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(1) Study tables 1 and 2 showing international destinations with tourist arrivals and

receipts respectively for the year 2006 and answer the following questions:

Rank Country Arrivals (millions)

1 France 79.1
2 Spain 58.5
3 United States 51.1
4 China 49.6
5 Italy 41.1
6 United Kingdom 30.7
7 Germany 23.6
8 Mexico 21.4
9 Austria 20.23
10 Russia 20.2
Table 1: International Tourist Arrivals in 2006

Rank Country Earnings ($ in billions)

1 United States 85.7
2 Spain 51.1
3 France 42.9
4 Italy 38.1
5 China 33.9
6 United Kingdom 33.7
7 Germany 32.8
8 Australia 17.8
9 Turkey 16.9
10 Austria 16.7
Table 2: Worlds top ten Tourism Earners in 2006
Identify those countries which are among the top ten:

(a) In tourist arrivals BUT NOT among the top ten earners. (2 marks)

(b) Earners that are NOT among the top ten destinations. (2 marks)

Define the terms:

(i) Business Tourism (2 marks)

(ii) Eco Tourism (2 marks)

(c) Explain TWO challenges facing the tourism industry in the Caribbean. (8 marks)

(d) Discuss the negative impacts that tourism may have on the physical and social
environment. In your response include TWO physical effects and TWO social effects.
(8 marks)


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