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Offlclal Report

Dlvlslon of Forenslc Sclences Headquarters

Georgla Bureau of lnvestigation DOFScase#r 2017-1001379
State of Georgia Report Date: 0511012017

George Henin, Jr., Ph.D 'NAME Accredited' r l[ll1t m tllt !ruill[][il r|ril il nil | lll
Deputy Director
r lillnlllil[|[]Effi ililtilffi liltmtt
Requcstcd Scrvlco: Aulopsy
Agency: Whit,lleld Co. Coroner
Agency Ref#:
Requested by: M. Flood

Case lndlvlduals:

2017-1001 379-001 DECEDENT

Results and Concluslons:

Evidence Submlsslon: 001

ln accordance with lhe Georgla Death lnvestlgation Act, a complete autopsy ls peformed on
the body ldentilled as TERRY GIBSON at the Georgla Bureau of lnvestlgaton, Dlvlslon of
Forenslc Scenc ln Dacatur, Georgla. The autopsy ls prformed by Lora Danlsaw M.D.

Examlnaon date: Wednesday, January 18,2017

Examinaton tlme: 9:30 A.M.


As recelved, the body ls lying suplne ln a black body bagt a whtle sheet ls undemeath the body.
The bocly ls clad ln a blue and orange sleeveless shlrt and disposable dlaper that ls solled wlth
a large amount of urine and feces. No lewelry or personal effects are wom on or recelved with
the body.

Body ldentllTcallon: "TerryA.L. Gibson" and "TerryAllen Glbsonn on ldenlllTcaon tags on bag
and withln bag.

'The shirt ls released wl the body.


No medlcal theraputlc devlces or marks are on the body.


The bocly has no appreclable ldentlflcation marks or scars.


A 0.3 x 1.0 cm llnear healing superflclal laceratlon ls on the boltom of the ght foot.


The body ls that of a white male infant havlng the followlng body measuremonts:

Head clrcumference:48.5 cm (-50h percentile)

Chest clrcumference: 46 cm
AMomlnal clrcumference: 42 cm

Rcport Datc: 0611U2O17 Pagc I of7

Rcport ld: I|CXOL|TS0IFJY|
Tcmplatc Rcv. 201 6-12-ll
Divlsion of Forensic Scencas Continued
Georgia Bureau of lnvestlgaton
2017.1001379: Autopsy

Crown-heel length: 83 cm (-50th percentile)

Weight: 34 pounds (>97th percentile)

Postmortem fealures:

Rlgor: Fixed
Livor: Not clearly dlscemible
Decomposition: No decomposltlonal changes


The skin has a widespread, red-pink motlled appearance and displays several circular red

Head and Neck:

Halr: Blond, straight, '12 cm

Eyes: Brown lrldes, 0.5 cm pupils, left lower palpebral petechiae, rlght lowr palpebral mild
Teeth: Natural in good repair
Ear plerclngs: No

The head ls normocephalic. The face has no dysmorphic features. The anterior and posterior
fontanelles are closed. The nose is normally formed, and tha seplum is lnlact and midline. No
fluid or blood ls seen n the nares. The oral cavity has moist mucous membranes. The palate
is intact. The frenula are intact. The ears are normally sel and located and have a normal
extemal appearance. h tympanlc membranes are clear.

The neck is normally formed, ee of lrauma and supple wlthout palpable adenopathy or
masses. The trachea ls palpable in the midline.


The chest ls normally formed and symmetrlc and is stable to compression. The abdomen is
flat and sofl to palpation. Ther is no appreclable lluld collectlon or palpable organomegaly.
The back ls unremarkable, and the spine appears straight.


Th upper and lower extremities are normally developed and have a normal number of dlgits.
The extremlties are free of palpable and vlslble fractures. The fingemalls are wom at the level
of the distal fingertips. The fingemail beds are blue. The palmar crease patlem is normal. The
feet and toes are unremarkable. The toenail beds are plnk.

Extemal Genltalia:

The extemal genitalia are that of a normal infant male. The testes are palpable in the scrotum,
and the penis ls clrcumclsed. The genitals, anus and perlneum are unremarkable and free of
injuries. The anal orlfice is patent.


The body ls opened with the usual Y-shaped incision. The head ls opened wlth the usual
intrmastold lncislon.

Body cavltles:

Chest cavity fuld collEctlons: None

Pericardlum fluld collecons: None
Abdomlnal cavity fluld collections: None

Rcport Date: 0611U2017 Page 2 o 7

RGport d: MCX0L| TS0I FJY4
Tcmplatc Rcv. 2015-12-11
Divlsion of Forensic Sclences Contlnued
Georgla Bureau of lnvestigation
2017.1001379: Autopsy

The subcutaneous fat and musculature are free of njuries. The stemum and chest plate are
lntact. The body cavities are free of adhesions. The diaphragm is normally formed and shows
no defects. The vlsceral organs have normal morphology and relatlonships without evidence of
malformatlon, deformatlon or agenesls. No inJurles are ldentlfied.


The so tissues, slrap muscles and vilal structures of the neck are free of lnjury. The hyoid
bone and laryngeal cartilages are intacl. The larynx and trachea are opened longitudlnally and
exhibit intact gray-tan mucosa and no obstruction by foreign objects. The epiglottis is not
inllamed or swollen. The cervical spine and atlanto-occipital joint are stable to manipulation.

Cardiovascular System:

Heart welght: 57 grams

Lefi venlrlcle measurement: 0.7 cm
Foramen ovale: Closed
Ductus arterlosus: Closed

The eplcardlum is smooth and shiny. The atrla and venfficles are normally formed. No septal
defects or othEr congenital abnormalltles are seen. The myocardlum is evenly red-brown and
has no regions of discoloratlon. The lefr ventrlcular ftee wall has a normal thickness. The
cardiac valves, papillary muscles and chordae tendineae are normally formed. The mitral valve
paplllary muscles have patchy endocardial hemonhage. Outflow from the right ventricle ls
unobstructed to the pulmonary artery, and outllow from the le ventricle is unobstructed to the
aorta. The coronary ostia arise normally from the slnuses of Valsalva. The arteries are of
normal callber and patent. The branches of the aorta arise in the usual fashlon, and the aorta
is unremarkable.

Respiratory System:

Rlght lung welght: 127 grams

Lefr lung welght: 99 grams

The vlsceral pleural surfaces are smooth and shlny. The bronchl are unobstructed. The
pulmonary vessels are free of thromboemboli. The cut surfaces have no infarc{s, masss or
palpable consolldatlon.

Gaslrointestlnal System:

Stomach contents: Negligible green'tan mucous

The tongue has no injuries. The esophagus has an intact gray-whlte mucosa and is
unobstructed to the stomach. The gasmc mucosa ls intact and unremarkable. The small and
large intestines are opened along lhelr length, and the mucosa ls fre of abnormalmes. The
stool ls of normal quality and consistency without abnormal color or odor. The appendlx is
present ln the rlght lower abdominal quadrant.

The pancreas has the usual gray-tan lobulated parenchyma and ls unremarkable.

Hepatobillary System:

Llverweight 389 grams

The liver has an intaci capsule and unlform brown parenchyma. The parenchyma has no focal
leslons, nodulari$ or masses. The gallbladder has a normal mucosa and contalns blle and no

Genitourinary System:

Rcport Datc: 0d10n017 Pagc 3 of 7

Rcport ld: MCXO!|TS{IFJY|
Templatc Rev. 201 6-12-11
Divislon of Forenslc Sclences Contlnued
Georgla Bureau of Investgaton
2017-1001379: Autopsy

Right kidney weight: 40 grams

Left kidney weight: 27 grams
Urine: Estimated 5 cc

The kldney cortlcal surfaces are unremarkable. The cut surfaces, including the pyramids,
calyces, pelves and vessels, are unremarkale. The ureters follow a normal course to the
bladder and are neither dilated nor obslrucled- The bladder has a normal mucosa.

Reproductive System:

The prostale gland is of normal size and shows no abnormalities. The tesles are descended
and have unremarkable tan parenchyma.

Retlculoendothelial System:

Spleen welght: 38 grams

Thymus weight: 48 grams

The spleen capsule is thln and intact. The cut surfaces have no focal lesions or masses. The
thymus has an unremarkable grayaink parenchyma. Thymic petechlae are not seen. The
mesenlerlc lymph nodes are enlarged, measuring up to 1.0 cm.

Endocrine System:

The right and lefl adrenals display diffuse hemonhage. The thyroid gland has a uniform
tan-brown parenchyma and ls unremarkable.

Musculoskeletal System:

The axial and appendlcular skeleton is unremarkable. The skeletal muscles are normally
developed and unremarkable.

Neurologlc System:

Brain weight 1200 grams

The scalp is incised and rellected; no subscalpular or galeal hemonhages are sen. The
calvarium is intact. There are no epldural or subdural hemonhages. The dura and dural
sinuses are unremarkable with no slnus thrombosls or hemonhages. The surface of the braln
shows a normal gyral pattern and displays moderate edema. The leptomeninges are mlldly
hemonhaglc. Ths cranlal nerves and cerebral arteries are unremarkabl. The coronal cut
sulaces of the braln are unremarkable. The brainstem and cerebellum cut surfaces are
unremarkable. The base of the skull ls lntact.

The orbital plates are removed, and no optic nerve sheath or extra-ocular soft tissue
hemonhage is seen.


The spinal cord ls removed lhrough an anterior approach. The posterlor suface displays
epidural hemorrhagic appearanoe. The spinal cord is serially sectioned and shows no


Two full body radlographs are taken. No skeletal inJuries, abnormalities or forelgn obfecls are


Rcport Datc: 0s10n017 Page 4 of 7

Report ld: MCXOI-TS{I| FJYI
Templatc Rcv. 201 6 -1 2-11

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