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Baheehir University Istanbul, Turkey

BAU Jazz Academy Director March, 2014

BAUART Jazz School Coordinator January 2013

Baheehir University Istanbul, Turkey

August 2008-January,
Research Assistant;
Working as a teaching assistant to the courses namely International relations Theory, Turkish-Greek Relations,
Global City: Istanbul, Religion and Politics, Environmental Politics, Social Change and Social Structure
Conducting field researches on the following projects as a member of social science research team of BETAM;
o European Social Survey
The European Social Survey (the ESS) is a biennial multi-country survey covering over 30
nations. It aims to monitor change and continuity in a wide range of social variables, including
media use, social and public trust; political interest and participation; socio-political
orientations, governance and efficacy; moral, political and social values; social exclusion,
national, ethnic and religious allegiances; well-being, health and security; demographics and
The projects is awarded with the Descartes prize by the European Commission.
o Sustainable Development in a Diverse World
SUS.DIV is a five-year project (2005-2010) that focuses on the relationship between cultural
diversity and sustainable development. It integrates European research capabilities across
disciplines and countries to establish the instruments and tools for better understanding
cultural diversity in Europe and managing cultural diversity as a key element of a new strategy
for sustainable development.
o Sensitive Technologies and European Public Ethics
The purpose of the STEPE project is to investigate the relationship between sensitive
technologies and their consequences with the broader public concerns which we
conceptualise as public ethics. The interdisciplinary and multi-method approach will aim at
establishing an integrated European Map of Public Ethics. It is aimed to stimulate new,
empirically grounded thinking on public ethics as a contribution to wider debates and policy
making on responsible technological innovation
o Turkey Values Survey (As part of World Values Survey)
The World Values Survey (WVS) is a worldwide network of social scientists studying
changing values and their impact on social and political life. It is the most encompassing social
science research based upon representative national surveys carried out in 97 societies
containing almost 90 percent of the world's population. These surveys aim to monitor the
political, social and cultural changes across societies depending upon five waves of surveys,
executed since 1981. BETAM social research unit conducts the values surveys in Turkey.
o European Values Survey
The European Values Study is a large-scale, cross-national, and longitudinal survey research
program on basic human values. It provides insights into the ideas, beliefs, preferences,
attitudes, values and opinions of citizens all over Europe. It is a unique research project on
how Europeans think about life, family, work, religion, gender, politics and society.
o Values, Attitudes and Extremism: A Nationwide Survey
Values, Attitudes and Extremism is a large-scale nationwide survey which aims to provide
insights into the ideas, beliefs, values, attitudes and opinions of Turkish people in respect of
religious, political, racist, ethnic and national extremism.
o Turkey Development Report
This report presents a country-wide, city-specific data and analysis concerning the political,
social, cultural and economic situation of each province . Every year the report aims to address
diffent themes. This years theme is Social Capital.
o INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES organized and supervised by Yesim Pekiner
International World Values Survey Conference and General Assembly
International World Values Survey Conference and General Assemby meeting was held on
September18-20, 2008 in Baheehir University, and hosted by the social science research unit of
BETAM. The central theme of the Conference was VALUES FOR PEACE, SECURITY, AND
Transformation Research Initiative (Quality of Democracy)
Annual meeting of the Transformation Research Initiative (Quality of Democracy) project was
hosted by the social science research unit of BETAM on June 1-2, 2008. Country heads shared
their analysis and evaluation concerning the data collected on the elite and parliamentarian values
in seven countries
Istanbul in a Globalizing World In the Eyes of Leading Thinkers from Turkey and
Leading thinkers from multiple disciplines came together at Baheehir University to discuss how
the Istanbul experience may help us better understand the promise and challenges of an
increasingly cosmopolitan, globalizing world.

Turkish Chamber of Union Istanbul, Turkey

May 23, 2007-2009

Sector Consultant/Academic Researcher(Part Time)

Conducting an extensive research on the sector-specific state incentives given by the European Union member
and candidate countries by mainly focusing on issues namely energy saving, environmental protection, sectoral
development, regional development, research and development, promotion of export and internationalisation,
small and medium sized enterprises, competition
Preparing country reports on sector specific basis namely on glass sector
Giving consultancy for the determination of sector specific problems and the alternative ways of overcoming
such problems
Giving advice to promote the competitiveness of the sector

International Organization for Migration Istanbul, Turkey

January 2007-February 2007
Project Assistant

Analysis of Ukranian Legislation regulating apprehension and detention of aliens who violate regulations
concerning legal status of aliens: Capacity Building of Migration Management
Assisting to the subcontractor Ms. Irene Banias from Boazii University, Department of Political Science and
International Relations for the extensive analysis of the concerning International Laws and conducting extensive
research on the European Union member and candidate countries for the determination of the best practices. .

Deri Patents and Trademark Agency Istanbul, Turkey

March 2005-July 2006
Trademark Attorney
Working as a consultant to the Multi National Companies such as FORD COMPANY GROUPS, PEPSI COLA,
BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO, HENKEL KGAA etc. in their intellectual property rights matters
predominantly on the protection of their internationally well known trademarks in Turkey.
Supervising searches conducted on the official and unofficial database and provide opinion on the availability of
the contemplated trademark for use and registration in Turkey in the corresponding class of interest.
Develop alternative forms of registrability in order to overcome any possible eventual rejection or an opposition
that may be filed against the contemplated trademark on the grounds of article 7b of the Decree Law No.556
pertaining to the Protection of Trademarks in Turkey.
Provide advisory services for the renewal and recordal processes namely for the recordals of assignment,
mergers, license agreements, corporate name and status changes. Performed contract negotiation for license
agreements and assignments.
Pricing: Lead the negotiations with the management and the clients and with their legal advisors as well as
structuring and pricing the deals.
Managing whole portfolio of FORD and LAND ROVER trademarks in Turkey.
Managing whole portfolio of trademarks in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus of Turkey.
Managing the Domain Name Registration in Turkey.
Boazii University Istanbul, Turkey
August 2002-March 2005
Research and Teaching Assistant
Working as a research and teaching assistant in the Department of Political Science and International Relations.
Gave lectures and held discussion sessions in an undergraduate class on History of Political Thought and
Contemporary Political Ideologies and responsible for grading exams.
Research assistant in an undergraduate class on Introduction to International Relations, Theory of International
Relations and Problems and Issues in Turkish Politics.

Deri Patents and Trademark Agency Istanbul, Turkey

March-November 2001
Trademark Attorney
Working as a consultant to the Turkish Subsidiaries of the Multi National Corporations in their intellectual property rights
matters predominantly on the protection of their internationally well known trademarks.

Global Tribune/Time Magazine Istanbul,Turkey

October 2000-February 2001
Project Assistant
Assisting the Global Tribune Agency team in their country report on Turkey which mainly focuses on the recent
economic and political developments in Turkey during a period of integration to the European Union.

Bilgi University
Political Science Istanbul, Turkey
September 2007 to present
Concentrations: International Relations, Turkish Politics, Comparative Politics
Research Areas: Comparative Study of Values, Democratization, European Integration, Islam and Politics, Migration and
Asylum issues

Boazii University Istanbul, Turkey

Master of Science in Political Science and International Relations September 2004
Master Thesis completed: From Acceptance to Rejection: Two Critical Moments of the Early History of the Turkish-EEC
Relations, 1959 and 1978. After coming from a long tradition of westernization and modernization project, which
culminated in Turkeys application to the EEC for associate membership in 1959, why the major political actors chose to
freeze Turkey's relations with the EEC in 1978. In the aim to explain the reason underlining the decision for freezing the
relations with the Community in 1978, the thesis focuses upon the anti-westernization sentiments that exacerbated in the
late 1970s both at the society and the state level, as the main reason for the formation of unfavourable policy choices
against the EEC.
Concentrations; Turkish Politics, Political Theory, Politics of the Advanced Industrial States (Human Rights),
International Politics, Comparative Politics, Advanced Research Methods, Research and Reading in International
Relations, Research and Reading in Political Theory.

Boazii University Istanbul, Turkey

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and International Relations June 2000

Concentrations: Electives in Turkish Politics, Problems and Issues in Turkish Politics, Comparative Political Systems,
Diplomatic History 1-2, International Relations, International Political Economy, International Law, Growth and
Development, Politics in Developing Countries, Party Systems and Interest Groups, Politics of Nationalism and Ethnicity,
American Government, History of Political Thought 1-2, Micro Economics, Macro Economics, Advanced Research
Methods, Statistics.
Achievements: Honours Degree

Beiktas Atatrk Anatolian Highschool Istanbul, Turkey

February 1995
Concentrations: Mathematics.
Achievements: Honours Degree


Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights Warsaw, Polland
The 17th International Summer School on Human Rights under the auspices of Council of Europe, Ford Foundation,
Open Society Institute. June 23-July 2, 2006
Concentrations: Theory of Human Rights, History of Human Rights, Notion of Human Rights in Selected Constitutions,
Rights of Refugees and Asylum Seekers, Judicial Protection of Human Rights, Constitutional Court as a means for
Human Rights Protection, Ombudsman as a means for Human Rights Protection, The European System of Human Rights
Protection, The UN`s System of Human Rights Protection.The theoretical training was accompanied by workshops
focused upon the analysis of the court cases filed before the European Court of Human Rights.
Scholarship: Received Scholarship from the General Councillate of Sweden in Istanbul.

(International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts Andalo, Italy
January 20-27 2002
One week course in the Isodarco Winter School 2002 on "South-Eastern Europe: Internal Dynamics and External
Directed by Prof. Paolo Calzini of Milan University, Dr. David Carlton of Warwick University, Dr. George Joffe of
Cambridge University.

PROJECTS 2005-2006

Refugee Legal Aid Project under the auspices of Helsinki Citizens Assembly Committee on Refugees, which
basically aims to give asylum seekers and refugees legal aid, community training concerning access to health care,
access to education. Hold lobbying activities before the Turkish government to amend the existing laws and regulations
of the domestic jurisprudence. For these purposes, we were opening channels of collaboration with the UNHCR, and
the local NGOs to provide the refugee community with socio-economic and legal assistance and collaborate with the
universities such as Boazii University, Bilgi, and with the press in the aim to increase the public awareness and
education on refugee issues, and at the same time establish information network therewith. My major role in the project
is to be the focal person in gathering the country of origin information for the preparation of the legal allegations filed
before the UNHCR in Ankara.
Human rights project entitled Access to Justice granted by the European Commission to the European Research Centre
of the Boazii University, which mainly holds regional and foreign country workshops, seminars, basically aimed at
giving human rights education to police, lawyers, prosecutors and judges in Turkey. My main responsibility in the
project is to prepare the programmes of the workshops and seminars in collaboration with my professor and prepare the
publications as the academic assistant of the project. To this aim, I analyzed the court cases instituted against countries
before the European Court of Human Rights and prepared a search report in respect of the corresponding articles of the
European Convention that are violated.

From Acceptance to Rejection: Two Critical Moments of the Early History of the Turkish-EEC Relations, 1959 and
1978 published in the journal of Social History of the Turkish History Foundation publications, October 2004.
What are the Minimum Standards for Reception of Asylum Seekers paper presented in the conference series organized
by the Helsinki Citizen Assembly Committee on Refugees, May 2005.
From Acceptance to Rejection., LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011

Date/Place of Birth: 15-02-1977, stanbul. Female.
Advanced level English, beginner Spanish.
Software programmes:
Experienced in Excel, Microsoft Word, and SPSS.
Hobbies/ Interests:
Opera singing
Jazz singing
Sailing, swimming

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