BBPT Lesson Idea

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Productivity Tools (BBPT)

Lesson Idea Name: Efficiently Communicating Scientific Information
Content Area: Chemistry
Grade Level(s): 9-12
Content Standard Addressed:
SC5. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the Kinetic Molecular Theory to model
atomic and molecular motion in chemical and physical processes.
C. Develop and use models to quantitatively, conceptually, and graphically represent the
relationships between pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles of a gas.
SC6. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the properties that describe solutions
and the nature of acids and bases.
F. Use mathematics and computational thinking to compare, contrast, and evaluate the
nature of acids and bases in terms of percent dissociation, hydronium ion concentration,
and pH.

Technology Standard Addressed: Knowledge Constructor
Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce
creative artifacts and make meaningful experiences for themselves and others. Students:
a. plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for
their intellectual or creative pursuits.
b. evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility, and relevance of information, media, data, or
other resources.
c. curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create
collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
d. build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and
theories and pursuing answers and solutions.

Selected Technology Tool: Piktochart

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Blooms Taxonomy Level(s):

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

Level 1: Awareness Level 2: Exploration Level 3: Infusion Level 4: Integration

Level 5: Expansion Level 6: Refinement

Lesson idea implementation:
I will begin by introducing a big data set regarding pH of various water systems in Georgia to
give the students a visual understanding as to what a big data set it is and how confusing it can be to
comprehend. Then, I will show them my constructed infographic which simplifies the data I
presented to them previously in an easy-to-convey manner. Once that is completed, I will split them
Summer 2017_SJB
Beyond-the-Basic Productivity Tools (BBPT)
up into 4 groups and give them the collaborative task of creating their own Piktochart infographic to
simplify the complex big data sets I will provide to them. Two groups will focus on a big data set that
quantitatively and graphically represents relationships between pressure, volume, temperature, and
the number of moles of a gas, and the other two groups will work to easily convey a big data set that
evaluates the nature of acids and bases in terms of percent dissociation, hydronium ion
concentration, and pH. We will end the class with each group presenting their infographic to their
Student learning will be assessed based on the creation and completion of the infographic
presentation and by the end of all presentations, each student should be able to understand and
express the importance of conveying scientific information in a simple and efficient manner. Student
learning will be extended to a higher level of learning by instructing the students to download and
print off their created infographics to be posted outside of the classroom for other students and
teachers to see. (LoTi Level 4 to 5)

Summer 2017_SJB

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