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Flowchart Activities

Vehicle arrive

Check price

Type of Motorcycle
Car vehicle

Type of

RM 10 for interior RM 5 for exterior

and exterior body body

Body Body
wash wash

Inspection Inspection Inspection

Dry Dry dry

Move to interior

Vacuum Tyre
and Pay polish
Labour Planning

1. The Car Wash Day was performed at parking lot at Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering on 12 May 2017. Our supervisor was giving the task by department
which is:
I. Body wash
II. Interior car wash
III. Tyre wash
IV. Windscreen wash
V. Time keeper
VI. Admin

2. The activities start on Friday from 4.45 pm until 6.45 pm.

3. The faculty was providing five parking lots for car and for motorcycle not provided
but we use the free space at behind parking lots.
4. We have to pay for water and electric supply from Mechanical Engineering workshop
to run our activities.
5. The other utilities we just borrowed from Mrs. Rahani.
6. On that day, we just wash car and motorcycle. From this activity, we collected the
money for wash and clean services. The price that would be collecting for services as

Types of vehicle Services Price

Car Wash exterior body only RM 5
wash interior body and
clean exterior body RM 10
Motorcycle Wash body RM 2

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