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Shadows Of Brimstone Game Contents

City Of The Ancients Swamps Of Death

Hero Character Sheets 1 x Bandida / Bandido 1 x Indian Scout

1 x Gunslinger 1 x Lawman
1 x Piano Player / Saloon Girl 1 x Nun / Preacher
1 x U.S. Marshal 1 x Rancher

1 x Outlaw (Kickstarter Exclusive)

Starting Gear 1 x Dynamite Satchel (Bandido) 1 x Carbine (Indian Scout)

1 x Hold-Out Pistol (Saloon Girl) 1 x Holy Book (Preacher)
1 x Marshal Badge (U.S. Marshal) 1 x Hunting Rifle (Rancher)
1 x Old Lantern 1 x Indian Hatchet (Indian Scout)
3 x Pistol (Bandido x 2 / Gunslinger x 1) 1 x Old Lantern
1 x Shotgun (U.S. Marshal) 1 x Peacekeeper Pistol (Lawman)
1 x Sheriff Badge (Lawman)
1 x Shotgun (Preacher)

1 x Bandana (Red) (Outlaw) (Promo-KS02)

2 x Outlaw Pistol (Outlaw) (Promo-KS01)
1 x Sawed-Off Shotgun (Outlaw) (Promo-KS03)

Starting Upgrades 1 x Acrobatic Dodge (Saloon Girl) 1 x Cavalry Scout (Indian Scout)
1 x Cleaning Up The West (U.S. Marshal) 1 x Farmstead Defender (Rancher)
1 x Dirty Fightin' (Saloon Girl) 1 x Firebrand (Preacher)
1 x Explosives Expert (Bandido) 1 x Frontier Justice (Lawman)
1 x Hardened Resolve (U.S. Marshal) 1 x Heightened Senses (Indian Scout)
1 x Knockout Punch (Saloon Girl) 1 x Home Remedies (Rancher)
1 x Pistol Fanning (Gunslinger) 1 x Iron Will (Lawman)
1 x Quickdraw (Gunslinger) 1 x Missionary (Preacher)
1 x Reload (Gunslinger) 1 x Redemptionist (Preacher)
1 x Rolling Thunder (U.S. Marshal) 1 x Savage Attack (Indian Scout)
1 x Swindler (Bandido) 1 x Strong Leadership (Lawman)
1 x Twin Guns (Bandido) 1 x Swinging Rifle (Rancher)

1 x Hitman (Outlaw) (Promo-KS04)

1 x Outlaw Charm (Outlaw) (Promo-KS06)
1 x Reckless (Outlaw) (Promo-KS05)

Sermons: Blessing 1 x Cure (Preacher)

1 x Faith Healing (Preacher)
1 x Holy Speed (Preacher)
1 x Intervention (Preacher)
1 x Revitalize (Preacher)
1 x Shield Of Light (Preacher)

Sermons: Judgement 1 x Cleansing Fire (Preacher)

1 x Righteous Fury (Preacher)
1 x Shockwave (Preacher)
1 x Smite (Preacher)
1 x Weaken (Preacher)

Personal Item 1 x Ace Of Spades 1 x Ancient Coin

1 x Adventure Boots 1 x Bear Claw
1 x Cigarette 1 x Boot Knife
1 x Hand Mirror 1 x Concealed Flask
1 x Locket 1 x Lucky Charm
1 x Personal Journal 1 x Ribbon
1 x Pocket Watch 1 x Roughskin Gloves
1 x Shackles 1 x Silver Dice
1 x Weathered Poncho 1 x Spectacles
1 x Worn Eye Patch 1 x Weathered Hat
Shadows Of Brimstone Game Contents

City Of The Ancients Swamps Of Death

Gear 1 x Axe 1 x Axe

2 x Bandages 2 x Bandages
1 x Cigar 1 x Bandolier Strap
1 x Crisp Rose 1 x Cavalry Sabre
1 x Dusty Poncho 2 x Dynamite
2 x Dynamite 1 x Eagle Feather
1 x Executioner Pistol 1 x Executioner Pistol
1 x Flash Powder 1 x Flash Powder
2 x Healing Herbs 1 x Hanging Cross
1 x Hunting Knife 2 x Healing Herbs
1 x Hunting Rifle 1 x Hunting Knife
2 x Journal Pages 1 x Iron Cross
1 x Knuckle Dusters 2 x Journal Pages
1 x Looking Glass 1 x Lucky Hat
2 x Matches 1 x Mark Of The Damned
1 x Pick Axe 1 x Mark Of The Dead
1 x Pistol 1 x Mark Of The Hunter
1 x Rattlesnake Fangs 1 x Mark Of The Void
1 x Repeating Hold-Out Pistol 2 x Old Map
1 x Rune Of Darkness 1 x Pick Axe
1 x Rune Of Shadows 1 x Pipe
1 x Rune Of The Traveler 1 x Pistol
1 x Rune Of The Void 1 x Rawhide Chaps
1 x Silver Buckle 1 x Repeating Rifle
1 x Straight Razor 1 x Rope
2 x Tonic 1 x Shotgun
1 x Trusty Axe 2 x Tonic
1 x Trusty Pistol 1 x Vicious Axe
2 x Whiskey Bottle 2 x Whiskey Bottle

1 x Bandana (Blue) (Promo-002) 1 x Saxton's Fancy Tonic (Promo-003)

1 x Outlaw Pistol (Promo-001) 1 x Tomb Chest (Promo-004)

Artifact: Mine 1 x Amulet Of Heinghal 1 x Amulet Of Heinghal

1 x Amulet Of Kotak 1 x Amulet Of Kotak
1 x Book Of The Occult 1 x Black Fang Hatchet
1 x Dark Stone Bullets 1 x Book Of The Mad King
1 x Gloves Of Chardrin 1 x Book Of The Occult
1 x Healing Stone 1 x Dark Stone Bullets
1 x Orb Of Ro'Kal 1 x Dark Stone Gloves
2 x Otherworld Artifact 1 x Dead Man's Iron
1 x Ring Of Tar'Kul 1 x Healing Stone
1 x The Judge 1 x Hell Pistol
1 x Three-Eyed Skull 1 x Hell Sword
1 x Tome Of Vontarro 1 x Horrific Statue
1 x Void Pistol 2 x Otherworld Artifact
1 x Void Sword 1 x Soul Parasite

Artifact: Otherworld 1 x Accentuator Belt 1 x Dark Stone Axe

1 x Authority Of O'Tar 1 x Dark Stone Blade
1 x Deflection Field 2 x Gar'Dhuli Swamp Salve
2 x Frozen Isopod 2 x Harrowfern Fungus
1 x Plasma Arc 1 x Serpent Skin Gloves
1 x Teleportation Bracelet 1 x Serpent Skull Helmet
1 x Trun Disintegrator 1 x Swamp Raptor Claw
2 x Void Crystals 1 x Tribal Necklace
Shadows Of Brimstone Game Contents

City Of The Ancients Swamps Of Death

Map Deck: Mine 2 x A Mining Room 2 x A Mining Room

2 x A Rail Tunnel 2 x A Rail Tunnel
1 x Blast Room 1 x Corner Passage
1 x Boiler Room 1 x Cross Passage
1 x Cavern Of Bones 1 x Dark Stone Quarry
1 x Corner Passage 1 x Excavation Chamber
1 x Cross Passage 1 x Long Passage
1 x Forked Path 1 x Mid Passage
1 x Long Passage 1 x Short Passage
1 x Mid Passage 1 x Storage Room
1 x Short Passage 1 x Switch Curve
1 x Summoning Chamber 1 x T-Junction Passage
1 x T-Junction Passage 1 x The Devil's Pit
1 x The Big Room 1 x The Track Stop
1 x The Mining Lift 1 x Underground Lake
1 x The Vault 1 x Waterfall Room

Map Deck: Otherworld 2 x A Frozen Path 2 x A Murky Clearing

2 x An Ancient Street 2 x A Swampy Trail
1 x Corner Passage 1 x Boneyard Lake
1 x Courtyard 1 x Burial Ground
1 x Cross Passage 1 x Corner Passage
1 x Cryo Chamber 1 x Cross Passage
1 x Engineering Chamber 1 x Deep Swamp
1 x Frozen Fork 1 x Long Passage
1 x Long Passage 1 x Mid Passage
1 x Mid Passage 1 x Short Passage
1 x Ruined Lift 1 x Spider Hole
1 x Short Passage 1 x T-Junction Passage
1 x T-Junction Passage 1 x The Nest
1 x The Furnace 1 x The Ribs
1 x The Heart 1 x Tribal Altar
1 x The Orb Room 1 x Tribal Fountain

Darkness 2 x Demonic Force 1 x Cave In

1 x Demonic Speed 2 x Chill Of The Grave
1 x Encroaching Shadows 2 x Eruption Of The Dead
1 x Flood Of Bats 1 x Flood Of Bats
1 x It's A Trap! 1 x Laying In Wait
1 x Overwhelming Dread 1 x Overwhelming Dread
2 x Power Of The Void 2 x Power Of The Void
1 x Strength Of The Void 1 x Restless Dead
1 x Suffocating Mist 1 x Screams Of The Damned
1 x Tentacles From The Void 1 x Strength Of The Void
2 x Terror From Beyond 1 x The Dark Omen
1 x Whispering Voices 1 x Tentacles From The Void
Shadows Of Brimstone Game Contents

City Of The Ancients Swamps Of Death

Encounter: Mine 1 x Ancient Riddle 1 x A Crack In Space

1 x Broken Lift 1 x Ancient Ruins
1 x Child Of Sorrow 1 x Dark Altar
1 x Explosives 1 x Dark Stone Deposit
1 x Gateway To Another World 1 x Dusty Crates
1 x Look Out! 2 x Flooded Passage
1 x Lucky Find 1 x Gateway To Another World
1 x Mangled Remains 1 x Hanging Bodies
1 x Massacre 1 x Hell Pit
1 x Pile Of Bones 1 x Look Out!
1 x Prospector 1 x Lucky Find
1 x Ransacked Vault 1 x Mangled Remains
1 x Shafts Of Light 1 x Mind Worms
1 x Steam Clouds 1 x Ominous Hole
1 x Summoning Circle 1 x Prospector
1 x Tracks In The Dust 1 x Rail Switch
1 x Traitor's Blood 1 x Stirring In The Deep
2 x Void Lair 1 x Underground Waterfall
1 x Which Way?!? 1 x Warning From The Grave

Encounter: Otherworld 1 x Ancient Controls 1 x Arrows From Above

1 x Ancient Pylon 1 x Bog Spider
1 x Ancient Writing 1 x Bones Of The Beast
1 x Avalanche 1 x Boneyard
1 x Cracked Ice 1 x Carnivorous Brain Flies
1 x Crumbling Ruins 1 x Decayed Traveler
1 x Cryo Tubes 1 x Gruesome Totems
1 x Dark Stone Experiments 1 x Look Out!
1 x Heart Of The City 1 x Movement In The Water
1 x Ice Scarabs 1 x Primitive Altar
1 x Look Out! 1 x Ruins Of The Past
1 x Moving Shadows 1 x Sinking Marsh
1 x Steep Ledge 1 x Spined Glow Vines
1 x Still Running 1 x Swampy Nest
1 x Trail Gone Cold 1 x Swamp Stench

Enemy Record Sheets 1 x Void Spiders 1 x Hellbats

1 x Stranglers 1 x Hungry Dead
1 x Tentacles 1 x Corpse Piles
1 x Targa Pylons 1 x Tentacles
1 x Night Terrors 1 x Slashers
1 x Goliath 1 x Harbinger

Low Threats 1 x 1 Night Terror 2 x P Hellbats

1 x 1 Night Terror & P Stranglers 3 x P Hungry Dead & 1 Corpse Pile
1 x 1 Night Terror & P Void Spiders 2 x 1 Slasher
2 x P Stranglers 1 x 1 Slasher & P Hellbats
2 x P Tentacles 2 x P Tentacles
2 x 6 Void Spiders
1 x P Void Spiders & P Stranglers

Medium Threats 1 x 2 Low Threat Cards 1 x 6 Hellbats

1 x 1 Night Terror & 1 Low Threat Card 2 x PP Hungry Dead & 2 Corpse Piles
1 x D3 Night Terrors 1 x 2 Low Threat Cards
1 x 6 Stranglers 2 x D3 Slashers
1 x 6 Tentacles 1 x 1 Slasher & P Hellbats
1 x 12 Void Spiders 1 x 1 Slasher & 1 Low Threat Card
2 x PP Void Spiders 1 x 6 Tentacles
2 x PP Void Spiders & P Stranglers 1 x P Tentacles & P Hungry Dead & 2 Corpse Piles
Shadows Of Brimstone Game Contents

City Of The Ancients Swamps Of Death

High Threats 1 x 2 Medium Threat Cards 2 x 6 Hellbats & PP Hungry Dead & 3 Corpse Piles
2 x 1 Night Terror & 2 Low Threat Cards 1 x 2 Medium Threat Cards
1 x 1 Night Terror & 1 Medium Threat Card 1 x 3 Slashers
1 x 3 Night Terrors 1 x 1 Slasher & PP Hungry Dead & 3 Corpse Piles
1 x D3 Night Terrors & 6 Stranglers 1 x 1 Slasher & 2 Low Threat Cards
2 x P Stranglers, P Tentacles & PP Void Spiders 2 x D3 Slashers & 1 Low Threat Card
2 x 6 Stranglers & 12 Void Spiders 1 x 1 Slasher & 1 Medium Threat Card
1 x 6 Tentacles & 6 Hellbats

Epic Threats 1 x 2 Elite Threat Cards 1 x 2 Elite Threat Cards

2 x 1 Goliath & 1 Threat Card 1 x 1 Harbinger & 2 Low Threat Cards
1 x 1 Goliath & 2 Low Threat Cards 2 x 1 Harbinger & 1 Threat Card
1 x D3 Night Terrors & 2 Threat Cards 1 x D3 Slashers & 2 Threat Cards

Otherworld Threats 1 x Ancient Spiders 2 x Bogbats

2 x Snow Terrors 2 x Swamp Slashers
1 x Targa Pylons 1 x Wandering Enemy
1 x Wandering Enemy

Loot 1 x Blood Money (D6 x $25) 1 x Blood Money (D6 x $25)

1 x Cash ($50) 1 x Cash ($50)
1 x Coins ($25) 1 x Coins ($25)
1 x Dark Stone Rock (D3) 1 x Dark Stone Rock (D3)
2 x Dark Stone Shard 2 x Dark Stone Shard
1 x Gold Bars ($250) 1 x Gold Bars ($250)
1 x Gold Nuggets (D6 x $50) 1 x Gold Nuggets (D6 x $50)
1 x Sack Of Gold Dust ($100) 1 x Sack Of Gold Dust ($100)
2 x This Should Come In Handy 2 x This Should Come In Handy
1 x What's This?! 1 x What's This?!

Growing Dread 1 x A Fool's Errand 1 x Chittering In The Dark

1 x Cosmic Insignificance 2 x Dread
2 x Dread 1 x Dripping Gore
1 x Powerful Dread 1 x Humanity's End
1 x Stench Beyond Reason 1 x Powerful Dread
1 x Void Surge 1 x Wave Of Heat

World Cards 1 x The Mines 1 x The Mines

1 x The Targa Plateau 1 x The Swamps Of Jargono

Scavenge 1 x Chilling Dread 1 x Chilling Dread

1 x Emerging Darkness 1 x Emerging Darkness
2 x Hideous Discovery 2 x Hideous Discovery
4 x Nothing Here 4 x Nothing Here
2 x Small Find 2 x Small Find
1 x Something Shiny 1 x Something Shiny
1 x Useful Discovery 1 x Useful Discovery

Side Bag Cards 4 x Side Bag Cards 4 x Side Bag Cards

Reference Cards 1 x Bounce Diagram / Side Bag Tokens 1 x Bounce Diagram / Side Bag Tokens
1 x Gunslinger Dead Eye Shots / Six Shooter Template 1 x Hit Types / Skill Test Icons
1 x Hit Types / Skill Test Icons 1 x Preacher Faith / Performing Sermons
2 x Side Bag Tokens 2 x Side Bag Tokens
Shadows Of Brimstone Game Contents

City Of The Ancients Swamps Of Death

Large Reference Cards 1 x Injury Chart / Madness Chart 1 x Injury Chart / Madness Chart
1 x Town Board / Depth Event Chart 1 x Town Board / Depth Event Chart
1 x Blacksmith 1 x Blacksmith
1 x Church 1 x Church
1 x Doc's Office 1 x Doc's Office
1 x Frontier Outpost 1 x Frontier Outpost
1 x Frontier Town 1 x Frontier Town
1 x General Store 1 x General Store
1 x Saloon 1 x Saloon

Map Tiles 1 x Entrance Map Tile 1 x Entrance Map Tile

8 x Unique Room Map Tile 8 x Unique Room Map Tile
4 x Standard Room Map Tile 4 x Standard Room Map Tile
6 x Passage Map Tile 6 x Passage Map Tile
20 x End Cap Map Tile 20 x End Cap Map Tile
6 x Gate End Cap Map Tile 6 x Gate End Cap Map Tile

Markers & Tokens 30 x 1 Wound Markers 30 x 1 Wound Markers

18 x 5 Wounds Markers 18 x 5 Wounds Markers
30 x 1 Sanity Damage Markers 30 x 1 Sanity Damage Markers
18 x 5 Sanity Damage Markers 18 x 5 Sanity Damage Markers
24 x Dark Stone Markers 24 x Dark Stone Markers
15 x Grit Markers 15 x Grit Markers
12 x Corruption Markers 12 x Corruption Markers
12 x Exploration Tokens 12 x Exploration Tokens
20 x Bandage Tokens 20 x Bandage Tokens
20 x Dynamite Tokens 20 x Dynamite Tokens
4 x Flash Powder Tokens 4 x Flash Powder Tokens
8 x Herb Tokens 8 x Herb Tokens
8 x Tonic Tokens 8 x Tonic Tokens
20 x Whiskey Bottle Tokens 20 x Whiskey Bottle Tokens
11 x Scavenged Markers 11 x Scavenged Markers
4 x Revive Tokens 4 x Revive Tokens
1 x Depth Track 1 x Depth Track
1 x Darkness Marker 1 x Darkness Marker
1 x Hero Posse Marker 1 x Hero Posse Marker

5 x Bandit Markers 2 x Arthropod Markers

1 x Corrupt Sheriff Marker 1 x Boat Marker
10 x Crate Markers #1-10 8 x Corpse Pile Markers
6 x Journal Pages Markers 10 x Faith Tokens
1 x Six Shooter Template 1 x Legendary Pistol Marker
6 x Cerberus Shot Markers 1 x Lost Journal Marker
8 x Dead Eye Shot Markers 8 x Poison Markers
6 x Hellfire Shot Markers 1 x Possessed Preacher Marker
6 x Ricochet Shot Markers 4 x Sermon Effect Markers
6 x Targa Ice Markers 6 x Swamp Fungus Tokens
2 x Targa Pylon Markers
7 x Void Venom Markers

8 x A/B Markers 8 x A/B Markers

1 x Ancient Statue Marker 1 x Ancient Statue Marker
6 x Barrel Markers 6 x Barrel Markers
18 x Elite Markers #1-6 18 x Elite Markers #1-6
2 x Explosives Markers 2 x Explosives Markers
4 x Hero Class Markers 4 x Hero Class Markers
8 x Hidden Number Markers #1-8 8 x Hidden Number Markers #1-8
4 x Knocked Out Hero Markers 4 x Knocked Out Hero Markers
3 x Lantern Marker 3 x Lantern Marker
1 x The Book Marker 1 x The Book Marker
1 x Cowboy Flying Frog Disc 1 x Cowboy Flying Frog Disc

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