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PARTB-(5x 16=80marks)

11. (a) (, Derive a relations for strain energy due to torsion. (6)

(ii) Derive a relation for maximum reflection to cantilever

beam carrying a point load W at the free end. Use Castigliano's
theorem. (10)


(b) A simply supported beam of span 3 m is carrying a concentrated load of

18KN-ai the mid span. Determine the 6train energy stored in tlre beam
due to the horizontal shear. The beam is 80 mm wide and 100 mm deep.
E =ZOOGN lm2. L=O-32

L2. (a) A fixed beam AB of length 6m carries point loads of 160 kN and fZ'O t<N
at a distance'of 2m and 4m from th-e.left end A. Find the frxed end
mo'ments and the reactions at the supports. Draw SFD and BMD.

(b) A continuous beam ABC of uniform section, with span AB, and BC as 4m
each, is fixed at A and simply supported at B and c. The beam is carrying
an UDL of 6KN/m run throughout its length. Find the support moments
.and the reaction. Also draw SFD and BMD.

r3. (a) Calculate the Euler's critical load. for a strut of T-section. The flange
width is L00 mm,'over all depth is 80 mm, and both flange and stern ale
10 mm thick. The strut is 3m long and is built in at both ends. Take
E =Z*LOI N lmmz .


(b) A column of circular section is subjected to a load of 120 kN- The load is
parallel to the axis but eccentric by an amount of.2.5 mm. The external
and internal diameters are 60 mm anil 50 mm respectively. If both the
ends of the column are hinged and column is 2.1 m long, determine the
maxin'rurn stress in the column. Take E = 200 GN lrnz .

L4. (a) Determine the principal stresses and principal direction for the foLlowing
l+o zo 1ol
BD stress nera [o]=l zo 20 nluea
Lro 18 1o.l
(b) According to the theory of maximum shear stress, dete-rmine the
diameteiof a bolt which is subjected to an axial pull of 9 kN together
with a transverse shear force of 4.5 kN. Elastic limit intension is
225N/mm2, factor of safety = 3 and Poissbn's ratio = 0'3'


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