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First Bible Lesson: 1st Corinthians Chapter 15 verse 26

"The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death."
Second Bible Lesson: 1st Corinthians Chapter 6 verse 13
"Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and
them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for t
he body."
Golden Text: Philippians Chapter 3 verses 18 and 19
"(For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, t
hat they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose
God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.
I have told you before, I have not yet opened my bag containing the article of t
rade I have brought to the whole world. What I have tried to do so far, is to in
troduce the Father to you. From day to day, and as time goes on, I will continue
to unfold to you the shortcomings and hindrances in your lives.
Food Kills:
Today's sermon concerns food, and the art of feeding, the evil of food, and food
as the source of destruction. The last enemy is death. What is death? Is man de
ath? Is death spirit or tree or any other thing? What do you consider to be deat
h? You have heard what the second lesson says: Meats for the belly, and the bell
y for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Food is that death referred
to. Food makes you sick, it makes you angry, and it kills the spirit in you. Fo
od is death and it is responsible for all the evil things in you.
What God Prescribed For Man As Food:
All those who desire to have eternal life, have started to live according to the
will of God. What did God prescribe for man to live on?
Read: Genesis Chapter 1 verse 29: "And God said, Behold, I have given you every
herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in t
he which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat."
God commanded that man should freely eat of every fruit of the trees of the Gard
en. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it:
for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. (Genesis Chapter
2 verse 17). The enemy of life is food. Food makes you sick; it kills. Food bri
ngs about high blood pressure, diabetes and other forms of incurable diseases. Y
ou complain of charms, mermaid and bewitchment. These are not true. You are affe
cted by the food you eat. You may grow fat but what does it all mean? Your fatne
ss leads to death. Food is the sting of death. When you prepare all forms of die
t for yourself, they destroy your spirit, soul and body.
The Evil Connected With Food:
If I should now expatiate on the evils of food, I will not exhaust the topic for
ten years. But I only want to give an introductory part of what you call a new
doctrine. I have dealt on this issue on many occasions, but you do not seem to b
e bothered about it. We are now staging a go-back to the Garden of Eden. Have yo
u not heard what had been read out to you? All herb bearing seed and all fruit o
f a tree yielding seed, shall be your meat. This does not imply a system of feed
ing, but a form of medication. Just as one will seek a cure for an ailment, you
can suck one orange and drink a cup of water and that will serve you for a day.
The next day whenever you feel like taking anything, you can take just one banan
a and drink water and that should satisfy you. That is how you should live. Take
fruits as a cure for an ailment and not what you eat sumptuously. There and the
n you will feel the pulse and the invigorating power of God in you. You will hav
e no pains, no sickness. Age will not tell much on you, and no problems will bes
et you.
All along we have been gallivanting seeking for life. Is this not the very sourc
e of life we neglect? That is why we are looking for a virgin land of our own. T
here, we will establish an orchard where fruit trees of all types, oranges, mang
oes, banana, guava, pawpaw, coconut, apple and other fruits will be planted. The
fruits should be taken in very small quantities. There, many will stay without
being hungry. When you take a little fruit as a cure, that is sufficient for you
. When you look at yourself, you find you are very fat and robust, you will feel
it is a sign of good-health. It is rather a poisonous extra burden, death, and
sickness. When you think yourself fat, you do not even realize, your sicknesses
are innumerable. You complain of pain around your waist, a strange object moving
in your head. Is it not the food you eat which is responsible? Is it not the fo
od you eat which has constituted this problem?
The Belly Is The God Of The Gluttonous Person:
The body is the house of God and not the house of food. God did not make the bod
y for food. Can you see the last enemy which will be destroyed? In consonance wi
th the Scriptures, I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, your be
lly is your god. A local adage says, whatever tastes palatable in the mouth of a
sick man, that he eats and dies. You keep trying and trying everything. All the
things you cook to eat kill the spirit and the life in you. When the Gospel is
preached you cannot even listen. Even when you listen you cannot assimilate.
There has never been any point in time when God did not abide on earth with man.
It is food which separates you from God. The end of food is death and destructi
on. Man should neither drink, nor snuff nor eat any of the things forbidden by G
od, because these are poisonous to the body. It is not given any one should tamp
er with the body by rubbing any ointment on it. The body belongs to the Lord Jes
us Christ. God polishes and dwells in it. You should not introduce anything un-n
atural to the body. All the things you inject into your body or rub on your body
lead you to destruction. Your body is the house of God. You ought not to adulte
rate it in any way. The only food for the body is for you to practice the Gospel
You have heard in those days there shall be no more death. (Revelation Chapter 2
1 verse 4). This is only possible on the provision you keep the injunctions of G
od and avoid surfeitings and gluttony, but concentrate on eating of fruits. When
you just start it, you will no longer be hungry neither will you be sick nor fe
el weak. There will be no aging. You will rather always swim in youthfulness.
Man Shall Live By The Words Of God:
I am taking you step by step. When we started fasting, we started from 6 AM to 6
PM, then to one day dry fasting, then to two days dry fasting and now to three
days. A time will come when we will fast for four days, or five days and gradual
ly shall we progress. When you receive this Gospel, you will be satisfied and yo
ur problems will all be solved.
You will recall satan went to Our Lord Jesus Christ and told him, "If thou be th
e Son of God, command that these stones be made bread." (Matthew Chapter 4 verse
3). What did Our Lord Jesus Christ reply? He told satan that it had been writte
n, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. (Luke Chapter 4
verse 4). Our Lord Jesus Christ was referring to this end of time when the word
of God will be the source of life. You will remember when the disciples invited
him to eat but he said, I have meat that you know not of. They began to wonder i
n their hearts whether any person had given him food. Since He was God and knew
their hearts, he told them: "My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and
to finish his work." (John Chapter 4 verse 34).
Eternal Life Through The Word Of God:
If you continue to practice the injunction of loving one another, of telling no
more lies, not exasperating God, how will you become hungry? You will not thirst
. You will neither fall sick and die, nor grow old. The Scriptures have it that
when the word of God dwells richly in your heart, you will have life. If the Wor
d of God dwells richly in your heart, you will have everlasting life. This expla
ins why He declared to His disciples, "I am the living bread which came down fro
m heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread th
at I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world." (John
Chapter 6 verse 51).
You will notice even here in Brotherhood, there are some persons who no longer f
eel hungry; indeed they have no appetite for food. As I am talking to you now, w
e have somebody and what remains for him to do is to stop drinking water. He onl
y eats one banana throughout twenty-four hours a day. We also have many here in
Brotherhood who stay from 6 AM to 6 PM daily without any food. After 6 PM you fi
nd them eating just one banana and until the next day, they will have no appetit
e for any food. We have yet another group of persons who do not eat any cooked f
ood. We have one such person at No. 26, Mbukpa Road, Calabar. It is not for you
to keep coming here, and yet you put death into your body by eating virtually ev
erything you find, and at the end when it backfires as sickness and death, you w
ill want to complain of your problem as a Brotherhood member. Have you not heard
, food is death?
God did not make the belly for food. He created us for Himself, as an abode of t
he Spirit. He did not create us to fornicate with a woman or a man. The singular
reason why He created humans was to make His abode in them. When you observe ca
refully, it is a common complaint in the world there are too many diseases. 99 p
ercent of the population of the entire world has sickness. Why is this so? It is
because of the indulgence of man in what he does not know.
Food Is The Enemy Of Man:
People do not understand, this body had been purchased with the precious blood o
f Our Lord Jesus Christ and that the Spirit has come to dwell in it. If the Holy
Spirit dwells in you, you will hunger no more; you will no longer fall sick nor
thirst, nor die. Indeed, you will not have any problems.
Some may begin to ask, How can one survive without food? Food does not give life
but it rather causes death. The last enemy is food. The Bible says: "For the wa
ges of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ ou
r Lord." (Romans Chapter 6 verse 23). You can eat and collapse and die on the sp
ot. But if you practice the word of God, you will not die. That last enemy to be
destroyed is food. Some people have started to do away with food in different w
ays. Many have stayed throughout the year without eating any food.
Why Adam Lived For 930 Years:
You have heard and read, Adam lived for 930 years. (Genesis Chapter 5 verse 5).
How was this possible? At that time there was no frying, no roasting, no baking
and no cooking as you do today. He fed on fruits. The same thing happened to Noa
h and others who lived long. Since the introduction of food other than fruit, we
now have a shorter life-span. The destruction besetting man issues from food. R
ight now, you are preoccupied with the thought of food. Before coming to worship
today, you had been completely filled with food.
Consider the fact, because Adam had eaten the forbidden fruit he was driven out
of the Garden of Eden. In spite of this, he was able to live for 930 years. How
did he do it, even though he had a misunderstanding with God? When Our Lord Jesu
s Christ did not yet come to die for us, people lived for 200 to 900 years. But
today, after He had shed His Blood, you find people dying at their youthful ages
. Why is sickness rampant now? Why do you not question yourself why things shoul
d be so?
Do you realize the bid to help yourself? The whites, you say have introduced the
use of tea and you demand for stew. These are poisonous to the body and lead to
death. Tell me the real truth. Did you know, the food you eat is poisonous to y
our body? It is said, whatever tastes delicious in a sick person's mouth, that h
e must eat till he dies. Have I not told you, if you are destined to die, you ca
nnot fail eating those foods. But those predestined for eternal life will begin
to comply with the instructions. Of all the food you eat, have you found any in
the Bible except fruits? If there is anyone of you who is sick or has any proble
m, and begins from today to live as instructed, his sickness, anger, troubled he
art, and troubles will vanish in no time. You will also begin to hear the voice
of God distinctively. God will equally respond to your calls.
Wear Not Death As A Garment:
Life stands aloof, when you put on death as a garment. That is why life runs awa
y from you. You complain, in your dream you see graves, apparition and other dre
adful things. Is it not food that has cost you such scenes? Is it not the poison
you take into you? I want you to experiment right from today; everything by exp
erimentation. Deny yourself a while of so-called good-health and delicious food
you have been eating. Begin to practice this Gospel bit by bit, and besides your
problems being solved, your eyes will be opened. Let me tell you, much eating i
s like taking plenty of liquor. If you are given to much eating, it will do no g
ood to your body system. Just as you will be drinking and passing urine, so will
you pass the food you eat out as stool and your belly will return to its former
state. It will not do any good thing for you. The feces passed by a white man i
s scanty and small, but a large container will not be enough for a black man's f
eces. The situation therefore is that after eating, you excrete all and become h
ungry again. Your belly has become your God. (Philippians Chapter 3 verse 19). I
f you stay without food for sometime, and later in the evening you take some fru
its in the way of medication and thereafter drink a little water, you will feel
the impulse in you. You will have no problems. The following day you do the same
thing and continue in that manner. After a time you will notice the revitalizin
g spirit in you. The Holy Spirit will enter into you and your eyes will be opene
All the diseases, awful dreams, and nightmares are brought about by all the sort
s of foods you eat. Brethren, since I do not want to overload you, the first les
son will now be read.
First Bible Lesson: 1st Corinthians Chapter 15 verse 26
"The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death."
Brethren, have you heard what has been read out to you? The last enemy is food.
The Bible has advised, it should not be because of surfeitings and much drinking
, that day takes you unawares. All those who love food abide in death, up till t
oday. All those who love food are the enemies of the Cross of Christ. The arch e
nemy of the Holy Spirit is food. Watch carefully, once food is brought into this
Hall there will be fighting and scrambling. Also watch when we are on dry fasti
ng, this Hall will be very quiet and the Holy Spirit will gently conduct His aff
airs without resistance. He heals your infirmities and takes away your problems.
If there is any good thing in Brotherhood, it is the dry fasting. The benefits
of Thursday 6 AM to 6 PM fasting cannot be over-emphasized. In the world, you wi
ll clearly see the sign of old age on the faces of men and women, your age-mates
now walk with the help of a walking stick. Here in Brotherhood, we look very yo
ung and are regenerated from day to day. Those of you who had pot-bellies have n
ow been trimmed to size. Such bellies are signs of death and not good health. So
metimes when such persons go to the hospital, they are declared anemic whereas i
f you examine one person in Brotherhood, the amount of blood in him is enough to
sustain many lives.
Abstinence From Food Will Follow A Gradual Process:
This issue eludes the worldly wisdom. This is why we are told, the last enemy to
be destroyed is food. The way to get about it is what we are telling you. But I
am not telling you to go and start off. It is an issue which requires a gradual
and progressive step. When you hear and practice the Word of God, He will take
away the spirit of surfeiting from you. Do you not see how you are told not to d
rink, or snuff, or smoke, or indulge in diabologies or other vices. It is gradua
l and when the Word of God takes control of you that is the end to it.
Do not eat meat. Do not eat fish. Do not eat anything at all. All those instruct
ions are the different knots that have to be tightened one after the other till
finally we arrive at eating of fruits. If God instructed Adam to eat of all the
fruits of the trees and did not tell him to kill an animal or any other thing fo
r food, and we have various kinds of fruits these days than were in those days;
why are you still stubborn and have chosen death for yourselves?
Leave The Skin And Hair Unattended With Chemicals:
To the angel, whom it was given to hurt the earth and sea it was said, Hurt not
the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees. (Revelation Chapter 7 verse 3). He kn
ows for certain, the trees were food. God is changeless in His covenant. He made
fruits for us to eat. The fruits give us life. These foods are not cooked but a
re ready-made. This serves as the body-supporting medicine for your sustenance.
Do not rub any pomade or cream on your body. Do not do anything with your hair.
There is no difference between a man and a woman. Do not perm or do anything wit
h your hair. This is the instruction from God. Anything other than this is destr
uction. All the ointment you rub are chemicals. They destroy your body which is
the body of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Whatever you are forbidden from doing is for
your own good. If you fail to comply, you have only yourself to blame. David wan
ted to build a temple for God, but God told him not to build because his hands w
ere not clean. (2nd Samuel Chapter 11 verses 12 to 17). For this reason, David g
ave up the attempt. Although he had money, building materials, and could build t
he house, he had to obey God. The owner of the temple tells you, He does not wan
t cream or ointment rubbed on His house but you still insist.
The Holy Spirit Has Arrived:
The Holy Spirit wants you to eat fruit. He does not delight in much food. Since
your body is His, you have to purify it. The Holy Spirit does not require taking
of drugs or enema or anything into your body. All you need to do is to purify t
he temple because He has come to dwell with us. When the Holy Spirit enters into
your body, your condition can be likened to that of a pregnant woman. You will
notice how selective the pregnant woman is. It is not the pregnant woman who is
selective but the child, which is the spirit she carries. Some will demand for w
ater, some for groundnuts. Sometimes they demand for many other things. The Holy
Spirit behaves that way. He directs you on what to do.
Right now the world does not know, He has come. But we have known, He has arrive
d and it is for this reason, we celebrate the reception of the Holy Spirit. He c
omes with the intention to dwell in His house. Our bodies are His abode. When a
person builds a house, he has the right to live in his house. He shed His precio
us blood to wash away our sins so He can make His house clean enough to inhabit.
Now that He has come to dwell in His house, surrender the house to the Owner. S
ome other person's property is a likely source of trouble. If by the time the ow
ner of a house traveled, you had used his house as you liked, when you hear abou
t his arrival, you have to sweep his house clean before you hand it over to him
to avoid trouble.
To Please God, Be A Teetotaller:
This is our duty, go and preach to the people of the world, about the arrival of
the Holy Spirit and His requirements. That is why you are instructed not to dri
nk or fornicate. Comply yourself with the instructions of God. All types of liqu
or, whether it be whisky, or beer or mineral, all of them are poisonous. None of
these is good for the human body. Snuff, cigarettes, cigar mean death. All form
s of injection, syrup, tablets, capsules are poisonous and death. All kinds of p
omade, cream, perfume, ointment are death. Costly clothings are death. Dress in
a very decent and simple manner, and that is good enough. Right now, what He req
uires from us is the white apparel. He has made the choice for us. You do not ow
n yourself. He who owns us has chosen what He wants for us. He had promised, He
will give you the white raiment, which you will put on and walk with Him.
This is the time, we should listen to the Spirit. Your fathers lived the way the
y did when they did not yet believe. But now the Holy Spirit is leading you to t
he accurate wisdom of the truth, why are you obdurate and recalcitrant? Observe
how sickness, death, punishment and tribulation are besetting man. If you now go
to the hospital, there are no drugs. If you take enema, it does not work. The p
rayers you offer do not work. Nothing tends to work again these days. When you a
re told this truth, the church denominations will rise to challenge, whoever tel
ls you not to take injection or syrup, is a killer. You who were here in the mor
ning heard the testimony of that chief medical consultant; he does not take any
form of medication again. He is a great physician but suffered from heart attack
and hypertension, which caused him to consult from one specialist hospital to t
he other, but no cure was provided him. But on his getting baptized here, in May
1986, all his sicknesses were completely healed. I am saying this to your shame
. He, as a great physician, no longer takes injection, swallows any tablet, caps
ule, nor drinks any liquid, but if you go to him, he will administer injection o
n you. This development induced his wife, who hails from one of the communist co
untries, to demand for baptism. She observed, her husband no longer complained o
f his heart pains and hypertension, and did not take any medical treatment but o
nly took the holy oil.
The Testimony Of A Chief Judge:
This doctor also introduced a chief Judge to Brotherhood. Somebody first recomme
nded that doctor to the chief Judge as the only great physician who would be abl
e to help him. But the doctor examined the urine and stool of the Chief Judge an
d could find nothing yet the man was dying of pain. When the chief Judge asked f
or what he should do, in order to get well, the doctor told him, since he could
not make a diagnosis, no prescriptions could be given. The doctor told the chief
Judge that in the face of the critical condition, he would take the man to Cala
bar where his infirmities would be healed. You also heard the testimony of the c
hief Judge who was baptized on the 9th of January, 1987 and since then he no lon
ger takes any form of medication. His illness is completely cured.
Do you not know that all the time we go in for medical check-ups, receive inject
ions and tablets, we have taken poison into our bodies and we have taken death i
nto our systems. Many Brotherhood members who die, die in the hospital. When you
go to hospital, take drugs and die, your blood will be upon you. God does not c
ompel any person to do anything against his will. As I am telling you, so do I t
ell all the inhabitants of the world, they should no longer take tablets, inject
ions or syrup. Check your food and be very careful of what you eat. Eat fruits.
Fruits are considerably cheaper here in Africa. We are going to establish orchar
ds and plant citrus fruits. You can eat just one banana or suck one orange and d
rink water and the medicinal effect will heal you. The only food that is blessed
by God is fruit. But anything else you prepare for yourselves as food is poison
The Other Meaning Of Fornication:
What is referred to as lust or fornication does not always imply going to lie do
wn with a man or woman. It refers also to being excessive, in anything you take.
If for instance you drink water more than necessary, you have committed fornica
tion. When you prepare for yourselves a basin full of gari and consume all alone
, you have committed fornication. Whatever you have to take, should be in a very
small quantity because it is simply medicinal. You can do with one banana daily
. Even so, you can still skip some days. In this way, you will feel the pulse in
you. God lives within you. He guides us, and has everything. We will neither fa
ll sick, nor have nightmares, nor be angry and there will be no problems. God wo
uld not leave us at any point.
Do you think, it had been the mind of God Adam and Eve should ever continue to f
eed on fruits? If they had continued to assimilate the Word of God, they would,
at a later time, not be hungry again. What God did with them was like somebody s
tarting an infant class. It was for that stage they were taught to eat fruits. T
his, they would have eaten till the time the word of God would fill them. When t
he Word of God dwells richly in your heart, you will neither hunger nor thirst.
Take Fruit In Small Quantities:
How will we not die, as long as you continue to fill your body with mud and pois
on. Instead of facing the fact before you, you point accusing fingers on to merm
aid, juju, witchery, apparition, and charm. Is the charm kept for you or the foo
d you are eating, which is responsible for your conditions? Some of you are simp
ly gluttonous. Before attending this Sermon, you have taken up to ten courses.
In the past, you were like sheep without a shepherd. But now a shepherd has come
from the highest heaven to pour his instruction on all mankind. Plant groundnut
s, pineapples, oranges, pawpaw, sugarcane and many other fruits. When you feel l
ike taking something, you can take a little fruit and not much of it.
If we should examine ourselves, God would not judge us but when he judges us, he
chastises us that He may not condemn us with the people of the world. (1st Cori
nthians Chapter 11 verses 31 and 32). Let our second lesson be read.
Second Bible Lesson: 1st Corinthians Chapter 6 verse 13
"Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and
them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for t
he body."
God did not make this body for fornication. Whenever any person passes by, you c
all on her or make moves to confront him. He made man for himself. God dwells in
the human body. He does not dwell in houses built by man. Hand over the house t
o the owner. The owner of the house says, he does not want those wretched things
. Why do you continue to introduce all such things into the house? Does the hous
e belong to you?
Constant Abstinence From Food:
I know, a great many people in Brotherhood do not even fast on Thursdays. I know
also, many a Brotherhood member would not eat for a week. They chose to go on d
ry fasting and they feel well and good. The living God converses distinctively w
ith them and they hear the still small voice. Some people stay up to two weeks w
ithout food and they feel very strong and healthy. This Gospel strengthens their
faith that they should continue in that manner. It is also an encouragement to
those who have not yet done so since the common complaint had always been that t
he Father has been silent over the issue. The Father has now openly announced, y
ou should no longer rub any cream since it amounts to body adulteration. The bod
y is no longer ours. We had been bought with a price. No person has a right over
his body. It is only Our Lord Jesus Christ who has the right over every person.
We have to hearken to the instructions of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Are We Ready To Admit Him Into His House?
We are that house, we are the city, we are the field. It is said, Except the LOR
D build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the c
ity, the watchman waketh but in vain. (Psalm 127 verse 1). If God does not prote
ct you, can you ever protect yourself? If God does not demolish us, removing fro
m us all kinds of infirmities and encumbrances, and rebuild us for habitation, w
ho else can rebuild us? He has come to change us and rebuild us, the heart that
had been damaged, and other parts that were dysfunctional, he has come to recons
truct and regenerate us so that we may have a share in the Kingdom of God.
How will the person who eats foo-foo, yam, porridge, chin-chin, eggs and other t
hings be pure in the flesh? The man who eats meat, fish, and drinks tea, wine, a
nd takes snuff, how will he be pure in flesh and in the spirit? It is said, if t
he owner of the house had known when the thieves would come, he would have kept
watching. (Matthew Chapter 24 verse 43). You better keep watch because 1999 is f
ast approaching. Those who are not here at the present do hear this instruction
as well, because I am declaring from the highest heaven. Fishes in the water, an
imals in the forest, birds of the air are all preparing to see the glory of this
Kingdom and what it will come to be.
What does it all mean when you say God helps those who help themselves? As long
as you live the life he wants, concerning the food you eat, right from today tha
t you have heard this Gospel, try to put it into practice. When you try to pract
ice it, you will notice a remarkable change in your life. Anger will subside. Fo
od causes you to be angry. Food is made up of various kinds of spirit, which do
not match with your body constitution.
Bodily Adornments:
It is said, there is neither male nor female. (Galatians Chapter 3 verse 28). Ou
r Lord Jesus Christ is all and in all. (Colossians Chapter 3 verse 11). We all h
ave to maintain low hair cuts, men and women alike. Do not wear any necklace, do
not put on any earrings, and do not paint any part of your body. All such thing
s are abominable, they are works of death, and signs of death. We have a piece o
f land where we are going to build Our City. You will not enter this city with a
ny earring, or shoes, neither will you go in with any hair-do. Fruit is the only
food to be eaten in the city. If you are unable to do away with all these prope
nsities, it will be impossible for you to enter. You may claim, to be Obu's chil
d, or you have been a member of Brotherhood for twenty years, I am saying even i
f you have been a member for one hundred years, the hair you are plaiting, the n
ecklaces and bangles you wear, the cream you rub; disqualify you. I will tell yo
u, get you behind me. However you will operate as a Brotherhood member in Calaba
r or Lagos or in any other place. How will the City be conducive for you when th
ere is neither wine, nor fornication, nor the kinds of food you eat? How will yo
u survive in it? Excessive eating is not accepted there. Even the available frui
ts will be rationed to every person. If you do not get prepared now, it means th
e place will not be congenial for your living and you will not be there.
As I am telling you, it is said, whatever is bound here on earth, is bound in he
aven. (Matthew Chapter 18 verse 18). It is also said, let Thy kingdom come. Thy
will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. It is what is done in heaven that is
also going to be done on earth. (Matthew Chapter 6 verse 10). Those who long for
this city, are making their preparations now. But I warn that you should not be
like the five foolish virgins, who did not go with their kerosene. (Matthew Cha
pter 25 verse 3). The issue does not call for pleading with God to forgive you.
Once you are unable to resist and overcome death, death will overcome you.
Food Is Man's Enemy:
Because of his recalcitrance, Moses was shown to the promised land but he did no
t enter. My duty and yours is to war against food. Your enemy is food. You compl
ain you are irate, easily irritated, quarrelsome; that evil spirits torment you.
Food is the source of your problems. Food leads to evil spirits, nightmares and
the anger you find in your system. Do not broadcast your intentions. When you r
eturn today begin to practice this Gospel. Stay on your own and leave food. You
will not be hungry. Preach and practice the Word of God. Listen to the Word of G
od and carry out God's injunctions. In this way you will not feel hungry. When y
ou have the desire to eat, take just one banana and drink water. Within one week
, you will see, you will be a completely different person. Sickness, and other e
vil spirits will disappear.
By Means Of Fruits God Rejuvenates You:
I had already told you, I do not want these electric fans. They are chemical pro
ducts, which are poisonous to the body. I do not also want anything from the ref
rigerator. I do not want any cold water, it contains chemicals and is, therefore
, poisonous drugs. I have told you publicly but you would not hear. What I am pr
eaching to you is about myself. Compare your bodies with mine and notice who loo
ks younger and fresher. If the Father's age is mentioned, many people will be ba
mboozled. Yet, in the next twenty years He will be younger than He is today. You
have adulterated your body with perfume, ointment and cream, your hair is poiso
ned and now you look wretchedly old. But day after day, out of His love God trie
s to rejuvenate, regenerate and reconstruct you, but you are at the same time dr
agging yourselves into mud again.
You are calling upon the Holy Spirit to come to your aid, but you have adulterat
ed your body and because of the repugnant and obnoxious odour fuming from your b
ody, He stays afar and will not come close. How will He come and save you. He al
one can heal us. There is nothing impossible with Him. If we surrender ourselves
to Him, there is nothing which He cannot do for us.
When He wants to demolish us, in order to reconstruct and rebuild again, we misc
onceive His activities and are carried to the hospital for treatment during whic
h period we are given injection and tablet. The last thing is for us to die. The
grades of doctors, surgeons, paramedical staff and nurses we have in this Kingd
om, the type of injections and tablets, and the stock of drugs we have, if your
eyes were open to behold the hospital set up here, you would see yourself clearl
y as the most foolish person to attend a carnal hospital. Each and every one of
us has a body guard and escort. All of us undergo medical check-ups by our atten
dant doctors. There are some staying by you, keeping watch over you to treat any
thing that affects you. This is for everybody. Right now that you are here, food
is served. This explains why you are not always hungry. That is why, if you wer
e to hear the instructions of God, you would have enjoyed this Kingdom more than
what happens now.
Holy Spirit, The Greatest Physician:
God thinks about us much more than we think of ourselves. You go to the hospital
. Have you seen the Leader going to the hospital? That has always been your prob
lem. You have been going to the hospital all your life, but what good has it don
e for you? The leader has never gone to any hospital. I have no business with me
dication. You often complain, the Leader has not taught you. When did you see th
e Leader taking drugs? I do not even keep them, nor do I consult any type of phy
Right now, if you are partly blind, it is because of the poison you take in. But
if you eat the kind of food prescribed for you, and comply with the Word of God
, your good sight will be restored to you. Let the Holy Spirit gain entrance int
o you. The heart and blood that is not good, when the Holy Spirit gains entrance
into the house and starts His work, even when injection is ministered do not co
mplain. If He is treating a stomach problem, do not be worried. He is the owner
of the house. When He completes His Work, you will become younger and younger.
When the Leader says, in ten years time he will be younger than He is today, peo
ple begin to wonder whether the man will be alive for that long. The enemies wil
l fidget they are done for. They do not wish the Father should live that long, s
o that they may have room to operate as they wish in the world. But I am saying,
in the next twenty years, I will be younger than this.
What I am telling you does not require any money. It calls for the mortification
of the flesh to enable the spirit to triumph. Why you look for food, woman, and
wealth is because of the evil spirit in you, which comes from the food you eat.
If you refrain from eating the kind of food you have been eating and concentrat
e your attention in eating fruit, and the purification of your body, no evil tho
ughts will come into you. You will be in a completely different world.
Do you know, food is satan? Do you know, food is the evil spirit and death? At p
resent, what are your thoughts filled with? What will I eat, what will I put on,
what will I drink? You are enslaved by these tendencies. You beat up your wife
because of food. You divorce your husband because of food. You beat your child b
ecause of food. You deny your father because of food. But it is said, food does
not recommend a person before God; and if one does not eat it does not disapprov
e one before God. (1st Corinthians Chapter 8 verse 8). Food is nothing at all. C
lothing is nothing at all. Perfume and cream are useless before God. Only the Wo
rd of God can put you in a good position before God.
You have been feeling if you go to somebody's house and he serves you with vario
us dishes and assorted kinds of drinks, the person loves you dearly. I am tellin
g you, he is the person who hates you the most, apart from also being an enemy o
f God. Brethren, I do not want to belabour you. Let our Golden Text be read.
Golden Text: Philippians Chapter 3 verses 18 and 19
"(For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, t
hat they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose
God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.
Brethren, ponder over this situation. If from today you no longer put your heart
in the things of this world, would you have the cause to quarrel with any perso
n? If you do not bother about clothes, shoes, food, bed, house and any kind of g
oods, will you quarrel with any person?
The Leader Preaches Himself:
I had already told you, when first I arrived in Calabar, the first pot of soup I
prepared cost only one penny. After preparing the soup, I used it for eight day
s. I was taking half a cup of gari for every twenty four hours. And I had no pro
blem. I had no problems with anybody. My clothing comprised of a simple pant, a
sleeveless singlet. I went about with it to every place I had to go. I am preach
ing about myself and not about any other person. The most costly apparel I bough
t was a pant costing five pence and a sleeveless singlet bought at one shilling
and three pence. When you complain every time, you are looking for this or you w
ant to eat the other, I have never lusted after anything. All these things do no
t interest me. No matter what you eat, I am not bothered. By this Sermon, I am p
reaching myself. Food is nothing to me, cloth is nothing to me, house is nothing
to me. In fact, all the things you can think of in the world have no place in m
y thoughts. I am preaching about myself. I have seen you are not yet mature for
this life, that is why I give you this gospel in bits and pieces. This Gospel te
lls you how to live a pure and natural life. I am preaching myself since I am a
born vegetarian. You cannot lead a person to a city you have never visited becau
se you cannot give any person the exact description of such a city. But this cit
y I am telling you about is where I come from. It is a city which knows nothing
about all surfeiting and lust. Have you ever seen me growing fat and robust? For
ages, my size remains the same. Some of you come here with swollen cheeks. You
are given to much eating and your belly is death. Is the content of your cheeks
not evil?
The Leader's Food Is The Word Of God:
Many people ask what the Father eats and when he eats. This is my food. I feed o
n the Word of God. From time immemorial my food has always been the Word of God.
If you practice the Word of God, you have no problems. If you preach the Word o
f God and take delight in listening to the Word of God, you have no problem. The
irony of it all is that if you feed fat, you will no longer hear the Word of Go
d. You will become an enemy of the Word of God. When the word of God is preached
, you will not even hear. That is why our Brother Paul said, "that they are the
enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their bel
ly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things." (Philippians Ch
apter 3 verse 19).
Our Lord Jesus Christ had earlier warned, "Labour not for the meat which perishe
th, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man
shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed." (John Chapter 6 verse
27). As I observe, you are those labouring for the food that perishes. When fea
st is shared, you will collect for yourself many plates of rice and call for Afi
ong or Etim to give you more plates. That means, this is what has brought you he
re. You think of no other thing but to fight for food. The same thing you do wit
h money, and position. No person seeks for eternal life.
How will the words spoken by Our Lord Jesus Christ be fulfilled in you? He says:
"Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; an
d they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy." (Revelation Chapter 3
verse 4). But right now is your garment clean? Is your body pure and undefiled?
The white garment promised you, if you are undefiled, is that spirit. Brethren,
you cannot show the expression of love. The Holy Spirit is Love. You cannot spea
k the truth. The Holy Spirit is the truth. He is righteousness. Except you purif
y yourself, for the Holy Spirit to indwell and start working; even if you stay h
ere for one hundred years, you cannot do any good thing. The Holy Spirit is God'
s embodiment.
No Evil Resides In God:
Be you pure even as I am pure, no evil resides with me. No good thing resides in
man. Man is like a cage. That is why no matter how much one tries to be patient
, one cannot. Do not even waste your time struggling to possess any virtue of Go
d. It is not given to any one. When you see a person showing the expression of l
ove, do not commend the person. It is God who shows the expression of love. Do n
ot commend a person for having faith, or patience, because it is God who has all
the virtues. This explains why Paul said, "For the good that I would I do not:
but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is n
o more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me." (Romans Chapter 7 verses 19 a
nd 20).
It had been said, "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father w
ill send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your
remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." (John Chapter 14 verse 26).
Have you not realized, the Comforter, even the Holy Spirit now teaches you? The
medical doctor does not know, all the drugs he uses in the hospital are poisonou
s. All food technologists, dieticians, cooks, and stewards do not know, the food
they prepare are poisonous to the human bodies, and that they kill. Do you not
realize how you prepare food? You cook, fry, bake, roast and destroy the content
and life. If you were to eat food in their natural state: banana, orange, mango
, pineapples, you would have life abundantly in you.
I do not want to repeat myself. A local adage says, when you are verbose, your w
ords are not useful to the people. I am sure this year you will assimilate, and
live by these words and you will have life.
A stroke of the cane is sufficient unto the wise. Those who have ears, let them
hear. May God bless His Holy Words. A-men.

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