0212 Hypo-Hyperkalemic Emerg

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Advances In Diagnosis And February 2012

Volume 14, Number 2

Management Of Hypokalemic Authors

Jeffrey Pepin, MD

And Hyperkalemic
Department of Emergency Medicine, Lincoln Medical and Mental
Health Center, Bronx, NY
Christopher Shields, MD, FACEP

Emergencies Clinical Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Weill

College of Cornell University, Lincoln Medical and Mental Health
Center, Bronx, NY

Peer Reviewers
John Oropello, MD
Professor, Surgery & Medicine; Program Director, Critical Care
With up to 56% of individuals taking diuretics likely to develop Medicine; Co-Director, Surgical ICU; Mount Sinai School of
hypokalemia, and comorbid disease and many other types of Medicine, New York, NY
medications having the potential to induce hyperkalemia, potas- Camiron Pfennig, MD
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Director of
sium abnormalities are some of the most commonly seen elec- Undergraduate Medical Education, Vanderbilt University School
trolyte abnormalities in the emergency department (ED). Unless of Medicine, Nashville, TN
recognized and treated appropriately, they can also be some of the CME Objectives
most deadly. Symptoms accompanying potassium abnormalities Upon completion of this article, you should be able to:
are often vague, involving multiple organ systems. This evidence- 1. Describe the pathophysiology and complications of
based review discusses the etiology, differential diagnosis, and hypokalemia and hyperkalemia.
diagnostic studies for detecting hypokalemia and hyperkalemia, 2. Distinguish key physical examination findings that may help
identify hypokalemia or hyperkalemia.
including managing laboratory errors that lead to factitious potas- 3. Describe the treatment algorithms for hypokalemia and
sium findings. Recognition and treatment of life-threatening dys- hyperkalemia.
rhythmias in hypokalemia and hyperkalemia are key to managing
Date of original release: February 1, 2012
these potassium abnormalities. Electrocardiogram (ECG) findings, Date of most recent review: January 10, 2012
treatment algorithms, and controversies on treating potassium Termination date: February 1, 2015
Medium: Print and Online
abnormalities in the ED are discussed, with recommendations on Method of participation: Print or online answer form and
criteria for disposition. evaluation
Prior to beginning this activity, see Physician CME Information
on the back page.

Editor-in-Chief Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Charles V. Pollack, Jr., MA, MD, Stephen H. Thomas, MD, MPH International Editors
Andy Jagoda, MD, FACEP Hill, NC FACEP George Kaiser Family Foundation
Peter Cameron, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of Chairman, Department of Emergency Professor & Chair, Department of
Steven A. Godwin, MD, FACEP Academic Director, The Alfred
Emergency Medicine, Mount Sinai Medicine, Pennsylvania Hospital, Emergency Medicine, University of
Associate Professor, Associate Chair Emergency and Trauma Centre,
School of Medicine; Medical Director, University of Pennsylvania Health Oklahoma School of Community
and Chief of Service, Department Monash University, Melbourne,
Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY System, Philadelphia, PA Medicine, Tulsa, OK
of Emergency Medicine, Assistant Australia
Editorial Board Dean, Simulation Education, Michael S. Radeos, MD, MPH Jenny Walker, MD, MPH, MSW
University of Florida COM- Assistant Professor of Emergency Assistant Professor, Departments of Giorgio Carbone, MD
William J. Brady, MD
Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL Medicine, Weill Medical College Preventive Medicine, Pediatrics, and Chief, Department of Emergency
Professor of Emergency Medicine,
of Cornell University, New York; Medicine Course Director, Mount Medicine Ospedale Gradenigo,
Chair, Resuscitation Committee, Gregory L. Henry, MD, FACEP
Research Director, Department of Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY Torino, Italy
University of Virginia Health System, CEO, Medical Practice Risk
Emergency Medicine, New York
Charlottesville, VA Assessment, Inc.; Clinical Professor Ron M. Walls, MD Amin Antoine Kazzi, MD, FAAEM
Hospital Queens, Flushing, New York
of Emergency Medicine, University of Professor and Chair, Department of Associate Professor and Vice Chair,
Peter DeBlieux, MD
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Robert L. Rogers, MD, FACEP, Emergency Medicine, Brigham and Department of Emergency Medicine,
Louisiana State University Health
FAAEM, FACP Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical University of California, Irvine;
Science Center Professor of Clinical John M. Howell, MD, FACEP
Assistant Professor of Emergency School, Boston, MA American University, Beirut, Lebanon
Medicine, LSUHSC Interim Public Clinical Professor of Emergency
Medicine, George Washington Medicine, The University of Scott Weingart, MD, FACEP
Hospital Director of Emergency Hugo Peralta, MD
University, Washington, DC; Director Maryland School of Medicine, Associate Professor of Emergency
Medicine Services, LSUHSC Chair of Emergency Services,
of Academic Affairs, Best Practices, Baltimore, MD Medicine, Mount Sinai School of
Emergency Medicine Director of Hospital Italiano, Buenos Aires,
Faculty and Resident Development Inc, Inova Fairfax Hospital, Falls Alfred Sacchetti, MD, FACEP Medicine; Director of Emergency Argentina
Church, VA Assistant Clinical Professor, Critical Care, Elmhurst Hospital
Francis M. Fesmire, MD, FACEP Dhanadol Rojanasarntikul, MD
Department of Emergency Medicine, Center, New York, NY
Director, Heart-Stroke Center, Shkelzen Hoxhaj, MD, MPH, MBA Attending Physician, Emergency
Chief of Emergency Medicine, Baylor Thomas Jefferson University, Medicine, King Chulalongkorn
Erlanger Medical Center; Assistant Senior Research Editor
College of Medicine, Houston, TX Philadelphia, PA Memorial Hospital, Thai Red Cross,
Professor, UT College of Medicine,
Scott Silvers, MD, FACEP Joseph D. Toscano, MD Thailand; Faculty of Medicine,
Chattanooga, TN Eric Legome, MD
Chair, Department of Emergency Emergency Physician, Department Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Nicholas Genes, MD, PhD Chief of Emergency Medicine, Kings of Emergency Medicine, San Ramon
Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
Assistant Professor, Department of County Hospital; Associate Professor Regional Medical Center, San Maarten Simons, MD, PhD
Emergency Medicine, Mount Sinai (Visiting), SUNY Downstate College of Corey M. Slovis, MD, FACP, FACEP Ramon, CA Emergency Medicine Residency
Medicine, Brooklyn, NY Professor and Chair, Department Director, OLVG Hospital, Amsterdam,
School of Medicine, New York, NY
Keith A. Marill, MD of Emergency Medicine, Vanderbilt Research Editor The Netherlands
Michael A. Gibbs, MD, FACEP University Medical Center; Medical
Assistant Professor, Department of Matt Friedman, MD
Professor and Chair, Department Director, Nashville Fire Department and
Emergency Medicine, Massachusetts Emergency Medicine Residency,
of Emergency Medicine, Carolinas International Airport, Nashville, TN
General Hospital, Harvard Medical Mount Sinai School of Medicine,
Medical Center, University of North
School, Boston, MA New York, NY

Accreditation: EB Medicine is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Faculty Disclosure: Dr. Pepin, Dr. Shields, Dr. Oropello, Dr. Pfennig,
Dr. Jagoda, and their related parties report no significant financial interest or other relationship with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) discussed in this educational
presentation. Commercial Support: This issue of Emergency Medicine Practice did not receive any commercial support.
Case Presentations Etiology And Pathophysiology Of
Potassium Abnormalities
It is the beginning of a busy shift when EMS brings in a
64-year-old gentleman with a chief complaint of lethargy. Potassium (K+) is a cation that plays a major role in
On arrival, the patient is bradycardic at 40 beats per human physiology.1 Two percent of potassium is lo-
minute with a normal blood pressure. You ask the nurse to cated extracelullarly, with the remaining 98% found
immediately move the man to the resuscitation bay, obtain intracellularly. Seventy-five percent of the intracel-
intravenous access, draw a rainbow of labs, and obtain lular potassium is found in muscle cells. Potassium
an ECG. The EMS report states that they found him at is highly concentrated inside the cell (150 mmol/L);
home alone, unable to ambulate without assistance. The in the extracellular fluid, its concentration is only 4
patient tells you that he has missed dialysis for the past mmol/L. This results in a large gradient that is re-
few sessions because he did not have the energy to make sponsible for setting the thresholds of cellular action
it to clinic. You obtain an ECG and immediately notice potentials, such as those found in the cardiac cells.
concerning abnormalities. Potassium is largely regulated by the renal sys-
As you are preparing to assist the nurses with the tem; the kidneys excrete 90% of the electrolyte, with
resuscitation of the dialysis-dependent patient, a 54-year- the remaining excreted by the gastrointestinal sys-
old gentleman passes out and falls to the floor while tem. The regulation of potassium occurs within nar-
standing at his wifes bedside. On arousal, he states that row confines, with normal potassium levels ranging
he has had a cold for several days and has been experi- from 3.5-5.5 mEq/L in the extracellular fluid. This
encing weakness that started in his legs and has now gradient helps to determine cell membrane electri-
progressed up into his arm. His past history is positive cal charge. Thus, minute changes to the extracellular
for congestive heart failure, and his only medication is concentration of potassium represent a significant
furosemide. You consider hypokalemia but are unsure change in the cell membrane electrical charge,
if it causes an ascending paralysisor are you missing mainly in the cardiac and neuromuscular cells.2 The
something? electric gradient is maintained by sodium-potassium
adenosine triphosphatase (Na+/K+-ATPase) pumps
Introduction in the cell membrane, which actively transport po-
tassium into and sodium out of the cell.3
Potassium abnormalities are some of the most com-
mon electrolyte abnormalities identified in the emer- Etiology Of Hypokalemia
gency department (ED); they can also be some of Hypokalemia, defined as a serum potassium level
the most deadly if not identified rapidly and treated < 3.5 mEq/L, is one of the most common electrolyte
appropriately. The symptoms that accompany potas- abnormalities in clinical practice. Hypokalemia is
sium abnormalities are often vague, but recognizing found in over 20% of hospitalized patients and in
them may be life-saving. This issue of Emergency 10% to 40% of patients treated with thiazide diuret-
Medicine Practice presents a systematic review of ics in the outpatient setting.4 However, hypokalemia
the latest evidence regarding the pathophysiol- is clinically significant in only about 4% to 5% of
ogy, diagnosis, and treatment of potassium-related these patients.3 Patients that may be hypokalemic in
emergencies. Some of the enduring and longstand- the ED often present with diarrhea, vomiting, alco-
ing treatments of potassium abnormalities will be hol abuse, insulin therapy, or hyperventilation.
challenged, and a new perspective on these very Hypokalemia is divided into the following 3
common electrolyte emergencies will be provided. categories:
Mild: K+ 3.0-3.5 mEq/L
Critical Appraisal Of The Literature Moderate: K+ 2.5-3.0 mEq/L
Severe: K+ < 2.5 mEq/L
An Ovid MEDLINE search for randomized con-
trolled trials (RCTs) was performed, using the search Symptoms from hypokalemia are more likely to
terms hyperkalemia and hypokalemia, to review trials occur with the severity as well as the rapidity of the
published since 2009. Ovid MEDLINE was also drop in serum potassium concentrations. Patients
queried using the search terms hyperkalemia and typically become symptomatic when serum con-
hypokalemia and (therapy or treatment) to identify centrations drop below 2.5 mEq/L, although their
investigations that have not yet reached the RCT symptoms may appear earlier when there is a rapid
stage. A total of 129 articles were identified, of which decrease in concentration. The renal and gastrointes-
106 full texts were reviewed; 64 were used in this tinal systems are the primary sites of excess potas-
review. In addition, www.guidelines.gov and The sium loss from the body. Organ systems affected by
Cochrane Library Database of Systematic Reviews hypokalemia include the cardiac and neuromuscular
for the treatment of hyperkalemia and hypokalemia systems. Cardiovascular manifestations of hypoka-
were searched. lemia include palpitations, postural hypotension, ec-

Emergency Medicine Practice 2012 2 www.ebmedicine.net February 2012

topy, and dysrhythmias; however, patients without ter syndrome. In these disorders, increased delivery
heart disease rarely demonstrate significant cardiac of sodium to the distal nephron causes increased
abnormalities due to hypokalemia. Hypokalemia potassium secretion.9 Renal tubular acidosis is one of
impairs intestinal smooth muscle activity and may the few disorders in which hypokalemia and meta-
cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal distention, and bolic acidosis occur simultaneously.
ileus. Renal effects may manifest as polyuria, poly-
dipsia, and impaired ability to concentrate urine or Gastrointestinal Losses
excrete an acid load. Severe hypokalemia can cause Hypokalemia associated with gastrointestinal losses
rhabdomyolysis, ascending paralysis, and eventu- is the second most common cause of clinical hypoka-
ally respiratory arrest. lemia. Potassium excretion from the stool accounts
The causes of hypokalemia fall into 3 basic cat- for an extremely small percentage of normal potas-
egories: (1) inadequate potassium intake, (2) exces- sium loss, amounting to approximately 10 mEq each
sive loss of potassium, and (3) transcellular shift of day. However, in pathological states where stool
potassium. volume increases, as in cases of diarrhea, patients
can become potassium-deficient. In the cases of de-
Inadequate Potassium Intake hydration from diarrhea and vomiting, patients can
Inadequate dietary intake of potassium alone is become even more hypokalemic secondary to the ac-
rarely a cause of hypokalemia. The kidneys are able tivation of aldosterone. Increased aldosterone causes
to decrease potassium excretion in the urine to < 15 increased potassium excretion from the kidneys,
mEq/L per day, allowing for nearly 2-3 weeks of to- causing varying levels of hypokalemia. An associ-
tal potassium depletion before normal serum levels ated metabolic alkalosis will contribute to increased
would be expected to decrease to approximately 3 urinary potassium loss and transcellular shifting of
mEq/L.5 Nonetheless, low potassium intake may ex- extracellular potassium, contributing to the develop-
acerbate hypokalemia from other causes. When poor ment of hypokalemia.
potassium intake is combined with increased losses,
severe hypokalemia can result, most commonly in Increased Mineralocorticoid Activity
alcoholic patients or severely malnourished patients. Aldosterone is the primary hormonal regulator of re-
nal potassium secretion. Increased aldosterone levels
Excessive Loss Of Potassium leads to an increased number of open sodium pores
Renal and gastrointestinal losses are the most com- and increased Na+/K+-ATPase activity in the neph-
mon causes of hypokalemia. Losses from the skin rons, and, as a result, increased potassium secretion
are rare; however, in cases of burns and intense into the urine. Primary hyperaldosteronism may be
sweating, hypokalemia can become clinically signifi- the result of a unilateral adrenal adenoma, bilateral
cant. Increased mineralocorticoid activity can lead to adrenal hyperplasia, or, rarely, an adrenocortical
increased potassium secretion in the urine. carcinoma.8

Renal Losses Transcellular Potassium Shifts

The most common cause of hypokalemia is in- Transcellular shifts of potassium rarely cause clini-
creased potassium loss in the urine, namely potassi- cally significant hypokalemia. Generally, total body
um losses due to increased urinary flow or delivery potassium levels are normal despite a lowered se-
of sodium to distal nephron. The use of diuretics is rum potassium level. It is often unnecessary to cor-
the most common drug-related cause of hypokale- rect hypokalemia when it is induced by transcellular
mia. Approximately 56% of patients taking diuretics shift. Most transcellular potassium shifts are due to
develop hypokalemia at some point, with varying medications, hyperventilation, or metabolic acidosis.
times of onset.6 Both thiazide diuretics and loop
diuretics increase sodium and chloride delivery to Drug-Induced Potassium Shifts
the distal collecting duct, which results in increased There are numerous medications that cause transcel-
potassium secretion and chloride depletion. Fludro- lular potassium shifts by stimulating cell membrane
cortisone, an oral agent with mineralocorticoid activ- Na+/K+-ATPase and promoting potassium entry into
ity, stimulates potassium secretion directly. Other cells.8 (See Table 1, page 4.) The degree and duration
steroids, such as glucocorticoids, indirectly promote of hypokalemia varies with the agent used. Hypo-
potassium excretion.7 Administration of high doses kalemia may also occur in patients with a high level
of some antibiotics, such as penicillin or its deriva- of circulating catecholamines. The administration
tives, also increases the delivery of sodium to the of glucose or insulin may cause a decline in serum
distal nephron and increases potassium secretion.8 potassium, as insulin stimulates cellular uptake of
Rare causes of hypokalemia due to increased potassium, leading to dangerous complications with
distal sodium delivery include Type I and Type II re- intentional overdoses of insulin and during treat-
nal tubular acidosis, Gitelman syndrome, and Bart- ment of diabetic ketoacidosis. Albuterol-induced

February 2012 www.ebmedicine.net 3 Emergency Medicine Practice 2012

hypokalemia can occur even at normal, therapeu- ing in the retention of potassium and subsequent
tic doses. A standard dose of nebulized albuterol hyperkalemia.11
reduces serum potassium by 0.2 to 0.4 mEq/L, and a In one retrospective study of 35 patients from
second dose taken within 1 hour has the potential to a tertiary hospital center, hyperkalemia was di-
reduce it by almost 1 mEq/L. agnosed (in nondialysis patients) in 3.3% of the
inpatient medicine service.12 One case-control
Nondrug-Induced Potassium Shifts series of 938 patients admitted to 2 separate uni-
A variety of disorders can cause movement of po- versity-affiliated tertiary care centers for congestive
tassium into cells. Both metabolic and respiratory heart failure (CHF) found that 8.5% (80) of these
alkalosis can contribute to hypokalemia, due to the nondialysis patients had hyperkalemia and that, of
exchange of extracellular potassium for intracellular these 80, 14% had severe hyperkalemia.13 This same
hydrogen ions. Rare causes of severe hypokalemia study demonstrated the contribution of diabetes
with paralysis include familial periodic paralysis, and renal function in the development of hyperka-
thyrotoxic periodic paralysis, sporadic periodic lemia. Another study, a retrospective chart review
paralysis, and hypernatremic hypokalemic paraly- conducted on a national level of all Veterans
sis. Hypokalemia due to transcellular shifts should Administration hospitals, found that patients with
remain in the differential diagnosis of paralysis or chronic kidney disease were at higher risk of hy-
weakness when there are recurrent episodes of simi- perkalemia (n=34,937/66,295 or 52.7%).14 One pro-
lar events, even when there is no evidence of a total spective study of 251 adult end-stage renal disease
body deficit of potassium.9,10 patients on hemodialysis found that there were 367
episodes of hyperkalemia among this group during
Etiology Of Hyperkalemia 1877 person-months of follow-up.15
Hyperkalemia, defined as serum potassium level Decreased mineralocorticoid activity can be
5.5 mEq/L, is the most dangerous acute electrolyte caused by hyporeninemic-hypoaldosteronism most
abnormality, potentially leading to life-threatening often seen in patients with moderate renal impair-
arrhythmias and death. Hyperkalemia is often ment from diabetic nephropathy or tubule-intersti-
caused by medications, most commonly occurs in tial disease.
patients with underlying comorbid conditions, and Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis is an autoso-
can be found in up to 8% of hospitalized patients.1 mal-dominant point mutation on skeletal muscle so-
Hyperkalemia can be divided into the following dium channels that predisposes to the development
3 categories: of hyperkalemia in association with fasting and exer-
Mild: K+ 5.5-6.5 mEq/L cise or the ingestion of high levels of potassium. The
Moderate: K+ > 6.5-7.5 mEq/L sodium falls and potassium rises, leading to depo-
Severe: K+ > 7.5 mEq/L larization of the membrane due to a mutation in the
sodium channel that causes sodium to rush into the
There are several important causes of hyperkale- cells and potassium to be expelled.11
mia that should always be taken into consideration: Mortality from hyperkalemia is primarily
cardiovascular disease, renal failure, and genetic related to its effect on the cardiac system.16 A study
predisposition. looking at sudden death in hemodialysis patients
In mild heart failure, potassium is usually found that a majority of the 88 patients had comor-
unaffected; however, in severe heart failure, activa- bid disease, most likely CHF (55%), coronary artery
tion of the renin and aldosterone systems, as well disease (56.3%), and/or diabetes mellitus (57.5%).17
as other adrenergic activation, induce water and In addition, medications that increase serum potassi-
sodium reabsorption, with a significant drop in um, such as angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs)
intraluminal sodium concentration. As a result, no and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
sodium exchange for potassium is available, result- (ACEIs) can contribute to the risk of sudden death.
A retrospective study of 1163 patients on ACEIs and
1168 patients on ARBs in a single Veterans
Table 1. Common Medications That Cause Affairs Medical Center found that hyperkalemia
Hypokalemia Through Transcellular Shifts ( 5 mEq/L) was observed in 20.4% of patients on
ACEIs and 31.0% on ARBs.18
The approach to evaluating a patient with
elevated serum potassium requires consideration of
Tocolytic agents
3 possible causes: (1) laboratory error and factitious
Synthetic thyroid hormone hyperkalemia, (2) transcellular shifting of potassium,
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (eg, theophylline and caffeine) and (3) potassium excretion insufficiency.
Barium (in overdose)
Verapamil (in overdose)

Emergency Medicine Practice 2012 4 www.ebmedicine.net February 2012

Laboratory Error And Factitious Hyperkalemia tions that impact the acid base status or the Na+/K+-
Factitious hyperkalemia, or pseudohyperkalemia, ATPase pumps. Factors that alter the integrity of the
is an important consideration in patients found to membrane by acting on the Na+/K+-ATPase pumps
have an elevated serum potassium. All healthcare include insulin and beta-adrenergic catecholamines
providers must remember that the number one causing extracellular potassium to shift into the cell.
cause of an elevated serum potassium on a test These mechanisms are utilized in the treatment of
report is spurious elevation due to hemolysis dur- hyperkalemia.22 A patients internal state may affect
ing or after the blood draw. An ECG should always the potassium level, such as in acidosis, which will
be used to assess for true hyperkalemia while shift hydrogen ions into the cell and potassium out
another sample is analyzed. The most common of the cell to allow the cell to remain neutral. Alka-
cause of pseudohyperkalemia is cell lysis that often lemia and hypertonicity (eg, hyperglycemia) also
results from mechanical disruption of cells dur- cause potassium to move into cells.3
ing the blood-drawing process or from disruption
related to delay in laboratory analysis.19 Lysis may Potassium Excretion Insufficiency
be induced by the blood drawing, clenching and In healthy kidneys, renal potassium excretion is
unclenching of the fist by the patient, or prolonged increased when: (1) potassium concentration in the
tourniquet use.1 Leukocytosis (white blood cell plasma is elevated, (2) plasma aldosterone level and
count > 50-100 x 10 mm3); thrombocytosis (500,000- effect is higher, and (3) delivery of water and sodium
1 million/mm3), and polycythemia all increase to the discollecting tubules is decreased. Hyperkale-
the fragility of the red blood cells and predispose mia and states of low perfusion, hypovolemia, and
to factitious hyperkalemia.20 In cases of isolated decreased renal sodium cause renin and aldosterone
hyperkalemia, the assessment includes examining release, which leads to sodium reabsorption and
the rest of the chemistry panel, the acid-base status, potassium excretion. (See Figure 1.)
and medication use. When factitious hyperkalemia While a kidney with normal perfusion can
is suspected, it is important to draw the specimen compensate for a wide range of potassium intake
again, ensuring that it is drawn properly and pro- by increasing or decreasing urinary output, excre-
cessed quickly. However, do not allow a laboratory tion disorders (where elimination of potassium is
value to direct care in an unstable patient. hindered) can lead to hyperkalemia. Ninety percent
of potassium elimination occurs in the kidneys. The
Transcellular Shifting Of Potassium vast majority of cases of hyperkalemia occur from
Transcellular shifting disorders are due to condi- impaired renal function caused by an underlying
medical condition or certain medications in a patient
who has some degree of renal insufficiency.3,6,9
Figure 1. Regulation Of Extracellular Fluid
Potassium Concentration Medications That Induce Hyperkalemia
There are many medications that are capable of
Angiotensin II producing hyperkalemia. Many patients with a
predisposition to renal insufficiency are prone
ECF [K+] to hyperkalemia when they are started on a new
medication that interferes with potassium homeo-
stasis.22 (See Table 2.)
Aldosterone Insulin
Muscle cells

K+ Table 2. Medications That Induce

K + K + Na+ Hyperkalemia23,24
Na+ Beta-adrenergic
Principal cell cortical Beta-blockers
K+ excretion collecting duct
Potassium-sparing diuretics
Antibiotics (trimethoprim, penicillin G potassium)
An increase in extracellular fluid potassium concentration (ECF [K+])
stimulates both aldosterone and insulin secretion. Insulin stimulates
K+ entry into cells, and aldosterone secretion stimulates K+ secretion
into the collecting duct urine, promoting its excretion by the kidney.

Gennari FJ. Disorders of potassium metabolism. In: Suki WN, Abbreviations: ACEIs, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors;
Massry SG, eds. Therapy of Renal Diseases. 3rd ed. Figure 1. ARBs, angiotensin II receptor blockers; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-
Boston: Springer; 1997:53-84. With kind permission from Springer inflammatory drugs.
Science+Business Media B.V.

February 2012 www.ebmedicine.net 5 Emergency Medicine Practice 2012

Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors: ACEIs (< 2.5 mEq/L), the weakness and paralysis can
block conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin resemble myasthenia gravis, botulism, spinal cord
II, leading to decreased aldosterone secretion, diseases, polyneuropathies, and cataplexy. The ECG
subsequently causing a decreased excretion of may be helpful in differentiating between clinically
potassium and a decrease in the glomerular filtration significant hyperkalemia and hypokalemia.
rate (GFR). These effects are even more pronounced
in patients with volume depletion, chronic renal Prehospital Care
insufficiency, and renal artery stenosis.25 Up to 10%
of patients on ACEIs develop hyperkalemia ( 5.5 Prehospital management of suspected potassium
mEq/L) within a year of starting the medication. abnormalities is difficult, since serum levels are not
The rate of hyperkalemia in low-risk patients is only generally known in the field. If an ECG is available,
1.3%,26 but the risk increases for patients on other it can be very helpful in distinguishing changes
hyperkalemia-inducing medications or in patients concerning for hyperkalemia or hypokalemia from
who have diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, other diagnoses. If the patient has ECG changes that
or CHF. suggest hyperkalemia, such as a widened QRS or
Angiotensin-II Receptor Antagonists: ARBs act peaked T-waves, medical direction and adherence
as competitive inhibitors, binding to the angiotensin to local protocol are recommended. In the case of
II receptor, decreasing the adrenal production of hypokalemia, prehospital providers will most likely
aldosterone. In general, the risk of hyperkalemia is be treating symptoms of the underlying cause of the
the same for ACEIs as for ARBs.27 hypokalemia such as dehydration and hyperventila-
Potassium-Sparing Diuretics: Renal excretion tion. The same may be true in hyperkalemia, unless
is the major route of potassium loss, and blocking the patient has a known history of renal failure and
this process with potassium-sparing diuretics has hyperkalemic-induced dysrhythmias and cardiac
may result in hyperkalemia. This is the mode arrest. In this case, Advanced Cardiac Life Support
of action of the potassium-sparing diuretics.28,29 (ACLS) guidelines are followed, including giving
These medications have been reported to increase calcium and sodium bicarbonate.
the rate of hospitalization for hyperkalemia in
patients on high doses or in patients who have
compromised GFR.29,30
Emergency Department Evaluation
Beta-Blockers: Nonselective beta-blockers
Presenting complaints of potassium disorders are
can produce hyperkalemia by decreasing renin
vague, and emergency clinicians must maintain a
secretion and the intracellular shift of potassium.
high index of suspicion in order to prioritize care.
This effect is seen predominantly in patients with
For example, a dialysis patient with progressive
renal comorbidities and it is controversial whether
weakness and vital sign abnormalities must be tri-
the effect is clinically relevant in other patient
aged as a high priority and placed in an area in the
ED where an ECG can be obtained immediately and
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs:
care can be expedited.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
may also induce hyperkalemia via 2 mechanisms:
decreasing renin secretion and decreasing the GFR via
prostaglandin inhibition. In one study, hyperkalemia Patients with potassium abnormalities may present
was reported in 47% of high-risk patients on high with generalized weakness, flaccid paralysis, loss of
doses of indomethacin.33 Risk factors include deep tendon reflexes, respiratory difficulty, gener-
advanced age, mild to moderate renal insufficiency, alized malaise, or gastrointestinal complaints.34 In
and concurrent use of ACE inhibitors. most cases, there is an underlying illness that may
complicate the issue or cause the patient to become
symptomatic. The main concern is the rate at which
Differential Diagnosis For Hypokalemia potassium changes, and this is an important factor
And Hyperkalemia in determining the urgency versus emergency of
the course as well as when treatment should be
Both hypokalemia and hyperkalemia can present initiated.34,35 Because the signs and symptoms of
with very vague complaints involving multiple potassium-related abnormalities may be subtle
organ systems, leading to very broad differential and vague, a specific line of questioning may help
diagnoses. Common complaints of mild to moderate to narrow down the etiology. Since there may be
potassium abnormalities include generalized mal- more than one potential etiology of the potassium
aise, lethargy, muscle weakness, and gastrointestinal abnormality, a thorough history is important. Areas
complaints. These vague complaints can also be seen of questioning include:
in diabetes, myocardial infarction, stroke, chronic History of kidney disease
fatigue, and viral illnesses. In severe hypokalemia History of endocrine disease

Emergency Medicine Practice 2012 6 www.ebmedicine.net February 2012

New medications started in the last year includ- Because the typical electrolyte testing used in
ing diuretics, ARBs, ACEIs, diabetes medica- the ED utilizes serum rather than plasma, some fac-
tions, or thyroid medications titious hyperkalemia results may be associated with
Recent trauma the clotting agents in the test tubes used for serum
Recent gastrointestinal illnesses testing. When plasma electrolytes are measured,
Recent surgery or hospitalizations a heparinized test tube is used to prevent clotting,
Recent changes in fluid intake or losses and this may prevent factitious hyperkalemia. Some
History of familial periodic paralysis researchers and clinicians, therefore, recommend us-
ing plasma specimens if potassium levels in serum
Physical Examination specimens are called into question.36
As with the history, the physical examination can There are some blood dyscrasias that will release
be vague and varied. The general appearance may potassium during the clotting process in the serum
range from ill-appearing to completely stable. It potassium, and this will factitiously elevate the
is important to assess the skin and mucous mem- potassium levels. See Table 4 for causes of hemoly-
branes for hydration and fluid status. The heart sis. See Table 5 for proper blood draw techniques to
and lung examination is useful for identifying avoid hemolysis.
cardiac and renal comorbidities. See Table 3 for
signs and symptoms that may indicate a disorder Electrocardiogram In Hypokalemia
of potassium homeostasis. Cardiovascular manifestations of hypokalemia
include palpitations, postural hypotension, ectopy,
Diagnostic Studies and dysrhythmias; however, patients without heart
disease rarely demonstrate any significant cardiac
An ECG is recommended as soon as a potential ab- abnormalities due to hypokalemia. The ECG may
normality is suspected. Other important diagnostic show flattened T-waves, ST-segment depression,
tests include complete blood count (CBC) with plate- and the appearance of U-waves. (See Figures 2 and
lets, metabolic and renal panel, and urine studies. 3, page 8.) An ECG should be obtained in patients
In patients with severe symptoms, an arterial blood when there is concern for severe hypokalemia. Gi-
gas, serum and urine osmolality, and urine electro- ant U-waves may occur and may be mistaken for
lytes can be considered. These tests help to narrow peaked T-waves. These large U-waves, however,
down the potential cause of any renal insufficiency have a broader base as compared to peaked T-
that may be causing the potassium abnormality. The waves. Hypokalemia may also appear as nonspecific
emergency clinician may not see the results of some ST- and T-wave abnormalities, first- and second-
of these studies, but they are often helpful for the degree heart block, atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal
clinician who may assume either the inpatient or ventricular contractions, ventricular fibrillation, or
outpatient care. In a case where an elevated serum asystole. Hypokalemia can also cause a prolonged
potassium is found but there is normal renal func-
tion, a plasma potassium may be helpful.
Table 4. Causes Of Hemolysis
Table 3. Signs And Symptoms Associated
With Disorders Of Potassium Use of a syringe with excessive force to the plunger
Forcibly squirting the blood from a syringe into an evacuated tube
Organ System Hypokalemia Hyperkalemia Drawing the blood through a small needle or IV catheter
Cardiac Dysrhythmias Dysrhythmias
Prolonged tourniquet use
Conduction defects Conduction dis-
Cleansing with alcohol and not allowing to dry
Increased likelihood turbances
Crying and hyperventilation of patient during blood draw
of dysrhythmias due
Vigorous mixing or shaking
to digitalis
Mechanical trauma (pneumatic tube systems)
Skeletal muscle Weakness Weakness
Paralysis Paresthesias
Table 5: Proper Blood Draw Techniques That
Fasciculations and Paralysis
Avoid Hemolysis
tetany Hyperreflexia
For routine collections, use a 20-22 gauge needle
Gastrointestinal Ileus Nausea
Do not remove the needle from the vein with the vacuum tube
Nausea Vomiting
Vomiting Diarrhea
Do not collect a specimen in a hematoma
Abdominal distention
Decrease the tourniquet time
Renal Polyuria Draw the sample gently and evenly
Avoid aggressively agitating the sample

February 2012 www.ebmedicine.net 7 Emergency Medicine Practice 2012

QT interval, increasing the risk of malignant ar- 220 patients with a diagnosis of hyperkalemia were
rhythmias or torsades de pointes.37 identified by chart review. Their ECGs were then
given to 2 independent ED physicians for evalua-
Electrocardiogram In Hyperkalemia tion to determine the physicians ability to diagnose
Generally, the first indicator of hyperkalemia is hyperkalemia solely by ECG. Inter-rater reliability
found on the ECG.38-41 Classic ECG changesthe was strong (k = 0.73). The sensitivity was poor for
peaked T-wave, flattened P-wave with prolonged determining hyperkalemia for both physicians (34%
PR interval, or a totally absent P-wave, wide QRS, and 43%). Specificity was good for both (85%, 86%).
and sine-wave patternhave been well-described as Interestingly, when evaluating the ECGs of those
appearing sequentially with rising serum potassium patients with severe hyperkalemia, the sensitiv-
levels. (See Figure 4.) Peaked T-waves are caused ity rose to 62% and 55% with a negative predictive
by a change in the resting membrane potential due value of 69% and 67% for each physician. This study
to the accumulation of potassium in the extracel- demonstrates that ED physicians can better identify
lular fluid. This leads to an early excitatory reaction severe hyperkalemia by means of ECG; however,
causing the T-waves to become peaked. The peaked mild and moderate hyperkalemia makes the diag-
T-wave is one that is taller and more pointed (pro- nosis by ECG more difficult.41 The ECG is instru-
nounced) than the normal T-wave (see arrows in mental when combined with the clinical scenario in
Figure 4). These T-wave changes are best seen in diagnosing the hyperkalemic patient, but it is not
the precordial leads; they progress to a slowing of absolute. A normal ECG does not exclude the pos-
the myocardial function as the level of potassium sibility of a potassium-related emergency. In 1999,
increases, manifested in prolonged P-wave and QRS Martinez-Vea et al published a case series of patient
durations and PR intervals.2 Further destabilization
of the cardiac membrane manifests as changes to the
wave form (eg, sine-wave), leading to arrhythmia.
The typical findings of mild hyperkalemia
Figure 3. Electrocardiogram Of Flattened
(5.5-6.5 mEq/L ) are evolving peaked T-waves and
T-Waves In Hypokalemia
prolonged PR segments.39,40 Moderate hyperkale-
mia (> 6.5-7.5 mEq/L) is demonstrated as loss of
P-wave and prolongation of the QRS complex and
ST-segment elevation as well as ectopic and escape
beats. Severe hyperkalemia (> 7.5 mEq/L) leads to
progressive widening of the QRS complex to sine-
wave formation, bundle branch blocks, and fascicu-
lar blocks; without immediate correction, these may
lead to ventricular fibrillation.40
Caution must be used when reviewing the ECGs
of patients with suspected hypokalemia or hyperka-
lemia. Several studies have questioned the emergen-
Arrows point out flattened T-waves seen in hypokalemia.
cy clinicians ability to detect hyperkalemia based Used with permission of Jeffrey Pepin, MD.
solely on the interpretation of the ECG. In one study,

Figure 4. Electrocardiogram Of Peaked

T-Waves In Hyperkalemia
Figure 2. Electrocardiogram Of U-Waves In

Arrows point out U-waves seen in hypokalemia. Arrows point out hyperacute T-waves in hyperkalemia.
Used with permission of Jeffrey Pepin, MD. Used with permission of Jeffrey Pepin, MD.

Emergency Medicine Practice 2012 8 www.ebmedicine.net February 2012

ECGs that showed no changes with potassium levels If the patient has moderate to severe hypokale-
> 8 mEq/L.42 Another study showed that 55% of mia (< 3.0 mEq/L) and is clinically symptomatic or
patients with potassium levels of 6.9 and above had has life-threatening ECG changes, then it is recom-
no changes on ECG.2 mended to supplement with IV potassium. If IV
infusion of potassium is necessary, the initial start-
Treatment ing dose is 10-20 mEq/hour. If hypokalemic cardiac
arrest occurs or is impending (eg, there is malignant
Treatment Of Hypokalemia ventricular dysrhythmia), 10 mEq of IV potassium
Treatment of the hypokalemic patient usually starts may be given over 5 minutes, and this may be
with identifying the underlying cause, since hy- repeated once, if necessary.3 When infused through
pokalemia is rarely an isolated event. Usually, a a peripheral IV, potassium may be uncomfortable
good history and physical examination suggests the and result in a phlebitis. When the IV repletion rate
etiology, such as extreme diarrhea or diuretic use is faster than 20 mEq/hour, continuous cardiac
without supplementation. Severity of symptoms, monitoring is required and central access is recom-
rather than the potassium level, is usually a guide in mended. The amount of potassium required to
determining the urgency of treatment. When treat- resolve symptoms is dependent on the severity of
ing hypokalemia, the emergency clinician should the potassium level and the total body deficit.
remember that each 0.3-mEq potassium drop below In severely hypokalemic patients, it may be
normal correlates with an approximately 100-mEq necessary to replace magnesium as well, despite the
total body deficit.8 serum magnesium level being normal. This is due
The majority of patients with mild hypokale- to the requirement of magnesium in the activation
mia (3.0-3.5 mEq/L) may be asymptomatic, and the of the sodium/potassium pump. With depleted
treatment of their underlying disorder will eventu- total body magnesium, the pump is unable to utilize
ally correct their potassium levels. This is especially adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to bring potassium
true in patients who have an acid-base disturbance, into the cells. This, in turn, would only allow for
such as seen in cases of respiratory alkalosis or in transient elevations of serum potassium that would
patients who are dehydrated secondary to excessive be later wasted in the urine. In many cases (such as
diarrhea or vomiting. For many patients, it is unnec- diuretic use and diarrhea), magnesium is wasted,
essary to bring potassium levels back to normal dur- creating a total body deficit of magnesium but with
ing their ED stay, and they can be discharged with only small changes in serum magnesium. Emer-
instructions to eat foods that are high in potassium. gency clinicians should infuse at least 0.5 g/hour of
(See Table 6.) magnesium sulfate along with potassium replace-
In patients with more protracted illnesses or ment to allow potassium to shift intracellularly.
patients with mild hypokalemia placed on diuretics, In patients with hypokalemia associated with
it may be suitable to treat them with oral potassium thyrotoxic periodic paralysis, it is best to treat the
supplementation. There are 3 primary oral prepara- underlying disease process before repleting the
tions for repleting potassium, including potassium potassium. In these attacks, the potassium is shifted
bicarbonate, potassium phosphate, and potassium into the cells due to the high levels of thyroid hor-
chloride. Potassium chloride is the most common mone, and total body potassium is often normal. If
form of replacement in the ED. Potassium chloride the diagnosis is missed and potassium supplementa-
given 40-60 mEq orally every 4-6 hours is typically tion is provided, there is a chance that there will be a
well-tolerated. If the patient is unable to tolerate pills, dangerously high rebound hyperkalemia.
a liquid formulation is also available.3 These patients
require close follow-up to monitor for progress of Treatment Of Hyperkalemia
treatment and make sure they are receiving the ap- Patients with suspected or known hyperkalemia re-
propriate amount of potassium supplementation. quire IV access and continuous cardiac monitoring.
The treatment of hyperkalemia is based on the emer-
gency clinicians clinical suspicion combined with
the patients presentation, ECG, and the laboratory
Table 6. Foods Rich In Potassium potassium value. There is no clear evidence on when
to treat the stable dialysis patient with elevated
Baked potatoes potassium. A Cochrane Review of the literature from
Tomatoes 2005 does not make recommendations for specific
Lima beans levels to initiate treatment. The studies cited by the
Spinach review, however, were all RCTs that were small in
number (ie, n = 12, n = 7).43 Several review articles
suggest treating all patients with levels > 6.5 mEq/L
because they are at risk for arrhythmias.2,44

February 2012 www.ebmedicine.net 9 Emergency Medicine Practice 2012

Clinical Pathway For Hypokalemia

Serum K+ < 3.0 mEq/L

Urgent ECG
Check Mg+

No symptoms and nondiagnostic ECG

Dysrhythmia (VT most common) Cardiac arrest (VT, VF, PEA, asystole)
(eg, U-waves, T-wave flattening)

Potassium chloride IV 20 mmol/hr

Potassium chloride PO 20-80 mEq/d
(Class II)
in divided doses (Class II) Commence ACLS (Class II)
Discharge with recommendation to
(Max rate: 20 mmol over
increase dietary K+ (Class II)
10 min followed by 10 mmol
over 10 min)
Potassium chloride IV 20 mmol over
2-3 min (Class II)
Repeat until K+ > 4.0 mEq/L
Magnesium sulfate not necessary Magnesium sulfate IV 5 mL 50% (Class II)
unless Mg+ level low (Class II) (10 mmol [2 g]) over 30 min (Class II)

Magnesium sulfate IV 5 mL 50%

(10 mmol [2 g]) over 1-2 min (Class II)

Recheck K+ after every 40 mmol if

normal renal function or after every 20
mmol (if severe renal impairment)

Abbreviations: ACLS, Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support; ECG, electrocardiogram; IV, intravenous; K+, potassium; Mg+, magnesium; PEA, pulse-
less electrical activity; PO, by mouth; VF, ventricular fibrillation; VT, ventricular tachycardia.

Class Of Evidence Definitions

Each action in the clinical pathways section of Emergency Medicine Practice receives a score based on the following definitions.
Class I Class II Class III Indeterminate tatives from the resuscitation
Always acceptable, safe Safe, acceptable May be acceptable Continuing area of research councils of ILCOR: How to De-
Definitely useful Probably useful Possibly useful No recommendations until velop Evidence-Based Guidelines
Proven in both efficacy and Considered optional or alterna- further research for Emergency Cardiac Care:
effectiveness Level of Evidence: tive treatments Quality of Evidence and Classes
Generally higher levels of Level of Evidence: of Recommendations; also:
Level of Evidence: evidence Level of Evidence: Evidence not available Anonymous. Guidelines for car-
One or more large prospective Non-randomized or retrospec- Generally lower or intermediate Higher studies in progress diopulmonary resuscitation and
studies are present (with rare tive studies: historic, cohort, or levels of evidence Results inconsistent, contradic- emergency cardiac care. Emer-
exceptions) case control studies Case series, animal studies, tory gency Cardiac Care Committee
High-quality meta-analyses Less robust RCTs consensus panels Results not compelling and Subcommittees, American
Study results consistently posi- Results consistently positive Occasionally positive results Heart Association. Part IX. Ensur-
tive and compelling Significantly modified from: The
Emergency Cardiovascular Care ing effectiveness of community-
Committees of the American wide emergency cardiac care.
Heart Association and represen- JAMA. 1992;268(16):2289-2295.

This clinical pathway is intended to supplement, rather than substitute for, professional judgment and may be changed depending upon a patients individual
needs. Failure to comply with this pathway does not represent a breach of the standard of care.
Copyright 2012 EB Medicine. 1-800-249-5770. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any format without written consent of EB Medicine.

Emergency Medicine Practice 2012 10 www.ebmedicine.net February 2012

Clinical Pathway For Hyperkalemia

Serum K+ > 6.0 mEq/L

Emergent ECG

Life-threatening hyperkalemia
Mild to moderate hyperkalemia (6.5-
Any of the following: Cardiac arrest (VT, VF, PEA, asystole)
7.5 mEq/L)
Peaked T-waves (amplitude > R in
Patient clinically stable
2 leads
Absent P-waves
Broad QRS
Sine wave

Calcium chloride IV 10 mL 10% (6.8

Commence ACLS
mmol) over 5 min
Regular insulin 10 units IV plus
50 mL of D50 (Class II)
Albuterol 20 mg, nebulized
Calcium chloride IV 10 mL 10% (6.8
mmol) bolus
Regular insulin 10 units IV plus +
50 mL of D50 (Class II) Regular insulin 10 units IV plus
50 mL of D50 (Class II)

Consider hemodialysis

Abbreviations: ACLS, Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support; D50, 50% dextrose in water; ECG, electrocardiogram; IV, intravenous; K+, potassium;
PEA, pulseless electrical activity; PO, by mouth; VF, ventricular fibrillation; VT, ventricular tachycardia.

See class of evidence definitions on page 10.

February 2012 www.ebmedicine.net 11 Emergency Medicine Practice 2012

Treatment of hyperkalemia consists of 3 main and (potentially) sodium bicarbonate. Insulin and
steps: (1) stabilizing the cardiac membrane, (2) shift- glucose are used to lower the extracellular potas-
ing potassium into the cells, and then (3) removing sium by driving it into the cell by stimulating the
potassium from the body. Na+/K+-ATPase pump. These treatments also work
in patients with end-stage renal diseases and are
Stabilizing The Cardiac Membrane recommended for all patients with hyperkalemia
Intravenous calcium is used to stabilize the myocar- requiring treatment.46 The Cochrane Review found
dial cell membrane by restoring the electrical gradi- that insulin and glucose were effective in decreasing
ent. Calcium does not lower the potassium level but serum potassium levels and in reducing mortality
stabilizes the cardiac membrane by restoring the from hyperkalemia.43 The effect is independent of
normal gradient of the resting membrane potential cellular uptake of glucose.47 Ten units of regular
of the cardiac cells.40 Calcium is recommended for insulin are recommended IV, and the effect is evi-
the treatment of moderate to severe hyperkalemia dent within 20 minutes. The serum potassium level
( 6.5 mEq/L) where ECG changes are present and/ decreases by 0.5-1.2 mEq/L with a maximum effect
or the risk of arrhythmia is present.45 There are no within 1 hour.43,48 If the patient is normoglycemic,
randomized trials that demonstrate this, though give dextrose in the form of D50 with the adminis-
calcium is recommended by the Cochrane Group.43 tration of insulin to prevent a paradoxical rise in the
Calciums effect is rapid, but transient. The serum potassium. Take caution to avoid hypoglyce-
onset of action of calcium is less than 3 minutes, mia, to which uremic patients may have an attenu-
and it lasts for about 1 hour. It may be repeated if ated response.
the ECG does not improve with the initial injection. Beta-agonist catecholamines also activate the
The dose is 10 mL IV over 10 minutes with continu- Na+/K+-ATPase by stimulation of the beta-2 recep-
ous ECG monitoring of either calcium chloride or tor. Studied medications include inhaled albuterol
calcium gluconate. Calcium gluconate is less toxic and levalbuterol, used with a spacer, and a dose
to local tissue if extravasation occurs, but it may response in maximum reduction of potassium has
not be effective in low-flow states, such as shock or been reported at higher doses (20 mg vs 10 mg).
hepatic insufficiency, as it needs to be metabolized This is synergistic to the effects of insulin and glu-
to its active form.44 Calcium chloride contains more cose.44,49 High-dose albuterol (10-20 mg) delivered
calcium than the calcium gluconate mixture (6.8 vs. via high-flow nebulizer has been used to decrease
2.2 mmol in 10 mL), and it has greater bioavailability the potassium 0.6-0.98 mEq/L.22,49 It occurs within
if the level of potassium is very high. The Cochrane 1-2 minutes of administration and lasts 1-2 hours.
Review recommends calcium chloride.43 A subsequent dose may be given at 2 hours.44 To
date, there has not been a comparative study of
Shifting Potassium Into The Cells metered-dose inhaler versus nebulized beta-ago-
The next step in the emergent management of nists; however, a systematic review of the literature
hyperkalemia is aimed at shifting the high extra- concluded that both are effective.44 Paradoxical
cellular potassium into the cells. Potassium can be elevation of potassium may be noted but should
shifted intracellularly with beta-2 agonists, insulin, return to baseline at 3 minutes.
Caution must be taken in patients with known
cardiac disease, as tachycardia may occur due to the
side effects of the inhaled beta-agonists. This side
Time- And Cost-Effective effect occurs about 30 minutes into treatment; in one
Strategies case, a patient had paroxysmal atrial fibrillation that
resolved spontaneously. Other side effects reported
Do not treat hypokalemia due to shifting of are tremors and mild anxiety.47 A 1995 RCT by Allon
potassium. (n = 7) demonstrated that when used in combina-
In a dialysis patient, if hyperkalemia is the only tion, these agents (glucose, insulin, and nebulized
concern, try to arrange dialysis and avoid a hos- beta-agonists) are superior to single agents in lower-
pital admission. ing the serum potassium in hemodialysis patients.47
In asymptomatic patients with hypokalemia, This was further recommended by a Cochrane
orally replace the potassium and avoid IV re- review from 2005.43
placement. Another therapy that has been used to treat
In patients with an elevated potassium level, hyperkalemia is sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bi-
consider the need to pursue repeat testing based carbonate is only effective in hyperkalemic patients
on renal function, medications, and whether the who are acidotic and has no benefit when used for
blood was reported as hemolyzed. hyperkalemia in nonacidotic patients.9 One study
When drawing blood, invest in preventing he- showed that sodium bicarbonate did not lower
molysis to avoid factitious hyperkalemia. serum potassium levels in dialysis patients when
used as either a single agent or in combination with

Emergency Medicine Practice 2012 12 www.ebmedicine.net February 2012

Risk Management Pitfalls For Potassium Emergencies

1. The blood sample was obviously hemolyzed, Patients being discharged from the hospital with
so I didnt think it was worth repeating the loop diuretics should have close follow-up to
blood draw. monitor for hypokalemia before starting them
Do not wait for the laboratory to repeat the on potassium supplementation.
evaluation if there is any clinical suspicion of
hyperkalemia. Begin treatment immediately. In a 7. I did my job and started the treatment for
well-appearing patient, it may not be necessary hyperkalemiathe medicine team should have
to repeat the study in the case of a hemolyzed continued her treatment while she was waiting
sample that indicates an elevated potassium for a bed in the hospital.
and all other electrolytes within normal limits. Underlying causes of hyperkalemia should
However, if there is any question at all, send be treated once the initial treatment of
a new blood sample for evaluation. In some hyperkalemia has been initiated. Such
cases, a hemolyzed specimen may be masking treatments might be fluid for hypovolemia or a
hypokalemia. Foley catheter for urinary obstruction.

2. The ECG looked totally normal, so I assumed 8. The potassium level was 7.5 mEq/L and she
that the potassium must be normal. was scheduled for dialysis in the morning;
A perfectly normal ECG does not rule out a I thought the SPS would keep her out of
potassium abnormality. If clinically suspicious, a trouble.
potassium level should be obtained. SPS is not a suitable therapy for the acute
management of hyperkalemia and should be
3. This patient just had dialysis yesterday and avoided due to its potential to cause bowel
his potassium is already 7.0 mEq/L. necrosis.
The rate of rise in hyperkalemia is just as
important as the absolute number. 9. The serum potassium level was low do you
really think it was due to the albuterol? And
4. The ED is always packed, and there are not why did she become hypokalemic?
enough monitors to go around; plus I didnt In cases of hyperventilation, albuterol-treated
think there was a reason the patient getting IV patients, or in trauma, the hypokalemia is
potassium needed to be on a monitor. generally from a shifting of potassium rather
All patients getting IV potassium than a total body depletion. In these situations,
supplementation, despite the dose, should be treating the underlying cause should take
on a monitor both during and after treatment to priority over the hypokalemia.
avoid missing the induction of a dysrhythmia.
10. He had missed dialysis and the ECG showed
5. His potassium level is always elevated when a widened QRS complex I thought the
he comes to the ED because he chronically bicarbonate, insulin, and glucose would fix the
misses his dialysis appointments, so I thought problem I wonder why he went into cardiac
he had developed tolerance. arrest?
Patients with end-stage renal disease are often Patients with clinically significant ECG changes
considered to be more tolerant of hyperkalemia; concerning for hyperkalemia should be treated
However, these patients should be treated with with calcium for membrane stabilization prior to
as much caution as a nonrenal patient with other treatments for hyperkalemia.
11. The patient was in cardiac arrest; I never
6. She had just of touch of CHF, so I just sent considered he could be hyperkalemic.
her out with furosemide and potassium Always consider hyperkalemia in patients with
supplement and thought she would follow up cardiac arrest, especially if they have a wide-
at the clinic I didnt realize they didnt have complex dysrhythmia.
any appointments for 3 months. I cant believe
her potassium could go so high.

February 2012 www.ebmedicine.net 13 Emergency Medicine Practice 2012

other therapies (ie, albuterol or insulin IV).50 In 1997, issue of the New England Journal of Medicine studied
Ngugi demonstrated that infusion therapy had some 8 patients; 5 were given SPS with sorbitol and 3 were
effect, but it was less effective than current therapies given just sorbitol. (SPS may cause serious constipa-
of albuterol, insulin, and glucose.51 Based on the best tion and life-threatening concretions that may be
available evidence, bicarbonate is not recommended resolved with the concomitant use of sorbitol.) In
as a monotherapy for hyperkalemia, especially in the study, all of the patients were given a diet high
patients with renal failure or decreased urine output, in sugar, gingerale, and no other food and had their
though it may be adjunctive when managing pa- potassium checked at 5 days. In the 5 patients who
tients with an organic acidemia. were given SPS and sorbitol, the potassium levels
went from 6.6 to 5.2, but in the patients who were
Removing Potassium From The Body given just the sorbitol, the potassium levels went
In hyperkalemic patients not responsive to medical from 6.3 to 4.6. The authors concluded, Sorbitol
therapy, dialysis is recommended for the removal of alone is as effective as a combination of resin and
potassium. In this treatment, high blood flow causes sorbitol in removing potassium, or more so. Howev-
greater removal of potassium. Different dialysates er, sorbitol alone caused a greater volume of debili-
have been studied and compared, with no clear ad- tating diarrhea. In either case, the predictability of
vantage of one over another.52,53 In the ED, dialysis the fall in serum potassium was impressive.56
is generally only possible on end-stage renal patients In the following years, SPS continued to be a
and is contingent upon whether a dialysis center mainstay in the treatment of hyperkalemia despite
is available or transfer can be quickly arranged. the lack of evidence to show its clinical effective-
Hemodialysis via central venous access can be used ness and safety. In 2007, after years of case studies
during ongoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation to describing serious and sometimes fatal cases of
acutely lower serum potassium level and may result ischemic colitis, the FDA mandated a decrease in
in return of spontaneous circulation with intact the concentration of sorbitol in the SPS formulations
neurological status despite prolonged resuscitative from 70% to 33%, thinking it may be the cause of
efforts and failure of conventional medications and ischemic colitis; however, episodes of ischemic coli-
defibrillation. tis continued to be reported. In 2009, the FDA placed
Sodium polystyrene sulfonate (SPS) is a cation a warning for the use of SPS and the concomitant
exchange resin that exchanges sodium for potassium use of sorbitol. The warning reads, Cases of colonic
in the colon and has classically been used in the necrosis and other serious gastrointestinal adverse
treatment of hyperkalemia for the past 50 years. SPS events (bleeding, ischemic colitis, perforation) have
is typically given at a dose of 30-60 grams by mouth been reported in association with SPS use. The
or through a retention enema. Its onset of action is 4 majority of these cases reported the concomitant use
to 6 hours, and theoretically, it decreases the serum of sorbitol. Concomitant administration of sorbitol is
potassium level 0.65 -1 mmol. The United States not recommended.57
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) originally After reviewing the literature, it is the recom-
approved the use of SPS in 1958, and in 1962 the mendation of the authors to follow the advice of Dr.
FDA reapproved its use after 2 small studies showed Richard Sterns, who in 2010 wrote in the Journal of
some decrease in serum potassium with its use. American Society of Nephrologists: It would be wise
Ultimately, cation exchange resins have not been to exhaust other alternatives for managing hyperka-
shown to decrease the serum potassium level within lemia before turning to these largely unproven and
the first 4 hours of treatment and should not be used potentially harmful therapies.58
in the acute management of hyperkalemia. In fact,
some studies show that SPS may be unhelpful in hy- Controversies And Cutting Edge
perkalemia and may increase the chance of colonic
necrosis, especially when used with sorbitol.54 Hyperkalemia In Digoxin Toxicity
The first study on SPS was done by Scherr et al Calcium is administered with caution in cases of
and published in the New England Journal of Medicine digoxin toxicity with hyperkalemia due to several
in 1961.55 The study had 30 patients with hyperkale- case reports of life-threatening dysrhythmias in this
mia secondary to renal failure who were all treated setting. In a recently published retrospective study
with SPS, low-sodium diets, a cathartic, and insu- looking at 159 patients over a 17.5-year period with
lin and glucose. This was a poorly designed study digoxin toxicity treated with IV calcium, the authors
with many flaws in its methods and conclusions. found no association between the two. Twenty-three
Twenty-three of the 30 patients had a decrease of of these patients were given calcium, and there were
serum potassium of at least 0.4 mEq/L in 24 hours.55 no life-threatening dysrhythmias in the first hour
There was no control group, and most of the patients after calcium administration. Also, the mortality
were treated with other therapies for hyperkalemia. rate was no different between the patients who did
A second study by Flinn et al published in the same not receive calcium and those who did. This study

Emergency Medicine Practice 2012 14 www.ebmedicine.net February 2012

should bring into question the long-held belief that strongly considered for admission. Patients with hy-
digoxin-toxic patients should have calcium withheld perkalemia who have potassium levels 6.5 mEq/L
in the setting of hyperkalemia.59 should be treated and admitted in a monitored bed
At toxic levels, digoxin disrupts the Na+/K+- for close observation and treatment. For patients
ATPase pump, leading to hyperkalemia. Over the with a potassium level of 5.5-6.5 mEq/L, the disposi-
past 50 years, there have been several case reports of tion will vary depending on the underlying cause. In
life-threatening dysrhythmias when hyperkalemia in cases of end-stage renal failure, patients may be sent
digoxin toxicity is treated with calcium.60 One theory to dialysis after they are determined to be stable for
behind the adverse effects of using calcium in digoxin dialysis.
toxicity is known as the stone heart theory, which
views calcium as the precipitant of an irreversible Summary
noncontractile state due to the failure of diastolic re-
laxation, resulting from the calcium-binding tropo- Diagnosing and managing potassium abnormalities
nin-C. In addition to the stone heart theory, another may be challenging in emergency practice. The first
concern stems from the delay in depolarization result- step is to consider the diagnosis and then confirm it
ing in ventricular dysrhythmias as a result of calcium by obtaining an ECG and serum electrolytes. Man-
excess.59 A study performed in an animal model agement must be tailored to the patients presenta-
mimicking digoxin toxicity and hyperkalemia found tion and comorbidities. Recognition and treatment
that there was no detriment to giving calcium.61 of life-threatening dysrhythmias are key, and close
monitoring after intervention is always indicated.
Succinylcholine An additional component to comprehensive emer-
Controversy about the risk of hyperkalemia with the gency care is recognizing the etiology of potassium
use of succinylcholine in patients with burns, renal abnormalities and developing a strategy that pre-
failure, or crush injuries has existed in the fields of vents its occurrence.
anesthesia and emergency medicine for decades.62,63
In a recent systematic review, succinylcholine was Case Conclusions
reported to be safe when used in cases of acute
burns occurring within 48 hours of presentation In the case of the man who missed dialysis, he was found
and in renal patients who had normal ECGs. One to be hyperkalemic with a potassium level of 7.8 mEq/L.
prospective cohort study looking at the comparison His ECG showed a widened QRS complex, leading to
of succinylcholine versus rocuronium in patients for immediate treatment with 10 mL of calcium gluconate.
rapid sequence intubation found only 1 patient who Nephrology was contacted and emergent dialysis was
had an episode of hyperkalemia that resulted in QRS scheduled for the morning, but in the meantime he was
widening on ECG (n = 382).64 The administration of given insulin 10 units IV and 50 mL of D50. A D10W
succinylcholine may cause a transient rise in serum infusion was started with 20 units of insulin per liter and
potassium ( 0-0.5 mEq/L), which may be of no he was admitted to the MICU.
consequence in otherwise healthy patients. Nonethe- The second patient was found to be hypokalemic, with
less, in patients with renal disease or pre-existing a potassium level of 2.0 mEq/L. His ECG and other labo-
hyperkalemia, this rise may induce arrhythmias. ratory studies were within normal limits. An order for 20
The approach to this issue should be based on ECG mmol of potassium chloride IV with close observation of
changes (ie, peaked T-waves or widened QRS). If his ECG and vital signs was made. Arrangements were
such changes are present, the emergency clinician made for an ICU admission.
should opt to use other paralytics in order to prevent
adverse outcomes.
Disposition Evidence-based medicine requires a critical ap-
praisal of the literature based upon study methodol-
Hypokalemic patients treated in the ED who are tol- ogy and number of subjects. Not all references are
erant of potassium by mouth and whose symptoms equally robust. The findings of a large, prospective,
have resolved can be discharged with a short course randomized, and blinded trial should carry more
of potassium as long as they have close follow-up. If weight than a case report.
the patient remains symptomatic or does not tolerate To help the reader judge the strength of each
potassium by mouth, admission is advised. reference, pertinent information about the study,
There are no definite criteria for admission to such as the type of study and the number of patients
the hospital for patients with hyperkalemia. How- in the study, will be included in bold type following
ever, patients with potassium levels > 8.0 mEq/L, the reference, where available.
patients with acute worsening of renal function, and
those with comorbid medical conditions should be

February 2012 www.ebmedicine.net 15 Emergency Medicine Practice 2012

1. Alfonzo AV, Isles C, Geddes C, et al. Potassium disorders- therapy guidelines. Arch Intern Med. 1998;158:917-924. (Pro-
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5. Unwin RJ, Luft FC, Shirley DG. Pathophysiology and using angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. Arch Intern
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8. Gennari FJ. Hypokalemia. N Engl J Med. 1998;339:451-458. 29. Pitt BZ, Zannad F, Remme WJ, et al. The effect of spirono-
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9. Mandal AK. Hypokalemia and hyperkalemia. Med Clin heart failure. Randomized Aldactone Evaluation Study
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to hypokalemic paralysis. Am J Emerg Med. 2003;21:487-491. 30. Juurlink DN, Mamdani MM, Lee DS, et al. Rates of hyper-
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11. Gutmann L, Conwit R. Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis. Evaluation Study. N Engl J Med. 2004;351(6):543-551. (Time
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12. Stevens MS, Dunlay RW. Hyperkalemia in hospitalized 32. Rosa RM, Silva P, Young JB. Adrenergic modulation of extra
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cohort; 35 patients) (Prospective study; 9 patients)
13. Ramadan FH, Masoodi N, El-Solh AA. Clinical factors as- 33. Zimran A, Kramer M, Plaskin M, et al. Incidence of hyperka-
sociated with hyperkalemia in patients with congestive heart lemia induced by indomethacin in a hospital population. Br
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patients) 50 patients)
14. Einhorn LM, Zhan M, Hsu VD, et al. The frequency of 34. Rastergar A, Soleimani M. Hypokalemia and hyperkalemia.
hyperkalemia and its significance in chronic kidney disease. Postgrad Med J. 2001;77(914):759-764. (Review article)
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15. Knoll GA, Sahgal A, Nair RC, et al. Renin-angiotensin 36. Hartland AJ. Serum potassium is unreliable as an estimate of
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hemodialysis patients. Am J Med. 2002;112:110-114. (Prospec- 37. Coca SG, Perazella MA, Buller GK. The cardiovascular impli-
tive; 251 patients) cations of hypokalemia. Am J Kidney Dis. 2005;45(2):233-247.
16. Weisberg LS. Management of severe hyperkalemia. Crit Care 38. Mattu A, Brady WJ, Robinson DA. Electrocardiographic
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17. Bleyer AJ, Hartman J, Brannon PC, et al. Characteristics 2000;18:721- 729. (Case series; 5 cases)
of sudden death in hemodialysis patients. Kidney Int. 39. Webster A, Brady W, Morris F. Recognising signs of danger:
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18. Sadjadi, SA, McMillan JI, Jaipaul N, et al. A comparative concentration. Emerg Med J. 2002;19(1):74-77. (Case series; 3
study of the prevalence of hyperkalemia with the use of cases)
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors versus angioten- 40. Dittrich, KL, Walls RM. Hyperkalemia: ECG manifestations
sin receptor blockers. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2009; 5:547552. and clinical considerations. J Emerg Med. 1986;44:49-55.
(Retrospective cohort; 2331 patients) (Review article)
19. Favaloro EJ, Lippi G, Adcock DM. Preanalytical and post- 41. Wrenn KD, Slovis CM, Slovis BS. The ability of physicians
analytical variables: the leading causes of diagnostic error in to predict hyperkalemia from the ECG. Ann Emerg Med.
hemostasis? Semin Thromb Hemost. 2008;34:612-634. 1991;20:1229-1232. (Prospective observational study)
20. Smellie WS. Spurious hyperkalemia. BMJ. 2007;334:693-695. 42. Martinez-Vea A, Bardaji A, Garcia C, et al. Severe hyperka-
(Case series; 2 cases) lemia with minimal electrocardiographic manifestations:
21. Allon M, Copkney C. Nebulized albuterol for acute hyperka- a report of seven cases. J Electrocardiol. 1999;32:45-49 (Case
lemia in patients on hemodialysis. Ann Int Med. 1989;110:426- series; 7 cases)
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22. Acker CG, Johnson JP, Greenberg A. Hyperkalemia in hospi- tions for hyperkalemia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005.
talized patients: causes, adequacy of treatment and results of Art no CD003235. (Cochrane meta-analysis; 12 randomized
an attempt to improve physician compliance with published trials)

Emergency Medicine Practice 2012 16 www.ebmedicine.net February 2012

44. Emmet M. Non-dialytic treatment of hyperkalemia in the molecular mechanisms. Anesthesiology. 2006;104:158-169.
dialysis patient. Semin Dial. 2000;13(5):279-280. (Review (Review article)
article) 64. Laurin EG, Sakles JC, Panacek EA, et al. A comparison of
45. Special resuscitation situations. An advisory statement on succinylcholine and rocuronium for rapid-sequence intuba-
conditions which may require modifications in resuscita- tion of emergency department patients. Acad Emerg Med.
tion procedures or techniques. Prepared by Members of the 2000;7(12):1362-1369. (Prospective cohort, 328 patients)
International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation. Special re-
suscitation situations. Resuscitation. 1997;34:129-149. (Expert
consensus practice guideline) CME Questions
46. Allon M, Copkney C. Albuterol and insulin for the treat-
ment of hyperkalemia in hemodialysis patients. Kidney Int.
1990;38:869-872. (Randomized crossover; 12 patients)
Take This Test Online!
47. Allon M, Shanklin N. Effects of albuterol treatment on
subsequent dialytic potassium removal. Am J Kidney Dis. Current subscribers receive CME credit absolutely
1995;26(4):607-613. (Randomized controlled trial; 7 patients) free by completing the following test. Monthly on
48. Blumberg A, Weidmann P, Shaw S, et al. Effects of various line testing is now available for current and archived
therapeutic approaches on plasma potassium and ma-
jor regulating factors in terminal renal failure. Am J Med.
issues. Visit http://www.ebmedicine.net/CME
Take This Test Online!
1988;85:507-512. (Prospective cohort; 10 patients) today to receive your free CME credits. Each issue
49. Greenberg A. Hyperkalemia: treatment options. Semin Neph- includes 4 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM, 4 ACEP
phrol. 1998;18(1):46-57. (Review article) Category 1 credits, 4 AAFP Prescribed credits, and 4
50. Allon M, Shanklin N. Effects of bicarbonate administration AOA Category 2A or 2B credits.
on plasma potassium in dialysis patients: interactions with
insulin and albuterol. Am J Kidney Dis. 1996;28(4):508-514.
(Randomized crossover; 8 patients) 1. Seventy-five percent of intracellular potas-
51. Ngugi NN, McLigeyo SO, Kayima JK. Treatment of hyperka- sium is found in which type of cells?
lemia by altering the transcellular gradient in patients with a. Endothelial
renal failure: effect of various therapeutic approaches East b. Muscle
Afr Med J. 1997;74(8):503-509. (Randomized controlled trial;
70 patients)
c. Hepatocyte
52. Gutzwiller JP, Schneditz D, Huber AR et al. Increasing blood d. Adipocyte
flow increases kt/V(urea) and potassium removal but fails
to improve phosphate removal. Clin Nephrol. 2003;59(2):130- 2. Which systems are the primary sites of ex-
136. (Randomized crossover; 13 patients) cess potassium loss from the body?
53. Zehnder C, Gutzwiller JP, Huber A, et al. Low-potassium
and glucose-free dialysis maintains urea but enhances
a. Renal and gastrointestinal
potassium removal. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2001;16:276-271. b. Skin and pulmonary
(Randomized controlled trial; 12 patients) c. Renal and skin
54. Gruy-Kapral C, Emmett M, Santa Ana CA, et al. Effect of d. Renal and pulmonary
single dose resin-cathartic therapy on serum potassium
concentration in patients with end-stage renal disease. J Am
Soc Nephrol. 1998;9(10):1924-1930.
3. In which of the following cases can clini-
55. Scherr L, Ogden DA, Mead AW, et al. Management of cally significant potassium loss occur from
hyperkalemia with a cation-exchange resin. N Engl J Med. the skin?
1961:264;115-119. (Nonrandomized controlled trial; 30 a. Mild sweating
patients) b. Severe burns
56. Flinn RB, Merrill JP, Welzant WR. Treatment of the oliguric
patient with a new sodium-exchange resin and sorbitol: a
c. Hypothermia
preliminary report. N Engl J Med. 1961;264:111-115. d. Severe dehydration
57. US Food and Drug Administration: Kayexalate (sodium
polystyrene sulfonate) powder. Available at: http://www. 4. What is the most common drug-related
fda.gov/Safety/MedWatch/SafetyInformation/ucm186845. cause of hypokalemia?
htm. Accessed January 27, 2010. (Nonrandomized con-
trolled trial; 8 patients)
a. Glucocorticoids
58. Sterns RH, Rojas M, Bernstein P, et al. Ion-exchange resins b. Penicillin
for the treatment of hyperkalemia: are they safe and effec- c. Diuretics
tive? J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010;21(5):733-735. (Review article) d. Calcium
59. Levine M, Nikkanen H, Pallin DJ. The effects of intrave-
nous calcium in patients with digoxin toxicity. J Emerg Med.
5. Which endogenous hormone is the primary
60. Lown, Black H, Moore FD. Digitalis, electrolytes and the sur- regulator of renal potassium secretion?
gical patient. Am J Cardiol. 1960;6:309-337. (Review article) a. Estrogen
61. Hack JB, Woody JH, Lewis DE, et al. The effect of calcium b. Epinephrine
chloride in treating hyperkalemia due to acute digoxin toxic- c. Thyroid-stimulating hormone
ity in a porcine model. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol. 2004;42(4):337-
342. (Animal model)
d. Aldosterone
62. Yentis SM. Suxamethonium and hyperkalaemia. Anaesth
Intensive Care. 1990;18:92-101. (Review article)
63. Martyn JA, Richtsfeld M. Succinylcholine-induced hyper-
kalemia in acquired pathologic states: etiologic factors and

February 2012 www.ebmedicine.net 17 Emergency Medicine Practice 2012

6. All of the following cause transcellular po-
tassium shifts into cells EXCEPT:
a. Insulin
b. Albuterol
c. Metabolic alkalosis
d. Respiratory acidosis

7. All of the following medications can induce

hyperkalemia EXCEPT:
a. ACEIs
b. ARBs
c. Potassium-sparing diuretic
d. Furosemide (loop diuretic)
e. Beta-blockers

8. The classic ECG changes that appear

sequentially as the serum potassium level
increases are:
a. Sine-wave pattern, wide QRS, prolonged PR
interval, peaked T-wave
b. Wide QRS, prolonged PR interval, peaked
T-wave, sine-wave pattern
c. Peaked T-wave, prolonged PR interval, wide Emergency Medicine
QRS, sine-wave pattern
d. Prolonged PR interval, wide QRS, peaked
T-wave, sine-wave pattern
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View the full text
9. It may be necessary to replace magnesium
as well as potassium in hypokalemic pa-
of this article at no charge at
tients because: www.ebmedicine.net/EMPGU.
a. Magnesium is required in the activation of
the sodium/potassium pump Did You Know?
b. Magnesium takes the place of potassium in That EM Practice Guidelines Update helps you
vital intracellular functions improve patient care by summarizing Clinical
c. Magnesium dilates smooth muscle, which Policies & Practice Guidelines relevant to your
decreases the need for potassium practice?
d. Magnesium causes a transcellular potassium That with EM Practice Guidelines Update,
shift, increasing serum potassium you receive 24 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM
per year?
10. Which of the following does not decrease That you receive all this absolutely free, simply
the serum potassium? by being an Emergency Medicine Practice
a. Calcium
b. Beta-2 agonists
c. Insulin
d. Dialysis Get the latest guidelines
update plus our complete
archives absolutely free at

Emergency Medicine Practice 2012 18 www.ebmedicine.net February 2012

In This Months EM Critical Care In This Months Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice

Emergency Ultrasound In The Evaluation And

Patients With Respiratory Management Of
Distress Constipation In The
Authors: Pediatric Emergency
Christine B. Irish, MD, FACEP
Associate Director of Emergency Medicine
and Director of Emergency Ultrasound, Maine Author:
Medical Center, Portland, ME; Assistant
Brandon C. Carr, MD, FAAP, FACEP
Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine,
Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatric
Boston, MA
Emergency Medicine, Bert Martins
Liisa O. Carden, MD Champions for Children Emergency
Department of Emergency Medicine, Department and Trauma Center, Arnold
Maine Medical Center, Portland, ME Palmer Hospital for Children, Orlando Health,
Emergency ultrasound is a highly valuable and Orlando, FL
readily learned tool that has expanded rapidly since
its introduction more than 20 years ago. In the past A 1992 study showed that 7% of patients presenting
decade, emergency ultrasound has progressed from 6 to a pediatric emergency department with abdominal
to 11 primary indications. The earliest applications of pain were diagnosed with constipation. Misdiagnosis
emergency ultrasound answered questions regarding may lead to multiple unresolved physician visits,
the presence or absence of life-threatening clinical utilization of emergency medical services, high doses
conditions and enhanced patient safety through
of ionizing radiation, unnecessary laboratory tests,
procedural guidance. More recently, it has lent itself to
the evaluation and management of critically ill patients and even surgical procedures. This issue examines
through the incorporation of multiple ultrasound existing literature, though few randomized double-
examinations within a single patient encounter. The blind controlled clinical trials of good quality existed
information gained can provide crucial, time-dependent until recently. The study populations in many articles
information at the bedside, which can enhance are obtained from pediatric specialty clinics with
diagnostic certainty and guide management. This issue subjects who carry a known diagnosis of chronic
of EMCC provides an evidence-based approach to
and often poorly controlled constipation. Analysis
the use of ultrasound in the evaluation of the critically
ill patient with respiratory distress and hypotension. of the literature is hampered by lack of a concrete
Two clinical scenarios are presented: the progressively definition of constipation and the variability in
dyspneic patient with a history of chronic obstructive outcome measures. The primary evidence-based
pulmonary disease (COPD) and decompensated recommendations from this article are based on
heart failure and the acutely dyspneic patient with published guidelines and include management of
hypotension. These scenarios were chosen because constipation in children divided into 3 stages of
they are commonly encountered in clinical practice
therapy: disimpaction, maintenance therapy, and
and require rapid, complex decision making that is
augmented with the use of emergency ultrasound. behavior modification.
The evidence supporting emergency ultrasound for
diagnosis of pulmonary edema, pneumothorax, left Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice
ventricular (LV) dysfunction, and right ventricular (RV)
dysfunction is presented, and the technique for image
subscribers: Access this article at no charge at
acquisition is discussed. www.ebmedicine.net/PEMP.

EMCC subscribers: Non-subscribers:

Access this article at no charge at Purchase this article with CME at
www.ebmedicine.net/EMCC. www.ebmedicine.net/pediatricconstipation or
subscribe with a $100 savings at
Non-subscribers: www.ebmedicine.net/PEMPinfo.
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subscribe with a $120 savings at

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