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Nationlism and the Nation Building

Lord Durham, a man that went over to Canada to discover and learn for many months, on the
mission to figure out what problems and requests that Lower and Upper Canada had during the
time after the Rebellions of 1837. After spending many months, asking people questions and
taking requests to the goverment for change, Lord Durham made the famous report called "Lord
Durham's Report". He explained how Lower and Upper Canada should be united together,
becoming the province of Canada. I picked this artifact because Lord Durham's report was
famous and meant a lot towards this theme, I was quite interested in this and studied a lot about

Militarism and it's Effects: The Great War

Posion gas, a weapon that was banned all over the world after World War 1, it was devestating
and left many soliders withs caring wounds that lasted for their whole lives. It was used in the
Great War against the enemy troops, in the underground links that the soliders used to destroy
the enemy troops without them seeing what will come next. I chose this articat/object because
of how much meaning it meant towards the Great war, it was destructive and harmful to the
point, it was banned from being used in the next war, all countries in our world can never use it

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