6,6-diazido- 2,3,4,1,3,4-hexa-0-benzoyl-
cleavage by dextransucrase, 51: 146-147 6,6-dideoxy-, preparation of, 33:267
13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of, 6,6-dibromo-6,6-dideoxy-2,3,4,1,3,4-
33:277 hexa-0-(methylsuifony1)-, preparation
complexes with alkali metals, 21:223 Of, 33~258-259
with sodium bromide, structure of, 6,6-dichloro-6,6-dideoxy-
21:236 2,1:3,4-di-O-isopropyIidene-, preparation
with sodium carbonate, 21:213 of, 33:256
with sodium iodide, 21 :2 15 hexabenzoate, preparation of, 28:256
conformation of, 26:llO preparation of, 33:77,261-262
copolymerization with 3-chloropropylene 6,6-dideoxy-, 23:274
oxide, 33:274 6,6-diiodo-2,3,4,1,3,4-hexa-O-
cryoprotective effect, 4 4 8 9 (methylsulfony1)-, preparation of,
crystalline adducts, 47:2 33:257
crystal structure of, 25:76,31:352 1,2,3,4,3,4-hexa-O-(rnethylsulfonyl)-
cyclic acetals, physical properties of, 33:287 6,6-di(thiocyanat0)-,synthesis,
preparation of, 33:255-256 44:138
decomposition, 47:239 hexa-O-(rnethylsulfonyl)-6,6-
degradation, 52:44 1 2 6 6 di(thiocyanat0)-, physical properties
alkaline, 52:44&449 of, 33:294
chloride salts effect, 52:461 2,1:4,6-di-O-isopropylidene-
effects on manufacture, 52:458466 preparation of, 33:255
color from degradation products, 52:462 tetracetate, ammonolysis, 39:33
control and measurements of pH, 1,6-di-O-methyl-, taste properties, 45262
52~454466 4,6-di-O-methyl-, taste properties, 45262

6,6-di-O-methyl-, taste properties, 45:262 methyl-, preparation of, 33:243

1,6-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-, 23:243 2,3,4,6,1,3,6-hepta-O-acetyl-
reaction with benzoyl chloride in pyridine. 4-0-(trideuterioacetyyl)-, fragmentation
28:256 pattern and mass spectrum of,
6,6-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-, 23:243 33:280
I ,6-di-O-trityl- preparation of, 33:247
nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of, 2,3,6,1,3,4,6-hepta-O-acetyl-
33:276 methylation of, 33:243
preparation of, 33:242 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra and
6,l -di-0-trityl-, preparation of, 33:242 structure of, 33:276
6,6-di-O-trityl-, preparation of, 33:24&242 4-0-(trideuterioacetyl)-, fragmentation
effect on metabolism of ethanol, 34:3 18 pattern and mass spectrum of. 33:280
effects of alkali tetraborates on rotation of, oxidation of, 33:271
23:36 preparation of, 33:247
in endosperm and cotyledon during 2,3,4,1,3,4,6-hepta-O-benzoyl-, oxidation
germination, 35:357 of, 33:271
enzymic synthesis of, 5:2948 2,3,1,3,4,6-hexa-O-acetyI-
esterification with methyl tetradecanoate, 4,6,-0-isopropylidene-, preparation of,
33:44 33:255
esters, herbicidal properties of, 21:4 I6 6-chloro-6-deoxy-, preparation of, 33:263
in food, liquid chromatography separation, 4,6-O-benzylidene-, preparation of,
4652 33:255
galacto- tritylation and acetylation of, 33:239-240
deoxyhalo derivatives, relative sweetness, 2,3,4,1,3,4-hexa-O-acetyl-
45:266-268 6-chloro-6-deoxy-6-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-,
sweetness-structure relationship, 45:263 preparation of, 33:257
gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of, 6,6-diazido-6,6-dideoxy-, hydrogenation
28:68 of, 33:269-270
halides, physical properties of, 33:288 6,6-dibromo-6,6-dideoxy-, reaction with
preparation of, 33:257-263 silver fluoride, 33:264
2,3,4,1,3,4,6-hepta-O-acetyl- 6,6-dichloro-6,6-dideoxy-
6-amino-6-deoxy-, synthesis of, 33:269 I3C nuclear magnetic resonance spectra
6-chloro-6-deoxy-, nuclear magnetic of, 33:277
resonance spectra of, 33:277 preparation of, 33:257-258
6-deoxy-, preparation of, 33:265 6,6-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-, sulfonate
6-deoxy-6-iodo-, reaction with silver displacement in, 33:257
fluoride, 33:263 6,6-di-O-trityI-
Koenigs-Knorr reaction with, 34:264 detritylation and acyl migration in.
6-O-trityl-, synthesis of, 33:239 33: 106
2.3,4,1,3,4-hepta-O-acetyl-, 6-deoxy-6- detritylation of, 33:246
iodo- 2,3,4,3,4,6-hexa-O-acetyl-, 6,l -di-0-
deiodination of, 33:265 trityl-, preparation of, 33:242
reaction with silver fluoride, 33:264 2,3,4,6,3,4-hexa-O-acetyl-
2,3,4,6,1,3,4-hepta-O-acetyyl- 16-di-O-methyl-
6-deoxy-, preparation of, 33:265-266 mass spectrum and fragmentation
Koenigs-Knorr reaction with, 34:264 pattern for, 33:280
methylation of, 33:243 preparation of, 33:244
6-O-methyl-, preparation of, 33:243 1,6-di-O-trityI-, preparation of, 33:243
preparation of, 33:247 methylation of, 33:244
2,3,4,6,1,3,4,6-hepta-0-acetyl-, 4-0- Sucrose (continued)

2,3,6,1,3,4-hexa-O-acetyl-, preparation of, rates, 52:460-462

33:247 inhibitory action on pectinesterase, 33:337
2,4,1,3,4,6-hexa-0-acetyl-, 3,6-anhydro-, liquefaction, 46:294
preparation of, 33:253 mercaptalation of, 32:28
3,4,6,3,4,6-hexa-O-acetyl- metallation of, in liquid ammonia, 27:93
2, I -di-O-methyl-, preparation of, 33:244 methylation of, 33:243-245
1-di-0-trityl-, preparation and de- methyl ethers, physical properties of,
esterification of, 33:240 33:283
2,l -(diphenylsily1)- preparation of, 33:243-245
preparation of, 33:256 microbial oxidation of, 33:271
reaction with acetic acid, 33:240 mono(dodecanoate), preparation of,
methylation of, 33:244 33:272-273
preparation and tritylation of, 33:240 natural forms, 21:29
hexa-O-acetyI-6,6-dideoxy-, 6,6 -di- in nectars, 25304
(thiocyanat0)-, physical properties of, nitrogen-containing derivatives, physical
33:294 properties of, 33:290
2,3,4, I ,3,4-hexa-O-benzoyl- preparation of, 33:266-270
6,6-bis(chlorosulfate),reaction with nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates,
pyridinium chloride, 33:259 45: 149
reaction with sodium azide, 33:260 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra and
6,6-dichloro-6,6-dideoxy-, preparation structure of, 33:275
of, 33:259 nucleotide esters from, 42:338
6,6-dideoxy-, preparation of, 33:265 occurrence in plants, 37:289-290
6,6-dideoxy-6,6-diiodo- octaacetate, proton magnetic resonance
hydrogenation of, 33:265 spectra of, 27:30-3 1
reaction with silver fluoride, 28:292, octa-0-acetyl-
33:264 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of,
6,6-di-0-(3-benzoylpropionyl)-, 33:275-276
preparation of, 33:248 preparation of, 33:248
6,6-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl- selective deacylation, 39:28
preparation of, 33:241 selective de-esterification of, 33:247
reaction with sodium azide, 33:267 octa-0-benzoyl-, selective deacylation, 39:32
6,6-di-0-( terr-butyldimethylsilyl)-, octa-0-benzyl-
selective cleavage, 39:67 physical properties of, 33:294
6,6-di-O-trityl-, detritylation of, 33: 106, preparation of, 34:259
246-247 octa-0-(ethoxycarbony1)-,preparation of,
preparation of, 33:241,247 33:252
reaction with sulfuryl chloride, and 6,6- octa-0-methyl-, preparation of, 33:245
bis(chlorosu1fate) preparation, 33:25 1 octa-0-(methylsulfony1)-, reaction with
hexa-O-benzoy1-6,6-dideoxy-, 6,6-di- sodium azide, 33:267
(thiocyanat0)-, physical properties of, with sodium bromide, 33:258-259
33:294 4,6-0-isopropylidene-, preparation of,
as high-energy glycosyl donor, 33:255
polysaccharide and oligosaccharides oligosaccharides
syntheses, 51: 139-140 from acceptor molecules and, by
history, 21:29,34:286 dextransucrases, 30:424-427
in honey, 25:291,295 containing residues of, )C-NMR data for,
hydrolysis of, 21:131, 22:31,34 42:202-203
effect of concentration of rate of, 22:41 4-O-methyl-
in human intestine, 34:287-288 preparation of, 33:244

taste properties, 45:262 azide. 33:260

6-0-methyl- per-0-(trimethylsilyl)
preparation of, 33:244 derivative, gas-liquid chromatography of,
taste properties, 45:262 28: 130-1 3 1
optical rotation of. effect of salts on, 21:225 ether and per(trifluor0acetate). gas-liquid
in solution of metal salts, 21:229-230 chromatography and retention times
1 -0-trityl- of, 28:70
nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of. phenols from. 46:295
33:276 6-phosphate, synthesis of, 33:271
preparation of, 33:240 polarography of, 29:126
6-O-trityl-, nuclear magnetic resonance p-toluenesulfonylation of, 33:36
spectra of, 33:276 pyrolysis of, 34:45
1 ,2,3,4,3,4-penta-O-acetyI-, 1,6,1.6-tri- quantitatively motional description, 51:115
0-p-tolylsufonyl-, 23:242 radiolysis and radical-induced scission,
2,3,4,3,4-penta-O-acetyI- 37:52
methylation and deacetylation of. 33:245 raffinosc effect on manufacture, 37:299-300
synthesis of, 33:245-246 reaction with
6,1,6-tri-O-p-tolylsuIfonyl- acetyl bromide or acetyl chloride, 2 2 2 3
deacetylation of, 33:249 acrolein, effect of zinc chloride on,
synthesis of, 33:254 27:95
2,3,6,3,4-penta-O-acetyI- with fatty acid ester, salts of palmitic
6-chloro-6-deoxy-4, I -di-0-fonnyl-, and oleic acids as catalysts and
preparation of, 33:262 solubilizers in, 27:96
methylation and deacetylation of, 33:244 paraldehyde, 33:255
preparation of, 33:239, 246, 267 with sulfuryl chloride, 33:76, 25 1-252,
4, I ,6-tri-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-, alkaline 26 1
alcoholysis of, 33:254 sulfuryl chloride, 28:239
penta-0-acetyltri-0-p-to1ylsulfonyl-, reducing properties, 47:218,220
displacement reaction of, 24: 147 relative reactivities of hydroxyl groups in,
2,3,4,3,4-penta-O-benzoyI- 33:60
6,6-dichloro-6,6-dideoxy- selective benzylation of, 33:60
1-(chlorosulfate), preparation and selective chlorination with methanesulfonyl
reactions of, 33:260 chloride-N, N-dimethylformamide
preparation of, 33:252, 263 complex, 33:261-263
6,6-dichloro-6,6-dideoxy- I -O-formyl-, selective etherification with
formyl group removal from. 33:263 chlorotricyclohexylsilane, 33:53
preparation of, 33:246 selective oxidation with lead tetra acetate,
reaction with sulfuryl chloride and 6,1,6- 33396
tris(chlorosu1fate) preparation, selective p-toluenesulfonylation. 33:248
33:251 selective tritylation of, 33:52, 238-243
synthesis of, 33:246 solubility in acetone, 27: 107
6,i ,6-tri-0-(3-benzoyIpropionyl)-, in acetone, effect of zinc chloride on,
preparation of, 33:248 27~95
6, I ,6-tri-O-trityI-, detritylation of. in alcohols, 27:89
33:106, 249, 267 in alkoxy alcohols, 27:99
and acyl migration in, 33:239, 246 in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride, 27:93
methylation, and acyl migration in, in ethanol, 27:98
33:106 in ethyl and methyl carbamates, 27: 1 13
6,1,6-tris(chlorosulfate), reaction with in heterocylic solvents, 27: 1 17-1 19
pyridinium chloride or with sodium in liquid ammonia, 27:91

Sucrose (continued) synthesis of, 33:245

in methanol, 27:97 2,6,1,6-tetra-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-
effect of calcium chloride on, 27:95 deacetylation of, 33:250
in methyl sulfoxide and in propyl tetra-0-acetyl-2,l :4,6-di-O-isopropylidene-,
sulfoxide, 27: 108 selective hydrolysis, 39: 17-1 8
in polyhydric alcohols, 27:98 2,6,1,6-tetra-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-, preparation
in sulfolanes, 27: 1 1 1 of, 33:250
in thiocyanates, 27:95 thermal activation, 523222
solvents for, 27:85, 87 thermal degradation, 47:220, 245-246
spin-lattice relaxation of I3C nuclei in, 27:59 transesterification of, 33:272
structure-making effect on water, 44:86 6,1,6-triamino-6,I ,6-trideoxy-,
structure of, 21:128,35:5,39:356,51:93 preparation of, 33:270
and configuration of, 4:l-35 2,1:3,6:3,6-trianhydro-, preparation of,
properties relationships, vibrational 33:253
spectroscopic study, 44:88 3,6: 1 ,4:3,6-trianhydro-,preparation of,
and synthesis of, 33:236-238 33:36,254
and utilization by yeasts, 32191-195 6,1,6-triazido-2,3,4,3 ,4-penta-O-benzoyl-
as substrate for dextransucrases, 30:423 6,1,6-trideoxy-, hydrogenation of,
as substrate inhibitor, 51: 150-1 5 1 33:270
sulfates, and sulfites, preparation of, 6,1,6-triazido-6,1,6-trideoxy-
33:250-253,252 hydrogenation of, 33:270
sulfonates, physical properties of, structure and synthesis of, 33:267-268,
33:285-286 270
sulfonylation of, 23:242 4,1,6-trichloro-4,1,6-trideoxy-, gulucto-,
sweetness, 45214,231,233,238 45:333
effect of infrared hydrogen-bonding relative sweetness, 4 5 2 6 6 2 6 8
strength, 45217 4,6,1 ,6-trichloro-6.1,6-trideoxy-, relative
structure relationship, 45263 sweetness, 45:332
time-intensity relationships for, 45:346 6,1,6-trichloro-6,1,6-trideoxy-
synthesis of, 25: 165,26:323 preparation of, 33:262
adenosine 5 -pyrophosphate CY-D- relative sweetness, 45332
glucopyranosyl ester in, 28:395 trimethylsilyl ether, gas-liquid
system with barium oxide, 21:213 chromatography of, 28:58
with sodium iodide, 21:211 2,3,6-tri-O-acetyl-4,1,6-tn-O-
with strontium oxide, 21:213 (methylsulfonyl)-, preparation and
tetrachlorotetra-0-mesyI-guluclo-derivative, reaction with sodium azide, 33:267, 269
proton spin-lattice relaxation, tri-0-(ethoxycarbony1)-, preparation of,
45: 154-1 57 33:252
3,3 ,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl- 4,6: 1,3:4,6-tri-O-ethylidene-
2,1:4,6-di-O-isopropylidene 2,3-O-(oxidodiethylidene)-, from
deacetalation of, 33:245 paraldehyde and sucrose, 33:255
nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of, from paraldehyde and sucrose, 33:255
33:276 4,1,6-tri-O-methyl-, synthesis of,
preparation of, 33:255-256 33:244245
6,l -di-0-trityl-, preparation of, 33:242 6,1,6-tri-O-methyl-, synthesis of, 33:245
synthesis of, 33:245 6,1,6-tri-O-p-tolylsuIfonyl-, 23:242
3,4,3,4-tetra-O-acetyl- identification of, 33:36
2,1:6,6-di-O-(diphenylsilyl)- preparation of, 33:248-250
deacetalation of, 33:245 structure of, 33:253
preparation of, 33:256 6,1,6-tri-O-(p-vinylbenzoyl)-,

copolymerization with styrene and anthrone test, 28:220-222

methyl methacrylate, 33:274 carbazole test. 28:222
6,1,6-tri-U-trityl-, preparation of, 33:239, dehydration reactions in concentrated acid
24 1 solution, 28:2 18-222
6,I ,6-tris(acetamido)- orcinol test in, 28:223
2,3,4,3,4-penta-O-acetyI-6,1,6- phenol-sulfuric acid reaction, 28:223
trideoxy-, preparation and structure Sugar anomers, separation of, 46:70
of, 33:270 Sugar beets
6,1,6-trideoxy-, preparation of, 33:270 history. 34:286. 36: 19
trityl ethers, physical properties of, 33:282 juices, dextran removal from, by fungal
preparation of, 33:238-243 endodextranase, 30:395
unsaturated derivatives, physical properties molasses, D-fructose from, 22:232
of, 33:289 Sugar cane
preparation of, 33:263-264 bagasse, polysaccharide, antitumor activity
utilization by yeasts, 32: 146, 194-1 99 of. 32:254, 268
and associations of abilities, 32:223 cell wall studies on, 42:271, 294, 300
delayed, 39:374 effect of plant-growth substances on, 21:421
utilization of, 4:293-336 eyespot disease, 37:321
water loss, 47:218-219 history, 36: 18
Sucrose octaacetate, proton nuclear magnetic juice
resonance spectrum, 29:36 composition of, 8:291-3 14
Sucrose 6-phosphate synthetase, 26:368 dextran removal from, fungal
Sucrose sodium bromide dihydrate, crystal endodextranase, 30:395
structure bibliography, 31:367 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:48
Sucrose synthetase, 26:367, 385 molasses, 3:113-128
nucleotide ester synthesis by, 4 2 3 16 composition of, 8:291-214, 26:15
Sugar Sugar chains. representation in
aconitic acid as by-product in manufacture oligosaccharides, 52: 159
of, 6:23 1-249 Sugar colorants, spectral analysis and
conformational analysis, see Carbon-proton identification, 44:23-24
coupling constants Sugar derivatives, having mixed substituents,
industrial development, 36: 19-20 circular dichroism, 45: 11 1-1 19
paper ionophoresis, Maurice Staceys works. Sugar industry
52:17 dextrans in, 30:442444
pre-industrial history, 36: 18 polarography in, 29: 128
production flowchart products, color and turbidity of, 9:247-284
beet, 52:442,444 refining, granular adsorbents for, 6:205-230
cane, 52:443444 Sugar isothiocyanates, 44:93
Sugar acetates, bitterness, 45:3 18 conversion
Sugar acids, fluorinated into substituted thioureides, 44: 105
2-NMR data for, 46: 170 into thioureido derivatives, 44: 100
H- and 19F-NMR data for, 46: I16 into thioureido intermediates, 44:97
Sugar alcohols, as intermediates in synthesis of nucleoside
higher-carbon, configurations of, 1: 1-36 analogs, 44:97-123
and their derivatives, metabolism of, reaction with
1: 175-1 92 amines, 44:97-113
Sugar analogs, inhibition, of lipid-linked amino acids, 44: 113-1 17
oligosaccharide formation, 40:326-338 ammonia, 44:97-113
of protein glycosylation, 40:33&338 carboxylic acids, 44: 113-1 17
Sugar analyses diamines, 44: 1 19- 121

Sugar isothiocyanates (continued) trifluoroacetic acid in determinationof,

diazomethane, 44:121-122 28: 16
enamines, 44:117-119 trifluoroacetyl derivatives,gas-liquid
hydrazides, 44:99-100 chromatography of, 28: 114
hydrazines, 44:99 trimethylsilylation of, 28:24,27, 29
synthesis, method, 44:93-97 trimethylsilyl derivatives, gas-liquid
Sugar methyl ethers, bitterness, 45318 chromatography of, 28: 143-146
Sugar nucleotides, 44:341 intermediate for synthesis of, 25382
biosynthesis of, 42:3 15-3 16 mass spectrometryof, 21:67,93,3039-40
conformations of, 46:7 methylation of, 30:22
history, 28:307-308 methyl ethers of, 13:189-214
Sugar oxiranes, use in synthesis of branched- oxirane sugar derivatives from, 25: 118
chain sugars, 42:95-97 preparation of, 24: 109,33:232-234
Sugar phosphates, 49:207-210,212 properties of, 15: 159-200
enzymes for phosphorylation, 49208 reactions with beta-&carbony1
ATP regeneration, 49:208-210 compounds, 20:303-355
pentose phosphate preparation, 49:210 rearrangement of, 26:161
liquid chromatography separation of, 46:36 synthesis of, 26: 14,29:3
preparation of, 32:8 2-amino, see Sugars,2-amino-2-deoxy
radiolysis, 37:4241 5-amin0, synthesis,40:99-101
Sugars, 37:32-42, see also Amino sugars; aminodeoxy, 2 5 6
Anhydro sugars; Deoxy sugars; Reducing dithioacetals, physical constants of, and
sugars; speczjk sugar peracetates, 32:118-121
acetates, acid-catalyzed anomerization of, mercaptalation of, 32:27
24:43 formation in reaction of sugars and
acetylated, acid anomerization in deuterium ammonia, 25:333
oxide and in water, 24:29 preparation of, 33:269-270
acetylenic derivatives, synthesis of, 31:71 synthesis of, 24: 147
acetylenic precursors, 40:34 2-amino-2-deoxy-,7:247-288
action of lead tetraacetate on, 14:9-61 1,2-cis-glycosides,preparation of, 34:268
acyclic dehydration of, 28182
conformational analysis of, 26:68-73 hydrolysis of, 22:61
Grignard reaction with, 27:217 3-amino-3-deoxy, preparation of, 22: 131
intermediates during Wohl degradation, 3-amino-2,3-dideoxy,synthesis of,
26:9 27~262-263
in solution, 23:38 amino-substituted, circular dichroism,
aldehydo and keto, Wittig reactions with, 45:99-100
27229-239 anhydro, 22:4,25:6
alkali action on reducing, 26: 14 acetates and methyl ethers, gas-liquid
alkenic precursors, 40:430 chromatography of, 28: 148
amino, 21:17,24:9,25:6 degradation mechanism of 2,5-,
aspects of the chemistry of, 14:213-281 28: 165-166
aziridine sugars from, 25:353 formation of l,6-, in hydrolysis of
deamination of, 25: 182,31:9-79 polysaccharides, 28:20
derived from antibiotic substances, gas-liquid chromatographyof, 28:87-89
18:259-308 per(trimethylsily1) ethers, gas-liquid
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:56,78,85 chromatography of, 28: 147-148
methanolysis in determination of, 28: 18 preparation of 2,5-, 28:287
trifluoroacetates, gas-liquid boronates, properties, 35:79
chromatography of, 28:87 paper chromatography of,

phenylboronic acid in, 35:60 stereochemistry of, 32:40

chemistry of, 2:37-77 synthesis of, 33:94,40:13-17,80-84
cleavage of, 22187-188, 191 type A, synthesis of, 31: 179
dithioacetals, physical constants of and bromodeoxy, displacement reactions,
peracetates, 32: 121-122 28:283
formation, 22:202 6-bromo-6-deoxy, 22: 198
by mutarotation, 24:46 I ,3-butadienyl ethers, cycloaddition,
mass psectrometry of, 29:74 40: 123-128
from sugar sulfonates, 23:279 C-acetyl-branched, 35:92,94-95
thio, 22:156 C-alkylated and C-arylated unsaturated,
2,3-anhydro, 0x0 reaction with, 23: 105 physical properties of, 27:239-24 1
2,5-anhydro with carbon-phosphorus bond, preparation
properties of, 25220-229 of, 28:285
related compounds and, 25:181-228 of the cardiac glycosides, 17:65-120
utilization of, 25:215-218 in ' C , conformation, taste properties, 45269
3,6-anhydro in ' C , conformation, taste properties, 45:269
derivatives, interatomic oxygen-oxygen C-glycosylated alkenes, preparation and
distances, 45:273 properties of, 27:233-244
mercaptalation of, 3 2 2 8 chemical-ionization mass spectra of,
anhydroepoxy, 0x0 reaction with, 23: 102 29~81-84
anions, catalytic activity of, 24:24 chlorodeoxy
aqueous, infrared spectra, 44: 18 preparation of, 28:231-239,255,278
azides, aziridine sugars from, 25:354 reduction of, 28:302-303
azidodeoxy, dithioacetals, physical constants synthesis, 33:73,41:9
of, 32: 122 circular dichroism spectrum, 4 5 7 5
aziridine derivatives, 25352 C-methyl-branched, biosynthesis, 35:97
p anomers, binding to sweet-receptors, colors, 47:214
45:248 column chromatography, boronic acids in,
benylidene acetals, reactions with N - 35:64
bromosuccinimide, 28:276-278 configuration of branched-chain, 27:2 15
3-benzoylpropionyl group as protective conformational analysis of, and derivatives,
group in, 33:248 26~49-125
benzyl ethers of, 12:137-156 constitution and ring structure of, 2 5 4
biochemical reductions at the expense of. containing fused-ring systems, conformation
4~75-117 of. 26: 1 14
biogenesis of, 26:298 cyclic analogs with imino group, 48:335-341
biosynthesis of, of antibiotic substances, cyclobutene derivative, 27:299
35:81-126 D-
boronates, see Boronates relative sweetness, 45:258
branched-chain, 22:286, 23:60, 93-94. 99, superpositioned over same receptor site,
279,24:137,48:287-288 45:236
amino, 29:8 degradation and dehydration of, 28: 163
preparation of, 32:39 deoxy
antibiotic components, 3582-1 02 carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance
cyclic acetals in preparation of, 34:209 spectroscopy, 41:55
synthesis of, 34:97, 100, 158 mercaptalation of, 3 2 2 7
history, 31:136 synthesis of, 32:75
of natural occurrence, 11:263-283 preparation, 36: 10
oxiranes of, 25: 167 from amino sugars, 31:60
preparation of, 3 2 3 8 properties of, 26:279-296

Sugars (continued) derivatives, synthesis, aldonolactonesacetals

rate constants and equilibrium constants in use, 50:130-132
polarography of, 29: 143 determination
synthesis of, 23:267,269,27 1,274, of enantiomeric form, 46:66
21:274,281,33:264-266 of hydration numbers, 44:87
2-deoxy-, 8:45-105 diamino, 48:292
2-halo, 22:193,206 preparation of, 33:232-234
periodate-thiobarbitc acid assay, cis-2,3-diamino-2,3-dideoxy, synthesis of,
38:326 29:s
4-deoxy-, synthesis, 40:41-48 3,6-dideoxy, preparation by hydrolysis,
deoxy-, preparation, 38: 157 2814,19
deoxyfluoro, 22:192,198 with difluoromethylene group, synthesis,
deoxyhalo, 25: 194 48: 183
oxirane aldoses from, 25: 118 di-p-bromobenzoate derivatives, circular
preparation, 25: 126 dichroism, 45: 123-124
by nucleophilic displacement of dithioacetals, 26:13,32:15-123
sulfonates, 33:257 mass spectra of, 29:71-73
deoxyhalogeno electrophoresisof, sulfonylated
3,6-anhydro-ring phenylboronic acids in, 3562
displacement reactions of, 28:281-290 enantiomeric carba-sugars from, 48:41-49
elimination reactions, 28:290 enediol acyclic, formation in dehydration
formation, 28:287 reactions, 28:167-171
from glycals, 28261 energies of activation for mutarotation of,
from hydrazino carbohydrates, 28:279 24:55
neighboring-group reactions of, 28:290 enol, thioenol, and enamino groupings as
preparation, by reaction with precursors of carbonyl sugars,
phosphorus-containingreagents, 21:270-283
28:239-250 enolacetal furanoid and pyranoid, stability of,
preparation by direct replacement of 29:291
hydroxyl group, 28:230-260 epimino, 23:278,25:352-356
preparation by displacement reactions, epithio, 22:156, 192
28227-230 epoxide, deoxy sugars from, 21:152,159
preparation by reaction with epoxy, 23:234
(halogenomethy1ene)dimethyliminiu epoxyanhydro, 0x0 reaction with, 23: 102
m halides, 28:25@-251 exchange of hydrogen and oxygen atoms
preparation of, 28:257,263 with solvents, 23:37
reductive dehalogenation of, fermentation, 50:8-10
28:299-304 filtration, 53:402
synthesis and chemisby of, 28225-306 formyl- or hydroxymethyl-branched,3 5 9 8
synthetic utility of, 28:281-306 freeze-dried, Fourier-transform infrared
dithioacetals, physical constants of, spectroscopy, 44:6345
32: 122-123 furanoid
deoxyiodo conformations of, 26: 109-1 12
carbohydrate oxetanes, preparation of, crystalline, conformation of, 26: 110
28:289 with fused rings, conformation of,
preparation of, 28:243 26: 12-122
reactions of, 28:282 gas-liquid chromatography of, boronic acids
synthesis of, 28:280 in, 35:65
irradiation, 38: 186189 halogenated
deoxynitrounsaturated, 28:299 0x0 reaction with, 23:109

reactions of, 22:201 relationship, 45:261-265

separation and identification of, 22: 199, methyl glycosides of the common,
201 12:157-187
hamomorphous, 23:28 monoamino, 48:290-292
heterocyclic derivatives, 44:9 I mutarotation
higher-carbon, 17:15-63 catalysis by mutarotase, 24:63-64
configurations of, 1: 1-36 catalytic coefficients, ratios for, 24:30
of honey, 25:285-309 in constants and optical rotations of,
hydrazones of, 3:2344 23:53-56
in hydrolyzates of hemicelluloses from oat in N,N-dimethylformamide, 24:61
plants, 36:255-257 in pyridine. 24:61
infrared spectra of, 23:39, 41 rates of, determination, 46:71
at low temperatures, 44:28 in solution, 23:ll-57, 24:13-65
ionic forms, 23:41 neighboring-group participation in reactions
ionizing radiation of, 26: 15 of, 22:109--175
isothermal determination of, gas-liquid nitrates of, 12: 1 17-135
chromatography and, 28:8 1 nitro, 24:67- I37
L- acetalation of, 24:116
relative sweetness, 45:258 acylation of, 24: 1 I5
sweetness-structure relationship, historical, 24:68
45:258-259 hydrogenation of, 24:109
labeled hydrolysis and methanolysis of, 24: 1 18
at anomeric center by aldonolactones, nomenclature of, 24:67
50: 161-1 62 nucleophilic additions and elimination-
with isotopes of hydrogen, 27: 127-190 additions, 24: 130
liquid chromatography of separation, reaction with amines, 24: 136
pyranose forms during, 42:23 with reactive methylene compounds,
location of third binding-site in, 45:234-235 24: 137
in mesophyll cells of ryegrass and their nitrogen-containing, preparation of,
hydrolyzates, 36:260 33: 266-270
metallation of, in liquid ammonia, 27:Y2 nitrogen heterocycles from, 2535 1 4 0 5
methylated, 48: 300-302 0-methyl oximes, per(trimethylsily1) ethers,
acetates and hifluoroacetates, gas-liquid mass spectra of, 29:77
chromatography of, 30:86 as 0-nucleophiles, see Nucleophiles, 0-
gas-liquid chromatography of. osazones of, 3:2344
30:9-110 oxygen ring in, formation and cleavage of,
miscellaneous ethers, gas-liquid 13~9-61
chromatography of, 30: 102 paper chromatography of, phenylboronic
model studies on, 30:54-55 acid in. 3 5 5 9 , 61
periodate oxidation and gas-liquid phenyl glycosides of the cotnmon,
chromatography of, 30:33, 101 12:157-187
trimethylsily ehters, gas-liquid polarimetry of, 42: 17-18
chromatography of, 30:83-85 polycondensation in methyl sulfoxide,
partially, identification by mass 21:449,453
spectrometry, 29:46 polymerization, hydrogen fluoride, 47:202
rate constants and equiliburium constants pyranoid
in polarography of, 29: 143 conformation, 26:74
methylation of, 24:7, 30:4 in solution. 26:84-98
history, 23: 1 crystalline, conformation of, 26:8 1-84
methyl ethers, sweetness-structure pyranose anomer, separation, 46:70-7 1

Sugars (continued) synthesis

pyrolysis, 47:270-278 from non-carbohydrate substrates,
composition of evolved gases, 47:272,274 4O:l-129
composition of gases, 47:27 1-272 and separation, 36:5
furan derivatives, 47:276,278 trifluoroaceticacid in, 34:8
total gas evolution, 47:272-273 taste, importance of configuration in, 49207
water formation, 47:274 and their derivatives, column
radiocarbon-labelled, synthesis of, 32:8 chromatography of, 10:55-94
reaction with related to altrose, 1:37-76
alkali, 25~341,345 thermodynamic constants for mutarotation
with aqueous ammonia, 25:3 11-349 of, 24:56
amino acids, 42223 thio, 1:129-144,22:204,23:206
reducing developments in the chemistry of,
composition in solution, 42: 1 5 4 8 18:123-199
fission in alkaline solution, 25:345 dithioacetals, physical constants of, 32: 123
methods for studying in solutions, mutarotation of, 24:49
42: 17-24 synthesis, 40: 101-104
oxidation with lead tetra-acetate, 33:96 transesterification, 49:235-236
relative configurations, proof by Fischer, transformation
50:2 in alkaline medium, 47:253
removal from cell walls, 47:201 from cyclic to acyclic, 47:246
residues, glycosidic linkage lability, transport
42194195 anhydroalditols in, 25269
reversion, 47:245 into yeast cells, 32:147-159,230
ring structure of, 23:3 tritiated, for assay of enzyme activity, 27: 180
seleno, 1:144-145,22:205,23:232 stability of, 27:139
separation unsaturated, 20:67-137,24: 199-266
by gel chromatography, 2936 chemical properties of, 27:249
on ion-exchange columns, 47:38 physical properties of, 27:248
septanoid, conformation of, 26: 113 Wittig reaction in synthesis of,
simple, structure, and sweetness, 45:238-259 27:227-239,244248
solubility, 23: 19 conformations of, 26: 122
determination of, 27:90 formation of, 22:202
stock, before caramelization, 47:240-24 1 halogen addition to, 22:193, 195
structure of, 3 5 5 nuclear magnetic resonance of, 24:265
anomeric center in, 44: 14 oxirane sugar derivatives from, 25: 119,
and sweetness, 49238-3 10 167
substituted and derived, composition in rearrangement in hydrogen fluoride,
aqueous solution, 42:42-60 26: 187
sulfates, 20:183-218,2510 synthesis of, 21: 194,33:263-264
sulfonic esters utilization by yeasts, 32:125-134, 145-147,
displacement of, 25: 198-22 39:347-404
solvolysis of, 25203-209 generalizations and speculations,
sweetness, 45230 32~221-222
contraction coefficient, 45206 o-deoxy-, 22:206
differences in, hypothesis about, 45:220 o-halo, reduction of, 22:206
effect of infrared hydroxyl absorption Wittig reaction with free and partially
bands and hydrogen-bonding protected, 27:284292
strength, 4S:2 1 6 217 Sugar-sphingosine conjugates, see
and hydrogen bonding, 45:214217 Glycosphingolipids

Sugar starvation, effect on glycosylation, 40237

40:346 synthesis of, 24:407
Sugar thiocynates, 44:92-93 Sulfoisoxazole, o-glucuronic acid conjugate,
synthesis 3 6124-125
method, 44:123-139 Sulfolanes, solubility of sucrose in, 27:87, 11 1
by sN2nucleophilic displacement Sulfolipids,44:387
reactions of sulfonyloxy groups in in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 30:236
hexopyranoses by thiocynate ion, plant, 2572
44:123-135 of sea urchins, 44:428
of sulfonyloxy groups in pentofuranoses Sulfonamides
by thiocyanate ion, 44:135-139 glucuronic acid conjugates following, 36:124
Suicide inactivators, 48:364 Helferichs work on, 495
Sulfation, of polysaccharides, 29:335 Sulfonamido group, participation in sugar
Sulfadimethoxine,D-glucuronic acid conjugate, reactions, 22:151
36:124-125 Sulfonate group
Sulfamates displacement in carbohydrates by halogen,
hetero-, sweetness-structure relationship, 22:178
45:302 intramolecular displacement of, 33:125-131
sweetness-stnrcture relationship, Sulfonates, 53:3 75-376
45:297-303 carbohydrate, photolysis, 38:153-157,
Sulfamethomidine,o-glucuronic acid 162-163
conjugate, 36:125 nucleophilic-displacementreactions,
Sulfamic acid, tetrahydro-2H-thiopyran-4-, 39~229-231
45299 Sulfones
Sulfate derivatives, circular dichroism, as antituberculosisagents, 29:2
45:92-94 carbohydrate, photolysis, 38:153-157,161
Sulfate groups, determination of N-, in polysaccharide, degradation of, 31:226-229
polysaccharides, 29:343 of 5-thioaldopyranoses,23:212
Sulfates, 53:375-376 Sulfonic acids, 53:359-360
nomenclature, 52:116-117 1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitolsesters, 49:125-130
of simple sugars, 20:183-218 Sulfonic anhydrides, sulfonylationof
Sulfate transferases, in mucopolysaccharide carbohydrates by, 23:238
biosynthesis, 26:437 Sulfonic esters
Sulfatides, 24:383,395,403,40:237 of bridged-ring systems of carbohydrates,
synthesis of, 24:407 displacementreactions of, 24:153
Sulfating agents, for sugars and glycosides, of Carbohydrates, 8~107-215,23:233-280,
33:50 24:139-197
Sulfation physical properties and chemical stability
of glycoproteins, 25:47&472 of, 23:253,257
in mucopolysaccharidebiosynthesis, 26:437 of dithioacetals, formation and reactions of,
Sulfhydryl groups, 23:117 32:48-52
in P-amylases, 23:334 reaction with lithium aluminum hydride
ketonucleoside reaction with, 42:264 and hydrogenolysisof sulfonyloxy
in phosphorylases, 23:347 groups, 32:52
Sulfides, carbohydrate, photolysis, 38:152 stereochemistry and displacement of
Sulfite pulping, color-stopping reaction in, sulfonyloxy groups, 32:51
46:324-325 infrared spectroscopy of, 44:30
Sulfites, cyclic, of dithioacetals, preparation of, nucleophilic displacement of, 34235,107,
32:48 125
Sulfoglycosphingolipids,24:383,395,403, of polysaccharides, 29:337

Sulfonic esters (continued) replacement of hydroxyl group in

of sugars carbohydrates by chlorine, 22: 183
displacement of, 25: 198-202 Sulfur nucleophiles. for oxirane aldoses,
solvolysis of, 25:203-209 25:125, 139
Sulfonylation Sulfur trioxide-N,N-dimethylformamide,
of carbohydrates, 28:255 reaction with sucrose, 33:252
selective, 23:240, 244 Sulfur trioxide-pyridine, selective sulfation
by sulfonyl halides, 23:236 with, 3 3 5 0
of nucleotides, 22:376 Sulfuryl chloride
of pentose dithioacetals, 24: 175 in chlorodeoxy sugars preparation, 28:300
Sulfonyl halides, in sulfonylation of sugars, maltose derivative reactions, 39:23 1-233
23:236 reaction with carbohydrates, 28:230-239,
Sulfonyloxy group 33:250,259,41:9
displacement, 24:139 with sucrose, 33:251-252,261
in aldoses, 25:llO-117 replacement of hydroxyl group in
by fluorine, 48:130-131 carbohydrates by chlorine, 22: 183
of primary by fluorination, 38:204-212 selective chlorination of carbohydrates with,
of secondary by fluorination, 33:72-77
3 8 ~ 18-225
2 as sulfating agent for polysaccharides,
reaction with nucleophiles, 25:264 29:335
Sulfothiazole, D-glucuronic acid conjugate, Sultams, Helferichs work on, 4 5 5
36: 124-125 Sunflower seeds, cell-wall studies on, 42:280
Sulfotransferases, in glycoprotein biosynthesis, Sunn-hemp lectin, isolation, purification, and
25472 properties, 35:306
Sulfoxides Suosan, sweetness, 45:304
carbohydrate, photolysis, 38: 153-157 Surface-active compounds, Amadori
stereoselective synthesis of asymmetric, compounds, 22:279
27:222 Surface activity
of 5-thioalsopyranoses, 23:212 of anhydroalditols, 25:255
Sulfur, in hemiacetal rings of monosaccharides, of C-alkylated hexitols, 27:241
23:206 Surface-coating agents, sucrose unsaturated
Sulfur compounds fatty acid esters and ally1 ethers as, 33:273
of cyclic monosaccharides, 23: I 15-232 Surfactants
Of D-flUCtOSe, 22:281, 304 anhydroalditols, 25:270
Sulfur dioxide, liquid, as solvent for sugars, anhydrohexitols, 25:267
27:94 long-chain fatty acid esters as, 33:271
Sulfuric acid Suzuki, Bunsuke, 46:2-3
hydrolysis Svedberg equation, 47:357
of glycoconjugates, 46:266 Swainsonine, a-o-mannosidase inhibition,
of polysaccharides, 28: 15 48:342,344
monosaccharide recoveries after, Sweet clover disease, cattle, 39:2,5-6
46~259-260 Sweeteners
pH of aqueous solutions of, 46:252 industrial development, 36: 19
polymerization of o-glucose in, 21 :446 nonsugar, sweetness-structure relationship,
Sulfuric acid-acetic acid, rearrangements of 45:295
cyclitols in, 26:188-191 nutritive, definition, 36: 15
Sulfuric esters, of polysaccharides, 29:335-337 from starch, 36:15-56
Sulfur monochloride structure, 45:3 17-3 18
reaction with methyl a-o-glucopyranoside, Sweetness, 45:200, see also Bitterness
28:256,33:82 AH, B concept, 45:200-201,213-223.231,

246,257-261,264,271,283-285,292, Sweet-sensitive protein, 45:328

297-299,303-307,322,341 Sweet-taste inhibitors, 45:336-339
AH, B system, 45:2 17-21 8 Sweet-taste modifiers, 45:339
in various compounds, 45:221 initial reaction with taste receptor
AH, B units, 45:238 membranes, 45:338
3- and 4-hydroxyl-groups role in, Sweet-taste receptor, model, 45:335-336
45:243-245 Sweet-tasting compounds
and anomeric configuration, 45:207 AH,B,X glucophore of, 45:233
biochemistry of, 45:325-349 y-sites, 45:233-234
chemoreception, possible courses of events third structural feature comprising postulated
in, 45:346-349 glucophore in, 45:233-234
comparisons, between two compounds, Sycamore
45:341 cell wall studies on, 42:271, 275, 277-278,
degree of, methods of determining, 280,282-285,288,298-305,336-337,
45:344-345 358,368-369,394
depression by bitterness, 45:239-240 polysaccharides from, 24:374
of D-fructose, 22:23 I Symmetrical diols, 53:44
early theories of, 45202-206 Symmetry operations, 44: 12
fundamental structural requirements for, Syneresis, 24:303
45~207-237 of agars gels, 24:277
hydrophobic bonding concept, 45:223-23 I of galactomannans, 31:242
3-hydroxyl groups role in, 45:260-261 Svnsepalum dulcijcum. 45:290
4-hydroxyl groups role in, 45:260 Synthesis
6-hydroxyl groups role in, 45:261 biochemical, of monosaccharides,
initial mechanism of, 45:350 11:185-262
intensity, 45:350 carbohydrate use in asymmetric, and
different in sensory perception if, at configuration proof. 27: 191-225
different concentrations, 45350-35 1 chemical. of D-glucuronic acid, 8:23 1-249
intensity versus time curves, 45:344 deamination of amines in, 3 1:70
and lipoid solubility, 45:223 of dextran, 15:34 1-369
measurement, methodology, 45:349-35 I dithioacetals ion, 32: 16
perception, 45:201 enzymic,
plateau of maximum intensity, concentration of glycogen and starch, 17:371407
dependence of, 45:342-343 of sucrose and other disaccharides.
quality of, 45:339-349 52948
queue hypothesis of, 45345-349 stereoselective, of asymmetric sulfoxides,
receptor, initial stimulation, 45:222 27:222
receptors participating in, 45:237 Synthetase
role of structure in, 45:200 cellulose, 26:390
saporous groups involved in, 45:227 glucan, 26:383
and sensory system, 49325-326 starch, 26:384
side-tastes with, 45:340 sugar, 26:385
stereochemistry, 45201-3 10
steric features in, 45:213
and structure of sugars, 45238-3 10 T
strucutural parameters for, schematic
representation, 45:3 15-3 17 Tagatofbranose
and temperature, 45:221-222,250, 342 I ,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-o-,
26:25 I
time-intensity relationship in, 45:34&345 2,3-O-isopropylidene-P-~-.and triacetate.
tripartite concept, 45231-237 26:276

Tagatopyranose 2-acetamido- 1,2-dideoxy-l -nitro+-, 24: 133

4-acetamido-4-deoxy-P-~-,tetraacetate, 1-amino-1 ,S-anhydro-l ,h-dideoxy-~-,23: I38
24:97 1,4-anhydro-5,6-dichloro-5,6-di-deoxy-o~-,
OI-D- and P-D-, conformation in solution, preparation of, 33535
26:86 4-azido-3-0-benzoyl-4-deoxy-~-, 22: I 18
D-, 4-deoxy-4-fluoro- 1,2-0-isopropylidene- D-
P-,C-NMR data for, 46:173 anhydridation of, 25233
1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-~-~-, 26:276 crystallography of, 2 5 6 0
Tagatopyranoside, methyl 1,3,5-tri-O-acetyl-4- 3,5-di-O-(acetoxymethyl)-l,6-di-O-acetyl-~-,
bromo-4-deoxy-a-L-and-P-L-, preparation 22: 13
of, 28:266 3,4-dI-O-benzoyl-o-, 22: 1 17
Tagatose, 7:99-136 di-0-isopropylidene-D-, dibenzoate, 22: 1 18
Ct-D- DL-, crystalline, 26: 14
crystallography of, 25:60,31:365 L-
sweetness-structure relationship, 45:253 crystalline, 26: 14
composition in aqueous solution, 42:65 crystallography of, 25:60
D-, 24:366 4-0-acetyl-3-0 benzoyh-, 22: 1 17
conformation of, 23:32 I ,3:2,4:5,6-tri-O-methylene-~-, acetolysis of,
cyclic acetal, 26:251 22: 13,39:24
properties of, 26:273 Talofuranose
infrared spectrum of, 23:39 5-acetamido-5,6-dideoxy-~-, 23: 177
preparation from o-galactose. 31:7 1 5-amino-3-O-benzyl-5,6-dideoxy-l,2-0-
purification of, and diisopropylidene isoprpylidene-P-L-, 23: 139
acetal, 26:198 1,5-anhydro-a-o-, preparation of. 34: 157
synthesis, 41:8 1,6-anhydro-a-o-, 39: 163
taste properties, 45:254 preparation of, 34: 153, 157
1-deoxy-o-, composition in aqueous solution, stability of, 34: 153
42:38 6-deoxy-2,3 -0-isopropylidene-5-O-methyl-
1-deoxy- 1-(dibenzylarnino)-o-, preparation D-, 24: 194
and deamination of, 31:5 1 3-0-benzoyl- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-5,6-di-0-
4-deoxy-4-fluoro-o-, preparation, 38:2 18 (methylsulfony1)-P-L-, sulfonate
L-, conversion into L-ascorbic acid by displacement in, 33: 127
irradiation, 37: 107-108 Talohranoside
liquid chromatography methods for analysis methyl 5-acetamido-5,6-didieoxy-2,3-0-
of, 46:33 isopropylidene-a-L-, 23: I 77
6-0-methyl-o-, composition in aqueous methyl 5-amino-5,6-dideoxy-2,3-0-
solution, 42:38, 46 isopropylidenea-L-, deamination of,
preparation, 36: I 1 31:56
Tagatose 6-phosphate, D-, composition in methyl 5-amino-5,6-dideoxy-2,3-0-
aqueous solution, 42:46 isoprpyhdene-a-D-, 23: 178
Tagatoside, methyl OL-DL-,synthesis, 40:7 1 methyl S-azido-5,6-dideoxy-2,3-0-
Tailings, definition, 36:217,229 isoprpylidene-a-r, 23: 177
Takaamylase methyl 6-deoxy-2,3-O-isopropylidene-a-~-,
a-D-mannosidase as structural reagent for, 24: 189
28:444 methyl 6-deoxy-2,3-0-isopropylidene-0~-~-,
gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of, synthesis, 39: 166
28:54 methyl 5,6-dideoxy-5-iodo-2,3-0-
Takaamylase A glycan, structure, 37: 173 isopropylidene-a+-, preparation of,
Takadiastase, r-arabinanase activity of, 42:383 28:242,282
Talitol methyl 5-0-benzoyl-6-deoxy-2,3-0-

isopropylidene-a+, 24: 155 p-D-,reactivity of, 24: 154, 163

preparation of, 28:282 per-0-substituted, 34:77
methyl 5-0-benzoyl-6-deoxy-2,3-0- 5-a-carba-a-DL-, 48:23
isopropylidene-p-L-,preparation of, D-
29:s 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-
methyl S-benzoyl-6-deoxy-2,3-0- a anomer, 'H- and 19F-NMRdata for,
isopropylidene-5-thio-a+-,23:2 18,219 4688-89
Talofuranosiduronic acid, methyl 2,3-0- p anomer, 'H-and 19F-NMRdata for,
isopropylidene-P-oL-,methyl ester, 46:89
synthesis, 40:75-76 orientation of hydroxyl groups for, in
D-Taloiiuanosylfluoride, 2,3,5,6-tetra-0- "C,(D)conformation, 4575
benzoyl-a-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 6-deoxy-S-thio-~-,23:218
46:98 2,4-diamino-1,6-anhydro-2,4-dideoxy-p-~-,
Talofuranosyl fluoride per-0-benzoyl-a+, preparation of, 34: 122
synthesis, 38:201 1,6:2,3-dianhydr0-
Talono-1,4-lactone, L-, irradiation, 37: 123 p-D-
Talopyranose mass spectrometry of, 34:62
a-D-, 4%74 preparation of, 34:107, 113
crysta1 structure bibliography, 3843 l a 3 2 4-O-methyl-P-~-,as synthetic
4-amino-1,6-anhydro-4-deoxy-P-~-, intermediate, 34: 121
preparation of, 34:126 1,6:3,4-dianhydro-P-o-,preparation of,
1,4-anhydro-, 6-deoxy-2,3-0-isopropylidene- 34:107,113
p-L-, synthesis, 39: 165-166 4,6-o-isopropylidene-o-,synthesis, 39:73
1,6-anhydro- 2,3,4-tri-0-acetyl-1,6-anhydro-p-~-,
p-0- conformation of, 26:60
acetalation of, 34:90-91 Talopyranose pentaacetate
complexes, 3 4 5 5 5-a-carba-a-~~-,4&27
conformation of, 34:61 carba-P-DL-,48:34-35
deuterated and other derivatives, Talopyranoside
synthesis of, 34:97-99 D-
sweetness-structure relationship, 45269 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-, trifluoromethyl3,4,6-
p-toluenesulfonylationof, 34:82 tri-0-acetyl-P-, 'H- and I9F-NMR
3-C-(hydroxymethyl)-2,3-0- data for, 4689
isopropylidene-p-D-,preparation of, methyl 4-deoxy-4-fluoro-a-
34: 100 "C-NMR data for, 46: 164
D-, acetolysis of, 34:65 'H-and I9F-NMR data for, 46:94
2,4-di-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-p-~-,preparation 6-0-trityl-a-, IH- and I9F-NMR data
of, 34:82 for, 46:94
2,3-O-isopropylidene-p-~- methyl 4,6-dideoxy-4,6-difluoro-a-
formation by acetal migration, 34:205 I3C-NMR data for, 46:175
mass spectrometry of, 3462 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 4 6 150
mass spectrum of, 29:75 2,3-0-isopropylidene-a-, IH- and I9F-
3,4-O-isopropylidene-p-~- NMR data for, 46: 150
acetal migration, in, 34:205 methyl 4,6-dideoxy-4-fluoro-a-
crystal structurebibliography, 32:361 6-amino-, 'H-and I9F-NMR data for,
hydrolysis and isomerization, 39:26 46: 120
mass spectrometry of, 34:62 6-azido-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for,
3,4-0-isopropylidene-2-0-p-tolylsulfonyl- 46:119
P-D-, reactivity of, 24:154, 163 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-~-,48: 164
2,3-0-isopropylidene-4-0-p-tolylsulfonyl- 4,6-dideoxy-4,6-difluoro-a-~-, 48: 149

Talopyranoside (continued) 2,6-dideoxy-~-,in Type 5 capsular

methyl 4-acetamido-4,6-dideoxy- polysaccharide,33:302
CI-D-, 23:187 5-acetamido-
(Y-L-,23:187 5,6-dideoxy-~-,23: 176
methyl 4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-2,3-0- 5,6-dideoxy-~-,23: 176
isopropylidene-a+, 24: 153, 190 2-amino-
deamination of, 31:42 2-deoxy-~-,22: 131
methyl 2,3-anhydro-6-deoxy-4-0-methyl-a- 2,6-dideoxy-~-
L-, 25: 147 biosynthesis, 44:296-298
methyl 3,4-anhydro-6-deoxy-2-0-methyl-a- deamination of, 31:40,44
L-, 25147 3-amhO-
methyl 3,4-anhydro-2-0-benzoyl-6-deoxy-~1- 3-deoxy-~-,22: 131
D-,25:147 3,6-dideoxy-~-,22: 128
methyl 2,3-anhydro-4,6-0-benzylidene-~-, 2,5-anhydrO-D-, 25: 186
25:116, 140 preparation of, 31:25
methyl 2,6-anhydro-3,4-0-isopropylidene-P- composition
D-,24: 197 in aqueous solution, 42:63
methyl 2-(chloromercuri)-2-deoxy-~1-~-, in nonaqueous solvent, 42:68
crystal structure of, 2975 D-
methyl 6-deoxy-a-~~-, synthesis, 40:69 acetonation of, 34: 184
methyl 6-deoxy-2,3-0-isopropylidene-4-C- derivatives, cyclic acetals, table, 34:
(2-methyl- 1,3-dithian-2-yl)-a-~-, 239
chemical shift values for, 32:42 gel chromatographyof, 25:3 1
methyl 4-deoxy-2,3-0-isopropylidene-4-C- nonselective spin-lattice relaxation rates,
methy1-6-O-methyl-a-~-,synthesis of, 45: 148
27:281 preparation from D-galactose by
methyl 4,6-dideoxy-4-(dimethylamino)-a-~-, acyloxoniumrearrangement, 26: 161
methiodide, crystal structure proton spin-lattice relaxation rates, 45: 150
bibliography, 30:452 2-deoxy-, 2-fluoro-~-,labeled, 48: 192
methyl 3,4-di-0-acetyl-2,6-anhydro-p-~-, 6-deoxy-
crystal structure bibliography, 38:442 composition in aqueous solution, 42:63
methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-, hydrolysis of, D-,21:173
34:202 ester with guanosine 5'-pyrophosphate,
Talopyranosyldaunomycinone 28:321
7-0-3-amino-2,3,6-trideoxy-2-fluoro-a-~-, L-, 21~173,179, 181,51:226
48:232-233 biosynthesis, 44:296-298
7-0-2,6-dideoxy-2-fluoro-a-~-, 48:232-233 nucleoside, preparation of, 42:254
D-Talopyranosyl fluoride 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-
2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-(~-,'~C-NMR data for, p-D-,reaction with triphenylphosphine-
46:161 carbon tetrachloride, 28:247
3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy- D-
2-bromo-a-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, formation of, 34: 184
46:130 preparation of, 34: 184
2-fluoro-P-, 'H-and I9F-NMR data for, L- derivatives, cyclic acetals, Table, 34:239
46:147 mutarotation of, 23:23
2-iodo-u-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, Taluronic acid, 2-amino-2-deoxy-~-,bio-
46: 130 synthesis, 44:296-298
Talose Tamarind-kernelpolysaccharide
2-acetamido- dextrinization,47:3 10-3 12
2-deoxy-o-, 24:134 gas-liquid chromatographyof, 28:56

Tamarindus indica Taxonomy, fungal, polysaccharides as aids in,

cell-wall studies on, 42:287-289 23:414
polysaccharides from seed of, 24:372 Tay-Sachs disease, 25:478,40:27&279
Tam-Horsfall glycoprotein, 25:472,478 hexosaminidases in, 3 1 5 6
in urine, 24:441, 25:414415 T-domains, mucus glycoproteins, 47:353
Tangerine, 42:371 Teichoic acids. 21:323-375
TANGO pulse, 51:21 from actinemycetes, 21:363
Tannin, effect on pectinesterase, 33:337 from Bacillus .suhtilis, 21:350, 354
T antigen, 45: 17 1 bacterial polysaccharides, 48:3 15-3 16
Tapioca, dextrins source, 47:3 17-3 18 biosynthesis of, 21:372. 26:476-481, 28:334
Tara gum, uses of, 31:246 carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance
Tartaric acid spectra, 38:82, 88
configuration of, 21:32, 25:55 deamination and structure of, 31:76
nomenclature of, 21:34 degradation of, 21:340
D-and L-, derivatives, crystallography of, dextran-antiteichoic acid cross-reactions,
2558 30:404
dextro-, see Threaric acid, L- discovery of, 21:326
Tartronic acid, trimethylsilylated, mass function of, 21:371
spectrometry of, 29:80 glycerol. 21:334,346
Taste hydrolysis of. 21:33 I , 3455346,352
blindness, 45:3 1 1 interaction with concanavalin A, 35: 175-177
and chemical composition, early from Lactobacillus arabinosus, 21:334, 361
explanations of, 45:206 from Lactohacillus buchneri. 21:350
and hydrophobicity, 45:223 from Lactobacillus casei, 21:341
intensity, measurements, types of measures lipid intermediates in biosynthesis of, 26:430
used for, 45:350 location in relation to cell structure. 21:365
perception membrane, 21:332
effect if structure on, 45:20&20 I polymers, hydrolysis of, 28: 16
mechanism, 45:200 ribitol, 21:354
peripheral mechanisms in, 45326-328 alkali action on, 21:358
receptor mechanism for, 45:209-2 14 from Staphylococcus arahinosus. 21: 175,
factors determining response of, 363
45:210-211 from Staphylococcus uureus. 21:343
sense, 45: 199 Copenhagen, 21 :360
and sensory system, 45:325 H, 21:359
and structure, early explanations of. 45: from Staph.vlococcus 1acti.r.21 :342, 347, 350
205 from Streptococci. 21:344
Taste cell transduction, steps in, 45:2 12-2 12 wall, 21:346
Taste couples, 45:218 Telluric acid, complex with-D-fructose, 22:288
Taste receptor, 45:326-328 Temperature
binding of taste stimulus to, 45:329-330 coefficient, for anomerization, 24:5 1
versus behavioral responses, 45:329-330, effect on
334 P-amylase action, 23:341
binding to, 45:328-339 on enzyme kinetics, 23:295,327
membranes initial interaction with taste on phosphorylase action, 23:356
modifier molecules, 45:338 cyclic acetal preparation, 26:201
in sweetness, 45:237 gel chromatography, 25: 19
Taste theory, evolution of, 45:200-201 solubility of sucrose. 27:89
Tauromerism, keto-enol, 26:6 utilization of monosaccharides by yeasts,
Tautomeric forms of sugars, 42: 16 32230

Terpenes, C-glycosylated, syntheses by Wittig 2,3,6,7-Tetrahydro-7-methylcyclopen[b]-

reaction, 27:238 azepin-8-( lH)-one, 46:3 15
Terphenyl, in gas-liquid chromatography, Tetralin, as reaction medium for reduction of D-
28:46 glucose, 27: 106
2-ter&Butylanthraquinone, for enhancing 2,3,2,3-Tetramethoxyhenzoin,
detectahility of carbohydrates, 46:67 photocyclization of, 46:201
Testes, D-fructose metabolism in, 34:298-305 I , 1,3,3-Tetramethylurea, as matrix for f.a.b.-
Testosterone, plasma, and seminal D-frutose mass spectrometry, 45:27
values, 34:303-305 Tetra-O-acetyl-2-acetarnido-2-deoxy-
Tethered approach connection, 53:300-301 carbahexoses, synthesis, 48:60,62
Tetra-0-acetyl- 1,5-anhydro-~-arabino-hex- 1- Tetra-0-acetyltrillenogenin mono-p-
enitol, synthesis, 49:85 bro-mobenzenesulfonate, crystal structure,
Tetra-0-acetyl- 1-bromo-P-o-glucopyranosyl 43:268-269
chloride Tetra- 0-benzoyl-a-o-mannopyranosyl
elimination reactions, 49:89-90 bromide, 48:73
synthesis, 49:61 (+)-2-O-(Tetrahydropyran-2-yl)uridine,crystal
Tetra-0-acetyl-5-hromo-~-~-glucopyranosyI structure, 43:366-367
chloride, synthesis, 49:61 Tetraphosphoric acid, in selective
Tetra-0-acetyl- 1-bromo-P-o-glucopyranosyl phosphorylation of Carbohydrates, 33:47
cyanide, synthesis, 49:58 Tetraric acids, trivial names, 52: 11 1
Tetra-0-acetyl- 1-bromo-P-D-ghcopyranosyl Tetrasaccharide AX,, from arabinoxylan,
fluoride, synthesis, 49:6 1 32:347
Tetra-O-acetyl-5-bromo-~-~-glucopyranosyl Tetrasaccharide-glycoside, synthesis, 49:228
fluoride, synthesis, 49:61 Tetrasaccharides, 51: 151
Tetra-O-acetyl-5-bromo-~-~-xy~opyranose, in plant kingdom, 37:310-311
49:4748 Tetrazole
elimination reactions, 49:87 I-p-D-, ribohranosyl-, crystal structure
Tetra-0-acetyl-o-ghcopyranosyl radical, 49:72 bibliography, 34:372
Tetraammonium 5 -p-adenyl-(3 ,5)- derivatives, from sugar derivatives, 25393
thymidylyL(3 ,5)-adenylyl-(3 ,5 )- IH-
thymidine, hydrate, crystal structure 5-amino- 1 -P-D-nbohranosyl-, crystal
bibliography, 38529 structure bibliography, 37:434
Tetra-O-benzoyl-2-bromo-~-glucono- 1,5- 1 -P-o-ribofuranosyl-, crystal structure
lactone, synthesis, 49:62-63 bibliography, 37:434
Tetrabutylammonium fluoride, fluorinating 2H-, 5-amino-2-P-~-ribofuranosyl-, crystal
agent, 38:219 structure bibliography, 37:434
Tetracosanoic acid, 24:396,410 Tetrazolides, (arylsulfony1)-, in nucleotide
2-hydroxy-, 24:396-397,410 formation, 36: 158
Tetradecanoic acid, methyl ester, esterification Tetrazolium Blue, for enhancing detectability
of sucrose with, 33:44 of carbohydrates, 46:67
Tetradeca(ribonucleotide), synthesis, 39:42 Tetrazolium bromide, 5-a-~-lyxofUranosyl-2,3-
Tetradeoxynonulosonic acids, 5,7-diamino- diphenyl-, crystal structure bibliography,
3,5,7,9-, 47:180-181,48:298 38:470
Tetraethyleneglycol, as matrix for f.a.b.-mass Tetr-3-enose, 3-0-acetyl- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-
spectrometry, 45:26 a-L-glycero-, 24:248
Tetrahedral-lattice model, 51:80-81 Tetritols
Tetrahy&ohran-2-one, as solvent for sugars, acetals of, 7:137-207
27:106 acetates, gas-liquid chromatography of,
spiro-Tetrahydro-3-methyl-2-(czs-2,3,4,6-tetra- 28:92
O-acetyl-~-glucopyranosyl)-3-fi1ranol, anhydro-, 25:230
crystal structure, 43:250-25 1 derivatives and, 25:271

2-deoxy- glvcero-, 22:197, 213

oL-glycero-. 4-diethylborinate 1.3- preparation, 38:243
ethylboronate, selective cleavage, 3,4-di-O-benzoyl- 1-deoxy- 1 -diazo+
39:54 glycero-, halogen derivatives from,
2-fluoro, synthesis, 40: 104-1 05 31:60
3-deoxy-~~-gfvcero- L-glycero-
ethylhoronate, structure, 3 5 4 3 polarography and electroreduction of,
phenylboronate, structure, 3 9 4 3 29:13 1-133
1,3:2,4-di-O-benzyIidene-, selective preparation, 37:142
hydrolysis, 39:20 3,4-O-dibenzoyl- I -deoxy-l -diazo+
halogen derivatives, 22:213 glycero-, reaction with hydrogen
1,3-0-benzylidene-, sulfonic esters. fluoride, 38:243
reduction of, 23:275 2-Tetrulose, ni.-g/ycero-. synthesis, 40:26,
Tetritol- 1 -yl imidazoline-2-thione, 4-11- 29
arabino-, 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-3-methyl-. Textile industry, galactomannans in, 31:3 I 1
crystal structure bibliography, 37:397 Thallium(II1) trifluoroacetate, reaction with
Tetrodialdose, L-threo-, from o-glucose dithioacetals. 3260
radiolysis, 37:41 Thallium L-ascorbate, crystal structure,
Tetrofuranose, 4-C-isopropyl-l.2-0- 43:337
isopropyhdene-cY-D-xyk-, proton magnetic Thaumatin
resonance spectra, non-equivalence of antibodies, cross-reactivity, 45333-334
nuclei in, 27:63 immunoreactivity, and relative sweetness,
Tetrofuranoside, methyl 3-deoxy-3-C-forniyl- 45332
a-L-threo-, 22: 171 relative sweetness, 45:332
Tetrofuranosylamine, 2-deoxy-P-~-ghvero-, sweetness. 45:2 13
48:242-243 time-intensity relationships for, 49346
Tetronic acid, 4-amino-3.4-dideoxy-I -glvcrro-, three-dimensional structure, 45:333-334
from butirosins, 30: 131 Theanderose, in honey, 25:297, 301,308
Tetronitrose 2-Thenoic acid, cellulose esters, preparation of,
natural occurrence of, 4 2 7 3 29:338
structure of, 42:71,78 Theophrastus, 45:200,201
synthesis of, 423123, 125 Theophylline
Tetroses 7-P-~-ribofuranosyl-,5'-phosphate, 22:370
3-acetamido-2,3-dideoxy- 7-(6-deoxy-P-~-/yxo-hexopyranosyl-2-
D-glycero-,synthesis, 40: 1 17 ulose), biological activity of,
or-glycero-, synthesis, 40: 1 17 42:262-263
in aqueous solution, 42: I7 7-(3-deoxy-3-nitro-P-~-galactopyranosyl)-,
branched-chain, in formose reaction acetylation with acetic anhydride and
products, 29:211-212 perchloric acid, 33:3 1
crystallography of, 2 5 5 8 7-(3-deoxy-3-nitro-~-1~-manno-pyranosyl)-,
deoxy-, melting points and optical rotations acetylation with acetic anhydride with
of, 26:280 boron trifluoride, and with phosphoric
2-deoxy-~-g/,vcero-, 21: 154 acid, 33:3 1
halogen derivatives, 22:213 7-(2,4-di-O-acetyl-3,6-di-deoxy-r-etyfhro-
polarography of, 29: 129, 150 hex-2-enopyranosyl)-, 24:24 1
Tetmlose glycuronic acid conjugate, preparation,
o-and L-glycero-, polarography of, 29: 129 36: 127
3,4-di-O-benzoyl- I -bromo-l -deoxy-n- 7-(methyl 2-acetamido-6-O-acety1-2,3,4-
glycero-, 22: 197,2 13 trideoxy-P-~-etylhro-hex-2-
preparation, 38:243 enopyranosid-4-yl),crystal structure,
3,4-di-O-benzoyl- I -chloro- I-deoxy-~- 43:296

Theophylline (continued) isolation of Carbon C-2, 52:27 1,273

7-(methyl 2-acetamido-6-O-acety1-2,3,4- from pentulose and glycine, 52:291
tridoexy-a-o-threo-hex-2- 1,2,3,4-Thiatriazoles, model, synthesis,
enopyranosid-4-yl), crystal structure, 44:lOl
43:294296 Thiazine, derivatives, from sugar derivatives,
N-glucosyl-, 2 1 ~ 2 4 25:403
3-enopyranosyl-2-ulose), antitumor amino-, C-glycosylated, synthesis, of,
activity of, 42:263 27:295
Thermal analysis, differential, during starch biosynthesis, in yeasts, 52:306
pyrolysis, 22:487,489 cleavage of bond with pyrimidine,
Thermal decomposition, 47:203-204 52:271-272
Thermodynamics degradation, 52:271, 273
of gels, 24:306 mass-spectrometric fragmentation, 52:274
for mutarotation of sugars, 24:5 I , 56 metabolites, with probable deoxypentulose
Thermogravimetric analysis, during starch origin, 52:284-287
pyrolysis, 22:487 precursors, biosynthesis of thiamine
Thevetose, cardenolides containing, 21 :286 diphosphate, 52:269-27 1
Thiabenzazole, antifungal activity, 49: 166 Thiazolidine, derivatives
(E,E)-Thiacyclodeca-4,7-diene,49: 160 preparation of, 32:20
Thiadiazoline, derivatives, from sugar from sugar derivatives, 25:385
derivatives, 25:393 Thiazolidinecarboxylic acid, 2-(o-galactitol-l-
Thiamine, 52:267-307 yl)-4-, diastereomers, 46:3 17-3 18
biosynthesis Thiazoline, derivatives, from sugar derivatives,
from 5-amino- 1-( p-o- 25:352,386
ribofuranosyl)imidazole, 52:300- Thietane ring, sugar derivative, 25: 157
303 Thin-layer chromatography, 46:28
problems in the study, 52:268-269 metal cation4arbohydrate complexes
cleavage of bond between pyrimidine and applications, 47:35-36
thiazole, 52:271-272 Thin-layer ligand-exchange chromatography,
mass-spectrometric fragmentation, metal-sugar complexes, 4 7 5
52:274-275 Thioacetals
pyramine degradation, 52:274 aldofuranosides and thioaldofuranosides
structure, 52:268 from, mechanism of, 21:117
synthesis glycofuranoside preparation from di-,
derepression by 5-amino- 1-(P-D- 21:112-113
ribofuranosy1)imidazole 5 - mass spectra of, 21:85, 93
phosphate, 52:292-293 of deoxy sugars, 21:205-206
in spinach chloroplasts, 52:277 as photosensitive protecting groups, 46: 195
thiazole Thioaldofuranosides, 21:114
degradation, 52:27 I , 273 ethyl, melting points and specific optical
five-carbon chain, pentulose as precursor, rotations of, 21: 142
52:288-291 mechanism of formation of, 21: 1 17
pyruvate and glucose as five-carbon chain 1-Thioaldose derivatives, thioglycosides
precursors, 52:282-283 preparation, 52: I83
synthesis by E. Cali cells, 52:275-277 Thioalkoxide group, participation in sugar
Thiamine diphosphate, biosynthesis, from reactions, 22: 155
thiazole and pyrimidine precursors, Thiobarbituric acid
52:269-271 5-butyl-2-, cyclodextrin inclusion complexes
Thiamine thiazole with, 46:223-224

5-hexyl-2-, cyclodextrin inclusion complexes stereoselectivity,52:189-190

with, 46:223-224 steric activation-deactivation,52: 19&191,
5-pentyl-2-, cyclodextrin inclusion 193
complexes with, 46:223-224 I-Thioglycosides
5-propyl-2-, cyclodextrin inclusion 3-0-glycosidic linkage formation,
complexes with, 46:223-224 50:29&292
Thiobarbituric acid, as reagent for D-fructose hydrolysis of, 22:35
estimation, 22:239 Thioguanine nucleosides, biological activity of,
Thiocarbamates,carbohydrate,photolysis, 42: 132
38:157-158,164 Thioketonucleosides,synthesis of, 42:257
Thiocarbohydroximidicacid, C-allyl-S-P-D- Thiolanediol 1-oxide
glucopyranosyl-0-sulfo-, potassium salt, cis-3,4-, phenylboronates, separation of
monohydrate, crystal structure stereoisomers,3 5 5 8
bibliography, 38:440 3,4-, esters, thio carbohydrate substrates,
Thiocarbonates, of carbohydrates, 15:91-158 40: 101-1 04
Thiocarboxamides,synthesis, 44: 109-1 10 Thiol group, 23:117,334,347
Thiocyanate ion, cyclodextrin inclusion Thiol reduction, mucus glycoproteins tertiary
complexes with, 46:221 structure, 47: 352-3 5 3
Thiocyanates,44:9 1 Thiols
as solvents for sugars, 27:95 in dithioacetal preparation, 32: 19-20
Thiocyanogen,reaction with tri-0-acetyl-D- reaction with aldoses, 21:19
glucal, 24:209 1-Thiols, thioglycosidespreparation, 52: 183
1-Thioglycerol Thionobenzoyl group, participation in sugar
cluster ions, 45:29 reactions, 22: 169
as matrix for f.a.b.-mass spectrometry, Thionucleosides,preparation of, 42:245
45:26-28,54 Thionyl bromide, and hexamethylphosphoric
Thioglycolic acid, cleavage of deaminated triamide, bromination of D-ribonucleosides
thiamine, 52:271-272 by, 28:250
Thioglycosides,52: 179-200 Thionyl chloride
anomeric activatioddeactivation, 52: 190, and hexamethylphosphorictriamide,
192 chlorination of D-ribonucleosides by,
block synthesis of oligosaccharides, 28:250
52: 191-1 98 polymerization of sugars by, 21:447
D-glucopyranosyl residues, 52: 195, 198 reaction with sucrose, 33:252
1-active ganglioside analogue, 52: 193- selective chlorination with, in N,N-
194 dimethylformamide,33:80
conversion into other glycosyl donors, Thiopental, cyclodextrin inclusion complexes
52:183-184 with, 46223-224
direct activation, 52:187 Thiophene-2-aldehyde, 3-bromo-, Fourier
formation from dithioacetals,32:66-70 proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy
as glycosyl acceptors in oligosaccharide of, 27:62
synthesis, 52: 197-198 Thiophenes
glycosylationreactions, armed-disarmed 2-~-~-ribofuranosyl-, preparation of, 33: 160
concept, 52: 189-193 ~-thveo-3,4-dihydroxy-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-, 2-
as glycosyl donors, 50:22 dimethyl acetal, 23:208
in situ generation of glycosyl halides, formation of, 46:3 18
52:184-185 tetrahydro-3,4-dimethyl-,S-oxide, as solvent
nomenclature, 52: 135-136 for sucrose, 27:lll
preparation, 52: 181, 183 tetrahydro-I ,I-dioxide, solubility of sucrose
promoters, 52: 185-1 89 in, 27:87

Thiophenes (continued) 1,4-anhydro-, 25:230

S-oxide, as solvent for sugars, 27: 1 11 L-, infrared spectrum of, 25252
tetrahydro-3-methyl-, S-oxide, as solvent for I -3-O-benzylidene-2,4-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-
sucrose, 27: 1 1 1 L-, 23:275
2-(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-P-~- I , I-bis(acetamid0)-I-deoxy-L-,preparation
glucopyranosy1)-, synthesis of, 33: of, 31:83
143 catalytic oxidation of, 25262
Thiophenobarbital, cyclodextrin inclusion D-, gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:93
complexes with, 46:223-224 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-o~-,synthesis, 38:237,
4-Thiopseudouridine, crystal structure, 40: 104
43:311-313 4-deoxy-2,3-U-isopropylidene-o-, synthesis,
5-Thiopyranosides, hydrolysis and 40:117
methanolysis of, 22:37 1,3:2,4-di-O-benzylidene-~-, selective
Thiosemicarbazides, synthesis, 44: 106-109 hydrolysis, 39: 19
Thio sugars 1,3:2,4-di-O-methylene-~-, dipole moment
biological activity of, 42:135-137 and conformational analysis of,
composition in aqueous solution, 42:43, 26:6546
52-54 m.-, synthesis, 40:29
C-S-C-H pathways, torsion angles and L-, synthesis, 40:115
vicinal coupling constants, 51:55 Threofuranose
mutarotation of, 24:49 4-acetamido-4-deoxy-o-, 23: 196
in solution, 49:3 I 1,2:3,3-di-O-isopropylidene-[3-C-
Thiothymine, 1-(tetra-0-acetyl-P-o-glycosy1)- (hydroxymethy1)-P-L-,preparation of,
2-, synthesis, 44:97-98 31:183
Thiouracil, 2,5-anhydro-l-(2,3-0- I ,2-O-isopropylidene-P-~-,in o-apiose
isopropylidene-P-o-ribofuranosyl)-2-, synthesis, 31:179
crystal structure, 43:325-326 Threofuranoside
Thioureido group, participation in sugar methyl 3-deoxy-3-C-formyl-a-~-,
reactions, 22:146, 164 preparation of, 31:29
Thiourethano group, participation in sugar methyl 2-deoxy-2-C-formyl-P-o-,
reactions, 22: 146 preparation of, 31:29
Thiouridine, 5,6-dihydro-2-, crystal structure, a-~-threo-Hex-4-enopyranosiduronic acid,
43:36&36 1 methyl 4-deoxy-2,3-di-O-methyl, methyl
Thiouridine hydrochloride, 2,3-0- ester, synthesis, 39:248
isopropylidene-5-(methylamino)-methyl- rhren- I ,4-Lactone, 2,6-di-O-benzoyl-3,5 -
2-, 43:335 dideoxy-o,r.-, 50: 172
8-Thioxoadenosine, monohydrate, crystal Threonic acid
structure, 43:318 4-bromo-4-deoxy-DL-, synthesis, 40:5
Thomosamine, 23: 155 4-chloro-4-deoxy-o~-,synthesis, 40:5
Thompson, Aha, obituary of, 19:1-6 4-(cyclohexylamino)-4-deoxy-~-. 23: 14 1
Thorpe-lngold effect, 49:24 4-deoxy-o~-,synthesis, 40:5
Threaric acid DL-, synthesis, 4 0 : 5 4
L- L-, synthesis, 40:115
(+)-, 2 1 ~ 3 4 o-Threonic acid, 2-C-methyl-, isolation and
configuration of, 31:82 characterization of, 28: 195
in L-apiose synthesis, 31: 180 Threonine
precursor for sugar syntheses, 40: I 15- P-o-glucopyranosyl-( I+~)-(Y-L-
1I7 fucopyranosyl-( I-~)-L-, isolation and
2-0-(carbozymethyl)-or-, 2526 1 synthesis, 39:330
Threitol (9-P-o-ribofuranosylpurin-6-ylcarbamoyl)-

L-, crystal structure bibliography, Thulium complex, in conformational analysis

32:383 of acetals. 34: 198
L- Thylakoids, structure, 0-D-galactosylglycerides
a- and p-o-glycosyl derivatives,C-NMR in, 37:327
chemical-shifts data, 43:23 Thymidine
carbohydrate chains linked to, in 5-(2-acetamIdo-2-deoxy-a-~-galacto-
glycoproteins, 26:458 pyranosyl pyrophosphate), enzymic
carbohydrate substrate, 40: 1 17 synthesis of, 28:324
in cell-wall glycoproteins, 42:298 5 -(2-acetamido-2-deoxy-a-~-g~uco-
derivatives, glycosylation, 43: I56 - 172 pyranosyl pyrophosphate), enzymic
in glycoprotein from sheep and ox. 33:7 synthesis of, 28:324, 342
in glycoprotein linkages, 25:4 I 8, 425 5-(4-acetamido-4,6-dideoxy-~-galactosyl
mass spectra of acetylated 0-glycosyl pyrophosphate), and epimer, 28:323
derivatives, 29: 105 5-(a-~-galactopyranosyl pyrophosphate),

0-a+-galactosylated peptides, C-N MR enzymic preparation of, 28:340
chemical shifts, 43:28, 3 I isolation of, 28:322
3-0-Dg~yCOSy~, 43: 156-175 5-(a-~-glucopyranosylpyrophosphate),
0-glycosyl derivatives, synthetic, enzymic synthesis of, 28:338
43:135-201 epimerase action on, 28:375
0-glycosylation, 43:27 isolation of, 28:322
0-glycosyl derivatives, 43:27-28 mechanism of conversion of, 28:38 1
Threono- 1,4-lactone, DL-, synthesis, 40:6 structure of, 28:309
Threose 5 -(a-o-mannopyranosyl pyrophosphate),
4-acetarnido-4-deoxy-o-, 23: 141 occurrence of, 28:322
D- 5 -(2-amino-2-deoxy-a-~-glucopyranosyl
composition in aqueous solution, 42:31, pyrophosphate), enzymic synthesis of,
3637 28:339
crystallography of, 25:58 3- and 5(trialkylsilyl)ethers, acid
derivatives, cyclic acetals, Table, 34:2 10 hydrolysis, 39:65
from o-xylose oxidation, 33:98 25-anhydro-, 24: 179
polarography of, 29: 129 3-O-(methylsulfonyl)-,displacement
synthesis, 40:121-122 reaction of, 24: 184
DL-,synthesis, 40:5-8, 90 2.3-anhydro-
L- 5-deoxy-5-iodo-,preparation of, 28:245
crystallography of, 25:58 5-0-(methylsulfonyl)-, 24: 178
derivatives, cyclic acetals, Table, 34:2 I0 2,2-anhydro-2-thio-5-0-trityl-, 24: 1 8 I
L-ascorbic acid from, 37: 149-1 50 5-(3-benzoylpropanoyl)-,preparation, 39:4 1
from L-sorbose by oxidation, 33:W 5-@-1.-rhamnopyranosyl pyrophosphate),
synthesis, 40: 1 17 biosynthesis of, 28:383
4-O-methyl-o-, saccharinic acids from isolation of. 28:323
alkaline degradation, 28: 195 5-bromo-5-deoxy; form B, crystal structure
rhreo-threo configuration, 47: 14, 145 bibliography, 31:370
Threuronic acid, L-, decarboxylation of, 28: 188 crystal structure bibliography, 31:370
Thrombin, 43: 1 19 3,5-cyclic phosphate, 22:321
antithrombin-mediated inhibition, hydrolysis, 39:hl
43:119-121 5 -(6-deoxy-a-~-xylo-heptopyranosyl-4-
group properties. 43: 122 ulose pyrophosphate), enzymic
Thrombocytes, desialylated, 40:222 synthesis of, 28:323
Thrombopenia, 45: I7 1 5-(6-deoxy-~-glucosylpyrophosphate),
Thromboxane, synthesis of, 42:95 enzymic synthesis of, 28:323

Thymidine (continued) 5-phosphate, 22:3 11,343

5-deoxy-5-iodo-,preparation of, 28:243 phosphorylation of, 33:4849
3 -deoxy-3-iOdO-5-0-(p-nitrobenzoyl)-, 5 -pyrophosphateglycosyl esters, occurrence
preparation of, 28:248 and enzymic synthesis of, 26:356
5-(~-fucosylpyrophosphate), preparation of, radiolysis and free-radical-induced scission,
28:323,356 3 75 2 ,5 6 5 7
35-dideoxy-3,5-diiodo-, preparation of, reaction with diethyl diazodicarboxylateand
28:245 carboxylic acids, 33:45
3 5-di-0-acetyl-, selective deacylation, (-)-(5s)-5,6-dihydro-5-hydroxy-, crystal
39:36 structure bibliography, 385 12
35-di-O-(methylsulfonyl)-, displacement selective acetylation of,33:33
reaction of, 24:178 selective chlorination with
35-diphosphate, 22:308,322, 348 triphenylphosphine and carbon
5-(~-ribosylpyrophosphate), occurrence of, tetrachloride, 33:79
28:322 selective iodination with methyltri-
esterification of, 33: 13 phenoxyphosphonium iodide, 33:77
with (p-nitrophenoxy)carbonylchloride, selective oxidation of, 33:88-89
33:32 selective sulfation of, 3351
glucose and D-galacturonic acid esters of 5- 4-thio-p-~-,23:223
pyrophosphate, 28:323 2-thio-5-O-trityl-, methanesulfonylation of,
3' -0-acetyl- 24:181
5-deoxy-5-iodo-, preparation of, 28:243 Thymidine 3,5-bisphosphate, radiolysis,
5-0-(chloroacetyl)-, selective 31:47
deacylation, 39:43 Thymidine-5-carboxylicacid, crystal structure
5-O-(4-methoxycrotonoyl)-, selective bibliography, 32:382
deacylation, 39:39 Thymidine 5-diphosphate, glycosyl esters,
5-0-(2,2,2-tribromoethoxycarbonyl)-, 44:280, see also Glycosyl nucleotides
selective deacylation, 39:4 1 Thymidine 3,5-(N,N-
preparation, 39:41 dimethylphosphoramidate),43:373
4-thio-, crystal structure bibliography, Thymidine 3 -phosphate, 5-0-(2,4,6-
30:462 trimethylbenzoy1)-, hydrolysis, 39:39
5-0-acetyl- Thymidylate, disodium thymidylyL(5+3 )-5 -
hydrolysis, 39:39 ,dodecahydrate, crystal structure
3-0-(2,4-dinitrophenylsulfenyl)-, bibliography, 31:36 1
selective deacylation, 39:43 Thymidylic acid, calcium salt hexahydrate,
3 -0-(2,2,2- tribromoethoxycarbony1)-, crystal structure bibliography, 31:370
selective deacylation, 39:41 Thymine
preparation, 39:41,43 1-(6-amino-2,5,6-trideoxy-~-erythro-
3 -0-(methylsulfonyl)-5-0-trityl-, hexofuranosy1)-, deamination of, 3157
displacement reaction of, 24: 178 1-(3,5-anhydr0-2-deoxy-p-o-,threo
3-0-(p-anisyldiphenyhnethyl)-5-0-(1- pentofuranosy1)-, 24: 172
napthyldiphenlymethy1)-,selective 1-p-D-arabinofuranosyl-, 24: 180
cleavage, 39:48 crystal structure bibliography, 31:358
5 -0-pivaloyl-, hydrolysis, 39:39 preparation of, 29:7
5-O-(p-nitrobenzoyl)-,reaction with I-p-D-glucopyranosyl-,6-phosphate,22:373
triphenylphosphine and iodine, 28:248 1-P-D-ribonfuranosyl-
5-0-trityl-, reaction with 3-phosphate, 22:352
triphenylphosphine-carbon 5-phosphate, 22:373
tetrachloride, 28:248 l-p-D-xylofuranosyl-, displacement reaction
3-phosphate,22:338,343 of, 24: 181

1-(3-chlor0-2,3-dideoxy-5-O-trityl-o- total, 51:77

erythro-pentofuranosy1)-,preparation Timothy, hemicellulose:celluloseratio, 36:253
of, 28:248 Tin
1-(2-deoxy-$-o-e?ythro- intermediates,see Organotin
pentohmosyluronic acid) conjugate, NMR spectroscopy,53: 19-20
preparation, 3 6 127 Tin compounds, tributyltin hydride, reduction
1 -[2-deoxy-3,4-di-0-(methylsulfonyl)-~-~- of chlorodeoxy sugars by, 28:303
erythro-pentofuranosyl]-,displacement Tinea nigra, 41:93
reaction of, 24: 184 Tipson-Cohen reagent, 24:229,232,255
1 -(2-deoxy-2-fluoro-~-~-arab~nofuranosyl)-Titanium tetrabromide, 1,6-
biological activity, 48:248-249,255 anhydrohexopyranosecleavage by, 34:67
synthesis, 48:238 Titanium tetrachloride
1-(6-deoxy-6-fluoro-~-~-gluco- and-galacto- 1,6-anhydrohexopyranose cleavage by, 34:67
pyranosyl), synthesis and biological in carbohydrateresearch, 29:4
activity, 48:266-267 TNantigen, 45: 171
2-deoxyglucosyl-, as inhibitor of pyrimidine Tobacco
nucleoside phosphorylase, 27:4 cell-wall studies on, 42:284
1-(6-deoxy-2,3-O-isopropylidene-a-~-lyxo- humectants, gas-liquid chromatographic
hexopyranosyl-4-ulose), antitumor analysis of, 28:97
activity of, 42:263 smoking, levoglucosan formation in, 34:46
2,3 -imino-1-(2-deoxy-$-~-threo- Tobramycin
pentofuranosy1)-, 24: 184 discovery of, 30: 112
1-(5-O-acety~-2,3isopropylidene-$-~-, and structure of, 30: 124
ribohmosyl)-5,6-(dichloromethylene)- mass spectrometryof, 29: 105
5,6-dihydro-3-methyl-, crystal structure I-N-acyl derivatives, activity against
bibliography, 3 8 4 9 8 4 9 9 resistant bacteria, 30: 174
1 -(5-O-acetyI-2-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-p-~- synthesis of, 30: 112, 162
ribofuranosyl)-,23:245 TOCSY pulse, 51:23
1-[2-O-(methy~su~fony~)5-O-trityl-p-~- Toluene
ribofuranosyl]-,23:245 a,-a-dihalo-, benzylidene acetals prepared
1-(2-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-5-O-trity-p-D- with, 34:188
ribOfuranOsyl)-, 23:245 2,4-diisocyano-, in neoglycoprotein
I - ( ~ - ~ ~ ~ o - D - x ~ I o ~ ~ o2s 3~ ~I 12) 1- , preparation, 3 2 2 5 1
Thymol, as reagent for D-fructose estimation, as dispersing medium for reaction of sucrose
22:238 with phosgene, 27:106
Thyroglobulin, 25:446 0-(2,3,5-tri-O-acetyI-o-xylofuranosyl)-,
a-D-mannosidase in structural studies of, preparation of, 33: 144
28:445 Toluene-3,4-dithiol,zinc complex, as reagent in
carbohydrate chain in, 26:461 D-fructose estimation, 22:239
sialylated oligosaccharides,fractionation, p-Toluenesulfonates, 45:4
4646 carbohydrate,photolysis, 3 8 162-163
Ti F4 catalyst, glycosyl fluorides, synthesis, photolysis of, 46191
48109 p-Toluenesulfonic acid
Tigogenin, reaction with tetra-0-acetyl-ma-, in anhydridizationof hexoses, 3 4 4 6 4 7
glucopyranosylbromide in presence of esters of polysaccharides,29:337
silver salts, 34:249 p-Toluenesulfonic anhydride, sulfonylation of
Tiliroside, as plant-growth substance, 21:412 carbohydratesby, 23:238
Time-correlationfunction, 51:64,67-68 p-Toluenesulfonylation,53:37-38
composite, 51:117 of 1,6-anhydro-hexopyranoses,34:80
segmental motion, 51:79 of carbohydrate boronates, 3 5 5 3

p-Toluenesulfonylation (continued) Toyocamycin,monohydrate, crystal structure

of dextrans, 30:41&411 bibliography, 38:519
of D-glucofuranose, 30:4 Tracers, isotopic, 3:229-250
selective, 33:14,27,3&35,41 Tracheid cell walls, 26:303-305
of maltose and derivatives, 39:227-229 Tragacanth, gum, 44:247
of sucrose, 33:36 Tragacanthic acid, 24:361
p-Toluenesulfonyl chloride enzymic hydrolysis of, 24:340
intermediate in nucleotide formation, 36: 157 Trumetes versicolor,a-L-arabinofuranosidase
reaction with amino group in dithioacetals, of, 42:387
32:55 Tranquilizer, Trioxazin, 2 8 9
replacement of hydroxyl group in Transacetalation,39:78
carbohydratesby chlorine, 22: 183 Transaminases in fruit climacterics, 42:365
sulfonylation agent for sugars, 23:236 Transeliminases,depolymerizingenzymes,
a-Toluenethiol, in dithioacetalpreparation, 33:325
32:17, 19 Transesterification
p-Toluic acid in ammonolysis of carbohydrate acyl esters,
esters of carbohydrate dithioacetals,33:41 31:lOl
esters of sugar dithioacetals,preparation of, of carbohydrate esters, 33:44
32:45 of nucleosides with tris(quino1in-8-yl)
Toluidine Blue, complexes with phosphate, 33:49
glycosaminoglycans,29:401 of sucrose, 33:272-273
p-Toluoyloxy group, reactivity of, in Sugars, 49:235-236
acyloxonium salt formation, 26: 131 Transferases
p-Tolylboronates, stability to hydrolysis, 3 5 5 0 enzymic specificity,monitored by I3C-NMR
p-Tolylsulfonyloxy group, reactivity of, 24: 139 spectroscopy,43: 10
Tolyposamine, synthesis, 40: 106 glycosylationswith, see Glycosylation
Tomatine, as beetle repellent, 24:6 sugar and glycosyl ester nucleotide, 25469
Tomato Transfer reactions, catalyzed by glycosidases,
cell wall studies on, 42:298 49:231-233
development physiology of, 42:340-343, Transfemin
369,371-372,377,379-380 carbohydrate linkage in, 2542 1,444
Tomato pectinesterase,see Pectinesterases deamination of, 31:236
Tomato wilt, protective mechanisms for, N-glycosyl glycopeptide, mass spectrometric
33:384 analysis, 38:395
Tonoplast, of yeast cell, 32:141 Transformation,the Lobry de Bruyn-Alberda
Torsional angles, coupling of bond lengths and van Ekenstein, 13:63-103
bond angles to, 4296-101 Transfructosylation,of honey oligosaccharides,
Torsional potentials, Fourier component 25298,304
analysis, 47:82-85 Transglucosylase,in hydrolysis of starch, 36:33
Torulopsis spp. Transglucosylation,in honey oligosaccharides,
cundidu, transport of monosaccharidesinto, 25298,304
32: 1 5 6 157 Transglycosylase,endo-, in cellulose
duttilu, maltose utilization by, 32: 183 microfibril creep, 42:357
galactomannans,41:92 Transglycosylation,22:248,490,494,23:305,
mugnoliue, in glycerol manufacture from 25:35,32288,42308
sugars, 32:128 of 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-P-~-
stellutu, D-fructose fermentationby, 32: 153 glucopyranosides,31:5
Toxins in cellulose biosynthesis, 26:323
binding by sialic acids, 40:230-231 in cell-wall development, 26:348
from starch pyrolysis, 22:499 ofo-apiose, 31:155, 172-173

and enzymic action, 30:276 Trehalose 6-phosphate synthetase

Transition metals, 53:326-327 in Mycobacterium smegmatis, 30:242
oxidation by, 37:20 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 30:242
reductions, 3719-20 in Streptomyces hygroscopicus, 3024 1
Transition state of yeast, 30:238
anomeric effect, 47: 118 a,-a-Trehalose phosphorylase
slow, tight-binding inhibitors, 48:382-383 from Euglena gracilis, 30:254
Transketolase, synthesis, 49:204207 in trehalose synthesis, 30:244
Transmembraneelectrical potential, intact cell, Trehaloses, 18:201-225,21:29
41: 174-150 a,-a-, 25~301
Transosylation, 23:305 3,6:3, 6-dianhydro-, sweetness-structure
Transpeptidation, 26:432 relationship, 45:273
Trehalase 6-amino-6-deoxy-
a,-a- preparation of, 28:286
6-deoxyd-fluoro-, 48:211 synthesis and antibacterialactivity of,
in yeasts, 32: 199 30:153
activity in developing systems, 30:252 3,6-anhydrO-
distribution, specificity, and location of, hexaacetate, conformation of, 26: 117
30:246-252 sweetness-structure relationship, 45x273
in human serum and urine, 30256 6-azido-6-deoxy-,preparation of, 28:286
preparation and purification of, 30229 benzylidene derivatives, reactions with N-
role in transport of sugars, 30:253 bromosuccinimide, 26: 164
validamycin and validoxylamine activity biosynthesis of, 26369
against, 48:88 mechanism of, 30:236-245
Trehalosamine, 48:72 6-hromo-6-deoxy-, heptaacetate, reaction
a,-a- with sodium azide, 28:286
discovery of, 30:112 calcium bromide, monohydrate, crystal
from Streptomyces, 30:236 structure, 43:342-343
synthesis of, 30: 137, 153 catabolism of, 30:245-254
carba-, 48:88-89 conformation, 4752
synthesis, 48:72-73 6-deoxy-, preparation by photolysis of
isomer of, 28:286 iodo precursor, 28:305
a,-a-Trehalose calcium bromide trihydrate, 6,6-diaminod,6-dideoxy-, synthesis and
crystal structurebibliography, 31:359 antibacterial activity of, 30: 153
Trehalose derivatives, sweetness, comparison 3,6:3,6-dianhydro-, conformation of,
to corresponding monosaccharide analog, 26:117
by paired comparison test, 45:244245 2,2-dideoxy-, from yeasts, 30:237
a,-a-Trehalose 6,6-dimycolate, in 4,4-dideoxy-
Mycobacterium, 30:235,254 4,4-difluoro-, preparation, 38:222
a,-a-Trehalose 6,6-diphosphate,polymer, sweetness, comparison to methyl 4-
from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 30:236 deoxy-a-o-xylo-hexopyranoside,
Trehalose hexacetate, 6,6-dibromo-6,6- 45:244
dideoxy-a, a-,chloroform solvate, crystal sweetness threshold, determination by
structure, 43:254-256 triangular test, 45:245
a,-a-Trehalose 6-phosphate 6,6-dideoxy-6,6-difluoro-, preparation,
biosynthesis of, 30:237-245 38:211
occurrence and synthesis of, 30:236 dihydrate, crystal structure bibliography,
a,-a-Trehalose 6-phosphate phosphatase 30:453
distribution, specify, and location, 30:245 6,6-di-O-hexadecanoyl-, preparation,
possible control mechanism, 30:245 39:63

Trehaloses (continued) 2,3,4,2',3,'4'-hexa-O-acetyl-6,6'-dideoxy-

as energy reserve, 30:252 6,6'-dithiocyanato-a-a, 44: 145
exo-anomeric effect, 47:70 liquid chromatographymethods for analysis
isolation and identification of, 30:229, of, 46:33
232-235 methanesulfonylation and p-toluene-
metabolism of, 30:227-256 sulfonylation of, 33:35
methyl derivatives, sweetness, 45262 pyrolysis of, 34:45
methyl ethers, taste properties, 45262 reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 33:77
mono- and di-deoxy derivatives, selective chlorination with sulfuryl chloride,
sweetness-structure relationship, 33:73
49259-260 selectivephosphorylation of, 33:49
occurrence of, 30227,230-235 synthesis of, 25: 165
preparation of, 34:258 carba-, 48:69-70
radiolysis and radical-induced scission, a,-a-Trehalose 2-sulfate, esters in
37:52 Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 30:236
as reserve supply of energy, 30:255 Tremella, polysaccharide, 36:301
sc conformation, 47:88 Tremellaficiformis, polysaccharide, 41:97
as storage carbohydrate in yeasts, 32:200, Tremella mesenterica, polysaccharide,
230 41:7&72,97
structure of, 32:193,39:353,358 Tremuloidin, gel chromatography of, 2547
sweetness, 45263 Trestatins, 48:25-26
comparison to methyl a-D- Triacetoxonium ion, in fragmentation of
glucopyranoside,45244 peracetylated glycosides, 2946
structure relationship, 45243 Tri-0-acetyl- 1,5-anhydro-2-deoxy-~-urubino-
threshold determination by triangular hex-1-enitol, synthesis, 49:85
test, 45245 Tri-0-acetyl-p-D-xylopyranosyl chloride,
4,6,4' 6'-tetradeoxy-4,6,4,'6'-tetrafluoro-, 47:63
preparation, 38:222 Triacontanoic acid, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14-
2,3,2',3 '-tetra-O-benzoy1-4,6:4,'6'-di-O- heptamethyl-, ester of trehalose 2-sulfate,
benzylidene-, selective methanolysis, in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 30:236
39:19 Trialkylsilyl group, selective removal,
utilization by yeasts, 32:147, 19k-195, 39:62-70
199-200,39:390-391 Triamino sugars, C-branched, synthesis of,
and associations of abilities, 32:226 42:109
a-p- Triazine
acceptor products, 51:153 cellulose derivatives,preparation of, 29:349
2-chloro-4,6-bis(ethylamino)-, as dyes, for cellulosic materials, 29:35 1
herbicide, 21:407 in neoglycoprotein preparation, 32248-250
in honey, 25297,300 1,3,5-Triazine
3-O-a-~-glucopyranosyl-, from 2,4,6-trichloro-, reactions with alcohols and
Streptococcusfaecalis, 30:237 carbohydrates, 28:258
synthesis and occurrence of, 30:229,237 2,4,6-trione, 1,3,5-tri-chloro-,reaction with
2,4,6-tris(methoxy)-, as solvent for sugars, cyclic acetals, 39:118
27:117, 119 s-Triazine2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-
a,a'-galacto-, sweetness, comparison to (isopropylamin0)-, as herbicide, 21:406
methyl a-D-galactopyranoside,49244 as-Triazine-3,5(2H,4H)-dione,2-p-0-
p, p-, 25:301 ribofuranosyl-, see 6-Azauridine
synthesis and occurrence of, 30:229,237 as-Triazin-3(2H)-one, 5-amino-2-p-~-
halogenation with N-halosuccinimidesand ribofuranosyl-, crystal structure
triphenylphosphine,33:78 bibliography, 32:372

s-Triazole Trichophytin, 23:403

3-amino-, as plant-growth substance, 21:399 Trichosporonfernentans, galactomannan,
3-(~-~-glucopyranosylamino)-, 21:402 41:92
1,2,3-Triazole Tridacna marima lectin, purification and
derivatives, from sugar derivatives, properties, 35:314
25~387-392 Tridacnin, purification and properties, 35:3 14
1-phenyl-5-~-o-ribofuranosyl-, preparation Tridecanoic acid, 3-hydroxy-, gas liquid
of, 33: 184 chromatography and mass spectrum of,
1,2,4-Triazole,3-amino-5-ribofuranosyl-, 30:36
synthesis, 40:77 Trideoxyhexoses,21: 195
1,2,4-Triazole-3-carboxamide,1-p-D- Trideoxy nucleosides, preparation of, 42:245
ribofuranosyl-,see Virazole Trideuteriomethylgroup, in identification of
Triazolides, (arylsulfony1)-, in nucleotide methylated monosaccharidesby mass
formation, 36: 158 spectra, 21:71
Triazolo nucleosides, synthesis of, 42:257 Triethanolamine,as matrix for f.a.b.- mass
Tri-O-benzoyl-5-bromo-6-deoxy-~-~-xylo-hex- spectrometry, 45:26-27
4-ulopyranose, synthesis, 49:55 Triethanolamine-l,1,3,3-tetramthylurea, as
Tri-O-benzoyl-a-o-arabino-hex-2- matrix for f.a.b.-mass spectrometry,
ulopyranosyl bromide, synthesis, 49:55 45:54
Tri-0-benzylfucosyl donor, 50:98, 104 Triethylamine
2,2,2-Tribromoethoxycarbonylgroup, non- 2-chloro-l-l,2-trifluoro-, replacement of
hydrolytic removal, 39:41 hydroxyl group by fluorine, 22: 185
Tributylstannane,49:76-77 dechlorinationof chlorodeoxy sugars in
Tributylstannylethers presence of, 28:302
as glycosyl acceptors, 53: 126-127 Triethylammoniumuridine 3,5-cyclic
nomenclature, 53:19 phosphate, crystal structure bibliography,
reactions, 53:32-33 31:369
regioselectivity,53:33-36,65-68,95-97 Triethylenetetramine,as matrix for f.a.b.-mass
terminal diols, 53:120-121 spectrometry,45:26
Tributyltin ethers, 53:25-26 Triethyl phosphite, reactions with bromodeoxy
Tributyltin hydride, reduction of chlorodeoxy and deoxyiodo sugars, 28:285
sugars by, 28:303 Trifluoroacetates
Trichloroacetaldehyde,53:365-366 alditols
Trichloroacetimidate gas-liquid chromatographyof, 28:65,
p-, a-selective glycosidation, 50:73, 77 30:32
method, 50:25-115 mass spectrometry of, 29:55
alcohols and sugars as 0-nucleophiles, see and nucleosides, mass spectrometry of,
Nucleophiles, 0- 30:42
kinetic anomeric effect, 50:29 in gas-liquid chromatography,28:36,50
3-0-glycosidic linkage formation, of methylated alditols, gas-liquid
50~289-290 chromatographyof, 30:99
0-glycosyl trichloroacetimidateformation, of oligosaccharides,gas-liquid
50:25-30 chromatographyof, 28:70
reaction with Bronsted acids, 50:30-32 of 0-methyl sugars, gas-liquid
0-glycosyl, formation, 50:25-30 chromatographyof, 30536
2-N-phthaloyl-2-, reaction with nucleophiles, of sugars, gas-liquid chromatography of,
50:68,72-76 28:87
2,2,2-Trichloroethoxycarbonylgroup, Trifluoroacetic acid
50:286-287 hydrolysis
Trichodonin, taste properties, 45:3 12 of glycoconjugateswith, 46:267-268

Trifluoroacetic acid (confinued) of alditols, gas-liquid chromatography of,

of polysaccharides with, monosaccharide 30:30
recoveries after, 46:261-263 in gas-liquid chromatography of neutral
pH of aqueous solutions of, 46:252 monosaccharides, 28:4 1 4 9
Trifluoroacetic anhydride, in acetolysis, 22: 1 1,of methylated alditols, gas-liquid
13 chromatography of, 30238
(Trifluoroacetyl)ation, amino sugars, 38:25 1 of methylated methyl glycosides, gas-liquid
Trifluoroacetyl group, as blocking group, chromatography of, 30:25-26.80-81
39:36 of methylated sugars, gas-liquid
Trifluoro(fluoroxy)methane, fluorinating agent, chromatography of, 30:27-29,83-85
38:230-233 of oligosaccharides, gas-liquid
0-(Trifluoromethy1)ated sugars, synthesis, chromatography of, 28:68-70
48: 184-1 85 of reducing sugars in aqueous solution,
Trifoliin A,44:379 42:22
Trigonellafoenum-gruecum, seeds Tri-0-acetyl-P-o-arabinopyranosylbromide,
a-o-galactosidase in, 35365 crystal structure, 43:341-342
p-o-mannanase from, 35:367 Tri-O-acetyl-P-o-xylopyranosyl chloride,
P-o-mannosidase in, 35374 43:371
components of immature, 35352,355 2,3,4-Tri-0-henzoyl-2-C-chloride, crystal
galactomannan structure, 43:256-257
biosynthesis in, 35:352, 355 Triose kinase
location in, 35:345 control enzyme in o-fructose metabolism in
germination, galactomannan degradation liver, 34:296
during, 35:356-361 in metabolism of o-fructose, 34:293-335
oligo-P-o-mannosyl-( 1+4)-phosphorylase Triose phosphate isomerase, equilibrium
from, 35:375 catalyzed by, 49: 191
Trigonellafoenum-gruecum, galactomannans in Triose-reductone, formation, 46:294
seeds of, 31:255,257 Trioses
Trimethylacetic acid, cyclodextrin inclusion from degradation of hexoses, 22:242
complexes with, 46:22 1 halogen derivatives, 22:2 13
2,3,5-Trimethylbenzoquinone,formation, polarography of, 29:129, 150
46:294 3,7,9-Trioxabicyclo[4.2.llnonanes,
Trimethyl- I-butanol, 2,2,3-, hydrogenolysis, 39: 134
molecularconnectivity index, correlation Trioxabicyclo[3.3.0]octane,ring system, steric
with biological activity, 45:229-230 hindrance by, 28:241
1,3,5-Tri(3-methylbut-2-enyl)-scyllo-inositoI, 3,6,8-Trioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octanes
47:6, 15 hydrogenolysis, 39: 134
Trimethylenediamine-bis[guanosine5 -(methyl preparation and hydrogenolysis of, and
phosphate)platinum(II), undecahydrate, methyl derivatives, 34:148
crystal structure, 43: 332-3 33 Trioxacarcinose B
Trimethyl glucurone, preparation and structure natural occurrence of, 42:73
of, 33:201 structure of, 42:71
3,4,5-Trimethylphenyl acetate, cyclodextrin 1,3,5,2,4-Trioxadiborepane, nomenclature,
inclusion complexes with, 46:223-224 3536
Trimethylpropyl ethyl ether, (S)-(+)-1,2,2-, 1,3,5-Trioxane, infrared spectrum of, 29: 181
circular dichroism, 45:83 Trioxazin, tranquilizer, 28:9
Trimethylsilylation Triphenylmethoxy group, displacement in
of polysaccharides, 29:329 carbohydrates by halogen, 22: 181
of sugars, 28:23-33 Triphenylmethyl fluoroborate
Trimethylsilyl ethers acetal oxidation, 39:85-86

cyclic acetal oxidation and halogenation. Tris(quino1in-8-yl) phosphate, in

39:107-113. 152 transesterification of nucleosides, 33:49
Triphenyl phosphate-bis(pyridin-2-yl) Tris(tetramethylammonium) trimetaphosphate,
diselenide, in nucleotide formation, selective phosphorylation of nucleosides
36: I59 with, 33:49
Triphenylphosphine-bis(pyridin-2-yl)disulfide, Triterpenoid. o-glucopyranuronic acid
in nucleotide formation, 36: 159 conjugates, preparation, 36: 109
Triphenylphosphine-dibenzyl hydrogen Tritiation
phosphate-diethyl azodicarboxylate, by addition to double bond of unsaturated
phosphorylation of thymidine and uridine sugar, 27: 136
with, 33:49 ofheparin by tritium gas, 27:138
Triphenylphosphite halides, replacement of recoil labeling, 27:138
hydroxyl group by halide, 22: I84 Tritium
Triple bonds, unsaturated monosaccharides, compounds, stability of, 27: 139
52:95-96 labelling, of heparin and
Trisaccharide AX,, from arabinoxylan. 32:346 glycosaminoglycans, 29:350
Trisaccharides, 21:28 localization and chemical degradation,
esters with uridine 5-pyrophosphate, 28:33 I 27:140
interaction with lectins, 35: 142 p-Tritylaminophenyl, protecting group.
mass spectrometry of trimethylsilyl 36: 194- I95
derivatives, 30:39 Tritylation
from mesquite gum, 24:350 of dithioacetals, 32:46
permethylated, mass spectrometry of. dithioacetals in, of pentoses, 32:61
29:85-89,30:42 of levoglucosan, 34235
in plant kingdom, 37:290-300, 3 I 0 of nucleoside boronates, 35:55
structure, 35:5 selective
synthesis, 39:53,40: 126,49:22 1. 229, of maltose and derivatives, 39:2 19-220
236-237 and reactivities of hydroxyl groups,
from urine of genetic disease mannosidosis 33:51-53
patients, degradation of acetylated by of sucrose, 33:238-243
oxidation with chromium trioxide, Trityl chloride, see Methane, chlorotriphenyl-
31:231 Trityl ethers. of carbohydrates, 3:79-1 I 1
vicinal carbon-proton coupling constants, Trityl fluoroborate, cleavage of cyclic acetals
51:52-53 by, 34:207
Trisalosylactosylceramide, identification, 4 5 5 6 Trityl groups, as protecting groups, 36: 142
Tris(4-bromophenyl)ammoniumyl Tritylone group, as protecting group, 39:4849
hexachloroanthimonate, 52: 187 Trityloxy group, displacement in carbohydrates
Tris(dipivalomethanat0) europium (111). and by halogen, 22: 18 1
dipyridine adduct, effect on proton nuclear 2-(4-Tritylphenyl)sulfonylethyl, protecting
magnetic resonance spectroscopy. 29: 17, group, 36: I94
23 2-(4-Tritylphenyl)thioethyl, protecting group,
Tris (1,1,1,2,2,3,3-heptafluoro-7,7-dimethyl- 36: 194
4,6-octanedionato) europium (111). in Trityl protecting group, Helferichs work on,
proton nuclear magnetic resonance 45:3
spectroscopy, 29:21 Trityl tetrafluoroborate, oxidation by, 37: 1 14
Trisialosylganglioside, see Gangliosides Tropeoleum mujus, polysaccharide from seeds
Trisialosyllactosylceramide,44:437 of, 24:314
Trisodium 6-O-phosphono-~-gluconate Tryptophan
dihydrate, crystal structure bibliography, D-, favored conformation, 45232
32:355 in o-mannanases, 32:307

Tryptophan (continued) on virus infections, 40:37&371

as hydrophobic binding-region of sweet-taste inhibition of protein glycosylation.
receptor, 45:336 40:339-342
L-, cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with, isolation and structure, 40:340
46:222, 224 role, 37:213
Tsushimycin, inhibitor of protein glycosylation. Tunicates, glycolipids, see Glycolipids
40:342 Turanose, 2:l-36, 21:30, 49:31
Tubercidin acetolysis of, 31: 199
configuration of, 24: 187 composition in aqueous solution, 42:39,
crystal structure bibliography, 31:358 66
reaction with 2-acetoxy-2-methylpropanoyl conformational equilibria, 23:32
halides in acrylonitrile, 33:85 crystal structure bibliography, 38:445446
Tuberculosis, incidence, 51:169-170 D-, anomeric equilibria in aqueous solution
Tuberculostatic activity, of acylhydrazones of and Fourier-transform spectra, 27:60
akfehydo-~-g~ucurono-6,3-lactones, in honey, 25:295,300
33:2 I5 liquid chromatography methods for analysis
Tuberculostatic agents, of, 46:33
(glucopyranosy1amine)uronic acid structure of, 32:192,39:357
derivatives, 36: 123 taste properties, 45:254255
Tubocurarine, sialic acid binding, 40:217 utilization yeasts, 32: 194
Tubulosine, 46: 13 Turbidity
Tumor-cell antigens, glycopeptides, liquid and activity of pectic enzymes, 33:366
chromatography separation, 46:48 of sugar products, 9:247-284
Tumor-cell glycoproteins, sialylated Two-state jump model, 51: 125-127
oligosaccharides, fractionation, 46:46 Tylosin, 21:173
Tumor cells, see also Antitumor activity biosynthesis, 35:83
antibodies, 53:249-250 Tyrosine
autochthonous, effect of antitumor In o-mannanases, 32:307
polysaccharides on, 32:274-275 L-, cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with,
effect of plant polysaccharides on cell 46:222,224
volume and vacuolization of, 32265 Tyvelose, 21:187, 189-190,23:272
glycolysis in, 33:4 derivative, 26: 166
glycoproteins in, 53:2 10-2 1 1 ester of cytidine pyrophosphate, isolation of,
immune response, effect of polysaccharides 28:316
on, 32:26&272 gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:63
lectin-binding, 35205 preparation of, 28:300
lectin-reactive, 35:327-333 synthesis, 41: 10
oligosaccharides, liquid chromatography
separation, 46:4243
sialic acid masking, 40:227-228 U
fucolipid role, 39:309 UDP-apiose, biosynthesis of, by
fucosyltransferase levels, 39:33 1 decarboxylation, 31: 162-169
glycopeptides, 39:305 enzymic, 31: 169-172
Tunicamine, inhibition of protein glycosylation, UDP-o-galactose
40:340 a-r-fucose-( 1,2)-o-galactose-a-3-~-
Tunicamycin galactosyltransferase, 44:246
effect on cell differentiation, 40:366-369 N-acetyl-( 1-+4)-P-~-galactosyl transferase,
on collagen biosynthesis, 40:365-366 44:246
on immunoglobulin secretion, 40:361 [Uridine 5 '-(a-o-galactopyranosyl

diphosphate)], biosynthesis, occurrence, 37:293

37:28&287 structure, 37:293
UDP-D-glucose, biosynthesis, 37:286 synthesis in vitro, 37:350
UDP-u-glucuronic acid Umhilicaria pustulatu. polysaccharide, 41:75
in biosynthesis of UDP-D-apiose, Umezawa, Hamao, obituary, 48: 1-1 7
31:163-167 Umezawa, S., 46:9
in cyclase, in UDP-apiose, biosynthesis, Undecaprenol, 44:349
31:169-172 Undecaprenyl (D-mannosyl phosphate) in cell-
UDP-glucuronic acid decarboxylase. from wall polysaccharide biosynthesis,
Lemnaceae minor, 31: 170 42:323-324,330
UDP-glucuronic carboxy-lase, in UDP-apiose Unrau method, of methylation of
biosynthesis, 31: 170 carbohydrates, 30:13
UDP-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine: a-L-fucosyl- Unsaturated acyclic compounds. 24:260
( 1,2)-o-galactose-a-3-N-acetyl-n- Unsaturated cyclic compounds
galactosylaminotransferase, 44:246 2,3-, furanoid, 24:226
Ulex europeus 2,3-, pyranoid, 24:231
11, extract, carbohydrate-binding specificity, 3,4-, furanoid, 24:246
39224226 3,4-, pyranoid, 24:249
I lectin 4,5-, furanoid, 24:250
carbohydrate-binding specificity, 35:290 4,5-, pyranoid, 24:252
hemagglutinating activity, 35:289 5,6-, furanoid, 24:255
isolation and purification, 35289-290 5.6-, pyranoid, 24:257
Ultracentrifugation Unsaturated sugars, 24: 199-266
enzyme purification by, 23:284,286 formation of, 22:202
in enzyme purity test, 30:264 halogen addition to, 22:193, 195
of gels, 24:3 1 1 Uracil
of polysaccharides, 24:335 1-[3-acetamido-4,6-O-benzylidene-3-deoxy-
of urine protein-carbohydrate compounds, 2-O-(methylsu~fonyl)-P-~-
24:442 glucopyranosyl]-, displacement reaction
Ultracetrifugation, 53:20&208 of, 24: 183
Ultrafiltration, and enzymic depolymerization. 5-acetyl- 1-(2-deoxy-a-o-elythro-
30:273 pentofuranosy1)-, crystal structure
Ultrasonic irradiation, starch modification, bibliography, 38:491492
51:245-247,302-303,305-307 5-acetyl- 1-(3,5-O-isopropylidene-p-~-
Ultrasound, effect on D-fructose, 22:245 xylofuranosy1)-, crystal structure
Ultraviolet irradiation bibliography, 34:376
cleavage of carbon-iodine bonds by, 28:304 1-allopyranosyl-, preparation of, 31:30
for hydrolysis of glycosidic linkage, 36:86 1-( 5-amino-5-deoxy-~-~-a~~ofuranosy~uronic
starch modification, 51:292-296 acid)-5-(hydroxymethyl)-. 23: 1 16
Ultraviolet photolysis, of dithioacetals, 32:78 I -(5-amino-5-deoxy-~-~-a~~ofuranosy~uronic
Ultraviolet spectroscopy, 53:284-285 acid)-5-(hydroxymethyl)-, deamination
of arylated unsaturated hexitols, 27:239 of, 31:57
1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitols,49:99-- 100 1-(3-amin0-3-deoxy-P-o-g~ucopyranosy~)-,
of dithioacetals, 32:97 deamination of 2,4,6-triacetate
of ketonucleosides, 42:252 hydrochloride, 31:30
of sugars, 35:5 1-(2- and 3-O-acetyl-P-~-xyfo-furanosyl)-,
of sulfonic esters of carbohydrates, 23:257 acyl migration in, 33: 105
Umbelactone, 50: 188-189 2,2-anhydro- 1-P-D-arabinofuranosyl-
Umbelliferose crystal structure bibliography, 31:355
biosynthesis, 37:294, 349 selective methylation of, 33:59

Uracil (continued) 5-nitro- 1-(-P-D-ribosyluronic acid)-.

1-(2,5-anhydro-~-o-lyxofuranosyl)-, 2520I monohydrate, crystal structure
hemiacetal, 25212 bibliography, 37:434,38:503-504
1-(3,5-anhydro-P-~-lyxofuranosyl)-, 24: 172 1-(3-O-acetyl-P-~-arabino-furanosyl)-2,2'-
I-(2,3'-anhydro-P-~-xylofuranosyl)-, 24: 179 anhydro-, preparation of,33:84
1-(3,5-anhydro-~-~-xylofuranosyl)-, 24: 172 3-(5-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-iodo-p-~-
2,3'-anhydro- I -[2,5-di-O-(methylsuIfonyl)- ribofuranosy1)-, 22: 180
~-D-lyXOfurallOSy~]-, 24: 182 1-(2,3-O-isopropy!indene-p-o-
1-(2,5-anhydro-3-0-benzyl-p-o- ribopentodialdo- 1,4-furanos-l -yl)-, p-
arabinokanosy1)-, 25:200 elimination in, 29:276-284
~ - A z A - , see 6-Azauracil 1-[5-O-(methy~su~fonyI)-P-~-lyxofuranosy~]-
1-P-0-arabinofuranosyl-, 24: 180 ,displacement reaction of, 24: 176
5-bromo-, crystal structure bibliography, 1-[2-O-(methy~su~fony~)-P-~-xylofuranosy~]-
31:358, 369 , displacement reaction of, 24: 181
crystal structure bibliography, 31:356 I -(2-O-tolylsulfonyl-5-O-trityl-~-~-
3',5'-diphosphate, 22:369 ribofuranosy1)-, 23:245
S-flUOrO-, preparation of, 29:7 1-(5-thio-o-xylopyranosy~)-, 23:211
methylation of, 3 3 5 9 I -[2,3,5-tri-O-(methy~su~fonyl)-~-~-
4-thio-, monohydrate, crystal structure arabinofuranosyl]-, displacement
bibliography, 31:356 reaction of, 24:182
543-0-arabinofuranosyl-, synthesis of, Uracil-5-yl- disulfide, l-(2-deoxy-a-~-elythro-
33: 175 pentofuranosy1)-, crystal structure
1-P-D-lyxofuranosyl-, acetylation of, 33:32 bibliography, 31:371
5-p-~-ribofuranosyl-,see Pseudouridine Uracil-5-yl- methyl sulfide, 1-(2-deoxy-a-~-
l-(P-o-ribofuranosyhronic acid) conjugate, eryfhro-pentofuranosy1)- crystal structure
preparation, 36: 126-127 bibliography, 31:370
5-p-0- xylofuranosyl-, synthesis of, 33: 175 Urea
1-P-o-xylofuranosyl- selective acetylation 1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-
of, 33:32-33 P-maltosyl-
1-(5-chloro-5-deoxy-2,3-di-U-p- I -nitroso-, synthesis and antitumor
tolylsulfonyl-p-o-ribofuranosyl)-, activity, 39:243
preparation of, 28:255 synthesis, 39:243
3-(5-chloro-5-deoxy-2,3-di-O-p- (hepta-0-acetyl-P-maItosy1)-
tolylsu~fonyi-P-o-ribofuranosy~)-, I-nitroso-, synthesis and antitumor
22: 183 activity, 39:243
1-(5-deoxy-P-D-erythro-pent-4- synthesis, 39:243
enofuranosy1)-, stability of, 29:295 and derivatives as solvents for sugars, 27: 1 12
3-(2-deoxy-2-fluoro-~-~-nbosyl)-, 22: 190 D-ghlCOSyl-, 2 1 ~ 2 4
2,2'-anhydride from, 22:202 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)- I, 1-dimethyl-
1-(3-deoxy-3-iodo-2,5-di-O-trityl-P-~- effect on sugarcane, 21:427
xylofuranosy1)-,preparation of, 28:245 as herbicide, 21:405
1-(3-deoxy-3-iodo-5-O-trityl-p-~- effect
xylofuranosy1)-, preparation, 39:48 on antitumor activity of polysaccharides,
1-[2-deoxy-3-O-(methyIsulfonyl)-5-O-trityl- 32:261
P-o-fhreo-pentofuranosyl]-,24: 166 on solubility of sugars in methanol, 27:97
I-( 5-ethoxycarbonylfuran-2-yl)-, preparation on trimethylsilylation reactions, 28:26
of, 29:295 glucosylthio-, 21:24
5-fluoro-l-(2-O-tolylsulfonyl-5-O-trityl-p-~- nitroso-, research, 29:2
ribofuranosy1)-, 23:245 3 4 p-chlorophenyl)- 1,l-dimethyl-
keto derivatives of synthesis, 42:234-235 effect on sugarcane, 21:422,426

as herbicide, 21:405 oxidation with u-galactose oxidase,

tetramethyl-, as solvent for sugars. 27:1 I3 28:344
Ureides, glycosyl, 13:215-236 synthesis by mixed anhydride method,
Ureido group, participation in sugar reactions, 28:351
22:139,146 acid
Urethano group, participation in sugar pyrophosphate), enzymic synthesis of,
reactions, 22: I39 28:343
Urethans isolation of, 28:326
protection as, 46:192-194 5-(a-~-glucopyranosyl-~~C pyrophosphate),
as solvents for sugars, 27:1 12 preparation of, 28:336
Urey-Bradley force-field, 44:39 5-(a-~-glucopyranosyl pyrophosphate),
Urey-Bradley-Schimanouchi force-field. 44:39 26:352
Uric acid, 3-P-~-ribofuranosyl-,5-phosphate. carbodiimides in synthesis of, 28:353
22:324 chemical synthesis by phosphoramidate
Uridine, 24:178 method, 28:345
a-,5-formyl-, crystal structure bibliography. degradation of, 28:312-313,356
31:413 enzymic preparation of, 28:33&337
2,-deoxy-,5-phosphate disodium salt isolation of, 28:325
pentahydrate, crystal structure mechanism of epimerase reaction with,
bibliography, 34:373 28:372
5-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy-a-o-gaIacto- structure of, 28:309
pyranosyl pyrophosphate), biosynthesis synthesis by mixed anhydride method,
and enzymic synthesis of, 28:342-343 28:351
isolation of, 28:327 synthesis of analog with C-P bond,
5-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy-a-u- 28:349
glucopyranosyl pyrophosphate), discovery and occurrence of, 32:9
enzymic synthesis of, 28:341 and -6-t
fermentation production and biosynthesis pyrophosphates), preparation of. 28:
of, 28:343 337
isolation of, 28:327 5-(a-o-glucopyranosyluronicacid
5-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy-a-u- pyrophosphate), decarboxylation of,
glucopyranosyluronic acid 28:385
pyrophosphate), isolation of, 28:327 enzymic synthesis of, 28:343
5-(2-acetamido-2,4,6-trideoxyhexosyl isolation of, 28:326
pyrophosphate), isolation of, 28:327 5-(a-o-mannopyranosyl pyrophosphate), in
acetylation of, 33:32-33 human blood-cells, 28:325
adenylyL(3-5 )- 5-(a-o-ribo-hexopyranos-3-ulose
9-aminoacridine complex, pyrophosphate), enzymic preparation of.
pentadecahydrate, crystal structure 28:344
bibliography, 34:377 5-(a-~-xylopyranosylpyrophosphate),
phosphate disodium salt dodecahydrate, 28:325
crystal structure bibliography, 31:362 enzymic synthesis of, 28:343
sodium salt hexahydrate, crystal structure 5-(a-guluclo-hexodialdosepyrophosphate),
bibliography, 37:427428 enzymic preparation of, 28:344
5-(a-o-galactofuranosylpyrophosphate). in 5-amino-, crystal structure bibliography,
biosynthesis of galactocarolose, 28:325 38507
5-(a-o-galactopyranosyl pyrophosphate), 5-(2-am~no-2-deoxy-a-o-galactopyranosyl
enzymic synthesis and fermentation pyrophosphate)
production of, 28:34&341 enzymic synthesis of, 28:338
isolation of, 28:325 preparation of, 28:355

Uridine (continued) preparation of, 28:253

2,5- and 3,5-di-O-acetyl-, acyl migration 5-chloro-2-deoxy-, crystal structure
in, 33: 105 bibliography, 31:355
2,5- and 3,5-di- 0-benzoyl-, acyl crystal structure bibliography, 30:466,
migration in, 33:105 34:363
2,5- and 3,5-di- 0-formyl-, acyl migration 2:3-cyclic phosphate, 22:308, 314, 355
in, 33: 105 3,5-cyclicphosphate, 22:360
2- and 3-0-pivaloyl-, acyl migration in, hydrolysis, 39:61
33: 105 2-deoxy-
2,2-anhydro-, 24: 180 5-(a-o-glucopyranosyl pyrophosphate),
5-deoxy-5-iodo, 3 -0-(phenyl enzymic synthesis of, 28:338
methylphosphonate), preparation of, crystal structure bibliography, 30:457
28:244 3 ,5-di-O-(dihydrocinnamoyl)-, enzymic
35-di-O-(methylsulfonyl)-,24: 182 hydrolysis, 39:43
selective iodination with 5-ethynyl-, crystal structure bibliography,
methyltriphenoxyphosphonium 3 8 5 12-513
iodide, 33:77 5-fluOrO-, crystal structure bibliography,
2,5-anhydro-, 2,3-0-isopropylidene- 31:369
crystal structure bibliography, 31:361, 5-fluoro-3 -0-(methylsulfonyl)-5-0-
32:378 trityl-, displacement reaction of,
preparation of, 28:244 24: 178
5-(barium phosphate) hydrate, crystal 5-iOdO-
structure bibliography, 31:369 crystal structure bibliography, 31:369
5 -(P-L-arabinopyranosyl pyrophosphate), Sphosphate, 22:335
enzymic synthesis of, 28:343 3 -0-(methylsulfonyl)-5Otrityl-,
isolation of, 28:325 displacement reaction of, 24: 178
5 -(P-L-rhamnopyranosyl pyrophosphate), photochemistry, 38: 149-150
biosynthesis of, 28:326 5-vinyl-, crystal structure bibliography,
5-bromo- 385 13
crystal structure bibliography, 31:369 5-deoxy-
methyl sulfoxide complex, crystal 5-(diphenylphosphinylmethy1)-, synthesis
structure bibliography, 31:369 of, 27:260
2-deoxy-, crystal structure bibliography, 5 -iodo-2, 3 -0-isopropylidene-
31:369 preparation of, 28:243,248
5-deoxy-, preparation of, 28:253 reaction with triethyl phosphite, 28:285
5-(carbamoylmethy1)-, crystal structure 2-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-, 23:245
bibliography, 38:5 1&5 15 5-(2-deoxy-a-o-urubino-hexopyranosyl
(carboxmethyl)-2-thio-, monohydrate, cystal pyrophosphate), fermentation
structure bibliography, 38:528 production of, 28:341
5 -(carboxymethy1)- 5 -(2-deoxy-a-o-lyxo-hexopyranosyl
crystal structure bibliography, 38:5 14 pyrophosphate), fermentation
5-deoxy-, synthesis of, 27:258 preparation of, 28:341
5-chloro-, crystal structure bibliography, 5 -(2-deoxy-~-urubino-hexosyl
30:456 pyrophosphate), enzymic synthesis of,
2-chloro-2 -deoxy- 28:338
crystal structure bibliography, 30:456 5-(o-glucopyranosyluronic acid
preparation of, 33:84 pyrophosphate), enzymic conversion of,
5-chloro-5 -deoxy- 32:ll
2,3-0-isopropylidene-, preparation of, 5 -(2,6-dideoxy-o-ribo-hexosyl
28:248,253 pyrophosphate), isolation of, 28:326

5,6-dihydro- crystal structure bibliography, 31 :356

5 (a-o-glucopyranosyl pyrophosphate), S-iOdO-, crystal structure bibliography,
preparation of, 28:354 30:456
2,4-dithio-, crystal structure bibliography, 5-(~-leucylamino)-,crystal structure
37:411 bibliography, 38:495,497
dihydro-, hemihydrate. crystal structure 5-methoxy-, crystal structure bibliography,
bibliography, 30:458 3 ~ 2 8
5 -(I ,3-dihydroxy-2-propanone 5-methyl-
pyrophosphate), isolation of. 28:334 hemihydrate, crystal structure
2,3-di-O-acetyl- bibliography, 31:371
5-iodo-, preparation of, 28:243 5-O-trityl-, methanesulfonylation of,
synthesis, 39:37 24: 180
3,5-di-@acetyl- 6-methyl-, crystal structure bibliography,
crystal structure bibliography, 38:494-495 30:461
2-deoxy-2-fluoro-, crystal structure 5-(methyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-a-~-
bibliography, 32:383 gl yucopyranosyluronate
2-deoxy-2-halo-, regioselective pyrophosphate), preparation and
deacylation, 39:4 1 reduction of, 28:355
2-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-, displacement 5-(methyl a-D-galactopyranosyluronate
reaction of, 24: 180 pyrophosphate), preparation of, 28:355
3,S-di-O-benzoyl-, synthesis, 39: I53 5-(methylaminomethyl)-2-thio-, crystal
2,3 -di-O-benzyl-,5 -(benzyl structure bibliography, 38528
phosphorochloridate), in synthesis of 3-methyl-,3-phosphate, 22:352
nucleoside glycosyl pyrophosphates, 4-(methylthi0)-, selective benzylation of,
28:351 3359
2,5-di-O-trityI- 5-(N-acetylmuramic acid pyrophosphate),
reaction with isolation of, and derivatives, 28:328
methyltriphenoxyphosphoni um 5-(N-glycolylmuramic acid pyrophosphate),
iodide, 28:245 isolation of, 28:329
selective detritylation, 39:48 5-nitro-, monhydrate, crystal structure
3,5-di-O-trityI-. selective detritylation, bibliography, 38:S27
39:48 2-O-acetyl-
2,4-dithio-, monohydrate, crystal structure 3,5-monophosphatebenzyl ester, crystal
bibliography, 30:457 structure bibliography, 38:498
5-fluoro- 3,5-O-(tetraisopropyldisiloxane-1,3-
2,3-di-O-(methylsulfonyl)-5-O-trityl-, diyl)-, selective cleavage, 39:68
23:246 3-O-acetyl-
2-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-5-O-trityl-, 2-chloro-2-deoxy-5-0-( p-
23:245-246 nitrobenzoy1)-, preparation of, 33:84
4-thio-, crystal structure bibliography, 5 -0-( tetrahydropyran-4-yl)-, selective
34:373 deacylation, 39:39
5-(fructosyl pyrophosphate), isolation of, 50acetyl-
28:326 acylation and sulfonylation of, 33:3 1-32
5-glycosyl pyrophosphates, occurrence and 2-chloro-2deoxy-,preparation of, 28:249
enzymic synthesis of, 26:354-355 deacylation rate, 39:38
glycuronic acid conjugates, preparation. 3-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-, 23:245
36: 127 2-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-, 23:245
5-hydroxy- displacement reaction of, 24: 180
5-(a-~-glucopyranosylpyrophosphate), reaction with triphenylphosphineecarbon
enzymic preparation of, 28:338 tetrachloride, 28:249

Uridine (continued) preparation, 35:54

selective chlorination with phosphoramidate, in nucleotide synthesis,
triphenylphosphine and carbon 28:345
tetrachloride, 33:79 proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of,
5-O-acyl-, ammonolysis half-times, 39:38 2233
1-(5-O-benzoy~-~-~-lyxofuranosyi)-, 5-pyrophosphate, 22:369
benzoylation and p-toluene- disaccharide sulfate esters, in hen oviduct,
sulfonylation of, 33:32 28:329
2-0-benzyl-, esterification with pivaloyl monosaccharide sulfate esters, in hen
chloride, 33:13 oviducts, 28:329
2 ,3 -0-benzylidene- oligosaccharide esters, 28:33 1
bromination by N-bromosuccinimide and trisaccharide esters, 28:33 1
triphenylphosphine, 28:249 esters Of D- glucose, o-galactose, D-xylose,
5 -bromo-5-deoxy-, preparation of, and L arabinose, in mung bean, 32:9
28:249,253 radiolysis and radical-induced scission,
5-deoxy-5-iodo-, preparation of, 28:250 37:52
reaction with N-bromosuccinimide, reaction with
26: 166 arsenic trichloride in N, N-
5-O-(chloroacetyl)-, deacylation rate, 39:38 dimethylacetamide, 33232
5-O-formyl-, deacylation rate, 39:38 (bromo(or ch1oro)-
2,3 -0-isopropylidene-, reaction with methy 1ene)dimethyliminium
triphenylphosphine-carbon bromide(or chloride), 28:253
tetrachloride, 28:248 role in biosynthesis, 32: 12
5 -0-(methoxyacety1)-, deacylation rate, selective benzylation of, 33:59
39:38 selective bromination with N-bromo-
5-0-( 1-methoxyisopropyl)-, preparation of, succinimide and triphenylphosphine,
33:72 33:78
2,3 -0-(methoxymethy1ene)-, crystal selective esterification, 33:45
structure bibliography, 38:492493 selective etherification, 33:70
2-0-methyl-, preparation of, 33:69 selective halogenation with N,N-di-
5 -0-(p-anisyldiphenyImethy1)-, hydrolysis methyl(ha1omethaniminium) halides,
rate, 39:47 33:82
5 -0-(phenoxyacety1)-, deacylation rate, with triphenylphosphine and carbon
39:38 tetrahalides, 33:79
5-O-(p-nitrobenzoyl)-, reaction with 2- selective iodination with
acetoxy-2-methylpropanoylchloride, methyltriphenoxyphosphoniumiodide,
33:84 33:77
2,3 -0-tetraisopropyldisiloxane-I ,3-diyl)-, selective oxidation of, 33:88
preparation, 39:69 selective phosphorylation of, 33:49
5 -0-(tri-p-anisylmethy1)-, hydrolysis rate, selective tritylation of, 33:5 1
39:47 2-thio-, crystal structure bibliography,
5I-O-trityl- 38:485
hydrolysis rate, 39:47 4-thio-
selective etherification with crystal structure bibliography, 31:369
chlorotriisopropylsilane,33:53 sesquihydrate, crystal structure
2-phosphate, 22:350 bibliography, 30:458
3-phosphate, 22:351-352,380 4-thio-o-, 23:223
3:5-phosphate,22:368 3 -thiophosphate,methyl ester, triethyl-
5-phosphate, 22:311,325,327,336,341, ammonium salt, crystal structure
369 bibliography, 32:377

transacetalation of, 33:72 methanolate, crystal structure

triethylammonium 3,5-cyclic phosphate bibliography, 38:5 10-51 1
complex, crystal structure bibliography, Uridine-5-oxyacetic acid, methyl ester
31:369 monohydrate, crystal structure
2,3,5-tri-O-acetyI-,selective deacylation, bibliography, 34:369
39:36 Uridine 3-phosphate disodium salt
2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-, selective deacylation, tetrahydrate, crystal structure
39:39 bibliography, 30:457
2,3,5-tri-O-fomyl-, methanolysis, Uridine 2.3 -phosphorothioate,
selective, 39:37 triethylammonium salt, crystal structure
2,3,5-tri-0-(methylsulfony1)-, bibliography, 30:456
displacement reaction of, 24: 182 Uridylic acid, 22:3 13
uridylyl-3+5-. 22:371 5,6-dihydro-, 22:323
Uridine (2-acetamid0-2-deoxy-o-glucosyl 4-thio-, 22:323
diphosphate), 44:282 Urinary glycoconjugates, hydrolysis, 46:262
Uridine S-(cu-D-glucopyranosyl Urine
pyrophosphate), a,-a-trehalose gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of,
biosynthesis from, 30:237-241 28:48. 81
Uridine 5-[cobalt(11) monophosphate], glycopeptides and glycoproteins of,
heptahydeate, crystal structure 25:414-415
bibliography, 38:527 protein-carbohydrate compounds in human,
UridineS-(dimethylamino)-,5-phosphate, 24:435452
22:312 sugars in, identification by gas-liquid
Uridine 5-diphosphate, glycosyl esters. 44:280 chromatography, 28:44,46
Uridine diphosphate D-glucose, discovery and Urine 5-(cadmium phosphate), diaquo-2,2-
action as o-glucosyl donor, 32:) dipyridylamine, pentahydrate, crystal
Uridine diphosphate glucose structure, 43:296-297
precursor to cellulose biosynthesis, Uronates, preparative use of, with endocyclic
41: 125-132 enolacetal linkage, 29:285-291
preparation, 49:213 Uronate-sugar conjugates
(lb3)-P-~-glucansynthetase, in plant p-eliminative degradation and structure of
extracts, 41:128 natural, 29:254
(I-+4)-p-~-glucan synthetase occurrence, 29:230
assay of solubilized, 41: 146 selective p-eliminative cleavage of natural,
cellulose biosynthesis, 41: 128-129, 148 29:238-245
Uridine diphosphate-xylose:xylosyltransferase, structural features and degradation of,
41:129-130 29:23 1-232
Uridine 5-(dipotassium diposhphate), Uronic acids
trihydrate, crystal structure, 43:277 -278 acid decomposition, 46:252
Uridine 5-(disodium diphosphate), alditols from, gas-liquid chromatography of
hcptahydrate crystal structure, 43:3 1 1 acetates, 28: 129
Uridine disulfide, 4-thio-, crystal structure alkaline degradation of, 28:206
bibliography, 31:371 analysis of, 28:22
Uridine 3-monophosphate,monohydrate, assay, 39:3
crystal structure, 43:279-280 carbon- I 3 nuclear magnetic resonance
Uridine 5-monophosphatecopper(I1) 2,- 2- spectroscopy, 41:62
iminodipyridine, crystal structure characterization of, 29374
bibliography, 38524-525 decarboxylation and dehydration of,
Uridinene, 24:228 28:186-193
Uridine 2,3-0-sodio 5-(methyl phosphate) definition, 52:5 1

Uronic acids and immunity, 41:191-202

degradation of, 31:239 Vacciniin, 21:24,26
determination of, 28: 14 Vacuole, of yeast cells, 32:137, 141
esters of guanosine 5-pyrophosphate, Vacuolization, polysaccharide effect on, 32:265
28:320 Vaginidiol monoglucopyranoside, crystal
gas-liquid chromatography, 28:64,71-78 structure bibliography, 38:473475
as alditol acetates, 30:32 Valence force-field, 44:38-39
in glycoproteins, 25413,415 Validamines, 48:74
in hemicellulosic materials, 36:230,236-24 1 natural occurrence of, 42:73,76
liquid chromatography preparation of, 30: 138
analytical, 46:33-34 structure of, 42:71, 78
large-scale preparative, 4 6 6 2 synthesis of, 42:117,48:52-53,64
pre-column derivatization procedures, Validamycins
46:68 A, 48:24
mass spectrometry of, 29:54,66,30:42 microbial degradation, 48:52
of trimethylsilyl derivatives, 30:38 synthesis, 48:78-79
methanolysis of, 46:257-258 activity against
nomenclature, 52:108-110 Pellicularia sasakii, 48537
polarography of, and lactones, 29: 162 trehalase, 48:88
polysaccharide derivatives, 52: 165 B, synthesis, 48:78-80
polysaccharides containing, solvolysis, biosynthesis and structure, 35: 120-122
47:181 discovery of, 30: 112
reductic acid from, 28:209 isolation and structures of, 30:138-139
residues synthesis, 48:74-81
acid hydrolysis of, 31: 193 Validatol
p-eliminative degradation of deoxy-, preparation of, 30: 138
carbohydrates containing, natural occurrence of, 42:73, 76
29:229-303 preparation of, 30: 138
degradation of polysaccharides containing, structure of, 42:71, 78
by p-elimination, 31:214-220 synthesis of, 42: 117
synthesis of, by catalytic oxidation of Validoxylamines
hemiacetal function, 33:88 A, preparation of, 30:138
trimethylsilyl derivatives, gas-liquid activity against
chromatography of. and methyl esters, Pellicularia sasakii, 48237
28: 138- 140 trehalase, 48:88
in urine (human), 24:438439 B, synthesis, 42: 1 17,48:7677
Uronolactones, carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic structure, 35: 120-122
resonance spectroscopy, 4 1 5 2 Valienamines, 48:348
Uzarigenin, 21:274 natural occurrence of, 42:73
structure of, 42:71,78
synthesis of, 42:129-130,48:52-53, 55,64
V in validamycins, 30: 138
Valine, L-, protein linkage with, 25:420
Vaccines Valinomycin, 41: 148-149
anhydrohexitols as emulsifiers for, 25:269 Valiolamines, 48~52-53, 74,83
anticaries, 30:441 synthesis, 48:58-59, 65
artificial polysaccharide, 41: 198-199 Vallarose, 21:173
capsular polysaccharides as human, Valonia, cellulose, 52:326, 329-330
41:155-208 V-Amylose, vibrational spectra, frequency
humoral antibodies, 41:189-191 calculations, 44:5 1

Vancomycin, effect on peptidoglycan Viciu crucca lectin, isolation and properties,

biosynthesis, 26:430 35138, 304
Vancosamine Viciu enilia lectin, isolation composition, and
DL-, synthesis, 40: 15 properties, 35:3 11
natural occurrence of, 42:73 Viciu grumineu lectin
structure of, 42:70,78 carbohydrate-binding specificity, 35: 145,
synthesis of, 42:114, 122-123 303
Van Deemter equation, 2 5 2 1 isolation, 35302
Vanillin, 53:366 purification and composition of, 35:303
vant Hoff-Le Be1 theory, asymmetric carbon Vicinal diol, n-threo configuration, 49: I9 I
atom, 5 0 : 3 4 Vinelose
Vapor-tension data, for levoglucosan, 34:52 ester of cytidine pyrophosphate, 28:3 17
Vargha, Laszlo, 4 5 9 L-, biosynthesis, 35:85-89
obituary, 28:l-10 natural occurrence of, 4272, 76
Varianose, 23:399, 41:lOO structure of, 42:70
Vasodilation, isobexide nitric esters, synthesis of, 42:119
49: 161-1 62 Vinylation, of methyl a-D-glucopyranoside,
Vasopenton, as spasmolytic agent, 28:9 reduction and gas-liquid chromatography
Velocity constant, of mutarotation of a-o-and of, 30:26
p-D-glucose, 24:14 Vinylene carbonate, see 1,3-Dioxol-2-one
Veratric acid, 1-ester with o-glucuronic acid, Vinylog systems, p-elimination and double p-
36:104, 108 elimination in activated, 29:283
Verbascose Vinyl sulfone, see Divinyl sulfone
biosynthesis of, 26:375, 37:356-357 Viosamine, 23:153,24:159
in endosperm during germination, 35:357 Viral hemagglutinin, synthesis, effect of
isolation, 37:306-307 tunicamycin, 40:378
Verbascotetraose, occurrence and structure, Virazole, crystal structure bibliography,
37:3 10 31:359. 37:408
Vertebrates, sialic acids occurrence, 40: I37 Virenose
Verticillium duhliue, gas-liquid natural occurrence of, 42:72
chromatography of metabolites of, 28:47 structure of. 42:70
Vesicular stomatitis virus synthesis of, 42: I 18, 123
glycoproteins, effect of sugar side-chains, Viruses
4 0 ~55-356
3 erythrocyte agglutination, effect of sialyl
G protein, 44:234 linkages, 40:229-230
VG Analytical ZAB-HF mass spectrometer, glycosylation inhibition effect, 40:369-373
4536-3 7 sialic acids occurrence, 40: 134, 136
Viboquercitol, taste properties, 4 5 2 9 1-292 Virus glycoproteins
Vibrational degrees of freedom, 44: I 2 glycopeptides, liquid chromatography
Vibrational frequencies. 44: 12 separation. 46:48
calculations, methods, 44:3 1-34 isolation of, on analytical-scale columns,
Vibrational spectroscopy 46:60
background, 44:lO Viscoelastic putty, 24:296
intensities, calculation of, 44:35-36 Viscosity
noncomputer results, 44:22 and action pattern of enzymes, 30:27 1
Vibratory hydrogen hypothesis, of sweetness, and activity of pectic enzymes, 33:366
45:205,218 effect of carbohydrate-complex salt
Vibrio cholerue, 0-specific polysaccharides, formation on, 21:213
47: 179 effect on gel chromatography, 25:21
Viburnumfurcutum, furcatin from, 31: 148 sialic acid residue effect, 40:2 18

Visible light, starch modification, 51 :292-296 as catalyst in mutarotation of sugars, 24:28

Visible spectroscopy, 53:284-285 catalytic activity of, 24:22
Vitamin A derivatives, role in protein effect on mutarotation reactions, 24:3 1
glycosylation, 40:297-299 elimination reaction, from carbohydrate
Vitamin B,, biosynthesis, 1-deoxy-o-threo- radicals, by radiation, 37:9-11, 13-14
pentulose in, 52:287 evolution from cellulose on heating,
Vitamin B,, 23:428429
crystal structure bibliography, 31:371 hydration, in carbohydrate crystals, 25:99
degradation, 36:3 Raman scattering of, 44:70
5-phosphate, pentadecahydrate, crystal role of, in intensity of sweet-taste sensation,
structure, 43:370 44238
sialic acid effect, 40:219 vibrational spectroscopic studies, 44:85-86
spin-lattice relaxation of I3C nuclei in, 27:60 Water-starch complex
Vitamin C analysis, 53:3 10-312
history, 28:3 problems, 53:298-300
research of Maurice Stacey, 5 2 5 6 sorption, 53:304-307
studies of polysaccharides of micro- starch origins, 53:307-3 10
organisms, 52:6 water in, 53:300-304
synthesis, Garcia Gonzilez work on, 45: 10 Wutsonia pyramidatu
Vitamin K, analogs, research, 29:2 polysaccharides from corm sacs of, 24:371
Vitamin L,, biological activity and structure of, xylan, crystal structure bibliography, 40:39 1
42: 135-1 36 Wutsonia versveldii, polysaccharides from seed
Vitamins, 53:37+375 boxes of, 24:371
crystal structures of, 2590-92 Wax-bean lectin, purification and composition,
volatile products from pyrolysis of, 22:505 35296
Volatility, of methylated polysaccharides, Weermann reaction, for degradation of
effect on methylation analysis, 30: 17 periodate-oxidized pol ysaccharides,
Volemitol, 21: 17 31:237
von Gierkes disease, 25478 of snail galactan, 31:211
Welan, 52:389,391-393,432,434
Well drilling
W galactomannans in, 31:31 I
plant galactomannans in, 35342
Wagner-Meenvein rearrangement, 24: 193, Wheat
25:209 cell walls
Walden inversion, 21:20,25:6,264 arabinoxylans, 36:242,244
and anhydridization, 33: 121 studies on, 42:271,287,291,293-294,
in 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses,34:85, 87 300,3 15,327
in fluorinations, 38:218 hemicellulose:cellulose ratio, 36:253
Waldenstroms macroglobulinemia, roots, polysaccharides, 36:245
glycoprotein (compounds 68,69, and starch
70),H-NMRspectroscopy, 41:344, degradation parameters, variation with
357-363 microwave radiation, 51:302, 304
Warfarin time-temperature curves
discovery, 39: 1 conduction heating, 51:299, 302
inhibition of protein glycosylation, microwave heating, 51:299,301
40:34&345 xylans, 36:23+235
Water Wheat germ
action on starch, 47:303 agglutinin
catalysis of mutarotation by, 24: 17 effect on cellular transport, 40:376

sialic acid analysis, 40: 175 worms

lectin glycolipids, see Glycolipids
agglutinating activity, 35:2 14 parasitic, a,-a-tetrahalose biosynthesis in,
carbohydrate-binding sites, 35:2 16, 222 30:239,244
carbohydrate-binding specificity, 35:220 Wort, analysis by gas-liquid chromatography,
interaction with cellular structures, 35:3 17 28:46
isolation, 35:137,214
mitogenic activity, 35:224
precipitation, 35:2 16, 224 X
purification, and properties, 35:2 14
structure, 35:2 I5 Xantham gum
Wiegand, Friedrich, 45:3 biosynthesis, 44:376-377
Wieland, H., 46: 12 structure, 44:376
Willow cell-wall studies on, 42:28 1-283 Xanthan, 52:395, 53:246-247
Wilson GF method, 44:32 circular dichroism, 45:118-119
Wilzbach reaction, for labeling sugars with Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy,
hydrogen isotopes, 27:137-138 44:63
Wines, 1.r. spectroscopy in analysis of. 44:23 structure, 44:lSO-151
WisturiuJoriburidu lecti n enzymic analysis, 44: 156-1 58
isolation, 35: 138, 3 12 Xanthan gum
purification and properties, 35:3 12 industrial production, 36:27 1-272
Wittig reaction, 24:260, 262 preparation, 36:294
in carbohydrate chemistry, 27:227-299 properties, 36:292-294
of 3-deoxy-o-rnanno-2-octulosonic acid, structure, 36:293
38:358,369,371-373 uses, 36:295-297
in dethiobiotin synthesis, 27:2 12 Xanthates
fluorination of carbohydrates, 38:246 deoxy sugars from, 21: I63
and synthesis of C-nucleoside precursors, photochemical cleavage of, 46:190
33: 153-158 of polysaccharides, preparation and uses of,
Woessner equation, 51: 122 29:346
Wohl degradation in I-thioglycosiduronic acid synthesis, 36:99
acyclic sugar intermediates in, 26:9 xanthides, carbohydrate, photolysis,
of cellobiose. 26:8 38: I 57-1 60
5-deoxy pentoses by, 21: 177 Xanthomonas
Wolfrom, Melville Lawrence, 44:l-2, 45: 15, extracell ular polysaccharides, circular
46:4 dichroism, 45:118-119
obituary, 26: 1 4 6 polysaccharide, crystal structure
Wood bibliography, 36:332,40:399
hemicellulloses of, 19:247-302, 20:409483 Xunthomonas cumpestris
hydrolysis of, 46:263-264 capsular polysaccharide, conformation and
levoglucosan from, 34:38,40 serological specificity, 41: 178
polysaccharides associated with cellulose of, polysaccharide from, interaction with
10~283-333 galactomannans. 31:242,301-307
Pulp Xanthosine, dihydrate, crystal structure
gas-liquid chromatography of, 28:42, 61, bibliography, 37:4 14
74,78, 88 Xenon difluoride, 48: 176-1 77
liquid chromatography analysis, 46:52 X-Ray crystallography
saccharification of, 4: 153-1 88 cellulose structure, 41:113
Woodward Reagent K, for synthesis of peptide from characterization of an
derivatives of muramic acid, 43: 149 hydrodeoxyheptitols by, 23%

X-Ray crystallography (continued) concentration of culture solutions, 32:328

in conformational analysis, 26:53 extraction of intracellular, 32:329
of 5-deoxy-5-phosphino- and 5-phosphinyl- inhibitors of, 32:33 1-33
L-idopyranoses, 42: 165-172 mode of action of bacterial, 32:334
of 4-deoxy-4-phosphinylpentofuranoses, of fungal, 32:334344
42:183-184 molecular weight of, 32:330, 332
of galactomannans, 31:280 physicocbemical properties of,
glycoside hydrolases, 48:325-326 32:33&334
of sugars, 35:5 of rumen microbial origin, 32:344346
X-Ray diffraction, 44:87, 53:290 separation and purification of, 32:329-330
analysis, polysaccharides, 52:3 14-325 unit of activity of, 32:328
and carbohydrate boronate structure, 35:41 endo-( 1+4)-p-o-, 44: 158, 163
of carbohydrate crystals, 25:54 I r p a lacteus, 44: 159
of cellulose, effect of heating on, 23:428 exo-o-, isolation of, 32:334
conformation of glycofuranosides and, 21:97 mode of action, analysis of, 46:54
and furanoid ring structure, 34:201 (1+4)-p-~-, 44~161
by gels, 24:306 Cryptoccus albidus. 44: 160-161
of halogenated sugars, 22:201 definition and nomenclature of, 32:3 19
intensities, of carbohydrates, nucleosides, occurrence of, 32:319-328
and nucleotides, 30:446 (1 -3)-P-~-Xylanases
interpretation of fiber diagrams, 22:43 1 assay of, 32:3 17
of L-fructose, 22:233 definition of, 32:317
of polyglycoses, 21:501 mode of action of, 32:3 18-3 19
of polysaccharides, 22:421482 occurrence of, 32:317
of ribonucleoside 5'-phosphates, 22:3 12 physicochemical properties of, 32:3 18
of starch during pyrolysis of, 22:486 purification of, 32:318
of sulfonic esters of carbohydrates, 23:254 Xylans, 5:269-290
X-Rays irradiation, starch modification by, acetylated, enzymic analysis, 44: 162
51:241,263,265 acidic, acid hydrolysis, 36:237
Xylal p-D-, Rhodymenia palmata. enzymic
3,4-di-O-acetyl- analysis, 44: 163
D-, hydroformylation of, 23:91 biosynthesis of, 26:402
hydroxymethylaiton of, 23:74 birch, degradation by p-elimination, 31:217
0x0 reaction with, 23:66 by Weermann rearrangement, 31:238
2-nitro-o-, 24:207 constitution of, 25:6
di-0-acetyl-D- corn, structure, 36:231,236
reaction with benzotriazole and 5,6- crystallography of, 22:458
dimethyl derivative, 24:2 17 D-. 47: 18
reaction with hydrogen chloride or ~-urabino-(4-O-methyI-o-glucurono)-,
hydrogen bromide, 28:264 46:306
di-0-benzoyl-o-, reactions with hydrogen (4-~-methyl)-~-glucurono)-, model
halides, 28:265 compounds related to, alkaline
hi-O-acety1-2-hydroxy-o-,conformation of, degradation, 46:306
26: 123 rice-straw, enzymic analysis, 44: 162
Xylan acetate, circular dichroism, 45:121 Shirakamba wood, enzymic analysis,
Xylanases, 42:379 44: 162
p-D-,44:163 degradation by periodate oxidation, 31:20 1
Schizophyllum commune, 44: 162 hemicellulosic, 44: 158
D- larch-wood, enzymic analysis, 44: 159
assay and purification of, 32:328 linear and branched, definition, 36:217

liquid chromatography analysis, 46:39 5-deoxy-S-fluoro-~1.-,25:257

methylation of, 30: 11-12,36:239-240 2,3-di-O-benzyl-S-O-p-tolylsulfonyI-~~-,
oligosaccharides, 46:305 22: I14
orientational measurements in, 44:27 i-O-methyk-o~-,infrared spectrum of,
from plant cell walls, 44:359 25:250
in plant cell walls, 26:301, 42:269. 275 3,5-O-methylene-i~~-. infrared spectrum
structure, 42:291-292 of, 25:250
polysaccharides, see Polysaccharides reaction with dry hydrogen chloride,
(1+3)-p-~-, 52:361 25:257
crystal structure bibliography, 33:397, ring opening and isomerization of,
40:390 25:259
(1+4)-p-0-, 52~338-339,407 conformation of, 26:69
biosynthesis in asparagus, 32: 1 1 crystalline, 26: 14
crystal structure bibliography, 33:397 crystal structure bibliography, 31:364
Rhodymeniupulmutu, 44: 158 D-, anhydridation of, 25:231
seaweed, 44:158 1,4:3,5-dianhydro-
speargrass, gas-liquid chromatographic nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of,
analysis of, 28:62 25:254
structure, 35:7,36:229-249 2-0-methyl-~~-,236 nuclear magnetic
Wutsoniu pyrumidutu, crystal structure resonance spectrum of, 25:254
bibliography, 40:391 ring opening of, 25:257-258
wheat, structure, 36:230, 235 1,4:2.5-dianhydro-~~-, 25:236
wheat-straw, enzymic analysis, 44: 159 1,5-dideoxy-, phenylboronate, structure,
wood, alkaline-degradation products of, 35:43
46:305 2-diethylborinate I ,3:4,5-bis(ethylboronate),
(1+4)-p-~-Xylan xylanohydrolase, name for hydrolysis, 35:52
D-xylanases, 32:3 19 1,5-di-O-benzoyl-2,4-0-
Xylene, as dispersion medium in preparation of benzylidene-, esterification and hydrogen-
sucrose esters, 27: 106 bonding, 33: 16
Xylitol methylene-esterification and hydrogen-
I -acetamido- bonding, 33: 16
1,5-anhydro-l-deoxy-, 23:121 2,4:3,5-di-O-benzylidene-O-
tri-0-acetyl- 1,5-anhydro- 1-deoxy, mass (phenylsu1fonyl)-, displacement
spectrum of, 21:91 reactions of, 24: 143
2,3,4-tri-U-acetyl- 1,5-anhydro- I -deoxy-, 2,4:3,5-di-O-methylene- I-O-
mass spectrum of, 23:201 (phenylsul fonyl)-, displacement
5-acetamido-1 ,s-deoxy-o-, 23: 167 reactions of, 24: 143
acetates, separation of methylated, 30:23 DL-,4-diethylborinate 1,2:3,5-
1-amino- 1,4-anhydro- bis(ethy1boronate). selective cleavage,
1-deoxy-L-, 23:148 39:54
1,5-dideoxy-~-,23: 150 infrared spectrum, 45:294
I-amino-I ,5-anhydro- I -deoxy-, 23: 159- 160 liquid chromatography methods for analysis
1,3-anhydro-, 2,4-O-methyIene-o~-,24: 174, of, 46:33
25:235 2,4-O-methylene- 1 -U-p-tolylsulfonyl-oL-.
I ,4-anhydro- displacement reactions of, 24: 174
5-chloro-5-deoxy-~~-, 25:234,257 selective oxidation with mercuric acetate,
D- 33:99
sweetness-structure relationship, 45:257 stability constants, 47:29
triacetate, isomenzation of, 25:258 sweetness-structure relationship, 45:295
5-deoxy-5-fluoro-, preparation, 38:242 syn-axial interaction on, 45:294

Xylitol (continued) fluoro- 1,2-O-isopropy~idene-a-o-,

trimethylsilyl ether, gas-liquid preparation, 38:250-25 1
chromatography of, 28:57 conformation of, 34:201
tri-0-acetyl- 1,4-anhydro-o-, rearrangement D-
in hydrogen fluoride, 26: 175 3-C-(acetoxymethyl)-3deoxy-3-fluoro-
2,3,4-tn-O-benzyl- 1,5-di-O-p-tolyIsulfonyl-, 5-O-acetyl-l,2-O-isopropylidene-a-,
solvolysis of, 24: 196 'H- and 19F-NMR data for, 46:142
yeast utilization of, 32: 147 1,2,5-tri-O-acetyl-, 'H- and I9F-NMR
Xylitol 1,3-phosphate diethylamide, 2,5- data for, 46: 142
anhydro-4-O-methyl-o-, crystal structure, 3-deoxy-3-fluoro- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-a-
43:224-225 3-C-(ethoxyallyl)-, IH- and I9F-NMR
Xylobiase, 23:212 data for, 46: 142
Xylobiose, 24:369,375 3-C-(hydroxymethyl)-, IH- and I9F-
P-D-(1-4)-, hexaacetate, crystal structure NMR data for, 46: 142
bibliography, 31:354 3,5-dideoxy-3,5-difluoro-1,2-0-
liquid chromatography methods for analysis isopropylidene-a-, 'H- and I9F-NMR
of, 46:33 data for, 46: 156
Xylobiose peracetates, NMR data for, 42: 194 3-0-benzyl-5-deoxy-5-fluoro- 1,2-0-
a-~-Xylofurano-[2,1-6]-imidazolin-2-one, isopropylidene-a-, IH- and I9F-NMR
43:370 data for, 46: 1 13
Xylofuranose 1,2-O-isopropylidene-3-deoxy-3 -fluoro-5-
4-acetamido- 0-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-, 'H- and I9F-
5-deoxy-4,5-dideoxy-~-,23: 196 NMR data for, 46: 1 12
1,2,3,5-tetra-O-acety1-4-deoxy-o-, 5-deoxy-
23: 182-1 83 5-fluoro- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-a-o-,
5-acetamido- proton magnetic resonance
5-deoxy-~-,23:167 spectroscopy of, 27:29
5-deoxy-~-,23:168 5-iodo- 1,2-O-isopropyhdene-a-o-
5-deoxy- 1,2-O-isopropyhdene-a-o-, methylphenylphosphinate, preparation
23: 166 of, 28:280
4-amino-, 4-deoxy-~-,23: 147 reaction with silver fluoride, 28:289
4,5-carbamate, 23: 147, 183 5-iodo-3-0-p-nitrobenzyl- 1,2-0-
5-amino- isopropylidene-a-o-, proton magnetic
5-deoxy-~-,23:122 resonance spectroscopy of, 27:29,72
5-deoxy-l,2-O-isopropylidene-a-~-, 1,2-O-isopropylidene-a!-~-, 23:273
23: 120 1,2,-O-isopropylidene-S-thiocyanato-a-~-,
deamination of, 31:55 44: I45
3,5-anhydro- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-a-o-, 1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-~-, mass
24~172-173 spectrum of, 21:78
polymerization, 39:2 I 1 1,2-di-O-acetyl-, 3,5-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-,
preparation of, 28:289-290 22:15
synthesis, 39: 173 2,3-di-O-acetyl-
5-benzamid0-5-deoxy-o-, 23: 169 I ,5-anhydro-P-o-, synthesis, 39: 172
5-(benzylamino)-l,2-O-cyclohexylidene-5- 5-O-(chIoroacetyl)-o-, selective
deoxy-a-o-, 23: 140 deacylation, 39:35
2,5-bis(acetamido)-2,5-dideoxy-~-,23: 173 2,3-di-O-benzoyl- 1,5-di-O-trityI-o-, selective
5-bromo-5-deoxy- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-3-0- cleavage, 39:47
methyl-a-o-, reaction with triethyl 1,2:3,5-di-O-benzylidene-a-o-,
phosphite, 28:285 diastereoisomers, 34: 196
3-C-(acetoxymethyl)-5-O-acetyl-3-deoxy-3- hydrolysis of, 34:203

preparation of, 34: 186 3,5-di-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-r-, acetolysis

1,2:3,5-di-O-cyclohexylidene-a-~- of, 22: I5
acetal cleavage by Grignard reagent, 3,5-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-o-, sohoiysis of,
39: 155 25:203
hydrolysis of, 34:203 3-O-methyl-a-o-, 24:248
1,2:3,5-di-O-isopropylidene-a-o- 3-O-(methylsuifonyl)-a-~-, displacement
hydrolysis of, 34:203 reaction of. 24: 173
irradiation, 39:88 3-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-o-, displacement
1,2:3,5-di-O-methylene-a-o- reaction of, 24: 152
deacetalation, 39:24 5-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-o-, displacement
oxidation by potassium permanganate, reaction of, 24:172
39532 5-seleno-a-~-,23:232
(E)-3-C-[2-(carboxamido)- 5-seleno-o-, solvolysis of, 25205
ethoxycarbonyl)ethylene]-3-deoxy-3- 5-thio-u-, so~vo~ysis of, 25:205
fluoro- 1,2-0-isopropylidene-5-O-trityl- Se-benzyl- 1,2-O-isoprpylidene-5-seleno-u-
a-D-, preparation, 38:25 1-252 D-, 23:232
3-0-acetyl-5-deoxy-5-iodo- 1,2-0- tetra-O-acety1-5-thio-a-o-, 23:208
isopropylidene-a-o-, reaction with tetra-O-acetyl-5-thio-P-o-, 23:208
silver fluoride, 28:291 Xylofuranoside
3-0-benzyl-5-deoxy-5- D-
fluoro-l,2-O-isopropylidene-a-~-, proton methyl 2,5-di-O-benzoyl-3-deoxy-3-
magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, fluoro-a-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for,
21:29 46:112
iodo- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-a-o-, proton methyl 3-O-benzoyl-5-O-benzyl-2-deoxy-
magnetic resonance spectroscopy of, 2-fluoro-P-, IH- and I9F-NMR data
27:29, 72 for, 46: 1 1 1
3,5-O-benzylidene- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-a- ethyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy- 1-thio-a-o-.
D-, irradiation, 39:88 21:116
3-0-benzyl- 1- 1,2-O-isopropyIidene-5-O-p- methyl, isolation of anomeric
tolylsulfonyl-a-o-, fluorination, 38:208 phenylboronates, 35:58
3-0-crotonyl-5-deoxy- 1,2-O-isopropylidene- methyl, methyl ethers, separation of, 30:
a-n-,Grignard reaction with, 27:203 18
1,2-O-isopropylidene- methyl 2,-di-O-benzoyl-3-bormo-3-deoxy-
a-D- D-, synthesis, 39: 109
conformation of, 26: 120,34:201 methyl a(and P)-D-
3,5-cyclic phosphate, deacetalation and conformation of, 21:98
hydrolysis, 39:62 entropy of activation for hydrolysis of,
3,5-phenylhoronate, preparation, 3 5 3 8 22:40
phosphorylation of, 33:46 hydrolysis of, 22:38
reaction with (2-chloro-l,l,2-tri- methyl 3-amino-3-deoxy a- and-P-o-,
fluoroethyl) diethylamine, 38:229 deamination of, 31:57
reaction with diphenyl methyl 5-amino-5-dioxy-P-o-, 23: 123,208
phenylphosphonite and methyl methyl 3,5-anhydro-3-thio-c-o-, 25: 157
iodide, 28:280 methyl 2-azido-3,5-bis(benzamido)-2,3,5-
selective esterification of, 33:35 trideoxy-P-o-, 23: 174
3,5-di-O-(methylsulfonyl)-a-~-, methyl P-D-, 3,5-phenylboronate, hydrolysis,
displacement reaction of, 24: I73 3 5 5 1-52
3,5-di-O-p-( tolylsulfonyl)-a-D-. methyl 3,5-bis(benzarnino)-3,5-dideoxy-2-0-
displacement reaction of, 24: 15I , p-tolylsulfonyl-P-o-, 23: 174
165 methyl 2-bromo-2-deoxy-

Xylofuranoside (continued) 3,5-benzoxonium-2-0-methyl-P-, 'H-and

p-0-, monobenzoates, preparation of, lyF-NMR data for, 46: I09
28:269 3,5-di-0-benzoyl-2-0-methyl-, 'H- and
3-O-formyl-5-O-benzoy~-p-~-, synthesis, IYF-NMRdata for, 46:109
39: 120 2,3,5-tri-O-acetyl-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data
methyl 3-deoxy-3-C-formy1-cr-o- for, 46: 108
hemiacetal, 24: 193 2,3,5-tri-O-ben~oyl-a-,'~C-NMR data for,
preparation of, and derivatives, 31:28, 31, 46: 169
33 2,3,5-tri-U-benzoyl-P-, 'H- and lyF-NMR
methyl 3-deoxy-3-C-fomy~-P-o-,formation data for, 46: 109
of, 31:44 per-0-acetyl-a-o-, synthesis, 38:20 1
methyl 3,5-diazido-3,5-dideoxy-2-0-p- per-0-acetyl-p-o-, synthesis, 38:201
tolylsulfonyl-a-D-, 24: 166 Xylofuranosyluracil, 2,2'-anhydro- I-a-D-,
methyl 2,4-di-O-benzoyl-3-p-tolylsulfony-~-, crystal structure bibliography, 37:409
22:125 Xyloglucans
methyl 1,5-dithio-B-o-, hydrolysis of, analogy with galactomannans, 31:267
22:38-39 Annona muricata enzymic analysis,
methyl 5-0-acetyl-a-~-,23: 108 44:151-152
methyl 2-0-benzoyl- bamboo shoot, 44:156
3,4-di-S-benzoyl-3,4-dithio-a-~-, 22: 141 enzymic analysis, 44: 155
3-0-(methylsulfonyl)-5-0-trity-a(or P)-o- barley, 44:155-156
,reaction with acetic acid, 23:262 cellulase digestion, 44: 152-154
methyl 2-0-benzyl-5-deoxy-3-0- interconnections of in plant cell-walls,
(methylsulfony~)-a-o-,displacement 42:369
reactions of, 24: 165 mung bean, enzymic analysis, 44: 154
methyl 3,5-0-isopropylidene-2-O-p- oat coleoptile, 44: 155
tolylsulfonyl-a-o-, displacement pea, enzymic analysis, 44: 155
reactions of, 24: 153 Phaseolus coccineus, 44: 155-156
methyl 0 - m e t h y b , mass spectrometry of, from plant cell-walls, 42:275,373,44:359
30:42 biosynthesis, 42:32 1-322
methyl 3,5-O,S-isopropylidene-5-thio-o-, interconnections, 42:302-303,306-307,
23:208 310-311,315,355-356
methyl 2-S benzyl-3-chloro-3-deoxy-2-thio- purification, 42:276,287
5-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-p-o-, 22: 193 structure, 42:288-291
methyl 5-thio-a-D-, hydrolysis of, 22:38 polysaccharides, see Polysaccharides
methyl 1-thio-p-o-, hydrolysis of, 22:38 rice endospexm, 44:155
methyl 5-thio-P-o-, hydrolysis of, 22:38-39 soybean, 44: 155- 156
methyl Sthio-o-, 23:208 structure, enzymic analysis, 44: 151-1 56
Xylofuranosyladenine, 8,3 '-anhydro-8- sycamore, enzymic analysis, 44: 152
mercapto-9-P-o-, monohydrate, crystal Tamarindus indica, enzymic analysis,
structure, 43:284-285 44:151
Xylofuranosylamine, N-acetyh-, Vigna sesquipedalis, enzymic analysis,
configuration of, 31:105-106 44: 154
Xylofuranosyl bromide, 3,5-di-O-acyl-2- o-xy~o-Hexo-l,4-furanos-5-ulose, 5(S)-5-C-
bromo-2-deoxy-P-o-, methanolysis of, acetoxy-3,5-O-benzylidene-6-deoxy-6-
34:281 fluoro-l,2-0-isopropylidene-a-, 'H- and
Xylofuranosyl fluoride "F-NMR data for, 46: 143
D- Xyloisosaccharinic acid, 46:305
3,5-acetoxonium-2-0-methyl-P-, 'H-and Xylomannans, 41:96
"F-NMR data for, 46: 109 fungal, 23:407

Xylonic acid, D-, salts, preparation of, 29: I 19 5-deoxy-a-~-,23:126, 167, 19&192
Xylononitrile 5-deoxy-o-, 23:122, 126, 128, 148, 160,
tetra-0-acetyl- 192-1 93
D-, ammonolysis of, effect of solvent on, synthesis, 41:9
31:99 tetra-O-acetyl-5-deoxy-o-. mass spectrum
L-, ammonolysis of, effect of solvent on, of, 23:201
31:99 a - D - , 45:74
2,3,4,5-tetra-O-acetyyl-~-,reaction with conformation in solution, 26:85
ammonia, 31:83 crystal structure bibliography, 30:447
Xylo-oligosaccharides, 4 6 5 9 ester of adenosine 5'-pyrophosphate,
chemical shifts, 46:75 enzymic preparation of, 28:343
1,4:3,6-dianhydrohexitols,49: 102-1 09 of uridine 5'-pyrophosphate, enzymic
di-o-fructose dianhydride derivatives, 52:264 preparation of, 28:343
per-0-acetyl derivatives, fructose occurrence of. 28:325
components, 52:265-266 1,2,4-orthobenzoate
dihexulose dianhydrides, 52:248-249 crystal structure bibliography, 30:465,
geminal coupling, 2J ('H,19F), 46:75 34:357
'H-I9F coupling constants, 46:75-77 3-( p-bromobenzoate), crystal structure
long-range coupling bibliography, 30:465
4J, ('H, "F). 46:76-77 reaction with sulhryl chloride, 28:235,
5J, ('H, I9F), 46:76-77 33:76
6J. ('H, 19F),46:77 taste properties. 45:242
per-0-acetyl dihexulose dianhydrides, 5-amino-5-deoxy-, derivative, synthesis,
52:250-25 I 40:97
per-0-acetyl fructose glucose, 52:252 p-D-
preparative liquid chromatography, 46:60 conformation in solution, 26:85
structural-reporter-group concept, 46: 79 taste properties, 45:242
vicinal coupling, 3J (lH,19F), 46:75-76 tetraacetate, conformations of, 24:58
from xylans, 32:347-348,350 5-[(benzyloxycarbonyI)amino]-5-deoxy-a-
Xylopranoside D-, 23:192-193
a-D-, glucopyranosyl-a-o-, preparation of, 5-benzymIdo-5-deoxy-o-, 23: 169
34:265 5-d, P-D-,tetraacetate. preparation of, 27:220
serine-p-o-, and copper(I1) complex, crystal D-
structure bibliography, 34:355 amino-substituted, 47:65
Xylopyranan, carbon-I3 nuclear magnetic derivatives having N-substituents,
resonance spectra, 38:95 equilibria, 47:6465
Xylopyranose 1,3,4-tri-0-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-a-
1,2,3,4-tetra-O-benzoyl-p-~-, crystal 'IC-NMR data for, 46:167-168
structure, 43:265-266 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 104
2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-a-o-, 43:37 1 5-deoxy-5-phosphino- and-5-phosphinyl-~-,
a-o-Xylopyranose calcium chloride tri hydrate, synthesis of, 42:138-145
crystal structure bibliography, 31:348 3,4-di-O-acetyl-2-bromo-2-deoxy-~-,
Xylopyranose 1,2,3-orthobenzoate. 3 - 0 - ( p - reaction with (p-nitropheny1)-
bromobenzoy1)-a-u-. crystal structure, hydrazine, 25:202, 28:287
43:347-348 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-5-thio-a-~-,
Xylopyranoses selective hydrolysis, 39: 17
4-acetamido- a-L-,crystal structure, 43:207-208
4-deoxy-~-,23: 147, 180 N-amino-5-amino-5-deoxy-o-, 23: 1 59
1,2,3-tri- 0-acetyl-o-, 23: 182 0-(a-u-glucopyranosyluronicacid)-( 1+2)-
5-acetamido- 0-p-o-xylopyranosyl-( 1+4)-0-. 24:37 1

Xylopyranoses (continued) t~i-0-benzoy~-2-O-methyl-p-~-,

4-O-~-~-xylopyranosyI-O-, 24:372 rearrangement in hydrogen fluoride,
0-P-D-xylopyranosyl-(1+~)-P-D- 26: 183
xylopyranosyl-( 1+4)-~-, 24:372 o-Xylopyranose tetraacetate, anomeric
3-0-benzoyl- 1,2-0-benzylidene-4-bromo-4- equilibria, 47:66
deoxy-a-L-, synthesis, 39: 112 Xylopyranoside
~-(4-0-methy~-a-~-g~ucopyranosy~uronic benzyh-D-
acid)-( 1+2)-0-~-o-xylopyranosyl- benzoylation of, 33:25
(1+4)-a-o-, trihydrate, crystal structure catalytic oxidation of,33:89
bibliography, 31:354 benzyl2-0- and 3-0-acetyl-4-0-methyl-p-
(1+4)-~-, 24~371 D-, methylation and acyl migration in,
per-0-acety~-2-deoxy-2-fluoi-o-~-~-, 33:104
synthesis, 38:202 benzyl4-O-methl-p-o-
phosphorus derivatives of, physical relative reactivities of hydroxyl groups in,
properties, 42: 191 3359
(R)- and-(S)-5-d, tetra-0-acetyl-, preparation selective acetylation of, 33:26
of, 21: 144 D-
1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyI- benzyl3-deoxy-3-fluoro-p-,'H- and 19F-
p-D-,crystal structure bibliography, NMR data for, 46: 106
32392 tdfluoromethyl3,4-di-O-acetyl-a-, IH-
5-[(benzyloxycarbonyl)amino]-5-deoxy-a- and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 105
D-, 23: 188 methyl 2,3,4,-tri-O-(methylsulfonyl)-a-~-,
5-[(benzyloxycarbonyl)amino]-5 -deoxy-a- 23:249
D-, conformation of, 26:88 methyl 4-acetamido-
tetra-0-acetyl- 4-deoxy-a-o-, 23: 182
a-D- 4-deoxy-P-r-, 23: 180, 182
conformation of, 26:93 methyl 5-acetamido-
rearrangement in hydrogen fluoride, 5-deoxy-a-o-, 23: 192
26: 177 5-deoxy-2,3,4-tri-0-methyl-a-o-, 23: 190
P-D-,acetoxonium salt, 26: 153-1 54 conformation of, 26:88
5-thio-o-, sulfone, 23:212 hindered rotation of acetyl group in,
1,2,3,4-tetra-O-benzoyl-p-~-, crystal 23: 1 9 4 1 9 5
structure bibliography, 38:526 mass spectrum of, 23:202
tetra-0-benzoyl-D-, rearrangement in methyl a-D-, 23:192
hydrogen fluoride, 26:178 acylation of 2,4-boronic esters, 33:24
5-thio-a-o- crystal structure bibliography, 38:429
Amadori rearrangement of, 23:211 2,4-phenylboronate, oxidation, 35:57
biochemical activity of, 23:2 12 preparation, 35:46
mutarotation of, 24:49 separation from isomers, 35:58
reaction with amines, 23:209 reaction with methanesulfonyl chloride in
s-thio-~-,23:207 N,N-dimethylformamide, 33:8 1
mutarotation of, 23:208 selective esterification of, 33:25
synthesis, 44:135 sulfonylation of, 23:249
synthesis and structure of, 42:138-139 methyl 3-amino-
1,2,3-tri-O-acetyl-4-benzamido-4-deoxy-r-, 3-deoxy-a-o-, deamination of, in
23: 182 nucleoside synthesis, 31:70
1,3,4-tri-0-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-a-o-, 3-deoxy-P-o-, deamination of, 31:29
crystal structure bibliography, 37:384 3-deoxy-o-, 23:262
tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-a-~-, methyl 5-amino-5-deoxy-a-o-, 23: 129,
crystallographic analysis, 38:280 192-193

methyl 3-azido-, 3-deoxy-a-o-, selective methyl tri-0-methyl-P-o-, mass spectrum of,

benzoylation of, 33:26 21:60
methyl 4-azido- methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-
4-deoxy- acetyl-
p-L-,23: 180 (Y-D-. crystal structure bibliography,
2,3-di-O-(methylsulfonyl)-~-r~-, 32365
displacement reactions of, 24: I63 5-thio-a-o-, sulfoxide, 23:213
2,3-di-O-benzoyl-4-deoxy-a-~-, 24: I60 5-thio-D-, sulfone, 23:212
methyl p-D-, 23:192 methyl-P-D-, identification of, 30:24
acylation of 2,4-boronic esters, 33:24 methyl tri-O-(methylsulfony1)-a-o( and p-
carbon-I 3 nuclear magnetic resonance D)-, displacement reactions of, 24:161
spectrum, signal-to-noise ratio, methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-5-thio-o-, mass
41:31-32 spectrum of, 23:202
crystal structure bibliography, 38:429430 p-nitrophenyl p-D, crystal structure
3-diethylborinate 2,4-ethylboronate, bibliography, 37: 384
selective cleavage, 39:55 XyIopyrano~ide-5-~*0, methyl a-o-and p-D-,
hydrolysis of, trifluoroacetic acid in, 28: 17 preparation, 35:58
2,4-phenylboronate, oxidation, 35:57 Xylopyranosylamine
preparation, 35:37 N-acetyl-o-, configuration of, 31: 104
relative activities of hydroxyl groups in, 5-thio-N-p-tolyl-o- Amadori rearrangement
33:58 of, 23:2 1 1
selective methanesulfonylation of, 33:26 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-N-phenyl-5-thio-p-~-,
selective oxidation with chromium 23:2 1 1
trioxide, 33:99 Xylopyranosyl azide, tri-0-acetyl-p-o-, crystal
methyl 5-[(benzyloxycarbonyI)aniino]-5- structure bibliography, 37:385
deoxy-a-o-, 23: 192-193 Xylopyranosyl bromide
methyl 4-chloro-4-deoxy-a-~-,2,3- 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-
di(chlorosulfate), preparation of, 33:75 a-D-, solvolysis of, 22:37
methyl 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-p-~-,preparation, 5-thio-a-o-. solvolysis of, 22:38
38:212 tri-0-acetyl-P-o-, conformation of, 24:58
methyl 2,3-di-0-benzoyl-4-bromo-4-deoxy- tri-0-benzoyl-P-D-, crystal structure
a-L-, synthesis, 39: 1 1 1 bibliography, 32:370-37 1
methyl 2,3-di-O-(methylsulfonyl)-au-r,-, Xylopyranosyl chloride
23:249 2-chloro-2-deoxy-a-o-,3,4-di( chlorosulfate),
methyl 2,4-di-O-(methylsulfonyI)-a-i~-, preparation of, 28:236-237
23:249 D-, 2,3,4-tri-(chlorosulfate), preparation and
methyl 1,5-dithio-p-~-,23:209 reactions of, 28:235-236
methyl 4-0-benzyl-3-deoxy-3-iodo-2-0-p- tri-0-acetyl-a-D-, acetoxonium salt,
tolylsulfonyl-p-L-, reaction with sodium 26: 153-1 54
iodide, 28:293 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-P-o-, crystal structure
methyl 2-0-(methylsulfonyl)-a-~-,23:249 bibliography, 32:362-363
methyl 2-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-~-,23:249 tri-0-acetyl-p-o-
methyl 3-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-~-, 23:249 acetoxonium salt, 26: 153-154
methyl 4-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-a-~-, 23:249 conformation of, 26:88
methyl 5-thio-a-o-, 23:208 2,3,4-hi-O-benzoyl-p-~-, crystal structure
sulfone, 23:212 bibliography, 37:405
methyl I-thio-P-D- Xylopyranosyl fluorides
crystal structure of, 25:58,31:365 D-
synthesis of, 25:58 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-, p anomer, 'H- and "F-
methyl 5-thio-P-o-, 23:208-209 NMR data for, 46: 155

Xylopyranosyl fluorides (continued) 4,5-dideoxy-~-,23: 183

3,4-di-O-acetyl-2-deoxy- 5-acetamido-
2-bromo-, 'H- and I9F-NMR data for, 5-deoxy-o-, composition in aqueous
46: 136 solution, 42:49
2-fluoro-a-, 'H- and IyF-NMR data for, 5-deoxy-~-,preparation from paramose
46:155 dithioacetal, 32:85
2-iodo-, IH- and j9F-NMR data for, acyloxonium rearrangement of, 26: 153
46:137 D-
2,3,4-tri-O-acetyI-, IH- and I9F-NMR diethyl dithioacetals, conformation of,
data for, 46:102-103 26:72
2,3,4-tri-O-benzoyl-, 'H- and I9F-NMR diphenyl dithioacetal, conformation of,
data for, 46: 103 26:72
2,4-di-O-acetyl-3-deoxy-3-fluoro-~-, 'H- a-D-
and I9F-NMR data for, 46: 155 I ,2:3,5-bis(phenylboronate)and 1,2:3,5-
3,4-di-O-benzoyl-2-0-methyl-, 'H- and bis(butylboronate), preparation,
IyF-NMR data for, 46: I03 3543
2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-, p anomer, 13C-NMR mutarotation of, 23:22
data for, 46: 167 a-L-, 2-(hydroxymethyl) derivatives, circular
valence geometry parameters, 47:73 dichroism, 4 9 7 9
per-0-acetyl- 2-amino-, 2-deoxy-o-
p-D-,synthesis, 38:202 deamination of, 31:26
2-deoxy-2-fluoro-a-~-,synthesis, 38:204 derivatives, preparation of, 32:81
3-deoxy-3-fluoro-p-~-,synthesis, 38:204 4-amino-
per-0-benzoyl- 4-deoxy-o-, 24: 160
a-D-,preparation, 38:20 1 4-deoxy-~-,23: 147, 181
p-D-,preparation, 38:201 4,5-dideoxy-~-,23: 148
tri-0-acetyl- 5-amino-, 4,5-dideoxy-~-,23: 120
a,(3-D-. 26: 177 3- and 5-phosphate, phosphono migration in,
p-D-,conformation of, 26:88 33: 108
tri-0-benzoyl- 2,5-anhydro-
a, p-D-.26:178 D-, diisobutyl dithioacetal, 24: 175
p-D-, conformation of, 26:88 3,4-di-0-p-tolylsu~fonyl-o-, diisobutyl
(3-D-Xylopyranosyl halides, isomer equilibrium, dithioacetal, preparation of, 32:5 1
47:6243 reaction with sodium iodide-
Xylopyranosyl-5-methylfuran,4-acetyl-2-3- dimethylformamide-zinc dust, 3 2 5 2
deoxy-3-C-nitro-p-o-, crystal structure, L-, 2.5~209
43~227-228 3-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-,dimethyl acetal,
Xylopyranosylurea, 3-methyl- 1-P-D-, crystal 25:203
structure, 43:339 5-seleno-o-, diamethyl acetal, 23:232
Xylopymosyl fluoride, 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyI-P-o-, p-D-,proton spin-lattice relaxation rates,
43:225 45:152
o-Xylosaccharinic acid 2,5-bis(acetamido)-2,5-dideoxy-o-,23: 173
a-and p-, formation from o-xylose, 28: 195 4,5-bis(acetamido)-4,5-dideoxy-~-, 23: 173
uracil, 2-0-acetyl-3-0-p-tolylsulfonyl-, diethyl dithioacetal, mass spectrometry of,
methyl ester, preparation, 36: 129-130 32:96
Xylose 5-bromo-5-deoxy-~~-, synthesis, 28:304,
4-acetamido- 40:90
4-deoxy-~-,23: 180 composition in nonaqueous solvents, 42:62,
4,5-dideoxy-o-, 23: 183 68
composition in aqueous solution, 4 2 5 1 5-(cyclohexylamino)-5-deoxy-~-, 23: 140

2-(hydroxymethyl) derivatives. circular

a-D-, electrophoretic migration of, 21:234
dichroism, 45:79 enantionieric carba-sugars, synthesis,
D-, 47: 18 48:44
absorptive rate by human jejunum, 34:289 enzymic isomerization. 36:46
benzylidenation of, 34: 186 formation
derivatives, cyclic acetals, table. of-and xylometasaccharinic acids
34:2 16 from. in base, 46:281-282
2- and 0-methyl-, gas-liquid of 2-furaldehyde from, 46:275-276
chromatography as nitriles, 30:33 of saccharinic acids from, 46:281-282
mass spectrometry of trimethylsilyl gas-liquid chromatography of. 28:46
derivatives of, 30:38 glycoenzyme constituent, 27:302, 307,
trimethylsilylation and separation by 32 1
gas-liquid chromatography of, 30:27, in glycoproteins, 25:4 I3
31 high-temperature transformation
in aqueous solution composition. 42:26. acidic conditions, 46:276-277
62,64 basic conditions, 46:28 1-283
polarography, 42:2 I methyl ethers, separation of. 30: I8
boronates, hydrolysis, 35:5 1 monosaccharides, circular dichroism.
a and p pyranose anomers, circular 45:82
dichroism, 45:79-80 mutarotation
catabolism by yeasts, 32:210 and gas -liquid chromatography of,
diethyl dithioacetal, methylation of, 28:40
3247 in pyrtdine, 28:39
diisobutyl dithioacetal, reaction with p - nonselectivc spin-lattice relaxation rates,
toluenesulfonyl chloride, 32:5 1 45: 148
diphenyl dithioacetal, proton magnetic N-phenylosotriazole acetate, mass
resonance spectrum of, 32:89 spectrometry of, 29: I02
dithioacetals, hydrolysis of, 32:67 pemicotinate, ammonolysis of, 31:89
reaction with sulfonyl chloride ion in pituitary glycoprotein, gas-liquid
pyridine, 32:48 chromatographic analysis of,
mercaptalation of, 32:23 28:67-68
transport into Rhodotorzrlu glrrtini.~, in plant cell-wall hydrolyzates, liquid
32156 chromatography analysis. 46:55
uridine 5'-pyriphosphare ester, i n inung polarography of. 29: 127
bean, 32:9 polymerization by hydrogen chloride,
utilization by yeasts, 32:227 21:463
catalytic oxidation of, 33:87 protein linkage with, 25:4 I8
diethyl dithioacetal, selective proton spin-lattice relaxation rates, 45: 152
benzoylation of, 33:4 I radiation chemistry, 37:33
dithioacetals, selective esterification of, reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 28:235
33:404 I saccharinic acids from, 28: 195
selective methylation of, 33:66 structure, 35:4
dehydration of, 28: 176, 188 sulfur-containing. 35:8
o-gulono- 1,4-lactone synthesis. 3-deoxy-, 3-fluoro-~-,22:207
38:294-295 preparation, 38:212
1,2:3,5-diacetal, selective hydrolysis, S-deoxy-r)-, synthesis of. 21: 177
39:16 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-a-o-, preparation. 38:2 13
diethyl dithioacetal, irradiation, 39:94 4,S-deoxy-5-hydrazino-~-, 23: I50
dialkyl dithioacetal, reaction with p - 4,5-diazido-4.5-dideoxy-2,3-0-
toluenesulfonyl chloride. 25: I98 isopropyl idene-L-

Xylose (continued) 3-O-P-o-glucopyranosyl-o-, synthesis, 3 9 5 5

diethyl dithioacetal, 22: 155 5-O-P-D-glucopyranosyI-o-, synthesis, 41 :9
preparation of, 32:5 1 3-O-P-o-xylopyranosyl-~-, synthesis, 41 :9
3,5-dideoxy-3,5-difluoro,preparation+-, ~-O-P-D-X~IOPYIWIOS~I-D-, 24:369,375
38:244 5-O-benzoyI-3,4-O-isopropylidene-o-,
4,5-dideoxy-4-hydrazino-~-, 23: 1 62 dimethyl dithioacetal, preparation of,
3,4-di-O-acety1-2,5-anhydro-o-, (p- 32:5 1
nitrophenyl)hydrazone, 25202 5-O-benzoyl-4-
preparation of, 28:287 deoxy-4-iodo-2,3-0-isopropylidene-o-,
2,4:3,5-di-O-benzylidene-o- diethyl dithioacetal, preparation of,
diethyl dithioacetal, selective hydrolysis, 28:242
39:22 deoxy-4-deoxy-4-iodo-2,3-0-
dithioacetal, preparation of, 32:53 isopropylidene-, diethyl dithioacetal,
2,3:4,5-di-O-cyclohexylidene-~-, ethylene 22: 185
acetal, synthesis, 39:76 2,4-O-benzylidene-
2,4:3,5-di-O-ethylidene-aldehydo-~- D-, diethyl dithioacetal, oxidation of,
polarography of, 29: 142 32:80
2,3 :4,5-di-O-kopropylidene-o- L-, composition in aqueous solution, 42:60
dialkyl dithioacetals, selective hydrolysis, 3,4-O-isopropylidene-
39:22 D-, dimethyl dithioacetal, preparation of,
diethyl dithioacetal 32:s 1
methylation of, 32:54 5-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-~-,dimethyl
reaction with bases, 32:58 dithioacetal, preparation of, 32:
preparation of, 32:53 5 1-52
selective hydrolysis, 39:24 4,5-O-isopropylidene-o-,dithioacetals,
diphenyl dithioacetal preparation of, 32:54
elimination reactions of, 29:298 1,2-O-isopropylidene-5-9methyl-5-thio-~-,
reaction with bases, 32:58 23:235
dithioacetals, preparation of, 32:53 oligomers of
2,3-di-O-rnethyl-o-, dimethyl dithioacetal, I3C-NMR data for, 42:207-208
reaction with p-toluenesulfonyl methyl glycosides of, I3C-NMR data for,
chloride, 32:50 42:2 13-214
4,5-dithio-~-,23:226 peracetates of, 42:215-216
DL-,synthesis, 40:8-9, 73, 91 2-O-methyb
in fungal cell walls, 23:4 13 diethyl dithioacetal, reaction with p-
halogen derivatives of, 22:2 16 toluenesulfonyl chloride, 32:50
L- in plant cell-wall polymer, 42:280-281,
derivatives, cyclic acetals, Table, 34:2 16 287
1,2:3,5-di-diacetal, selective hydrolysis, 3-O-methyl-o-, from Myxococcus,fulvus
39:16 lipopolysacharide, 29:67
utilization by yeasts, 32: 147, 2 18 5-O-methyb, composition in aqueous
liquid chromatography, 46:33,52-53 solution, 42:45
3-0-a- and-P-D-xyiopyranosy~-D-, synthesis, 3-O-methyl-~-,from Rhodopseudomonas
35:55 viridis lipopolysaccharide, 29:67
~-O-(Y-L-, hcopyranosyl-o-, 24:362 5-phosphate, synthesis of, 33:46
2-O-f3-~-galactopyranosyl-~-, 24:362,373 reaction with sulfuryl chloride, 33:76
4-O-P-~-galacto~yl-~-, 25:34 selective oxidation with silver carbonate-on-
3-O-~-D-galactosyl-4-O-b-D-galactosyl-D-, celite, 33:97
2534 2,3,4,5-tetra-O-acetyyl-aldehydo-o-,
2-O-f3-o-glucopyranosyl-o-, synthesis, 41 :9 preparation of, 32:62

I-thio-o-, composition in aqueous solution, Y

5-thio-~-,composition in aqueous solution, Yajima, T., 46:6
42:52 Yamada, Yukari, 46:3
UDP-D-, in polysaccharide biosynthesis, Yamakawa, T., 46:9
42:32 1-322 Yarovenko-Rashka reagent, fluorinating agent,
5,5,5-trichloro-5-deoxy-, synthesis. 4 0 9 2 3~27-229
3,4,5-tri-O-benzoyl- Yeast glucan, 23:380
o-, diethyl dithioacetal, preparation of, Yeast gum, 26:394
32:45 Yeast mannan, 53:254-255
2-9ethyl-2-thio-o-, diethyl dithioacetal, Yeasts
dimethyl acetal from, 32:65 &,a-trehalose in, 30:230,234, 244
2.3.4-tri-0-methyl-D- aerobic growth of, in presence of sugar,
dehydration of, 28: 181 32:142
diethyl dithioacetal, reaction with p- aerobic respiration of, 32:143-144, 23 1
toluenesulfonyl chloride, 32: 50 anaerobic fermentation by, 32: 144
2,3,5-tri-O-methyl-o-, dehydration of, 1,4-anhydro-, catalytic oxidation of.
28:181 25261
Xylose antibodies, 53:226-227 2,5-anhydro-, 25:202
D-xylOSe isomerase, sources and activity, associations of abilities to utilize glycosides,
36:46-50 32:222-226
Xylose 5-phosphate, composition in aqueous cells
solution, 42:46 anatomical structures of, 32: 137-142
Xylosidase, p-D-,23:212,44:159, 162-163 sugar entry into, 32: 147-1 59
in plant cell-walls, 42:301, 376, 379 walls, 32:138-140
Xylosides D-glucan formation in, 32:229
methyl, lack of effect by emulsin, 50: I3 diagram, 39:368
methyl p-D- D-mannan formation in, 32:228
crystal structure bibliography, 31:365 structure of, 32: 188-1 89
selective periodate oxidation of, 33:95 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-o-
methyl D- catalytic oxidation of, 25:261
catalytic oxidation of, 33:89 infrared spectra of, and nitrates, 25:
ring structure of, 23: 15 252
methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-o-,effect of isomerization of, 25:260
volatility on methylation analysis of, ring opening of, 25:257
30:17 enzyme presence, 50: 1 I
Xylosucrose, 51: 150 fermentation of, 33:4, 50:7-9
Xylosylceramide, isolation, 40:238 galactomannans from, 31:243
o-Xylosyltransferase, 44:202-203 gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of,
Xylopyranosyl fluoride, 2,3,4-tri-O-benzoyl-p- 2 8 : I~
D-, crystal structure, 43:257-258 in honey fermentation, 32: 129
Xylulose, D- identification and classification of,
cyclic acetals, properties of, 26:257 32: 129-137
preparation from xylose, 28:39 mannans, 41:82-84,99
L-, synthesis of, 28:4 osmophilic, in honey, 25303
preparation of, 26:237 phosphonomannan, 41:86
purification of, and isopropylidene acetal, protein glycosylation in, 42:329
26:198 pyramine synthesis, 52:303-306
Xyluronic acid, D-, decarboxylation of, 28: rates of oxidative respiration and non-
187 oxidative fermentation by, 32: 172

Yeasts (continued) Zemplen, Geza, obituary of, 14:l-8

spin-lattice relaxation of I3C nuclei in Z-Enzyme, 23:33 I , 336
thermally denatured, 27:60 Zimm-plot technique, mucus glycoproteins,
sugar utilization, 32: 125-234, 145-147, 47:357-358
39:347404 Zinc chloride
thiamine, thiazole five-carbon chain, in anhydridization of hexoses, 34:46
pentulose as precursor, 52:288-291 effect on sugar solubility in acetone, 27:95
trehalase from, 30:247 Zinc chloride-acetic anhydride, rearrangements
Yellow farina dextrin, alkali-lability, 47:293, of saccharides in, 26: 192
295 Zinc ion, effect on a-o-mannosidase, 28:424
Yersiniu enterocoliticu, 0-specific Zinc oxide, as photoxidation sensitizer, 51:293
polysaccharides, 47: 179 Ziziphins, as sweet-taste inhibitors, 45:336-339
Yersiniose A and B, 48:288 Zizyphus,jujubu h i t , cyclic AMP in, 42:367
Yoshimura, Juji, 46: I , 9 Zone electrophoresis, of carbohydrates,
Yoshizawa, Z.. 46:9 12:81-115
Yuccoside C Zooglycosphingolipids, 24:382
occurrence, 37:328 Zorbach, William Werner, obituary, 27: 1-6
structure, 37:329 Zorbach Memorial Prize, 27:6
Yuccoside E Zosteru, galacturonan of, 42:28 1
occurrence, 3 7 :32 8 Zosteruceue, apiose-containing polysaccharides
structure. 37:329 from, 31: 1 5 1
Zosterine, from Zosteruceue and Phyllospudix,
2 Zymosan
antitumor activity of, 32:249, 267-268, 271
Zanflo, Erwiniu tuhitica polysaccharide, effect on properdin level, 32:271
preparation, properties, and uses, 36:297

Boldface numerals indicate volume numher.

A Biermann, Christopher J., 46:251

Binkley, Roger W., 38:105
Adams, Mildred, 5:229 Binkley, Wendell W., 8:291, 10:55,36:9
Alexeev, V. G., 27:227 Birch, Gordon G., 18:201
Alexeev, Yu. E., 27:227 Bishop, C. T.. 19:95
Anderson, Ernest, 1:329 Blair, Mary Grace, 9:97
Anderson, Laurens, 14: 135 Bleha, Tombs, 47:45
Anet, E. F. L. J., 19:181 Bobbitt. J. M., 11:l
Angyal, Stephen J., 14:135,36:1,42: 15, 47:1, Bock, Klaus. 41:27,42: 193
49: 19 Boeseken, J.. 4:189
Antonakis, Kostas, 42:227 Bonner, T. G., 16:59
Archibald, A. R., 21:323 Bonner, William A,, 6:25 1
Aronson, N. N. Jr., 27:301 Bourne, E. J., 5:145, 7:137
Aspinall, Gerald0 O., 8:217,9: 13 I , 14:429, Bouveng, Hans O., 1 5 5 3
24:333,51:169 Brady, Robert F. Jr., 26: 197
Auge, Claudine, 49: 176 Bray, H. G., 4:37,8:251
Brennan, Patrick J., 51: 169
Brimacombe, J. S., 19:303
B Brinson, Ken. 42:265
Bushway, Alfred A,, 32:235
Bacon, John Stanley Durrant, 30: I Buttenvorth, Roger F., 26:279
Baddiley, J., 21:323
Baer, Hans H., 24: 1; 67
Bailey, R. W., 17:121 C
Ball, D. H., 23:233,24: 139
Ballou, Clinton E., 9:59,32:1.39: I Cadenas, Raul A., 31:81
Banaszek, Anna, 40: 1 Caesar, George V., 13:331
Banks, W., 18:357 Caldwell, Mary L., 5:229
Barker, G. R., 11:285 Cantor, Sidney M., 6:23 1, 20: 1
Barker, Horace A,, 32: 1 Capon, B., 15: 11
Barker, S. A,, 7:137 Cam, C. Jelleff, 1:175
Barnett, J. E. G., 22:177, 27: 127 Carter, R. Douglas, 47: 125
Barnett, James A,, 32: 125,39:347 Cam, Benito. 43:51
Barreto-Bergter, Eliana, 4 1 5 7 Cerny, Miloslav, 34:23
Barren, Elliott P., 6:205 Chandrasekaran, Rengaswami, 52:3 1 I
Barry, C. P., 7:53 Chatterjee, Delphi, 51:169
Bayne, S., 11:43 Chen, Minshen, 34:285
BeClik, Andrew. 11:145 Chizhov, 0. S.. 21:39
Bell, D. J., 6:ll Clamp, John R., 16: I59
BeMiller, J. N., 13:289, 22:25 Clarke, Margaret A,, 52:441
Berman, Elisha, 43: 1 Clarke, Ronald J., 46:205; 333
Bhat, K. Venkatramana, 21:273 Coates, John H., 46:205: 333


Compton, Jack, 3: 185 Elderfield, Robert C., 1:147

Conchie, J., 12: 157 Ellis, G . P., 10:95,14:63
Corina, D. L., 27: 127 Estramareix, Bernard, 52:267
Courtois, Jean Emile, 18: 1 Evans, Taylor H., 2:203
Coxon, Bruce, 27:7 Evans, W. L., 6:27
Crawford, Sally Ann, 37:79
Crawford, Thomas C., 37:79,38:287
Crum, James D., 13:169 F
Csuk, Rene, 46:73; 33 1
Czernecki, Stanislas, 53: 143 Feather, Milton S., 28:161,53:1
Fedoronko, Michal, 29:107
Fernandez-Bolafios, Jose, 4 5 7
D Ferrier, Robert J., 20:67,24:199,35:31,
Dais, Photis, 45:125,51:63 Fewster, J. A,, 11:43
Daleo, Gustavo R., 44:341 Finch, Paul, 52: 1
Datema, Roelf, 40:287 Finne, Jukka, 38:389
David, Serge, 49:176,52:267 Fletcher, Hewitt G. Jr., 3:45,5:1,6:135
Davies, D. A. L., 15271 Flowers, Harold M., 39:279
Dax, Karl, 33: 189 Fordyce, Charles R., 1:309
De Belder, Anthony N., 20:219,34:179 Foster, A. B., 7:247,10:335,12:81,14:213,
de Lederkremer, Rosa M., 46:11,50:125 15:371
Dea, Iain C. M., 31:241 Fox, Jack J., 14:283,22:307
Dean, G. R., 5:127 French, Dexter, 9:149,12: 189
DeFaye, J., 25:181 Freudenberg, Karl, 21: 1
Deitz, Victor R., 9:247
Dekker, Robert F. H., 32:277
Dell, Anne, 45: 19 G
Delmer, Deborah P., 41: 105
Deuel, Harry J. Jr., 2:119, 16:335 Garegg, Per J., 52: 179
Deulofeu, Venancio, 4: 119 Garg, Hari G., 43:135,49:239,50:277
Dey, Prakash M., 35:341,37:283,42:265, Gautheron, Chnstine, 49: 176
44:341 Gelas, Jacques, 39:71
Dill, Kilian, 43: 1,45: I69,47: 125 Gelpi, Maria E., 31:81
Dimler, R. J., 7:37 Glanzer, Brigitte I., 46:73; 331
Dorland, Lambertus, 41:209 Glaudemans, Cornelis P., 31:l; 313
Doudoroff, M., 5:29 Goepp, R. M. Jr., 4:211
Dubach, P., 16:335 Goldstein, Irwin J., 21:431,35:127
Durette, Philippe L., 26:49 Gomez-Sanchez, Antonio, 4 5 7
Dutcher, James D., 18:259 Gonzalez, F. Garcia, 11:97,20:303
Dutton, Guy G. S., 28: 1 1,30:9 Goodman, Irving, 13:2 15
Goodman, Leon, 22: 109,29: 1
Gorin, Philip A. J., 23:367,38:13,41:67
E Gottfried, J. B., 5:127
Gottschalk, Alfred, 5:49
Edye, Leslie A,, 52:441 Green, John W., 3:129,21:95
Eggleston, Gillian, 52:441 Greenwood, C. T., 7:290, 11:335, 18:357,
El Khadem, Hassan S., 18:99,20:139,25:351, 22:483,23:281
38:1,51:1, 53:13 Grindley, T. Bruce, 53: 17
Elbein, Alan D., 30:227 Grisebach, Hans, 3 5 8 1

Gros, Eduardo G., 46: 11 J

Grynkiewicz, Grzegorz, 40: I
Gurin, Samuel, 3:229 Jamieson, G. A,, 27:l
Guthrie, R. D., 16:105,22:11 Jamefelt, Johan, 38:389
Jeanloz, Roger W., 6:135, ll:xiii, 13:189,
H Jeffrey, George A,, 19:7,30:445,31:347,
Haggard, A. J., 10:335 Jennings, Harold J., 41:155
Haines, Alan H., 33:11,39:13 Johnson, W. Curtis Jr., 4 5 7 3
Hall, Laurance D., 19:5 1, 29: 1 1 Jones, David M., 19:219
Hanessian, Stephen, 21:143,26:279,33: I 1 1 Jones, J. K. N., 2:235,4:243,11:185
Harding, Stephen E., 47:345 Jonsen, J., 15201
Hams, Elwin E., 4:153
Hams, John F.,28:161
Haskins, Joseph F.,2:279 K
Hassid, W. Z., 5:29, 18:309, 26:35 1
Hay, George W., 41:l Kaji, Akira, 42:383
Hayes, Colleen E., 35: 127 Karabinos, J. V.,7:99, 9:285
Haynes, L. J., 10:207, 18:227,20:357 Karkkainen, Jonna, 38:389
Hehre, Edward J., 8:277 Kashimura, Naoki, 46: 1
Helferich, Burckhardt, 3:79, 7:209 Keglevic, Dina, 36:57
Hemmer, Reinhard, 49:93 Kennedy, John F.,29:305
Herp, Anthony, 37: 1 Kent, P. W., 3:311
Heyns, K., 17: 169 Kertesz, Z.I., 5 7 9
Hibbert, Harold, 2:203 Khan, Riaz, 33:235,39:213
Hicks, Kevin B.,46:327 Kicks, Kevin B., 46:17
Hickson, John L.,16:159 Kinzy, Willy, 50:21
Hilton, H. W., 21:377 Kiss, Joseph, 24:38 I , 29:229
Hindert, Marjorie, 9:285 Klemer, Alrnuth, 16:85
Hirst, E. L., 2:235, 6:l Knirel, Yuriy A,, 47: 167
Hodge, John E., 10: 169 Kochetkov, Nicolai K., 21:39, 28:307,
Honeyman, John, 7:53,10:95, 12: 1 1 7 44:387
Horton, Derek, 14:213, 15:159, 18:123, 19:l, Koenig, Jack L., 44:7
26:l; 49,32:15,48:1, 5O:xiii Komano, Tohru, 46: I
Hough, L., 11:185, 1591, 16:159 Kort, M. J., 25:3 1 1
Hounsell, Elizabeth F.,50:311 Kowkabany, George N., 9:303
How, M. J., 19:303 Krantz, John C. Jr., 1:175
Hudson, Claude S., 1:1,2:1,3:1,4:57 Krusius, Tom, 38:389
Hullar, T. L., 21:431 Kunz, Horst, 50:277
Hutson, D. H., 18:123 Kuszmann, Janos, 28: I


Igarashi, Kikuo, 34:243 Laidlaw, R. A., 7: I

Ikehara, Morio, 36:135 Laland, S., 15:201
Inch, T. D.,27:191 L a m , Olle, 33:295
Inokawa, Saburo, 42: 135 Lederer, Edgar, 16:207
Isbell, Horace S., 23:11,24:13 Lee, Cheang-Kuan, 45: 199

Lee, Yuan Chuan, 37:225 Miller, Robert Ellsworth, 6:23 1

Legler, Giinter, 48:3 19 Mills, J. A., 1O:l
Lemieux, Raymond U., 3:337,9: 1,50: 1 Milne, E. A,, 23:281
Lespieau, R., 2:107 Mizuno, Takashi, 29:173
Levi, Irving, 4: 1 Montgomery, John A,, 17:301
Levvy, Guildford A., 12:157, 14:381, 28:401 Montgomery, Rex, 22: 1
Lezica, Rafael Pont, 44:341 Montreuil, Jean, 37:157
Li, Su-Chen, 40:235 Moody, G. J., 19:149
Li, Yu-Teh, 40:235 Morehouse, Margaret G., 2: 1 19
Liggett, R. W., 9:247 Morgan, J. W. W., 12:117
Lincoln, Stephen F., 46:205; 333 Mori, T., 8:3 15
Lindberg, Bengt, 15:53,31:185,33:295, Momson, Anthony, 31:241
48:279 Mort, Andrew J., 47: I67
Lindner, Buko, 50:2 1 1 Moye, C. J., 27535
Liptak, Andras, 49:3 Muetgeert, J., 16:299
Lohrnar, Rolland, 4:211 Myrback, Karl, 3:25 1
Lonngren, Jorgen, 29:41,31:185
Lyon, Nancy, 49:239
M Nakahara, Waro, 32:235
Nanasi, Pal, 49:3
MacAllister, Robert V., 36:15 Neely, W. Brock, 12:13, 15341
Maeda, Kenji, 48: 1 Nelson, David A,, 46:273
Maher, George G., 10:257 Neuberg, Carl, 4:75
Malhotra, Om Prakash, 16:239 Neuberger, Albert, 25:407,33: 1
Manley-Hams, Merilyn, 52:207 Neufeld, Elizabeth F., 18:309
Manners, David J., 12:261,17:371,30:1, Newth, F. H., 6:83, 10:207
35: 1 Nickerson, R. F., 5:103
Marchessault, Robert H., 22:421,33:387. Nikaido, H., 26:351
35:337, 36:315,40:381 Nord, F. F., 13:l
Markham, Alexander F., 36: 135
Markovic, Oskar, 33:323
Marsh, C. A,, 12:157, 14:381 0
Marshall, J. John, 30:257
Marshall, R. D., 25:407 Ogawa, Seiichiro, 48:2 1
Matheson, Norman K., 44: 147 Ohtsuka, Eiko, 36:135
Mathlouthi, Mohamed, 44:7 Olson, E. J., 12:299
McCarthy, J. F., 22: 1 1 Orenstein, Neil S., 31:135
McCasland, G. E., 20:ll Overend, W. George, 8:45, 1 5 1 1, 52:l
McCleary, Barry V., 44:147
McCloskey, Chester M., 12:137
McColloch, R. J., 5:79 P
McDonald, Emma J., 2:253
McGale, E. H. F., 24:435 Pacsu, Eugene, 1:78
McGinnis, Gary D., 26:297,44: 1 Palasinski, Mieczyslaw, 47:203; 279
Mehltretter, C. L., 8:23 1 Pamsh, F. W., 23:233,24:139
Mehta, N. C., 16:335 Paulsen, Hans, 17:169,23:115,26:127
Mester, L., 13:105, 14:l Pavia, Andre A,, 43:l
Micheel, Fritz, 16% Pazur, John H., 27:301,39:405,42:1, 53:201

Peat, Stanley, 2:37,5:145 Siddiqui, I. R., 25:285

Pedersen, Christian, 41:27,42: 193 Sidebotham, Ramon L., 30:371
Pedersen, Henrik, 42: 193 Singh, Prem P., 32:235
Penglis, Anna A. E., 38: 195 Smimova, Galina P., 44:387
Percheron, Franqois, 49: 1 I Smith, F., 2:79,4:243
Percival, E. G. V., 3:23, 7: 1 Snaith, Sybil M., 28:401
Perlin, Arthur S., 14:9,23:1,45:125 Soltzberg, S., 25:229
Pemet, Andre G., 33:lll Somsak, Laszl6,49:37
Phillips, Glyn O., 16:13, 18:9 Sowden, John C., 6:291, 12:35, 17:l
Pigman, Ward, 23: 1 I , 24: 13 Speck, John C. Jr., 13:63
Polglase, W. J., 103283 Spedding. H., 19:23
Priddle, J. E., 15:91 Spencer, J. F. T., 23:367
Pridham, J. B., 17:121,20:371 Spohr, Ulrike, 50: 1
Purves, Clifford B., 4:l Sprinson, David B., 15:235
Stacey, Maurice, 2:161,3:31 I , 4:37, 7:247,
8:45, 19:303,35:1,41:1
R StanEk, Jan Jr., 34:23
Stetter, Hermann, 45: 1
Rauvala, Heikki, 38:389 Stoloff, Leonard, 13:265
Raymond, Albert L., 1:129 Stoss, Peter, 49:93
Rees, D. A,, 24:267 Stowell, Christopher P., 37:225
Reeves, Richard E., 6: 107 Strahs, Gerald, 25:53
Reichstein, T., 17:65 Suami, Tetsuo. 48:21
Rendleman, J. A. Jr., 21:209 Sugihara, James M., 8: 1
Rexova-Benkova, Lubomira, 33:323 Sundaralingam, Muttaiya, 30:445,31:347,
Reynolds, D. D., 6:27 32:353,34:345,37:373,38:417,43:203
Richards, Geoffrey N., 32:277,52:207 Sundararajan, Pudupadi R., 33:387,35:377,
Richtmyer, Nelson K., 1:37,5:1, 6: 175 36:315,40:381
Rietschel, Emst Th., 50:211 Svensson, Sigfiid, 29:41,31:185
Robyt, John F., 51:133 Szarek, Walter A,, 28:225,41:1
Roscher, Nina M., 53:7 Sztaricskai, Ferenc, 49:3
Rosenstein, R. D., 19:7
Rosenthal, Alex, 23:59

S Talky, E. A,, 6:27

Taravel, Francois R., 51: I5
Sanchez, A. Gomez, 20:303 Teague, Robert S., 9: I85
Sandford, Paul A,, 36:265, 53:7 Theander, Olof, 17:223.46:273
Sands, Lila, 1:329 Theobald. R. S., 15:91
Sarko, A,, 2 2 4 2 1 Thomas, H. Jeanette, 17:301
Sattler, Louis, 3: 1 13 Timell, T. E., 19:247,20:409
Schauer, Roland, 40: 13 1 Tipson, R. Stuart, 1: 193,s: 107, 12: I. 16: 1
Schilling, Christopher H., 53:263; 345 Todt, K., 23: 1 15
Schmidt, Richard R., 50:21 Tokuzen, Reiko, 32235
Schoch, Thomas John, 1:247 Tomasik, Piotr, 47:203; 279, 51:243, 53:263;
Schuerch, Conrad, 39: 157 345
Schwarz, Ralph T., 40:287 Tsuchiya, Tsutomu, 48: 1; 91
Shafizadeh, F., 11:263,13:9,23:419. 26:297 Turvey, J. R., 20: 183, 25: 1
Shibaev, Vladimir N., 28:307,44:277 Tvaroska, Igor, 47:45,51:15

U Wempen, I., 14:283

Whistler, Roy L., 1:279,5:269, 12:299,
Ueda, Tohru, 22:307 13:289, 16:159,32:235,34:285
Umezawa, Hamao, 30: 183 Whitehouse, M. W., 13:237
Urnezawa, Sumio, 30: 1 1 1 Wiejak, Stanislaw, 47:; 203; 279
Unger, Frank M., 38:323 Wiggins, L. F., 4:293,5:191
Wilkie, Kenneth C. B.. 36:215
Williams, J. Michael, 31:9
V Williams, Neil R., 25: 109
Wise, Louis E., 15:l
van Halbeek, Herman, 41:209 Witczak, Zbigniew J., 44:91,53:143
Varela, Oscar, 50: 125 Wolfram, Melville L., 3:337,8:291
Verstraeten, L. M. J., 22:229
Vinogradov, Evgeny V., 47:167
Vliegenthart, Johannes F. G., 41:209 Y
van dem Bruch, Karsten, 50:277
von Sonntag, Clemens, 37:7 Yamamoto, Hiroshi, 42: 135
Yoshimura, Juji, 42:69

Wallenfels, Kurt, 16:239
Wander, Joseph D., 32: 15 Zahringer, Ulrich, 50:211
Watson, Ronald R., 31:135 Zamojski, Aleksander, 40: 1
Webber, J. M., 15:371, 17:15 Zaranyika, Mark F., 51:243
Weidmann, Hans, 33: I89 Zehavi, Uri, 46: 179
Weigel, Helmut, 18:61,34:1 Zhdanov, Yu. A,, 27:227
Weiss, Alvin H., 29:173 Zilliken, F., 13:237
Weiss, Ekkehard, 17:65 Zorbach, W. Werner, 21:273
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