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TURKISH BASIC COURSE Units 31 - 50 This work wos compiled and pub: lished with the support of the Office of Education, Department of Health, Education ond Welfare, United States of America, SELMAN AGRALI ORGANIZATION AND NOTES BY LLOYD B SWIFT FOREIGN SERVICE INSTITUTE WASHINGTON, D.C. 1968 OD EPARTM EN T O F STATE TURKISH FOREIGN SERVICE INSTITUTE BASIC COURSE SERIES Ecited by AUGUSTUS A. KOSKI For saleby the Superintendent of Doeaments, U.8. Government Printing Often | Washingten, D.C. 2002” Price 6.25, BASIC COURSE PREFACE Unite 31-50, is the second of a projected three-volume series being produced ly the Foreign Service Institute, It presents the principal grammatical patterns of Turkish not covered in the first volume, with a vocabulary expanded by some 2,000 items This is essentially a new text, although it occasionally draws on earlier draft versions of FSI Turkish materials, Basic dialogues and structure drills, familiar in form from the first volume, are supe plemented with exercises which are designed to lead the student into freer conversation. Narrative passages serve as an introduction to the style of uritten Turkish and entich the vocabulary control of Uke course. An effort has been made to keep current with rapidly changing language usage in Turkey. The glossary, about 2,500 items, is cumulative forthe firet and second volumes. Certain conven- tions common to good dictionaries have been adopted to help studente progress toward intelligent use of ich works. The composition ofall the Turkish part of the text has been the work of Selman N. A@rals, Turkish instructor. Lloyd B, Suift, Assistant Dean of the School of Language Studies, has overseen the organiz~ ‘ation and provided the grammar notes. Mrs. Bert Fletcher atsisted with some of the earlier units and Mrs. Usma Afrals, although not an FSI staff member, was of great assistance to her husband, particularly in checking current usages. The typescript was prepared by Mre. Ima C. Ponce. The tapes to accompany ‘is text were recorded in the FSI studios, The Foreign Service Institute gratefully acknowledges support from the U.S. Office of Education hich helped defray the cost of preparing and publishing this volume. fehool of Language Studies Foreign Service In Deparment of State aut usr? 31 31.0 Bh 31.2 31.3 324 31.5 31.6 31.7 31.8 31.9 31.10 3. 31.12 ur 32 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 32.4 32.5 32.6 32.7 UNIT 33 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 33.5 33.6 33.7 33.8 33.9 33.10 33.11 33,12 TABLE OF CONTENTS DIALOG: 'Relative: . Questions on the Dialog and Related Questions ........45 Vocabulary Drills .....sseeee variation Drills on Basic Sentences of the Dialog --....+.++ Narrative . Note: The Ordinal Numerals in Turkish: suffix {-(1)nei}.... Note: attributive use of the Verbal Nouns with suffixes... {-()aesi], {Haik} and {=(y)én} ee... Granmar Drills on Verbal Nouns as attributives Note: {-dar} as Expression of Time .., Granmar Drills on {-dir} in Expressions of Time . Note: Months of the Year., Drill on Months so... ....s Directed Conversation Exercise DIALOG: 'At the Istanbul custom Questions on the Dialog and Related Questions . Vocabulary Drills ........seeseseeeers variation Drills on Basic Sentences from the Dialog . Narrative Note: ‘Passive! and 'Reflexive' Verbal Extensions . Grammar Drills on Passive and Reflexive Verbal Extensions Directed Conversation Exercise ..... DIALOG: ‘at the Park Hotel." ......., ” Questions on the Dialog and Related Questions ....... Vocabulary Drills variation Drills Narrative ......ceeeeeeeee eee Note: {-ki} 'the one which' or ‘the one who! . Grammar Drills on {-ki] ‘the one which’... Note: {-ki] ‘that, ‘as that, ‘so! ..... Grammar Drills on {-ki} ‘that’, ‘as that! Note: /diye/ quotations , Grammar Drills on /diye/ ' saying’ Note: other uses of /diyé/.. Grammar Drills on other uses of /diyé/ ... 387 389 390 393 395 396 396 398 400 400 403 403 Hou 405 yor 408 410 410 aan aa wr hee oy 425 haz hag tag 430 432 433 434 435 435 436 33.13 33.14 33.15 unit 36 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 Note: /ném... hém (de).../ "both... and? Grammar Drills on /ném... hém de/ ..,, Directed Conversation Exercise ....... DIALOG: "Weather! ........ccseeeeseeee es Questions on the Dialog and Related Questions ... Vocabulary Drills ..........ee008 Variation Drills on Basic Sentences Narrative , cetacean Note: The verbal noun with suffix toma Indirect Quotation .. Granmar Drills on the verbal noun with suffix {-mé} with . specific direct object sutfix {-(y)i] -- Gramar Drills on the verbal noun with suffix {-mé} with... goal relational suffix {-(y)&}: s-..sersee Granmar Drill on verbal noun with, suffix {-mé} with 1.2... Source-route relational suffix {-dén}? » asap oy inca ee heakal acum sense {-mé} plus y)la} ee. : Ded eee eee Directed Conversation Exercise DIALOG: 'En Route to Taksim Square.’ .......s0e0005 Questions on the Dialog and Related Questions Vocabulary Drills Variation Exercise Narrative Note: gére ‘according to’ ..... Grammar Drill on gire . Note: verb stem plus suffix {-(y)i} plus vermek Granmar Drills on {-(y)i} plus vermek .......00+ Note: Subordinate Predicate forms with {-aik} + {-aén} /sénra/, {-mi} + {-dan} + /evvel/, and {-m4} + Jaan} Grammar Drills {-d%k} + {aén} + /s6nra/ + {-mi} + {-aén} + jal a Directed Conversation Exercise |. DIALOG: 'On the Street.’ ...... Questions on the Dialog and Related Questions Vocabulary Drills ......cseeees eee eee variation Exercises Narrative ...... Not {-(6,2)r} + { miz} ‘as soon as! 437 437 438 439 AbD ate 43 4a aus 4u6 uur aus aug aug 450 452 453, 4ss 456 4ST 4ST 458 458 4s9 459 460 461 467 468 4TO 470 ara are uq2 36.6 36.7 36.8 36.9 UNIT 37 37.0 37... 31.2 37.3 BT. 37.5 37.6 37.7 37.8 37.9 37.20 37.12 37.13 37.14 unit 38 38.0 38.2 38.2 38.3 38.4 38.5 38.6 38.7 unr? 39 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 39.5 39.6 39.7 39.8 Grammar Drills: {-(4,1)r}+ {-m4z} ‘as soon as' Note: {-(y)arék} 'as (‘being’), by’ 2... Variation Drills on Basic Sentences of the Dialog . Directed Conversation Exercise DIALOG: ‘at the Post Office Window’ 11..........eseeeeeeee ‘Questions on the Dialog and Related Questions Vocabulary Drills , Narrative .. Note: Days of the Week . Grammar Drills .. Note: The subordinate, modifying predicate with .......... suffix {-(y)inca } Grammar Drills on the Subordinate Predicate with .......... suffix {=(y)inca} s.eeeeseeeeeee Note: {-(y)inca} + {-y4} + /kad&r/ ‘untill. ........e eee Grammar Drills on {-(y)inca} +{(y)4}+ /kadéx/ note: {-dtk} + {-ca} ‘gradually, ‘steadily’, Grammar Drills on {-dfk}+ {-ca} ... Jaitikge/ ‘gradually’ Jordskga/ ‘rather! ..... Directed Conversation Exercise .. regularly’ .. DIALOG: ‘Airplane Trip! Questions on the Dialog and Related Questions .. Vocabulary Drills ......ssseeee sees variation Drills Narrative .. Grammar Note: /né... né de,,./ ‘neither... nor’ ......, Grammar Drills on /né... né de.../ Directed Conversation Exercixe .. DIALOG: ‘Home Management’ ..,.,.... Questions on the Dialog and Related Questions Vocabulary Drills ...-... arent ive ee eee eee eee Note: Review of interrogative {m} . Grammar Drill on interrogative {mJ} . Note: Review of {-mig} and {-(y)mg}- Review prills: {-mtg} and {-(y)mg} . Directed Conversation Exercise vi ure ar 47s 476 486 487 488 489 490 400 gor 493 you 496 ag 498 499 500 50L 503 504 505 505 506 508 510 unrt 40 ‘40.0 DIALOG: ‘Banquet’ ... baeeeees seeeee SLL 40,1 Questions on the Dialog and Related Questions , +513 4O.2 Vocabulary Drills .....e.seeeeeeeeeee beens oe SLY 40.3 Variation Drills on Basic Sentences of the Dialog . 516 40.4 Narrative 517 4O.5 Review Drills .....seeeeeeee 518 40.6 Review prills: Question words 523 40.7 Directed Conversation Exercise + 5 usrr ta 4,0 DIALOG: ‘House Hunting’ ........ peony a 526 41,1 Questions on the Dialog and Related questions . 59 4.2 Vocabulary Drills .......ssseeeeee 5 530 41.3 Variation Drills on Basic Sentences of the Dialog . 53° 41.4 Narrative Pee eeeeee eee 533 41.5 Note: /y&... yé da/ ‘either... or. 534 41.6 Grammar Drill on /y8...y6 @8/ oo... eee 534 41.7 Note: Coordinating devices ..........45 536 41.8 Grammar prili {-(4, f)}... +{(4,1)r} + personal endings . 536 41.9 Note: {-(£)g} verbal extension 537 42,10 Grammar Drill on {-(f)g} .........6 538 41,11 Note: {-(y)4g} verbal Noun Formative .. 538 41,22 Granmar Drill on {-(y)ig} .. 539 41,13 Directed Conversation Exercise 539 ur 42 42,0 DIALOG: ‘In the Restaurant! 0.0... eceeeee ee sho 42,1 Questions on the Dialog and Related questions .. 54s 42.2 Variation Drills on Basic Sentences of the Dialog . . Bas 42,3. Narrative seeeeeee ae eccee tert enn T 42.4 mote: /kendi/ ............ 548 42.5 Grammar Drill on /kendi/ .. : 548 42.6 Note: The suffix {-séna} and {-saniza} .... 589 42,7 Grammar Drills {-s4na} and {-saniza} 549 42.8 Note: {-(g)&r} added to numerals... ‘each’ 550 42.9 Grammar prill on {-(g)4r} . 61 42,10 Note: Percentage, fractions . bee eeeeee 55° 4.11 Grammar Drills on /kesir/, /nispet/ ......0sce005 55° 42,12 Note: Comparisons 553 42,13 Review Drill on Comparisons, /daha/ . 553 42.14 Directed Conversation Exercise ., 55s vid UNIT 43 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 43.5 43.6 43.7 43.8 43.9 ver 4 uo aa 2 4.3 ra ws 44.6 44.7 44.8 44.9 wurt 45 45.0 45.2 45.2 45.3 45.4 45.5 45.6 45.7 45.8 45.9 45,10 45.11 45,12 45,13 45.14 DIALOG Questions on the Dialog and Related Questions . Vocabulary Drills . 5 variation Drills on Basic Sentences of the Dialog .. Narrative ....ssseeseees Note: Granvar pritis on {-atr}+ {-at} .. Note: ‘preparation’ . {nate} verbal extension: cat Transitive and Intransitive verbs-Causatives and Transitive verb formation Grammar Drill on {-(4, 1)r} + causat: Directed Conversation Exercise .. DIALOG: Questions on the Dialog and Related Questions Vocabulary Drills ..... Variation Drills on Basic Sentences of the Dialog .. Narrative . Note: "at the Repair shop! ...... verb + {-(y)ip} + same verb in the negative . verbal noun form,..' ‘whether Grammar Drills on ‘whether or not! Note: Grammar Drills on Measures and Numbers ....., Directed Conversation Exercise DIALOG: Questions on the Dialog and Related Questions ... Variation Drills on Basic Sentences of the Dialog . Warrative ..ceceecesecesceeeerecees Note: Grammar Drills on {~(s)4} after nouns and adjectives Note: /husés/ ‘particular’, ‘mattert Grammar Drill on /nusus/ ......+++++ Note: /taktirdé/ 'in that case’ .. Measures and Numbers in Turki: "at the american Consulate’ /oagkast/ ‘another! , ' someon: usatives . ive suffixes ‘or not! sh e else! Grammar Drills on {-dik}+ personal endings + /taktirdé/ .. Note: /taxafindin/ ‘by! (agent) Grammar Drill on /tarafindén/ "by Note: {atk} + possessed suffixes + {- (sh + faair/..... ‘concerning’... ‘relative to', ‘regarding’, Grammar Drill {-dix} + possessed suffixes + {~(y)& Note: {-maxité} + personal suffixes vill be jeaiz/. 556 561 561 563 564 565 566 567 570 571 572 +576 ST 578 578 579 580 581 58> 583 593 594 594 594 595 45,15 45,16 45,17 45,18 45,19 45,20 us.22 UNIT 46 46.0 46.1. 46.2 46.3 46.4 46.5 46.6 46.7 46.8 46.9 46.10 46,11 46,12 46,13 46.14 46.15 46.16 46,17 46,18 46,19 46,20 46,21 46,22 Grammar Drills on {-miketé} oo... Note: Colors: The Ultimate Degree of a Quality . Grammar Drills on Colors; the ultimate degree of a quality... Note: /nérede/ + /kaldt/ + /ki/ veya /ealat/ + ps} a "Let alone!’ .....ssseueeeeee Grammar Drill on /nérede/ + /kalat/ + /ki/ Review Drill: Causatives ..... peers Directed Conversation Exercise ......+- DIALOG: 'At the Doctor's office! Questions on the Dialog and Related Questions Vocabulary Drills . at variation Drills on Basic Sentences of the Dialog - Narrative note: {-14g} . Grammar Drill on {-lag} . Note: /bir/ ‘same’ Grammar Drill on /bir/ ‘same’ oo... ss ese Note: {-si}+ {da} ‘although’, ‘even ist 600 Grammar Drill on {-sa} + [da] ‘although’, ‘even if! ........5 Note: /gergi/” ‘true’ . BREE Ree eects Pe Grammar Drill on /gergi/ ‘true! ..ecceceeeeesseees eee eene note: {-(y)4} + Aaep/, ‘opposite’, ‘against’ ‘in the. pretence.» o ‘before...’ , "exchange! ‘response y)a} + /kargi/ Note: An idiomatic use of /olmak/ ...ssseeeee Note: /Uzere/ 'on the point of... ing', ‘about to. ‘in order to...' Boeeeee neat Grammar Drills on Grammar Drills on {mak} + /Uzere/ + personal endings .... Note: /ya/ ‘you know..." ...5 Grammar Drill on /ya/ ‘you know' ...... Note: {(y)4} ‘instead of. Grammar Drill on {-(y)&} ‘instead of Note: /gerek/ 'necessary', /gerekmek/ 'to be necessary" Yelsa gerek/ ‘likely, very probable’ .... /gerek... gerek/ both... and"... Grammar Drills on /olsa gerek/, /olmasa gerek/, /serek/ sees ‘probably, very likely’. /gerekmek) ‘to be necessary"... Note: Reduplication Grammar Drills on Complete Reduplication ..... Noun Stem Formatives ... Directed Conversation Exercise 595 596 597 597 597 598 599 600 605 605 606 607 608 608 608 608 608 609 609 609 610 610 61 eu 61 1 612 61> 613 ea 615 617 unrT 47 47.0 Yq 47.2 47.3 aq 47.5 47.6 “nT 47.8 47.9 47.10 wy. 47.12 47.13 wT. 47.15 47.16 47 47.18 471g UNIT 48 48.0 48.2 48.2 48.3 484 48.5 48.6 48.7 48.8 48.9 48.10 48.1 48,12 48,13 48.14 48,15 DIALOG Questions on the Dialog and Related questions "Education! .....seseee Variation Drills on Basic Sentences of the Dialog « Narrative aoe Note: /zarfindé/ ‘during’, Literally ‘within the ........ ‘enclosure (period) of" . srammar a) /zarfindé, ‘during’: . Grammar DELIA (eSpaounas/ “during Note: Statement of Dates ......++ Grammar Drill on Statement of Dates Note: Participle + /gibi/ + (‘imek' or 'olmék' personal endings...' ‘Seem as if..." . Grammar Drill on participle + /gibi/ (+ olmak) Note: Subordinate Predicate with suffix {-(y)ali} Cf") onoodaeagooon Grammar Drill on {~(y)alf} ‘since .......6 Note: /t3/ ‘way', /ta/ ‘exactly! . Grammar Drill on /t8/ "way! .....eeeeeeeeeessssssseeeeeees Note: various uses of the interrogative {mi} .....+- Granmar priti on fm} vseeseee Note: The verbal noun with {-mé} ‘how to! ... Grammar Drill on {mi} thow tol... Review Drills on {-(y)écaéx} + {-(y)&} ‘instead of...! Directed Conversation Exercise ....... ‘Blections! DIALOG Questions on the Dialog and Related Questions .. Variation Drills on Basic Sentences of the Dialog Narrative ..... Note: /dofiru/ and /karga/ ‘toward’ Grammar Drill on /dofru/ ‘toward’ . meee Aa eelne/) Pea ybedny/ 16 tele ety Case! Granmar Drills on /tzerine/tupon' .., Note: /1821m gelmek/ and /1821m olnak/ ‘be necessary’ .. Grammar Drill on /1&zim gelmek/, /1&zim olmak/ ...... Note: /hémen/ | 'Immediately', 'at once’; /hemén hemen/.... ‘almost’, ‘nearly’ ...., Note: {-dir} following personal suffixes . Grammar Drills on {-dir} + personal suffixes ........+005 Note: verb base + {-(y)&} + /durmak/ 'to continue, Grammar Drills on verb base + {-(y)&}+ /durmak/.... Note: The participle with {~(y)a} + personal suffixes + /aiye/ tin order that! .....cceeeeeeeeeeeeenee 618 622 623 6al 626 626 a7 627 628 629 629 630 630 631 631 631 632 632 633 633 634 - oun - 642 = 643 » lds eu ory + 645 64s 645 646 646 eur eur 648 48,16 48.17 48,18 48,19 48,20 48,21 48.22 unr? 49 49.0 4g. 49.2 49.3 49.4 49.5 49.6 49.7 49.8 49.9 49.10 4g... 49,12 UNIT 50 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 50.4 50.5 GLOSSARY Grammar Drill on the participle with {-(y)4}4 personal ... suffixes + /diye/ 'in order that! : Note: /diye/ ‘thinking that' or ‘since’ ......, Grammar Drill on /diye/ ‘thinking that, * Note: Review of direct and indirect quotation and the . uses of /diye/ and /séylenek/ ...... peeeee 650 Grammar Drills on indirect questions with /diye/ ' "whether" See eee ete ee ete emEGn I} Review Drills on {-mfg} as attribute and {-mig}+ /olmak/,. 651 Directed Conversation Exercise ..... 652 DIALOG: ‘agriculture’ . See eenee eer 653 Questions on the Dialog and Related Questions 657 Vocabulary Drills ........cceeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeues sees 658 variation Drills on Basic Sentences of the Dialog . 659 Marcative nent tre ertnete stat eer eeereretcetie 660 Note: ‘The verbal noun with {-aix} as attribute ...., 661 Review Drills on {-s4} and {-(y)sa} 662 Review Drill on {-sa} + {-(y)aa} . pee 665 Review Drill on {sé} + {-(y)mg} . — 665 jote: view of {-s4 si ‘e In 6 sees neve 08] Pa aa) fee en a ag ++ 667 ++ 668 Review Drills ...... Note: Review of Subordinate Predications Directed Conversation Exercise ............ 6r4 DIALOG: "Economy of Turkey! oeen 675 Questions on the Dialog and Related Questions 679 variation Drills on Basic Sentences of the Dialog . 680 Narrative . Pe Peer eeeer peeent eset a Cos] Directed Conversation Exercise .........cecsseseeseseeeses 683 tables iets teste cnet reset eee eens hereto tea Oo! eee 685 xi BASIC COURSE UNIT 31 31.0 DIALOG: Akrabalar ~Bob- Girebilir miyim? ~oktay- Tabi, buyurun, Hog geldin. ~Bob- tayin tayin olmak (a)! oxtay, sana bir heberim var. dUrkiye'ye tayin oldum, ~oktay- gergek / hakikat, -ti2°3 getgexten / hakikaten Sahi mi? Hakikaten gok memnun oldun, Dene! ~Bob- Ben de zaten din 8grendim, Istanbul'a gidiyormugum, ~oktay- Bob, baban Istanbulluydu, degil mi? ~Bob- vatandag biytikbaba 4mca hala hepsi, ~ni dogmak (a, dan) Evet, ama gimdi Amerikan vatandagi. BuyUkbabam, amcalarim ve halam hepsi Istanbul'da dotmuglar. UNIT 32, Relative May I come in? Certainly, come in please, Welcome, appointment to be assigned oktay, I have news for you, I have been assigned to Turkey, truth really, truly Don't tell m (' [you] don't Really? I'm really very pl I only learned it yesterday. 1 understand I'm going to Istanbul, Bob, your father was from Istanbul; wasn't he? citizen, fellow contryman grandfather paternal uncle paternal aunt all of them to be born, to ris Yes, but he's now an american citizen. My grandfather, my uncles and my aunt on my’father!s side, all of them were born in Istanbul. lin future, all new verbs will be listed with a Parenthethic indication of the relational suffix(es) suitable on associated noun complements. tn future, in listing words for the first time in these materials, the conventions normally followed by the Tirkce S8z1Uk and other good’ dic- tionaries will be used word, 14) many others ending in In this case the listing indicates that thie at, takes the /i/ instead of the /1/ form’of suffixes conmencing with the harmonic vowel {1}. 3synonyms, usually one of Turkish and one of foreign origin, are listed separated by a slant line, 387 unit 32 TURKISH ~oktay= gaya maternal uncle téyze maternal aunt #ilan and go forth Ya annen nereli? Dayan, teyzen And where is your nother from? Don't you have uncles, aunts filan yok mu? and so on on your mother's side? ~Bob- kuzen cousin (male) xuzin cousin (female) ig work, business, job igin tuhafa the funny thing about the ‘business xasim, -sm? Annem burali, Dayim yok, ana teyzen, wuzenim ve kuzinlerim var, tgin tuhafa bir kism. buraaa bir kiemt 4a Istanbul! aa, -oktay- akraba Ne mutlu sana, akrabalarini da gbrebileceksin, “Bob yiaya1 / asir, -era? ata / cet, -adi? tepénya 985 gdqmen olarak Xvinc1 ylzyilda atalarim tspanya' dan gdqmen olarak Istanbul'a gelmigier. -oktay- emin hakkanda part, portion My mother is from here. I don't have any uncles on my mother’s side; ‘but I have an aunt, a male cousin and girl cousins Funny thing about it, some of them are here and some in retanbu) relative How lucky for you, you'll be able to see your relatives too! century ancestor spain migration, change of abode emigrant, immigrant as (‘being’) My ancestors cane from spain to Istanbul as immigrants in the 16th century. sure, certain about, concerning lin this case the conventional listing shows that these words have irregular bases preceding suffixe of how the base change: the 3rd peraon possi singular po: He: jed form ceddi 388 commencing with the harmonic vowel (2h . Listed with 3rd person singular posse: ni for example, the words kisim and asir have ed forme’ kigma and agri, and cet the 3rd person ‘They are ad suffix, following &n indication BASIC COURSE UNIT 32 bilgi / malumat, -ti knowledge, information Eminim ki Tirkiye hakkinda biraz I'm sure you have some knowledge biigin vardar. about Turkey [then]. ~Bob- quphe doubt: dogu / gark, -ki east ona ne gliphe? Tirkiye'nin No doubt, Who wouldn't know that orta-Dogu'da oldugunu kim bilmez? ‘Turkey is in the Middle East? ~oktay- Bilmeyen bilmez, Yolculuk ne Not everybody does. When's the a trip? -Bob- mart, -t2 March ugak airplane tayin etmek (1, a) to assign pazar Sunday, bazaar, farmer's market 27 mart pazar glint ugakla gidiyorum, I'm going by plane on Sunday March Beni Istanbul'a tayin ettikleri 27th, I'm very glad that they assigned me to Istanbul. igin gok memnunum, Blt uestions on the Dialog and Related questions: New Words: bq etmek (a) to migrate, emigrate, inmigrate kuzey / gimal, -li north gtiney / cenup south nakikt real 1, Bob nereye tayin olmug? 2. Oktay'a neyi haber vermig? 3. Kim Bob's tayin etmig? 4, Bob kinmig? 5. Konsoloslukta m, elgilikte mi alagacakmag? 6. Bob'an akrabalar, biytkbabasa, blytkannesi, amcalari ve halasi nereliymigler? 7. Annesi nerede dogmug? 8. Bob'an amcalari nerede oturuyorlarmg? 9. Atalari nereden gelmigier? 10, Kimler gb¢ etmig? 11. Ne zaman ve nasil gtq etmigier? 389 vait 32 qe, 13. 14, 15. 16. 1. 18, 19. 20, TURKISH Bob!in TUrkiye hakkanda bilgiei var m? Bob neyle ve ne zaman TUrkiye'ye gidiyormug? Istanbul Turkiye’ nin kuzeyinde mi? Oktay Tirkiye'nin gtineyini gBrmlg ml? Bob Istanbul'a tayinini s%rendi¥i zaman memnun olmug mu? Bob'an bu ilk tayini miymig? Hakikt m legs nedir? Bu tayin en ok kimi memnun etmig? Istanbul'a tayinini Bob nasil kargalamig? 31.2 VOCABULARY DRILLS 1. Here is a small map of Turkey on which certain cities have been marked, Ask and answer questions about the relations between these cities using the words for the cardinal points of the compass and the points between as indicated on the accompanying chart. Soru: Sinop Ankara'nin neresinde? Sinop Ankara’nin kuzey dogusunda, For example Soru: A§ra Erzurum'un dofusunda m? ...£i18n cCevap: Evet, agra Erzurum'un doYusundadir. Kuzey (imal) Kuzoy-Bata kueey-Do (ginald gent) \ Y (final genet) ? Bata (Garp) Dou (gark) Gtiney-pats Gtiney-Dogu (Cenubf garbt) 7 SQ. (Conubt qarkt) ctney (cenup) 390 BASIC COURSE UNIT 32 2. TURKISH hak and related words: a) hakikat ‘truth’ Hakikati style. tgin hakixati ne? Hakikati anlamak gok defa kolay de¥ildir. b) hakikaten ‘really, truly! Hakikaten iyi adam, Hakikaten hasta, Hakikaten gidiyor musun? Hakikaten geciktik, c) hakik ‘real, true’ Hakik? adim Bob de§il, Robert! tir, Hakiki arkadag dedigin bbyle olur! Hakikt TOrk kahvesi, 4) hak ‘right, truth’ Hak haktar, “Babana biraz hak ver, Hak yemek do§ru deYildir, e) hakka, ete. his (ete,) right! Hakkiniz var, efendim, Hakkana aramala. Haklara yok. £) hakla "being in the right! Hakliysak styleyin, Dogru sbylediniz, haklisiniz. Anneniz gok hak11. 392 Tell the truth. What's the truth of the matter. It's often not easy to apprehend the truth, [He's] really a good man, [she's] really sick. Are you really going? We really are 1a My real name isn't Rob it's Robert, ‘That's what you call a real friend! It's real Turkish coffee. Right is right. Give your dad the benefit of the doubt, It's not right to cheat a person of his rights, You're right, sir. He mst seek his rights. ‘They have no rights. / They're wrong. If welre right, say 80, You spoke correctiy, you're right, Your mother is quite correct. 31.3 BASIC COURSE umit 32 g) Rakkanda ‘about, concerning, with regard to! Seyahat hakkanda bir gey He said nothing about a trip. stylenedi. Ev kirasa hakkinda konugtuk. We talked about house rent, Senin hakkinda bir gey stylenedi. He said nothing about you. onun hakkinda bir gey duymadim, I heard nothing about him. Doktor bizim hakkamizda ne dedi? What did the doctor say about us? hh) hakkama, etc, almak ‘to get his (etc.) fair share! Haxkin2 aldz, He got his. Hakkamazi gidip alalim, Let's go and get what's coming to us. Hakkanizi aldanaz mi? Did you get your fair share? i) Bak etwex(2) ‘to deserve’ Bu parayi hak etti. He deserved this money. Gok qalagtamz, izni hak ettiniz, You worked hard, you earned the leave. Do§rusu dinlenmegi hak ettik. We sure deserved the rest. Neyi hak ettiler? What did they deserve? VARIATION DRILLS on Basic Sentences of the Dialoq: New Worai yénge brother's wife or aunt by marriage enigte sister's husband or uncle by marriage torun grandchild yetjen niece or nephew a) Random substitution Drill cue Pattern Trkiye'nin Orta-Doju' da oldugunu kim bilmez? Boblin enigtesi Tirkiye'nin orta-Doiju' da oldugunu Bob!an enigtesi bilmez. bilie TOrkiye'nin Orta-Doju' da oldugunu Bob'an enigtesi bilir. (siz) DUxkive'nin orta-pogu'da oldugjunu bilirsiniz. ye¥eni YelJeninin orta-Doju' da oldugunu bilirsiniz, oturmak Yeeninin orta-—Dowju' da oturdujunu bilirsiniz pilirdiniz YeYeninin Orta-Dotju' da oturdujunu bilirdiniz, Istanbul Xeteninin Istanbul'da oturduyunu bilirdiniz, torun Torununun Tetanbul! da oturdugunu bilirdiniz. 393 uMiT 32. TURKISH Torununun Istanbul'da oturdugunu bilirdiniz, dotmak Torununun Istanbul'da dogdujunu bilirdini: Oktay'an yengesi oktay'2n yengesinin Istanbul'da do§dugunu bilirdiniz. b) Random Substitution Drill sue Pattern Gdgnen olarak gelmigier. Mete'nin annesi Mete'nin annesi gtgnen olarak gelmig. gitmek Mete'nin annesi ggmen olarak gitmit (siz) Gocnen olarak gitmigsiniz. hariciyect Hariciyeci olarak gitmigsiniz, takdim etmek Hariciyeci olarak takdim etmigainiz, asker Asker olarak takdim etmigsiniz. sefir Sefir olarak takdim etmigsiniz, ne? Ne olarak takdim etmigsiniz? iss? Kim olarak takdim etmigsiniz? ©) Expansion Drill (Aad the cue rather than substituting it): New Word: avrépa *gurope! ugak/tayyare airplane gue Pattern Bob gidiyormug Istanbul'a Bob Istanbul'a, gidiyormug. yarin Bob yarin Istanbul'a gidiyormug. sabah Bob yarin sabah Istanbul'a gidiyormug. saat 6'da Bob yarin sabah saat altida Istanbul'a gidiyormug. ugakla Bob yarin sabah saat altida ugakla Istanbul'a gidiyormug. Aveupatya Bob yarin sabah saat altda ugakla Avrupa'ya uYrayp Istanbul'a ugrayP gidiyormug. oradan Bob yarin sabah saat altida ugakla Avrupa'ya ugrayip oradan Istanbul'a gidiyormug, 4) Repeat the Expansion Drill in (c) above with plural subjects in all Persons: Gidiyorlarmag, etc. ©) Repeat the Expansion Drills (c) and (a) above with the participle with sugeix {-(y)acak } : Bob gidecekmig, etc. 394 BASIC COURSE UNIT 32 31.4 NARRATIVE New Words: baza some gibi Like, as, similar to ara interval, interstice arasinéa between, among xépet bridge vazife duty, job vazife g&rmek to do duty, to serve (as) wrdékya Thrace, European Turkey Asya Asia Anadolu Anatolia, Asia Minor bogaz throat, strait Ganakkale bo§aza Dardanelles Istanbul bogazi/Bo§azici Bosphorus ayirmak (1, dan) to separate, to reserve, to set aside yayiimak (a) to be spread out b&ggehir / bagkent, -ti capital city yeni new ined pearl Bob, Oktay'a Istanbul'a tayin oldugunu styledi, akrabalarindan bazilara MUrkiye'de oturduklari igin Tirkiye hakkinda biraz bilgisi vard.. Bob'in da bildigi gibi TUrkiye orta-Dofu' dadir ve dotjuyla bata arasinda bir képril vazifesi gtriir. Tlrkiye'nin Avrupa'da olan kismina 'Trakya', Asya'da olan kismina ‘Anadolu’ denir. Canakkale bojazi ve Istanbul boYazi Avrupa’y1 Asya'dan ayirir, po§azigi'nin iki tarafina yay1lmg olan Istanbul, TUrkiye'nin en byt ve en gllzel gehridir. Baggehrimiz Ankara, Istanbul'un dotusunda yeni ve modern bir gehirdir. iiglinctl biyttkltkte olan temir gehrine de 'Ege'nin inciai’ derier. 395 UNIT 31. TURKISH 31.5 NOTE: The Ordinal Numerals in Turkish: suffix {-(1)ncf} igtnct buytkiuxte olan fzmir gehrine..... ‘This sentence illustrates an ordinal numeral - ‘third’, ordinal numerals in Turkish are formed from cardinal numbers by the addition of the suffix {-(2)ncf} as follows: bir one birinei, first iki two ikinei second tig three Agtinct thira dort four aBratinct fourth vip, ete, v.B. ete. ordinal numerals are not used in Turkish as they are in English to refer to fractions. 31.6 NOTE: Attributive Use of the Verbal Nouns with suffixes {-(y)acék} , {-éik} and {-(y)4n} In 21.3 and 22,3 the verbal nouns with suffixes {~(y)acék} and {-dik} were explained and drilled in their occurrences as nouns, particularly in their uses as direct objects of verbs. In 241.7 the verbal noun with suffix {(y)én} was explained, Like other substantives--nouns and adjectives--in Turkish these verbal nouns all may be used attributively--in the syntactic position of adjectivals modifiying following nouns. Thus, just as one can say biytk adam "big man' and also say giden adam ‘going man', gelecek hafta 'going to come week! is the common expression for next week. Use in unsuffixed form as attributives is largely restricted to these two verbal nouns, Further examples The man who is going to do this is my friend, Buraya gelen gofbr, benim goftrtm The driver who is coming / came here en isn't my driver. Bunu yapacak adam arkadagimdi- Note that the verbal noun with suffix {-(y)acék} refers to a potential action while that with {-(y)4n}.refers to an action in progress or already complete. When the fact that the action is finished is in need of emphasis the perfective participle with suffix {-mig } is used plus olan, the verbal noun with suffix {-(y)4n} from the verb olmak Buraya gelmig olan gofér, benim The Griver who has come here isn't goftrtim deil, seer y.B, = ve bagkalari, (i.e. ‘ete. 396 BASIC COURSE UNIT Note that in this use the participle with suffix {-mig}is not a predicate and s0 does not exhibit the ‘presumptive’ meaning it would have as a predicate. ‘The verbal nouns with suffixes {~(y)acék} and {-dfk} occur normally with possessed suffixes as attributives to describe following nouns, The verbal noun with suffix {-(y)4n} does not occur with possessed suffixes in this construction: Geldigi zaman gbrUrsin, You'll see [him] when he cones, oturdugunuz ev gok guzel, The house you live in is lovely. Gelece§imiz zaman size telefon We'll call you when we're about: ‘to come. ederiz. Geldigimiz zaman siz burada olacak Are you going to be here when we misiniz? come? Note that in this construction the verbal noun with suffix {-dfk} refers to an action already accomplished at the time specified in the main clause--which may be past, present or future, while that with {-(y)acék} refers to an action which is potential (in the future) at the time specified in the main clause whether past, present or future, Verbal nouns used as attributes are approximately equal to relative clauses in English. Since the bases of these nominal forms are verbs they may be pre- ceded by any subject and/or complements, objects, etc. appropriate to the verb ase. Those which have possessed suffixes are normally rendered in English by clauses with independent subjects, those without possessed suffixes by clauses where the subject is the same as that of the main clause in the sentence: Evimize gelecek adam biytkbabamdir, ‘The man who is going to come to our house is my grandfather, where the subject of gel is the same individual as the subject of the final predicate, Gidecekleri gtn daha belli* degil. ‘The day they're going to go isn't yet certain, where the subject of git (‘they’) is not the same as the subject of the final predicate. pelli ‘apparent, noticeable, known' 397 OMIT 32, TURKISH 31.7 GRAMMAR DRILLS on Verbal Nouns as attributives a) Progressive Substitution-Correlation Drill cue yarin Konugmak salon gOrmek gelecek hafta almak otel kalmak bugtn gitmer yer ‘bilmek Pattern Bugiin gidece§i yeri bilmek istiyorum, "x want to know where he's going to go today.! Yarin gideceii yeri bilmek istiyorum, Yarin konugacai yeri bilmek istiyorum. Yarin konugacagi salonu bilmek istiyorum, Yarin konugacaga salonu girmek istiyorum, Gelecek hafta konugacagi salonu gbrmek istiyorum, Gelecek hafte alacaga salonu gtrmek istiyorum, Gelecek hafta alacagi oteli gBrmek istiyorum, Gelecek hafta alacaja otelde kalmak istiyorun. Bugtin alacagja otelde kalmak istiyorum, Bugltn gidecegi otelde kalmak istiyorun. Bugtin gidecegi yerde kalmak istiyorum, Bugtin gideceYi yeri bilmek istiyorum, b) Progressive Substitution prill cue gimai gitmek (sizin) ev bu akgam telefon etmek (onlarin) otel yarin sabah ziyaret etmek (bizim) daire Pattern Yarn sabah ziyaret edeceYimiz daireyi biliyor musunuz? "Do you know the office we're going to visit tomorrow morning? Gimdi ziyarct edeceyimiz daireyi biliyor musunuz? Gimdi gidecejimiz daireyi biliyor musunuz? Gimdi gidece§iniz daireyi biliyor musunuz? Simdi gideceYiniz evi biliyor musunuz? Bu akgam gideceYiniz evi biliyor musunuz? Bu akgam telefon edece¥iniz evi biliyor musunuz? Bu akgam telefon edecekleri evi biliyor musunuz? Bu akgam telefon edecekleri oteli biliyor musunuz? Yarin sabah telefon edecekleri oteli biliyor musunuz? Yarin sabah ziyaret edecekleri oteli biliyor msunuz? Yarin sabah ziyaret edeceJimiz oteli biliyor musunuz? Yarin sabah ziyaret edece§imiz daireyi biliyor musunuz? 398 BASIC COURSE UIT c) Progressive substitution Drill ev tae} (senin) ugramak {-(y) mig} sinema ak gidecek (bizim) kutuphane ziyaret etmek Pattern Taginacaga ev cok pahala. ‘the house he's going to move into is very expensive.' Kalacaga ev gok pahala. Kalacaja otel cok pahala. Kalacagi otel pek pahals. Kalacaga otel pek ucuz, Gidecedi, otel pek ucuz. GideceYim otel pek ucuz. Gidecejim lokanta pek ucuz. Gidecegim lokanta biraz ucuz. Gideceyjim lokanta biraz buytk. Alacajam lokanta biraz biytk. Alacajan lokanta biraz bilytk. Alacagin ev biraz btytk. Pattern Kalacaji otel buraya tg saat uzak. ‘whe hotel where he's going to stay is three hours away from here. Kalacata ev buraya tg saat uzak_. Kalda§a ev buraya Ug saat uzakti. Kalaigin ev buraya dg saat uzakti. U§radigin ev buraya tg saat uzaktz. V§radagin ev buraya tg saat uzakmg. U§radagin sinema buraya Ug saat uzakmig. B§radagin sinema buraya iki saat uzakwig. GideceYin sinema buraya iki saat uzakmig. Gidecegjimiz sinema buraya iki saat uzakmag. Gidecejimiz kUtOphane buraya iki saat uzakmg. Ziyaret edeceijimiz kUtphane buraya iki saat uzakmg. 399

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