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Drying Technology, 33: 541558, 2015

Copyright # 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

ISSN: 0737-3937 print=1532-2300 online
DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2014.958498

Review Article
Advances in the Application of a Rotary Dryer for Drying of
Agricultural Products: A Review
M. A. Delele, F. Weigler, and J. Mellmann
Department of Postharvest Technology, Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Potsdam,

drying results in over- and under-dried parts and affects

Agricultural products are highly perishable and drying of the the overall efciency of the drying process and the quality
product after harvest has been proved as one of the methods to mini- of the product. Under-dried product is susceptible to
mize postharvest losses. Different studies have been conducted to spoilage during storage while over-drying is costly in terms
evaluate the performance of a rotary dryer for drying of agricultural of energy input, weight loss, product brittleness, and over-
products. The advantages and the challenges of rotary dryers in dry-
ing of agricultural products are discussed. This study discusses the all product quality.[5] It is also reported that suboptimal
effects of product and drying air properties, and dryer design and drying affected texture, color, taste, and physical and
operation parameters, on dryer performance and product quality. chemical attributes of the product. The development of
Rotary dryers are capable of processing a variety of agricultural new drying technologies that have a capacity for mitigating
products with a wide range of thermo-physical and ow properties. these adverse effects is very important.[3,6]
Rotary dryers have been used for drying of grains, beans, nuts, vege-
tables, herbs, woody biomass, animal feeds, agricultural wastes, and Several review papers on the drying of particulate solids
by-products. This review paper summarizes the advances in the have been published.[3,7,8] The rotary dryer is one of the
application of rotary dryers in drying of different agricultural pro- dryers that have been discussed.[5,7,912] A review on aero-
ducts and recommends future research into the use of rotary dryers dynamic separation and fractional dying of alfalfa stems
to improve the efciency of the drying process. and leaves using a rotary dryer was published by Arinze
et al.[5] Wu[10] presented a review of alfalfa drying proper-
Keywords Agricultural products; Drying; Postharvest; Rotary ties and technologies and stated that alfalfa drying is com-
monly done using rotary dryers. In 2010, Fagernas et al.[11]
and Pang and Mujumdar[12] did a review of the technolo-
INTRODUCTION gies for drying of biomass materials and reported that
Most agricultural products contain a signicant rotary dryers are one of the available technologies and
amount of moisture during the harvesting stage. The commonly used dryer types. Papers have been published
presence of this moisture increases the deterioration rate on the application of rotary dryers for specic products
of the products during storage, handling, and processing but, to our knowledge, a comprehensive review on rotary
periods. The primary objective of drying is to reduce dryers in drying of different agricultural products is not
the moisture content of the product so as to retard yet available. The objective of this review paper is to
adverse biological (such as growth of spoilage micro- present the state of the art in the application of a rotary
organisms, germination, insect attack, etc.), chemical, dryer in drying of different agricultural products and
and enzymatic processes.[14] In addition, drying reduces recommend future research to improve the drying
the bulk weight of the produce, which helps to reduce performance of rotary dryers.
the costs of transportation. The paper rst describes the different types of dryers
There are challenges that are commonly encountered that have been used in drying of agricultural products.
during drying of agricultural products. Inhomogeneous Then, a detailed review on rotary dryer design and trans-
port phenomena inside the rotary dryer and dryer control
is presented. The subsequent section discusses the appli-
Correspondence: J. Mellmann, Department of Postharvest
cation of rotary dryers in drying of different agricultural
Technology, Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Engineering products. Concluding remarks and recommendations for
(ATB) Potsdam-Bornim, Max-Eyth-Allee 100, 14469 Potsdam, future research are given in the last section.
Germany; E-mail:


DRYERS FOR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS recommended that, to select the correct dryer type, at least
There are different types of dryers that have been the following parameters should be taken into account:
applied in agricultural drying. The important benets and dryer throughput, mode of operation, wet feed properties
the associated challenges of each type of dryer are high- (physical, chemical, and biochemical), operating condition,
lighted in Table 1. It is common to nd different types of moisture content of the feed and the nal product, drying
dryers for drying of the same product. Mujumdar[13] kinetics, required product quality, dryer safety, product

Benets and challenges of dryers that are commonly used for drying of agricultural products[3,7,8,14]
Common product
Dryer type Important benets Challenges type
Sun drying . Cheap . Inhomogeneous drying . Almost all
. Low drying rate products
. Weather dependent
. Susceptibility for spoilage
. Risk of contamination and loss
(particularly when it is open sun drying)
Tray dryer . Flexible . Inhomogeneous drying . Fruit, vegetables
. Easy to control . Low capacity
Tunnel dryer . Flexible . Inhomogeneous drying . Fruit, vegetables
. Easy to control
Conveyor . Gentle handling of soft . Sticking of the product over the belt . Fruit, vegetables,
belt dryer products surface grain, nut, herbs
. Inhomogeneous drying
. Low performance for products with
wide size distribution
Column dryer . Mainly used in grain drying . Inhomogeneous drying . Grain
Rotary dryer . Suitable for products with . High capital and maintenance cost . Biomass, animal
diverse shapes, sizes, and size . Cannot be used for highly fragile feed, by-products
distribution material and wastes,
. It can handle high to low grain, herbs,
moisture content products vegetables
. Suitable for sticky and hard to
ow materials
. High drying uniformity
. Highly exible
. Large turndown ratio
. Can give high production rate
Fluidized bed . High drying uniformity . Low performance for products with . Fruit, vegetables,
dryer . High drying rate wide size distribution peas, grain,
. Easy to control . Limited product particle size herbs, biomass
(102000 mm)
. Product should have regular shape
Spouted bed . High drying uniformity . Low performance for products with . Grain, biomass
dryer . High drying rate wide size distribution
Flash dryer . High drying uniformity . Suitable mainly for ne particles . Grain, biomass,
. High drying rate fruit, vegetables
Vacuum . Minimum heat degradation of . Very expensive . Fruit, vegetables
dryer nutrients . Dried products are highly hygroscopic
Freeze dryer . Minimum heat degradation of . Very expensive . Fruit, vegetables
nutrients . Feasible only for highly valued products

value, process control requirement, dryer exibility,

product toxicity, capital and operating cost, space require-
ment, and environmental regulation.
Slight changes in feed or nal product characteristics
could cause an adverse effect on the performance of the
dryer and a different dryer type could be the appropriate
choice.[13] In the selection and design of dryers for agri-
cultural products, it is important to select and design the
dryer that is adjustable and can handle different agricul-
tural products with different properties. As compared to
other types of dryers, the rotary dryer is more exible
and useable for agricultural products varying in consist-
ency, moisture content, size, and ow properties. Especially
for applications at the farm level, universal dryers are
needed for preserving different farm products to save
investment and operational costs.

Rotary Dryer
FIG. 1. (a) Diagram showing a typical concurrent rotary dryer. (b)
A rotary dryer is made up of a cylindrical shell that is
Diagram showing the cascading effect of the ights.
rotating around its axis. Depending on the type of heat
supply, rotary dryers are divided into direct and indirect
types.[9,14] In a direct dryer, there is a direct contact of ow behavior of solid products within the rotary dryer
the product with the drying medium (mainly hot air) and depends on shell and ight designs, operating parameters,
convection is the main heat transfer mechanism. The use and the ow properties of the product.[21,23,24] Figure 2
of superheated steam as drying medium was also shows different types of ight designs and arrangements
reported.[3,15,16] In the case of an indirect dryer, the product that are commonly available in standard dryers.[14]
is isolated from the drying medium. In most cases, the dry- There are modied designs of the conventional rotary
ing medium (mainly hot air and steam) passes through a dryer that have been reported in the literature. In the rst
series of tubes, coils, or jackets that are installed inside modication, the drying air is supplied using an axial cen-
the shell and the heat is transferred from the hot tube sur- tral pipe from which a series of small pipes are attached,
face to the product, mainly by conduction and radiation. In distributing the drying air into the product bed.[25,26]
a one-pass continuous rotary dryer, the material to be dried This dryer works without lifting ights. Arruda et al.[25]
is fed from one end and is discharged at the other end, evaluated the performance of such a dryer on drying of
while the drying medium is owing either in the concurrent
or countercurrent direction (Fig. 1). To facilitate the ow
of the solid material, the shell is usually slightly inclined
to the horizontal. For drying of heat-sensitive products,
the concurrent dryer gives a better result and higher drying
rate.[7] There are also cases where multiple-pass rotary
dryers are applied, particularly in the case of animal forage
and wood chips.[5,1719] Industrial rotary dryers have a shell
in the range of 0.33 m, 1.230 m, and 04 in diameter,
length, and inclination, respectively. Commonly, the shell
rotates at 48 rpm, the drying air has a temperature of
121288 C, and air mass velocity in the rotary dryers is
in the range of 0.55 kg=s.m2.[7,14]
In most cases, rotary dryers are equipped with lifting
ights. The ights lift the product during the rotation of
the shell, release it at some height, and then allow it to fall
as a rain of solid material through the owing drying air
(Fig. 1). These lifting ights assist the movement of the
material and increase the contact area between the drying
air and the drying material. The majority of the drying FIG. 2. Alternative direct-heat rotary dryer ight designs and
happens during this product-cascading period.[2022] The arrangements.

fertilizer and found it to have a 48% lower residence time lowest in operational cost, whereas the uidized bed dryer
and a 3.1 to 4.9 higher drying rate as compared to conven- was the lowest in capital cost but the highest in operational
tional dryers. The heat and mass transfer coefcients costs. Regarding capital and operational costs, the con-
obtained in this dryer were up to two times higher than veyor belt dryer was in between the rotary and uidized
those measured in conventional cascading dryers.[7] How- bed dryers. Simeng[36] discussed different types of grain
ever, this design is not suited for all types of bed materials. dryers that have been used in China. As Simeng revealed,
For the conventional cascading rotary dryer, Saemen[27] rotary dryers consumed relatively lower energy. In general,
reported volumetric heat transfer coefcients in the range there is inconsistency in the available information about
of 112634 W=m3K for gas mass uxes of 0.62.3 kg=sm2. the operational cost=specic energy consumptions of
The roto-louvre dryer is another type of a rotary dryer rotary dryers relative to the other competent dryers. This
where a horizontal drum is tted with longitudinal louvres, could be due to differences in the thermal efciency of
forming a tapered drum within the external drum. The the rotary drying systems that have been used for different
dryer does not have any ights and the hot air passes studies. It is known that the specic energy consumption
through the louvers and uidizes the bed at the bottom depends on several factors, such as dryer design, tempera-
of the inner drum.[7] This dryer produces better heat and ture and humidity of ambient and exhaust air, feed rate,
mass transfer rates than the conventional rotary dryer. etc.[37,38] This shows that there is an opportunity to mini-
As compared to the conventional cascading rotary dryers, mize the operational cost of rotary dryers by attaining
these dryers are more compact. Due to a gentle handling of the optimum design and operation of dryer.
the product, the roto-louvre dryers result in less attrition According to Mujumdar,[7] the thermal efciency of the
and are suitable for highly fragile material, but they are rotary dryers is in the range of 3060%. There are measures
higher in capital cost. Studying the breakability of potash that could be taken to improve the thermal efciency of
particles in a cascading rotary dryer with two straight rotary dryers, such as installing heat recovery systems,
ights, Grant and Kalman[28] found that particle breakage minimizing the heat loss, applying dehumidied drying
increased with an increase in rotational speed up to a cer- air, improving the instrumentation and control system,
tain critical value (breakage of 14.5% for a drum with knowing the optimum hold-up volume and ight design,
diameter of 265 mm and rotational speed of 30 rpm). Beyond installing additional product heating systems, and using a
this point, the centrifugal forces became more dominant two-stage drying system. Dryer heat recovery can be per-
and the breakage rate decreased. In addition to the rota- formed by either recycling the exhaust air or a portion of
tional speed, the point of particle detachment from the it to the dryer or by using a recuperator system. Heat loss
ight and falling path was affected by owability, adher- from the dryer can be minimized by reducing leakage, sur-
ence of particles to the ights, and cohesiveness. There is face radiation, applying appropriate insulation (where
also a report on the use of heated solid particles in direct there is no danger of drum overheating), and product dis-
contact dryers as a heat source instead of drying air.[29] charge temperature. The efciency of rotary dryers can be
Different studies discussed the advantages and disad- improved by using an optimum product hold-up volume
vantages of rotary dryers (Table 1).[7,10,21,30,31] Li et al.[32] (typically 1015% of volume) that should be enough to
reported a summary of the specic energy consumption cover the ights fully. For non-sticky materials, the
of dryers that are commonly used in drying of biomass. inclusion of steam-heated tubes within the shell can
The typical ranges for rotary, ash, conveyor belt, and ui- improve the dryer performance.[7] Integrating novel pro-
dized bed dryers were 30004000, 27002800, 12602500, duct heating methods such as microwave and radio fre-
and 2200 kJ=kg of water removed, respectively. The con- quency techniques can also improve the thermal efciency.
veyor belt and uidized bed dryers were equipped with heat
recovery systems. The information for rotary and ash Transport Phenomena Inside a Rotary Dryer
dryers was taken from dryer manufacturer data. Law and The drying of solids in rotary dryers involves simul-
Mujumdar[33] presented a qualitative comparison of rotary, taneous momentum, heat, and mass transfer processes
ash, conveyor belt, and uidized bed dryers in terms of giving a highly nonlinear set of governing equations. To
different design and operational parameters. Regarding describe its complexity, Kemp and Oakley[39] expressed
the power consumption, rotary, ash, conveyor belt, and drying as the graveyard of academic theory.
uidized bed dryers were classied as high, low, low, and
medium, respectively. Kiranoudis et al.[34,35] studied design Solid Flow Behavior
and operation of convective dryers and compared the capi- Rotary dryers are characterized by a complex combi-
tal and operational cost of rotary dryers, uidized bed and nation of solid material ow behaviours.[9,16,4042] There
conveyor belt dryers. The rotary dryer turned out to be the are three distinct components of particle ow observed
most expensive in capital cost. However, due to the favored inside a rotary dryer: cascading, kiln, and bouncing=rolling
heat transfer that was achieved, the rotary dryer was the motions. The cascading motion is the behavior of the

FIG. 3. Diagram showing solid particle ow behavior inside a rotary dryer: side view (left), front view (right).

material that is lifted by the ights, discharged at some geometry, operating conditions (rotational speed, drum
height, and falls down as a curtain through the gas zone. inclination, solids feed rate, airow rate), product ow
The kiln motion is the ow of the solid material at the bot- behavior, and ight characteristics. The most commonly
tom of the shell due to gravity. Both components of the used equations are presented in Table 2. Equations (2),
motion are advanced by drum inclination. Bouncing= (3), and (6) are empirical models, while Eqs. (4) and (5)
rolling motion is the result of particle collision with the are mechanistic models. The  sign in Eqs. (1) and (2)
bottom solid bed or the inner surface of the shell (Fig. 3). represents the effect of airow direction ( for countercur-
The residence time of the drying solid is one of the most rent and for concurrent ow). The physical representa-
important parameters that affect product quality, pro- tions of some of the parameters are shown in Fig. 3. The
duction capacity, and operating cost of the dryers. The mechanistic models were developed based on physical
average residence time (s) of the bed material is expressed and mathematical analysis of the particle ow behavior
as total drum hold-up (Ms) divided by the feed rate of inside the dryer, and these models were proved to be more
_ s ) as:
solids (m accurate than the empirical models.[39,42]
s 1 Drying Behavior
In drying, the supplied heat is mainly used for the evap-
The mean residence time can be determined by measuring oration of water from the solid product. At the initial stage
the dryer hold-up at steady-state operating condition. It of drying, as the wet product comes in contact with the
is difcult to nd analytical expressions for the solids resi- heat source, the product is heated up and water vapor is
dence time.[43] Several model equations have been reported released from the surface of the particle. The initial stage
to calculate the residence time as a function of the dryer of drying is controlled by the heat and mass transfer

Different expressions of solid residence time (s) in a rotary dryer that are available in the literature
Equation Studies that applied similar models
Equation number Source for drying of agricultural products
s N 0:90:23L
Dtan a
 9:84L m
d 0:5 m
(2) Friedman and . Xu and Pang[41] for woody biomass
p s
Marshall[63] . Cao and Langrish[42] for sorghum
. Lus et al.[47] for soybean meal
. Canales et al.[44] for sh meal
. Krokida et al.[46] for olive cake
. Iguaz et al.[86] for vegetable
wholesale by-products
s f Hs NDLtan akr va (3) Saeman and Mitchell[62] . Arinze et al.[5] for alfalfa
. Cao and Langrish[42] for sorghum
  0:5  . Zabaniotou[83] for forestry biomass
s hF sin ak 2
d va =g
180N 2hF
g (4) Schoeld and Glikin[92] . Arinze et al.[17] for alfalfa
. Mani et al.[18] for forage
s 2NtL12Nt a
(5) Matchett and Baker[61] . Cao and Langrish[42] for sorghum
a vs 2ta
aDtan a

s qp m_ 0:151
0:8 0:6 1  11:97tan a1  5:4m
_ a (6) Thibault et al.[40] . Thibault et al.[40] for sh meal,
soybean meal and sawdust

between hot air (or heated surface) and solid. This rst Heat transfer by convection is dominating, whereas the
stage is called the constant or unhindered drying period effects of radiation and conduction are neglected.
and is mainly governed by the properties of the surround-
ing air (temperature, humidity, and velocity). As drying dX dY
continues, the rate is dominated by the transport of moist- m
_ ds m
_ da 0 26
dL dL
ure from the interior to the surface of the particle, which is
a complex combination of competing processes; diffusion dTs dXTs
_ ds Cpds m _ ds Cpw  Uv ATa  Ts
and convection in both liquid and vapor phases, and capil- dL dL 27
lary movement in pores and adsorption.[39] This stage of dX
 kfg m_ ds 0
drying is known as the falling rate period and is mainly dL
controlled by the nature (particularly the internal struc-
ture) of the material being dried. Due to the high biological dTa dYTa
_ da Cpda m_ da Cpv Uv ATa  Ts
variability that is commonly observed in agricultural pro- dL dL 28
ducts, it is not easy to predict this stage of drying from dY
kfg0 m
_ da 0
theory or to take the data from existing databanks; rather, dL
every case needs its own practical measurement. Drying of
agricultural products mainly occurs in the falling rate
period. Process Control of Rotary Dryers
Mathematically, the two drying stages are expressed as: The selection and design of dryers with an appropriate
process control system can maximize product quality,
dX throughput, and dryer safety, and can minimize production
Dr  kmc constant rate period 7 cost and environmental pollution.[48,49] The tuning of on-
line dryer control systems can be performed either manu-
dX ally or automatically. Manual operation is simple and
Dr  kmf X  Xe falling rate period 8 cheap. However, due to the complex and multivariate
behavior of the drying process, it is not easy to control
The drying rate constants (kmc and kmf) are usually the process manually. Automatic controllers can easily
determined using drying experiments. Different studies handle multivariate behavior and improve the dryer
expressed the drying rate constant as a function of drying performance.[4850]
air and material properties. Most of these studies did not The feedback controller is one of the most commonly
present separate expressions for constant and falling used dryer control techniques.[48,50,51] In feedback control
drying rate constants, but rather presented a single systems, sensors are used to measure the control variable
equation representing both drying stages. The constant (e.g., product moisture content, exhaust air temperature,
rate drying period is relatively short. The equilibrium etc.) and to compare it with the set point value and calcu-
moisture content of the product was usually expressed late the error. In the case of a feedforward controller, sys-
as a function of drying air temperature and humidity tem models are used to predict and eliminate the impact of
(water activity). Table 3 contains expressions for drying the disturbance variables on the control variables. The
rate constant (km) and equilibrium moisture content effectiveness of the feedforward controller depends on the
(Xe) that have been developed from drying studies of accuracy of the mathematical system model. The dryer
agricultural products. Equations (12), (16), and (19)(25) performance was improved by combining feedforward
were developed from rotary dryer studies, whereas the rest with feedback controllers (feedforward-feedback
of the equations were developed from thin-layer drying controller).[4850] The feedforward control system monitors
studies. The results of thin-layer drying studies have the disturbances in the input variables and uses them to
successfully been applied in the modelling of cascading tune the manipulated variables before the control variables
rotary dryers.[17,18,45,47,57,60] are affected. The function of the feedback controller is to
To understand and optimize the design and operation of correct the action of the feedforward system in case of
rotary dryers in agricultural application, 1-D mathematical measurement and modelling inaccuracies.
models of heat and mass transfer have been extensively For automatic control of rotary dryers, it is possible to
used.[17,18,39,4347] In most cases, the models assumed manipulate solid feed rate, inlet gas temperature, inlet gas
steady-state ows of solid particles and drying air. For ow rate, and rotational speed of the drum. Usually, the
instance, the heat and mass transfer equations for a concur- objective of the controller is to keep the product moisture
rent direct rotary dryer without heat loss are given below. content at the required level. However, it is not easy to
For a dryer with total length of L, the volume is divided realize an online measurement of the product moisture con-
into N elementary control volumes of length dL (Fig. 4). tent; hence, in most cases, the control is made by measuring

Different expressions of drying rate constant (km) and equilibrium relative humidity (Xe) for different
agricultural products that are available in the literature [Eqs. (12), (16), (19)(25) were developed from
rotary dryer studies, whereas the rest of the equations were developed from thin-layer drying studies.]
Product Equation number Source
Barley km 84:94 exp 3258
Ta (9) Sun and Wood[95]
Barley Xe 5:747ln Ta 248:7
(10) Sun and Wood[95]
Paddy rice km 0:24261exp 2530:2
Ta (11) Iguaz et al.[93]

Red chillies km 0.0021(Ta  273.15)  0.0554 (12) Kaleemullha and Kailappan[70]

km 0:0176exp0:123X0 0:044
Ta  273:15  5:79  105
Alfalfa chop (13) Sokhansanj and Patil[96]
Ta  273:152  3:24

103 X0 Ta  273:15
km 0:041exp0:409X0 0:409
Alfalfa stem Ta  273:15  3:06  105 (14) Sokhansanj and Patil[96]

Ta  273:152
km 0:014exp0:0585Ta  273:15  6:27
Alfalfa leaf  105 Ta  273:152 (15) Sokhansanj and Patil[96]
0:00668X0 Ta  273:15
Alfalfa chop Xe 1RHCm1
C1RH  (16) Iguaz et al[94]
Cm 3:293  104 exp 1858:8
C 323:177exp Ta

km 0:0005Ta  273:152
Ryegrass (17) Osorno and Hensel[80]
0:0901Ta  273:15  2:413
km 0:0022Ta  273:152
Clover (18) Osorno and Hensel[80]
0:2952Ta  273:15  7:806
Clover and ryegrass km m.N b For constant temperature (19) Osorno and Hensel[80]
Ta 273:15 1:55 Y 0:17 va 0:65
Olive cake km 1:04 70 0:01 1 (20) Krokida et al.[46]
Olive cake Xe 1:0012exp 1099
Ta 1aw (21) Krokida et al.[46]
4 18:08
km 5:67  10 log X
Ts  273:15
Soybean meal  (22) Luz et al.[47]
4:78  107 Ts  273:15 3:75  106 X 2
9:98  105 Ts  273:15

(Continued )

Product Equation number Source
Soybean meal Xe 0:066 ln 1
RH (23) Luz et al.[47]

Vegetable by-products km 0:00719exp  Ta130:64
273:15 (24) Iguaz et al.[86]

Vegetable by-products Xe 1KawWm1WKa w

W 1Kaw  (25) Iguaz et al.[86]
Wm 0:001426exp 1193:2
W 0:592384exp 1072:5
K 1:007799exp  43:146

exhaust gas temperature and humidity and product and=or partial, linear and=or nonlinear differential equa-
temperature.[52] Due to the complexity of the interaction tions which are based on momentum, heat, and mass trans-
between the momentum, heat and mass transfer phenom- fer phenomena. It is easy to extrapolate these models for
ena, and the relatively long residence time, it is very predicting a new drying condition. The challenge in the
challenging to attain the optimum process condition for application of these types of models for online process
rotary dryers.[53,54,55] Accidental variation in input vari- control is the relatively long computational time.
ables such as feed moisture content, temperature, ow rate, Knowledge-based control models are based on a large
and humidity will disturb the process for a long time before number of process data; these include the neural network
it is observed in the control variable. This makes clear that model, fuzzy model, and genetic algorism model. These
conventional feedback controllers are inadequate for moni- models require a relatively short time to be formulated,
toring the drying of highly variable agricultural products but the models have some drawbacks that include the
using rotary dryers. choice and use of the initial data set and the difculty of
Recently, there has been a lot of interest in the appli- conducting model extrapolations outside of the data
cation of predictive controllers that are based on numerical set.[48,50]
models of the drying process. Due to the availability of Didriksen[53] developed a model-based predictive con-
high-capacity computers at reasonable cost over the past trol (MPC) system for a rotary dryer using a rst principles
two decades, the development and application of numerical model. The model was applied in the process control of an
models became possible and cost-effective.[31,51] The mod- industrial dryer for sugar beet shreds. The system took the
els are developed either from rst principles or from prior feed rate of the wet sugar beet shreds and moisture content
knowledge.[48] The former type of models are explicit mod- of the product=exhaust gas temperature as manipulated
els that consist of a set of static and=or dynamic, ordinary and control variables, respectively. As compared to the

FIG. 4. Flow diagram of a concurrent direct rotary dryer.


traditional feedback controller, the performance of the kernels than conventional dryers.[30] Kameoka and Itou[57]
MPC system was superior. Perez-Correa[51] used a dynamic designed and constructed a roto-louvre dryer for brown
model of the rotary dryer to assess the performance of con- rice. The drying rate of brown rice was higher than that
ventional PID and adaptive control algorisms. The model of rough rice. The drying curve of brown rice was similar
was developed using rst principles, and inlet gas tempera- to that of thin-layer drying, suggesting that when there is
ture and product moisture content were taken as manipu- a good uidization inside the dryer, the drying behavior
lated and control variables, respectively. Since it was of brown rice with a rotary dryer can be approximated to
capable of capturing the nonlinearity and the dynamic vari- thin-layer drying. To minimize the crack of the kernels, a
ation of the drying process, the adaptive controller was drying air temperature of 3040 C was recommended.
more effective than the conventional PID controller. Regaldo and Madamba[58] designed and tested the
Ortega[55] analyzed and designed a multivariable robust performance of a combined conduction-convection rotary
control of a rotary dryer by using two manipulated (the paddy dryer. In the dryer, a countercurrent ambient air
ow of wet feed and fuel) and two control variables stream was used in the opposite direction to the cascading
(product moisture content and exhaust gas temperature). hot grain. The ow of the ambient air increased the drying
As compared to the single-input single-output systems, rate and resulted in a cooling of the grain discharge. Drum
such multiple-input multiple-output MPC systems were rotational speed and counter ow air velocity affected the
reported to be robust, fast, and stable. Yliniemi[50] evalu- nal moisture content, drying rate, and drying capacity
ated the performance of conventional feedback-PI, of the dryer. The overall thermal efciency of this dryer
combined feedforward-feedback, hybrid fuzzy logic-PI, was about 50% higher than that of the benchmark
and hybrid neural network-PI controllers in terms of accu- conduction-type dryer. The benchmark conduction dryer
racy, stability, speed of control, and cost of control. The was a continuous-ow conduction-type rotary dyer
combined feedforward-feedback controller based on the with 0.6 m diameter and 2.5 m length, drum surface tem-
rst principles model was superior in all aspects, followed perature of 100150 C, and a rotational speed of 6 rpm.
by the hybrid fuzzy logic-PI controller and the conven- Ilangantileke[59] compared the efciency of direct heated
tional feedback-PI controller. air drying, indirect conduction drying, and a combination
of rst-stage indirect conduction followed by second-stage
Application of Rotary Dryers in Agriculture direct heated air drying of high moisture paddy. It was
Due to their exibility, simplicity of operation, and high revealed that the highest drying rate was obtained with
production rate, rotary dryers are highly utilized in chemi- indirect conduction drying, whereas the highest fuel
cal and mineral process industries and for drying of sugar efciency was obtained by direct heated air drying. Regard-
particles.[7,31,56] Different studies on the performance and ing the head yield ratio, no signicant differences were
applicability of rotary dryers in drying of agricultural found between the three methods.
products have been reported. Soponronnarit and Rodviboonchal[60] modelled a rotary
maize dryer using the thin-layer drying principle and
Drying of Grains studied the effects of feed rate, rotational speed, drum
Grains are commonly dried using vertical column-type inclination, and air velocity on residence time of maize.
dryers that are working in concurrent, countercurrent, Maize residence time decreased with an increase in feed
cross and mixed ow modes. Recently, there has been a rate, rotational speed, and inclination. Cao and
limited application of rotary dryers in drying of grains. Langrish[42] evaluated the accuracy of the residence time
Simeng[36] presented the characteristics of rotary, uidized models from Matchett and Baker,[61] Saeman and
bed, mixed ow, concurrent ow, cross ow, and steam Mitchell,[62] and Friedman and Marshall[63] using sorghum
dryers in Chinas grain system. The specic heat consump- grain as a test material. As they showed, the model from
tion of the dryers were about 4515, 5330, 8163, 8582, and Matchett and Baker[61] achieved the best accuracy.
9418 kJ=kg of water removed for rotary, uidized bed, Alikhan et al.[29] used heated zeolite granules for drying
mixed ow, concurrent ow, and cross ow dryers, respect- of corn in a rotary dryer. The drying rate and the effective
ively. The rotary dryer was operated at a relatively high air diffusivity of moisture increased as the zeolite granules
temperature (200 C), attaining a rapid grain drying. How- temperature increased. Iqbal et al.[64] designed and
ever, the paper did not present the details of the operating developed a continuous-ow rotary grain dryer using
conditions for the different dryers. In addition to the dryer heated sand as a heat transfer medium and tested it for
type, the differences in specic energy consumption may be the drying of shelled maize. They recommended an opti-
due to differences in temperature and humidity of the mum sand temperature of 120 C for shelled maize with
ambient and exhaust air, feed rate, etc.[37,38] an initial moisture content of 28% (wet basis). Mittal
Rotary dryers have been successfully applied in the et al.[65] investigated the drying of wheat in a rotary dryer
drying of rice and produced more uniform drying of using different heated inert materials such as sand, steel

balls, and granulated salt. The lowest energy consumption temperature of chillies was optimized based on drying time,
was achieved by using sand with a particle size of 0.42 capsaicin content, and red color. A temperature of 55 C
0.84 mm, a sand-to-wheat ratio of 4:1, and an initial sand was recommended.
temperature of 100 C. At higher initial temperatures of The performance of a rotary dryer that combined infra-
the inert material (>120 C), granulated salt was found to red and heat pump drying of vegetables and herbs was
be more energy-efcient than the other inert materials. studied by Paakkonen.[71] The studies were conducted on
Tessier and Raghavan[66] studied the performance of a herbs (leaves of birch, rosebay willow herb, and dandelion)
rotary dryer for drying of shelled corn using sand with and vegetables (slices of red beet and slices of carrot). Inter-
an initial temperature of 150 C. The dryer was capable of mittent irradiation and mixing helped to avoid product
drying corn grain from an initial moisture content of overheating. The temperature inside the dryer was main-
26.5% to 24.0% (wet basis) within 30 s for a grain ow rate tained at 4050 C and the relative humidity was in the
of 12 kg=s. A drying efciency of up to 39% was reported. range of 10.216.7%. The relative humidity of the inlet
air and the evaporation temperature were considered to
Drying of Beans and Nuts be the major factors that controlled the applicability of this
The application of rotary dryers in drying of coffee system. Drying of vegetable slices from an initial moisture
beans was reported by Mwithiga and Jindal.[67] In this content of about 90% (wet basis) showed the lowest energy
study, an indirect-type rotary dryer was used for drying consumption (5400 kJ=kg of water evaporated). For herbs,
of coffee from an initial moisture content of about 47.4% the energy consumption was in the range of 10400
down to 9.1% (wet basis). The susceptibility of coffee beans 16200 kJ=kg of water evaporated. There was a decrease in
to breakage decreased as the moisture content decreased energy consumption with an increase of loading. As com-
and reached minimum value when the moisture content pared to static (xed) bed infrared drying, an infrared
was between 10 and 30%. However, as the moisture content rotary dryer combining infrared and heat pump drying
further decreased, the breakability of coffee beans again resulted in energy saving, according to Paakkonen et al.[74]
increased. The authors developed a drying model for coffee For the static bed infrared drying experiment with convec-
beans that could be applied to improve the dryer control tive air, the average energy consumption was 16560 kJ=kg
system. of water evaporated compared to 11880 kJ=kg of water
Noomhorm and Ramakarmer[68] studied the applica- evaporated for the drum drying experiment that combined
bility of an indirect rotary dryer for the drying and curing infrared and heat pump. As the drying air temperature was
of groundnut. As expected, the drying temperature increased, the energy consumption decreased but, above a
increased the drying rate. However, increasing the drying certain value, this increase contributed to a loss of impor-
temperature also increased the percentage of kernels tant properties. The drying rates of vegetable slices were
breakage and shrivelling and decreased seed weight and higher than those of herbs. This was due to the difference
avor. Drying surface temperatures that were capable of in water-binding behavior and cell structure of the pro-
producing kernel temperatures of 3537.5 C gave the best ducts. Drying at lower temperatures (40 C) favored the
result. According to Ahmed et al.,[69] the free fatty acid growth of microorganisms. Color differences between
and peroxide values of the oil as well as the storability of herbs that were dried at 40 C and 50 C, respectively, were
groundnut that was dried using an indirect rotary dryer not signicant. The differences in color value between fresh
were found to be not signicantly different from sun-dried and dried carrot slices were higher than between fresh and
groundnut. rehydrated slices, suggesting that the product water content
is an important parameter determining the color of food
Drying of Vegetables and Herbs products. The rotation effect of rotary dryers affected the
Vegetables and herbs are heat-sensitive products; hence, shape of the dried product, whereas it remained unchanged
the drying process needs a short drying time and low in the cases of static bed drying. Products that were dried
product temperature. Kaleemullah and Kailappan[70] dis- using rotary dryers showed a better rehydration capacity
cussed the advantages of a rotary dryer in keeping quality, than those from static bed drying.
minimizing losses, improving uniformity, and increasing Pelegrina et al.[72] designed and tested the performance
capacity relative to the commonly used sun-drying method. of a semi-continuous rotary dryer for vegetables. The dryer
The study evaluated the drying kinetics and quality of red was made of a series of modules; each stage worked as a
chillies during drying in a rotary dryer. Chillies with an batch system where the material was dried to a certain
initial moisture content of 76.7% (wet basis) and a drying moisture content, then passed to the next stage, where
temperature of 5065 C were applied. As the drying tem- the operation was repeated. Hence, the whole set-up oper-
perature was increased, the capsaicin content, red color ated in a semi-continuous mode, such that the rst module
value, and drying time decreased. At the same time, the received the wet raw material load at regular time intervals,
effective moisture diffusivity increased. The drying air while the last one delivered the dry product. Drying

experiments were conducted on cubic onion pieces with an were found to be insufcient to release the water vapor that
air velocity of 1.8 m=s and 3.6 m=s, while all remaining was entrapped in the space between the products, whereas
parameters were kept constant. To reach a moisture con- higher rotational speeds enabled quick convection of the
tent of 5% of the original value, the drying times were inde- generated heat. The optimum drum rotational speed was
pendent of the drying air velocity, suggesting that the found to be 20 rpm. When the moisture content of the pro-
drying process was controlled by internal diffusion of the duct was higher than 0.5% (wet basis), the specic energy
water that is bound inside the onion pieces. As the rota- consumption of the system was not affected by vacuum
tional speed of the drum was increased, the moisture con- pressure level and rotational speed.
tent decreased. However, when the rotational speed was The performance of rotary dryers for drying of pepper-
higher than 6 rpm, the moisture content of the onion pieces mint was studied by Tarhan et al.[79] The experimental
only slightly decreased. The production capacity increased drum was 95 cm in diameter and 130 cm in length. Ambient
with the rotational speed. The effect of the loading ratio on air was delivered by a fan and heated up to the required
drying behavior of onion pieces was also studied. For a temperature. There was a signicant difference in drying
xed drying time, it was shown that, as the product loading rate between the leaves and stems; the leaves dried faster
ratio increased, the nal moisture content of the product than the stems. The drying rate was also affected by the
increased. In the study, a loading ratio of 120 kg=m3 was maturity level of the harvested plant. Early harvested
used. The optimum shape and size of onion pieces (pris- peppermint plants dried faster than those harvested later.
matic, 0.01  0.01  0.03m3) were taken from a work by Drying using a rectangular wave-shaped drying tempera-
Elustondo et al.[75] The study described the dynamic beha- ture prole (cycle of 3637 C for 45 min and 5258 C for
vior of the drying rate as a function of drying air properties 15 min) was more effective than drying at a constant tem-
(temperature and humidity) and solid moisture content. perature (36 C). Hot-air drying of peppermint in a rotary
Later, Pelegrina et al.[73] used mathematical models to dryer caused considerable darkening of the dried product.
investigate the effect of drying air recycling on the perfor- The menthol content of the leaves increased due to drying
mance of a semi-continuous rotary dryer for vegetables. but the menthone content decreased. Drying did not affect
The recycling part of the exhaust drying air decreased the the essential oil content of the product. The specic energy
heat that was delivered to the air supply. The paper pre- consumption of the process was in the range of 7880
sented the total heat amount that was delivered to evapor- 15080 kJ=kg of water removed. This wide variation of the
ate one kilogram of water and the minimum was observed specic energy consumption was attributed to the variation
for a recycle fraction of 0.8 for a drying time of 7.5 h. How- in ambient air conditions. There was a considerable vari-
ever, an increase in the recycle fraction increased the absol- ation of the ambient air condition during the experiment,
ute humidity of the drying air and caused a reduction in which affected both energy consumption and moisture
driving force of the mass transfer inside the drying chamber transfer rate. Temperature and relative humidity of the
that caused an increase in drying time. The air recycling ambient air were in the range of 15.227.4 C and 36.6
created a trade-off between the specic energy consump- 73.5%, respectively.
tion and drying time. The specic energy consumption is
not the only factor that determines the efciency and econ- Drying of Animal Feeds
omy of drying. The drying time directly affects the pro- The application of rotary dryers in drying of animal
duction rate and the nal product quality in terms of forage is a common practice. Due to their good mixing
color and aroma. In addition, recycle ratio affected the and relatively long residence time, direct contact rotary
nal product moisture content, which plays an important dryers are capable of producing high-quality and uniform
role in the quality and stability of the dried product. Thus, forage.[18,80] At harvest, forage has a relatively high moist-
the optimum recycling ratio that takes into account energy ure content of 7080% (wet basis). Hence, for proper stor-
consumption, production rate, and product quality should age and transportation, a moisture level of about 1015% is
be determined. The optimization of such complex systems required.[5,18]
can be performed by using multiple objective optimization, One of the most important challenges in drying of for-
neural network, and genetic algorisms.[76,77] age plants is their inhomogeneity. The leaves and stems
Kaensup et al.[78] applied a novel drying technique for have different thermo-physical properties and drying rates.
chili that combined the advantages of vacuum drying and This usually lowers the quality and increases energy waste.
microwave energy within the rotary dryer. Due to the high Due to their high specic surface area and the presence of
pressure difference between the product and the surround- open stomata, leaves dry faster than the stems. It was
ing vacuum, increasing the vacuum pressure of the system reported that leaves dry up to ve times faster than stems.[5]
increased the drying rate. The drum rotational speed was To get a better forage quality and for better understanding
the critical factor that determined the dead zone effect. of the drying kinetics, a separate drying of the leaves and
Drum speeds that were slower than the optimum value stems was recommended.[5,10] As the length of the stems

was decreased, the drying rate increased. Knowing the as well as square and at ights. The effects of drying air
optimum length of the stems improved the dryer efciency. temperature, shell rotational speed, and ight design on
From their study on thin-layer drying of alfalfa, Patil the homogeneity of dried grass mixture were not dominant.
et al.[81] proved that ne stems dried faster than the leaves. In all cases, the leaves reached the nal moisture content
Arinze et al.[5] studied a three-pass rotary dryer that was faster than the stems. From all parameters that were ana-
capable of simultaneously performing drying and separ- lyzed, drying air temperature showed the greatest effect
ation of alfalfa (Fig. 5). The wet chopped alfalfa was sup- on drying homogeneity. As drying temperature was
plied to the dryer, where a stream mostly consisting of increased, the drying homogeneity increased. As the drying
completely dried leaves was separated from a wetter pro- air temperature and shell rotational speed were increased,
duct mostly consisting of stems. This separation was per- the drying time of the grass mixture decreased. The effect
formed aerodynamically and the separation of the dried of ight geometry on homogeneity and drying rate was
leaves from the air was performed by using a cyclone. Dry- not signicant. The best homogeneity in moisture content
ing of alfalfa from an initial moisture content of 72% (wet and the shortest drying time were observed for a combi-
basis) was performed using drying air with a ow rate of nation of drying air temperature of 80 C and shell
0.39 kg=s and inlet temperature of 400440 C. In the study, rotational speed of 30 rpm. Xianzhe et al.[82] used a dimen-
a leaf purity in the range of 6976% at the cyclone and stem sional analysis for studying the performance of an alfalfa
purity of 6079% at the drum exit (purity of 100% means rotary dryer. They evaluated the effects of wet alfalfa
perfect separation; leaves in one fraction and stems in the capacity, dry alfalfa capacity, drum speed, drying air tem-
other) were reported. Later, Arinze et al.[17] developed a perature, and number of ights. The drying air temperature
validated mathematical model of the dryer and applied it was found to be the dominant factor inuencing drying
to optimize the drying and separating parameters. The rate and product quality of alfalfa hay.
model was capable of predicting drying air, leaf, and stem
temperatures and moisture content. The model was also Drying of Woody Biomass
applied to evaluate the performance of a large-scale Drying improves the conversion efciency of woody bio-
industrial rotary alfalfa dryer. The drying rate of alfalfa mass to energy and minimizes the emissions. This is due to
leaves was more than three times faster than that of stems. the fact that, by reducing the water content, the heating
As the temperature and ow rate of the drying air were value is increased and the combustion behavior is
increased, the drying rate, product temperature, and improved. Wood chips, sawdust, bagasse, grass, and agri-
exhaust air temperature increased. The drying air tempera- cultural residues are typical biomass materials that are
ture was optimized for the small-scale and large-scale dried and used as alternative energy sources. Drying of
industrial rotary alfalfa dryer with wet feed ow rates of such materials is commonly conducted using direct rotary
0.039 kg=s and 2.5 kg=s and reported temperatures of dryers.[11,12,41,83] The dryer feed biomass materials have a
300 C and 900 C, respectively. moisture content of 3060% (wet basis). In commercial
Osorno and Hensel[80] investigated the effects of the dry- drying of woody biomass, it is common to use high drying
ing air temperature, shell rotational speed, and ight design temperatures up to 500 C, thereby increasing the drying
of a rotary dryer on drying homogeneity of grass mixtures. rate and drying efciency.[12]
The mixtures consisted of white clover and ryegrass. The Zabaniotou[83] investigated the effect of different operat-
study was conducted in a stainless-steel cylindrical drum ing parameters on residence time and product moisture
with diameter of 480 mm and length of 315 mm. The content during the drying of forestry biomass in a rotary
experiments were performed at drying air temperatures of dryer. Increasing the drying temperature decreased the
40, 60, and 80 C, rotational speeds of 15, 20, and 30 rpm, nal moisture of the biomass. As the drying temperature
was decreased, the lengths of preheating and constant dry-
ing rate zones increased, while the zone length of the falling
rate period decreased. A small increase in drying air ow
rate increased the drying rate; however, a large increase
in drying air ow rate decreased the residence time and
had little inuence on nal moisture content. Higher
rotational speed and drum inclination resulted in lower
residence time and higher nal moisture content of the pro-
duce. It was also reported that the residence time of the
particles was more inuenced by rotational speed than
the drum inclination angle.
Xu and Pang[41] developed a heat and mass transfer
FIG. 5. Schematic diagram of a three-pass rotary dryer. model of a rotary dryer for woody biomass. As they

revealed, the moisture content of the wood chips exponen- basis). In this study, a critical diameter of 3 mm was
tially decreased along the dryer length. The nal moisture reported. This is due to the fact that the specic surface
content of the chips from the concurrent mode was higher area of the particles decreased with an increase in particle
than that from the countercurrent mode, resulting in a dif- diameter but it remained almost the same for larger
ference of about 7.4% (wet basis). However, the tempera- particles.
ture of the particles at the dryer exit was higher in the The operating characteristics of a pilot-scale corn distil-
case of the countercurrent dryer. Due to a better heat lers grains rotary dryer were studied by Bern et al.[85] The
transfer from the air to the wood chips and a lower exit dryer was equipped with a heat recovery system. As com-
air temperature, the countercurrent mode resulted in higher pared to conventional grain dryers, the energy consump-
energy efciency than the concurrent mode. However, the tion of the drying system was relatively low and reported
relatively high particle exit temperature from the counter- as 2890 kJ=kg of water removed. Stroem et al.[15] evaluated
current dryer might pose a potential re hazard. The use the performance of a pilot-scale superheated steam rotary
of rotary dryers for the drying of bagasse using ue gas dryer for drying of brewers spent grain. The wet product
was also reported.[84] feed rate and the steam temperature were found to be the
critical parameters that inuenced the product moisture
Drying of By-Products and Wastes content and the amount of sticky deposit. There was an
Rotary dryers have also been used for drying of exponential relationship between the amount of sticky
by-products and wastes from agricultural process indus- deposit and drum length. The sticking behavior was corre-
tries. The dried by-products and wastes are mainly used lated to moisture content. In this study, 70% of the energy
as animal feed, energy sources, and feedstock for process supply was used for drying and the rest was lost due to air
industries. The application of indirect contact rotary dryers inltration and heat losses through the dryer surface. The
for drying of soybean meal was investigated by Luz et al.[47] study demonstrated the capability of a superheated steam
using validated mathematical models. It was reported that rotary dryer for drying of brewers spent grain that is wet
the mass transfer inside the particles limited the drying pro- and sticky.
cess of soybean meal product. The model was applied to Iguaz et al.[86] developed a validated dynamic mathemat-
evaluate the performance of the dryer based on the total ical model to predict the drying behavior of vegetable
energy consumption. The efciency of the dryer was wholesale by-products using a concurrent rotary dryer.
affected by the steam tube wall temperature. For a given First, the simulation results were analyzed for a xed simu-
feed moisture content and temperature, the optimum wall lation time of 5000 s (with a time step of 15 s). As the inlet
temperature was determined. During drying of soybean air temperature and the ow rate were increased, the nal
meal with a feed moisture content of 19.4% (wet basis) product moisture content decreased and the exit air tem-
and temperature of 90 C, the optimum steam tube wall perature increased. By increasing drum speed and incli-
temperature was found to be 86.5 C. In the case of a feed nation, the nal moisture content of the product and the
with initial moisture content and temperature of 20.6% and outlet air temperature increased. As the inlet product
100 C, respectively, the ideal steam tube wall temperature moisture content and ow rate were increased, the nal
was 95 C. For a given feed condition, when the wall tem- moisture content of the product increased and the exit air
perature was higher than the optimum, there was an temperature decreased. The inlet air temperature was
increase in total energy consumption due to the overheat- found to be the parameter with the greatest effect. Next,
ing effect of the product. When the wall temperature was the model was applied to simulate the dynamic behavior
lower than the optimum, there was a similar increase in of the dryer by perturbation of the input variables. A
the total energy consumption due to the heat transfer from 20% step increase in drum rotational speed from steady-
the soybean meal to the wall. state value decreased the dryer hold-up by 18%, but
Canales et al.[44] developed a validated heat and mass increased the outlet moisture content of the dryer by
transfer model and predicted the drying behavior of sh 37%. Iguaz et al.[87] applied this validated model to study
meal using an indirect rotary dryer. The model underpre- the effect of air recycling on the dryer energy consumption
dicted the nal moisture content of the sh meal; this and found energy savings of 2138.5%. However, for a
was attributed to the assumptions that were taken during given nal moisture content, as the air circulation ratio
the model development. The model neglected axial disper- was increased, the residence time increased and the
sion of solids, particle size distribution, and moisture and production rate decreased.
temperature gradient within the solid particle. As the par- The use of a rotary dryer for drying of citrus peel from
ticle size was decreased, the nal moisture content of the an initial moisture content of about 80% (wet basis) to a
sh meal decreased. However, when the particle size was nal moisture content of about 10% was reported by Bates
higher than a certain critical value, the nal moisture con- et al.[88] The application of rotary dryers for drying of olive
tent asymptotically approached a value of 24.2% (wet cake from the olive oil milling industry was also reported.

Olive cake contains approximately 65% moisture (wet basis) woody biomass, and agricultural wastes and by-products.
and there is a need to reduce it to about 8%. Ariona et al.[89] However, in the drying of other types of agricultural pro-
developed and implemented an automatic control system ducts, the share of the other dryer types is quite signicant.
for drying of olive cake in a rotary dryer. Krokida et al.[46] As compared to other types of dryers, rotary dryers are
examined the drying kinetics, thermo-physical properties, more exible and useable for agricultural products varying
and cost during drying of olive cake using a rotary dryer. in consistency, moisture content, and ow properties.
The drying constant of the material was expressed as a In the selection and design of rotary dryers for agricul-
function of drying air temperature, humidity, and velocity. tural products, many parameters have to be taken into
The equilibrium moisture content of the material was account, such as the properties and drying kinetics of the
dened as a function of drying air temperature and water feed material, the required capacity and product quality,
activity. A sensitivity study of the process unit cost indi- dryer exibility, capital and operating costs, dryer safety,
cated that drying air temperature signicantly affected the and environmental regulations. As compared to industrial
production cost, while the effect of drying air velocity was application, where a dryer can be selected and designed
found to be less signicant. The study showed the effective- for a specic product operating continuously in the respect-
ness of a rotary dryer to dry such sticky and high-moisture- ive production chain, the situation in agriculture is
content material. Yeole and Deshmukh[90] studied the completely different. Due to the high dryer capital cost,
performance of a rotary cotton seed dryer. As the drying on the one hand, and the variety of agricultural products
air temperature and ow rate were increased, the drying on the farm level (type, initial moisture content, physical
rate and specic energy consumption increased. By increas- and biological properties, drying behavior, mechanical
ing the ight number, the drying rate was increased and the and heat sensitivity, etc.), on the other hand, it is important
specic energy consumption of the dryer was decreased. As to select and design dryers which are as exible as possible
the drying air temperature and ow rate and ight number in order to increase dryer service life. As compared to other
were increased, the pick-up efciency decreased. The types of dryers, the rotary dryer is a good candidate to
pick-up efciency was dened as the ratio of the actual mass fulll these requirements of agricultural drying. The
of moisture removed to the capacity of the drying air to installation of an appropriate control system helps to main-
remove moisture. A study of the performance of a rotary tain the optimum product quality, capacity, production
dryer for drying of chicken manure for the production of cost, safety, and pollution level. There is great interest in
organic fertilizer was reported by Poels et al.[91] the application of predictive control systems using numeri-
cal models of the drying process. Currently, the availability
CONCLUSION of high-capacity computers at a reasonable price makes
Rotary dryers are one of the types of dryer that have been predictive control systems of rotary dryers feasible.
widely used in agricultural drying. In most cases, the dryers
consisted of a rotating cylindrical drum, ights, a feeding FUTURE PROSPECTS
section, and discharge sections. There are complex transport As compared to chemical and mineral process indus-
phenomena happening during drying of solids in rotary tries, the benets of rotary dryers in drying of agricultural
dryers that involve simultaneous momentum, heat, and mass products are not fully exploited. There is a clear indication
transfer processes. The solids ow inside the rotary dryer is that, in order to exploit the benets of rotary dryers in agri-
characterized by cascading, kiln action, and bouncing= culture, more studies on optimizing the design and oper-
rolling motions. These motions are affected by material ation are needed. These investigations can be done using
properties of the solids and drying air, ight and drum experimental or mathematical modelling techniques. The
designs, and dryer operating parameters. The residence time relatively large biological variability that is commonly seen
of the solids is one of the most important parameters inu- in agricultural products makes experimental techniques
encing product quality, production capacity, and operating time-consuming, expensive, and difcult to generalize.
cost of the dryers. It is a common practice to determine Validated mathematical models based on physical, chemi-
the residence time using empirical and mechanistic models cal, and biological principles are becoming viable alterna-
that take into account the dryer geometry, product ow tives. To investigate compartment processes such as
characteristics, dryer inclination, rotational speed, ight particle ow, airow, heat and mass transfer, the numerical
characteristics, solids ow rate, and air ow rate. methods of computational uid dynamics (CFD) and
Rotary dryers are capable of drying various agricultural discrete element method (DEM) are increasingly used in
products with a wide range of thermo-physical and ow process engineering. Based on them, more advanced math-
properties. These dryers have been used in drying of grains, ematical models can be developed, enabling a detailed and
beans, nuts, vegetables, herbs, animal feeds, and woody more accurate prediction of the processes. To predict the
biomass as well as agricultural wastes and by-products. whole process in rotary dryers, coupled CFD-DEM models
Rotary dryers are dominant in the drying of animal feed, should be developed, taking into account the interactions

between the solid particles and the surrounding gas ow g acceleration due to gravity, m=s2
inside the drum. The model should have the capacity of pre- hF height of fall of particles in the drum, m
dicting air velocity, air and product temperatures, relative kd dimensionless drag constant
humidity, product moisture content, and product residence km drying rate constant, 1=s
time. In the CFD model, the real geometry of the dryer is kmc drying rate constant for constant rate drying
discretized and the governing partial differential equations period, kg H2O=kg dry solids
(Navier-Stokes equations) for mass, momentum, and energy kmf drying rate constant for falling rate drying
are solved using the appropriate numerical method. The period, 1=s
DEM solves Newtons equations of motion on an individual kr constant, s=m
particle scale, taking into account contact, gravitational, K constant
and drag forces. The CFD model predicts the characteristics L drum length, m
of the drying air, whereas the DEM predicts the ow beha- m constant
vior of the solid product. The DEM and CFD solvers m_a drying air ow rate, kg=s
should be coupled to exchange data at predened time steps. m_ da mass ow rate of dry air, kg=s
It is important to put more focus on improving the ther- m_ ds mass ow rate of dry solid, kg=s
mal efciency of conventional rotary dryers, such as on Ms drum hold-up, kg
energy-saving mechanisms. The performance of different m_s solid ow rate, kg=s
designs of rotary dryers, other than the conventional types, N rotational speed of the dryer in rpm
should be assessed. More research focus should be given to RH air relative humidity
rotary dryers that use superheated steam instead of the ta average time particles spend in the airborne
standard hot air system. Recently, there have been some phase, minute
efforts towards the development of novel rotary dryers that Ta air temperature, K
combined microwave, infrared, vacuum, and heat pump Ts solid temperature, K
technologies with the standard rotary dryers. Especially Uv gas-solid volumetric heat transfer coefcient,
for the drying of highvalue and heat-sensitive products, W=m3K
such novel technologies need more focus and further stu- va supercial velocity of the drying air, m=s
dies. More emphasis should be given to the development vs axial velocity of the particles, m=s
of process control systems for drying agricultural products vs d drag component of the velocity, m=s
using rotary dryers, taking into account product quality, vs g gravitational component of the velocity, m=s
dryer capacity, production cost, safety, and pollution. Spe- W constant
cial attention should be given to the development of univer- Wm constant
sal rotary dryers at the farm level that are capable of X solid moisture content, kg of H2O=kg of dry
preserving different farm products during the harvesting solid
period, such as different types of grain, forage, or different Xe equilibrium moisture content, kg of H2O=kg
types of medicinal plants and herbs. of dry solid
X0 initial moisture content, kg of H2O=kg of dry
NOMENCLATURE Y absolute humidity of drying air, kg of H2O=
a dimensionless constant kg of dry air
aw water activity
A heat transfer area, m2 Greek symbols
b constant a shell inclination, 
C constant hs kinetic angle of repose, 
Cm constant kfg latent heat of vaporization at solid
Cpda specic heat of dry air, J=kgK temperature, J=kg
Cpds specic heat of solid fraction, J=kgK kfg0 latent heat of vaporization at 0 C, J=kg
Cpw specic heat of liquid water fraction, J=kgK qp particle density, kg=m3
Cpv specic heat of water vapor, J=kgK s residence time, minute
dp particle diameter, mm
D shell diameter, m
Dr drying rate, kg H2O=kg dry solids FUNDING
f(Hs) drum-loading factor with a value of p for Mulugeta Admasu Delele is a research fellow of the
overloaded drum and 2 for lightly loaded or Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Foundation
under-loaded drum. is gratefully acknowledged.

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