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Effect of a tracheostomy speaking valve on

breathing-swallowing interaction


Impact Factor: 7.21 DOI: 10.1007/s00134-011-2417-8 Source: PubMed


16 96


Michle Lejaille Djillali Annane

Hpital Foch Assistance Publique Hpitaux de Paris


David Orlikowski
Assistance Publique Hpitaux de Paris


Available from: Michle Lejaille

Retrieved on: 03 April 2016
Intensive Care Med (2012) 38:8590
DOI 10.1007/s00134-011-2417-8 ORIGINAL

Helene Prigent
Michele Lejaille
Effect of a tracheostomy speaking valve
Nicolas Terzi on breathingswallowing interaction
Djillali Annane
Marjorie Figere
David Orlikowski
Frederic Lofaso

H. Prigent  M. Lejaille  M. Figere electromyography, cervical piezo-

Received: 14 June 2011 D. Orlikowski  F. Lofaso
Accepted: 21 October 2011 electric sensor, and nasal and tracheal
EA 4497, Universite de Versailles flow recording. Three water-bolus
Published online: 24 November 2011
Copyright jointly held by Springer and Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines,
78035 Guyancourt, France sizes (5, 10, and 15 mL) were tested
ESICM 2011 in random order. Results: Swallow-
ing characteristics and breathing
Abstract Purpose: Expiratory swallowing synchronisation were not
flow towards the upper airway after influenced by SV use. However,
swallowing serves to expel liquid or expiratory flow towards the upper
H. Prigent  M. Lejaille  D. Annane  food particles misdirected towards the airway after swallowing was negligi-
M. Figere  D. Orlikowski  F. Lofaso ()) trachea during swallowing. However, ble without the SV and was restored
Hopital Raymond Poincare, Services de expiration may not occur consistently by adding the SV. Conclusion: In
Physiologie-Explorations Fonctionnelles, after swallowing in tracheostomised tracheostomised patients, protective
Reanimation Medicale, Centre patients with an open tracheostomy expiration towards the upper airway
dInvestigation Clinique et dInnovation tube. We investigated the effect of a after swallowing is restored by the
Technologique (INSERM Unit 805), APHP,
92380 Garches, France speaking valve (SV) on breathing use of an SV.
e-mail: swallowing interactions and on the
Tel.: ?33-1-47107941 volume expelled through the upper Keywords Tracheostomy 
Fax: ?33-1-47107943 airway after swallowing. Speaking valve  Deglutition 
Methods: Eight tracheostomised Aspiration  Subglottic air pressure
N. Terzi neuromuscular patients who were
INSERM, ERI27, Service de Reanimation able to breathe spontaneously were
Medicale, CHRU Caen, 14000 Caen, France
studied with and without an SV.
F. Lofaso Breathingswallowing interactions
INSERMU 955, Creteil, France were investigated by chin

Introduction impairment of the vocal-cord closure reflex [3], disuse

atrophy of the laryngeal muscles [4], oesophageal com-
In patients with acute respiratory failure, the nature or pression by the inflated cuff [5], and loss of subglottic air
seriousness of the underlying disease may require a tra- pressure during swallowing [6]. These last two factors can
cheostomy after the initial phase of intensive care, to allow easily be avoided by using a cuffless tracheostomy tube
either prolonged weaning or ventilation. One crucial and a speaking valve (SV), respectively [610].
decision in tracheostomised patients is whether to resume Another potential advantage of SV use may be
oral feeding. It has been demonstrated that the presence of improved breathingswallowing coordination. A study in
a tracheostomy tube often induces or increases aspiration. healthy individuals showed that swallowing often occurred
Mechanisms that may explain this effect include tethering after expiration initiation, coincided with a period of
of the larynx [1], desensitisation of the upper airway [2], apnoea, and was usually followed by further expiration

[11]. Other studies [1216] confirmed these findings and patients were tested with (SV?) and without (SV-) a
established that the expiratory activity surrounding swal- Passy-Muir speaking valve (Passy-Muir Inc, Irvine, CA,
lowing helped to prevent the passage of noxious chemicals USA), in random order. A syringe was used to place water
and microbes from the mouth to the lungs. However, tra- boluses in the mouth. In each condition, three bolus sizes
cheostomised patients expire at least in part through the (5, 10, and 15 mL) were administered in random order.
tracheostomy tube [6], which may eliminate the protection Four sets of three boluses were studied, taking care not to
afforded by expiration to the upper airways, unless the use the same bolus size twice consecutively. The study
expired gas is directed towards the upper airways by an SV. participants were blinded to bolus size. They were
The aim of this study was to investigate upper airway and instructed to swallow normally while trying to be as
tracheostomy tube flows during swallowing and to assess efficient as possible.
breathingswallowing interactions with and without an SV
in a selected population of stable tracheotomised patients.
Data analysis

Swallowing onset was defined as the onset of phasic

Methods submental electromyographic activity and swallowing
termination as the beginning of the downward laryngeal
Study population movement detected by the piezoelectric sensor [18, 19].
For each bolus size, we recorded the duration of swal-
We conducted a prospective observational study from lowing, number of swallows, and number of ventilatory
February 2010 to February 2011. The patients were cycles. The percentages of swallows preceded and fol-
recruited during routine follow-up visits for home-venti- lowed by expiration were calculated. In addition, when
lation management at the Raymond Poincare Teaching the swallows were followed by expiration, the post-
Hospital, Garches, France. Patients were eligible if they swallowing nasal expiratory volume was routinely mea-
had had a tracheostomy with a cuffless tube for at least sured; and in the SV- condition, the expiratory volume
6 months, usually ate without ventilatory assistance, used leaking through the tracheostomy tube during and after
an SV, and were in stable clinical condition. All study swallowing was measured.
patients provided written informed consent. The study
was approved by the relevant ethics committee (Ambroise
Pare Teaching Hospital, Boulogne, France). Statistical analysis

All results are described as mean standard deviations

Study procedures in the text and as mean standard error of the mean in
the figures. Statistical tests were run using the StatView 5
Tracheal and nasal flows were measured using pneumota- package (SAS Institute, Grenoble, France).
chographs (Fleisch no. 2, Lausanne, Switzerland). Patients Two-way (SV effect and bolus-size effect) analysis of
wore a nasal mask (Flexifit 407, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures was used.
Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand) connected to the pneu- Values of p below 0.05 were considered statistically
motacograph. With the SV in place, tracheal pressure was significant.
measured at the proximal end of the tracheostomy tube
using a differential pressure transducer (Validyne MP
45 100 cmH2O, Northridge, CA, USA). Swallowing
was monitored non-invasively, using electromyography to
detect submental muscle activity via skin-surface elec-
trodes on the chin and a piezoelectric sensor placed between Patients
the cricoid and thyroid cartilages, as described elsewhere
[1719]. All signals were digitised and recorded directly on
The demographic and ventilatory characteristics of the
a personal computer. During the recording, we checked that
eight study participants are reported in Table 1. Mean age
the mouth was closed, although this behaviour was not was 37.5 12.2 years. Except for one patient (no. 4)
suggested to the patients. who had fluctuating respiratory function and remained
tracheostomised until the underlying disease (myasthenia
gravis) was stabilised under treatment, all patients had
Experimental protocol severe neuromuscular respiratory failure (vital capacity
B60%). All patients had been tracheostomised after an
Each patient was seated comfortably with the head and episode of acute respiratory failure with weaning failure;
neck maintained in the patients preferred position. All they were ventilated intermittently but remained

Table 1 Baseline patient characteristics

No. Diagnosis Age Height Weight Duration of VC MEP MIP VT Duration

(years) (cm) (kg) tracheostomy sitting (cmH2O) (cmH2O) during of
(years) (%) SB mechanical
(mL) ventilation

1 Becker muscular dystrophy 43 191 88 10 11 65 54 165 13

2 Facioscapulohumeral muscular 62 180 56 11 36 10 19 330 11
3 Pompe disease 53 169 66 8 26 20 11 260 12
4 Myasthenia gravis 57 159 64 0.5 90 41 45 245 9
5 Congenital muscular dystrophy 35 153 43 5 29 42 12 490 15
6 Spinal amyotrophy 29 163 50 12 25 14 27 330 0
7 MERRF syndrome 29 172 56 3 60 11 31 510 8.5
8 Selenoprotein N muscular 46 150 31 5 21 37 26 168 15
VC vital capacity, MIP maximal inspiratory pressure, MEP maximal expiratory pressure, VT tidal volume, SB spontaneous breathing, SDs
standard deviations, MERRF myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibres

tracheostomised because of either severe progressive In the SV? condition, the peak positive pressure in the
respiratory failure or patient refusal to use an alternative tracheostomy tube occurred during swallowing and the
interface (nos. 2, 3, and 7). Patient 6 met criteria for mean pressure value ranged from 1.4 to 8.6 cmH2O. The
ventilatory assistance (severe respiratory failure, hyper- volume swallowed did not influence tracheostomy tube
capnia, and nocturnal hypoventilation) but refused to be pressure (ANOVA, p = 0.23). An example is shown in
ventilated. Mean duration of invasive ventilation per day Fig. 1b.
was 15 6 h.

Swallowing description Coordination between swallowing and respiration

Piecemeal deglutition occurred in all patients, with each The percentage of swallows followed by expiration was
bolus often requiring several swallows over several not significantly different between SV- and SV?
breathing cycles. However, the duration of swallowing, (Table 2) and was not influenced by bolus size (Table 2).
the number of swallows per bolus, and the number of However, when swallows were followed by expiration,
ventilatory cycles per bolus did not differ significantly the volume expired through the upper airway after expi-
between SV- and SV? (Table 2). In contrast, increasing ration was considerably lower in SV- (mean values
the bolus size significantly increased the total bolus below 20 mL) compared with SV? (ANOVA, valve
swallowing time, number of swallows per bolus, and effect p = 0.0003, Fig. 2), although the total expired
number of breathing cycles per swallow (Table 2). volume during and after swallowing was higher (but not
In the SV- condition, leaks occurred through the significantly) in SV- than in SV? (5 mL bolus size:
tracheostomy tube during all expirations. In addition, 139 80 vs. 124 62 mL; 10 mL bolus size: 144 63
during expirations bracketing swallowing, leakage vs. 104 56 mL; and 15 mL bolus size: 151 60 vs.
through the tube continued before, during, and after the 112 59 mL, respectively; ANOVA, valve effect:
swallowing period, as shown in the example in Fig. 1a. p = 0.12)

Table 2 Swallowing variables per bolus according to bolus size (5, 10, or 15 mL) and test condition: without (SV-) and with (SV?) a
tracheostomy valve

5 mL 10 mL 15 mL ANOVA (p value)
SV- SV? SV- SV? SV- SV? SV effect Volume effect

Duration of swallowing (s) 2.5 2.4 2.9 3.8 3.8 2.7 4.4 4.4 4.5 3.2 4.6 4.8 0.62 0.001
Number of swallows per bolus 1.6 1.0 1.6 1.1 2.2 1.2 2.1 1.4 2.6 1.3 2.3 1.7 0.37 0.001
Number of ventilatory cycles per bolus 1.0 0.0 1.2 0.4 1.3 0.6 1.7 1.0 1.3 0.6 1.6 1.1 0.44 0.006
% of swallows followed by expiration 65 34 82 24 72 28 78 21 62 30 74 28 0.37 0.51

Fig. 1 Breathingswallowing
interaction in a tracheostomised
patient without (a) and with
(b) a speaking valve. The
upper-airway zero-flow periods
within the swallowing periods
are shaded in grey. Panel
a without the SV, the persistent
expiratory leak through the
tracheostomy tube during
swallowing apnoea resulted in
the lack of upper airway flow
(arrows). Panel b with the SV,
no leakage occurred through the
tracheostomy during
swallowing apnoea but a small
inspiratory spike (hollow
arrow) coinciding with the end
of the apnoea occurred, at a
time when tracheal pressure
was positive (solid arrow),
excluding a concomitant
inspiratory effort as the cause of
this spike

This study showed that, without an SV, a significant part
of the expiratory flow leaked through the tracheostomy
tube. Leakage also occurred during upper airway occlu-
sion due to swallowing. Adding an SV to prevent leakage
through the tube did not significantly change the per-
centages of expirations occurring before and after
swallowing. However, the SV increased the expired vol-
ume through the upper airway after swallowing, which
was negligible without the SV.
Other findings were as follows. In both the SV? and
the SV- conditions, an inspiratory nasal flow spike
occurred nearly consistently at the end of the nasal zero Fig. 2 Comparison of expiratory volume through the upper airway
after swallowing each bolus size with (black columns) and without
flow curve (Fig. 1a, b), as previously described [12, 15]. (striped column) a speaking valve (ANOVA; valve effect
This spike coincided with the airway reopening during p = 0.0003; volume effect p = 0.54)
descent of the hyolaryngeal complex [15] and with a
slight negative pharyngeal pressure dip occurring with the as indicated by the finding in our study and an earlier
offset of pharyngeal contraction [12]. Accordingly, we study [6] of significant and continuous expiratory leakage
observed a concomitant peak of positive tracheal pressure through the tracheostomy tube during swallowing brack-
(Fig. 1b), confirming that the inspiratory spike was not eted by expiration.
related to an inspiratory effort. This spike was not taken Swallowing during expiration produces several bene-
into account in our measurements. fits. Expiration facilitates vocal cord adduction, thus
A study in healthy volunteers showed the occurrence affording a protective set point for further laryngeal clo-
of diaphragmatic activity consistent with active breath- sure as the swallow progresses [21]. In addition, the
holding that preserved the expiratory volume just before positive tracheal pressure facilitated by expiration plays a
swallowing, thereby allowing expiration at the end of the pivotal role in maintaining the glottis closure reflex [6,
swallowing apnoea [20]. However, this activity was not 22]. Finally, expiratory flow towards the upper airway
sufficient to induce breath-holding during swallowing in after swallowing expels liquid or food particles misdi-
tracheostomised patients with open tracheostomy tubes, rected toward the trachea during swallowing [1216].

Study limitations We used water to assess swallowing. There is some

evidence that choking may occur only with solids in some
We studied a heterogeneous population of neuromuscular neuromuscular patients [28]. However, water rather than
patients. However, we excluded neuromuscular patients jelly was used in most of the previous studies [12, 13, 27,
with central nervous system involvement that might 29], which allowed us to compare our results with earlier
influence upper airway muscle coordination during data. Furthermore, the use of solids requires chewing,
swallowing [23, 24]. In addition, in a previous study with which may cause fatigue, thereby worsening the swal-
a similar but larger population [19], the increases in lowing impairments.
swallowing duration and swallowing fragmentation cor- Finally, SV use has been reported to improve swal-
related negatively with several respiratory muscle lowing in tracheostomised patients by restoring a positive
performance markers but not with general functional subglottic pressure during swallowing [68]. In addition,
disability or the dysphagia index. In our study, each the SV restores a significant expiratory volume through
patient served as his or her own control, and the SV the upper airway after swallowing, which is considered to
restored protective expiration towards the upper airway prevent the passage of noxious chemicals and microbes
after swallowing in all patients. It might be argued that from the mouth into the lungs [1216].
our results do not apply to patients with other causes of In conclusion, our previous studies supported the use
respiratory failure requiring tracheostomy, such as of mechanical ventilation in tracheostomised patients
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). How- during meals [19, 30]. However, mechanical ventilation
ever, in COPD patients, the abnormalities in swallow during meals is not always available or accepted under
timing within the respiratory cycle [25] are similar to real-life conditions (outside the intensive care unit), for
those in neuromuscular patients [19]. In addition, studies various non-medical reasons. This study confirms that the
in healthy individuals established that the occurrence of use of an SV should be offered routinely during periods
inspiration after swallows was increased by hypercapnia off mechanical ventilation, to facilitate expiration through
[26] or the application of an inspiratory elastic load [27], the upper airway after swallowing and to decrease the risk
suggesting that poor breathingswallowing coordination of aspiration or laryngeal penetration.
might be a non-specific sign of respiratory difficulty.
Therefore, there is no reason our results would not apply Acknowledgments The study was supported by the Association
to other populations with respiratory failure. dEntraide des Polios et Handicapes (ADEP).

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