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University of Oxford

North American Office

Michaelmas Term 2009 Newsletter
MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR Oxford would be rather limited if it consisted solely of your
being asked for money. So what else?
Greetings from Oxfords office in New York!
As a starting point, I should like to draw your attention to the
While Michaelmas Term is always a busy and exciting time item on Page 2 highlighting the establishment of the Oxford
in Oxford, this autumn was especially eventful as our new Recruiting Team. By encouraging the best and brightest
Vice-Chancellor was installed on 6 October. Along with the students to apply to Oxford, you provide a great service to the
Chairman of Americans for Oxford, Mr. Paul Dodyk, I University and, potentially, have a significant impact on the life
represented the North American Office at this wonderful of a promising young scholar. More broadly, my colleagues
occasion. As is often the case at Oxford, the setting was and I invite you to attend Oxford alumni gatherings in your
inspirational. A special platform was built upon the floor of area, to contribute ideas for events, and to spend time on the
Wrens architectural masterpiece, the Sheldonian Theatre, Universitys excellent web site (, which is
facing the sweeping rows of benches occupied by the dons, updated every day with news from Oxford. For a truly
members of the University leadership, and guests. The day memorable and fulfilling experience, you may wish to consider
began with the outgoing Vice-Chancellor, Dr. John Hood, taking a part-time course at Oxford this summer through the
delivering his final Annual Oration. I would be remiss if I Department for Continuing Education (
did not take this opportunity to again thank Dr. Hood for the In sum, we invite you to stay connected to your University.
unwavering and enthusiastic support he provided the
Universitys fundraising and alumni relations activities in In closing, I should like to take this opportunity to wish you and
North America. In recognition of Dr. Hoods service to the your loved ones a joyous holiday season with peace, good
University, the Board of Directors of Americans for Oxford health, and much happiness throughout 2010!
commissioned a portrait of him that will be hung in the newly
renovated New Bodleian Library (soon to be renamed the Best regards,
Weston Library). The revitalization of this Library is
symbolic of Dr. Hoods impact on the University and
represents just one of his many accomplishments while
serving as Vice-Chancellor.
Michael G. Cunningham, FRSA
At this point, our new Vice-Chancellor, Professor Andrew Director, University of Oxford North American Office
Hamilton, stepped forward and took the oath of office, taking
possession of an ancient set of keys OXFORD THINKING CAMPAIGN UPDATE
(which once opened the University
treasury) and holding the University In his departing Vice-Chancellors Oration in October, Dr. John
Statutes. Professor Hamilton then Hood announced that The Campaign for the University of
delivered a stirring speech, Oxford has raised a total of 770 million to date. The sum
highlighting all that Oxford has represents nearly 62% of the targeted 1.25 billion goal. In
accomplished in recent years, the 2009, the Campaign has raised over 111 million thus far.
challenges and opportunities that it The Ashmolean Museum completed its 61 million
will face in the years ahead, while redevelopment in November 2009, with funds largely raised
inviting the entire Oxford community during the Campaign. A key University priority, the
to work together on behalf of this completion is not only a significant Campaign fundraising
great University. milestone, but a testament to the generosity of individuals and
As my colleagues and I travel around North America, we organizations. Still though, the Museum is looking to raise an
are often asked, What can I do to help? Sometimes, I additional 16.3 million to cover the project costs.
detect an implied second part to this question, namely The University also announced a donation of 5.1 million made
besides writing a check, a sentiment I completely by the Chairman of the Campaign, Dame Vivien Duffield,
understand. For while the University and its Colleges need
and welcome your financial support, your relationship to Continued on Page 4

Support the Future of Oxford Student Recruitment Team
With No Cost To You Today.

Yes. Its Possible and Its Easy To Do. In 2009-2010, Oxford

plans to increase its efforts
By including the University of Oxford and/or your College in in attracting international
your estate or retirement plans, you can help ensure that students from North
generations of students enjoy the unique benefits of an Oxford America by ramping up
education. Best of all, estate and retirement gifts do not impact its student recruitment
your current financial situation and can often be larger than gifts presence in the United
made during your lifetime. States. This initiative will
be led by Gareth Duxbury,
Why Make a Bequest ? Student Recruitment
Your assets are completely under your control and remain Officer, with the
untouched for your lifetime. cooperation of the North
You can modify your estate plans to reflect changes in your American Office. With a
personal and family circumstances. focus on states in the
You can designate the entirety (or a stated percentage) of northeast, the Student
your estate after taxes and other beneficiaries have received Recruitment Team is already planning a series of
a specific amount, or you can allocate a specific amount to presentations and outreach for alumni parents, high school
Oxford. students and school counselors. These presentations will
Your gift can be restricted to a specific program or interest promote the benefits of higher education in the UK, and
at the University or College, or your gift can be made more specifically, the distinctive form of undergraduate
without restriction so that the University/College can use the education offered at Oxford. They will also aim to give
funds where they are most needed. detailed information on Oxfords application and interview
All bequests are exempt from federal estate tax, and process, with an emphasis on the differences as compared
retirement plan assets allow you to give more at to the US system.
significantly less after-tax cost to your other beneficiaries.
In fact, bequests made through IRAs, 401(k)s, and/or The Student Recruitment Team has also penciled in visits
403(b)s are not subject to multiple tax consequences which to New York City college fairs. Paul Teulon, Head of
may include federal and state income tax and state death Student Recruitment, has already made inroads at several
taxes (where applicable). New York City schools after attending a series of events in
2009 at high achieving schools in New York City,
Heres the Easy Part including The Chapin School, The Dalton School, United
Include the University of Oxford or your College in your Nations International School and Stuyvesant High School.
will or trust. Wed be happy to provide suggested language
for you to share with your attorney in order to ensure that In 2010, an Oxford delegation will be making the trip to
your wishes are met. the Overseas Association for College Admissions
Name the University or College as beneficiary in your life Counseling (OACAC) Conference at Northeastern
insurance policy or retirement account. University in Boston, Massachusetts. After a successful
Notify us of your estate/retirement plans so that we can trip to the 2009 event in California, Oxford will be
acknowledge your gift and ensure that your intentions are returning to the Conference, which attracts admissions and
properly understood. Of course, all gifts are completely guidance counselors from across the world. Paul Teulon
confidential and you may wish to remain anonymous. has already been asked to repeat his warmly received 2009
session entitled Supporting Students in Their
For more information please visit
Applications to Oxford.
If you have questions or wish to
The Student Recruitment Team runs events all around the
receive suggested bequest
world, with presentations tailored to different audiences,
language, please contact
informing potential students about what they need to
David Stiles,
know. To find out more or to arrange a visit, contact Paul
Director of Planned Giving,
Teulon at
at (212) 377-4907 or email JamesWhitaker

Visit for more information

With the support of the Admissions Office in Oxford, a number

Oxford Needs You! of branches work for Oxford by encouraging the best students
from their area to apply to the University. Some hold mock
interviews. Others provide locations for skyped admissions
With 180,000
Oxonians spread In the past two years, we have been developing a new initiative.
across the world, Alumni have helped to find businesses to employ current
there are almost students as summer interns, thereby giving them valuable
as many ways to experience on job placements. Other alumni join the Oxford
make yourself Careers Network, in which they support current students and
useful to your other alumni with inside information about possible career
fellow alumni paths.
and to your
University as You can find out more about any of these ideas on the Alumni
there are Office website at
locations in
which to do it. Branches of the Oxford University Society We look forward to hearing from you,
are raising money for bursaries for students from their
regions, as is done in West Sussex and East Kent, or, if they
are more ambitious, raising money for scholarships, as has
been done in Kenya for many years. Other branches, like
Northern California, hold send-off parties for freshers from Nancy Kenny
their area, or welcome current students back for Christmas Secretary, The Oxford University Society
parties, or, as is done in Korea, help students to settle back in Director of Alumni Relations
their country after their Oxford course.

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Michaelmas Term 2009 Newsletter

CAMPAIGN UPDATE (continued from Page 1) With approximately 480 million left to reach the Campaign
target, the University now looks to further increase its
which will be divided between Lady Margaret Hall, collaboration with the Colleges in seeking support for combined
graduate scholarships in the Humanities, the Oxford priorities. The University, with cooperation from the Colleges,
Institute of Ageing, the University Church of St. Mary has also enlisted the help of students to reach out to Old
the Virgin and the Ashmolean Museum. Members, reconnecting them with Oxford with the hope of
increasing Alumni participation.
The James Martin 21st Century School Challenge has also
reached its halfway mark. While the $50 million
Challenge has created great enthusiasm for the School,
62% of the Challenges funds await matching applications.

While the Campaign has seen a significant number of gifts

come in for academic programs and capital projects, much
work needs to be done in the area of student support. From
Humanities to Medical Sciences, MPLS to Social Sciences,
graduate scholarships remain high on the Campaign
priority list, but has comprised only 6% of the Campaign
income to date. To ensure that talented graduate students
receive continued support at Oxford, the University has
embarked on a new student funding initiative, revamping
fundraising efforts in this crucial area.

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