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Talking about lines, Chitrasutra favors graceful, steady, smooth and

freeflowing lines; but not the crooked and uneven lines. Its masters
valued the effects best captured by least number of lines. Simplicity of
expression symbolized the maturity of the artist.The text appears to hold
the view, while delianation, shading, ornamentation and coloring are the
decorative aspects (visual) of a painting, the rekha, the lines that
articulate the forms are its real substance.Incidentally, the main
characteristics of the Ajanta paintings are the use of free flowing lines
for delineating beautiful figures and their delicate inner feelings;
together with use of shading different parts of the body to produce three
dimensional effects in the images. The other was use of proper colors at
times contrasting and at times matching to create magical effects. These
were precisely the principles that Chitrasutra emphasized .

6.2. The text says in another context, when a learned and skilled artist
paints with golden color, with articulate and yet very soft lines with
distinct and well arranged garments; and graced with beauty, proportion
, rhythm and inspiration, then the painting would truly be beautiful.

6.3. The text at various places airs its clear opinions on what it
considers auspicious (good) and bad pictures. For instance:

*.Sweetness, variety, spaciousness of the background (bhulamba) that

is proportionate to the position (sthana) of the figure, resemblance to
what is seen in nature and minute and delicate execution are the good
aspects of a chitra.
*.A painting drawn with care pleasing to the eye, thought out with great
intelligence and ingenuity and remarkable by its execution, beauty and
charm and refined taste and such other qualities yield great joy and

*.Chitrasutra mentions: proper position, proportion and spacing;

gracefulness and articulation; resemblances; increasing or decreasing
(foreshortening) as the eight good qualities of a painting.

*.A picture in which all aspects are drawn in acceptable forms in their
proper positions, in proper time is excellent.

*.A painting without proper positon, devoid of appropriate rasa, blank

look, hazy with darkness and devoid of life movements or energy
(chetana) is inauspicious.

*.Weakness or thickness of delineation, want of articulation, improper

juxtaposition of colors are said to be defects of painting.

*. In a picture one should carefully avoid placing one figure in front of


*.A painter who does not know how to show the difference between a
sleeping and a dead man or who cannot portray the visual gradations of
a highland and a low land is no artist at all.

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