Interview Questions

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Interview Questions K-6 Physical education Teacher Candidate's Name: $$ Date: Total Time: 35-45 minutes (about 3 minutes per question) Introductions, Purpose, Etc. Give Background of position; school, student make-up: BA Step 1 $34,900: (Step 4 ~ 37,000) $6000/10000; VEBA, sick leave, personal day; (slightly 60% f & R; class sizes about 20; 28% minority: high performing school with an excellent teaching staff... not trying to trick or stump ... ask if you | need clarification ... | 1, Tell us about yourself. (Help us get to know you better) 2. Tell us something about your physical education experiences (or teaching experiences) that would be helpful as we consider your application for this position. i 3. What did you like most about your student-teaching experience? 4, Describe a typical Phy Ed class from when the students enter your teaching space to when they leave. 5. What goals do your have for yourself for the next five years? 6. Tell us about a time when you had to correct a student for misbehavior, What happened and how did you handle it? 7. What methods would you use to communicate student concerns with staff and parents? 8. Share a time when you had a conflict with another person ~ how did you handle it? 9. Often the most challenging thing for a physical education teacher is finding ways to motivate students who aren't interested in physical fitness. What strategies have you practiced handling this situation? 10. A teacher's ability to plan and organize is essential toa successful teaching career. Tell us about an experience (or experiences) that illustrates your ability to plan and organize. Follow Up: - From your reference checks we have some concerns about meeting deadlines. How will you overcome that? = Do you plan on creating a calendar for the school year? - At the end of the year students participate in Wolverine Day. How would you go about planning this event? 11, What do your feel are your greatest strengths as a teacher? Give us some examples of how your strengths have been demonstrated in your teaching experiences. 12, What do you feel are the greatest challenges you will face as a teacher? Give us some examples of what you have done to overcome (grow) some of those challenges. 13. Do you have a current and valid Minnesota license to teach in the position for which you are interviewing? Follow Up: = Where are you at with the process? (what tests, when) 14, Tn the remaining moments, is there anything else you would like to share with us regarding your candidacy? Any questions for us? If offered will you accept? When? How soon let us know?

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