PAPER (ENG) - The Safety of FEESST - An Analysis of 500 Consecutive Evaluations

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The Safety of Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of

Swallowing with Sensory Testing (FEESST): An
Analysis of 500 Consecutive Evaluations

Article in Dysphagia February 2000

Impact Factor: 2.03 DOI: 10.1007/s004559910008 Source: PubMed


67 38

6 authors, including:

Jaclyn B Spitzer Beverly Diamond

Columbia University Edwards Lifesciences


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Jaclyn B Spitzer
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 16 April 2016
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (2006) 70, 591596

Endoscopically guided placement of prefabricated

cochlear implant electrodes in a common cavity
Spiros Manolidis *, Ross Tonini, Jaclyn Spitzer

Department of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery, Columbia University,

180 Fort Washington Street, HP812, New York, NY 10032, USA

Received 14 March 2005; accepted 9 July 2005

Cochlear implant;
Cochleovestibular Objective: To devise a safe and effective method of optimal customized electrode
malformation; placement in the common cavity of children with cochleovestibular malformations.
Common cavity; Methods: Specialized electrodes were manufactured on the basis of three-dimen-
Custom-made cochlear sional data obtained from the high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) scans of
implant electrode; the temporal bones of these two children. Electrode positioning was achieved with
Direct electrode direct endoscopic view of the cavity utilizing a three-hole common cavity technique.
positioning Results: Optimal electrode positioning in apposition to the medial neuroepithelium in
the common cavity was verified visually intraoperatively. Postoperatively, minimal
stable electrical current levels were found to be required.
Conclusions: Custom-designed electrodes have the potential to offer improved
results in children with common cavity malformations. Intraoperative direct position-
ing may further improve these results.
# 2005 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.

1. Introduction duct, and subtle partitioning defects, among others.

With further improvement in diagnostic imaging,
Improvements in diagnostic imaging have been able intracochlear anatomic variations and physiologic
to specify subtle anatomic abnormalities of the changes will begin to be detectable [3,4]. A very
inner ear in as many as 20% of patients with profound small proportion of infants with congenital profound
sensorineural hearing loss at birth [1,2]. Most of sensorineural hearing loss have severe cochleoves-
these congenital malformations are mild and rela- tibular abnormalities defined as a common cavity
tively common, such as enlarged vestibular aque- with hypoplasia of the cochleovestibular nerve or
complete aplasia of the cochlea and/or vestibule or
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 212 305 5820;
the cochleovestibular nerve.
fax: +1 212 305 2249. In one large series of congenital profound sensor-
E-mail address: (S. Manolidis). ineural hearing loss, these infants represented 2% of

0165-5876/$ see front matter # 2005 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.

592 S. Manolidis et al.

the total sample [5]. These patients present a chal-

lenge in the surgery for cochlear implantation.
Anomalous facial nerves and CSF leak are common-
place [6,7]. In addition, the programming of such
implants requires frequent adjustments due to fluc-
tuation of electrical current requirements [2,6,8].
New cochlar implant electrode designs may over-
come some of these problems. At the same time,
establishing the presence of residual stimulable
neuroepithelium in a severely malformed cochlea
is essential in deciding which side to implant, along
with data from parasagittal MRIs with volumetric
analysis of the internal auditory canals. It follows
that electrode placement in proximity to the iden-
tified neural tissue is highly desirable.
The purpose of this report is to highlight a tech-
nique for the precise placement of a custom-
designed common cavity electrode against the med-
ial neuroepithelia of such malformed cavities.
Fig. 1 HRCT of the left temporal bone in our first
patient. Common cavity malformation with hypoplastic
2. Materials and methods internal auditory canal.

Two patients with severe cochleovestibular malfor-

mations diagnosed by high resolution computed temporal bone HRCT (MED-EL). The patient under-
tomography (HRCT) and MRI of the temporal bone went a cochlear implantation at age of 8 months.
form the basis of this report. Clearance by the
Institutions Review Board was obtained prior to 2.2. Case 2
submitting this data.
The second patient was a healthy girl born following
2.1. Case 1 a normal pregnancy and uncomplicated delivery.
She was first diagnosed with profound sensorineural
The first patient was a healthy 1-month-old girl,
product of a normal pregnancy and an uncomplicated
delivery; she failed neonatal screening by otoacous-
tic emissions and auditory brain stem evoked poten-
tials. Assessment by auditory steady state evoked
potentials produced no stimulation thresholds on
the left but a threshold present at low and mid
frequencies was produced at 125 db on the right.
Routine laboratory screening, Connexin-26 testing
and medical genetics revealed no abnormalities.
Further evaluation by high resolution computed
tomography of the temporal bone revealed a com-
mon cavity on the left and a common cavity with a
vestigial part of the cochlear basal turn on the right
(Figs. 1 and 2). High resolution MRI of the temporal
bone revealed a severely hypoplastic internal audi-
tory canal on the left. On the right there was a slightly
larger IAC and the possibility of a cochlear nerve,
albeit of much diminished diameter (Figs. 35). A
cochlear implant was recommended for this child
after she was approved through a process similar
to what has been described previously [9,10]. A Fig. 2 HRCT of the right temporal bone in our first
custom-made common cavity electrode was manu- patient. Common cavity malformation with presence of
factured based on measurements of the right a fraction of the basal turn of the cochlea.
Endoscopically guided placement of prefabricated cochlear implant electrodes 593

Fig. 3 Parasagittal T2 weighted MRI image through the Fig. 5 Axial T2 weighted MRI image displaying a common
internal auditory canal in our first patient shows presence cavity on the left and a common cavity with a fraction of a
of cochleovestibular nerve, albeit of diminished diameter. basal turn of the cochlea on the right.

hearing loss by behavioral audiometry at age 15 poral bones revealed a common cavity malformation
months. Profound bilateral sensorineural hearing on the right with a severely hypoplastic IAC, while
loss was confirmed with auditory steady state the left had a lesser degree of malformation with a
evoked potentials that revealed absent thresholds dilated internal auditory canal (Fig. 6). MR of the
on the right and thresholds present in the lower temporal bones corroborated these findings showing
frequencies at 125 db. Routine serologic screening, a severely hypoplastic IAC with absent cochlear
Connexin-26 testing and medical genetics evalua-
tion disclosed no abnormalities. A HRCT of the tem-

Fig. 6 HRCT of the temporal bone on the second patient

Fig. 4 Parasagittal T2 weighted MRI image through the displaying a left-sided dilation of the internal auditory
internal auditory canal in our first patient shows severe canal with a wide communication to the common cavity.
internal auditory canal with absence of the cochlear Incidentally, this patient did not experience a CSF leak
nerve. during the implantation.
594 S. Manolidis et al.

Fig. 9 Postoperative axial high resolution CT scan of the

implanted common cavity, demonstrating proper medial
positioning of the custom electrode.
Fig. 7 Axial T2 weighted MRI of our second patient. Wide
IAC and common cavity on the left, common cavity and
severe IAC hypoplasia were present on the right.
For both patients, a double posterior labyrinthot-
omy technique was used to place the electrode in
nerve on the right, dilated IAC on the left and the right common cavity as has been previously
possibly a hypoplastic cochlear nerve (Fig. 7). This described [11]. A third labyrinthotomy with a drill
patient was evaluated and approved for a cochlear bit appropriate for a thin endoscope (2 mm dia-
implant as per evaluation protocols previously meter) was placed above the first two labyrintho-
described [9,10]. She underwent a cochlear implant tomies. The electrode was positioned under direct
with a custom electrode as in the first patient. visualization against the medial neuroepithelium.
Although the endoscope was useful in positioning
the electrode optimally, full panoramic visualiza-
tion of the cavity is not possible due to field of view
restriction for current endoscopes. Hyaluronic acid
was used to fill the common cavity, improve visua-
lization with the endoscope and prevent minor
bleeding with insertion. Small adjustments with
positioning were made by gently rotating the prox-
imal portion of the electrode to achieve optimal
positioning (Fig. 8).
At the time of this report both children are 4
months post-implant. There have been no compli-
cations from the surgery. Initial programming took
place 18 days after implantation. Voice detection
awareness levels were achieved in both infants,
and there has been no requirement for re-adjust-
ment of thresholds since initial programming
(Fig. 9).

3. Discussion
Fig. 8 Endoscopic view of the common cavity during
electrode positioning. Electrode base pairs can be seen There are 20 reported cases of common cavity
abutting the neuroepithelium on the medial aspect of the implantation in the literature [12]. These patients
common cavity. Top part of the photograph is superior; continue to present a challenge for cochlear
bottom part of the photograph is inferior. implantation. Evaluation by MR imaging in such
Endoscopically guided placement of prefabricated cochlear implant electrodes 595

children is essential to rule out aplasia of the elements of the malformed cochlea under endo-
auditory nerve. Oblique sagital images, perpendi- scopic guidance is possible and may offer an addi-
cular to the IAC may provide the best cross sec- tional advantage.
tional views for determination of the presence and
degree of malformation of the cochlear nerve [13].
In these cases auditory brainstem response (ABR)
testing were not adequate in providing information
as to the presence of thresholds. Promontory sti-
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