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1. Define preterm labour? Highlight the management options for

patient with PPROM?
2. What are the predisposing factors for multiple births? Enlist the
complications associated with multiple pregnancies?
3. What are the management options for patient with 32 weeks
pregnancy and hemoglobin 7.5 gram percent?
4. What are the management options for a patient who is primigravida
at 36 weeks pregnancy and breech presentation?
5. Enlist the different maneuvers for shoulder dystocia in order of
practical priority?
6. What do you mean by cord prolapse in obstetrics? Highlight the
emergency management of the cord prolapse?
7. Enlist differential diagnosis of jaundice in pregnancy?
8. Define massive obstetric hemorrhage? What are the important
factors leading to maternal morbidity and mortality in Pakistan?
9. Define neglected transverse lie. What complications can be
anticipated in cases of head prolapse?
10. Discuss the sequele of hypertension in pregnancy and its

11- Define intra uterine growth retardation. What are the types and
How will you manage a case of severe IUGR at 36 weeks pregnancy?
12- Set a plane of antenatal care for patient who is G3p0+2+0 with
14weeks pregnancy and gestational diabetes.
13- Discuss tools for clinical assessment of fetal distress when patient is
in active labour.
14- Give differential diagnosis of H.mole. What are the complications of
molar pregnancy?
15- What is heterotopic pregnancy? Discuss the role of beta Hcg and
laparoscopy in the management of ectopic pregnancy?
16- A 36 years old patient with primary infertility is giving history of
severe dysmenorrhoea. Digital examination revealed nodularity in
pouch of Douglas with tenderness. What is yours provisional diagnosis
and how will you manage it?
17- A patient with primary infertility and bilateral tubal blockage has
consulted for conception. What are the options which you can give her
and what are their success rates?
18- What is CIN? Discuss surgical management of CIN 3 and its
19- What is endometrial hyperplasia .Give differential diagnosis of
postmenopausal bleeding in 65 years old diabetic lady? How will you
reach to the diagnosis?
20- An 18 years old girl presented with primary amenorrhea, cyclical
pain lower abdomen and masses in pelvis on ultrasonography.What is
your provisional diagnosis and manage the case?
21- A newborn with ambiguous genitalia is in neonatal ICU with severe
diarrhea and vomiting. How will you proceed to reach to the diagnosis
and managing the case.
22- Give a work plane for a patient who is postmenopausal and having
ovarian cyst of 6+8 cm along with family history of breast carcinoma.
23- Enumerate the surgical options for ovarian malignancy. Give the
importance of cytoreduction in the management of advanced ovarian
24- A 42 years old lady with p3+ 0 presented with fibroid diagnosed
accidentally. She is not willing for surgery and is asking for conservative
options. What can be the options for such a case?
25- Give a detailed follow up plane for a patient who had evacuation of
molar pregnancy recently and is still having HcG levels of 30,000 IU in

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