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Generating Ideas

Music Video Song: The Edge- Tonight Alive

- Filming in two sections
- Mental health
- Section 1: Storyline
- Section 2: Band performing the song

My first idea centres around mental health issues, itll be about a girl who is
trying to escape her own mind by facing her fears straight on. Her fears will
be drawn and will digitally edited to make life like creatures with grotesque
traits. Also Ill use colours to represent certain emotions/ fears, Ill be using
mostly blacks, reds and whites as these colours/ shades are usually seen
to represent dark feelings and thoughts. I will be filming the majority of the
footage on the green screen as I want to capture whats troubling her in her
mind, Im trying to incorporate mental health issues such as depression and
anxiety I will attempt to capture the realistic ideologies of how these mental
health issues will look like and behave; its crucial to make them as realistic
as possible to not offend my audience. As an audience we will be delving
and exploring through her mind, through her darkest and deepest fears.
Afterwards in the post-production stage will be when my video will come to
life as Ill add my real life mental health issues into my text in this stage. Ill
also add some visual effects to make the video more appealing to watch.

I have mainly taken inspiration from a couple of videos, the first video is
Bury Tomorrow - Last Light, which is about a couple who die in a car crash,
the woman has to travel through an unknown land filled with horrible gross
beings. Towards the end of the video she gets to heaven's gate and finds
her boyfriend waiting for her. I will be taking the style of this video and
putting my alternative twist to make the video a lot more darker and

The first video I will be taking inspiration from Upon a burning body - The
Outcast, this video is very well made from the production stage to post-
production stage, as this video has variations of camera angles it makes it
more intriguing and interesting to watch. Another key element I like about
this video is the use of locations, as theyve combined 4 brilliant locations
into one music video. Also I really like the high-key lighting and the low-key
lighting used within the music video amplifies the story of the video. As the
videos story plot is very personally meaningful I would love to take the
elements which make the video great and use them in my own video.
Lastly, I have taken inspiration from Memphis May Fire- Vices this video is
very well edited and very well filmed with the amount of different camera
angles used, the locations featured and the editing. I love how they lastly
edited the video because of the speed duration of shots; it gives the effect
of dis-orientation. I also like the visual effects as it communicates the
problems these people go through; physically and mentally. It also fits the
song very well as it communicates a powerful message of everybody isnt
okay no-matter what age they are.

The demographics for my audience will be 14-17 year olds, this age
category struggle with mental health issues more due to the stress put on
them by the education system. My audiences will be both females and
males because mental health issues dont go to just one gender; it can
affect everybody. As my audience are teenagers their occupation will be
student and employment status will be none. The socio economic will be
Band E as my audience are students.

I will need to develop the shape and sizes and the general look of what the
mental health issues will look like, I will need to communicate correctly
what mental health issues are and how they affect somebody. I will also
develop the props that will be featured in my video as I have no props so
far included into my text. Lastly Ill need to develop what the setting will
look like, as we are delving into somebody else's mind its crucial to make
that apparent to the audience so they dont get confused.
Music Video Song: Demi Lovato - Heart attack

My second idea will revolve around relationships and will showcase the
emotions behind a broken down relationship. The video will feature the
singer performing the song and actors performing the drama sequences. I
will use low key lighting and high-key lighting to highlight the good times
and then the relationship gradually breaking down. The locations the video
will take place is in and around the house as a house represents security
and family. I will be putting an alternative darker twist by using low-key
lighting and very dark colours.

The next video I have taken inspiration from is Avenged Sevenfold - God
Damn, this video is probably one of my favourite music videos because of
how professionally edited the text is. Also the visual effects used
compliments the music greatly, and gives it an overall amazing video. Ill be
taking some of the visual effects used and implement them into my own
The third video I am taking inspiration from is Wage War- Don't let me fade
away this video is absolutely stunning and very unique. The visual designs
used combines different camera angles into one shot which makes an
absolutely stunning video. They use cloning and mix red, blue and green
colours to make almost like a glitch type of effect.
Lastly the music video I will take elements from Pierce the Veil - Bulletproof
love, this video easily communicates the story plot as its for a younger
audiences (13-16 year olds). I like at the beginning of the video it shows the
couples unrealistic almost fantasy like love and then gradually goes down
hill due to trust issues and cheating, we can tell that the video is from
different times of the relationship due to the boyfriends taking of key
elements of his clothing outfit, this could also symbolise the fact that hes
getting smarter each time some unusual occurrence happens with his
The demographics for my audience will be 17-24 year old British females,
this is due to how mature my video will be, also younger audiences wont
be able to understand the video resulting in them becoming disinterested.
My audience will be Band E in the socio-economic grouping due to them
still being students either at college or university.

I will need to develop and research ideal settings that the audience find
relatable to their own hometowns as every person has been through
relationships and have felt heart break. Making the setting relatable will
make my audience more accepting to take time out of their day to watch
my video. I will also need to develop the story plot of my music video as
this is lacking in detail, Ill do this by listening to the song and find the right
story which will fit and execute well in the editing process. The last thing I
will need to develop is the props, as I want to make the music video as
realistic as possible I will need everyday items which make up the family
home. Ill also need props to symbolise the heartbreak that my main
character will go through due to deceitfulness and cheating

Music Video Song: Fireflight- Unbreakable

My third and final idea will be about a teenage girl who is bullied ruthlessly
by her peers, gradually her bullies break her down and make her have a
mental breakdown due to the severe physical bullying. While she has the
breakdown she decides to make dolls, voodoo dolls, of everyone who
bullies her. She eventually gets revenge by finding out the voodoo dolls
have extreme power and potential to punish those who put her in pain. The
locations that will be used are at a school/ college and at her own home.
Other videos like my idea would be:
Bullet For My Valentine - Waking The Demon
Paramore - Misery Business
Set It Off - Horrible Kids
All these music videos have the same theme, there's a bully/bullies that
torment the other students, and by the end of the video the bully gets their
punishment in some sort of humiliation.

My audience demographics will be females 14-17 years of age, due to the

role of the victim being played by a female, itll help the primary audience
relate more to the music video and to feel empathy for the victim. My
chosen audience will be students as most students experience bullying in
some sort of way, Ill also include a website for those students who are
bullying and have no idea how to combat their bullies. As we are filming in
Britain itd make sense to base the music video in Britain as we can use the
UK's unique terrain to our advantage. My video will contain dark magical
prospects as we are using voodoo dolls for revenge on the bullys, we will
also show inverted pentagrams to symbolise demonic powers, because of
this Im not too sure if my audience will have a set religion or if theyre
The geo-demographics for my audience will be North of England as these
areas are commonly referred to the working class regions of Britain. My
audience will go to common secondary schools just like the victim, the
audience wont be wealthy and just like the ordinary school kid I wanted to
mirror the basic life of a bullied teen. I wanted to tell the majority of the
story relatable to school kids whore also bullied but twist it with dark
mysterious magic used to the victims advantage.
The socio-demographics for my audience will be band E, because my
primary audience will be students that dont work and primarily focus on
their education.

I need to develop my idea to make it more deep and emotional for my

audience entertainment, Ill need actors to play the roles of a bully, role of
the victim, band members, other students and help with camera equipment
such as simply holding a boom mic. Ill need props which are seen to be
magical such as voodoo dolls, magic spell book etc. Ill of course need
camera equipment, tripods, lighting and maybe even a gopro.

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