Lost Child': Chapter One The Move'

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‘Lost Child’

By Lauren Thomson

Chapter One
‘The Move’

The sun had finally risen from the horizon, only to be blocked
by the thick grey clouds of Port Angeles.
The alarm had gone off for 6 am so I could get ready for our
journey south. Only I wasn’t able to sleep more than two hours.
My mind was filled with questions, worries and wonders of what
was to be. In the corner of the room were suitcases that were
packed the previous day. Despite only being in Port Angeles for
3 days I had already used up clothes that should have lasted me
6 days.

There was a knock on my door; it could have only been my

guardian, Dr Evans, as the room service doesn’t come round till
9am. I walked to the door slowly, my mind wasn’t yet straight,
and I wasn’t used to all this privacy. Everyday since I was
born I had woken up in a room with another 29 girls. Dr Evans
knocked again but harder than the last – he doesn’t seem to be
a patient man.
“Kate, you better be awake!” Dr Evans exclaimed.
“Of course sir, I’m coming”
I opened the door and Dr Evans was standing with his arms
folded. You could say Dr Evans is a strong character. He was
about six foot three, broad shoulders, had his sleek shiny hair
up in a ponytail, with strong facial features.
“I was just making sure I have everything” I explained to him.
“Hmm. Well get your coat, we’re leaving.”
Behind Dr Evans was his own suitcases. I noticed he was wearing
his light brown leather jacket with the same cream scarf he
always wears. No questions asked – breakfast in particular – I
grabbed my coat and bags and Dr Evans lead the way out of the

Outside waiting for us was a long black cab, not quite as long
as a limo, with blacked out windows. A tall man wearing a black
suit and tie stood beside the cab. He picked up his hat off the
top of the cab and placed it on his gelled back hair.
“Good morning sir, nice day.” The man opened the cab door and
gestured us to go in. As I went in, the man gave me a large
friendly smile. I shuffled to the other side as Dr Evans
stepped in beside me.
“To Tacoma city?” He politely asked.
“Yes that’s right.” Dr Evans snapped back. I stared at my
guardian, the one thing he taught me was manners, but he
doesn’t seem to have any.

Most of the journey, I caught the chauffer staring at me in the

mirror; the same friendly smile as to when I got into the cab.
I tried to ignore him after smiling back several times.
I managed to get some more sleep before I felt the cab stop.
“Can you not wait another 10 minutes?” Dr Evans complained.
My eyes weren’t yet adjusted to where we were, but I new we
hadn’t reached Tacoma.
“No sir, she’s completely empty. It’s probably quicker getting
gas now than breaking down on the highway.” The chauffer’s
comment made me giggle. Dr Evans gave me a haunting look in
return, while the chauffer went to put gas in the cab.
“Sorry” I gasped.
Dr Evans left the cab and walked towards the shed like garage.
“So, you been to Tacoma before?” The chauffer had re-entered
the car and faced me.
“No sir, I have never left Vancouver.”
“Oh well your in for a surprise.”
“Dr Evans said it isn’t much different from home.”
The man laughed at my remark.
“Don’t suppose he told ya that Tacoma is the city of destiny?”
“Destiny?” I asked incredulously.
“Oh yes, don’t get me wrong, its nice destiny.” He laughed
again. “People don’t go there to die!”

At that point Dr Evans was back in the cab with a bottle of
water. He handed it to me while glowering at the chauffer. The
cab started up again.

Passing a small village about five miles away from the city the
cab stopped at a large house (large enough to be a mansion)
made mostly of glass windows. The Chauffer opened the boot of
the cab and took out our bags. He gazed at the house.
“You eh… need help with these bags into the house sir?” He
asked still gazing at the house. Evans noticed this.
“No, we can handle it” He paid the chauffer, picked up his bags
and walked towards the entrance of the house. I followed.
“Thank-you sir. Good-bye.” I called back to the chauffer.
“No problem. Pleasure to meet you”

We entered the house that we would now be living in. My bags

slipped out of my hands, what an amazing sight. It was nothing
I’ve ever seen before in my life. The floor was made of marble,
ivory painted walls and the area was lit by a large crystal
chandelier. Dr Evans had a smirk on his face. I looked down at
my bags.
“Sorry” I gasped in shock. Evens then smiled.
“It’s alright. Unique eh?”
“Oh yes, it’s beautiful.” I replied.
“Indeed it is. Well your room is on the very top floor, it
should be clear which room.” He pointed at the double staircase
that was in front of us. The barrister looked like it was made
of gold.
“Up you go then.”
I gathered my bags off the floor and ran to the stairs,
tripping over my feet. Evans sighed and shook his head.
“I’m taking a risk here Kate, don’t make it a mistake.”
I looked down at my feet and walked slowly up the two sets of

At the top of the stairs were several doors with numbers on
them. It should be clear which room... I remember Evans saying.
I looked at each door for what should be a ‘Clear’ indication
of it being my room. I got to the two doors at the end of the
hall. The door to the left from where I was standing had the
number ‘16’ neatly engraved on it.
“16” I said to myself. “This must be it”
I just got people calling me Kate, but he shoves this in my
face. “I hate being called 16”

I opened the door and the first thing I noticed was the view
outside through the glass wall opposite the door. Passed the
autumn turning trees that crowded the back of the house, was
the city itself. Tacoma.
“Wow.” The afternoon sun shown on the skyscraper windows and
reflected back creating a beam of light, too bright to look at.
With a pair of binoculars, you could probably see everything,
maybe even the cars that drove around the city.
I placed my suitcases on my ready made bed and opened them,
sorting out what needs to be washed and what doesn’t.
“You don’t have to do that dear, let me sort it out.”
“Huh? Who are you?” I called out as my heart went back to
normal speed from the fright I got. The woman laughed at my
reaction, I guessed. “Oh I apologize, please mind my manners.”
I corrected.
“It’s alright, my fault really. I’m Hannah, the house maid.”
She smiled.
“Housemaid? I didn’t know we… Is it just you?”
“Yes. More money for me” She giggled. “Don’t tell your dad I
said that.”
“Oh no, course not.” I smiled back.
“Now, is this all the washing?” Hannah took my washing of the
floor where I dumped it and placed it in her basket, then left
the room with it.

The floor rose up to the window/door, creating a foot and a
half sized step, to which you can access the handle and enter
the balcony. I sat on the step, leaning my back against the
wall and watched the day go by.
Chapter two

“Kate Come on! I don’t want to have to call you again!” A voice
called from outside my room.
“Mm, coming” I moaned. I couldn’t get much sleep last night,
not sure whether it was excitement or nerves that kept me up,
all I knew was that I still had it.

Nothing really happened the day after we arrived. I had a

wonder around the rest of the house. It’s amazing how each
individual room has its own unique look and purpose. I thought
I would spend most of my time in the study, with the piano in
it. One side of the room is just windows, with a view of the
wood (same side as my room) the sun sets at this side and it’s
beautiful when it sets behind the tall hills.
I fumbled with my stockings while trying to get to the door
which flew open causing me to fall backwards, stockings half
on. I felt the blood rush to my face when I saw Dr Evans at the
door. I smiled.
“Right, sort yourself out. I don’t want you being like this
when we get there. This would be just a waste of time. You’re
late. I’ll be waiting for you in the cab.”
I swallowed hard and did as I was told. I stood in front of the
mirror wardrobe before I left. I sorted out my hair and took a
deep breath.
“Here I come.” I smiled to myself in the reflection.

As I walked toward the cab outside the house, I saw Dr Evans in

it like he said he would. He was on his cell phone to someone.
It was strange, because when he saw me coming, a look of
urgency washed over him, and then quickly hung up the cell.
“Good morning Miss. How are you feeling today?” The same
chauffer from the other day opened the cab door and helped me

“I’m feeling just fine sir, thank-you.” I replied.

“Oh please, call me Cliff.” I smiled. Of course I wasn’t going
to call him Cliff now because Evans wouldn’t approve of it. He
hinted just then.

I didn’t get much of a chance to look out the window and have
my first close up view of the city, as Evans gave me step by
step instructions of what I had to do. He pulled out a backpack
that was in front of him and opened it, reveling what was
inside. It had contained several text books of: Calculus,
Literature, Geography, The arts and design and Philosophy.
Within those were writing equipment such as: notebooks, pens
and pencils, even highlighters.
“Now, do you know what to do?” Evans asked in hope that I did.
“Yes sir.” I knew what to do, just didn’t know what to expect.

The street that we stopped at was full of people near the same
age as me. They all seem to be heading towards the same place.
“That’s where we’re going.” Evans said, interrupting my gaze.
Cliff opened my door, took my hand and helped me out of the cab
(what a gentleman). Evans had a hold of the backpack as we
walked toward the building, just like everyone else. Guess he
didn’t trust me with it. We got to the main entrance when a
bell rang. It was then I knew what to expect.
“Welcome sir, how was your journey?” A small gray haired woman
came to greet us, sounding very optimistic.
“Long.” He replied.
The woman looked sympathetic and then looked straight at me –
she must have been the same height as I was.
“You must be Kate Turner. I’m Mrs. Green, your head mistress.
It’s a pleasure to be having you.”
I smiled. “Pleased to meet you” We shook hands.
“If you follow me I’ll show you to your first class. Here is
your time-table for the week, follow the same week for the
year, it should be easy to understand.”
Just before we entered the building I had noticed that the
whole area that was once swarming with people was now empty.
“Tell me Kate, what is your first class?”
I looked at my time-table. It was a grid full of days, times,
names and numbers. It was Monday today, so I looked at the top
column for Monday and found that my first class was with Miss
“English” I answered.
“Good. See, easy to understand.”
We followed Mrs. Green to a door which had a number on it that
matched the one on the time-table.
“This is your English class. It will always be in this room
unless told otherwise. Wait here for a moment Please.” Mrs.
Green went into the room and came back a moment later. “This is
Jessica; she will help you find your other classes, so she will
help with your time-table if it does confuse you.”
“Hi.” The short, strawberry blond girl said in a high pitched
“You comin’ in?”
Evans finally handed me the backpack but it was as if he didn’t
want to.
“Be good.” A tone of warning was in his voice as I thrown the
bag on my back.
“Oh. One more thing Kate.” Mrs. Green admitted as she fumbled
with her files that were attached to her clip-board. “Give this
to all your tutors to sign and give it in at the office at the
end of the day.”
“Ok. Thank-you”

Chapter Three
‘The Class’

The small girl led me into the classroom. Everything – or

should I say everyone – was out of order. Everyone was speaking
to everyone, even to those who were on the opposite side of the
room, creating a noise so loud that Jessica had to shout at me
so I could hear her.
“This is our seats for the rest of the year!”
I nodded. There was no point speaking back, no one would hear
“This is Marc; he’ll be sitting next to us! I’m sure we’ll get
on!” Jessica smiled, I to her and Marc.
“Pleased to meet you both” I tried to say. Again, we smiled.

I looked around, viewing other people that I would be sharing

the class with for the next year. Friends of others – so I
believe – were sitting on their desks laughing loudly. Marc,
Jessica and I sat in our seats. Two boys – one with spiky
ginger hair, the other with really short hair that looked black
in color – sat two desks in front of us. They were also
laughing as they threw small pieces of paper at a kid who
looked under-fed with over-sized glasses. I must have had a
look of disgust on my face because Jessica and Marc explained
them to me.
“That’s Ryan and Drake. They’re basically the bullies – or some
may say the clowns – of the class.” Jessica stated.
“You shouldn’t pay attention to them, they think they are cool
but they’re not.”
“They want attention, that’s why they’re bullying Chris.”
“Chris? The boy in front of them?” I asked curiously.
“Yup” Marc answered.
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. When I heard the bell go
off, just before I entered the school, I thought it was going
to be it is at home. If any of the girls behaved like this,
they may end up taken away and put in an empty room… or worse.

I didn’t really know for sure what happened for worse, I didn’t
want to know. I was only put in the empty room, and that was
bad enough. It’s not something to remember.

Lost in my daze, I never noticed the tutor entre the room.

“Sorry guys, got caught up in some… eh… business” she smiled
shyly then noticed me in my place. “Oh my, you’re here already”
she looked around the room, at the other students, then back at
me again. “I wasn’t expecting you till the 25th” she admitted.
“Excuse me Miss?” I replied back. “But this is the 25th, the
25th of August, a week after the beginning of new term.” I’m
sure I heard Dr Evans saying that to a college before we left.
Everyone in the room turned around and stared at me.
“Eh class, this is…” she paused and her face went blank. The
tutor was very thin and tall, almost a stick. Her hair was
chocolate color, shoulder length. Quite pretty I thought.
“Kate Turner, from Vancouver” I finished for her with a slight
smile. The tutor lifted her head up and the corner of her mouth
pointed down, then returned to position.
“Very good. Anyway, Kate here is out new student, so I expect
you all to treat her nicely and make her feel at home”
A girl at the desk to the left of us put her hand up. The tutor
gestured her to go on.
“Isn’t Vancouver in Canada?” the girl seemed to know she was
“Yeah” the girl next to her replied.
“But why?” the girl continued “Why come to Tacoma? What’s here
that’s not there?” The class again turned to stare at me.
“Eh” I didn’t know what to say. I knew Dr Evans wouldn’t
approve of me explaining myself but I couldn’t lie, one because
it was never aloud and two because I am probably the worst liar
ever. “Eh” I repeated.
“Now you can’t expect Kate to tell you her life story” the
tutor remarked.
At that point the bell rang for next class. Jessica laughed
“saved by the bell huh?” she laughed again. “Never has there
been a class where the whole lesson was about a new student.”
“But it wasn’t a whole lesson, seen as the tutor came in late”
Marc stated.
Jessica ignored him. “Don’t forget to sign your letter thing”
she added.
I walked up to the tutor and handed over my slip, while
everyone else left the room.
“Oh sorry” she said. “I never got a chance to tell you my name.
Here you go” she handed back the slip.
“Thank-you. It’s okay I alrea…” I tried to say I knew her name
already by reading it on the time-table but she spoke over me.
“My name is Miss Coal” she smiled then looked down at her book
as her next class came in. I walked to the door where Jessica
was waiting for me.
“I do feel sorry for you, you know? The rest of the week is
going to be like this” her face was sympathetic. “So your next
class is…?”

Chapter Four
‘Strangely Alone’

The first part of the day had ended and Jessica was right, my
other classes will be the same as the first. Jessica wasn’t in
my second class, so I had to sit next to new, strange faces and
go through the same act.

There is a small break before my next class. I followed

everyone else to this large room with a large amount of tables
and chairs. I lead myself to an empty table, sat down and
opened my backpack. Inside there was a small box which had
contained some food. I took out a bag of carrot sticks and put
the box back into my bag.

After eating half my carrots I had noticed something. I was

strangely alone. The table I sat on is still empty. I looked
around, people were scattered around the room. The talking was
a constant loud noise. Some people sat with no food, others had
food but didn’t eat it. I concentrated more on the food.
Sausages, mashed potatoes, gravy, burgers, cheesy pasta,
custard, chocolate cake, chicken curry! I looked back at my
carrots. I thought these were luxury. I got up to put the
carrots in the bin (I didn’t want Dr Evens discover that I
wasn’t eating the food he was providing me with) and headed
towards the heavenly smell.
“Can I have some curry please?” I said glowing.
“$3.00 please”
“Have you got $3.00?” the person behind the counter impatiently
asked. I was confused but the bell had rung.
“Hey Katy!”
“Its’ Kate”
“Right” she smiled. “You got biology?” I checked my time-table.
“Awesome. Come on then”

We sat down on a desk that appeared to be in the same position
as the one in English.
“It’s what I’m used to. I like this table” Jessica explained.
“You get food okay at the hall?”
“I had something with me”
“No, why?”
“When I found you, you were at the food counter”
“Oh right. I just wanted something of the menu”
Jessica laughed. “Don’t worry you can get some for lunch”
I thought about it, and then considered something.
“I don’t have three dollars”
“What do you have, money wise?”
I never really thought about money since I left Vancouver. Once
Dr Evens took me here, money was no longer a problem. Dr Evans
had it all.
“I don’t have any” I answered.
“Really? Then how will you get home?”
“Cliff, the chauffer should pick me up, maybe”
Jessica seemed shocked, maybe dazed, then she burst out with
“Cliff? Chauffer? You said you had no money, didn’t you? What
kind of car? Where do you live? Who’s your parents?”
I didn’t know what to say, where do I start?
BANG! I jumped out of my seat as everyone else quickly sat in
theirs’. Obviously I was confused.
“Miss Turner?” The tutor grinned at me. “Are you okay? I didn’t
mean to startle you”
I slowly sat down. “Its fine, I mean you didn’t”
The class chuckled slightly.
“Now come on class, get your books out and we’ll get started.
This is Kate Turner by the way and you can find out more about
her in your own time.” He smiled at me again and I returned the
gesture, grateful he didn’t put me on the spot like the other
“Huh, fancy that” was Jessica’s reaction.
Chapter Five
‘Poor Little Rich Girl’

“Just hand in your paper thing here and we can get home”
I did as Jessica said and we left the building and walked
towards the car lot.
“My ride is here. Thank-you for buying me some curry Jessica”
“No probs, just remember you owe me” Jessica winked at me. “See
you in the hall… That’s your ride?!” Jessica’s jaw relaxed so
that her mouth was wide open. ‘Catching flies’ the keeper back
at my old home would say.
“Erm yes”
Jessica laughed “For a poor little rich girl you don’t seem to
have much of a clue, do ya?” she laughed again. “Hall,
tomorrow” And Jessica walked off waving.

I walked to the cab where Cliff waited.

“Good day Miss Turner?”
I looked back. “I have a very good feeling I will like it here
very much” I smiled.
“Oh, any particular reason?” Cliff asked.
“No” I quickly said, but I could think of a few reasons.
And I stepped into the cab.

Chapter Six

It didn’t take me long to get into routine. By the second week

of living in Tacoma I was getting proper sleep and getting to
school on time. My relationship with Jessica and Marc was
getting stronger even though it felt like Jessica was forced
with me (must be making a good impression) They have been
persuading me to ‘hang out’ with them the other weekend but I
just made an excuse so I didn’t have to ask my guardian. Maybe
the weekend coming.

“Have you had a proper tour around the city yet Kate?” Marc
“No, not yet.”
“How would you like two professionals take you around over
weekend?” Jessica took over looking persuasive.
Marc and Jessica looked at each other and laughed.
“Us!” Jessica exclaimed.
“It’s a good reason to get out of the house. Your parents can’t
stop you feeling more comfortable in your new home” Seemed like
Marc was making an excuse for me, an excuse I can use on my
“Parents, right” I didn’t think knowing someone for two weeks
was enough time to explain my situation to them. Do I trust
them? Would I want to sabotage my relationship with them so
soon? What would they think of me? I was finally happy with my
new life I didn’t want to think about the past, it would only
upset me.
“We’re assuming its’ your parents that are keeping you in and
not yourself”
“Well it is, sort of, I guess. Eh I’m sure it’ll be fine” I
tried to save my own skin.
“Right. So shall we meet at the town hall at 2pm?” Jessica
“Sounds good to me”
“Yeah sure”
“Awesome, till then” Jessica smiled and skipped away.
“No problems finding the place?” Marc seemed paranoid. I gave a
shy giggle.
“No, it shouldn’t be me you should worry about. Anyway I have
to go to biology for something. See you tomorrow” I didn’t say
why exactly I was going to biology because I have learned that
those who take an interest in learning are soon teased about
it, so I try to keep my work to myself.

I got to biology and knocked on the open door which came out in
a small rhythm.
“Kate. No need to knock. How can I help?”
“Actually I did need to knock, one because I needed to know if
it is okay to disturb you and the other reason is because I am
quiet on my feet, I didn’t want to startle you” I smiled and so
did he.
“Fair point. What’s up?”
“It’s about the homework you set us” I admitted.
Mr. Parker spent a near half hour explaining the biology
homework to me, making sure I fully understood what was
“Thank-you Mr. Parker, I knew you could help out”
“Of course I could. But Kate, don’t let something like this
knock your confidence or liking of the subject. You’re a bright
pupil, one of my best”
“You know that with just a week of teaching me?”
“Two weeks, and yes, I can easily spot a worthy student” Mr.
Parker said with confidence.
“Sure” was all I could say, guess I was slightly embarrassed. I
turned around to walk out the room quickly before Mr. Parker
noticed my face go blood red. Think I was too late though as I
heard a small laugh behind me.
I guess doing well in biology will be part of my new routine,
not that I’ll be complaining.

Chapter Seven
‘Sneak To Tacoma City’

“No Kate, your not leaving the house” Evans exclaimed.

“But it will be good for me, getting to know my new home” I was
trying to think what Marc’s excuse was. “Have I done something
to let you down? Something that’s made you not trust me?” I was
determined to get out.
“KATE! What has got into you?”
I was shocked by his reaction.
“This isn’t like you. All the more reason not to let you out on
the run. You’re not going out, that final”
I felt tears in my eyes once he finished talking.
“And I thought coming with you would set me free, guess it’s
just the food that’s one up. Stop being afraid of me and let me
do what I’m meant to!”
“Upstairs, now!”

I went upstairs to cool off for a while and I did consider the
fact that my behavior back there wasn’t like me at all. Can
normal life be affecting me so soon?
When my thoughts were not so loud, I heard Evans speaking in
the conference room on the second floor. I left my room and
tip-toed down to the second floor and towards the conference
room. I placed my ear to the door knowing this was completely
wrong, but I needed to know who Dr Evans has been talking too
during my journey to and in Tacoma.
“Her behavior is changing rapidly… She shouted at me… Being a
teenager is no excuse… You will take her back if need be…”
I began to shake quite violently. My head started to spin. I
ran upstairs, jumped on my bed and screamed into my pillow and
then began to sob…

I feel asleep, but now that my thoughts were straight I thought
of one thing.
Stuff it.

In a small pocket in my backpack is a piece of card with

emergence numbers on it, one of them being Cliff.
“Hi Cliff? I need your help… Yeah to the town hall… For two…
One more thing… Can you come round the back?... He can’t find

“Eh Doctor?” I said getting Evans attention.

“Yes Kate?”
“I’m going to go for a shower if you wonder where I am” I lied,
quite well I thought.
“I have no doubt you’ll be down here for late lunch”
“Yeah” I lied again.
I took my time walking up the stairs (I didn’t want to seem
like I had to be somewhere) to my bedroom. I took next week’s
lunch money out of my money box, placed it in my pocket and
opened the doors to the balcony. I looked passed the trees to
the quiet road and saw Cliff arrive. I climbed over to the
laddered drain pipe hoping I don’t lose my footing, and then it
really would be over.

Safely down, I looked around to see if anyone (Evans in

particular) was watching. With all clear, I ran towards the
trees. I don’t ever remember running so fast in my life but if
felt good, I felt free.

I finally got to the road and, as usual, there was Cliff,

standing outside.
“Quick, get in”
Cliff laughed once and did as I said.
“Quite the rebel now eh?”

My Plan seemed to work really well; I never thought I could
think of such a thing, I was always scared of the consequence.
It wasn’t detailed exactly or in any case planned to the end. I
will make sure I make the most of today as it could be my last.
Either enjoy living in Tacoma while I can of let ‘being a
teenager’ take me back to Vancouver.
“So what’s going on Kate?”
“Thank-you so much Cliff, I really appreciate it. I couldn’t
have done it without you” I spoke at quite a speed, still had
adrenaline pumping through my veins.
“Hey, what are friends for? I mean it’s not everyday I risk my
job to help someone runaway.” Cliff appeared sarcastic.
“I’m not running away” I corrected. “Just getting out of the
house for a while”
“Could you not have asked Dr Evans? You said he can’t find out”
“I did ask, but he rather keep me caged in… Cliff?”
“I heard him say he will take me back if he has to” I felt a
lump in my throat. I can’t even think of the idea that I will
have to leave Tacoma city and back to, well, square one.
“Oh Kate, I’m so sorry”
The rest of the journey to the town hall was in silence.

“Thanks again Cliff”

“No problem” (Hopefully) he added under his breath. “I will
keep an eye out if Dr Evans starts searching for you. I’ll warn
you if he does” At that point I had really noticed Cliff’s kind
eyes. He meant it.
“Thank-you Cliff” I went to walk off but a feeling of guilt ran
through me. “Wait Cliff”
“Lie to save yourself, I can’t have you lose your job because
of me, or at all on that note”
“Sure thing Kate” And he drove of again.

I walked up towards the entrance of the town hall looking at
every face, hoping to see Jessica and Marc, not Dr Evans or the
police. I couldn’t see anyone I knew so I checked the clock
above me to see what time it was.
“1:40, hmm” I was early, very early.
I looked down to see if the ground was dry so I could sit down
while I wait. Once I decided it was dry enough, I checked
around again before I (tried) get comfortable on the hard
concrete surface.
“Hey Kate. Enjoying the weather?”
I looked up to see who was talking but I couldn’t see through
the blinding sunlight. The figure move forward and in front of
the sun.
“Mr. Parker” I quickly stood up, looked at Mr. Parker and…
burst into tears.
“Kate” Mr. Parkers tone was soft. “What on Earth is the
matter?” Mr. Parker took hold of my arms and bent down to my
level “Kate?”
“I’m so sorry… M-Mr. Park-er. I, I did a stupid thi – thing.
Getting my words out was a lot harder when my sobs were coming
out at the same time. Mr. Parker sat me down and sat next to me
on the cold ground. He handed me a hanker chief.
“Here, it’s clean”
We didn’t say anything else until I was able to control my
“Sorry about that”
“Kate, you have got to stop apologizing to me”
“Sorry. I mean, eh…”
Mr. Parker laughed a kind and understanding laugh. I pushed him
“It’s not funny” but at that point we both laughing.
Ding… Ding… the clock chimed for two o’clock.
“Eh, hey Kate. You made it then? You okay?” Jessica.
“For now” I replied.

“Alright?” Marc.
“Yes” Jessica and I answered.
“You both had something to eat?”
“Yup” Jessica replied.
“No” I said.
“Oh, well I guess we could have a second lunch, I guess” This
was Marc’s solution.
“Or I could get Kate something to eat”
Jessica, Marc and I all looked at Mr. Parker.
“Oh hey there Mr. Parker didn’t see you there” Marc gave Mr.
Parker a massive grin.
Jessica took over. “I don’t know if tha-”
“No it’s fine” I quickly said before Jessica finished, didn’t
want her to offend Mr. Parker.
“What’s fine?”
“Eh… well… Your offer is much appreciated Mr. Parker but I have
made my plans with Jessica and Marc. Thank-you for your offer
though. I smiled at Mr. Parker.
“Are you hungry though?” Marc asked.
I thought about it, not whether I was hungry or not but the
fact the Dr Evans would be wondering why I haven’t come down
from my shower for late lunch. My heart started to race and I
felt a few beads of sweat come from my brow. I checked the time
again, 2:10pm. I then decided I couldn’t take the risk of being
here and not there.
“Actually, I shouldn’t be here” I paused “Sorry” I got up from
the ground and faced Mr. Parker.
“Kate?” Jessica said. “What’s going on?”
I ignored her. “Mr. Parker, don’t suppose you cou-”
A little jingle came from my back pocket. I pulled out a fancy
new cell phone and studied the screen
‘Incoming call
2 missed calls
Dr Evans’
I soon answered the phone.


“Cliff, what’s happening?”

“He’s searching for you now Kate. Dr Evans has noticed your
“Have you seen him yet, I mean, has he spoke to you?”
“No, I’ve just seen him come out of the house shouting your
name. He is on his phone now”
“Thanks for warning me cliff”
“What you going to do?”
“I’ll think of something”
“Good luck”
‘Call ended’

“Kate are you in trouble?” Marc seemed worried.

“Yes” I thought I should be straight if I wanted help.
“You need our help?” Mr. Parker asked.
I stood there in silence thinking of what I should do (it
wasn’t easy)
“That should do. Yes. I need your help Mr. Parker”
“What you need me to do?”
“Hang on”
I heard Marc whisper to Jessica “Is it me or is Mr. Parker
actually cool?”
Jessica elbowed him “Shh, Listen”

‘Outgoing call’
“You with him now?”
“Yes it is” Good old Cliff making out it’s not me he is
speaking to.
“Tell Dr Evens that this is the school calling”
“How you get number?”
“Emergency number. Couldn’t get a hold of Dr Evans. Tell him
that I’m at the school. That the school has heard that he is
looking for me and that someone is taking me home now. Got it?”
“Sure Thanks”
‘Call ended’

Kate. Why all this bother?” Jessica asked.

“It is a long story and quite frankly we don’t have the time.
Don’t suppose you could give me a ride to my house Mr. Parker?”
“Of course I can. My car is over here.” Mr. Parker turned in
the direction of his car and started walking fast.
“I’m so sorry guys. I understand if I’ve let you down.”
“Don’t be stupid Kate, we’re your friends, we’ll accept you
even if you do appear odd” Jessica hugged me. “Now quick, go”
I left them, not knowing if I’ll see them again.

By the time I got to Mr. Parkers car, he had already got it

running. I ran into the car, put my seat belt on, and we were
“Is this what you were upset about earlier?” Mr. Parker asked.
“What you expecting to happen?”
I look at Mr. Parker. He kept his eyes on the road but even so,
there was concern in them. So I told him the basics.
“Dr Evens is my guardian. He took me out of an orphanage that
named the children there by numbers and not names, not because
he wanted to help or because he felt sorry for us, but because
it was doing him good. He was having problems with the press
saying he was a cold hearted man – they weren’t wrong. So he
decided to do something about it and chose me, out of the other
90 orphaned children, to be free from the hell bound place and
into a home where there was money and food. But he hasn’t yet
adopted me. I could be a saint or the perfect daughter but that
wouldn’t have mattered to him because, like the press said,
he’s cold hearted. I don’t understand why anyone would do such
a thing. Take a lost abused child out of the dark place that
was all they knew and into luxury and normality just to throw
them back in the dark”
At that point I was hysterical, I hadn’t notice the car had
stopped. I was surrounded by warmth. Mr. Parker had his arms
around me. He was comforting me. It was a different hug from
Jessica’s; it was more loving, caring. For the first time, I
felt like I belonged.
Chapter Eight

“I’m sorry I had to be the one to take you here” Mr. Parker
said staring ahead.
“What? Why?” I was incredulous
“If it was my choice, if it wasn’t illegal, I would still be
driving, driving away from here… with you, safe with me” He
turned to look at me. “If it’s any consolation, you are a
perfect daughter, even if he’s too blind to see it”
I blankly stared at Mr. Parker, clueless of what he was trying
to say but I was too slow to ask him. There was a knock at my
side window. It was Hannah. I opened the car door and stepped
out. I looked at Mr. Parker once more before I closed the door
behind me.
“Kate, he’s furious, very furious. I hope you have a good
excuse, for your own sake” Hannah warned me, she seemed
frightened for me. She walked me to the house, I didn’t hear
Mr. Parkers car leave. Hannah opened the front door and walked
in, she looked at something with a lot of worry in her eyes.
I took a deep breath and walked in, closing the door while I
faced it. Another deep breath and I turned around. A shock of
pain rushed through my face. I had been hit and the force of it
lead me to the floor, I banged my head on the door causing
another shock to my head.
“You stupid little girl! What the hell do you think you were
doing? I told you, you couldn’t go out. How dare you disobey
I felt faint from banging my head but that last thing he said
really annoyed me. I tried to stand up but once I did
everything went black and I had a strange feeling that I was
floating then, nothing…

Chapter Nine

“Don’t worry sir, she’ll be fine”

“You sure”
“I am the nurse”
I heard a voice call my name but I was confused, I couldn’t put
a face to the voice.
I didn’t want to open my eyes, if I was free from the cold and
dark and wanted it to last, even more that I’m conscious of it.
“Kate, can you here me?”
That voice. It wasn’t the head matron, I would know the voice;
the cold, harsh voice, that any child would run from if heard
in a dark room.
“Just keep speaking to her, she should come round”
“Okay” Not the keeper; she had a wise old voice.
“Is she in a coma?”
“No Jessica she’s not in a coma.”
“Alright Marc” said a hostile voice.
“Listen guys I have to go for a minute, Keep an eye on her”
Jessica, Marc, a boy and girl in the same room? It was at that
point everything came back to me. I’m not in Vancouver! My eyes
swung open but quickly closed again. The bright light caused me
to blink as I tried to focus on the area.
“Hey she’s back! Aw and he just left” Jessica voiced.
“Wh-what happened?” My voice sounded weak.
“Turns out you so called Father is a child beater. Marc sounded
“Oh. You know about that then? Not that he’s a child beater, he
wasn’t before…” I still felt really weak.
“Parker explained it to us”
“Well we sort of forced it out of him” Jessica added. “Sorry”
“It’s okay, you had to be told, it’s only right that you know”
I sat up and as soon as I did Jessica through herself at me.
Another hug.

“Hang on, did you say Parker?” I asked urgently.

“Yeah, he was here a few minutes ago. He stayed by your side
the whole time, sweet really but he had to go speak to the
“The police? Why what happened? He’s not in trouble is he?”
Jessica laughed. “Kate stop panicking, he’s just making a
statement of what happened”
“Statement, why?” My panicking tone of voice turned
“Kate” Marc started to speak “You do realize, because Dr Evans
hit you, he will have to be prosecuted?”
My heart stopped.
“Kate, it’s a good thing” Jessica seemed confused by my
“It is not a good thing! I will be taken back to Vancouver, and
trust me that’s not a good thing!” I began to panic for real.
“I got to get out of here, help me, I can’t go back please, I
can’t!” My breathing got shallow and I felt faint again.
“You’re not going back Kate” A soothing sound came from the
other side of the room. “See these papers? Once you are in the
right of mind, you can choose to sign these papers and you
won’t have to worry about anything again” Mr. Parker held up
some papers that were stapled together.
“What are those papers?” I asked, breathing back to normal.
“You will just have to find out. Get some rest”
Jessica and Marc looked at each other with wondrous expressions
and then followed Mr. Parker out of the room, leaving me on my
own. I wasn’t contemplating about the papers for long before I
fell asleep.

Chapter Ten
‘My Destiny’

“Will I come in and help you pack?” Cliff offered.

“Yeah, please.”
I had returned home from the hospital the day after I had
regained consciousness to pack my bags. Mr. Parker had not yet
come back about those papers. Jessica had offered me to stay
with her while I wait for things to become clearer. I felt like
I was being placed in one house to the other but I didn’t mind,
as long as it’s not back to Vancouver. I guess, as long as I
told someone the truth about me, I would never be sent back to
Vancouver. I can trust my friends that way.

Packing my bags didn’t take long with the help of Cliff.

“That everything then” Cliff ask expecting it was. I didn’t say
anything so he just looked at me. I ran towards him and through
my arms around him.
“I love you Cliff” I said like it was nothing, but it was
everything to me.
“Oh well now, don’t get ahead of yourself” he rapped his arms
around me. “Big softy”
I laughed. “You’re my best friend you know? Don’t forget it”
“Kate stop speaking like you won’t see me again”
“But now that Dr Evans is behind bars, there’s no one to pay
you, and what is a job if you don’t get paid?”
“A friendly gesture?” Cliff laughed. “Kate you have my number,
call me when you need me. You don’t get rid of me that easy.
Now come on, let’s get your stuff in the cab”

Cliff drove me to Jessica’s house (front seat this time) for

the first time I had my close up view of Tacoma city. The sun
was shining which seemed to enhance everything around. The sea,
I never noticed the sea before, was sparkling as the waves move
slowly in and out. The buildings were very grand. To some they
may seem normal, but the way I’ve lived, it’s utterly
beautiful. The tall buildings that I saw from my window looked


like they were mirrors. Buildings that had the sun shining on
them made them look like giant lights which reflected on the
park occupied with people who were spending their day there.
“It’s beautiful” I said. I looked at Cliff, he just smiled.
“Remember that first day we met, you said that Tacoma is the
city of destiny?”
“Sure do”
“You weren’t wrong about it being good. I couldn’t be happier”

I was wrong…

Chapter Eleven
‘My Happy Future’

We soon arrived at Jessica’s and like the first day Cliff

opened my door and helped me out of the car.
“You really are a gentleman” I teased.
“You eh… need help with these bags into the house… Miss?”
I laughed “I’m going to say yes” I grinned.

We walked to the door and it opened before we reached it.

I entered the house first, Cliff behind and we were greeted by
Jessica and Marc.
“Hey! Welcome to my house” Jessica seemed excited, jumpy.
“Mine too” I smiled; Jessica’s excitement was reaching me.
“Eh, maybe. There is someone here to see you”
“Got your head straight then Kate?” A friendly face smiled at
me to which I ran towards.
Mr. Parker came out with a happy laugh, a laugh so charming.
“Want to create your happy future then?”
“YES! But how?”
“Sign these” he handed me the same papers he showed me at the
hospital but quickly snatched them off me. “Only”
“Only if you’re happy to live an average life, with not so much
money” He laughed at that point. “With me and my dog?”
“A dog? Like a real dog?”
“Yes a cocker spaniel”
“How old?”
“Does it matter?”
“Hmm, I guess not” I grinned. “An average life?”
“That’s what I said”
“With you?”

“Your teacher” Marc added.

“Shut up Marc”
“It doesn’t matter to me” I mentioned. “A school teacher
doesn’t comfort you when you’re upset; a teacher doesn’t help
you out in a family crisis. You don’t trust your teacher like
you do with a parent. Your teacher doesn’t ask a lost child to
be their daughter.
“That’s what I’m worried about” Marc stated.
“Marc seriously. Ask her out when she isn’t finding her happy
“But I have already found my happy family Jessica, cheesy as it
sounds” I laughed, no one else did though. I looked at Mr.
Parker “But it would be nice to finalize it”
So I signed the papers.
Cliff took my bags out the house but for the last time.

This is my destiny, my happy future.

I’m found at last.

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