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Project name: Hack Your College Textbook Screen ID: Welcome Screen 1 of 10 (T1) Date: 6/5/2017

Graphics info

Image of an open book
with pages fanned out.
Taken from:
Hack Your College Textbook literature-683901/ (Public
Domain; no attrib.
required); background
Lets start hacking! removed
Nav button reading Lets
get hacking!

Audio information

Transcript of Narration transcript here


Description: User clicks Lets start hacking button to begin the tutorial
Project name: Hack Your College Textbook Screen ID: Introduction Screen 2 of 10 (T2) Date: 6/5/2017

Graphics info
Exit this lesson
Introduction Picture of Rosario,
arms crossed and
Youre about to learn how to: smiling; her name is
below the image
Read your textbook effectively Nav buttons reads
Understand and remember what youve learned Next: Overview of
tools and Go back
Exit this lesson link
This will help you to: at the top right
Make the most of class discussions
Do your best on tests and quizzes

Along the way, youll meet Rosario, a college Audio information

student wholl show you how she hacks a

textbook chapter.
Ready? Lets get started!


Go back Next: Overview of tools

Transcript of Narration transcript here

Description: User clicks next button to proceed

Project name: Hack Your College Textbook Screen ID: Overview Screen 3 of 10 (T3) Date: 6/5/2017

Graphics info
Overview of learning tools Exit this lesson
Picture of Rosario,
looking thoughtful (alt
Textbook writers want to help you learn. So when text = Female college
they write a chapter, they give you some tools to student looking
help you grasp new and challenging concepts. Nav buttons read Next:
These tools include: The Table of Contents,
and Go back
The Table of Contents Exit this lesson link at
The Introduction and Conclusion the top right
Review Questions
Meet Rosario. Before she starts reading her Audio information
environmental biology chapter, shes going to
preview the main concepts using these three
tools. This will help prepare her mind to learn by
telling her whats most important in the chapter.
Lets get started!

Go back Next: The Table of Contents

Transcript of Narration transcript here

Description: User clicks next button to proceed

Project name: Hack Your College Textbook Screen ID: Overview Screen 4 of 10 (T4) Date: 6/5/2017

Graphics info
Exit this lesson
The Table of Contents Picture of a mapping app
on a mobile-phone-sized
screen (alt text =
The Table of Contents is like a map of the chapters main concepts. Screen shot of a
mapping app on a
It shows you where youre going, and previews the main attractions mobile phone)
youll see along the way. Nav buttons read Next:
Knowledge Check, and
For Rosario, Its kind of like looking at a Go back
mapping app on her phone. When her map is Exit this lesson link at
zoomed way out, thats like the Table of the top right
Contents. She doesnt see any street-level
Audio information
details, but it shows her where shell start,
where shell end up, the main highways shell
use, the towns in between, and so forth.
Likewise, the Table of Contents lets her
preview and navigate through the chapters
main ideas.

Go back Next: Knowledge Check

Transcript of Narration transcript here


Description: User clicks next to proceed

Project name: Hack Your College Textbook Screen ID: Overview Screen 5 of 10 (Q1) Date: 6/5/2017

Graphics info
Knowledge Check Exit this lesson
Nav button reads Next:
Introduction &
According to Rosarios story, how is a textbooks Table of Contents Conclusion
like a mapping app? Exit this lesson link at
the top right
Like a mapping app, the Table of Contents gave her specific, street-
level details about the chapters main concepts. (Not quite. Look at
her story again, and notice how she uses the mapping app.)
Like a mapping app, the Table of Contents showed her the big picture
by listing the chapters most important concepts. (Thats right! Rosario
didnt need a whole lot of detail at this point; just the most important
Audio information
concepts and topics. The Table of Contents was perfect for this.)
Rosario learned that a Table of Contents is nothing like a mapping app.
(Not quite. Look at her story again, and notice how she uses the
mapping app.)

Go back Next: Introduction & Conclusion

Transcript of Narration transcript here


Description: User chooses an answer for the question. If correct, he/she receives positive feedback and clicks next to proceed. If incorrect, he/she receives formative feedback
and is taken back to the Table of Contents topic screen (T4).
Project name: Hack Your College Textbook Screen ID: Overview Screen 6 of 10 (T5) Date: 6/5/2017

Graphics info
Introduction and Conclusion Exit this lesson
Rosario reading a book
or tablet, with a
Usually, a textbook chapter will have some kind of Introduction at thoughtful expression.
the beginning, and a Conclusion at the end. You can think of these Thought bubble
indicating that shes
sections as a sneak peak, kind of like watching the trailer for a thinking. Alt text =
new movie that isnt in the theaters yet. Female college student
reading a book and
Hmm looking thoughtful. Her
For example, in the introduction and conclusion thought bubble reads
of her environmental biology chapter, Rosario Hmmm)
Nav buttons read Next:
learns that pesticide runoff from farms can Knowledge Check and
affect drinking water quality in rural Go back
communities. Her family lives near farmland, so Exit this lesson link at
the top right
shes immediately curious about this.
Just like watching a movie trailer might do,
reading the introduction and conclusion has Audio information
gotten Rosarios attention and made her want to
see more.

Go back Next: Knowledge Check

Transcript of Narration transcript here

Description: User clicks next button to proceed.

Project name: Hack Your College Textbook Screen ID: Overview Screen 7 of 10 (Q2) Date: 6/5/2017

Graphics info
Knowledge Check Exit this lesson
Nav buttons read Next:
Review Questions, and
How are a chapters introduction and conclusion similar to a movie Go back
trailer? Exit this lesson link at
the top right
Like a movie trailer, they tell you everything you need to know what
youre about to see. (Not quite. Look at Rosarios story again, and
notice what the Introduction and Conclusion does for her.)
Like a movie trailer, they give you lots of details about individual topics.
(Not quite. Look at Rosarios story again, and notice what the
Introduction and Conclusion does for her.)
Audio information
Like a movie trailer, they give you just enough information to make you
want to see the whole thing. (Thats right! The Introduction and
Conclusion didnt go into great detail; but they gave just enough detail
to make Rosarios want to learn more.)
The introduction and conclusion are nothing like a movie trailer. (Not
quite. Look at Rosarios story again, and notice what the Introduction
and Conclusion does for her.)

Go back Next: Review Questions

Transcript of Narration transcript here

Description: User chooses an answer for the question. If correct, he/she receives positive feedback and clicks next to proceed. If incorrect, he/she receives formative feedback
and is taken back to the previous topic screen (T5).
Project name: Hack Your College Textbook Screen ID: Overview Screen 8 of 10 (T6) Date: 6/5/2017

Graphics info
Exit this lesson
Review Questions Click to HEAR
Rosarios story
Picture of Rosario,
talking (alt text =
Female college student
Typically, textbook writers include speaking
Button-style speech
review questions at the end of bubble reads Click to
Click to READ
their chapters. They have good HEAR Rosarios story
Rosarios story Alt text reads the same.
reason for doing this. When we Button-style speech
begin by stating a new concept in bubble reads Click to
READ Rosarios story
question form, were more likely to Alt text reads the same.
understand it when we encounter Nav buttons read Next:
a detailed explanation later on. Knowledge Check, and
Go back
Exit this lesson link at
How did Rosario use the review the top right
questions in her textbook? Click
one of her speech bubbles to find Audio information
out! Include audio file of
Rosario (female voice

Go back Next: Knowledge Check

Transcript of Hi, Rosario here. Before I read my environmental bio chapter, I glanced at the review questions at the end. One of the questions was, How many parts per million (ppm) of common
audio: pesticides in drinking water is considered dangerous for human consumption? I was already curious about this topic, but now I could state my concern in the form of a question. As a I
read the chapter, I came to the section on groundwater contamination, and I remembered that question about parts per million. I think that asking that question beforehand got me
ready to seek out the answer.
Description: Users who click the HEAR speech bubble hear a voice actor as Rosario. Those who click the READ speech bubble see a plain text transcript of the audio in a pop-up
window. Users click next button to proceed.
Project name: Hack Your College Textbook Screen ID: Overview Screen 9 of 10 (Q3) Date: 6/5/2017

Graphics info
Exit this lesson
Knowledge Check Nav buttons read Next:
Conclusion, and Go
Which of these statements best describes Rosarios experience with Exit this lesson link at
Review Questions? the top right
Since shed already asked the question about groundwater
contamination, she didnt need to read that section, so she
skipped over it. (Not quite. Look again at her story, and notice
how she used the Review Question.)
Because shed prepared her mind with a question about
Audio information
groundwater, she was better prepared to learn the concept
when she encountered it later in the chapter. (Thats right! The
Review Question got her ready for a detailed explanation.)
The review questions didnt really help her that much. (Not
quite. Look again at her story, and notice how she used the
Review Question.)

Go back Next: Conclusion

Transcript of

Description: User chooses an answer for the question. If correct, he/she receives positive feedback and clicks next to proceed. If incorrect, he/she receives formative feedback
and is taken back to the previous topic screen (T6).
Project name: Hack Your College Textbook Screen ID: Overview Screen 10 of 10 (T7) Date: 6/2/2017

Graphics info

Congratulations! Rosario giving a positive

or encouraging gesture.
Alt text = Female
Like Rosario, youve learned how college student giving an
encouraging gesture
previewing a textbook chapter Exit this lesson link in
lower right corner
using the Table of Contents; the
Introduction and Conclusion; and
the Review Questions can help
you to effectively learn new
material. Audio information

Previewing a chapter in this way

will prepare your mind to learn
new information, and to
remember it later on when you
need it.

Exit this lesson

Transcript of

Description: Tutorial is complete. User may exit the lesson.

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