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0 Preamble :
It is proposed to a provide a steel framed braced sheetpile retaining structure to retain soil during excavation
and construction of Drainage Pump-station (PS-JOC1).
This design document provides design calculation for component of braced sheet pile structure as follows,
1) Sheet pile
2) Waler
3) Diagonal strut
Dewatering will be carried out continuously in order to avoid piping of soil and unstable ground condition.
Though dewatering is continuosly carried out, sheet pile and waler system are designed for hydrostatic forces
with water level at 2m below GL.
The sheet pile, waler & diagonal strut are designed for various critical stages of construction

2.0 Design Data :

A Reference Codes and Standards :
1 Structural use of steelwork in building - BS 5950-1:2000
2 Design of steel structures - BS EN 1993 - 5 : 2007
3 Code of practice for Earthworks - BS 6031 : 1981
4 Earth retaining structures - BS 8002-1994
5 Drawing - 5055/DSN/TW/D/008
6 Seismic design guideline for port structure - PIANC
7 Foundation design Wayne C Teng

B Following data is considered, assumed or calculated for preparing this design.

1 Dry density of soil, d
2 Saturated or wet density of soil, sat / wet (Ref : Table-2, BS
6031: 1981)
3 Density of water, w
4 Submerged density of soil (wet) ,sub
6 Internal friction,
7 Wall friction angle, =2/3x
Cl : 2.2.8 & 3.2.6 BS 8002:1994
8 Angle made by backfill (sloped),
9 Angle made by vertical wall,
10 Surcharge, Load intensity due to equipment, q

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