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APTITUDE TEST Test (1761) 2016

1: (B)
As we know that six bells toll together at intervals of 2,4,6,8,12 and 14 sec. Thus, in order to find out
when they will toll together, we need to find the LCM of (2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 14) sec which is equal to 168 sec.
So the bells toll together after every 168 sec, i.e. 2.8 min.
Number of times the bells toll together in 60 min = (60/2.8)= 21.43
The number of times the bells actually toll together in 60 minutes = 21 + 1 = 22 times (1 is added
because the bells commence tolling together).

Explanations for Questions 2 and 3:

Let us consider the given statements one by one.
Kunal is older than only Harish. Hence, he must be 2nd youngest man and Harish the youngest.
S. No. Height Age
4. Kunal
5. Harish
Now, Sourav is older than Rahul but shorter than him. Anuj is the shortest and younger than only Sourav
and Rahul. Hence, we get:
S. No. Height Age
1. Sourav
2. Rahul
3. Anuj
4. Kunal
5. Anuj Harish
Only one person is taller than Rahul. Also, Harish is shorter in height than Sourav. So, we get:
S. No. Height Age
1. Sourav
2. Rahul Rahul
3. Sourav Anuj
4. Harish Kunal
5. Anuj Harish
Following table shows the position of people in descending order as per their height and age based on
the given statements in the question:

1 Vision IAS

S. No. Height Age
1. Kunal Sourav
2. Rahul Rahul
3. Sourav Anuj
4. Harish Kunal
5. Anuj Harish

2: (B)
It is clear from the above table that Harish is the person who is taller than Anuj only.
Hence, option (b) is correct.

3: (C)
It is clear from the above table that Kunal is the tallest among them all.
Hence, option (c) is correct.

4: (D)
Here, we will count the number of committees based on two possibilities as given below:
(i) Mr. Y is a member
(ii) The ones in which he is not a member
Case (i): As Mr. Y agrees to be in committee only when Mrs. Z is a member, we are left with 5
men(61) and 2 ladies(42) (Mrs. X is not willing to join the committee in which Mr. Y is a member).
Thus, the number of ways in which we can select the last member from 7people =7C1 = 7 ways.
Case (ii): If Mr. Y is not a member then we are left with 9 people(6+41).
Here, the number of ways in which we can select 3 members from 9 people = 9C3= 84 ways.
Thus, total number of ways = 7+84= 91 ways.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

5: (D)
The enemy aircraft can be hit by any one of the four shots aimed at it.
The opposite of this situation is that none of the four shots hits the aircraft.
The probability that none of the four shots hits the aircraft =(1 0.7) (1 0.6) (1 0.5) (1 0.4) = 0.3 x
0.4 x 0.5 x 0.6 = 0.036
So, the probability that at least one of the four shots hits the aircraft= 1 0.036 = 0.964
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

6: (C)
Distance covered by the ball just before it hits the ground for the first time = 96 feet.
In the first round (i.e. going up and returning to earth), the distance covered by the ball = (96 x(2/3)) x 2
In the second round, the distance covered by the ball = 96 X(2/3) X (2/3)X 2
Note: In each round, the ball covers equal distances while going up and coming down to earth.
Hence, the required total distance = 96 + 2 *96 x (2/3) + 96 x (4/9) + 96 x (8/27)+ +
Here, we are adding a geometric progression to 96.
On solving we get,
= 96 + 96 x 2 *(2/3) + (4/9) + (8/27) + .+
= 96 + 192 [(2/3)/(1-2/3)]
= 96 + 192 [(2/3)/ (1/3)]
= 96 + 192 x 2 = 480 ft.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
2 Vision IAS
7: (B)
The passage discusses that Germany sunk U-boat and American merchant ships. This helped turn the
tide of American public opinion steadfastly against Germany and helped the entry of US in War. Thus,
Option (b) is the correct answer.
Option (a) is incorrect because from the passage it is not clear whether German control was expanding
or shrinking at that stage of war. The only thing clear from the passage is that Americans were annoyed
by the sinking of boats and ships by Germany. Option (c) is incorrect because racial similarity between
US and Britain cannot be inferred from the given facts. Option (d) is incorrect because which side was
more unethical during the whole war is not discussed in the passage.

8: (D)
Statement 1 is incorrect because neither the destruction of Germany is mentioned here nor the passage
is justifying the destruction of Germany. Statement 2 is incorrect because loss of life and property is not
discussed in the passage. Statement 3 is also incorrect because possibility of another war cannot be
inferred from the facts provided in the passage.

9: (A)
The passage discusses the commercial side of Easter along with Easters religious significance. Therefore,
Option (a) is the correct answer.
Option (b) and Option (d) are incorrect because different religions are not compared here. Option (c) is
also incorrect because though some food items are mentioned in the passage, their origin is not
discussed here.

10: (A)
The passage discusses how reminder of days such as Columbus Day in the US raises bitter feelings for
indigenous people. This is because he brought them colonization. Thus, Option (a) is the most
appropriate answer.
Option (b) is incorrect because it is not clear from the passage whether the indigenous people have
received justice or not. Option (c) is incorrect because Columbus was just a sailor who discovered lands.
He was not the policy maker. Option (d) is also incorrect because not all historical days raise animosity.
And passage nowhere suggests that historical days dont have utility.

11: (D)
The passage discusses how Subhash Chandra Bose worked under the leadership of Chittaranjan Das. He
was his political guru. Thus, Option (d) is the most logical assumption.
Option (a) is incorrect because differences between Bose and C.R. Das are not shown in the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect because preference of Bose towards C.R. Das over Mahatma Gandhi is not
discussed in the passage. Option (c) is also incorrect because the leftist ideology of Bose is not discussed.

12: (A)
Statement 1 is correct. It is evident that Kyoto Protocol is not a universal agreement from line 2, Passage
says that, unlike Kyoto protocol the Paris Agreement provides a framework for all countries.
Statement 2 cannot be inferred from the passage. Passage suggests taking action against climate change,
nowhere the article mentions about culprits of climate change. Statement 3 also cannot be inferred as
the passage talks about the global average temperature to be reduced and not nation wise temperature.

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13: (B)
The first paragraph says that Indias remittances have declined. Further the second paragraph states,
But the real impact is human. It discusses the impact of oil crisis on employment situation in West
Asian nation and its impact on Indian migrants. Thus, option (b) is the correct answer.
Globalisation is not the topic of the passage. Also, the passage does not discuss migration challenges
related to employment. And, passage does not discuss broad topic of India and West Asia relations. It
sticks to oil prices decline and its impact on Indian migrants. Thus, options (a), (c) and (d) are incorrect.

14: (B)
Explanation: In the second paragraph, the passage directly states that, depressed global commodity
prices is the main reason why consumers still face retail inflation. Thus, option (b) is the correct answer.

15: (C)
Average age of A, B and C = 29 years.
Thus, total age of A, B and C = 29 3 = 87 years(i)
Average age of B and C = 30 years.
Thus, total age of B and C = 30 2 = 60 years..(ii)
Age of A = Total age of A, B and C Total age of B and C = 87 60 = 27 years.
So, Total age of A and his brother = 27 + 33 = 60 years
Average age of A and his brother = 60/2 = 30 years.

16: (D)
It is given that the floor area of the room is 24 sq. m. So, the length and breadth are 6m and 4m
respectively. Only the four side walls need to be painted.
Area of four walls = 2(4m 3m) + 2(6m 3m) = 24 sq.m + 36 sq. m. = 60 sq. m.
Andthe cost of painting per sq. m = Rs. 250
So, total cost of painting 60 sq. m area = 60 250 = Rs. 15,000

17: (B)
Two players are needed for one match. Out of six players, two players are chosen. The number of ways
this selection can be done is the number of matches played in the tournament.
So, Number of matches = 6C2 = (6 5)/2 = 15.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

Explanation for Questions 18 to 19:

Let us analyze the given statements one by one and draw the table accordingly.
Statement 1: B works in the company whose head office is located in S3.

Statement 2: The head office of C4, which belongs to Insurance sector, is located in S2.

Statement 3: The head office of the company that belongs to IT sector is located in S1.
4 Vision IAS
Statement 5: A works in the company that belongs to Telecom sector. Also, it is clear that Head office of
A will be in S4.

Statement 4: D works in C2. It is evident that D works in IT Sector whose head office is in S1.

Now, we can deduce that B works in Banking Sector but either in company C1 or C3. Similarly, A also
works either in company C1 or C3. The final table has been given below:

18: (B)
Clearly, B works in Banking Sector.

19: (B)
Clearly, statement 1 is the only correct statement, i.e. the head office of C2 is located in S1.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

20: (A)
Let the total work be 60 units.
Work done by A in one day = 3 units.
Work done by B in one day = 2 units.
Work done by C in one day = 4 units.
Total work done in one day when all the three work together = 9 units.
Work done by all three in 6 days = 6 9 = 54 units.
So, Remaining work = 60 54 = 6 units.
Now, C has left the job, the remaining work i.e. 6 units must be completed by A and B.
Hence, the number of days required by A and B to complete the remaining work =(6/5)= 1(1/5) days
Hence, option (a) is correct.

21: (C)
Brave boys are successful should be treated as All Brave boys are successful.

5 Vision IAS

From the diagram,
Option (a) is a valid conclusion. This can be seen from that diagram that the successful people group and
brave people group is overlapping.
Option (b) is a valid conclusion. It can be observed that brave and players has some overlapping region.
Option (c) is an invalid conclusion. . It can be seen from the figure that players and successful may not

22: (D)
The statement mentions that India would surpass the population. However, the reason of it is no
mentioned in the statement. Therefore, we cant conclude if this is due to one child policy or communist
regime or due to good social and educational indicator. Option (d) is therefore the correct answer.

23: (D)
Since, some magicians are professionals and some have excellent voice, there can be others who are
neither of them. So, Conclusion I is not valid. But all magicians can be either professionals or have
excellent voice or both. So, conclusion II is also not valid. Thus option (b) is also incorrect.
As both conclusions are not valid, option (d) is correct.

Explanation for questions 24 to 25:

Let us analyze the given statements one by one.
Step 1. It is known that none of the ships reached its destination on the same day, of a week, on which it
had left the port, i.e. day of departure and day of arrival for all five ships is different.
Step 2. B, which left just after D and C, reached its destination on Tuesday. This information gives rise to
two possible cases which can be tabulated as follows:
Case I:
Ship Day of Departure Day of Arrival
B Tuesday

Case II:
Ship Day of Departure Day of Arrival
B Tuesday

6 Vision IAS

Step 3.A, which left on Tuesday, reached its destination on Wednesday.
Case I:
Ship Day of Departure Day of Arrival

A Tuesday Wednesday
B Tuesday

Case II:
Ship Day of Departure Day of Arrival

A Tuesday Wednesday
B Tuesday

Step 4. E, which left the port on Monday, reached its destination on Friday.
Case I:
Ship Day of Departure Day of Arrival
E Monday Friday
A Tuesday Wednesday
B Tuesday

Case II:
Ship Day of Departure Day of Arrival
E Monday Friday
A Tuesday Wednesday
B Tuesday

It is clear from the above tables that D and C arrive either on Monday or Thursday. Also, as we know that
B left just after D and C, therefore B will depart on Friday.
Case I:
Ship Day of Departure Day of Arrival
E Monday Friday
A Tuesday Wednesday
D Monday/Thursday
C Monday/Thursday
B Friday Tuesday

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Case II:
Ship Day of Departure Day of Arrival
E Monday Friday
A Tuesday Wednesday
C Monday/Thursday
D Monday/Thursday
B Friday Tuesday
It is clear that D and C will depart either on Wednesday or Thursday. Hence, we can combine the above
two tables as follows:
Ship Day of Departure Day of Arrival
E Monday Friday
A Tuesday Wednesday
C Wednesday/Thursday Monday/Thursday
D Wednesday/Thursday Monday/Thursday
B Friday Tuesday
Note: As we know that none of the ships reached its destination on the same day, of a week, on which it
had left the port.
24: (D)
C reached its destination either on Thursday or Monday.
Hence, option (d) is correct.

25: (D)
Clearly, B left the port on Friday.
Hence, option (d) is correct.

26: (D)
The passage explains the challenges of the 'Fertilizer industry' and not that of farmers in particular.
Statement 1 is incorrect. The passage does not say that private firms are not investing, rather they are
not showing interest to revive fertilizer plants. Statement 2 is incorrect. Governments have subsidised
urea prices by about 70 per cent as against 30-35 per cent for other nutrients like phosphorus,
potassium and sulphur. Hence, P and K fertilisers are also subsidized. Statement 3 is also incorrect as the
passage is silent on the quality of soil.

27: (C)
Statement (a) and (b) are incorrect because as per paragraph1 they are secondary traits and not primary
traits. Statement (d) is incorrect because it is only an example to explain the concept of secondary traits.
Statement (c) is correct because the author suggests that if the character is marked by duplicity and
insincerity then he cannot be successful. Thus, sincerity and honesty in human character can be
considered as primary traits.

28: (D)
The author does not want the readers to focus on drought rather overuse of water. S/He has also
suggested how growing pulses can help us overcome this challenge. Drought is only an opportunity to
divert attention to misuse of water. Hence options A, B and C are incorrect. D is the correct answer.
29: (B)
It has not been mentioned that MCI has failed in its functions completely. In the last paragraph, the
Author suggests that the MCI has to make reforms to tackle these challenges. Hence statement 1 is
wrong. In the last paragraph, it is mentioned that doctors ask patients to go through diagnostic tests but
we cannot say that all doctors do this or vice versa. Hence statement 3 is also wrong.
Statement 2 can be inferred as pharma companies are offering expensive inducements to doctors.
8 Vision IAS
30: (C)
The passage discusses how colonial powers grudgingly relinquished power and in other parts African
people launched protracted struggles against the recalcitrant colonial regimes. Thus, Option (c) is the
correct answer as colonial powers didnt cooperate.
Option (a) and Option (d) are incorrect because Ghana helped other African nations get independence.
Option (b) is incorrect because the passage mentions how African people launched protracted struggles
against colonial regimes.

31: (D)
Statement 1 is incorrect because passage does not say anything about support or oppose of European
countries towards independence movement in Africa. The passage is in fact discussing colonial countries
and not European countries.
Statement 2 is also incorrect because history before 2nd world war is not discussed in the passage. Ghana
was the first African country south of the Sahara to gain independence. It may not necessarily be the
first African country to do so.

32: (B)
The theme of passage is how Mir Jafar joined hands with British to defeat Nawab of Bengal. That is, how
British won Bengal with the help of treachery. Hence, Option (b) is the correct answer.
Option (a) is incorrect because fighting among Indian states is not discussed in the passage. Option (c) is
incorrect because the consequence of fall of Bengal is not mentioned in the given passage. Option (d) is
also incorrect because the fault was not in Bengali army. They trusted Jafar who misled them.

33: (C)
Option (a) is incorrect. The passage is silent on why the Paris agreement is difficult to implement
worldwide. The paragraph 2 is specific to challenges India is facing. Option (b) is also wrong because the
passage only explains what is required for the mission and not the lacunae it is facing. Further, passage
does not even discuss key features of Paris agreement. Thus, option (d) is also incorrect.
Paragraph 1 answers statement (c). Issue of carbon emissions is problematic because polluting local
flows have a global effect over relatively short periods, and far-flung countries, such as small island
nations, suffer the impact.

34: (D)
Statement 1 is incorrect because carbon emissions have a global effect as mentioned in Paragraph1.
Thus, we can infer that carbon emissions are not problematic for both developed and developing
nations. Statement 2 is also incorrect. India is facing droughts and floods because of extreme weather
events. It is no where mentioned that the climate change is the reason for weather conditions.
Hence (d) is the correct answer.

35: (D)
Virender is 18th from the right end,Gautam is third to the right of Virender. So, Gautam is 15th from the
right end.
Thus, there are 15 boys to the left of Abhishek; 10 boys between Abhishek and Gautam; and 14 boys to
the right of Gautam.

9 Vision IAS

So, the number of boys in the row = ( 15 + 1+ 10+ 1+ 14) = 41
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

36: (C)
The Venn diagram according to the given conditions may be represented as follows:

Per cent of those surveyed who did not own either a bunglow or a small flat = 100 (15+55+20)
= 100 90
= 10%
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

37: (D)
We are supposed to find the mirror image of the question figure. On observing the options we can see
that the figure given under option (d) is the appropriate answer. It has been shown below:

38: (C)
The original folded piece of paper is as follows:

On unfolding one of its layers it will look as shown below:

On unfolding it again, it will look as follows:

10 Vision IAS

39: (B)
We can represent the above situation in venn diagram as follows:

From the diagram

Statement 1 is Invalid Conclusion. Athlete and people who eat burger are mutually exclusive groups.
Statement 2 is Valid Conclusion. The given ALL form of sentence can be converted as SOME form. Or we
can directly see that athlete group is a part of fit peoples group.
Statement 3 is Valid Conclusion. There is an overlap between sportsmen and athletes group.

40: (D)
From the statements given in the passage, it cant be concluded if ghosts exist or not. Thus, Option (d) is
Option (a) is incorrect because It cant be concluded if human become ghost after death. Option (b) is
incorrect. Nothing can be said about where ghosts live. Similarly, Option (c) is also incorrect. The
progress of science cant be deciphered from the given statements.

41: (B)
Star, Hexagon and Pentagon will be adjacent to the Triangle. Hence, options (a) and (d) may be ruled out
at first glance.
Heart will also be adjacent to the triangle once the given figure is folded.
From the available options in the question, we are left only with circle.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

42: (C)
From 1st paragraph, the government adhered to fiscal consolidation in 2013-14. The 4.1 per cent fiscal
deficit target of 2014-15 seems achievable in spite of slow growth of revenues and delayed
disinvestment. To meet this target, the government may have to resort to some expenditure
compression. Thus, both statements are correct.

43: (C)
From 1st paragraph, declining global oil prices, along with the diesel-price deregulation and direct
transfer of domestic LPG subsidies to bank accounts, are expected to help lower the fuel subsidy bill.
Increased revenues are expected through increase in excise duties on petroleum and diesel. Statements
1, 2 and 4 are correct.
Passage is talking about phased decline of subsidies but not removal of subsidies. Thus statement 3 is

11 Vision IAS

44: (D)
Statements 1 and 2 are correct from 1st paragraph. It says, The 73rd and 74th Constitutional
Amendments marked a watershed. put jal, jungle, and jamin (water, forest, and land) under its
Statement 3 is wrong because passage is further explaining in 2nd paragraph the limitations of the act in
terms of discretion of state governments in implementing the act.

45: (C)
From 3rd paragraph, These committees are expected to consolidate the plans prepared by the
panchayats and municipalities in the district and prepare a draft development plan for the district as a
whole. Thus, option (c) is the correct answer.

46: (C)
Statement 1 is incorrect as the passage does not mention sectarian issue to be an obstacle for rescue
operation by India.
Paragraph 1, line 2 mentions only two problems. It says battle is fierce, indicating that statement 3 is
Also, paragraph 2 mentions that Shia Houthi rebels, Al-Qaeda, the Yemen government and also Saudi
Arabia (various stakeholders) are all locked in war and this scenario could be extremely confusing for any
rescue team.. Thus, statement 2 is also correct.

47: (C)
Statement 1 is correct. In para 4 author says, India has taken a deliberate stand not to interfere in the
Yemen conflict. And this practically would mean that in Yemen, India does not have any enemy and this
has in fact also helped in the evacuation mission. Statement 3 is also correct as given in last para, line 1.
The Real-time updates helped rescue teams in taking dynamic decisions.
Para 3, last line says Saudi has placed its troops in strategic pockets in Yemen. And there is no mention
of India negotiating with Yemeni troops. Therefore, statement 2 is incorrect.

48: (D)
The passage says that Indians are not targeted (Para 4, last line). It will not be correct to say that Indians
are not killed. Thus, assertion is incorrect.
Reason is correct. See para 4, line 1.

49: (C)
Statement 1 is correct. Statement 1 is actually the theme of the whole passage. Statement 2 is also
correct as mentioned in second last line of the 1st para. Here author mentions that, Ambedkars often
stated view was that British rule had come as a liberator for the depressed classes.

50: (A)
Option (a) is correct as can be inferred from the 1st line of the 2nd paragraph. From here we can say that
Ambedkar believed in constitutional architecture of social change.
Option (b) is incorrect. It cannot be inferred from the passage. Ambedkar never talks about inequality in
politics facilitated by social and economic inequality. Option (c) is incorrect as views of Ambedkar over
inequality in pre-independent India cannot be inferred from the passage. We may infer social inequality
in pre-independent India, but passage does not suggest any thing about political inequality. Option (d) is
also incorrect as socio-economic structure is the reason behind inequality in social and economic life
and not overall inequality in India.
12 Vision IAS
51: (A)
Let the price of gift pack be Rs. a
Then number of packs bought by Dexter = a+1
Thus, the total cost of (a+1) gift packs = Rs. a(a+1)
If a = 20, Total cost = a(a+1) = 20 21 = 420
But Dexter has only Rs. 400. So, its not possible.
If a =19, Total cost = a(a+1) = 19 20 = 380
So he would be left with Rs 20.
This is the minimum possible amount that might have been left with him after the purchase.

52: (C)
Let Gross income be Rs.X and rate of income tax be r%.
Hence, initial Net income, N1 = X - r% of X(i)
Increased Rate of income tax = r + (20% of r) = 1.2r
New Net income, N2 = X - 1.2r% of X.(ii)
As per the question, new Net Income is 5% less than earlier Net Income.
So, N2 = N1 - 5% of N1 = 0.95 N1
Putting values of N2 and N1 from (i) and (ii) we get,
or X - 1.2r% of X = 0.95(X - r% of X)
or 0.05X = 0.25r% of X
or 0.05X = (0.25r/100)X
or r = 100/5 = 20%

53: (D)
Three years ago: Average age of mother, father, and their daughter = 30 years.
Thus, sum of their ages three years ago = 30 X 3 = 90 years.
Five years ago: Average age of mother and father = 35 years
Thus, sum of their ages five years ago = 35 X 2 = 70 years.
So, sum of the ages of mother and father three years ago = 70 + 4 = 74 years.
Thus, age of the daughter three years ago = sum of the ages of mother, father and daughter three years
ago - sum of the ages of mother and father three years ago = 90 74 = 16 years.
Thus, daughters present age = 16 + 3 = 19 years.

54: (C)
Let the cost price and selling price of one article be c be s respectively.
As the cost price of 15 article is equal to selling price of 20 articles.
So, 15c = 20s
or 3c = 4s
or s/c = 3/4
So the ratio of the selling price to the cost price is 3/4.
Profit/Loss % = [(SP CP)/CP] x 100 = (SP/CP 1) x 100 = (s/c 1) x 100
= (3/4 1) x 100
= (-1/4) x 100
= -25%.
Hence, the merchant suffered a 25% loss.

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55: (B)
The interest rate charged was twice the number of years he took to repay the loan.
Let the number of years Adish took to repay the loan = Y years
So, Interest rate charged = 2Y %
Interest paid = (principal amount interest rate number of years)/100
or 630 = (14000 2Y Y)/100
or Y2 = (630 / 280)
or Y2 = 9/4
or Y = 3/2 = 1.5 years
So, Duration of repayment = 1.5 years and Interest rate charged = 3 %

56: (D)
Lets assume the number of Rs 5, Rs 2 and Rs 1 coins with Ram to be 4x, 3x and x respectively.
Thus total amount with Ram = (5 X 4x) + (2 X 3x) + (x) = 27x
But we already know that total amount with Ram = Rs 1,080
Thus, 27x = 1080
or x = 40
Thus total number of coins = 4x + 3x + x = 8x = 320
Hence correct option is (d).

57: (D)
The given data can be used to obtain length of the faster train only and not the slower one. We could
have found the length of the slower train if the time needed by the faster train to cross the slower train
completely was also given, as that would have given us the sum of the lengths of the two trains.

58: (D)
The team must consist of four boys and two girls. Now, as per statement 5, if E is elected, then A must
be selected. Also, as per statement 3, F must not be selected as A is already selected. Also, as per
statement 4, if R is selected then P must be selected. So, the following picture emerges:
Team Boys Girls
A, E P, R
Now out of three remaining boys, B, C and D, two have to be selected. Since as per statement 1, B and D
have always to be together, so the other two boys apart from E and A must be B and D. Thus, the final
picture that emerges may be depicted as below:

Team Boys Girls

A, B, D, E P, R

59: (D)
At least three girls out of P, Q, R and S must be selected. But as per statement 2, P cannot be selected if S
is selected. So among girls, either P, Q, R or Q, R, S must be selected.
But according to statement 4, P and R have always to be together. So the girls who made it into the team
must be P, Q and R. It means that there must be 3 boys in the team.
Now, as Q refuses to team up with A, A cannot be selected in the team. Also, as per statement 2, C
cannot be selected if Q is selected. So the following picture emerges:

14 Vision IAS

Team Boys Girls
A, C P, Q, R

Thus, the three boys who made it into the team must be among B, D, E and F. Now, as per statement 1,
B and D have always to be together. Thus, B and D must be in the team.
So, one out of E and F must be in the team. As per statement 3, F cannot be selected if A or D is selected.
As D is already in the team F cannot be selected.
As per statement 6, A and E have always to be together. As A is not in the team, E too cannot be selected
in the team.
Thus, such a team is not possible.

60: (B)
Clearly, the team consists of 3 boys and 3 girls. As per statement 2, P cannot be selected if S is selected.
Thus, S cannot be the part of the team. Also, as per statement 4, P and R have always to be together.
Thus, the second girl member of the team must be R. It may be represented as below:
Team Boys Girls
A, D P, R
As per statement 3, F cannot be selected if A or D is selected. Thus, F cannot be the part of the team.
Now as per statement 1, B and D have always to be together and as per statement 5, A and E have
always to be together. Thus, the other two boys to be selected in the team must be B and E. The final
picture that emerges is as follows:

Team Boys Girls

A, B, D, E P, R
Thus, the other members of the team, apart from A, D and P, are B, E and R.
Note: In all the three questions it is rather easier to solve using options directly. We have to observe and
eliminate those options with infeasible combinations as per the given conditions.

61: (D)
As per the question, A is sitting next to B and is to its right as all of them facing the north direction. Also,
A and C are sitting together and C is at the second position from the right. Thus we get:

Now, C is sitting next to D and E is on the leftmost end of the bench. Thus, F must be sitting at the
second position from the left, i.e. between E and B. It may be represented as follows:

62: (B)
Minute hand of a clock coincides with its hour hand every 65(5/11) minutes.
So, time taken for the minute hand to coincide with the hour hand for the eleventh time = 65(5/11) =
720 minutes = 12 hours.

15 Vision IAS

63: (B)
Method I:
Man-days required to complete 1/4th of the work = 16x8 = 128
So, Man-days required to complete1/2 of the work = 128x 2 = 256
Hence, the number of days required by 8 men to complete half of the work = 256/8 = 32days
Method II:
Let the total work be 1 unit.
Efficiency of a man, i.e. part of work completed by one man in one day = (1/4)x[1/(16x8)] = 1/(4 16 x 8)
Now, part of work completed by 8 men in one day = 8 1/(4 16 x 8) = 1/(4 16)
So, the time required to complete half of the work by 8 men= Amount of work/Part of work completed
by 8 men in one day = 0.5/[1/(4x16)] = 32 days

64: (C)
Statement 1 is correct as the passage directly says that as the law stands, defamation is both a civil
wrong and a criminal offence. Statement 2 is also correct according to the passage.

65: (C)
Statement 1 is correct and can be inferred from para 1 as third last line says As the law stands,
defamation is both a civil wrong and a criminal offence.
Statement 2 is also correct. As para 2, mentions the government has sought a report, and joint
consultation paper published by the LCI acknowledges that criminal defamation laws violated
international norms.

66: (C)
Though the passage starts by mentioning TRAIs decision to consult the public over net neutrality, the
passage goes on to focus on net neutrality with regards to telecom companies and how these telcos are
affected by net neutrality. Therefore, option (c) is correct.

67: (D)
Option (a) can be derived from line 1 of the passage. It says that, TRAI has now asked public suggestions
regarding regulation of Apps such as Skype and Facebook. Option (b) can be inferred, from, telecom
companies cant bear the fact that numerous applications ride on their networks for free, Option (c) can
also be inferred from 4th last line. Here author gives example of Skype and WhatsApp that compete
head on.
Option (d) however cannot be derived from the passage. 2nd last line suggests that telecom companies
benefit from apps. Author says more app usage means more data consumed and more money inflow to

68: (A)
Statement 1 is correct. It can be inferred from the first 2 lines of the passage. The aim of government
behind NAQI is to provide real time data on air quality in some of Indias bigger cities.
Statement 2 however is wrong. Line 2 says that the standards set for pollutants fall short of World
Health Organization recommendations. Thus, NAQI does not follow the standards set by World Health

69: (B)
While Statement 1 is correct per se, it is incorrect to say that this refers to the business-as-usual
16 Vision IAS
From 3rd last line, it can be inferred that the business as usual approach refers to the lax regulations and
neglect of pollution by government. Thus, statement 2 is correct.

70: (B)
Option (a) is incorrect. The first half of the statement is correct that Great Indian Bustard is seen as an
indicator of the health of grasslands. But second part of the statement is incorrect as the author has
tried to negate the idea of grassland as wasteland. For the same reason, option (d) is also incorrect.
Option (b) is correct. The very first line says, the presence of the Great Indian Bustard is an indicator of
the health of the ecosystem of the grasslands.
Option (c) is also incorrect as the passage mentions only Great Indian Bustard as the indicator species,
and not the local livestock.

71: (A)
Statement 1 is incorrect as it will be wrong to infer that it was considered more important to protect
the bird, rather than tiger. Similarly, it cannot be inferred that livestock as they will have more grass to
graze upon. So, statement 2 is also incorrect.
Statement 3 is however, correct from the last line of the passage. Here author says that the locals should
be encouraged to save grasslands to attract tourists.

72: (A)
Number of female students at undergraduate level = 194
Total number of students at undergraduate level = 433
So, percentage of female students at undergraduate level = 194/433 = 44.8%
Number of female students at postgraduate level = 105
Total number of students at postgraduate level = 207
So, percentage of female students at postgraduate level = 105/207 = 50%
Required difference = 50 44.8 = 5.2%, i.e. option (a) approximately.

73: (C)
Percentage share of male students in Section 1 = (45/73) 100 = 61.6%
Percentage share of male students in Section 2 = (38/73) 100 = 52%
Percentage share of male students in Section 3 = (48/99) 100 = 48.5%
Percentage share of male students in Section 4 = (56/97) 100 = 57.7%
Clearly, all the sections except section 3 have more than 50% male students. In fact it could be observed
just by comparing the number of male and female students in various sections at undergraduate level.
There is no need to calculate the above percentages.

74: (C)
For such questions, one may first try to find out the faces which will be opposite to each other in the
resultant cube formed. We may observe that in the resultant cube:
1 will be opposite to 4
3 will be opposite to 5
2 will be opposite to 6
On the basis of above observations, it can be concluded that faces having 2 and 6 cant be adjacent to
each other. Hence, the cube given under option (c) is not possible.

75: (D)
City A is 10 km to the east of city C(i)
17 Vision IAS
City D is 5 km to the west of city B(ii)

City A is 8 km to the north of city D.(iii)

Combining all the above three statements,we get whole picture as shown below:

We can see that the shortest distance between B and C will be a straight line joining the two points, as
denoted by a dotted line in the figure depicted above.
Now, the horizontal distance between C and B = CA + DB = 10 + 5 = 15 km, and the vertical distance
between the two = AD = 8 km.
Thus, using Pythagoras theorem we get:
CB = (82 + 152) = (64 + 225) = 289 = 17 km

76: (C)
Here it is given that relation is between 3 numbers of a row and not that of columns. It can be seen that
the third number in any row is 4 times the sum of the first two numbers.
1st row: 4 (2 + 7) = 4 9 = 36
2nd row: 4 (3 + 8) = 4 11 = 44
So, X = 4 (4 + 10) = 4 14 = 56

77: (C)
Option (a) is incorrect as the sentence does not say that a free press and active political opposition are
essential but just that they are best early-warning system for a country threatened by famines. Option
(b) is incorrect as it is also not the meaning of the sentence. It may be one of its consequences.
Option (c) is correct as it essentially captures the idea of the sentence. A free press and active political
opposition constitute the best early-warning system as they help the government realize the need to
prepare against a possible famine. Government might be ignoring or unwilling to accept the on setting of
a possible famine in the future.
Option (d) is also incorrect as free press and active political opposition does not actually predict famine
but only pushes government to prepare for fighting it. Science is perhaps better equipped to predict a

78: (C)
Option (a) and (b) are incorrect as we do not know whether the fire station was overstaffed or
understaffed three years before. Also the data given is in percentage. So unless we know the absolute
figures, we do not know when there will be shortage of manpower.
But we do know that if this rate will remain constant, then definitely there will be shortage of manpower
in the future. Thus option (c) is correct.

18 Vision IAS

79: (C)
Option (a) is incorrect as we only know that Mrs. Gupta likes classical music. We do not know whether
Mr. Gupta like classical music or not. Option (b) is incorrect as playing table tennis and going for walk
does not mean that Mr. Gupta likes to do outdoor activities. He may like only these two activities.
Option (c) is correct as the Mrs. Gupta spends many hours working in her vegetable garden on
weekends. Thus it is reasonable to assume that Mrs. Gupta likes gardening. Furthermore, the usage of
also in last line implies her liking the previous activity too. Thus, (c) is most appropriate option.
Option (d) is again outside the scope of the information given. We do not know what Mrs. Gupta does
with the vegetables.

80: (B)
The statement says Chetan Bhagats book cannot be considered fiction because it provides advices that
can be applied in real world. So the assumption in the sentence is that if a book provides advice that can
be applied in real world, then it cannot be considered as fiction. Thus, option (b) is correct.
Option (a) is clearly incorrect as the statement clearly says that though Chetan Bhagats book is based on
made-up events, it is not fiction. Option (c) is incorrect as the sentence contradicts the information given
in the statement. Option (d) is also incorrect as the line Though quite entertaining and based on made-
up events, a new book published by Chetan Bhagat is not a fiction suggests that fiction books are

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