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* APPLOVEDK Kirsty i 2017 Excursion and Incursion Procedures Queens Park Primary School EXCURSION/INCURSION MANAGEMENT PLAN YOU MUST READ THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION’S EXCURSIONS POLICY 2016 BEFORE PLANNING ANY EXCURSION. Identify the off site activity. Make a tentative booking. Make sure the date doesn’t clash with other planned activities. Obtain a bus quote (If required). Complete your Excursion Management Plan attaching: ‘* Bus Quote and Public Liability Draft Parent information form Venue Booking Form (if available) Venue Public Liability Excursion Checklist. * School Purchase Order 6. Submit your Excursion Management Plan to the Principal TWO weeks prior to the excursion for approval (Excursions will not be considered if the Principal does not receive the initial excursion information at this time) 7. Organise with the registrar to complete payment envelops to go home with letters to parents. 8. When excursion has been approved: ‘* confirm the transport arrangements and venue bookings * distribute parent information forms * arrange for duty changes if necessary (don’t forget all support staff) 9. Ifa cheque is required see the Registrar five days prior to the excursion day, 30 a cheque can be organised. Some venues will invoice the school, check this. Always ask for a receipt if paying via cheque. 10.Prior to your departure on excursion day check: * Every child has returned a parent consent form with an updated health form. You have all students emergency details You have the first aid kit The principal has an emergency contact number Contact the office of students who haven't arrived at school. The principal has a copy of your Excursion Plan Admin are aware (usually via a written list) of all arrangements for students not attending the excursion. + All students not attending the excursion must have a work package to reflective of the outcomes of the excursion eg. Project work. gPeNs 11, Parents need to be provided with full details of the excursion well in advance of the date to enable them to make an informed decision about their child’s participation This information must include full details of: «the purpose of the excursion; -date(s); + activities to be undertaken; «duration of activity(ies); + location of activity(ies) (including alternative venues); «student contact arrangements during the excursion; «transport arrangements; -cost; - supervision to be provided (number of supervisors and number of students); «staff action in case of student accident or illness on the excursion; «liability for loss or damage to student property and medical costs incurred in case of accident or iliness; and + special clothing or other items required. **School office staff WILL NOT be phoning parents to chase up permission slips, payments or Health Forms. This is the class teacher or excursion organisers responsibility." PARENT INFORMATION AND CONSENT TEMPLATE INSTRUCTIONS Depending on the nature and specific activities of the excursion, further advice and details may need to be included. Due to the more complex nature of international excursions, consent forms should provide as much detail as possible for parents/guardians on: + Travel details including: -a detailed itinerary; “travel times, dates and modes of transport; and - planned activities. “Accommodation details including: -addresses; and “contact telephone numbers (where applicable). Supervision details including: “names and gender of all accompanying adults; “advice on staff with CPR and first aid certification; and “how parents/guardians might get in contact with their child or staff in an emergency. Parentiguardians need to provide informed consent for the excursion including: relevant medical information relating to their child; ‘confirmation of travel insurance (where necessary); and “acknowledgment of the supervision and accommodation arrangements. PARENT INFORMATION AND CONSENT FORM FOR SCHOOL EXCURSION Dear Parent/Guardian | am pleased to provide you with the following details regarding our excursion to a on (include date or dates for the excursion). This excursion has been planned to supplement the following work being completed in your son's/daughter’s classroom: PHS eee The cost of the excursion is §, The class will depart from at and return to at Travel will be by Number of students attending exoursion Members of the supervisory team are: ee i ee Uncontrolled when printed 32 Effective: 4 February 2014 excursions Procedures All poy and procedural Siasnanis contained within this document are lanful orders forthe purposes of section 80() ofthe Public Sector Management SESGas Wa) end ar thorefore fo be observed by all Department of Education employees. Include where appropriate: The staff member with CPR and/or first aid training is Activities to be undertaken: Special clothing or other items required: Contact arrangements during the excursion: Insert/attach as appropriate: + Overnight excursion advice «Water based activities advice + Travel insurance advice — interstate and overseas excursions + Any additional international excursion information Authorised Department employee Principal 3S....0+.0+11-(Please detach and return by) if your son/daughter has special needs please provide full details and include any relevant medical details on the attached Student Health Care Summary. If the proposed excursion poses any additional health risks to those identified in the Student Health Care Summary, e.g. if your child suffers from anaphylaxis there may be risks associated with the provision of meals and storage of an adrenaline auto injector at the appropriate temperature. Please outline additional health risks below: | consent to participating in an excursion to on give permission for my son/daughter to receive medical treatment in case of emergency. lam aware that the school and its employees are not responsible for personal injuries or property damage which may occur on an excursion, unless the school or its employees are proven to be negligent. Insert/attach and appropriate: + Water based activities response + Travel insurance response PROPOSAL FOR EXCURSION/INCURSION ‘School Queens Park Primary Excursion to: | Children Sing Festival Date of excursion: | 14/6/17 ‘Authorised Kirsty Hulka employee: Documents List of supervisory team attached: | ist of students and parent contact telephone numbers a Up-to-date student health care plans and information ‘Accommodation details (if relevant) Additional documents (please list) o a Details of student travel insurance (if relevant) S iS o Insurance Certificate of Currency for The authorised Department employee in charge of the excursion completes the following information related to the proposed excursion (refer to the guidelines). Additional documents may be attached where required. 1. EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE OF EXCURSION. ‘(Refer to quideline 1-2) For the QPPS choir to perform in the Children Sing Festival. The festival will provide the students in the choir the opportunity to perform in public on their own, The festival will be adjudicated and feedback will be given to the students. It will allow students to refiect on their own performance which will add to their accountability and confidence in performance. ©The excursion has a clear educational purpose me 2. STUDENTS CAPACITY (Refer fo guidelines 3-9) Alll students in the QPPS choir have the capacity to perform in the festival __©_Allparticipating students have the capacity to undertake the excursion =| 3._ SUPERVISORY TEAM | (Refer to guidelines 10-17) Kirsty Hulka Ethan Timmerman * Asuitable supervisory team has been established with appropriate teacher-student ration a ‘4. SUPERVISION STRATEGIES (Refer to guidelines 18-24) Er 7 ‘Supervisor to Student Ratio: 26:1 Supervision strategies: All children will be in full school uniform and behaviour strategies from the school will be implemented. They will be clearly explained the rules and expectations before the excursion and informed of the warning system in place if they choose not to follow the rules and expectations. There will be a reminder of the rules on the first offence, following this they will be removed from the rehearsal for Smins. if they continue to offend they will be issued a detention to be carried out when they return to school. Students will be shown the detention slips and explained that their classroom teacher will follow up the detention on Thursday 15" June. ‘When leaving the bus and walking to the Octagon Theatre they will be in two neat lines with an allocated partner. Before crossing the road Ethan will wait on the other side of the road while Kirsty supervises students crossing the road, Once all students have crossed the road they continue to walk to Octagon Theatre through UWA. Kirsty will lead the group and Ethan will supervise from the back of the line, When arriving at UWA students will have a 10~ 15min morning tea break. During morning tea break supervisors will ensure students are sitting down in a group as Queens Park Primary School. Supervisors will ensure that no students are sharing food. Students and parents will be advised prior to the rehearsal that the event is Nut Free. After students are finished eating they will be shown where the bin is and will remain within the designated area as advised by Kirsty Hulka, Students will not be permitted to run around after morning tea. Strategies for Limitation of Improper Conduct Allegations ‘Students will be supervised at all times during the Concert, walking from the bus to Octagon Theatre and on the bus to and from the concert. They will be required to remain in their allocated lines during the concert and will enter and exit the bus in an orderly fashion. If students need to go to the toilet during the concert, they will be accompanied by a supervisor. ‘Students will be encouraged to go to the toilet during allocated times. ‘* Supervision strategies have been established with the supervisory team _ Al 5. IDENTIFYING EXCURSION PARTICIPANTS | (Refer to guidelines 26-30) . See attached list of students KAmended [Pedacted Coc Privacy [releese concerns «__ Systems for identifying excursion participants have been established a 6. COMMUNICATION STRATEGY (Refer to guidelines 28-30) All supervisors will have mobiles on them and will have mobile numbers handy if they need to make contact. All supervisors will also have a whistle to gain students attention. Students parent contact details will be given to each supervisor should the parents need to be contacted. Kirsty Hulka Ethan Timmerman 0438 995 497, © An appropriate communication strategy has been established and conveyed to all those attending the excursion mw 7. BRIEFING STUDENTS AND SUPERVISORS, (Refer to guidelines 26-30) Before the students depart for the excursion they will meet in the music room at 9: will be briefed on the rules, activities and behaviour expectations. Supervisors will be briefed on emergency procedures, behaviour strategies, students with medical issues and roles during the rehearsal. © Allrelevant information about respective respor fies and obligations has been communicated to students and supervisors cH 8._ TRANSPORT ARRANGEMENTS (Rr fo guidelines 37-41) A bus has been booked through Horizan West Bus service for pick and return from the excursion, The bus has seatbelts and enough seats for the students and supervisors. The insurance for the bus is included. ants] «Arrangements have been made for the safe transport of excursions parti ._ VENUE/SITE FOR THE EXCURSION Tarte gules 42-45 Venue: Octagon Theatre (University of Western Australia) Suitability of venue: The venue is suitable excursion. The insurance policy for the venue is included. Environmental risks: see attached Evacuation Plan manager/s: The evacuation plan for Octagon Theatre is attached. In the case of an emergency Kirsty Hulka will take the roll to ensure alll students are accounted for and when directed all supervisors will follow the evacuation plan and exit through the emergency exit. The venue or site for the excursion is suitable for the student group | 20. EXTERNAL PROVIDERS (Refer to guidelines 44-47) The Children Sing Festival is organized and run by Education Department employees. The public liability for Octagon Theatre UWA has been included ‘* A suitable external provider has been engaged and staff responsibilities established wl 11. INSURANCE COVER FOR EXCURSIONS (fer to guidelines 48-51) The Children sing Festival is organized and run by Education Department employees. The public liability for Octagon Theatre UWA hes been included. Insurance for Horizan West has also been included ‘* External providers have proper and current insurance cover GL. * Appropriate travel insurance for students has been arranged by parents Za] 12. STUDENTS WHO ARE BILLETED Retr to quiere 33) N/A ‘+ _ Safe and secure accommodation arrangements have been made al 13. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANNING (Refer to guidelines 5464) See Attached + An emergency response plan has been developed and a copy has been provided to the relevant Regional Education Office or principal of the independent public school “A 14, DETAILED COST OF EXCURSION ‘Reioro qudeines 67-69) The cost of the bus is $340 not inc GST and $374 inc GST Students each pay $4.00 each and the rest of the cost will be covered by P & C donation. The excursion has been properly costed Wa} 15. INFORMATION TO PARENTS FOR THEIR CONSENT (Refer to guidelines 67-68) See attached © Parents have been provided with full details of the excursion and signed consent forms . i 2 Authorised Department Employee Date | confirm that all sections of the Proposal for Excursion have been completed and it meets the requirements of the Excursions policy. Principal eee Date I the Fregosalfoj Excursion is endorsed, the principal must complete and endorse an Application roval of Excursion and submit for approval as outlined in Appendix A of the Excursions Procedures.) Environmental Risks - Octagon Theatre UWA There are limited environmental risks during the on stage performance however if weather permits and morning tea is outside the environmental risks and strategies are listed below. Bee sting, wasp sting or other insect bite Ifduring morning tea a student is stung by a bee, wasp or other insect Kirsty will first see to the student to check if they have any known allergies to insect stings. If they are allergic Kirsty will follow the childs health plan and call an ambulance. Kirsty will remain with the student until itarrives, while Ethan will supervise the other students. If there are no known allergies they will be taken to the bathroom and the sting will be removed (if necessary). Cold water will be applied to the sting area, and if an ice pack is available it will be applied, Ethan will continue to supervise the other students while the injured is betng responded to. Following the incident supervisors will continue to monitor the affected student. Student tripping or falling while walking to and from the theatre In the event of a student falling while walking to or from the Octagon Theatre the following strategy will be in place. Kirsty will stop the group and attend to the fallen child. Ethan will supervise the group while Kirsty assesses the level of injury. If the injury is minor and doesn’t need any attention, Kirsty will encourage the student to continue walking with the group. If the injury is medium and has drawn blood, Kirsty will locate a safe place for the remainder of the choir and Ethan to wait while Kirsty washes the wound and puts a band aid on it. When returning to school, Kirsty will inform parents of the injury. If the injury is major and the is a suspected broken bone or head injury, Kirsty will immediately call for an ambulance, while Ethan calls the school and the parents of the child. All remaining students will be encouraged to stay calm while this is happening. Kirsty will then call either the bus company or the festival organisers to inform them of the delay, Once the ambulance arrives the remaining students will return to school. Emergency Response Planning During the excursion to Octagon Theatre for the Children Sing Festival excursion the following emergency risks have been established: 1. Bus Accident 2, Student falling sick during the rehearsal 3. Students falling off stage 4, Student collapsing during the rehearsal Bus Accident In the case of a bus accident in transit to and from the rehearsal Kirsty Hulka will immediately call 000 for an ambulance and police. Ethan Timmerman will assess the situation and check children for injuries. After checking danger and ensuring safety Kirsty will begin to remove students from the bus. Once safely outside Kirsty will take the role to ensure all children are catered for and Ethan will notify the school of the accident. Kirsty will look after children who are more hurt and keep them calm until the ambulance arrives, Ethan will mind the other children and keep them calm until the ambulance arrives. After the ambulance and injuries have been assessed, supervisors will begin to contact parents. Student falling sick during the rehearsal Ifa student falls sick during the rehearsal Kirsty will respond to the student and remove them from the rehearsal to assess the degree of their illness. Ifit is minor they will be advised to have some water, sit down (or lay down) and see how they feel in 5-10mins. Ifthe illness is medium Kirsty will sit with the student and will contact the parents to advise them to pick up the student immediately upon return at school. If the illness is major, an ambulance will be called immediately, Kirsty will call the parents and then will call the school to inform them. Supervisors will sit with the student until the ambulance arrives, Student falling off stage In the event of a student falling off stage Kirsty and Ethan will see to the student immediately and assess injuries. The response plan will be the same as above for the student falling sick during rehearsal Student collapsing during the rehearsal Due to dehydration, heat, confined space and standing for a long period of time there is a risk of students collapsing or fainting during a rehearsal. Ifa student collapses, Kirsty will immediately respond to the student. The student will be removed from the rehearsal and some cold water on their face and to drink. If they show no sign of improvement an ambulance will be called and the school and parents notified, Dear Parents/Guardians of QPPS Choir ‘The Queens Park Primary School Choir will be performing in the 2017 Children Sing Festival on Wednesday 14* of June at Octagon Theatre (University of Western Australia). Students from years 4-6 who are in the Queens Park Primary School Choir will be attending the concert, along with 5 other schools. The performance begins at 11:15am and finishes at 12:25pm. There will be a short morning tea break before the rehearsal at the university of Western Australia and students will need bring their own food in a clearly marked container with their name and class number written on it. If there is no place for their name on their lunch box, please place food in a plastic bag with their name written clearly on it, Please be aware that the rehearsal is nut free. If your child has an allergy to food please indicate specific details on the medical form attached. Please also ensure they have a bottle of water. Please also note that this is a snack only, they will have time for lunch when they return to school. There are 39 students attending from Queens Park PS and the cost for the bus is a discounted price of $4.00. The bus will be leaving Queens Park Primary School at 10:00am and returning to school at approximately 1:00pm. When students return to school they will have lunch and return to class as per normal for the remainder of the day. Prior departure students will meet in the music room at 9:30am where all lunch boxes or bags with morning tea in will be collected and placed in a basket to take to the rehearsal. During this time, students will also be given a choir shirt to change into for the performance. Students will be provided with a QPPS Choir shirt to wear to the performance. They are required to wear the school blue tracksuit trousers and fully enclosed shoes. Please ensure girls hair is tied back and they are not wearing any large jewelry. Staff attending the excursion will be Miss Kirsty Hulka and pre-service teacher Mr Ethan Timmerman. Ifparents would like to attend the concert, tickets are $10 and can be purchased at Select the 14% of June, then session 2 at 11:15am. Please make sure you use the promotional code QUEENSPARK when purchasing the tickets. Attached is a permission slip and health form. Please complete both forms and return to either Miss Hulka, to the front office by Friday 9" June. Ifyou have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Kind Regards Miss Kirsty Hulka (music teacher and choir director) 31/5/17 Please return to school PARENT/GUARDIAN CONSENT Form CONSENT FORM FOR CHILDREN SING FESTIVAL UWA ‘TO BE RETURNED SIGNED TO THE SCHOOL BY FRIDAY 9T# JUNE 2017 Contact Information Home: i Work: Mobile: Other: Ihave read and understood the information regarding the Children Sing Festival on Wednesday 14* June and give my consent for my child to attend, I have also completed the medical form and enclosed $4.00 for the bus. I give permission for my son/daughter to receive medical treatment in case of emergency. Jam aware that the school and its employees are not responsible for personal injuries or property damage which may occur on an excursion, unless the school or its employees are proven to be negligent. ‘Signature of parent/guardian: STUDENT HEALTH FORM STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL This Information, that is required for each student participating on the excursion, will assist the school ‘and supervising teachers in the preparation and planning of an excursion. STUDENT DETAILS ‘Student's name: Date of bieth: Parent/guardian’s full name; Addrass: Postcode: Telephone no, - home: = works: ~ mobile: Name of family doctor: Telephone ni Medical details Isyour child subject to setzures, fainting, epilepsy, diabetes ot any other condition that may affecthis or her safety uring the excursion Yes oreo If*yes", please give details: Is your child allergic to: Penicillin (Please give details) ‘Any other drug Any food Other Date of last tetanus vaccination: Medication Parents guardians are requested to make arrangements with the teacher-in-charge for the safekeeping and handling of prescribed medications prior to the excursion, 's your child presently taking tablets and/or other forms of prescribed medication? Yes No Does your child solfadminister the medication? Yes No If"yes", state name of medication, dosage and frequency of use: Does your child have a current Health Care Authorisation Plan at school? 7 Yes No Other information Please provide any other information about your child which will enable the organisers ofthe excursion to provide better care for your child Seating and Stage Movement Plan OCTAGON THEATRE ‘udlence entry Onstage onstage ye me uta 98238 ong mae ge [When you errve ae UWA, make | way to the car parkat the back ofthe ‘Octagon Theatre. (map on page 13) 2. Ue your choir up Inthe holt rows as they would stend on stage 3. A-committes member wll lead your choir Into thie theatre, taking the | | student in the back tex, conductor's righthand si, first. 4, Rows should follow on In order, always leding from the right a= you face then, 5. Your chor will be siting Inthe front part of one ofthe S seating sections. 6 When It is your tum to sing, ® cornmites member will assist you Yeading your cvir on stage. The sanne student who led into the theatre will esd the choir onto the stage and move to the Fight sde of | tne backriser 7. ‘The stage Is set up with 3 isrs, each can accommoriste 2 rows of students ius rows can stand on the stoge ‘or. 8. Students wil ent the stage from the back row, right hand side frstyand wil be led back to ther seats by an | usher BB; committee mefnber wil be assisting you with all stage movemant so please don’t worry ¥ this seems confusing, eee & 2 ety se *’ EMERGENCY EVACUATION BE Bak OCTAGON THEATRE STAGE EVACUATION All students and teachers on stage will follow instructions given the Session Co- ordinator. 1 2, 6. AUDIENCE EVACUATIO Students are to tum to their left and hold the hand of the person in front of them. ‘Students in the front row will lead off, walking back stage and out through the large brown doors that they entered through. ‘The teacher or assistant will lead the students through the car park and out to Riley oval (see attached map of UWA) The second and subsequent rows will follow on. Alll students will assemble in school groups on Riley Oval. The teacher in charge will then ck all students and parent / teacher helpers are accounted for. ‘The session co-ordinator will then take over proceedings. (Loud hailer) All students and teachers in the audience will follow instructions given by the MC and ‘Theatre staff. 1 ‘Students in block 1, 2 and 3 will exit through the emergency exit doors at the top of the stairs on their right, ‘Walk down the stairs, through the car park and out to Riley oval. Students seated in block 3, 4 and 5 will exit through the emergency exit doorat the top ofthe stairs on their left (Please note: block 3 is in the centre of the theatre and ALL students will exit through the door that has the least number of choirs exiting. DO NOT split your choir up.) ‘Walk down the stairs and head left around the Octagon Theatre and to Riley oval. All students will assemble in school groups on Riley Oval. The teacher in charge will then check all students and parent/teacher helpers are accounted for. ‘The session co-ordinator will then take over proceedings, (Loud Hailes) Teachers ~ Please ensure you or a teacher helper has the emergency contact details for your choir and in the event of an evacuation, they are taken with you, UWA Bus Access Information Buses should enter the University via the entrance in front of Winthrop Hall {circled in red below), turn left and follow the inner ring road east toward the river. * The bus drop off bays are located north east of the tennis courts on the inner ring road (circled in yellow below). * Buses must not enter car parks or park on grass verges. * After drop off buses must leave the campus. Buses are not permitted to remain in the drop off bays. * There is no parking on or around campus for buses. Buses need to return to the drop off bays for pick up. PLEASE NOTE: passengers should only alight from the buses when they are parked in the bus bays, unless prior arrangements have been made with University Theatre. Halt a {f you have any questions or require further information please contact University Theatres on 08 6488 2691. Please visit the website for a full sized campus map. Updated April 2017

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