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1. Please briefly describe your project.

With the adoption of the SEL standards in Michigan, Clawson Public Schools would like
to implement the RULER program in grades K-5 to address the social and emotional
needs of our students.
RULER is a multi-year, structured program that combines an emotional literacy
curriculum for students with comprehensive professional development for school
leaders, teachers, and support staff, as well as training for families. These skills include
recognizing emotions in oneself and others, understanding the causes and
consequences of emotions, labeling emotions with an accurate and diverse vocabulary,
and expressing and regulating emotions in socially appropriate ways (Rivers and
Brackett 2011). This achievement model of emotional intelligence proposes that
emotional literacydefined as having a mastery of the five RULER skills and
appreciating the significance of these skills for social interactions, personal
growth, and learningis acquired through experience and the acquisition of emotion-
related knowledge and skills.

2. What are the goals of the project? *

The RULER program has two fundamental goals:
(1) to improve the quality of social-emotional interactions in the classroom
(2) to increase the emotional literacy skills of students and teachers
The model proposes that a positive social-emotional climate in the classroom is the
basis for productive teaching and learning and effective classroom management. A
positive social emotional classroom climate meets youths basic developmental needs
for caring and supportive relationships coupled with the experience that their opinions
count and are respected (Deci and Ryan 1985). When these needs are met, students
are more motivated to learn (Rimm-Kaufman et al. 2007) and feel safe to engage with
more challenging academic tasks and new material (Hamre and Pianta 2005). In turn,
students are more receptive to teachers instructions and expectations (Wentzel 2002),
which further fosters a classroom environment that is conducive to high quality
instruction and effective classroom organization. A positive social-emotional climate in
the classroom is thus expected to serve students and teachers and lead to improved
classroom management and instructional practices

3. Which specific student SEL needs will this project address? *

Over the past several years our staff have noticed an increase in student behavior
referrals to the office, particularly in the younger grades. We are seeing students who
are angry, depressed, lack self-confidence, or demonstrate other negative attention
seeking behaviors.
Many of our at-risk students do not have role models at home who positively promote
social and ethical norms for behavior. They have not learned how to establish and
maintain healthy relationships and do not know how to communicate effectively,
particularly when something is bothering them. Many of our students also do not see
how their actions affect other people and do not make constructive choices.

4. If your project is selected for support, whats one success you could
achieve over the 2017-18 school year that would mean the most to
you? *
The immediate impact we would hope that this program would provide is an
improvement in the social and emotional climate of classrooms. We hope to see higher
degrees of warmth and connectedness between teachers and students, more autonomy
and leadership among students, and teachers who focus more on students interests
and motivations.

5. How many students will benefit from this project (please specify a
number, even if it is an estimate)? *
All K-5 students in our district will benefit from this project. Our K-5 student population
is approximately 700 students.

6. What specific SEL skills or competencies will be taught or

developed through this project? *
RULER is an acronym that stands for Recognizing, Understanding, Labeling, Expressing and Regulating
emotions. RULER is designed to address all of the SEL Competencies as set forth by CASEL.
However, in the first years of implementation, the main competencies that will be developed are; self-
management, self-awareness, and social awareness. Self-management is the ability to successfully
regulate ones emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in different situations. Self-awareness is the ability
to accurately recognize ones own emotions and thoughts and how these influence behavior. Social
awareness is the ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others, including those from
diverse backgrounds and cultures.

7. Describe the major activities this project will include to achieve the
goals. *
Our local ISD, Oakland Schools, provides training for school and district teams to
implement the RULER approach to SEL. Last year Paul A. Schalm Elementary started
Phase One of the program. This first phase grounds teachers, staff, students, and
families in the Anchors of Emotional Intelligence. These fundamental RULER tools
enhance individuals ability to understand and regulate their own emotions and to
consider and empathize with how others are feeling. The Anchors also foster the kind of
healthy emotional climate essential to personal growth. In 2017-2018 the other
elementary school, Kenwood Elementary, will begin Phase One.

Paul A. Schalm Elementary will continue training in Phase Two. The second phase
enables teachers to integrate RULER into a wide range of subject areas, ensuring that
emotional intelligence is woven into the content of every class and throughout each
students school day. The Feeling Words Curriculum that teachers learn to use is
tailored to specific grade levels and aligned with the Common Core.

In subsequent years, RULER creates a self-perpetuating program by training teachers

and other staff to become RULER Trainers who then teach the rest of the school what
theyve learned. As teachers are trained, they in turn teach their students, and as new
teachers arrive, RULER Trainers teach them.

8. Describe how the project will be innovative (e.g., with respect to

instructional practices, method of delivery, targeted student
population, etc.). For information on previous Innovation Award
winners, visit
innovation-fund/ *
RULER both integrates the teaching of emotional literacy into the academic curriculum
and provides opportunities for students and all adult stakeholders school leaders,
teachers, staff, and family members to learn and then apply these skills in their daily
interactions. The integration into existing curriculum and training of both students and
adults is the cornerstone of RULER. Moreover, the focus on both shifting the attitudes
and developing the skills of the adults who create learning environments in addition to
training them how to teach lessons to students makes RULER unique. The intervention
strategy for RULER is to integrate it into both the classroom and system (school or
district) in ways that sustain it (CASEL, 2003; Catalano et al., 2004). First, adult
stakeholders participate in professional development and program training so that
emotional literacy is being developed, modeled, and practiced regularly. This ensures
RULER is embedded into all aspects of the school environment including social
interactions, self-reflective activities, and teaching. Only then do teachers begin using
the student-level curriculum in the classroom and involve family members in their own

9. What outcomes do you expect this project to produce and by when?

How will you measure impact? *
Expected outcomes of the RULER approach include:
Students using RULER have better academic performance
RULER improves school climate
RULER increases students emotional intelligence and social skills
RULER decreases anxiety and depression
Students using RULER are less likely to bully other students
Students using RULER have better leadership skills and attention
Teachers have better relationships with students, less burnout, better relationships with
admin, more positive about teaching
We will measure academic improvements through both locally developed assessments
as well as required state assessments. As part of our School Improvement process, we
analyze student achievement data in multiple ways; disaggregating data to make sure
that all our sub-groups (ELL, economically disadvantaged, gender, etc.) are making
gains. Our MTSS process allows us to collect data on behavior referrals which we can
also analyze. Student, staff, and parent surveys are collected annually and provide us
with perceptual data on school climate.

10. How might you disseminate new ideas or practices from this
project to other educators? Or what help might you need to
disseminate? *
Clawson is a small community with two elementary schools. We have a district
newsletter, Facebook page, and Twitter account that we use regularly to spread positive
things that are happening in our schools. In addition, SEL and community involvement
are a focus of the District School Improvement Team and therefore an ongoing
conversation of what we can do to better serve our students. Additionally, our district
participates in the Galileo Teacher Leadership Consortium with districts from
surrounding counties and teachers in that consortium are encouraged to share unique
projects and opportunities with each other.

11. Describe the project team and each members role. *

The project team will consist of the building Principals, School Psychologist, Social
Worker, Instructional Coach, and Teacher Leaders. The members of the team will
attend all trainings at Oakland Schools throughout the 2017-2018 school year and
present that information to the rest of the school staff in a train-the-trainer model. The
Instructional Coach will be available to help teachers implement the RULER approach in
their classrooms and assist with ongoing professional development. Principals will
guarantee time is set aside for professional learning, support sessions, review and
model lessons, and communicate the process to all stakeholders.

12. What is your timeline to implement this project? *

Kenwood Elementary - Determine Teacher Leaders, attend Phase One training
sessions at Oakland Schools, and provide professional learning to all staff members.

Paul. A. Schalm Elementary - Continue to send RULER team to training sessions at

Oakland Schools for Phase 2. Provide professional learning and support for
implementation to all staff members.

Kenwood Elementary - Continue to send RULER team to training sessions at Oakland
Schools for Phase 2. Provide professional learning and support for implementation to
all staff members.

Paul. A. Schalm Elementary - On-going, collaborative, and reflective professional

development. Training activities include skill-building modules, individualized coaching
sessions, and online resources, including model lessons.

Kenwood Elementary - On-going, collaborative, and reflective professional
development. Training activities include skill-building modules, individualized coaching
sessions, and online resources, including model lessons.
Paul. A. Schalm Elementary - On-going, collaborative, and reflective professional
development. Training activities include skill-building modules, individualized coaching
sessions, and online resources, including model lessons.

13. What amount ($500 to $5,000) are you requesting for this project?

14. Please explain how you will use the requested funds, such as for
purchasing materials, etc. *
Requested funds will be used to pay for professional learning sessions through Oakland
Schools. Registration fees for the 2016-2017 school year were $1500 per building
team. We anticipate the fees will remain the same for 2017-2018. Paul A. Schalm will
need one more payment of $1500 to complete the training and Kenwood Elementary
will need $3000 for both years of training. We have requested additional monies in
case the registration fees are increased.

15. What was your primary motivation for seeking support for your
work? *
We have students who are in crisis for many different reasons. This is heartbreaking for
our staff. While we cant change the home environment for them we can have an
impact on their social and emotional development here at school. By increasing SEL
competencies, our students will be more equipped to handle difficult situations
throughout their lives. Students who demonstrate proficiency with SEL competencies
are more academically successful, have healthier relationships, and make constructive
choices; all things we want for our children.

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