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Name: ______________________

Weekly Reading Log

Signature: ____________________

Signature: ____________________
For the week of: ____/_____/______ - ____/_____/______
Weekly Goal: 105 minutes (or 15 minutes/day)


Mon.. _________________________ ____________
Tues.. _________________________ ____________
Wed.. _________________________ ____________
Thurs.. _________________________ ____________

_________________________ ____________

Sat.. _________________________ ____________
Sun.. _________________________ ____________

Each night, pick a question or reading response from the list and answer it in a complete
sentence on the back of this form. You may not use the same question more than once.
1. If you could trade places with one of the characters, who would it be
and why?
2. What do you predict will happen next in your book? Why?
3. What was the best part of the story? Why?
4. What advice would you give a character in your story? Why?
5. Is there a problem in the story? What is it? How was it solved?
6. What character do you like the most? Why?
7. What character do you like the least? Why?
8. In what ways are you like one of the characters in the story?
9. Pretend you are interviewing a character in the story. What two
questions would you ask them?
10. If you were the author, would you change the story at all? If so, what
would you change?
11. The lesson I learned from this story is
12. The setting of this story is ____________. I know this because
13. If you could trade places with a character from your story, who would
it be? Why?
14. Who is the main character? Describe him/her.
15. The part of the story that most surprised me was ______________,
because ____________.
Story Title: ______________________________ Question Answered: _____
Monday _______________________________________________________

Story Title: ______________________________ Question Answered: _____



Story Title: ______________________________ Question Answered: _____



Story Title: ______________________________ Question Answered: _____



Story Title: ______________________________ Question Answered: _____



Story Title: ______________________________ Question Answered: _____



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