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Kriya Yoga Secrets Revealed!

I'm not kidding about this:

All of the usual disclaimers about life, health and well being apply here. This is
for reading purposes only. Don't even think about trying this unless you have
consulted a physician. Two physicians. Now, that was 'the gate' [updated to,
ideally, sound less obnoxious ].


That said I agree with much of what the writer of the the Kriya Yoga .pdf book
included in this file says about the secrecy factor (just my humble opinion which I
realize is not so humble - please forgive ):

None of this information should be kept a secret and should not require complicated
initiations unless the student feels they need it or chooses it. I do agree there
may have initially been very valid reasons intended for hiding this information and
making it exclusive. And rituals can be quite helpful. Especially when it comes to
discipline re: practicing a technique. But truly, it's possible the world might be
a better place if more people knew about this from when they were first old enough
to handle the responsibility. And keeping it veiled seems somewhat a contradiction
to the overall spiritual principles that at least much of the more recent versions
of these teachings say they are based on.

The short version is that there are, for all intents & purposes, two main camps of
belief about sharing this:

Camp 1 says the first teachers and even Yogananda (Autobiography of A Yogi) himself
as well as certain others intended this to be available and taught to those who
felt they were ready. Of course any teacher would use their own discretion as well.
No way around that and rightly so. But the gist is that it was never meant to be
held secret by ego-centered instructors or groups and many feel that is what has
happened. Not all teachers, not all groups - but enough of them to make it a
challenge for genuine seekers to learn more.

Camp 2 says Yogananda did not want certain info to be shared so freely and
proceeded to edit out of his Autobiography some of the more interesting Kriya info
that he was willing to include. They even tried to sue for exclusive rights to the

A lot of drama, yes, but likely some greater soul lessons have been gleaned on some
level. Interesting if nothing else.

And I mention it, too, because I actually wondered for a long time where the rest
of the information was after I read the chapter mentioned below. It seemed to end
abruptly and seemed quite incomplete. Much later I discovered there was a little
more originally written. I have both versions of the book and indeed, mostly they
are the same, but enough was different from the first edition to warrant wanting to
have both versions in my library.

Also of interesting note:

the "Kriya" experience can occur quite spontaneously for some people, while they
are meditating, who have no training or intellectual knowledge about the practice
at all. So one more reason to wonder about the need for exclusivity.

And I love what Ennio Nimis says in his Kriya Yoga book which is included in this

"To put it simply, it has been seen that people running a morally questionable life
were successful in Kriya, coming spontaneously to the so-called virtuous life,
while a lot of conformists failed.

A Kriya teacher is always inclined to pretending he does not notice some

problematic delusive studenta?s behavior. He lays his confidence in the
transforming Kriya effect. On the other hand, it is obvious that if the
eagerness to learn Kriya pushes a kriyaban to go to a teacher, being further
proposed to swear on oath on Patanjalia?s moral rules...the
student will, almost surely, make the required promise, just to please the

From CHAPTER 26 of Autobiography of a Yogi:

"The Science of Kriya Yoga"

"Kriya Yoga is a simple, psychophysiological method by which the human blood is

decarbonized and recharged with oxygen. The atoms of this extra oxygen are
transmuted into life current to rejuvenate the brain and spinal centers. By
stopping the accumulation of venous blood, the yogi is able to lessen or prevent
the decay of tissues; the advanced yogi transmutes his cells into pure energy.
Elijah, Jesus, Kabir and other prophets were past masters in the use of Kriya or a
similar technique, by which they caused their bodies to dematerialize at will...

...Kriya Yoga is referred to by Krishna, India's greatest prophet, in a stanza of

the Bhagavad Gita: "Offering inhaling breath into the outgoing breath, and offering
the outgoing breath into the inhaling breath, the yogi neutralizes both these
breaths; he thus releases the life force from the heart and brings it under his
control." The interpretation is: "The yogi arrests decay in the body by an addition
of life force, and arrests the mutations of growth in the body by apan (eliminating
current). Thus neutralizing decay and growth, by quieting the heart, the yogi
learns life control..."


You can read the original, public domain version of the 1946 edition here:


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