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On the CR automorphism group of a certain

infinite-type hypersurface in C2


1 Introduction
Let M be a C smooth real hypersurface, and let p M . We denote by
Aut(M ) the Cauchy-Riemann (CR) automorphism group of M , by Aut(M, p) the
stability group of M , that is, those germs at p of biholomorphisms mapping M into
itself and fixing p, and by aut(M, p) the set of germs of holomorphic vector fields
in Cn at p whose real part is tangent to M . We call this set the Lie algebra of
infinitesimal CR automorphisms. We also denote by aut0 (M, p) := {H aut(M, p) :
H(p) = 0}. Consider the problem: describe explicitly the stability group as well as
the Lie algebra of infinitesimal CR automorphisms.
Generally, for a real hypersurface in Cn , this problem is not easy to solve; they
are unknowm in most case. Until now, there is only some result of this problem for
some model type, but most of them are Levi nondegenerated hypersurface models,
or more generally, for Levi degenerated hypersurface of finite type in the sense of
DAngelo. With Levi degenerated hypersurface of infinite type, there is just some
result for some specific models. In this article, we give explicit description for such
a specific models - an infinite-type model (MP , 0) in C2 which is defined by

MP := {(z1 , z2 ) C2 : Re z1 + (Im z1 )P (z2 ) = 0}

where P is a nonzero germ of a real-valued C smooth function at 0 vanishing to

infinite order at z2 = 0.
To state these result more precisely, we will use some notation. Denote by
G(MP , 0) the set of all CR automorphisms of MP defined by

(z1 , z2 ) (z1 , g2 (z2 ))

for some holomorphic function g2 with g2 (0) = 0 and |g20 (0)| = 1 defined on a
neighborhood of the origin in C satisfying that P (g2 (z2 )) P (z2 ). Also denote by
 a disk with center at the origin and radius , and by  a punctured disk  \{0}.
For this article, we consider the real-valued function P :  R for some  small
enough, which is showed later. Denote by S (P ) = {z  : z (P ) = +}, where
z (P ) is the vanishing order of P (z + ) P (z) at = 0, and by P (MP ) the set of
all points of infinite type in MP .

Remark 1. With these notation, it follows that P (MP ) = {(it tP (z2 ), z2 ) : t

R, z2 S (P )}.

Remark 2. We can show that if P 6= 0, then G(MP , 0) contain CR automorphism

of MP defined by
(z1 , z2 ) (z1 , g2 (z2 ))

where g2 is a conformal map with g2 (0) = 0 satisfying that P (g2 (z2 )) P (z2 ) and
either g 0 (0) = e2ip/q and g q = id, for some p, q Z, or g 0 (0) = e2i for some
R\Q. You can see Lemma in Section and Lemma in Section for more details.
The aim of this article is to prove the theorem below, which give a description for
the stability group of the infinitesimal CR automorphisms of infinite-type models.
From now, all functions, mapping,hypersurface and so on are understood to be germs
at the considered points, and we will not refer to them if there is no confusion.
Theorem 1. Let (MP , 0) be a C smooth real hypersurface defined by equation
(z) := Re z1 + (Im z1 )P (z2 ) = 0, where P is a C smooth function on a neighbor-
hood of the origin in C satisfying the condition
(i) P (z2 ) 6= 0 on a neighborhood of z2 = 0, and
(ii) the connected component of 0 in S (P ) is {0}
Then the following assertions hold.
(a) aut(M, p) = aut0 (M, p) or, the Lie algebra of infinitesimal CR automorphisms
vanished at origin.
(b) If aut0 (M, p) = z1 z1 for some R, then
Aut(MP , 0) = {(z1 , z2 ) (Cz1 , g(z2 ))}
for some C R and some g such that (z1 , z2 ) (z1 , g(z2 )) G(MP , 0).
Remark 3. The condition (ii) simply thell us that MP is of infinite type.
Remark 4. The subgroup {t }tR , where t is defined by (z1 , z2 ) (et z1 , z2 ) for
all t R, is the 1-parameter subgroup which generate vector field z1 z1 . It is easy
to check that t Aut(MP , 0), which is one of the key to get the conclusion (b).
Remark 5. From the condition (ii), we see that the connected component of 0 in
P (MP ) is the set {(it, 0) : t R}, which plays a key role in the proof of this theorem
This theorem show that the special conditions of definining functions determine
the form of holomorphic vector fields. Consequently, the next aim of the article is to
show that the holomorphic vector fields determine the form of definining functions.
Namely, we show the following
Theorem 2. Let (MP , 0) be a C smooth real hypersurface defined by equation
(z) := Re z1 + (Im z1 )P (z2 ) = 0, where P is a C smooth function on a neighbor-
hood of the origin in C satisfying the condition
(i) P vanishes to infinite order at z2 = 0, and
(ii) the connected component of z2 = 0 in the zero set of P is {0}
Then any holomorphic vector fields vanishing at the origin tangent to (MP , 0) is
either z1 z1 or, after a change of variable in z2 , of the form z1 z1 + iz2 z2 for
some nonzero real number , , in which case MP is rotationally symmetric; that is
P (z2 ) = P (|z2 |).
The organization of this article is as follows. In Section, we introduce some
definition and lemma which we use in this article. In Section, we give a description
of stability groups, and proofs of Theorems are given in Section. In Section, we
prove Theorem and the lemmas needed to prove it. In Section, we introduce some

2 Preliminaries
In this section, we introduce some definition and lemma which we use in this

Definition 1. Let g1 , g2 be two conformal maps with g1 (0) = g2 (0) = 0. We say that
g1 and g2 are holomorphically locally conjugated if there exists a biholomorphism
with (0) = 0 such that
g1 = 1 g2 .

Definition 2. Let g be a conformal map with g(0) = 0.

If g 0 (0) = 1, then we say that g is tangent to the identity.

If g 0 (0) = e2ip/q , p, q Z, then we say that g is parabolic.

If g 0 (0) = e2i for R\Q, then we say that g is elliptic.

For any g satisfying that the automorphism (z1 , z2 ) (z1 , g(z2 )) G(MP , 0) we
had following property

Lemma 1. Let P be a nonzero C smooth function with P (0) = 0, and let g be

a conformal map satisfying g(0) = 0, |g 0 (0)| = 1, and g 6= id. If there exists a real
number R such that P (g(z)) = P (z), then = 1. Moreover, we have either
g 0 (0) = e2ip/q and g q = id, for some p, q Z, or g 0 (0) = e2i for some R\Q.

Proof. Replacing g by its inverse if necessary, we can assume that || 1. Consider

three cases as follow
Case 1: g 0 (0) = 1. From Leau-Fatou flower theorem, one can find a point z in
a small neighborhood of the origin with P (z) 6= 0 such that g n (z) 0 as n .
Since P (g n (z)) = n P (z), and limn+ P (g n (z)) = P (0) = 0, we have n P (z) 0
as n . Since P (z) 6= 0, we have 0 < || < 1, which is a contradiction.
Case 2: g 0 (0) = e2ip/q for some p, q Z. Suppose that g q = id; then there exists
z in a small neighborhood of 0 satisfying P (z) 6= 0 such that the orbit{g n (z)} is
contained in a relativity compact subset of some punctured neighborhood. Therefore,
since P (g(z)) P (z), the sequence { n } must be convergent, which mean = 1. If
g q 6= id, then g q = z + and P (g q (z)) P (z), which is absurd of case 1 with g
being replaced by g q .
Case 3: g 0 (0) = e2i (
/ Q). Then there exists z in a small neighborhood of 0
satisfying P (z) 6= 0 such that the orbit{g n (z)} is contained in a relativity compact
subset of some punctured neighborhood. Therefore, the same argument as in Case
2 shows that = 1. The proof is complete.

3 Explicit description for G(MP , 0)

In this section, we will give an explicit description for the subgroup G(MP , 0)
of the stability group of MP . By virtue of Lemma, G(MP , 0) contains CR automor-
phisms of MP defined by
(z1 , z2 ) (z1 , g(z2 ))
where g is either parabolic or elliptic. Conversely, given either a parabolic g with
g q = id for some positive integer q or an elliptic g, we shall show that there exist some
infinite-type models (MP , 0) such that the mapping (z1 , z2 ) (z1 , g(z2 )) belongs to
G(MP , 0).

3.1 The parabolic case
Lemma 2. Let g(z) = e2ip/q z + be a conformal map, with = e2ip/q being a
primitive root of unity. If g q = id, then there exists an infinite-type model MP such
that (z1 , z2 ) (z1 , g i (z2 )) belongs to G(MP , 0) for every j = 1, 2, . . . , q 1.
Proof. Suppose that g(z) = e2ip/q z + is a conformal map such that = e2ip/q
is a primitive root of unity satisfying g q = id. It is known that g is holomorphically
locally conjugated to h(z) = z. Let P be a C smooth function with 0 (P ) = +.
Define a C smooth function by setting

P (z) := P (z) + P (g(z)) + + P (g q1 (z)).

Then it is easy to see that P (g(z)) P (z). Thus, fj (z1 , z2 ) = (z1 , g j (z2 ))
G(MP , 0), j = 1, . . . , q 1, are biholomorphic.

Remark 6. In the case of g q 6= id, we have g d (z) = z + , and therefore

P (z + ) = P (g q (z)) = P (z). It follows from Lemma that there is no infinite-type
model MP satisfying P 6= 0 on some petal such that (z1 , z2 ) (z1 , g(z2 )) belongs to
G(MP , 0).

3.2 The elliptic case

Lemma 3. Let g(z) = e2i z + be a conformal map, with / Q. Then there
exists an infinite-type model MP such that (z1 , z2 ) (z1 , g(z2 )) belongs to G(MP , 0).
Moreover, MP is biholomorphically equivalent to a rotationally symmetric model
MP .
Proof. Suppose that g(z) = e2i z + is a conformal map with / Q. Then it is
known that g is formally locally conjugated to R (z) = e 2i z, that is, there exists
a formally conformal map at 0 such that (0) = 0 such that

g = 1 R .

Let P be a rotational C smooth function with 0 (P ) = +. Define a C smooth

formal function by setting

P (z) = P ((z)) = P (|(z)|).

Then P (g(z)) = P ( g(z)) = P (R (z)) = P (|R (z)|) = P (|(z)|) = P (z).

This means that (z1 , z2 ) (z1 , g(z2 )) belongs to G(MP , 0). Moreover, ft (z1 , z2 ) :=
(z1 , 1 Rt (z2 )) is a formal mapping in G(MP , 0) for all t R. In addition, is
is easy to see that MP is biholomorphically equivalent to MP , which is rotationally

4 Proof of Theorem 1
Proof of Theorem 1.
(a) Let H = h1 (z1 , z2 )z1 + h2 (z1 , z2 )z2 aut(MP , 0) be arbitrary, and assume
that {t }tR Aut(MP , 0) is the one-parameter subgroup generated by H.
Since t is biholomorphic for every t R, the set {t (0) : t R} is contained
in P (MP ). Since the connected component of 0 in P (MP ) is {(is, 0) : s
R}, we show that t (0, 0) {(is, 0) : s R}. Therefore, we obtain that
Re h1 (0, 0) = h2 (0, 0) = 0. If Im h1 (0, 0) 6= 0, then the holomorphic vector

field H iz1 , where := Im h1 (0, 0), belongs to aut0 (MP , 0). In particular,
iz1 aut(MP , 0). But this vector field generate the mapping
(z1 , z2 ) (z1 + it, z2 )
where t R, which is not an automorphism of MP . Hence Im h1 (0, 0) = 0, or
h1 (0, 0) = 0 implies that H aut0 (MP , 0), which ends the proof.
(b) From the assumption and the light of (a) we see that aut(MP , 0) = z1 z1 .
Denote by {Tt }tR the one-parameter subgroup generated by z1 z1 , or given
(z1 , z2 ) (et z1 , z2 )
for t R. Let f = (f1 , f2 ) Aut(MP , 0) be arbitrary. Consider the family
{Ft }tR defined by Ft := f Tt f 1 . It follows that {Ft }tR is a one-
parameter subgroup of Aut(MP ). Because aut(MP , 0) = z1 z1 , it follows that
the holomorphic vector fields generated by {Ft }tR belongs to z1 z1 . Hence
there exists a real number R such that
f = Tt f Tt
for all t R. Obviously, we see that 6= 0, since Tt = id if otherwise, which is
contradiction. Then this equality is equivalent to two equality below
f1 (z1 , z2 ) = et f1 (et z1 , z2 )
f2 (z1 , z2 ) = f2 (et z1 , z2 )
for all t R.
Take the derivate by t of two side of the second equality, we have z 1 f2 (z1 , z2 ) =
0, therefore f2 (z1 , z2 ) = g2 (z2 ) which is a holomorphic function on a neighbor-
hood of z2 = 0. On the other hand, take the derivate by t of two side of the
first equality, we have
(et z1 ) f1 (et z1 , z2 ) t
t f1 (e z1 , z2 )
0 = et f1 (et z1 , z2 )+et = f1 (et
z ,
1 2z )+e z 1 .
t (et z1 ) (et z1 )
This implies that z1 z 1 f1 (z1 , z2 ) = f1 (z1 , z2 ), hence f1 (z1 , z2 ) = z1 g1 (z2 ).
Since f1 (z1 , z2 ) is a biholomorphic function, it follows that = 1 and g1 (z2 )
is a holomorphic function on a neighborhood of z2 = 0.
Now since MP is invariant under f , one has
0 = Re f1 (it tP (z2 ), z2 ) + Im f1 (it tP (z2 ), z2 )P (f2 (it tP (z2 ), z2 ))
= Re(g1 (z2 )t(i P (z2 ))) + Im(g1 (z2 )t(i P (z2 )))P (g2 (z2 ))
= Re(g1 (z2 )(i P (z2 ))) + Im(g1 (z2 )(i P (z2 )))P (g2 (z2 )).
The case g1 = 0 is obvious, hence we may assume that g1 6= 0. Then it implies
Re(g1 (z2 )(i P (z2 )))
P (g2 (z2 )) = .
Im(g1 (z2 )(i P (z2 )))
Since P (g2 (z2 )) vanishes to infinite order at z2 = 0, then so is Re(g1 (z2 )(i
P (z2 ))). Since P (z2 ) vanishes to infinite order at z2 = 0, then so is Re(ig1 (z2 )),
or Im g1 (z2 ) in other way. Since g1 is holomorphic on a neighborhood of 0, this
implies that g1 = C R. Therefore P (g2 (z2 )) = P (z2 ). Hence f has the form
(z1 , z2 ) (Cz1 , g(z2 )), which end the proof.

5 Analysis of holomorphic tangent vector fields
In this section, we give a proof of Theorem. First, to prove this theorem, we need
a lemma

Lemma 4. Let P :  R be a C smooth function satisfying that the connected

component of z = 0 in the zero set of P is {0} and P vanishes to infinite order at
z = 0. If a, b are complex numbers and if g0 , g1 , g2 are C smooth functions defined
on  satisfying

(A1) g0 (z) = O(|z|), g1 (z) = O(|z|l ), and g2 (z) = O(|z|m ), and

(A2) Re[(az m + g2 (z))P n+1 (z) + bz l (1 + g0 (z))Pz (z) + g1 (z)P (z)] = 0 for every
z  .

for any nonnegative integers l, m, and n except for the following two cases:

(E1) l = 1 and Re b = 0, and

(E2) m = 0 and Re a = 0

then ab = 0

Now we are ready to prove Theorem.

Proof of Theorem. Consider a holomorphic vector field H = h1 (z1 , z2 )z1 +h2 (z1 , z2 )z2
defined on a neighborhood of the origin, which is tangent to MP , that means they
satisfy the identity
(Re H)(z) = 0, z MP
Expand h1 and h2 into the Taylor series at the origin

ajk z1j z2k aj (z2 )z1j ,
h1 (z1 , z2 ) = =
j,k=0 j=0

bjk z1j z2k = bj (z2 )z1j ,
h2 (z1 , z2 ) =
j,k=0 j=0

where ajk , bjk C and aj , bj are holomorphic functions for every j N. Note that,
since h1 (0, 0) = h2 (0, 0) = 0, we have a00 = b00 = 0. By a simple computation, we
1 P (z2 )
z1 = + ,
2 2i
z2 = (Im z1 )Pz2 (z2 ).
Hence we can rewrite the above identity asid
1 P (z2 )
Re + h1 (z1 , z2 ) + (Im z1 )Pz2 (z2 )h2 (z1 , z2 ) = 0.
2 2i

for all (z1 , z2 ) MP . Since (it tP (z2 ), z2 ) MP for t small enough, the above
equation has a new form

1 P (z 2 ) X
Re + ajk tj (i P (z2 ))j z2k + Pz2 (z2 ) bmn tm+1 (i P (z2 ))m z2n = 0.
2 2i
j,k=0 m,n=0

for all z2 C and t R such that |z2 | <  and |t| < for , > 0 small enough.
Inserting t = 0 into (??), one has
"  #
1 P (z2 ) X
Re + a0k z2k = 0.
2 2i

This implies that a0k = 0 for every k. Moreover, since the right hand side is 0 and
the left hand side is a power series of variable t, we see that the coefficient of tm is
equal 0 for every m N . Hence we have
1 P (z2 ) X X
Re + am+1,k (i P (z2 ))m+1 z2k + Pz2 (z2 ) bmn (i P (z2 ))m z2n = 0,
2 2i
k=0 n=0

" ! #
1 + P 2 (z2 ) X X
Re iam+1,k z2k + Pz2 (z2 ) bmn z2n m
(i P (z2 )) = 0.
k=0 n=0

Since P (z2 ) and Pz2 (z2 ) vanishes to infinite order at 0, one has
" #
Re iam+1,k z2k = 0.

Therefore ajk = 0 for k 1, j 0 and Re(ij aj0 ) = 0 for j 1.

Without loss of generality, we can assume that H 6 0. Since Pz2 (z2 ) vanishes
to infinite order at z2 = 0, if h2 0 then we implies that h1 (z1 , z2 ) = z1 where
R. So, we can assume that h2 6 0. From now, to be convenient, we denote
that am := am0 . Denote by j0 the smallest integer such that Re(ij0 aj0 ) 6= 0. Let m0
the smallest integer such that bm0 n 6= 0 for some integer n, then dentote by n0 the
smallest integer such that bm0 n0 6= 0. We see that if n0 = 0 then m0 1. Rewrite
the identity (??) in the form

" ! #
1 + P 2 (z2 ) X
n m
Re iam+1 + Pz2 (z2 ) bmn z2 (i P (z2 )) = 0.

Since P (z2 ) = o(|z2 |j ) for some j N, one has

1 + P 2 (z2 )
m m0 n0 n0
Re iam+1 (i P (z2 )) + i Pz2 (z2 )bm0 n0 (z2 + o(|z2 | )) = 0.
Consider these cases below:
Case 1: m0 = 0. Then it follows from Lemma (??) that n0 = 1 and b01 = i
where R . Hence by a change of variable z2 , we may assume that b0 (z2 ) = iz2 .
We shall prove that bm (z2 ) 0 for every m 1.
Indeed, suppose otherwise. Denote by m1 the smallest integer such that bm1 6= 0.
Using a same argument, we may assume that bm1 (z2 ) = i1m1 1 z2 + . We show
that bm1 (z2 ) = i1m1 1 z2 . Now, if otherwise, then bm1 (z2 ) = i1m1 1 z2 + ak z2k +
where k 2 and ak C . Therefore,
1 + P 2 (z2 )
m1 m1 k n0
Re iam1 +1 (i P (z2 )) + i Pz2 (z2 )bm1 n0 (z2 + o(|z2 | )) = 0,
which contradict with Lemma (??). So bm1 (z2 ) = i1m1 1 z2 . Hence,
1 + P 2 (z2 )
Re iam1 +1 (i P (z2 ))m1 + i1m1 Pz2 (z2 )1 z2 (i P (z2 ))m1 = 0.

This implies that

1 + P 2 (z2 )
Re iam1 +1 (i P (z2 ))m1 m1 i1m1 im1 1 P (z2 )Pz2 (z2 )1 (z2 + o(z2 )) = 0,

or, equivalently

1 + P 2 (z2 )
Re iam1 +1 (i P (z2 )) m1 P (z2 )Pz2 (z2 )1 (z2 + o(z2 )) = 0,

contradict with Lemma (??).

Hence, in this case, h2 (z1 , z2 ) = iz2 and P (z2 ) = P (|z2 |).
Case 2: m0 6= 0. It follows from Lemma (??) that n0 = 1 and b01 = i1m0 where
R . Hence by a change of variable z2 , we may assume that b0 (z2 ) = i1m0 z2 . ,

1 + P 2 (z2 )
m0 1m0 m0
Re iam1 +1 (i P (z2 )) + i z2 Pz2 (z2 )(i P (z2 )) = 0.

Now consider two subcases as follows:

Subcase 1: am0 +1 = 0. Then we have,

Re i1m0 z2 Pz2 (z2 )(i P (z2 ))m0 = 0.


Choose r (0, ) such that P (r) 6= 0. Let : (a, b) C satisfying (t0 ) = r and

0 (t) = i1m0 (t)(i P ((t)))m0 .

Let u(t) = P ((t)). It follows from equation (??) that u0 (t) = 0, hence u(t) = P (r).
Therefore, one has
Re i1m0 (i P (r))m0 = 0.

contradict with Lemma.

Subcase 2: am0 +1 6= 0. Then,

Re i1m0 z2 Pz2 (z2 )(i P (z2 ))m0 = ( + (z2 ))P (z2 ),


where R and :  R is smooth satisfying (z2 ) 0 when z2 0. Without

loss of generality, we may assume that < 0 and |(z2 )| < ||/2 for every |z2 | < .
Choose r (0, ) such that P (r) 6= 0. Consider : (a, +) C satisfying
(t0 ) = r and
0 (t) = i1m0 (t)(i P ((t)))m0 .
Let u(t) = ln |P ((t))|. Then from equation (??), one has u0 (t) = + ((t)). Hence,
Z t
u(t) u(t0 ) = (t t0 ) + (( ))d, t > t0 .

This equation implies that u(t) when t +, hence (t) 0 when

t +.
On the other hand, since |(z2 )| < ||/2 for every |z2 | < , one has

u(t) < u(t0 ) + (t t0 ), t > t0 .
This implies that
P ((t)) . et/2 , t > t0 .

Hence we can rewrite the equation of (t) in the form

0 (t) = (t)(i + g(t)),

where g(t) : (t0 , +) C is a smooth function satisfying |g(t)| . et/2 . Therefore,

t/2 )
(t) = eit+O(te .

This implies that (t) 9 0 when t +, which is contradiction.

The proof is ended.

6 Examples
Example 3. Consider the model MP1 with P1 given by
exp |z|1a if z 6= 0,
P1 (z) =
0 if z = 0.

where a > 0.
We see S (P1 ) = {0}. Moreover, P1 is positive on C , and the function P1
satisfy P1 (z) = P1 (|z|). Therefore, by Theorem and, we obtain

aut(MP1 , 0) = aut0 (MP1 , 0) = {z1 z1 + iz2 z2 : , R},

Aut(MP1 , 0) = {(z1 , z2 ) (sz1 , eit z2 ) : s, t R}.

Example 4. Consider the model MP2 with P2 given by

exp |z|1a + Re z if z 6= 0,
P2 (z) =
0 if z = 0.

where a > 0.
It is easy to check that S (P2 ) = {0} and P2 is positive on C , but P2 (z) 6
P2 (|z|). Therefore, by Theorem and, we obtain

aut(MP , 0) = aut0 (MP , 0) = {z1 z1 : R},

Aut(MP , 0) = {(z1 , z2 ) (sz1 , g(z2 )) : s R, P (g(z2 )) P (z2 )}.

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