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J. Ocean Univ.

China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research)

DOI 10.1007/s11802-015-2588-y
ISSN 1672-5182, 2015 14 (4): 663-668

Carbon Foam Anode Modified by Urea and Its Higher

Electrochemical Performance in Marine Benthic
Microbial Fuel Cell
FU Yubin1),*, LU Zhikai1), 2), ZAI Xuerong3), and WANG Jian1)

1) Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, P. R. China
2) China Lucky Group Corporation, Baoding 071000, P. R. China
3) College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, P. R. China

(Received February 12, 2014; revised February 6, 2015; accepted March 2, 2015)
Ocean University of China, Science Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract Electrode materials have an important effect on the property of microbial fuel cell (MFC). Carbon foam is utilized as an
anode and further modified by urea to improve its performance in marine benthic microbial fuel cell (BMFC) with higher voltage and
output power. The electrochemical properties of plain carbon foam (PC) and urea-modified carbon foam (UC) are measured respec-
tively. Results show that the UC obtains better wettability after its modification and higher anti-polarization ability than the PC. A
novel phenomenon has been found that the electrical potential of the modified UC anode is nearly 100 mV lower than that of the PC,
reaching 570 10 mV (vs. SCE), and that it also has a much higher electron transfer kinetic activity, reaching 9399.4 mW m2, which
is 566.2-fold higher than that from plain graphite anode (PG). The fuel cell containing the UC anode has the maximum power density
(256.0 mW m2) among the three different BMFCs. Urea would enhance the bacteria biofilm formation with a more diverse microbial
community and maintain more electrons, leading to a lower anodic redox potential and higher power output. The paper primarily
analyzes why the electrical potential of the modified anode becomes much lower than that of others after urea modification. These
results can be utilized to construct a novel BMFC with higher output power and to design the conditioner of voltage booster with a
higher conversion ratio. Finally, the carbon foam with a bigger pore size would be a potential anodic material in conventional MFC.

Key words marine benthic microbial fuel cell; carbon foam anode; urea modification; low anode potential; high kinetic activity;
high output voltage

duces relatively low levels of power density, prohibiting

its widespread application. Researchers have used various
1 Introduction methods, such as selection of high efficient anode mate-
Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a device that uses bacteria rial or its modification to increase power density (Wei,
to catalyze the conversion of organic matter into electric- 2011; Zhou, 2011).
ity (Ashley and Kelly, 2010). Substrate is oxidized by A variety of anodic materials have been used in the
bacteria generating electrons and protons at the anode. MFCs, including plain graphite, carbon paper, carbon
Electrons are transferred through an external circuit while cloth and carbon felt. It appears to be a general trend that
the protons diffuse through the solution to the cathode, the higher surface area anodic material, the higher power
where electrons combine with protons and oxygen to output (Chaudhuri and Lovley, 2003). Carbon foam has
form water (Rabaey and Verstraete, 2005). Marine ben- an exceptionally high void volume (97%), a large pore
thic microbial fuel cell (BMFC) is a field-deployable and size ( 2 mm), and low diffusion resistance. Thus, it is an
uniquely configured microbial fuel cell that relies on the ideal anode material in the BMFC. On the other hand, the
natural redox processes in aqueous sediments (Reimers anode modification is one of the effective ways to im-
et al., 2006). Its anode is imbedded in the sediment and prove the output power. For example, ammonia gas has
cathode is planted in overlying water. Meanwhile, the been used to modify carbon mesh and make the cell
anode is connected by an external circuit to the cathode. power density reach 1015 mW m2 due to the introduction
The cells are under development as long-term power of N-containing groups; carbon mesh has a high N/C ratio
sources for autonomous sensors and acoustic communica- to improve electron transfer (Wang et al., 2009). Urea
tion devices deployed in shallow or deep sea environ- molecule has a higher content of the element N. Further
ments (Reimers, 2001; Alberte, 2005). However, it pro- increasing the amount of N-containing group can yield
higher power output. Therefore, urea-modified anode is
* Corresponding author. E-mail: fabricated in the present paper.
664 FU et al. / J. Ocean Univ. China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research) 2015 14: 663-668

A novel phenomenon is found that the modified anode (UC) respectively. The UC was prepared according to the
potential is 570 10 mV (vs. SCE), 100 mV lower than following procedure: 30 g of urea and 15 g of graphite
the plain (440 10 mV, vs. SCE) and the output voltage powder were mixed and heated for 5 min 10 min in the
of the modified BMFC is 870 15 mV. This result has a temperature range 120 130, then PC was soaked in the
significant meaning for the device design of a voltage melted urea mixture for 1 min and dried at the room tem-
booster. At present, the main limitations of the BMFCs to perature for 12 h. The modified anodes characterized by
drive small monitor or equipment to work for a long-term X-ray diffraction (XRD) and water contact angle, were
service on ocean floor are their low power and output accurately weighed by electronic analytical balance to
voltage (Zhang and Angelidaki, 2012). So we need to calculate the mass fraction of urea.
design a voltage booster device to improve output voltage Carbon foam is a porous material and it is necessary to
and satisfy the voltage requirement for driving marine design a joint point to protect the lead wire from the cor-
electronic instruments. In the paper, higher cell output rosion of seawater. We used a glue to adhere carbon foam
voltage will be beneficial to design the booster condi- to a graphite plate and then sintered them under a high
tioner with a higher power conversion ratio. temperature (more than 2000) in the N2 atmosphere to
form a unity material. After that, copper lead wire was put
into a small hole in the graphite plate by using conductive
2 Experimental Section glue to protect the lead wire. Finally, a carbon foam an-
2.1 Materials ode was formed (Fig.1a).
Carbon foam (pore diameter > 2 mm) was purchased
from Qingdao Gaotai New Material Co., Ltd, China 2.3 BMFC Design and Configuration
(shown in Fig.1a). Urea (purity > 99.0) from Tianjin Gu- Three BMFCs were constructed with the designed
angcheng Chemical Co., Ltd. Graphite powder (500 mesh)
anodes (UC, PC, PG) and cathode. Cathode was then
from Qingdao Tianhe Graphite Co., Ltd. Graphite block
made of a big graphite plate (length 25 cm, width 20 cm,
and plate from Qingdao Duratight Carbon Co., Ltd. The
thickness 1.2 cm) to ensure that it has a great larger area
materials were all directly used without further treatment.
than the anode. The PG, PC and UC as working electrodes
Natural sediment and seawater were then collected from
were respectively imbedded in sediment; meanwhile the
the Jiaozhou Bay in Qingdao, China (at 3610.3N,
graphite plate and a reference electrode (saturated calo-
mel electrode SCE) were positioned in the overlying
seawater. The depth of the marine sediment was 20 cm,
2.2 Urea-Modified Anode Preparation seawater 15 cm and the distance between cathode and
Three types of anodes were employed in the BMFCs. anode was 15 cm (Fig.1b). The cells constructed by the
All of the anodes only had one work surface (2 cm 2 cm) UC, PC and PG anode were called BMFC-UC, BMFC-
and the other five surfaces were coated by epoxy resin. PC and BMFC-PG respectively. Three parallel experi-
These three anodes were called plain graphite block (PG), ments were conducted in an identical configuration to
plain carbon foam (PC) and urea-modified carbon foam obtain average results.

Fig.1 Carbon foam anode (a-1), carbon plate (a-2) and the BMFC configuration (b).

contact angle meter (KRUSS DSA100 Germany). Cath-

2.4 Analytical Measurements ode potentials were directly measured by the SCE and the
XRD patterns were obtained from Macscience-M18 anode potentials were calculated by subtracting the cell
XHF Instrument. Water contact angle was measured by a voltage from cathode potentials (Song and Jiang, 2011).
FU et al. / J. Ocean Univ. China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research) 2015 14: 663-668 665

Voltage and current produced from the BMFCs during the wettability is. Good wettability can improve the adhesion
experiments were recorded at 15 min intervals using digi- of microorganism and accelerate electron production be-
tal multimeters (Shenzhen Huayi Instrument Co., Ltd). cause many biochemical reactions undergo on the hydro-
Power (P) was calculated according to P = IU, where U is philic surface.
voltage and I current. Current and power were normalized
to the geometric surface area of the anode when calculat- 3.2 Electrochemical Behavior of Different Anodes
ing current and power densities (Ryckelynck et al., 2005). Anode polarization curves are shown in Fig.3a (each
The maximum power density of the BMFC was estab- data point is an average value from three times of meas-
lished from polarization curve using a variable resistor urement, error 10 mV). There is a sharper drop slope of
box (from 10000 to 0 , ZX-21, Shanghai Precision & the PG than the PC and UC do. It indicates that the PC
Scientific Instrument Co., LTD). Tafel plots (log [ex- and UC have better anti-polarization ability. Bigger po-
change current density i0] versus overpotential ) were rosity and larger surface area provide more space for mi-
recorded for each anode by sweeping voltage at 10 mV s1 croorganism to reside in, which in turn produces more
from = 0 200 mV, where = 0 is the OCP of the anode electrons for transfer (Scott et al., 2007). After modifica-
vs. SCE (Lowy et al., 2006). The exchange current den- tion, urea may serve as a new fuel substrate to satisfy the
sity (i0) of each anode was determined from Tafel plots by demand of attached bacteria, or form hydrogen bonding
extrapolation to = 0 of a linear regression between = with peptide bonds in bacterial cytochromes, which can
75 150 mV. It must be chosen at a low overpotential remove the barrier for electron transfer (Zheng et al.,
range so that the i0 values will depend on the charge-lim- 2007). Therefore, the UC has the best anti-polarization
ited electrochemical process and the effect of mass trans- ability among them.
fer on anodic potential can be negligible. The potential
sweep curves (sweeping voltage at 1 mV s1 from the OCP
to 200 mV) of different anodes were obtained from a
Model LK2005A Electrochemical Workstation (Tianjin
Lanlike Co., Ltd). All of the measurements of electro-
chemical behavior were conducted in a three-electrode
configuration: the anode imbedded in the sediment as a
working electrode, the cathode as a counter and the SCE
as a reference electrode.

3 Results and Discussion

3.1 Modified Anode and Characterization
XRD patterns show that several sharp peaks exist after
urea modification (see the attached information), indicat-
ing that urea is still in the crystal state. Weight difference
calculation before and after modification shows that urea
has the mass percentage of 43.6% in the anode.
Fig.2 shows contact angle images and their sizes in
three parallel experiments are shown in Table 1. The
value of the modified anode reduces by 49.1 versus the
plain anode. The decrease in the contact angle is caused
by the polarity functional groups in urea. Studies have
shown that the contact angle stands for the wettability and
it is closely related to the electrochemical reaction (Suski
et al., 1999). The lower the contact angle is, the better the

Fig.3 Anode polarization curves (a) and potential sweep

curves of different anodes (b).

Fig.2 Images of the contact angle, PC (a) and UC (b). Fig.3b shows the potential sweep curves of the differ-
ent anodes. It is a useful method to evaluate the anodic
Table 1 Contact angles of the plain and modified anodes
electrochemical property. The UC has the highest value of
Anodes 1 2 3 Average values the anodic current density and the PG the least value. The
PC 88.5 90.5 92.0 90.3 5 UC curve has a current peak 1100 mA m2 at 50 mV and
UC 39.5 41.5 42.5 41.2 5 then it decreases and the current finally keeps steady after
666 FU et al. / J. Ocean Univ. China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research) 2015 14: 663-668

50 mV. It could reasonably be speculated that the urea on construct fuel cell, in which case it can not be stirred or
the anode surface may be serve as a substrate to donate air-pumped. However, in the conventional MFC, the sin-
more electrons than other anodes do at 50 mV, but then gle and high effective cultured bacterial species is gener-
the mass diffusion resistance on the anode surface limits ally utilized and cell structure can be artificially stirred or
the current to increase further. Finally it reaches a balance air-pumped to increase its power output.
and maintains a higher current value than the PG and PC. Anode stability is a significant parameter for the BMFC
Anode kinetic activity stands for the electron transfer application. The long-term discharge of the BMFC-UC in
ratio on its surface and means the anodic exchange cur- Fig.5b shows that the initial 20 d are developing period
rent density. It is a key factor to increase the current and and it becomes steady in the following time. This ex-
power density of the BMFC. Tafel plots (Fig.4) show that periment has operated for six months. The UC anode po-
all curves become linear after an initial steep current in- tential can still be sustained at 570 10 mV and the
creasing. According to the Tafel equation ( = a + b log |i|), voltage at 870 15 mV. This result illustrates that the UC
the i0 values (exchange current density) obtained from has a better stability in sediment and maintains a higher
these plots are 16.6 mA m2 (PG), 125.9 mA m2 (PC) and output voltage than the PC and PG do.
9399.4 mA m2 (UC) respectively. The i0 value of UC is
almost three orders of magnitude higher than the PG, in-
dicating that the activation energy of the biochemical
reactions on the UC reduces greatly.

Fig.4 Tafel plots of different anodes.

3.3 BMFC Performance with Different Anodes

The BMFCs with different anodes show the variations
of output voltage in Fig.5a (each data point is an average
value from three times of measurement). The voltage of
BMFC-UC is 870 15 mV, BMFC-PC 770 15 mV and Fig.5 Cell polarization plots and power density curves of
BMFC-PG 740 15 mV. Though the UC curve has a mild three BMFCs (a), UC long-term steady performance (b).
slope, it is close to be linear, indicating that it has a steady
The result also indicates that the modified anodes with
internal resistance and its activation and mass-transfer
different urea contents have the identical electrochemical
losses do not increase after discharge. The steep decrease
behavior, but higher contents of urea can make the cell
in voltage at low current density suggests that the
have a long-lasting discharging time with higher voltage.
BMFC-PG has a high activation loss (Martins et al.,
2010). The maximum power densities of the three differ-
ent BMFCs are 256.0 mA m2 for UC, 151.3 mA m2 PC, 3.4 Electro-Catalytic Activity Analysis of the Modi-
19.6 mA m2 PG respectively. The UC power is 13-fold fied Anode
higher than that of PG, and nearly 1.7-fold higher than The results of the three types of anodes are summarized
that of PC. in Table 2. The anode electrical potentials are 440 10
Compared with the literature (Wang et al., 2009), the mV (PG), 470 10 mV (PC) and 570 10 mV (UC)
UC power in the paper is much lower than the cell power respectively. The UC potential is lower by nearly 100 mV
(1015 mA m2) obtained by Wang et al. (2009), where the and its cell voltage reaches 870 15 mV. Its kinetic activ-
anode was modified by ammonia gas. The large structure ity is 566.2-fold higher than that of PG and 74.5-fold
difference in microbial fuel cells is another important higher than that of PC. The anode potential is one of the
reason for the big difference in power output. The BMFC determining elements for the collection of energy from
directly uses natural seawater and sediment (sea mud) to the microorganisms and it can regulate both the activity
FU et al. / J. Ocean Univ. China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research) 2015 14: 663-668 667

and growth of bacteria to sustain enhanced current and 6 V, 12 V, etc. However, lower cell voltage leads to lower
power generation (Zhou et al., 2011). In a word, the UC power conversion ratio of the booster device. Thus,
electrical potential is reduced and its cell voltage in- higher cell output voltage will improve the power conver-
creases after modification. This is a novel phenomenon sion ratio of the booster device. This study provides a
reported for the first time. new way for constructing higher voltage BMFCs by de-
BMFC as a power source for driving marine instrument signing novel voltage booster conditioner with higher
needs to design voltage booster device from 0.5 V to 5 V, ratio.
Table 2 Electro-catalytic activity of three different anodes
Cell voltage Maximum power density Exchange current density
Anodes OCP (mV, vs. SCE) Anodic kinetic activity
(mV) (mW m2) (mA m2)
PG 440 10 740 15 19.6 10 16.6 1.0
PC 47010 770 15 151.3 10 125.9 7.6
UC 57010 870 15 256.0 10 9399.4 566.2

A possible mechanism of the BMFC with urea- modi- tions I and II particularly show the nitrogen cycle process
fied anode is presented in Fig.6. Song et al. (2012) re- (AQDS is a widely existing product of humus respiration
ported that the output voltage increases by 30 mV due to in anaerobic sediment (Wu et al., 2009)). However, it
increase of Fe (III) in sediment. Zhang et al. (2011) dem- needs further detailed research on the attached bacteria to
onstrated that different substrates lead to different micro- explain why the electrical potential of the modified anode
bial community enrichment. Thus, it could be reasonably decreases.
speculated that besides the traditional microbial oxidation
4AQDS + 3H2O + NH2+ NO3 + 3H+ + 4AHQDS (I)
reaction, UC selects a new microbial community with
lower redox potential that can catalyze oxidation of urea 2NO3+ 2H+ + 5AHQDS 5AQDS + 6H2O + N2 (II)
and generate electrons (new bacterial species on modified In the reaction (I), the urea acts as a reduction agent,
anode surface as seen in Fig.6). This process may be which may cause the anodic electrical potential to de-
beneficial for nitrogen cycle in the environment; equa- crease.

Fig.6 Schematic representation of the mechanism of the BMFC with modified anode. Darker color in the modified anode
stands for a lower potential and the rod and sphere on its surface means much more different bacteria than on the plain
electrode due to the urea.

(870 15 mV). The power densities of the three different

fuel cells are 256.0 mW m2 (modified carbon foam),
4 Conclusions 151.3 mW m2 (carbon foam) and 19.60 mW m2 (plain
Carbon foam modified by urea has been used as a graphite) respectively. The higher exchange current den-
novel anode for increasing the N/C ratio to improve an- sity and higher kinetic activity of the urea-modified car-
odic performance in marine benthic microbial fuel cell. A bon foam have also been achieved. Urea as a microbial
novel characteristic of the modified anode is that it has a nitrogen source can promote the bacteria biofilm forma-
lower potential (570 10 mV) than that of the plain tion with a diversity of communities and produce more
graphite and the fuel cell obtains a higher output voltage electrons leading to a higher power. Finally, the novel
668 FU et al. / J. Ocean Univ. China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research) 2015 14: 663-668

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