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The Federal Government employees are allotted Government

accommodation on maturity of their turn in the relevant General Waiting
List of their entitlement for allotment of accommodation subject to the
availability of vacant accommodation.


Employees of Ministries/Divisions: The Federal Government Employees

in the Ministries/Division except those maintaining their own pool of
accommodation are eligible for allotment or hiring of accommodation
through Estate Offices.Employees of attached Departments: The Federal
Government employees working in the attached departments of the
Ministries except those maintaining their own pool of accommodation
are eligible for allotment of accommodation. Those attached departments
which are maintaing their own pool of accommodation or funds for hiring
of accommodation or both and are willing to surrender the same to the
Estate Office may be made eligible for allotment or hiring of
accommodation under the specific orders of the government. Employees
of sub-ordinate departments: The Federal Government Employees in
subordinate offices of the Federal Government which maintain their own
pools of accommodation and funds for hiring houses are made eligible
by the Government under specific orders of the Federal Government if
they surrender their pool accommodation and funds to the Estate Office.
The Federal Government has so far declared sub-ordinate offices eligible
for allotment or hiring of accommodation. Employees of Non-entitled
departments: Capital Development Authority, Inter Services Intelligence,
Islamic Research Institute and International Islamic University are non-
entitled departments but about two decades ago the Estate Office had
placed certain number of housing units at their pool for allotment to their
employees for which these organizations have to pay the standard rent
to the government, details of such accommodation is as under:


In addition to the above, 560 quarters of various categories have also

been placed at the disposal of Ministry of Foreign Affairs for allotment to
their employees. None of these departments are allotted
Government/hired accommodation except the employees of Foreign
Affairs who are enjoying 100% hired/privately requisitioned houses
besides the above-pooled accommodation.

Entitlement to Category/Class of Accomodation

The Federal Government Servants working in different grades in the

eligible Federal Government Departments are entitled for allotment of
government accommodation as per their entitlement. (The entitlement of
Federal Government Employees to different class or category of
accommodation is as under):
Employees working in BPS 1-4:The Federal Government Employees
working in BPS 1-4 for entitled for allotment of A type or category V
Employees in BPS 5-6: The Federal Government Employees working in
BPS 5-6 are entitled for allotment of B type or Cat V accommodation.
Employees in BPS 7-10: The Federal Government Employees working in
BPS 7-10 are entitled for allotment of C type or cat-V accommodation.
Employees in BPS 11-15:The Federal Government Employees working in
BPS 11-15 are entitled for D type or cat-IV accommodation.
Employees in BPS 16-17:The Federal Government Employees working in
BPS 16-17 are entitled for allotment of E type or cat-III accommodation.
Employees in BPS 18: The Federal Government Employees working in
BPS-18 or F type accommodation are entitled for allotment of cat-III or F
type accommodation.
Employees in BPS-19: The employees working in BPS-19 are entitled for
allotment of G type or Cat-II accommodation.
Employees in BPS-20: The Federal Government Employees working in
BPS-20 are entitled for allotment of H type or Cat-I accommodation.
Employees in BPS-21 & 22: The Federal Government Employees working in
BPS 21 and 22 are entitled for allotment of I types Cat-I accommodation

1. On maturity of Turn in GWL:

o Registration:
The Federal Government Employees willing to get accommodation
from the Estate Offices pool are required to get registered their
name with the Estate Offices. The Federal Government Servants are
required to fill in the registration form and get it forwarded it to the
Estate Office through their departments apply on registration form.
(Registration Form)
o Maintenance of Seniority Lists:
The Estate Office allocates the Government accommodation as per
the seniority lists of different categories maintained for this
purpose. As soon as the name of a Federal Government Servant
matures in the relevant GWL, he is allocated the Government
o Determination of Seniority:
1. The Seniority of a FGE in the relevant waiting lists shall be
determined from the date of entitlement to the class or category of
accommodation, provided that he applies to the Estate Office within
one month of his appointment or joining at the place of duty or on
becoming entitled to a higher class or category of accommodation.
2. The date of his application to the Estate Office provided that he
applies for accommodation or higher class or category of
accommodation after one month of his appointment or joining at
the place of duty or becoming entitled to a higher class or category
of accommodation;
3. If the date of entitlement of two or more F.G.S is the same, the
seniority is determined on the basis of their length of service and in
case their length of service is also the same the seniority is
determined by the size of their families and the one having larger
family shall be considered as senior
o Perusal of Seniority Lists:
The Seniority Lists are available for perusal in the departments of
the Federal Government Servants. The Federal Government
Servants can also know about their seniority position by through
the Services page of the Web page of Estate Office, Islamabad or by
visiting to the one window.
o Issuance of offer letters:
As soon as the name of an employee matures in the General
Waiting List, he is issued the offer letter for obtaining the
willingness of the Federal Government Servant for allotment of
government accommodation.
o Issuance of Allotment Letters:
The Estate Office issues the allotment letter upon receipt of the
positive response of the Federal Government Servant.
2. By Change/Mutual Exchange of Accommodation: The Change of
accommodation for the same category of accommodation is allowed by
the government. The FGS may apply for change of accommodation on
plain paper with necessary documents (see services) The Mutual
Exchange for same or different category of accommodation is allowed.
The FGS may apply for the same with necessary documents (See
3. By Transfer of allotment: The allotment of government accommodation
may be transferred to serving family members of an allottee in the event
of his/her death or retirement. If the accommodation is above the
entitlement of the proposed allottee they are allotted the accommodation
of their entitlement and have to vacate the allotted accommodation.


The Federal Government Servants are paid House Rent Allowance along
with their monthly salaries. On allotment or hiring of accommodation
through Estate Office, they become ineligible for the House Rent
Allowance. They are also charged rent till the time of vacation of the
accommodation at the rates given below:
NORMAL RENT: The allottee of allotted accommodation is charged
monthly rent @5% of monthly pay from the date of allotment of
accommodation till the date of vacation of allotted accommodation.
STANDARD RENT: The Estate Offices have allotted government
accommodation of various categories to the employees of non-entitled
departments, during the past regimes on Standard Rent Basis. These
organizations comprise International Islamic Research Institute, Pakistan
Agriculture Research Council, National Agriculture Research Council,
Capital Development Authority, Agriculture Development Bank of Pakistan,
Azad Jammu Kashmir Council and many other non-entitled departments.
The allotment to the employees of these departments was made on
Standard Rent Basis.

In case of unauthorized accommodation or opening a clinic at the hired

accommodation the standard and penal rent is respectively charged.

The case for enhancement in standard rent is pending in the court of


Exemption: The government has exempted the employees working in

BPS 1 and 2 from rent deduction.

Vacation of allotted accommodation:

Events for vacation:

On Retirement: The Federal Government Servant has to vacate the
accommodation or retirement. They are allowed six months grace period
for vacation of the accommodation from the date of retirement.
On transfer: The Federal Government Servants are allowed to retain the
allotted accommodation for a period of maximum of six months on transfer
to other stations, However, they can retain the accommodation till their
posting back to the original station in case of their posting to a non-family
On dismissal etc: In case the Federal Government Servant dismissed or
terminated from service, they are allowed to retain the accommodation for
a period of six months.
On grant of Leave: The allottee is allowed to retain an accommodation
during the entire period of grant of leave, if the period of leave does not
extend beyond two years.
On subletting: If it is established that any government servant does not
reside in the allotted accommodation or has sublet the same, the allotment
is cancelled from the name of the government servant forthwith and the
allotment is cancelled from his name and the unauthorized occupants are
evicted from the premises.
On request by the Allottee: The allottee on expiry of the lease agreement or
during the currency of the allotment may vacate the allotted
On Allotment of Higher/alternate Accommodation: The allottee has to
vacate the previously allotted accommodation on allotment of alternate
accommodation in change/mutual exchange as well as the higher category
of accommodation.
Mode of vacation of accommodation: Obtaining NOC from Estate Office: At
the time of vacation of the allotted premises, the Federal Government
Servant is required to obtain NOC from the Estate Office. The Estate
Offices check the 5% rent deduction as well as the uptodate payment of
utility bills at the time of grant of NOC.
Handing over possession: The allotted on obtaining the NOC has to hand
over the possession of the premises to the enquiry offices.

NOTE: An allottee may also directly hand over the possession of allotted
accommodation to the concerned enquiry office subject to production of
uptodate payment of utility bills and payment of damages in government
treasury if any.

Mechanism of allotment of Govt accommodation

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