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Observation Conference - Teacher




NAME: Felisha Jackson SCHOOL / LOCATION: Blake Elementary/149

ID#: 136557 JOB ASSIGNMENT: Classroom Teacher


A conference was held to discuss job performance expectations and/or observation(s) of job performance. The expectations
and/or the observation(s) and the conference are summarized below.

I-Ineffective; D-Developing; A-Accomplished; E-Exemplary; N/R-Not Rated

Domain 1: Planning and Preparation

1A: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
1B: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
1C: Setting Instructional Outcomes I D A E N/R
1D: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources
1E: Designing Coherent Instruction
1F: Designing Student Assessment
Feedback and Reflection (Narrative):

Not Applicable at this time.

Notable Strengths and/or Expectations for Growth:

Domain 2: Classroom Environment

2A: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport
2B: Establishing a Culture for Learning
2C: Managing Classroom Procedures
2D: Managing Student Behavior
2E: Organizing Physical Space
Feedback and Reflection (Narrative):

Students were active participants in the learning process. Not all students were eager to share their work with
the whole-group, but the students called attempted to answer. Ms. Jackson showed respect and encouraged
students efforts when they shared. Her interactions with students were polite and business-like. I did not
witness disrespectful behavior among students. Some students appeared hesitant to share out. (3)

Ms. Jackson has established a cognitively busy classroom, where students are excited about learning. Some
students were confused about where/how to draw the array (using a foldable), so their tablemates attempted
to help. They had their materials ready, were not off-task, and appeared engaged in the lesson. Students
showed genuine excitement for specific tasks. Ms. Jackson stated that they were going to solve a word
problem using RDW and the students yelled, Yay! Ms. Jackson communicates the importance of the content.
In this particular observation, students werent necessarily taking initiative in improving the quality of work, or
questioning/commenting in an effort to understand the content. (3)

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Observation Conference - Teacher
Ms. Jackson used several classroom management tools like, Clap Once, Clap Twice and Thumbs Up/Thumbs
Down. It was obvious that students were familiar with the routines for math and were able to move between
each activity ((Review of yesterdays work, Fluency, Application, Concept Development) with very little
prompting. She also used a timer to signal the end of fluency assessment. Students transitioned from the
signal to standing up to check work as a group. The phone rang during the lesson, but it did not interfere with
students engagement. (4)

Standards of conduct appear to have been established and implemented successfully. Second graders were
a little off-task as they waited for the interventionist, but did not create a major distraction for the third graders.
Ms. Jackson frequently monitored student behavior and her response to misbehavior was effective. (4)

Notable Strengths and/or Expectations for Growth:

Strengths: Classroom management works well. Ms. Jackson is able to deal with misbehavior, though very
little was witnessed, effectively. Students were excited about the different pieces of the lesson.

Expectations for Growth: Building a community where students are constantly reflecting on their learning,
making changes to their work without prompting, and facilitating questions/discussions among their
classmates, would be a logical next step. Pushing students, especially those that were hesitant or didnt
want to volunteer, is important.

Domain 3: Instruction
3A: Communicating with Students
3B: Questioning and Discussion Techniques I D A E N/R
3C: Engaging Students in Learning
3D: Using Assessment in Instruction
3E: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
Feedback and Reflection (Narrative):

Learning target was communicated prior to the start of the Conceptual Understanding section of the lesson.
There were some opportunities for students to explain their thinking to other classmates. Example: Ms.
Jackson displayed the word problem about cell phones with a tape diagram. Some students were able to
show/explain their thought process/strategy with the whole-group. Ms. Jackson ensured students were using
accurate mathematics vocabulary to describe their solution (product, partition, equal groups, divided,
commutative property). The learning expectations, for the most part, were clear and students didnt require
much prompting to begin a task. (4)

Questions (Word Problem Prompts) were rigorous, and required a high-level of cognitive processing,
especially when students were asked to use specific strategies (tape diagram). Students were expected to
use the RDW strategy and restate the question in an answer format as a way to guide their thinking. Ms.
Jackson offered multiple opportunities to connect their strategy to solve with an expression. She used
questioning to prompt students struggling to communicate their thoughts and as a tool to illicit accurate use of
math vocabulary. She asked, What is the commutative property? Turn and talk with your table. For this
particular lesson, I did not witness students initiating higher-order questions. Not all students were actively
engaged in the discussion. (3)

Students were engaged in the learning through most of the lesson observed. They were moving from one
task to another quickly, with very little disruption of instruction. Students were aware of the learning target.
Ms. Jackson made attempts to involve multiple students in whole-group discussions. Not all students shared
their thinking, but they were engaged in the tasks at their seats. As a student demonstrated their strategy for
solving the word problem on the SmartBoard, she prompted when needed, in order to push the student beyond
their comfort level. I did not observe a closure to the lesson, so I am not sure if students had an opportunity
to reflect and consolidate their understanding. (3)

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Observation Conference - Teacher
Ms. Jackson moved around the room while students finished the fluency assessment. She adjusted instruction
because many students were confused about the array foldable. She provided positive reinforcement a couple
of times. Example: Awesome! Fantastic Guys! Ms. Jackson adjusted instruction, again, after listening to
students struggling to get the conversation started concerning the definition of the commutative property. She
allowed a student to visualize it because he struggled to verbalize the meaning. While he drew it, she asked
for others to provide an oral definition. Again, after students showed they were struggling with directions
concerning writing two equations to match their arrays. She immediately adjusted by providing a visual. (3)

Notable Strengths and/or Expectations for Growth:

Strengths: Ms. Jackson monitored the pulse of the class and made adjustments accordingly. She prompts
students to stretch their thinking and make connections. Students showed enthusiasm for the work. Ms.
Jackson stresses the importance of using accurate math vocabulary and provides multiple opportunities for
students to explore the meaning.

Expectations for Growth:

During this specific observation, I did not witness specific, individualized teacher-to-student or student-to-
student feedback. When time and the lesson allows, provide students with individualized, specific feedback.
As students become more proficient problem-solvers, they should begin the process of reflecting on their

Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities

4A: Reflecting on Teaching
4B: Maintaining Accurate Records
4C: Communicating with Families I D A E N/R
4D: Participating in a School Community
4E: Growing and Developing Professionally
4F: Demonstrating Professionalism
Feedback and Reflection (Narrative):

Not applicable at this time.

Notable Strengths and/or Expectations for Growth:

Evidence to support ratings attached (optional)


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