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English Language Teaching across Curriculum


Science for seventh graders of Junior High School

Nilam Putri Riyanto
Rombel: 403-404

English Education Study Program

English Department
Faculty of Languages and Arts
Semarang State University

Subject : Science
Grade/Semester : VII/2
Topic : Abiotic and biotic factors in ecosystem
Meeting : 1st
Time Allocation : 20 minutes

I. Core Competence
KI 3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan
rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait
fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
KI 4 : Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyajidalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,
mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak
(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuai
dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut

II. Basic Competence

3.7 Menganalisis interaksi antara makhluk hidup dan lingkungannya serta dinamika
populasi akibat interaksi tersebut.
4.7 Menyajikan hasil pengamatan terhadap interaksi makhluk hidup dengan lingkungan

III. Indicators
1. Content Indicators
a. Students can define biotic and abiotic
b. Students can mention the examples of biotic and abiotic
c. Students can observe the interaction between living things and nonliving things.
d. Students are using science process skill to examine a plot of ground, making a
chart to illustrate findings and writing a paragraph that describes what they have
2. Language Indicators
a. Students are able to pronounce some new terms related to the biotic and abiotic.
b. Students are able to make the sentence by using can or cannot.
c. Students are able to make a descriptive paragraph that uses the terms related to the
biotic and abiotic.

IV. Learning Objectives

1. Content Objectives
At the end of lesson,
a. All students are able to define what is biotic and abiotic.
b. All students are able to mention the examples of biotic and abiotic.
c. All students are able to explain the interaction between living things and
nonliving things.
d. All students are able to use science process skill to examine a plot of ground,
make a chart to illustrate findings and write a paragraph that describes what they

2. Language Objectives
At the end of lesson,
a. All students are able to pronounce some new terms related to the biotic and
b. All students are able to make the sentence by using can or cannot.
c. All students are able to make descriptive paragraph that uses the terms related to
the biotic and abiotic.

V. Learning Materials

1. Content Materials:
What is Ecosystem & Ecology?
An ecosystem includes all of the living things in a given area, interacting with each other, also
with their non-living environments.
Ecology is the study of the interactions among living things, and between living things and their
Biotic factors are living or once-living organisms in the ecosystem. These are obtained from the
biosphere and are capable of reproduction. Examples of biotic are animals, birds, plants, fungi,
and other similar organisms.

Abiotic factors refer to non-living physical and chemical elements in the ecosystem. Abiotic
resources are usually obtained from the lithosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere. Examples of
abiotic factors are water, air, soil, sunlight, and minerals.

The interaction between abiotic and biotic factors

Plants use sunlight, water, and CO to make food
Turtles bury themselves in the soil when the temperature becomes too hot.
Elephants drink water in the process of drying the grass.
A fishs body temperature matches its surroundings.
Interaction between bacteria and soil.
2. Language Materials
Can / Cant
Affirmative Form
Subject + can + verb
Example: I can see birds in the sky

Negative Form
Subject + cant / cannot + verb
Example: I cannot find a lion in the field

Question Form
Can + subject + verb
Example: Can you observe the movement of your cat at home?

VI. Teaching Learning Strategies

a. Lecturing
b. Group discussion
c. Question and answers

VII. Learning Activities

1. Opening
Learning Activities Time (minute)
1. Students respond the teachers greeting and checking
2. The teacher mentions the learning objectives 5 minutes
3. Students respond the question given by teacher related
to the material that will be given

2. Main Activities
Teachers Activities Students Activities
1. Teacher explains about the Students listen and pay attention to
ecosystem and shows the the teachers explanation about the
video about living and non materials and sing the song
living things in forms of together.
2. Teacher asks the students Students prepare for answering the
about biotic and abiotic questions.
3. Teacher asks the students Students make a group consists of 6
20 minutes
to make a group consists of students.
6 students.
4. Teacher asks students to Students count and follow the
count and give the activities.
instruction to do number
heads together
5. Teacher gives feedback Group who answer the most and
and positive reinforcement correct will be the winner
about the activity.

3. Closing
Activities Time (minute)
1. Students are asked if they have some problems and
difficulties in the lesson.
2. Students are evaluated generally to know the students
competence or the students ability of the materials. 5 minutes
3. Students tell what they have learned and conclusion of the
4. Students are given assignment related to the materials.
VIII. Learning Media and Sources
1. Laptop LCD
2. Power Point slides
3. Video
4. Picture
5. Biology Book
6. Internet

IX. Assessment
1. Written Test
2. Spoken Test
3. Portfolio

Written Test (knowledge)

Name : ________________________________________________________
Decide these factors are biotic or abiotic
Write A if Abiotic Write B if Biotic
_____ Mouse _____ Corpse
_____ Rocks _____ Snail
_____ Water _____ Vegetation
_____ Fish _____ Trees
_____Glass _____ Soil
_____ Aluminum _____ Plastic
_____ Wooden Ruler _____ Pipe
_____ Sand _____ Air
_____ Clouds _____ Wind
_____ Butterfly _____ Mineral
Written test (skills)
o From the pictures list the living and non-living things and the interactions
between them!




Language Mastery
The amount of exercise The value of each number
1 - 20 1
Jumlah skor maksimal 20

NA= 100


1. Written test (Skills)

The amount of exercise The value of each number

1-5 20
Jumlah skor maksimal 100
Scoring system

a.Written test (knowledge)

Maximum score is 100.


Allen score: 15

NA= 20 100

NA= 75

Allens score for written test (knowledge) is 75.

b.Written test (skills)

Maximum score is 100.


Kiki score:

NA= 100 100

NA= 75

Kikit got 75 for writing test (skills)


Written Written
No Name (S + W) Score
Test Test

For students who do not meet KKM, they will join Remedial.

............, ......................20 ...

Headmaster Teacher Trainee

.................................. Nilam Putri Riyanto

NIP : NIM: 2201414076
Key answers Worksheet 1

Name : ________________________________________________________
Decide these factors are biotic or abiotic
Write A if Abiotic Write B if Biotic
B Mouse A Corpse
A Rocks B Snail
A Water B Vegetation
B Fish B Trees
A Glass A Soil
A Aluminum A Plastic
A Wooden Ruler A Pipe
A Sand A Air
A Clouds A Wind
B Butterfly A Mineral

Key answer Worksheet 2

The example of number 5
Biotic: Human, horse, and plants.
Abiotic: car, cloud, plane, rocks, and sun.

Plants use sunlight, water, and CO to make food

Interaction between bacteria and soil.
Human needs vegetable to be eaten

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