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Who We Are

Advocates for the Lorem

preservation of Bilingual
What is Bilingual Education? Education Ipsum Dolor
According to the National Association for Integer egestas orci quis lorem
Bilingual Education (NABE) Bilingual feugiat adipiscing.
education has been practiced in many
forms, in many countries, for thousands of
years. Defined broadly, it can mean any
use of two languages in school by
teachers or students or both for a variety
of social and pedagogical purposes.

In todays context, a period of

demographic transformation in United
States, bilingual education means
something more specific. It refers to
approaches in the classroom that use the
native languages of English language
learners (ELLs) for instruction.

Goals include any combination of the


Teach English
Are You?
Fostering academic achievement

Preserving a minority groups linguistic

and cultural heritage

Enabling English speakers to learn a By: Reyna Castillo, Calliope Iakovou,

second language Laura Molina, Gabriela Ramirez
Developing proficiency in both
What benefits would my What are the long-term
effects of my child knowing a
child experience in a
second language?
bilingual classroom?
In the global society that we live in
today, individuals who know a
Students enter into a second language will be able to have
supportive cognitive and more career opportunities than
social-emotional monolinguals due to their ability to
environment. communicate and participate in the
Their brains are active and society of tomorrow.
They perform better on tasks
that call for creative thinking, Bilingual brains are more developed
pattern recognition, and than a monolingual brain, which as a How would I be able to
problem solving. result can delay the result of support my child if she is in a
They have greater linguistic Alzheimer's by about four years. bilingual classroom?
awareness and a more
complex understanding of What happens if my child First and foremost, continue to
their native language. uses both languages when speak to your child in your native
They will develop ties to their speaking at the same time? language, this will provide your
native language, culture and child with extra support.
community. Using both languages is perfectly Encourage them to continue using
normal, it is explained as Codeswitching. the language.
It is typical in bilinguals and can be very
useful when passing on messages, Study different academic terms, in
emphasizing a point, and when both languages. This will help
expressing roles, norms, and values.
your child develop language that
Codeswitching depends on who the child
is speaking to, whether it be to an adult is used in the classroom.
or a classmate.
Taking your child out within the
community allows them to
strengthen commonly used words
Dont be shy! Show them how found within society.
fabulous you are! Bilingualism is a

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