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SOLT Serbian Module 1 Lesson 6

The Calendar

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Objectives Module 1 Lesson 6

During this lesson, the students will learn about the calendar. Under this Terminal
Learning Objective, the students will learn four tasks: express numbers 21-100, identify
days of the week, identify months, and recognize dates. At the end of the lesson, the
students will be able to:

1. Express numbers 21-100. This task will include:

Provide the age of your family members

Provide your home address
Request the price of merchandise
Buy merchandise

2. Identify days of the week. This task will include:

Recognize the days of the week

Pronounce the days of the week
Name different activities you perform on different days of the week

3. Identify months. This task will include:

Recognize months
Pronounce months
Provide your and your family members birthdays

4. Recognize dates. This task will include:

Write the dates for personal/military activities

Name the dates of holidays of the TR
Identify important family dates
Talk about specific holiday activities

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 6

The people in the FR of Yugoslavia celebrate the New Year two times: by the Gregorian
calendar on the 1st of January, and by the Julian calendar on the 14th of January (which is
the 1st by the Julian). The New Year on the 15th of January is called
(Orthodox New Year) or (Serbian New Year).

Tip of the day

The names of the streets are capitalized in Serbian if they contain personal names. In any
other case, only the first word is capitalized.

(age 10) wrote a short story about his family. Read the story aloud.

. , .
. 35 () . . 40
() . . .
5 () .
. . : 5.

Exercise 1
Your instructor will to read you eight statements about Aleksandars family. Answer with
(true) or (false).

1. Aleksandar has a large family.

2. Aleksandar has one brother.
3. Aleksandar is ten years old.
4. Aleksandars mother is 35.
5. His fathers name is .
6. is 5 years old.
7. Aleksandars family lives in .
8. His mother is younger than his father.

Exercise 2 (Serbian, please!)

In a few short sentences describe orally Aleksandars family.

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 6

Stating Addresses

. ?
. : 25. (nominative)
. ?
. 25. (locative)

*Note: The name of the street is in the genitive.


? (informal) What is your address?

? (formal) What is your address?
? (informal) Where do you live?
? (formal) Where do you live?
? How old are you?
10 . I am 10 years old.

Exercise 3
Using the patterns below, find out where these people live.


4. , 15

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 6

Exercise 4 (More locative)

Answer the questions.

Example: ? ()

1. ? ()

2. ? ()

3. ? ()

4. ? ()

5. ? ()

? (How much does it cost?)

Read the dialog and find out what is on sale here.

! May I help you?

sales person (f)
, , expensive
,, music
, , cheap
to buy

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 6

How much does it cost? (continued)

: ?
: ?
: 100 .
: 100 ? , .
: ? ?
: .
: . 10 .
: 10 ? . .
: 20 .

Exercise 5
Imagine that you are a customer and your partner a salesperson. Ask him/her for the
price of each item given below and make a comment as to whether the item is expensive
or cheap. Use the previous dialog as a model.

10 100 70 2 7 50

Exercise 6
Fill in the blanks.

You: Salesperson:

1. ________ ______ . 90
2. ___ ? , . 70 .
3. 70 _____? _____. . ________.
4. ? ______ .

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 6

Tip of the day

There are two words in the Serbian language for the description of the week:
and . Please note that also means Sunday. Names of the calendar days
r not capitalized in Serbian, except at the beginning of the sentence.

/ (Our week)
For s family, the week is filled with many activities. Each member of the
family has something interesting to do. Here is their weekly schedule. Please read aloud
the text written below.

Mrs. Mr. :
- - -
- -

- -


, . .
. .
. . .
. .

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 6

Exercise 7
After reading the text, please answer the following questions.
1. ?

2. ?

3. ?

4. .

5. ?

6. ?

7. ?

8. ?

9. ?

Exercise 8 (/)
You will hear from the instructor seven statements about s family. Answer
with true or false.

1.____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ 6. _____ 7. _____


? What day is today?

? On what days does Boris have tennis?
? On what day is Aunt Rada coming?
? We work Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
. He is coming on Sunday.

to go - to come
Singular Plural Singular Plural
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 6

? nd the preposition
Preposition with accusative expresses other ideas: time, names of seasons, and the
names of days.

Exercise 9
Form the questions and answers according to the pattern.

Example: ?


Exercise 10
Andrew doesnt speak Serbian very well. Can you help him answer these questions?
Please, use the words in the brackets.

1. ? (, )

2. ? ( )

3. ? ()

4. ? (, )

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 6

Exercise 11
Tell your instructor what you do on different days of the week. Use the following words
and make meaningful sentences. Use cursive writing.





5. (day off)


7. -

Tip of the day

The names of the months are not capitalized in Serbian, except at the beginning of a

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 6


Exercise 12
With the help of your instructor, practice pronouncing the months of the year.


Exercise 13
When asked about the important events for his family in the next months, this is what

1. .
2. .
3. .
4. .
5. .
6. .
7. .
8. .

Read each sentence aloud. Using the example written below, ask your classmate
questions about .

Example: ? (What is Petar doing in June?)

*Note: preposition + names of the months = locative case
(on Wednesday) - accusative
( in January) - locative

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 6

Exercise 14 (/e)
Answer the following questions. Write the complete sentence.

1. ?

2. ?

3. ?

4. ?

Exercise 15
Give the answers to the next questions following the example.

? When is your birthday?

. My birthday is in September.



? When is your birthday?

? When do you have a birthday?

to begin, to visit
to start
Singular Plural Singular Plural


The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 6

Tip of the day

Orthodox Christmas is celebrated on the seventh of January. In the names of holidays in
Serbian only the first word is capitalized. Exceptions are the proper nouns.

(Holidays in Yugoslavia)

1. New Years Day

27. Yugoslav National Day
1. International Labor
20. Belgrades Day
29. Republic Day

(Religious Holidays)

6. Christmas Eve
7. - Christmas Day
27. Feast of St. Sava

Jelena and her American friend Ana are talking about holidays. Listen to the instructor
read their conversation.

: ?
: 7-. () .
: ?
: . 25-. ( )
7-. () .
: Womens Day?
: . .
8-. () .
: . 8-. () .
: ? A 3-. () .
: ?
: 1983 ( ) ?
: 1985 ( )

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 6

Exercise 16
Answer the following questions in English.

1. When does Jelenas family celebrate Christmas?

2. What is the name for Womens Day in the FR of Yugoslavia?
3. In which month is celebrated.
4. When was Jelena born?
5. On what date was Ana born?

Exercise 17
Read the following text and answer the questions.
1955. . .
, , 38 . . 1962.

1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
7. ?

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Grammar Notes Module 1 Lesson 6

Numbers 21 through 100

21 () , ,
22 () , ,
100 or

In Lesson 3, you learned the numbers 0 to 20. Today you will learn compound numbers.
There are a few important things you should know when using compound numbers in

a). Compound numbers ending in one, like 21, 31, 41 etc., are declined like the numeral
1. They agree with the noun, which is always nominative singular in gender and case.
The verb is always in singular.


j (nom. sg.) one table

( twenty-one tables
. Here are 21 tables.

b). Compound numbers like 22, 23, 34 , etc. are declined like the numerals 2,3,4. A noun
following any of these numbers is in genitive singular. The verb is in plural.


( two men

( thirty two men
. Two men are here.

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Grammar Notes Module 1 Lesson 6

c). Compound numbers like 55, 66, 77, etc. are declined like the numerals 5,6,7,8,9,0. A
noun following any of these numbers is in genitive plural. The verb is in neuter


(gen. pl.) five pictures

( forty-five pictures
j . Forty-five pictures are in the box.

Exercise 1 (Practice counting) + -

32 + 5
1. ?

45 - 3

2. () ?
() .

Do the rest of this exercise. Practice with your classmate. Dont forget to ask the
question first and then answer it.

3. 85 7 6. 100 - 22
4. 90 5 7. 71 + 32
5. 33 + 12 8. 25 + 63

Exercise 2
Practice reading the numbers.

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
18 19 33 67 98 41 22 8 12 77 16
66 39 11 100 54 89 43 31 99 63 28

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Grammar Notes Module 1 Lesson 6

Exercise 3
Listen to the instructor announce the following numbers and repeat them. After the
second listening, write the numbers in the space provided.

Exercise 4 (Telling age)

Ask your classmate about his/her age. Ask him/her about his/her relatives age. Pay
attention to the word that will change its form depending on numbers. ( 33
but 55 )

? ?

(Location) ? Where is Mila?

(locative) . Mila is in the room.

(Motion) ? Where is Mila going?

(accusative) . Mila is going to the room.

Please remember that we have two question words in Serbian that refer to the location,
(/) whereas in English you have only one (where). Verbs describing location are
followed by the locative. Verbs describing motion are followed by the accusative.

Exercise 5 ?

Do the exercise following the example.

Example: ? -
. (store)


The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Grammar Notes Module 1 Lesson 6

Exercise 6 ?

Example: ? -


Ordinal numbers

? /?
2-. () . / 2-. ()

N. G.
1. , , (first) , (on the first)
2. , , ,
3. ... ...

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Grammar Notes Module 1 Lesson 6

Ordinal numbers (continued)

N. G.

*Note: Ordinal numbers have the same declension as adjectives. It means that they
agree with the noun in gender, number and case.

Expressing dates

To express dates, we use ordinal numbers. In the genitive case the ordinal numbers have
the ending . Please pay attention to the following questions and use of the ordinal
numbers in the nominative and the genitive.

? What date is today?

1. () . (nominative) Today is January the first.

? When do you celebrate Christmas?

7. () We celebrate Christmas on
. (genitive) January 7.

? What year is now?

1991. ( It is nineteen hundred ninety
) . (nominative) one.

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Grammar Notes Module 1 Lesson 6

Expressing dates (continued)

? What year was she born?

She was born in nineteen
. (genitive) hundred and ninety one.

*Note: Use a period after ordinal numbers (example: 1. 3. 4. etc.)

Exercise 7
Say when these people were born, then write your answers on a piece of paper. Use the
example written below.

Example , 3. 1936.


1. 7. 1973.
2. 18. 1991.
3. 15. 1967.
4. 27. 1955.
5. 30. 1984.
6. 11. 1982.

Exercise 8
Find out how old your friend is and when he/she was born.

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Vocabulary Module 1 Lesson 6

a, e address
, cinema
, weekend, weekends
, - garden
, garage
, guitar
, year, years
, date
to come
to live
, country, ground
! May I help you
, , cheap
, piano
to buy
, month, also moon
, , younger
,, music
Sunday also week
, job also work
to visit

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Vocabulary Module 1 Lesson 6

to start, to begin
Post-office box
, , Orthodox
, - holiday
, friend (m.)
sales person (f)
, restaurant
, - meeting, meetings
, week, weeks
, , expensive
, glory, feast
, street, streets
, - class also hour

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Culture Notes Module 1 Lesson 6

Herceg Novi

In this town, located at the entrance of the Bay of Boka Kotorska (Monte Negro),
"Everything lives on the sun, because of the sun and for the sun." The history of this
town has been very tumultuous. Founded in 1382, the town of Herceg-Novi makes a
luxurious collection of monuments, flaming roofs, towers and stairways. The town is an
attractive and unique botanical garden with its colors and fragrances.

Nature and history have truly been generous leaving the rich heritage with the seals of
different epochs and the art treasures of considerable importance. People of intellect
found an ideal creative oasis in it, some of the renowned painters and writers, from
Njego to Andri. These days it is well-known as the center of health tourism, with the
famous spa resort Igalo.

This is the festival and carnival metropolis! For almost three decades there has been a
festival on glorifying the flower mimoza. Even film makers find their summer shelter
hire during the Yugoslav film festival. The list of cultural events is completed with the
musical festival Suncane skale, theater festival Haps and the longest International
Book Fair in the world.

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Application Activities Module 1 Lesson 6

Activity 1
Look at the time table of your activities during the week and tell each other what you are
going to do on each day of the week. Use Present Tense.

Activity 2
State whether it is warm or cold in these cities at different times of the year.

Example: .

Activity 3
Work with your classmate. With the help of the list below ask each other and give
answers about when each of his/her relatives was born and how old he/she is.

Example: ?

? .

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Application Activities Module 1 Lesson 6

Activity 3 (continued)

18. 1947.
25. 1958.
3. 1967.
11. 1951.
2. 1995.
14. 1947.
31. 1965.

Activity 4
Work with your partner. Each of you should randomly choose the word or expression
written below. The other one should say the same word or expression in Serbian. Count
your points.

street twins twenty one address What is your address? eighty five How old is
he? What date is today? Wednesday weekend meeting basketball When is
your birthday? When were you born? Where are you going? Where do you live?
Monday March on Thursday

Activity 5
Talk about specific holiday activities.
You want to find out when your partner celebrates certain holidays and what he/she does
during the holiday. Ask the questions using the example below. Reverse the roles.

Example: ?
? ( , , ,...)

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Skill Enhancement Activities Module 1 Lesson 6

Activity 1
Please go to the Culture Note page and read the English version of the text about the city
of Herceg Novi. After you finish reading, look at the logos of the citys festivals below.
Read each logo and answer the questions.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

a. Which festival is held in April?

b. Logo No. 4 stands for which festival?

c. Which logo stands for the Music Festival?

d. What is the logo No.3 for?

e. In your opinion which logo stands for the Mimoza festival?

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Skill Enhancement Activities Module 1 Lesson 6

Activity 2
Compare the last paragraph of the English version in the text about Herceg Novi with the
one written below in the Latin alphabet. Find the Serbian words for the English words.

1. Yugoslav Film Festival

2. Musical Festival
3. International Book Fair

Ovo je festivalska i karnevalska metropola! Skoro tri decenije ovde traje festival u slavu
cveta mimoze. Svoje letnje utoite ovde nalaze i filmski stvaraoci na Jugoslovenskom
filmskom festivalu. Kulturnu ponudu upotpunjava zabavno muziki festival Suncane
skale, pozorini HAPS i najdui Medunarodni sajam knjiga na svetu.

Activity 3
Assume the role of an interpreter between two of your classmates. They will ask each
other questions and provide the answers written below. For each question and answer
you should provide them with the Serbian equivalent. Your classmates will then do the
exercise again. This time only in Serbian.

1. We live in New York. Where do you live?

2. Our address is: George Washington Street 15. What is your address?

3. I have a brother. Do you have a brother?

4. My brother is 26 years old. How old is your brother?

5. We go to school on Monday. When do you go to school?

6. I play tennis on Friday. Do you play tennis?

7. My mother was born in 1937. When was your mother born?

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Skill Enhancement Activities Module 1 Lesson 6

Activity 4
Read the following dialog. Put (T) if the sentences below are true or (F) if they are false.

. . ?
. .
. ?
. .
. ?
. 27 .

1. __________ .
2. __________ .
3. __________ 27 .
4. __________ .

Activity 5
Match the statements and questions on the left with those on the right.

. 8. . 1. .
. ? 2. ?
. ? 3. ?
. . 4. ?
. . 5. .
. ? 6. , .

Activity 6
Listen to the instructor read the following conversation and find the right answer to the

1. :
- - -

2. :
a- 17
- 18
- 18

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Skill Enhancement Activities Module 1 Lesson 6

Activity 6 (continued)

3. :
- 28 - 27 - 15

4. :
- 5. 1962
- 3. 1965
- 8. 1965

Activity 7
Write a short story about your best friend. Tell us about his/her age, where he/she lives,
does he/she have a family. Share your story with your friends in the class.

Activity 8
Listen to the instructor read the following ordinal numbers and write them in the space

Activity 9
Read the ordinal numbers.

5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 35. 40. 45. 50. 55.
18. 19. 33. 67. 98. 41. 22. 8. 12. 77. 16.
66. 39. 11. 54. 89. 43. 31. 99. 28. 63. 4.

Activity 10
Read the following years.

1981. 1988. 1976. 1957. 1997. 1993. 1971. 1962. 1945. 1937. 1959.

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Homework Module 1 Lesson 6

Activity 1
How old are they? Listen carefully to the name and the age that is pronounced and write
the age under each name.

Activity 2
Form the questions to the following statements.

. 18 .
. .
. .
. .
. .

Activity 3
Put the days of the week into the right order. When you are done, read them aloud.

. ___________________
. ___________________
. ___________________
. ___________________
. ___________________
. ___________________
. ___________________

Activity 4
Match English and Serbian.

. I play basketball on Monday. 1. .

. Tuesdays and Fridays I go to the cinema. 2. .
. My friend is coming on Sunday. 3. .
. On Saturday we are going to school. 4. .

The Calendar Serbian SOLT 1
Homework Module 1 Lesson 6

Activity 5
Answer the questions after listening.

1. Who is from Rome?

2. When it is cold?
3. How old is Branko?
4. Who lives in New York?
5. Whose birthday is in May?

Activity 6
Interview the people in your house (your parents, children, relatives). Ask them about
their age and when they were born. Write the information in your notebook and report
the information the next day to the class.

Activity 7
Answer the following questions orally.

1. ? ()
2. ? ()
3. ? ( kitchen)
4. ? ()
5. ? ()

Activity 8
Using ? make a question and answer it.

3. ()
4. ()
5. ()


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