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SPE 28904


Society of Petroleum Englnews

Reliability Analysis on PVT Correlations

Giambattista De Ghetto, * Francesco Paone, and Marco Villa, AGIP SpA
*SPE Member

Copyright 1994, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the European Petroleum Conference hefd In Londen, U.K., 25-27 Octcber 1994.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Prqram Committee following revfew of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s), Contents of the paper,
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fhfSTRACT:This paper evaluates the reliability of the most common empirical correlations used for deter&dn g reservoir fluid properties
whenever laborato~ PVT data are not available: bubblepoint pressure, solution GOR, bubblepoint OFVF, isothermal compressibility, dead-oil
viscosity, gas-saturated oil viswsity and nnderssturated oil viswsi~.
The reliability of the comelations has been evaluated against a set of 195 crude oil samples collected tlom the Mediterranean Basin, A&@ the
Persian Gulf and the North Sea. About 3700 measured data points have been collected and investigated. AU measured data points are reported
in the paper. For all the correlations, the following statistical parameters have been ealculatecl a) relative deviation between estimated and
experimental values, b) average absolute percent error, c) standard deviation.
011 samples have been divided into the following four dift%rent API gravity classes extra-heavy oils for AH< 10, heavy oils for IO<AFK
22.3, medium oils for 22.3< API< 31.1, light oils for API> 31.1.
The best era-relations both for each class and for the whole range of API gravity have been evaluated for each oil-prope@.
The fimctionrd forms of the correlations that gave the best results for each oil property have been used for finding a better correlation with
average errors redueed by s-lOO/o. In particular, for extra-heavy oils, since no correlations are available in literature (except for viscosity), a
special investigation has been performed and new equations are proposed.

Introduction North Sea for example, when it is applied to oils from North Africa
or the Mediterranean Sea.
The calculation of reserves in amoil rewrvoir or the determination of
its pdormancc and economics, requires a good knowledge of the In additio~ this wiII make it possibIe to extend the use of some
fluids physical properties. Bubblepoint pressure, GO% OFVF and wrrelations in ranges of API gravity in which no correlations have
compressibility are of primary importance in material bshmee. been proposed yet (except for viscosity> for oils with density lower
eahxdation, whereas viscosity plays an important role in production than 10 APL
test interpretation and in well problem analysis. Iderdly, these
properties are determined tlom laborato~ studies on samples LrrERATuRERIwfEw
eolkted fi-om the bottom of the wellbore or bm the surface. Such
The following presents a review of the most known correlations
experimental data rue however not always available bwause of one
published in literature. The range of input data used in developing
or more of such reasons a) samples wllected are not reliable, b)
each correlation and the corresponding errors reported by each
samples have not been taken because of cost savina c) PVT rmalyses
Author are provided in tables 3,4 and 5.
are not available when data are needed, this situation often occurs in
productionhest interpretation in exploration wells. In 1947 Standin~lm/ published two correlations for determining,
respectively, the bubblepoint pressore &b) and the oil-formation
In such cases PVT properties must be determined by using empirical
derived correlations. ObviousIy the accuracy of such wrrelations is volume factor (OFVF) at bubblepoint, horn known values of
critical for the above mentioned ealculatione and it is not often reservoir temperature (Tr), solution gas-oil ratio (GOR) at bubble
known in advance. poin~ oil gravity (ye) and gas gravity (yg). In all, 105 experimentally
determined data points on 22 different erode-oilhutaml-gas mixtores
Despite the great number of work performed in the past 50years on
ftom California were used.
PVT correlations, each of them seems to be applicable with a good
reliability only in a welldeflned range of reservoir fluid In 1958 Lasater~ presented a new correlation for Pb. In all, 158
characteristics. This is due to the fact that each correlation has been experimentrdly measured bubblepoint pressores from 137
developed by using samples belonging to a restricted geographical indepdent crude oil systems from Canada, western and mid-
sre~ with similar fluid compositions and API gravity. wntinental U.S., and South America were used in his work.
This work is aimed at analysing the reliability of literature In 1959 Chew and Connall~5r proposed a correlation to predict the
correlations, Iisted in tabIe 1, not only in the range of input data gas-saturated oil viscosity (pol) as a timction of dead-oil viscosity
defined by each Author, but even in the wider range of Agips (pod) and GOR, The comelation was developed from 457 crude oil
reservoir fluids, shown in table 2. The reason for this is to determine samples tlom Canada, USA and South Ameriea. The study showed
the performance of a wrrelation developed fm a particular area, the that at a tixed GO~ the relation between pol and the corresponding
pod is a straight line on logarithmic co-ordinates.

References and illustrations at the end of the paper


In 1975 Beggs and Robinsond lmblished two new correlations for reservoir fluids, as a tbnction of easilymeasnrable field data as tirst-
calcniating~ and pol. The eqm-t.ionsresuited tlom a study of 2533 stage separator pressure and GOR API, Pr and Tr. PVT data for 128
viscosity measurements involving 600 different crude oii systems. samples were coilected horn Libya, Nigeria and Angola reservoirs.
An accuracy of -0.64V0 for the dead-oil viscosity correlation was Oniy the compressibility correlation has been considered in this
found when tested against the data used for its work. When tested study.
against 93 cases from literature, the average error increased to In 1990 Kartoatmodj#3 presented new empikai correlations for
114.27V0.The Authors did not explain the reason for we huge errors predicting OFVF, Pb, pod, pal, w and Co as a timction of
but simply warned that the extrapolation outside the range of the measurable parameters such as Tr, separator gas gravity (GGPsP),
data used to develop the correlation should be done with care. API and GoR. A total of about 1400 ditRerent samples were used to
In 1977 Vasquez and Beggs7t presented correlations for predicting develop the correlations. Most of them were extracted by PVT
GOR and OFVF of a gas-satnrated crude oil, as a function of crude reports tlom South East Asia, Caiiiiornia and Alaska and a
oil API gravity, yg, reservoir temperature and pressure @r). IIStotai, reasonable group horn literature. The new correlations were
6004 data points were used, distributed into two groups (less than 30 &veloped using the fimctionai form of the previously published ones
API and greater than 30 API) because of variations in the volatility which gave the best estimate. The Author aiso presented a
of crude oil. The Authors found yg to be a strong correlating correlation to convert OFVF and GOR from ditlkrentiai to flash
prumneter in the development of the GOR correlation. Because yg is liberation prccess at the separator condition. The OFVF, GOR and
dependent on the conditions under which the gas is separated f.lom Pb correlations were developed using both flash vaporisation data
oil, a correlation to normaiise yg to a separation pressure of 114.7 and differential vaporisation data, (the latter converted to flash using
psia was also developed by the Authors and tested against 124 data the above mentioned conversion factor). Kartoatmodjo stated that
points tlom 27 different fluids. Vasquez and Beggs aiso investigated these correlations are applicable to a flash process only. Applying
these equations to a difi+erentiaiprocess might lead to errors of up to
the viscosity (PO) smd the isothermal eompressibiiity (Co) of under
saturated oiis, using 4486 data points for the Co correlation and 3593
h 1990 Majeed, Kattan and Saiman/14 proposed a new general
data points for the ~o correlation.
correlation for estimating po as a timction of Pr, Pb, pol, GOR and
h 1980 Glaso/s/ presented correlations for estimating Pb, OFVF and
API. The correlation was developed using 253 experimentally
Pd, as a function of Tr, totai surface gas gravity, GOR and API
determined oil viscosity vaiues on 41 ditTerent oil samples from
gravity. Because the first two correlations were developed using data
North A6iea and Middle-East oii reservoirs. The correlation is
tlom 45 oii samples with pamffinicities equivalent to North Sea OHS,
derived from plotting (Pr-Pb) Vs (po-pol) on a log-log paper. The
an adjustment to the API gravity term was suggested for using the
correlations with oiis of a @erent compositional natore. Glaso aiso plot shown a series of straight iiies of a constant slope whose
intercepts could be represented as a tisnction of API and GOR.
provided a method for correcting the pre&cted Pb for the presence of
C02, N2 and H2S in the totai tiaee gases. The correlation for pod In 1990 Rollins, McCain Jr. and Creege#15/ developed an
was developed horn data obtained tlom 26 crude oil samples. empiricai equation to estimate stcck-tank GOR as a timction of
separator pressure and temperature (Psp, Tsp), API and GGPsp. The
In 1988 Egbogah and Jacld9 proposcxi two dMerent correlations for
cmrelation was obtained using a logarithmic model on a totai of 301
estimating pod. The tirst one was a modified Beggs and Robinson black oil samples. The solution GOR, obtained by adding the stock-
correlation obtained by using 394 od systems from laboratories of
tank GOR from equation to the field-determined separator GOR, has
AGAT Engineering, Ltd. The second one introduced a new been d%cted by an average error of less than s~o.
parameter to estimate the ~od the pour point temperature (Tp)
In 1992 Labedi/ld pubiished a new set of cm-relations to predict
which is, by definition, the lowest temperature at which the oil is
observed to flow. Because Tp seemed to be related to crude oil pod, I.LO1 and PO. The data-bank for the development of cm-relations
paraffi content (it increases tith the paratlin eontent), the Authors consisted of about one hundred laboratory anaiyses, representing the
believed that important chemicai compositional aspects of crude oil fluids of the entire producing reservoirs in Libya. Each equation
couid be considered in the viscosity correlation by introducing this developed is a function of easiiy-obtainable (is@ such as APL Pr and
parameter. The average error of the equation with Tp was siightly Tr. In pm-titular, with regard to the pol eorrelatio~ ail equations
lower than the moditied Beggs and Robinson correlation (4.3% vs. - previously published correlate pol to pod and GOR. k this study ~ol
5. ls~o). Since Tp is not an easiiy-measurable parameter on field the is a direct fimction of ~ API and Pr, parameters more easily-
latter correlation has not been investigated in this study. measurable in the field than GOR L&xii aiso pubiished a
In 1988 MarhounlW published empirical correlations for estimating relationship between differential and flash APL Even if the API used
Pb, OFVF at bubblepoint and totai OFVF for the Middie East crude in ail of the oii viscosity correlations developed in this study was
obtained by flashing the fluid sample to the atmospheric pressure,
oiis, as a function of Tr, yg, GOR and API. A total of 69 PVT
anaiyses of bottomhole fluid samples were available for the which can be easiiy done in the field by flashing the weii directly to
development of correlations. Only the correlation for Pb has been the stock-~ this relation makes it possible to utiiise the viscosity
considered in this work. data tiom the samples that we not flashed to the atmospheric
pressure, but diflkrentiaily iiberated. The new correlations can be
Jrs 1988 Asgarpour, McLauchiin, Wong and Cheun~l]/ presented applied to other geographical areas such as the Middle East. the
a new set of correlations to estimate Pb, OFVF and GOR (at and
North Sea and some-p~ of North and South America, but they
below bubblepoint) as a tbnction of yg, yo, Tr and GOR The should be used witbin the limit of input &h, in particular they
correlations were based on more than310 different crude oil samples shouid not be extrapolated for crndes of less than 32 API.
tlom Western Canada. Because the physicai properties of each
In 1993 Petmsky and Farshad/]7/ presented new empiricai PVT
geological formation in Western Canada exhibited ditTerent
correlations for estimating Pb, GOR OFVF and Co, as a tknction of
behaviour, it was necessary to develop correlations for 3 different
commonly available field data. A totai of 81 laboratory PVT
geological formations. Aithough the average errors of the
anrdysis, made on crude oiis extracted from reservoirs offshore Texas
correlations are very low, the paper has not been considerd in this
and Louisiana were used to develop the correlations. Authors found
work since intlormation about the geological formation of crude oii
that their correlations could predict the PVT properties with average
samples were not avaiiable, and because this information is not easy
absolute errors ranging tim 0.64% for OFVF to 6.66%0for Co. The
to gain on field.
correlations were developed speciticaiiy for Gulf of Mexico crude
In 1989 Labedi112 published a new set of equations for estimating oils but Authors said that the same equations couid be used in other
OFVF, oil density at and below bubblepoin~ and Co of the Atl-icau


regions of the world. Chdy the compressibility correlation has been con-elation in a range that is different SU4 in most cases, wider,
considered in this work. than that considered by the Author who proposed it.
The reliability study for individual classes and on the entire group of
hMMLITY ANALYSISON -TURE CORREI.MTONS oils, was carried out usiug graphic rmd statistical instruments.
Calculated vs. measured-value diagrams were created for each
This work analyses the most well-known correlations described in parameter studied (Ci vs. Mi) in order to have a clear and immediate
literature for estimating PVT properties such as bubblepoint view of the behaviour of each correlation. For reasons of space, not
pressure, oil formation volume factor and solution gas-oil ratio at all the calculated value vs. measured-value graphs, relative to each
bubblepoint, dead-oil viscosity, gas-saturated oil viscosity, under correlation, have been included in this paper. Instead, it was decided
saturated oil viscosity and isothermal compressibdity. It does not to show a single diagram which gathers the best results obtained for
however include those correlations which require, as input data, individurd classes of oil . The diagrams for each property estimated
parameters which me not easily measurable on field or not areshowninfigums 1,3,5,7,9,11, 13 and 14.
obtainable tlom PVT reports. Table 1 shows schematically the The qualitative analysis carried out by means of diagrams was
Authors and the relative correlations considered for each property accompanied by a statistical anrdysis, of which the starting point
examined. was the relative deviation between estimated and expenmsutalvalue
Starting exclusively with the PVT studies carried out over the last 30 (&), thus defined
yeare on Agip oils, a selection was made excluding those lacking all
the input data necessay to use PVT correlations. In this way, a very ~i_Q-Mi .100 (1)
heterogeneous sample of 195 crude oils was setup, representative of Mi
diverse reservoir conditions and production scenarios, in order to After having calculated the Ej for all the available samples, results
ensure that the conclusions obtained tlom this analysis would be were subjected to a statistical analysis calculating the average
generally valid and have an extensive applicability to wide rauge of arithmetical value (E ) of the Ei mid their standard deviation (SD),
operative situdions. i.e., the dispersion o!?the Ei around their average value ~, ushg
The 195 oils come horn the Mediterranean Bas~ Africa, the Persiau the following equatiom
Gulf and the North Sea. Table 2 lists the range of input and output
parameters of all Agips oil samples while table 6 reports the
experimentally-measured PVT data involved in the present study
(about 3700 @ta points). SD= ZiI~[Ei
-J (3)
Tables 3 and 4 list the rsmge of input and output parameters upon / N-1
which each Author based the development of his correlation Ihe correlation providing the smallest ~ value was judged to be
(Authors defined range). The first table shows the bubblepoint the best. When equal ~ was found for more correlations, the lowest
pressure, the solution gas-oil ratio, the oil formation volume factor standard deviation value detined the best one. Table 7 provides the
and compressibili~, the second shows the viscosity. On comparing best results obtained from the statistical analysis, for the different
the values of these tables with those in table 2, it can be observed parameters estimated, on the whole group of oils rmd for each API
how the group of ~lp oils covers a much wider raage of physical gravity class. In addition to this table, it was decided to show all the
characteristics. For example, with regard to the API ~viv> all the statistical results obtained from the correlations studied for each
equations, with the exception of Egbogah and Jac~9 for viscosity, property, in order to have a general idea of the behaviour of the
were tested on oils having an API higher than 14 (Tab.3 and 4), different equations chosen from literature. The results can be seen in
while the group tested here has 28 samples with API< 14 (Tab.6). the diagrams of figures 22 to 28.
The density of an oil is a timdamental characteristic as it reflects its A statistical study similar to tbe previous one was carried out
chemical composition, on which all the fluids main properties those samples with characteristics which did not fall
depend. For this reason, the API gravity was chosen in this study within the ranges proposed by the different Authors (rauges rdready
among all the different parameters used for class@ing oil$ therefore defined in tables 3 and 4). Table 8 provides the best results obtained
Agips oil sample was divided into 4 difikrent classes of API gravity in this second study. We should however stress that the exclusion of
as follows: oils with characteristics which do not fd within tbe range proposed
. extra-heavy oils API <10 by the Authors has often led to huge reductions in the number of
. heavy oils 10< API <22.3 samples analysed, sometimes more than 70%. The statistical results
. medium oils 22.3< API s 31.1 obtained on samples with less than 10 oils were not presented as
light oils API >31.1 they were not considered to be representative. The results provided
The last three classes correspond to a standard ckwsitication of by this second rmalysis are therefore to be considered less
oil#O31/on the basis of the API gravity, the extremes of the ranges representative than the earlier ones. Below is a discussion of the
which ident@ the different classes can vary as there is no results obtained for each property estimated, wi@ regard to the
universally recognised classification. The first class was designed analysis of the entire group ofAgip oils. The same procedure will be
in this study mainly for the following rcasom applied later to describe the results of the analysis in the range
proposed by the Authors.
variations in the properties of crndes depend chiefly on the
presence of the most heavy hydrocaAxm@7Bm91W
in the past few years, oiI companies have become increasingly
interested in reservoirs with the extra-heavy oil#35n71. Ml the results are discussed with reference to table 7 and to figures
. there are no correlations in literature which covm the range of oils 1,3,5,7,9, 11, 13 and 14.
w-kb APIs 10, except for viscosities. Bubblepoinfpressure
The reliability of each correlation and for each parameter was Standings correlation/lm/ has given the best results, both in the
therefore tested both for Agips entire sample and for each API entire .goup of oils, with an average error of 16.IVO,and in the class
gravity class. The results obtained for each gravity class twe believed of extra-heavy oils (average error 9. 1/0) rmd heavy oils (average
to be vcxy significant as it is plausible that samples belonging to the error 15.1VO).However, the analysis has shown that in generrd, the
same class are physically and chemically more comprusble than errors of the dit%rent correlations decrease as the API degree
samples from different classes. On the other hand, the study of the increases. This bchaviour was observed in ahnost all the properties
entire group of oils makes it possible to ven~ the behavionr of the estimated (see figs. 22 to 28 for confirmation). The behaviour of


Standings correlation for extra-heavy and heavy oils should therefore other classes of oil (see also fig.28). It should also be pointed out
be considered as fairly anomalous. For the medium and light oils, the that the error in estimating the viscosity normally becomes smaller
best results were obtained with Kmtoatmodjo and Glasos and smaller as we go from atmospheric pressure viscosity to
comelations respectively. reservoir pressure viscosity (see fig. 26, 27 and 28). It is likely that
It should be pointed out that the errors found here were always the input variables which estimate the reservoir oil viscosity (bubble
greater than those given by the Authors in their original publications, point pressure, reservoir pressure and GOR), characterise the
shown in table 5, except for Ksrtoatmodjo. This behaviour was phenomenon better than the inputs of the dead-oil viscosity ~API
found in the majority of cases for all the properties snalysed. and reservoir temperature).
Solution gar-oil ratio
The best results are provided by the Vasquez-Beggs and RESULT% OF RELIABILITYANALYSISPERFO~ ~ THE
Kartoatmodjo correlations with errors always higher than 20V0. AUTHORSDEFINSDRANGE
Standing% correlation for extra-heavy oils is the exception with an The results are discussed with reference to tables 7 and 8.
average error of 13.7/0.
Oilformation vo.?umeftior at bubblepoint Compared with the analysis above mentioned, the errors decreased
Of the seven properties rmalysed, this one was estimated in the best by a maximum of 5.5 percentage points (medium oils). However,
way. The highest emors did not exceed 2.5~0. Vasquez-Beggss they increased by 8 points in tie case of heavy oils. It should be
correlation gave errors of less than half of those indkated by the stressed that for all the properties examined the extra-heavy oils
Authors (Tab. 5). were completely excluded from this analysis. Literature is rather
Isothermal compressibility lacking in equations for these oilfi among those anrdysed, only
The estimation errors range from 14.8~o in Labedis correlation for Egbogah and Jacks correlationigi for dead-oil viscosity considered
light oils to, 38.7 in Vasquez-Beggss correlation for extra-heavy oils. samples with densities of up to 5 API. However, these results were
The best result for the entire sample was that of Vasquez-Beggs with not included as they were considered to be of Iitie significance,
an average brror of 24.5V0. since they were obtained from less than 10 samples.
Dea&oil vkosi@ Sofufion gav-oil rtio
This property was the one estimated in the worst manner for all the The most signitleant improvements were found in the class of light
COITelatiOUS.The IOWeSterrors are greater than 25/0 with the oils, where the error decreased by 16 percentage points. Worthy of
overall average error 36.2%. The errors are very high especially with note is the behaviour of Rollins-McCain-Creegers correlation which,
regard to the classes of heavy and medium oils. This behaviour is applied to all the oil samples gave vexyhigh errors (see also fig. 23),
justifiable bearing in mind that the correlations estimate this while, bearing in mind the ranges of the input variables, the average
property ~th only two input variablex API and reservoir was 4.3% for light oils and 8.7/0 for the entire group.
temperature. The correct measurement of this property is ditlicuit to However, the number of samples in the analysis of Rollins
achieve even in the laboratory. correlation dropped to 42 compared with the 187 samples used in the
Gas-saturated oil viscos~ study on Agips sample.
The average errors of the best correlations range between 14 and Oilformation volumefdor ai bubb.kpoirrt
22V0.The best results were provided by Kartoatrnodjos correlation The correlations which estimate this property seem to be generally
with an overall error only 3 percentage points greater thau that found valid as the aurdysis of the range led to an average error decrease of
by the Author in his own work (Tab. 5). less than the percentage point (with SDalready good accuracy).
Figure 9 shows the distribution of the points calculated with the best Isothermal compressibili@
correlations where the input variables (deaddl viscosity and The analysis led to an error decrease of not more than 5 percentage
solution gas-oil ratio) tie measured values obtained horn PVT points. The most signitkant improvements for the entire sample of
reports. oils were Ibm 2LM0/0 to 19.8/0.
Figure 14 shows the results of the same correlations where the Dea&oil viscosi@
calculated value was used as _@putdata of the dead-oil viscosity. The most significant improvements were found in the class of heavy
Noteworthy is the increese h dispersions of the points around the oils where the error fell by 7 percentage points. In the other cases the
bisector which corresponds to an average error increase of more than variations were lower than the percentage point.
20 percentage points. The difference is due to the fact that by
Gas-saturated oil v&cosa
including a calculated rather than a measured input in an equation, The analysis produced no appreciable error decreaseq in fact the
the estimation error of the equation in some way combines with that errors increased by 1.7 percentage points in the case of heavy oils
made on the calculated input even if the latter has been calculated and 1.2 points on the whole Agip sample.
with the best correlation. The greater the error on this input, the
greater the correlation error. Since the correlations which estimate Utuiers@mzted oil ticos~
the viscosity values at ditlerent pressures are all inter-connectixl, the Even in this case, the analysis ia the ranges produced results which
lower the estimation error of the dead-oil viscosity, the better the were at times worse than those of the previous s~dy on the entire
estimation of the gas-saturated oil viscosity. The same applies to the sample. Clearly, the correlations which estimate these properties are
correlations relative to the nndersatnrated oil viscosity wkich have more easily extendible or at lea~ are less atl?ected by the oils
the gas-saturated oil viscosity among the inputs. This proves the characteristics.
importance of correctly determining the dead-oil viscosity, which on
the other hand, is the property calculated in the worst way. The DEVELOPMENT
observations made can be naturally and easily extended to all the
other propertie$ in fact, a quantity estimated by using measured The results obtained tkom the above-explained reliability analysis
input variables will undoubtedly be more reliable than one estimated shows thaL except for the OFVF correlation, the average errors in
with calculated inputs. determiningg PVT properties are still high especially when oils are
beyond the Authors detined range. Furthermore, many fields owned
Undersatnrated oil viscos~ or operated by Agip (especially in Italy and the Mediterranean Ses)
The best correlations showed a maximum error of 12.3% (Labedi, produce heavy and extra-heavy oils that are not extensively studied,
extra-heavy oils), with excellent results for medium and light oils. in terms of PVT correlations, in literature. For these reasons, the
Note that Labedis correlation]a which had in fact been gauged with need to improve the reliability of the literature correlations on Agips
oils with API >32 (Tab. 4), showed excellent results even for the oil samples has been recognised.



The functional forms of the correlations that in the previous reiiable for estimating oils bubbIe@nt pnxmre with API < IO.
reliability arudysis on Agips samples gave the best results, for each Comparing the diagrams in fig.1 and 2 it can be seen that the most
PVT property and for each API gravity class, have been used as significant improvement in the new correlation is in the pressure
models for a best-fit activity aimed at improving the accuracy of range up to 5000 psia.
literature correlations in predicting PVT properties for typical Agips Jn order to SIIOWan easy interpretation of the resuk obtained with
oils. Those correlations which had produced the best results on the reliability studies performed h this work, the best results of the
Agips entire sample were chosen (Tab. 7) as these results should be statisticrd anrdyses (on Agips sampIes and on modified correlations)
considered as being more generally valid compared with those are compared in a histogram for each PVT property (see fig. 15 to
obtained from the analysis limited to the Authors ranges (Tab. 8) 21).
and therefore, on a smaller number of samples. Each histogram shows the value of the most imptntant statistical
Maintaining the same functional pattern of the starting model, the parameter ~, average absolute error) both for the four classes of
numerical coefficients of the different equations were re-calculated oil into which the sample was divided and for the entire group.
by applying multiple, linear and non-linear regressions by means of tloktion gas-oil rtio
the SAS program which carries out these regression analyses using The equations used as model were those of Standing for extra-heavy
the minimum squared method. oils, Vasquez-Beggs for heavy oik and for the entire group and
The modified correlations were obtained for both each of tie four Kartoatmcdjo for the medium and light oils. The regression of
classes of density into which the Agips oil sample was divided and Vasquez-Beggs equation was carried out keeping tixed the equation
for the entire group, for the sake of completeness. Since however, of the ygcorr provided by the Authorq this was done every time the
oils from the same class are more comparable than oils t20m starting model was a Vasquez-Beggs correlation. The new equations
different classes, the availability of four different equations, one for reduced the estimation error tlom a minimum of 5 to a maximum of
each class, to estimate the same property, is certainly more reliable 13.5 percentage points. The comparison between the diagrams in
than a single correlation for all the oils. For this reaso~ we believe fig.3 and 4 shows that the most obvious improvements were in the
that the equations obtained for the different classes are more GOR range from 500 to 1500 sct7STB. Significant also was the drop
significant than those obtained for Agips samples. of 13.5 error percentage points for the medium oils (Tabs. 7 and 9).
In order to test the reliability of the modified equations, the same From table 8, relative to the study in the Authors range, we can see
graphic-statistical instruments as those in the previous study were that the error for the class of light oils is lower than that given by the
used. The results obtained are shown in Tables 9 and in fig. 2,4,6, new model. However, this is not of extreme importance since, as has
8, 10 and 12 prepared in the same way as those for the study on the already been sai~ the results of the analysis in the ranges were
entire sample with the literature equations, in order to be able to obtained tlom a much snudler number of samples. Therefore, the
compare the two sets of graphs more adequately. In fact, with regmd results of the new equations are mainly compared with those in
to the above statements, it was preferred to create measured vs. Table 7, obtained flom tie same number of samples. This last
calculated diagrams each containing the behaviors of the new observation is valid for all the properties estimated.
equations for each class, rather than visnalise the trend of the new Isothermal compressibility
equations obtained for Agips sample. In some cases, it was The models to regress were Vasquez-Beggs correlation for extra-
necessary to eliminate some samples from the class being aradysed heavy, heavy and medium oils and for the entire group and Labedis
in order to make tie regression more reliabl~ however, the for light oils. This set of new equations provided the most significant
exclusions nearly always involved the more numerous classes and impmvements. The error decreased from a minimum of 6 to a
never exceeded 50/oof the entire group. The study dld not tie into maximum of 30 percentage points for extra-heavy oils. Comparing
consideration the correlations which estimate the oil formation the diagrams in fig.5 and 6 it can seen that the greatest
volume factor at bubble point as the estimation of this property improvements were obtained for compressibilities between 5 and 20
carried out using the equations chosen tlom literature was felt to be x 104 psia-l.
very satisfactory. Appendix A shows the analytical form of the new Dea&oil viscosity
correlations. The medels chosen were Egbogah-Jacks correlation for the extra-
heavy, heavy and light oils and for the entire group and
RESULTS OF ~m ANALYSISPERSORMEDON MOD- Kartoatmodjos comelation for medium oils. The dead-oil viscosity is
CORRELATIONS. the most critical property to estimate with empirical equations. In
fact, although the errors dropped down to 13 percentage points with
The results of Tab. 9 obtained for the dtierent mouerties are shown the new equations, values higher than 30% (heavy and medium oils
below, and are compared with those of Table 7 ad; secondly, 8. and the entire jyoup), are still present. On the other hsn~ the
Bubblepointpressure viscosity, not being a state property also depends on the behaviour of
The starting models used for improving the estimate of this property the fluid. All the correlations assume that the fluid can be considered
were Standings correlation for the classes of extra-heavy, heavy and Newtonian, but this is not always true, especially where high
light oils, Kartoatrnodjos for the class of medium oils and Standings viswsities are concerned. To attempt to estimate a of this
again for the regression on Agips samples. Note that for the light kind using equations which only use two input variables ~API and
oils it was preferred to use Standings model, even though for this reservoir temperature) becomes even more difticnlt. In any case, not
class, the best results were provided Glasos correlation (Tab. 7). The even laboratory measurements of viscosity can be considered
reason for this was that the complexity of Glasos equation (which completely reliable: in fact particularly in the range of high
also takes into account the content of non-hydrocarbon substances) viscosities, dift%rences of 100/0between two measurements taken on
made the regression analysis difficult. With regard to Kartoatmcdjos the same sample by two different equipmen~ gauged in the same
correlation on the other hand, the multiple non-linear regression was way, are normrd. The diagrams in figures 7 and 8 compare the trend
carried out by keeping the equation supplied by the Author tied for between the old and the new equations. They reveal that the most
the input variable ygcorr. This procedure was also followed for the significant improvements are to be found in the range of viscosity
other properties whenever the starting model was one of lower than 10 cp which confirms everything stated above regarding
Kartoatmodjos equations. The new correlations reduced the the non-Newtonirm behavionr of a highly viscous fluid.
estimation errors tlom a minimum of 2.6 to a maximum of 4.9 Gowoturoted oil wkcosity
percentage points (s= Tab. 7 and 9). Regression in the class of The starting models for the regression were Kartoatmodjos
extm-hcxwy oils, having given results worse than the starting model, correlation for the classes of extra-heavy, heavy and medium oils and
is not shown. Standings correlation was considered sufficiently for the entire group, and Beggs-Robmons correlation for light oils.



The regression reduced the estimation error tlom a minimum of 1.8 respectively. The GOR, Co and pod estimates were less precise
to a maximum of 6.8 percentage points (see tables 7 and 9). In each the average errors of the best correlations were 22.6V0, 24.5%
case the maximum estimation error with the new correlations was and 36.2~0 respectively.
15.2~0. Diagrams in fig. 9 and 10 show that the new correlations The anrdysis showed that the errors of the various PVT
improve the estimate in the range of high and low viscosities Q-1OO correlations, tested against 195 oil samples revealed, on average,
cp and< 1 Cp). errors 2-3 times greater than those claimed by the Authors in their
Undersoturoted oil ticos~ original paper.
The models to regress were Kartoatmodjos correlation for heavy oils The new PVT correlations proposed in the paper gave errore
and Labedis for the other classes of oils and for the entire group. lower, on average, than 10 percentage points when compared with
The new equations brought the maximum estimation error to 6.4/0 the best literature correlation for each PVT property. h particular,
(Tab. 9). No new correlation was proposed for the class of light oils for the isothenmd compressibili~ of extra-heavy oils, the new
as the regession of Labedis equation gave an error higher than the correlation revealed an error lower than 30 percentage points.
starting mcdel. The diagrams in fig. 11 and 12, which compare the It is believed that the new correlations are sutliciently extendible
trend of the old and new equations, show that the improvements are as they were obtained on a very heterogeneous sample of oils.
distributed along the entire viscosity range.
A deep literature review has shown that except for viscosily,
there ~e no PVT correlations for extra-heavy oils ~API < 10).
CONCLUSIONS The proposed new equations for such oils provide average error of
The reliability analysis of the literature PVT correlations carried 6.5%. for solution GOR 8.5V0 for isothermal compressibility,
out on 195 oil samples tlom Mediterranean Bask Aflica, Persian 17.4~0 for dead-oil viscosity, 12.6V0for gas-saturated oil viscosity
Gulf and North Sea, gave the best results for the estimate of tie and 4% for undersaturated oil viscosity.
OFVF, with errors lower than 3V0.The estimates of Pb, @ and
po exhibited average errors of 16.lVO, 19.2~0 and 7.3~o

NOMENCLATUIU p, Vo Undersatnrated oil viscosity, ep.

API Stock-tank oil gravity, API pod, Vcd Dead-oil or gas-tkee oil viscosity, cp.
Ci Calculated value pol, Vol Gas-saturated oil viscosity, cp.
co Isothermal compressibility of undersaturated
oil, psia-l S1 Ikl.muc COnVerSiOn FACTORS
Ei Relative deviation between estimated and
ex@mental value, YO
EQ AAE Average absolute error, %
GOR, Rs, Rtot Solution gas-oil ratio tlom flash test, sct7STB.
Nm31m3 x 5.55I9 = SCt7STB
Log Logaritluu on base 10
KPa x O.14504= psia
Ln Natural logmithm
Mi Experimental value psia - 14.7= psig
N Number of data points C X1.8+ 32=F
OFVF, Bo, Botb Bubblepoint oil formation volume factor. KPa1 x 6.894757 = psia1
Pb Bubblepoint pressure, psia.
Reservoir pressure, psia. . bbl x 0.1589873 = m3
Pr, P
Psp Separator pressure, psia.
Rst Stock-tank gas-oil ratio, sct7STB. REFERENCES
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I 381


Agips sample Modified Standings correlation -705.288+ 2.2246.Rs+ 26.0S44.Tg- 208Q823.ywm - 9.6307~
co= (A-12)
[( ,0.7646 1 Pg.lo5

,b=21.472g.,,2j A-4) :=,@,p.[l+o.5912.fll.T
Light oils: Modified Labedis correlation
co= 10+6ti -B01878.AP13M .TgOl66 -
[ )

( )(
. Extra-heavy oils: Moditied Standings correlation
.10-88 B. .T&34 (A- 13)
Pb .lO(O .01694 PI-O.00156.T) 128 ~A-5) -1-: )
Rz=y .
g 1o.7025
[ 1 Agips sampkx Modified VasqueAleggs comelation
. Heavy oils: Modified Vasquez-Beggs correlation _16S28+4.133. R+22.12. Tg13~.8. yW= +lo.5..4F1
co= (A - 14)
. ~bL2057
YgcOrr .10 10.9267 .API/ ( T+460 ) Pg.lo5
Its= (A -6) where
where P -4
ygmrr = y@p . 1+ 0.5912. API. Tsp - .bg ~ 10

P 114.7
ygcow = y,#~p . 1+ 0.5912. API. T~p-Log - 10-4 [ [)1
Medium oils: Modified Kartoatmodjos correlation 4-Dead-oil viscosig
)0%% .pb09868 .10 ( 7.4576.fipl)/(T+460 ) (A-~)
Rs = 0.10084 .(ygm= . Extra-heavy oils: Modified Egbogah-Jacks correlation
where . ()
log log pd + 1 = 1.90296-0.012619. AH -0.617480 log ()Tg

Ygcorr = YgPsp . l+o.1595.APzo4078

.(T$p)-0246640g &

Light oils: Modified Kartoatmodjos correlation

[ .11 . Heavy oilx Modified Egbogah-Jacks correlation

log . log Ad + 1 =2. 06492-0.0179. API -0.70226. log(Tg) (A - 16)


0.3873.pbI.1715 .10(12.753API) /( T+460)

(A - s)
as= o.01347.(ygmm ) Medium oil% Modified Kartoatmodjos correlation
where /Jti = 220.15-109. T- 35560 .[LOg(AH)~zk(T)- 457874 (JL - 17)

-0.2466 SP where
Ygcorr = YgPsp . l+o.1595.APIo478 .(ZP, . Log
[ [ .(Tsp)-02&6Jog &
Ygcorr = Y@p . l+o.1595.APz04078
Agips sample Modified Vasquez-Beggs comelation [ [ .)1
. ~bL1535
Ygc017 .10 9.441API/ (T+460 ) I.ight oils: Modified Egbogah-Jacks correlation
(A -9)
. ()
log log #d + 1 = 1.67083-0.017628- API -0.61304- log ()Tg

Ygcorr = YgPSP - 1+ 0.5912. API. Tsp . Log

[)1 114.7
10-4 A@ps sample: Modified Egbogah-Jacks correlation

[ log . log #d
() + 1 = 1.8513-0.025548. API -0.56238. log ()Tg
3-Isothermal Compressibility
. Extra-heavy oils Modified Vasquez-Beggs correlation
889.6+3. 1374. Rs+ 20.Tg 627.3 .ygww 81.4476. API 5-Gas-satnrated oil viscosity
Co= (A-IO) Extra-heavy oils: Modified Kartoatmodjos correlation
Pg. 105
where .uO1= 2.3945+0.8927. F+ O.001567.F (A - 20)
Ygcorr = YgPsp . 1+0.5912 .API. Tsp. Log
[ [)1

PSP 1o-4
114.7 F = -0.0335+ 1.0785.10
~ = ~o-0.00081.Rs

Heavy oils: Modified Vasquez-Beggs correlation
-2w1.8+2.9646. Rs+25.5439 .Tg-1230.5. ygm

Ygcorr = YgPsp . 1+0.1595 .AP14078
+11 [ 114.7
Ygcorr = YgPsp l+05912~I = 10-4 Heavy oils: Modified Kartoatmodjos correlation
TsPbg ~~b 7
[ [.11 flol =-0.6311 +1.078 .F-0.003653. F2 (A-21)
Medium oils: Modified Vasquez-Beggs correlation where
-()()oo845.~ .&.431+0.5158.Y )
F = 0.2478+ 0.6114.10

I 382
..* .,.


~ = ~o-o.OOOsl.l?s
Fluid Property I Correlation
.(T,P)-246.LQ ~
Ygcorr= YgPsp . l+o.1595.AP14078 Bubblepoint pressure standing ~ml , Lasater14, Glaso 181
[ [ .)1

. Medium oils: Modified Kartoatmodjos correlation Kartoatmodjo /13f@.kfOdIoIUI/10/

#ol =0.0132+0.9821. F- O.005215.F (A - 22) Solution GOR Standing, Vasquez-Beggs J,

where Kartoatmedjo,
(0.3855+0.5664.y) RolEus-McCain-Creeger 5
F = 0.2038+ 0.8591.10-000084$W .Ad
( ) ,..- Standing, Vasquez-Beggs, Glaso,
~ = ~o-0.00081Rs


Ygcorr = ygPsp . l+o.1595.dP14078 Isothermal Vasquez-Beggs, Kartoatmodjo,

[ [
compressibility Labech 1, Petrosky-Farshad/171
Light oilx Modified Beggs & Robinsons correlation
, ~,6.@s+,50)-02135] ,A-23, Dead-oil viscosity Slotte 91
, Beggs-Robinson a,
POI = 25.1921.(Rs+ 100)- 0487 .,ud Glaso, Kartoatmedjo,
&ips sample Modified Kartoatmodjos correlation Egbogah-Jacl@, Labedi la
(A- 24) Gas-saturated
oil Chew-Connally 15~ , Beggs-Robinson,
/iol =-0.032124+0.9289- F- O.02865.F2
where viscosily Kartoatmodjo, IA@ la

F= 0.1615+ 0.704.10-0000583k P~+07881y) Vasquer-Beggs, Kartoatmodjo,

( ..=) Undersaturated oil
-0.000396.Rs viscosity Majeed-Kattan-Salrnan 14,

~&,& /la

Ygcorr = YgPsp . 1+0.1595. APIM78

[ [

6-Undersaturated oil viscosity

Extra-heaw oils: Modified Labedis correlation

[[-)[ 11
~o-2.19 1.055. ~b0.3132
IJO==PO1- l-~ (A- 25) Tank-oil gravity (API) 16 to 56.8
~o0.0099 . API . . A- -* .- ,C-fi cm
.--- ----
r temwwratnre (P} I 80.6 to 341.6
Heavy oilx Modified Kartoatmodjos correlation VW.. \- w.-, ------ _ --- --

iut pressure (psia) I 107.33 to 661 3.S32 1

/f. = 0.9886.#ol +0.0027630(P - Pb) .
. . . . . . .. (-.;.> llA<tn9
1.5939 (A - 26)
. -o. o1153.#o*17933 +0.0316. #o, Lb\ r, I -. . . . .

( )
S.m) I 8.33 to 2985.87

.-.. --.. \- ..-
! 4.39 to 527.43
I-.+.1 -,+..- .. l!l.mrihr(9:=1> I n 67.4tn 1 7s9 I
Ygcofr = YgPsp . 1+0.1595 .APZO4078
[ [

Medium oils Modified Labedis earelat.ion

~o-3.8055 1.4131. pb0.6957
P Pd
l% #ol - l-~ (A - 27)
[( )[ ~o-0.00288.API
11 -- --- ..------, ,-=,
. Agips sample Modified Labedis correlation Gas-saturated oil viseosiiy (cp)
Undersaturated oil viscosity (ep)
10.07 to 295.9
10.13 to 354.6 I
)[ 11
~o-1.9 0.7423. pb0.5026
P P&
A) =IJol - l-~ (A- 28)
[[ ~o0.0243. API

vazquez-Boggz A1-Marhoon
1- Glaso Kwtoatmodjo Rollinz-MoCain
Petmlcy-%shad W
1Tankdlgrwity~API) 16.5 to 63.8 I 17.9t051.1 22.3 to 48,1 I 14.4to 58.95 I 15.3to 59.5 I 19.4t044.6 I 18t053.5 116.3t045 132.2t048 I
I Bobblepiotprezsum (p@ 130 to 7000 148 to 5780 165 to 7142 I Oto6040 I 15 to6055 I 130t03573 I- I 1574to 6523 I 520t06358 I
100 to 258 I 82t0272 80 to 280 175 to320 I 170 (rllean) I 74t0240 I- I l14t0288 I 128t0306 I

OFVF atbubbkpoint (bbl/STB) 1.024 to 2.15 1- 1.025 to 2.588 1.032 to 1.997 - 1.1178 to 1.6229 1.088 to 2.92
Solution GOR (sd7STB) 20 to 1425 3 to W05 90 to 2637 26 to 1602 217to 1406

Separator gas gravity (aiFl) 0.579 to 1.124 -
Total surface gas gravity (ah=l) 0.59 to 0.95 0.574to 1.223 0.65 to 1.276 0.752 to 1.367 0.5781 to 0.8519
Wparator preszure (pzia) 265 to 465 15 to 605 415 (mean) 29.7to 314.7 - 34.7 to 789.7

s-~~ (m 100(mean) 34to 106 125 (mean) 60 to 150 60 to 220

Reservoir pressure @sia)
-. = 20 to 3573 1700 to 10692 1-
Stock-tankGOR (sctWl13) . 1- 1- 1- 1- 14to 220 1- 1- 1
1SoparatorGOR(sof7STB) 1- .
1- 1- I 12 to 1742 1- 1- 1
Be&gs-RobmOn @lso Kartoatnloi$io EgbogahJaok Lab-d chow-Connauy vazque.z-Begg$


16to 58 20.1 to 48.1 15.3 to 59.5 15t051

70 to 295 50 to 300

15 to 5265 - 141t09515 711t07112

20 to 2070 - 9.3 to 2199 60 to 1334

+ 1- 160to 6358 I 132to 5645 498 to 4864

I Dead-oil viscozi@(.) I 0.616 t039.1 0.5062 to 682 1- 1 o.66to 4.79 I 0.38t050
I Gaz-zamated 1o.l15t03.72
oilvkosii (CP) 1- 0.096 to 586 1- I- 0.l17to 148 0.093 to 20.5
I Bubblepoint I Solution GOR I OFVF I Jzotknlal I Dead-oil viscositv I Gas-satwtd oil ! Undermturated oil vkwii
pmllrl compressibdity viscoEity
Author Stmlding VaqwZ-BeggZ Stinting Labodi Beggs-Robinson Beggz-Robinson VazqueZ-Beggz
.. ,.
AWW e error {xo) 4.8 -0.7 1.17 3 -0.64 -1.83 -7.541
Author Kartoatmodjo Va9qoez-Begg3 Kartoatmodjo Egbogah-Jack Kwtoatmodjo Kartoatmodjo
Average error (%) 3.8 23.2 4.7 23.7 -5.13 16.1 6.9
Author Gbieo Rollinz-MoCaia-Creeger Glaso Petrosky-Farzhad Kartoatrrmdjo Latmdi Majeed-Kattan-Sahnan
AveraI&? .,,. ~~~ * *Q
, \ ,, , ..4.
- .TJ
K &c
, .
- -e
1. ..
Author A1-Marhoun Krotoatnrtijo w Labedi
Avera&;e error /0 3.66 2 -2.61 -3.1
Author 1Kartoatmodjo
Average error (Vo) :

T Repal \P1 Tr pm J Pr (Dlw I 2?s(icfisTB) I RSD(sMsTB) I Rst(wtL8TB) Gaav.) TWI(VI I PSD(odd I Pb (od.) I Ycol Phmon mr3mmn I Yb3s( C(2&,D) OFVF V06(ix) Vd (CP) w (es)) I co fllllh)
1 6.0 147,9 342$.75 231.46 224.74 6.72 0.6% 131.0 38,021 2303391 Ln 0.29 0.02 0,679 1.117 1386.9 23s,9 334,61 5.10S-06
2 6,3 1622 5391.14 323.62 W5.42 22m 0.675 129.2 m.71 402L96 1.09 0.15 0.02 0.624 1.146 261.1 9Q.3 1a2,3 5.07E06
3 63 210,2 4
4813Z08 93.77 34,83 a94 1.429 128,3 71.01 697/54 78.20 130 O,M 1.403 Low 230,0 83,5 Ifi.o 4.462-06
4 7.3 23L7 8
4732.66 18,82 14.43 4.39 1.134 131.0 4206 249.47 40.43 0,37 0,03 1.044 1.037 21Lo n7.4 3428 4.522-W
s 7.5 1533 :3363.63 20&7c 20237 6.33 0,756 1310 33.02 wtzn 7.44 0.29 0,03 0,738 L105 1133.4 208.5 2783 4.n2J26
6 7.9 208,9 4148.14 25.48 16.10 938 lAn 176.0 8537 24ZD 36.45 ma O,w 1,403 LM7 3%.0 151.8 269.3 4.29E-03i
7 7.9 16S2 ssn.n 2$0.30 203.31 42.19 0,76S 129.2 %9.33 WQ2.23 137 0.18 0,02 0,633 1.127 443,7 106,1 149,9 5.02246
a 3.0 225,6 4494.79 5133 46.03 5.11 1.415 1314 42C6 619.32 6631 233 0.02 .1249 , 1.076 244.9 240.0 2073 s.lm-c6
9 8.0 210,2 4708,00 103.10 9Q.OS 13,05 1!491 17%3 8237 468.63 74.32 1.19 Os.s 1.471 L059 2VJ0 118,0 W3.5 A61S-C6
10 2.2 215,6 4W.L59 84.06 6937 14.49 IX-4 141.8 71.07 72330 66,01 Lsla 0.02 1,273 ion 2232 113.0 211.0 4AE.04
11 83 212.0 4883,S2 $9.27 76,67 12.63 1.470 1220 71,07 639,43 81,64 1.35 003 1,424 !.076 362.0 116,3 190.1 437E-M
12 8,6 217,4 4996.62 8-635 7Z6V 13.66 1.479 13s.8 7L07 626S7 8130 L3S 0. 1,424 1074 M&o 83.6 163.6 4.70E-M
13 89 212.0 4W3.15 6937 . - S62 8-337 597.% 7633 237 1.364 1.047 219.2 M&s 5924 4.74EA26
14 9.0 210,0 4m2SM 6%83 . . 93.0 8537 634.13 7939 124 0JJ3 1392 LC69 103.7 73.7 1233 3.69!S.06
15 9,6 217.4 4$95.10 10254 W&n 7.n 1.129 1335 58.02 947.42 46,40 1.05 0$0 Lo95 1.024 117.2 49,2 75.2 4.42506
16 no 554.$ 28W.C-5 4S4,99 44%26 37.64 1.236 1s.0 1s6,64 2663S4 53.09 0.09 0.40 1203 1235 1163 13.2 12.6 7.17%C-S
17 )03 1526 2916.75 262.00 224,63 33,37 0.s61s 138.0 156.64 2076.97 0.47 0A3 002 6.722 1.148 113.0 24.7 27.7 5.4m06
109 134,2 33134 0.810 138-0 156,64 253217 0.48 0.19 m 0.723 1:124 19.7 20,0 ~:=
18 2%93.35 23497 %36 IISA
19 I Lo 167.0 573923 234.1$ 203,87 3J2.31 0,733 129.2 m.71 2s$3.96 290 0.16 0,00 0.653 Lll o 434.1 m.? 1m3 4.W2-06
20 11.0 132,6 2916.75 W&57 57s.42 113s 1253 1s4.0 5637 2916.75 49.74 0.18 040 124s Lw2 1s3.2 8.3 $3 7.03E-06
21 11.2 134.8 2850.M 316.51 2%136 24.53 0.s12 Iwo 1%,64 734.5s0 032 0.21 OJW an 7 1.174 105,0 194 21.4 7,03!245
22 11.4 133.1 23s3.74 W3.24 27276 33.03 0.7T6 1s$.0 156.64 262222 OAI 0.20 0,03 D.709 1.16 1 1M.6 213 W.t 5!012-06
22 13.4 210.?. 4813.e4 132.18 . . llISJ 7832 1763.69 1095 0,71 &w 0.704 1.124 98.7 253 $3.4 S,23E-C6
24 524 152.6 3916.75 269.99 26s,44 4.55 &714 626 42C6 243222 0.60 0.33 O,w woo 1X55 133,0 213 23.0 5.162-C6
3s 126 208.0 480538 186.16 . . 1s5.3 7832 2233.6 2 1151 0.48 0.02 0.697 1.13 2 W.1 23,3 22.9 3351H6
26 1Z8 2L4.6 4.519A5 17.21 IL10 &11 1323 176.0 8537 m.7 1 50.04 1s38 O.w 1.186 1,86 9 42.2 20.8 52t 3.02s-26
27 13.s 21L6 4410.67 20133 . . 76.1 3537 17363 3 3L83 0,95 O.eo 0,914 1.124 53.9 In.8 23,2 5.242-05
2$ 14.@ m. 2 2532.7 0 40.97 25.09 14s 1.23 5 1s$.0 136.64 1WZ63 14,08 6332 O.w 1.134 L064 47A 33.7 40.1 5.96z-w
29 14.6 23s9 3624m 4L93 3L63 k323 1.178 167. 0 8537 13794 22.41 2* 9 0,04 I*78 1403 138,0 63.4 109. a 207E-06
30 14.9 207$ 3iT7.53 25,04 17,64 7.44 5.2437 167, 0 S4.76 m.M 2231 5.H m 1X3 Ion 152.7 60.4 114.0 4.93E-06
31 15.1 207.7 3727s 2s.3
1 12.27 12.94 1244 167.0 23S7 m.7 1 12.92 B32 aw 1.040 Lo78 ma 69.9 1113 3.02EX
32 23.2 214,0 37$4.09 34.13 3s.64 18.4 9 1.964 123. 0 129/39 370.01 13.32 13.0 5 0.02 0.634 1.09 3 107.3 433 69.0 m3E-06
33 15.4 203,0 %65.16 21!49 13.43 6.05 1276 334. 6 4331 33335 5233 6,28 Om 1.)59 1.072 163.6 74.6 123. 4 534S-06
34 15.6 131!4 10M.49 10262 103.82 am 7sa 29,01 734,21 Om 0.99 0,02 0,7
a 1,0n !613 63?8 67.1 4.S7EW
33 m 231.3 4381.s4 33S.02 293.s 44.41 0.724 116. 6 WV6 2769.5 9 $,87 1.10 m 0.7C6 1.179 37.4 9.1 9.4 6.9m06
26 16.2 183.1 3322.47 9732 43.75 33.s 1.184 04.0 327,7I 697.64 B.71 5.93 0.24 0.799 L@% 43.7 21a Za,4 5.98SH6
37 16.4 140.0 1153.07 22034 3a24 L317 w. 0 1430 1074.75 98* 0.27 0,80 1511 L146 1126 28.4 M.o 6.K3J.06
38 17.Q 292,7 741134 146.40 133.32 12,M 1.232 m 0 56.37 1OJ-2.W S8.2 1 2A2 Om 1226 Ll 32 bo.1 5.6 14.5 3.m-06
39 17.6 194.0 4$7334 429.16 340.3 3 23.22 0.934 68.0 156.64 Ww 2 4.17 1.62 L83 0.729 12.4 8 23.4 4,0 4.9 7.38S46
40 1$.8 244,4 741L34 111,76 ml 1 31,63 lax m 4 136,64 999.23 3s.7$ 220 m 0s67 1,11 9 IL 7 3.4 103 4.C4E-06
41 19.0 2383 7047.4 9 113.7n 83.04 3J2.65 1372 )02.4 156.64 1247.19 313 202 0.46 0910 1,124 11.6 43 9,6 4.99E-M
~42 19,08 163,
4 1S06.47 It$as 17469 13.94 LW2 ?-6.0 7181 922-9 1 69.7$ 296 t.os 1279 1.112 50.9 16.9 19.8 5.6X-M
43 19.0 217.4 65$7.26 3W.12 m. 70 49.41 0.91 4 660 114s 2319w 132 L79 0,02 0.7 % 1,224 23. 9 7.3 113 6.WE-C6
u 19.2 163.2 n9-2.26 16633 1$26a u. 64 M 02 69a 7L07 796.27 79.79 138 0,w 138n L649 43.4 18.6 22,3 5M3-J36
4s 19.2 153.0 1593.32 109!93 97,16 1277 1.412 69.n 71,07 469,93 8037 79o O<on 1385 Lfm 493 27.2 34.6 51WS%6
46 193 154.4 lEr134 17244 15a90 16.34 1.406 93.6 71.07 79627 8133 202 0,@s 139I 1.101 5S3 20.8 24.3 531246
47 19.4 m. 4 1649.98 u7.83 164.23 13.60 L411 69s 7L.O7 $2.3.
24 6234 I.33 0.w 1395 1.112 4Lo 18.4 19.9 5.962-0+
48 19,s 240.8 721139 1129a 85.$3 3J3,15 1.059 m ,4 237.71 IC02,49 WA9 L21 OA1 0.9-24 133A 7.7 4.6 9.7 5332-%
49 19.$ m. 8 1934.4Q 145.I8 131.9 7 13,X 1417 $4,2 71,07 7%.27 81,94 L77 0.03 1,403 L099 320 19.1 22.6 5.63E-J36
w 19.3 178.7 5325.56 337..6
I 239.1 8 93.44 1.169 m.o 156.64 1322.76 1130 033 007 Lo04L22 1 43.1 19.0 7A,1 6.63E-C4
51 19.3 567.0 4229,07 23.27 14.93 10.44 1.103 75,2 58.07. 2%,n $.20 z 81 0,M 0S48 Lo59 23,1 27.A 36.5 4.7W-06
52 19.6 231.8 69s7.11 14032 87.94 5238 1,092 71.6 237,71 m% 63 23.9 3 L44 o.32 0.8$0 1,129 11.1 5,6 9,7 5.W2-06
53 19.7 170.6 IW7.54 18.5,
56 171.W 13s5 L336 80 .6 71.07 967A 2 73,6 7 L21 0333 1,313 LI 10 44.3 163 19,6 6.1$2-06
34 19.8 244.0 7137.42 125A7 103.3 2 31.6s 1347 Ibo.4 156.64 1!24.06 47.01 1-55 0,97 1,071 1,132 14.7 6.2 11.2 4,14E.C6
5s 19,8 163A 1$06.47 167.89 1s4.64 13.21 1333 75.6 71,07 0963s 74.% L% 0,00 13Is 1.108 47.2 18.0 21.2 6,03E-W
56 19,8 150,8 1749.47 147,96 140A6 7.52 1.236 69.8 5637 839.
7s 6436 L71 0,CQ 1.229 1,02 7 53.s 21.2 243 S.$3E.04
51 29.9 231.s 6336.c4 121.64 79.23 4234 Lws 104.0 m. 71 1067A9 2ZW 1.23 0,10 0.226 1.118 9.7 5.$ 10.5 5J94N6
58 21,0 1832 467334 302,27 4C4,18 %.0s 0.%s3 64,0 156.44 2249,95 4,89 1.52 1 .99 0.8 04 1208 10.7 2.1 z4 8.s424-6
39 21.2 Its.2 372!.n 404.0I 73s,68 168,33 1.062 m .4 73220 2432.3 2 0.54 0.52 0,co 0,665 L349 ti .9 4.0 4,6 223S-96
6 11,44 1632 1.421 u ,0 85,37 213,
21 66.4 9 10.00 o00 1.W6 L07o 11,2 8.8 10.0 5.83G-C+

60 2!.2 190,4 IW9,63
61 21.3 188,8 35%.44 142.35 142,2 5 08.2 46.41 lC.29
A8 L097 16.4 6.7 9.2 6.
62 21.3 179.6 6272.98 m 93 6339 11.55 L035 59,0 49,31 634.13 13,26 0.6S 0,m 0,971 Lo9$ 13,1 83 16.7 4.7sS-8$
63 220 134,6 1749.18 440.23 33a,84 311.41 1.263 IC4 .0 440,93 1749.18 13.75 2.67 al o 0,9 18 L262 20.5 z6 2,6 9.22FX6
64 23.1 1123 1315.51 141.
02 n. 17 63.$3 0,830 n .0 298,78 796.27 0,co 0.58 0,81 0.656 L0+2 69.8 35,9 40,7 6,052-6-6

-L A4-
63 23.3 276,8 3740.s8 3%,41 2s7.S9 108.82 L218 131s 440,92 2674. 54 43.7s 6301 0,@l Lo97 L276 3.0 1,2 1.4 1.24S-0s
66 B ,7 176,0 4216,31 120,
09 105.Is 14,93 107.6 42.061 76S.711 0,39 1,601 0,021 0,78s I.10! 11.11 7.71 10,9 5,63WX
- LPI Tr P3g Pr (P*) I Rs (wOSTB) I lUP (sc027B) I R31(1cfmB) CC(av.) T!pe373 I PIp(pda) I Pb(p48) I Yco2(*Am33 I YIU(Yemal) Vh3s(% JIWT3 Go(PSp) 03-VFVod (CP) VC4(Cp) Vo (Cp) co (31pda)
67 m *0.6 242231 93021 45.58] 12,44 1.197 140.01 43.511 2c3.161 27.391 234 0.34 L191 1.029 229 13.2 13.4 5.55E-b3
6a 14.5 129.2 11533,02 8,61 8.61 1.530 98,6 14.30 107.33 6.61 12.28 5,65 1.530 1.034 45,2 249 36,1 4,62E.b5
69 U.5 1625 I1437.35 34,75 1844 18.71 1,3$0 66,0 63.57 210.31 70.10 8,23 0,00 1.311 1.057 9.5 7.5 U 5.WSH6
70 14.7 1625 401!31
4 162.67 14993 12n o&66 104.0 56.37 IM5,74 022 1.39 0.Q3 0.821 1.115 lL3 7,2 9.8 5.973s-26
71 14,8 178,2 42$138
4 116.26 10334 1271 0.932 104,0 56.37 79427 0.40 1s4 O.w 0.863 2659 13.4 8.S 12.6 276E-06
72 13.o 2624 3699.97
3 564.63 42L39 143.24 L2E4 194.0 51L99 31C096 43.73 8.42 0,28 1.117 1.393 3.7 1.1 1.2 5.7723-06
n L5.o 117.5 1n7923 135,84 79.28 %57. 0.933 75.2 227.71 739.70 0.29 Los 033 0.491 Llxd 422 193 20.6 6A4E-06
74 U.2 198.5 4331,66
4 323,66 244.92 118.76 L2W n2.4 26242 Ixd,a 33.82 037 5.10 0.954 1.224 5.7 21 2.7 738S-M
75 U.7 271.4 369252
2 484,2$ 4$253 2276 1213 12?0 85.37 2231,1$ 46.41 6.92 0A6 1.176 L313 2.4 09 0.9 Lzmos
76 K,o 275.0 3713,02
3 57$.51 4*6,68 91.83 1241 78.8 227.71 3314.16 53.89 633 0,07 L163 lx-l 13 0,9 0,9 L34E-05
73 1.5,4 235.2 3669,31
3 643-$$ 559.82 82.72 122$ 87.8 227.71 M69.31 5123 7.14 03s 1.1+0 1337 21 0.7 0,7 1.21E-W
73 )7.0 27L0 3732.02
1 S9205 394.% 2N.09 3.232 149.9 72220 3527.45 40.71 10,69 0.23 1.070 1370 3.1 09 0.9 1262-05
m n3 2624 3710.12
2 591.17 437.70 133.47 1.295 194.0 $11.99 3106s3 51.75 7.17 0.49 1.179 1377 25 Lo L1 1.13s-05
so Y7.a 25J3.6 22691.n 629.$6 544.92 2494 LIY2 n.4 213.21 3%7,07 44.18 9.05 0.23 1.103 1352 24 0.7 08 L37E-05
81 27.8 134,6 ?2$26.16 702.= 64224 60.07 0.792 71.6 M5.65 3826,16 1244 9.29 236 0.733 1.283 3,7 09 09 8.543?-06
S2 27.9 2320 :5333,= .5W.33 S93.16 93.16 0.943 86,0 156.64 264333 1.18 214 0A4 0.W4 1.421 25 0.6 0,7 LOOE-05
83 M,o 114.s 11164.12 223.74 11139 114.15 0.928 7U %9.25 1166.12 0.22 0.69 0,703 Llw 229 5.7 5.7 Loo&d3
84 m 111.7 112$3.76 13LS4 56.07 75.51 0.934 n.o 298.78 634.13 0,17 0.s3 1.12 0,698 LIM8 213 14.2 13.7 5.$3E-C6
85 28,6 1112 11216.89 21YJ31 06.72 113.3$ 0.996 73.?. 440.92 934,97 W23 0.65 0.24 0.64I 1.090 Zla 7.6 7.9 9.42E-04
86 28.6 2s3.8 23726.0% 763.64 623.81 137.27s 1.249 174.2 440.92 37a6.04 49.6a 7.95 O,lz L130 1.424 13 0.6 0.6 123!3-05
87 38.8 m,4 44322.38 4w3 19Lt7 27.4.s5 L2$2 tow 440.92 1554A 8 10.4
6 1.07 0.46 @.790 1.3W 28 Lo 13 7.64Z-W
88 39.0 275.0 ? 3676,76 W.zl? 534.69 loom 1.233 7s.8 227.71 3676.7 6 4297 1270 0.03 L1C9 1.41 2 13 0,6 0.6 Lsaz-o$
89 24.0 105.8 I137%49 233.40 m3.64 29.76 0.624 7!.6 1%.64 335Ln 1.20 O.m OJYJ 0,603 Low u 13 13 6.3SC6
90 2%6 1624 114$9.10 245.28 214.03 3136 0.997 1220 129.09 3293,2 I 3231 L26 0,00 0.951 1.14 7 21 1.2 13 2273X6
91 24.7 334.6 1W2m W.n 38.06 3036 1.1% 83.3 156.64 38436 1.68 1.69 0,02 *.C4 1,07 0 4.9 3.1 3.6 6.4E-06
92 29,n 128.1 IM44.68 7L18 37.59 3239 1.257 0%6 87.02 321S 0.32 234 1.11 0,3374 Lw2 M.2 10.4 142 3.64EJ33
93 30.7 14!.4 I141%94 289.14 2s-3.22 34.31 0.949 123.0 12%09 1419.96 a4.95 279 Loo 0.%0 s L!% 22 13 13 7.6233.C6
94 m 26a,l :3713.02 781.99 607.93 174,02 Loo1 113. 0 440.92 3713,02 5.73 3,?4 0,21 am IAW L5 0.4 o.4 L21s-os
95 m 338.2 !1301,16 239.22 24534 13,86 1.494 127 0 24.O2 lm.1 5 4236 4,40 0.24 LMJ2 1.14 3 25 1.5 25 7.3m-06
% 31.1 185.0: 3753.09 7%.67 599.31 127.54 Om 104. 0 440.92 3733.09 2n 203 O.w 0,6$2 I.?m w a.7 0.7 L29E-05
97 3U 1202 !133727 53.19 3237 22.52 1238 74.3 3642 171,1
5 1.03 3.49 5,02 1-07SL057 11.2 79 9.0 6.19F,c4
m 3L6 24z6 :3003.% 69,23 61.63 7.61 L072 n. o ma 1 303.23 9.94 13.0s O.w 0s94 1.131 L4 L1 1A 7.9X-M
99 31.7 1763 :349932 78226 2JSL34 203.9 2 0.98 1 98.6 513.44 3345,23 1<7 5 0.23 O.w O.m 1AM 24 0.5 o.2 13$6-05
a lW 31.7 192.7! 5405.64 Eo6.% W9.97 116.59 0.8?84 86.& z?J3.61 38624 2 3.22 207 O,co 0.743 1362 L9 0.4 QA 124%05
03 101 3%o 219.2 :3456.24 4n.24 323s 13335 1s51 86.0 440-92 2453.08 17.25 o.n OAQ O.M1 2!436 z1 0.8 o.9 lJCE.03
102 )3,o 211.1! Wx.n 859.n 737A6 122.3 1 0.914 $6.0 L%.64 2713.70 zn 1.61 0.53 8.817 I,m L1 Q3 0.4 L33E-03
$03 >33 1927: 539s.49 1236.9s 1134.23 122.7 0 0.$59 86,0 237.71 4326.54 z% 214 0.C4 0.724 1.67I 1.6 0,1 0.2 1.$-3E-03
104 34,1 227.9 ,446733 70434 379.6 2 124.93 0.804 1220 511,99 4039.34 1.33 3.34 0.w 0,643 1.404 22 0.7 0.7 1,4s03
10s 34,5 2to.2: 3293,96 516.83 411,C6 ko5.76 1.040 95.0 L%.64 232s$2 131 L2n o.w Wo7 1343 20 0.5 @.7 9.51E-C6
126 34.6226A :5135.s7 108,76 $0.61 23.15 0.794 1220 136.64 839.78 175 251 o.(!4 0.672 L122 3.0 3.6 5.2 6.Z92W6
107 35.1 134.4 :2714.64 120,70 2J.O 3 84.67 Lm7 W3A 296.7 8526 m 1.20 240 0.w 0.726 LI 00 22 1.5 19 6346C6
Ma 3s6 190.4: 294431 2SL05 ?a6&5 ma 0 09 39 % .8 ML23 2774.62 0,$0 138 0.20 0,739 1,4n 29 0A 0A 1.63%0 5
109 35.7 2120: 33621 8 1?4.02 76.06 59.96 LOPS 132.0 1%,64 6613a 10.81 337 246 0,642 1.1s1 1.4 0.9 L2 8.183+$6
110 26.0 118.4 34434 105,OI 95.64 9.U 1337 91.4 29.01384 36 2732 5.49 4.34 M% 1002 27 L9 1.9 7.24s.06
111 %.2 148.0: 37M35 663J7 416,23 246.9 5 1,057 89.6 44032 1891 32 0.377 O,M 0,16 0.744 L3a3 20 0.8 0.9 8.4E-M
112 36.6 11$.4 35L@2 7212 36.42 35.70 1.073 86.0 85.37 327,79 10.4 3 16.39 4,65 0,914 1.060 26 zo 20 6.94!54
113 36s6 11)6.
6 478,6
3 36.% 833 48.63 1.137 n .0 m. 71 36933 7.86 12.$2 0.24 0.914 Lo55 27 21 21 6.2E-C6
L14 8. 407J.31 321,n 331,67 1s9,60 1.011 86,0 440.92 2373. 76 1so 0,69 0,OQ 0.6n 1335 1,6 0.s 0.6 Llm $
MS 37,0 221.0: 3322.6
7 m~ 54242 234.9 6 1.045 96,8 440,92 2338. 74 0so 1,66 o.02 0.722 1.495 1,8 0.4 0A L86!3-O$
1136 37.0 W-6.8 4879,1s 102LO 5 898.6 3 12242 0,902 $5.0 156.64 2%09$ 42 3.86 M-3 0.0t 0.319 L591 1,2 0.3 0,4 L43E.05
3J7 37.2 1526 2423,6
2 495.45 3464 149.01 Lo54 m .0 227.71 M37d34 0.n o,w o.00 0.770 L291 20 0.7 0.7 L103I-O5
118 37.2 lw 5 m3. % 4326n 31202 lm.59 0.797 w .8 440.92 2517 .$9 0,51 L24 0,00 0,6Z3 L239 w 1.1 1J 9.ME-04
119 37.2 300,9< 6348.3
2 1396.$6 1267.3 9 129,47 0.749 149.0 440.x3 600$, 78 4.96 0.46 0,24 0.707 1.793 1.2 0.3 03 2.741305
123 37.2 192A 3215,54 871.65 n2 w 14268 0,922 100,4 242,22 3337. 14 031 0.44 0,w 0,748 1,492 1.7 0.4 0.4 L61E.05
321 37.2 269.6 %97.!7 1001:29 905.63 175.66 0.266 Is&o 440.97 4243. 87 3.3$ 0,75 o.w 0,772 1.66 7 1.8 0.4 0.4 1.652-0
123 37,2 176,0 4s7234 1362,2 1 1118,1 5 247.06 0.927 68,0 W8.78 3753 .64 5,25 3,54 0,63 0,764 Lm 1,2 0.4 0A L82E-03
123 37.2 3C0,9 6248,3
2 U%.n6 1267.3 9 129A7 0.749 149,0 440.92 6JIW78 4.96 0.46 0,00 0.707 1.793 L2 o3 03 25m-o5
124 37.4 130.$ 253239 417.00 22274 194.26 1,264 n .0 440.92 1351.n 0,93 0.40 0,24 0.747 1.25 1 21 0.8 0.9 82.32-06
123 37.5 !463 3103.8
6 576.95 4126$ 144.06 0.909 104.0 440.92 2374. 46 0,15 0,55 0.2a 0,691 L3C6 53 1.4 1,5 9.492-M
126 37,5 .?43,I 630L99 530.92 1440. n 63.85 0.764 1s8.9 m. 71 6272,38 $.70 0,30 o,w 0,742 L8.54 1A o.3 0.3 24$%0$
m 37.5 271,4 %$2.31 864.21 676.Cn2 190.21 0.919 125.6 440.92 363211 3.21 0.34 0,C4 0.734 1.557 M o.4 0.3
128 37.7 245,1 6613,
$2 1654,36 1591 .29 62.07 0.m M29 227.71 .%1382 5,15 0.43 0,Co 0.716 1.939 Lo o.5 0,5 Z08E-0$
IB 37.$ 145.
4 2423.6
2 234.01 3&,4 1 175.61 1.416 91.9 440.92 763.22 L23 L21 0,60 0.761 1.1s L$ 1.0 1.2
330 37.@ 231.8 S249,0
8 1467.M 1245,1 8 22202 0.861 *M.0 440.92 4n7,01 1.59 1.09 0,Za 0.714 M 31 1.3 0,4 0.4 227E-0>
131 3?.9 223.2 4345.4
0 1357.94 12CQ.4 9 137,45 0.825 86.0 227.71 4267.08 1.49 0.45 0,w
132 38.0 171,5 3114.01

,, .
T Report
134 3%,4 234.6 4104.63 711,24 380,17 131,02 0.8% 86.0 227.71 2924,01 1.72 0,58 O,m 0.723 1.435 1,6 0.4 0,5 1.4ss3-0s
135 3a.3 2%,6 36s4,03 1134.14 103634 47.60 0923 763 1s5,64 3527.37 12.67 1,1$ 0,(0 0,821 1.457 09 0,3 03
136 38s 2C4.8 321234 723.S6 5n.79 132.07 0983 96.8 24222 24%.14 ml 1.7s o.m o.n5 1.441 1.9 0.4 0,4
137 38.8 1526 2423,62 475.41 2X231 183.10 LU29 94.1 298-78 149391 0.3s 1.40 0.03 0.740 1370 L8 0,6 0.7
138 38,8 2?$.1 S30.534 445,41 92.67 52.74 0.7$3 1220 227.71 24%30 2,02 1.06 0,02 0.718 1392 23 0.7 0.9
139 X3.8 183,2 227133 524.10 324,19 139.91 1.460 86.0 7.%.7=3 1863.76 83.97 6.87 0,00 r42s 1270 M 0,7 0,7
140 39.0 271.4 6187.41 m3.39 3$329 177.49 1.023 1226 440.92 3243.09 4.63 1,66 0.02 0.764 1.483 1.4 OA 0,s
141 39.6 194.0 2223,62 436,43 734.46 199.98 1.464 86,0 440.92 172M2 83.47 7.03 0.02 1.299 1242 1.4 0s 0,6
142 39,4 181.4 33m.73 533.87 340.44 193,43 1,037 440.92 206247 132 0.92 0.02 0.721 1326 12 0.5 0.3
143 39;6 292.1 W-9.55 170034 1481.73 219.19 0.788 i:; $68.79 $3a22 3.68 0,8S 0,00 0.711 2047 0.9 0.2 02
144 39.7 325.4 1446629 3S0.% 97.16 0.939 $6.0 58AM 2219.11 1.64 1$4 O.w 0.700 136a 0.6 03 0,6
145 40.0 1380 3079.22 217.47 10L88 115.39 1.249 1022 67.02 511.99 0.70 5.67 0.C.2 1.044 1.187 M 0,9 1,2
146 40,0 W3.1 62%.00 1S45.40 152033 6207 0.752 155.9 227.71 5959.69 5.34 0,46 0,02 04733 1* 1.2 0.3 0.3
147 40,0 3M.4 14913,01 444.49 245.33 99.16 L136 179.6 34229 2140.73 m 226 0.Q2 0,714 1.412 0,6 03 0.7
148 40,0 334.4 14$62.70 410.79 320,18 9Q,61 1,095 15$.0 2m.i2 2133.54 1S4 2,07 0.s0 0.716 1372 0.6 03 0.6
149 40.1 2020 583$.62 174$.36 1510.73 249.W 0.924 1220 44&93 5760.99 4.46 033 O.m 04701 3.923 12 0.5 0s
130 40,4 ,2320 s51an 233,24 175.05 38.18 0.983 113.0 1s6.64 127635 3.02 129 O.(J2 0<769 L226 1.6 Lo 15
Ml 40.6 269.6 62%.53 u53.73 1077.$s 175s 0.56s 1s-$.0 440.92 4%5.06 3.26 0,77 0,02 0.751 L761 19 0.4 0.6
1s2 40,8 Iw.n 4739.91 91zn 0m97 111.76 0972 920 1s6.64 2637.s3 033 0,69 04W Oall 1368 L4 0,3 0,4
133 4Ln S8a.s 3369.28 529.s3 316.7S 21236 1$47 77.0 440.92 1834.76 1.44 0.7s O,w 0,719 1321 1.@ 0,4 0.4
154 41.0 266.0 49%328 1559.47 1470.64 $$.83 0J363 107.6 237.71 4992.2$ 3.4Q 0.28 0.03 0,70 3 1.91 6 0.8 0.2 02
155 4,1.0 2$7.6 6747.26 1s7535 176.27 0.763 S2zo 440.92 3575A2 4.03 031 O.w o.m7 1s1s LO 0.2 0.3
1s6 4Lo kru 6323.Z u9m2 1206.C4 19276 0.$16 15Z6 440.92 5106.86 3.12 0.76 O.CO 0.730 1X32 13 0.3 a3
137 41.1 296.6 6S98.10 1317.76 1348<42 16933 0824 174.0 4.W.92 5760.9$ 4.21 0,86 aw L9170a 2071 Lo 0,2 0.2
154 41.2 139.8 2740.1 1 9L7.18 618.26 294.92 0.993 75.2 440s 274411 o.2a 3Aa WI 0.706 1.30s 1a 0.3 0.s
139 413 226.4 426704 S30-6,64 M2$.$4 297.24 0.9n %6.0 440.92 3$W.02 150 0.49 O.w 0.733 1847 1.1 02 0.2
102 41,5 ,399.8 24m.04 769.s3 701.87 67.% 0.673 69.8 S537 2643,4 3 0.s5 230 0.02 0.210 IA24 1.9 0,5 0.6
161 4Ls ,= 714737 55552+5 1374.71 lW.S5 0318 116.6 440.92 5m9.84 269 0.67 0.02 U706 3.900 L1 0,2 0.3
162 4,L5 159.2 2.2s5.01 1403,19 94L05 464.1 4 L027 7$,8 723.W 363s.0I 0.12 2.29 O.w &@96 L6W 19 0,3 a3
163 41.5 235.4 3433.24 16S7.32 137271 224.6 1 0.s01 77.0 440,92 4W4M4 L64 OA7 aw 0$647 1s64 1.1 0.2 @2
as 164 41.7 167.0 3272.10 962.03 6S7.01 w. $2 - 92D 440.92 270210 1s16 1.5 0.4 0,4
+ 16S 4L7 167.0 243279 lo46.m $m2s 71.62 0.895 a&5 83.57 2s44,3 1 0.z 244 o.w 0.245 1382 1.s o3 03
144 4?o m. 2 4124.94 1746,29 1372.M 173.$2 - n. o 227.71 3%&29 L967 0.8 a2 a2
167 420 16S.? 2400s Mo6.9s 10034 123.64 0.637 86.0 156.64 3%202 O.x ZI o @,w 0,375 lh5 7 1.3 0.3 01
164 420 2s7.6 674736 Iw-f.o@ 1724.98 17211 0.$10 176.0 440.92 37W52 4.02 O@ 0,00 0.708 21w 0.9 0.2 &2
169 422 167.0 3aoLo3 M5932 82283 m.4 9 0.953 89.4 440.92 330L03 he s 231 0.M 0.724 1s80 1.3 03 0.3
tm 4Z4 341.6 13304.62 690.16 615.71 74.45 LQ45 1s8.o 156.64 2578.8 1 L67 4,34 o.m @.m 13n 05 03 %.4
171 425 150.1 33?5.3 1 64L47 333.9s 925.32 1.113 84.2 327.79 1517.12 @.25 4.47 0.C4 mn s 1394 1.9 0.7 @a
172 425 167. 0 241Z9s 8$4.s4 6322s 2s233 0.995 97.5 440.92 2631.02 e.72 NM am 0.733 IS s 1.7 0A a4
m 42.5 :167. 0 3s67s0 94299 7$6.76 1s6.23 0.$85 923 227.71 SE-2a02 0.16 L87 *.767 1330 I3 0.4 a4
174 425 1s7.0 %62.3 1 921.61 76%0S 166.36 0.s93 78.4 m. 7M 294431 @.m 2.24 o.w 0221 1A89 1.6 0.2 @2
175 4Z5 167. 0 261W5 1I 13.66 80436 207. 32 0.991 9%.6 440.92 2944.3 1 0.52 z 44 o.00 0,811 1.s43 1.8 OA o,4
176 4Z6 167. 0 3314.1 6 1165.01 878.98 22?6.03 0.945 90.3 440.93 3214.63 0.M 3.76 0.Cf3 0<714 1.6Z2 1,6 03 03
m 42.8 233.4 40243-4 139+3.7
5 110294 204.8 10.9 28 824 440.92 396% 29 L26 0.7I 0.w o.6$8 1.84 6 0.7 0,2 0.2
In 420222 8 33$3.84 708.32 53298 m. 55 1,0+27 71.6 17L1s 2[22,48 L61 0.69 %.m ox 14 1.517 1.2 a,1 0.2
179 43.0 1s4.4 1601,
24 356.2I 26244 93.37 1292 80,6 156.64 IMS.74 5s33 $46 o.n L324 Lao1 0.9 a5 a6
100 43.5 167.0 361295 1364.28 %1,42 24204 0.913 n. 0 440.92 2441m o.21 21o o.02 0,m 1.653 1.4 0.2 @.2
181 43.6 139.1 349a34 941.0
5 &m34 10271 0.861 on .9 116.03 2488.09 0.M o.98 0,co 0,7s7 1328 1.7 0,6 0.6
182 43.6 197.6 2444.39 1s93.4o h365.% 527A3 Lo16 71.6 440.92 2760. 11 1.53 250 o.M 0.74s 1903 1.2 0,2 0.2
183 44.0237 9 6321.
w 1678.63 1412s1 243.10 0,8-4
7 194. 0 86734 5705.83 2 14 0.n 0.b2 OJ%7 1937 1J o!2 o3
184 44.5 2s9.4 6433.
97 1404.33 1221,42 182w 0.795 194. 0 % .&5 slm.a 2 21 o.76 a 02 a 702 1374 1,1 03 0.3
185 u9 296.6 6S98,1o 329*JS6 29823!7 31279 O.n5 138.2 72S.20 6358 35 4.18 0.69 a 00 0.7032.84 7 09 0.1 &2
106 45,0 276.8 6510,8 5 b2+4.6
3 1390,81 m. s?. 0.854 194,0 W-3.24 3697. 17 209 0,77 0,w 0.6% 1.941 1,0 0.2 03

187 45.4 225.5 5244.En 971.7
5 Y7.4.28 45.47 0,695 106.0 390.n 4322.00 1.09 203 o.M 0.454 1s19 Lo oA oA
la 4s.s 231.4 479257 2323.7s 2127.10 l%.65 0.%8 68.0 727.71 .40s288 1.39 021 o.00 0.736 2428 0.7 0,2 0.!4
189 46.9 99.5 1644.75 36276 236,18 !29.B 0.959 77.0 227.71 1380.
78 2.40 13.00 L24 0.773 1.174 13 0,7 0.7
190 47.0 140.0 2317.89 121,8
1 30.76 91.0s 1.7m 71.6 34.57 147.94 Ln !0.53 0,00 13W 1.129 1.8 1.0 I,1
191 49,2 172,4 3769.59 1617.27 14343 2 162,95 0.928 64,4 114,
3s 3161 .87 031 6.06 0,w 0,$44 1313 Lo o.2 0.3
192 50,9 lm ,9 2658,w 367.4
8 23332 143.% 1,40$ 95.0 85.37 64138 4.03 z In z 13 1.103 1.241 0.8 0,4 0.4
193 51.0 226,8 5974.w 2387.14 2W3A6 406,64 O.M1 86.0 440.92 421031 1.44 om 0.736 2.$05 03 0,1 0.1
194 53.0 237.2 5956.79 219133 2020,8s 160.45 0.883 86.0 154,A4 2626.16 134 o.S2 o,w 0.790 Z478 0.5 0,1 0.2
195 56.81 140.71 umA71 300,91 23U2 46JM 0.449 71,6 156.44 1170,47 0.26 2411 0J331 0JJ37 1.1s5 0.s o.4 0,4 131s3.0




m --

0 m w w Km o ma 4m am axa
W9uRIa ljda) - (F4

Fig.1: Bubblepointpressure,bestcorrelationsfromliterature. Fig.2 Bubblepointpressure,presentwork

m . tEIa


$ ,X0--

~ lox-- 1.

W --


0 X4 Icm Mm ZLm Zmr 0 m Ica Lwr am nm

NEJs4rn($2/ns) ImsJm (WnBl

Pig. 3: Solution 00~ best correlations from literature Fig. 4 Solution GOR present work

3r- -

4 .%
2r- - ,9
. IsEa

0 *

:rO- -
,. 9
~15- -
e **

5- -

0 ,~
0 3 10 Is m u ro n 0 J 10 Lrm r5313r

Wslm (II*, 10E-S6) - (w LW4

Fig. 5: Isothermal compressibility, best correlations from literature Fig. 6: Isothermal compressibility, present work

SPE28904 L

10X -

.... .. . . . .. .....- .p-......n....
-.-.-.,., m --

I , ,4
.. :< ~,%f~
_._,,., f..r.,..~ ...........~. ....-....
10 . .... .. ..w
.. ..._. 1

$% j 0-
- I

........ .. .. . ..... ........ ... . .. .. . . . . . .. .
1 . . . . .. .. .... . ... .

. ................. .... . ... . . . . ............ ............................

1 -.-..,,.,,.....

61 -
al m
al 1 10 lmr
al 1 10 m lm
- (d
~m [Q)

g. 7 Dead-oil viscosity,beat correlations from literature Fig 8: Dead-oiI viscosity, pres&t work

lLW .


=~~id A.
.................. .....-.+.-...
.. .. ...... ......-
.........................{........... .. ....#4~,.,
. . . .... . . . m --

..&.r . .......-..p ................


1 ..-.--. ...----- 1- -

A, A
. .

>!i *.. !

, al
10 ml 19X
Lll 1 10 m ICa al 1
!4?.Lmn - [4

Fig. 9: Gas-saturated oil viscosity, beat correlations from literature Fig. 10: Gas-saturated oil viscosity, present work

ma Imr

rm- -

! 0- -

1- --

al -
al t 10 m Icm
al 1 10 m Im

g. 11: Undersaturated oil viscosity, beat comelatiom from literature Fig. 12 Undersaturated oil viscosity, present work


al t 10 Im ml

- (d

Fig 13: Bubblepoint OFVF, best correlations f?om literature Fig. 14: Gas-saturated oil viscosity, best correlations
tlom literature (input dead-oil viscosity calculated)

6 -56.8
,., .. .. . .,,,,,,.,,,.,,, ,,. . . ..==
. __ ___



0 ?. 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Fig.15 Bubblepoint pressure corrdatiorx comparison of best results

,. . .:,,.
>..,,. ............ ...
................. . .. .,
Pr.scat work
>31.1 .. ;.,.,,.,: :..,
... ,. ... X.,to,tu, odjo

/A,::e 22.3 -31.1


0 5 10 1s 20 25 30
Aver.,, .bs. [ute w,.,

Fig.16 Solution GOR correlatiorc Comparison of best results

6 -56.8
,,..,.5 ,.. --.-. . . . .. . .. ... -.--. . -.


:a::e 22.3 -31.1



Fig. 17 OFVF correlatiorr comparison of best results

SPE28W14 -

0 s 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Aver*c. .bs.l. te err.r

Fig.18 Isothermal compressibility correlation comparison of best results

I -_ ?,,,..1 we,k

0 5 10 1s 20 2s 30 3s 40 4s 50 55
Averase ,bs,lute ,,,.,

Fig. 19 Dead-oil viscosity correlatiorr comparison of best results

6 -.$6.8




o 5 10 1s 20 23 30
Average absel. te wr.r

Fig. 20 Gas-saturated oil viscosity correlrdiom comparison of best results



:;, 22.3 -31.1



Pig. 21 UnderSaturated oil viscosity correlation: comparison of best results




04 4 ,~
(.10 10-m 2?3-w ) w Mkb (=11 lo-m 223-w ) ml NIMl
AHPm M Ran&

Fig. 22 Correlation for Pb, analysis on Agipssamples Fig. 23: Correlations for GOR analysis on Agipssamples


10-?23 223-w ) w uM
(=10 lo-m 23 -w ) 31.1 NIdeb
Ml?m# MRarfc

Fig. 24: Correlations for OFVF, analysis on Agipssamples Fig. 25: Come.lationsfor Co, analysis on Agipssamples

<=10 IQ- 2?3 223-W ) WI 11M (=10 10-23 23-31.1 ) 31.I NIM
M Rm# Mkr@

Fig. 26 Correlations for pod, analysis on Agipssamples Fig. 27: Correlations for I.101,analysis on Agipssamples

(=10 10-223 -w
?23 ) w ii M
El Rsige

Fig. 28: Correlations for PO, analysis on Agipssamples

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