Monster Reference v1.2

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Arkham Horror Files: Mansions of Madness (2nd Edition)

Monster Awareness Horror Brawn Abilities

Byakhee 4 3 2 Flying - This monster can move through impassable borders.
Child of Dagon 4 3 2 -
Child of the Goat 3 1 2 -
Crawling One 2 4 4 -
Cthonian 4 7 5 -
Cult Leader 4 3 2 -
Cultist 3 1 2 -
Dark Druid 3 2 2 -
Dark Young 4 7 5 -
Deep One 3 4 2 Aquatic - This monster can move through impassable borders that represent water.
Deep One Hybrid 3 1 2 -
Dunwich Horror 7 9 5 -
Goat Spawn 4 3 2 -
Ghost 2 5 1 Phasing - This monster can move through impassable borders and walls.
Hound of Tindalos 6 5 5 Phasing - This monster can move through impassable borders and walls.
Hunting Horror 5 6 3 Flying - This monster can move through impassable borders.
Maniac 5 1 2 Unstoppable - This Monster converts all Clues to Elder Signs while attempting to destroy a barricade.
Mi-Go 6 4 3 Flying - This monster can move through impassable borders.
Nightgaunt 6 5 3 Flying - This monster can move through impassable borders.
Priest of Dagon 4 3 2 -
Riot 7 4 4 -
Shoggoth 3 6 4 -
Star Spawn 5 8 5 Flying - This monster can move through impassable borders.
Thrall 3 4 2 -
Witch 3 2 2 -
Wizard 4 3 2 -
Zombie 2 4 2 -

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