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Operating Instructions ‘Thank you for buying this Pioneer product. Please reacithrough these operating instructions 0 you willknow hhow to operate your model properly. After you have finished reading the instructions, put thom away in a safe place for fu- ture reference. In some countries or regions, the shape of the power plug and power outlet may sometimes differ from that shown in th planatory drawings. However, the method of connecting and ‘operating the unit isthe same. CONTENTS ‘CHECKING ACCESSORY ITEMS 2 LISTENING TO THE BROADCAST 7 8 CONNECTIONS. 2 PRESET TUNING _ Os REAR PANEL FACILITIES. 4 TO LISTEN TO OTHER MUSIC SOURCES ho FRONT PANEL FACILITIES 5 ‘TAPE RECORDING... ~ 10 REMOTE CONTROL UNIT FACILITIES: 7 TROUBLESHOOTING on SETTING THE UNIT PRIOR TO OPERATION 8 SPECIFICATIONS : mae STEREO RECEIVER SX-255R SPARE PARTS MASTER WARNING: TO PREVENT FIRE OR SHOCK HAZARD, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. YQ PIONEER’ ‘The Art of Entertainment CHECKING ACCESSORY ITEMS =e I Fra Antenna Att Loop Antenna emote control unt bry co baie (SIZE “AA RE CONNECTIONS Setting up the AM Antenna * Ingert the elavy on the bottom ef the antenna into the hole in, the leg + Place the antenna on a level surface andl rotate it to locate the ‘orientation that yields the best reception. + Use the attachment hole in the leg to screw to wall or other location, then insert the claw on the bottom of the antenna into the hole in the leg (Fixing the antenna in the direction that gives the best reception! ead wit ‘@iLeg NOTE FOR Fi ANTENNA: ‘Stratch the antenna out t0 its full length, and affix it to a wall ete NOTE FOR AM LOOP ANTENNA: The antenna should be placed at a distance from the receiver, and should not be aliowed to touch metalic objects. ‘Avoid placing ft near CD players, personal computers television ‘and other devices generating radio frequancios, EXTERNAL FM ANTENNA ‘The main advantage of FM over AM Ie the quality of the broad: cast signal. In order to benefit fully rom the high signal quality, Of FM broadcasts, itis recommended that a special-purpose FM. [antanna be installed, In weak signal areas, a multielement (3 Clement, Selement, 7-clement, ec) antenna should be used. FM OUTDOOR ANTENNA CONNECTIONS ‘There ave two ways of connecting the FM antenna to the an- tenna input terminals: with a 300 twin-lead feeder or with a 75 ‘coaxial cable ‘To get the most performance from the receiver, a 75. coaxial cable is recommended since itis more immune than the twin {ead feeder to noise and Interference from external sources. If FM antenna has already been erected outdoors, connect rofersing to the figure, GROUNDING Grounding is recommenda if rocoption of FM programe is im: paired by noise. To ground, connect a thick polyvinyl insulated ‘wire to the GND terminal and attach the other end to a metal Viater pipe or grounding bar of wind it around a copper plate ‘and bury it NOTE: Never connect @ wire to a gas pipe for grounding since sparks may ignite the 02s EXTERNAL AM ANTENNA itis not possibie to obtain adequate AM reception even by changing the orientation of the Af loop antenna, a separate in- oor antenna, or an outdeor antenna should be instalie. INDOOR AM ANTENNA Use a polyvinyl insulated wire (5 6m) and connect one end to the AM antenna terminal and affix the other end to the w1 ceiling, 8s high as possible. OUTDOOR AM ANTENNA IW reception quality isnot improved sufficiently even when an indoor antenna ie used, 2 polyviny!ingulated wire should be in- Stalled outside and fixed in place. NoTE: Do .not detach the AM loop antenna when using an indoor or an gindoor Al anenna Lead wire ‘ARE7067> 75 unbalanced terminal Shield core Wo) Unit: mm Ground : Oo 7" a antenna df F T AM indoor antenna (Potyviny! insulated wire) a AM loop antenna CONNECTIONS. Jen not using the unit for slong prio, csconneet he pW es eee Eee ° AM LOOP ANTENNA rn9.n 8 thet gives optimum re + Donat nel ihe aren Speaker system A Speaker system B ‘rlenlatie Cassere deck Cassette deck LD player €0 player NCR OVD player, ee. Connecting the input/output cords NOTE ABOUT SPEAKER CONNECTIONS ‘When another stereo component (purchased separately iscon- + Speaker systems used with this unit should have an imped: nected, note the folowing instructions. ance of between 8 and 18 * Connect the plugs properly. Faulty connections can cause noise + Be sure that connections are secure. Check to make sure that ‘and also breakdowns and failures wires do not protrude from their terminals “The white terminal s forthe left channel and the red terminal + Do not allow the speaker cords to is for the right channel. ort-circuit. Damage may resultto your unit. -Do not atemat to connecttwo sets of speakers toa signal side {Aor Bl. When using two sets of speatere, connect ane set to Connecting the speaker cords side A and the othe set to side {1} camer @ 3 Speaker cord Ly era Twiet the etrande, ¥, Push down, Ee DPuthup. Bingen. | 3 REAR PANEL FACILITIES D FM/AM ANTENNA terminals Use theae antenna terminals for receiving FM and AM broad @® PHONO jacks CConneet to the output cables from a turntable. 2 GND terminal CConneet to the ground lead of a turntable. Use a screwdriver to connect with the ground terminal TAPE 2 MONITOR jacks Connect these jacks to a cassette deck © TAPE 1/VCR jacks Connect these jacks toa cassotte deck or video cassette recorder. © LD/DVD jacks Connect to the output jacks of an LD player, DVD player or an cother unit, DCD jacks ‘Connect to the output jacks of a compact dies player 4 =ARB7067> ® CONTROL OUT jacks. Connect this jack to other Pioneer components bearing the mark when using the «emote control ofthis unit to control the, other components Pioneer component Dearing the Bl mark v ‘To the CONTROL IN jack of the Pioneer component bearing ‘the BU mark. Remote control @ SPEAKERS terminals A: Connect toa first set of speakers B: Connect to & second set of speakers NOTE: No sound will be haard through the speakers when both A and B buttons are depressed if only one set of speakers has been connected to either A or 8 SPEAKERS terminals. FRONT PANEL FACILITIES @ © ©® D POWER STANDBY/ON switch/STANDBY indica- tor “hiss the awit or eocse power on ‘when set othe ON poron, power i supplied an theunk becomes operiona STANDBY: When sto the STANDBY poston, the main ower flow is cut and the unit is ne longer fully operational, A minute flow of power feeds the unit to maintain operation readiness ‘The STANDBY indicator is iluminated during standby mode. + The accessory remote controt unit can also be used to operste STANDBYION. wore: When the power is initially turned ON, muting wil be applied to prevent sound from being output for approx. 5 seconds. @ SUPER BASS button When this button is pressed, the bass sound will be emphasized. @ Function buttons Use to select playback source. [PHONO} Press when fi (TUNER! Press whan listening to AM or FM broadoaste with # tuner. fup/ovy Press when listening to programe from a component connected t0 the LD/OVD jacks. ico Prose when listening to compect dise playback with a CD player. TAPE 1/V CRI Press whon listening to tape playback on cassette deck Tor an & video cassette recorder @ TAPE 2 MONITOR button Press when listening to tape playback and monitor the record ing sound with the cassete deck 2, © VOLUME control Use to adjust volume level roning to record playback on a turntable. Connect the plug on your headphones to this jack. To listen toa ‘program through the headphones, set both SPEAKERS A and 8 ‘witches to the OFF position, © SPEAKERS ( ML OFF, .m ON) buttons These are used to select the speaker through which you wish to listen, ‘A: When the speakers connected to the A terminals are in use, B: When the speakers connected to the B terminals are in use. “Tum both A and 8 speakers to the OFF position when only the headphones are in use. NOTE: ‘No sound will be heard through the speakers when both A and B buttons are pressed if only one set of speakers has been con- nected to either A or 8 SPEAKERS terminals, @ MEMORY button When the unit is in the frequency display moda, pressing this button wil result in the memorization of the eurrent broadcast ‘band, reception frequency, CLASS and FM MPX mode. @ MPX MODE selector button Use to select the auto stereo mode or monaural mode when listening to FM broadcasts. The monaural mode has been se- lected when the MONO indicator Is lighted. Auto stereo mode: Normally leave in this mode for reception. When a stereo FM, broadeast is received, it will be automatically reproduced in stereo sound. ‘Monaural mode: When receiving distant stations or stations with weak broadcast signals, the input signal may be weak thus resulting in increased noise during FM stereo broadcasts. n this event, setting the ceiver to the monaural mode will reduce the noise, In this case, however, FM stereo broadeasts will be reproduced in monaural sound. NOTE: This button has no effect on reception of AM broadcasts 5 @ Remote sensor window CLASS button Use to switch between preset memory classes 1 t0 3. In each class, one station can be memorized in each of the 1 to 10 sta- tions, enabling 8 total of 30 stations to be memorized. 12 FM/AM selector button ‘This button is used to select either AM or FM reception. TUNING buttons (-,+) +: The FM or AM band is scanned in the: frequency. + The opposite operation to that of the UP button t rection of increasing 1 place, DISPLAY section RONT PANEL FACILITIES 8 STATION buttons (-,+) ‘#1 Stations change in order in the upward direction. Stations change in order in the downward direction, 8 BASS tone control Use to adjust low-frequency tone, The copter position is the Mat (normal position. When turned tothe right, low frequency tones are emphasized. 5 TREBLE tone control Use to adjust high-frequency tone. The center position isthe t {normall position. When turnedto the right, high-frequency tones are emphasized. BALANCE controt ‘Should normally be left in the conter position, Adjust balance: the sound is louder fram one of the speakers. I the right side is louder, turn toward the L position and ifthe let side is louder, turn toward the R position © S.BASS indicator Lights up when the SUPER BASS button pressed. ® TAPE 2 monitor indicator 3 CLASS 12 3 indicator Indicates the class selected by the CLASS buton. The current CLASS is displayed. 6 ‘ @ STEREO/MONO itor MONO = Lights up when the FM MONO mode is selected with ‘the MPX MODE burton. STEREO: Lights up when a stereo FM broadcasts being received, 3) TUNED indicator gate up when a station is tuned ® MEMORY indicator © Character indicator REMOTE CONTROL UNIT FACILITIES REMOTE CONTROL RANGE When operating the remote control unit, point the front of the Unit at the front panel ofthe receiver. The remote control unit may be used within a range of about 7 meters from the remote sensor, within angles of up to about 30 degrees. Remote contro! will not be possible if there is an obstacle be- tween the remote control unit self and the remote sensor win dow in the receiver, Performance of the ramote control unit is adversely affected in the presence of strong fluorescent light, Keep such lights away, specially from the sensor window. LOADING BATTERIES 1. Open the rear cover 2 AA" (IEC RGP) batteries correctly matching, Incorrect use of batteries may lead to leakage or tupture. Always be sure to follow these guidelines: ‘A: Always insert batteries ito the battary compartment correctly matching the positive («) and negative inside the compartment 2B: Never mix new and used batteries. CC: Batteries of the same size may have different voltages, de- pending on their type. Do not mix diffarant types of batteries, This remote control unit can be used to operate some functions of Pioneer ff marked CD players and casserte deck @ TUNING -/+ button ® FM/AM button MPX button @ TAPE 2 MONITOR button © S.BASS button ‘When this button is pressed, the bass sound will be emphasized. ®CD operation buttons CD POWER: Turns CD player power ON/OFF. BEST: Operate the File-type CD player with BEST play back function. " Pause : Stop > Play fearei: Track search DISC-/+: DISC selection NOTE: “Note that the DISC button on the accessory remote control unit may not function. depending on the CD player used. Refer to your CD player's operating instructions for details @ RECEIVER POWER button, @ DECK operation buttons ‘TAPE POWER: Turns deck power ON/OFF. DECKE: DECK Zselection, DECKE: DECK selection. <>: Reverse and Forward playback, (Set the function button 10 TAPE position.) ~« Rewind in forward mode, fast forward in reverse mode. te Fast Forward in forward mode, rewind in reverse mode. . Stop me: Pause NOTE: + To operate the cassette deck. first press the Deck X or Deck button to select the desired deck Then press the correct con- trol buttons. + To operate a single deck, fitst press the Deck E button. Then press the correct contro buttons. SETTING TH + Before operating the unit, be sure to set it as shown below, E UNIT PRIOR TO OPERATION — Sot the TAPE 2 MONITOR button to OFF (TAPE 2 indicator goes off, Set the VOLUME conteol to the "MIN" position, Prose the POWER switch to the ON position, ‘Set the BALANCE contro! 10 the center position. Press the SPEAKERS switch corresponding tothe speaker system to be used. LISTENING TO THE BROADCAST _ + Check that all te jing on the unit. Is are properly connected before switch. 4 | le {| MANUAL/AUTO TUNING (FM/AM re- ception) 1. Press the TUNER button of the function buttons. 2. Press the FM/AM selector button to select your desired broadcasting band. 3. Use the TUNING buttons to locate the frequency of the desired station. {Manual tuning] (FM/AM reception! Press either TUNING button and ralease it quickly, The frequency will change by one stop each time the button is pressed. Press as many times as necessary to tune in the desired station, ‘Stops change in the following way. FM 100 kHe, AM 10 kis tAuto tuning] (FM reception) Press the button until the frequency starts to change, then re: lease it. The tuner will automaticaly search for a broadcasting station and stop when one is found, To search for another station, press again. [High speed manual tuning! (FM/AM reception) Keep either TUNING buttons pressed, The frequency changes continuously, and stops when the button is released. NOTE: The TUNED indicator will not function for broadcasts received over jong aistances or when signale are weak 8 134 | d00 oo 7 90 2 4 4. Adjust the volume with the VOLUME control and the tone with TREBLE tone control, BASS tone control and SUPER BASS button. When Receiving FM Broadcasts: is to0 much noise during reception of an FM stereo ast, press the MPX MODE elector button to light the MONO indicator. Switching to monaural reception results in Clearer reception, Note on Auto Tuning * Because ofthe high sensitivity of this unit it may automat cally stop even at very weak overseas stations, The same cen ‘happen with aggregate radio noise emitted in etes. + Preset extremely weak stations with manual tuning, The TUNED indicator When the TUNED indicator is not lit, reception is not possible even ifthe tuning frequency is correct. Ths is becauea the a {enna terminal input is too weak, Check whether the antenna cable is firmly connected. itis, consult your nearest dealer and install an outdoor antenna, PRESET TUNING FREQUENCY PRESETTING __] 10 stations can be preset in each of the 3 classes, fora total of 30 preset stations CLASS tat t0 10h, GLASS 201 10 10ch GLASS 3-1 t0 10 ch LISTENING TO BROADCASTS USING PRESET TUNING 1 2 1 | | | £ odoo £ 200 occ fe IR EF]000! Occ 3 — 4 s| 6 2034 2 1. Press the POWER switch to the ON position. ore: Be sure to turn the TAPE 2 MONITOR button OFF when listening to AM or FM broadcasts 2. Press the TUNER button and set the FM/AM se- lector to either FM or AM. 3. Tune in the desired station. + See "MANUAUAUTO TUNING" for information on reception using the manual tuning mode. In addition to station frequencies, the MPX MODE (AUTO) MONO) can also be preset 4, Press the MEMORY button. +The MEMORY indicator will fash, 5. Select the desired class (1-3) with the CLASS button. 6. Select the desired channel with the STATION (- +) buttons. + Press the STATION (-,+) buttons while the MEMORY indicator is flashing (lashes for about 5 seconds) + Use the STATION (-.+! buttons to select a preset channel Nore: Do not press buttons while the display is still flashing, 7. Repeat steps 2 to 6 to preset additional stations. Atotal of 30 AM and FM stations may be preset. When you store ‘a news preset, it takes the place of the previously stored station (tanyh 1. Press the POWER switch to the ON po: 2. Select the class number with the CLASS button. 3. Select the desired preset station with the STA- TION (-,+) buttons. + When the Function button is set tea function other than TUNER, ‘twill switch to the TUNER function automatically i one of the STATION (-,+) Buttons is pressed, ‘Tuning can be performed simply and accurately following the above procedure. 4, Adjust the volume with the VOLUME control and the tone with TREBLE tone control, BASS tone control, and SUPER BASS button. NOTE: The contents of the STATION (+) buttons will be preserved for several days, even ifthe receiver power cord is unplugged. {a preset station has bean erased, preset it again. Last station memory The last received AM and FM stations remain stored despite Function and/or POWER switching. To recall, use FM/AM selec: tor buttons. 9 - TO LISTEN TO OTHER MUSIC SOURCES Function | TAPE? buttons | MONITOR button | To listen to TAPE CR TaPE1 OFF ICR To listen to a tape on the cas } sette deck connected to the | —~ ow TARE 2 MONITOR jacks 1. Press the POWER switch to the ON position. Also Tolliston to records PHONO Cas turn on the power to the stereo components you Tolistentothecomponenteen- | LD/OVD OFF to use. nected tothe LDIDVD jacks 2, Use the function buttons and tape monitor but- ton as appropriate to select the desired program Tolisten toa cD eo a source. c Select function according tothe table on the right 3. Operate the appropriate stereo component to play back the program source. 4, Adjust the volume with the VOLUME control and the tone with TREBLE tone control, BASS tone control and SUPER BASS button. TAPE RECORDING COPYING TAPES When two cassette decks are used, the sound played back on the deck connected to the TAPE V/VCR jacks can be recorded on the deck connected to the TAPE 2 jack, TAPE cA. PLAYBACK > [When using two cassette decks} 1. Load the playback tape (i.e. the pre-recorded tape) in the deck connected to the TAPE 1/VCR. jacks, and the non-recorded in the other deck con- ected to the TAPE 2 jacks. 2. Press the TAPE 1/VCR button. 10 You can record an FM ot AM broadcast, or # sound source con- ‘acted to the LD/DVD, CD, or PHONO terminals. 1, Press the POWER switch to the ON position. 2, Select the sound source to be recorded. 3. Operate the cassette deck connected to the TAPE 1/VCR or TAPE 2 MONITOR terminals. 4. Turn on (or start) the sound source to be recorded. + For dotails of operating the cassete deck, read the operating instructions of the cassette deck, "To make tape, + To edit a recording of an FM broadcast in order to cut out un- wanted commercials, recording only the desired material onto another tape, copy with contents identical to the original TAPE 2 RECORDING —_ 3. Operate the cassette decks to begin copying. Set the cassette deck withthe non-recorded tape to the rocord- ing mode, and set the cassotte deck with the original tape tothe playback mode TROUBLESHOOTING _ Incorrect operations are often mistaken for trouble and maltun ions. If you think that there is something wrong with this component, ‘check the points below. Sometimes the trouble may ie in another component. Investigate the other componente snd lectin being used ifthe trouble cannot be rectified even after exercising the checks listed below, ask your nentest PIONEER authori/ed service enter or your dealer to carry out repair work Cause Power does not come on even when ‘the POWER surteh Is pressed, = Power cord is disconnected. + VOLUME control is set to MIN. + Speaker connecting wites are disconnected from speaker terminals + One oF both of the input cords are discon- 'No sound is produced, even when the Function switch is selected, Connect cord secuiely ‘Turn the VOLUME control rowaed the right | Connect wires ta terminals securely + Connect input cords securely. + One of the speaker connecting wires or input cords is disconnected is producod during reception ‘ut "broadeasts when the POWER switcn of other compo: nents is turned ON or OFF. * AM ioop antenna picks up electrical noise ere ‘ted by switch contacts ected “TAPE 2 MONITOR button is ip the ON posi: |» Press the button to OFF position fion | Speakers buttons are in the OFF position, _| «Press the button to ON position, Sound is produced fram one | ~ BALANCE control i sot too far to one side or | “Set BALANCE conirol o comer poshion speaker only the other Connect wives and cords securely + Place AM loop antenna as far away 96 possi bie from this and other componente + Station has not been tuned in to correct fre | “quency, + Antenna has not been connected or has be: ‘come disconnected, FM reception “Accessory FM antenna remains bundled up, High noise level + Weak broadvasting station signals, + Noise picked up from other equipment for, in articular. from pageing automobiles lultipath results when'signals fram a broad. casting station are mixed with signals which have been reflected by mountains or high || utldings on theie way'to the antenna, This ‘results in distorted sound and noise. | AM reception ‘SAM Satenna not pointing in right direction, + Weak broadcasting station signals, + Noise being picked up from other equipment especially electrical appliances using @ mo ott or fluorescent lights) “Tune the station correcty. : = Connect the antenna securely + Strotch the antenna taut and Jocate in dvee tion yielding optimum reception + Replace accessory FM antenna FM antenna, + Try altering direction and mounting position of sntanns. i'an outdoor antenna has been rected! place ita far se possible from pass ing trafile and replace the connecting cable With 2 752 coavial cable ith outdoor Change AM antenna’s direction and find a po- | sition where reception is improved. + Erect outdoor AMtantenna or connect ground | + Stop using appliances ganerating noise a re move them from the vicinity ot the stereo equipment emote control does not work, | « Batteries are dead or no batteries in remote control unit + Poor angle or too great a distance from the Fomote sensor window. + There is an obstacle between you and the re: mote sensor window. gonttofcord's not connected + RilUorescant Hight is shining on the remote Sensor window. -ForCO players and.assette decks, the remote | | + Insert new batteries i * Use itn? meters (23 fet! and within» 20 fegree angie of the remote sensor window. + Change your position or move the obstacle, + Connect the remote control cord correctly Turn off the light, 7 : - } Abnormal tunctioning ofthis unit may be caused by static electricity, or other external interference. To restore narmal operation, turn the ower off and then on again, or unplug the AC power cord and then plug it in again, nu ARB 7067>

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