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Portfolio Project

EDUC 765: Trends and Issues in Instructional Design

By: Michael Marolla

Submitted 6/23/17
Project Title
An Introduction to Google Docs

Sponsoring Organization
PA Leadership Charter School

PALCS is a public cyber charter school that offers an online education for grades K-12 for
students throughout the state of Pennsylvania. The goal is to provide the best possible education
for each student, addressing all needs.

Project Description
The school has decided to make a switch to G-Suite (formerly Google Apps for Education). This
change will seek to help with collaboration and access to various documents and projects across
all departments. This is major shift, so training will be necessary on how to properly operate
these programs. It has been determined that Google Docs will likely be the most frequently used,
therefore this will be the first training offered. This training will seek to address the following
creating a document
sharing a document
collaborating on a document

Introduce the staff to the basic operations of Google Docs. This will be the first step in a
better-organized system for collaborating on projects and housing important documents.

Target Audience
The target audience is the high school staff. This is a mixture of men and women who range
from first-year teachers/employees to veteran teachers/employees. The age range is mixed. These
are teachers/employees in Math, Science, Social Studies, English/Language Arts, Electives (Art,
Music, Foreign Languages, Health/Physical Educationetc), and Special Education. Most of
these teachers work with many students from a variety of learning levels. There will also be the
same mix of employees from the administration and non-instructional staff.

Delivery Options
Initial instruction will be done face-to-face because this is an important issue, as it pertains to a
change in communication and organization for all staff. Face-to-face also offers the best
opportunity for questions to be addressed. In addition, there will be tutorial videos and
documents created for the staff to reference. This will take some time to get used to, so the staff

will likely need some reference material to review certain practices. A tutorial video will help to
give directions and the learner can see what the steps are that need to be taken. Reference
documents will help to do the same (without the visuals), but also offer the opportunity for
learners to make notes specific to themselves.

Instructional Need
Email communication is used now more than ever. When important documents are shared
with staff members, it is usually done through an attached email or in a meeting (or both).
In addition, if collaboration is preferred or required, staff members must meet individually,
take notes, create a document, and send to everyone via the same email attachment
process. As these situations happen more and more, the time spent on this begins to build.
Before you know it, you have wasted a lot of valuable time. In a cyber school environment,
this time could have been used to create lessons, grade and return assignments, or work
one on one with students.

When documents are sent as an attachment, there are a number of ways in which they
could be lost. A staff member could forget where they save it on their computer,
accidentally delete it, print it out and forget where they put it...etc. Additionally, this
document could need to be accessed on another computer (home or another part of the
building) and more time would be wasted trying to go back and retrieve it.

With the move to Google Docs, these problems will be no more. All documents and folders
can be shared and kept in a place that can be accessed from any computer. Documents can
be changed in real time, by multiple people, for a true meaningful collaboration. This can be
done anywhere, at any time, with a record of all changes that are made. The time (and
paper) that can be saved will help with information organization and workflow.


Learner Analysis

Primary Audience
High School Teachers
High School Staff (Counselors/Academic Advisors)
High School Principal

Secondary Audience
Administrative Assistants
Marketing Department Staff
Human Resources Staff
Student Services Staff

General Learner Characteristics

Age: 22-65
Gender: 60% women 40% men
Education: Bachelors Degree through PhD
Work Experience: new employee to 15 years

Entry Characteristics
Most are familiar with the cyber environment
Most understand the organizational problems with the current form of
communication and collaboration
Most are unhappy with actions that waste valuable time
Attitudinal and motivational characteristics:
All understand the importance of using their time wisely
Most people have a story about when they lost/misplaced a document
Most people can point to a meeting or action that has wasted their time
Some teachers are comfortable with the current form and do not want to see a
Some will welcome the change and see it as a positive
Some people may see this training as a waste of time
Many people will be happy with the idea of accessing all of these
documents/collaborations on any computer.
Prior Experience:
All staff has used some type of word processor
All staff is familiar with Google as a technology company/search engine
All staff knows how to send emails with attachments and the necessity of this
Common errors made by novice learners:
Some will misplace documents or save them in an unknown place.
Some will save documents to a home computer and not back them up to bring to
Some will send multiple emails with multiple attachments, causing confusion.

Contextual Analysis

Orienting Context
Learner Goals for this Instruction:
Accessing Google Docs
How to create a Google Doc
How to share/send a Google Doc
Learning why this change is being made
Learners perceived utility of the instruction:
To save time
To be more organized as a department, staff, and school as a whole
To collaborate easier with colleagues
Perception of accountability:
They will not be required to make this change
They will be able to keep using the same process, with no repercussions
Possible Misconceptions:
This change will take years to go into effect
Google Docs is something foreign and difficult to learn
This change is not needed
No thought went into this decision

Instructional Context
Morning. Before the end of the school year. Not on a Monday or Friday.
Standard lighting
Not much noise. Standard parking lot noises.
Air-conditioned turned on prior to the session.
Tables and chairs. Facing the front.
Accommodations are not needed for this. Lunch will be on your own.
Microphone. Camera. Computer. Projector.
On-site during the work day. Transportation should not be an issue. Those off-site
can watch remotely or watch the recording.
Technology Inventory
Presentation slides
Recording of presentation
Google Account

Transfer Context
Presentation slides
Access to Google account for exploring and testing
Support from instructor
Access to reference documents and tip sheets
Access to tutorial videos

Application of Learning Theories
Application of Adult Learning Theory:
This will benefit the staff by saving valuable time
The face to face session will get right to the point of how to. Learners will be
shown how to access their Google account and where to locate Docs. They will have
their own computers at the session, so they will be able to do some exploring and
practicing on their own.
I will share experiences of how Google Docs has helped others in the past and how
the old email/attachment system has been an issue in the past. Learners will be
asked to share their own experiences.
I will highlight how this change will give them more time and flexibility while
increasing productive communication.
Learners will be able to explore and practice on their own accounts. They will be
able to ask a question in real time (face to face session) or at a later date (tutorials
and email/phone).
I will direct learners to think about other word processing programs they have used
in the past (Word, Libre...etc) and compare that to Google Docs. They operation is
Give examples of how this change can be applied in different departments of the
school (instructional staff, student services, HR...etc). This will help to address the
variety of staff that will be in attendance.

Application of Motivational Theories

Focusing on Kellers theory, I will seek to do a few different things to address motivation:
I will compare Google Docs to other word processors they have used before to show
that there are many similarities. After doing this, I will then highlight some of the
unique features.
I will attempt to use humor to highlight the misplacing of documents or the inability
to access documents on multiple computers. This is something that many learners
should be able to relate to.
There will be presentations, handouts, individual practice, and tutorial videos to
give the learners a variety of ways to learn the material.
I will provide some examples of ways that this will help to save time for the learners.
These will be situations that they come across frequently, giving them an idea as to
how this change will help them.
I will give clear objectives and start with small tasks. This will help to build
confidence and show the learners that they are able to make this change without
I will explain to learners that they can start to use Google Docs as soon as they feel
comfortable. This is not something that will need months to rollout.

Allow learners the opportunity to give feedback and offer their own ways that
Google Docs can be used in their department. Allow them to get together and come
up with some pros and cons, then address all issues in a group discussion.

What Learning Theories Do I Subscribe to and Why?

Though I see value in many different learning theories, I am most partial to the Cognitive
Learning Theory for this project. My main reason for this approach is the focus on prior
knowledge and how it affects the learning and outcomes. Teachers will be able to look at
their experiences up to this point and the successes that they have had. I will educate them
on the importance of these changes and show them that this can help to alleviate one of the
problems they face.

How Do Learner Characteristics Affect the Learning Theory Employed?

This plays a big role in a few ways. Since there will be a focus on prior knowledge, a few
questions need to considered:
How long has the learner been employed here?
What experiences does the learner have with training in the past?
What complaints do the learners have about previous training?

With some of these questions in mind, attitudes and experience are going to play a role for
the learner in the training. Having the learners reflect back on negative AND positive
experiences (prior knowledge) will help to see the significance (positive) of the new
learning material.

Impact of a Diverse Audience on Instruction

The audience for this project will not be all that diverse. The issue of diversity should not
really have an effect on the project as a whole. All learners are English speakers and most
were born in the United States. Religions may differ among the group, but this should not
really affect instruction. There are also no visual or hearing impairments that need to be

Goal Analysis
Step 1- Goals
Teach learners how to access Google Docs
Teach learners how to create and share Google Docs
Teach learners how to collaborate on a Google Doc

Step 2
I know how to access my Google account
I know how to create a Google Doc
Google Docs is a lot like... (insert word processor of choice)
I know how to properly share a Google Doc via email
I know how to create a link to the Google Doc that can be shared in many different
I know how to change the share settings to allow multiple people to collaborate on
this Google Doc
This is much easier than I expected it to be
I knew a lot of this stuff and I didnt even realize it.
This makes sense to me
I know how I can start applying this right away in my department
The instructor was easy to understand
I know where to direct my questions
I know what to reference to ensure that I am doing it properly
The objectives were easy to understand

Step 3
The objectives were easy to understand
Google Docs is a lot like... (insert word processor of choice)
This is much easier than I expected it to be
This makes sense to me
I know how to access my Google account
I know how to create a Google Doc
I know how to properly share a Google Doc via email
I know how to create a link to the Google Doc that can be shared in many different
I know how to change the share settings to allow multiple people to collaborate on
this Google Doc
I knew a lot of this stuff and I didnt even realize it.
I know what to reference to ensure that I am doing it properly
I know where to direct my questions
Job Relevancy:
I know how I can start applying this right away in my department

Step 4
Content- Learners will be able to put the objectives and focus into their own words, as it
pertains to their department.
The objectives were easy to understand
The focus was clear
Delivery- Learners will know the expectations and will be able to check their progress against
examples of finished products.
I know how to access my Google account
I know how to create a Google Doc
I know how to properly share a Google Doc via email
I know how to create a link to the Google Doc that can be shared in many different
I know how to change the share settings to allow multiple people to collaborate on
this Google Doc
Reflection- Learners will be given the proper opportunity to give feedback and have questions
answered, should they arise.
I knew a lot of this stuff and I didnt even realize it.
I know what to reference to ensure that I am doing it properly
I know where to direct my questions
Job Relevancy- Learners will have direction on how to apply this change to their
individual/departmental workflows right away.
I know how I can start applying this right away in my department

Task Analysis Method- Topic Analysis

I. Google Account Access
A. Where to find username and password
B. How to change password
C. Where to locate Google Drive
II. Overview of Google Drive
A. Show an example of an empty Google Drive
B. Show an example of a Google Drive full of folders and documents
C. How to create a folder
III. Google Docs Access
A. Where to find Google Docs within Google Drive
B. How to create a new Google Doc
C. The features of Google Docs
1. Text
2. Formatting
3. Inserting tables

4. Inserting pictures
IV. Sharing/Sending a Google Doc
A. Sharing Modes
1. Private
2. Editing
3. Suggesting
4. View only
B. Generating a sharable link
1. Advanced share setting
C. Sharing a document with people via email address
1. Where to insert email addresses to share
V. Collaborating on a Google Doc
A. When other people have the document open
B. Viewing revision history
1. See who added to the document
2. See when (date and time) the document was revised
3. See the various different versions and iterations of the document


Project (Instructional) Goal

The goal for this project is for staff to learn the basics of Google Docs. The staff should be
able to successfully create, share, and collaborate on a Google Doc.

Terminal Objectives and Enabling Objectives

By the end of this training, the staff will be able to

Create a Google Doc that contains all word processing requirements as defined by
the instructor. (cognitive)
o Correctly locate Google Docs after being given access to a Google account.
o Successfully create and title a new Google Doc
o Write a paragraph introducing yourself (word processing requirement)
o Insert a table to include personal interests (word processing requirement)
o Insert a picture from their computer or basic internet search (word
processing requirement)

Share the created Google Doc with a predetermined partner that gives this person
the ability to collaborate on the document (edit the document). (cognitive)
o Locate the share button and correctly enter the email address of your
o Create a shareable link with the setting of anyone with the link access and
also send this to your partner via email.
o Communicate with your partner to ensure that they received both the shared
document and email with a link to the document.

Collaborate and edit your partners document by answering one of the response
questions provided. (cognitive)
o Open the document sent by your partner and change the font color to red.
o Type type your answer to the response question a the very bottom of the
o Open your original document and view the revision history to ensure to see
what changes were made. (you may also just look at the bottom of your
document to see the changes in red)


List Pre-instructional Strategy:
Discuss the requirements for mastery via a checklist in sequential order.
Enabling Level on Learner Activity Delivery Method
Objective Blooms (What would learners (Group
Taxonomy do to master this presentation/lecture,
objective?) self-paced, or small

Correctly Remembering Successfully login Presentation of steps

locate Google to Google account with pictures and
Docs after and navigate to directions.
the Google Docs
being given
access to a

Successfully Applying Open a new Visual of what the

create and Google Doc and final product should
title a new create a title. look like for
Google Doc

Write a Creating Complete a Self-paced, as each
paragraph paragraph in your person will have
introducing Google Doc, based different things to
on the write about. It will
requirements not take everyone
(word from the the same amount of
processing instructor. time to complete
requirement) this.

Insert a table Creating Successfully insert Self-paced, as each

to include a table with a person will have
personal variety of different things to
information write about. It will
included not take everyone
(word (requirements the same amount of
processing from the time to complete
requirement) instructor). this.

Insert a Creating Successfully insert Self-paced, as each

picture from a picture in the person will have
their Google Doc. This different things to
can be from the write about. It will
computer or
computer or an not take everyone
basic internet internet search. the same amount of
search (word time to complete
processing this.

After completing the EOM, I believe that the objectives are sequenced properly. They start
simple and build up as they progress. The activities and presentation are appropriate
because they start out with heavy instructor involvement, but move to self-paced
independence. I believe this is the best course of action. Questions can be addressed at the
start and everyone can move at the same pace. This will build confidence with small, easy
to complete tasks. This confidence will be built on when the learners move to the more
independent tasks.


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