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Angry Glare (Interaction)Prerequisites: Intimidate 5 ranksBenefit: Make an intimidate check

as a swift action to demoralize in combat. Additionally you may use angry glare out of combat
whenever a creature speak out against you, make an intimidate check equal to their bluff,
diplomacy or own intimidate check, if you are successful their check is treated as a failure and
take a -4 penalty on any future attempt to speak against you for 24 hours.

Counterbluff (Interaction)Prerequisites: Bluff 6 Ranks, Sense Motive 6 RanksBenefit:

Whenever you successfully use Sense Motive to discover a creature is lying to you, you may
make a Bluff check opposed to it's. If successful the creature believe you swallowed the lie and
you any further checks made to deceive the same creature in the line of the original lies are made
with a +5 bonus bonus.
Counterfeint (Interaction)Oh, great. Another lobbyist trying to bribe you. You deal with him
like you've dealt with all his predecessors - you take the money he gives you, then completely
ignore his client's requests and watch the sucker crash and burn. When will these people learn
that dishonesty doesn't pay off...?!?Prerequisites: Bluff 10 ranks, Sense Motive 10 ranks,
Diplomacy 4 ranks, Gather Information 4 ranks, Spot 4 ranks, Listen 4 ranksBenefit: When you
succeed on a Sense Motive or Spot check against any Bluff, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, or similar
check made against you, you may immediately make a Bluff check against the bluffer. If you
succeed, you pretend to have fallen for your target's bluff, leaving them completely unaware that
you've seen through their ruse, and reverse it back upon them.
If using the Tome of Prowess skill rules, possessing this skill trick enables you to always treat an
opponent's failed Bluff checks as though they had failed by 6 or more (getting the worst possible
result). Example: A guard with Counterfeint notices an assassin trying to slip past him,
disguised as one of his liege's advisors. The guard pretends not to notice, and the assassin
proceeds to the king's chambers, only to be stabbed in the back by the guard he thought he
fooled. (This works just like a Bluff check to create a distraction failing by 6 or more in Tome of
Prowess, only this skill trick allows it to happen using standard D&D 3.5e rules.)
Another, more concrete example is somebody trying to feint against you in combat. If you have
Counterfeint and see through their feint, you can feint the opponent as an immediate reaction
(this does not use up an attack of opportunity, immediate action, or other limited action you can
take when it isn't your turn). If you succeed, the opponent who tried to feint you is the one who
winds up flat-footed.Normal: Without this trick, your efforts to counter a bluff with a bluff of
your own are a little stiff. Experienced con men will realize that you're on to them, and back off
before you can cause trouble for them. You can't automatically react to a failed bluff with a
counterbluff without this skill trick; you have to bluff manually, using the appropriate action to
do so.
To incorporate this skill trick into the Tome of Prowess system, change the prerequisites to the
following: Bluff 7 ranks, Psychology 7 ranks, Affability 3 ranks, Perception 3 ranks. (A single
skill point is far more valuable in the Tome of Prowess than it is in core D&D, due to the
removal of bonus skill points for a high Intelligence score. Furthermore, several skills were
consolidated or removed, and Bluff and Psychology themselves do a lot of what Counterfeint
would do in the standard system. Thus, the total number of ranks required for this skill trick (and
the minimum level) had to be reduced.)
Cunning Suggestion (Interaction)Prerequisites: Bluff 8 Ranks, must be able to cast suggestion
or insidious suggestion.Benefit: As part of casting suggestion or insidious suggestion (or the
mass version) you may word it in such a way which make it sound more reasonable than it is.
You make a Bluff check opposed to the creature's Sense Motive (with appropriated penalty
depending on the suggestion), if successful you may make harmful course of action sound like a
reasonable one and a reasonable course of action sound very reasonable. If you use insidious
suggestion you may even make a suicidal course of action merely sound harmful.
As a side bonus, if the target succeed it will save but fail to see through your Bluff it will not be
able to realize you attempted to use a suggestion upon it.
Deriding Comment (Interaction)Prerequisites: Bluff 8 ranksBenefit: As a move action you
make a single highly hurtful comment against a creature, make a bluff check opposed by the
creature' sense motive. If you succeed any moral bonus it benefited from are suppressed and it
take a -4 penalty to attack roll and DCs of it ability against all other creatures as long as you are a
potential target. This effect last for 1 round plus one additional round per 5 points your bluff
check exceed it sense motive check OR until you are no longer available as a target.
Sexy Distraction (Interaction)Prerequisites: Charisma 13+Benefit: In order to use this skill
trick, you must wear light or no armor. As a move action, you can lose your Dexterity bonus and
halve the armor's AC Bonus for 1 round; if you do, all creatures physically attracted to you
within 30 ft must make a Will save (DC is Charisma-based, +2 if you have the Too Hot trait
against creature which find you attractive) or become fascinated for 1d4+1 round. Creatures with
the matching Hopeless Flirt or Lustful take a -4 penalty on their saving throw against this ability.
In combat you may also use this ability as a part of a Feint, making your feint attempt against all
creatures in a 30 ft cone. Creature not attracted to you gain a +4 bonus on their Sense Motive and
creature with a matching Hopeless Flirt or Lustful flaw take a -4. Normal: Fabio flex his abs as a
move action, causing all ladies within 30 ft to make a Will save or become fascinated for 1d4
rounds.Special: You may take this skill trick twice, if you do you may use this skill trick as a
swift action. This does not affect the feint portion of the skill trick.
Terminator Walk (Interaction)Prerequisites: Intimidate 6 ranksBenefit: You can choose to
move at half your movement speed for 1 round as a free action at the beginning of your turn. If
you proceed to move at least 10 ft towards a creature who can see you, you may make a free
intimidation check as part of it no matter the range.Special: This ability stack with the ability
granted by the serial killer feat, allowing you to make two intimidation check in a move. When
using both you do not need to halves your speed again.
Concussive Maintenance (Manipulation)Hit the machine a few times, that should get it to
work.Prerequisites: Craft (any) 8 ranks, Knowledge Engineering 8 ranksBenefit: As a move
action you can make a Craft or Knowledge Engineering check to briefly repair any damaged
item you have at least 1 rank in a Craft skill for. The repairs are temporary, granting a number of
hp equal to your skill check result, up to the item's maximum hp. The temporary hp lasts for 1
hour, after which the hp is lost.
If used on an object that had been destroyed within 1 round, you can restore it back to a semi-
functional state. The item is returned to 1 hp and all functions of it are halved. Hardness is
halved, damage for weapons is halved, AC bonuses are halved, and non-numerical effects only
have a 50% of functioning. However, magical effects are retained, including sundered magic
weapons, wands, and other items. Repairs to restore it must occur within 1 hour, otherwise the
item breaks again. This skill trick cannot restore the function of objects broken for more than 1
round, or which broke from the duration of the last attempt running out. Example: Your 10
hardness and 20 hp sword gets damaged, reducing it to 3 hp. You make a Craft Metalwork check
of 25, restoring it to 20 hp. After 1 hour, you drop back to 3 hp if you don't repair it for real.
Improbable Shot (Manipulation)Prerequisites: Point Blank ShotBenefit: You may use this
skill trick as an immediate action whenever you miss a creature with an ranged attack (but not
touch attack). You may immediately reroll the attack roll, targeting a creature adjacent to the
missed creature.
Airborne Charge (Movement)Prerequisites: Improved Charge, Jump 6 ranksBenefit: When
you attempt to charge at an opponent, if there is an obstruction that would prevent you from
charging (such as difficult terrain or a creature in the way), you may attempt a Jump check
during your charge to clear the obstacle. You choose a certain square during your charge to leap
from, and ignore any squares that your check result would allow you to cross in midair to
determine whether or not you can charge at your target.
If you reach the target before you land, your attack roll, damage roll, and AC penalty are all
increased by 2 (in addition to the standard +2 attack, +2 damage, and 2 AC for performing a
charge); this stacks with any and all other modifiers to attack rolls, damage rolls, and AC from
performing a charge. (If you would normally take no AC penalty from charging, you instead take
a 2 penalty.) Normal: You can't jump in the middle of a charge, and you can't charge if there's
anything in the way that would hinder movement, even by a little bit (such as difficult terrain or
other creatures).Special: If you have a fly, hover, or jump speed, that speed is increased by 10
feet when you use it to perform a charge (allowing you to charge 20 feet farther).
Despite what the description says, you can use this skill trick even when there is nothing to
impede your charge, in order to gain the modifiers from attacking before you land.
If you gain a feat or class feature whose benefits would supersede the benefit of this skill trick
(such as the duelist's dramatic charge), you can immediately replace this skill trick with another
skill trick you meet the prerequisites for or lose this skill trick and invest the 2 skill points you
paid for it into your skills. You only get this opportunity on the level-up where you acquire the
feat or class feature that would render this skill trick obsolete.
Anime's Teleportation (Movement)"I'm behind you Aizen." "No, what you didn't see is I am
behind you." "Then who is it behind you? It is I!" "But how!?"Prerequisites: Any one
teleportation spell known, or Jump 8 ranksBenefit: If you are flanked by a creature, and there is
a position you can move adjacent to this creature which would leave you flanking it instead, you
can teleport as an immediate action into that position without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Boneless Slide (Movement)Your teacher was an octopus.Prerequisites: Escape Artist 10
ranksBenefit: Make an Escape Artist check, DC 20. If successful, you briefly become highly
flexible and compressible, able to slip away. You gain the benefits of freedom of movement for 1
round, and may squeeze through cracks as small as 1 inch. This benefit lasts only for 1 round, if
you happen to be in a compressed area when the trick ends you take 1d6 crushing damage a
Combo Jump (Movement)Prerequisites: Monk 3rd level, Jump 7 ranksBenefit: After making
a full-attack with your unarmed strike or a special monk weapon, you may make a single Jump
check as a swift action to move away from the creature you attacked.
Corkscrew Fall (Movement)Prerequisites: Tumble 5 ranksBenefit: In order to use this skill
trick you must have some manner of robe or cloak. When you fall, you may reduce all falling
damage to only 1d6 as an immediate action.
Dimensional Jump (Movement)Your jump folds space, effectively teleporting you to your
destination.Prerequisites: Jump 10 ranksBenefit: When you make a long jump, you can instead
teleport to a location twice the distance your check result would allow. This teleportation acts
like the Dimension Door spell for the purposes of arriving in a location occupied by a solid body.
Dodge Roll (Movement)Prerequisites: Tumble 8 ranksBenefit: You may initiate a roll dodge
as an immediate action as a response to an attack roll made against you, or an effect that allows a
Reflex save. During the dodge roll, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class and Reflex saves
against this attack or effect, with an additional +1 for every 4 ranks you possess in the Tumble
As you perform a dodge roll, you move 5 feet in a chosen direction. If this movement puts you
outside of the area of effect you were dodging, you also count as having evasion for the purpose
of dodging the effect. If you already have evasion, this becomes effective improved evasion, and
if you already have improved evasion, the bonus to Reflex saves increases by another +4.
Using a dodge roll however leaves you wide open to subsequent attack, conferring a -4 penalty
to Armor Class and Reflex saves until the start of your next turn after the dodge roll is used. The
dodge roll also immediately expends your next turn's move action.
You cannot perform a dodge roll on difficult terrain.
Double Jump (Movement)Prerequisites: Jump 5 ranksBenefit: As a swift action in any point
during a jump check you may make a second jump check. The distance of the second jump check
overlap the first one, effectively ending the movement of the first jump as you take the second. If
you do not have an adjacent solid surface you take a -4 penalty on your second jump check.
Dynamic Entry (Movement)"OH YEAH!" Krusk yelled as he burst through the wall. The rest of
his party facepalmed as the rogue protested, "Can't you just take the door like everyone
else?"Prerequisites: Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) 8 ranks, Strength 13+Benefit:
Most people use those silly "door" things to enter, but you like to enter with style. As part of
your movement you may use this skill trick to make sunder attempts against any unattended
objects in your path as a free action, such as a window, a wall, or other obstruction. If you fail to
sunder an object in your path, your movement stops and you take 1d6 nonlethal damage and fall
Expert Slide (Movement)Prerequisites: Tumble 5 RanksBenefit: You may fall Prone as part
of a move action, if you do you may get up from prone as a free action at the start of your next
Extreme Sprint (Movement)Prerequisites: RunBenefit: As a full-round action you can run at
twice you normal run speed, this movement do not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Houdini's Escape (Movement)Where he went?Prerequisites: Escape Artist 15 ranks, Hide
Skill 10 ranksBenefit: Make a single escape artist check with a +20 bonus. If you succeed you
also become invisible as the spell for 1 round.
Limbo Dodge (Movement)You are the master of limbo, easily sliding under enemy
blades.Prerequisites: Balance 8 ranks, Escape Artist 5 ranksBenefit: As an immediate action,
you can add your Dex modifier to your AC a second time against a single attack, but you end up
prone after the attack is resolved.
Rocket Path (Movement)The ninja ran up the swarm of rockets and debris and cut the
attacking gunship in half.Prerequisites: Dex 15, Balance 10 ranks, Jump 10 ranksBenefit:
Whenever you are targeted by unusually large projectiles or siege weapons, you may use an
immediate action to instead make a jump check at no penalty, and may move a number of feet
equal to twice your jump result towards your attacker along its arc of fire. This avoids the attack
as well, of course. If there are multiple attacks such as from a full attack you may make a jump
for each attack aimed at you. You are not limited to your move speed for these jumps.
Large falling debris also functions for this, allowing a creature to use a falling cave-in as a
makeshift staircase upward.
Finally, you may use this to balance yourself on an allies siege weapon, and ride the bolt to its
intended destination. You take the damage of the attack itself as nonlethal damage, but otherwise
do not take falling damage from this form of transport. Special: For a Very High version, you
can use normal projectiles as well.
Rolling Reload (Movement)You dive through enemy attacks and come back up with a fresh
batch of ammo.Prerequisites: Tumble 7 ranksBenefit: Whenever you make a successful tumble
check, you may activate this skill trick as a free action. You automatically reload the weapon you
wield as a free action. It doesn't function on anything that would take more than 1 minute to
Slide Into Frame (Movement)"Whatcha talkin' about over here?"Prerequisites: Tumble 4
ranksBenefit: Whenever someone uses a free action to talk within 10 feet of you, you may slide
up to them as an immediate action. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Super Suplex (Movement)Prerequisites: Improved GrappleBenefit: As a standard you can
suplex a creature you grappled. Make an opposed grapple check: if you succeed you make an
unarmed attack which is automatically a critical threat. You then move your opponent into an
adjacent space Prone.
Super Suplex (Movement)Prerequisites: Improved GrappleBenefit: As a standard you can
suplex a creature you grappled. Make an opposed grapple check: if you succeed you make an
unarmed attack which is automatically a critical threat. You then move your opponent into an
adjacent space Prone.
Vicious Pounce (Movement)The fool thinks he can overcome you by staying a hundred feet
over your head. You'll prove him wrong. Dead wrong.Prerequisites: Jump 18 ranks, Climb 6
ranks, base attack bonus of +12 or moreBenefit: By spending an attack of opportunity, you may
attempt to jump onto a foe. You may do this at any time, regardless of whether or not it is your
turn, as long as you have an attack of opportunity to expend. Make a Jump check as though you
had taken a running start. If your Jump check covers enough distance to let you move from your
current space to your target's space, you leap onto the target (you do not provoke an attack of
opportunity for doing this) and attempt to cling to the foe by making a grapple check. If you fail
the grapple check, you get shaken off and fall to the ground, taking the appropriate fall damage.
If you succeed on the grapple check, you cling onto your foe; if you weigh enough to make your
foe exceed its maximum load, you automatically pin the foe if it was flying, it is brought
down to the ground and takes the appropriate falling damage, plus any falling damage that you
would have taken (you do not take falling damage for successfully performing this skill trick). If
you do not weigh enough to make your foe exceed its maximum load, you simply begin
grappling with the foe. Regardless of whether or not you bring the foe down, you get to make a
free melee attack on it. If you do not reach your foe with your Jump check, you simply move as
close as you can, but then come up short and fall down to the ground (taking fall damage as
appropriate). This skill trick consumes the attack of opportunity regardless of whether or not it
Structural Weakness (Mental)Break the keystone and the whole castle
crumbles.Prerequisites: Appraise 10 ranksBenefit: Make an Appraise check as a free action on
your turn, DC 15 (objects) or equal to 10 + the creature's CR (for constructs). If successful, you
are able to make critical hits and sneak attacks against the object or construct until the end of the

Flex Off (Manipulation)My mighty pecs will thrust this alchemist fire off my
body!Prerequisites: Str 13 or Escape Artist 4 ranksBenefit: As a swift action you can remove
any currently applied sticky or otherwise persistent substance off your body (such as the constant
acid damage from an acid arrow), ceasing its effect. If the substance is hard such as being
surrounded by ice or stone or a hardened tanglefoot bag, and there is break DC involved with
removing it you can break free as a swift action instead of the usual action required.

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