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~ Republic of the Philippines far Department of Education f : B : Negros Island Region (NIR) DIVISION OF BACOLOD CITY SS” Bacolod City February 22, 2017 Division Memorandum No._72_ series 2017 CLARIFICATORY GUIDELINES RELATIVE TO ISSUES AND CONCERNS ON DEPED ORDER # 36, SERIES 2016 ENTITLED “POLICY GUIDELINES ON AWARDS AND RECOGNITION FOR THE K TO 12 BASIC EDUCATION PROGRAM” ; ee Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors Elementary School Principals Secondary School Principals OC's /TIC’s 1. The DepED Division of Bacolod City hereby issues CLARIFICATORY GUIDELINES relative to issues and concerns on DepED Order #36, series 2016 entitled “Policy Guidelines on Awards and Recognition” as follows: a. Effective schoolyear 2016-2017, the Policy GUIDELINES on AWARDS and RECOGNITION for the K to 12 Basic Education Program shall be implemented in public elementary and secondary schools, including Grade 6 classes under the old Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) b. The following divisors shall be used in computing the GENERAL AVERAGE of the Learners based on its particular curriculum: Curriculum Divisor (as to the no. of learning areas) Grade 1-5 Kto12- 8 Grade 6 BEC - 5 c. The General Average is reported as a WHOLE NUMBER following DepED Order No. 8, series 2015, 2. Enclosed is the sample copy of the RUBRICS developed by Mansilingan Agro- Industrial High School for your reference on the granting of Awards and Recognition. 3. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Memo is directed. NTHIA G. DEMAVIVAS, CESO V. ‘Schools Division Superintendent References: D.0 #36, series 2016 DO#IS, series 2016 Name of Nominee: Grade Level & Section: ‘Club/Organization Position: Rating Period: S¥ 2016-2017 MANSILINGAN AGRO-INDUSTRIAL HIGH SCHOOL Department of Education Negros Island Region Division of Bacolod City Mansilingan, Bacolod City LEADERSHIP AWARD Name of Rater: S Position: (J CLUB/ ORGANIZATION ADVISER OPEERS Date of Rating: Weight Per Criteria (%) Rating (Refer to the Criteria for Leadership Award Adviser | Peers | attached RUBRIC). | _ Patinex Weleht Score 1. Motivational Skills (40%) (24%) ~ (16%) — ates effectivel 5% 1% — jative and responsibility 5% 3% — a c. Engages group and/or club mates to participate actively 5% 3% | d. Establishes collaborative relationships 5% 3% — e. Resolves conflicts = 4% 3% : 2. Planning and Organizational Skills (40%) — (24%) | ies for the class, club &/or school, 6% | b. s effectively and efficiently. 6% ¢._ Monitors implementation of plans & task la 6% L d._ Manages and /or uses resources wisely _ 6% = 3. Contribution to the School and/or Community (20%) (12%) - a. Renders service and/or implements activities relevant to the school = =a population and/or. __Over-all Rating == Thereby certify that the Overall Rating of the Ratee reflected herein is a product of careful appraisal of the evidences to support each rating and thorough deliberation between the Ra the Rater. Rater: Signature Over Printed Name Reviewed by: Noted by: Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Department of Education ae Negros Island Region re ee Division of Bacolod City : B g MANSILINGAN AGRO-INDUSTRIAL HIGH SCHOOL ey Mansilingan, Bacolod City ts AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE ‘SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE: Name of Nominee: Name of Rater: Grade Level & Section: Position: O MEMBER, AWARDS COMMITTEE Club/Organization Position: PEERS (if applicable) Rating Period: SY 2016-2017 Date of Rating: Criteria for Awards For Outstanding Performance in Specific Disciplines ana cone Can Rating x Weight Score 1. Academic Rating (20%) | - 7 2. Final grade in the learning area or average if the final grades in subjects oa specifically related to the award ee 2. Skill in the Discipline (40%) eh _2._ Output (oral or written work, projects, etc., if applicable) a 10% b._Membership in a club/ team (if applicable) — - 10% ¢._ Class or school representation 10% | dd. Winnings and awards 10% | [ — | 3. Attitude Toward the Discipline (20%) [ | a. Peer evaluation (if applicable). 10% | b. Commendation from coach/ adviser 10% | I — 3. Contribution tothe Schoo! Related tothe Discipline (20%), | In any of the fol it ‘a. Tutorials/ Coaching b. Performance in school’s various functions and events 20% c. Products d. Projects e. Volunteer work - Over-all Rating - ' hereby certify that the Overall Rating of the Ratee reflected herein is a product of careful appraisal of the evidences to support each rating and thorough deliberation between the Ra’ the Rater. Rater: Reviewed by: Noted by: Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name jature Over Printed Name. Department of Education = Negros Island Region forma fee, Division of Bacolod City ‘4 = B 2 MANSILINGAN AGRO-INDUSTRIAL HIGH SCHOOL ys) oe, Mansilingan, Bacolod City E AWARD FOR CLUB OR ORGANIZATION ACHIEVEMENT Name of Club or Organization: __— Name of Rater: Name of Club or Organization Adviser: Pe MEMBER, AWARDS COMMITTEE Rating Period: SY 2016-2017 Date of Rating: Criteria for Awards For Outstanding Performance in Specific Disciplines Weight Per Criteria | Rating (Refer to the Rating x Weight Score —— - (%) attached RUBRIC) [11 Club/ Organization Performance (50%) — ‘a. Plans and develops club/ organization's objectives, projects, and 10% activities. — ». Implements projects and activities, and delivers services based on the ae club/ organization's objectives and c. Manages and/or uses resources wisel 15% <. Shows teamwork and collaboration among its members. 10% 2. Exemplary Output (30%) - a. Delivers a concrete output related to the objectives and purpose of _the organization and the school. a 3. Contribution to the School or Community (20%) — a. Benefits the members of the club/ organization and the greater 20% majority of the school population and/or community. Over-all Rating I hereby certify that the Overall Rating of the Ratee reflected herein is @ product of careful appraisal of the evidences to support each rating and thorough deliberation between the Ra the Rater. Rater: Reviewed by: Noted by: Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Department of Education ‘Negros Island Region fp Division of Bacolod City MANSILINGAN AGRO-INDUSTRIAL HIGH SCHOOL Mansilingan, Bacolod City SS LEADERSHIP AWARD RUBRICS 1. Motivational Skills (40%) 4 3 2 a ore aes Communicates effectively with others tes effectively with | Communicates with others in | Fails to communicate with effectively. in diverse environments using both iverse environments | adiverse environment, but _| others ina diverse verbal and nonverbal communication fails to communicate | environment effectively with others Helps others attend to differences in | Learning to adjust speech based vernacular | F311, to communicate audience, purpose, and setting, on audience, setting and the irrespective of audience or | Frectively with others including cultural differences, to purpose of communication. purpose, assumes : create opportunities to improve Sometimes checks understanding | understanding when listening. effectiveness of communi tion. by asking questions when ee Consistently demonstrates a high Does not demonstrate a high jative & responsibility and level of level of initiative & applies it to all activities, e.g. Always: &responsi accepts responsibility for his or her to all activities ‘own actions, takes initiative, prepares | for activities, follows rules, meets | deadline. | _ jative and responsibility were Inconsistently evident. Rarely evident. consistently evident. Ss c. Engages group and/or —_| Uses knowledge of self-motivation ly exhibits initiative and | Will sometimes ask questions | Does not engage the group club mates to participate _| and self-regulation skills to motivate _| self-direction in completing _as needed to complete and/or club mates to actively others and lead by example in completing assigned tasks assigned tasks, asking questions as needed , and keeps adviser informed of progress ‘assigned tasks, and begins to self- monitor progress without constant supervision participate actively. Engages group and/or club mates to participate actively were consistently evident. inconsistently evident. Rarely evident. Does not engage the group and/or club mates to participate actively. | d. Establishes collaborative relationships Models behaviors, including ivity to cultural, generational, and personality differences, that Promote collaboration and teamwork. Works well with others and recognizes and builds on different strengths of team members. Can usually manage conflict to achieve an intended result. Works well as a team member when roles and goals are dearly defined. Sometimes able to negotiate conflict to achieve an intended result Does not establish collaborative relationships. Motivates all members to share in contributions equally by valuing all members’ ideas and contributions. Participates and contributes to group's work equally. Values all | members’ ideas and contributions. ‘Attempts to share responsibility of groups’ work, but ends up completing most of the work, without utilizing input of others in group. Does not share or respect others’ ideas. Notices change in the environment that requires adaptation or flexibility and helps others explore ways to adapt or be flexible to better achieve an intended outcome e. Resolves conflicts Usually adapts to changes in the environment without needing to be told, and is flexible in taki different roles and responsi as required ‘Makes an effort to adapt to unfamiliar change in the environment and/or tries to be more flexible with encouragement and when the need is pointed out No evidence of resolution conflicts. Resolves at least 1 conflict and Resolves at least 1 conflict but is Conceptualizes the resolution | No evidence of resolution satisfies the documentation not well-documented, of conflicts and isnot well- | conflicts, requirements. - - documented 2. Planning and Organizational skill 4 3 2 1 a. Plans and designs relevant activities for the class, club &/or school. Plans and designs at least 1 relevant activity for the class, club, &/or school and satisfies the documentation requirements. Plans and designs at least 1 relevant activity for the class, club, &/or schoo! but is not well- documented. activity for the class, club, &/or school but is not well- documented. No evidence of conceptualization the planning and designing of relevant activity for the class, club, &/or school. . Implements activities — Implements at least 1 planned and Implements at least 1 planned and Documents of planning and No evidence of effectively and designed relevant activity for the designed relevant activity for the | designing are present, have _| implementation relevant efficiently. lass, club, &/or school and satisfies _ | class, club, &/or school but isnot | started the implementation _| activities for the class, club, the documentation requirements. _| well-documented. but did not pursue. &/or school. '80%-100% of the planned activities | 60%-79% of planned activities are | 10%-59% of the planned Does not implement plan are effectively and efficiently implemented effectively and activities are implemented activities implemented. efficiently plan activities efficiently and effectively Monitors Prepares 3-4 (1 per quarter of the Prepares 2(1per quarter ofthe | Prepares only 1 monitoring | No monitoring and implementation of | School Year) monitoring reports on _| School Year) monitoring reports | report on the extent of implementation plans and plans & task the extent of implementation of the | on the extent of implementation | implementation of the plans _| task have been observed plans and task. of the plans and task. and task. |. Manages and /or uses resources wisely Prepares 3-4 (1 per quarter of SY) financial reports. Prepares 2 (1 per quarter of SY) financial reports. Prepares only 1 financial report. Does not prepare fina and human resources wisely to ensure complete implementation of the designed plan. ._ Contribution to the School and/or Community (20%) 3 2 1 o Renders service and/or —_| Consistently renders services | Frequently renders services | Occasionally renders services | Does not render services implements activities and/or implements activities | and/or implements activities | and/or implements activities _| and/or implements activities relevant to the school relevant to the school relevant to the school relevant to the schoo! relevant to the school population and/or population and/or population and/or population and/or population and/or community. _ community. community. community. community. Renders 80%-100% identified acti Renders 60%-79.99% identified activities. Renders 59.99% and below identified activities. Does not render services and/or implementing activities relevant to the school population and/or Department of Education Negros Island Region Division of Bacolod City MANSILINGAN AGRO-INDUSTRIAL HIGH SCHOOL, Mansilingan, Bacolod Ci ( ity AWARD FOR CLUB OR ORGANIZATION ACHIEVEMENT 1,_Club/ Organization Performance (50%) RUBRICS SES 4 3 1 a. Plans and develops club/ organization's objectives, projects, and activities. Planned and develop at least 1 club/ organization's objectives, projects and activities; and satisfies the documentation requirements. Planned and develop at least 1 club/ organization's objectives, projects and activities; but is not well- documented. Conceptu: and develo) club/ organization's objectives, projects and activities; but is not well- documented. No evidence of planning and developing at least 1 club/ organization’s objectives, projects and activities. b. Implements projects and activities, and delivers services based on the club/ organization’s objectives and plans. Implemented at least 1 project and activity and delivers services based on the club/organization’s objectives and plans; and satisfies the documentation requirements. Implemented at least 1 project and activity and delivers services based on the club/organization’s objectives and plans; but is not well- documented. Documents of planning and designing were present, had started the implementation but did not pursue, No evidence of lementation relevant activities for the class, club, &/or school. c. Manages and/or uses resources wisely. Prepared 3-4 (1 per quarter of SY) budget plans and financial reports. | Prepared 2 (1 per quarter of SY) budget plans and financial reports. Prepared only 1 budget plan and financial report. Does not manage or use financial and human resources isely to ensure complete implementation of the designed plan. | d. Shows teamwork and collaboration among its members. Team members participate in the task or project to accomplish a common goal and participate in decision- making were consistently evident. Team members participate in the task or project to accomplish a common goal and participate in decision- making were frequently evident. Team members participate in the task or project to ‘accomplish a common goal and participate in decision- making were rarely evident. Does not show teamwork and collaboration. “ 2._Exemplary Output (30%) 4 3 2 1 |. Delivers a concrete output related to the objectives and purpose of the organization and the school, Achieved 100% of its objectives. ‘Achieved 60%-79.99% of its objectives. Achieved 10%-59.99% of its objectives. Below 10% or none of its objectives and purpose was achieved. ._ Contribution to the School or Community (20%) 4 1 |. Benefits the members of the club/ organization and the greater majority of the school population and/or community. 80%-100% of the students were benefited. 60%-79.99% of the students were benefited. 10%-59.99% of the students were benefited. Below 10% or none were benefited. Department of Education = Negros Island Region C ; % Division of Bacolod City ‘ : & MANSILINGAN AGRO-INDUSTRIAL HIGH SCHOOL J) ee Mansilingan, Bacolod City CD AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE ‘SPECIFIC DISCIPLINE: Criteria for awards for outstanding performance in specific lines Students are required to submit portfolio containing certificates or other means of verifications to support the claim. 1. Academic Rating 2.3. Class/school representation 98% - 100% -5 Regional -5 95% - 97% -—4 Division - 4 92% - 94% — 3 District/school - 3 89% - 91% -2 Grade level - 2 86% - 88% - 1 Class/ section - 1 2. Skill in the Discipline: As shown through... 1.1. Winnings & awards 2.1. Output - oral or written works; projects; etc. equivalent grades Regional representative ~5 (if applicable) Division (top 3) - 4 98% - 100% - 5 Division representative - 3 95% - 97% - 4 District (top 3) - 2 92% - 94% - 3 District/ school representative - 1 89% - 91% - 2 Alternative: 86% - 88% - 1 National - 5 2.2. Membership in a club/team (if applicable) Regional - 4 President/ Vice-P -5 Division/City - 3 Secretary/ Treasurer ~4 District/School - 2 Other Office Positions — 3 Grade level - 1 Committee chairman/member - 2 Member - 1 * 2. Attitude toward the Discipline Responsible Motivated Cooperative Dedicated Active 5 —All five indicators 4-any of the four indicators 3—any of the three indicators 2- any of the two indicators 1-only one of the given indicators 3. Contribution to the School Related to the Discipline (In any of the following) Tutorials/Coaching Performance in school’s various functions Products Projects Volunteer Work 5 ~All five indicators 4— any of the four indicators 3—any of the three indicators 2~any of the two indicators 1 only one of the given indicators

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