A.M. 1693 The Reformed Gentleman

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!~ ..- 'T HE
~= C'l
t= .-
It\efOltnctl <1IJentleman ~
'= OR, THE
Old Englifh Morals J
'( -: .- Rcfcued From the
:: 0 Immoralities of the Preftnt Age.
t= ....
= en How Inc:onfiftem thofe Pretended Genteel
. AccomplifhmetltS.
'= <0
-4 SSwearing,i 5\Vhoring and
,=- w -,
Of "lOrinking,S 2Sabbath-Breakil1g:
-=:;, Are with the True Generofity of an Engli{b
-3 Man.
-i: Being vices not dnly comraryto the Law of God
- -' )

,- LfI
:;1od the Conltitucions of our Government both
EccIefialtical and Civil,but fuch as cry loud for i
c Vengeance \vithoU,t a fpcedy lRefommtiollf
Tgc~~nicfgivtr~~~~~r~tc~ ~~~~~b~d~~~~~t ~~t1~1~!~
. '1r1
relaiing thercto, thc King's Proclamation and Letter
~ueens ,
to the Jufiices of Middlefrx , with their fcveral Orders there-
upon. I
By A. M. of the Church of EI/glalld.
'. NoimitaS fala eft ri/que Vllica JTzrtlls. Juvena1

, . 31titPltmatur. Rob. Midgley. JIlIY18. 1692. .t

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; ~. ji . I
.f 1 impartial Rel1d(r.

IF ever ~ny .Age ~eeded .'~ ~o4~er;.
ges, thIS Letharglck one of ours

. certainly . does ;' nOthing '.' .but

Thunderclaps) and Minculous, Judg':
I ments being able to ,raifc. Mankind
from their dead ileep .of Sin, and to
raufe the'm from their Carnal Secur~~:
, ty and Impious Stupidity. 'Twas this
lamentable, Profpecr -of the um;on,
c.ern.ednels of the Nat;on we live ini
th~i:' retm~.\1pon.the foUowiog;un~~~
~king. . . . ".
. A" Neve~

h ,
To the fJ\.eaJer. ,'
I Never did any People commit fuch , To the (j{e~der; ',_ .'
," I."'"

j Enormities, and feemed fo infenfible bands ~ Is it .not enougb" to. go t~i~e.' i(

I ~ne!herth~I~~d been guilty of thef!l d~y 'to,' Churcb on the SU'nday~. but J!'e'
or no, as ?ur EngliJh Vitio[ocs at pre~ ,'ufl b~ Pu~itansa~d ~~arilees tJthpin(

fent: For If;y:~lU,' tell t.he Prophal1e':;~bo?,', ',',' ;. " , ' ,

I .'
~recch of his Swearing, rho che Oath:"~' This bejng' the, true' J\CCOllnt 'of'

.Jjfcarce~u.t pf his Mouth ; ',yet yon ,the defperate Cafe ~f our deba~ch.'~4',
ij(;tI1hear .hlm:aY~>uch by anOath or 'Times; What remams, but that fomF
t~o more that he did not Swear.~ 'one,fhonld, tho I perhaps ,have' not:
~t you tax another of being Drunk; t: with Rigbllrand Menaces, wi,th',
Fjhalt>, PjhalP! erys the' Btu"te, that~s ,~;Thundrings and Lighcnings eno,ugnr
a[~at~ ~ault j t",ay II1bo, is, fr~ef!o~ the !r~made the~ fenfib!eof theirC~>n~ition;
,g>':;l1~u,lo" of. tb, '13ott/,? -'-~ If you illeft [oothIng them[e!~es ,ul' w,th 5he ,
~"i"'g~ :'Tklrd .',11th "Wh~r\n~; Who, ' c~n~.it ,ofGods M. rCI:e:, '.ng. GhrI.R s
~epJy's,the,La[c1VI0US' Spar'~', c~n for-, merttorIOUS Dea~h and, Satlsfaa:~on
bear ;l,Julging 'i/ii ill~iting MDtid,,' of FI,jh fa rtheir Sins, th.y reniai 11 Ri in the"
,a~d :(Blooo,? ~na ~~lJat "!al~ ,h~~,ani1n~ho~\' Suburbs of ,Hell, 'and d~nce, ~o lo~~
r~:,e, O! ~!I~rm't.ca!Z;l'erif!'the .Im.P~tuous' 1nl ~bout th~ Pit of De~rucb<?n?: tllhhey;
c!tnatffJJU ~ of h~ 10ut1;~ 1...-- If-in the Irrecoverably fall 111to theIr Et~rnal
lillf.~~ace Y~lU advi[eanyeO 1;. morc, Ruin.? ,?o the Phyfitiansu[e~~~~~t
R.~hgl~uny O~[ervant of the 'Lord's;.' Apphc3upns ,.and o~ly, flrok~ ~~e,l[,
D~y; ':Whjj it/ha' (fays'che Lic~tid6U'si !1po~J~cHcPatleotS? NO' c~i~'li~ly,.' .
~~!~!~~), ~~('requ;red ~.[ :ihw': ::;rt our" mey findRubbing and ~~afing~Pinch~,'
'- ---' 'hamls-r i'ngi and Wdundihg, Sc;trrif)'irig ana
,!:~, - .., -'~ ";r:-,. A 3 Cup~

T~. the flteader ~ To the tJteader.
Cupping little enough make ,them longs to them,and the gentle tteat.:
r~cover of their Dead Fit. And' {hall tneat of Vice is the" great Califeof
the Soul in as deep an Apoplexy.: its fpreading the Conta~ion, and of
as. ever the Body felt, have foft things !;'; making' the , Infected . lOrenfib~e of .
fald ~o her? S~all the 0bdurate:~ the Plague, ull fuc~ time as It has
Con[clence, ,and the Heart as hard ~S~.l.jgot fuch fure ~ootmg, .that a. ~ure '
the nether MIlfl:one be fordy anoiQt- ,I withou~ . a MIracle IS de~pa1fed
e~ as it were with Oyl, and bound,:;'] o f . , '' " '. ,
up. as if nothing ailed . them? Cer~i And ,{inee things are in futh adefpe..
tainly thofe Balfamicks would do '] I,ate Cafe)what Caber lllan can forbear
better, w~en the W.ound is hid, op'en ~{.;~i{hing that' Impiety were, r.ed~ced
and f~arched throughly; when the i! lOCO fome degree of Modd1:y,; and
Soul IS touched to the quick, the l~ 'that Wickednefs w~re bU,t [cared
~onfcience pricked with the Sen[e of, -into Corners, th'at it "may at le,aR:
'lis, own Gui~t; ~nd the Hea!t brought;1 from' hen,cefofth not dare ~o oUt-~
down to ;t Me!t1ng) Bleeding Tern-' face the Light, and boaR: of Its nu m ..
p,er. I am confident the Binding bersih the, Eye of the World ? And
'!JP .the Sore, before it be half Dref any rational man would be fotw~~d
f~~, and drawing a Skin over the,~ to think this mjgh~ e'afily be .. done
~plte~le4 Piart is a ready way. t(,l in a Ccu~tr~, wh~r~ ~hrif1:~a~ity is
ca1,1fe . a,. ,Gangreen. . And I, aQ.1.' as '?fofe.lfed m ItS OnglOal Punt)", and
confident, that fpeakmg ,Peace to~ 'where the Fund~tl1ental Laws ,and,
~~ople,when there is no 'Peace bc~ InGitutions favour the Attempt'. But
. , ' - - --.,--'''- .., . - ~orig~' 'A 4 alas!
.."o.t~e 1\!a~. ,ro tlJt '1\.eacler..'
~1.a.~ J we find;'l tp,o, \~'ieJl~~e-):Statut~4 ~ion; .But.where to: meet [~ch ~s '.
:tp }pat ,pun~oJe ma~.e"~~/o~f, h~n9s,.a~~ Elldowe.d with thofe 'QllalJ~cat1i1
.4J . cheGr:a~.W.heels ha.v~ ,nlOv~,~ pps
will !le che harder. r.,k, If, w~
2nd:~e, _lAlgb.c have e.~pel.ted .~hf!l (:.Qnti~er ,tha~ V;l,ehve' at prefent loa
le1f~r ,:.Orbs .wQ~ld have . foIIow~d:'~ Wo~ldw:hich ~e;v~r.,ye.t was.fo hap..
.t. h.,:e :11otion: . y~t moa rn:en ~'and J1j.l.~.
,!. j py, as che Good ma.de che ;Larg~r
;tn~ chofe, .wlnch do ,move, l1u f!' ~.nd che R16ng Party. . ' .
but a very tardy mOtIOn by reafqn/- As Refor1l)ed. as thIS Age pre_
p' ~.he.. PPP,oli.ltion ofal.M.~ 1jor p.arcY'; ;.~ 1 tends tp be, he,. knows. very 1. ittl.e
,whp[e; ~~~~?~H~.are [o!.g~eatas .~9:j of the W9rld, [hat fees not the
'1l:1.~k~J ~h~. r4Pw~e~ng of .PFoph~t;l,~~sl~ .great need this Co~rl1pted Wand has
!1nd P~f\'m9Fr}i.Fhe Gr~f1t; qri!v,ance (:t .of;a ..~peedyrJZeforpJat~p}l.:.A ~orkof
of t.p~,~aq9n,~. ~.Qr.h~t~j ~90 th~rf tj [0 great ~. C<?n[e~ue~.ce, whIch not,
,fP~>t11~be. a. Scpeme prop~fedby)th,e t~ only Good Me~ ought to elide,a"
l;le~ a~d .~lfell: of the N~Fion fO~.~?-Ct ~ :vpur, but the Bad ought to .de"
~Hmph{hmg the Qe~gn , tho. t_hy~ ,ifire, and all Ql}ght one waY.9 r 0-
~~",~,:e: :~ore L~ws made rp. 9;<lc~ . therco pro~ot~.:But ~hat.B...~bs
:~h~fe.;jllf~ad:Y.. lll force; ye~, ;W~en ~nq Remora s) \Yhat D~fap.p9mt ..
:t~~t ~~.: d911 e }t . would be tiQ,: Jir,tl~ mems', and .un.~~p~a;~d ,. Ql~~.9urage-
,f.ife~".;\,~lefs chere could be Jounp , ",enCs h.s.f~ t'le~e{fary a Work mec
.reIfo~$" pf ~hat C,ourage; PJ~~roli- with' ~f latefro1l1 fome" w~o fh.ould
}Y., 9~~du~ and.Prudence~ .. 4lS,rrtjggt have been .hy the pbltgaqo~ they
.~ff~~.d~~~ly r~t the ra~e~ljM~fq..~ie~~d~~ ~~~ fW;~~~~~~ g~o~oterd'~
~, ,;~: . . tlOn.
. ,'" an
, I

To the ~ader. To tlJ! ~aJer.~

,and Encouragers ~ le would feem fig nifie nothing' withO'ut a Hot y
:tOo refletling to infif1: hereon, and~ Life and the keeping our felve$
therefore I leave the perfons con~~~ pure' from the Corruptions ?f the
~erned to confider with t~emfelvesL Age: Tha t thofe, who. are III t~e
whether they have aCted lIke Chri.. ~ Ga.ll of Bitternefs, and Involved
ffians,. or f? mu<:h a.s like En~lifh-~.,1 the Labyrinths of Sin. may extti
men, In domg wh!lt In them bes tof cate themfelves . and COll1e out -
hinder fo Glorious a Defign. Fi the Mida of SadonJ,. and fly for Re-
. Tha t We are a People that do ~ fuge to a Spiritual Zoar" before the
need a' Refo~mation: That.' we are ~ Defhoying Angel ?v~r~ake them
not fuch white and undefiled Crea- i~ with .his Fl~gpes ;,It IS the Defig
lures ~5 we take our felves to' be :\.: pf' the follo~ing Difcourfe. to {hew.tl
'Th~t;!as long as we. cont~nue in~~ T9.lw~i,h~nd ~ h~ve.not fpareel
thofe <?pen and Crymg Sms, un-V' to ,~raw ~hofe VIces ,I have hand
.der . whIch our Land at prefene l~ led in their proper, ltvely, and real-
gto~~s ;':we cannot expect the C~n~!j Natural Colours i To lay the Plagu
(Ultimation of fuch Mercies,' as are the Curre llnd the Judgment at
~l~e~dy'~egun Jor us, bur a cer~ Right Doo r; To call the Blafphel!
~atn f~Atrol lookltlgIor of Judgment mer, the Inteqtperate., the Unclea.l\
a~d FIery Indignation devouring. us perfon .and the Prophane by theIr
fro~ the face of the Earth -: That Proper N'ame~: And [~ ,~ell them of
~ll our' Pretences' to . Religion, and the. Mife.ries , .. Calamities want~.,
p! ~ut.~~ing of ~hisorthatlehur~h P~fc~[~~ !rf4 Re.~!~ ~h~~~ ~!e tp~ell:
fig ,,: ' or..
, ,.. . - 1Q tl,e ,f1\eader;,' ,
t " To. th.e~e4t/er. . ' , Jo~ tIle Sove~aign Btjf~n;tof hi~}319,~q
Por~10n 'Ill thIS LIfe; and of :th8 l . to :heal' their w~unded Con[qePFefl
lievertdying Wor~, thenever..iea~ '~anlth'at 'being"there they, might fe(~,
G,rig P~in5,
the never-ending' '!0f~' ~", the neceffity of ~iving a Holy Llfe~
m'ehts~nd c~e Eter":al ~nq~e~cnable [.j'lelt they. fet 'then own, ,as 'Yell as
Flames, whl~h (wIthout God ~Mer.'" their SavlOu~sWounds a bleeqlng .a:
ey upon 'theu ~epentan~~) w,tll be ~ Jrelh. . " . .' ' ",'
their ~o~ in another W~l'ld~'" ; ,~. '>
f" ~ rr,~,:,e' but one, Wo~d m,ore to add;
.' And truly lam fo far1frnm wlin- ~ which' is to Cldvelu[c the, flVader,.
~ng,ahy: "feiVere' ~()rd iC)J the En'fu- ~ that I h';d an li1ten-~io? of; ~ieating
109 . Tre~tif~~ ~nwr~tte~,. [that; ,I '~m [1 upon fome~the(Malign~~~ ~~~.Ca.

af~a..d o~ ~othlng [0 m~ch,'" ~,s ~h~,t, i1j pi~~!:, Vi!=es,;" ~ut " p:erceI~~pjS I-.that
(beIng 1D~eaed Wlt~' t?e Eplaean.I~. fi th'e,r'eby .I' iliould [well ~nls ; Work
c~l Prudmt,als, of the TImes) I have t~ to a larger Volurpn", ,than ~ qefign-:
treated Vice too: gently; a~d 'ufed: ed tMs 'rvI:in'ual f1ioLil~ ~e; a~d con-;
the Vile ~normi:ies coO f~vtl!-l1ably., [ij fide~ing,. tha c" 'by, ad'vancing ~h~ rrice
I could 'wJiliwlth all my S~ul,that i above: the .vulgar Reach",~ "fhould
every word t~erein were" as I1Jarp rob. the Inferiour Rank of P~opleof
as':'Arrows, and as keen' as a two the benefit there<;>(,' 'and fo lof~, th,c
fl:d'~e~: ~w01:d,,-that the:" 91ighc fiao' ~ery end ofpublHhi?~ it fpr a Gene"..
tlie !Sln'~. (I have ' treated On) to the raIl Good: I co~6.ndmy. f~lf t~
"4ry; ;fleart ;'and 'bring" the Olf'en:i fpeak only of tho~\ fins, w,hic~,
~h:.r~ ',to ,~ti~~ a:Pa~ ;;". ~hat [bey' (~~m~~!~ b~~5 !~~ ~~A !!~'?~troul~i
~gb~ ~'~ !!~~m~a~e.d_t() 'flee to Jifui- ~" ,',. , able
.'; '.) ~ .- for
To tbe ~aJer~ To the ~ader;
~ble fway in this our 'I{land. Arid IWays and be reformed; that the Re:
truly I could not but think it' mofi~ formed may, as much as in them
proper to handle thofe Crirnc.:sJLies, endeavour to reclaim the whole;
~nd lay them ?pen and Naked to:';;:\ is the Earnefl D.efire" as ~ell as the
the World which are accounted bY,lE~deavour of him, who IS a Well.,
the Greater Party for Little Veni.f;f wdber to the whole Tfrael of God'
al . an~ the Peca~iIloes of the Age,r and .efpe,ia~ly to the Welfare of ou;
at which the DeIty feemed little 0(';' particular SIOn.~ ..., . ,
not at. a~l concern.ed , and in .the;~
Commdfion of whIch they not w1th~:1 . .' (

{landing hoped for Heaven and EiI~~ .'

ternalHappinefs~ How egregioufiy:j llayeweU.
..-- \.
they ar~ miflaken ~thc:y will (' itf~J
they have but the Hearts to conft.. :;:1 . '

der) find in the fequel. 'q

And oh! that everyone; Wha (\
Reads this, Jvere wife,' tl,at they under- ~
flood t~o{e things, and that thej woul~ con- ~~
fider tbelr Latttr End: That th'e) would':'
" 'eale to do E1Jil and learn to do Well: That~i
tbey wouldcbufe Life and not 1)eat~,Light J TH~.
and not Varknefso That every Soul~:
may pepa!~ fIO~ the 'Erroraf' his
~ . -- . - .,- '!lays
, ' r ' -.-.--.,-

, .
~ ..J \.: 1
,. ~ 1

-,-So -= =t-.. -', ,

,..~ ;-: .--...
u: CC" \) et,," ........ , 1
I r- ~
1_ :. ~'J .~. '.' j ; i.. _, :' ' j ' : : " .
p.e." '" _.., ,
6:1:",,} ~.. .. I ~:'~ .' "1: r ; ~~t:~ ~ ': THE
I" r .' _:'. ~;_~ .. ~ t \,.... ,

:.: ~" -': "::'). ',. ')')~;.i: 1N T ROD U eT ION.

;~r~l ':\ '\: :.: 1 ~j: /2f[tf;; .
, : " . '~ ",' -' l' ',',' (,n:l ~,\ an corllidered in hi9tbree nates, ~f Innocence,
;, " " ," . ,i ~. ,:. ,,; ," ' ;" .,'~ "Nature, and Regener~ti:O~' A thort v~elV of the

, ,'" - '. Ghurcih from the Prnnl(lve [0 our TImes: A
;~'h'~t't~~;;';ttij,t'';.~,~-,;,,:; far'eJ ~fthe Degeneracy of the prefenc Age;
~ U U"" " ,t
arid the litde Rearon the open Debauthees have - ',:
. ,-,," " Cjf ftyling rhemfelves Church of Engla/td Men.
The Guilt of this Nation Ht 'general aggravated
'130 k I P bl;f1, d . 1 ' }D that ncither God's Mercies can Win it, nor
o neJI1:Y. ~ 're , ,entltu ed' btl!S I.udgmencs Terrify it into a ferious Reforma-..
Ecc1eGa RevIVl[cens. A Poem oD.
or'a 'Short Account of the Rife: Progrejs;,
and 'Pre{ent State of tIle New Reforma..i t. N, 'bat .CNri,lti, The conlidmtion
7Jer;ght, ftat~/y .f' a~ of Man, Fidl in ILl
tion againft Vices and 'Debaucherier, rprint~ bfIC~ of an A'lIit~htJ (tale of Innoccllc,.
ed for ~ho. Salusbury. M,lt.!, in hil (hort Period of [,,/to-
tne/ attralltd to himfilf tbe Adm"ratioll, L~ve a"d
t;- _ . '- .... - - .... .-._- . bttli~nce of all 6fbtr Creatuw, which wm ftibfervi~
t1lf 10 him al 'heir L()'/'d and Denominator. To him,
did all tilt r'ltovillg and emp;lIg Animals of tbe Earth,
Ihe Winged Fo.",11 of tbe Air', and tbe SCJly F;/tJ of
he D~tp become m0lt 111iUillg 'IribHtariu: 'fo Him, did
'bt FIrmament! above, thoP Orbl of Vght, tbe Su",
.. ,. -
~ MOd"; 4nd Starl afford tbeir milder IlIjll/el1ce: To
him; did all t~1 Swcetl of Par,diY, and tbe Natural
P;otllltl DJ the Ftrtile Earth yield Ddigbt and Satil..
fA(Jion: To bim, ;/1 (J Word, 111M aU the Cre.zt;o/l {J
Oiled;tllt, al if Man 111ere tbe o/lly Ma~er,p'iece of
~~~ ."ml N"tHre, and 'hoft o,"~ Cr~at~d Beings b",
,1" , ,B fl
The IntroduCtion. TheHnrroducHori:
j;.OrlfilmtHII,' ,~ [et him ~ff with 'he grt~t~ . gl: IlIihi; Illllgll.id condition la) 'he greitteft )artof'
~ .
{~anJ .Add tbil; (hif HarmomOll1, and SJmmt'r,. 'be' fofttrilj .of {alfen Adam for n,igh four Thoufand
1f Brfj ) His being mdued wilh a nroer dJiitg, God.
ca l 0 y, "1 E I' b d b a clear Vn..
1i."ri~ .. b,.,bf beiobe.'.D""
b 'J
,ba,lmriittIJ, 'w.bich procetded:
r J
li~e alld rea/onable Sou; n 1[, tene d)Y'U ' M ed from: ;h'ofe' Corrupted' Principler, rPM;t that the 'Old
otrjtandillg; Guided by an Vllcorrupte, I ~ . ov IY-Dr/l!tpilsdellriJjeJ\b) 'a Vniverfal Dcluge of Watm:
,by pure and SerJphick,.AffeDioHs, and placed 1/1 a Kan Qltd\,b~ ",m> Ont in i,.S''Nonrlge was dijjm[ed by a ]iIJ'-
IJ little below the Altgelt. .1' gM. 01' LanguageJlJN t!Je COII/u(ion ~f ;Babel. Of all
2. No {aoner did he (aU and tral tlu>&mdredr ofth6,Edrtb, wbich thell,'b~gall to mcreap;
, : 2, Mdn con6dered greJ! ,IJa' one. CommiJn~ment Zdid riot Goa Cbllfi.dlt), fifJe fa!thf.~l Abraham and bi~
in hi. ftaleof NJIUre. ea.tmg ,b~ F~rbldde~ Frlm, but t SmJ;to'pIAce bis Nai,{e' among tbem. 'TWiH Jacob wal
: Scene. of G/~? qUI~kJ) chllnt:~a~ ~u ehD[en, aHiHfr~'cl f!Hi,L_'~of ~u 1111J~rjt:Jnce; 'tn'',,} ,
-,h~t of IgnamlJ1Y, and Kep~oacb,. , .HI~ Bad~ laft ,b "'.. tbefI'nIfI oftlJ'~'Sall{JifiM ..,'Irlbe!tba~ 'he Glary' ~f
Diftemper'd, FraIl, and Miferable, Flu SOl{ . bl' "birPreftnce- (hiJ"e';'-4"'t$i~j hll ServaH,~<>fes he Im.'
1JilliNe Imprefr, qlfd became filthy ,an~1D"!tna, e1,),lallted;. 'he KudifnC1ffs t.iof ,d; TypifiedlR,t1igioH wbicB
His 7hlderJt{/ndiH~ w,u da~k../fed;, ,HII.
~nrj, Depraved; fJiJ.4jfdilolts Vwa,ed an
d ~bu~b: ~J,er "as 10bnifi.nltl and coitfirtiJ~a'bJ hu Succe[-
e a~. w'.lJtiJ Ma~er~ 'he LORD 1ESVS:. f
d; aud bis wh~le Man Old of ~rame. H!. bAd :nel :;l\.4-;":'Ih'lJ the k,.nplP'ffdgnf t"he DiVinity /VM arit were
ther hdcervitk0td, na~ P:a~e within; kutaU 1/'.; Jt;f.
~b.fbierJ,J#i,lJ;,. ibe \i.J,otvi;l,S of 1uda, and P::il.~ftiIle wai
led all 'UnqUiet, DijiJtllfied, .and difco~'e,'l'~,. '/! ~a happy ,be~ /Hr 'Netghbollrl :~n JuJab ~as Go~
AU ,Ig Creatures now ro{e up Ill, A,(JII~1 Re~~~lon a kJiOw~and:hlsNam~~wasgreat. mlfrat:l; ID, Salem "

tainJt their 'riiniformea L,rd, vmdlcatmg thm .;~e~ alf~v>gs.;bi~ Tabe.rnade,:C'and hiS dweIltilg place at
tors HOIIotlr "pall Olle 'ha' hila fO 'p:amej'HUy,.abu}e~ tI Sion. Pr. 7 6 r, 2. Whilft 'he grea'eft pilrl .of ih,
AI/d the laflm of a WOUI1Jed Con(cltnce upon afe~ft q Wor{il. r.lmai'Hea lif Dar~nefs, aHf({ate un/er ibe {l;/Ia-
h~j G!4i/1 were more affiiCli1le '0 hl/n. by far, then ~/ JOIPofDeJlth rand.g,roped ,ht0ltgh their'Ignoranc; "I
iJl(!, lvbipped ON' of P.lradife eve.r was. What. I)"', Noon.d"j': Wbiijl they changed the truth of God
Etfelis his Pofterity met wilhall IS apparen' from Go~ into a Lie, became ;vairiin their Imagin.ations,and
jal/ice ill giving tbem ".p to a reprobate rm[r~ '0
co Wor0 i pp'ed t~Creature more tha~ t.heCreat~r~
mit Ilfiquity n>it~ gr,edmefr, a,l1d tbe~ plagul1IJ! 'bb' who ~lsbl~~d fo~, e.ver.. ROnT.!. rru~ zllJ,.'he 1Yiftr
'Wilh fundry Difeaf:s, alld dl:JerJ k.!nds of Dea' I art of HeatDtnt., gUIded by tbm Natllral Lz~bt, made
For from the vrry momellt of tb, Fall the InteU~l1lta omej1eps'OJPards'he raijil1g the SOli 1from 'he :Bon.
becil~e jilbjdJ the smfilive FaCIJJtiCS; 'h.e Rational dage of 'be Body" and gave- greld Pulls td [re falteli
lIobler part of the Mall was enfl.lved totat Ignoble pa M,!, o'ltce more. "pon.hil Legs. BH't aldi! tbeir Eride-a;
I whicb he held in commalZ r;ith Brutes; and tbe SO"voNrs!eU infinitely /hart of tbat End: their glitizlNeriHg
,bowed down, and 110..15 cOllformable '0 aY we Lufts an Ligbt proved but afal(c one ,,a them; ,mdtbeir IHtri~t~
impetltOIU Pl1gialtJ oftbe.Body. Rellj9ningl aniJdrj SpeculatieHr wm fo far above- tH
\ 3 I l l B 2 redch

The .Introduftiol1. The IntroclulHon.
rt.-,b (V.lg" ""ri" IIIf4 fo ."c..p.bJe of 11,;,,& ' ' 111 Mkt; tJf~i"t. bi",filf,.p ~"e' for ill/.III ,bi/ bDplfUl
"By (oDd) ,hil' 'bey have g{i;'!'u b,JJliUrerJ, ,he Pb;J,., .'i'f 1<H01J"J 'id ,11/11 BleLred ~ne leAflt J;ta"~,,d
{fpb" himj,1f, ",bo IIfter all hll fe""i bit 111111foreu ."It W Vf?,rturlbmc, ; IInd ",t,Njted. tbe fllr,b"
to ,onftJi bimfllf'o bdube Dark: So '~"~.~~,""" :c."., "failbful b"HJI) "bo u:m 1101 ,JPIIHtulg la Ira~r
~.,a, m,d, [om, AJVtlHCtI ,,,,,Md, Ib, Cw,!,c.It,,& t.6.- . .:,bf..""Hign 81iIft"" Chnft Crucified, to foftmfy.

B"baroul N..,iolli, ""Il pre~bu"-"1 Mor4UI}'. ,bt;,
Di{ciplu ; ye, ,,11 the Reli!;o" ,bey coHld ill1.'''fi m,IN
6-'Ail IIt1f1JbIf.6tt 'hat Fetlor and.
},,,.,,,,,,,,p .
f,r ]Wigiln '0 af'ptar;'1 ~h~U~~ "e;hU~~~h.e
I World w'" bl4l DI/MJion, .."d,IN. beft of ,b,It.4.JIi 'Ut 'WtwltJ: AU, Plam Eccboed flom tbe Primiti,,'
i wore m otl"r l,,[crip/iall ,b''''''.",b ,bi, N,,,, Vqllri"e) a"d tvrrJ to our time.,
I }."r;~ ~.:_ Ad., UNKNOWN GOD, II1bftrL MoNt" .."",d ,be Gofpel a"d Glad .
17, ~3 .' IIor,,,il] ;,btJH'urjl;iH,J",,1UIJ. 'IiJIHgI of Pmt. ]n1tOCeHC' anJj1l1mily began '6 he
, '. rbom 'biy, coul.' ,bjflt ", .terla i 1I';Ji~' ill MlIII Liver ,,"d MaHIlt'r J.; and Iboft, who
It"QWltag, ,,'ll:tbe Sun Qf Rigbte~urneli uore;.~,5 'mid Hof aijp"", cOHla aie fgr ,bei, PHre aHa Vnd~
healin& in his..Wings, an<t.b[~gbt Life .nd.~I.II1o: ,,,. R,ligio". 1bil wal 'he Cllfe of ,b~' Flourijhi~l~
mortaltty to light throagh the Gofpcl ;, BecOlDllJ8t PIII"..1'm 'be' Pr;mi'iw Chu,cb,whub JPread tU
(as Old Simeon .e"",JPI b;mfe1f~ a' Light to li8ht '. ~'MfCI1tJfi fA" ""de, the bOtltft Pe,[mtlionr, Tb':f
the Gentiles, as weU tbe GlQI'y oLbil Peopl -/11[ th, DnIf.. CWHtrI of 'be C;viJil:ea Natio"1 wm
Ifracl: L..~, 1, 32, Briagill(, -.,h'gl,tl.,iJi"l' tf' ,,,li&IHmtJ ",j,b th, PilrC;71g and RefplenJe'" Beam'
~atio" 10 ,h, Greek antl rhe BatbilfUII, \1/1 ,tb,. B '.!,he 1',,,,b: A"cJ the Earth befan 10 be fuU of the
"nil Fr~; aDd Preacbin~ Repc:n~nc~and..RI KlTO~Jedge of the Lord, as the Waters cover the
on of SlOs among all Natrous, btgitllUng it fT Sea.' If.'eIJ.lI _ fJer_ 9. .
Inn. LI~ 24-47. . .' . " i'. 7. BId "lafs! 'kir,wallao gostl to laft.long. For ItO
li. '1/111 A~r,,11 ofM,,!cJ! 1bu OJlerjl,Ji'IIlg I", (ooHt'f -bad 'lte Chrlfban World ([0 I mtlb, thm call
'tj[Ultt of Campalonl ~J" "'}Ptrio'" I"carHalU it) tnj9]etlll R'qllie'!1 from ,~ con'intlal Elaraffn of
e01lJr(wlJetJ '0 to take upOn hi '''t.'''' Ty.,.,m} and PerfetNt;o" :, No {OIntr war Chn<-
d3- ~aft cOD~~r. (elf not the Nature of Angels, ftilll1ity Vnivf.rfa~J Embraced tbr4llgpout 'be Rpman
~e;~n.atcc c the Seed ,of 1brabam. He6,.1,1 Empire: No [ooner "ad i, the P,atefl.i0n ofEmperauri,
_ Who bemg ID the [orm ofG MJ thtfiJ'IJI1Il'f of Complai[an, COllr"m (w~o~ wear!.
thought It DO Robbery to be equal wltb God; b rf ,In PagaH 1I'or!hip, became of,m fame 'ReltgmJ rv/I"
made himfelf of no ReputatioD,and took upon h' ,h,ir Pri"m' ) No [omer wal it E{labliJ,ell h} Ibe
the form of a Servant) and was made in theliken EJiSl 01 c~nftantiDe, ana cDHfir",eJ ~y Theodofiu!l
of Men: And being found in falhion as a Man, M hit 8uCCtfforl ill ,b, lmperial1hrone; BNt i' 1J,..
humbled himfclf~ and became obedient unto Deal Clmlt the 8"bjel1 of it, ~II {"Wdt IIHa Animofitin: Sa
even the Death of the Crofs. Pbil.2. 6,7,8. Ad' ,~. rH.. aU Ibe Vni,,(/ force of Hell alfd Earth, bad
~bll~ 1i.~pj,-,-~ S~riJi.'~ if !~ ~ef~fi!!!. ~;, j::/;~ i~' ~~~. ~,,!!!,-~~el bJ ope" r~'tnc~ ~~. dfftroy, ()~~~
lhe Introd~aiotJ. The Introduction.
" f}vtr.,wh,lm'd with its D",nR"int1~ alld' la} .hMrktl onty prat1/fl but plead for their Vices, and maintain t
!l, !lndtr it~ own Heapl. .f!mjie upo1l.. Htrtjie, $ebj{t. pi[pute for allY beloved Lu)l with M hot a Zeal, as :i~
I'l "pOIl Sehifm, [{en', the ,Vmon DfthtC~ureh ol/fbt.IN btjt ofCbrijtialtJ wouldftand up for the ca,,[e of~h d
dI' .HiJnd ; 'Ibe. Arrians, and QOQatifis; tht Pelagians allJ hil Religion; hearing fa great a,L~ve to ,SIO (In,
I' ~nd Nefronaos ([om, e ~H,eJ!iolli,1fg tbe Di'llinitJ,:otbtu'he, A"thor of it, iJI tho' they wm flllll~lI~ to lIVe Jb~/~
tbe Hllmillle NatHre of Chnl,t; ftme. ~arrelJ1Jtg aboM Votaries and to dye tbeir Martyrs. 1 hl1 tf tbe fa , a
.t'he ProceillofJ, others about ,ke, Divimty oltbe Holy.". mtiftable' and too true "CeOllllt of the prefwt 5 t~'t' of
I" Ghofr,) fit the Profeffirlof Chrift;allity togetbt,.,,,,y 'hi' .A ojfati;;ng MtSnk nd. AIId -howgreat a [h:re I/m ellr
'Ears, IIttd inv~lved liD in Fia"J~/fl,' 'WD Or 'hm C
I: . I'ffand.Dntribute1 to Jhe VniverfaL Dduge of Debauc,he-
'uriu togrther. But;,hetf on ,he o(ber band Superft;'iolf, ') is too eviden' to need allY furlher Demol~tratlot1,
j; 1J!~1I,d ~eal, i alfe Principles and Itttereft, dralP~a 4 'b~n tbat of, Ocular In[petiio~, We are ,all of 1/, too ~~:
:1 ;m~ q~/te over the 'frll,h; .and for man) Aguafter, :~"pon ,be Commiffion of a Sm, Adam-hke, to l,ay
./Jelm!lJIg as Ih~ Church belreved; Outwart! PO~panJr~J "lame far enough from our own Doors: fo ebgrge It l/pon
II ,,, COlltinleal R~u~d of My/ferio14s JP/mdid Cer~mo~.v:l tbe flrmg:b of tb~ 1empwiott,Ufolt the wea!<.lIe??f OHr
rf~r ,IIY tbe ,]{e(lglolltke /lIduigeHceof the PapalChatf )l, ConftitutiOlt) tlpon ,he Cuftom of the P/.Jee, rpb, rem l~
l" r~qlllre~ at Men! balld~." i~If/heJ eOllld Rlitb anl1PpliJ~ live, upon ourown Ignorance, upon Surprlu, and tt
~Ite ~ a~lh own Inf~Utbl1Jty~ .Rurgatory, Tranfu~ ,; li~e.' Blit alafr! none of aU tbeft Salvoe.s WI~ fcr~e ,t ~e
t ftantla.ttoD, tke SaCrIfice .of tpe M~rs, and a bNlldred T"rn, bUI for aU thrfe tbit,gl GOD WIll brlHg tH mID

IIII~ [ucb Ilk..: ~lmfiDal NOII~nJ 4' HumAn l"Z/,tlltioltl; Judgment.

., .
9'ere t~m LIver 1t~ve~ [0 Wjek...e~: and their M41J!1er~ 9. And who can chllfe hilt. ~rte'ue to obflrvctTJa#
",ever .fa D~bauched; ~et they mlgbt be aJfUr.ed 'of. H~. ms}f (I, may fay AY) the <ofelZ . The Iitlle rearon
~en d"d Eterllal flJppmefl,
1 .
':1 \ ' , \ ,- Deballcbeu of tbe Age are [0 "n. ,,'ickcd Men have,to
i'l . 8. B!'t tbo~ aY there faJ.AffiiClionl ~,Jppen~d tD Chri.;.' pudtHI alto profrjf tbemfelver putend t~emfelYCB
.. f jl;oni,) in thefucceffive Agu of tbe Church of England-men, boping of.any, much lers of
~ ,I
- 'Jew 0 the dege- Ch b "
nmcy of the 'PIC- ' I!rc,. yet", .was free ,fromtbal.
' l
,hat u1fd~r I Jat pret:"ce
(for I the Church of Rr.l.-
land, whore Canon,al
j'1 (ent 4ge, ge~erai ~mtn4,JI,alf oflmprety,wher~.;. can eaY It HO at Imwi[e) to e[cape welt as Civil Lawure
,. , A!lth tbfJ l.lit a.1Id degelt,tr9te Age'if, ,he Cettjieres of Mlllt lme, .nd againft them.
",1:':' ,!~prtfell~ fo o~erJ1)belmed: ~wbereill, elien tbe dregl of tbe SeIIletlee of (jod brreafter?. f the
,. ~~,!-,?ndP,o~HI/I}~) IIrc III it were(itllk...al1dfe~led do",,, to 'Ibey cry as loud as allY, The Temple 0 .
::1~' I ~o/ v~rJ ~uttam, ,1(41 e'!1er,Wiek"edlfe/fmoreopen-[acedlLordl The Temple of the Lord! Blit aU tb: ~h/~e
Iflls II ever mar~ '!'fmodefl tbait ill thefe 'Jor./f, of timul. ,emain in ,be oulw.1rd Court, and WIU lefe I~e prIVI!ed~~
4/td ~ruly I Cllllllot wonder that. it HJO tbat it (lrlltJ o.l!bein'1 raved witb tb,{e wbich are wdbm tbe 1l!11~"
b IJ' 11 b".
~"'~ J r,ly lI.1tmJsk,;4, .alld feu~! 111, contr4dillion;jinet.
, . " , " 'J
b )' 11
For Imv IlIIreilfollable as we" al I: {
,1 1131 on& Pagao~, hilt Chrifriaos not Ollly Papifrs kHt Jiialt is ilIa tbin~ or expeEi fa pure alld tIIld~ftled ~
.11 1 ~rq~efranr~, 1I~~~tl. 4~ett~N,; 'J(1en, ,!ow,-a-r!.I1.J(, "o~. Chllro~, fhould ;1tMgi atlY if IHr, Membcrr III JJ:~~.
~' B 4
m~' .

The. fntroduaion. .;".:,.' '.~ { I)' .. H ,.,'

IlIfllmty 0/. ,be Romijh 1jrannJ ill ,hel4jf Reign 1 '.. ,r.. ,; .'. .... . ' l J -'. " ,-'

Ho", .at ,be Li~ertJ and Pr~ptrlyof 'be SNbjefJ; 'be

lUgbts alldPrivilegn onbe..Cbllrcb reaJy tl1 be- StJcr; 1 he' Reformed GeIltleman,&c-:.
fieed.,o 'be W,U, alld Plea[,,;o of tJn Arbi,rary P'o","?
.Ana if"" 10olt,.tJbroad; How hH God viji"a ill bif " 9f(Prof~ne; Swearing,''B/afphemy, ;",':,
WrtJ,h moll of 'he Euro~an 'ChNrchel, and p'" 'a Clip
if 'lr~mbli"g ana A/lolli(hmmt ;ntl1 'heir handr? HoRl .. 'C"rjing, and rperjury~,., .
tletply for "bm y,ars "gelbel has OHr Neigbbl1/1f'ing
IjlJnd 'a~ed of it I ,And bl1fl' do we /tHORI bIll ,becnex' CH A P. y.. '. '
Vf'augh' ,tuy be ours. Ol1e wo"la ,hi"k,.,heft Afflillil11l1 ~~e Sill of fruf~ne $,~,e';'ing cOHPJf~/Jjrl1;" tbe 'Nattm

we h.Jve fel" a"d ,h0re.",e h.Jve ju]l ,earo" to {,a, ar'
banging lIVer us, ."m e"ollgb:;,; aU Reap" 111 bring UI
netJ;" .~'O Goa, ana to jf..rile,M.r;nto 0"" Duty. ,EN' .;<"
IIIt1fs! ",e are ne11er the better, and have gretJ' "'tJIon ;J
.pply the Pfa/mifts Words to tJ"rj,lvn,Th", tho'aU ~
;; of 11 Lawful Oa~6.:BlifpbemJ, and Cffr(Jng cl1l1fi~.
',' Jerea: 11u u,n"ccountable F~UJ 'bereof, iH ,h"e
- t~m ;s IfI1Motive fl1r it either' 'Atbeifm, Irr'eU;'
iJ 8!111I, ?' Req{oll; .n.d, j",bat w~ ab~~~i~/n ,bojew;

theft ,hj~ [@)tuOlll, ~tllilente, anl.1,Jrfre; i
Jfe;lr~, Dal1lfer~ anD '-!CilIamitfeS'] bave bifaUe"
'11, ye' [ate we mu tbe~rllmeJ"l11e do IliU ftrigetGoa.
1 2. BII' (1uU '!O, God vift' fqr 'heft thiHgr; JhaO he
.< ttthfr Ll1Veor. Honour. fDur PJetu.for .thu Silt cOIIJii
..dereJ. a,ll.d Re/Nud. 1he Force ef.Evil Cujlom. Foul'
,. lt1o'~eI .(Or 'he firfa~i;,g 'bereof:., tJbeGllil' if/flc~:
rpbo,tbl1 'hey ao. "o~ Swepr...!pernfelves., yet de/i~bf
,to .h~ar Qtb~rl ~~r,~r: Per}Hrl' Cimfidmd, 'whe-
not be tlvengeal111 fllcb iI Nation al tbu ITer, 'd,o"b,. 'her 'I' O'(~er ~" CtreUT1JVel1', or fa/fe'J dccufe other/:
left h, wiU : F11". tho' he [eeml '11 Wi"lt,. alia Cdnnive a' ,.rhe#ijficuity if(Ji"wJin~ MeH thrrefrom. Metives
,hd"e Enmni,iu!or tbe pre[ent, and 11J4] IP.a"e ,be P.b- ,~o firjQk.f it dr~"'~fr'm tb(Grea"it. efr both of the Sin.
licit a -,;bile /or~he Righteous Man'rfak..e; yet 90th . ~na ~h,e Pu"ijhmeni~'. ....'. " : '. . ..
Spirit wiJ! HO' tllways flrive with M al1,bu' takjllg ,h~ G~I1t:l
/rl1m the TVratbto wue, hnviil rai" dO'l:llll bilPlagulI
of Fire and S.word, nf War and Peflilence; a"d '1101
~ \ .-

r . _ "

HA T.<. all there are Sins,:.aTld dread~

. full .ones too, none that have the
-~ .';:-, .. ; :

l1i{t tbe Wick,ed Voers fromtbe.Face, oftbe E"fllJ/' In leall:..notion of Good ..and Evil will
,bi, WJrid ,b, Vnrighuol/$ Communities jhall -ruffer, : '. . or can deny.. But" . how abominable
tbm being nl1 Retribution of Publiclt Societier beyolltl t~ey are, wIll appear more by.Q>nfidering, that
. ,biJ ami ,{le Grave. Buttbe Impeni,ent Individuals all are- the Profanation of that Sacred Name by
wi~ be rt{erved '0 r.eceive rbei? P~rtiJ1t in ,he itlft .VtlY i whom the whole family of Hea.ven aDd Earth is.
~amed. I /hall confider the threefir-ft together for
I1{IJm tbat. Dreadful and Irrevocable Sentmce jhall b~
Pronollllced, of Go ye Cu&d into Everlafl:ing Burn. that )tis rare to hav,e the Man, who makes notlling
ings prepared for the Devil and.his Angds.MJ/;2 54" ~J a Ra/h Oath, to make canfcience of Blafp~eming
t j . . God,_
i,: -
, .-

-2 . The Reforillei. Gentleman. Chap. I. . Of 'Profde S"eitillg, !te. J

God, or Curfing his Neighbour. How finfw Profane RudeDers, .ImpudeDtet and PrefumptioD t think ye,
. . Swearing is.. may be known by to, pr~fS i~to the prefence. of but an Earthly I'rince,
.,,,ft, TIH s~. tfi-u. eonliderIng bow Sacred and So. and bid blm leave the 1Rlghrn conctros of hili 0000
Mm/' Sfl)tlmng Na. l
from &hicDnfi . emnb . own~aturc vecnment, .to come and 'ItnelS
a~ Oa~.'l.n Its W -I r. yout Idle, Fri10a
tmqfd._/MJo.lA 15(: Be)ngRQJ~lcfs ~ha, I Ious and Unnecefi3ry Difcourfe? Yet fo bold do
:lo. Tbe <;~lIil1& and Attelting Men make with cbe King of Kings, as to think him
the EverBlelled Trinity [the SearCber of all Hearts ac'leifllre everandinon to give an Ear to the Invo'
~he ~er ~f the very ~eins, and from wboin nothiDg cations,. that ate' made. to him at every Table- Talkt
15 hid,] . ID fome y!elgbty Ma,tter as a Witnefs of Chtfi.~ard, Ind Game at. Loo. . '
t~e Tenth, and a Revenger of the Faijhood of wh.\I~ , 4- Is the prc;tfane'Invoeatlon()fSr~41y;Bl"fi~rm.1
DiaU b~ ~~rted by the perfon t~~ adll1ring. Be fi9e5; GOd u every lDCODfid. erate Trlfie COJffidlmf. !

the DIVIDUY ,of an oath (as I. roayIb.t~m. it) will "iilgra. aSia r How Mon(trous" . ,.
be m?re manifefr by Conr.derlDg~ J ~ That none are, cIm1 :muttic needs', be to fall foul upon ,and BI&(..
ActlIlltt.ed t~ ta~ it bu.t fu~b as are grow~ up to .. pbfmetbo Br;ng\ ,!,bom ,It Liw,MfWI. d1Itl &;n"
,ea~s of n.lrcr.e~lon, ,excludmg. bQt.h. tbe M~d ~.d kt,f .. .Btil'g' 'Irueft '-' Men m\lft be armed to a
PefJunf p~# tOQ. .2!~ That the' matter thereof gt'CJt'degre. ofJ.mpitty, that fuall eurre God "ttt
jhould be grave, and, Dot. trivial or unlawful: ,'. ~~, bill very Face :: Y(lt,th~' there may be but ~ . few ~..
That the Form Is 1II.~ft Solemn, fnchas the lifb'ng ftaoces of fUth as, in dlrea !e~5 'fballvtllfy the~
~p of the hlJnds among tbe Jews; theLaying. the ,,,'w,
C.. ltfdffl7ir" ,and S.~Ciifitr'; GOd's Name may
hand upon the Al[ar, as did the Civiliz'd Heathen9 be Blafphemed mahy' other ways.. 'He has hi9 Ta<
~nd upon t~e. N~~ Tcftamenr, all is Ufuaf'with.:u; bern~)e, bissada~a!y, .hi! Word; his. Day, his
Engli~ Chfllbans~ '41), T~~~.the end' is theQe- 0t:dI~anCe!, B,nd nl~ MIOllte~, all beanngthatln.
J1aratlo~ or ~ruth, the decldlOg of CODtroverqes, fUlptlon [~t 'h.I'Ho"~H'1 .10", Hono,m mt: BM'.
~be MaDlfe1tatJ~n. of God's Glory~and the GoOd ht ,bat J~JPiftl Jail,. Jtfpi{t1. mt.] There are the AP*
pr Humane SocJ(tlts. .S',; That the ObjeB: there- pIes of hiS Eyes, ,hiS fenfible parts, whereby ,he may,
,pt is ?n~y God the ~ord. JthnJ"'; the Omniprefent, . bewoonded, toot the Sin! never r~a~h his Inacceffi.
pmmtCIen,t, and OmDlpoteDt. ~eing. ble Efttn~. . And how frequen~ IS It to have the
3~ And IS aD Oath fo sacred In its OWD Nature? Wretch ID his. Farce and DroUenes Romance upon
Wh~t a Folly and Madnefs as well a$ Sin is it then, ~e sacr~ ~CClptures? Buffoon the Holy Order ~
~pon ever}' turn to ~II upon the Ever-Glorious ~pnk Olghtmgly and profanely of the Lord's Day?
Majdly of Heaven to come and WitnefS our Triles And make a mock at our Religious AtTembliesl IC
pntrurhs, .and oftimes Sins; as if we were wining tbis be not Blafp~eming Gd~ ~mong the Gentiles,
to make him 'Panake of our Jmpertinencies, N~' I know DOt what IS: ~or thiS IS all that tbe Mon.
, feme, ~nd Cr,mes ~ ~d it ~ot ~e a piece ~f ~ c:a~ ~t ~~ d~ agall~ ~he Holy One of Cjraatl:
Rude.. ' e
4cTh~Rt~mea;~GtfJfleinJlI. ,;;:;:r -Chap. I. "~ . uI PrOfane, ~'A'~~r:tI1g-)&c. )
l;Je{ca.o ,.only.:~ab, him I thus jn: Effigie,and wduldr inherent in a RaIh Oath1 ,that c.othing (;~9 be raid
(cne ,rbeOngl/lal no better ,did it lie in his POW~t'l' ,as a Plea for tbe ufe of l~; but. Men Swear becaufe
aud. can.not fOf~ dethraning \God in his Heart J' theywil.l S~e~r. There; 'is n~thing of an, Induce-
alJd faylDg, 'Ibm M.... /haD I no,lollgtr lttigll DV". lIS: ment, ~Ither ID Reafo.'!. ,or Religion, in Ath~irm dr
. :!. .:-~ ,.::.}' ,,'.' ': lrreli$.~D", t~a~" caR Warrant tQe CommiiPon of fo
I, , '.,; . s.And can. .we expetl: that out hOrrible a Cnme., '
'I1Ji.,JJr, CurjlritcOn.I,of the fameMQueh'Jhould pto-: , " . ,,' , ,:'r);",
7 An O(l'~ !n a~ 4t!Jeift'~ M9utht'~s:N9l!fel1fe '
filii",#. '>" ceed C",jillgand,Blfgi"gl That
1 . . . ~, who makes'nothing of 1l1.p and. C~n~radl'hqn.,.\:Fqr by-m. ,"j'" ,;\'1': ..
. "!!1Ig.,
li N hbou hl~~" fb~u.ld'
b09gl,e!at ,tbe 11'ifl.;~IT,'
~" "I>
,'U to yoking
h .ac. Bem,by
ft'l b him '.difowned,
' "
I t{o. Motive (or the
, " Swtafcr In AthelrrnJ
IS clg r,. andlblmfeIf? No, for certain~.,W, e l!1anhe y gives hlm[elCth~ \: ,.:,i'", ' , : ,
that can do the firfb,.,~ver ftops:it a Confcientiout Lye; He thereby argues the weaknefs of hj~J\ldge..
;, ~I~"abQ!J~:t~~ od.Jer: ,Fo,r.'what morc:commoit ment, alJ~ftabs his own Notion to the ven Heart.
~~ 'Jo ,h~v~~th~ JlluJlc:ring H~40r,:,.~.not only in, ~?: For w~o; ~ap J>elieve he is thro~gl11y, peefI-Y~ded that
-P.:UJioPJt~, ffll::~n~.y.j or ,3 ~t:r:uJg~r:;:, but, em'm .1 ,there ,s,n9"~od, ,wben;at every Sentence he rpea~s,
It" fQ~,faql,Jj,a~.o,1~,l;QIJrfe,w,.i1h1l~~Bo~.t,hePl.P~i ' he ,u.tt~r~out .,tJt~ very; !'fame;? ,or 'tha,I)'Qe den~es,
aJlIIE~1IP1. D""""~1I: t?, hl$',f,llend, or himrelf? a S~vI9Ilf, \y~e~,ev~~\II)d)anon, h,(ufes':Woundiand
.A~4 ~bat,ls,:A1Wr,elalQaz'JJJlthan ,toimprecate all Blood}p:~a)<.e ~is Difcou.~re ,EI1lP~atk<ll!.Or that
rtAH..opq~,the)~~fo~he pret;endS;t~Jove extremely. ' het~19,k~ th~re. ~~ n9.!~ell, or p.,evils, when.in every
a~ the- fame tJ{D~,. as.W~' be, Cqrij:d himQUt of pul'C' lYrn;of.paffion, be~lls, Qpon the,9~ tq) ta;ke his fe~
~dneij,; and ~UAe<i' IWn ~41ll]J1ed out of Civility,~ Jp~Gfeatures; an~ ,~~rtily,\\ ilheSj:hen}jn the Tor."
B.utw.~J1t, :1bi\lI'WCH:o~ude: of ,tbpfe Men but tha"b m~n.ts ohh~ otller.?Suq:. \1 am th 7Sw~!\~in'g. Atheij
~~c'y are .Mad,. ~~dFrantick. b,eYQnd, th; Cu.ce ' Of conf~unds hlm(~lf~ ',Qyerchrows hiS ,own ~einciple$,
l!fP!~'!rH '~''T: ." ,,' '" ,'" ,,, . 'i,~;, and4e!D0Dftrates.~~~imp9mbiJi.ty pf being.,~bQr()\'(-
v' n " , " ,~. BQt,.tho~ every Place;> and ~aced tn fuch OplIl~ons.' If h~VI'Qlll~ uplwJd:'.Atb~.
~, 'Pn4Cc~tJntal1!e. CO&:Rer of thl~ our Illa., b .i ifi.me,h.e filould refeam from tak1Dg,~h,aq\lqed,Na~
. ' l~,,;'cl aUll",
fd!b. bfSwearmg rJJfh:- h fi
!Jdinceif hdl 110 in- Wlt~f u~h profhgate WretcJ\ es l mto h, IS ~ .. o.ut
h (h
t ~ bar7 me~tlonw,
. her~Qf isar'gl!--
dacrmentfiom /llb:- tl]o thIS part of the WorId,E(t~ J:l1ent fu lent agaIDft him) ~nd he nIP~.I9 invoke
ifm, ,DT' /Vaftn. ch()C~ witb wholeVolleys ofQati1s hisA/mighl} C?4IlCe ; a~? Swefr by th,9(e >J~ 'po~:t:-
",'c.' l. ", a~d Curlings, wh\ch cominual11 fu{ Atems~ whlc;~by, th~lr own Magg~t1ck Forc~,
~~ mfcllarged,as. It., were, againft Heaven~' yet Jumbled themfelves out Of a Chaos into this cud-
~I~ I ~ever bear orone tbat could Alledge any ou.s Glo~e ; a?d l]e:!ho?1~ adjure, thp~e EI~P~Y N~-
thing ~ke a~ Excufe to extenuate the, Extravagancie 'hmgr, to which he tmaglOes all material Beings WIU
of their Guilt. ,Such ~,unaccounrable FO~y jS,there ,allall be reduced.
inherent 8, Not
6 The Reft,.m~d ([ent/em.".'! Chap. I.' . . 0f Pt'of4fJe' !Jw'edilig, -&c. '7

I. Nor is th~te a~y thing reafbn ilt a ptOf'itte 'fyfaut; thatCOb~acie t.o a'Hb;y ":." .
. r.
Oath. ibbfe Atgumebts the, .ti~, ;~hktis!{1rl! chiefeft Plea h4t CII{1PI1U/; tQ~
. t. Nothing In ~I- V' evil makes. ufl: of to. W6tktJ:!:1l 'Men ',~do" dr-cah:ufeco pa'WatelO . chzeftft PIMpr.:t:
Coo to induce t
..:J .! , . . , a l lthe. rep, prl1lJed to
0 , ,
."';)\. ~ rational MaD, add .to i" nte ,arC:-dt,an Offence. ',Thofe other. be trivial, ' .

him (0 Sin, are in this quite laid a6de. PI~~mtt, ,~es. fIUIh'fri it, [rlcb al the ..
Profit, and Fear, the common ByalTes of tb~ Win, ~,pI1V.DJe!il:iiJ Anger: The matiHg Btlieftbereby:
I and Corrupters of the Underfianding, there are
!tOOt to bt pleaded as a Temptation in thill Sid, as
:~t~ :~t!!!t ~n J>r!,atmnt of the
:~pr~mtht,,~~~ ~lt tbtn
Speech: aNd a gentile
ant1' ctflptp founl1S.
I it may in others. Here tbe Devil ha, a Chc!ap !in- .Ilf'~r'l .
r gai~ and Mcn fell tbeir Heaven for Notliiitg, and "~'I t; Can any Man of Senre think, that the C,o~-
their Souls thcy barter away, and take tic) Money miflionofoJl.c d'~a\'iful Aa can'ex- .
(orthem. ' "eoferlte fa4h~ Into 'another? Yet The F/ljl PIM ~!.
10. Bot farther yet, the tmreafonabJet1ds of this . fo abfurd,'kue t~at .imagines the jilted. :
Vice appears intbat, how fond foeter 'fie Ire 6f''-belQg'~rried f?eyond his Rearon, wiIlany thing at
. . it our felvd~ and ~re :~drr(jdt~";~~l~tbefa~ttof !tranfg~effinghis Duty. No.cer-
1!:!,.Dl1tI:f,:~::J';',: !W ben ady Body rept'cri~.lIs _f~r tm~m It:i9ag~t'~gg~~vatl~rr;thus toad~ Sin to Sin.
tf,.ltI161MJe'it nDt in' It; yet, tho' We love ~ht !rei. ~FJ~hDOt!'~~~qb (Vile Crlm'Mal !) to lllcenfe ~h'y
t.ft ",6om ", -/1fOf 1On, we hate the :Traitor!; aDd(i~.by:~'ibg into antlnalJo~ raffion, arK! fr~n
., tftlrm. , abhor a rslb Oath 10 thoft wc ei- tk~ '~9I't,' ,lilit tqou' It\u~ at ~ 'fame time provoke
tIler Loveor Honour. If a wif~, a ChJlJ,.3 ~ear !tti't yetmo~~?bY,~~_ng hiS.rl,t6ft holy Na~e
lC.,"tiaPI, or bot.3. Sm1mtf (whom we have a 'kind- ~~. thy . Pt'df~e).Jatld, u~cl,ean ,ttps? Thou tiadlc
acts fot) S1rear to oar :P~ce, hoW apt arewe' to ~W.arr~ [dt th9' mad Fren7:1e (let the Je.mpta-
chect, and rebuke them? But thoold ~ '}tid'/,t, a' ~~r~O'btneverfoftron~)Fa as to forg~t' tby
B/II6J' or a Princt Cuife ~md BJafpbeme IQ ourTiear-tB;:muelt Je(~,hQttoremember,hlm, whore \Vound9
Ing, liotrwoUld our ~100d tife?Aod h~vi' unfeem- ,'~ fett~ tQ'plee<l afrefu by ~I~y . piercing Oaths,
11, ungenerolfS, and Intolerable would It [een'! in ~ .~bomm~le Curfings. Whatever thou. mayll:
I them? And is not tbe offence as unbecorpitlg us, add ~g!n~,ytt.the being gUilty of one Sin, will nOl:
as notorious, as if tbe beft Friend or worthiell' NO. in die Iealt Weviate~he Comrniffion ofanother' tht>'
blemaD of them all were gUilty thereof 1 It rtmaitJs ~~e latter -be occafioaed by the former; b~t ' a9
tben that we cbarge the prevalcncy of this 9ia to t~y -qUilt, ,fo wiU thy Condemllation, and Punilh-
C*flaM. . ment'be-dpubletoo. Y )
. Ix. 'Tis Cultom, ~~ EngliJh Law, tMt ~Dglilh
~' no
.', n. And better a Refuge. " .
~1ret VJ\t.ft~e ;pext Excufe be ~o .~he .fi~:,t;ond Ple:':R!.
.! " l<CittlJt20nSwearer. For wdlany; ....
C Mall
g 'Th~, ,~f~~mel- Gf1J,tl~an .! ," ,;lJ Chap. T. Of ProfaHe SweAring, Sce: 9
M3n believe him ,~p~ ;mor~ fpp}is dr ellQful.:A1If. blull:ering Pare~thefies (0/ Dama'ym, Sin/(ym, By
vtrations? No, cerfainlv th.~s ~1~ ,w.ay 'of rc~ea- i"eir Malter, and tbe Ji~e) can ever boaft of. Let thole
[ingBeiic;f [0, pra:~pg:er<?,us~ thay,lt Ist4e reac!,y ~9" Oaths be never fo graceful in thefpeaking, yet I am
'to"raife up Diffidence; where ther~, Wa,sllone !>~(,l - of opinion, tliat were they penned down [0 that the
Ifthou art Honeft,apd repuced,a Man!lfthy.... " Speaker himfelf might fee them, tho:! he might not
,nOlle will defire, t~y Oat~ f05 a fm~l ~.a~ter'ri'" blu1b at ~he ,fight of ~is Sin, yet he would, no doubt,
,cver,they may do, !n,3 welgh"y ~O:\lcen\k,!3ut.ij,,~, at that of hiS folly, 10 uttermg fuch unaccountably
Il'rtknown to bc,f;\lfe or un~F;y~"allA1Y 1~I>feca ~ bOmbafticalNonfenfe. And as taking as it is with
'()llS 'and Execrations will avaIl,thee nothtng i. Cl fuoft, we never heard ofany that recommended him-
Men wiII think (as we fay )th~l.r 9~~ ~houg felf or his friend, to the Favour .of any Prince ,o~
A Liar and Swearer,are [0 near a,klJl,~avlDg one co Po,entate by ,an AddreJi of Oaths, Neither did we
mon Father ofthem both,th~t,whoev~r. basa S~ ever liea,r of any Council, in, a Trial at Bar, th~t
ing, has (Ten to qne) a Ly.~g Ve~ too. ,", I ever earned the Caufe by S~ear~ng to the pl~pofe.
'J ,., Then as to the next~hlgg, , \"hlch-MeJl,~fi:t' Wbatev~r the Lawyer may do ID hiS Chambers, y~~
,, , ' . , ~x~enuate the,g1.l~I~:ofrp,l1J.;9P~, atWeffmm(ler-HaU he has the Manners, o~ at leaff:
T'le Tbird plea ~:"v*qafr Ask fo~~ blulh [() ,f; ~~e I prudence ~o bridle his "tongue from thore c'XQr:-

f/lud. ' , . of even ,the b~t~r~ of M bltant ExprelIion9. Thus have we taken a lhort ac-
:Why; they yent ,warY alrno~ inop~we~th~ , count.ofthisChop-Logick, this Swearing in Mood
they'll tell you,,~t Jell uffth~lr::spe~~k; ~l,b 1'.. and Figure., , , " ,
,Grace, am} adcr~. '~4~r pe~iods ,,.,rt,ha, J,ovel), DeeD!, 14. But to go on, there are not wanting fuch 9S
A ~J'ange and unheard;.:Qf MC o.f.~het.onck t The Fourth PlM r' ~eclar~ without asking, the ralh
An Eloquence not much known mJ9~~e~ A futed, '~:"'_ Sweanng to be Gentile and Fafhi.
Th~t ,Oaths !h~uld.,be fo Elegant,,~!)atC<, ,: "~nllbl~. Ho~falhionabletheyar(J
fhould be fo Emph~tlc~l ; and, al.l Dlrcourf~sJn, Ifball not here dlfp~te, haVll}g ~ererfed that for
and flat, tha~ ar~, not ~uffe~ wl;th tpem, IS ~" ano~h~r plac~,: I~ut.as to the .G~DtI11ty of an Oa~li,
ne\v No~ion,' as ,makes me qlt It 1~rS,ar'.u;, 1~n fee;not~mg;1O'1t, that can deferve ,thatpec~Jlar
om a/'he Englijh. ToN,glle. I knoW;Dot now this ; title. Is Swea~ing a mark of a, Gentleman? Oo~s;
phemous BOlD?afi: rounds in fome EarsJ . butfo fb~~ qlaz?n his I-!qll(~1!r. fO as all, oth~.r ,.I\cc0!1lpli~-
. is this difagreelOg Harmony from affecting any mep$ wtthout ,1tfigDlfie nothl~g? Certainly;, If
ber Man that he would (I prefume) prefer Blotsareprnamepts" iflnverting be tlte Advall~
Croaking of Toa(ls', the' HoIlo~ing of owl~~,; ci~g of a S~utcheon" this, A~orn~. ~nd Advances it
the Cries of Ravens far b~fore It. ~nd, I am w~th, aJNltQ~fs.: aut:i,las 1,1 4>~upt:afcqall~ filCh
[0 believe PliJzy'S pane,gyncks, aod Czcero s Enco he~ng da"ths, would ~et:te,r,d),l:I!omet,he M<>.uths
'urns have mote Orarorical f!:rokes in ~h~m, tbaIJ, ,~n~(;: ~eau.Garcotll' and , bIUP~~iDg Bullies ,o(the
Harangues of 'ou[~odt;rn Vlti~:/,)Yttltballlft" Ae~,:,thaJ1, a~y, I~i'~f.c~rt "Gentlemarr whatfo'e~
,. u e :'.... '. , . ~' 2.
ler :,
, il
.' ~

:' le> 7-he Reformed Gentlemit'n.

- Chap. I. ,Of Pro/tine SWJening,,&c. I1
ver: tho' ~ m.oft 'needs fay" they would f~nct b3IJ 'be ~arth ; ,ToulI! Men ~1td Maicklll:' 0 la Mm iJ,l/d
enou1;h from any. Be con.v-il1ced then at fait (~~~ 'Cki/~enlin the Pfalril 't.s PI'aij", but in our daily
r . lu~d GCllcleme)i !) of thiS your Folly, ~d !Imlk 'fralHfe '[is) Cur[e;ana 1J;J4./pheme tIlt Na/lll of 'be
I" not that [0 be, a badge of your Honour, Which IS th~ ~(fIJ... ~0 Natural is this Wick~~ qujlol1t grown, th~t
I ;
r greateR flail) ofyonr R:epu[a~l,on. Bi;fides, ~ the .nfij.ntlearns to Swca~.as loon as ever he c'omes
Arrant Afs, Rak.e-k~nncl and Porter of the Tt:>YVll, ~Q utlder!l:and his Mother.Tongue; and can lifp oue
~ may at this rate cortlmenceG.effll~;nan~ wh~:thei an Oath or a Curfe before he an fpeak plain.
pl< are, and rank themfe~es wi,th th,l: ~efl:. Ft>t'l.dB i 7. This is Hkewife ~he prefem, fad, and lamen-
I" fiot frebut they Swc;ar wI!has good an Av. to i:'ht tabldbte ofol)r poordlfternpm~.lfland; an~ Wba~~
,r ' ft1I1;3s the mail: acc1?m!?hfh.d. Sl..at::k e~e~ ,did. And When, and How the GiJi~ of t1us Acute Dllealc It
!I ~very Footma!l.~?dVilltl de CfJaipltle, Stplarr,ann, #f~ ~en,eral~y Jah.o,urs, under Will !JrQVc, and Whet,her t1~e
li".! p Lord, as hiS Ma~er can eve!' pret~nd to.,' .' ..{\J~ep.t~on w~U be for the b~t~er or ~or the wo~fe tS
1,1. An~ ~e n~t the(e exc.ufes for..the; perfr~eJ.:i~/ t09 hard [Ol,' any Human.e QbfefVatl?n. ,':rho 'us
Ip fQhornd a Smempty, Idle, ~am, :lilt\' inflRld",' i to be feared a Cure Wlthou~ a l'vllracle 1S t<? b(:
Such as a rational Man, gujde 4 0nJy ~y thl: ~~~~;~ Qerpaired of, it being redtlcedali:eady to fllCh a L,an-
Nature, wouJd. bln1h to ow~ as his, ~Dch I~JS,Open,i '," guifhing as well as fillpid Condlti6.p; which nQthing
Jy to frand' out ID them, agamft thentor,c.P,tevri~eD.t 'but a Ibarp Remedy ( fome fevere Jndgment, or ana.
Arguments of Rra{ol4 and R..Jigibn. ,,StJ that 1t:foI'lthe~) will be aide to Reform ~l,ld Refiore to the full.
lows, nothing but a n?tor;i~~ C1Jil Cftffom ca~" l8. This indeed is. a fiartling thou~ht to any
pleaded as a Defence for thbfaPrOfanatlOns.-,' who are not as ye~ amvedto th,e full height of tills
16. 'Tis cujfomtJ:!at "~as ll1~q~, t~i5\ ~~la~~e,'~ ,I~picty, .and whore IJnleared "
, Epldeml~l. TlS that has Il\fu~ , MlDds retail] [ome Senfe and Re- A Del'o; W,Gll tolC47)Q
, Thf force of CUpqm. 'ed' our Cities, and poifoned "Oll! morfe. I could with with all' my off this Sill.
~:'I:~tl "AA larGOUQtry Ak~09. '~o. ttiat\yh~r~ 'Soul, I could prev~il only uWn
. ' ever you go,. you 1mJy hear;' thofe to return from whence they are fallen, and
'Frantick9 ventbtinhe fad'Ef*fu~.of'thelr-diWe." fuffer the faJhionable Many to be damned by them.
: ;pered~Bmim. Were itpO~ble-.t~tapydfQo/P felves. For (h4U we be fa ~r011gly illfatulludty 01/1' oW}~
1 aece(fot~ could a.rife, and ,take' a furvetor. ~ Inclinations, 4nd tbe Exampl~ of otlm!, to l"CIlO/01ce
times, HOw Would they bl~thetilCelve~?' Ari~tbn- ONr God more heartily in O/lr PraW[e, 'bm ever we did
I 'e\Ude a Wl;mre Le~~on ofDeViIswer~ let lo~ff,,~t 'be 1Jevil in our Bap'ijin ? Sha1J fo Ab~1J~inilble a Cllftom
~le~d~ankmdto fum ~ d~~ee',of Madoe~,tt',t8 Ty'riJ1t1zize over ,be Rea(on and Rell~,01J of Mm (J1!rl
wl1o~ World: were' ~lI\d"at lengt~, t4e -9i~ Cb,i~jans? Sbalt we follow a Multl'ude to do EVil,
'~~I~'fa~'tIi~IeD~nrp,"iltf~'t? relideID?'IYt,~,j4nd rNII Headlong iuto Hell f~r ~ompalZJ 5 f~at if 'he
:( wltlI Grtef.,~H~"maYI~ ~.r~en),tjRgl" '-~fl1m run prong, tbJt way, ff It an lmpoJJivsllly'o ~eal'
-'~~~'E",6)' a~~'ri1f p~o;J't
.. , . P~I;' ~~ ~D:1HrJt'h , C~ tip
I ,
; ~
, '.
u The ~efor11Jed Gmt/eman. Chap. 1. ,Of Profttne Srve. ,ing;&c. 13
up agai"l it l . No certainly, we fe~ it poffible tQ 00 ~ engrofs this Sin of Profalte Swearing f~ mue~ to
have many R,IghteQus ~0t1 even m our Sodo1tf:' the:nrelves, as to make i~ their own peculiar Vice?
and many who BIds, Praife, Magnifie and Extol th~ 20 Loyalty has been to Eleva- : .
King of Glory amidft this Blafphemous and Profane ted a' SubJ'ettnotlong ago, that~~Colld M , otclV~/ral~'n
.' ," ' n..' k J rom t Je 011; ormtlj
MOfives for t~for G . eneMratl?n. Nor ar~ tlIere wan~. Men would ortentlmrces IUhlpw~ach dU8to El1gliJhGovcm.
faking the S;'n if Pro. m~ otlves to excite even t~ea good Confclence, , 0 t ey mlg t m~11t.
141,1,e SftI:aring,&'c. ~or~ (were they Dot Deficient "appear but 'favourers of the Go- .
,. to t~em[eIves) to a fpeedy R~ 'vernment they H.t/ed in: B~t fo fans the c?mmon
pentance. For let ~he Exampler of tbe more Civili:(,t, Swearer' from bemg a Loyahft, that h,e A.':ts In Con ,
H.eatben fhame UI: Let tbe Conformiiy due to ,he COli' tradiaion to all the Modern ConftltUtlons of the
(fltNt!OHJ of 'hiJ KiHgdom in general, and to tbe preffltl Englifu Nation,and openly refifl:s ''
GovmlTfent ill particular Win ~J: Let tbe Obedience ~ ,the unrepealed I/o ,S'a~u'el ?f the ;o/~t:,!'~d I, ,c'~;r~~:,
owe to our Mothe~ C~Nr~b. oblige UI; afld Itt the T";:'; Land, blade and ~rovlded In that cap. 4. mJ pcrpelll-
ro.~r I ofthe Lord In tHjltCimg his Judgments '1emporA~J Cafe.' And let hlln boaft of be- 11!, 16. Car. I. c, 4'
,!J 'WeD al Ewnal, Conprain HS to forJa~e our ElJilt~~,; ing never [0' pood an~ true a Sub-
c:H/f0111f' . ':7 jeet, it avaIls nothIng fince he ~efies the. Laws,
Firfl Motive ar.mm ~9. Let. (.I. fay) ,be Pratlife of and by hi~ practife ~ulls ~ho[e In,[tt[ut~s ..whlch. are
fr o>1,J t4~ Exam /e of 'he mere CIvilized Hea,tbenl fhame fo ll:r?ng mforce agamft Inm; ,Nclthe.r IS lie afnend
thl: He~tbens. f mto leave off our [0 much plead. to thiS Prefent Government (let hiS pretences be
, , e d for' and Cuftomary Oaths. never fo fpecious) {inee his At:tions are Diametri-
Whoe~er amongthem~ould upon any Triv~d A~. cally contrary to t~e Royal. Will and Pltarur~ fpe- ........
count Invoke any of theIr Gods, were ~J'anded as cified at firft by hI! MaJc(lIeJ Letter to tbI'. BijlJop of
In~amous perfoDs: fo highly were the very Da:mons London, whith was ordered to be Commumc?ted to
qGlfi~d by thofe poor deluded Pagans. And at pre. the reft of the Clergy; and afterwards figmfied to

i relit we hear nothing ~f the Turk~ taking their die Civil Magifrrare By, tbe ~mlJ mOJt Gl'<lciollf
t. g~cat Pr~phet M..hom:"s Na~.e in Vain, or Blarphe~ Me(J'age to ,be ]H}J.icer of 'fYJ-iddlejex; a~d Lartly, by
rnIng their Alcor~1t, or RevilIng their MlJjii; but a more forcing Proclama:lon,. In which th~y Rc-

\yhenever they have occafion to make mention of commended the fupprcfhng ['rof,me SlVearwj!, and
I i elther , th~y do it w!th t~e greattft Adoration, aDd Curfing; as the firft and chiefeft of thofe Offences

II 1
prOfJlllddt Refpefr Imaginable. And fhall the L.ord
J:h]':J.I~ (a Naqle fo Sacred that. the very JewI
rh ;IJ3IH lit a SI:I b~t [0 pronounce It) be fo com~
which were accounted, more efpecially to haften and
bring ?own God's Judgments upon this Unfort~-
nate Kingdom. . . .
1~101'Y (j1If-:d, affronted and defiled, by our unhal- 2 I. But, Thirdly, there ate many of thafe pro-
J ~)N.J Llj,l.;? ShaU Chrij1i;J1U and a Refo~m~dNation fiigate Wretches, who dare own t!Jemkl\,(;$ Clmr:b.
I " toq C -I- Well i


r '~.

i ]4' Tbe R~formed Gcnfler411. " _'.IJ, Chap.I. Of Profane Sll'e4ri1lg, &c. r~
mm:, and if they preteRd to any Religi.~n, ~~js t~

obfjt,lfllte and hardncd Copfcience, unlefs it be Judg.
Reformed, OrthoqoJ\: and.Pl,'m~ llJ~nc; ~eU and Da,mnation.proGf. ,Men may be fl)
The third MOlive ftantFaith UJey~reof,: They:ap. bra-zen faced,
, d~amn from the Obe- pear openly in QlIf CODgre~iQ% than lkathens;
as not.to blllfil at their, being \Vorre
they- may be fa refractory, as not

,I ~h:::h, due to the and Ibewa b9ld Facfj i~~Iij:~ lobe reduced by.thd

i triC1:eft Humane Laws:

{olemn of our. Alfembbes i and m~y be 10 unchrillian and fo unnatural as They
intrude into the -moll: Sacred ofour, Or<linal1Ci:Uhe tc) be difQwned by cheir to chufe
Mother the Church, rather
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. But let thQfeFr~ than part with their cuftom

faners of all that is ~ood and fa<:red beafi"uree,.thet they are not fo much in ary Vices: But I hope
~ '1 che
the Church is Dot their Mother; t~at withiQ he! that tbe terrors of the Lord power of the Devil, as.
l I Bofom there are cherilhed no fuch Vlpers,.fhllt:bec both in this Life and in againft fuch OtfenderslP
anothe r, can make no im-

sanduary is noAJjlum for ~uch Vermine to:h<l~~ r~ , preiliQll upon them.
courfe to: For her Dot.l:nne's drawn out .~f r;nc'-';l31. Let thofe Wretches

(.) Article ~9,

pure. fountain of God's W9r~;j Laws of [he Kingdom, and the
( (I) her Articles (b) her HQmi~~)' C"nfu(es' of the Church yet the 1. 'jlldgm~I
. d ' h'l
be never fo free from the
1fJ . 11'011
I i; (b) Homi!! ,. lies, an her woe, Om fr'HutJOl\
' . ' ;j ",
i " Band of the Lord will , '
find chem SII'ei1rcrs In tl!lS life.
I j: are direCtly Oppolite to the'P,r~ ouc,and even on
, I: fane, and gives no manner of EncouragerQffit f~ hqmefor tbeirralhthis fide the Grave, pay them
II :p ~im to perfcvere in his Extravagancies. However cration
Oaths, and blafphemous Exe-
s. We have fome,
i ' :
the lewd World may efreem of things now, ye~ ftances of God's fignalizing(tho' not many freib) In-
! ' when the Laft Day comeS, no ~eftioft but tbe horrid Criminals. For what his Vengeance Ol) fuch
I .; Church will fay to thofe her Hangers"on, -lk,.II0tp, (mall company of the Ifrae/it was the rearoB of the
you nllt,- rlJU WIlU!J have mite IlfmyCuunrtl, bMI.de. mile! in OlIeday, I er, killing 1000:: 0 Af'tz-
I. ~.: ' IPife-d aY nry reproof, therefore Eat ye uf tbe Fr/fi, Dj Holy Writ, you wiltfind ic
Kil1f,,1 20. 20.l f you coofule
I i your own W"), :111d be fiUea ,.,ith JOur own devku. If And what was the
was Jor Blafpheming G~d
CHufe of SenHacberib's meetJng
i ~herefore any Man has any Zeal to Raad up for her, with fuch
an Unnatural
l- and to promote her Caufe, and to enlarge het 8or~ it not che Blafpheming and barbarous Death? Wa$.

ders; He cannot dQ it better than by a Sober and his General Rabfhek"ah, and the Lord Jebovab both by
I ConfcieDtious converfation to let his Comrnunica in a Letcer he fent to He:ukjby his own Hand-writing
tion be Yea, Yea; and Nay, Nay. ab? And doth noc God .
in our times take the SiIUler at his word, and cut him
I . . u. Come we now to confidef off in a,n Infiapc, with the damnable Execration in
\ The fourth Motive the Iafl: Motive, which if all the his Mouth?
True it is, fuch
, ,i,I'1 .
~ral1Jn.t;;7/~e 'judg. reft fail, may prove firong c~ mediate Vengeance in this Inftances of God's im-
World are very rare,
V'ent! 0 o. ! ~PHgh' ~o work ppon the moft few examples of.this nature are u~on Recor and
; il';
,I, '.:' . . d: Bur
Obdur~t~ le~ U~ t~k~ a VIew of the impenitent B1afphemer
i f I
. ,, . '. - , . . . , 1ying
, 16. The Reformed Gent'emdl1~ Chap. I~ Of Profane .Stl'earing, &c. 17
, J
lying upon ~is Death.. bed in hil laft Agoni~, and, 24' Bu.t if this is not melancholy enough to (hike

i. ready to give uP' hiS P?lIute? Breath at. hiS laft Horror 10[0 the Adamantine
i'\ gasp: Let us there examme him, what .FrUltor Pro" Heart, yet let him extend his pro- 2. Emn41 7udg-
fit he has in thofe things whereof he IS now alba. fpeabe~ond this and the Grave. ::~fJ IIpOll Stlltar~
med? Can you think his genrile oaths, and accom.. Foradmlt he m:lyefcapethe thun.
" plifhed Exe~rati?ns, wi~l now .d~ him any advantage dj:rbolts of ?ivine Wrath, tho' the Lightning may
in that Etermty,lOto which h~ IS luft re.ady to Launch" 'not devour him, nor the Arrows of the Lord take
,I No, I am peri\vaded, you ~lll hear him t;ll you .an- . hold of him in this life: yet can he expeCt to e[cape
1'1 other ftory, and if the pevlI ha~ n~t qUite. gagged t~e JUd~ment of God for ev~r? Shall not Hell be
I' bis' Confcience, you Will hear him 10 the bltter~cfs h~s Portion f and Eternal Mlfery his ftipend for all
~; of his SOUl, iJ~t~r out this, or fome fuch complal~t. ~IS B~afphemies ? S~al1 he not with Dives lift up his
!: "Damned Camf that I am! In what an unavold Eyes In Hell, bClOg In Torments, and roar oue in

cc ably miferable condition am I. involved? What.a; vain, for one drop of water to cool his inflamed
"lamentable proJpeCt 'of endlefs Wo have I now 10'-.1 Tongue; Tbat Fire, tb.zt world of iniquity which de-
" " my fight? \\!~at a horrible Scene is j?ft ready to i~ lighted in v~nting out its ~urfes and Oaths here on
"open, and deliver me up to the devouflHg Flames'? larch? WIll not the pUOllbment be adrequatc and
f Ob c"rfed Tongue! "HoW hafl: thou been employed fuitable to the Crime? And is it not fit that. 'Ibat
it '~for thine own Ruine? Heaven thou canft not a~ Member [uffer moft,which waschiefty inftrumental in
.';1 "peal to, for the power thereof thou hafl: often pl~cking dowq the rilifery upon the whole? Confider
, 'i
"defied: God thou. can'f1: noe call upon, whore thischen ye that for~et God, th2t forget your felves,
, I
" Name ehou hafl: otten and lhamefully prophaned and [orgoe your own Intereft,both Temporal and
" by thine unclean Lips: C?b H(Qve~J! Drop down E~ernal, for what vanilbes like Smoke into empty
i "upon me, and crnlh me mtonothmg: Oh Mou~, A!r: ~onfider'ye that f!lory in JOl/r Sbame, thatTri~
i,, tabu fall UpOil me, and cover me from tbe fac~ of bm' ~mph In your wlckednels, that Oue.dare Heaven with
tbat {tttetb 'Ipon tbe '1 hrone, and from the W ratb of!bI you~ I~piet.ies: Are 'youable ~i.ch the Salamander;
I Lamb: Oh Earth / ~L Let thy Bowels ga~e, a~d hid ~o bve ID Fire? Can you dwell In everlafiing Burn-
~L me in thy dark Caverns. But alas! 10 vain do ~ngs? Do yOI1 know what the Worm that never dies
"vent my wifhes to thofe who cannot, will nothel IS? t\nd can you tell what the Fire ullquenchable
. LL me. Come then, ye J;tfenrill Furin.' and hurrj mean.s? Ifthefe things be not fiCtitious and imagi.
I L~ my accurl~d Soul to its de[erved Manfions. Come 'narY,lf you are [enlible that there is reaily a Heaven
I' I.
CL ye bewitching and inf<lcuacing Spirits, and. ta~ lor the Good, and a Hell for the Bad; and are de-"
H your cheap B~rgain home t? ,your ~ery HalHtatl firous to efcape th.e o~e, ane be blelled in the other:
I, r; ons. ThllS ravlOg and defpamog, railmg and curt Leave off then pleading for your Vices,and argue not
ji :1; ing hilu!eJf, he endshisabominable ,0dioJs, and lin. the prevalency of al1. Tcmprari0n, or t!le ltrength
I1 l1' fuI Li(c~ ofCuftom [or your pcrfevering in your Impieties.
i, (; 24' Bu . B'~
I; ,~II
",1 l'
, J;
t ' . /J
I-8 1 he Reformed Ge1Itlem.tn. Chap.,~" O/Profane 8wear~lfg:&c. 19
~wer ~ do that, yet be not ofthat Devillifh So~
Be 80 lo.nger fond of your Difeafe, your Fetters,y~ur clety which makes that a.matter of Sport, which
Calamities: Ruc fhake off yoor fhackles wherewltb fhould, ~ the, Ca~fe of their greate(\; Humiliatioo';
yOIl have been [0 long,confined, and break o~ you~
Sins by Repentance: Let that Mouth, whIch ha\
and Rt'Joyce. TrlU~ph, and La~gh: at that whicll
Bla[phemed, Blafpheme no more, but prai[c and mar makes
tbe Damned
ID Hell
:~ ,.
fued Rivers, of 'Tears ..
Hiji, tbe Nam, if the Lord fer evtl',for hi! N,,~e ollly
,~8JJproce~d'totheJaft Spe,.::: , " -
U e:tceIJml, and his Gkry above Ihe Earlh aHd th:
e!!~.~f. Profamnp 9od'S Name, c ~Iy, Perjury confider.
Ht(/v~lI. " , 'Vl;G" IiY.tfmt hO~ldSlh ofPtrjHry. ldlrtJ~tthtr !JyCircum.
25. And here I cannot but take notice ,of ~he ~nd 'now I could with with' all 'ven~Nr by,Sut.J1l-
" ,madnefs ef thofe, who fee~Lo
The gmlt qf filch ilJ be fearful of taking God's BIer.
mr Soutthete were' 'no reafon'co H4t~on" ,. , ,
SfZJ~ar not th~mft!veJ o. h r.l' ' , d" t;rf.,~~~ .and exlaimmigbtily '~g-Jinfr dlis. Wick;. .
jut d4Iight to bear fed Na!.De In vam t enlle ves, all

othmS/f1w. yet delight to hear otnersSwear, " e~~.1 could wlth~orle w~t.e "&,Jiltyofit bljt It:'Jb
, and Blafphcme. I blufh to [ay:' 'StPtarerr, but we find thar: how mUGh lOever they
that now,.adays 'tis the Gupo ~fcompany, [0 have: ,:; a~e. may by a fatal Confequence flip- into 1 it yet there
one propbane WIe~h oIother by his horrid Irn too many who do, it out of defign' and have
precati~ns and unaccountable Oaths to move the reIt ~helt endst? ferve:'~ereiD. ' 'Tis ,too;ifibk bow
to a fit of Laughter: i\l1d t,here's fcarce any plea- ,common CIrc~~rJtl~ns' ~n~ 9ver-reachings are;
fantHarmonym Society. Vfithout fearful fOllnding ,a~ thofe UJhered~nJ.oo ftequeDtlywith thefolem-
J3xecratioDs .to fill up the Chorus. But know, Oh mty:~,an Oath:. TIs ,3 Myftery belonging to each
, I I
I ' ,I,
wretched Mao woofoever tbou art, that makefl: as ,M,an 5.trade t~be lIP.on the fuar9.; ,an~ thO' df .
apd lEqUl!'9.r~te;.Swear and Forfwear the;!-
! i It
i ,'~. ~ -
, " it were a CODfcience of not. Swearing thy felf; aud 'Lie.
, yet thel~te, P?ld well el)oug~tbey think:
~I'I, ,:
yet take(\; plealure in hearing others Blafpheme, _1e lves
that thou art under the fame Condemnation. ' For ,ca,n~eyget b~tl.~heleaft gains i~aginable thereby;
,hty aUjhaU be damnrd Iba' have pleaJure in unrigbuou[' N~~is p'~fi'. the~nl~ Loadfione tha~draws men to
,'~he C?:tn~~lItt1DgttQJ,~gre~t
lleJi. A bare Connivance and Mifprifion, (as I may }lIg IIJe hHmOHTs dflYJ'allct Impiety ~ . ,but' the C,.ati[,-
r {''r- ~Q fay) of this horrid High Trea[on againft Hea, and ~'~~t1tge works upon
;: ven, is enough to make th"e a Traitor; How much cttiem.altl?ge~her as much.. ~ent~ do we often fee
more then fhall thy confenting to it in thy Will, and ,~,lJbor,natf<nl.s.o and Falfe~ wltne!fes~ fi-\lifier Tricks'and
countenancing it openly by thy complacency thereiD, ,Un1a;~fql,9.Vlbbl~~ fo', much, inufe' in, thefe titpes.
, add to thy Guilt and Condemnation too 1 . Hare , the Ca~ ,~p'ey bqt betray the Innocennothe fi .,,' f
W''; ' et 1
~~s,. InJu[y,':m~
" , ,; ' . ,

not then thy Brother in thy Heart, by fufferingand .' _ r. alate an expofe the ob-
encouraging fo great a Sin upon him; bllt corre .,Jea ,of ilie.lr,ha~r~d to .the Ce~fures' ofeither durcQ
aid hinder- it. if. thQl\ c;:anft: pr of th , ~,~t:liFe, can they but procure either :Sequefitation
if 'tis out powe(
. '.. or

I :
,! i
~o TiJe Reformed GentlemaN; Chap.!. 6Jf,l'rof411e Slvear!JJg,&'c, ,21
or Excommurtication 'againfl: him: how do they tri.. ~c~i~r;the !?e,c~.ivFjs too well known a ~axim,
umph and rejoyce in their inhuman Proceedings and~o~,Q,flen prachfed by our Wicked Generation.
and proudly boafi: of their M~licious {hccds, Blit Buf "t<)'-recla'iillifp~lftble ,thofe vile Exorbitapcies
let fuch impudent ~ut-daring Klligbtr oj tbe Poff ~ {hall offer two Motives drawn 1. from tbe Confide-
know., thaphis ftretching of their Faith and Con.ratio.n, ofthe;verx'!f~{N~UJfthe Crime; and 2Jy,a/[o
fdences, tho' it has call: a Mill: before the inferiour fro,,! tb~ greatllejiff, ~~~ l'u,?i[hm~1It fllbjequen' on' the
Courts of jull:ice,. y~t they cannot corrupt the Gu,#., ,: '.. ' . . ' . ' ,
Righteous JH~~~ if':t,U 'he Jfo~JJ, who wiU do rigbt I ' " " i .. . 'h,~ ...,':',: ' ,: '
He w.illullmask their falfe EVi~ences; Reve~fe the i8. Of what a Cr'imfon Dye
Decreesilrued'out aga,inft the Innocent, andJix tbe and Scarlet Grain this Sin is i~ Firfi Motive 10 (eJflJe
Judgment where it, lhpuldQe, upoq. the PerjuriouS its()w~, Nature, \~ill appear, if offtbis SIll, isdraulJJ
.,... head. He, ill JJu'1h
. a' .their
.C . al",,;;,y,
. dlt4.,we " confid~r
,:,,' that the off~nder
'" in. fro,~.~begre.une.(s
f1'I0f~ wbe~ ,peir fear Cometh., wbeN their fear comi,b, , C;u.r~,,~~e gUllt, of brea~lDg the-" . ,.
./lJ,a if,efolatioll, . and .,beir DeIlr~aion, /11 ISWhirltl'. '" ~p,Qre Law:, an~ trancgremng that general Duty he
TPlltd,Prov.J, 2(5,27 , ' o~~s tq,qod, hIS }Je!gb~our, and Himfllf I. He 0(-
. ' ::, f~r~ t~e, greatell: ;lffront poffibleco, <:7od~ eithei: ill
, ". ' .' ~"1. So <:01nmoit is this Wick.: Plso~diJ},:~~y Calling, Oi.: (ina' more fQtemn manner)
Th'DtffiCIII!J of per. edn~Ca and' [0 advantageous is itwheij. FalJed,to a Cour,t, of lu, dicat\lre;' w.hen he. in-
jiJadmj!, men to (eflv~ , k h F h
.thISS;llofP"i'UT,J. grown to c~,rry on MensTradCl v~ e~ ".~ at :uf Spirit!, and a}:i?zg tbat ca~!l,ot

". ' and Defigns, that 'tis almoft moo L!eto ,be a Wanels t9 hiS unrrl)~h ~nd Malicious
,f:iUy,impo(lible to dilfuade tht:rn from it. You will :F\l!ilioods.2. He, commits a piece of Injull:ice a.
.feem to do them the greate!l: lnjury 'imaginable, gallJft the whole Community of Mankind .as' well as
~ou~d you' be fo. ';impertinent tQ advife them to kdecei".esJ,c~curi.lVents,'()r fany acc,ufes ari y Particl1-
mm ~f thdr Word!, to [peal<. tbe truth in ftncer;'y, 4 ,Jar p,~rfon, He not .9hly injures the 'Object; ofbis
ip b~ ~o'nfCientjoudll,heir CaUing. You would defhl\eveD~e, but perverts the Currept,lJ,\ld ,turns ,t~e
the greate!l: Pillar of their trade, take away the frream of the Laws of Nations;, Blinds th'e Jury,
very fupport ef their Merch:mdizing, fuould Y9u Corrupts the Judge, puts'the triCk'ilP'Ol1 the whole
go about to ftraitlace their .coilfcience (as they ca)I.~,eg~,h~a,nd 'lDakes Ju.(ti~e frand as a Blalll<., or fa
it;) and keep them off from, an Advantag~oUl thef. ?s. a. Ma~ly, tQ,cover his. Knave~ F;lce withal!.
ftraining their Faiths, when occafioll requires. The 3; He IS nofhisQwn,Friendto be fure-. for, he noe
whole World .qre turned, Sharpers~ and iliaU: we (fay ,only expo,fes himfelfto' the Penalties of Human Laws
they) be fo fcrUp\llous, aUo be, afraid of uffog tbe 'ifhis~~avery ili6uld be)olind.our,b~t imprecates
fame.MethO:ds 6Iadvancing our lntereft is gene : up.on.~J1Pfelf .all. t~e P~Dllliments, arIi)~VJre~.which
, nerally ures!] FA.'um FaUentem no'; tJf Fwu,;.:i: ' ~o.(,\1~qally l11IlIffs UPQD ; the Wre,tcA "even in this
, - ' ." . -., Deceive '.cir - ' \:.. Life,
. , . ~ tr -.,! ~ .
22 T/Je Re[ormelGehtlemal1. " ''':, 'Chap. I. 0/ Proftlne SlveJring;&'c. 23
Lire arid~hicI~ :(without R~pen~3l1~e? 'will,}~e.:lt~ the Judgments of the Lcrd cannot prevail upon him.
portion in the next. ,And how ,g~eat tho~e> JU~~- And herein God glorifies and fignalizes his Juftice in
"ments are is 'next'to be con~4,~red,., ' : , a Wonderful Manner: He d(}th not, will 110t bold tbem
Gui/'Itji 'ba' 'a~e hu Name in VJ;lt. He pays them
, , 'J1;~ Seco71d'M9tiv{' 2 9. So'fgr'-i~ tb~ Profii~aee.9ti. home in their own Coyn (as the Common expreffion
from"theGreuiltft of minal (ram efCa'plDg punlflunent, is) even in this Life. Inl1:ances of this truth there
the pUlfijhment which that all the Laws, both HumiJiI are enough even within the Compafs of a fhort re"
;s ,e~ther Hum.m or anQ D;Vj"~1 are ready ~Qlay hold view; and there is no ne~d to run over any other
Dlvme. of him. ' .' ' AHnalr but our "wn Experience and knowledge for
'! I ..
~ 'Jr' ~:'

fatisfaaion in this point.. How many (I will forbea[

How, ,trill:. our Cci01H.i:Utioris mentioning particular Names) have there been,
s El;,.' Cap"9' are aga.r,oft, this,'1mpiett:"if any whom God's hand has fmitten in a more immediate
Made perpemal. 29 one will'confutt ~thofe 'S~~tl\~~ manner, punifhing the Offence in the very M0ment
.BlJi. Cap. S~ ". made, and p]:ovided '~n:thiS '~t~, '4 of its Commiffion? How many dreadfUl fped'acles
will be maoifeft. ' The Heathen wh~. 'WlftiIlj, ~~~t have there been of thofe whom Divine Vengeance
prers a Religious Man, would Tll:le h~' ,~ has not hurried away, but left according to their
"Eucp~9-11 Ma" of hif W:orrJ:~ An~ when tf?:el. d~fCt~ Willies ftanding Monuments of his Juftice, to die
bed a Wicked Man, did thInk hIm fully tl~lin,e:tte~ by a fearful and lingring Difeafe, by [dOle plague o~
'wben they called him 'Emof,,9- ~"jU1'iou/: 1\!0,tn~~r another which has confumed them as it were piece-
'~'Brartd does the Wretch ,re~eIve. from theL_~Y1~ meal; How many others are there who carry in
carding to t?urg.e')eraI !'c;:ceptanooQf tnr~lllg: their own Brea(l:s their HeD upon Earth? And on.
for befides Fines, Impnfonments an~ the, Prlldtyi thore I cannot forbear beftowing a Melancholy
be has as J~nominionsa Cba,ratter as,a l;I~~~~~rlfr thought or two, and Commiferate their moft mi-
:rnfidel; being ~s uncapab,le as them of hea,tl.l1$., .,3N fef!lble Condition." Whatfoever the Heathens might
~Office ,of sffilhng at any ,hoooufclble Court" 0~/lJ" relate of the Perjured's
ving 'his, Evidence in any' Cau[e. '.:" beiDg,vifited by the Furies
. , .. I ... ","0', _ every fifth day, according
30. Bat admit ~e ~ay e:fC'3~ to that of HeJi8d: What-
~as 1iJdgmt"u ttpgn ' undifcetned 'bY MOrtal Ey.es, 'or ever Poets feign of Prome-
., tM PerjlltiIJus in',his if found out. that,he is f(),l)ard. 'belH VIIIitn' or IxioHI Wlml are even on this fide the
?f;.if(!.. . 'ned .in hi5:!I~l2~ty ~hat the ~~ Slygilln Lak.; verified with a Witnefs. There poor
'.ftigma cannot fhame hIID;wat'FInesan4 pen~lp~, Wretches arelailied with the Twinges of a felf ac-
,drat the Prifon and Pillory canliQt ttartle)lJm'to hiJ cu(ingCoDfcience, whore ttrokesllre more piercing
A'~endmeni ;'yet 1 ~ruft he is not fo patfttire t~~~ then all the [oaky Whips and pointed Scorpions
[) are.

'4 7heReformed Gentlenl4n. Chap. L' Of,Prof411e. S"e"i"g, &C. 2,
are: This Worm gnaws .with.3 greater Appetite, of them, and will for ever acknowledge the Eternity
and makes 3Deeper ImprelIion in the Sinners Bofom, ,J)fthem too. In that PrifQn, that Dungeon of Ever-
then the Devouring Fowl could ever upon the others Jalling mifery, he has a full view of the Black Ka-
Bowels: And the continual round ofendlels Defpair lendar of Criminals, and fees the Catalogue of of-
leaves him in fuch a Labyrintb, that every f!:ep be fenceS (of which Profane Swwing and CurJing,
advances towards the Ridding himfelf out of it, i~ Blanbtmy and PerjHrJ are not the Laft,nor Ieaft )
tricates him the more therein. Nor does the pIlllilh. Dot with Repent~g, but eternaUy defpairing Eyes,
ment always terminate in the Perfon, but ~is PoRe-
lity more or lefs feel the fad Efleas of their Pade- . . H.J\~d are noUhefe thoughts terrible enoug~.i11
ciffors perfidioufnefs. This is too' Vilible to nCQJ all COnr~leDl;e to melt down the moft Adamantme
goy farther lIlulhation, Caving from the Example . "~t~ ?Can .it be imagined that men are fo flinty and
ef tbat Great Man who entailed a eurre to his Fa- Ob.,dwate, as that neither a Seofe of their Guilt, nor
mily for the non performance of a Thing he had ,. anEfteem they may h~ve for their Reputation, nor
engaged himfelf by an O~t~ to.have done. He wasd the feIu. of HUqlan pllmlbments, much D;10re of ODd'S
(I prefume) more a Chnf!:lan then that we lbould ~ .Temporal and Eteroal Judgments Can WlD upon them
doubt of his not repenting of the thing him.' to repent of their Evil ways? He is certainly pof-
felf; yet the Misfortunes of his Pof!:erity loudly'pro. fe1fed with :rtfupidlty., beyond that of Lethargy, who
daim the ,Almighties Difpleafure at that Offence. . elU live and forfwear. himfelf with Hell Flames a-
. . bQut his Ears, notwitbftandiog the inrupportable
3 I. Thus far of the Mifcries Wrath of ~ ju(l!y incenfed al1d .provoked Judge is
God's 1udgmmJ! up- incident to the perjurious in thir ready tofelze him, and hale him before the Judg-
on the P,rjur,din il-
mthtr Lift. Life, but what will his Portiol ment Seat of that ftrW: Tribunal,' who will leave
be in that Lake ofFire and' Brilllr'POj S~. uDp~e~, tho' never fo much palliated and
Rone I am fi:ruck with horrQrat the very thought! .. ~l,oIfcd over .'Vl~h the thin Varnilh of weak human
thereof. Methinks I fee him ranked therewith the l.)!X~~res and Eiafions, Repent then oh Man who-
mof!: Black, Infernal Devils; howling and fbrieking ,(e,ever thou art! and perjure thy felf no more: Let
through the very anguifh of his Spirits. There if .lhe, time ~afi: fuffice that thou halt broken thy Vo~s
he Convinced, tho' too late, of God's JufticetQo and Promlfet, and for the future make thy V9.\Ys
wards fuch profane Wretches: There he is Senfibl .u~tO- the Lord of ag Amendmenc of thy Life, \~d
how damnable a falfe Heart, a double Tongue, and ( be [llre to ICe them performed.
unhallowed Lips are: There he would wilh tho~
tormenls wmb", Notion, and 'he Fire wei'e 6ut Painte4,
and tbe !Lzmn b"t Vifionary, (as he often has thougb .0 z Of
while on Earth) but to his Con he fiodi the Reality
- ~ ~

.. '
- ::; . ", I:,
Chap.lI. " Of.1)rtmkepf1.efl ' 2 l
" i their proper, geo!line, and natPraJ,-.End ,to Exce~

and Lu"ory. Nor was the'UDiv~rf~rp~Juge of fore;
, enough to purge 'a\','ay the Corruptlons of thore
,;'of 'Drtll1/{elmeft , ,
-;..- Guiles, with whi~h; the old, Deb;1uched World had
ilain~d, pollute~, !lnd poifoned the ,then Inpabi~e4
; .;1

'..1 ' " ,,', " ",

E./Jrch: For we finJi, Noak, th9~ a ,good: l\1an ;~n4 a

,) .c, H A P. lI~' ,'j'

Preacher of RigQteoulilels, ~ccide~ta\ly .overtak~~
,*!ttbe Effelts'of an unacq~a1n~ed IptOXlc~tll~g J,l.
, The Orif!.ine of,his Sin traced: Haw,' ""tl rhereill 'hi qU,O,I\ which notonJy.Expoled hiS ~}k~dnefs; tl> th,e
, Diffictllty qf ex:zCUy defining it COHJiftS. "DrU1f1<!""tji ,view of an Unnat\ual Ham, but gave occ~fion for !
, defcrilledhy iu Ejfelis, iJlld them{onabJmeft ~ fuch of his Pofterily, as fallowed thefteps ofqn a.~r
;') /itcll a Deferiplioll cOllfidered in fo.1o Parlic"larsi curfed Ga"l1f1n to improve their' Fathers Vj'ea~n~~
, '. 'The [alfe End! 'Of Dr'inkJng An[tJltre4. A Deh". . ~d lnfirmity to aSin and Trade.;?; :" ';,'?"
talion drJWH /tom the Effelis ~f ;b~ Sin, rbicb arl " 2. Hence was it that we hear of the B1ccballaltalj
I: 1h~ Br~ach of 'ha I Vuty we oJiiuo God, aNrNeigh. FrtrP/, whofe Loofene,fsa,\ld .E'X;tra~a,gancJ ~nQrip.~
''- ho,;r iJ1fd OIfT (el~es; 2,' Tbtadv~lCcing Sat~ns Ki"g- mg intirIed them the Votaries of thatfwLDlfh Qelty..
, dom ,beftbY. 3.7be caure ofmanJolber 5'''1: And ~ut, y~tthe aUow~d. Intelllperance in exceffive
:4- 'Ih~ m~1{fltg lIS qbnoxiollrto ,be','wm in ~1qIy'":~ D,rjn~ing among the!" He~thens, was only. to be
dtnaHnced againJtIucb off.mder~_1b~ Viffirul'p ;feeD among th~, mor~ Liceptious A.dmirers,of
I becoming Sob",~IJ~ tbeflfity of Jomg" bel,mll P~ccblH; wl1ilft the ~ore Sober and .Conflde~atlv!l
fJ) confid~red_ 'were perfect: A~h:Qrrers of, lInd.Enemles to fuch RI.
ptsand Enormities. Tha~ Ujli:VlitfalSin of Drunken-
. 'JJje Sj~ af Drunl(!rr. 'I. come we now in the next )l~fs. 1)9$' but pf 'late, years crept -iIito the C:hrifnm
, "efl' trofced from tbe place to take a view 9 qJcrc/)" and Qut very lately dljr~dto !hew Its,rhead
Origi~t Dj it JOIlIn, to, that generally prevailing Vice, 0 'Dpenly in the World; for thofe thatniere V~im1<.!n,
' . k' 'Th
'-DUT.t:.,m ' e s , Intemperance'm ,,
DnD mg:c '~as; ::tIle rApojlle tl;ft~~es, w,:re, ~rullktn ilJ tbe ,Nighl,
Origine of which Brutal Immorality we call Trace :'~ '(be[). 7. But now all VlceslO general, as Well as
"frofD beyond the Flood. For it is upori Record y t~a! :'~', in particula~, have laC!: tbei~ former Modefty,;
. itt the Days of Noah when the Floods came and de- ~~!ld ~qthing more Cotnmonthen tc;> ~earthe .Wretch
ftroyed the Eacti, they were Eating and Drinking, ,glory in his !hame : as ifi.~were:a piece of hIS Prow-
and giving in Marriag~: Which words cannot. be ,:f~[to ~e l11ightyto :Drink 'Wine, and of ftrength [0
. thought literally [0 figlllfie the bare ACts of EatlDg mingle ftropg Dril)k. ,How incredibly this notable
.nd Drinking, &c_ but the Extravagant Ufe. and the : Trade of high-Drinking has been improved within
Abuf~ of Goa's Creatures, by perverting them fro!Ji ,~ef~ few nm, finee the Import~tionof Wines
tl1~I' .P 3. : and
~8 The Reformed Gentlemlt". .1 ,\ Chap.II. Of Drllnkenne{1, &c. 2,9
andot~erForeigD Li.qnor~ has been the Staple Mer': a reeling March retire to his. Lod&ings, whe~e he,
C:bandlz~ of the Nation;, 15too apparent. Old King like his feHow Brutes, lays hlmfelt ~own ?n hIS ca~e
leiHiUow, and rifes in the MOrAlOg With the like
St. cbr,n. EJglTf ,5 tem~rate ~oodeD CUi!!
. . ana moderarmg PinS that wei~ .uncODcernednefs upon him, as before.
. Rock IDto them for marks, are now quite :. 4- Upon the account of Mens different conftitu-
forgo~te~, and now there muft be no limitation,od ,rlon.So ( fome. being
h'" more
h able to "'1 . b 'd:1l: ,
w,J~re'lI t e ~,CIIl6'
~e~ralDt ID a Bumper. It has been (I am glad there bear a Gallon t a~ ot ers are a tJ confi(fs.
IS little reaf?n to fay it is now) a necefI"ary AdjUn~ ,QUart) and the'dlfferent occafi- .
for a .L~yahft to be a great Drinker: CilroufiQg _of the fame Man at one time more than another,
;tad . takIng off fuU Glafres, giving great fapplies .and the like, arifes the difficulty of prefcribing [uch .
tot~at fpUDgy ~ran~h of t~e Royal Revenue of
and fnth a qllantity of Drink,beyond which is excefs.
xclze; the which IS he3rtily to be wHbed were But thus have moft declared,that to drink more thall
cxch~nged for a' more. HQnourable Soblidy: arid .,'to fatisfie our Thirft ( of which our Nature, not
efpeClaUy, finee the mam Objeition againft the fop- ,~. our Appetite fuould be Judge): To exceed ~he
prefling fnch Beaftly Immoralities is fo prevalent ,boU1)ds of exhilaration and chearing up the faintlnl$
upon that account. . .. Spirits when occalion requires either: and to trani..
3.: But tho' this Brutal Contagion is fo nniver. grefs the end, for which th~ a{tion of Drinking
was firft ordained, vi",. The prefervation of Health,
'. DTu,,~enn,fs. tph"t fal, and all Ages, Sexes, ~nd I)e'. is foch a degree of Intemperance, a~ falls under the
~t ;'.fle7y difficult to grees ~re more o~ Je1s lD~ell:ed notion of a Sin; and which muIl; be [eriouily repent..
thfin,. .. . therew!th; . yet 'Us ODe of'the
-' '. . moft difficult things in the world eel of. And the reafon that the leaft d\;gree of In.
:to define exa~ly y!hat D.runkennefs is, and wben mmoderate Drinking is a crime, is (1 humbly con..
:Men may b.e fald to be gmlty thereof; Thereare ceive) beeaufe of the Prolifick Nature of the Sin,
;fo m?ny tricks and evafions ueed by the Offendcir~ which is toO apt, having fled out paU: the 8~rl'i,rl
.to. wipe off fuch a fcandalou5 difreputation frotb of Moderation Mt to ftop there,bllt headlong to be
them, that unlefs we can meet with Inftances of carried on to the very worft Extremes. There are, a$
Read Drunk Sots, they will make us beliete Imay fofay,fuch fecret Inchantments in the bewitch..
.at we fall 1hoft of conviding any perfon irig Wine, that when Girct'J has got but the oppor-
of the ~ffence. Tho' of late days there are tUility of giving Man a Tafte; tho' at firft he may
'Jlo.t wan.C1ng too many Infiances of this kind no.. ruck in the philtrated Potion with caution, yet he
thmg bemg more common than to find the Rpictt. annat forbear returning re) often to the Tro~gh, ~ill
rzoan at the ~t'vil,drowning hi!i Cares for the World at laftbe is transformed into as natural a Swine 11$
~s we.lI 35 hiS conc~rn for Eternal Welfare in [olii: iny Hog of them all, and c~n tumble in his Mir~
p~entlf~l an~ lu;un~us Debauch; and baving fetled with the fallle delight as others of the fame fpedes"
~11d walh himfelf with th~ teft, and retllrn w~t~ thetq
'~ Bf~JnS WIth th~ Info;f~tiDg Glafs tQ fee him
" ' " I I '; IJ .... ~. :,. ~ .
~Q !t~Y9!Y ae~m~ ---- Q 4- Si II
~ 3
~o The Reformed Gent/em4. Chap. 11. Of DrtmkenHifs jl
5. It is no hard matter. for Men, if they would
. t. ..r. 1.(;' deal ingenuou(Jy with themfelves, 7.On the other hand; if one of a meek and plea~
DrlJlI'\.ron~JS ut.Jcn- k h h ')
h~d l!I ifS EffiElst4nd to now w en t ey are gUlty or .fa'!.tdfpofi~ion, vedrygefntler and The SeeD/Id Parti~ll~
. tM mfonablme}s of not of tranfgreffing the bounds eaue to be lntreate ; 0 a. weet lar ~onfidererl.
jUehaJefcription con- of Prudence and Moderation: ;dfable and courteous behavIOur; . , ''
jidered injiJmc PIIT- but Cor.{tji dud be H.llIg'd is fo hard to be provoked,one thatdoespafs by Injuries,
~,clJl.tT1. nigh their Tb,oughts, that they ,a.nd the like; fbaU upqn his taking a Glafs or two
had rather [ooth themfelves up with a fuppofed In. tooijluch, find himfelf transformed and carried be-
nocence, than fall foul upon and cenfure their dear. YQDd his former Self, to commi~ any thing impru.
11 beloved Selves. But yet fo far one may ventaredentIy,rafhly or paffionately, which at another time
10 convict another of Intemperance in Drinking, he would have been alh3med to have done: if he
as the Effects confequent thereon fball be more or thall perceive himfe1f Tdty, cenforious or QEarrel,
lets finful., , That this is the cxatl:e!!: meafure, and i fome, he may then conclude he has drank too much,
mo!!: reafonable method for the rightly apprehend- J and need ijot be Q,ffcIj~e<\ if another fhould fay fo
ing the different degrees of this Vice is pa!!: difpuce. '( Coo.
if we confider it in fame Inl!:ances. ','
6. As firl!:, if a Man of a cholerick Confl:itution, S. Again, if a Man ,Qf a Sanguine Complexion,
inclinable to,Pamon, and prone to take occafion to propenfe enough co Acts of lln-, .'. ,
be angry; apt to kindle ioco a flame at every aed- deannefs and Senfuality, apt to. ~:;~ Partlcl/far.
.' dental fpark. and obnoxious to indulge himfelfe in the pleafures co
c::;dtr~ p.llt!eIIIJf profel:ute his Revenge with the of, tbc:Sixth Seufe, and forward' enough to give
1 (. utmol!: malice; but in his [ober himfeJf up to all ma,nner of Luft (even when he has
.Mood is car.eful Co curb the violence of his Pall- his Wits, iReafon, and ,Judgment about him, which
ons, and to, watch againl!: the prevalency of Temp- are little enough to refl:rain his qebaucheries ): If I
tations; jffuch a Man,Hay, lball upon Drinking and fay fueh a Man llWIl add Fuel to his fire, and Oil
Carowfwg,tgive the Reins to his Mal!:erIefs exorbi.. to the Flames by rich and 1hong Wi~e~: If he fhall
tancies, and fly out into unwarrantable fury; if he ,then (having Hood-winked his Reafon, blin~ed hi~
fuallfling or chrGwabout him, beat and abufe all he Judgment, and bid adieu to all Modefiy) be be..
'meets, Curfe and Blafpheme Heaven, Rail againfthis .yond aU meafure carried out ~o fptisfi~ his Youth~
-fellow Crearures,and play the frantkk hedoringMad~ ful Oefires by unchaAe Embraces, and quench his
man; He may then be [aid, let the quantity be JittIc fcorching Heats at the next (tho! never 10 i.mpure)
, or much, to have drunk too deep, and conlequenrly.a l!:ream: Be induced to defile his Neighbors Bed,
to be gui.!r of Excels,and in the feofe ofthe Law may tp c~mmiclnceft,.or defiour Virgins; none nee~
be puni!h~d for Tipling, thQ' not Drunkenne1S, queftjon whether he is guilty of e4ceffive Drjnkjng
~~ - - . ~

~2 The Reformed Gent/emit". Chap. 11.: Of Druflkellne[s, &c~ 3;
or no, tho"perhaps he may not fee the Bean: fo far :my othermifchief tban what he has done to him-
intoxicated as to be unable to mOle Hand or Foot, felf, 'may befaid to be guilty of a lefs Ofrence than
or to keep himfelf from tumbling in his own filth. that Man who having not perhaps drank baW"e the
, quantity, adds to his Sin of Intemperance, that of
~. On the other fide, If one of more c.bane Anger, Rage and Fury. So likewife there ate de-
. ,Thoughts, very watchful over h~ grees of thofe mad Drunkards; and he who throws
A Fl1Urtb PAWCU- Words more careful over hIS the Glaffes over his Head, dafhes the Bottles in pie-
ur confuJmd. Al:l:ioos'; diligent to fupprefS the ees, and, pays for thole his. Extra~agancie.s, is more
very lirn: Motion to Impurity,and .fedulC?us 00,11 0(. exciJfable, than thofe who 10 theIr Frohcks break
c:afions to avoid the Snares aDd BaIts, laId toentrd, Windows, Billc Coaches, Fight the Watch, and faU
:md feduce heedlefs Youth; Shall accidentall.y ta~c .t':lul upon all they meet; Nor are thefe lall: fo hai-:o
a Cup more thaft ufuaI, and t~ereby perceIve bll 110!lS as wore who proceed to Murder, Rape and
former Modefty to vanifh: ie mduced to talk~~fe. IncOntinence: Nor are they again (tbo' arrived
ly or obfcenely, moved to want~n and lafcl~lollS h()itnehi[heft Branch of Wickednefs) fo bad as
Attions, and inflamed to Concuplfcenc~ and m~r. th'llt, Inhumane, Unnatural, and Unparalell'd Mon~
dinate. Oefires: He may then aifuredIy Judge hun" ftcr who' to gratifie the Devil for fome piece of
kIf to be overtaken in a great degree of Intempe. rerlice.aone, was in complaifance to the Infernal
ranee, tho' the quantity he dr~nkJ c]f:cec:d bot ne- E>efire"over-~ken with Drink, and in that Brutal
;1 : ry little hi$qfual allowance. condition Mtltdered his Father, and committed In:.
i .1 ;:
- ceft. upon his Mother, the very Thoughts whereof
10. In a word, when ever a Man ha~ fo far u. hdp his Caber Fit reje{l:ed, abhorred aud abomi-

, 11 :,

:t" manned himfclf by Drink (be the quantl~y more nat~~.

~I. .
lefs) fo as to aa, ~peak or think otherwlfe, thtu;' h.
\ ~ .'
,~. .. t . .I -t,..And. now, fro!? what I have already faid up
.1 ; ,..,ould have done, [aId or thought at any othe~ tlm on thlsSubJefr, I mIght take occafion to anf\yef
'; I
when he had his Intelligent and Volent Fa~ultlesthQfe falfe ends of Drinking alledged by tQe
J' ~. bis Soul free abont him, he may then be (aid t~ . 1iltcm .. petate as a paUiation for the Offence.
ii I'... :'. Intemperate, fo as to need Repentance. For It. .Some .ofthem the >10 Author of the Whole'DlIfJ
: I: the many finful Actions confequent upon the SI 'if Man has already meNtioned '.
, ~l.,:.'.:. which makes it (0 be more or lefs finful; A Com-fuch;as are [ I. Good-'FrUowfhip: It S~n. 8. S. 3,4.&c.
plication of Crimes, being far more 0 ffeD6ve to the f~) frtjtrving Rt J{indne[r: (3) to t'le loth. ,
Supreme Being, than one fingle A{l:, tho' never fo ',CIHeriizg'ofSpirit/: (4) PUlling away Cam~ (5)
, I

, Iil.'
(r :
A: .
~: '
malicioufi~ defigned, can be thoug~t to be. ThUl l'a~"g IIJfay time: (6) Preventing Rtproach: (7)
fie, who IS dead Dcunk and depnved of all Se~{& flea]Ure of 'be 'Drink.: (~) Bargaining.l and coo-
!n d Motioq, ~~~ fq ~~n*e.~ ~~caf'lq~~ ~f dO~ll&y rnt~ long a~Q ~ ~~~ th~ref~re l !b~1
..' .
nothftin g
a er.

, .
: ',i. ,' .
. !\ .
~,+ The Refor~ed, Ge"t/~nWI; ,' ,Chap. 11., ,Of ,Drtmkenmfs , , 3;
:}fter fo ingenious a Pen, bpt confine my felf, to .' a.Poet worth the, hanging, ~nlefs he had lien dip'd
[peak, only of d~ofC ~ hich he djd not take I noticci " blmfelf over head and Ears m AganippeJ Fountain,
of" either as fuch whereof no mention was " and got the fmack Of the Bottle fo, as torewi'n
, i iijilde")n llis time; or fuch as hr, tltought thin, F\I<o "often to recruit iligFlagged Fancy with Netl:ar

"" pl~, and;not, worthy to be anfwered by tb~ Judici. "aDd Ambeofia? Did'ft ever read of any that arri.
l! !\
'! ~!Is, 'which would rail to nothing of themfe1ves. ' c'ved to P.. rn81Tuls Top without the Cordial of He~
. 12. (w3veJaying any thing in Refutation of the " I;cmto fopport 'and tmnfport his Spirits in the
{jentility of this Sin; andforbear a needlefsdifputC ~" Elevati~n? T~e' Noble, ftrains and Lofty Flights,
with thofe who, maintail1 D[l~q~enni:fs as a,need- _r'dlecuClous Vem and pregnant Fancy. the plea-
fary Accomplilhment of a Gentleman: Since if'tbe " fant,. facetious Air, and all the facred Raptures of
,v.~~y (uund of the Word, if the brutal~Nature of the -cc a Poet, are allowing to the lofluence of the great
Ylce are not of force enough to make the Spait "God of Wine: For we pay our Adoration tb him
~f}lamed, yet ~ h,en I have.expo[ed it n~ke~, I que- 'f ':' ~rft in foil Glaffes" ~nd he return's,t~e Duty again
~Ion not~ bu.t If;be has any G.enerofity m hiS Hea~ , , 'maffiftmg our Gemus, and lharpemng our Con-
(t ceptions. '
,Qr M,odeity In,hlS Coun~ena.nce, h~' canqot withoqr
'p!unl1~g a~ert, That High Drinking isa mark ofbb J4.To all which f anfwer, 1t ob' 0 ' '
, h ' " h' ,h d f fiC 'le..,on an-
B'reedmg. ' I (hall therefore pnly anfwer the Obje. t at t .IS !Det ~. 0 Drunken fit'eYed. ' .
Ve~fifYIng IS certainly what moft '.' .
:aion~ ,~W.ch a~e ufually rilade by the "JII, t~~
l~or/dJI~gJ, and ~he l:lel1aring BravoeJof tAAAge. ' of the Wits of the pre,fent Age make ufe arta ren-
der, themfelves and their Writings infamoufiy fa-
'~ i 3. NOlhirig', 'more ufual than 'to hear th~ lira mous to there times arid Pofteeity. And hence it is
, 'h b" Cl' fort cry out infome [uch ,130. that we fee fo many Obfcene, and Offenfive Brats
'L e 0 Fe, 1011 h ' " 0 U' I of Poetry ever and anon peep out into the World,
ttude;'bi 'the, VV/fI' ~uage as t. IS:
, uFoo! which in former days would never have born th~
I,! if QI!1' Timas, , , , ,'~eaye .oft thy LelT"ons 9f J~Jler~ light. But there vile Dithyrambicks," the Product of
:' : " ,," o,ral~ty, , andimprafrica
"1;'cplperance, ,Go ~re~ch t9 onks and An~h()o Inebriated Brains a,re, litter to be Dedicated to Pria-
"n.t~s, ,[,0 Ol,d ~e~~nd CMdren, of Sobriety, and 1114, BacebuJ".or any other Bawdy Drunken Deity
" tne excellent ~Flhtles of Small Beer andWate~ _then to be offere<i at' tpi lhrine of the more Chart
"We know.bett;( things, ;Uld are not to b.e put;up. and "femperate AjiaU~. It reems vcryul1reafonable I

"on by,thy mfipld Cant. E;cper;entia dam, wear~ to tbln~ that Intemperance which dulls and heae-
.,." e.x~e.ri.c~c,c~ B~ades, and ,can c~lI.thee .no Wit,~ ~at~ lhouldquicken & i?r~ire the Fancy; that what
,t<looften clouds"fh~~I~lDiJghten the UnderftandlOg; I
('(Learning, no, Parts, no, IngenUIty like to ~bat

"'~hich, ~mplegnat.inp, Exalting, Elev~tingW(
, :~' gJV5S
~nd Yl&9Ur to. ,Wh~re Qid'Pi. ~eiJr?f
thiittl\e very thing w~lch drowns fhould heighten our
_Co~~ption5. Btindniit, tbofe Abfilrdities, yet there
I kinds I
I i ~67 he Reformed Gent/em"". , '; Chap. 11. Of Drnke1lne/s, &c. 37
kinds of Whettings will qUickly Wear the Edge t'O !' Praaick Part of the Republick, tben the Innocent
the Back, quickly defrfoy the Reafon tho' not the "cracking a Po.t, and fmoaking a Pipe together.
Mall, and CODvert all his high ' cc We may tr:averfe tbe Streets, walk round and
Raptures into Jf. fren,?y and De- N. L. iIfJ .1JI,. "round tbe Change, make frequent Villts to We{f.
lirium. I know not who are Law- fla".~ / this.: "mi_fter.HaD, andftare in every Face we meet, but
teats now, por what ~alific;ati. , . l'return home like Fools as we went, never a Culo.
ons are requifite to make one ruch : But, (believe meJ "mer, never a Client the more, and never a Fa....
~hey are not worthy of that D.ivine Nam.e ofPoer, "thing the heavier in our Pockets: But fpend we
if they are fo iIl.flocked that t,h~Y' are fo~cW tQ "an hour or fo in a Tavern or Alehoufe, over$e
take up fupplies from the very dregs of aN~fty.gu ."'drinking of a harmlefs Glafs or two with an Ho-
fuU of Wine. I cannot, will not but oW,n t\1at tbe ,l'neft Friend or fo, we infinuate foprettily into
famous Ingenioro's of pafi: times have big~ly, ap- "each others Acquaintance, that immediately, as
plauded the/Virtues of Wine, and declared th~ ~o U tbeGlafs fo our feveral Vocations go round: And
bIe Effelts it has had in clearing their apprehe!1fi. . lC by mutual Loving Healths w~ frit:nUh eacb others
'ons, and refining the Spirits: but then, 't'&illOt.f1 "needs, and get more by the Company at one fit-
prefume) produced by thofe Empyreumatic;kFl,1mes "ting, than we fpend in it for half a Year.
'which our Modern Poetical Chymifts draw' :olf. by
prllCipitant, hafly, burning and furfeiting Exc~j 16. This is apleafa~t Ac- Th~ftcmd Ob'cEl/un
but tbe nobler ExtraCts of Temperance and S~brie' (Quntof the fuccefs of Sir Jobn It1Ifwmd. '1, '
ty drawed gently off in a Moderate BIIIIUO 14ati,. BlI'!kj;a plea too common in
And he that was an Ingenious was a Sober Ml\Il too, )he Mouths of many who think themfeIveJ vefIJ
tho' now '(is fo contrary, that if you deH;rib; la 'wiii: notwithftanding. 'Tis too true" this ftrata-
Poet, you muf!: add Vine Leaves. to his Lawrel, Pllt gem of managing bufinefs in Publick Houfes, is what
other Colours into the Mixture, and delineate him the Evil /llle has very fubtily infinuated as a means to
a Sot l\t the fame time. " carry on his own defigns; and this is the method
MeD take nowadays to increafe tbeir Trade and
1 S. The fc:cond fort are fuch gain Cufiomers. But let me tell them (under the
whole Plea commonly runs in fome 21,. The Ob;tRi Role) 'tis a Knavifu, Oy and ignoble way of Mer-
fuch frrain as this. 'Is no Excefs ~d: by th~ Worlt4 chandizing. If a Glafs or two were all, as they pre.
"at all to be allowed? Why, ifl ... tend, there were little harm done:' but when they
"then fareweI all Opportunities for Tra~e and B~ in for it, they fe1dom come offwithout a fouDl
l' CQmmerce; FareweI Law and Phyfick too. ,AJ Wetting. There's no gain to be had by playing up-
'c there is no better Vinc"'",,, SOl;etll'H, fo. there is on the Square, 'cls fllfeft drinking a Man down
'.' no greater Suppor. to maintain t~e MCI~~a;~ and then pick his Potket after. Were he in his right
, . Wits
. ;'1
, i ~
, ,
.' i!

1,1 ,
03$ The Reformed Gent/emlt11. . Cbap. II. ,. Ol D"II1Jke1JlIep,~&.c .- 39
'Wits they know he would not have been impofed '17. Advalice wc' now in the '. ' .. ; .
upon fo, .but 't.is nO hard matte~ t.o cheat him t6 Den pJaceto confider thetl)il:d ,3 The ObJefllom,
his Face when hlsSenfl:s ate Sophlfhcated and Lcft~ ancUaft fonofMenl fhallh,re i'lJadebytbeHtEi'!!'soj
- . ~ ,he Age.
So in'like manner as to the Law, .'ris a CoDtradl~ bave occafiIOn; to:take nOtice 01,. (~ ,,;' ; .. ,
dion (I fhouldthink were it not (0 CU(l;o~ary) as palliating,the Crimetof ~t~l1lp~rance byafa1fe,
for a .Man to gain Practife by being a great Drmkeri Glofianda thin, uanij)arcnt Val'nilh which infte.adoE
I ;know not what his addle Brains might .do in hiding; expofes tbe Mo~[.~ :wpif~,tho' more na'~u,.
winning upon Coxcombs .of the _fame Kidney, . .and proper_:.G"MoUfS.;il ,cl(I!t.lJ1t EJc~fs,{m~y fqI]l~
but I believe a I Confideratlve Man would be fat ~fay;)forblddeD 1dlfJlJlunke.l\neCs ittaU its.;~pecle$;
from making him of his COHlfceU, left the fightof ~:aric:t DegtteIl> fUoIliW(ul.1; ,.,\Jtn~t then fhall thofe
the Brit! the next Morning might confo~nd his Ad~ ~:poor SOu!& do.c,whft; veDCU!'eotlleir Lives and For
dlepate, which was fo deeply Soufed lDC/~rtl,ot C:'1Una, foil_.i,lid~ing,am:tC9untry? 'Tis well
ND";H~bilm the foregoing Night; and make his gld. . c~j))own oo~ Br1(ourage$.:and, Enrpiri~~)~~e\Ii)
dy .Head rnn Counter in the Caufe, rathe~ thell C!lm~re- than; a,aramor two, ot ,the:, Bottle. 'i 'I'M:
{peak any whit to the putpofe., The f~me mlghtbC 'tLite :0\3 ~SoJdier j.in ,his:~9.r,.\ljrigs draughd
raid (MHt",is MHlanaif) of fottllh aDd 1Dconfiderat~ ~Who.is able, 'to: e.a.d.ur-e t~t:. h.ard Marche~,. wet,
SoDicitor! and Attorney!, who marr their Clients ~ ,TJ'ellcbes,-;;llJd the continuaL Fatigues of. lit
Caufe more by far than all tbe Exceptions, Bills of c~campaigD~:that~ ,DQt well warmed within ?Wh~t.
Errour Demurrers, and reverfing of Decrees could ~c~Mao Gra tboQfand, 'wQuld ftandout a Field Batt,le
do. So'likewife in PhJfick, what ~an ~ouJd~ fo '_~:"hf.t,.bad ~.:drank largely before ? Fqr no~e
mad in his fober Senfes to make him h.15 P~yfitl~n, '+..figbt .ft~utu .and 1l:and longer the brunt of the
who helped him to the Dlfternper by Joymng With ~tB8ttlc thenlher half~drunk ~1I1J(lI;er.": . :.. . "
him in the Debauch ? Certainly he mull: needs be 1~.\4j' .'~
: ~',: ,~.,
'j;; ; " ',' :

very Extravagant of bo,b, who will proftitute his .. 1~.To ..aJLwhich . t Anfwer~ ..Th~ tlJird ObjeRioff
Life to the Difcretio~ ~f.one ~hat perhaps was the that ;lfany ExcelS :was warranta.. Anj'wmil. c
Principal Caufe. of Vltlatmg hIS Htdlth not long bc ble, it, would be doubtlefs in tllis;, , .
fore. For my part Jfhould be'afraid left he who befor,e but .Man,cbat .bQundJeJS headftrongCreature,bavirig
was for my Excefs in Sack', might be as m~ch (ul!" patredthe limits ~f Reafon and Moderation knowiil
advifedly if not ~ittingly) Jmmode.rate. ut adml' noc(a! Ihint~~P.efor.e) where.J)Oc when to fl:\?p..
nifl:ring his Cordials, and fo make It hIS pJeafu1'e Hem:eweperccwc tht: l'l1adDifQrders,aIJd Mifman.a-.
to fend me as merrily out of the World, as befoR geme.nts even pt:m6.tb.difciplin'dArrI!ies in. a~Engage~
.he had feen me Reel out of a Tavern. me~t'com~only~o .ariIe, which ~~haps at a general
~~ncJezvous. wer~;a5 weU ranged as the belt; buf
17. Adv~ncc Drunkennefs beiD~the Preparativ. to the Battl~
E Pll~

40: Th~R~formed G(ntlemill1~ ,'.', cri)
put ;Ill oJltofFramei'ft~ke5 tl1e.solditr 'giddy~diJDt,
1p'ui:'~ AilIl}O r~~ and' i'Ilad~ttemprs; r-Qnd '~rtagOjj
his Inroxlc3red l'}eadJjtecem, fUllh" dan~l1i"; :wblllb:
none but his Hair-braln'd:~lf ~ould.lr.tm;~ :)':J!j
t~~{: :Con(uflon. Ri~hvrand" Ufii-3e~ :~~ alike;~ "
jJftt'f'ttjrJrr 'alldltilJlU'thi Ufefqlwords lof 0mI11lrii}
a~()'f no Etret:t '{\flirt u)u!kCi'cileetm,~~MlIiPW
hTil'OWn' Offic; I ~AAb 'Ithi~di~rlini~j!Dluip
wa~itr tbat! m1t.fj;'rJ~;llfjoMttiJlfilJllcf;$V~ (wir~
), id :, .' , ; ... J ; dt~tfd bj, balB ~~l% IMalJ
, ;PIJti~rcb, ":. I : I'Jlres~.M!frOI'iHbis,QD~fth2t~
.: ,! ;, i . . . "ji';G;:tu'g;:wh~;Bt(jegtr4!tM~R:uml6
ca~itofwe~e by ~a~U./put tG:th~'. AUd~~
lieve me,'us a fad-elrctlmftallce ,to die1n.fudh a tOWIl'
(JitiOti; for lefthei'iJ harbour lfe~'.1itcll ~obd h~~
or 1)eing faved if:,heyta1'l"-but' crt;,tbil l:.trril:}M,i
111ete}' "pine my'Soul, "liS too cotnmdlnhe.tatb'brtltli
~ey ~raw IS with aG~di\m.me t11:~beit :t\f~;
But admit the Wretdies be:VI~C)tt'~1n: tfiei fliWi
ar1dbecomeMfiRerspf~ag Q~d~~~gei~~~
in thi~ hot Blood, wh'at Batb;l~it!~ 9.tI1t<tfie9n~
commit? Wh<itl'OutfSgts 'wdJ;J tI1e.y.. Jj()t: -'~1
They'll put all to the Svy~rdl d~fl~ur Yirgi~~1 a.~ure
,",mows depopulate Ctcles,. and:bnro,;down ~a
ces; and the officers' charge :i~'no'mO~'{reg~dt,d
-after, than it was before the Vletdt}r. !'batJt;biru
true, which I hertf'aITert, is Evidentfro~; tb_ole
who have already been abroad and are -hete>~n4
there ~artered'alid Garifonld amoilgftus:; WJt9
[he Liquor isin,what 'Regard .have they to~viI
or Military,' to'Calionor <;:ommon L~w? ~ a
bure all they lDeet,:, and if they canfaften )~~
none eire, like' Savages in th~ir drunken fits~ th;'
fall foul upon each. other.
. -
'But hoW' degenerate:!5
- -- . tblS
. .

Chap.H..... Of Drimkel11J,ep." ' 43
upon a~,3J Friend to the P"b!ic~" wJJet~er we confi
derhim asa MAl,iJlrdle" , o1'as :a,Subjtff: th~reot: :,jf
a, Magijfrate;what more common t~an [ 0 ha.ve the
Laws.-.perverced,our Courts of Judicature, turll(ld
Revengers of private Animofities:,. and, the Jik~ ?
Hence is it that fo many partial Heanngs, and pr~
tC.1"judiciou5 Proceedings have bem not long fincein
our Courts of Jultice, whilfrtheintoxicat~d Gentle.,
man,of tbe Long Robe has taken upon hJOl to give
hisVerdia: from, what he has heard of the, Begin-
ning, and ,end of the Caure; .without any regard, to
t~e fubftance of the Pleading which lle has fairJy
fiept away: Hence itis (from Epicurean MiI)ill:ers.
ofJufrice I mean) that the Orphan, the Poor and
the Widow are put by their Right;, Hence it is that
a Land mourn~, and the Publick Grievances of aoy
Nation do arife. This makes the Wife Mall io ,pa-
thetically to urge; It ,h not p.O'l: 1(ingJ, 0 Lemuel, il
;111111 for Kingl '0 dr;/lk., WJ1t~, #tor for PrillceJ ItriJIIg
drink.., left they 4ri,,~ and farf,u the Lal'l', and perver~
the Jlldgmenl of an) of the 4!Jli C1.ed, Prov. 3 I. 4, 5.
From this' Coofideration was it,tbac in the falnous
Cities of L(lredt.m.oll,. Crete a,nd ',CIJrlh,gge Wine
was, totally forbidden to Magli ,',; "., . ,.',
lb:ates; and whoever came into . ..iI/~x, ~b Alex. ,
tbeir SenateHoufe over-charged with ExcelS, w~re
turned out :~nd degraded from,t1w: Dignity with.
Ignominy and Reproach: . t\Ocl. fr,om1 fh. isw.as it thac'
~Iie: PrudentIal $o.liJilm~de It:R' L~w at Atb~1tJ,
TbAt :Dtunkennefs '.' in one '. ,bearing Authority ,
lbouJd be:pun,i.lhed\,itbJ)e~tbd :It were to be . I
w.Hhed .fQl)le.1uth ,La~ 'we~C' made in another
conftitutjon;, ~d then th~r(} w,ouldnot bewant-
i.JJg, flJ~p, ~api(bat~s lJSwOllld pUJ)ilh ~he ~(ic.fs
:. '.:. E3 In
44 The ,Reformed Gmfltmal1. I,r:~) 'Chap. n. ~ , Of Drlll1l:eitnefl, &c. '4S'
in al1 Inferior, having, no fuch thing as a Cool(i;., i(tIt'He(ds'1Ndomthe better.for'it : B:t ifheis one
ohfnefs of being' gUilty ofthe fame to'put them ouu, 't'f an inferio,r (opacity,now ufualis it to have the indi.
~~nt Wifea~d Children feed upon Bread and Wa. '
of Countemtnce, or to check the Proceeding, ,NQr-:
~an the Drunken Subjtll be raid to be.;t Friencl,t~
il<:r t and torfled over at laft to be a Charge to the
,my, much leCs to our EngliOt ConftitntioD; fince' Pa!ilb, whkh' might have been prevented, had the
" . berKles the Riou and Rduts, the thhtcy Husband gone lefs to the Alehoule or Ta.
:Thel)~lm~n SI/b. many' Immoralities aAd TumiJlu vern. Neither ill the left place can the Drunkard
]e:t an Enem} to the ." , :be.raid~o be his own .Friend) for thereby heinjures
IJlibfic/v ' he, I~ commonly rh? Author: Of,
hevlolat~s ~nd aas 10 dO~li-~~ght 1ibt~ his Bafi, and hl~ ~~bfe, ~ elf, feparately and
1:onJuuCtly' t~. . He ,lnJuresh!'s '
'.1 Contradlchon ' to the
,ac.I.Cap. s '
' few:rlll :t"
Body by the lnany manife ft: Mdr-' The Drlmktll 'd a Self.
"r1.1c. I. Cap. 7. StlllllW of the Realm, ill: tbar ExcelS ' ,and "'lilY/lit bl4
tal difte'lfJpers which ham,
Cafe made and Provided.' And' Surfeitings miturally prOdu ce' Sod} dl/d SO!~/ I;P4.
by the way he is a profound Loyalift,who !haU, un-: ' th 0 I h'C
,9 nd
{t' . " b ' y.1te{y alld',con}lJllctfy.
19 on Itutlon (My 'e,
dera pretencetq inhiince the Royal Income, make !'lever fo firotlg, 'yet ,infenfiblyJ it impairs' his Vitalg.
bold to affront the Law by tbe manifef1:and no[Ori~ by degreeg, ,a_nd at length defrroys his whole Frame.
ous-:breach thereof. But look we at home and be ~he Body feels-Immediate dlfcotilpofures at the very
~O~tbe iQtemperate Wretch in his own Family; time of the debauch, as is evident from the gripes
, and we thall find him a Tyranni-
a~d, vonli~ing~; the yawnings and reachings, the gid.
A Drunk~rd an cal Mafter, anUnftaturalFather,
dlDefs\>f the.:Head, an~ the Rawnefs of the Stomach
t;~ to his 0/#11 ~s weD as an ab~five HU~band ~ ~e' which attend i~ ! ' But manifold are the Maladies that
15 fo far from being a FrIend to hl~
, ,
pWDHQufe; that ,he is the greatefi: Enemy it has,: follow a~~g,e<>ntrael:ed (ouife o~ irregular, intem-
perate Di'inkmg,: Of all the Dlfeafes we find in
FCll' waving thofe many unmanly Athons he is guilty' our WeekJJ.iBiUi of Mortality, none [well the numbe~
of there, to wit, his beating and kicking his Ser- ofthe Deceafed more than thofe occafioRed by Luxu.
vants, his Unrelenting and Unconceme<lnefs at-bi. ry and ~Jicefs, 'Tis Intemperance fiIortens our
~hildrens Cries, ' the intolerable Heart:.breakings hi; days, and cuts the Thread before it be fpun out to
gives to the penfive Wife of bis BOfom, and',tbd half the length of our long.lived Fathers 1 and from
like,' He undermil1csand ruines hi$ own Walls' Qj thence our youth are cropt in the flower oftheirAge
:JtisextravlJgant EXpences; :Jnd brings himfelf and burri~d away oftimes in the.midft of a DcbauGh:
His to .Poverty and Rags. For has he a' pleliti~ and hke Lamps, are extingUl!hed beforl: they are
~ftate dercend~ from frugaI.t\nceftors, 'tis nowoll- half fpeIlt, bY,reafon of the tuperfluous Humors
~er t? hear he lives beym.td .It;an<t by his fr~ueQ'
prodigal 'Exce(fes to run ,It lQto fuch Incombralices.- ~~le:~~! whl~q, drown that' w.hich maintains thlJ
,: ~q~ qro~g ~~ !f.~ f~' '~~!lY!,,!grtg~ges) t~at' che An~
.; .
it: :

I;' .~ :
46 Tht Reformed Gent/em41J. ,,", Chap, 11. "Of J)rltllkenHFp'47
: And as l1e endangers the Dcftruaion ofbis BQdy. 'I.D;:ple~~-;him in nothing !U0re than by this Brutal
by indulging the, -:rranfient pl~~ore ofTaftc, fo by Immor:cality: Be Drunk, ,and you giv,e him all he
his continual SWlmfh Immoralities, he degrades that can ~ ,or defire. When Satan ha~ fte.epe~ Men in
Nohle Heaven-born Be;lIg, his [mmur,,,l S~ul I meaD, Liquor, ,he moulds them like foft, C)a~, tq w~at
'i "I
The InieUeliual)as well as the Animal Faculties where. Form he pleafetb; and'tis no hard ,matter to make
of are hereby clouded ;' The Underftanding, the thembis Inftruments ro do juft eve,n what he would
Will the Affeaions whereof are. corrupted and do- havetbem. lfbehas a Rape to commit, none fit-
prav~d) infatuated and infnared, Nor are ,thee ter for the Amour than the Drunkard: I.. be has a
Confiderations of flll:;h moment" as tbat in the lalt Life to take away, no weapon like a Drunken Fury
1{ place he injures bothSoNI and Body Conjunlllj, in ma. andi!ll;.~riated Paffion: Ifhe would rail againft Hea-
F: king them obnoxious to Hell flames: For the Apo. ven, or BJafpheme himtbat is Higher than'the High-
file affures us among,the reft of the Damwng SiDS, eft, the Wine-inflamed Wretch will Belch out Oaths
and Curres, Blafphemie's and Execrations as faft as
i:' !'\ i

. f'
thatneitber JhaU Drll"kpras ;nbtr'i' 'be KiHgaom of GodI
I Cor, 6. 10. And Where elfetbeir Inheritance will i he can defire. So that if to humor the Devil and
: I! be, is tilO hard matter forthofe to guers) who knOll pleafe him, if to be his Friend and Se,rvant be what
'\: no Medium, no PNrga~Qry betweell_l!e(il~tn and HeY: you defire, rather than the pleafing of God, the be-
1 which is a fad Thought, that fortht: fullilling.ofone ing kind to your Neighbors and your Selves, yOll
;1 {:1
Luft, and the gratifying one Senfe, Men lhouId ha.
zard the irrecoverable Lofs of their Immortal Sou
caD invent no properer a, Method, than by being a
,moft accompIilhed,refined J and comp{aifant Drun
, I know not what they think thatare.guilty of this kard.
Impiety, .but 'tis a ftartling Confideration to any
; " ;1 fober Man, that tbe Wine they are thusesamoured 22,.Wbich brings me to the next Confideration,the
.,' III"1 .'':, with, lhould(;oft them fo dear, not only the expenee fatality, as it were, of falling in. '" '
, :i:\ to more {iQS at the fame, time. The.Thlr~ ,ll EffeEJ

oftheir Eftatesand Time, the decay aud,overthrow " ,...' " , of Drunk"ell1lejl, that
of whole Familie~, the impairing and debilitating You mult, a~ lfal.d befor~l If,you it lj 'theCilufl bfma...
L"'"il': their Bodies, but alfo w.hat is the greate!t Expenee, are the Devlls Friend, give him a '!1 other Sins.
' I I
I' " \ ~,,' 'I'.
\ ,viz. T/;e price of an Immortal Soul. Tefiimony by fome Ov~;'4 Ml:i.
,,;! 1 . 21. But to ftirnp Men, if poillbl~, to theirWits on that you are fo. Sins a~ well as Miferies feldom
,; :ll!! , and Senfes, Jet: them confider come unattended j and of all others this of Intern.
.i \' I
The tec01ld,1l effta in the,ne~t place ,whofe Friend$ perance.has the largel.l Retinu~: Fornication and v"
" " ,I, oflmm:'Jerllte 4rJ"!{-'d S h '-h h' elwlne/i, Adultery and Illuft" Swearing and Bla[p~e
;ng, il tb~ 4tip4nci"g. ~n, ervants t ey aYe, It,herto
f, j11'I: :: # SawlS 'K..ingdm ~een, They ~re of their Father millg, MMrder and &vmgl" Vio/ellce and, Rap;,tt,
i I ,ker~bJ~ ' ,~b~. De1Iil .aq,d, ~i~i,\yorks, not '1bt{t 41UlO;prt1Ji01l are all of its, blac~ Train; 'Tis
..: i :
I !
: . , ~~e~~ 9.wn, do they ~~~lJt~; ~hey llQ~ ,~Pf-~V~~tiol1 ~h!lt!~ ~~tinb for' the Dr~n~r4
, ~ , . tQ
I '4~ 'The Reformed Glintleman. i I ~ i r ;-: :'; (ha p. n. ',,()ftf))NNkelllleft) &c~ 4~
to pUf6rie~;or rilor~~ or an 'ttJefe intb exetutloJff01. r!,JO"g :41: tbe Jrf1k," fh(Y:thj~g~ tofu~ .mi~edW!Hii<
'getbe~~~ . An~.if !re does nei~her, 'ds. noll fiOO1ille Htreyou,frea-Jarge ac.cutnulatldu:()f~lferJes,GfJef, .
'It~was wantl~gtherein; but bccaufe the "t>~ftU' Snifes;.lVi6lence~and Wrong, :"WblchJollow thlfi
nity, tl1e:c;retlmltaflce, tbe t!o'mPanydid nOe)mt.,~ Dillllkard at the very heels.: Fott~e wmemayl~k>
.nor was it the Devils Royal WiJJand IJ]eafl1te''at dtlicately,fparkle finely, an.~. mn:e.,itfelf arIght r~:
that time(dtempt him to the performan~e'oflth~ ,biG~{t, but' at-me lalt;, blr<t~b/~1i:! tJ. Serp~nt> alft!
whicll'he-knows he may probably have a:fitter'fea. ftttlill~I;1<! 11" Adder. The next Woe we. fiod i9~
fan for. :. . .' f:; " .- :; -: i ,:r 1 ',: tlJatwbkh the prophet J[aiab denounces m thefe
:':r-: (:::"J pJa:iD terms [Chap. s, t 1~ 12. ] Woe to them tba.
:1 3. I proceed;now in the 1aft place to-take'l1otice rl(i.''''rWJy'in tbr Mor,,~nJ? ,ba' !hcy.may follow ftrong
, ", f. ' ' of thofe Woes denounced'tn Ho- ."rilf/t. ,hA' confide Hmlll11gbt, 1111 11' IHe enfia~ne the"!"

This 4th it; Effifl'Jy Scripture againft fach fcanda- "4114 ,he'H"'pllndtbe Viol, ,be Tllbret alia Pipe mm
of ,hilSm, is,.,h.atJons Olfences jand hefe: belOrel ',h,ir FiaJh; hNt 'bey r.tgard HO' ,be work...of the Lord.
bJe"',:k!:~ ~: ' it:
do that, I lhould give (ojJe ac ,urIOHflt/" th,ope;a'ion of hiJ handJ. As If he .lhould
tlOtlltcea in Holy S:r!'- couot of [ho~edreadf~1Examp!esbave 'faid ' Woe to thofe Greedy, Lufty Drinkers..
pture againft' rhi, of the Judgments which God in. W~0tG'pfevent the want of .time, wherei? to fa-
Impiety.flitl:s upon the Epicures,and by wce their Luft; rife early with the Morillng Sun,
what unheard of and vat/olll and' ruck tb~ir Win~ like the Morning Dew:

Methods theyrome to their mitimely ends; by. break. Who aten()tcontent~ when a Temptation offers.
ing tbeir Necks, by Drowning themfelves, by ha. to embrace' it, but feek out for one, go about from
ving their Brainsdalhed out, and by many other ac tbis CompaI}iea to that: Woe to thole who fit
cidents':, But every Annal, every Hiftory ~has Infran. whole'- days in TiplingJJoufes, and protract ~heir
ces ,ellQugh to convince any that will ma~e :the ':Sp. Clubs: tillaftet:night: Who fit up 2. or 3. Nlght~
plicitiobhome, how frequemly the drunken Man together, and (as the Vul,gar have It) SlOg Old
Qtches harm, and what ahorrible-t!hiryg it is to fan }tofe, and go t~ Suppe~ tWice. ' Rant and Caroufe~
fnto the hands of an' angry God. Therefore IlhaU Damn and . Dunk all In a breath: A Healtq tl)'
c:onfine my (elf to merition the principal places _thisandaCol)fufionto that Man and all hisAdhe-
~n Holy Writ, which feem chiefly toJeveJ at p:nts; who indte~idfi:_ ofa~ .their 'jollity foq~et
the Intemperate. The fid!; which I fhall mention, the God ofMbderatllm, ~md wlthIJel,fhaz%.ar, praifc
is. what the JP!!"e man doth imply in that'paffioliate dtcir gods'of~ld and Silver, of Luxury and Ex",-
expoftulation he makes [Prov. 23.29.] 1P'ho bath ,tu; Who .<:onfider northe Lord,n~r regard the ope-
Wor? Whohatb SlJ7!row 1111119 ha,h ReJneji of Ejtt ltationefhls hands;Hcnv he ofteDls unfeen at there
Wb3, b.#b ConteHtiolrl ? fit b~ bath' Wound, :itli,bo~ f1a~qUtts; and .will- ca!nh~" to. a~ accou~t, and
1 '

i ~ ~~rtl~'{ H~ !ell~ QU !,!~~~~~Ye~re i ~b6r~b~;'''''~ F~!~~UP ~rIn~~Ilp.lH!~~{!1~entb.~~~~

Jq Tb~ /leformeil.GiJft,lkm411. ! i r l ) Chap. II~ .~",OF DrimlttflHejJ. '\ \ ~~
l1aQds:; ',-hO-w\ he;of"ten; Ill~ts~the, Deaddrunk 'Ti~ fq..J WO# to bim!,ba,.ptrt,etj hiJ 'B41#rtll':bir N,if,b,.
I~r;; and (cud' hIm to HeU 10 the .very Debaudl~ _., r That is;' that .oot only;lay5'l:be TemptatIon
how he o.ften breaks the Arms of one,theLegs.of beforenisGuc(Gbut(as-is too frequentio our ModerD
;wother, robs this. Man of his Senres, and fills tit Entenainings) compells;urges,andprelfes him to'that
otber wit~ Defpair. Thefe things are little regard! Exceli:' that Provokes him either.byi.his Comniand~
! e.d, but 'tlS the I;.ord that doth this, and they ate, ol'his Exaniple,Qr (which is worfe) by Menaces arid'
(let men obferve them or no) the Wonderful-O,,! Tbrcatnings to take unwillingly the almoftnauf~
I: ,,,,iDnl of his lundl. The fame Prophet denouncesa 9Ql.OOfe.l Wot. 'obi"'. tbat maltetb b;sN~igbboN'i
Woe iD the fame Chapter, [Verf. 22.J in Words . D,,,,"~ that not only gives ,ag O~<1alion,., that:' pteh-
1 very near the former. Wo~ ta them' th", a'6 migbtJ fes, that compells'him, to Drink, but.. tbat-alfo urges
" 10 Jrillk Wine, and Men of (irengthto mi1lgle ftr0"l that ExceLS to fuch a degree,. that.. noJefs, price tha,f1
D,iH~,' Which feems to intimate thus much; tb. bi$:NejgbboursRea(oQ muft fatisfie fpr thCiwafr of lJil
Jet Men be never fo, well able to bear {hong Drin~ l:J.qiJ.or,: that deligbts, in that Sin' hinifelf~,and; takes
and have Confritutions as lI:rong as the Oak,aod pkaJure. in thp[e"wbo,;do the famel'tbings: .that
Heads as hard as Brars; be they n~ver fo found of m:lkol.~tbe' IQeb,riat-i:ng ,ofhig GUl:frs ;,the.:ultimatci
Body, and: capaQle to [will down as many Gallolll MdlJf; 11i$ Rev.elsfran.d lis pleafed :to..,fee the Anticki
~s their Companions can do Pints, and neitber pre- e~"Ures, of bis :Qf.l1lJken NeighbOl\t -;: ;a Wicked':':
judice their. l:Iealths, nor ~oown their Memory, nor m:l1nw.W,b,thQ "Spaft~lll: woul~i do 91l1Y1to' their
weaken their UnderfrandlDg, yet notwithllanding .Sleve';:0and that upo.nliPO fuch!cul:l-:as, ~h~'lulaking
all this, there doth a Woe be19ng to them" and a fpPl'tjl~ thofe: t\ViileCapti:vared Wretdies.:, but on'!
Breadlul one too : and that becaufe they make ure ~Yi~hereb}r:to haY-M an:, Qccafiou Qfr,llXpofingtbe
of this their frrength to the wea~oing their Brother, M9!l~ folly ofIotemperance<fQ as to-Jliare theit
and the Drinking him down, as, they are pleafe Chijj:1J;CI1J ffOll1fuj;;bjll(,Bea(Uy:Vt~,a ;,r1Ffy.~, .'in (h~
to call it. ' laft pJ.aCCl; 10. ,hi,,;tboit dJak,.r,b lbim flMuv/t tlw be may
24, This Nptl,lralIy leads mei:to. ,confider tbat r
/1ft. 'fp.on-bir...N,k.!.rt!ttlji,. whQfe: sle. {igJl,iUo.. bring.
Gradation and Climax of Woeswbichaoother Pro- ~be. DdQ9~SO.U~ll1tCl. tfie.. Snare, ,anq; tben. expof~ ,
pbtl'harh denounced ~gainft, alld~propri~ted '00.: him to. tne MercYQ[bi$ p.wnor JothersCfafp, re-
the degrees of fucl1 Scrong;an<;l MlghtyDrlO~ers; v~pg~~I;Qr,.fport ;',wbo bi{)d.nhe;S~)I)h firft inDrun.
The. Words are th~fe : . FJlPt, ,to ,him'. 'bat g;iltlh hil, ~JlQ!l",::,,,n~. then:.t~ws him ipHHhe Chambers
Nelghbour Dri,,/(; #abb.2'H~:[.Not,ro fapply-his; q( l)eadh: ~h3t illf1:)m~ hee<l.l~fs Yiuuh,w[th: \Vin~
Natural N~cemty <~hat ~ipg;a piece of Ch.aritYt ~n.d: ~D_. f~lld~ biti).a, I'~JlIpfati9[l1 f9; iptey. UP0)1 his
j i and no way defe.ryipg re.proo~.b~tasan O~~aliPJlJ;o, <;l;tllft!tY,;3hil.t ~Qbs:.a iMan of. his'~Qteka.nd . tben
that Excels" whicl) ,eit,bel: ~.J)Wn. jl)c1inatiP..flsj,jQij' ~e~l.n ~d valltag,: eitl\erof; ~~P~ij1~ Qf, Pf,tp<tkj qg
tbe,pleaJantnef5Qf'$~ J.iq~J'J'WQWd promp~1liin ~lD Qhls lnfirmi'~.~; ,:~hat JJi~eqh~, ~rid.le :;f~o!U
.' ': ' - [G.] ',' < .' ' h i s
S, the RefiT.ea Gtit/8m~1J.. :; "i"d:-; Chap. n..~. 'Of Drl/nkelllleftilx.c: S:i
!Us Tongue, and the Rem from hii ;P.affioo, alid __ WUiidly iQoncern, yet.rememberJ0ll:JbaveSouls
leaves;him'tobe-'~Ilied headlok1g: by the U~ whioh:muil. be either 'Eternally-happy; or Eternal.
uelS' o( the one, . and torn in ,pieces througb',tllt lymiffrable.:'Tis. not .aDifeafe-or .two 'that .will
headftrong ImMu0fity of, tbe,qther.] .: That'full ~eck:you:; nor WaDt~P'ovcrty.or"Difirefs,tbat wHI
Profligate Offen.ders deferve a Curfe, and: a1~ grind 100, .DOl' .all;th.e~d'le11fi~y,.'Y0U fmeet with
*ith a Vcogeancenone wiUdoubt: and theTCiIrij here,run,tQrment. you.ifo' m~ch~.ai; on~::mome~
the' Woe, is cut out for them in the 'ueItVd. ~!ilbtibe'Wodd'to 'comCj 1 w!lLaffiia: ~u . ' . '.'';
!'DI. PI fiUtJ,niilb jhpme, fo,. G10rJ: (J,i,,~ ,,*~ Jj~ .r'l ,Pet.. ~. 8. ,Be pbtr;,lm'r(ore,_ ~e ~.~~~!ant, for
""d In 'by f016~/1(!H:6t .lfeovt~td; ,heC.p of tbt;"llft& ~IUUm"{atj,btDtJJfI; l.DtJ~a9du'-n(8.!;,g:tp"om 'be
Kig" 'b.."djha1J be tlirlled "If,dln;;" 4nrJjh~'"lI:ftl ~r4woMr". Rom.: Ig, 13;'I'+' W~J.l p'o,~e{ll,~i. in
. ': :, .... ; '. ..' / ' l,." m,riAt,;ri"iJl-JlI riatl,ng'4Hd drlUtk.,m1lifi ,:~"o .. ,p,,; ~/J(ltni
,. , . 2~. To fumup aU, Let. me advife all' 'whofJatt k!l1iIg ltIJ, tJiII1ItdItntP, ""du'~rift alla tnving: fm'

been guilty 'of :tbe lealt Degree, of :Jmemptr.\"!'\ ,.,l,a Oil .,hf LarJ''leful(Obriftpard~m./J!OtW1''aiJi~
O'lay thefe'things feriouOyto'beart.: 1t1you 'bd /ilflJforl'Wt jh(h;r.N'1faijJ 'bt :LI4Jb 'hfl'lif~!'To thefu
been .bitherto carried away with- foor CamalAfll ot1tlre Apoftles;;taire alfo'that !Idtiiceoui:l SavicuD.
jietite's to:obey them, in. fulfiUing'tlre Lulhher,~ gives. L.~ a 1; ,4. 7a~ehwho ,~e- ftJv~/; lefl. tti.
be wno more. Confider whe~r the Sin 'mid "My.,-e:your belll'oNh.e !o1Jer.chiJrgt4,tp;th! f~e;tiJtg iI~
own, Nature-; or: ioin Effelts; 'be fo Cbatllning J;li!'kilttttfi~~tUJ jO'fh~~ ~4)1 (~bat ~r~at '~md nota-<
&0 deferve.your:fitrthel' Purfuir: Love. '~Qr'Vey" MW'<laj::of hls<appearmg) "0#11. "Po)S1JOHiflllllwa,.ti~
well, and, fee whether it has aJiy iilcb IoveI~ Ilea . dnd:feize upon you in tbat:uiJPrcitidtii: beaftly con;;
as toCaprivate a' GeneroUS" Mlnd.TBlDk ':Wl 'ftloO!'A conditionwhich few wotJ1dlcareto,a~
Jour felves' whether GIHl moO:: be thos aflNn pearlili before ;tin ,.arthlY. Magifirate, how mUM
(for Religi6n is always forgotten where R:ealOli' ldS, befure theTribtinal:oftha~J jolb,Judge, whore
loft) YOllr Neigbbourin all the: Relationstbus EVes Cctilnot behcild(any.~ thing limpnreoruncleaJf.
i, . :!!
'~ .' bus'd~ and your relves in all Re'ijJeas thos inju~ L;et.me .prevail CPQlPyou~' efpecianyyou, wbo,be~
:, ~J and tbatonly for the fake of gratifying one . 311JAuthority !injya8r"p~11fons;,:!ag;you ,are: eitheJ::
'. 'I~i 5enfe, and indulging onebea1l:ly defire~ Be r M.tgip',1tI or '~Jr'.i;; as you :areeither Fatbmop
;. '\,,:\
, .-j
. 10 Mad, be oot fo Defperatc as to humour, MiijfrflJ,to abfu1in;:altbg~therfromtthis Swini/h Im...
,, lIT,
'ld Devil, by layIng 'your felves ,~pett to~llhis Soil " mC!tality: For.VGU an;~lIfwerable'l noD only. for the
and InticemedtS ~ .and by e~IlOfing your felves~ eXcel's 'you fal"lDto~.()tJr'felve~ ,but are .,Jharers ,hi
: , ~
the Woes, Miferies, and Calamitiesiocide&t'lto I.' theloffenc~, whil:h1>fhers;'by' your exainr.'e (more
, i prevllle~t than ~r 'Pelfwafions 'Qfid AdVice to the
: I temperance in tbi9'Life, aD~ to the Wnitb!~f
, ;. I
in an Eterl1ity. of Torments hereafter. 'Tho c()~trary ).' do' c~it; and at~encoDraged to .be
: 'H!' . may 'not value your Health,yourEftata~ IlDd y &uiJry of. . ,I:' ~ ;~ ..' '... :.... . ' ; c ,

. WorldJ, '" 27 If

$4 ThelU/o,med Gent{emaiJ. . <"!:;;;~
, 21. IflOtlWOuld 'knowwheq you fb~D~ fet~bout
this regUlar courfe of Life ;' l",tr'ilpoIlU ,1iiI,'DnJ'-
;"tlll,Beete'tl aniieafier ?C!S co ~O~t'l~ aay,t&aJJto, ~rJ
row: Defer itoot".o.ff'tlU tb~Crlib or t~at) SOCtety
O1aU be laid do",nJ,:pcrbapS':y~u:tDuft be fu~m0nel
het1ceilan~ before ~t;& yoilr,very next meet~~
be your la~ ,Uitow,wh~ Y?D thlDk but of a; cball8li
,': ' ',~": ,;~, ,the'DevJI\,has ,more, thaD .. ~
'J~di.DJi}~A ~~~ ,thing tl> fuggelt,~H.t ~as:foU~
t:rfi t): , ~.,:?,.i lI~iJ,~he ;,tat,ion~,
DJ " rtturlftht , y,our: ,old"tom.,.
.,. f:"roUl "L:.l.
i~t~,,;;u ,6lijil8rttJ. " " onsto.inveig.Je,~u ;':~t.;h~:wm
,,,", '., ',', " . a,:eproacbes'S{ld,Revilingt, J;cadf C H A P. UI;' ,
Of -you- deny tbe- former ')0 .'cpWorce; you t ,: ~ bI
" the remembrance of the form.et\pleaftkes 'you,tOllk';' . " : Of" 1:t,n~leanneft~
in !hofe E>e:baucbes;'whereby'~ jallo~e y~.alJd1
long, cuftom :aud c?ntra~ed, ey~, Habit to. I~~ ;tt~ 7huvnF#il)of ,hiJ Sin eOflji~ered ~t~d ld1nen~eA,~
jOu; Ht :bas th'eivat:Ie~Y, '<ind dehctou[nefS of(LtqII.Qn
:::; 1~e :pq,~~r of1~~qt~ "PO~ il: Tb,ep'ar,l~c"lar ~it!~f
I;~cbarmyou ,to return to- your :~Id belov,lV.~
'hereof: '{-hi tfl.if'erab!t ~4!J of For"jcaliOll,4Au!;-
But if yeu... Ibak~, offall ~hefe .f~tters, aBd:~blllll 'rry,Ince{f and R"Pt, {eparatelj ~onfidmd : A Ca,,-.
your: [elves: wich, Refolutions of Temperance I a I ;: #.q~'~ I~f Cbaft,~;tp. a"" .A.dvice, ~~ the 7),~cb"fte:
Sobriety: ')If :you, can. bytbe ~fliftaDce of 600l " :~i1f~,r.'!{tJ JP.b",t~JI'o, "~~Jf.;n 10, iJ?J'd prt[ervUJ,fI!
Orace(to wbicb,i~-all your"Tnals you: muf.hlba ,-, (J4mir~~e v'it!lI.t, of" C~aJfilJ.
recourfe) but bold out agsinft th~ fir,ft ~ock ofyoar ..~:~ : ,.~:-,., '.:."'0 r.,,_I_J:.~
T.cmptations, ,lln.d:~efift the O~fet:w1t.b Cou.r~
aDd a refQlved Deilial at thebegr.qmng ~f t~eSI~~ , 'IA,' N D n, (w.d~t~s fijrt~Y'J~~t;,v..~ft. 9C.~Pt,"9f
.IPlpiety1 ,wqkh wic~,p'o( (qJ,~lr fu~c,~(SiP.~~
you will find.!alhheAO"ailantsdefertth,~l! Batten~ fil~~d It feI,ffQ..r fQme years :o~e.r T'he:V(!I'verfil#J:of
quit ,theii' Inr:ren,bments. : and ,4efpamng' oti;f1 ~Qe f~~e of ~~is IQflg~1 a~~ ft;c:jf. t~is Sin con}iWf.4>
cefs retreat wltb-a Curfe or. two, at yourohft'UlalC W~J ~~n ken 9,[)~ P9i~t or corp,e;, ~d_~Il~entediiJ ,;;
Ref~fal. The; De~jll perhaps, may no" ~n~:thQ of the Land which is not overwb~lmed wit~ ~hls
fend out his Scouts la alIarm yoo ,bot findmg, all '~I:~4ful Inundation:, L~t us ~ry)f~t C~1n ~d' ',oqe
the palfes fafe and a careful WardJ.1sept afcveDf fpot (If groimd which \Ve can,n,ot call S odom jor one
scnre and vjg~rous Sallies made againft hi~ Inout'1 fi.~gle Gi t}' w4i,lib ~: not wo~(e;1>Y;,f~~ ~ tll?n '. G~tl;or.
lions' He himlelf wiU fly from'Jou; and leave-, yoa ~4kf: Should 'thedcdtroyirig.Jlns~~;cqmr ~l!l~~~.'~
to the Tutelage ofSobriety and TClllperan(e, IIJno~ c';. F (w le

, ~S6. The R(forme~ "Gentle"!,,,,' ";: !!,'~
,, I:
I", (which no ~hkh(jwshowroonhe~) bewo~d Chap. ur. Of Vllcle4fJNe[s. S1
-b'a vc: a large, Fielti: of Tares, t~'cut ',dQw!!" .~d a ~ lfpUfS experience witnelfetb the truth hereOfa 3!ld

t 'plentiful crop of 'Undeannefs to empl~y hi!, SiCkl~. ~. rCl1ders it without Difpute,

, \ ,: :We:can cry oat llgainft the toler~t~d ~'",I Of' !~""
'I ,and the TriJmtary Whom of~e,.,ct ;\V~ca.a . 3, I had here defigned to have iniarged upon
'iail againft theL4fciiJiollfntfi of SP"!", and w,o~d~ the many poVutioHI of tJte Age, we now live in j
at the notorio~s COIII'Ie~a1tl ofParu; Bat d~d ~ .'but I forefee that many mifcbiefs may arire by too
look Home, we Ihould fee caufe of g!eater La~ .~IQfety and pertinently handling this fubject. , It is
tation aIld our vefY Streets could glve ParaUe~ if 'loth a Sin, that to fpeak againft it in proper terms
not tr~nfcending loftances of I~pudence and D~ is by confequence to defend it; and to explain the
baathery, which outface the Light, and oue-dare N4'i4r~ of it ill its proper Charaaers, will require
both God's and HIim,lHe Laws, Formerly AU (even Se. the making ufe of fuch Expreffions as may fully the,
cret) Afrs of Impurity were condemned, and the Reputation of a Modeft' dircourfe, offend a pure
Dame of Wbomna!Jer was the ,worn,: Reproach that and clean heart, and perha.{>s be a means ofpromo.
could be affixed on any Man: But now (oh ~rocJi. ting the Vice, even while It is declaim;d againft'.
;! gy i) the Bra.nd is an ~Dfign of Honour, and if y , This is no P4radox in times wherein all Advite and
\'rould Comphment or Flatter tbe, Spark , ~u , COunfel to reform the Imp""e and Vncle4" is tod
do it in no properer a phrafe, than by calIlIg often tbrown away, For there are not wantiIlg
a compleat Beau and Gallant of the Town. fucb Monfters in the World as wrefr the very Scrip.,
'.i'fl IDthei,. DIP" dfftruOion, and make the Sacred
, . 2. So generally fpreading~s t~is Vice, that' Oracles of God to preach up, and plead for their
caD not but make any [ober Man7s,~e.artto bl 'De1JallCbtries. No wonder then (if they can thus
that confiders it: But 3sGenera!as It-IS, fo few pervett the DiCtates of the Divine Spirit) that the,
the Judgments.of G,o~ upo~ the l~m~~I,at~ A~ 1hould catcb at aUopportunities ofmakingeven thofe
h-':S' that'we-:tannot but be filled With WOJ:ld 4ifcourfes which are deligned a.gainft them, to fpeak;
t ~9 ID, f If ""P t'en .. t leaft implicitely, in their behalf. But G~d God
aridAmazement, at, the ' .
lonp.~. erlOg, a l c~,
that Immaculate U1idefiled Be.lDg;But v.lle wrete, o what a head will there Enormities grow ~ And
that they are,' ~be ve!y Motlvefor their ~orfak n .owneeeffarily rttuft' the Contagion frill prevaiJ,fince
dq they make,thechlefeft Rearon f~r thell' per, he wholefomeft of Medicines are converted by
veririg in this Sii;1': ,And the forbea~lOg Mercy h~ Infet1:ed into Pay rOD ? Some fmart Satyr; one
God which fhcnlld lead them to, ke~ps them . '..U!d thin~ might do a little good, [uch a one
fr"o~Repent:lI1.~e; : "AXad Though~ thls,t~atM~ Ullgbt lain the Wretch ftarknaked, and put him
, !hould perfifl: in ~ffi:0ntlOg. and finnmg a?alD,aG~ ,n the Rae~ iD the midft of his Impurities: but
I' purely, becaufe he IS merclful, but ever} palI.:on fs! we find God's Judgments tbemfeJves (thof
i quenUy rent down upon the IDc~rriBibl~t yet)
I '.1 ~.. ,- -- - - Fa' liShdy

I '
'" i.'1 I
; ~. l'
,po :The ,Re/(}rllled Ge'1I1em",,~:.i :
:Chap.IU. -'~""Of-tJncle411l1eft" -', ~_I:
~h(~t,you find ~xecutioDer,S enough ,of, ~he ~iV,~
s..iSt,Pdllil d~es~ PofititelY , ~tare tbat~~~hJt~
:Wratu, 'jfIoU h~d but the Grace to lay It ferlouDl ,j
to Heart. You feel trouble YQU~ ~IV~t and, her ~d/'Fa;";;c,r;io~ J!nr:iJt~~~ft~lHf'.on:~ Body, ~ 'Qft~
}1pld daily ~xamples of the Afflicbons o~C1I en 81 J~,"Tb1S \Vaf'\liis/~tlmene 'Wrn(had, no ffq~~
Re,a'to,BrOhat'we KtioWrOr~f~r~t<ft:4, 'y)b a,s ~en~
'Ui1'derthe fame Guilt, yet to a ~Qnder are yc;q
Har~ene~, that ngt"the fe~lingQ~, 'p'r~elU" ca\,~,a~ ~ , bii\ff.I;,'r~t'D~Qfl),':f~ ~mon ~!U~n~ u~, and In
yo\! la mJl~d of a future Mlfery., T~ Dot th~ If!dgIDefit: a91"twel'e'appr,l:Ip;~late~' to ,that Of-
prllge,yqu may:m~et,;'~it~ h.ere tbat ' !4~J~e ,~ ~--;waswhoUytidknown, (()r at~'l~f1: n~t~~
Tdrn i' 'BriJell'tfJ, a. Carting ,and, fnlpping ~e !Jj; ~) iD tbe)1~I~~~days, fa ~hat lit~leor no~h~ng
tfiffljDg P,~JiUliI 'of, ~fery t~:w~a~ ~~lloWt. IT~ coufd be tben-faldollthat1oplc1<..; BU~ now w,e,.~e
, '~eddiilg .Dilocen~ blood, as IS ~ C()!Dmon Ul :, this tonnenting Oifeale 'that doe:s 10!s{lltll. botn Sexes,
Age requires fomethiDg more at your hands, in the mofl: Senfibl~ and :r~nder parts IS ~heetfe~
r,b:'III, mu(/; end that Infamous Life w~icb kne~ . ofJ~ lJ,pil,fEmbrae.er; and 'on~'would tbinkth:s
Whefe~ ~or wh~J1; ,~9. put a ft9P ,to)tS :(m"ffun" ' ait~meilt futHc,leni :t(jJ'fcare:'Men, ,from the e,a,gee,
:N'on:Joes tite !,RI,,~ Qfher 'ple~(Ufe:c~e,o , S" lMft1\llf 9f'~h;niJlaw(tiFG:\me~- But aralS' we find,
"l' eef as he was' ~on~erned 10 t~e G~tlDg, fo, ~ tft@ wretch agprpud' of hIS' M~I~dy,; as ,before he
frequeQtly ~eprove~ an In(l;I'~ent 1U de(l;(~y _ WOof hiscViiCle.rmrto}i;':brags of IllS Dlfl:emper, and
tbe\IU;gi'i",a'~ IfTllt~ ,and bears h~r ,Cop1pany If#t~\ defpifes; it: fo'Io~g~ . til!, at laftthe w?ole Maf$ Qf
9Qqd~natur'd Sinner Iqto anot~er Wor~<f., ',:: IJIr:K)d is 'infe~1 aM 11: enters rnto hIS very BOlles
Utld Marrow. Then what Racks and Tortures,
, 7. But ~dmit all thin'ga go fail' ,i~bt~eNau ", WifafAgonies alidPaHis does he qndergo? SaJivlI-
Couple here, and the Woma~ prove Bar~en (as ';''', n~n ~"liv~'M";; and all ,the.Art ~f Gait", an,d
frequent with common Pro(l;ltute!i) or If file ~ HJ'9Cf'alel is little; e~ough, to ral,re hl,m up to hIS
Children, caD yet cc;>,Dvey tqe~ ou~ of, the Wq " old Dtb~ucbrr;eJ again: For to th~m mort furcly
" ' , ' without any NOlle: ~et dL, and,nothing elfe he will return, let his promifes of
.: I TfJ" PArtiCIIlllr Mi.r- are other Effi:{l:s mlfcblevo~ . Amendment and Repentance be never fo many;
,:'iJi'tfs of FQYnicAtion, DQqgb, which follow th: Cr" ?,Tinrue, he made fuch Vows but re was upon the
Firf/, of thaft fPh,ch l;laI at 'tne Heel~, and might . Melallcholly Thoughts that helhould never be able

., .

h~PPtn, llpo.n the
~thfY, e~pdillg
Qfforce enough to CQl1vince , to ferve his Sins more; For he cannot forbear re-
IIJ, Difta.fts 01' Dllels. ,!Dan .h
t. '"., t h"s but the lealt
~ a... , reafi turning to his former Impurities, and never lcavei
,I '
' ' l e f t , to fly from fuch unJawfl till the next Clap feize him in good Earnefr, and
fJe\lres lYith a t?t;l1 dete(l;a~i~n a.n~ ~bhorence, 1illld bim,out of the World for good and all, '
-- '. .
~t" f9
9 Add to this CDIJ,'ideration, the danger to which
tbe Amorous Galla1lt expofes his Life, in the many
-~,~~,: F + $?.uJrre:~
q~ The !J..efpme.aqe"~m41J~ :m,gml:) dhap.lIl~, .,~,,,.f:)j..7:.)n'cJe411.lIFft.i ,'\ 6.j
.JJ!!~rr,lfhc,i:~l}g~ged.-,~h~ MiJJr~Jft'- ~tIf(t.t il ~~4':~~ a1lJ1j'il?l1~~S,: al1dldifmallt1ed~ of all:his
~qg f~~qHel!t~~o~~v~~~ C;~P~I::Jjfl.411~D~;~W g~ J::rmm, w.~l=P h~ Eittat~ is ,~gagtd, and
I! ~ifP.1 l~J~ ~~J~ 9[,~I~(h ~;JiI~ COJ!1eS,J.t; ~t ~,:Q~i~Q""ltflfP'M\ Wh~Q' allSecuritIes are gone,
, Wl~,;W~Fqf.{~'~M (l4Dl:~1$ ~0nJn~4\~ pn(H)m'J1s;redq~~fs~;~hen)d,s time for, Hri' to
!~. 9.~F. Kin~dom~. ~,.fu;14. A Hf!'f';~t:tlte. ~l~ ~r9,ltt1llf~Mi,gent 'Fop, andto'ibe:~8ry of hiS
9r~: of(i.h.e.~F~l}; ,: ,AmI a l10rDicide (~~ yj,ft~kll!'l_g:Qeing mO~~;C9IJlmoo the~, [or. wore
~.r~:a.,t fhef}J,,~; \l}\~out O~of them at .bjS ~l ~.J-1;'lt~ tobBtefr:O\ll their~eat1t: a.~uor,.Gal

~e $1rump" t~ ~a.'{e beeil~.~ firft:~(jm~er; ~lPf -.

~fl iJr Jl.ot :there;; ~q~l !i~ 1J~r~; ijeQP~Y' CMffIlij _;:~l ,t~~yttteQlfelve~ made ,bim40i" ,An~gla'd
~r~ft.9~ll,lt. 'iOtf ~heir tt:0ublefof\1{1. .MoDe~.~C:f&
~J.If~n.Qf t~~F~tlll Tragedy, ..::.' . j f ! ,id,
:,.' ::';.> .dj t'j:;:d
! \ J , ~..

";:~o." Nor :~~.;he Lt'lo~Jtris ..Body.. ,~~e,o... nl.Y.. r~r~

"d) ~1i
. ;:~o~ aCiitc~/1PJe or8:VjWIf fhliuldbeWalttng
9(: ~ltJ!Pj':Jlnd ~ ~mgJ'-;J1tffl!h,. iTr Fleet 1hould 'be his
laft Lodging.' But if ever be ,1houJd. ~thet upon
", , .' ' .' /' ~ ,.~~r~;r:li~~~~dll1~ft'*w~'" fome Aa of Gracr, or pleading himfelf witbin the
il1tJ; ~;!~fc~i.~ S~~ade14'(h;JlW.~Y;:Yllonl. ~rg~ 6fM~d ~plJf); ~ rwee\TI~ from thofe his Man-
ilJ4 '~FornicmT~J . B~ ,;~,Y1\lg, w~lIIJ;~$ ;JteJjl~.IW$ ~ {ift~';lIfk()',be~f~1imrelf C~fhiered 'by' his Mi~
~teA : ::.::' ( ' : brougoc t(n~~t:y-a~ P.4}'{~ f),Hs,.li~~,lef~.olll~w,ide World: yet. he has I10~
'jr: . ~: . ' , ' : JY, and hJtJI!e1[.(aHhe:Jrif~ f~e -oJ'~e. witbit~~~~r,digal .to: ,return to himfelf;
P.9.f~1'Ve~) fI} ;~~tI!tI 01.13 Wboriffi., 'iT[0.'!'!''' fa'~ tJ.orf~ ~41Qt>flfKi~l',.t~G.' 1t18'. high, time- to betake himfelf
qf;lJr.u.& P~9P',,6.,l,Q. 'So V~{t:is ,.be EX~~e.. 31!4 ~\~iSdeOVl;'Dl.Y .. father and a.ckno\\'ledge his qf..
IQ :.gr.~at:~1~_J;;xtra:v~g"l1f;i~s;,9f ,mp!t M9tJ.f.1II ~';;~J;all<l thInk ol\Jome Qther' Courfe of lite
1\~~1i\ tha~?~)~. (:hitpef by, Ja~,.~o maintain TOIl the~ hithertphe b~sEmbraced~ ::but is hardened
~p'flf.ty .1f/iv~N then one Lu~urio~~. W~nful, trhPM ill bitImp;.ety, ,and ~9ntriv('Sa thoula~d :ways how
~ht, <\eligh~ ,In,ijqJhing more .than to exhauft him UHRJ:-1ncltlltc;:, hilllfdfonce more ~n his Miftrifreg .
put of all his,Store, and never Jeavescrav.illg;~iij &'J.our. .In order ~heteullto he~becomes eicher.'a
pis Pock!t,b~ in~.as deep a"Cpnfumption,.as:h~ ~";gbt~Atr"nt,,and Jobvings of his! fpoils,' ~and
9'r.ainedBody..: Coqlllioflopon f Collation, this 1reaf'Oll Offel!S1 thj:lm a~.Ibis M;/liolll feet;, or elfe turns Roo!U-.
!hat, onePrefl.1!~ ppon allQther, are little enough. tIl ,nd fa ,from Giming-honf: to Gami,ngohoule, ,ga': .'
fa.tisfie her b9undJel Oelires,and. if the FondFOflI ~bers up enough to. make blspeaCe\Wlth the Female'" .
~ould chancq ;.t~ deny berbut,on.e little T9'f . ~ ,Ad.lJerfary; or eW: to the Difgrace of HUl11anity
'.ifwenty) Ihe ;prerently Storms, and (et. on th.~..fQlU \>ecomes himfelf, ~., Mercenary:PimP. and .p alldiJ'fI,
Countenance, '311.dwiU not be re~onciled tilli ~~ B"Uy,8nd ProC]/r,r: ' ~nd fa fptUlds the Rcmairid:r
Peace.rnakil1i~ Pe..Jrt or Diamond from the InaieJ be- pCbis inglori9U~ Haysin obfcure, Brotb:lJ, anl;!
co,JlesEbe l1;JrdiJlor. . ' . l-lo.ufc:s.of Evil Fame; Fromthefefources alfo, a;.:
" ,. 11. Btit,w!;~n [lie Poor S gui;-c is pluck~d b.~[~ ~~ .~if~S:tIW ruin~.()fxnort young Tradefmen, who are
. robbed '....... ,j.,:, " either
, ...d',;. ' . " . .
64 The RiforWiea Gentlemlln.17 '~;") Cbap.III.Of Vnclellllne[s. 65
~ither in' pay with a ~Ba~ themfelvdS, Or haveJoo!e plinlgle~ts oflat~; t~;~e bav.e followed, them to
Servants and Appren!lce5; ,whofe Extrilv!igincles ahlUr: Ul all UlIngs, . thell' COJf1i1rdi:t.e, their
are~ {uch that they E:thauft the Cafh :tomaintalii tricks and poor fneaking Stratagems not excepted. j" .
their SIrU",ptll, an~ ~fenfi~ly, ~10!1 Bl1the~~en
bef~re t~e leafr Trm""g-PucI IS gIven fromwbencc .. J 3. J~wouJd be a tolerable Bargain did tbe
their ~lSfortunescame. To fuch EVil Praaicei ""lth ~ome o~wj.th n? ~orre then the Miflries inci,,:
ar~ oWI,ag' the 16b of mofl; E(tates; aQdlet mea dent to ~e"rfl(ll"l mthIS life r bllt . .' . '.
COmplam ofT"~J, and tbe gr,eatChargeof.Cb.id be b;q an
alaS. I" . aftcr.reckonin~tO 4", Tb~ 'afl1Ff!-
of FornicatIon fS
tlM PDD""fO"~} neve~ fo muc~, yet tbey :haves piitt ~y beyOJld tbe V~Jley of,the ,a. (tttitbiflt l{cpent,nce)
for a 1fIhort: But did they give lefsto. tober, the, "9..of peath I "T~s not hiS M~d, DCIl~b Emnal. .
w.ould not find it fo bard and' gratiogto; bcftOWt lltJJ, QrEp.'e; HIS R,I/o", 1. 1ft I ,; ; ;
LlberaUy on the others. ;I . ' :::;:;d :1,1 o~ Fo""lIt, but,theL'!/i of hi1 S6ul which muft quit
. .1' . \ :;;0; *be fcore onbatGuilt"contralted by thepurfuits
3/- Thc ~f1;"ar, ~ n. BUt ~fJde the BbJ;'.~ of. t~~{e ~,,~1'4""!ffil.which be hasnotrepented of.
FJ'f:~tion offers to:h; Eft"ltl; the F"lIielllor injucc!HD Eph. s:s.F~rH4,rw~mollgt' hil1IJHylllbtr;'l1HcI Sit
Miiufs. orM"" . the F lIe"ll;" :of bi1 Mi"",' rea: '~f k,i!1do", of He""ell t but will be judged byGol the
ders .them Captive ~o his t;';i Righteous Judge, and by his irrev,ocablc:Sentence;
and t.urns out the M,," 10 order to receive, and tll\o configned over 10 hlJVI hil P6r,i01l ;11 tbat Ab]/i of
te~t~m the Bcatl. He makes the Ttmple of tbeHdO ""~U~.ri,,,(lone, .",~iebb,mll
for e'lltr'anarocr,Rev.
$,,,,,, ~ Cage fo~ .unclea~ and impure thougbts td
refide ID. Be Vlt!ates hiS Uoderftanding; claps;
t In this B.urgiog Tophet he will then ftrugglc
~ndin ~tbe anguith of'thofeTormeots,
falfe By4/i upon hIS Will; and expofes bimfelf to ~ewiU,;~n all proQabilinr, wifb,.tho it be 'too late,
t~eImpetuolit of eve.ry Pallion: He lofes tbe Di~ that "e,~ad nevetgiven way tc) his c<mupt Nature;
vIDe lmage, dlvelts' hlmfelf of all that is GenerOU!, thllt:hl= bad never ~Rrkn~~ to the: fiatte.r~ng Motimt
G,ood, and Brav~, and becomes not ooly weak in D/';F~tJhaHtl Bloo~, that he had nevet Yielded to tbe
. BOdy, . but fD~aklOg, low, and feeble in Miodt prevalence of hiS Jnclitt/JI;OII1. How,menwiU :he
Hence Comes It to paIS that the Magnallimity and execrate 'himfelf, and.curfe Ais merry Companions
~ourage of th~ E".glijh has of late degenerated into thataUured him to, and Taught him this Diabo-
Softnefs and Effemmacy. And the Nation which lical Art? How will be then wifhthathis Eyes bad
before wa~ a Terror. to h~r Neighbours,. is' now b' been plucked out; aod his Eyt.Jiring! had cracked
th?fe bewltchlOg DiI/ililhl rob'd of its formervl ~fo~e they had gazed U~l) Va~ity,. aDd betraid
gour, and become almofr as weak and Pufillaola'JoiJs himlDto a fnare? HOl'Jvnl1 he wllh tben that his
as, the ,relt.. So fond have we been of imiiati' ~rlfU had fallen from his !il\Oltider.blade, before
the Fmlch In all their Vices~ Falhions andAC<~~ J~ey ~~d b~en qefil~d whh unclean Embraces: .That
. , b~
I ! , plifhQleo~



68 ~he R.efirmed Ge~tleI111lll. -: C~ap. ~I'. -. Of1JlIC/e~lIl1efl,' -', _"
'a1f~ of ~ne Wilt. . He _theref~re' that ~jmbs up ill' '.\Iery Rna agalDft tb~ o~ndet, but we are grown
E? hIs nelgb~rs Bed to 4efile It, dotb wbat in bin! :"fo lawlefs,t~~t n~ ]nJunttl~n Eccltfiafrical or Civil,
lIes to put .an' end to ~Il the DI~mmu and Obfer. _. ffI"al or D"""" IS any whIt regarded by us
van~es. whIch the ftrlCbtefs ofa wellconltitut:ed- I '

Cbnftlan. Gov~rnment rC9uires at our hanas. AtI"z. .. -I 8.~ ~ut look we ~Ighe,r home, and we fhaIl find
'try is a SID which D~ N~t1on oc'People, tho' neVer : CaJam.ittes enough .mfeftmg,aqd
fo barbaro~s has l?alntalDed. 'BytheLnliliilll~ unafOl,dabJy porfumg the A. ThtftcondlCr~lIglt18
It was pUDlfhed with the immediate dearhof. IW.-"- Mh."" and AJMl'trt[l. The Firft do tOb DtFberJ!11S aDnle
"""~ .-Of Wh'lC.
Part'lCS, L tv. 20, 10. Villi. 22. 21. The Akbl1l'iI" b Domeft'ck I M'hC r. h' .. I to t e amI!) if t 1e
lelS Adultmr or Ad /.
l1abamd not only forbids.a Lafcivious Eye, but pu. ~on to be ~~at ~1I~o;daMt m mfl. - 11
&:x, wIth pe!~tuaf ~mprifonment, The P4g411 ,.fi
Dlfhes ~he AJ"I,m[s, CODVlaed by jOur of the fame -,,*,,'0,. of F(lflllIi", w,den' ab"..
tl Bttll. '!JY this means the Alim is Naturalized,
tlUIII at Vam"'''iI, CII'/u, BII"!,,m and JaplI",' puniJh an 1""',"1 mcroach~s upon, and oft fupplants ~~e
Sm,h Hjftwy, the Adulterers with Jars of Life. The True-born lJR.iI!: HeIr; and a. Halfe-Blood.l1Iegm-
barbarousCbiHdtl have thefamefenfeofthegaiJt and ma~e Off.fprmg goes away with a fbare of the In
inflia,no feu a punifume~t upon the Dellnquent~ At .bernance and Patrimony, w?ich of ,Right belongs
the City of Ptqui" the JOintures and Dowries of,,",-only to the Whole-Blood LlDe, ThiS has been fo
tllll'mJftl are benowed upon the Hofpitals of Fe- -often boaftcd to be tr?e,tbat it may ~e feared
male orp~ans. In P;,'"mt, a Province joyningto ,rh~rehas too ~ftenFlre as 'Well as Smoak to
Chi"iI, they have a CUnOID If any PerroDs -of qiJa. buiJd [uch vaunting upon.. And I fhould think this
lity become guilty of this 6~~ce, that by ,Choice al~ne .w~re an Inconvenien~e rUfi!cie!1t. to make the
they fha~ be ~rangled by thelr next of Kin. Ai -;Sfull grievance to any St~te ID which It IS, were there
Brafi,1 the Crtmefcemedof fo' black. a Dye, that~ne clfe at the heels of It.
tb~ mraged Husband had Power and Authority at '
Will to be the J"dgt, Jury and E:ctMNiin' aj'hil 19. But t'is well known, that Me(fenger of ill
11111" .Ad"IItrQUI- wife. But at Ang,la a ,City in ,Tidings has another ready to en
JEtbiapi/l, the 'Penalty was mllre- moderate, and 'tb~ Bb./.' bhim:
,ter in upon which I call the Tk 3d. wro~ to
AI . ' I rr I others 11 thebreacb if
Offender.only IO,n hiS Nofe by ,th~ Bargai~.,-Thefe~ rtllc ".J -, t lJII",mo"ta r o~, 0 tbeM4trimonial VcIV
and the like Puntlhments were lDflttted by tbe very' aDAges, and among allNatJons, ,
. Heathens, which fufficiently let us fee wbat' Con. -Vows have been looked upon as Sacred and Invio
ftrUCtions they made upon the odious lIDd detelta-' lable,but of all, that of a Chrijlialt Marriagt-Coit- -
.-ble Sin of Adultery; and enongh to fhame'us mtcfa -"'all has been eftee.med the great.e~ Tye any Man
_. better Confideration of the nature-of fueh a 8taLti. can be obliged '~Ithal, S~ Vlvme a Ceremony
aUry. our own Laws oothCivil and Gatloo are among the ltomAnift/,- that 'us rank'd among their
7~ 7heRformcd' Ge1ttlenwt., ,:~'.'
fend: ~~m on a, long Journey, rand rem~ve.tb~:~riab
.()utPf.~he way., ~9: on. the ,0thM[j'haod, If d)IS Ar~
i"r of a' HU9baD~'fuoul~'bu~ fu\pe[,lj, himfelho' be
~ib~ced '; hO\~ FiaiJtick and Mad,)gw Jealous' an~
Rcv}:ngefulls he ?' .And Ihould he. b~ fenijble of his
q~ Meta~l,rpbQf/f, nothing can, fiophis-Fury; tIQ
~S:.~~ets :with alt.,9 Pportun.ity Of,i:eve~~rig:~imfelf.,
'l}pon the Gillfant,the MtpriJi, the 9mjidf~' ,and all,
~tiuievery party am iil this1r.1g.ed17 and the I"r
j,,(.'jJ Bflsband, orJ~alQuJ'Wife; ,the Ap1~roll!. Gat
.unt, and the Vrfigt,llHg .4dul're{r ,are,' alldlpt lnth;
"ited Sea of BloOd. ' 1 have wonqredto 'fee the mar
ny re,(QrdedBloQ~yMoDuments of Ad~(terv i ana
'that notwithfl:andipg all the examples of untimely
[)e~~hs, _ye~ ,the~ S~n~~o~tinues'll:ilI in faffiio~ allthe
World over: As If every Kingdom and Metropolil
thereof, were nothing elfe but the common Nur.
ferie~of there LUfr,s ?nd Debaucheries. "But I lore
that Wonder whejll re~the next fatal COllfeque!
tOJhis Sin, is as little ~egarded'as any'. of the [0(.
,mer/which is . : :-','" ',',',','"I!' "''- ',~

: ~I.Tbat wrath 'or ~p'J w,hich ~/ j;,;p~~ile,!~ Co~

, " tlHII.31tCe m thil'im/lie'11 com.rban~
T~t:Second,MjfcblefpuUJdinvn uflon 'he OffmatrJ'Hrad.
,Adultery hrmgs to a 'Th" ,.r b" h'., , zh,
Mm's"fllf, Is tbt:;,_ .,~t.Belllgw Ich~o~, not~n.u
lllo/.mo}t! qfGo~. V/I1JIDgly". and gneyes not t~
,. .Chlldren or Men, WIt bout extra.
ordinary occalion, makes bare his' Arm of Juftice
-againft no Crime more than agaillll:, tha~ of AdH~
'tery. hi the laft 1\1ifchlefof MNriJer~, [ho' to an un~
thinking Mind it may'appear to be the .refuIe QI
faffian, and .the 'fati~rying a priva~e Revenge upO!l
an oppqrrunIty offered; yet to ODe who' looks f~7
, . -, tb"er

: .... ~ ..
..- ~'~
7~ 7he.P4orme~Ge'tlleman# i !.r;.:rO
,.'. '7

Chap. Ill.' . Qf VllCktn.nefs . 77

of bis Son ,AfJJrio,,' ;lnd bis ,R~.bJlUll)us (.4bI."m's ('orne whencaUed for? ;"r-e you _fure of paOing
'dc'lviQg liim opt 9fHoufe 3,04 ~ity.,: . alld.lfi~g ,through all.~~e S,cenes of PleafLirc. an~ 9fk.lWw-
'upon his Wives aqdc.oncubin~s~w.e.rti all f.IlCbl!D~W lng when yOll h~v'e fo done, arid of hav.L~g ~karrs,
-of Divine Wrath" (q 1erpellt#~~JIf'JJ:.4r.o~t,.dOJiJI ~f~er,anthat, l? 190fned from~he VaBlILes co "th~
upon his Guilt of: Aa,I'ery, :~a~,. ~ bJlr~lmd~'p'!" ~pic~' you were.pfclofely-Umtcd, as to.be :cpn
. 4at~r,.JPuft n.e!l~~)Cnow, the ~e Jjpm Its f~[ ~ t:ene'd in a Moment to God? Can a Habit of. fo
tlJ1'p,J:Elfefu. .i\Qd. hence it was-~h~t.~e fi9<!.~ idOir wearing beJfiiook, off fo eaGly, and the Soul
Jo.oftcm in.hisY'~'''';.~/, fo freque.D~ ~ ~hlS_~!f~ Il/: invefted' ill white Robes ,on a fuddcn? D'YI<-
~r."t Mti'I.:I-J~ncewas jt thatijisJ.Bed ~.ld.\$~J.lJ!, fnink a Sob' or two at your ialt Gafp, (for th~il
and.his Couch-was, watered witJJ,::I;~; ,an4thelJ~ do fome. iluagine lt time' enollg.h .to repent) WIll
.if wu that ever anc;l aqon ,be,did~cry ouqp ..@ ferve the Turn? Or that a Groall III the LaJr Ago-
.Bjtternefs, of his, Sou), [Qr M.,cy, ,,r'J! .lm4; ~ II;,ors 1!ying A~'ce)l' or t.wo of your departing
.Gvd to nurg~ .an,d Clea!lfe~i~dQ, ~~l,aDd, ;ren~r Souls will be good Contrition, and win upon your
a fight Sp~rit)withiD. him ;,.'co.wpla'~lDg of.1\U iq,long affronted Creator, [0 as to obtain his Par,:
Bones and 4>~ns, of,his woun4c4. .o~fcle~ce, ,trpi!" don and Atonement for what is 'part, aud to rnaltt:.
.bled Spirit,: ~nd.broke~ ~ear~. :.Aqd .tbe. S"c~t.ff1 up the Breach by reconciling Jyo,u 't()yo~r Ojfelidc.a
of bil TbrolJl. ru~ce~~edhlm m~ls Sm,.aud M,fery,t09 G6d 1 Doubtlefs you who atc PQ\V GUilty of tlm
For he' did (to ur~ his own Words) .prf}v~.hil Ht Sin, and fool your felves up with the Hopes of rc-
wilb Mir,b, and ~njoy,dAb*ndl1nce pf Pleafurt? . penting Hereafter, are out in your Meafures, and
bad his MOilbilu andAmmonitu,EJomilel, S,da are in the ways that tend and lead to the Chambers
~lfl ana Hi"iIeJ, and all the Train of Po~p of Death, when it will perhaps prove too late
Luxury; and <lra~k.his Water Qut of many Cl{ler~l when one foot is got into the Grave.
,Yet after aUhe concludes that there was nothlD 25. Now to fpeak a word 0[" .
under the Sun but 1I'411i'J and Vt~aliolf ofSpi,it, a two of the Next "ind of V"clc;JlJ- Fourthly,?f Illceft.
what be accoun~ed. his' Wifdom. was reckon~d "rji, wherem. '\:
the .
parties Ilnd rh: eifeffJ there_
con- of. 1
Jafi; to be but Madnefs and Folly. _. cerned fall within that Degree of .
Kindred which does forbid all Carnal knowledge,
. - 24. As to die Hopes and Probahility of repent' tho' in the flate of Matrimony \ and this Unco-
like Solo",aH or his Falher, in t~~iJ;. old Age, th vering of a 'Relations Nakednels, Married or Sin-
who objett this would do well to c~nfider~w gle~ we call1ncejf. The little Noire that is made
thee they are rure,qf imitating: them 10 ,thelr..~. about it' within this Norlbrm World. would make
~~an~e, as they ~re ref~lute of following .them . one think there was no [ucll F oi'Hiwion amongfi: us:
~~.ll' SIns? . Is ~'i.'H"''''O'' (E>e~uded Souls:!) But among the many Vulawful, it would not, b~
.,Qur own Pqw~f}:Al1d ltrpentaf'cfat yo\U'~e~~t ~a.rd to find fome Vlln3111ral Embracer) were they
., G 4 not
78 The Reformed Gentleman. Chap. lIt. O!'UtJc!eam,ef!. 79
Jl~C fo commonly hufJt~d up by the Ingl~rious Cri~ 26, The Laft and Higheft De- ,... '

mmals; and concealed by the reft of the Relation. ee O,f Uncleanners is that of Fijt[,[/, O{ R"ap~,
to avoid the difgracing their Families thereby; , . " wherein the Ravilher 4"4 th~ Conjequence
ape " " . thmof, .
From the want of due Conviaion thereof is it that ars no r~gard to any thIng, ,
th~y. go Unpnnifu~d, and efcape the Cenfure oh bqt 'his Luft, for whomfoever ~hat p~ompts him'
S.\JJrlcual Court, and the Sentence of an Earthly to enjoy, his Violence cO[lftrains to, yIeld co his
7ribulIl11, buc the jun: Judge will overtake, and his tl1}p~ce:"~irgin qr Wi~ow, Si~er. or Mother,
Hand. wi,H ~nd tbem out. What the Confequenc;' ~fJ;1~4 ,Q~ 81Ogh: ar~ all ~h~~ to hl~., On: wou!d
of thIs SlIlIS (over and above the. Common Mife, Wnk frqm t~e Mul~~~qde Qf Common P~~{btute~ tu
fies, which if together with Fornication apd Adul~ juid, '~b~ut the W9dd th~.re WOUld, qe no fuch thing
tery may be faid, to' endure ) appears from the Ex; ~ Violen~e ured: But If you Vlfit the Sourt~ of
, .of thofe,; who hay,e met with Dtvine Vea.. Judicature you 1ball find many of, thole GUilty
~cance In or prefently after, the Aa. Lot's ~ugb; Wretches holding up their Hands at the Bar, So
ters got nothing by uncovering their Fathers Nllked. offeqfivc have there Conftraintsbeen to molt Na-
~efs, but Sha'me to themfelves,and an intailed Curfc tions that we find, by the Laws thereof, that thev
(olheir Miferable Pofterity, Reubm, tho' the fiI1t ;Ire pun~ihed with immediate Death. No, le~ p.u-
fJorD, feU' fuort of his Portion in the Old Man~ nilhriu:nt doth the Statute Laws of our Land mfili~l:
[Jlntdicllt, becaufe he went up and defiled his Fa~ upon tbe Offender,and not only thi: Principal but
thers Bed. Am,,01l met with 10wre Sauce after tbe the Abettors of the Crime have tafl:ed of the fame
~ape aDd Incelt he committed upon bi' 'Sifter: Ignominious punifument. And how the Fortune-
~nd Abfalom's untimely Death may be affigned ta' frealer (for fo our Gen~i1e Ravifh~r is nowadays
his having layn wich his Fathers Concubines as thc' ,called) will anfwer his Rape at the Lalt Day, (
. Chiefeft, tho' not the only Caure thereof. Profane am ftruck with Horror to imagine. His Mife~ies
Writers are not wanting in Inftanc~s of this kind, are the fame with other Letchers, ~ut aggravated,
too long and many co be ennumerated in a DiG ~y being' not only his Better ~elf-H~ter~. ~u~ ,the
courfe of fa [mall a Bulk. Nor are our own An-' Common Nufance, Peft, and Dl(1:nr\>er 9f C1V1liz'd
DaIs, and tbe prefeDt times unfurniihed; which, b~ Societies.
canfe it would feem Invidious to rip open the faults 27~ Thus have I at length
of fuch as lye in the Duft, and too refletting u~o~ w!n, 'd"ed my jelf
out 0 f t hat La to tbe
A Il'Qrd of A'd'llice
Cba[l, il11d thA
m,a~y now alive, I fuall forbear to particularize: barynth ,of LUU, ~nd palfe~ Vnch.!ft. . .
JJ.lle fuch could be named which t;lfted dee'ply of through all its Chambers; and . .' .
the Cup of Gad's Wrath eyeD in this Life far [/,lis prqired them to be the direct Road to Want, Mile-
Crime, and what their Portion is, in' the otb~i' *y, ,Qifeafes, and Death:, to the Wra,th of Goel
Vv'orl~, flY Charity wiU nQt admit me to judge.,';, and Eternal flames. AUQ if there is fo greai: II
:.. 26,ne , ., Train "
'80 The Reform~d Gtntlem.111.- Chap. Ill., " \OJ;'1Jnc/eannef'f ' ,"\' &1:
Train: of Mifchiefs_atte~ding: in the outward Apart. .JPl!~rmllJ. ,in J1eidg iP"'e:"a/'h4 il 'Pur,e; and in.;3
-m~nts of Uncl~annefs fllch 'as a~e obvious to eve~ :..WQr\l,by,this :Angelick Virtue Y~lU prepare and fit
View, and wh.lch I have onl1'. treated on: Wh~ r
"y.ourJ4IJyedorth~Be,atific Vifion;'i for o ~/e.m~ a.r~
and .How many mllft needs be'the Evils which are i',be .f~~ in Heark pr.onouncedby our- SavIOur "tha,t
admItted into her c1oferRetirement$, and~ into h~ ,'btJ;!~nd'onlYJhf7.JfItiIU fie Goa:,,)Yla~. 5,,' , , : ;
Unfeen and llQ?bferved Se~refies? It remainsnoll 29. To the poor Infected Wrerch I (haU add to
that I fhould give a .Word of Advic~ to ruch' as ::w.hpt I paye already laid: ,~tprnt)'IIf ,hy. Vn,clelllJ-
haye not a~ret been mfe8:ed with this EpidellliCal ,,,rIfts which thou Ihan'Col'nmltted,\~an,d Mor!!fy [tby
Dlftemper; as. well as to thofe that at prefeDt de \Memhff! which. iare8pon ,ht ,Ellrtb;: nSU.ffice Jt fnat
~abour und~r-~t ,: And fo the Precautions and An. thou haft I1i,btrle y'itl4~d ,'hy Mem,b~rJ (ert'aJltl toV!1-
tldotes I prefcnbe to the One, may prove' Effi:(tu. rigbwufnefl, now return and yIeld t.hem S erva~ll!
al Remedies to'-heal the other. -, ',ttHto Gad, unto' Ho~intJi.' Be not'Camed away with
thy Lufts any .10ng~r, moderate' the, Imperuous
28. To the firIl: Ihave the Apoftlu Wordsready Heat of thy~ Youth; Be no longer the Vallal to
to fay; ,I{eep )o~r ftlvu Prm: Lu ne' Sin \'nign;~ Jrnpurity; Let' not an Idle Exchange Girl, or Corn-
your M orta~ Bodu~ that you ./hould obry i' in 'be Llftl mon Actrefs captivate thy Soul. Hearken not any
'hmof: Net/her yuld your Memberl IJI InJ'rumm'l 0 ~Opge.r., to the AlIurements of thOle Mini0ns, and
VltrighleoufiuJf to Sin; Bflt yield your (dvel Ullt, fuffer not S%mon! ;\lVanton to lead thee as an Oxe
God JI ,hofe tbat are alive from tbe Dead, Ilnd YOllr 'a tbeSiallghlcr,or as ~ Fao! to ,be Camtlian of tbe
Member! ,M InjtrummtJ of lUghuo/l[neji 'm'o' God: Stac~. Bc no.longer fond of thofe thy dear bought
!o~r Bod/tJ are the T.emp.'u of ,he Holy Gbafi .,bid p1eafures, and ,llUnt J.1ot "fter, what' \YJU coJl: thee
'1. In yaH; Flee ForDlcatlon therefore, and every t~e wafting of thy' E.ftar" t,he",Mifcry of thy Re-
Srn thac defiles that Sacred Place. For you are nol lations, the Impairing of,thy Health, the Haftning
'your awn,. you are bought witb a Price, Glorifit Ihm- ofthy Death, and what is.more than all, the Price
fore Gad Ill. the Cha!hty of your Badiu. (8S well as of thine Unvaluable ,precilus and Immortal Soul.
10 the Pllntyof your Spirit!) whicb are Gadr. I Thy Soul which bas a Bein~ beyond all the ExiUen~
Cor: t 9- 20. And over and abpve the avoiding tbe ces of Material Beings, which cannot, muf!: not
EvtI Confeque~ts of l}nc1eannefs, which are in die; which ml1ft fhortly appeayo, before 'be Jrtdgmelit
them~eIves Motives fufficlent to deter Men from the S ell' of. God. Qh L C~nfider, before thou goef!: to
tpllrru,lt thereof, you have ftronger inducements the next Debauch, whether thou art able to endure
thereto. For th~~e~y you cn!ure to your felve~ the the Agonies and Tbrments, the Flames and Pains
.~eace and TranqUillIty of an Undefiled Contcience, whicb the Damned. feel. Doft thou imagine that
and all the Comforts flowing from a ChaR aDd God will Extinguifil that Everlafting Fire to ,indulge
Humble Converfation: You imitate the Iofpirerof tlly Carnal Defires? Or that He will put an End ~o
. , Hell
82' The ,Reformed Geiil/em4I1i' :' i, . p.nI~ " .9f.'.7!.ncleanJJ e[s,\, ~l:
HeU out of'tendernefs to' thy 'Lofts and COneupi;, , VifroIj? T~e,pcvil allures :lij\d, thcFlelh may
/ftence? Nocertainly, he, wiUnot,abate on~litdC '. Jmpt you to yiet~:but neither of.the,m can fo~ce
()f thyPunilbment. Be wife then and forfake' thY' "0' U'y,ou will'~'''t~ to your ~!ve~,~nd keep tbe
Impurities 'before the day ofGr~ce be paft.; aDd ~i5$Jn 'your own H~ds. ~o~llls~~n~" fupprets
th~~e rema;'" 110 S(lc~iftce, no '~tonement for thy Sit. e very licit Motions'to Impurity, Cruftl tlte Cock-
.. ., , ' . . I _)
tric~ J.u his Egg, and-make a VI&,orous, Repulfe at
';, 28. As"a, means-to attain t~and,main.tain' t~ e 'ery 'fir(l; O~letor a Temp~~lon!~s for E~..
, Admirable Virtue' )ef Ch4i'Jt .I' fbaU touch ulX!b ,"pie Think wbethe,r you wou~~ ~ommlt the, Sill
-tfl~fecoml'ndn ,pra..akal R~l~, adapted to:eTClJ f'!~w~re~ pie:tb~ next Moment, and w~ether
I ',wQ,\lJd. b~ ,'~optrn~edto appear at,the Tt.lbuna~
Capacity,'a,nd ~VIOUS to every Underfi:andlDg."
\ ; ' . , 11 '.. .. . ( Beaien' in tbeE,ml>races of ~ Harlot, or ID the
", NiNe Pr4l1icalRulu '0 h, ob(meJ Jy/ucb (lJ "Mlt4 tiji of ail AdultereiS. Confider alfo whether yo~
' avoid ,beOdioul Si" o!VncICfln1feji. ' . , ; .l;fiaa any'fu:t1repJe'Pt fo Private, any Apartq1ent
Q~Qb1Cur~ w~rtj: GQd cannot fee you, or wh~re
Firft, Refill 'he 'lemp,,,,io1l a' the Beg;"nillg.~lrdt a,~(rcannot,~d10u out, .
J. , .. , . ' " .
the' you carry about you' tile
P~~nczpl1Jobft": v~, Seeds of Corruption, and have ~~).h ;A~id )~iefltfl ': . Have alw~ys Jomething te)
. '"
m8l7tz Oceurm Mo~- -your Naturals, Compared of tbe 0,. and gioVenQl: .a,~vantage to the TemptercCJ,
60. Per[ . fame Flelh and'Blood with others? "e~ in upon Y9!1 wbilft you are unguarded. The
,What tho~ you are Children or OriginaUy cor(op- ~hirig 'Soul~ecolpesan e.afy Prey ~~ t~e Infer-
, ,

ted' Pltt(nts,' wer~p;4pe" i"!lfiq,,;,y and i~ Silt your -al' Fowler' " whH(l;, the Wmged SpIrIt IS out, of
Mothers c~nc'eiv~yoti;.? W~aa. tho' the dire ConEa. anger. B~ware. then of, admini1'l:ring to .Y?lI~
gion was handed down' to you by your Anceftors?\ ,oudiful Flames, by: ~loth and E~fe~~y ~ntertam~ng
Is it not your Care and Duty to keep this Law of '," 1:, Thouglf~ ~ith Uncpafl:ImagmatlOns, WhICIl
]0/17' Membm (which is always. Warring againU: the . cr~~ by noth~ng fo m.u~h as you/:, ~dle Ho~rs. If
'La", of your MilltJ1) from gett!ng the Malt~ry C?ver QII have, Employs be dlhgepttherel~, Eatmg tbe
you? ,If you had riE> TemptatIons nor InclmatIons ~fUl.ofqaref~~iff).for fa hegive,b h~ BelU1;Jedrejl:
,' ' , ' to Luft, where is your Virtue!D ',you are abQve ~lte t.oy,IS,o.f aLabeurmg Life, you
so ji1/C A11J~f+ being Continent? 'Tis a tryal 'Iliio't want bulinefs. wherelll to [pend your v,acanc
.r Vzreus. Se?e.. of your Graces tbat muft make ollrS, if you confider the great Concer~ ot your
f Oll c~perien'c,cd ChamPions" ;and" the VUl:ory ,ov,~r rils that li~ upon, yourha~ds, and reqUires more
'jour Lufts that muft make you Mm ,han COllqlle- 'me tban, youhav~in y?ur own power. A Holy
"ton' 'Can yOll fight witltout Enemies, ,0(1 ove~come ' ire has many ways r to dl[Jl?fe of ~re long and ,~e.
"witbout Oppoficion, or expetl: the Crown Without rous days. 3Qd \,Vere you Intent upon,the DU~le~
' th~ " . thcrw~
8 -::, \
7 he RrfotfJJe d GentIUlliln.
..,G.. '''IT (H,'
.. ;'d 'Chap. Ut. , 0,/, ,VncleAnners.
.J q. , g~
~ ,'";,:,, "" ,,,,r,' " " , , ' , I ';',L'~~' :II!~C;~ ado keep y~ur Fye.s from gaZlDg and ~~n
iTiereof,yon .YV~ have.ho.~~q.tocornp ,:llD.ortne ;d~~og after Beautiful ObJeCts, and- from CQDc.elVlllg
r tre~ upon
Id.l.e-,time wbith you;~o~~~t~ you~1~~ ~Luft!ul thoughts thereon : How much ,more dl~cu!t
Tempter 9 anyf,.;.u~ ll pp,onnnity to',ro , '~i~ ,wiU It ~e to do fo tbtrt,where YOllr defign o~ gOlog IS
your IDnoc~Dc~. o~'to.P~eY.~rn;Y?Ur cb4,ty, :', ,principally to be Spectators o~ FollyandLlghtnefs,
. , ,,", <,', ' ; , ' H ; ' :no~:to fay worre; or where IS .the Co~mon .Ma.r~
:' 3/Y,' In..the next place ,Ke~p ;aC~nJfa", W:d~~~~ .or F.orum for tb~ Galla~t to plck~p. hiS Mdl:rds
' )ONr EY~J ; 't~ofe dqors of rhe Soul, thofe ptt~t~1Itl ,~d. :~il~ry her off IDtogmeo. Nor IS It,' only da~
to Imaginatloq,"~nd thofe I~lets ,t~, .v~c~v", ,ge{ous to behold thof~ Charms to LUll In the On-
W~re~an has ,always one. Eye a~ '8~me .Wnll~", .giqai in Living Infranc.es, but ~lro in I EJ?gie. . For
other Isemplo'y~dab.road I~SP~C'l*~lo~. Bu~, thefe dumb obfc~ne PiCtures WIth a tacit whlfper
'lis fafe ',to ~ei:p' bOt~'your Jdg~rs . ~ut, ~nle~ J '~piivate the Eye, .move the Imagination, and fire

could frare'the VaDlty, p~aa,,l:he Be~trtyf~~, 'the fI~~t.

_ ; : .' ,
Manner and the Temptauorr:mto a Vl~~e~ .., , ,_ ',;" :,.
'tis:dangerous to rnn'the rirqufciffuch an Ad\' .,' 4!Y, AU,oid all Frolhy atIa 1dle 'Di{cSNrfti. nei.
ture and an Attempt too bold'for mof!: to nn8t!r tJ!e~theSpeakers~Hearers, or Readers' of Be fuch
take' Your' ftrength is but v.:eak!lefs at befr", ' :~I]guage; Keep a Watch over yourTongues, ftop
you;Clear~fighiedrie1S oftimes in .t~is Nature,' ,your E,ars, as well as rurn away your Eyes from all

com~s your Blind:fide, wh~r~rb~ LuO: has ~n A. .that Jooks like Obfcenity. EvilCommunjca,ioll (rays
vantage to break m upon you. I(y,ou are y? th~A-poft]e) Corrupts good MAI111tr1, I Cor. 15.
keep out of Eye.lhor,.and c0l!1e,~ot.a nea5rt7bere,fire(as,he rays in another,placej,lt't lio Cor-
fair Enemy; for there IS muchm'a Pamted '~';rI#P' Communica'ion proered 611' ofyoHrMoalh. Eph+
ina loo le ,Garb,in Wanton Gefrures, and' "A)qofe Tongue and Obfcene Lipsiofenfibly betray
Naked Brealts'to work npon the, ung~ar.ded: E the Soulinto the fnare of ,Uncleannef9.' Therefore
and render the Heare pri[oner.:~or IS It e~o~as you value your Chafl:ity, and'defire to keep your
I to tur;, Jour Eyerfr~m beholdi1f~,V:an.#Y, when'fA '" 'relves ,pure, Think ~t not matter: of .T eft to
deiJtallyoffer~d'tothe~r Viewlb~~ you Ihou!d ~v.. .talk witdIly Obfcene, but be aIrured you are not
as much as ID you hesJ all Occafions wblch ." only to anfwer for the Words you Cpeak, bur aIro
lead them altr:ly. 'You wOllld do ,~ell to a~ft. for all the Mifchie( they may produce upon either
from. all'publick Balls, Shews an~ Stage-Pl~Yf, a. 'yoUr felves: or others. .
all other places of great Appearanc.e, w~lch."
be ape Co adrninifrer Fuel toyonr Fm:. For If.,
Church. where th 7 Awe of God and theRe~e,f .. 5ry, 'I~ ,the next place, Btwar, rl'b~1 Compall} you
due to his Immediate. prefence, .lhould have fo, k.!~p . 'Tis an [talia" ,Proverb, tell me rl'itb n,b",
Influence over you, if there (1 fay) you canw ~~mpanJ )011 go) alld r It tell yOll rl'hm you go; tell
m me
~i6' The Refortned Ce:tjle;"all. '. Chap. tIt. bf 7JlIt!ettfJne(t. 81
me with .whom you Converfe and I'll tell yOtlwbat Herein you will fee Life and Deatll, .Blerrings and
you are. The Society whereofynu are; has.a gt~ CiJrfings, Promires and Throatnings, Mercies and ,."
Prevalence over you to. make you of tlie, fanie Judgments: The one a Royal Priviledge appropri..
Mould with the whole: If that be goOd, yqn can. ated to the Upright and Clean, the other as a Pu-
not but hi Complaifance be ~t feern to be fa tooj nilhment to the Man of Unclean Lips and a L~wd
if That be Evil, it ,would be no falft LogiCk. to Converfation: Herein you will fee a Generou{ly
conclude the Parts to be of the fame Meirli.t wich"tI* Chaft and continent Jo{eph exalted from a Du'ngeon
whole. This is too eviClellt to need O,em()nftratI8~ to a Throne, whilft the Inceftuous lteubm is put.
and were it to be doubted in other ViCa,' yet iI by his Fathers Bleillrig: Herein you will read of
this <If Uncleannefs, the Influence whiCli obel)e. 24000' !.fratlites being killed in .
bauch'd companion has upon another tdr~ on~ day amidfi: their Wi,oredoms, Numb. 5.
him fo too; proveS the Confequence to be too tiW. whilfi: Pbinw for his Zeal, in
A Loofe, Libertine, and Licentious ContetratiO!l, punHhing the Delinquents, atones for the Reft, and
does ealily indine a man to, Joyn with the Multi obtains for himfelf a Covenant of Peace, the Cove
.lude in orie- Common',way of Lewdoer~.andD~bau- nant of an Everlal1ing Priefthood: Herein you will
chery: Familiarity and Exalhple,. Fear and s~ fee the Caufe of the Malfacre of S(becbem and his
private Obligations and publick Engage~~'~ People, wh~ were for Dinab's ,Rape cu~ offRoot
as great Inducements to depraved Na~~t~ tct ~dtJi. a~d Branch in on,e day: Herem you Will have a
ply with thore to wnomone frands 9 ohge<P,lO'any view of the UntImely ends of Hopbni and P!JimM,
of the former Refpeas. And here I caliiWtcflP!i of Amnon and Abfdlom, of Incontinent 1ez.ebel, and
but blame fucb as out ofa Frolick [ll fee clhe l "rtlcll and many. others who by their Whoredoms, Adul-
of the Town, and eo experience the truth of ",bi teries, and Inceftuous Embraces provoked' the Mer-
they Hear,alfodate themfe1ves ~ith L~<Fadd clful God to plague them with fundry Difeafes; and
Profligate pertons, running from Baudy-Honflf divers kind of Deaths. . '
Baudy.Honfe, from one Brothel ta'anotfiei:; "till .
laft they carry the C?als of Fire fo long that the 7ly, When you have done your. utmori: to refift,
are inflamed by Luft ID good earneft, '. ' and' find notwithl1anding the Carnal part to be pre-
dominant, MortifY, as St. Paul advifes, your Memb~rs
6ly, To employ YOllr Eyes and Thoughts, and which are "pan the Ear,b: Keep under your unruly
to help you to better Company, I fhall'adVife'yOi Body, and bring it into Subjeaion that you do not:
in the next place to be frequ~Ht in reading and. #Jo become Caft-aways. As Drunkennefs and Gluttony
diwi/tf!, th~ Holv ScriptUreS: for 'II1beriniit'h"lfjh'~Q, increare, fo do Temperance'and sobriety take away, .
;T~nf!, Mall cleall{e his way (fays the' Royal' P[alm,~ the Oyl from the Flames: To feed low, and ab...
.bll' by takjl1g Hmi ,bmto'accordiltg to thj .JI'i. 'Rain from rich 'and delicious farc; to Eat and Drink
He . i '.. H ~~
8S J"he Reform~~ Gentleman. .'" ~Chap. IIt, " Of Vhc!e''4111Jeft. ' 89
only to fatisfie ~MIJ~e, w~thQll~ eIlW:avou~.ing ~o. niroilgblllf ~bel'e 'be anyJfic~id~ifr'in Hi: Andfince'
humour yOl)r Pala~s, or fatIat~ your Appetite, will. ' your Prayers have no :eXprctS promife of a ,fuccers,
by degrees rnod<:ra,t~ Y0l!r I;.Plls. ,Fall:ing:fol' whole , 12nlefs yOOf' own' Endeavours back them, take up
Days, ancl then; tQ It;turn to a. f1111 Table and Ex:- HOly Jdb's RefoI~tion of makJng a Covenant with
cers, is not the way. to, call: out, jbitr Eyu,' 'hatyolI wiU no, 100ft UpOH a Maid: And
*. Bifhop 7'11)107. this Dc:v:il'; for it is (as a. Worthy with Dllvid ~ep jour MONth IH with a Bridl" tbat YOt;
. ~ PJ:c:lat~Qf our Churcb..obferV'es.)
4fenJ' no' with jail' Tongue: Let your Heartl be filled
a flatulent airy: Spirit which, an Empty WindySllo- with :Chafr ae['!'ut and, your Mind/ employed in
rn3$:h gi~es Lif~ and M9tio~ to., I~ mutt bea,con-" COntemplating .on the Goodnefs 'and the Mercy of
frant Abll:inence in the moderate ufe of coanre an4 de L~d which {hould lca/you to ~epentance: Let YOllr
homely Fare, filch ap''lillM~ be prejudicia};tq.your h'Hd, be' pIIre, aHd fO lift th6m, liP to the Thr01lo of
Health, that will be of gre.atell: ~orce to fubdue. Gr4ce; and t,urn your Feet in~o j'.
yQur Corr,l1pt NatureS, and" to beat .down th9f~ In.: tbe ways of Righteoufners. Thus Ep/. 6. 13, 14, 15,
{urrections which ev~r and aoon anfe, aru1 raife a ~'-eing~Arnf d with the whole Armour. ! 6. J 7 ,
Civil War'betw;etloy.QUt out.ward'and y,our inward: of Gtia, yo~r.Loilll girded aboll' wtth the Truth, aud
Man. " Tiaving the Breafl.plate of Righu811j1fejS; beillg ~Jod witb
the prepafation.:o! 'he Gofpel ofPeace, Imd takJng above
3ry, To.thay. of FaU,jng" and all the other fore- all thiitgJ t'he S~ielrJ of Faith (wberebJ'ym wiU be able
mentioned Hflps~ "lid that of Frequent PrAyer: AID to w!thjfimd the fiery "Dartl of the "Devil) fI1~d,tbe Hel
the reft without this are bu't as dead Letters :'
Herein the Soul owns its weaknefs, and ackoow.
m,' of Salvation, tmd the Sword of the SPlTlt; ~?U
will be ,the better able to grapple again[\; your LUllS,
ledgetn that 'til Itat, ,in. Man if, direli bit w~YI; fen and be ~:~t~~d again!!: a Relapfe, which orc proves
1ible whereof it fends up this winged Meffenger of more da~gerol1S an,d defperate than the dlfeafe.
Prayer to cravef?r A!TIUance from above, and n~.'
ver leaves intreatlOg tIll fome fuch Anfwer as thl! 9tbly, 'tl;te: Lall: Antidote commonly, prefcribed
be given, My Grace if fUfficiem for thee. Be you in againll: Unde!lnnefs is Marriage. By thiS holy ~r.
frant therefore in imploring for the Spirit of, Pu- dinance God has taken off all rearon of Complamt;
rity, for Cha~Thoughts, and Temperate Reins: aiJd'the Oppreffion, Tyranny, ~njuftic~" and. all:
. Make fuch as, there your daily and hourly r~':1efts; other Inveaivcs caft upon the Deity for implanting
Creafe ;/1 ,1/ aCle,n Heart, 0 Lord! and!J!I"t~~a,
righ' Spirit wi'hin flJ; ,wajh '10 tbroHgbly :fro~joHr
in Man filch Naturals 'which mull: be fatisfied, and
(o,r ip,rohibitir!g th~ fullfilliilg of there by ,Exprefs
Wick,!dnefr, aurhleal1[eul from OH1'-8ill; P1I1ge HI" t,.a:ws, are qUIte Wiped away; .the Murmurtl~gs and
wi,h Hyfop and we(haU be clean, jpajh /llandn,~(haD,:. rmpUtatidns of Cruelty, Se9;wty, and the like a~e
lie whi'er tbiJnSnow; Pflrifie O"r flearu, alld filmb: here filenced: And if the Letcher after fuch aLl-
NI , H l befty
90 The R.eformed Gentleman~ . .: Chap.III. DJ Vncle4mie[t. 9r
berty granted, .ih~Q .contin~:e in his ~wfuI.!t-~. from and Pollutions of the conjugal Bed f , which
mOPfs; .if. he fhalf forfake his own to Cbmb ~p lP.- e'lery day happen,a~relh in the World~ -.I fhallbut
to:; an. Adulterous B:el:1 .. 1Ie has. no plea drawn froQ! juft touch upon thefe Necdrary: Precautions, and
the ftrength of JQdination" the. ~ent of ~is Conni- fo conclude this particular of, Uncle,annefs. ,
tution, or the like, :to excufe hlmf~lf wltha~,! nor , As Joryou who have AdultChJ1dren of ~our
can he Charge the. Sin any. r-rhere but upon his own. Qwn. or elfe are Guard!ans .to fuch; Beware ot d~
Corrupted and Vitiated Will. Se 'P.Hl [eerns to barring them fromentrmgllltothe .flate o,f M,am-
intimate' as much.. and deClares this -Honourable J~ mony; when either their, Years, th~lr InclinatIOns,
Ritute was appointed to avoid Fornication..'Nor their Affettions and their other Circumftances re-
is itenou" h to forbear all unlawful and Jorblddeo quire the fame ~ Confult your Pupils in all, ref~eas;
Embraceso, nor evert t:o abfiaip Irom whads Phyfi- and be not (more than prudeml,Y) urgent I~ dllTiva-
cally, as ;'ell as Morally, Evil; but Eve~our alloW- J ding them fr<>m their own, or In perfwadl~g them
ed and warrantablt EnJoyment~ muft (,lIke Phyfick) into an Apprpbation of your Choice :, In dlfpoling
be taken moderately and with caution, left our of them have'an Eye more upon theIr Temporal
Remedy prove our Poyfon.. He that thil;\~~ becaufe Happingfs, and their Eter.nal ~ood, than UP,OD the
he is in lawful Circumftances, he may givfhis Lufts Flattering- ProfpeCl: of thm bemg Noble, Rich, or
their full Swing, deceives himfelf ;.fo'r, that' in Mar- Great: Covet not to Marry your Sons or Daugh-
riage a Man may be ~uilty of Senrua~iiy.is. paft di~ ters . or any other Relations committed to your
pute. 'Tis unquefhonably true, that, whoever Tiuft, into Families of, a Higher Rank. than ~our
tranfgrefleth the Principal end ot Maqja.ge, fijZ. of felves and defpife hot to Match them With thole of
Glorifyi9g God, ~nd fUbferyien~ .thetetot~ofe ~f a Deg~ee lower than you, efpecially where the vir-
Propagating our klDd, of mamtalOlDg Mutual SOCIe. tue and Generofity of the perfoD can tors your
ty; and avoiding of Unlawful Lufts,.hils.paffedthe lighter Scale of Birth and Fortune up to the Beam.
boundaries of Nature, Iteafon and 'lteJigion all at .As for the Young parti~s) .1 defire they would not
once. " ,. , take ill the following AdVice, before they put on the
In the entring upon fuch a Sacr~d. Rite, there Wedding Suit which will not coft them fo much,
ar~ many things to be obferved, and. feriol.lUy c,On- and perhaps d~ them more Service. Be ftlre then
ftdered, both by the betrothed Parties' arid their to avoid all Ha{ty, fudden, and Unpremeditated ~ts
Friends, in order to have the Marriage fuecefsfuU of Pallon: Love not lor Lufts fake, and Idolize
and made in Heaven firft, before the ,ltriking of none for their Beauty, Wit, Strength ,and Fortol1f',
Hands, and the Plighting ofTrothshere.onE,mh:, left your Affection be n~ m~re thal1 S~ln.deep \ call
". ' . and for want ot the due Confideration whereof a" in Wirer Heads toadvlfe In fo Weighty a Caofc,
ifes fo many UnhappyMatchcs,FamiIy. 9i~'u.( and if your Modefry or a~y other ~ea[on '\~ill Dot
banees, and Civil Broils; fo frequent.SeparatlQtis: admit you [0 ask }our Fnends adVICe thereIn, yet
. "(rom';, H 3 be

. \.
9~; The Reformed Gentleman. ' . ( ;':~
~:p.tellfed to tbinkG~~ wo~thy to be-~f,ou~CQt\ncilt .:, :.

In a WO,fd Jet no ObJea Charm y~: QlJt what has I

the.. Li,neameots.of Virtue, and the E:nd~mentsQf; .t)!
the Prof{/naiion of the Larch 1Jay~.
a Nobl~ Mind, w!lichwith, or "withqutehe out"!:
ward Qualifications? ~re of force Qnly.tt> Captivate
9ur SoUls, He!lce It IS that we ,pem;m::the Love;, C H A P. IV.
grouncled upon there .E:x:t~rnal ObjeCls Lonly, Ita be;
fhort-liv'd and Tranfient, foon H04i aod foon Co;ld .: 1ht,Rea[o1fs 01 k,feping Holy 'be fir~ Day of 'be We~~
IaftiD& no longt"r. tb~n the ObjeCl'. appears .to . ht. iH~ead of 'be SeiJen!h. The Lords ~ay, Hor!' a~J(J
peauufuJ, Strong, Witty and Wealtby. and groW,; - by wbom projalfetl,vlz, I. By IleglelJmg. tbe Ptlbl~c'"
Ing Naufeous when' Impotency, .Wither'd Age,'ot Ordinances df 'he Churcb. n. 1be Private Duties
Poverty over-takes them, and often before : .whilfi: of the Filmily. m. By Extreijiing OUl' ordilMI)
the mo~e fubftantial Love, founded upon and raifed Cil1Jingl them,,; wbetber by our felves, our S ervall~i,
by the mward Ornament of the Mind, gives Life .or our Beajfl. IV. By public~ly Expofing Sale. '0
to the Love of outward, and maintains its own An ObjelJiolJ an[wered, and W/Jilt Wol'1<J are Law
FJ~me wi~hin, when all the Fuel adminiftrtid from fu1 '0 be done. V. By WOl"kJ of 'he F1eft:' filch ,1$
without IS taken away. This Noble Intellefrual (1.) 1ipling, (2.) FeJjfing, (3.) Gamll1~, (4.)
Love Unites and Confolidates the Parties t.tho'.in Dancing and Singing, (5 ,) C01JiI'~V ReveUmgl amJ
Rags and Poverty, tho'in Gray-Hairs and Wrilikles Rio'l. .An earneft EXfofiu!a,iOll and Exbor,a,tion far
;m~ b~.eaths after a \l nionbeyond this and the Grave: Celebrating tbe Lord, Day:. Rules for tt, VIZ.
ThiS IS that Love, we fhould be all inflamed with 1. Preparation on tbe Eve. 2. Frequen'l/I(, 'be Pl!b.
and defire to Contrad: with each otber not becaufe w~ lick,. Ordinancel of tbe Cburch. 3. Fam/ly Dutl~/.
lt~ve Painted Faces,and a handCometpiece of Clay for Mo,ivei ,hereto drawn from 'be bC1lefits of obfervmg
our Share tban others are Moulded into or becaufe it; and 'he Mif'ehiefl of Profaning it botl; 10 privalf
we have more of Giddy Fortunes Favo~rs but be; Perfonr, and,o,he Publiclv
piure of thoCe inward Ornaments of Piety'and D~
votion, of. Sobriety an~ Temperance, of Modefty
;lnd Humlhty, of Cbafbty and Charity of Meek- ..
Hat to rerve the Invijible God ( ~Y w~om W~
Live, Move, and bave our Bemg) m the
ner~ and Affabi.Jiey, which fet off th~ fubjea: in whole courre of our Lives is a main End for which
which they are Inherent with fuch invincible and ir. "we were Created: That every Day and Hour fhould
lefJftible (;harms, as DO being above a B1l1te can be Holy' Unto ,he Lord; that we fhould have the
f~f~~ ~o pe inalUou~e~ with~' . Fear of Him always before our Eyes: That ever~
Moment of our time is truely HU, is indifputable.
CHAP... ut forafmuch as we are but Men, in a little lower
. H If ' degree

. 1j,
I.J' I'~
94 . The Reformed Gentlem411. C~a.p.IV. Of8ah/;ath-Br~4king.' .9)
degree then thore Blef[ed Spiritl whore task and Rap.. S.bbath of reft; and every Sevelllh of thefe Sab-
pinefs it is to be employed continually in COntem- baths of Relt was a Jubilee unto the People of
,plating, Adoring and Praifing their great Crtt1lOP; l{rael.
and whereas fince the Fall we are placed in fuell
circumitances as require the [weat of our Brows, 2. I fhall not here run into The R..eajol1J/or l:ttF--.
and the Expence of a great part of our time in needlefs Diliputes about the lilt th~ FlljlDaY.f
the procuring the Necelfaries of this Life; we can- . fi tbe 1f ,;ek. holy, In-
not fo readily beftow a!1 our hours on Religious Changmg of. the Sabbath ram jiead of the Sevemh
the Seventh to the Firft day of cOlljidered. ' .
Exercifes. Nor doth God require we lhould, but the Week, Rearons for it in a . .
difpenfes with the greateft pare of our Lives, and Cbrifi:ian Nation are [uperfluous; and It IS to be
onty appoints a feventh part of the whole for the obferved none cavil fo much about it as thofe, that
more Solemn and Immediate 4tl:s Of]);vine"Wor./hipi w()uld be glad, if there were no time at all allot-
and is pltafed fo to Order it that every Action in ted for thofe Sacred Solemnities. 'Tis true, there
our Ordinary Callings may be [uch as may Glorifi, was fome Scuffle in the Primitive Ti mes in the Eaftern
QurFathfr whicb H ;11 Heaven: Our Fields and Gar. and We/fern Churches about this Matter ,Om keeping .
dens, Our Shops and Studies, Our Dining-Rooms the Jewi~ on the Seventh Day of the Week, the 0-
and Clorets may be aU Sanctified by a Religious and tbers obferving the Cbrijfiall Sabbath on the Lord'J
Holy Life: Sobriety and Modefty, Temperance, Vay the jirjf of the Week: but the general AfRnt that
and Moderation may make our very DiverfioDs and was'given by all the Church Coon after, fllewed the
Recreations Holy. But then we are not to Rick Celebration of the Lord's DilY to be of Apojtolical
here., eur walking with God in the Private Duties Inftitution and not ordained by Httnwz Tradition.
of our feveral itations, Exempts us not from the For a fcrupulous ConH:ience (if any filch there be
Publick Adoration of Him in the Congregation of in this Profane Age j it may be [uffidcnt to confider)
the Faithful. For as the Lord of Hojfr has been near. that the very Jewl did not ohferve the precire Nu--
ly concerned in appointing the Ptr{onJ by Wbom, meriial Seventh Day from the Cre.ltioll, but a Srvemh,
the A1a1Jner How, and. the Place Where, fo has he counting from the Day of their Oeliv('r~nce from
...ihewed no lets Regard in amgning the Time When, the Land of lEgypt: Nor could they be fo fl:ritl: in
be will be more peculiarly WQrfhipped. This H~ SanLtifying precifely their own .Sevemb 03)', fince
did at the very firit Creation, faI~tl:ifie the StvelJlb after the Commandment was written, the Stl1l1lood
Day, reLling thereon from all HM Works which he fiiU for the [pace of a whole Day on Gibeo;/, and
bad made; and to .the Jews he appointed a Seventh went back 10 Degrees in the time of Hez..ekjJb :
Day to be kept Holy. So great a Veneration. was aut befides the uncertainty the .Jews were in them-
there by the Mr,jjir Law bellowed on that Myftical f~lves, of keeping their Sabbatb on ~ preci[e Da~,
~el,'m, chqt eY~ry St7,letltb Year w~s appoihted fol," a there ~s an9th<;r Confi~eration which ~ender~ ~t
.. . ... . . . $iJb.b f4
a . 1ill folllble
,6 The Reformed Gentlema,,; . . Chap. IV., O/Sabbath-Breaking. . 97
. impoffible for all Nations to ~eep the fam~ SabfJal6 rpty werlt,: alfernbledtogether; and at .the fame
all the World over at one Inftant of Tlme, alld lUtIe.upc:mS,t. Peter's Sermon were there added no
that is the Diverfity of Meridianl, and the ineqna. kfs than three thoufabd Souls to the, Church' On
lity of the Riling and Setting of the SH1f,. wliich thil Day was it that the Difciples afterward; me t
,taofeth' the. Days in ene. place to va~y from what frc(}l:IentlYFogether to ~rea~ Bread, and to lay up
I. 'they are m another, In fome 6, In others 1'1 their, Chantable Contributions for the ufe of the
Hours difference. The 1leafonablenefs of TranOa. foor.
ting the SabbJth from one Day to another will ap-
pear more, if we confider the many M;emorablc <3; Thefe things being P[(; The Lord'J Day HOIt!
'Palfages of the Old Te{lament which lhadow oat mifed, I proceed to confider how a/Id by whom Pro-.
this Change unto us, as well as thofe Re\narkabk Shamefully and Odioully the 50- land.. '
Inftances of the New, which all happened on this Jemnities of thiJ Vay are fiighted, derided, and Pro-
firft day of the Week. On tbis Day God began cm f.u1ed by this our Corrupt and Diffolute Age, And
work of Crratio1f, to build the curious Fabrick berein I could wilh the Openly Debauched and Li-.
the World, and to Form all Beings' out 'of that I,;entious perfon were the only Delinquent. But
Chaos in which they were at firfi: involved; and U alas! if we deal ImpartiallYl we fhall find many of
is very probable he defigned as much Honour lhouN thofe, who [eern to look Wifely, and would be an-
be paid to the Memory of ,his great Day, as gry'if you called them by any other Name than
, '1'b:Jt in which he had finilhed all: On this Day (I! that of -ChrijJian, to be deficient enough in this
a Hebrew Author Obferves) the Cloud of God's Glo. .refpetl:, "They tell you Judaifm only required fo
.riolls Majefty fat flrft upon his People, then d' "ftrW: an Obfervation of the Sabbath; that Chr;ft
.Ilaron and his Children firft enter upon and Exc "'be Lord of the Sabbath has remitted that rigour ,'
cute their Priefthood; :and thereon did God fir &I with which the Mofaic Law obliged its followers;
1blemnly Biers his People I[raeJ. Thi iJ tbe Day ( "That it is Puritanical, Enthulial1:iek Zeal which
,V.vid .Prophefying of the RefHmElion ofCbriJf te' "[purs on fometobe fa ReligiouQy given on thisDay.
fies) which the Lord haJ made, Itt UJ rejoyce ana 1fhis. is no invented Account grounded upon a mer~
gl"a therein. And how great, wondrous and afto. HypotbtjiJ, but what is to be feen by every Days
nilhing things were done on ,hiJ Day under .Experience; And ifnone eIfe can bear me Witne~
GofpeJ difpenfation ? It was on ThiJ day that Cb of the truth hereof, yet I might appeal to fomf!
finilhed the Glorious Work of our Redemption, a -Judicious Mens Opinions, who have declared the
rofe again from the Dead for our Juftificatioo: 0 $uppreffillg of 'be Profanation of the Lords-Day tl} be
this firft Day of the Week did He appear after' .trijJIing, Nugatory~ and little lefs than a Grievance'a
J{efurreaion to his Difciples feveral times; On tbe Subjtl1. So little is the Concern which Men
,his Day fell ~he !faly Gho)r upon the 4pojlet/b ~9W ad!lY~ h~ve fQr (la4 qn~ R,elig)m; anfl~ hf~CQ
, .~a~
98 The Reformed Gentlemall:. , ' , ~ Chap. IV. Of S4~h4th-BreakilJt: 99
flighting thoughts do they bear to the V/v;"ilj of 't profit as. well ;in our own Houfes, a's the HeariJrg
the Lor~'s D:zy. I. know not what Cbrmb 'allows fo I! of.a Sermon In the m?ce frequented Oratories? .
much Llcentloufnefs thereon, fure I am the Cburch "Will the Churches contaIn the conflYcnce of Audi..
of Enzl""a is far from it in 'her Doctrines and Djf-, IL tors? Will our Abfence or Prefence' leU'en or
clpline, let her pretended Followers ufe their COri. ~ augment the Dumber of the FaithfuL? l:tad not
fban Liberty for a Cloak of Wickednefs as long as I we better tarry ,away. ,tha.n go with unpr;epared :
tbey pleafe. 'Hearts, to fleep or 1hire away the time? .Such as
thefe are the 'Evafionsm~de now a-days by many:
4. who can forbear lamenting the fad Degene. ~D;. (p,09r Creatures!) lIttle do they confider who,
racy and Apofl:acy of the Age, ,wherein to rerotin It IS that fuggefts thoCe Idle Reafoningsinto them,
from Su,?er{fitian is co run upon the other Excreattt clfe they. would fee clearly that 'ris Gods Commaud
and be Prafane, .... herein the Cure of Pharifaicaf tb.at we, by keeping Holy' this His bleJJed Day
1l.ypocriJi' confifts in being openly loo{e and DebaucbtJ, mlgbt nIeditate on.his Glorious Works of our Cre~
wherein to plead for the Ke~ping holy the LordI. ,tion and RedemptioH, and learn how to know
'C! Iy is. MalepertnefS in .th~ M~nifter; Cant, Imper. and to keep all t~e ~efl: of his Holy Laws and Com-
.tlnenCle and P(esb~tenaDlfm m a Private PerCoD? mandments. ThIS IS the Mark,et: Day ,of our SOH!!
I;,~; , But notwithftanding all this I !hall purfue my defiga and where 1hould we go to bUy the Food of Angel:
I' ill tracing the Protane and Irreligious in all I-lif By- and the Waters .~f Life, the WJlle of .rheSacr.f-
~ , Paths and tranfgrdlions, to lay open the fever~ mmt, ,.an,d tbe MIlk of the Word of God to feed our
" Ways ~y w?ich he Violates t~is Holy Infl:itutioD, drooplOg Souls, .but at thofe Ordinan~es where they.
and drive him or 1hame hIm If poffible into the are to be had WIthout Money, and WIthout Price?
Power, as well as the Form of GodIinefs. Wher~.fhoul~ ":e receive the precious,Eye~falve to
~r,c~I~,~uf bemghtedEyes, and heal our Spiritual
1. One would think in Complaifance to the fa. Bhndnefs,but from t~ofeS'piritl1aIPhyfi[iaDs?How can
. fhion, and in Conformity to the o;ur. wou.n4 ed ConfCleOl=cS, and troubled Spirits and
1.h! Lordl-D"~ is pro. Cuftom of the Country wherein broke,n Rearts be cureq of their Maladies, unldrs we
.. f,,1: ud. Flrfl by mg/- they Live there fhould be none' come there where tht; .Balm of GileJd drops [roln
i r, 1/IIg ro cme ro , J 2 '
ch L' . .h ' , '.
Ordill.lIIces "f but what went to one AfJembly or .e . ~ps 01.' t e Preacher? Befldes 10 this publick
rIJeCIJ;/rcIJ. another, but we have too many ~r~u~an~e,ofthe Ch,ITCh we own GJdto Qe not on-
. who neither go to CbU1Cb nor to Iy the, Lord and Maker of every Individual perfofJ
III" any other place of Dlvine Worfhip toler~ted by but ,to,;b,e the: Headof~he lv/)fficI1L Bodj:, to be th~
I!! Law on th.H DJ)'. "C3n'c God, (fay they) be Sov~.relgp over the Umverfal World.: .
" ferved as ','vdl at Rame, a<; in the PublicI{. Con. . . . . , .' .
~' gregatlon? Will not our Re"dillg a good Book 6. There
profit .. ..'
loo 1he Reformed Gentlemltn. ' . -', Chap. IV. Of S.hbillh-Bre4I:ing. 10'{
6. There are others wHo are -,7. By jOUQfPing 'he Works of
le%:~onJ~e JK;;f; c?nftant in tbe. P"blic!<. COlliieg~-, I&tir ordillar;, caUingl either!Jy ThirdlY, The Lordt.
t Duti~oft~ 'ami!!. "0", mak~ as It \V.ere aC()nfC1~ I~emfelves, ,hm Servantl, or 'he~ Da, profaned l:J. fol
ence ofgomg Mormng and :E.,ea~ Rea{tl. If the neglect of Santb- IOf/!J~1[, our ordJ'f'"J
in~ to Cbllrcr,? but then this is ,all they thinki!' r~ ~ing the L,0rrJI.Day.by our Pub- ;:r~;~:::o~/I~{e;;;:
qUlredat their Hands. If you lhould tell them,of Itck ~nd Pnvate Duties be a Pro .
Krpetitioll, Medi,ation, Family Duties, Cateebijing, faD~lon ~hereof, How much more then is it pro-'
Elthorting, &c. "They mult beg your Pardonthere. fane to vI?late It .by any fervile Laklour or forbid-
"They do not defign to make the Lord's baYa' den Vocation? It IS the Exprefs Letter of the Corn-
"~urden to the~. They will n?t turn their .Roures rnand, tb~t-on this Day wc !houlrJ do 110 manner of
"Into ConventlcIes, They will not be .Klgb,eolli lFOrk, nmber RlC, no1' 0111' 80111, 1101' 0111' Daugh,erl,
(' over much, they mufi: be excufed from beIDg fingn;l our Men-Servant I, ,lQr QU1' MairJServanlJ 1I0r our
"lar : And they will not differ from their Neigh. Callel, nor 'be Stranger tha' il wi,hin 011~ Galil;-
"bours. This and the like Language you lhall'be H~wthen tball they Anfwer the Outfacing of fo,
f!lre to find from molt. For (God knows) to, the Itrlll: a Command, who lhaU I,refume contrary to'
fhame of Chri~;altity, Men are fo ltupid and'cold; both God's and Humane LawI to follow their Ordi~
fo Luke-warm and indifferent in their Gr,.,Concern, nary Imployment hereonJ lvhether by 1hemfelver '
that it is well if a '1'ayer be raid in a Privale Family ,beir Servanl~Q1' their Beaftl? And with thefe I mud'
Once a' Week: And what is more to be lamented, beg leave to Expoftulate a while. "Are not fix
Tha' is wanting alia in melt Houfes.And when 11 Days enough to beltow on this World, and the
the M"ile1' of the Houle is fo. remirs, no wonder if "Concerns thereof? Cannot you fpare one day ill
the Serv~ntJ and Children trifle. away the ~em"cUnder "Seven to ceafe fr?m your Labours? Will yOIl be
of the Day; and after RH Example, grow :is un- "fo crue! as to give your felves ne refpite from
concerned in their Priva'e and Clo{e, DUller, as h~ ll,the fatIgues of ToyI and Bufinefs? Shall the Ten
was in tQe more ptlblic~ On'l of His Family. 'Na uCommandments, and the Conltitutions of a Chr;- '
more; it is to be feared he himfelf is as.fe!dorn ill ::jlian Government be kinder [0 your Nature, an~
Secret, as he cares to be Openly Good and PIOUS. I more .C~mpamonate tqereto than you your felves?
would not be thought Uncharitable, and therefore "And IS It not eneugh to afflid: your own Bodies
leave the Judging of their retired'ThoughtstOHilJ l'a~drob your own Souls of-that'Spiritual Nou-
whofe only J!Jrifdiction it is to knoW' a,nd difcero :?Ifhment, but you !Dull: lay, bllrthens upon your
the Secrets of all Hearts; and pars on to the COD StrvantlJ and depnve them of that Advantage'
! fi~eration of the ~ext way,' by .which m'en :may b~' ;~' ~hich they might reap by~he Religiolll Obftrva- ~
,'!'"of thlsDay,'Tls-fad to reflect upon the

fald to profane thIS R,ly Day, w;.

-1' \a~~ Unfortunate; Se1'1ants who are Articledondet;
7 DJ ".". {ueh
1.0.' The Reformed Gentlem,,. Chap,. IV.'Of'S4~!J4th.]Jre4kj'Jg. I()~
luch P3g.zn.Cbriifim Mafrers, and I cannot ~orbe:K LDrd as anyot~ti's"lofe the Priviledge oUIle ,Pub_
beftowiog a Sigh aDd a Tear or [WO at [hell' unal. lielt,. O~dinaDtes by being forced to attend and .look
terable Calamity. For tllis our Metropolitan City, torhelr CD4eb and HorJes at theCb,,'cb door? I
without looking further, can furnifb us with maoy 1peak.Jiot this to. a~on[ any, .but only to put them
Hundreds (I NHb I could not fay Thoufands) of in (mmd of contClvmg ways (ifthey muft be Coach.
thore Unfanctified Wretches, whO having not the ed to ChNrcb) fo to difpofe of their Coach and H~r[el,
fear of God before their Own Eyes, care not how that their Strva",j Jas well as Ibem(elveJ may have
li~(le thofe that do belong to them are inftrufred the Benefit {)f ferving their Common and Greae
in the Points of Religion. And as they are for cut MaJf~
ting off all other Opportunities of their growing
in G'IilUi 10 are they careful! to debarthem o(Tbil

. 9. But to return, thereis (befides this of Labour)
{eaton of improving themldves therein by Sanl1if} another way by 'which the LordJ.
~ng the LordfDa)'. Thu~ is.r~e Miferable You~g. V"J is profaned and that is by Fourth!~,. The Lor~.
man, by a Seven Years IrrelIgiOUS Courfe of Life; !'Jj ',,1 E .r.' G d
., u Dr'.) profMed by pub"
r" c,\:y . ~PO!'Hg . . 00.1 to [ale lick.', E.r:pqfing tujale,
become at laft as Stupid and Profane a Perfon as his ,h!rmt. ThIS IS that which Rlgh- .
Mafter before him: And when out of his Time it teous Nebemiahcould not endure, when he contended
is feldom that ever..he recollefrs him/elf, but deals with the Rulers of lftael, and would not fuffer the
:liS hardly with his own Apprentice.. And can wc Car;im nort~eM.trcha"tJ of the Land to bring up
expect the Profane Wretch would be mere,merci thell' Wartsto !mtfat,m on the Sabbal/;.Day,Neh.I'3.
ful to his BeJjh? No certainly, He would Cfll And ho~ fmall a Matter foeverit may feemtofome
thein as hardly as hisServanrs, were not the Lawl in Our ~lmes,Y~by Hi,,; it was r.eckoned the caUle
of our Land fi:rifr in tbe refi:raining of fuchuoac. for which God'plagued Ifratl" and fuffered them co
counrable Cruelties. And truly it is asmuclt 39 be led Qlprlvt' :intoaftrange b:lnd; .And witholl~
doubt our t~giJl1tiJrs ofthe Laftl. . . "
the M,z;,iftrate can do, to keep tbe Traveller from bis
unnecef};uy .lOUf!1eyS, and [0 debar the Hac/t"ey ~ge, and th~;~egil1ning*',of this, Sto1tllfe 29
COJcbes from plying in our very Streets, on tilt .-ere of OPU'1I00!tbat the fuffei'- CI/r. 2.
LordJ~Day. i,ng the leaft Ware tt> 'be fold offon the Lo't'ds.DiJy
. !Would prove 00 Introduction ,to 'a greater Profane-
8. And F!m.l c~nnor bot willi the. Gentry would 'fs:, whi~ ,'made them p(ohi~it the'Expofing of
forbear their vlfiung the CbHrches In State, .and' any 'Commo~lty tofsie thocflon, upon ,r-he :r;:rirfei.
contrive a better way of going ~hither ,then in [heir ureof all paEKpofed (be tt,of never{o great a
Ceremonial ChJriotJ . 'Tis true, their Beafl's may Jue) . ~lCb was to be fold, :i!nd the Mon6v Wll-
not be put to hard Service, but toep their:Co.atj., verted to ~h~ ufe of the Puor. And truly they wllb
j: "Itn, who have Souls as preciou~ in .theJ;:Y,lls:~f.~he:~?wtakeIt 111 1 ihould they for the ftVillg of a Trifle
It Lord' , 1 be
Th RrFo"ned. Gtnlletnlll1., i
Chap. IV. Of Sa6hath.BreakiHg.
H>4 " ,e J' I which the Sla'Hlt~ of 10$
be forced to p~y the fJt~;r?af[t1t thinK ~Qat punIlh~ If. But to proceed, if the
ollr Land require" \~It to what theyfuaUth~n feel doil}g that upon this'J)ay, which Fifthly, The Lord/-
ment caGe and LIg. when they (hall glVeu~ at another time is both Lawful Day prQ/4r.ed flY th8
from the great LawgIver, 'ffi b Wor~J of the' Flifh,
their La!t accounts.
, ,,), ' , I ,'
~Dd Nece ary to e done,. be ~o fuch al are, firft. Tip-
, ,'\ ' gre~tan Offence (as certalOly It ling thereon.
. , , And here fo~ one ma.i, is;) How extreamly mull: the
All objeC/ion .t!71- fay; Sure , ',I m~Jtbe flme Plln~
" ' 1 Q. h' triIne be aggravated when, We do that Ihereon;
fl ' ed awl I/'b.1t tan - H~w /lrta e if
h ;-? Wha1,pill w~icb is, Unl;lwful, or at leall: UnneceLIary to ha
;'~;0 'Ill~Y Lawfully be aUon> nothing la be done I h'.~ Day'jl
Wor~ d9J;le at any Other Time? Such as the Worl<! of Ih:
b~ done 011 tbe Lords. Mult W~ do nu manner 0) , Flejh, to wit; Caraujing, Feajfing,. Dancing, Sing-
D inK, Gaming, Rioling, and the like. Tho' the
l V Oel God requITe ."
'!Y. ,hereon
+. om all Motion (J"d
b 'b-I ~amin g of thefe is abominable to any feriOUSMaD,
fhauld be tv ed Up): . ( 1 i, not bemrAa,on, u". yet tbe PraCl:if
10 Work. ,boa e of them is fo Univerfal and Corn.
if th~ SOll,t and ~ptrlt 0 which I reply, Ex confeJfo it mali, that there is a Necemty, as it were, ofinfiftot
Sin 011 t/;;J DJY ~t there are Ibm-forcs'o(War~ ing fome time upon each of them.
wun: be grant.c t abrti.m may 011 this ,V~ ,p~r~
which t~le !tnae~~~ ;}oltlte NecefJilY, 'not famed 01 abfQrd as to imagine the ks that Men ihould be fo
12. 'Tis l'h'ange methin

Work"s 0) 8 ndonI: the,D~y .beiore,Qf may G,od by an ~our or. two opon a
form, VIZ:, at fmall, fervice they pay to
which mlg have ~ee . Wark"r OJ'CbaritJ ;;and I.JJt~ Ierate them Iq fervmg of Sin Sund(Jy, fhould to-
be done the Day a [er 'd theie ,nope may lawfllUj and- all the W'te!(. and Satan 311 the Day
Work,fOt Pi~,. , B~yon . NO; did-our Saviour re any Demonftrati
after. Yet it is [00 true to need
ure his c~~;a;f ~h:e~:iltnefs f~,vein there refpl:~ fiour Rank of Men, are
on,that mofr,elpecially of the Infe-
no fooner out of aChurcb,
lax any thlDg h ther it is not bflfer Wo.rlt. Iba"; but !trait yOll find them in
As to that, w e Sin on ,bis VII): I.rue ~ps. Sa. ' where they do not, as theyan Alebou[e or a Tavern;
pretend, go only to fao,
.. ftl tit. Pf 9 f rm , tisfie their Nature
J(. Auffin's OplOlon IS fo, affiL
s, but to fpend. on that their
1'h h ,ban 'D Dance on , ht (1J' J)ay~aU the Profit and Gain of the foregoing Idle
that it u be,~r t9. . U~ot thence to be conclud, An Intolerable thing this! Week.
Vay. But t en It IS 5 the vIr or that tbe G to be endured in any
And a Profanation not
lhat the f!rta'r'! ~y nd Bletred Day by Dlr 0,; So~iety, notwithftandingCivilthemuch Iefs in a Chrifti.sn
.of Profa;.m ~hl;ers i~ rts own Nature,' becaufe, HDllJe-k.,eepm and Vintners to
g Cry of all the A/e-
, ~'::n'J bCeav'i~I~~ed by a more Horrid aIld aggra. the Contrary: Who
, " v.~ '" will give out (where their Complaints can be ad..
.... mitted the Hearing) that the Sllppremng of 'Iipling
.Sin. qn the l.ordl.Da) would tend Immediately to tb:ir
. - I 2. Ruine
log 7'he Reformed Gentleman. <:hap.IV, Of'Sd6!JAfh-Bre~kjng.' 10)
many (I wiih I could not fay of the Higher Ran~ tb,mit, HJ~nfi' and Spirilual SOitgJ; fa much recom-
Qf) Men fpend the Clofe, if not the greatefi: part, lllended by'St. ]amrs ,and fo much in tire among
of tbe Lor4~D4Y: Not in ~eadi~g and ~edita~i.n,9: tbcHruly merry-helmed Primitirj~' Chriltians be a-
not in InftruC\:ing and Praymg with their FamlhesJ bus'd, ridi~ut'd, an~ laid afide by moll? And !hall
but at Chefs or Table!, at Cardt?r -pice. , I woul4 ~he'Melodu)us Harmony of the S.tirtll, and the Con-
ver'y willingly know whether their Time IS fo much for' we may hold with the He'Qvenly Haft be Conver-
~mployed on other Days;that .they are fa forwa~dto ted imo Obrcen~Modern Songs, which would not
fet Ibit Day apart too for their Sports and Paftlll'!e~. take at any Elther time, were it not for the Pand,;o
Shall the Devil not, only Eng~ors .the W~e~~D,ayt~ rinn'of a Mufical Compofhre ?
but have the SUNday fpent 10 hiS SerYice too,? .,' f ~ ". . .. " . , .' .
Strange and Horrible this! That Men ihould ,lie ,,16. But as-yet we have feen bue the beft part
fo Infatuate~ an~ Ennaved; fa Bewitched and I~. the fouleft is mu' behind. what I '
veigled to their Idle Pleafures, as to beftow all theIr h~~e' ~aid of the [WO laft ways The Ittft /I'J) rl'~ ere!
thue .both !ec,ul4r and [rJcrcd upon them. , : by'" whIch the Lorcs-Day is pro. de L?rds-dlJ If pro-
faned to wit 'by; S" d fttned, 'UI'{. ,B} Cam;.
" ..,' , '. IHgl,l1~ .an
, i 5. But tbis is not all, to fill up the meaf~re 01 Dlmlng, IS what ,the ClVlhzed try Riots
l?t'Ue/ll'1gs aI/cl

Iniquity they mull: have their .A~' aJtir:ent and. more Gentile Cour- \:. "
'A fO'IY~hWor~ of the tic1v and their Merry ftrains OD rim a~e f?oilty of: Bot if you
Flefh IS D4Jlcmg and
ftep into the COtl//hir~
, H
Ero/a/le SllIgmg qn th IS 0 Iy.V ay. ,' They cannot go you,wltl1ee FralllickJ as well as AllIicl(r on this Sa..
,his Da]." ' to Bed without a Song .or a~.f~ct '(red Day. No fooner is the Evening-Iervice over
. to refrelh their droopIDg SplCl buryou would think Hell it felf were brokeJoofe'
! Poor ijeartr! TheY have been fatigued wi.th t Md, that every Pari/h and Village were a Univerral
',long and te~ious puties of the Day, llave with pa IBe61am., They,are Sober indeed who keep Houfe
tience uuderg~ne. the Burthen thereof; an~ atten4. '.aild pars away the time in fame idle RomancicJ~
'(tiU they were vveary) to Mr. PiIr/ont Dlfcourfe" Oifcourfe,and arenotfeen with the more Licenti;.
an Hour 'long: And muft they be debarred fr0!D aus Multitude. BUt good God! What Routt and
barmleCs Diverfion, \yhich hurts DO body, and IS Di[Qraert, what Cudget-playiltg, and; IVre/Wng, what
Offence to none but meddling Fools, and unacco Racer~nd Foot-BaU M:Jtcher are fet on foot in their
tably.f<;rupuloU~ P",;,aIlJ? 'perh~ps thi~ might open ~Ields on this Great Solemnity? DaJ1cingt and ,
I ~
tolerable,were It not attended (as IS moft ~omll1on!J 1II1IelJi!,gt, May-gamo and Wak.!'s are 10 Cuftornary .1

with Ma[qrwaq;ngt and BaUt of half a ~Ights Co that If you offer to fupprefs them, you incroach
, tinuance. But iliaU tnch Farc~ and $ollllellmg go do~ uPQn ,the Priviledge of the S14bjdl. Nor is this their
! Shall fuch Fool,rie/ and Api{hne[r make up the COD pra~~bfe .only on a Licentious Car~rival, or a Jovial
l dufionof the 'Su'"day? Shall Singing of Divine A Wb;t[tml1de, but op every Slmday 10 the Year. Nor
, , ,. '
'I . - < .- ,h( , I t is
110 The Reformed Gent'~m4'f' 'Chap. IV. . Of.~tWb4fl;~Breakillg. III
is it the Cufrorn of any peculiarPl;u:e, but almoR:
~~t; it t4a~ y~, b~th out of Ht~ ~ne MOqlen t?
of every VWage, Divifion, Hundred and County. iq \V.1lat; pin.ders but you may be Z~lpus.in Obfirvilii.
the whole Kingdom. This PeftreigDsin every Air, tb.. ~a~~ Day I. ,Are you afram tbe ChHrcb will
this Plague is Predominant in every qyme, and this duown you for being right~ousi<?ve.rmuch? A~~
Profam Infetl:ioD ,has ~aken hold of ev(r'j ~r(e there '~Y ftronger. E,ncouragemrrqts.. to De. Z~~
and. Corner of the Nation. , ", .ous \ln~o goOd Works,than what.are ~o be fOUlla
:..:",: ~ithin her Bofotn ? Is it~ Qifgracef9r::aCb~~ch pf

, ("'

J 7. But Brlllts that you ,are! .HowunreafoDPbly ~?!CI.HJ.Man to be ftriCt in obeyiQg, God'1 Com-
, do you ftyleyogr klves Cbrifti! inBDds? Jstbe Name ~f heciJialz, I~u/~r., (lr,P",~,
All wnrft Expoflll. aDS, when as you do that on the ''''"''. fo power~ to f[Jght~n you f~~1J1 w~lkjngC\c":,
l.lfiOIl and Exbortati. Lord1-Vay which-aModeft He.. cor.Qipg to the Precepts of OIU' .BIc;~d 'SIIJjiollT?
lm f~r the duly Ce/~- ,ben would blulh'to do at 1I1tv 'Wi,you afraid or alb~medto be lJil ;foIIowers?
'Jl'atzt~ the Lords -:1
DI~ time? Aretbere,any filla.",;U1 Why than dp you affix Hu Nall)ebcfo~e yours?
. Nature worfe :thaQ your felves..il Apd take it as an affr()nt if you f1f~. caliedby any
Praaife? What is it you think of? Are your Spm, ~~~,: Name than that ofCbriji;a~i~i Be perfuad~d
and PaJlimes, your Routs and RtfJellingl all the Even- th!lll,to be ChrifliaHI ,indeed, tobear~ ReverentiaJ
ing Sacrifice God is like to have, at yODr ,Hanw? ~eal and Fear "to : .all tpatbelongs to God, to hi1
Will thofe be an IHcenft of iI fwut {avotn' ,,1110 hi ;tJ!JllrjbMm, tohu Nar?Je, tohidfl1r4~,tQ,bu l]7or,,
NoftrlJ1 l Is God the Mafter of your time, and are ~!l~fo lJif Vay. for the Celebration of~hc Laft of
you accountable to him for AU, "Qild JItuft the more :whlch-t ~ltke thefe following Rules.
precitus Minutes thereof be Squandered away at . .j .. i .

this Rate? Can you find no leifure Hours from your .... -J:'g'. Pr~pal'e 'by Reart for 'ki1, st~ R..!"e~ I~id dO/I'p
Bulinefs to recreate your Bodies, but the day which Gr~tS,olem1U'.J., If th~Ie was fa for !~er/f,hf olf:r.-
the Lord has [et apart for himfelf? Murt tbathe much Devotion and 'Decorum fo 'lJamll if tbe Sal.b,lIh.
i: 'd I .Flrjl, ,prljJ.rratIO/l all
-your Vacation, your PJaydaY'? ;VHK'{{Ir{t,J W,el,hlt :.fllnc.h 'f,rrpar,;t"BU ap (:(tcallji"g re~ ,tbe'EiJC .
'tbatyoll are! Had Gdd delired !bOle Great thing1t .guifiteior the ReceiviDgthe Ll1w, " .
'Your Hands) could you have denied him, finceyW \the ~Rp1'Oa~ing th,e, Ank,., and :t~e~ntring intQ
'llreath, your Lives, your AU, Rre of-and frombim'? i,the 1'I~.bmzaclt, and ~hey were punithed with Death
Uind can you, when he only bids you remember the ,Wl!.9 w~r~rafhi and Uopr.epared in their ApproacheS;
'8evmtb Day to keep it Holy, find tricksaodw2}U ijp~;much.more ,~Ql\ld we ,prpviqe..OUf felv~sf~r .
how [0 rob him of his right in tb.1t tQo? MOllfltIU ,tb~::Bartaki!il~,of the. Holy ,Myfl;eri'Hmder the,Gor-
of Ingratitude! Where is your Love, where is"our ;llt 4Dlfp!Ofatlon ?,A,op how d.. n~<ir"ll!ny GuiIryar;e
Oury, where is your ThankfiJlnefs, and where'is .thQf~:who heedlefly and,rafhJyrun .inw thofeHQly
your O!Jedienceto that BeiJlg by whofe'Pcrmiilloo ! O!~IAAn<;es ?/fif'P' tvy foo~~ht"A{ou;goeJt into ~~e.
. . . alone flollft
'J J ~ The Reformed Gent lemttl1/ r (11. ti:.J Chap. IV; Of SaMath.Breakil1i.~ 11 ~
IIourf oltb~ Ld,;tI, is Solomon's: advice nn1d:it)w~t and unianetified Hearts',fhould be putia Mind, to
.' . ~bt the not W4J!!illg of the Ha,!dr~;' buttJt~~,;cle~k ~Iilidet in whore prefence it is that they then ap'~
;;1fJlITifted H(arl that our Saviour CoD'demtief''ia th ,pe~r ;':tha~ they may be ftruck with a!l' awful Reve~
l i b"ri!m. H(rhat fo ures iheworld as: tho'~he renre,!alld an 'hum.ble Fear oft,hat Majefty with whom
pfed it not,- and'lias GoJ'alway~ berote: hIs! Eyes:, .is theytthenan~tbm more immediately converfc. It
c?n.tiniJ,a~ Sacfi,fice;, aDd: needs' 'no't 'tnb,Ch' blCn~ing iHhe,IA'ffembly of the Saints, the Congregation of
to ralf~up'hls~on! tntoa Fla.~e., (Bunh~ f:ar~iiJg the Faithful, the Confluence of God's Elect" a c/iIJ-
WorfdlDg, wMalJ the Week IS faftned to tb~'Eartb; {en (3en~ration, a Royal Prie{ihood, a Pem!iar Peap/e,
filould take f0\!1e time to difiiItaiigle bis ;'lhooglltii 11 Ho!J N"tioH, that they thm and there reprefent,
and make'the\D, ready for Spintual iObje~J .''Ee to {h~'If' fort/i the PraifeJ of him who hath called tl)tln
would .do weHtoJeave off'his Bufinefs ~s eady'S o~t if DIIr~;'eJi into biJ marvelloM Light. I Pet.2 '9. Oh
.~~nvenJe~tly he can on the Evt, of everY; L,or4i"])p"ii hoV\"lhould fuch thoughts inflame them to lift up pure
t~Hall hlmfelf to account, and fee hdwcafes frand H~"dr, to caft up pure EyeJ, to dart up pure Affe-
betwixt God and his ownSolll. He would'do weft lfio''', to lift up a clean Heart, and to pour Ollt
to retire into hi5Chamber, to com~une '\vith fils 'Holy Prayer! before the Throne of Grace! How
own Heart, t~ (earch it thr?ughly;' and to exaitti~~ fhould' fueh thoughts make them to joyn with the
whether he .b~ fenable of that' M,1jefty bcfoie'~'am Minifler in that admirable Form of Morniltg and
he mull: ~n' 'the'Mtirrozp appear. 'Tis for 'Wallt'i>f Etittli"it . Pra}:er the Church in her Littlrgy h~s pre-
thi~ Premeditation. th~t the Heart relifhes Spirituats pared to their Hands; the Excellency of which ap-
[0 III on the D"Y theyareo1feredtoit; tliav'-lc"js pears'to none more than to the truly Pious, Fixed,
10 Jooncl9yed, a~d glutted with facred th,ings, Warm, and attentive Soul! How fhoufd they be iD-
w~l~h had th,e Mmd been prepared would have flamed: with Love, and not only offer up their Pray'
lam well upon,' and been eafily digetted bY,the BillIl, 'm, 'but their Prai{er 31fo to that Bdng who gives
' , " 1 - .' them the CaHfe, the Power,' and the Faculty to
., 19 Having tbus pr,ovided fqr the Approaehing Praifi { How Jhould, they run out to meet God in
~ SolemiJic'y, and made HirAd. his ordinances; to Hearken to his Meffmgerr fhcd


,~t:;:;~ij:/:iJ:~:n~ dreffes in ~l~r Clofet to th~ GoJ with tb~ Preparation. of the GofPel of Peace'! . How
'.1, . .us 'of the Chllrcb, ' . who hears In Secret, he will find would' they be Enamoured with the Mercier, fup-
I, ' ; : ' J , itno fueh'Difficult matter to lie parted by the Promijfs, and forewarned by the Jfldg-
. prefent at,: arId 'd(;mean himfeif 'decently. 'and 'de. 'ments and 1hreatl1;ngr of the molt High! How will
'voutly ;n the Publick Ordinances of the c;hilreh i their InftruUed Minds, and Informed Wills breath
and to fray theihoutwere they fomething longllc . after a Spiritual Participation of the Bread of Life,
~han they' are.; And here the Devout Soul needs ~nd ,~e Blood of tbe Everlafting CovenaJJt! And. in

1 'not to be admonifhl:d, th.o' the Lazy, nnprepaid

tl)is Mytterious Solemnity a DejJout CommuHicQllt
.. , . would

J Ho Tbe Reformed Gentleman: Chap.IV; Of 'S.hb'ath-Bre'aking.; J
, J.I)
woqld nQt ~ome to ofr~r but; to .receiv~ b~,~r~~4 me .prtifilneto come in and joy" ,with the firicl:ly'
l'I'fllfrer" ~e ,w'oQf~ !4Criftce his Sw, an4 0fft" ~~i~ Pt'otis j yet the Confideration of the BtlfcjilJ thac
(elf " [.11111'1,- fiJcrift~t Holy, 11116 Ac~tp'iJ.Jt II"'~ God. Redound from a DNe9bfi'tlatio~1 of the Lordi-D.Jy,
1f7hkb is bipfll{olfiJble firvic~. Ii~ would Direr u.p and the'MifchiefJ of Pro/liiJing it 'bat Jiife'Jl C'lJt~) in-
bis VnderjtiJlldi1Jg, his WiU, ~is A/laioHI, hisR~g;olfl, JiiJirJJi41hrfan 41 wtU ,H'th, Pu'bJid{. WIll I 'hope per-
hjs t11l to I>edireded, governed and guide<l by t~ rwade- bim to think .it hidilt~reji as well as DUI) to
Boyallf'iU and Plt4.fure of H~iJt!m.' be firr~ and exa{l; IQ' ""nrmhrillg iJ Stvtmk DiJ) f()
"'-hp;l H O I j . '
20. Were every Chriftiilll that go~ JP Chlfl'r.P
Third! ' thus affected (CJS in (oij1e ,qe~ . 202; The firfl: B~f1tfit that na ,
Df/tif!.' By FamIly all muft be tbat wiU fana:lfiA ~ turally flows from the due ObItr- TIJC iN! Benefit of
f he ,Lor,ds.D~Y.1I'b JIIlElijjmg the vrds.
, Lordl-Day aright) He w9UN flqt ':I.,nIC~O[ t, ettp- Day is tbe IIphvldilig
find le fo difficult to conCecrati:l the Kemai"p,!~qm' mltlthg if fenct if RtJ'gton tH 'he a fence of l{c1igioll m
of, at f!0mf, and in his Cloftl. He wOlJldnot .thejl PfrjOn Iba; Iblu Obfirvu if. It is Uf.
thmk It PfI,riliJnicalor a bufinefs Indifferent,bl,lt a~o ()iJ thiS Day that' we are taught
fQIlJtely neceflary and indifpenfable to tqke .~~~ tti.~t oui' pa'r~icular Duties Of Living S oberl)', Rigbteotlfl.y
He iJ,,,d bit HQu!~ fervt the Lf11'd, Dot qn1y.in.. ~qe 4HJ Gridly in tbil pV-eJent World. It is th~n Grace jJ
pu~llck Solemmtles of tile C/n4rcb,butin. t~e, Jll!>~e izt/miniftrd to tht Hl!dreri; Grace to affifr them in
retired DUlie, of the FiJl1Iily. He would got thqo pet<f6~miDg 'Nhat is ~ommabded, :mdGrJce [0 refill::
~. I ~,e afl1amed; Dor efi:eem it, ,tedious and irkrQij'J, to and avdldthe Temptati6ns of doing EviI. Then
(' . lpend the Clo[e in Reading, Exb<)fting, Me~li~~ing, ~rewe,told of a' Hdv,elt and th~ joys thereof laid
and Contemplating, in Praying to and Praifisg of lipiD Hore for allfuch as truly Love,"Fear, Obey,
th~ l~oly, .Rlffled iJud Gloriqul. .'J:r;Hity: BY~'Jw?~ld and -!elieve in God; and are l1cquainted with a
thInk It hiS Happincfs, his Joy" and his ~!ght, RiD that isprepareil for [he UnoeIievers and Pro-
fQr this inward, SpirituaL .and ClrleltiaJ PJe~I1N I filJlt. the're we:Iiave the faculties of our Souls ell
appeal CO tbafe who have taf.ted what a Sw~,t. iJJ figlit~fied, -'oorUndetftnlidi'Jrgs eleared~ . our Wills
P/~(lfI,l~t !hillg it i, ta be tbalfkfUl, Holy and. ~~l~s, refflfied, our paffiOlis rubjeCted to our Reafon~j and
Iy Religious 00 this D a y . ' ,~ oili' Outward in all Hlings made fubferviem to flU!;
rnWa'rd Mllo; It is tIicnwe have Oilr Faitb, Hope)
Mo!i~~'for tof kt'ep. 1 I. And if theCharmsml~il ail'dChmty, Our'Ll1iJe'; Patie'iice, Mffk!irj! cl lid Ii:mJi-
. ~II{ ~r ,h:L1rds-!J"l Fcf1:ivity rightly obfcrved ~,qot Ntj, OiJr So~r;dJ, 'i'emfr"''aliCe and C!J:,jfil)'j and all
Ho), dr.:II'1l from t/)f f fi '. .h 'ij'. h'
the6t~er ti'r'nit\l;of aChriftian and Holy Lite re
the Confid~("1ti~n of 0 . orce enoug to preY.a .'WAt
fbe Benefi~1 of O!,[::n:illl. it, and th~ Mi(cbiifs of Pro!,nifJg. ;, ~vett, iefiewed, 'thlarged,: regu'lated ~nci appropri o

PCI/; 10 pr'''! ;tcPerfillS r.TJfi ID fb~ Pubilrh. ': . ' il~ed:-t~ Hle're ptbIiet O'bjm'r. . TI,Cl] (in a Word?
th~ wa

t;I6' 1 he RefOrmed Gent/eman. Chap. IV. Or S~hbtlth.Bt'eaking. ,. H7
we Learn to Glorifie God ,h~ F a,h~ who hath ere.. fi.rlt.1t~p. !hereunto. It is by our A~fellce from Ho~
ated us; to adore G8d ,h~ Son who hath Redeemed' Jy:Plues In PHblic~tlJat wc come ~o leave offthofe
U~, to Reverence G8tl th~ Hol] Gboji who hath San- Jp J'r;vate too; tll.at we lofe our true Notions of
{lilied us, and to Blefi and Magnifie the 1ri,,;ty in theGQd/Jead; , that; we have but Glimm,edng Ap~
,be Vnify, who by fueh my!l:erious Works of Mercy pr<;.benfions ,of the, Joys and Torments of another
lIas brought fueh mighty things to pars. Al;ld it is ,WQdd, being taken up only with fuch as are pre-
then we are exhorted ta b~ Mmiflll iH 8111' Heavenly fept a~nd affetl: our SeHce; that we think all the Vir-
Fathtr ;1 Mtr.cif.Mt, and to Lovt him bewlfl. bt, firp '~ts9f an H<~ly L~fe,to be but Sham'and Invention;
Loved UI; to Imitate the Holy Jt{lH, to belike him, th~t ,we efteem Vim Natural, and to have nothing
and to be conformable'a hil Srtffer;'lgI, to be Mee~, cQnderIjnable in them; that our Heartl become har-
Pure, ana Humble M he WM. ' . de~~d, ' and, .our Confcienm feared, our Rellfon
bhl1ded, ,our VHderJlandillgl darkened,. our Tr,U,
.n M:r;1. ',f: if
Tt.1~ {iYJ' IIUIe.J 0 23 But lhould we look on the deprlJv ed, .a~d our PafJionr Headfrrong. And to
Profam m the L?rds- ot her lid lh [I fi d h
J e we a n t e, Dfho. . conclu de, It IS from this that our SOHI1 lofe more
Dil.!. '" lIourbtg God i" hil Day to be the and more their O~iginalpurity, forget their own

. read} Road to th, 1I0t h81lollrillg him Divine Nature, and dilhonour rhemfelves by fioop-
ill any tbing elfe. It being the Opinion .and Obfer in& with the Body to low, bare, and unbecoming

vatioD of the. Beft and Wifeft of Men, that were EoJoyments. And no w,onder when the Ma!l:er-
the S.lnClijiea'ioll of the Lortil-Da} laid alide, 41 ieis Beam .is removed, and the .chief PHlar of the Fa-
than an A,{t the Chrij#:iaH World wouldturl!,Pag~/fJ brick gone, but the Superftrucl:ure foon foJlows and
and Infidels. And I am afraid lIalfthat time would falls to the Ground\ . Nor is it lI:rangethe Man
do the bufinefs effell:ually. For if we can difp~nfe lhould not be able to :with!l:and the Torrent of Vice
wirh fo, !l:rict a Command, what olher is it that we ,\V,ben with his own hand he. open.~ ,t~e: $,!lIce, and
can boggle at? The violation of this Frectp, ii ma~ lets the Impetuous fiream break In upon him.
nifeftly the Inlet to all rhe Immoralities Humane
Nature is capable of. Ifwe once lore our Zeal and 24. The ne~t Bentfit of S alll1if;,ing 'be Lord/-Day
Fervour for Religion in anyone part, wequickl1 .ioba'. it weanl HlfrDm the eager .
',' grolV Lukewarm in the whole, ~md at laQ: we become ~Jffft;, r1f Worldly Thing/; This A [econd. B:mjir 1;
quire Cold and Dead, ana irrecoverably lI:upid ina folemn" Seque! l:ration. ' . of our tthl~ fl7e~m,,~ uffmn
. .' 1iS ,"arid
cominual courfe of Profaners and Impiety. Nem, thoughts from Earthly, carries .
repen'e jui' T urc,i/fimlll (fa,Ys the t~m ou.t to Heave,nly fubjects: and by contempJa.
111t1enl1l. J(. Poet) but t e Wretch .never , nng ~>n the Joysa~d Glories of another World we
attains ro the Height of Wickednefs fo foon" as lo~~ our.. Venerati9D and, Efteem for ,hil; and by
~' when he makes the Profanfllign o/th, lIfrJI.DaJ the ~~lDg ..ralfed aboveJ~is Worlds Enjoyments we have
. _. firlt .. , , an

u8 TIJ~,Rel(Jrmed Gt1l1lemall. ': .. ,:~,j".
ebap. IV. 'OJ 8lihbtiJlJ.B,i.A!ng; ~
plummets of ~are hang fo. l1ea.vyupon them"
an oppartutlity' of feeing what a 'Po;'" it is w~:tre
too apt EO doat on, and, what mighty Nothings ~h:lt they are alwats grovelmg here ~low ; ,atIJ
they' are whidlfO. ofttn captivate .o~r Soulg and rhp they may can up an Eye aCCloenraUy to-', ',f,i.
Jt'3d thenf Oil to their own De.fhucboD. By <;;0110 Wards a t Cl14/ial C.tnaah, yet their defircs ate fiill "

templacing Oftbe Crowns and Diadems ofebe HeQ<. tt\~etnairi on thi~' fide 'brd4n. ' Nay, fucn a one .":r
Vf!llly ]tr1l[';!mr, we moderate our DefJr.es 3? to the k 'fa ravifued with the Delights and Pl~aCures of ,
Convenitnces as wella~ pl~afnres of this Life; By [his 'Life which affetl his fenfe,and are pre.fel1t -~ '.
Medirating' on the Eternity whkh is juR' ready to Wlt.!l him, th~t:he has but. fa~nr2if ant defires
Succeed, we -are informed ortbe InconftaocyaDd after thore whIch are only Notzonal and affett the
S'Nifcners Of this M.oment~ ~his Span of time;"e InteUdludl Man, being thr Subftdnct of things Hoped ,.'
NDrI' cnjoy~ By Contemplatmg the Dur3bI~nel9of fjr; andth~ If1Ji~~~e 01 things not. f(~n. Hence ~c
911 C~Ie(t:ial Ftuitions we come to krtow that this ~s t.hat he .crI~S ,2t 1<1 goyd fOr me to bc here, and, IS,
World vaBitl'feth away, and the Falhion thereOf is fo 'loth to'leave the World when the Meffenger
tvery day upon its Alteration, By Confideriog the of Death knocks'at His Door. ' Hence is it that
Immortality ofollr better Path we are inftrl1fred he makes him frimds of tbe. Mamlon of 'V!'r~hteouf.;,
1l('9v Frail; Mortal, and Short.li'V'd our Earthly Ta nefs, and thinks of nothmg but of building up
bernt1c1es are. To condude~ by being' Bleed .and Barns and enlarging his Stores, till, the Embaffy
". !

SpiriruaIlzed, by conceiVing tight Notion5 BfGoJ. corn-es to him, of Thou fool thu night !hall thy SO/ll
and fiJrveying 'the Charms aridEndea'tme~ts?f.thote he . f.(~ui;ed of Ih~l\ J.uke p.
M311fionS" prt-pared for us above,we arrIve to that . , . -

height df Admiration, Love, and Elteem. a~t(hiC. 'ltJ.Another Benefit ariang from the Per
count all thing~ bucV""g andDro[r tbat We'rtJay formance,of thIs our Duty, is A h'd I .1: ; '
gain CbriJ; to breath earneltly to be diffolvetl~' dlllt 'h" .' Bl:n:' J.' 0 I Ir .,eneJ't 11,
~ .at lt I(Z1J~S a, .' (1Jmg Iv our r- "th,l~' it hleJJeJ oitrOrdi.
wc may be fetrled there, wbttetrne Joys are to be finary CalJlI1gs. ,"WC a~e, fo .far nary Laoollrs.
found. from lofingolle da)' in feven,
~hat we gain, (if I may fa phrafe it} [IX days
25. B\lt then oll the eth~r' hand, we 'MU find in' one. The {mcere ObJmm hereof Will tell you
, .' 'r. ' '.' 'bofe ,.,ha flight Goi.', Wvrp,ip, It the T ruthof what! here affert by his own Ex:,
.A ~c~nd ~11Jch4 If 'tyed d&tvn trJ tbis W l17'/fJ tJOiftilf,l' <j;edence; and can witllefs with Joy, char he has
rh It It rn.1t::Fs ({J daar '. , ': 'b
-f/pull tbe tlJltlgs if up-on, admtrmg, adofzng, and:,.. ~ot only found a. ferenity' and ca~mneCs .of Mind,
this Wurld, gn-Iy .'f1!rfllillg 'lljtrr 1ht tlm,tl fiuc .a p'ro[l'erous fuccefs In, all hiS Affalts of tne
,,' . ' tbmbj: Thattheycanllot lo followIngWeek. And who would not ferve
,mtkh 'as lift Urn thought toWards 'Htavtii; their Gofl one day foi: his; affifi~ng him~x d.ays in re,
'Mind is To 'l}!ifie :snClfiXcdnpon this t'ih. _ The turn ~ What Wurldlt'lg, Ifhc knew' hIS own In-,
Plummm : ,- - K tere~
Chap. iV. ,Of. Sahhalh.Breakj11g: t:2 [
il1Js Prayer io~,"bis Bleffing uJ>On them? Are his
Benefits fa cheap an4. incoilfiderable that they
be befiow~d, W Ithollt a feeking for, ani:!
that upon the Smner) .No certainly) the Al-
mighty is truly Propiciolls only co thofe wha
Reverence and Honour him in his Name, Word
and Day: and,tho'the Wicked iliould increa{chis
I '
Blate, ,yet his ;Prophallt[s is that Canker ill tbe
t l~ Heart, that Worm ill th4 Root which will quickly
dcfiroyand underminea:Il.
.:i8. ~:lfily, -rh~ Detlpu~ SIJ~l,lJ'h() trul)'c'tUbl'dth
this feftzrJal, .mlttles htr [elf to .
that which I~!fttb aD that this'. Aflurtb benefiti it.
World can a./fiitd. She enjoys a tf)(lt. it fits IfI for, and
lka7J.en upon Eartb and is ev ~.. Ent1t~u III to ElerMJ
. '' . e Happlnefs.
''J.7: Blit a~ 'for
tfle 7}ngo.dW ~Jtl4"f.rophaiJe}c~ ry day made better and better '.
. ., Jon'~t_~.t(JelIl.~ . Thei ,tpij
Ilot ~nd makesoearet advancestoche Sr:-ite:ltid-Pet-
A Th,~1( Mo/hief be more c~cr 111 the ,pu'rfuit
L fection'of:'Angds" tiI) at)~fi'bein~ arrived tothac
! . H, tfu" U CilUjU a f h
cirr1e 'IlCJIr PriVJt~ ,0 [ S pro oft?l~ . .. mature degree ofHolmefsand,Pumy, fuemay be
I' _ .Llte; but
i COllttr;U . then If rhrx, a!fJ~ll1It,,f~ ~s. i let.Ioofe frointhis PrifOD of ,Earth, and fliffered
I . '. Cur(c t~Jhem, and IQ tbe to fati~tehel'felf with 'Crele(HaI Joys fOt ever-
m.ldU of theIr Plenty thcyRtid 00 Satisf~4i~ij more. There her, hoW,breathings and pray-
I WIth t. he Hor~e-Ie,ech thry cra\'C more, mor.\~ 'MI't, ~rs fbaUbe [wallowed, up wi~h J,>raifcs and Etel"-
-, ancl [a all ad iIJ/imtum. ;r
bey cannot- Enjoy; [00 .Halk/lifahs. There{hatlfuc enjoy an EiJer-
they mar po~cr~large Inhentances.. Th~y.riiar lJfizng Sabbath of Refl:, and Ddnk of che Living
plant Vmeyards, but orhers iliaIl. eat oftheFrlllt Water~, ~or as {he dot~ ,h~re below,. at che too
t~ereof; they may rife lip early, -and fit upJa.te often di~~bfd f/redms,but"at [he Cr)1fal FOltlltaill-
anj eat tpc. Bread ,,?fCarefulnefs, buc it isbviJoJ He'?'1; .. There (1ball W~, -j{}t ,the. rer/t'.a.. ~{t1,t-lty of
Ja,bour, It 15 but vam, finceGod does not PronOli'Ce 0Jlrne[s ~~ ; ~t1d, bekold qrJdno lOll!! er dal'~ly -i;), fl
aBIeffing.upon their~orks,' And can,~h~y ex; Gla[s,lilit 'lU.he zs, facetoface. Tllere :conttm-
~cahc wilhl ,PI:ofper. tJleJ~ ~abour,\.Vha ~illnotfq planolt .~,',Al1iRiT'atiolt and Defire will be ldfi in
;IS' IPu.d! L~Q.~ up, \VI rh the ~uaresat,lon, a Sl,llt- the fruition ,9f, that Good, the T/iNI;.' p'ftl1al:
. - days BlejJeaTit[s ,ahd the 4doi'atioll of chac PertiBi-
le '- OIZ,

... L....
J~2 The RejormedGentlellltZlt'i ... 0 . .
which {he beforeconumplatM, _dmird arid (k Chap. IV. 1f Sahh4th-B1CI1~l1Jgo 1:23
"herein the Lords-Day i~ either duly celebrated, or
. {hamefu.Uy i!bilfe.~ and prophaned. le is co be lamcnc-
. 29. Bue can the Profal1e Libertine expecr he cd there is qo N4~ioll fo flriCl:
. ., thould be invefied with that ollg~t) yet che B1effings even ~he Sinner therein as chey
The fallrlb. miJch~ef Glory fa!! which he . prepara a KlOgd o11J where
enjoys in.
, [h If'orfl!zP rs
~/~:(:"(:I(l1h IJ, lth"r not hlmfelf, Jlor.fa much aI che lcffer party, plamly 7 Pf of God are buc :"\:.\
'. ;rCO"J'l" r I' kS 0 f J' Can h ll1dlca te char greacer 'j
,t1trto 1ewn,11 e 'Imaglll'.t w
t ep opl,,"e
mift. C110 ,0 uld be our h ' ls,
applOc r.f I Itn.
t h'IS
Tiei. . Heal/en wIll be the rewards of rcfpeCl: were.b~t greate.noo. For, [Flrfils.m OL!r
his Impiecy.~ And that an In. Solemn [al1c1!fyzng of thzs Bleffed Day, c(lndl.lcJes lllucIJ The "

~~ tOTr/tptible Criln'n will be put upon his dilbonoura. to tQe pre[erl/zng the general
bIe Head? W harevcr his thoughts are, I know mar very properly be callcdof SQciet;e~, llle11t
',. peace This (i
'.:1 che Lig4 by ( .
not; bm this am I a{fui'cd of, chac che Heart of wh!chrhe whole frame of a
tiu::h a one is' a. vcry unfit recepcaclefor the Rol) OO,IS bou~d up and kept from. civiliz ed Coofii tuti~
.Ohofl here, and how much more unfit mull he Ic IS ,on chls Day c~)anh falling [0 Piecc~:
e addmg.worlQ, ifever
r;' needs be co be parcitker of che Frui!iolt of che has us .firs of Sobriety. It IS thm
we may be caught
Ble1fed 'Trinity hemfur l He grovels ,here below, co be 11.1f! and ho/uft, obliging
~ and ~uffersthe thingso~ this W. orM. to engrofi and c~arztable co al.~, as occa.lio and affable, brJ(mt.iful
i all hJs. thoughts, and ChlOks of notbll~ beyond ~J1owmg thac we all.ferveone common n {hall rcqltite;
i c~is:.md che Grave." He- is fixed co..this Earth, IS more [h;z~ allchefe co llS. Mafler, who
~ cIUat:hfi heconverf coE1 tthan d ,Worms-me6l dcrlland ho'V_~o behave our Then we ~omc to un...
, I- himfe:.if; and drop, into ,che lIIf~l1al Lake befo[( !atiO'i S ; t? bcrefpdlful, .[itbmif! [elves 10 all our Re-

~ J1~ be well awarewhereabouc pe is: And how fe- otlr Supenors; ro be u'1.IZllg, i.ve and obedieJlt. to
verelr 4e cherepays. fo. ~ his Ir~eligiol1, ,hIs kll1d ,~md c~urle9M, t{)
11f.~ our EiJ.!lals ;, col:>.c cOlldefc.elldi/lg., . tender'_keqr~e~;al1d
J Sc.ujfi.

and hzs Profal1tfs,-J cannoc WIthout hoi'ior and ~01ppr;jjz~l/au t? our I!l/mourso.7
7muhe Ml1giflrau
[ cr~mblillg l:;ouceiv,e. . . ',.- . !Spur,lt1 .mJlld ~o be jlljl, a':l~ mt'r~if/4IJ impartial
I . . . . . .,.;. and Impl'eJu.(ilCfdJP" aPt t? co..nJ.~mn_lJ~d pfJnj/h the
30. Thus far of Individuals and the Body N4ia t4d and gud!)I.) ~l}d ~o djfcJ~ar
. _ ra~ .I come now: t6~ confider llocent man,; ~nd, Ibm cP.C: $u~jea ge J~e '.gp~anr;J.in-
is iQltru
'bi7J:~brJ/flo~l11it the. Ad7lant.ages as,well asl.neon. be ~bfe'n;ant of, 1ut)ful and ob~dient lo!ho[e ckd to
tbt Pulllick from l the 71(nien~es chat attend: tbeBDd] thonty.. ill. 4.~
I Thus IS che Community mamcained in
{)h~'''.tion.or Propha- Po/itick, 7J.i~ chc.re C011l1lJUnflUs ~n. un.mcer!llPtcd. peace a~d. quiet,
r.",~ of the LcrdrDIlJ, are nva, . , . , ' . whole kmt together and the
I ,llun ~cn~Ii[. It(on"H. '..,~m... tk~-": mll,nt,"" ~y l,ndlH'oluble bonds of
\ .... -,": taf.PI1~/jc~
" . '
PeACt. con cor d. . .,'

' " ,

_ _ __ ,J

IL __. --
J24' Tl3e Refar11teq Gentl~1JJ411.
" 3I. Blit on the other fide, How many (/r~ th:
. diforders that foljoR'th~ propbana~
.Thtfirfl M.iJckit[ of tion of this Day?' How eafie do
~hH NegIel1, ~ diflllTp- the Irreiit!,iol16 Ctoud fall to~.
" ,nc th~ Pl/bIlcl( E'euce. t her by tears.
-h E > an d 11r'.et t e
j whole Country in Flqmes by their Animofities!
If we can make a flight of God, an~ can venture
to bre.1k his Statutes, no wonder If they haw
little cfieem for the Laws of Men, but run Out
with a Non Obflante to all the irregularities and
diforders imaginable. Infurreaiot~s 'and RebellJ.
lJn~ arenatLIrally the product of a 100~e lic<;ntiou:
Kmgdom. They' have loft all theIr modefly
and fear they, had for God, and it is not firang
they lhould caft oil the Reins of an Earthly G
vmtment when it lies' 11l1eafie upon them. Th
giddy and prophahe Multitude turn- ~very thin
topfie turvy, and, what Outr~ges' ~J11 they n<l
com ITi it what R~uts and RIOts WIll they na
be guilty of, w~en -once they lofe their fenfe
Religion, which will foon happen when the
2t1cefiightthal!which is the great Support a.
,I ; PiJIar'thereof~\There is 'no need to go farn
J)emonfiratiOtl, 'the qllarrelsan'd frequent d
I ~bances whichhappell among the Pr?pha
I, SfiMlJtb-hi'eilters 'f~rld \ commonly on' thIS V
! day,~:JdetJare~'i'iiowgreat the Gombu~ion w.o~
be,:werttke Kingdom [wallowed ~p m lrrellgl
i i ami. bec.oni~ thereby itS own Inwzdlary. ;. "
1 IE r,)\," .';>,i;ll'<..~! ,,>~'8' ::'~:,"'.' ';:.' , .... j

., :d3~;':"orW,inti~:I; all and dr:lw .to a ConcllifioD

".,i.,<.f1i',1 J 'B' ,'t:' . thn~l(brt1tfOn of the Lords-D4J.
11 ,I; ae jfCln" tnfJ.t .' . , I h . la 0
AJld Mifchief canJidMd as It entIt es t e partzcu r .
, . frrveTS thereof to !he mor~ reet
12,6 The Rejorf1Jed Gen,kman. . Chap. IV. Of Sabbath-Breakjng. J7,7
.and OpprefI:ors, an~ fetl~d them at length in ;l ~o Captivity tl}e re~ Tribes by Shalmanafer imp
,und that Bowed WIth MIlk and Hony.and be~ \ A.J1Y.rid (where we lofe the very Memory of
c:ame a' Wall and a Hedge cif Defence on the theill') .and Juda bJ: t{ehuchadnf'.'{zstr into Bahlfolf
Right Hand:and 01}' the Left, to keep' them 'from That the Prophallatlon of the Sabbath was a l'rmcI-
. them that lived round about 'pal CaMe of ~ll this theirCal~mity) nOije wql
" PIiII. xci. SI 6. them, *Thf/t thry might mt he doubt that believes what Nehe-
. . .afraid tor the t(tror by 'Night, nor tiJi'ah fays. Wh~t et#. thillg UChap. xiii, 17, IS.
for tbe Arrow tbat fluth y Day: Nor (or th~ Pefli. 'tbM tbat, JC do, and'prophalle the
'Sabhath? Did not Jour fathers thu6, and .dld 1~,t
. ~. I

/enee that wal~eth ill Darknefs; norfor t~e Def!r~~iI


that wafteth ~t Noon Da)'" 13ut no roO~er d.ld they God fn:ing 'allth~ evi! itpqn lf5 all~ upon (tu; Glty! Yet
go a Whonng 4'ter tbelr rrtPn In1lmtlQns, fer7Jirjg ye brllig more, wr~ch ItpOll '!frarl PY pl'ophanlllg the Sah-
/trang.e Gods: No fobner did "t~e:Y ~iola.te th,e oat.h. .. And ~t IS. more'FMan p.robable thJt ~or
Statu~.es ?f the Lord and defile hM San"Budrx, anil thIS very fin, as well ~ as for ma!1f others, . Gael
pollute ~M Sabbaths:). but He left [h~in' to,ldye ih re;eCled the Remnant of 7uda, and permitted
the W Jlderpe[s,. tQ ~e led .a~ay, iot~'Captivitj, 'thein't~ be difperted by the Romalls, .and f.ufleF-
i1n~ at the 1aft m hIS W rath'ctlnhem ojf f~om ed thetr SallaulIl' Sml{fOT/IIIZ and. thm. Holy Glty
. b~ing a Pe6f?le. ' E~kiel.tt~. * 'to be laid level to the Dun, and not' one Scone
left upo.n another ' ....'" . '
Cap. xx. J3' , . fil~es ~hat, be~t!4(e the 'B~tlfe1.
. . .',f[rad l}l the W{ldernefs',rehellld
,aga/llft the 'L~r{~ t~efr-(jodJ arid walt~d 'nat in hi4 33" What rcrpains't,hen blit, tha~ we ta~e
Statutes:) ~ndd~fpif(d hu 'Judgments;' and greatly warning hence to be more Reltgloul1y Obfer-
i; .yant of this Sacred' Day; that we may like the
~; pol'ut~d hu. Sab~aths, therefore he poured 'ont hi5
fury In , the W'lderdnefs to <.oTtfume' \them: Ana Obedient Ijraelite! Qf: the D~rlillgs and FavOl,lr~tes
t rho they were fetle~jfi the.P~omifed ';Land, yet of Heavcn; that we may attraCl: thc DLv~ne
becaufe t~ey were a.'backilldmg Petiple apt'to Overlhadowing, and win God himfelf to be our
ab~~e theIr 9reat. qod;iil h~s WofJbip /an~~Day, he Sheild, our ~ucflcr, our Refl!gC) our Defence
\", In:
:feaves Gn.naam!e.s, t~.e L,and to p~ove tlle~ as and our InVIncible Rock on every fide of U'i ?
But if wdhould (which God forbid) perfifi in
T~orns In thelrfleOi,. and Goads m.thelr Szde~
,Fot ever and anqn,upon th'eir Revoltfrbm the our Impieties, and continue in pl'opbanlllg the
,r :JM. y Ofie o[ !ft~el;he leay.es the~. t~ ~ 'O'Pvraredby lords-Day, can we expect .to yfcap.e 'better th~n
I :th~ ~I~gS ~~ 1J1e~potamla j by. th~ Moq?;ztef,: Cana the beloved' people of God dId? Can we expc8.:
,mW,': ',Mldzamt~5,:''FhlJipilles a,rid A11irt!on;tes; to .I-lewill be more favo.urable to tlie Ingr4ted than
~he'1nclJrfion~ ~ -the ',;Amitlekites,Sj'riaris;'E~y~ti tathe J!1~tltral ~ran~hes ? They were his e~ofln Pe?-
'!'!S and EJomzte';' to k',carrycd 3\Vay' ai: '1a{l' in-
'~ ., '..
J '10' ,t. '..,
1'( ~ r';
. -"';,
. ',.
' tq
r/~, 'h~s fult!larFlock, an~ ,',he, Lot lJr{) t:(r;~

J 28 TIJe Rejbrn,e,j GCl1tlefJItl1J.' Chap. IV. Of Sabbath Breakjng. ' 12 9

tt/et; and did ~e W~,ire fp'cbbiete:r [hi~g1 a~~illfi Cl:ion, as we would' not willingly be the ~al!fe
flt'm,/nd can 'Ye, Jma~lne. fI:e will tie 'partial of our Po!lerities Misfortune, nor expofe out 10-.
t_~ ,'7J~. ~o. certa~nly, ,our, Crlmt;s are Equal and 110Wlt Babes to rhe ,rage of the Adv~rfary;
IO,wIJJ ourPuDllhlllems;pe [qo. tle,wiJradd lec' us run into God's Hou}e, embrace hl~ '.Mer-
grearer Plagues to .'t'.ha~r'~9 Jlave ah:e''d felt , cy, embrace his Ordi'lances, honour hh Holy ljJame
.~nd m~ke our ~uIlJlhmel.Jt AS 'lhlnierfar}ciJGme~ and hh Word, obey hh C071ill1ands, fulfill aD Rzghte-
la~ as J5 Ol!r GuIlt. Th,l~~al1d ~as 2.lready met oujiltfs, and faTlltifie bz~ moft Holy Day. Let li~ .
,wn~ pawellla!! Ju~s.t;lleQr~,. whJchl~avf:;re;gll~ ~reak off our SillS by Repelltance, and !lop thore
cd ll1thofe Plac~s wher~ rhe," Lo~dJ Day .h, a,s', been Judgements which threaten us; who knows
s:fi propb;lncd : !b~'J:{!1gue, the .Firr ;log, rhe
, od h~ve alreil9Y been our Powop"Dh)jiDns
but the Lord will have IVlercy, and will repent
him of the Evil that he hath defigned ag;dnft
',and Scbi[U1SJ faEbom aod.:R,eke/lions q~v.f~lread us ~ that he will diCpel the Clouds, and make the
be~n ,the; rI, hlp'S and ,Scorpzo"n'lherqw!~# W~bav~ SlIn of Peace alld Rig buoujilefs to ,break out }Ipon
been fcour~ea and wounded
'r,' , . , ' 9 ' , "
,Wh':n ,remaIns
, d "', us, making us rejoyce for the tIme wherem we " ,
r",~r war f~qur ,Obft.mate'perreveraoce i~,~hjs as have [uffered Advcrfity. , J

w511 AlS "JQ other, Cryzng SlllS our Goodly, ;1'dJj,J,be To this End it would not be amifs to cry out, " ,
gIven oyer as a Prey Unto our Enem'j6' chat From HardnefS of Heart, from Calltempt of thy Ho~y /,
Ollr Hm~age as it is defiled, become 'a'1fo 'f~Il of Word and COlllmandmmts, frolll Fomication, a~d all I

Pcvalt1tlOlls; that our: Candleflick lhould be re, other Deadly Sill, from Intemperance a,l/(/ ProphaT~lIlg of
moved, 'tlm OUE Churches lhollld be .thrpwn thy 11I0Jl Holy Day, from all tbe Judgme. nts n;h,ch wc
, ': ... ,: . down, i and, t!Jat we, 'J!;cu!l h have malt riRhreoujly dej(rved, jrol/l Lzghtlllng and
I t.mes vlIJ, I ::, forced.)!~ a Strange lillllto &;111- ,rrempe/l, [roill Plaf.ue, Peflilellce and Famine, frollt
~ 1 " , der lr. ol11 "Sea to Sea, ;lnd 'hln Battle ami MlIrder, and from fllddm Death, Good
Lord Deliver us! Ami 0 Bleffed, Adorable ;mq
i ~e No.rt!Jeve:u.~ .tbe Ea/ltqIeef the Word brG~rl,
Glol'-ious Trinity, Remember not 0111' affellces, nor, , ,,'

d1lld fhall l/O! !j1Jd It. q~ lqtbc r,error at, tllefe , i

t loughrs ,.a~l:)fjhrcn us' tq:.oti~ Dtity, 'aild if \ve tbe 'Offellces of OHr Fathers, Ileither take. thou f/cn- ' ,; I

b.,..ve any leg~rd for our ff,l'lles., ,and areoot coo- ~allce of our fillS) but Spare liS Good. Lord! Spare
I ccrnedWllether we are .f!lJ.edor dal1JlI(d~ wpech'er t/ry'People,\ whom tho~ baft red~eilled With thy; nJojt p'e
i 'We profw or. ~o ~~ckward '!Z, .ol,ll' 4ffairs, wketberour doeM' Blood, and be not I1Jlgry WIth llo{or e'Zlr?r. Hd'lIe
~,~ ~r~ Jizrzt"l1lz'{~d or po" whether' the fence of mercy:upon eM, HaVelRerty /tPOIl l/JS, Have Mere)' ftp-
II!'i' IgZ011 ~e upbel4 or loft. ml~~ : Yet as 'we'I;~g~JP
th W.elfare, .Peace ana Tral1quiJity oft~~ 'Society
onlu moft Merciful Father ! S,1?ie'fJI/(1 Deliver us
from all-our ~ills\ Co.]irl,k and' Stl'ellRthm ,115 in all
' h
'~ ercll~ \Vc lIve, as we would not bave,rpain- Goddnefs, 'and btinglu, 'at blgth 'to, Life Etemal.
Amen/ Am~n!' "' '
I ,:olycd III a Common Hcapof Ruinalld D'elhli.
A M~deft Advice to the Miniftet'/, &c, t 3r
torrent of Atheifmand Prophanefs w~icn~has o(
late ,years been fa ImpetuouU~ breaklllS III up-
t., _. . "
on us. Their PraCtical Pr~achll1g,and M?ralb.ut
witball moll Excellent Dlfcourfe, now 111 pr,lllt
4 Modeft 4dvice to the Minijlerl ( concerning the Reafonableners of t~e Chnfilatl
Religion, (he Lovelinefs ~f all that IS G09d and
and Civil Magiflrates, Virtuous, and the Defo~mlty .of all.that IS Bad
and Vicious, with the lrke) IS fufficlcmproof of

' ',.
0 make the preceding Difcourfe the
more Effe&ual, it might perhaps be ex-
their Zeal for the Honour ofGod and tne Good
of His Church: So cbat we thollld wrong d~cm
if we thought they fiood i~l need of ~!lfifL1thons
to Dire6\: them, or of Motives to InClre them to
'pected that J thould add fomething to
the MiniJim and Civil Magijlrates of this Church do a Duty which is fa Incu~bcnt up~n them, as
and Kjn~dom; and that I tllOuld thew how far to prefs home for a Reformation of thIS J?eg~ne ..
both of them are oblir:ed in their fcveral Stari- r:ue Kingdom, when the Glory of; thm Great
,ons (the one by tbe Sword of rhe Spiritl, the Mafter is fa nearly Concerned rherelll. , ' ,
other by that of Juftice) co do whar in rhem lies But amidll: thefe Excellent Per[ans, ,there ~te
co fupprefs the Reigning Immoralities of the pre- (it mull: be Confeffed) fome, or~e~s thar. gl~e
fent Age :.Of which the Vices fpoken againfr in too open a Scandal to our Holy ReltglOn by their
the, foregoing Treadfe are not the leafi in Rea- Vile Principles and their Viler Pr~CH~es,~ome
lity, rho. they may be fo in all outward appea- of there are notoriouUy Bad, and Itve 111 Direct
ranee, by rea[on of that little notice che \111- Oppofition ro what they are bOllryd t? Pre~ch td
rhi nking, \VorId takes of them. others: Whi1fi .Others fpend rhelr tlID.e JIl dry,
Ta the MiniJlers of our chllrcb there isa very Notions and infipid Conrrover~cs, ~VhlCh pr?fit
little need to fay any thing. Por belides rhofe their Congreg~tions but very Im1e, If allY thmS
\Vorchy and Reverend Prelaces, whom (God's at all. . l' '.
l'roIJideJJce, and rhe Gare and Piety of ollr Pril/ce$ As for the fll'jl, if the Comm?n Ob IgatJOn9
has placed at. rhe Helni) rbere is a .Gler..RJ under they lie under as Men e~Jdued Wltl~ ~e~[onablc
Souls jf the ordinary Ties of Chnlhantty they
(hem, that for Learning, Vircue and Sincer.e, are ~und with in their Baptifm, or if the ex- .
not meerly formal Devotion, we maydilre all traordinary Ones they are obliged wi~h ,in their
the Churches in Chrifiendom to Ihew its equal. Ordination are not of force rq punhc~ upon
Our whole N.uion, and, efpeciaIly the MetropJ~ mendingthefe their Irregularities; yec"tlS h'oped
~hercof, has Ipany of ,thofe pious Souls, whofe
Li yes and DJEtrines go 11and in hand co fierp rha.c the Example of the'more Strietand ~QnfcIenci"
, - OUg
, "T' rorrcn c

'f~2 A odefl A,a1iice to.i!Je MinijlerJ :. '. a,1I~ G,iviJ .J}1t1gift"(Jf~. , 13~
ous w~~ 1barile, them. to fome degree of feryour, anq gi~V~'Qv~~QQ~rreFng ~l1dD~~plltillg aboot
and ~~fe,~hem to put on the Form adeal t, if l\1-Od~s and ,F~gur<:~~ a~~ltt Toc qJ~iv0.4~\'a. of Reli-
tb~y will Dot the Power of Godlinefs. But if tbat gIOn ". ~h,: ~no\VJ~eqg~ or Ignoran'cc "of whiCh
will do no good UPOI) them, yet 'tis prefumed wo~la neither prolI)mc par hind,er our Great
the ~orthy Fathers of the Church will by their CP~ce.~ll. 'Tw~rc t!J'bcvlilheq, I fa}:.) thatchey
Care and InfpeClion dther remove thofe that are w9ul~).ay a~~e. ~Il Juch CunousNimies, and
9JrfWf~b~~,P?I~ts, 6~lor noi1~ but, School1l1eT: and
M a~ubl!ck Sh~me untO it ; or clfe prevent theLiIce
Ifcblef for the future, by admittilig none into . w.~~lng Sol~!fl~rs to, employ theIr pans upqu,;
~oly Orders but. fuch as they h~ve fufficient Te ~~ftWthey.'U:9111dr,c~ro~ ofl{ighteollfize[s, Tt~
fltm~ny of,; thac they wiIl not by their unfaolHti- pp:~l~ce .. ~n.~ J~"!.~nti}9. ,conie~ Preach up with
cd LI~e~ gIve cauCe for tke cqnt~,,!pt ?! the. C[(Tgy, tbe~frzmllZve .Ckrz~zl1~sJh~ne~emty~nd ufefulitds
I fay. CIS' pre[umed the Bijhops wIll m tbeJr (eve- Q,f. aJJfyLif~~ :l~ihHl&.Pice a,~d 'prptcCl:i\lg Virt&l1!
ral DlOceffes tak~ care, of t!i9fe ~hings, .whicfi ~ll~re e fe they tiod ,tt, tho, t~eI~ very Pai1'OJlS
Confidence !groun~ upon, thole ~ny. excellent '~~SJ~~dty of the 9.~~' and theIr greatcll:Ene~
q,arg~s wb~ch have of ~ate been gIven in many JRl:~~~e[sOf,.tht:.Pth~r.' : Such profitable Rul~
I7ijitatzolls. After all thIS I calinot but wonder <;if; qr;alzt. w~uh;l,be~ter be~o~e. thf Gravity.of
how any, dOC Cal) fo far offer violence co his Rei tgS~. reac1;er, as.w~!l. ~s. [lilt ,:wlth the Cap~c!lYl
fon and Confcience, as to live in the WilfulI tlpdR;gulat.~ ~he.LJ,v~s ~nd P..rp,frices of die Au~
lke<tch of any kDown Duty, when he has fo ~nc~; tlian an ,uDIDtllllglbJe Dllcourfc of ail Hour
I! many upbp.i~ings from all hands to theckbim, pr}~o longabollt the Particular Tenets of Cd~
~md (bre hJS (!Os out of Countenance.. What i. 7Ji~~" Anninil15, or fame other Learned Sophmcr

dreadful Account they inull: give of their Cure .,the. C!mrc.h,. which can l'ieithcr .IUform".o.1U
.'\ and tbat Charge of Souls which is committed t~ ~~gment, nor InfllJ~ncG our Manners, b~t'Only
them Sacred Writ will fuificiendr inform them' ~el{> us to c,lll N:/.mes ~ and to c:tI1 Dlniu ro
and what a \yeight lies upon their fhoulders th6 ~:>U~ anothers F~ccs. ~l)W ,much better would it
a.t.prefem [0 lIttle regarded by them,. Bijhop Bllr- be .JpI' all. fi~,:~ Co forbca~ c.hofe 9pi>,robrious Ti-
~z~ts ~afloral qarl" lately pubhfhed, WIll put tltem tles .of. CalvlIlzjl an? AI'IIlZma:I, at Al/linol1lio1a aJIld
. 10 mmd.of, If tbey can give chemfeJves but time .A111W:1za1z ,and th~ lIke, and endeavollr t6d6tba~
to rc:ad Jt over, and calmly co confider thereon: W.hl~h m!gh~ ;make.u~ worthy of that onc"GJc-
As for thofe who bulie thcmfelves about un- flQllS Narn~of.ChriflZdll .. Could I but fec,du;:
. profitabJe Speculations and matters meerly. Con- ,~P!iJ:it of UnitY' and Concor~l mainrai!1ed.i~We
lrovert~, 'twere to be wiilied they would leave Bond of Peace~ could I ~u~;{ec the Pn~vc'
2/ ,!4c!l" Heats an~ Animofities, throw afidc: all. G~dell d.aynet(Jtn once marc upon the Srag~']
Pletudlce 'and ~a6t~on for this Sect or that Party, iliOidd wlth~~h~arful Hea.r~ {like;OldSi,~~1
ling my nunc plmlttl~too.' . .. "Or ii:
i~4 .A Moaejl AdvicetiJtIJe ,MJnijlet'J
, One that ~nows wha~Laws ~e have 3gainlt '~d"':. I

~ SW:arJn.f{ apd Curlzng, agamft Drun.kennels and

!:1O~roIJ oftve Lord5-pay.made with fuch Care
6y the tegijlAlors cifformer Ages; and Commanded
to be put iQ Execlitiou by the Zealous Princes of
Thilr, would wonder ~hit '[he q~i~ MdcHlfai,
fhoul.~ need. one 'yVord more to put hlt~.ln,l\;1ind
ofDtfcharg1l13111sDmy.But notwithllandit:l~they
have Statutes ma~e [0 their very hands, and'h:t~
had as much IrtcltementsJrom: AbfYlJe, as In;U!i~
, aiODS and a Royat CommanG co'mes to,', renve
i nod matters at the' fame fiandih'ey \\ierc in
when we hid' nO fubh Oppotiunides put into'bui
Han. ~s. To thirik any JIlPic~, of P~d~e ~gnorarit
of hiS J?uty) would be to charge hIm WIth want
of Common Prudence, art; .'affront I woul,fnot
Jayat any Malls Ooor ; But I alU more im:lirie'd
to trunk that 'tis want of Zeal which makesfo
maoy_ remifs :md negl!gem in rh(Difchar&c'of
~lUt T rult, which the HIgher Power has Comnilttta
to them. To fllCh therefore as arc Backward jn
their Office Ifhall beg leave to offer fome t~w
~nfidcrations, which perhaps may prove Mo-
tn-cs to ltir them' up to a Vigorous Execution Of
me Laws now ill .force againfl that horrid Pro:
pbanef5 and Debaucher)' which has overfptead'[h,~
unhappy Church and Nation. ..
_ And firp confider what 'tu (fod and Rt1i'idon
reqUIres at yO!lr Hmds. He that raifetli' 'up
\v.bom he wiU, and calleth theni down aga.irl a't
h15, pleafure, has not placed yOll ill ,[hofe polls
to make agr~~~ .Fign~r~ of }:ou, and for tioih~g
eIfe. He rcquJreS yOl11hollld be as much Coil-
cerl~ed for the Advandng of his GJoiy;, as'you
, are

ill' I:

i~6 A Modefl AJvic6'ro tbtMinifttrl
'jitll1y fiiled- Fathm of thtir. Coun.try;
our Kingdom
islttprefeflt overaYled wIth the Tyranny of Pra-
~haners and Debauchery, .and' ,none b~t God.
'inoWS'what tge, fatal confcguences of It may'
ve; Now If YE?u would (,qen~lemeo)

',.. ean EnterprlZe wortJ:jyEiJgldh M~n, and
illiaris, if you defirethe l'eace and Tr~CJ.u~
y Of your Counery, and wo~ld do fomethmg

'thaYmight render your Memories famo~s to fue-

'(e'eding Generations you can do nothmg better
'rhan Ih your feveral Stations to Redeem.tli~~,.
tion from the Thraldom of, thofe .Pertllcloill
Vices under which it lies, and fo DIvert thofe
lJudgemems have jufi (:lufe to .fear wiIHaIl
"pon 'ijs, if weconti~ue Obfiinate and(~ebeIl~
eus. ' . . I.
'1. _

Bur Lafily, (rim it may not ~ too long) Con-

'fider what'th Jour Oatbs ttl(mw!th aU' the, &le"!.
itity Imaginable oblige yOli to. . I,/hall no.r ~er~:rC
'.,eat at length all that a Ju/fue of !,eac~ IS h6uo~'
10 do . it may filffice to take notice wat"11e IS
cn8ag~d to, Convi6l:all Offenders 'againfi the
known Statucesofthe Realm, of which lIe /hall
~ea.tlY Cognizance : and not to. refure upon
Due and Lawful Information to brmg any Of
fender to Condign Punilhmenc oUt of Fear"
l"artia#ty~ Pr~judjce OF IntereJf. 1 h.ope there 15
'[carce a 'Gentleman m the Commlffion of tne
P~ace'but will lay theLe t]liogs to )leart ; and
wl11 not when he Con{ldars fmoully what
it is, tfiat God, their lJ1ajeflieJ, his ~ollntry,
and his Q/}//l umJcience exach from hun, be
any more nefjligent in the Difchargc: of that
[run. Y'2 ic hl! rcpofe~ in h!n.i~ -
A~liiill Prophane~Swearillg and Cur~PIf'
21 jac. I. Cap. 20.


_. .'
-11./ ..
~40: .A Mode.ft Adpice tQ .he ~1!.iflerl "flel Civil.Magiflrate;t.., 141.

tbe ~eneral3lmle; anti if it t~ foulttl 8gilfnff o~ "ij,e,CO~lJtlfO~rtltti" betng'e~tl~t"elJAq PJ-t~,


tbe l'l~(lttiff, tben .tOe. iPm~e~a~.l'lefenl1an~ . pefuam Rei Memoriam, a)ilUl1nnrr lLtltoftuJ~ III
:.~, fi)alfbe' allotUen ~Off~. " , ' ",' ClC011uteten or ftlcb i'tfence fo~feit tue @>nttt '
Provided, 'Qrb!lt tb,e ~ff?nce ~~ qrOmplatlt~nOftlUentP 1~,outitJ$$, ann flltfe~ ]mp~tronment IIIi, i
'lif lUitbfn tWel1tl' ~p~ atter it be <[ommlv. fO~ Ut ~ilntM 'l1Jltbotat ')Bml' o~ ~ainp~tre, "I
un. ann be lltfablen fOl cuee aftte from belnlI it
, 13,'eftfurtber innttell, flUot tbf~ etiltutl mitner~ till tbe 3lUl1nment agattt(f bim be
, '

:f!: J.,
te~ tUttce C\}Cf!' ~CllC tn eller!' ~atift} JaebetfeD. ., , ," ,:
~ . ;j
'bllccb bp tbe Wimfter after ~llenfttlr . Thattn nefett oCCutb Jro~tdture of tblent!'

~ ,.
. '.
ltlper. 50 Car. t. Cap. 4. this Sqtme was con.~. JJ:)OUttn~ e\let,1! rucb i'tfettDet fi)l1l1 fianlltR
tlOlled. And J 7. Car. 1. c.1p. 4' Made pe(P~:' fbe ~tllo~!" nnll b~lle bJtbbt~ (!j;ar~nilf[c
tu~.I. . /" en. .
That tbe one @9ofet!' of the Jro~feittlte at
Againfi Per?ufy. fl.lJfntD go to tbe~rotun, tb'totber 9JBo1?et!l
to tDe Jj?er ron o~ nt'etfolt~ tMt (MU be toton:
z Eliz. Cap. 9. Hen bp rutb iJffence, ann tnba lIliU fue fOl t,be,
fame. .' "
B ~ it ~"iletct" tbllt Wborl1e1J~e ffJllll ftrbrlf1 That tbe 3lulrrre of filCb ClCoutt~ tuDere tfJt
o~ p~ocllrc m:p IDlUtllrlfc~ bp mt!' finiffEt ilDffellce i~ committeD, tbe ]t!ffiCef$ of ~mle
iltW,u111awfUI meal1~ to gibe flit!? ~uinel1te 0: ' ann ~oaIDtli\le.r~ ill tbeie fellernl ClCfrcut't"
ll,l.t1tetllfie In perpctllam rei memori aml._bero~e ann tbe 31Ufiice~ of lSence ft1 eberp QtounttJ
ang Qrourt of R('t(l~n, U;ufl fo~ tbe min ~f= (ball ba1lt autbo~tt!' to netetmlne tOe OOn-,
fente upon fWl11fuf QLolluiltton tbeuof, fOl' ,e~ 8fo~rattJ. '
~tt tbe ~Hm or o~t!' Ipcul1t1fJ, ub ilt IDe, That the 3lUfttce~ of ~mn of eiletp .<B:fti
feet of rueD .frOJfciture, fiJilll fUffe~ 3!/1lP~f~ tU it fball mal$e open I!=>~ocramfttton of tbt~
ranUtent fo~ tbc fpace of fi~ ~OlttM'\Uitboutetature ttoice a peal:, viz. tll tbe tIme of Wtt!:
~n{f 0l Wllfnplffe, ann ffann in toe WtIIOl!' .~itttnlJ~) fo tbilt none map pltatl J!lJno~amc
fo~ t~e' fpace (If Ol1e tubolc Il)otlr: That ItO of tbe fome. " .' ,
l1ltb_ l)lfeunet be t~tncefolttJarlJ l\ecefuell al Provided tfJat tbf~ etatute ~ttenlJ Rot tIJ 'I
a mftner~ befo~e au!' ~L1tltt of 3jUlffce, tnt an!' <lI:outt ~ccteal1(ftcal, "O~ to tbeJaefftafn~ 'I

ftlcb' 3lnt1gmettt gtllen illJilin(f btm be te~~ ,ina tOe ,1' owet BUJeIl bp act of lIilatlfauuilt
fen..' . '- llltllJe tn tDetfme of mfni Henry tb~ feUenffJ 'I

That wboebet IbaU ClLommtt itn!' mfifUl ,to tbeJL~na ~fIa"tdIOlof Eogland anD otbet~ i

,e~n.~ b~ bt~ i?e~.O~~fon~,il1 ~np ~oti~t .~f:tb~l1\t~i~~outUL ~9~/i\: 5 ma~d:f,

l ':

I :


t ..

144. A Mo~ejl.,Aflv~~et().~~ Mi,lIijierJ 4,,,1 Civil Magif/r.ltel. . 145 .. l
~bimn~~ te1t1iltb to. fucb a$t p~erent tbem. ~i
'4gain'ath~:, Propbanacion of- ~e I.or~p#y~', 3 Jac.
Ca~. 4 ' i
. . 'Or;p~ODJy called S~d41' . ;'., ;, :0one'ilJaU t}Jtl1k O! no anp fbfnll' tn ~on:i ;
. ' ~
tempt of tbe man ~olp ~acrament. 'l6~
. '29 Car. 2." SPatfJ or' ttu.o lawful mttneffe~, bp tb~e 3lU~
attes Ollorum ,un. to'bellounl1 OtJef ann p~o"
':~ ILl!., Ulil~ fn ro~ce cOltcetitfng tbe'~b:, ftcutclt fnrse1flon~. rEd. 6. Gap. r.. . .
~ [fellatiou of tfJe lo!tr~ Dap, 8~e to amborl1eue~ (ban :lJUfurll allP' ~~lea'cOet al.
.. , .'. ' put in etecuttol1: :bf~.tntP, lptnell, in bit) open ~trmon o~ QtoUlltton, ol
Will. and MAr,. . I~ bp ttJetp one, to be Gloat
I li p~oCUCillg o! nbettirl!T tbereUllto, O! !ball
tieD "ntl iept bolV ; ann ~~ ttfcuc, etc. anp IDlfenDer; ~t_ gccuratfolt muff
Je erfonl1tt1ufl ,ije" ,a~eful lJerefn to e.ttclr~ bp two Mlttneffe~, o~ Ql:onfeaion, 'QI:o be com-
tf)~reltJep in ~be IDlltiet).of ~ietp, anti ~rqc mftteD bpa"~ ]uffi~e of toe ~ountp to fafe
JRellglon pU~h~klp; an~ t~etp' one on t~l' ~ffon!', an~ lDito~n fi.r nap~ tbe fatb tOUt.
Da~. ( not ijil~i~ a r~ilrtltt,ble (ll;~cUfe ) ttluft mlttfllLT lufflce, lllItb one otbet ]UffiCe ( if
IJiUgentlp ter(J~ to Come pUbliclt plate lUbe" tbe IDffenner upon examfnatton mall be fOllnn'
tbc fetufec of \1DOl1 is; e.cel:ctren, o~ muff be ~Ui.ltv ) fiJalI commit btm to ~Oill tnftOQut
p~reltt nt fome otijr place (allotneD (If by ']SatI, ~c. fo~ tb~ce ~ontM, nnn fnrtger tq
law) in tue ~)altice of fome ReIigfoua IDu, tbe ne.rt il.uarter ~tmOM, 1 M. Cap. 3.
tv, ftbt oflnaVet, W~eaclJil1g ReaDiulJ o~ .~ucb a~ meet g~ affemllle out of tgetr OWl.
~,rPOUllI1iIlLT or
~tbe ~cctPtUtrS$, o~ Qtonfe, }'arffIJ upon tbe JLo~n fS IDap, fo~nltP ~pomt
o~ 11' aftimeg lt1Mtfoe~er, oHtlcb a~ffJnn ufe:
~ellC,e UPOll tOe ra~l1e, a~ aIro p~i\latelPt
, ~ucb il~ repan: not to <Zr:ouccb, lJC. Olt anl' unlaWful QC,rerclre o~ ~i'nfiimc tn tbett:
Sundays ann Hoiy.diySt onemttnr~. ~UJeIUt ~1Dn +arUI) upon tDe lLoWfS IDtlp, tb~e fi)tlc
JP cnee fo~ ebecv nefaUlt, to be leUfen bp be- itnlt~ anD. four pt.nee to tIJe ~ool; lllterc, ~c ..
fitfUl, (1~, to uccol11mitten to Come W~frort, ,to be feull~n bp Dlffcef,r; ann fale, ceUo~tt11J tOe
'mm tOe fame be pain. r Eliz. ~3 Eliz. 3 J~I ~UcrpIU~, ~c. nnll fo~ want of lliUref%, to
be ftnt1to tbe 0toc~n fOl tblEC tOUt~, but
~a&b~ll:rniI~~~;lJ;b~iltlJ, 3lf attneltJe m~ntD, toep muff be ql.lefilQUen tuttufn n m~tb;
DJ Ul~e, tWenty .pounD~ per molltb, anll fOF
'fettlir'e of ttno part.a in tb!ce oftb~it ~~ate~~
~ ~r.Cap. t. 3 Car. Cap. 4- ,
, ]fanp ([art~t,m. a. oner,(tc.1t1itb Jj)O~~.
.' ]f anl' come not to tbe @acrament' or ~nfn
OlClrart, ~ D~ouet tuttb <[attIe llJ~1I
JLO!D'~ @>upPtt once a ~ear. Qtbeit mantel ~abz1. upon tbe Jl.OllJ~ 11av bp tbeU1relUen~ !1
ilnll. ,~tltnnmefj to b~ .Plefenten; JfOl~' ;J ~Of otD,e~ .fo~ tbem,' t\l1e~t!' t1JiUtnlJ~ fo!
'. " , ~~1\c .' . .... . \lee
, . ,lflld Civ~l MJg;ftr,,!t{~~,i'~' ;~47

.,nurt be tier~~e all!' J!untCe of tfie '!tount!', ..~C,.

Wba (blllllJlue tuarrnnt to ~Oe Qf;Qllftflb(~~\JE
.to rm:e tbe. ~(l1t1~ OJewen, (ft. (utu to' feW
,tbe ,.Io~fettntC~ 1.111 tJiftrcf~', (lnnfc~ hillltf Ot
bttfrer~, to put tfieIDffeaner III tbz ~t.ochf)
. fonUJobout:~: tte]t\mcc~) ~. nmp'rctllilt'n
"tbe, linftmllCrout or tbe .rro~feiturcfJ~ l1(lttt
tttnfulJ tbe tbicn PCltt .29 Car., i" Cap:; ; 'l~
;', 'flrbiS~a c,tteutJ,\1llot toil;cfiUI!.t of ,ilr)ellt
Jtl <Zrrok~ ~bOp~, J;nn~ ~'ij]ituannlJ'~'OUCC~+
" ' I ,. : . '
! I.
: The Q.11t~ens Lctrer:
T RuBy aTicriVell-belo'.led3 W~ ,Gr~et JO,Il: ~rl!.
,: . :c'o1/ideril/g the great ~nd il~difpc,MlbJeputy
lncum6ent apOl1 liS, auJ to prcinotlf' alvl ~ni;oU~dr;~ a
f Refqrmariol1 of the M..mn~rs ofal~ o:ur Si{tjca~,
'. thar!0 the Service ofGod /lIay be ,t1d?lt1n'c~d; 'aizd t/~'of!!
" :BlefjiTlgs' pe proCl/red to thtJe Naii:Oii~,' 'wYicb fltil!iJjs
atimd a'Co71jcientious Difcbargl' 0/ our, re.rp'c[firi(Di:-
ties, according to Ollr !a;eral[{elatiol1j, /p~ .tb~ll,kit
}u~e.J1ary, iTl order to tb~ obtjin;'Il(Ort~;J'?it'bmt
.'Good, CO recommend Ill/to JOU the Pl4tll!!,('I~l' 'Jf;e-
cution) with all FiJelilyanc1 Impartl.llity, 't~~. ~~[i:s) ,
which have b~m made, alld are fiil! ,in
'the Pr?phanarioll of, the L'lrds-pay; rrqfl~'~e
Swearmg and ClIdJl1g, Drunkenoc,f;,,: (lI~it:all
otber lewd) enormous alld difirddly PtdBices,: 'nlhlcb
hy a IOf!g conntinued Negldl and COlI:li7JiVlce. fth~
M~gill~ausand Officers cOli:u~ed;'bi11!/tj7~i~;rraIIJ
fpread them/el':les, to t~e pi/bono~, of. G~~ ~l~ th~
,.s::an~l of our Holy Relz!Zzoll'; whrrby It lSTttlW he-
"come'the more nl'Uffdry for all PerfoTlS in Authority,
.to appfythtmfil'lles with all pojJible '.are a/Id Dilkence
- h

. i
;' ,j48 A MQdejl Advice to the Millifter~ , . ! j'"

to tbe fuppreffinl!. of tbe jame. We do thmfore btre~ 1he. ute Order oftbe JJJflicet 'of MiddleCC'X,~ for
by charge and require you to take tbe mofl tfeIJud
,Methods for putting !he Laws in Execution,. '. dgainft (upprtffmg Frophanefs and Debauchery. /
tbe Crimes "bove-mtlZloned , .dnd all other Sins aud
;J1ices, ~rticularly thofe which are mop p;t1JaiJin~ ill .'..," ra.l;letters'theirandMa;etHes bo.th by Illlve
W ~~eas s
their (eve-
'f/Us Rialm; and that efpecially in'[ucb cafes "bere .tl~! to time been gratioufly pleafed .to declare
iJny Officers of '}uflice fblSll be guilty of any Qftboft
lh~ earoe~:defire, That all the Laws agail1fr
Oien.c(s, or refure or ne~lea to di[cb"al'ge tbe Duty. ;~ JTfce and Prophanefs ~ d\l1y Executed, andi liave
his place for'tbe (uppreffitZ!. them, that fa fur.h Of- 'tx.~cfly Commal}ded us T~eir 'Majdlies Jufiices
'/icer by his Punifhment 1Jlay fel'lJe fOr an Exa;nple'l1J :ofthe Peace ohhls Coumy, 'co rake the p;Ofi efre-
othm. And to this end we would pave ),ou k care
ful and diligent in .encouraging- all Conftables, aual'~arefor the due Execution thereof: And
_~fie.rea's 'Jb'isCourc in perfuaott of Their'Ma-'

Church-wardens, Headborrougbs, and aa other

.. ;elll~s Commands, have by'rheirOrdec, bearing
Officers and Perfoos 'JJhatfoe'ller, .to do their p'art in
their ft'lleral Stations, vy timely and impartial Infor da.te rhe T cnrh Day of 'JlJly laC[, Commanded all
mations and ProCecutions again~ all [ucb Offendersj HJgh C~>I1ftables, Petty Confiab1cs, Headbilf-'
'!ough.s,Chlirch- Wardens ilnd othcrOfficcrs with
.for prevel}ting thofe Judgments, which ~re Co- m ih~sG.Oll~tr, to .Ufe t,h~ir lItmofi Diligerice,
lemnly denounced againll: the Sins above~inenti forbrmg!l1g to COl1dl.gn Pumthmenr all theOff~n-
oned. We cltnnot doubt of YOllr perfrmnanCl hmof, den agam!t ,the. fa!d La~s" which upon'the
fillet it is d Duty to which )'011 are obliged by Oatb,
Oaths of dl,vers cl'edibleWmeff'es{-as we ate infor-
arid are liktwife engaged to the difcharge of ft, a&
-!De<!>hath through.tbe diligence of rhe OIfcers .
you t(ftaer the Honour of Almif.bty God~ the. /lourifh In dlVt:rs,pans o'fchisCounry hild this good effect
,'ing. ~OIZditil)ll of his Church i,l this Kil1,I? Jom, .the
,mat man}" HouCes ofdifordetly Tipling Debau~
c. her~ ,and Gaming haveh:en fLlPprelfed, and
ClJntinumKe of his Holy Religion ainol1g liS, and tbe Pro
fperityof tht Country.. Alld fo we bid )'0>& farewell' very great Numbers ofB;1Wds, Whores, and 0-
GiTJffl dt our Court at W hirehall, tl)( 9tH. day ~ ther Lewd PerfollS, prophaoe Swearers CUI [el'S
July, in tbe Third. Tear of our ReigTJ. , Drunkards~ai1d ProRnan~r50ftheLords day)have
By Hcr Ma.jc;lHes been C<?D~Ieted an.d P~Ddhed according to Law;
To our Trufiy and Wel/be-
loved d~ Iuflioa of the Yet, notwlt~fb.ndm~ m fom~ other parrs ofthi~
. Peace for
OlD' County of
~mtI1a*~. Countyl'rhroLJ~h the' Negligence, Conni-rance
Mjidle[t'JI:. jlt Hkr, H4II. ~nd Ev:Il Pra6hces of the Contlables, Headbur-
~g~#IfKbdti roughs , Church-Wardens .and other inferior
9fflcers of fLlcl~ PlacesitheOffences aforefaid h~ve
. .

ii,'1.J Civil Mdgij!1'dt'eI, . 15 I:
Pl()phanersof. die, Lords day, or to appreh end,
them, and to brii1g them: before One of Their
Majel[ies Jufl:ices ut the Pca:e f~r r his Cot.mcy;,
that they may br:, proceeded agamll: accord,lOg rb,
Law; And we being reColved tQpro:eed wIth all'
due firifrnef, againil' all fuch:Officers as !haj} QC
found faulty in t he ~ue ~b(erV:~!1cc of th is our Ot:-
der,do recommend lt to all per ()n9 who ilia 11 at any;
time hereafter have Kno'Wl~db6qf any of,\h,e .Qf~ .
.fences aforcCaid, or of any neg~e:l: o' undue Pra-
(lJce, of any O~ccrs afordaid,whcreby ~h~ :Go~:"~
vlchon or P.um(hmelt~ of .any of the fal.] Off~l1
(es {hall be hindred , or avoided, that they wiii
give timely Information thereof,. to fame One
of Their MajcfiiesJuttices of the Peace of the faid.
Couuty, from whom rhey {hall re,eive all due
Incouragement; And whereas. the keeping of
Mufick Houfes of late praCl:iftd in feveralpublick
Taverns and Ale-Houfes within this lO\lnty, to
which there is al:reat (\.e[ort oOdle and Diffolute
Per{ons, is of very ill Confequcnce , and ~cnd, to
[he Debauching and Ruil).d1>ceially of the "oun-
ger fort of people) of both Sexes, and ~o[h alto
oCca{io:1 rnau'J Q.!arrels and ,Riots, to the great
diilllrbance of the publick Peac~. It is hereby
furthe[ Ordered th~t the leveral Officersa[ore"
faid, do make a due R.eturn to rome Jul1ice of the
Peace h\thd r refpeCl:iveJ)ivifion of the ChriHi- .
an Name I Sir. name :lOd ~la.ceQf abo,de,o! aJl
J>erfons ,,"eepi~g "the raid Mufick Boufes, and()f 1
fuchasJrequem the Came, to the end th~y rIlilYj;
be prof~eu~ed :!occordill~to Law; And it is f~r-':
ther Ordered by this Courr; that the Clerk of
the P,nce for this COUI1[V do forthwi[ b callt~this
. ." 'M' . OiJc,'

A C"talogHe of Boo!<J.
'.4Catal~iuecffom~ Ner., Boots, the three firft tJlfltl' 4' The lr1fafuur:sG~!de, ?r the whole Art.of
. :Pub!ijh~d btfore tbis Michalmas Tmiz, J691, and Meafuring made {hort, plam and ea fie, fuewmg
mofl of tbe otbers pl;'blijhed but a little' hefori inth~ how to mcafure any plain Sup.erficies, aJJ forts of
f~me ye:1r; aD Fnnud for., and Sold by Tho, Sa- Regular Solids, Artificers "': orks, Zii~. Carpen-
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Gauging, of lingular Ufe to all Gentlemen Ar-
T, HE Reformed Gentleman, or the Old Engliili
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tificers and others. By J. Barker in n. bound,
price I .l. ' .
prcfem Age; thewinghow inconfiftenr chore pre- 5. Taxi/la, or Love preferred before Duty; a
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D!lIlklog, W hormg an~ Sabba[~-break1ngare 6. Fachards Ga'{!tteers, or NewfmanJ Interpreters,
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an at-collnt of the proceed iogs of [he Govern ment &c. in Europe, with their difiances from each o-
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th~ Church of Engl4:7d,Bound in 8'. price I s 6 d, very nccdfary for the right uuderftanding of all
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Pcr(olls Matr}'1n~ Wltll YfJung. 3 Againft Per- ot

7. -.A mo~ Campleat .c ~liJpmdium Ge0f,rapby,,Ge-
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i 1 o?:n'C?ofenr. By s. Buffird, Gent. in 12 blJund 0

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A C4,itltJglle' of, Boo~,
" '. A Calalogul! DJ BookJ.
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, .' A Cdialogue of BooA!. i', /

.{' ' , " " .,,]
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