Demolition Specifications 1

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1. Generally

The Contractor shall follow strictly The Construction Industry Standard Code of Practice For
Demolition of Buildings developed by the Technical Committee for Construction Practices under the
supervision of Construction Industry Development Board, Malaysia.

This Specification is to be read in conjunction with the Conditions of Contract, scope of work and Drawings.
Where Works are ordered to be performed by the Contractor, but are not specified in the Specification, the
Contractor, must carry them out with full diligence and expedience as are expected for Works of that nature.

The extent of the work to be demolished and/or altered is indicated on the Drawings. The Contractor shall
examine the Drawings, existing works and site so as to satisfy himself as to the true nature and extent of the
work to be pulled down, altered, etc.

The Contractor shall investigate and ascertain sufficient information about the structures to be demolished
and effect on surrounding works, prior to commencement of works.

Allow for any shoring, scaffolding, screens, tarpaulins, casings, dust sheets, etc. necessary for carrying out
the works in an efficient manner, even though they are not specifically referred to in this Specification or shown
on the Drawings or described in the Bills of Quantities.

2. Safety and Stability of Structures

The Contractor shall take all responsibility for the stability and upholding of existing and adjoining structures
during the work.

Employ methods that cause no shock or vibration likely to damage surrounding property or buried services.
All items of removing, pulling down, etc. shown on the Drawings or described in the Bills of Quantities are to
include for all props, struts, scaffolding, shores, etc. and other protection and temporary supports.

All partly demolished structures shall be properly secured. Make good such structures to the extent required
to ensure safety of persons, weather protection, stability and security. Any dangerous or unnecessary
projections should be removed immediately or, if earmarked for reinstatement, be properly secured in place.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the design and submission of plans and Drawings to the relevant
Authorities for the construction of all the necessary temporary fencing and protection hoardings, temporary
drains and desilting pits, safety nettings, screens, etc. for the Works.

All debris constituting a health or fire risk shall be removed. The Contractor shall ensure no overloading of
existing structures by accumulated debris.

The Contractor shall be responsible to take necessary measures to ensure that noise and air pollutions are
orderly controlled to satisfy the full requirements of the relevant Authorities. He shall also ensure that
disturbance due to noise and air pollutions caused by the Works to the neighbourhoods and public are kept
to an absolute minimum. In particular, the Contractor shall ensure that the existing driveway areas are
constantly wet to prevent excessive dust/air pollution during the demolition work.

3. Temporary Coverings and Screens

Provide and remove on completion all temporary coverings and screens wherever needed for security,
noise or dust control, weather protection or other purposes to facilitate the Works.

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