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SOLT Serbian Module 4 Lesson 8


Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Objectives Module 4 Lesson 8

During this lesson, the students will be able to accomplish travel. Under this Terminal
Learning Objective, the students will learn six tasks: understand a time schedule, plan a
trip, use a taxi, and/or a city bus, use the service station, get train/plane/bus/boat tickets,
and discuss immigration procedures. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Understand a time schedule. This task will include:

Request departure time

Request arrival time
Discuss the schedule
Discuss stopover time at each station
Discuss transportation connections

2. Plan a trip. This task will include:

Select a place of destination

Call a travel agency
Make a travel reservation
Discuss transportation arrangements
Discuss past trip arrangements
Cancel a travel reservation

3. Use a taxi, and/or a city bus. This task will include:

Discuss public transportation

Use a local bus/streetcar/subway
Discuss traffic congestion

4. Use the service station. This task will include:

Describe services performed at a gas station

Buy gas
Call a tow truck

5. Get train/plane/bus/boat tickets. This task will include:

Purchase tickets
Talk about airports/buses/train stations
Ask about ticket rates
Discuss traffic by sea, land, and air
Talk about past vacations and anecdotes

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Objectives Module 4 Lesson 8

Objectives (continued)

6. Discuss immigration procedures. This task will include:

Ask and respond about documents needed in entering and leaving the
Fill in forms when entering or leaving the country
Ask about items that must be declared at customs
State reasons for visiting the country, duration of stay
Talk about obtaining a visa at the consulate
Describe a customs inspection

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 4 Lesson 8

As an introduction to this lesson here are a few points that you can keep in mind if
traveling to the FRY: The Yugoslav currency is dinar (DIN), the moderate restaurant
meal is around US $15-20, the moderate hotel room is US $20-50, in the top hotels US
$150 and up.

Tip of the day

Timetable in the FRY is based on the 24-hour clock.

Exercise 1
Look at the local bus timetable for the city of Belgrade and answer the questions.

00:20 00:23 00:26 00:29 00:42 00:47 00:50 00:53 - -

06:03 06:06 06:09 06:12 06:21 06:26 06:29 06:33 06:37 06:44
07:00 07:03 07:06 07:09 07:18 07:23 07:26 07:29 - -
07:25 07:28 07:31 07:34 07:50 07:55 07:58 08:02 08:06 08:12
08:15 08:18 08:21 08:24 08:33 08:38 08:41 08:45 08:49 08:55
09:00 09:03 09:06 09:09 09:22 09:27 09:29 09:33 09:37 09:43
09:51 09:54 09:57 10:00 10:09 10:14 10:17 10:20 - -
10:12 10:15 10:18 10:21 10:30 10:35 10:38 10:42 10:46 10:52
11:24 11:27 11:30 11:33 11:42 11:47 11:50 11:54 11:58 12:04
12:44 12:47 12:50 12:54 13:04 13:09 13:12 13:16 13:20 13:26
13:57 14:00 14:03 14:06 14:20 14:25 14:28 14:32 14:36 14:43
15:25 15:28 15:31 15:34 15:50 15:55 15:58 16:02 16:06 16:12

1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. 13:57 .

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 4 Lesson 8

Exercise 2
Nada is at the station. Read her dialogue with the station clerk, and decide if the
statements are true or false. For every false statement, please provide the right answer.

: !
: .
: ? one-way ticket
: . return ticket
: .
150 .
: ?
: 10 20.
: ?
: . .
15 30.
: .
: . ! Bon Voyage!

1. Nada lives in Podgorica. _____ _____

2. Nada needs a return ticket. _____ _____

3. She is traveling by train. _____ _____

4. She will need four hours to get to Podgorica. _____ _____

Tip of the day

The most popular travel destination for Yugoslavs, especially during the summer, is the
Montenegro coast (Crnogorsko primorje).

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 4 Lesson 8

Exercise 3
You and your partner are planning to spend a week on the Montenegro coast, in the city
of Budva. Look at the price list of some of the hotels there and answer the questions.
The price list is written in the Roman alphabet and the prices are given in German marks.


A, B kategorija hotela (hotel category)

PP polu-pansion (breakfast only)
P puni pansion (room and board)

Od oktobra Od aprila Od juna

do marta do juna do sep.

Hotel AVALA A PP 85.00 110.00 135.00

PLAA 75.00 85.00 100.00



TIP - 021 (2 osobe) B P 85.00 90.00 110.00

TIP - 03 (3 osobe) B P 95.00 105.00 125.00

TIP - 042 (4 osobe) B P 110.00 130.00 150.00

1. ? ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ? (stay)

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 4 Lesson 8

Exercise 4
You and your partner should choose between the role of a travel agent and customer.
Make up a short dialog over the phone following the instructions below.

1. The customer phone the travel agency and make a travel reservation for the
city and hotel from the previous exercise

2. The travel agent ask the necessary questions. You can use the questions from
the previous exercise or make up your own.

Tip of the day

The city bus or streetcar tickets can be purchased at the (newspaper stand) or by
entering these means of transportation.

- In the long run, in the end, as a final result

Exercise 5
Look at the streetcar route in one part of Belgrade. Read the text about how to reach the
RCUB company, and then answer the questions.

2 5
. 7 .
14 .

1. Which streetcar number should you use to reach RCUB

from Novi Beograd?
2. From what part of the city is number 14 coming?
3. When would you use numbers 2 and 5?

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 4 Lesson 8

Tip of the day

Except when buying gas at the gas station in the FRY, you can also get a few services to
solve your minor car problems like buying small vehicle parts, cleaning your vehicle,
inflating the tires, checking the oil, etc. The following types of fuel are available at gas
stations: premium (95 octane), normal (86 octane), unleaded (95 octane) and diesel fuel.

Exercise 6
Work with a partner. Read the following dialog at the gas station and try to figure out
which words of those offered in the jumble box would be the most suitable to fill in the
missing parts. Your instructor will check your work.

- ?
- .
- 50 ____________. __________?
- . __________ ?
- . _________?
- ____________ .
- ___________.
- .
- __________ ?
- .

Tip of the day

In the FRY kids are walking to school, there are no school buses.

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 4 Lesson 8

Exercise 7
Look at the ticket sample below and answer the questions.


Autobuska karta
Prevoz putnika i robe Polazak

Relacija Dan putovanja Vreme Autobus Sedite Peron

OD Beograd 3. 7. 2000 15:00 3 5

DO Prijedor

Popusti: Iznos:
25 DM
Deca do 2 god. 70% Deca od 2-12 god. 50%

1. What kind of ticket is this?

2. What is the ticket number?
3. What is the name of the destination?
4. Who can get the discount of 50%?
5. How much does the ticket cost?
6. For what date is the ticket issued?
7. What is the seat number?
8. Find the English equivalent for the term Peron.

Tip of the day

Countries who issue visas to the FR of Yugoslavia: Yugoslavian citizens are also obliged
to possess a visa when entering the FR Yugoslavia. Citizens coming from countries that
the FR Yugoslavia does not have diplomatic-consular relations with, are issued visas at
the border crossing.

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 4 Lesson 8

Exercise 8
Below are some of the questions that you will probably be asked about if applying for a
visa to the FRY. Go through each question and fill it out. Compare your work with a


1. Ime i prezime

2. Datum roenja

3. Mesto roenja

4. Adresa

5. Telefon/Fax

6. E-mail

7. Da li imate nekog u Jugoslaviji?

8. Da li ste pre bili u Jugoslaviji?

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Grammar Notes Module 4 Lesson 8

Grammar Review for Module 4

Exercise 1
Write the nouns in parenthesis in the proper case. Pay attention to the prepositions used
before each noun.

1. ().

2. ().

3. ( ) .

4. ( ).

5. ().

6. ().

7. ().

Exercise 2
Adjectives. Put the adjectives and nouns in parenthesis in the proper case to get
meaningful sentences.

1. ( ).

2. ( ).

3. ( ) .

4. ( ) .

5. ( ) .

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Grammar Notes Module 4 Lesson 8

Exercise 3
Clause Connectives. Connect two statements using the best suitable clause connective
from those given below.

1. . .

2. . .

3. . .

4. . .

5. . .

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Vocabulary Module 4 Lesson 8

, stay
, towing service,
, arrival
, , last
, traffic jam
, penalty
() one way ticket
to lie
, flight
, accident
, vacation
(imp.) (pf.) to cancel
, platform
, return ticket
, departure
, , starting
to take off
, , last
to change a bus, train
, travel
, fuel tank
! Bon Voyage!
(imp.) (pf.) to arrive
, import
, customs
, customs official
(imp.) (pf.) to clean
, window (in a bank, bus station, etc.)

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Culture Notes Module 4 Lesson 8

Travel through Serbia

Serbia and Yugoslavia are busy crossroads of the worlds thoroughfares. In the large
treasure chest of Serbia, there are meticulously packed, valuable artifacts, from ancient
times. The artifacts include rare underground cave crystals, collections of herbs, and
mementos from the earliest childhood of the European civilization.

One can reach Serbia on foot, riding a bicycle, or by car, bus, plane, train, and ship. The
arteries of international thoroughfares connect Serbia with Northern and Southern
Europe. E-75, the Trans-European thoroughfare, starts in Scandinavia and passes
through Bulgaria, Greece, and Bosporus, ending in Asia. It takes only several hours of
driving from Central Europe or Vienna to reach Belgrade, the capital of Yugoslavia.
When traveling trough Serbia, travelers will find service stations of the Automobile
Association of Yugoslavia, gas stations, shopping centers and restaurants along the way.
Even an ordinary business trip to Serbia offers more than business meetings. Serbia is
the country of trade fairs and congressional tourism. All year long, in Belgrade and Novi
Sad, international trade fairs follow one another. Numerous commercial and industrial
centers await old and new business partners. The Sava Centar in Belgrade has hosted
more than150 international gatherings. With its modern, well-equipped halls (seating
7000 people), the Sava Centar offers numerous activities. There is a direct link with the
Belgrade Intercontinental Hotel and the Belgrade Hyatt Regency Hotel. The Sava Centar
is only a 15-minute drive from the Surcin International Airport.

Courtesy of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia and

Faculty of Economics - University of Belgrade

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Application Activities Module 4 Lesson 8

Activity 1
You just came back from a vacation. Your partner is very curious to know how your trip
went, how you traveled, what you did there, etc. Below are some images of your trip.
Your partner and you will make up the dialog according to these images. You can also
use suggested questions written below:

/? (When did you take off?)

/ ? (Did you have to change? a bus, a train, etc.)
? (What is the connection from Paris to Cannes?)


San Francisco


Hotel + 3 friends 2 weeks

Cannes 35

film festival
watching movies

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Application Activities Module 4 Lesson 8

Activity 2
Interview your classmate on the topic of travel. The questions are written below but you
can make some of your own as well. After you are done with the interview, report your
findings to the class.

/ ?

Activity 3
Study the timetable below and decide if the statements are true or false. Compare your
answers with a partner.

Naziv linije Vrijeme Dani

polazak dolazak povratak dolazak
cetvrtkom iz Sarajeva, subotom iz
Sarajevo - Berlin 08,00 08,00 10,00 10,00
ponedeljkom, utorkom, subotom i
Sarajevo - nedeljom iz Sarajeva, a utorkom,
08,00 11,55 05,00 09,00
Dortmund cetvrtkom, petkom i subotom iz
Sarajevo - 07,15 13,40 08,00 14,45
svaki dan
Dubrovnik 21,00 04,00 21,00 04,35
Sarajevo - utorkom, cetvrtkom i subotom iz
Frankfurt via 08,00 10,45 11,00 13,30 Sarajeva, a utorkom, petkom i
Nrnberg subotom iz Frankfurta
ponedeljkom, srijedom, cetvrtkom,
Sarajevo - petkom, subotom i nedeljom iz
Frankfurt via 08,00 11,15 11,00 14,00 Sarajeva, a ponedeljkom, utorkom,
Stuttgart srijedom, petkom i subotom iz
Sarajevo - subotom iz Sarajeva, a utorkom iz
17,00 19,45 05,00 08,00
Hamburg Hamburga

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Application Activities Module 4 Lesson 8

Activity 3 (continued)
1. There is only one bus line that goes from Sarajevo to Hamburg. _____ _____

2. You can reach Stuttgart over the city of Dubrovnik? _____ _____

3. The bus line in Sarajevo Berlin leaves Sarajevo every Saturday. _____ _____

4. You can go from Sarajevo to Frankfurt either via Nrnberg or _____ _____

Activity 4
Do a role-play with your partner. One of you will be the bus station clerk and the other
will be a traveler. Use the timetable from the previous activity to build the questions and
provide the answers. You have to make up at least seven questions. The instructor will
monitor your work.

Activity 5
Read the following text and find the best answer.

, .
. .
. 2
. .
, . .
. .
30 . ,

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Application Activities Module 4 Lesson 8

Activity 5 (continued)

1. Radmila was in Croatia:

a. this summer b. last summer c. last spring

2. The city of Pula is located:

a. on the Adriatic sea b. on the Adriatic ocean c. on the river

3. Radmila came to Pula:

a. by bus b. by plane c. by train

4. She met Maja:

a. in Zagreb b. in Pula c. in Belgrade

5. Radmila spent her time in Pula:

a. swimming and sleeping b. shopping and sightseeing c. working

6. Radmila came to visit:

a. her friends b. her relatives c. her aunt and uncle

7. She stayed:

a. for one week b. for two weeks c. for two days

Activity 6
Listen to the instructor read the following dialog between a traveler and a clerk and
answer the questions.

1. Where do you think this conversation took place for the most part?
2. What is 45 minutes late?
3. What does the clerk suggest to the traveler and why?
4. How does the traveler react?
5. How much does the ticket cost?

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Application Activities Module 4 Lesson 8

Activity 7
You and your partner are at the Belgrades airport Surin. You want to find out how you
can reach the city from the airport. Look at the information below and answer the

Cena 15 Din/5 DM
Prevoznik JAT Jugoslovenski
Frekvencija Svaki let
Prevoznik Maxi taksi
Alfa taksi
Prevoz _

1. How many ways can you reach the city from the airport?

2. Who operates the bus transportation?

3. Do they have limousine service?

4. How often does the bus travel from the airport?

Activity 8
Assume the roles of a traveler and a travel agent at the airport. Find out in Serbian how
you can reach the city center from the airport. Use the previous activity as a guide.

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Application Activities Module 4 Lesson 8

Activity 9
Study the Belgrade Frankfurt flight schedule and answer the questions.

Beograd - Frankfurt

JU370 16:10 19:05 Munchen 733
JU350 15:55 17:50 sreda 0 733
JU370 15:25 18:20 petak Stuttgart 733
JU350 15:25 17:20 subota 0 733
JU350 16:40 18:35 nedelja 0 733

1. ?


3. ?

4. ?

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Application Activities Module 4 Lesson 8

Activity 10
Read the Free Import regulations for entering the FRY and decide if the statements are
true or false.

(Free Import):

1. 200 , 50 , 250 (tobacco)

2. 1 1 (spirits)
3. 1/4 (Eau de Cologne)
4. 2 , 1 , , 1

1. One should pay duty on 3 liters of whiskey. _____ _____

2. One can import a movie camera without _____ _____

paying duty on it.

3. If you have three bikes, you have to pay duty _____ _____
on all of them.

Activity 11
. You have just arrived in the FRY and you are now (at
customs). Your partner is (the customs officer). Make up the dialog but try to
exaggerate a little as if you have 5 liters of whiskey or 5 perfumes, etc. Below are some
expressions that can help you.

Customs officer Traveler

? .
! ....
. !

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Skill Enhancement Activities Module 4 Lesson 8

Activity 1
Listen to the instructor read a dialogue at the train station and fill in the blanks.

The train to ____________ departs at __________, platform ________.

The train arrives in Ni at __________. The traveler has to ________ in
Kruevac. He doesnt have to wait _______ because there is an immediate

Activity 2
Sonja is going to the USA. She phones the travel agency to find out about the flights and
the prices. Listen to her conversation with a travel agent and decide if the statements are
true or false. For each false statement, please provide the right answer.

() - travel agent

1. Sonja is planning to travel to New Jersey. _____ _____

2. She doesnt want to spend too much money on her _____ _____
air ticket.

3. She is traveling from Belgrade. _____ _____

4. She will have a stop over in France. _____ _____

5. She will fly by JAT from Frankfurt to the USA. _____ _____

6. The flight from the FRY to the USA will last _____ _____
10 hours.

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Skill Enhancement Activities Module 4 Lesson 8

Activity 3
Read the advertisement below and answer the questions.

. 021/432-5555
? ?
24 .

1. What is advertised here?

2. What is the English equivalent of ?
3. What kind of service is this firm offering?
4. What are the firms office hours?

Activity 4
Read the following dialogue with a partner (role-play) and answer the questions.
. . .
B. . -. .
A. ?
B. - -. 3
A. .
B. 811-5346
A. ?
B. , .
A. . .
B. ?
A. . .
B. .

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Skill Enhancement Activities Module 4 Lesson 8

Activity 4 (continued)

1. ? ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. .

Activity 5
Work with a partner. Your car is stuck somewhere in the FRY. Phone the towing service
(your partner) and ask for help. Provide the information based on the image below.

Belgrade - Ni

150 from Belgrade

via Kruevac

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Skill Enhancement Activities Module 4 Lesson 8

Activity 6
Scan the text below and choose the best answer.

. .
1. This text is about:
a. traffic congestion b. road conditions c. car accident
2. In the area of Crni Vrh there is a low visibility because of:
a. rain b. snow c. fog
3. The following vehicles are permitted to be on the road:
a. passenger cars b. trucks c. motorcycles
4. All vehicles going in the direction of Kopaonik have to have:
a. camping equipment b. winter equipment c. skiing equipment

Activity 7
Read the information below and answer the questions.



5 .
1. You
are traveling to Italy? Would you phone this travel agency to get more
information about the arrangement packages? Explain your reason.
2. What travel destinations does this agency cover?
3. What does the phone number 011/815-3333 stand for?
4. If you want to cancel the reservation, when can you do that?

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Skill Enhancement Activities Module 4 Lesson 8

Activity 8
You are planning a trip during the semester break with your girlfriend. Go to the travel
agency and talk to the travel agent (your partner). Tell him/her: where you want to go,
why you want to go there, when you want to go, how long you plan to stay, and how
much money you want to spend.

Activity 9
You just came back from your trip in Europe. Write a letter to your parents who live in
the an other part of the US and describe to them where you went, with whom you went,
how you traveled, where you stayed, where you ate, how you spent your time, and how
you liked it, etc. Exchange your letter with a partner and read his/her letter. After
reading it, provide the information to the class about your partners trip.

Activity 10
Work with a partner. Below are the beginnings of sentences. You should start reading the
first part of the sentence and your partner should complete it. If he/she completes the
sentence properly, then it is his/her turn to read the next sentence, and you should
complete it. Score your points.

1. ...

2. ...

3. ...

4. ...

5. ...

6. 777 8 ...

7. , ...

8. ...

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Homework Module 4 Lesson 8

Activity 1
Milan has just arrived at home (to Yugoslavia) from a trip to Italy. He is at customs
talking to the customs agent. Listen to the conversation and answer with true or false.

(to lie)

1. Milan has nothing to claim at the customs. _____ _____

2. The customs agent is suspicious. _____ _____

3. Milan has 2 liters of whiskey, 100 cigars, a video, and a cassette _____ _____
recorder in his bag.

4. Milan has to pay duty on the items that were found in his bag. _____ _____

5. Despite the fact that Milan has lied to the customs agent, he will _____ _____
not pay any extra fee.

Activity 2
Listen to the following advertisement and fill in the missing information.

1. Name of the travel agency ____________________

2. The return ticket price to Los Angeles _____________________

3. The ticket price to London _____________________

4. The agency is located in ________________

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Homework Module 4 Lesson 8

Activity 3
Listen to the telephone conversation between Zoran and Slavica and answer the

(traffic jam)

1. From what place do you think Zoran phoned Slavica?

2. Why is Zoran late?

3. What has happened?

4. Where did Slavica and Zoran plan to go that evening?

Activity 4
Scan the text and fill in the missing parts in the statements below.

, , , , .
, . ,
, , , .

1. This ad is offering the ___________ prices for the flights from North America to
Belgrade, Podgorica, Banja Luka, __________, Zagreb and Skopje.

2. You can also pay the tickets for ______________________________________.

Activity 5
Underline the word in each group that doesnt belong there.

2. -

Travel Serbian SOLT 1
Homework Module 4 Lesson 8

Activity 6
Imagine that your friend is coming to visit your hometown. What interesting places
would you show him/her? Write a few short sentences about the most interesting places
worth seeing in your hometown. Read your assignment the next day to the class.



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