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A Choose the correct phrasal verb from the options and fill in the gaps. (10)
1 The film star was .................................................. by the studio as he spent too much money on drugs
and alcohol.
a come by
b cut off
c closed down
2 This year’s season of Survivor really ................................................. . It was so predictable.
a let me off
b light me up
c let me down
3 Jackie Chan’s film career really .................................................. when he added comedy to his acting.
a took off
b took after
c took on
4 I could never be in a reality TV show. I just couldn’t .................................................. the intrusion into my life.
a put one over on
b put up with
c put on
5 They told me they’d be here at 3 o’clock, and as usual, they are late. This arrangement is not
going .................................................. for me.
a to work up
b to work off
c to work out

B Select the most suitable vocabulary word from the list to complete the sentences.
Some sentences require 2 or 3 words. (15)
euphoria ◆ criticise ◆ infamous ◆ commercialization ◆ image ◆ manufactured ◆ ratings ◆ villain ◆
legend ◆ superstars ◆ disputes ◆ drawbacks ◆ hero ◆ eliminated ◆ controversial ◆ humble ◆
judges ◆ esteem ◆ gangster ◆ industry

1 The ......................... Al Capone was .................................................. in his day.

2 Let’s face it, today, .................................................. is everything for famous people. Substance doesn’t
really matter.
3 There aren’t any .................................................. left these days. We know too much about everyone to hold
anyone in such high ......................... .
4 Sometimes I wonder if we .................................................. celebrities so much because we envy them to a
great extent.
5 Can you imagine the feeling of .................................................. you’d experience if you won X-Factor?
6 Sam said she thought it was really .................................................. that they .................................................. that girl last
night as she was easily the best singer.
7 It really puts me off that one of the ......................... on any TV talent show has to be a ‘..............................................’.
8 The .................................................. of the music ......................... is pretty depressing. Just imagine how many great
bands are missed out on because they don’t fit the corporate profile.
9 What do you think the other .................................................. of fame might be? Obviously, the lack of privacy
must be a huge problem.

30 unit eleven test

10 I bet most of the .................................................. between TV stars are .................................................. to produce
higher .................................................. .
11 For me, Akira Kurosawa is a true .................................................. . Let’s face it, without the film, The Seven
Samurai there’d be no Star Wars.
12 Even though he was ......................... man, Mahatma Gandhi was, and still is, a ..................................................

for many.

C Unscramble the words to create questions. (10)

1 night / Your / right / flight / in /, / ? / gets / tomorrow

2 ? / aren’t / enjoying / yourself / , / you / You’re


3 really / were / weren’t / The / to / that / mean / singer /, / they / ? / judges


4 he / He / a / practises / lot / , / ? / doesn’t


5 in / are / interested / other / They / cultures / , / are / they / not / ?


6 thriller / think / ? / was / latest / great / , / you / Robert De Niro’s / don’t


7 I / Does / mean / that / have / to / ? / now / study


8 haven’t / You / been / to / France / you / ? / Ever / , / have


9 business / it / It / isn’t / hard / that / is / to / into / so / the / music / , / is / ? / fair / break / it


10 huh / cool / , / ? / She’s / pretty


D Look at the answers provided and match them to the questions you wrote in Exercise C. (10)
a No, it is up to you, but you’ll be sad if you fail the test. ■
b Yes, don’t worry! I’m having a great time. ■
c Yes, I nearly always enjoy his films. ■
d Unfortunately not. They are fairly close-minded. ■
e No it isn’t, especially when you are as talented as our band. ■
f Not really, he’s just naturally talented. ■
g Yes, I have. I went to France a lot with my family when I was young. ■
h Yes she is. I have always loved her music, films and fashion sense. ■
i I know! They were really mean about her abilities. It was embarrassing. ■
j Yes, it arrives at Terminal B at 10 p.m. ■


unit eleven test 31

A Identify the following relative clauses as Defining (D) or Non-Defining (N-D). Add punctuation
as necessary. (10)

1 The manuscript which had been adapted from an earlier version of a classic story was a great
success. ■
2 Her creative writing professor who loved the works of South American authors and poets emphasised
the need for unconscious self-expression in her students’ writing. ■
3 The massive plot twist whose impact revolutionized the ending of the novel had been inspired by
real-life events. ■
4 The fictional town where the other books in the same series also take place was the kind of place
where most people would be happy to live. ■
5 At that time in my life when I wasn’t even old enough to really consider my future my best ideas
started to germinate. ■

B Fill in the gap with the correct words relating to writers and literature. Choose from the words in
the box. (10)

best-selling ◆ editor ◆ twists ◆ adapted ◆ background ◆ fiction ◆ plot ◆ characters ◆ prolific ◆ acclaimed

1 The .................................................. is the story line of a book or play.

2 Someone who writes and publishes a lot is considered a .................................................. writer.
3 The .................................................. in a work of literature are the people or creatures that the book is about.
4 A writer’s .................................................. can have a huge influence on their work.
5 I’m sure that .................................................. authors can make a lot of money.
6 I think that too many .................................................. in a story can make it rather confusing.
7 I don’t usually like films .................................................. from books. They miss out too much information.
8 Being an .................................................. must be a difficult job. Can you imagine reading all of
those manuscripts?
9 Even though best-selling authors sell a lot of books, they are not necessarily ..................................................

works of literature.
10 I don’t have the imagination to write a good work of .................................................. .

C Combine the following sentences into one sentence using the relative pronouns
‘where’, ‘whose’, ‘who’, ‘which’ and ‘that’. (10)
1 The author wrote that romance novel. I enjoyed the novel.

2 She is the famous actress from India. She has been awarded many prizes.

3 Ms. Chapman’s husband was accused of fraud. Ms. Chapman is my teacher.


4 I enjoy travelling in Italy. There is so much delicious food in Italy.


5 Opera is a beautiful art form. Opera is underrated by many.


32 unit twelve test

D Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate relative pronouns. (10)
1 He was so unfriendly .................................................. took an immediate dislike to him.
2 My parents will be coming .................................................. I have the baby.
3 She is the one .................................................. brother took me to the dance last week.
4 Isn’t this film .................................................. was banned n the 1960’s?
5 Japan is the country .................................................. I met my future husband.
6 My boss was the one .................................................. suggested I tried a dating service.
7 I was waiting at the bus stop .................................................. all of a sudden he appeared!
8 He’s the playwright .................................................. autobiography I wanted you to buy me.
9 My big brother always bought me the gifts .................................................. I really wanted.
10 I would not want to visit a country .................................................. a war was going on.

E Read the following statements. Respond to the statements expressing your opinion using
the phrases in the box. (10)

Fair enough, but on the other hand…… ◆ I suppose so ◆ Yes, I think that’s right ◆
That’s exactly what I think ◆ I’m afraid I just can’t agree ◆ But don’t you think that… ◆
That’s not true ◆ I’m not so sure ◆ I’m sorry, I can’t accept that ◆ I couldn’t agree more.

There are too many pressures on teenagers to conform these days.
I agree to a certain extent, as modern society exerts a lot of pressure on people as a result of media
manipulation and advertising. On the other hand, there has always been pressure on teenagers to
conform as they are at such a vulnerable age.
1 Everyone should be required to vote by law.
2 Military service should be compulsory for 18-20 year olds.
3 A balanced diet is a great way to stay healthy.
4 War is never a good thing.
5 It is reasonable to test potentially life-saving medicines on animals.
















unit twelve test 33

A Read the following passage and underline 10 examples of the passive tense. (10)
It is a mystery to me why many famous or fictional criminals are idolised by average people. I wonder if
it is because the criminal lifestyle has somehow been glorified by media attention and so many movies
about crime and criminals.
For example, James Gandolfini was catapulted into the limelight as the mob boss on the hugely popular
show The Sopranos. Films like Goodfellas and Casino are being constantly repeated on television due to
their popularity. I suppose certain types of crime involving getaway cars, high-risk robberies and thieves
fleeing from the police must seem exciting to people whose lives might be governed by the mundane.
My sister-in–law is one of those people who is fascinated by serial killers. We were over there the other
night and some new books about serial killers were being delivered to her. She was so excited but I was
freaked out by the whole episode.
Another thing that makes me nervous is that some real-life or fictional criminals are being blamed for
inspiring copycat crimes. It is gruesome to think that people will be inspired by what they see on
television, in the news or at the movies. To make matters worse, how many children will be arrested in
the future for mimicking what they see in the media or from their computer games?

B Rewrite the active voice sentences using the appropriate passive form as directed. (10)
1 The military institutionalises many of its employees.
Present simple passive: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................

Future passive with ‘going to’: .........................................................................................................................................................................................

2 Global warming will radically change the lives of future generations.

Present continuous passive: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
Future passive with ‘will’: .....................................................................................................................................................................................................

3 A new skater took my roller skates.

Past simple passive: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Past continuous passive: ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................

4 My friends have helped me out a lot recently.

Present perfect passive: .............................................................................................................................................................................................................

Future perfect passive: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................

5 The veterinarian had already spayed my cat.

Past perfect passive: .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Future perfect passive:.................................................................................................................................................................................................................

C Put the following words under the correct heading. (10)

evade taxes ◆ hacker ◆ assassination ◆ commit arson ◆ theft ◆ pickpocketing ◆ burglar ◆
kidnapper ◆ assassin ◆ embezzlement ◆

Crime Criminal Crime verb

34 unit thirteen test

D Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph with the words in the box. (15)

had suspected ◆ armoured car ◆ had not committed ◆ witness ◆ appeal ◆ was sentenced ◆
armed robbery ◆ conviction ◆ euphoria ◆ jail ◆ confess ◆ being cleared ◆ crime ◆ had arrested ◆
was charged

October 21st, 2007 was a very important day for Antonio Campbell. It was the date of his
(1) .................................................. to try and overturn his (2) .................................................. for (3) .................................................. .
According to Antonio’s solicitor, he had a really good chance of (4) .................................................. as new evidence
had been discovered about the testimony of the prosecution’s key (5) .................................................. . It was painful
for Antonio to think about the last two years he had spent in (6) .................................................. for a
(7) .................................................. he (8) ............................................................... .

The police (9) .................................................. him whilst he had been sitting at the pub with his friends one sunny
summer afternoon. According to the police report, an eye witness had seen a man fitting Antonio’s
description stealing an (10) .................................................. from outside a bank. The police tried to make him
(11) .................................................. , but he never did as he was innocent. In spite of Antonio’s protest, he
(12) .................................................. with the robbery nonetheless.

Antonio’s case came to trial shortly after his arrest and (13) he .................................................. to ten years in prison
based largely on the testimony of that one woman. As you can imagine, the day for his appeal seemed
to take forever to Antonio, but at least it had finally arrived. It turned out that after Antonio had been
sent to jail, the police (14) .................................................. the witness of lying under oath. The real thief had paid
the woman off! Not surprisingly, Antonio experienced a great sense of (15) .................................................. when the
judge said he was free to go. He was overjoyed.

E Match the reaction to the statements. (5)

a Our neighbour’s dog seems to have disappeared. ■
b James said he saw granddad at the shop yesterday. ■
c Lizzie said that the Smiths stole her flower pots. ■
d My dad found a set of keys in the street last night. ■
e My brother stays late at work every night. ■
1 He might be trying to avoid going home.
2 They couldn’t be ours. Both sets are on the table.
3 She’s mistaken. They are not those kind of people.
4 I don’t think it was very well. Maybe it died!
5 It could have been his ghost come back to haunt us because he died twenty years ago!


unit thirteen test 35

A Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. (10)
soft-boiled ◆ mind-blowing ◆ brown-haired ◆ hard-boiled ◆ fair-skinned ◆ dog-eared ◆
foul-smelling ◆ good-looking ◆ ready-mad ◆ well-built ◆ fun-loving ◆ sweet-smelling

1 Wow! That film was .................................................. ! I have never seen anything quite so spectacular. It was an
amazing experience.
2 My husband doesn’t like his eggs runny, he likes them .................................................. .
3 She is very .................................................. . She burns easily.
4 Janet is a great person to have at a party. She is so .................................................. and has a great sense of
5 Look what a mess Tom has left his book in. All the pages are .................................................. .
6 What .................................................. rubbish! It’s got raw chicken in it and has gone off in the heat.
7 What a .................................................. flower! What it is? I’d like to plant the same in my own garden.
8 I bought a .................................................. soup at the supermarket for lunch. I can just heat it up in the
microwave and then I’m ready to eat.
9 He’s really .................................................. . He works out at the gym a lot.
10 Alexandra likes that TV presenter. She thinks he is really .................................................. .

B Underline the contradictory images formed by adjectives and nouns. (5)

1 She treated us with a cruel affection and still, we loved her dearly.
2 The white heat shone across the arid desert.
3 That determined year had a black summer. No one enjoyed its bitter aftertaste.
4 The explosion embodied destructive creation and we were powerless to resist its harsh power.
5 She personified the sparkling doom that death had to offer to someone in my shoes.

C Change the direct questions to indirect questions or statements using the information provided. (10)
1 ‘What did they say?’
He asked me ............................................................................................................................................... .
2 ‘Where is Pete going?’
They asked me ......................................................................................................................................... .
3 ‘Do you have the time please?’
Can you ........................................................................................................................................................... ?
4 ‘I don’t want to say what I weigh.’
She’d rather not ..................................................................................................................................... .
5 ‘What day does Dad leave on?’
Please let us know ................................................................................................................................. .
6 ‘What colour is the baby’s room going to be?’
Would you .................................................................................................................................................. ?

36 unit fourteen test

7 ‘How much is your monthly rent?’
Can I persuade ....................................................................................................................................... ?
8 ‘Can I come to the game?’............................................................................................................ .
He asked .......................................................................................................................................................... .
9 ‘Who is coming to dinner?’ Jordan asked.
Jordan .................................................................................................................................................................. .
10 Kate: ‘I’m going to America next year.’
Kate says ........................................................................................................................................................ .

D Match the sentences to their replies. (10)

a ‘I simply adore the dog-eared book over there.’ ■
b ‘The opening aerial shot of the desert was amazing. I loved it.’ ■
c ‘My mum can’t stand bad table manners. They are her pet peeve.’ ■
d ‘I’ve finally taken a liking to that painting in the hallway.’ ■
e Blythe was fun-loving and kind. She was the best. ■
1 It seemed that never before had a person been so loved by so many.
2 ‘Oh really? It bugs me when the pages are not new and crisp.’
3 ‘Yes, it was impressive and set the tone for the whole film.’
4 ‘I don’t like it when people play with their cutlery. It drives me crazy too!’
5 ‘I knew it would grow on you.’

E Think of some things that you really like and don’t like. Write five sentences expressing your opinion
about two you like or love, two you don’t like or can’t stand and one that you don’t have a strong
opinion about. Please back up your opinions with at least one detail as to why you feel like you do. (15)
















unit fourteen test 37

Review Test Units 11–14
A Match the words and their definitions. (10)
a kidnapper ■ 1 the first draft of a novel
b euphoria ■ 2 someone who steals personal belongings
c stardom ■ 3 an intense fear of something
d paranoia ■ 4 fame
e manuscript ■ 5 someone who captures someone against their will
f lipstick ■ 6 a smell (usually bad)
g odour ■ 7 makeup that you put on your lips
h pickpocket ■ 8 a type of laugh
i assassin ■ 9 a professional killer
j giggle ■ 10 a feeling of intense joy or happiness

B Do the crossword. (10)

5 A person who has seen someone committing a crime and goes to court to testify is called
a .................................................. .
7 Someone who takes part in a reality TV show is called a .................................................. .
8 Another word for the outside of something is .................................................. .
9 If you burn a building on purpose you are guilty of .................................................. .
10 If someone steals money from the company they work for, we say they are guilty of ........................................ .
1 Another word for someone who is a famous star is a .................................................. .
2 When an author has written a novel, the next step is to send it to a .................................................. .
3 If someone admits to the police that they have committed a crime, we say they have ........................................ .
4 Novels which contain stories which are not factual are called .................................................. .
6 When you boil an egg and the yolk is still soft, you call it a .......................... - ........................ .

38 review test units 11–14

C Use the phrases to finish the sentences. You may have to change them to make them fit. (10)

to jump at the chance ◆ to face up to it ◆ beyond one’s wildest dreams ◆ one’s mind goes blank ◆
hit the headlines ◆ from a mile off ◆ to swear someone to secrecy ◆ to make sense (of something) ◆
to settle down

1 I can’t believe he’s actually going to get married and ........................................................................................................................

2 I knew they were going to break up, I could see it coming .........................................................................................................

3 You need to read the poem three times before you can ..................................................................................................................

4 Whenever someone in the Royal Family does something out of the ordinary, it .................................................

5 For the first five minutes of a job interview, I can’t think of anything to say at all, ........................................

6 I’m glad the police have arrested him. It’s about time he ...............................................................................................................
7 I won £10,000 yesterday and my boyfriend asked me to marry him! It was ..........................................................

8 We did so much planning for the wedding. Thank goodness in the end the day went off .......................

9 My company offered to transfer me to Sydney. I was delighted and ................................................................................

10 Paul said that he couldn’t tell me what happened. He said his sister had ...................................................................

D Choose the best word to fill in the gap. (10)

1 Julia Roberts is a household .................................................. .
a legend
b name
c star
2 If you write a book about your own life it’s called .................................................. .
a a biography
b an autobiography
c a novel
3 He is an extremely .................................................. writer. He’s written over fifty books.
a prolific
b well-known
c talented
4 The plots in her books contain many twists and .................................................. .
a tricks
b turns
c tales
5 I can’t put my .................................................. on it, but I think there’s something wrong with him.
a head
b hand
c finger

E Use a word from Box A and a word from Box B to make phrasal verbs to fit in the gaps. You can
use a word more than once. You may need to change the phrasal verbs to make them fit. (10)

work ◆ run ◆ look ◆ turn ◆ break ◆ put ◆ pay ◆ take ◆ look

across ◆ back ◆ up ◆ down ◆ into ◆ after ◆ off ◆ out

1 I think she .................................................. her argument very well at the meeting yesterday.
2 Can I borrow fifty dollars? I’ll .................................................. tomorrow.
3 My daughter is just like my husband, my son however, .................................................. me.
4 I’m afraid the 17.30 plane to Boston has just .................................................. .
5 Would you mind .................................................. my dog for me while I’m on holiday?

review test units 11–14 39

6 Wow! Your arms are really muscular! Have you been .................................................. ?
7 I can’t believe it! Guess who I .................................................. today? Your ex-wife!
8 This is the third complaint we’ve had. I’ll definitely .................................................. it and let you know
the result.
9 I’ve had so many rejection letters, I don’t think I can take someone else .................................................. .
10 Josie and Tim have .................................................. . She’s left him for another man.

F Join the two sentences. Make the sentence in italics the relative clause. (10)
1 I’ve just read a book by Ian McEwan. I heard about it on the radio.

2 The boy has been released. He was arrested for pickpocketing.


3 Yesterday I met up with an old friend. I went to primary school with her.

4 Adam’s mother is writing a book. She used to be a doctor.


5 He bought many houses during the 1960s. Houses were cheap then.

G Change the sentences into the passive voice. (10)

1 The police arrested a young man from London.

2 The public are blaming the increase in crime on immigration.


3 Someone has robbed me!


4 The police are going to issue a statement tomorrow.


5 They will have decided on the verdict by now.


H Change the direct speech into indirect speech. (10)

1 ‘I’m innocent,’ said the prisoner.

2 ‘I’ll be starting a new book in the summer,’ said the author.


3 ‘I’ve already been to the doctor,’ said my mum.


4 ‘My purse was stolen yesterday,’ said Nancy.

5 Mary asked, ‘Do we have enough dinner for an extra person?’

40 review test units 11–14

I Match the beginnings and ends of the sentences. (10)
a ‘Why don’t you do an evening class?’ ■
b ‘This fish tastes awful!’ ■
c ‘Do that report now,’ ■
d ‘I can play football better than anyone else here!’ ■
e ‘I’m terribly sorry,’ ■
1 he ordered.
2 he boasted.
3 he apologized.
4 he complained.
5 he suggested.

J Write a dialogue between two friends discussing a novel. Person A loves the novel but person
B hates it. Use five of the words and phrases in the box in your dialogue. (10)

author ◆ plot ◆ characters ◆ well-written / badly-written ◆ I can’t stand … ◆ I loathe … ◆

I’m keen on … ◆ I adore ◆ I’m crazy about ◆ You can’t beat … ◆ grow to like something … ◆
doesn’t do much for me


















review test units 11–14 41

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