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Key Information
About Your Pension What to Consider When Faced
(Optional Forms of Benefits) With the Pension Election Decision
Pension Math and
Factors to Consider If you are on the verge of retirement and fortunate enough to have a
pension, you may be faced with an important choice. Should you take the
Pension Maximization
regular, lifetime payments that your company plan offers or should you
What Happens if Your select a lump-sum distribution option and invest the funds on your own,
Company Files for perhaps rolling the proceeds into an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or
Bankruptcy and Your investing in an annuity form not offered under your company plan that is
Company Plan Is Taken more tailored to your needs? Before you make an irrevocable decision about
Over by the Pension your future, you should take time to understand what options are available
Benefit Guaranty to you and what each choice might mean for you and your family.
Corporation (PBGC)
If you are within a few years of retirement, Also, in the event that you are laid off, its
doing groundwork now can help you good to have thought through this decision
understand your options and allow you to well in advance versus having to make
plan for the retirement income program this important decision amid a barrage of
that you feel is most appropriate for your choices that must be addressed within a
situation before a decision has to be made. short time.


Your pension payment is an important part Your plan documents will spell out when your benefits
of your overall retirement plan. Be sure to become available and what your monthly payment
options are. For the most part, when you can begin
talk with your Company Human Resources collecting pension benefits is determined by your plan
(HR) Department (who should have the most and is described in the Summary Plan Description. Most
information on your company plan), us and plans will not allow you to receive your pension until
your tax advisor about the following topics: you have separated from service. However, whether you
have separated from service or are still working, upon
Key Information About Your Pension (Optional attaining normal retirement age (usually age 65) you
Forms of Benefits) are eligible by law to begin receiving benefits. Once you
Pension Math and Factors to Consider have separated from service, or turn 65 if still working,
Pension Maximization you will be presented with your options. These may
What Happens if Your Company Files for Bankruptcy include a lump-sum distribution, an immediate monthly
and Your Company Plan Is Taken Over by the benefit or a deferred monthly benefit that usually starts
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)? at age 65 or the normal retirement age as defined by
Is Your Company Plan Retirement Benefit Fully your plan.
Covered by the PBGC Guarantees? Once you are eligible to collect, your payment options
We address each of these issues in detail on the following may include some variation of these options:
pages and suggest that you use the information provided
here as a guide for your discussions. SINGLE LIFE OPTION
Suitability: This choice may be appropriate for
Key Information About Your Pension retirees who want income for their own needs and
who dont have dependents or heirs that, in the
You and your advisors will need, at a minimum, an
owners judgment, will need or should be included
up-to-date Summary Plan Description (SPD) and
in future cash flow from this asset. This is the usual
the most recent Individual Plan Benefit Statement
default option for single retirees offered under
(from your Company HR Department). Some plan
many plans; if married, the participants spouse has to
sponsors may send these documents (as well as a copy
consent to this selection.
of the actual Plan document) to the plan participants
automatically. Otherwise, to receive a copy, you should Benefit: It usually provides for the highest payout,
ask your HR or Benefits Department for copies. The since the payment is calculated based solely on the
plan sponsor is required by law to provide you with these life of the person collecting the pension benefit
documents upon receiving a written request. (the annuitant).
Risk: Payments end upon death of the annuitant,
with nothing remaining for family members.


JOINT AND SURVIVOR (J&S) LIFE OPTION Risk: The defined period usually ranges from 10 to
Suitability: This option, which is the default option 20 years, so annuitants who commence receiving
for married participants, is often selected by retiring payments and then exceed their predetermined range
employees who are concerned about the financial would outlive the cash flow payout.
welfare of their spouse who could become a widow Your HR Department is required to provide you with
or widower. The monthly payout is calculated on the projected benefits for each of the options offered
combined life expectancies of the owner and spouse, under your plan, and we can help you analyze these
which may result in a smaller monthly payment amounts and assist you in determining which option
versus the Single Life Option. Many plans offer works best for you given your life circumstances, goals
some variation of J&S annuities that provide equal and other assets/income streams.
amounts to be paid to the participant, and upon the
participants death, to the participants spouse (usually Pension Math and Factors to Consider
referred to as a 100% J&S Annuity). Some plans Its important to understand that all of the payment
provide other options, with higher payouts for the options are designed to be actuarially equivalent by
participant, and lower payments for the deceased law, meaning that any one of the choices would net
participants spouse. The advantage is that the out the same if you and your spouse live for an average
payments are structured to last over the life spans of length of time. Currently, American women live an
two people and can be designed to avoid any decline average of 81 years and American men live an average
in cash flow following the death of a coannuitant. 76 years1. However, longevity tends to run in families.
Benefit: It provides for continued and nonreduced With this in mind, your decision should be based not
income (if so designed) for the spouse after death of just on averages but also on other factors specific to
the owner/ coannuitant. your situation.
Risk: It generates a lower income than the Single
Life Option because the calculation is based on life Its important to understand that all of
expectancy of both husband and wife. the payment options are designed to be
PERIOD CERTAIN actuarially equivalent by law, meaning
Suitability: This alternative is designed for those who that any one of the choices would net out
want to guarantee a specific payout for themselves
and/or their heirs.
the same if you and your spouse live for an
Benefit: Annuitant can exercise some control to average length of time.
generate a certain income stream over a predefined
length of time (period certain). Heirs can inherit any 1
Expectation of Life at Birth, and Projections, 2010 Statistical Abstract,
U.S. Census Bureau.
balance, so the funds remaining in the annuity arent
forfeited upon death of the annuitant.



Considerations that favor monthly payments: You dont think your pension plans cost-of-living
increases (if available) will be sufficient to keep up
You are likely to live past the actuarial average.
with the growth of your expenses down the road.
You would like another source of guaranteed
You want to have more control over how your
income to meet current and/or anticipated
retirement funds are invested. (For example, you want
future monthly expenses.
to invest in green technology or dont want your
You want the convenience and security of a money placed with certain controversial companies or
monthly check. in particular industries.)
You are not certain of your desire or ability to You want to leave all or part of this asset to loved ones
effectively manage a potentially large single sum (in addition to your spouse).
(also called a lump sum) payout.
Your plan has a cost of living adjustment that This may not be an all or nothing decision,
increases your monthly pension payments to take depending on the circumstances. Some other
inflation into account. options include the following:
Your spouse may not be as capable as you of managing If you choose a lump-sum benefit and then use all or a
a lump sum. portion of it to buy an annuity, it would also generate
You (and your spouse) have sufficient additional assets regular monthly income. Therefore, the choice of a
saved to address unforeseen economic needs. lump-sum payment does not necessarily mean giving
up the advantages of regular monthly payments, and
Considerations that favor a lump-sum payment: individual annuities may offer other valuable features
You want financial control over the money and have that are not available under your company plan
the self-discipline and investment knowledge needed options. (You should carefully compare, however, the
to manage it well. costs and features of an individual annuity versus the
You believe that you can earn a higher rate of return cost of the annuity benefits offered under the plan to
on your lump sum than what is assumed as part of make an appropriate decision.)
the pension calculation. (Note: You can determine a Another alternative is to just leave the money in
hurdle rate of return, which is the rate you would your former companys pension plan to grow at a
need to achieve so as to have been better off taking the predetermined rate until you are ready to take it. This
lump sum at different assumed life expectancies.) option often provides for lower or company-subsidized
The solvency of your employer or your plan is in management fees versus some other choices. However,
question, and the PBGC does not fully guarantee if your balance is less than $1,000, the company may
all of your company pension plan benefit (see What require you to roll the funds out of their plan.
Happens if Your Company Files for Bankruptcy?).
You dont need additional monthly income to
meet expenses.


Pension Maximization Under pension maximization, if your
As the name suggests, this strategy can help you to get spouse should predecease you, youd have
the most out of your pension payment. It takes a bit of
the option of keeping the insurance and
calculation and careful planning. Heres how it works:
naming a new beneficiary or cancelling the
First, you determine the difference between the single insurance and receiving the accumulated
life and joint survivor payment monthly payouts.
Based on your situationmainly your age, health cash valuetax-free unless and until the
and lifestyle (e.g., smoking status, gender, exercise amount of your surrender value exceeds the
level)you determine how much insurance you can premiums youve paid.
purchase with the difference between the higher and
lower payouts.
Some possible benefits of pension maximization
Based on the calculation that you just did, determine
include the following:
if you can purchase with that cash difference a
sufficient amount of permanent life insurance on You and your spouse receive the highest cash flow
yourself to provide a cash flow near the level of income from your pension while you both are living.
that would be lost to your spouse if you should die The life insurance could, in some instances, provide
and your pension then ceased. In most cases, and a larger cash flow to your spouse than the former
assuming that you are insurable, the cash difference pension payments that were received while you were
you calculated (after any taxes that may be owed living. (This would be more likely if the insurance
on that cash difference once distributed from your had been purchased several years before your planned
retirement plan if used to pay for the life insurance retirement.)
benefit) should be more than enough to purchase the The life insurance option within the pension
life insurance needed. maximization strategy may not be subject to claims
Secure the life insurance coverage prior to electing of creditors against you or your estate. (You should
your pension payout option and name your spouse consult with your attorney for proper structuring to
as the beneficiary. (Note that term life insurance does preserve all benefits.)
not work well for this concept, since it will eventually Your spouses death could precede yoursin which
expire or become prohibitively expensive.) case, youd have received a reduced monthly income
You then select the Single Life regular payment option for the rest of your life if you had taken the joint
at retirementreceiving the maximum monthly payout option.
pension payout for benefit of you and your spouse as Under pension maximization, if your spouse should
long as you live. predecease you, youd have the option of keeping the
If you predecease your spouse, the life insurance death insurance and naming a new beneficiary or cancelling
benefit would then be paid to your spouse, replacing the insurance and receiving the accumulated cash
the monthly pension income that you were receiving valuetax-free unless and until the amount of your
during your lifetime. This payment can be a tax-free surrender value exceeds the premiums youve paid.
lump sum or structured as a monthly income to your
spouse for the remainder of her life.



Any life insurance proceeds remaining at the death of What Happens If Your Company
the surviving spouse/beneficiary could pass to other Files For Bankruptcy?
family members. There are two common forms of bankruptcy. In Chapter
You could diversify your insurance risk by making 11, a company stays in business while it reorganizes its
sure that the carrier that sells you the insurance policy finances. In Chapter 7, a company goes out of business
is different from the insurance company paying your and liquidates all assets. In Chapter 11, pension and
annuity payments under the company plans policy. health plans are oftenthough not alwayscontinued,
Generally, the younger you are when you purchase the while these plans are terminated in Chapter 7.
life insurance element of this concept the better pension
In either case, if the plan is a standard defined benefit
maximization works, since you lock in the premium rate
retirement plan subject to ERISA, the PBGC guarantees
based on your age at time of purchase and because your
basic benefits earned before your plans termination
health would likely be better at a younger age as well,
date (or the date your employers bankruptcy proceeding
which allows for a better rate. However, this concept
began, if applicable). For 2010, the maximum guaranteed
may work as well even if purchased at retirement time.
amount is $4,500.00 per month ($54,000.00 per year)
We can help you determine if pension maximization
for workers who begin receiving payments from PBGC
works for you.
at age 65. The maximum guarantee is lower if you begin
receiving payments from PBGC before age 65 or if
Generally, the younger you are when you your pension includes benefits for a survivor or other
purchase the life insurance element of this beneficiary. The maximum guarantee is higher if you
concept the better pension maximization are over age 65 when you begin receiving benefits from
works, since you lock in the premium rate PBGC. For a more detailed description of benefits and
the limits on guarantees, see PBGCs publication, Your
based on your age at time of purchase and Guaranteed Pension.
because your health would likely be better
at a younger age as well, which allows for a
better rate.


If the plan is a standard defined benefit Maintain a pension file. Keep records of where
retirement plan subject to ERISA, the PBGC youve worked, dates youve worked there, your
salary and any plan documents or benefit statements
guarantees basic benefits earned before youve received.
your plans termination date (or the date your Notify your plan administrator of any changes that
employers bankruptcy proceeding began, may affect your benefit payments (i.e., marriage,
if applicable). divorce, death of a spouse).
Know the person in your company who has
information about your pension plan and can
Connecting All The Pieces give you plan documents.
You shouldnt make a decision in isolation about Get copies of pension estimates from your HR
how to receive your pension benefits. Preparing for Department under the various optional forms of
retirement requires a comprehensive planning process. retirement benefits (e.g., single life, J&S, Term)
We can work together to estimate the cost of your offered under your plan.
retirement, analyze your income sources and choose Explore how a merger or acquisition of your company
an appropriate investment strategy to meet your goals might affect your pension benefit.
and family situation. Know your pension rights. Request information on
Consumer Tips for Safeguarding Your Pension2 your pension rights and how to protect your pension.

Know your pension plan. Obtain and review your

What You Should Know About Your Retirement Plan, 2010 Employee
Benefits Security Administration, United States Department Of Labor.
Summary Plan Description (SPD), the rulebook for
your pension.
Review your Individual Benefit Statement and
individual account information. Know what your
accrued and vested benefits are.


Tax laws are complex and subject to change. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, its affiliates and Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Financial Advisors do not provide
tax or legal advice and are not fiduciaries (under ERISA, the Internal Revenue Code or otherwise) with respect to the services or activities described herein except
as otherwise agreed to in writing by Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. This material was not intended or written to be used for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties
that may be imposed on the taxpayer. Individuals are urged to consult their tax or legal advisors before establishing a retirement plan and to understand the tax,
ERISA and related consequences of any investments made under such plan.
2010 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. CLF74412 PS74412 6418073 8/10

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