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Issue 311

LI President Addresses IFLRY General Assembly

LI President Meets with Liberals From the Caucasus Region

190th LI EC in Beirut On 12-14 April

Arab Liberals Assemble, Elect New President in Amman

Egyptian Liberals Oppose New Constitution

Dr. Chee Addresses Yale University

The Cambodian Government is Applying a Double Standard says Sam Rainsy

BMD Seeks Recognition in the Botswanian Parliament

LI President Addresses IFLRY General Assembly

International Federation of Liberal Youth - IFLRY (LI full member), marked its 65th anniversary at its
General Assembly in Chisinau, Moldova. LI President Hans Van Baalen MEP was key-note speaker at this
important global youth event. Van Baalen pointed out that 'LI cannot be successful without IFLRY, as
national parties such as VVD cannot be successful without JOVD. Young liberals should keep established
liberals on alert and remain committed to key liberal values rather than to sleazy compromises in the
daily practice of political power.' Van Baalen complimented IFLRY for, in some cases, paving the way for
LI. As an example he mentioned that the Youth of the Future Movement of Lebanon first joined IFLRY
and lobbied the mother party to join LI, which happened in the LI Congress in Abidjan last
October. Thomas Leys, IFLRY President commented: 'I was very happy to have been able to celebrate
our 65th anniversary with my colleagues from LI and INLW. By coming to Moldova, a country that has
suffered under communism for so many years, we are showing our support to further European
integration and the promotion of democracy and human rights everywhere.'
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LI President Meets with Liberals From the Caucasus Region

As part of a study visit organized by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation For Freedom (LI cooperating
organisation) LI President Hans Van Baalen MEP received a delegation of liberal politicians
fromAzerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia in Brussels in order to discuss the political and economic
situation in the Caucasus region. The visit took place within the framework of the Potsdam Process: a
regional platform for political dialogue in the South Caucasus which aims at strengthening regional
cooperation among liberal partner organizations in the region in order to promote freedom, peace and
prosperity. During the meeting, Van Baalen stated very clearly that Russia should be kept out of the
internal affairs of the countries in the South-Caucasus. He added saying: Russia should be urged to start
negotiations which should result in the withdrawal of Russian troops from the occupied territories South
Ossetia and Abkhazia. These demands are backed by both LI and the ALDE-Group in the European
Parliament. LI sent a delegation to Georgiaahead of the parliamentary elections in the country where
meetings with top leadership of the opposition coalition Georgian Dream which includes LI member
the Republican Party took place.

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190th LI EC in Beirut On 12-14 April

Upon invitation of Al-Mustaqbal/Future Movement (LI member), the 190th Executive Committee of
Liberal International will take place in the capital of Lebanon, Beirut on 12-14 April 2013. Only a month
ahead of the national elections in Lebanon, Liberal International will assemble in 'the capital of
democracy and freedom' of the Middle East, allowing liberals from the region and world to discuss
perspectives for growth of individual rights and freedoms globally in the aftermath of the Arab Spring. In
this spirit it is expected for the Executive Committee to focus on debates that would define a winning
liberal agenda in today's changed world dominated by populist tendencies. LI has already successfully
organised two Congresses in the wider MENA in less then 10 years: Marrakesh (2006)and Cairo
(2009). LI Secretariat delegation, including Secretary-General Emil Kirjas, Events Organiser Antonella
Fabiani and Membership and Policy Officer Robert Wintraecken visited Beirut to initiate preparations
for the 190th Executive Committee. In an interview for the Future TV, SG Kirjas said: 'it is inspiring to be
in Beirut among so many people who share same values and visions like us in LI. In April we will gather
over 100 top liberal politicians from across the world to define common liberal strategies to further
forster peace, freedom and democracy, respecting the religious and traditional values of the diverse
communities'. More information on the 190th Executive Committee will be sent to the LI Membership

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Arab Liberals Assemble, Elect New President in Amman

This weekend the Arab Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (LI Cooperating Organisation) organised its
General Assembly meeting in Amman, Jordan, with the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation
for Freedom (LI Cooperating Organisation) and the Free Thought Forum. The assembled liberals were
addressed by the former Jordanian Minister of Justice and Foreign Affairs, Dr. Salah Eldin Elbashir. At the
General Assembly Mr Saed Karajah of Jordan's Free Thought Forum was elected as the new AAFD
President. The General Assembly also accepted the Gulf Forum for Civil Society and the ANC party from
the Comoros as Observer Members. LI Membership and Policy Officer Robert Wintraecken attended
parts of the meetings surrounding the General Assembly and invited the liberals present from around
the Middle East and North Africa to participate in the upcoming 190th LI Executive Committee, which
will be hosted by the Future Movement (LI Member) in Beirut, Lebanon, from 12 to 14 April 2013.

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Egyptian Liberals Oppose New Constitution

In a response to the controversial draft Constitution which was passed by the Egyptian Constitutional
Assembly in less than 16 hour, the Egyptian liberals in the country have vowed to continue their protests
on Tahrir Square and voice their rejection to the non-liberal content of the document. The international
officer of the Free Egyptian Party, Amr Soliman, commented saying: Today's protests come in response
to a situation where Egyptians again find themselves between a rock and a hard place. On one hand,
President Morsi's presidential decree issued last week has bestowed upon him super powers that
elevate him to the level of the worst dictators in history. On the other hand the draft Constitution to be
put to referendum in less than 2 weeks is faulty in execution, lacking in legitimacy and a set-back in
terms of rights and liberties. Former Egyptian political prisoner and blogger Maikel Nabil for whose
liberation LI has campaigned internationally has also voiced his concerns about the recent developments
in Egypt. LI President Hans Van Baalen MEP met with Maikel Nabil in the framework of the IFLRY GA in
Moldova and expressed full support for the Egyptian opposition.

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Dr. Chee Addresses Yale University

As part of his first trip overseas following the settlement of the politically-motivated bankruptcy
case against him, the leader of the opposition Singapore Democratic Party (SDP, LI observer member)
and LI Prize for Freedom Laureate, Dr. Chee Soon Juan, addressed Yale academia and students at the
university's campus last week. Among the issues discussed were the upcoming launch of
thecontroversial Yale-NUS (National University of Singapore) joint degree programme in Singapore and
Dr. Chee's recent book titled Democratically Speaking. In his speech Dr. Chee stressed that continuing
with the campus plans will compromise Yale's academic standards by allowing the Singaporean
government to censor its students' political activities. Earlier this year Yale-NUS administrators had
announced that branches of existing political parties in Singapore as well as organizations promoting
racial or religious strife would be prohibited on the college's campus in accordance with the nation's
laws. When you seek to advance your interest at the expense of ours, I wonder if you are our friends at
all. Teachers and students, if you will not accept anything less for yourselves here in New Haven, then
why do you deny it in Singapore? said Dr. Chee.

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The Cambodian Government is Applying a Double Standard says Sam Rainsy

Following his removal from the electoral list, the exiled leader of the opposition National Rescue
Party (NRP: a merger between LI memberSam Rainsy Party and the Human Rights Party), Sam Rainsy,
has revealed new details about this controversial decision by the National Electoral Committee. Initially,
Mr. Sam's registration was dismissed on the grounds of the politically-motivated charges against him in
an attempt by the Cambodian government to restrict him from participating in next year's general
elections. However, in an investigation performed by the NRP it has emerged that other Cambodians
with more notorious criminal charges still remain on the electoral list. In fact, according to Cambodia's
election law there is no provision that says that someone who has been convicted of a crime must have
their names deleted from the list. Mr. Sam accused the Cambodian authorities of applying a double-
standard in order to eliminate any competition to Prime Minister Hun Sen's ruling party. Commenting
on the occasion he said My case is unique. The National Election Committee never deletes any
criminals' names, only mine. This is not about the law because the law would apply to people equally.

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BMD Seeks Recognition in the Botswanian Parliament

The Botswana Movement for Democracy (BMD, LI observer member) has submitted a formal request to
the Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr. Margaret Nasha, seeking to be recognized as a member of the
opposition Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) Party in the Botswana National Assembly. The move
comes following BMD's earlier decision to join the UDC coalition together with the Botswana National
Front ahead of the 2014 general elections. A total of four BMD MPs have joined the UDC
coalition: Nehemiah Modubule of Lobatse,Gilbert Mangole of Kgatleng West, Wynter Mmolotsi of
Francistown South and Tawana Moremi of Maun West. BMD MP Mmolotsi commented saying: I have
submitted the letters and the Speaker said she wants time to study their contents and consult lawyers;
she will only make a pronouncement on our request after the consultations. Should BMD be recognised
as a UDC member, the UDC will have a total of seven MPs in Parliament. Earlier this month, BMD won
the by-elections in Sebele having received a very successful training on political campaigning given by LI
VP on the Bureau Lord Rennard.

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