Thanksgiving Apple Pie

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Apple Pie

For the pie filling:
Granny Smith Apples … 1Kg

White Sugar … 0,100 Kg

Crystal Sugar … 0,050 Kg

Flour … 0,30 Kg

Cinnamon (Dust) … As much as you like

Salt … As much as you like

Full butter saltless … 0.050 Kg

For the Apple pie Dough:

Flour … 0.300 Kg

Full butter, No salt, freezed and sliced in cubes … 0,150 Kg

White sugar … 0.030 Kg

Cold water … 0,45 to 0,120 Liters

Salt … As much as you like

Vanilla essence … As much as you like ( We advice to add a lot)

How do you do it ??
First the dough:
-Take a bowl. Put in the FLOUR the SUGAR and the SALT, and mix it with the
processor ( or you can mix it in very fast speed with a spoon), until the mixture hits
the consistence of thick corn flour (*Farinha de trigo grossa).

-In the same bowl, keep on mixing, and as you mix, go adding the butter in cubes,
and squize them until they form lumps (in and with the miture.)

- Grab another bowl, and put the mixture you’ve done in it. Now you’re going to
mix with your hands, and as you mix, go adding the water, until the dough forms a
ball. (To seethe right way to mix with your hands see the video included.)

- Add the vanilla essence as much as you like and then, Wrap the dough on a film
role and let it rest for 30 minutes in the refrigerator. While the dough is resting,
you can do the apple filling.

As for the Apple pie Filling:

- Peel off the apples, take of it’s middle, and cut it into little cubes.
- Put them in a bowl and squeeze lemon on them , because the lemon
prevents the peeled apples from rotening and becoming “black”, also,
the more lemon juice you squeeze in them , the tastier it will be.
- - Add all the other ingredients remaining, and mix. Leave it asside, and,
if passed 30 minutes, take the dough.

Mold with removable bottle, with dough spread on it.

Building up the entire pie:
- Now that you’ve waited for dough to rest, and made the pie filling, is
time to build up the pie.

- Take the dough, and share it in 2 pieces, one must be slightly bigger
than the other.

- With a rolling pin, take the slightly bigger piece of the dough, and spread
it. After you’ve done that, take a mold with a removable bottom, and
spread the spreaded dough in it. It is very important not to leave any holes
when your spreading, you have to leave it equal and perfect. Leave the
borders of the pie ( the dough) bending out of the bowl.

- After you’ve done that, put the filling inside the mold, on top of the
dough, including the juice that was formed, and put some pices of butter
on top of the apples.

- Take the other piece of dough, and do the you did with the other one,
bbut this time put it on top of the fillig, covering it all, and joining it’s
borders to the bending borders of th primary dough.

- Make 3 little cuts in the middle of the pie, and spread crystal sugar on
top of the pie ( We advice to spread a lot, because the sugar spreaded
turns into caramel.).

- Then, just take it to the oven to bake at 180º C until it’s golden.

Colégio Presbiteriano Mackenzie Tamboré

Thanksgiving –
Apple Pie

Barueri, 2009

Ana Paula


Flavia 1º Zeta


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