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Criminal justice and criminal proceedings Drejtsia penale dhe procedura


A. Criminal justice Drejtsia penale

Suspects T dyshuarit
Detain Mbaj
Custody Kujdestari
File Dosje
Crown Prosecution Service(CPS) Shrbimi kombtar i Prokuroris
Prospect of conviction Perspektiva e denimit
Public interest Interesi publik
Caution Kujdes
Criminal proceedings Procedurat penale
Warrant Urdhr
Summons Thirrje n gjyq
Prosecutors Prokuror
The Criminal Defence Service Shrbimi i Mbrojtjes Penale
Provide Siguroj
Legal aid Ndihm ligjore
Funds Financon
Independent I pavarur
Attend Marr pjes
Accused T akuzuarit
Defence costs Shpenzimet e mbrojtjes

B. Categories of criminal offence Kategorit e shkeljes penale

Summary offences
Minor crimes Krimet e vogla
Indictable offences Vepra t denueshme
Alleged offences Veprat e pretenduara
Indictment Akuza
Burglary Vjedhje
Defendant pleads guilty I pandehuri pranon fajsin
Sentence Denoj
Commit Kryej
Penalties Ndeshkime
Guilty plea Pranim I fajsis
C. Criminal court proceedings - Procedurat gjyqsore penale

Adversarial Armiqsor
Cross-examination Marrja n pyetje
Burden Barr
Proofs Prova
Granted bail I liruar me kusht
Temporarily released I liruar perkohsisht
Grounds Arsye/Baza
Preparatory hearing Seanca prgatitore
Sworn in Te beje betimin
Disclosure Zbulim/demaskim
Whereabouts Vendndodhje
Witnesses Deshmitar
Reduced sentence Denimi I reduktuar
Verdict Vendim
Acquitted I liruar
6. Civil procedure Procedura civile

A. Civil procedure Rules Rregullat e procedures civile

Goods Mallra
Debt repayment Shlyerja e borgjit
Breach of contracts Prishje e marrveshjes
Insolvency Paaftsi paguese
Radical changes Ndryshime radikale
Summons Thirrje gjyqsore
Monetary sums Shuma monetare
Make an order Bj nj urdhr
Form of admission Forma e pranimit
Acknowledgment Njohje/Pranim
Service Sherbim
Receipt Fatur
Counterclaim Kunderpadi
Particulars of a claim Veqorit e nj padie
Filling a reply
Regime Regjim
Track Rrug
Inspection Inspektim
Witnesses statements Deklaratat e deshmitarve
Halt Ndalim
Case management conferences Konferenca e menaxhimit t rastit
Parties Palt
7. Tribunals - Tribunalet

A. The status and range of tribunals Statusi dhe shtrirja e tribunaleve

Supplemented Plotsuar
Substantial number Numer I kunsiderueshem
Tribunal Tribunal
Guidance Udhzim
Bodies Organe
Judicial Gjyqsor
The executive Egzekutivi
Welfare state Mirqenie sociale
Social Security Appeal Tribunal Tribunali I apelit per siguri sociale
Employment Tribunal Tribunali I punsimit
Mental Healthy Review Tribunal Tribunali per reishikimin e shendetit mendor
Lands Tribunal Tribunali I tokave
Significant effect Efekt I rendesishem
Subject of judicial review Subjekt I rishikimit gjyqsor

B. Composition of tribunals and procedure Perbrja e tribunaleve dhe procedura

Chairperson Kryetar
Lay representatives Perfaqesues laik
Special expertise Ekspertize veqant
Administering procedure Administrim e procedurave
Clerical staff Stafi klerikal
Respondents defend claims T anketuarit t mbrojn padit
Resolve disputes Zgjidh mosmarrveshje
Unfair dismissal Shkarkim I padrejt
Government agency Agjensia qeveritare
Broker settlement
Claim may be withdrawn Padia mund t trhiqet
Borne by the public purse Mbulohen nga buxheti publik
Address the tribunal I drejtohen tribunalit
Refer to decisions of higher courts I referohen vendimeve te gjykatave m t larta

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